Chapter 5 - A Short Encyclopaedia of Modern Visionaries

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Transcript of Chapter 5 - A Short Encyclopaedia of Modern Visionaries


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note: because important websites are frequently "here today but gone tomorrow", the following was

archived from , on January 9, 2006. This is NOT an

attempt to divert readers from the aforementioned website. Indeed, the reader should only read

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Chapter 5 - A Short Encyclopaedia of Modern Visionaries

Editor: We found this monumental document drifting through the web like the Marie Celeste. It

is out-of-date, some of the links may be broken, and indeed many of the people here are sadly no

longer with us. However, a few such as Jack Sarfatti, Hal Puthoff, and Ingo Swann are still firing

on 100 cylinders.

This collection stands as a unique research archive. The work of many of the personalities

here threads through over 50 years, and each one --living or dead -- made a significant

contribution to futuristic human visions. We’d like to credit this wonderful collection, but we do

not have a name. Should anyone lay claim to it, let us know and we will credit author and source.

We heartily congratulate those who put this together. And the World thanks them yet again.

Joe K. Adams Steve Aftergood John B. Alexander Fredrick "Skip"


Cleve Backster Gregory Bateson Lt. Col. Thomas E.


Robert Bigelow

Christopher Bird Courtney Brown Lyn Buchanan Eldon Byrd

Ed Dames Ira Einhorn Werner Erhard Uri Geller

Dale Graff Dr. Christopher Green Keith Harary Willis Harman

Alfred Hubbard Aldous Huxley Ray Hyman C.B. Scott Jones

Richard Kennett Sam Koslov Ken Kress Rima Laibow

John Lilly Bruce Maccabee John Mack Edwin May

Joseph McMoneagle Edgar Mitchell Robert Monroe Major David


Gordon Novel Brendan O'Regan Ron Pandolfi Sen. Clairborne Pell

Michael Persinger Pat Price Andrija Puharich Harold "Hal" Puthoff

Dean Radin Elizabeth Rauscher Mel Riley Laurance Rockefeller

Charlie Rose Jack Sarfatti Stephan Schwartz Dr. Igor Smirnov

Paul Smith Myron Stolaroff Gen. Albert


Ingo Swann

Russell Targ Charles Tart Ed Thompson Jack Verona


Joe K. Adams

The first psychologist to lead a seminar at the Esalen Institute. Friends with Gregory Bateson.

Former chairman of the psychology department at Bryn Mawr. Spent a year researching

parapsychology at Stanford University.

After leaving Stanford, he became a clinical psychologist and worked at the Veterans Administration

hospital studying the causes of schizophrenia. He also worked with LSD at the Mental Research

Institute in Palo Alto under grants from the National Institute of Mental Health. This was during the

time that NIHM was channeling funds for the CIA's MK-ULTRA LSD experiments. So it is safe to say

that Adams was working -- directly or indirectly -- for the CIA, although I don't know if he was aware of

it (most researchers weren't).

Adams himself took LSD as part of these studies and suffered 2 psychotic episodes, the second of

which earned him a stay in a mental hospital.

(Anderson, Walter Truett, The Upstart Spring, Addison-Wesley Publishing, 1983, pg 59-62)

Steve Aftergood

Steven Aftergood is a senior research analyst at the Federation of American Scientists. He directs

the FAS Project on Government Secrecy which works to reduce the scope of government secrecy, to

accelerate the declassification of cold war documents, and to promote reform of official secrecy

practices. In 1997, Mr. Aftergood was the plaintiff in a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the

Central Intelligence Agency which successfully led to the declassification and publication of the total

intelligence budget ($26.6 billion in 1997) for the first time in 50 years.

Mr. Aftergood is an electrical engineer by training (B.Sc., 1977) and has published research in solid-

state physics. He joined the FAS staff in 1989.

He has authored or co-authored papers in Scientific American, New Scientist, Journal of Geophysical

Research, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, and Issues in Science and Technology on topics

including space nuclear power, atmospheric effects of launch vehicles, and government information

policy. From 1992-1998, he served on the Aeronautics and Space Engineering Board of the National

Research Council.

The Federation of American Scientists -- founded in 1945 by Manhattan Project scientists -- is a

non-profit national organization of scientists and engineers concerned with issues of science and

national security policy.


John B. Alexander

Education: BGS in Sociology, University of Nebraska, 1971. MA in Education, Pepperdine

University, 1975. PhD in Education, Walden University, 1980. Postgraduate work at UCLA (1990),

MIT (1991), and Harvard (1993).

Entered the Army as a Private in 1956 and retired as a Colonel in 1988. Commander, Army Special

Forces Teams, U.S. Army, Thailand, Vietnam, 1966-69. Chief of human resources division, U.S. Army,

Ft. McPherson, GA, 1977-79. Inspector general, Departmant of Army, Washinton, 1980-82. Chief of

human technology, Army Intelligence Command, U.S. Army, Arlington, VA 1982-83. Manager of tech.

integration, Army Materiel Command, U.S. Army, Alexandria, VA, 1983-85. Director, advanced

concepts U.S.Army Lab. Command, Aldelphi, MD 1985-88.

Manager, nonlethal weapons defense technology, Los Alamos National Laboratory, 1988-1995 (ret).

Manager, anti-material technology, Defense Initiatives Office, 1988-91. Program manager, contingency

mission technology, Conventional Defense Technology. Director for science liaison, National Institute

for Discovery Sciences, 1995 to present. Visiting scientist, Los Alamos, 1995 to present. Panelist,

National Institute of Justice, 1994. Adj. professor, Graduate School, Union Institute, 1992 to present.

U.S. delegate to NATO, advanced group aerospace R & D, 1994 to present.

Col. Alexander received a National Award for Volunteerism from Pres. Ronald Reagan in 1987 and

the Aerospace Laureate Award from Aviation Week in 1993 & 94. He lives in Las Vegas with his wife

Victoria Lacas Alexander and 2 children. His office address is that of NIDS: 1515 E Tropicana, Suite

400, Las Vegas, NV 89119.

(Who's Who in America, 1997)

"Last year, Alexander organized a national conference devoted to researching 'reports of ritual abuse,

Near-Death Experiences, human contacts with extraterrestrial aliens and other so-called anomalous

experiences,' the Albuquerque Journal reported in March 1993. The Australian magazine Nexus

reported last year that in 1971, Alexander 'was diving in the Bimini Islands looking for the lost continent

of Atlantis. He was an official representative for the Silva mind-control organization and a lecturer on

precataclysmic civilizations ... [and] he helped perform ESP experiments with dolphins.'"(Aftergood,

Steven, "The Soft-Kill Fallacy", Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 9-10/1994, v50, n5, p40)

"In The Warrior's Edge: Front-line Strategies for Victory on the Corporate Battlefield -- a 1990 book

he co-authored with Maj. Richard Groller and Janet Morris -- Alexander describes himself as having

'evolved from hard-core mercenary to thanatologist.'

'As a Special Forces A-Team commander in Thailand and Vietnam, he led hundreds of mercenaries

into battle,' the book explains. 'At the same time, he studied meditation in Buddhist monasteries and

later engaged in technical exploration and demonstration of advanced human performance.' (Aftergood,



Formerly with the U.S. Army Intelligence & Security Command (INSCOM) under Gen. Albert

Stubblebine, 1982-4. Reportedly, Alexander was one of Stubblebine's closest officers. Married to

alien abduction researcher Victoria Lacas (now Alexander).

(Porter, Tom, Government Research into ESP & Mind Control, March, 1996)

"After retiring from the Army in 1988, Alexander joined the Los Alamos National Laboratories and

began working with Janet Morris, the Research Director of the U.S. Global Strategy Council (USGSC),

chaired by Dr Ray Cline, former Deputy Director of the CIA."

"Born in New York in 1937, he spent part of his career as a Commander of Green Berets Special

Forces in Vietnam, led Cambodian mercenaries behind enemy lines, and took part in a number of

clandestine programs including 'Phoenix'. He currently holds the post of Director of Non-lethal

Programs in the Los Alamos National Laboratories."

"In 1971 while a Captain in the infantry at Schofield Barracks, Honolulu, he was diving in the

Bemini Islands looking for the lost continent of Atlantis. He was an official representative for the Silva

mind-control organization and a lecturer on Precataclysmic Civilisations. Alexander is also a past

President and a Board member of the International Association for Near-Death Studies. With his former

wife, Jan Northup, he helped Dr. C.B. Scott Jones perform ESP experiments with dolphins."

● Board member of PSI-TECH.

● "Alexander is a friend of Vice President Al Gore Jr., their relationship dating back to 1983 when

Gore was in Alexander's Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)."

● "Alexander and his team have recently been working with Dr. Igor Smirnov."

● "The mysterious 'Col. Harold E. Phillips' who appears in Blum's Out There is none other than John

B. Alexander."

● Aviary, codename: Penguin.

(Victorian, Armen, "Non-Lethality: John B. Alexander, The Pentagon's Penguin", Lobster

Magazine, 6/93)

● Supported the views of Thomas Bearden. Delivered a paper to the 1981 national convention of the

U.S. Psychotronic Association. (McRae, Ronald, Mind Wars, St. Martin's Press, 1984, p 127)

"As late as the summer of 1991, [C.B. Scott] Jones and [Rima] Laibow were planning a yachting

excursion together with Col. John Alexander ... to investigate anomalies in the Bahamas."

(Durant, Robert J., "Will the Real Scott Jones Please Stand Up?")

"I have served as chief of Advanced Human Technology for the Army Intelligence and Security

Command (1982-84) and -- during the preparation of the EHP [Enhancing Human Performance]

Report -- was director of the Advanced Systems Concepts Office at the U.S. Army Laboratory

Command." Alexander stated: "… psychotronic weapons lack traditional scientific documentation,

and I do not suggest that research projects be carried out in that field." (Alexander, Col. John, "A

Challenge to the Report", New Realities, March/April 1989)

● Alexander is friends with Gordon Novel, and (according to Cannon) Alexander passed a threat

through his wife to researcher Martin Cannon using Novel's name for intimidation. Reportedly

friends with Ron Pandolfi.

● Alexander is closely associated with Robert Bigelow and his National Institute for Discovery


● Also identified as being with the Appolinaire Group.


Author of:

● "The New Mental Battlefield: Beam Me Up Spock", Military Review, 12/80

● The Warrior's Edge

● Review of Psychic Warrior

Remote-Viewing, Science, and You


There is a paradox. Science (in general) does not believe in remote-viewing. Many

people do believe in remote-viewing. People who study remote-viewing want to talk with

scientists. They often do not want to talk with the general public. Scientists do not want to

talk with those who study remote-viewing. The general public does want to hear about

remote-viewing. What's wrong with this picture???

And then there is the Fourth Estate. Where does the media get their information? Are there

really two sides to every story? Who are the Scientists? The Nuts? The Skeptics? And how did

they get to be proclaimed as such? Ergofusion explains a lot of these problems.

Col. Alexander is the author of recently published Future War: Non-lethal Weapons in Twenty-first-

century Warfare, and of The Warrior’s Edge. In 1980, his seminal article "The New Mental Battlefield"

-- describing how psychic warfare might be employed on the battlefield -- was published in Military

Review. As a staff officer in the early 1980s working directly under Gen. Burt Stubblebine,

Commanding General for the US Army Intelligence and Security Command, Col. Alexander was

prominent in INSCOM’s programs for exploring human potentials.

After his military retirement, he worked at Los Alamos National Laboratory where he developed the

concept of Non-Lethal Defense which he briefed to senior defense, industry, and academic officials.

Politically, his work involved meetings with Members of Congress, White House and National Security

Council staff, and the Director of Central Intelligence. He has considerable experience working with

classified programs dealing with many esoteric arenas. He currently is the science director for a private

research organization in Las Vegas, NV. Col Alexander is a director on the board of the International

Remote-Viewing Association.

Fredrick "Skip" Atwater

Born Frederick Holmes Atwater. Lt. Atwater was the first operations officer of the Ft. Meade

operational remote-viewing unit.

He came to Ft. Meade in 1977 while still in his late 20s. While with the Systems Exploitation

Detachment (SED) which was under control of the office of the assistant chief of staff for intelligence

(ACSI), he suggested to the head of the SED (Col. Robert Keenan) that the Army develop a small,

experimental group of psychics. (Schnabel, Jim, Remote-Viewers: The Secret History of America's

Psychic Spies, Dell, 1997, pg 11-3)


After retiring from the Army in 1987, Atwater became the director of research for the Monroe

Institute. (Schnabel, 1997, pg 336)

Author of The Monroe Institute's Hemi-Sync® Process: A Theoretical Perspective

Hemi-Sync® and Remote Viewing

Hemi-Sync is a patented auditory guidance system developed by The Monroe Institute

to engender states of focused consciousness. We contracted privately with Robert Monroe

to work with Joe McMoneagle -- an experienced, highly skilled remote-viewer for the

military 'Star Gate' program. The training sessions continued for 10 non-consecutive

weeks over a period of 1 year.

Each training week, I conducted an audit remote-viewing session to try to determine

any improvement in Joe's remote-viewing performance. During one of these, I decided to

use coordinates of some unusual structures on the planet Mars that Dr. Puthoff from SRI

had provided me. As it turned out, Joe described eight different coordinate-designated

locations on Mars.

This presentation will describe the Hemi-Sync process; the associated remote-viewing

training used with Joe McMoneagle; and illustrate the results of this specialized training by

sharing actual recordings of Joe's historic remote viewing of Mars.

From 1978 to 1988, Skip Atwater was the Operations and Training Officer for the once highly-

classified U.S. Army Intelligence remote-viewing surveillance program and played an important role in

the program’s founding. Working closely with the personnel in the SRI International remote-viewing

research program, he trained professional intelligence personnel to remote view, then used these highly

skilled psychic spies to conduct thousands of remote-viewing intelligence collection missions for a

variety of U.S. intelligence agencies. For 10 years, Skip worked directly with the cadre of remote-

viewers, helping to hone their skills.

Since his military retirement in 1988, Skip has been the Research Director at The Monroe Institute --

a world-renowned nonprofit organization conducting research and offering educational programs

supporting the evolution of consciousness. He has published technical research on methods for

expanding consciousness, and assisted hundreds of individuals in experiencing and exploring altered

states of consciousness. He is a director on the board of the International Remote Viewing


Cleve Backster


Cleve Backster is a polygraph specialist who helped develop interrogation techniques for the CIA.

As of 1986, he ran a polygraph instruction school and the Backster Research Foundaion in San Diego.

In February, 1966, Backster recorded what he believes to be emotional reactions in plants with a

polygraph machine. Called the "Backster Effect", the validity of this phenomena is still debated.

On 2/10/86, Cleve Backster's lab was visited by National Research Council's Committee on

Techniques for the Enhancement of Human Performance. The NRC was evaluating enhancement and

parapsychological studies conducted for the Army, so it is likely that Backster's research was involved

with the Government.

(National Research Council, Enhancing Human Performance, National Academy of Sciences, 1988,

pg 193-8)

In early 1972, psychic Ingo Swann heard of Hal Puthoff's research proposal through Cleve


According to Swann, Backster maintained his intelligence connections, and Backster reported that

the CIA was interested in his experiments.

Some of Backster's experiments are documented in "PRIMARY PERCEPTION: Cleve Backster's

astounding mind/plant communication discovery!", Australian Lateral Thinking Newsletter,1996.

Gregory Bateson

Anthropologist, once married to Margaret Mead. 1904-1980.

Bateson was one of many LSD researchers which held the first Human Potential workshop at the

Esalen Institute and moved there in the late '70s. Was friends with Joe K. Adams.

"At Stanford [University], the anthropologist Gregory Bateson -- who had been introduced to LSD

by Dr. Harold Abramson, one of LSD's pioneers -- arranged in 1959 for the poet Allen Ginsberg to take

it as part of a research program that was secretly sponsored by the military."

(Stafford, Peter, Psychedelics Encyclopedia, Third Expanded Edition, Ronin Publishing, 1992, pg 44)

In 1943, Bateson was employed by the Office of Strategic Services as a "psychological planner" in

Southeast Asia.

(Lipset, David, Gregory Bateson: The Legacy of a Scientist, Prentice Hall, 1980, pg 174)

In 1963, Bateson was hired as the associate director of research for John Lilly's Communication

Research Institute which studied dolphins in the Virgin Islands. (Lipset, pg 241)


Click here for a bibliography and reading list.

Lt. Col. Thomas E. Bearden

U.S. Army, Retired. Former Pentagon analyst


"He is President and CEO of CTEC, Inc., a private R&D corporation engaged in research on free

energy devices and the mechanisms for interaction of EM fields and radiation with biological systems.

He is president of the Association of Distinguished American Scientists (ADAS), a life member of the

Alabama Academy of Science, and served on the Board of Directors of the U.S. Psychotronics

Association and the American Association of Metascience. He edited and published Specula, Journal

of the AAMS for 4 years. He also served on the Board of Directors of Astron, Inc. -- a private aerospace

R&D corporation in the greater Washington D.C. area noted for its specialized RF antennas... He and

his wife Doris live in Huntsville, Alabama where Tom is retired from aerospace, continues private

research, and serves as a special consultant to industry on scalar electromagnetics processes" (Virtual

Times introduction)

"Lt. Col. Thomas E. Bearden is a nuclear engineer, war games and weapons analyst, and military

tactician. He has an MS in nuclear engineering from Georgia Tech and is a graduate of the US Army

Command and General Staff College and several U.S. Army artillery and guided missile schools. He

has over 30 years experience in air defense systems, technical intelligence, Soviet electromagnetic

weaponry, artificial intelligence, computerized war games, and antiradiation missile countermeasures.

He is a senior scientist with a large aerospace company [Colsa Corp.] Col. Bearden personally

developed and published the basis for a drastic revision of electromagnetic theory and engineering,

based on the work of Whittaker and Maxwell. His work is primarily responsible for the widespread

interest and research into scalar electromagnetic phenomena in this Country over the past decade."

