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Transcript of Chapter 5 Anthem Power Point › cms › lib › CA01902308 › Centricity...Microsoft PowerPoint -...

American AnthemModern American History

Chapter 5

An Industrial Nation


Copyright © 2009, Mr. EllingtonRuben S. Ayala High School

Columbus statute in

Rhode Island

1. The American West A: Conflicts with Native Americans

B: Mining and Ranching

C: Farmers on the Great Plains

2. The Second Industrial Revolution A: Industry and Railroads

B: The Rise of Big Business

Chapter 5: An Industrial Nation, 1860-1920

B: The Rise of Big Business

C: Workers Organize

D: Advances in Transportation and Communication

3. Life at the Turn of the Twentieth CenturyA: New Immigrants

B: Urban Life in America

C: Political Scandal and Reform

D: Segregation and Discrimination

Columbus statute in

Rhode Island

Part 1: The American West Section 1A: Conflicts with Native Americans

• Government policy changed from removal to reservations

• Tensions between settlers and Indians led to a series of wars and

massacres during the 1860s-1890s

• Wounded Knee Massacre (below) was caused by fear over the

Ghost Dance, left 300 natives dead, and broke Indian resistance

• Dawes Act (1887) promoted assimilation and individualism• Dawes Act (1887) promoted assimilation and individualism

Part 1: The American West Section 1B: Mining and Ranching

• Each new mining strike brought many prospectors out west

• Most miners never got rich, lived in camps, and moved often

• Thousands of cowboys drove cattle up from Texas to RRs in Midwest

• Eventually mining & cattle ranching were dominated by big business

Part 1: The American WestSection 1C: Farmers on the Great Plains

• Congress passed the Homestead, Pacific Railway, and Morrill

acts to promote westward settlement by giving land away

• Whites, blacks, Europeans and Chinese all moved West

• Migration, technology, and big business transformed the West

• In 1890 the Census Bureau declared the frontier was “closed”

Part 2: The Second Industrial Revolution Section 2A: Industry and Railroads

• Bessemer process made steel affordable and ubiquitous allowing for

the growth of railroads, skyscrapers, and industry

• Railroads expanded greatly, reached CA in 1869, and led to the

creation of standardized time zones

• Oil boom in Texas led to creation of oil industry

Part 2: The Second Industrial Revolution Section 2B:The Rise of Big Business

• Social Darwinists applied natural selection to society

• Corporations, trusts, and tycoons

dominated industries with little

government regulation or oversight

• Retail industry was changed by the

growth of advertising, department

stores, and mail order catalogsstores, and mail order catalogs

Part 2: The Second Industrial Revolution Section 2C: Workers Organize

• By 1890, 10% of population held 75% of nation’s wealth

• Many immigrants, rural migrants, and children toiled in factories

• Labor unions such as Knights of Labor and AFL fought for workers

• Great Railroad Strike, Haymarket Riot, and Pullman strike were all

violent affairs eventually ended by government involvement

Part 2: The Second Industrial Revolution Sec. 2D: Transportation & Communication Advances

• Streetcars and subways improved mass transit while automobiles

and airplanes allowed Americans to travel far distances

• The telegraph, telephone, and typewriter improved communication

• Thomas Edison patented 1000+ inventions including the light bulb,

phonograph, and motion picture projector

Part 3: Life at the Turn of the Twentieth CenturySection 3A: New Immigrants

• 18 million “new” immigrants came to the US from Eastern and

Southern Europe between 1880-1910

• In 1910, 1 out of every 7 Americans was foreign born

• Nativist prejudice hindered many immigrants, especially Asians

Part 3: Life at the Turn of the Twentieth CenturySection 3B:Urban Life in America

• Crowded cities led to the growth of skyscrapers and urban planning

• The wealthy, middle class, and working class had very different

lifestyles and opportunities

• Jane Addams founded Hull House, the first US settlement house, to

help the poor and non-English speaking immigrants in Chicago

Part 3: Life at the Turn of the Twentieth CenturySection 3C: Political Scandal and Reform

• Political machines, like Tammany Hall in NYC, often ran city politics

• In 1883, Congress passed the Pendleton Act to reform civil service

• Economic hardship led many farmers

to organize (e.g. Grange, Farmers’

Alliance, Populist Party) and demand

government helpgovernment help

• Panic of 1893 and election of 1896

doomed farmers’ political goals

Part 3: Life at the Turn of the Twentieth Century

Section 3D: Segregation and Discrimination

• Southern states passed Jim Crow laws to segregate blacks

• In Plessy v. Ferguson Supreme Court legalized racial segregation

• Between 1882-1892 over 900 blacks were lynched in the South

• Hispanic, Asian, and Native Americans also faced discrimination