(Megabrain report, 2/4/91)

Member: U.S. Psychotonics Association. Claims that Soviet psychic experiments have caused

Legionnaire's disease, cattle mutilations, UFO abductions, and the sinking of the U.S. submarine

Thresher. Claims that these experiments have aroused mankind's collective unconsciousness called


Many of his theories were published before retirement and are available through the Defense

Documentation Center.

His views are supported by John Alexander.

After retirement, Bearden was contracted by the Pentagon to study the "photonic barrier modulator",

"hyperspatial nuclear howitzer", and the connection between ESP and UFOs. [Note: McRae has since


admitted to fabricating this last point, but much of the rest is verifiable elsewhere.] (McRae, Ronald,

Mind Wars, St. Martin's Press, 1984, pp 126-9)

Friend of Ira Einhorn and part of his "psychic mafia". Presented a paper at the "Mind Over Matter"

conference at Penn State University, late January, 1977, organized by Einhorn. Other attendees included

Christopher Bird and Andrija Puharich. (Levy, Steven, The Unicorn's Secret, Prentice Hall Press,

1989, pg 189)

Bearden's later works have leaned away from psychotronics and towards free energy and the health

effects of electromagnetic energy.

It is hard to determine what politics Bearden believes in, but he seems to believe in a conspiracy to

suppress technological advances. "Personally, however, I believe that the accelerated time schedule for

the "New World Order"-- now set for the year 2000 -- is as a result of the imminent advent of (1)

superluminal communication (we at CTEC are going to file a patent on that as well), and (2) over-unity

electrical energy systems. There has to be almost a police state existing in the World if this "new

electromagnetics" is to be forcibly put back under control and buried. It appears now that such a police

state is imminent both here in the U.S. and worldwide. Let us hope that the conspirators fail, and that

common sense somehow resurrects and stops that nonsense." (10/30/95 letter)

Interview: The following interview with Tom Bearden appeared in a magazine called "Megabrain

Report". It is dated 4-Feb-1991. The interviewers were Terry Patten and Michael Hutchison

Author of:

● "Soviet Psychotronic Weapons: A Condensed Background", Specula, March-June 1978

● Excalibur Briefing, Stawberry Hill Press/Walnut Hill Books, 1980

● Toward a new Electromagnetics, Tesla Book Co, 1983

● FER-DE-LANCE: A Briefing on Soviet Scalar E-M Weapons, Tesla Book Co., 1986

● Analysis of Scalar Electromagnetics, Tesla Book Co, 1986

● "Maxwell's Original Quaternion Theory Was a Unified Field Theory of Electromagnetics and

Gravitation," Proceedings of the International Tesla Society, 1988, ITS Books

● AIDS: Biological Warfare, Tesla Book Co, 1988

● Gravitobiology: A New Biophysics, Tesla Book Co, 1989

● "Background for Pursuing Scalar Electrodynamics," Association of Distinguished American

Scientists, 1992

Other articles are posted there and here

Robert Bigelow


Las Vegas real estate mogul and philantropist. Through his organization the Bigelow Foundation, he

has funded many studies of UFOs, psychic ability, and related issues. He is closely associated in this

pursuit with John Alexander. Some of the ufologists he has funded include Budd Hopkins, Bob Lazar,

and Linda Moulton Howe.

"Training programs -- begun in 1992 with the leadership and support of Las Vegas businessman

Robert Bigelow and organized in various American cities by abduction investigators John Carpenter,

Budd Hopkins, and David Jacobs -- are familiarizing many mental health professionals with the

abduction phenomena." (Mack, John, Abduction, Ballantine Books, 1994, pg 13)

He funded Lazar through the Zeta Reticuli Corporation, which reportedly dissolved before any

projects were started.

He previously funded the work of Dean Radin at the Consciousness Research Division, University

of Nevada.

His latest project is the National Institute of Discovery Science.

(What's New at Area 51 and Ufomind: 9/96 Part I) (What's New at Area 51 and Ufomind: 9/96

Part II)

At one point, Bigelow offered to provide funding to the tune of a million dollars for a cooperative

research effort of the "big three" of ufology - MUFON (Mutual UFO Network), CUFOS (Center for

UFO Studies), and FUFOR (Fund for UFO Research). This effort -- sometimes referred to as "the

Coalition" -- fell apart reportedly when Bigelow tried to control the direction of the group. UFO skeptic

Philip Klass reportedly accused John Alexander of causing the break-up, although Alexander denies it.

In April 1997, Bigelow donated $3.7 million dollars to the University of Nevada to found the

Bigelow Chair of Consciousness Studies, which allows students to take undergraduate courses dealing

with parapsychology for college credit. These courses are related (though not formally linked) to Dean

Radin's research at the University's Consciousness Research Laboratory, which Bigelow once funded.

(Patton, Natalie, "Mind Frontiers, Las Vegas Review-Journal, 4/15/97)

Robert Bigelow - The current owner of the ranch a shadowy billionaire that founded the National

Institute For Discovery Science. Indeed he wanted the property for its Paranormal Activity and stories of

Vortexes or Portals that would open up on the ranch.

Robert Bigelow also owns Bigelow Aerospace

He's also Rumoured to be very elite and have ties to the CIA.

The Sherman Ranch, Interdimensional Portal Area & Utah's # 1 Paranormal Hotspot

This picturesque ranch in northeastern Utah is the focal point of scientific research into the

paranormal. Reports continue of anomalous phenomena in a section of northeastern Utah. The activity,

as reported by hundreds of witnesses over several decades, includes UFOs, unusual balls of light, animal

mutilations and disappearances, poltergeist events, sightings of Bigfoot-like creatures and other

unidentified animals, physical effects on plants, soil, animals and humans, strange ice circles, and a vast

array of other unexplained incidents. .....2003 [StealthSkater note: more of this is archived at doc

pdf URL ]


Christopher Bird

Former CIA employee, worked for the Agency in Japan after graduating. Served in the Army,

specializing in Psychological Warfare. After leaving the military, he worked at the CIA-connected Rand

Development Corporation. Later, Time magazine correspondent in Yugoslavia.

1972 - Co-authored The Secret Life of Plants with ex-OSS agent Peter Tompkins.

Was/is the "Biocommunications Editor/Russian Translator" of Mankind Research Unlimited.

(Weberman, A.J., "The Story of Mankind Research Unlimited, Inc.", CovertAction Information Bulletin,

#9, 6/80, pg 17)

Presented a paper on "dowsing" and the psychic ability of plants at the "Mind Over Matter"

conference at Penn State University, late January 1977, organized by Ira Einhorn. Other attendees

included Andrija Puharich and Thomas Bearden. (Levy, Steven, The Unicorn's Secret, Prentice Hall

Press, 1989, pg 189)

Corresponded with C.B.Scott Jones during a Russian parapsychology conference.

Author of:

● w/ Peter Tompkins, The Secret Life of Plants, Harper & Row, 1973

● The Divining Hand, EP Dutton, 1979

● w/ Peter Tompkins, Secrets of the Soil, Harper & Row, 1990

● The Persecution and Trial of Gaston Naessens, HJ Kramer, 1991

Courtney Brown

Author of Cosmic Voyage, Dutton, 1996.

Farsite Org Courtney Brown, Ph.D., founded The Farsight Institute in 1995

Personal Website

Brown was trained in remote-viewing by Ed Dames and took courses at the Monroe Institute.


Brown's book details his psychic conversations with aliens, and repeats allegations similar to those

made by Dames, Ingo Swann, Joe McMoneagle, and others. Among them:

● Martians live among us and seek our help to return home. They live in South America and under the

mountain Santa Fe Baldy.

● Brown psychically contacted Jesus, Guru Dev, and Buddha.

● The idea for the 'Star Trek' TV series was inspired by aliens to get humanity accustomed to the

idea of working with alien races in a Federation.

● Specific plot elements of the 'Star Trek: Next Generation' series were suggested to someone on the

show via an implanted telepathy device.

Many of Dames' claims concerning the Martians are presented here. But Brown implies that this is

the first time any of this has been revealed to the remote viewers, even though the sessions took place in

1994 and Dames made similar claims as early as 1993 (see Stark, Debby, "Talking to Ed Dames", NM

MUFON News, June/July 1993)

Brown founded the Farsight Institute in 1995. The Institute teaches a Scientific Remote-Viewing

course called "Farsight Voyager", which costs around $3,000. Here's the Institute's home page.

"Unfortunately, I [Ed Dames] was Courtney's trainer. But I had to have my name expunged from the

book because Prof. Brown went beyond the pale of our tried-and-tested techniques into the world of


However, Brown claims that his trainer (Dames) personally monitored and directed his viewing

sessions, included those that were involved with "channeling". (AOL Online Chat with Major Ed

Dames - February 1996)

See also: Courtney Brown interviewed on the Art Bell Show, 7/19/96

Lyn Buchanan

Remote-Viewer formerly with the INSCOM/DIA program at Fort Meade and afterwards, from


Currently runs a computer/psychic consulting firm:

PSI (Problems-Solutions-innovations), 1005 Bosse Drive, Mechanicsville, MD 20659.



Controlled Remote-Viewing Homepage is run by Buchanan and is full of information.

Involved with TREAT (Treatment and Research of Experienced Anomalous Trauma), a series of

UFO abduction related workshops.

(Porter, Tom, Government Research into ESP & Mind Control, March, 1996)

Buchanan is a native of Texas and has had paranormal experiences since the age of 12. He joined

the U.S. Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) as a linguist.

After a psi-related mishap dealing with computers in Ausburg, Germany (probably when he mentally

fried a computer), he was transferred by INSCOM head Gen. Albert Stubblebine to Washington for

service as a remote-viewer. [According to a representative from PSI TECH, Buchanan was brought on

as the database manager and not as a remote-viewer]. He retired in 1992.

(Who is Lyn Buchanan? from Buchanan's web site).

Buchanan was recruited to the Ft. Meade remote-viewing unit a few months after the computer

crashing incident (which occurred in early 1984).

(Schnabel, Jim, Remote-Viewers: The Secret History of America's Psychic Spies, Dell, 1997, pg 267-


According to Ed Dames, Buchanan was the lowest ranking member of the team. His primary job

title was Data Base Manager, and his secondary duties included servicing the units vehicles.

"Upon my permanent transfer to the unit, Buchanan constantly whined to me about how he had been

promised remote-viewing training by the previous commander. I felt sorry for Lyn that he failed my

training. He lacked the discipline to attend to the rigorous protocols (remote-viewing structure) required

to successfully prosecute an intelligence collection mission. He was not capable of leaving his ego

behind during a training session."

"Lyn was not integrated into operations until long after most of the unit's military officers had

departed, only to be replaced by DIA with tarot card readers and the like. Lyn stayed on with them."

(Dames, Ed, "Will the Real Lyn Buchanan Please Sit Down")

After Buchanan retired in 1992, he went to work for Albert Stubblebine, holding remote-viewing

workshops at New Age and UFO conferences. After a falling out, Buchanan founded PSI.

(Schnabel, Jim, Remote-Viewers: The Secret History of America's Psychic Spies, Dell, 1997, pg 381)

In 1994, Buchanan started the Assigned Witness Program which offers its services to law

enforcement agencies. Involved in the program are Mel Riley and David Morehouse as well as

graduates from Buchanan's training program.

(Heinberg, Richard, "Memoirs of a Psychic Spy", Intuition Magazine, #13, 10/96, pg 22)

Interview on the Art Bell Show 03-25-97

Eldon Byrd

Education: BS in Electrical Engineering, MS in Medical Engineering

Was/is a Morman.


Published a paper on the telemetry of brain waves in the "Proceedings" of the International

Telemetering Conference, 1972.

Physical Scientist at the Naval Surface Weapons Center, White Oaks Laboratory, Silver Springs,

Maryland (1968- unknown, at least 1981)

In October, 1973, Byrd did experiments with Uri Geller. Geller allegedly permanently bent a piece

of nitinol metal -- a feat impossible without applying great heat. (Byrd, Eldon, "Uri Geller's Influence

on the Metal Alloy Nitinol" in The Geller Papers, Panati, Charles, ed., Houghton Mifflin Co., 1976,

pg 67-73) (see Chpt 15, Gardner, Martin, Science: Good, Bad, and Bogus, Prometheus Books, 1981 for

a critical review of this experiment.)

"..I do not believe I am hypnotizable. I also used to be an amateur magician and have studied

techniques of magic and sleight-of-hand". (Byrd, pg 73)

Byrd describes his work with Naval Surface Weapons as "predicting what war will be like in the

future." (McRae, Ronald, Mind Wars, St. Martin's Press, 1984, p 80)

"Eldon Byrd who worked for Naval Surface Weapons, Office of Non-Lethal Weapons, was

commissioned in 1981 to develop electromagnetic devices for purposes including 'riot control',

clandestine operations, and hostage removal."

"Byrd also wrote of experiments where behavior of animals was controlled by exposure to weak

electromagnetic fields. 'At a certain frequency and power intensity, they could make the animal purr,

lay down, and roll over.'" (Keeler, Anna, "Remote Mind Control Technology")

Former operations analyst with the Advanced Planning and Analysis Stoff of the Naval Ordinance

Laboratory in Silver Springs. Member of Mensa and the American Society for Cybernetics. While with

the Navy, he supposedly confirmed the Backster effect which deals with the alleged psychic ability of


(Tompkins, Peter and Bird, Christopher, The Secret Life of Plants, Harper and Row, 1973, pg 40-2)

Byrd sued skeptic debunker James Randi for $30 million for defamation. Randi had called Byrd a

convicted child molestor [in the June 1988 issue of Rod Serling's Twilight Zone Mystery Magazine],

when in fact he had been arrested for possession with intention to distribute obscene materials involving

children and plead guilty to a lower charge of possession with intention to distribute obscene materials.

Byrd "won" but received no money. During the trial, he supposedly admitted to having sexual relations

with a minor to whom he was a legal guardian. (Skeptic, vol 3, #3, pg 34; also <click> here for press

releases and a commentary by Marcello Truzzi)

"Byrd told me [Dick Farley] about it [lawsuit w/ Randi] over dinner at C. B. "Scott" Jones home

one evening of several we spent together back in '92 and '93 there."

"Byrd said that Uri Geller put up $10,000 for his legal costs. Byrd and Geller are good friends from

back in the '70s..."

"Byrd says he had been "set-up" by postal inspectors -- part of some initiative to discredit him

because he was too public with his personal interests in "psi," etc. He'd allegedly had some Navy

security clearance issues dog him, which contributed to his early retirement as one of their senior most

civilian scientists."


"When he was still with the Navy, Dr. Byrd was the contract manager for some of the research

Michael Persinger did on 'neuro-impacts' of various EMFs and ELFs. Something about wave-

propagation and influences on submariners if somebody "beeped" them with mind-influencing EMF

signals, etc. -- that kind of thing." (Farley, Dick, "False Memory Spindrome")

"I told an audience at the annual meeting of the American Physical Society about the hilarious

claims that Eldon Byrd made in court concerning important projects that he'd been working on as a

parapsychologist. One was a wristwatch that would protect the lucky wearer against the deadly effects

of hair dryers, and electric razors that bombard the brain with those 60-Hertz electrical waves. The

watch would sense the phase of the offending waves and generate an opposing field to protect the

subject.... But by far the best laugh of the trial was generated by Byrd when he proudly announced that

as a result of reading and believing the book The Secret Life of Plants, he had a project going to train

seaweed so that it could warn naval divers of danger." (Randi Hotline, 3/27/95)

Byrd is currently working with dolphins, presumably continuing the work he left with Naval

Surface Weapons (does anyone have any details of his departure - date, reason, etc.?)

He is the chief scientist of the "Hello, Dolphin" Project at World Dolphin Research. This project

deals with the emissions and reception of ELF and other electromagnetic radiation between humans and

dolphins, which has relevance with the overlap between psychic phenomena and mind-control.

He presented the paper "Dolphin Project Report and More" at the 1996 Annual Conference of the

U.S. Psychotronic Association.

Author of: Review and Update of the Psycho-activity of Extremely Low Frequency

Electromagnetic and Scalar Field

Ed Dames

Worked with the INSCOM/DIA remote-viewing program at Fort Meade.

Founded PSI-TECH in 1989.

Dames joined the Army in 1967 as a paratrooper. A year later, he was transferred to the Army Security

Agency, assigned to support the National Security Agency in the Far East. In 1974, he enrolled at the

University of California, Berkeley, double-majoring in Bioelectronics and Chinese. In 1978, he

graduated from UC's ROTC program and was commissioned as a second lieutenant in Military


"He was recruited by a scientific and technical military intelligence 'black unit', ultimately to direct

clandestine operations against high-value foreign targets. He remained in deep cover, traveling

worldwide under assumed identities."


"For his work, Mr. Dames was awarded 2 Army Meritorious Service Medals and the Legion of

Merit. Additionally, he was personally credited by the Defense Intelligence Agency with penetrating the

Soviet Defense Counciltin -- that agency's words, 'a singularly profound act.'"

"Major Dames retired from the U.S. Army, taking the original team's best and brightest with him to

form his Beverly Hills, California based company PSI TECH."

"Ed's personal interests include human potential, natural history, martial arts, and physical fitness.

He is fluent in Chinese Mandarin."

("Major Edward Dames - Background Information") "Major Dames had been both an electronic

warfare officer and scientific and technical intelligence officer from 1981-83." During this time, Dames

claims to have been trained (along with 5 others) by Ingo Swann in 1983. After completion of this

training, Dames claims to be the operations and training officer for the Army's (INSCOM) and DIA's

remote-viewing program starting around late 1983 under CENTER LANE. "Dames took a 'let's see

what this baby can do' approach, replacing the unit's former intelligence collection methodology with the

breakthrough technique." ("Ed Dames Sets the Record Straight")

After leaving the remote-viewing unit in late summer 1988, Dames worked for an INSCOM

"strategic deceptions" and anti-narc squad called 'Team Six'.

(Schnabel, Jim, Remote-Viewers: The Secret History of America's Psychic Spies, Dell, 1997, pg 376)

According to remote viewer Joe McMoneagle, Dames has exaggerated about his involvement with

the government program.

● "There were (7) commanders of the unit from 1977-1995. None of them were named Dames."

● "Dames was a 'monitor/interviewer' of remote-viewers -- not a remote-viewer." [Dames has

viewed himself since leaving the military - Doc Hambone]

● Dames entered the program after 1984 and left in 1987. [By most reports, Dames left in the

summer of 1988 - Doc]

● "Dames had no connection with the research portion of the project at any time and knows nothing

about it."

I should note that I have never seen Dames claim to be either a commander of the unit nor a remote-

viewer himself prior to leaving the military.

(McMoneagle, Joe, "A Response to Ed Dame's Statement on CRV")

Dames reponds to these charges in "Will the Real Lyn Buchanan Please Sit Down". He also

claims that "only the operations officer (i.e., me) and the commander had the complete picture" while

the viewers were only given information on a "need-to-know" basis.

In an interview with Debby Stark, Dames describes something called the "Big Event" which was

reportedly supposed to happen back in August, 1993. Dames is also reported to have said that he would

leave the UFO business if he was wrong.

From what I can tell, Dames believes that aliens run things on this planet, and the "Big Event" is

when they start to make their presence known.

150 million years ago, Martians living on Mars experienced a cataclysm and lived in

pyramid/hibernation chambers until the food began to run out. Rescue ships came from the Federation


and evacuated the planet. Some moved to Earth while others stayed on Mars encased in a life-

perserving goop, horribly mutated after 150 million years. Martians on Earth are unable to reproduce

due to the high gravity. But with the help of the Federation, they plan to create hybrids with humans to

rescue their ancestors still on Mars.

According to Dames, the Taos hum is the result of alien electromagnetic devices that time-travelers

use as a beacon (time-traveling UFOs are mining potassium and look like green fireballs). Also, he

claims that the UFOs at Area-51 are man-made.

(Stark, Debby, "Talking to Ed Dames", NM MUFON News, June/July 1993)

"'I have been involved in a lot of very, very deep, dark black projects.' 'I have never been assigned

to a unit that has suffered more ostracism, been looked upon with more fear.' In the late '70s, he admits,

the unit was 'associated with the occult. It gave the unit a bad name.'"

(Constantine, Alex, "Ed Dames & His Cover Stories for Mind Control Experimentation")

"Unfortunately, I was Courtney [Brown]'s trainer. But I had to have my name expunged from the

book [Cosmic Voyages] because Prof. Brown went beyond the pale of our tried-and-tested techniques

into the world of channeling." ("AOL Online Chat with Major Ed Dames - February 1996)

Ed Dames in a Psi-Tech online chat, 1997

In the documentary "Psi-Files: The Real X-Files" written and narrated by Jim Schnabel, Dames

claims to have been Ingo Swann's protege and Swann his mentor.

There is some contention over when Dames was involved with the program. Dames claims that he

was previously involved as a "customer" for the viewing data, officially joined in 1983, and left in 1989.

Joe McMoneagle places him with the unit from after 1984 until 1987. Jim Schnabel reports in Remote-

Viewers that Dames joined Ingo Swann's training program in 1983 and left the unit in late summer,



[CNI News thanks Density4 for sending the following statement from Ed Dames. Though not repeated

here, previous public statements of Mr. Dames have included allegations that he and his associates at

PsiTech Corporation (a company offering remote-viewing services to private clients) have successfully

employed remote-viewing to determine the location and activities of aliens on the Earth.]

In May, 1996, Dames predicted several environmental disasters that he and PSI TECH remote-

viewed. These include heavy winds, a form of bovine AIDS transmitted to children.

(Ed Dames interview on the Art Bell Show, 5/31/96)

Referring to the failure of psychotronics on the Art Bell Show,

Dames said: "What can be done however, is by pure use of electronics, you can affect the human

nervous system. You can do certain things with the human brain waves and, uh … if

you'd like me to get into that kind of technology, I can. I can talk about that."

Art Bell: "Alright. Well when you say 'affect brain waves,' do you mean general patterns of thinking or

you can induce a specific idea into a brain that would not otherwise think of it itself?"

Ed Dames - "Hypothetically, both."

Dames places the date of the extreme wind changes at 4½-to-6 years (2001 to mid-2002)


Dames claims to be a member of the UFO Working Group described in Harold Blum's book Out

There. According to Dames, the cover title of the group was "the Advanced Theoretical Physics

Working Group".

According to Dames, many of the UFO sightings -- including those at Area-51 -- are advanced man-

made aircraft.

(Ed Dames interview on the Art Bell Show, 6/14/96) (Ed Dames interview on the Art Bell Show,


Ira Einhorn

Philadelphia-based hippie/New Age guru. Was arrested 3/28/79 for murdering his girlfriend Holly

Maddux, who was found stuffed in a trunk on Einhorn's porch. He was defended in court by Arlen

"Single Bullet" Specter. (Levy, Steven, The Unicorn's Secret, Prentice Hall Press, 1989, pg 20)

Einhorn jumped bail and fled to England, 1/13/81, then to Ireland. He left Ireland in 1986 and as of

1/96, his whereabouts were unknown. <Click> here for info from "Unsolved Mysteries".

The FBI announced on 6/16/97 that Einhorn had been located in France living under the name of

"Eugene Mallon", thanks to tips from "Unsolved Mysteries". Reportedly, he had been sentenced to life

in absentia in 1993. As of this writing, extradition procedures are still in progress. Einhorn became

interested in the paranormal around 1975 when he met Andrija Puharich, who became his mentor in

this field (Levy, pg 128-30).

Using his connections with Puharich, he formed what he called the "psychic mafia" which was a

collection of researchers bent on bringing psychic and paranormal phenomena into the mainstream. He

organized "Mind Over Matter" conference at Penn State University in late January, 1977. Attendees

included Christopher Bird, Andrija Puharich, and Thomas Bearden (Levy, pg 189).

Soon afterwards, Einhorn and the psychic mafia focused their attention on ELF mind-control (Levy,

pg 190). He suggests that his murder charge could have been a set-up by the CIA or KGB for his

interest in activities by America and Russia in the areas of psychic warfare, Tesla technology, and mind-

control (Levy, pg 242). Puharich says that Einhorn's work wasn't important enough to elicit such a

reaction (Levy, pg 308).

Einhorn led seminars at the Esalen Institute and was involved with the Physics/Consciousness

Research Group. He reportedly worked with Congressman Charlie Rose (a large supporter of psychic

studies) on classified projects.


Werner Erhard

Born Jack Rosenberg, Erhard is the founder of EST (Erhard Seminar Training) and the Forum.

Erhard is a former Scientologist and brought many of their tenants and methods with him to EST. A

shortcut to understanding EST is to imagine Scientology, except replace "science-fiction writer" with

"encyclopedia salesman".

In the mid 1970s, Erhard financed Jack Sarfatti and the Physics/Consciousness Research Group,

and was involved with Michael Murphy and the Esalen Institute. According to Sarfatti, Erhard gave

funds to the SRI remote-viewing project.

(Sarfatti, Jack, "In the Thick of It")

John Mack was formerly on the board of advisors for EST. Erhard is thanked in the

'Acknowledgments' page of Mind Reach, the book by Harold Puthoff and Russell Targ describing the

remote viewing research done at SRI.

Uri Geller

<Click> here for Geller's biography on his home page.

Geller was discovered by Andrijah Puharich, who brought him to the U.S. for scientific studies.

Under hypnoisis by Puharich, Geller claimed that he received his powers from "the Nine" (see

Puharich's page for more details). Geller now seems to claim in the Geller Effect, that his testimony

was the result of False Memory due to Puharich's suggestions and Geller's active imagination.

Geller was studied at SRI by Harold Puthoff and Russell Targ. While he was unable to bend

metal without physical contact, Geller was allegedly successful in telepathy experiments involving

copying drawings made by subjects. Geller also claims that he materialized a watch out of thin air at

SRI, that it was filmed, but that this segment was never released to the public. (Geller, Uri and Playfair,

Guy Lyon, The Geller Effect, Johnathan Cape, 1986, pg 39)

Sources that are positive towards these experiments include:


● Targ, Russell and Puthoff, Harold E, "Information Transmission Under Conditions of

Sensory Shielding", Nature, 10/18/74, v252, n5476, pp 602-607

● Targ, Russell and Puthoff, Harold E, "The Record: Eight Days With Uri Geller", published in:

Panati, Charles, ed., The Geller Papers, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1976

● Targ, Russell and Puthoff, Harold E, "Experiments With Uri Geller", published in: Panati,

Charles, ed., The Geller Papers, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1976

● Targ, Russell and Puthoff, Harold E, Mind-Reach, Delacorte Press, 1977

● Geller, Uri and Playfair, Guy Lyon, The Geller Effect, Johnathan Cape, 1986

Skeptics have problems with these experiments, including flaws in statistical analysis and improper

controls. Ray Hyman personally reviewed Geller, and his unfavorably conclusions caused DARPA to

drop its funding.

Unfavorable reviews are included in:

● Gardner, Martin, Science: Good, Bad, and Bogus, Prometheus Books, 981

● Marks, David and Kammann, Richard, The Psychology of the Psychic, Prometheus Books, 1980

● Randi, James, "Flim-Flam!", Prometheus Books, 1982

While living in Israel, Geller allegedly worked for the Mossad and Shin Bet.(Schnabel, Jim, Remote-

Viewers: The Secret History of America's Psychic Spies, Dell, 1997, pg 133)

The SRI studies with Uri Geller (beginning 10/72) were funded by the Institute of Noetic Sciences.

Reportedly, the CIA wanted SRI to evaluate Geller to determine if he was genuine or -- if not -- how he

cheats. Geller also claims to have briefed Israeli intelligence on the SRI studies. In the summer of

1973, a group of Israelis (supposedly military) showed up at SRI to ask if Geller was genuine (Schnabel,

1997, pg 134).

After doing some experiments with Geller at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, some of the

scientists began seeing strange "visions". The scientists were evaluated by CIA scientist "Richard

Kennett" (probable aka Christopher Green), who had been involved with Geller's work at SRI

(Schnabel, 1997, 164-9).

October, 1973 - did experiments with Eldon Byrd of the Naval Surface Weapons lab. Geller

allegedly permanently bent a piece of nitinol metal -- a feat impossible without applying great heat.

(Byrd, Eldon, "Uri Geller's Influence on the Metal Alloy Nitinol" in The Geller Papers, Panati,

Charles, ed., Houghton Mifflin Co., 1976, pg 67-73)

"Byrd said that Uri Geller put up $10,000 for his legal costs. Byrd and Geller are good friends from

back in the '70s..." (Farley, Dick, "False Memory Spindrome")

Geller claims that while in Mexico, he worked on behalf of "Mike" who was part of an inner circle

of CIA psi believers. On Mike's request, Geller supposedly implanted thoughts in President Jimmy

Carter's mind to support research for psychic phenomena. (Geller, 1986, chptr 3)

Psychically fixed electronic equipment for Nazi/NASA scientist Wernher von Braun. (Geller, 1986,

pg 110-1) (Note: hardly evidence for pro-Nazi sentiment on the part of Geller, who is an Israeli)

1987, performed for Sen. Clairborne Pell. (Gardner, Martin, "Clairborne Pell: The Senator From

Outer Space", Skeptical Inquirer, March/April 1996)


Geller is currently available as a business consultant (price: 1 million pounds) at Uri Geller Business

Consultancy. He was involved with the Physics/Consciousness Research Group.

Author of:

● My Story, 1975 (autobiography)

● Pampini (novel)

● The Geller Effect, Johnathan Cape, 1986 (updated autobiography)

Uri Geller Online: Geller's homepage.

Dale Graff

Around late 1976 to 1977, Graff -- then a physicist with the Air Force's Foreign Technology

Division -- gave a small contract to the SRI research team. Graff wanted to replicate some Soviet psi

experiments done in submarines, as well as test the Soviet hypothesis that psi was transmitted via ELF

(extremely low frequency) electromagnetic waves. These test were conducted in July, 1977 with the

help of Stephan Schwartz.

(Schnabel, Jim, Remote-Viewers: The Secret History of America's Psychic Spies, Dell, 1997, pg 206-7)

Graff was stationed at Wright Patterson-Air Force Base and had taught a class on parapsychology at

a local community college. He had also started a small, informal group of remote viewers at the base

(Schnabel, 1997, pg 217).

Graff had continued to task SRI on behalf of the Air Force for the next few years. In 1980, he won a

fellowship for "exceptional analyst" within the intelligence community and planned to spend 2 years off

to conduct research in other laboratories: SRI; a psychokenesis lab at Princeton; a J.B. Rhine affiliated

lab in Durham, NC; and a Department-of-Energy lab where microwave weapons were being studied.

His fellowship was revoked by the office of the Air Force Chief of Staff. With the encouragement of

Jack Vorona, he retired from the Air Force and moved to the DIA where he ran the Advanced Concepts

Office (Schnabel, 1997, pg 227-8, 334). Graff served briefly as the branch chief of the operational unit

of Star Gate from around 1982 or 83 until he resigned in summer of 1993 (Schnabel, 1997, pg 381).

Graff is evidently now touring the New Age conference circuit in some capacity.

Dr. Christopher Green

Alleged member of the secret government UFO working group.

Aviary, codename: Bluejay


(Victorian, Armen, "Non-Lethality: John B. Alexander, The Pentagon's Penguin", Lobster Magazine,


Director of General Motor's Biomedical Research department. Attended closed meetings with Dr.

Igor Smirnov under the auspices of his membership in the National Academy of Sciences panel on 21st

Century Army Technologies (Defense Electronics, 7/93. Reprinted in Flatland #11).

Formerly with the CIA, Dr. Green's work involved UFO research. "Dr. Green attained a Ph.D. in

Neurophysiology in 1969 and in1976 received his M.D. Doctor of Medicine degree. Green was

awarded the CIA's National Intelligence Medal for his work on a 'classified project' from 1979 to1983 --

precisely the years in which Maccabee was meeting with him at CIA headquarters. Green uses

somewhat of a cover story to describe his CIA work, calling himself a 'Scientific Advisor on the

Advisory Board to the Directorate of Intelligence, CIA.'"

(The Associated Investigators Group, "The Fund for CIA Research or Who's Disinforming Who?")

"After I [Bruce Maccabee] discussed the NZ case one employee, Dr. Christopher "Kit" Green (KG)

invited me to visit the CIA again a week-or-so later to have a general UFO discussion with him and a

couple of other employees..."

(Bruce Maccabee's response to the AIR report)

Keith Harary

Keith Harary is a clinical counselor and experimental psychologist who specializes in psi research

and in the psychology of cults, crisis intervention, and stress." Harary was a long-time subject in the

SRI remote-viewing study, starting in late 1979/early 1980.

(Targ, Russell and Harary, Keith, Mind Race, Villard Books, 1984, pg 7)

1979 - Director of Counseling at the Human Freedom Center (which was founded by former Peoples

Temple members Jeannie and Al Mills. It was the Center which involved Congressman Leo Ryan in his

investigation into Jim Jones' cult) (Targ and Harary, pg 113).

In 1982, Harary left SRI and founded Delphi Associates with Russell Targ. Delphi Associates was a

consultancy which sought to apply psi to finding oil, gas, etc. Using Harary as a viewer, they claimed to

have successfully traded in the silver market (Targ and Harary, pg 176).

Former researcher at the Maimondes Medical Center psi laboratory (Targ and Harary, pg 228).

Harary met Hal Puthoff in 1979, and in 1980 joined the research project at SRI. In his early 20s at

the time, Harary was the youngest remote-viewer with the project. There was reportedly some tension

between Harary and Ingo Swann because Harary rejected Swann's methods, including coordinate

remote-viewing (Schnabel, Jim, Remote-Viewers: The Secret History of America's Psychic Spies, Dell,

1997, pg 258-61).


After Russell Targ left SRI, he and Harary toured the World, including traveling to many

Communist countries which made some in the DIA very nervous.

Before officially leaving SRI, Harary -- along with Targ and businessman Tony White -- founded

Delphi Associates. Their first project was to develop a psi-related game for Atari. But Atari went under

before the deal was completed. Delphi then went on to try to predict silver futures on the market. After

several reported successes, there were 2 misses which scared off their investor. Each blamed each other

for the failure, and the argument went public during a lecture Harary gave at the Esalen Institute. The

feud continued into the 1990s (Schnabel, 1997, pg 264-6).

Research director of the Institute for Advanced Psychology, San Francisco. Keith Harary is

reportedly concentrating on his psychology career and shying away from parapsychology.

Author of:

● Mind Race

● "Selling the mind short: exposing the myth of psychic privilege", Omni, 4/94, v16, n7, p6

Willis Harman

[Note: for some reason, Harman's name has been spelled "Harmon" in many places]

President of the Institute of Noetic Sciences. Co-founder of the World Business Academy. Former

consultant to the White House's National Goals Research Staff. On Board of Directors of the Albert

Hoffman Foundation. Director of the Center for the Study of Social Policy at SRI International.

Former Director of the Educational Policy Research Center at SRI.

There is evidence that while at SRI, Harman was at least interested in and knowledgeable of the

remote-viewing program even if he was not directly involved. He wrote the introduction to Mind Race

(written by Russell Targ and Keith Harary) which dealt with the program. He referred to their

research in some of his writings. He's president of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, which provided

some of the project's early funding.

While an engineering professor at Stanford University, Harman led a 1962 conference on human

potentiality at the Esalen Institute called "The Expanding Vision".

(Anderson, Walter Truett, The Upstart Spring, Addison-Wesley Publishing, 1983, pg 68)

It was also during this time that Harman was engaging in legal LSD research and was involved with

the Government, probably through the International Foundation for Advanced Study of which he was

vice president (Anderson, pg 108,142).

While at SRI, Harman hired Alfred Hubbard -- officially as a security guard. His real duties were

to administer LSD to political and business figures as part of Harman's Alternative Futures Project.

(Fahey, Todd Brendan, "The Original Captain Trips", High Times, November 1991)


In February 1979, Harman attended an LSD reuinion party hosted by Dr. Oscar Janiger along with

Laura Huxley, Sidney Cohn, John Lilly, Alfred Hubbard, and Timothy Leary among others (Lee,

Martin and Schlain, Bruce, Acid Dreams, Grove Press, 1985, 213).

Willis Harman died in April, 1997 of a brain tumor.

Author of:

● Changing Images of Man, 1982

● Energy Futures, Human Values, and Lifestyles : a new look at the energy crisis, 1982

● Higher Creativity : liberating the unconscious for breakthrough insights, 1984

● An Incomplete Guide to the Future, 1979

● New Traditions in Business : spirit and leadership in the 21st century, 1982

● Paths to Peace : exploring the feasibility of sustainable peace, 1987

● also several textbooks on electrical engineering and communications

Alfred Hubbard

OSS officer in WWII. Hubbard first took LSD in 1951 and proceeded to "turn on" several individuals

prominent in LSD research including Dr. Humphrey Osmond, Myron Stolaroff, and Aldous Huxley,

earning him the title of "the Johnny Appleseed of LSD".

(Lee, Martin and Schlain, Bruce, Acid Dreams, Grove Press, 1985, pg 44)

Hubbard later did undercover work for several agencies including the FDA and FBI. He reportedly

tried (and failed) to "turn on" J. Edgar Hoover. He introduced LSD to many high-ranking intelligence

officers. In the early 1950s, he refused an offer to join the CIA (Lee and Schlain, pg 52). In all, it is

estimated that Hubbard introduced LSD to over 6,000 individuals. He worked until 1965 at the

International Foundation for Advanced Study (mis-identified here, I think, as the International

Federation for Advanced Studies)

(Fahey, Todd Brendan, "The Original Captain Trips", High Times, November 1991)

Hubbard was hired by Willis Harman (then director of the Educational Policy Research Center at

SRI)to be a special investigative agent earning $100 a day. Officially he was a security guard, although

his actual duties included spying on the drug culture which Hubbard -- a political conservative --

disdained. He stayed at SRI until the late 1970s (Lee and Schlain, pg 198-9).

Fahey describes Hubbard's work at SRI differently, placing him with the Alternative Futures Project

which sought to "turn on" the World's political and business leaders. He left SRI in 1974 and died on

August 31, 1982. (Fahey)


In February, 1979, Hubbard attended an LSD reunion party, hosted by Dr. Oscar Janiger along with

Laura Huxley, Sidney Cohn, John Lilly, Willis Harman, and Timothy Leary among others (Lee and

Schlain, 213).

Aldous Huxley

British author of Brave New World, which ranks with George Orwell's 1984 as the finest piece of

dystopian literature.

Some (mainly Lyndon LaRouche and his followers) have charged that Huxley was a British

intelligence agent sent to revive the ancient Egyptian Isis cult, centering around the use of drugs. They

also charge that Brave New World was a blueprint rather than a warning. I doubt that these folks even

read the book, much less the non-fiction follow up Brave New World Revisted in which Huxley

expresses his fears that the chemically-controlled society in his book is becoming a reality. He did,

however, see promise in LSD, mescaline, and other psychedelics for expanding human awareness.

Ironically, during his psychedelic experimentation in America (years before LSD or other drugs hit

the subculture), he crossed paths with many figures in the CIA's MK-ULTRA program.

Huxley was turned on to mescaline by Dr. Humphrey Osmond, who in turn was introduced to the

drug by Alfred Hubbard. Hubbard personally guided Huxley through his second mescaline trip and his

first experience with LSD.

Huxley was also friends with Dr. Louis "Jolly" West and suggested that West try combining LSD

with hypnosis.

(Lee, Martin and Schlain, Bruce, Acid Dreams, Grove Press, 1985, pg 46-8)

Huxley was also interested in parapsychology and lectured on the topic at Duke University. It was

at Duke where Huxley had contact with J.B. Rhine, who reportedly did experiments in psychic

phenomena for the CIA and the Army (Lee and Schlain, pg 48).

Helped to start up the Esalen Institute. Was reportedly friends with Andrijah Puharich.

Aldous Huxley: The Ultimate Revolution, March 20, 1962

A recorded lecture (UC Berkeley March 20, 1962) of Aldous Huxley (Brave New World) on the

subject of "The Ultimate Revolution."

He talks about using terrorism to create willing slaves out of the population.

Program Questions / Answers


Ray Hyman

Professor of Psychology at the University of Oregon and a well=known skeptic.

In 1972, Hyman evaluated Uri Geller at SRI. His unfavorable conclusions caused ARPA to drop its

funding of SRI's project.

In my opinion, Hyman's evaluation was flawed. By all indications, Hyman tested Geller using his

own protocols -- not that of the team at SRI. Therefore, any conclusion that the controls were

inadequate reflects on Hyman's protocals, not SRI's.

(see Targ, Russell and Puthoff, Harold E, Mind-Reach, Delacorte Press, 1977, pg 172-3)

Founding member of CSICOP (The Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the

Paranormal) and an executive editor of CSICOP's magazine, Skeptical Inquirer. A former board

member of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation, Hyman reportedly left after Jennifer Freyd (the

daughter of FMSF's executive directors Peter and Pamela Freyd) accused her parents of molesting her as

a child.

(Constantine, Alex, Psychic Dictatorship in the USA, Feral House, 1995, pg 66)

On the National Research Council's committee on Enhancing Human Performance. Hyman

evaluated parapsychology for the NRC. Hyman later gave a negative evaluation of the program for the

American Institutes for Research in 1995.

Evaluation of Program on Anomalous Mental Phenomena

C.B. Scott Jones

President of the Human Potential Foundation. (Former?) assistant - Menelika McCarthy.

Former aide to Sen. Claiborne Pell for 7 years, worked almost exclusively with the paranormal.

Was paid nearly $50,000/yr.

Born 1928. Joined the Navy around 1946. Career officer, served as a fighter pilot in the Korean



"He served in Naval Intelligence for approximately 15 years including assignments with Carrier

Division 14 and as Assistant Naval Attache, New Delhi, India, and Kathmandu, Nepal in the 1960s. He

collected intelligence and provided intelligence support throughout Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and

North Africa."

"Jones has briefed the President's Scientific Advisory Committee and has testified before House and

Senate committees on intelligence matters."

Retired from the Navy around 1976 due to a parapsychological experience. After retiring, he

worked for several companies including R.F. Cross Associates Ltd. and Kaman Tempo, a division of

Kaman Sciences. This work involved development in projects sponsored by the Defense Nuclear

Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command


Helped behind the scenes at the TREAT II conference (1/90, Blacksburg, Virginia campus of

Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University). TREAT was/is organized by Rima Laibow. "As

late as the summer of 1991, Jones and Laibow were planning a yachting excursion together with Col.

John Alexander ... to investigate anomalies in the Bahamas."

"In 1989, MUFON appointed Jones as a Special Consultant in International Relations."

Involved in parapsychology conferences since (at least) the mid-70s.

"Scott has been on the Board of Trustees of the American Society for Psychical Research (ASPR)

since 1985 and now [1992] serves as its President."

Formed the Human Potential Foundation in 1989. Board members include Clark Sandground and

Claiborne Pell.

"Scott often escorted Prince Hans-Adam of Liechtenstein, a very wealthy European with a long-

standing interest in the paranormal. Together, they visited parapsychological laboratories and UFO


"Jones has conducted his own dolphin telepathy studies along with Colonel John Alexander and

Theodore Rockwell, a prominent (Who's Who) nuclear engineer who has worked on naval nuclear

propulsion systems and who also serves as vice president of the U.S. Psychotronics Association."

In his paper "Government UFO Connections" (included in "Phoenix in the Labrynth"), he claims to

have no knowledge of government involvement in UFOs.

"Laibow, [Gen. Albert] Stubblebine, and ufologist Victoria Lacas (with Jones in the shadows)

toured Europe and the Soviet Union where they have established a prodigious UFO/Psi network."

(Durant, Robert J., "Will the Real Scott Jones Please Stand Up?", 1992)

Hosted a symposium for his employer, Kaman Tempo, entitled "Applications of Anomalous

Phenomena" (Leesburg, Virginia, 11/30-12/1/83). The symposium was intended to bring government,

academic, and military officials up-to-date information on private psi research.

(Geller, Uri and Playfair, Guy Lyon, The Geller Effect, Johnathan Cape, 1986, pg 224-5)

"[Eldon] Byrd told me [Dick Farley] about it [Byrd's lawsuit w/ Randi] over dinner at C.B. "Scott"

Jones home one evening of several we spent together back in '92 and '93 there."


Michael Persinger "is/was a big buddy of C.B. Jones (Jones says)". (Farley, Dick, "False Memory


Navy pilot and intelligence officer for 40 years. Retains his security clearance. While a Navy

attache in India, he experienced an unknown paranormal event that "enabled me to do my intelligence

assignment with much greater speed than one ordinarily expected." A believer in UFOs since he saw

one during the Korean War.

His book Phoenix in the Labyrinth reportedly deals with PSI-TECH a great deal.

(Gardner, Martin, "Clairborne Pell: The Senator From Outer Space", Skeptical Inquirer, March/April


On the registration questionnaire for the 5/28/95 "When Cosmic Cultures Meet" conference, Jones

asked attendees if they would consider taking a drug that would result in telepathic contact with aliens.

(Chevalier, Remy, "When Cosmic Cultures Meet", Paranoia, Issue 10, pg 11)

[StealthSkater note: does this sound familiar to the pill that ELINT Sgt. Dan Sherman was

required to take before his computer "Interactive Comms" with aliens in Project Preserve

Destiny? => doc pdf URL ]

While working for Sen. Pell, Jones was in contact with many psychics and often put them in touch

with intelligence agencies.

(Schnabel, Jim, Remote-Viewers: The Secret History of America's Psychic Spies, Dell, 1997, pg 273)

In 1989, Scott claimed that the Government probably didn't have a large parapsychology program

("large" meaning funding in the millions) apart from occasional application of research in the open

literature by individuals with strong personal interests.

(Jones, C.B. Scott, "Essay Review of Psychic Warfare: Fact of Fiction?, Journal of Parapsychology,

6/89, pg 147)

(This was after he himself was involved in such a program, so he would have known better).

In this essay, he also seems to doubt that the U.S. could carry on a mind-control program (again) due

to the checks and balances of our democratic system.

Jones has attended conferences in the former Soviet Union where he was in contact with

Christopher Bird (Jones, 1989, pg 144). His foundation is also involved with the research of Russian

scientist Dr. Igor Smirnov.


● Human Potential Foundation: Founder and President

● Center For Applied Anomalous Phenomena: Founder

● American Society for Psychical Research: On Board of Trustees since 1985. President as late as


● Parapsychological Association: Associate member since 1984.

● MUFON (Mutual UFO Network): appointed Consultant in International Relations in 1989.

● Mid-Point: On Board of Advisors. Deals with dolphins. (Jones has a dolphin imprinted on his

business cards.)

● R. F. Cross Associates, Ltd.: Research Director


● Atlantic University: On board of directors. Unaccredited new-agey college.

● Quest Institute: On board of directors. New Age educational institute.

● Aviary, codename: Falcon.

(Durant, 1992)

Author of:

● Phoenix in the Labyrinth, Human Potential Foundation. This is a collection of speeches and

reportedly a lot deals with Psi-Tech.

● "Essay Review of Psychic Warfare: Fact of Fiction?", Journal of Parapsychology, 6/89

● "...And Paul is Dead", Harper's, 1/91, pg 25. This is a portion of a letter to Defense Secretary

Dick Cheney which warns Cheney that a speech he gave regarding the Gulf War may reveal

secret code words when played backwards.

Richard Kennett

"Richard Kennett" is a pseudonym used by author Jim Schnabel in Remote-Viewers (Dell, 1997) to

describe a CIA scientist who worked with the remote-viewing project.

In the photo insert is a picture (above) of Kennett, Pat Price, and Harold Puthoff after a remote-

viewing experiment involving a glider. Elsewhere (example: Puthoff, Harold, "CIA-Initiated Remote

Viewing Program at Stanford Research Institute", Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 10, No. 1,

Spring 1996), the man on the left is identified as Chistopher Green. As there can't be too many scientists

at the CIA with an interest in the paranormal with this name, I feel safe in guessing that the two are the

same although I haven't absolutely confirmed it. At any rate, here is the information on "Richard

Kennett" -- all from Remote-Viewers.

In Spring 1973, he was an analyst with the CIA's Office of Scientific Intelligence with a Ph.D. in

neurophysiology. "Within a decade, Kennett would be the assistant national intelligence officer for

chemical and biological warfare issues". His work concentrated on evaluating the health of foreign

officials. But he also explored the fringes of medicine and psychology. It was under these

circumstances that he challenged Hal Puthoff's research at SRI, although he was not officially

controlling the contract (pg 104-6).

The initial challenge was to "view" a secret microwave receiving station. [This controversial

experiment is dealt with at length here. According to Schnabel's information, this would make Kennett

the "East Coast challenger" from Mind Reach]. Kennett as well as the team at SRI were reportedly

investigated by the Defense Investigative Service after the viewing.

Kennett was also involved with the experiments with Uri Geller (pg 139). Kennett was also called

in to look at the scientists at Lawrence Livermore national laboratory who began to see "visions" after

experimenting with Geller (pg 166-9).

Kennett left the CIA around 1985 (pg 317).


Sam Koslov

Around 1976, Koslov -- as the scientific assistant to the secretary of the Navy -- was being briefed

on various contracts the Navy held including one for SRI. The section describing the contract at SRI

was headed "ELF AND MIND CONTROL" (ELF stands for extremely-low frequency). Reportedly,

Koslov was upset by the label and cancelled the contract with SRI. "I don't believe it's the function of

the military to support parapsychology."

(Wilhelm, John, "Psychic Spying?", Washington Post 8/7/77, B5)

According to another account, the heading was "Sensing of Remote EM sources (Physiological

Correlates)". According to this account, Koslov thought the project dealt with mind-control and looked

into the contract in more detail. He found that it dealt with psychic research which upset him as well,

and ordered the contract to be cancelled.

(Schnabel, Jim, Remote-Viewers, Dell, 1997, pg 206)

Either Wilhelm paraphrased and misinterpreted the section heading on the briefing, or the story was

sanitized somewhere along the line before reaching Schnabel's book. In either case, the Navy continued

to fund psychic research (Wilhelm, 1977) and has been one of the biggest funders of research related to

electronic mind-control.

In 1965, Koslov -- then a physicist at the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) -- suggested

to Charles Weiss (head of security at the State Department) that a "a sober and systematic program of

research" look into the "Moscow Signal", which was caused by microwave radiation being beamed into

the Moscow American Embassy. This program eventually evolved into Project Pandora -- America's

first research program into the possible offensive, anti-personnel use of non-ionizing microwave


(Steneck, Nicholas H., The Microwave Debate, The MIT Press, 1984, pg 94-5)

By the 1980s, Koslov was working with the Applied Physics Laboratory at Johns Hopkins

University where he continued to study the effects of electromagnetic radiation on humans. He is

currently the vice president of the Maryland Microscopical and Scientific Instrument Society.

Ken Kress

An engineer with the CIA's Office of Technical Services. Kress brought the first CIA remote-

viewing research contract to SRI in 1972 and occasionally gave coordinates for remote-viewing

experiments. When SRI remote-viewer Pat Price went to work directly for the CIA, Kres was his


(Schnabel, Jim, Remote-Viewers: The Secret History of America's Psychic Spies, Dell, 1997, pg 176)

Rima Laibow

Psychiatrist, deals with purported UFO abductees. Laibow clims to be an abductee herself.

Previously associated with Budd Hopkins. Organizer of TREAT (Treatment and Research of

Experienced Anomalous Trauma). Married to Gen. Albert Stubblebine.


"As late as the summer of 1991, [C.B. Scott] Jones and Laibow were planning a yachting excursion

together with Col. John Alexander to investigate anomalies in the Bahamas."

"Laibow, Stubblebine and ufologist Victoria Lacas (with Jones in the shadows) toured Europe and

the Soviet Union, where they have established a prodigious UFO/Psi network."

(Durant, Robert J., "Will the Real Scott Jones Please Stand Up?")

Author of:

"Dyadic Repair: A Clinical Approach to Autistic Recovery and Prodigy Retrieval", Subtle Energies,

vol 1, #2, 1990

John Lilly

(Burgess Meredith and John Lilly)

57 Lino Pl., Pukalani, Hawaii 96768

Fax 808-572-7215

In 1952 during the CIA's MK-ULTRA mind-control program, Lilly briefed the intelligence

community on his work to map out the brains of animals using implanted electrodes. He abandoned this

line of work because he felt it was unethical.

In 1952, he studied the effects of sensory deprivation tanks and also briefed the intelligence

community with his progress. Lilly refused to let any of his work be classified and ended up leaving the

National Institute of Health when he found that he could not work without the interference of the


(Marks, John, The Search for the Manchurian Candidate, Times Books, 1979, pg 142-4)

While experimenting with sensory deprivation and LSD and ketamine, Lilly came to believe that he

was in psychic contact with the aliens of what he called the "Earth Coincidence Control Office". The

aliens were guiding events in Lilly's life to lead him to work with dolphins, which were psychic

conduits between aliens and humans. The aliens are acting for the survival of organic lifeforms against

artificial intelligences called "solid-state lifeforms".

(Lilly, John, The Scientist, J. B. Lippincott Company, 1978)

While Lilly implies that he left the NIH because of unethical government interference, his

Communications Research Institute (founded in the 1958 to study dolphins) was partially funded by the

Air Force, NASA, NIHM, the National Science Foundation, and the Navy. He was assisted in this work

by Gregory Bateson.

(Lipset, David, Gregory Bateson: The Legacy of a Scientist, Prentice Hall, 1980, pg 241)


In February 1979, Lilly attended an LSD reunion party hosted by Dr. Oscar Janiger along with Laura

Huxley, Sidney Cohn, Willis Harman, Alfred Hubbard, and Timothy Leary among others. (Lee,

Martin and Schlain, Bruce, Acid Dreams, Grove Press, 1985, 213)

Section Chief for the National Institute of Health, Section on Cortical Integration in the National

Institute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness and in the National Institute of Mental Health,

Bethesda, Maryland (1953-1958).

Founder and Director of the Communications Research Institute, Saint Thomas, United States Virgin

Islands, and Miami, Florida (1959-1968).

Chief of Psychological Isolation and Psychedelic Research for the Maryland Psychiatric Research

Center, Catonsville, Maryland (1968-1969).

In 1964, Lilly held seminars at the Esalen Institute and was Group Leader and Associate in

Residence from 1969 to1971.

Fellow with the Center for the Advanced Study of Behavior, Palo Alto, California (1969-1970).

Treasurer of Human Software, Inc., Malibu, California (1973-present).

On Board of Advisors of the Albert Hoffman Foundation.

Scientific Briefs here for a complete chronology of Lilly's life and here for an interview.

I've found 3 John Lilly web sites, listed here in descending order of authorization.

John Lilly and Physics

John C. Lilly Homepage

Dr. John C. Lilly, M.D.'s Home Page by Barbara Clarke-Lilly

Earth Coincidence Control Officer John Lilly

Author of:

● Man and Dolphin, 1961

● The Dolphin in History, University of California, 1963

● The Mind of the Dolphin, Doubleday & Co, 1967

● Programming and Metaprogramming in the Human Biocomputer, The Julian Press, 1967

● The Center of the Cyclone, The Julian Press, 1972

● The Dyadic Cyclone, Simon & Schuster, 1976

● Lilly on Dolphins

● Simulations of God: The Science of Belief, Simon & Schuster

● The Deep Self, Warner Books, 1977

● The Scientist, The Julian Press, 1968

● Communication between Man and Dolphin, Crown Publishers, 1978

● John Lilly, so far..., 1990


● Tanks for the Memories, 1995

● <Click> here for a comprehensive list of articles.

Bruce Maccabee


"Dr. Maccabee has been a Research Physicist at the Naval Surface Weapons Center in Silver Spring,

Maryland since 1972. His work has centered on high power lasers, underwater sound, and the Ballistic

Missile Defense. He holds a Ph.D. in Physics from the American University in Washington, DC.

"Dr. Maccabee was a member of the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena. In

1975, he joined MUFON and was appointed State Director for Maryland and a Consultant in Photo

Analysis and Laser Physics. In 1979, Dr. Maccabee and other ufologists established the Fund for UFO

Research, where he continues to serve on the national board. His UFO investigations include the

McMinnville photos of 1950, the Gemini II astronaut photos, the New Zealand sightings, the Japan

Airlines sighting, the Gulf Breeze case, and others. In 1993, he provided a briefing paper on UFOs for

the President's science advisor. He conducted historical research and was the first to obtain the 'flying

disc file' for the FBI."

(biographical data from The National Institute for Discovery Sciences)

Maccabee has recently worked with the National Institute for Discovery Sciences and probably

worked with-or-near Eldon Byrd, as the two both worked at the Naval Surface Weapons Center at the

same time.

In an article entitled "The Fund for CIA Research, or Who's Disinforming Who?", the

anonymous authors (the Associated Investigators Group) accuse Maccabee of working with the CIA,

providing them with information, and letting the CIA affect his leadership in FUFOR. According to the

article, Maccabee's main contact with the CIA was through Dr. Christopher Green.

In a written response, Maccabee rebuts that most of his contacts with the CIA have been in the

context of his work with the Navy and are unrelated to his UFO research. He says that he did give CIA

employees informal lectures at the request of Ron Pandolfi, but that the CIA has never attempted to

influence his research.

"I never contacted any companies. What I did was tell Jack Acuff (Director of NICAP at the time)

that I would like to speak to experts in the field of radar. He, in turn, put me in contact with a scientist --

Dr. Gordon MacDonald -- at the MITRE corporation. I was invited to discuss the New Zealand

sightings with him and several other scientists at MITRE in McLean, Va. and I did (and they generally

agreed with my conclusions). Then a week-or-so later, I learned that MacDonald had contacted a man at

the CIA who contacted me and offered to provide technical consultation if I would provide a briefing to

some CIA employees. At first, I was leery of doing anything with the CIA. But I knew they had radar


experts, so I stipulated that if they would give me some feedback I'd tell them what I know. So I briefed

them and I received some helpful comments..."

"After I discussed the NZ case, one employee -- Dr. Christopher "Kit" Green (KG) -- invited me to

visit the CIA again a week-or-so later to have a general UFO discussion with him and a couple of other


"After that last meeting with KG in the spring of 1979, I didn't see him again and had no contact

with the agency until June, 1984 when I was contacted by Dr. Ronald Pandolfi regarding my Navy

work. He had been tracking developments by the "other side" in that field of research and wanted to

know what the U.S. state-of-the-art was."

(Bruce Maccabee's response to the AIR report)

Review of Bruce Maccabee's UFO FBI Connection: The Secret History of the Government's

Cover-Up by John Alexander, Ph.D.

Author of:

● "Hiding the Hardware", International UFO Reporter 16,5 (September/October 1991) 4-10, 23

● "The Arnold Phenomenon." International UFO Reporter Pt. I. 20,1 (Jan./Feb. 1995):14-17; Pt. II.

20,2 (March/April 1995) : 10-13,24; Pt III. 20,3 (May/June 1995): 6-7

● "The White Sands Films," International UFO Reporter 21,1 (Spring 1996): 22-25

● "Gulf Breeze Without Ed" 1991 UFO Symposium Proceedings, 186-267, Mutual UFO Network,


● "Acceleration", MUFON 1996 UFO Symposium Proceedings, 183-217, Mutual UFO Network,


● "Strong Magnetic Field Detected Following a Sighting of an Unidentified Flying Object", Journal

of Scientific Exploration, 1994, Vol. 8, No. 3, pg 347

● "Illegitimate Science? A Personal Story", Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol 10, No 2, pg 269

● "Analysis and Discussion of the May 18, 1992 UFO Sighting in Gulf Breeze, Florida", Journal of

Scientific Exploration, Vol 7, No 3, pg 241

● "Analysis and Discussion of the Images of a Cluster of Periodically Flashing Lights Filmed Off

the Coast of New Zealand", Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol 1, No 2, pg 149

● UFOs are Real --Here's the Proof, Avon Publishing, in print

John Mack

Harvard psychology professor, probably the most prominent spokesman of the alien abduction


Dr. John E. Mack's Response to Nova, February 22, 1996


Formerly on the board of advisors for Werner Erhard's EST.

Interview with John Mack Psychiatrist, Harvard University. According to Dick Farley (former

aide to C.B. Scott Jones), Laurance Rockefeller funneled "$194,000 to Mack's Harvard- affiliated

'Center for Psychology and Social Change' via the Washington, DC chartered 'Human Potential

Foundation, Inc.' in the 1993-1994 period. Mack's group then started 'PEER' (Program for Exceptional

Experience Research) and operated an 'alien abductee support group' who -- among other functions they

served -- became fodder for Dr. Mack's 1994 'Abductions'." (<Click> here for Farley's post)

According to Donna Bassett who infiltrated Mack's abductee support group, the Center for

Psychology and Social Change (co-founded by Robert Jay Lifton) receives $250,000 a year from

Rockefeller. Rockefeller also gave $194,000 to PEER (Program for Extraordinary Experience

Research) along with various other donations. According to Bassett, Mack claims to have received

funding from an ex-CIA source.

Mack was reportedly heavily involved in the Russian/American exchange at the Esalen Institute.

Edwin May

Joined the SRI remote-viewing program in 1976. He became head of the program after Hal Puthoff

left in 1985. He continued his work as director at SAIC (Science Applications International

Corporation) when the research program moved in 1991.

May left SAIC on 11/28/95. He is a frequent contributor to the Journal of Parapsychology and is

currently with the Cognitive Sciences Laboratory of Palo Alto, California which he founded at SRI.

"Through the years, I have presided over 70% of the project's $20M funding and been responsible

for over 85% of the data collected under U.S. Government contracts."

(Interview with Ed May)

SIGHTINGS ON THE RADIO Interview with Joe McMoneagle and Ed May 03-02-97

Author of:

● May, Edwin C., "AC technical trials: Inspiration for the target entropy concept," Proceedings of

the 38th Annual Convention of the Parapsychological Association, Durham, NC, August 1995,

pp. 193-211

● May, Edwin C., and Vilenskaya, Larissa, "Some aspects of para-psychological research in the

former Soviet Union," Subtle Energies, 3(1994):45-67

● Vilenskaya, Larissa, and Edwin C. May, "Anomalous mental phenomena research in Russia and

the former Soviet Union: A follow up", Subtle Energies, 4(1995):231-250


● May, Edwin C., & Vilenskaya, Larissa, "Some aspects of para-psychological research in the

former Soviet Union," Proceedings of the 36th Annual Convention of the Parapsychological

Association, Toronto, Canada, August 1993, pp. 57-74

● Puthoff, Harold E., Targ, Russell, & May, Edwin C. "Experimental psi research: implication for

physics," The Role of Consciousness in the Physical World, ed. Robert G. Jahn. Boulder, CO:

Westview, 1981, pp. 37-86

● May, E.C., Utts, J.M., Humphrey, B.S., Luke, W.L.W., Frivold, T.J., and Trask, V.V., "Advances

in Remote-Viewing Analysis", Journal of Parapsychology, 1990, 54, 193-228

● May, E.C. and Vilenskaya, L., "Overview of Current Parapsychology Research in the Former

Soviet Union", Subtle Energies, 1992, 3, No. 3, 45-67

● Lantz, N.D., Luke, W. L. W., and May, E. C., "Target and Sender Dependencies in Anomalous

Cognition Experiments", Journal of Parapsychology, 1994, 58, 285-302

● May, E.C., Spottiswoode, S.J.P., and James, C.L., "Managing the Target-Pool Bandwidth:

Possible Noise Reduction for Anomalous Cognition Experiments", Journal of Parapsychology,

1994, 58, 303-313

● May, E.C., Spottiswoode, S.J.P. and James, C.L. , "Shannon Entropy: A Possible Intrinsic Target

Property", Journal of Parapsychology, 1994, 58, 384-401

● May, E.C., Lantz, N.D., and Piantineda, T. (1995). Feedback Considerations in Anomalous

Cognition Experiments. Accepted for publication in the Journal of Parapsychology.

● May, E.C. (1995). AC Technical Trials: Inspiration for the Target Entropy Concept. Submitted for

publication in the Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research. Also presented at

the August 1995 convention of the Parapsychological Association.

● May, E.C., Utts, J.M., and Spottiswoode, S.J.P. (1995). Decision Augmentation Theory:

Applications to the Random Number Generator Database. Journal of Scientific Exploration. 9,

No. 4., 453-488

Joseph McMoneagle


P.O. Box 100, Nellysford, Virginia 22958

Office: (804) 361-9215 Fax: (804) 361-9056

Military remote-viewer with the INSCOM/DIA program at Fort Meade from 1978-84.

"Joseph W. McMoneagle was born January 10, 1946, in Miami, Florida. He voluntarily joined the

U.S. Army and was recruited by the Army Security Agency for classified assignments."


In 1978, "he was assigned to the Headquarters of U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command

(INSCOM) in Arlington, Virginia where he culminated his career acting as a Special Projects

Intelligence Officer with the 902nd

Military Intelligence Group for the remainder of his service."

He retired in 1984. "Many unusual experiences have formed the foundation of his present company,

Intuitive Intelligence Applications. A Near-Death Experience (NDE), a UFO sighting, and numerous

spontaneous Out-of-Body (OBE) episodes have caused him to spend the larger portion of his life

seeking more effective answers to questions concerning reality. He became interested in remote-

viewing after participating in experiments at SRI International in California."

"Joe is currently working on his next project, 'Expectations From the Year 3000'"

("Who is Joseph McMoneagle?" from the Controlled Remote-Viewing Home Page)

"I, Joseph W. McMoneagle, hold the distinction of being the only Remote-Viewer

associated with the 'Project' from its formalization under INSCOM as GRILLFLAME (mid-

1978) throughout and until its termination as Project STARGATE (in 1995)"

Viewer number #001/372.

McMoneagle refutes many of claims made by Ed Dames concerning his position and length of

service in the remote-viewing program.

(McMoneagle, Joe, "A Response to Ed Dame's Statement on CRV")

"I employed Joe in a number of operations ca. 1980-82 while serving as an intelligence targeting

officer at levels of DoD much higher than McMoneagle (or Buchanan) ever dreamed of having access

to. However, since he is not trained, Joe has difficulty in recognizing when imagination begins to start

slipping into his perceptions."

(Dames, Ed, "Will the Real Lyn Buchanan Please Sit Down")

Currently a research associate at Cognitive Sciences Laboratory.

McMoneagle worked as a consultant to SRI and SAIC. In 1984, he received the Legion of Merit

award for excellence in intelligence service. According to his citation (quoted by Ed May), "He served

most recently as a Special Project Intelligence Officer for SSPD, SSD, and 902nd

MI group ... While

with SSPD, he used his talents and expertise in the execution of more than 200 missions, addressing

over 150 essential elements of information."

(May, Edwin, "The American Institutes of Research Review of the Department of Defense's Star

Gate Program: A Commentary", Journal of Parapsychology, Vol 60, Mar/96)

"I can tell you that I participated in over 350 separate cases like the [Iran] hostage situation and was

accurate at least 86 percent of the time."

Question: "Joe, are you still doing any work involving remote viewing of future technologies... and can

you share any of that with us?"

Joe McMoneagle: "Yes, I'm still working with the lab at the University of Nevada at Las Vegas... All I

can say is that we are still building the machine, but don't quite know what it will do

yet." He is working at this project with Dean Radin.

(Compuserve On Line Conversation w/ Joe McMoneagle, 01/04/96)


In McMoneagle's book Mind Trek (Hampton Roads, 1993), he offers one of the better descriptions

of how remote-viewing is supposed to work. The historical details are a bit trickier as it was published 2

years before the CIA admitted to having supported the program.

In July, 1970, McMoneagle had a Near-Death Experience while stationed in Germany. Afraid of

ridicule, he did not mention the experience for several years.

SIGHTINGS ON THE RADIO Talks about remote-viewing, Near-Death Experiences, the future, and

about his book Mind Trek: Exploring Consciousness, Time and Space Through Remote-Viewing

There are several problems trying to form a timeline for the period when McMoneagle joined the

remote viewing program. According to his book, this chain of events started in 1979 when he read

Robert Monroe's book Journeys Out of the Body (pg 40). When a neighbor saw him reading the book,

he offered him a copy of one of Puthoff's papers on remote-viewing.

"My job in Washington, DC had much to do with sub-contract management for major ongoing

projects in military research and development." (pg 41) As a part of his duties, he often traveled to the

West Coast. In October, 1978 (pg 43), he took a leave of absence to spend in Menlo Park. During this

time, he met Dr. Hal Puthoff and his colleagues at SRI in July, 1979 (pg 26) and became involved with

their experiments in remote-viewing -- the first of which is dated June 4th, 1978 (pg 46).

I don't know what to make of these glaring inconsistencies in the timeline. It is probably a

combination of poor editing by the publisher and a difficulty in keeping his cover story straight. As

McMoneagle was assigned with INSCOM in 1978 (the same year INSCOM began its operational

remote viewing unit codenamed GrillFlame), I have difficulty accepting that McMoneagle heard of the

SRI experiments from a neighbor and started his work with SRI on his own initiative and in an

unofficial capacity. I don't know if and how he has revised his story as to how he became involved in

the program, other than to say that he was involved in the official program.

Elsewhere, in a frequently asked questions section of his book, McMoneagle openly denies that the

Army was involved in remote-viewing. "I spent my entire career -- 20 years -- in Army Intelligence and

Security. Most of my assignments were overseas, and most of the jobs were classified. My interest in

remote-viewing was something that I had to pursue on my own and my early retirement from the service

was a direct result of that interest."

He elaborates in a follow-up question: "You mean you didn't do remote-viewing in the Army?"

"That would imply the United States Army has an open attitude regarding psychic functioning -- which

it doesn't. There is very little in the Army which is conducive to remote-viewing or its function." (pg


While he doesn't exactly say "no" in his answer, I consider it misleading enough to be a denial.

Also, his denial is given voluntarily and was not coerced in the context of something like an interview.

While it would have been illegal for him to reveal classified information, I think it would have been just

as easy for him to have omitted the topic rather than providing disinformation. [StealthSkater note:

perhaps he is just being overly precise. I suspect the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) -- and not

any of the regular services (e.g., Army, Navy, Air Force) -- would house the remote-viewer


In October, 1965, McMoneagle witnessed a UFO while stationed in the Bahamas (pg 219). Later in

the 1980s, he remote-viewed "the Face on Mars" and claims to have contacted Martians who were trying


to survive an environmental cataclysm of their planet. His claims mirror those of Ed Dames and

Courtney Brown (Chapter 16).

McMoneagle has done experiments in remote-viewing and Out-of-Body Experiences with Robert

Monroe at the Monroe Institute.

In an interview with Magical Blend, McMoneagle repeats the story about going to SRI under his

own initiative, and again gives a misleading answer regarding the military's involvement:

[Question:] "You were with Military Intelligence in the Army. Did you ever use your psychic abilities

in your military career?

Joseph McMoneagle: I think that I've used these abilities all my life, but in such a natural way that it

would be very difficult to specify when and where."

(Remote-Viewing: Joseph McMoneagle interviewed by Jerry Snider, Magical Blend, Issue #52)

Joe McMoneagle on the Tom Snyder Show

Interview on the Art Bell show 03/25/97

SIGHTINGS ON THE RADIO Interview with Joe McMoneagle and Ed May 03/02/97

[StealthSkater note: also archived at doc pdf URL ]

After retiring from the Army in September, 1984, McMoneagle worked as a consultant for SRI and

the Monroe Institute.

Edgar Mitchell

Former Navy pilot and astronaut. Founder of the Institute of Noetic Sciences and Edgar D. Mitchell

& Associates. Involved with Robert Bigelow's National Institute for Discovery Science.

Has known Andrijah Puharich since 1970, and in 1972 sponsored Uri Geller during his tests with

American scientists including the tests at SRI.

Mitchell briefed then CIA director George Bush on the activities and results of the Institute of Noetic


(Mitchell, Edgar, The Way of the Explorer, GP Putnam's Sons, 1996, pg 91)

Edgar Mitchell was the 6th

astronaut to walk on the Moon. What makes him interesting is a cosmic

consciousness experience that he has on his return flight to Earth. What also makes him interesting is

he straddles the world between hard science and the "flakes" -- irritating both sides. I (Roedy Green)

figure the best research pickings have to be in places where people have been too embarrassed to look.


I (Roedy Green) saw him in August, 2001. I (Roedy Green) had a brief CC-like experience -- or

more accurately, a feeling of reaching out internally and touching something alien, distant and beautiful,

as he described his experience in the spacecraft. I (Roedy Green) publicly asked him if his experience

was a "one-shot thing" and if there was any way to induce it other than becoming an astronaut. He said

that he had learned to induce it pretty well at will using meditation. He also repeated the phrase:

"Before enlightenment, chop wood and carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood and carry water."

which I (Roedy Green) think was his hint to me that he now considered himself "enlightened" and

possibly a personal hint to me not to become too much of a space cadet. I (Roedy Green) caught him

once deliberately exaggerating the meaning of Bell's theorem to some "flakes", claiming it would allow

faster-than-light communications. Then I (Roedy Green) later caught him yarding some "flakes" back

into hard science.

Robert Monroe

Founder and director of the Monroe Institute. Robert Monroe died in 1995.

Former Vice-President and Board Member of the Mutual Broadcasting System and founder of

Monroe Industries, which owned and operated several radio stations. In 1956, he began investigating

sleep-learning. His research in Out-of-Body Experiences began in 1958. He founded the Monroe

Institute in 1974.

(Biography of Robert Allan Monroe)

(Quoted from Susan Blackmore's Beyond the Body: The earliest account I have found of Monroe's

experiences is in Andrijah Puharich's book Beyond Telepathy (Dartman, Longman & Todd, 1962).

According to this account, Monroe (under the name Bob Rame) triggered his Out-of-Body Experiences

by huffing cans of cement containing ether (pg 67-78). Later accounts exclude this detail, but the rest of

the story is essentially the same (see Blackmore, Susan, Beyond the Body, Granada Publishing, 1982, pg

40-44, excerpt)

Note: I have heard that James Monroe is the father of Robert Monroe, but I have been unable to

confirm it. The two seemed to be too close in age, and Monroe's father is described as a University

professor. But here is some info anyway:

James Monroe studied North Korean brainwashing victims for the Air Force. Later, he became

Executive Director of the Human Ecology Society, which was a primary funding conduit for the CIA's

MK-ULTRA mind control program and received 90% of its funds from the agency. James Monroe

personally supervised the work of Dr. Ewen Cameron, whose psychic driving and coma "therapy"

techniques were among the worst of MK-ULTRA's legacy.

(Marks, John, The Search for the Manchurian Candidate, Times Books, 1979, pg 155)


Major David Morehouse

Military remote-viewer with the INSCOM/DIA program. Morehouse served from 1988-90 at Ft.

Meade during 'SunStreak'.

Formerly an employee of PSI-TECH, 1992.

"David A. Morehouse, Ph.D. is a former Army major who resigned from service in 1994. He was an

Infantry officer; aide to 2 commanding generals, airborne company commander, and a Ranger company

commander. Just prior to his resignation, he served as a battalion executive officer to the 2nd



Parachute Infantry Regiment, and as the Deputy G3 of the 82nd

Airborne Division. He was a

member of 'SunStreak' as a remote-viewer for 25 months circa 1988 to 1990."

"He is the author of Peace Quest: Visions of Future War by Greenwood Publishing Group, a book

detailing the employment of nonlethal weaponry and technology using various fictional scenarios to

template world events."

"He recently contracted with Hanna Barbera to produce a children's cartoon series. The series

(working title) titled "Peace Force: The Avalon Odyssey" involves a space federation that employs

nonlethal weaponry in defense of the inhabitants of the galaxy. Negotiations for development of

nonlethal computer gaming for children are currently underway."

"He works with Paraview, Inc. as the Vice-President For Development. Paraview is a television and

film production company & literary agency based in Manhattan, New York." ("Who is Dave

Morehouse Ph.D.?")

"After being shot in the head by a Jordanian M-60 round, Morehouse said he began to experience

visions and Out-of-Body Experiences. Not long afterward, he reports that he was enrolled in a secret

Pentagon program where he worked as a remote-viewer, training to visualize images and information

about American military enemies."

"Morehouse eventually decided to stop using his psychic powers for military purposes after

participating in a secret program designed to send 'malicious brainwaves' to individual U.S. enemies,

including Saddam Hussein during the Gulf War. The brainwaves were intended to induce in their target

confusion, disorientation, and death."

"David Morehouse was discharged from the military after refusing to use his psychic powers as a

weapon. He claims the government harassed him and his family after he tried to strike a deal with

corporations and Hollywood to find a more positive outlet for his purported psychic capabilities."

(ParaScope Staff, "Psychic Soldier Writes Book About Psy-Ops Warfare")

According to Ed Dames: "Morehouse was assigned to the unit for a relatively short period of time,

after which he received a Less-Than-Honorable Discharge (being brought up on a series of charges --


including rape --that could have potentially landed him in Leavenworth prison). Desperate for money,

"Dr." Morehouse (now a "mail order Ph.D.") is marketing this outright fabrication to Hollywood, telling

of how the military tried to "kill him" to stop him from going public."

(Dames, Ed, "Will the Real Lyn Buchanan Please Sit Down")

However, according to writer Jim Schnabel, "in civilian life, what Morehouse had allegedly done

was not even legally punishable..."

"The Fort Bragg prosecutors made the charges sound fearsome: adultery, sodomy, communicating a

threat, conduct unbecoming an officer, and larceny (regarding a computer that Morehouse had

"borrowed" from Fort Leavenworth and then loaned to Angela). All-in-all, however, it wasn't such a

high stakes case. It boiled down to a jilted girlfriend and an officer who did a good job at work but had

a habit of over-manipulating people and couldn't keep his pants zipped. ("He's got too many -- what is

it? -- X genes or something!" Ed Dames told me at the time.)"

(Scnabel, Jim, "An American Hero: The Truth About Dave Morehouse and Psychic Warrior (Part


According to Morehouse, "all charges and allegations were unsubstantiated and unproven." Also, he

notes that his doctorate was not a "mail-order Ph.D." as Dames claims, and that he studied for it.

(e-mail from Morehouse, 11/27/96)

While it seems he didn't just mail a check for his PhD (the way I got my ordination), LaSalle

University is an unaccredited correspondence college.

Morehouse participate in Lyn Buchanan's Assigned Witness Program. According to an article by

Richard Heinberg, Morehouse was a Ranger company commander and a Special Operations infantry

officer. He was shot in the head (which was protected by a helmet) while serving in Jordan in 1987,

which caused him to experience visions and Out-of-Body Experiences.

After recovering, Morehouse was recruited into an intelligence unit called "Royal Cape" which

sought to support covert operations in foreign countries. When he revealed his strange experiences

during psychological evaluations, he was recruited into the operational unit of the remote-viewing


Morehouse claims that he left the program because he felt that remote-viewing should be used for

the good of mankind and should not be kept secret. He describes possible uses of the phenomena as

finding a cure for cancer or AIDS (to my knowledge, Morehouse has discovered neither since going


After leaving the program and joining the regular Army (1992 in this article, 1990 everywhere else),

Morehouse claims he was harassed by the Army including a murder attempt when a power generator

was brought into his house and released carbon monoxide gasses. He was brought up on charges in

1993 (see above). "He was briefly hospitalized and given antipsychotic drugs". In December, 1994, he

resigned and was given an "other than honorable" discharge.

(Heinberg, Richard, "Memoirs of a Psychic Spy", Intuition Magazine, #13, 10/96, pg 19)

[StealthSkater note: also see doc pdf URL ]

David Morehouse's 1996 book Psychic Warrior (St. Martin's Press, 1996) recounts his experience

with operational unit while at Ft. Meade. In the Author's Note, Morehouse admits that many of the

events were simplified for literary purposes. While it may make for smoother reading, it makes the

work useless as research tool.


According to Lyn Buchanan, many of the events acted out by people who wish to remain

anonymous were attributed to others who have come forward (click here for his comments). However,

there are at least 2 instance (viewing of a downed Korean airliner and working on book with Jim Marrs)

in which (I believe) Mel Riley's name was used in place of Ed Dames. This in spite of the fact that

Dames has come forward. I suspect that the replacement was due more to their ongoing feud than to any

respect for anonymity.

There are 2 other major differences between Morehouse's account and the accounts of others. The

first deals with secrecy. I would have to agree with John Alexander that the remote-viewing project

was "one of the worst kept secrets in the military". (Alexander, John, "Review of Psychic Warrior")

Morehouse describes various forms of harassment he suffered at the hands of the military because he

was working on a book about remote-viewing. These include burglaries, being followed, an attempted

murder of him and his family, being drugged while in a mental institution, and a court martial.

Addressing the fact that none of the other viewers received such treatment (even though many went

"public" long before Morehouse's book was released), Morehouse claims that he was singled out

because he was in active duty while the others had since retired.

This would be true as far as the court martial is concerned. But the rest of the harassment was extra-

legal and as such there would be no reason to stick to the rules. Also, there would have been plenty of

opportunity for the military to threaten the other viewers with violating various secrecy oaths. As far as

I have seen, no such threats have been made, and the extent to which the viewers have kept their secrets

have been by voluntary effort.

The other major distinction lies in the nature of remote-viewing. Morehouse's account is closer to an

Out-of-Body Experience (alternatively called "Experiential Remote Viewing") than remote-viewing. I

believe that Morehouse uses this approach because it is more interesting from a literary perspective.

(see also, Scnabel, Jim, "An American Hero: The Truth About Dave Morehouse and Psychic

Warrior" Part I (see also, Scnabel, Jim, "An American Hero: The Truth About Dave Morehouse

and Psychic Warrior" Part II)

Author of:

● Peace Quest

● Psychic Warrior

● Nonlethal Weapons

Gordon Novel

CIA employee as of at least 1963. Was alleged to have been seen with Jack Ruby at Ruby's

Carousel Club. According to researcher Paris Flammonde, he was friends with Dave Ferrie (Ferrie -- as

well as being up to where his eyebrows would have been in the Kennedy assassination -- was a


practitioner of hypnosis and black magic) and knew Lee Harvey Oswald. He was an employee of the

Double-Chek Corporation and the Evergreen Advertising Agency (both CIA fronts).

(Benson, Michael, Who's Who in the JFK Assassination, Carol Publishing Group, 1993, pg 317-8)

"In his youth, Gordon Novel belonged to a neo-Nazi group and was arrested and charged with

bombing a Metarie, Louisiana theater that admitted blacks. Later, he sold spy devices in New Orleans.

Gordon Novel claimed he worked with the Cuban Revolutionary Front during the Bay of Pigs as a

Director of the CIA proprietary, the Evergreen Advertising Agency, and had created cryptographic

messages for the CIA."

In 1967, the CIA reported that they never utilized either Novel or the Evergreen Advertising

Agency. (Weberman, AJ; Nodule 24 - Page 19)

During New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison's investigation of the Kennedy assassination,

Novel was recommended to him by one of Garrison's political supporters -- automobile dealer Willard

Robertson. Novel was then an anti-eavesdropping expert, and Garrison was reportedly worried about

FBI surveillance. Novel told Garrison about Dave Ferrie's arms pickup in Louisiana to arm anti-Castro

Cuban exiles.

(Epstein, Edward Jay, The Assassination Chronicles, Caroll & Graf, 1992, pg 197-8)

(More details of this burglary can be found at Nodule 24 - Page 20) When information

regarding Garrison's investigation was leaked to NBC reporters, Garrison suspected Novel and Novel

was subpoenaed to appear before a grand jury. Novel instead fled to Ohio where he was arrested on

burglary charges that Garrison had filed accusing Novel of participating with Ferrie in the arms pickup.

"After some initial reluctance, Ohio Governor James Rhodes finally agreed to extradite Novel to

Louisiana if Garison would complete the papers within 60 days," which Garrison reportedly never

bothered to do. Later, Garrison would claim that people in high places -- up to and including President

Lyndon Johnson -- were preventing him from obtaining his witnesses. (Epstein, 1992, pg 248)

During this time, Novel became an informant for the FBI regarding the Garrison investigation.

(Weberman, AJ; Nodule 24 - Page 20)

After fleeing New Orleans in March, 1967, a note was found in his apartment:

""Dear Mr. Weiss: This letter is to inform you that District [sic] Jim Garrison has subpoenaed

myself and an associate to testify before this Grand Jury on matters which may be classified Top-

Secret. Actions of individuals connected with Double Chek Corporation in Miami in first

quarter of 1961. Our connection and activity of that period involves individuals presently about

to be indicted as conspirators in Mr. Garrison's investigation. We have temporarily avoided one

subpoena... we want out of this thing before Thursday, March 1967... I have been questioned

extensively by local FBI recently as to whether or not I was involved with Double Chek's parent

holding corporation at the time. My reply on five queries was negative... Our attorneys and

others are in possession of complete sealed files containing all information concerning matter. In

the event of our sudden departure, either accidental or otherwise, they are instructed to

simultaneously release same for public scrutiny..." (Weberman, AJ; Nodule 24 - Page 22)

● "In 1970 Gordon Novel was arrested on a charge of illegal interstate transportation of an

eavesdropping device and was subsequently convicted."


● "In May 1967, Gordon Novel staged an assassination attempt on himself which was reported to

Raymond Rocca."

● "In 1968 after a fight with his in-laws, Gordon Novel exhibited CIA credentials to the arresting


● "In 1974, Jack Anderson reported that Charles Colson asked Gordon Novel to help him build a

giant degaussing gun to erase tapes that incriminated NIXON, stored at a CIA site."

● "The FBI stated that Gordon Novel was involved with Morningstar Associates -- an organization

with supposed connections to the CIA and Department of Defense."

● "In the Summer of 1976, Gordon Novel and his partner John Langford were charged with

possession of an incendiary device and aggravated arson. The men were involved an alleged

plot to firebomb some property in the New Orleans Central Business District on Mardi Gras

day, 1976 after attempts to purchase the property for $70 million had failed. Gordon Novel

hired an undercover Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms agent who later admitted CIA ties to do

the job. Jim Garrison represented Gordon Novel."

● "At his trial, Gordon Novel testified the Agency was after him because of international arms

dealing. The trial -- covered extensively by Spotlight -- ended in a hung jury. On October 30,

1976, the judge declared a mistrial." (Weberman, AJ; Nodule 24 - Page 23)

● "In 1976, Novel lived with arms dealer Mitch Werbell."

● "On January 17, 1977 when Gordon Novel was arrested for arson, Mitch Werbell bailed him out."

(Weberman, AJ; Nodule 21 - Page 79)

● "Gordon Novel had been hired by Aubrey Young to install electronic debugging equipment in the

office of Governor John J. McKeithen." Young was McKeithen's aide and was reportedly tied

to mobster Carlos Marcello (see source info for details) (Weberman, AJ; Nodule 27 - Page 91)

● Reportedly, Novel claims to have been hired by Nixon aide Chuck Colson to degauss the

Watergate tapes.

● Later, he worked with John Z. DeLorean whose coke dealing, money laundering, and intelligence

connections are too complicated to go into here.

● Recently, Novel has been involved in the UFO research community.

After physicist Bob Lazar went public with his claims of having back engineered flying saucers at

Area-51, Novel showed up at Las Vegas, eager to meet with Lazar. Novel was interested in the

mechanics of alleged anti-gravity devices. He had written a JFK researcher a letter from prison in 1978

describing his work in the field. Evidently, Lazar met with Novel once before being warned off by

researcher Lars Hansson. ("An Interview with Lars Hansson", Steamshovel Press, #8, Summer 1993.

Reprinted in Thomas, Kenn, Popular Alienation, Iluminet Press, 1995, pg 156-9) (for more information

on Bob Lazar's intelligence connections, see my article Nuclear Dreamland and Hansson, Lars,

"UFOs, Aliens and 'Ex'-intelligence Agents: Who's Fooling Whom The Inside Story of John Lear,

Bill Cooper and 'The Greatest Cover-Up in Human History'", 7/18/91)


● He has also been accused of threatening UFOlogist Bill Moore and writer Jim DiEugenio. Novel's

friend John Alexander had once allegedly used Novel's reputation to threaten researcher

Martin Cannon.

● Novel is reportedly involved with Robert Bigelow and his National Institute of Discovery

Science. (What's New at Area 51 and Ufomind: 9/96 Part I) (What's New at Area 51 and

Ufomind: 9/96 Part II)

● Novel worked as an investigator for former Attorney General Ramsey Clark in a civil trial

following the Branch Davidian siege. (Moore, Carol, Excerpt from The Davidian Massacre)

● Novel has since become a conspiracy theorist in his own right. His claims reportedly include the

idea that President Bill Clinton cracked down on the Branch Davidians to show the Bosnians

how serious he was, and that former CIA director William Colby was murdered because he

intended to come forward with this information.

● He also claims that fake terrorist attacks will be used to usher in a UN-controlled New World


● He has also investigated the TWA 800 crash. (Puzzle Pieces)

Brendan O'Regan

Deceased. Former consultant to the Center for the Study of Social Policy at SRI, associate editor of

the International Journal of Psychoenergetic Systems, research coordinator for Buckminster Fuller, and

research director of the Institute of Noetic Sciences.

According to Jack Sarfatti, he was part of a "very very sophisticated and successful covert

psychological warfare operation run by the late Brendan O'Regan of the Institute of Noetic Sciences and

the late Harold Chipman who was the CIA station chief responsible for all mind-control research in the

Bay Area in the 70's." (Sarfatti, Jack, "Quantum Quackers")

Ron Pandolfi

"Pandolphi is a PhD in physics and works at the Rocket and Missile section of the Office of the

Deputy Director of Science and Technology, CIA." Aviary, codename: Pelican

(Victorian, Armen, "Non-Lethality: John B. Alexander, The Pentagon's Penguin", Lobster

Magazine, 6/93)

In 1987, Pandolfi invited UFOlogist Bruce Maccabee "to give a general lecture to [CIA] employees

on UFOs and MJ-12". (Maccabee's response to AIR)

Pandolfi had tried unsuccesfully for years to gain access to the DIA's remote-viewing program. He

was thwarted by Dale Graff and Jack Verona, who kept him off the clearance list in fears that Pandolfi

wnted to shut the program down. (Schnabel, Jim, Remote-Viewers: The Secret History of America's

Psychic Spies, Dell, 1997, pg 347)

Reportedly friends with John Alexander.


Executive Director of TACP -Technology Assisted Counter Poaching Network (1911 N. Fort Myer

Drive, Suite 408, Arlington, VA 22209. Voice: 703-243-6613, Fax: 703-243-6619, Website, "Dr. Ron Pandolfi is a senior project director with broad expertise on the

most advanced surveillance technologies supporting law enforcement and national security issues."

TACP utilizes ground-sensor technology to detect poachers.

Sen. Clairborne Pell

Senator from Rhode Island. Member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Club of Rome.

Along with Charlie Rose, Pell is one of Washington's biggest supporters of psychic research.

In1988, he introduced a bill to get government funding for the new age group the National Committee

on Human Resources (Al Gore was a co-sponsor). On the advisory board of the International

Association of Near-Death Studies and on the board of the Institute of Noetic Sciences and the Human

Potential Foundation.

1987, was given a demonstration by Uri Geller. James "The Amazing" Randi was supposedly able

to duplicate his feats using trickery. Geller claims to have helped Pell during one election campaign by

beaming positive energy at him.

For 7 years, he employed C.B. Scott Jones as an aide. (Gardner, Martin, "Clairborne Pell: The

Senator From Outer Space", Skeptical Inquirer, March/April 1996) Chairman of the Foreign Relations

Committee. Pell was a close friend of BCCI figure Clark Clifford.

(Truell, Peter and Gurwin, Larry, False Profits, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1992, pg 240)

Michael Persinger

"When he was still with the Navy, Dr. Byrd was the contract manager for some of the research

Michael Persinger did on "neuro-impacts" of various EMFs and ELFs. Something about wave-


propagation and influences on submariners if somebody 'beeped' them with mind-influencing EMF

signals, etc."

"He was previously funded by Navy, and is/was a big buddy of C.B. Jones (Jones says) and other

government signal propagation experts...for whom Persinger does/did work on "receptivity" and neuro-

effects of external signals." (Farley, Dick, "False Memory Spindrome")

"..did research on the effects of electromagnetic radiation on the brain for a Peentagon weapons


Former boss - Jack Verona

(Brandt, Daniel, Mind Control and the Secret State)

"My research has not been 'funded by U.S. interests'. All of the money for our human research for

the last 30 years has been from my personal income as a professor. The only funding ($10,000) we ever

obtained from the U.S. was from the U.S. Navy -- thanks to Eldon Byrd -- to evaluate the effects of 0.5

Hz rotating magnetic fields upon the degranulation of mast cells in the rat brain. The effect was small

but statistically significant." (Letter to Wes Thomas, 1/6/99)

Persinger feels that he is able to replicate alien abduction and other supernatural phenomena

through the use of 3 solenoids (attached to a modified motorcycle helmet) passing a magnetic pulse

through the frontal lobes of the brain.

Solenoids are called "magnetic coils" by psychiatrists, who use them as a non-intrusive alternative to

implantable electrodes for stimulating the brain. (see Hallett, Mark and Cohen, Leonardo, "Magnetism: a

New Method for Stimulation of Nerve and Brain", JAMA, 7/28/89, pg 530)

By controlling the nature of the magnetic fields, causing them to simulate brain patterns, Persinger is

able to stimulate strong emotions and hallucinations including the illusion of touch and movement.

(Blackmore, Susan, "Alien Abduction: The Inside Story", New Scientist, 11/19/94, pg 29-31. Persinger

is shown demonstrating this device on the British TV show Horizon entitled "Close Encounters" written

and narrated by Susan Blackmore. For their efforts, both Persinger and Blackmore have been accused of

being in the Aviary.)

In his studies of the paranormal and false memory, Persinger has used the Monroe Institute's

hemisync tapes. There are several problems that I have with this and other studies:

Persinger doesn't mention brain entrainment in reference to the Hemisync tapes. (Brain entrainment

is the process in which strobe lights or binaural beats force the brain into copying the frequency of the

stimuli, changing the state of brainwave patterns). Persinger feels that the tapes work by intorducing the

left brain into the right. The left brain is a stranger to the right, causing the subject to feel a "sense of

presence" (i.e., the feeling that there is a person or spirit next to the subject, which Persinger feels can

lead to an illusion of aliens or religious experiences). Problem is, the two halves of the brain aren't

strangers, and the corpus callosum passes informtion between them within milliseconds.

Persinger also doesn't adequately explain how the ELF (extremely low frequency) electrical

emissions caused by earthquakes and magnetic storms can cause the complex reactions replicated by his

solenoid experiments. Persinger has done extensive testing on the psychological effects of ELF waves,

and I have not seen any that came close to the experiences of Susan Blackmore.


In an attempt to describe how ELF waves can cause hallucinations, he refers to experiments done by

Allen Frey who discovered that some people could hear radar inside their heads. Problem is, Frey was

working with microwaves -- not ELF waves. The two are literally miles apart.

On the Board of Advisors for the False Memory Syndrome Foundation. Informal advisor to SRI's

remote-viewing program.

Author of:

"On the Possibility of Directly Accessing Every Human Brain by Electromagnetic Induction of

Fundamental Algorithms", Perceptual and Motor Skills, 6/95, 80, 791-799

● Cult Mania 1980

● ELF and VLF Electromagnetic Field Effects, 1974

● Neuropsychological Bases of God Beliefs, 1987

● The Paranormal, 1974 (Two parts)

● Space-Time Transients and Unusual Events, 1977

● TM and Cult Mania, 1980

● The Weather Matrix and Human Behavior, 1980 LI>Click here for a more extensive


Pat Price

Former police commissioner and vice-mayor of Burbank. After participating in an early SCANATE

experiment, Price joined the remote viewing program at SRI. He died in 1975. (Targ, Russell and

Puthoff, Harold E, Mind-Reach, Delacorte Press, 1977, Chapter 3)

See the article below for the circumstances surrounding Price's death.

(Milner, Terry, "The Death of Pat Price", excerpt from an upcoming book)

Scientologist at OT Level IV. Former security guard at Lockheed's Skunk Works. Widely

considered to be the best of the remote-viewers, and the only one that could reportedly read numbers and

words while viewing.

Price has several unusual beliefs, including the idea that he could control the weather and alter traffic

signals with his mind. He also believed that aliens had established bases on Mars and under the Earth's

surface. (Schnabel, Jim, Remote-Viewers: The Secret History of America's Psychic Spies, Dell, 1997,

pg 117-8)

In the fall of 1974, Price left SRI to fill a position as president of a Huntington, WV coal company

(which had Scientology connections). During this time, he worked directly for the CIA with Ken Kress

as his handler. (Schnabel, 1997, pg 275-6)


In July, 1975, Price decided to quit his position with the coal company and return to SRI. He

stopped at Las Vegas on his return trip and died of a heart attack in his hotel room. There was no

autopsy peformed, allegedly due to the persuasion of an unknown individual with a briefcase full of

Price's medical records. Since then, there have been rumors circulating that Price had been murdered by

the KGB or that he faked his death and continued to work for the CIA. (Schnabel, 1997, pg 181-3)

Andrija Puharich

Born 1918. Received medical degree from Northwestern University in 1947. Reportedly a friend of

Aldous Huxley.

1952 - had first contact with "the Nine" (the highest minds in the Universe) through a medium.

(Gardner, Martin, Science: Good, Bad, and Bogus, Prometheus Books, 1981, pg 275)

Served in the Army in the early 1950s.

1952 - presented the paper "An Evaluation of the Possible Uses of Extrasensory Perception in

Psychological Warfare" at a secret Pentagon meeting.

1953 - Lectured the Air Force on telepathy, and the staff of the Army Chemical Center on the

"Biological Foundations of Extrasensory Perception".

(McRae, Ronald, Mind Wars, St. Martin's Press, 1984, pg 79)

From 1948-58, was the director of research of the Round Table Foundation of Glen Cove, Maine.

Was Ira Einhorn's mentor in the paranormal. Ira claimed that Puharich "was doing LSD work for

the CIA in 1954".

Set a medical lab to study psychic phenomena. Helped form the Intelectron Corporation which sold

his hearing aids. One of Puharich's hearing aids is called the "tooth radio", which is literally implanted

inside of a person's tooth and is used by magicians in telepathy acts.

1968 - "I was doing research in connection with the Atomic Energy Commission." Met Einhorn. (Levy,

Steven, The Unicorn's Secret, Prentice Hall Press, 1989, pg 128-30)

"Discovered" Uri Geller and brought him to America. Puharich, in his book Uri claims that Geller

received his power from an alien force called the Hoovians. This lost him some credibility, and Geller

began to distance himself from Puharich. (Levy 131-2)

According to Gardner's account, in Uri, Puharich hypnotizes Geller, and Geller reveals more of the

Nine's plans. They have authority over the Hoovians, which are the Controllers of various planetary

civilizations. A city-sized spaceship called Spectra hovers over the Earth and sends messages from the


Hoovians light-years away to their super-computers to Geller, who is their emissary on Earth.

(Gardener, pg 276)

Mid-70s: ran a complex in Ossining called the Turkey Farm. In the summer of 1975, Puharich

assembled around 20 children from the ages of 9 to late teens called "Gellerlings" or "Space Kids".

Puharich trained their psychic abilities and claimed that they received messages from aliens. One teen

claimed that they practiced remote-viewing, and some of their assignments included political targets like

the Kremlin and the White House. (Levy, pg 165-7)

Puharich has claimed that the Space Kids are able to materialize objects like trees, and that 6 of them

arrived at his ranch via teleportation. (Gardener, pg 287)

It was also during this time that Puharich did experiments on the effects of ELF radiation on the

central nervous system.

Part of Einhorn's "psychic mafia". Presented a paper on the Space Kids at the "Mind Over Matter"

conference at Penn State University, late January, 1977 organized by Einhorn. Other attendees included

Christopher Bird and Thomas Bearden. (Levy, pg 189)

Around 1978, Puharich's Turkey Farm burnt down as a result of arson and Puharich disappeared. A

suspect in the arson was a Space Kid who claimed that aliens were harassing him. Puharich implicated

the CIA. (Levy, pg 218-20)

Claims to have been the target of 4 assassination attempts by the CIA. As of 1989, he lived in North

Carolina. (Levy, pg 348)

Andrijah Puharich died in 1995. See Terry Milner's series "Ratting out Puharich" for a more

complete account and for details on Puharich's possible links to biological experiments.

Author of:

● Sacred Mushroom

● Beyond Telepathy, Anchor, 1973

● Uri

● "Psychic Research and the Healing Process", in Mitchell, Edgar, Psychic Exploration, G.P.

Putnam's Sons, 1974

● "Protocommunication", in Parapsychology Today: A Geographic View, 1973

Harold "Hal" Puthoff

Born 6/20/36. BS and MS in electrical engineering from the University of Florida. After graduating,

Puthoff served in the Army on duty with the NSA at Fort Meade, Maryland. There, he worked as an

engineer with Project Light which studied fiber optics, lasers, and high-speed computers (very cutting

edge at the time). After leaving, he invented the tunable infra-red laser.


(McRae, Ronald, Mind Wars, St. Martin's Press, 1984, pg 92-3)

According to author Jim Schnabel (and confirmed by Dr. Puthoff), he served at the NSA in the early

1960's during his tour with the Navy (not the Army as McRae reported above) and later stayed on as a


(Schnabel, Jim, Remote-Viewers: The Secret History of America's Psychic Spies, Dell, 1997, pg 97)

Joined SRI in 1971 as a specialist in laser physics. Worked for the previous 8 years in the

Microwave Laboratory at Stanford University. Served as an officer in the Navy from 1960-63 at Ft.


(Mitchell, Edgar, Psychic Exploration, G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1974, pg 522)

Head of the SRI remote-viewing program, 1972-85. After he left, Puthoff was replaced with Ed May.

Former Naval Intelligence Officer.

(Puthoff, Harold, "CIA-Initiated Remote-Viewing Program at Stanford Research Institute", Journal

of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 10, No. 1, Spring 1996)

"Dr. Harold E. Puthoff is Director of the Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin. A theoretical and

experimental physicist specializing in fundamental electrodynamics, his research ranges from theoretical

studies of quantum vacuum states as they apply to the stability of matter, gravitation, cosmology, and

energy research to laboratory studies of innovative approaches to energy generation. A graduate of

Stanford University in 1967, he has published over 30 technical papers in the areas of electron-beam

devices, lasers, and quantum Zero-Point Energy effects, has patents issued and pending in the laser,

communications, and energy fields, and is co-author of a textbook Fundamentals of Quantum

Electronics (Wiley, 1969), published in English, French and Russian.

"Dr. Puthoff's professional background includes engineering work at General Electric and Sperry;

3½ years with the U.S. Department of Defense where his work on high-speed opto-electronic computers

resulted in the award of a DoD Certificate of Commendation for Outstanding Performance; post-doc

appointments at Stanford University as Research Associate, Ginzton Laboratories, and Lecturer, Dept.

of Electrical Engineering; Director of the Cognitive Sciences Program at SRI International for over a

decade where he was responsible for large-scale, innovative, government-funded research programs; and

since 1985, Director of the Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin.

"Puthoff regularly serves various government agencies, the Executive Branch, and Congress as

consultant on leading-edge technologies and future technology trends; is a member and officer of several

professional organizations (NY Academy of Sciences, Amer. Assoc. for the Advancement of Science,

Amer. Physical Soc., Soc. for Scientific Exploration); is listed in American Men and Women of Science,

Who's Who in Science and Engineering, Who's Who in the South and Southwest and in Who's Who in

the World; and has been designated a Fetzer Fellow (1991)."

(Biography provided by Dr. Puthoff)

He is claimed to have been at OT (Operating Thetan) Level III with the Church of Scientology at

the time of the experiments. He wrote the preface to Scientology: a Religion, and was married in a

Scientology church. "Puthoff says his involvement with the church more than a decade ago was casual."

(McRae, 1984, pg 108)

Puthoff joined the Church in the 1960s and left in the mid-1970s. After leaving, he lent support to a

group that criticized the Church. It was during an LA training seminar that he met Pat Price, who later

worked at SRI. (Schnabel, Jim, Remote-Viewers: The Secret History of America's Psychic Spies, Dell,

1997, pg 198-200)


According to Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird in The Secret Life of Plants, while at SRI

Puthoff did experiments with chicken eggs. Using an e-meter (invented by L. Ron Hubbard and used in

the practices of Scientology), he attempted to see if an egg would react if another was broken nearby.

(Tompkins, Peter and Bird, Christopher, The Secret Life of Plants, Harper and Row, 1973, pg 29)

Since the early 1970s, Puthoff had been a part-time paid consultant to Bill Church regarding

alternative fuel sources. At Puthoff's urging, Church developed a company (Jupiter Technologies) to

research Zero-Point Energy. In the summer of 1985 after giving only 2 weeks notice, Puthoff left SRI to

work for Church full time.

(Schnabel, Jim, 1997, pg 323)

Currently with the Institute of Advanced Studies at Austin, 4030 W Braker Ln, Suite 300, Austin,

TX 78759 and president of Earthtech International at the same address here for Earthtech's home page.

His current work is involved with quantum physics, Zero-Point Energy, and electrogravitics.

Puthoff is working with Robert Bigelow and his National Institute of Discovery Science. He

posted a NIDS mission statement on USENET in March, 1996.

(What's New at Area 51 and Ufomind: 9/96 Part I) (What's New at Area 51 and Ufomind: 9/96

Part II)

"Aviary", codename: Owl

Author of:

● "CIA-Initiated Remote-Viewing Program at Stanford Research Institute", Journal of

Scientific Exploration, Vol. 10, No. 1, Spring 1996

● Targ, Russell and Puthoff, Harold E, Mind-Reach, Delacorte Press, 1977

● Targ, Russell and Puthoff "Information Transmission Under Conditions of Sensory

Shielding", Nature, 10/18/74, v252, n5476, pp 602-607

● Targ, Russell and Puthoff, Harold E, "The Record: Eight Days With Uri Geller", published in:

Panati, Charles, ed., The Geller Papers, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1976

● Targ, Russell and Puthoff, Harold E, "Experiments With Uri Geller", published in: Panati,

Charles, ed., The Geller Papers, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1976

● Puthoff, Harold E., Targ, Russell, & May, Edwin C. "Experimental psi research: implication for

physics," The Role of Consciousness in the Physical World, ed. Robert G. Jahn, Westview,

1981, pp. 37-86

● H.E. Puthoff, "Ground State of Hydrogen as a Zero-Point-Fluctuation-Determined State," Phys.

Rev. D, vol 35, p 3266 (1987).

● H.E. Puthoff, "Zero-Point Fluctuations of the Vacuum as the Source of Atomic Stability and the

Gravitational Interaction, "Proc. of the British Soc. for the Philosophy of Science Intern'l Conf.

"Physical Interpretations of Relativity Theory," Imperial College, London, ed. M. C. Duffy

(Sunderland Polytechnic, 1988).

● H.E. Puthoff, "Gravity as a Zero-Point-Fluctuation Force," Phys. Rev. A 39, 2333 (1989); Phys.

Rev A, vol 47, p 3454 (1993).

● H.E. Puthoff, "On the Source of Vacuum Electromagnetic Zero-Point Energy," Phys. Rev. A, vol

40, p 4857 (1989); Errata and Comments, Phys. Rev. A 44, 3382, 3385 (1991).

● H.E. Puthoff, "Everything for Nothing," New Sci., vol 127, p 52 (28 July 1990).


● H.E. Puthoff, "The Energetic Vacuum: Implications for Energy Research," Spec. in Sci. and

Technology, vol 13, p 247 (1990).

● H.E. Puthoff, "Zero-Point Energy: An Introduction," Fusion Facts, vol 3, No. 3, p 1 (1991).

● H.E. Puthoff, "On the Feasibility of Converting Vacuum Electromagnetic Energy to Useful Form,"

Intern'l Workshop on the Zero-Point Electromagnetic Field," Cuernavaca, Mexico, March 29 -

April 2, 1993.

● D.C. Cole and H.E. Puthoff, "Extracting Energy and Heat from the Vacuum," Phys. Rev. E, vol 48,

p 1562 (1993). See also Fusion Facts, vol 5, No. 3, p 1 (1993).

● B. Haisch, A. Rueda, and H.E. Puthoff, "Inertia as a Zero-Point Field Lorentz Force," Phys. Rev.

A, vol 49, p 678 (1994). See also Science, vol 263, p 612 (1994).

● B. Haisch, A. Rueda, and H.E. Puthoff, "Beyond E=mc2," The Sciences (NY Acad. of Sciences),

vol 34, p 26 (Nov/Dec 1994).

● H.E. Puthoff, "SETI, The Velocity-of-Light Limitation, and the Alcubierre Warp Drive: An

Integrating Overview," Physics Essays, vol 9, p 156 (1996).

● B. Haisch, A. Rueda, and H.E. Puthoff. "Physics of the Zero-Point Field: Implications for Inertia,

Gravitation and Mass," Spec. in Sci. and Technology (in press, 1996).

● H.E. Puthoff, "Space Propulsion: Can Empty Space Itself Provide a Solution?" Ad Astra, vol 9

(National Space Society), p 42 (Jan/Feb 1997).

● H.E. Puthoff, "Condensed-Charge Technology," Technical briefing package, including vugraphs

and videotape, presented to numerous government agencies and panels, corporations, and

academic colloquia, 1987 - present.

● Puthoff, Harold E. (1989). "Source of vacuum electromagnetic zero-point energy," Physical

Review A, 40.9

Interview with possible Roswell witness on 07 January 1993

Dean Radin

Currently director of the Consciousness Research Division, University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

<Click> here for their home page.

"AT&T Bell Laboratories, Columbus, Ohio. I did research and development on human-computer

interfaces in national and global telecommunications systems, medical information systems, network

control centers, and also some parapsychological research."

"Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey. I was Director of a multidisciplinary group interested

in aspects of human information processing. I was also a scientist within the Psychology Department

where I did research on parapsychological phenomena."

Radin also worked with GTE, the Koestler Unit of Parapsychology, and with the program at SRI.

(Dean Radin Home Page)


"I took a leave of absence from Bell Labs in 1985 and spent that entire year at SRI International,

working with Hal Puthoff and Ed May. Since then, I spent about half my time in academia (Princeton,

Edinburgh, UNLV) and half in industry (Contel Technology Center, GTE Labs). My academic research

was exclusively on psi phenomena, and my industrial research included about 20% on psi."

"I'm not in favor of developing or using psi for any military purposes. But unfortunately, there are

those in the World who would use psi as a weapon if they could. Thus, I reluctantly suppose that R&D

on psi for intelligence and possibly military purposes can be justified for defensive reasons. It would be

naive to think that someone somewhere is not working on this right now."

(Interview with the RetroPsychoKinesis Project)

Radin is currently working with <>Joe McMoneagle in a project involved with remote-viewing

future technology.

(Compuserve On Line Conversation w/ Joe McMoneagle, 1/4/96)

Radin was once funded in part by Robert Bigelow's Bigelow Foundation. But according to Glenn

Campbell, Bigelow stopped funding him after disputes over funding and academic freedom(What's

New at Area 51 and Ufomind: 9/96 Part I) (What's New at Area 51 and Ufomind: 9/96 Part II).

On 9/17/95, Radin posted a want-ad on USENET:

"Private, well-funded institute seeks a director for an innovative, long-term program of

scientific and scholarly research on UFOs and related phenomena..."

"This is a full time position located at the institute's new headquarters in Las Vegas, NV

near the University of Nevada (UNLV). The institute also supports a major research

program on anomalies of human consciousness."

Applications were to be sent to the Bigelow Foundation.

UNLV professor explores the link between mind and matter

On the board of advisors for "Subtle Energies: An International Journal of Energetic and Informational".

Author of:

● Mental Influence on Machine-Generated Random Events: Six Experiments, Journal of

Parapsychology, 1983

● 1993 Presidental Address to the Parapsychological Association

● "Searching for "signatures" in anomalous human-machine interaction research: A neural network

approach", Journal of Scientific Exploration,1989, 3, 185-200

● Radin, D.I. & Nelson, R.D., "Evidence for consciousness-related anomalies in random physical

systems", Foundations of Physics, 1989, 19, 1499-1514

● Radin, D.I., Taylor, R.K., & Braud, W.G., "Remote mental influence of human electrodermal

activity: A preliminary replication", The Parapsychological Association 36th


Convention: Proceedings of Presented Papers,1993, 12-23

● "Beyond Belief: Exploring Interactions Among Mind, Body and Environment", Subtle Energies,

vol 2, #3,1991

● "Environmental Modulation and Statistical Equilibrium in Mind-Matter Interaction", Subtle

Energies, vol 4, #1, 1993


● Radin, Dean I. & Rebman, Jannine M., "Lunar Correlates of Normal, Abnormal and Anomalous

Human Behavior", Subtle Energies, vol 5, #3, 1994

● "On complexity and pragmatism", Journal of Scientific Exploration, 1994, 8 (4), 523-534

Dean Radin is the moving force behind one of the largest online remote-viewing/ESP tests ever.

This is what he has to say about it:

"As of April 25th

, we have recorded a total of 2.1 million trials, contributed by over

14,000 participants from 92 countries. In these tests, we were interested in searching for

possible psi talent; for testing hypotheses about individual personality, belief and

environmental factors vs. psi performance; and for examining some ideas about perception

through time."

For 16 years, Dean Radin has conducted experimental studies of psi phenomena in academia and

industry including appointments at Princeton University, University of Edinburgh, University of

Nevada, and SRI International. At the latter, he was a research scientist on a classified program of psi

research. Prior to becoming President of the Boundary Institute, he was in charge of a psi research

program at Interval Research Corporation in Palo Alto, California.

Dean Radin earned a BSEE magna cum laude in electrical engineering with honors from the

University of Massachusetts, Amherst and an MS in electrical engineering and PhD (1979) in

educational psychology -- both from the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana. For 10 years, he

was a member of technical staff at AT&T Bell Laboratories, and later a principal member of the

technical staff at GTE Laboratories where he was engaged in R&D on a wide variety of advanced

telecommunications products and systems.

(also see Manning, Mary, The Scientific Edge broken link [check for article], Las Vegas Sun)

Mind Frontiers Tuesday, April 15, 1997 By Natalie Patton Las Vegas Review-Journal, 4/15/97)

Elizabeth Rauscher

The Speed of Thought: Investigation of a Complex Space-Time Metric to Describe Psychic

Phenomena Abstract: Elizabeth will present a paper co-authored by Russell Targ submitted for

publication to The Journal of Scientific Exploration.

For more than 100 years, scientists have attempted to determine the truth or falsity of

claims that some people are able to describe and experience events or information blocked

from ordinary perception. For the past 25 years, the authors of this paper -- together with

researchers in laboratories around the World -- have carried out experiments in remote-

viewing. The evidence for this mode of perception (or direct knowing of distant events and

objects) has convinced us of the validity of these claims. It has been widely observed that

the accuracy and reliability of this sensory awareness do not diminish with either


electromagnetic shielding, nor with increases in temporal or spatial separation between the

percipient and the target to be described. Modern physics describes such a time and space

independent connection between percipient and target as "nonlocal".

In this paper, we present a geometrical model of space-time which has already been

extensively studied in the technical literature of mathematics and physics. This 8-

dimensional metric is known as "complex Minkowski space" and has been shown to be

consistent with our present understanding of the equations of Newton, Maxwell, Einstein,

and Schrödinger. It also has the interesting property of allowing a connection of zero

distance between points in the complex manifold, which appear to be separate from one

another in ordinary observation. We propose a model that describes the major elements of

experimental parapsychology and at the same time is consistent with the present highly

successful structure of modern physics.

Dr. Elizabeth A. Rauscher was associated with the University of California, Berkeley, CA (UCB)

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) from 1964 until 1979 -- first as a graduate student and

then as a research staff member. From 1964 until 1966, she was with the theoretical nuclear science

division; and from 1966-1969, with the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) Theoretical

Nuclear, Plasma and Astrophysical Program. From 1969 until 1974, she was associated with the

theoretical particle physics group; and from 1974 until 1977, she was associated with the Nuclear

Science Theoretical and experimental Bevatron accelerator program. From 1977 until 1979, she was on

staff with the Nuclear Physics G.T. Seaborg research group.

Dr. Rauscher held concurrent invited positions at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC)

from 1971 to 1972 and was a consultant of the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) Radio Physics

Laboratory 1974-1977 in theoretical relativistic physics. She also held a Navy grant from 1970-1974

through U.C. Berkeley, and she also held an Air Force consulting position in 1979 on antennae theory.

In 1979 and 1989, she was a delegate to the United Nations on long-term energy sources and

environmental issues. As a consultant and adjunct professor at the University of Nevada, she conducted

theoretical research and advised experimental programs on fast light ion-atom collisions (primarily

Helium) to calculate high resolution extreme ultraviolet (EUV) emission cross sections 1990-1995 in

which she worked with faculty and graduate students in completing their graduate programs. From

1997-1999, she conducted research on generalized quantum theory and relativistic invariance under a

Stanford Engineering research grant.

Dr. Rauscher has been a delegate to the United Nations in 1979 and 1989 and a research consultant

to NASA (1983-1985), a staff researcher at Stanford Research Institute, SRI International (1974-1977)

and held a Stanford University Grant, 1997-1999. She has conducted extensive consulting research and

invited lectures in the USA, England, Europe, Japan, Korea, India, Africa, South America, Canada,

Mexico, and Bermuda. She has published over 200 papers and4 books. She holds 3 U.S. patents and 1

European patent with Dr. W.L. Van Bise. Co-authored with Dr. William L. Van Bise a number of

research papers on electromagnetic phenomena and geophysical activity, and is a co-author on a U.S.

patent on an extremely sensitive magnetometer to measure the fluctuation in electromagnetic fields

associated with and prior to earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and ionospheric disturbances. Besides

developing some design features of the magnetometer system, data analysis, and statistical analysis, she

has developed geoelectric and geomagnetic theoretical models. She and Dr. Van Bise are conducting

extensive research into geophysical phenomena at the Electromagnetic Laboratories of Arizona, U.S.

Dr. Rauscher is a member of American Physical Society, The Mathematical Society of America, The

American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Nuclear Society, Institute of

Electronic and Electrical Engineers, International Society for the Study of Energy Medicine, American


Associates of Medical Instruments and American Association of Mathematics. She has been recognized

for her major contributions in Marquis Who's Who of Men and Women in Science, Golden State Who's

Who in the West, Who's Who in California, Who's Who in Technology Today, Leading Consultants in

Technology, who's Who Historical Society, Men of Achievement, Community Leaders of America,

Who's Who of American Inventors, World Leadership Award (England), Outstanding Teachers Award,

Award for Significant Research Joint ABC/USA, DOE top ten women in USA in science sward, USPA

Leaders of America Life Time Membership Award, lota Sigma Pi fellow, Delta Delta Delta scholarships

at UCB. She graduated with honors and presidential Commendation for service to the University of

California, Berkeley. She has received numerous honors.

Mel Riley

Military remote-viewer at Ft. Meade, 1978-90. A remote-viewing session with Riley monitored by

Ed Dames was shown in the video "Psi-Files: The Real X-Files", written and narrated by Jim Schnabel.

Riley left the Army in 1991 and lives in Wisconsin, where he is considered to be an expert in

American Indian culture. He says that he now remote-views constantly.

Riley is part of Lyn Buchanan's Assigned Wittness Program. Richard Heinberg identifies him as

being a remote viewer for 20 years, and a curator of a museum for Native American history.

(Heinberg, Richard, "Memoirs of a Psychic Spy", Intuition Magazine, #13, 10/96)

Riley joined the operational unit beginning with 'Gondola Wish' and continued through 'Grill

Flame' until he was reassigned to Wiesbaden, Germany in 1981 where he served in an aerial

reconnaissance unit. He returned to the remote-viewing unit in the summer of 1986.

(Schnabel, Jim, Remote-Viewers: The Secret History of America's Psychic Spies, Dell, 1997, pg 309)

Laurance Rockefeller

Provided original funding to the Human Potential Foundation and funnels hundreds of thousands

of dollars through them to John Mack and his research.

Supporter of the Green Earth Foundation, headed up by Terrance "DMT Elves" McKenna.

(Chevalier, Remy, "When Cosmic Cultures Meet", Paranoia, Issue 10, pg 11)

Reportedly, Rockefeller has stopped funding Mack. He continues to fund PEAR (Princeton

Engineering Anomalies Research) and is a Funding Advisor to the Joseph Campbell Foundation. He

also funds the Starlight Coalition, which claims membership of several former government and military

personnel who want to end government secrecy on UFOs.

See also: Constantine, Alex, "Who is Laurance Rockefeller?"


Charlie Rose

Congressional Democrat from North Carolina and one of the bigger supporters of the government

remote-viewing program.

Friends with Ingo Swann and Jack Verona. (Schnabel, Jim, Remote-Viewers: The Secret History

of America's Psychic Spies, Dell, 1997, pg 271)

Was friends with Ira Einhorn.

(Constantine, Alex, "Rep. Charlie Rose, BNL, and the 'Occult'")

Jack Sarfatti

(Jack has the hat on)

Physicist. Founding director of the Physics/Consciousness Research Group. President, Internet

Science Education Project.

Sarfatti Group, 1714 Stockton St Suite 100 San Francisco, CA 94133

As a child in 1952, Sarfatti claims to have received phone calls from the mechanical voice of a

conscious computer aboard a spaceship, recruiting him along with 400 others for some special project.

These calls have similarities to the mechanical voice which talked to Andrijah Puharich via his tape

recorder. Sarfatti was later associated with Puharich.

Director of a physics program at the Esalen Institute. He's been funded by Werner Erhard and

Jean Lanier, a friend of Laurance Rockefeller. (Sarfatti, Jack, "The Parsifal Effect", The Destiny

Matrix is available at and Sarfatti met with

Puharich, Uri Geller, and Ira Einhorn at Puharich's Ossining ranch. Einhorn acted as a literary agent

for Sarfatti, and brought him to Esalen.

(Sarfatti, Jack, "In the Thick of It")

"I was then simply a young inexperienced naive 'useful idiot' in a very very

sophisticated and successful covert psychological warfare operation run by the late

Brendan O. Regan of the Institute of Noetic Sciences and the late Harold Chipman who

was the CIA station chief responsible for all mind-control research in the Bay Area in the

70's. Chipman (aka "Orwell") funded me openly for awhile in 1985 when he was allegedly

no longer in the CIA and covertly before that, and told me much of the story. In fact, he

even introduced me to a beautiful woman adventurer-agent who was one of his RV subjects

who later became my live-in 'significant other'."


(Sarfatti, Jack, "Quantum Quackers")

Some of the topics Sarfatti has researched:

● Orpheus in North Beach

● The God Phone

● In The Thick of it.

● Herb Gold's book, Bohemia

● Matter, Mind and God

(and are documented on his website) include quantum physics, remote-viewing, reverse causality (i.e.,

"time travel"), and exotic propulsion systems.

Author of:

● "The Case for Superluminal Information Transfer", MIT Technology Review, vol 79, #5, 1977, pg


● "The Physical Roots of Consciousness", in Mishlove, J, The Roots of Consciousness, Random

House, 1975, pp 279

● "Reply to Bohm-Hiley", Psychoenergetic Systems, Gordon & Breach, 2, 1976, pg 1-8

[StealthSkater note: more on Dr. Sarfatti is at doc pdf URL ]

Stephan Schwartz

Former Navy officer and psychic researcher. Schwartz helped procure a submarine for a July 1977

experiment with SRI. These experiments included some on behalf of Dale Graff of the Air Force.

(Schnabel, Jim, Remote-Viewers: The Secret History of America's Psychic Spies, Dell, 1997, pg 207)

Research associate with the Cognitive Sciences Laboratory.

Dr. Igor Smirnov

Smirnov gave a series of closed meetings in Northern Virginia (starting on 3/17/93) to the FBI, CIA,

DIA, and ARPA concerning Russian developments with a device that allegedly implanted thoughts in a


subject's mind. The FBI was considering using this device to implant the voice of God in David

Koresh's mind -- telling him to surrender.

Other non-intelligence participants included Dr. Christopher Green and Dr. Richard Nakamura of

the National Institute of Health [I think he may now be the director].

This technology was supposedly used by the Russians against civilians in Afghanistan and possibly

on the Red Army to prepare them for battle.

The American rights to this technology is owned by a Richmond, Virginia company called

Psycotechnologies Corp. (Defense Electronics, 7/93. Reprinted in Flatland #11)

As of 1994, Smirnov has worked at Moscow's Institute of Psycho-Correction using subliminal

technology as therapy for drug abusers and others. The Institute has been strapped for cash after the fall

of the Soviet Union, but it has refused to accept business from the Russian Mafia.

(Elliott, Dorinda and Barry, John, "A Subliminal Dr. Strangelove", Newsweek, 8/22/94, pg 57)

Has done work with the Human Potential Foundation and John Alexander.

[Note: I'm not sure how Smirnov's device is supposed to work. Later reports claim it would work using

inaudible, subliminal suggestions (spliced into phone conversations in the case of David Koresh). The

device is definitely supposed to make the subject "hear" voices as the FBI wanted to use Charlton

Heston as the voice of God. This is definitely a different strategy from other subliminal techniques,

which are designed to produce mere suggestions.]

Paul Smith


Captain Paul Smith joined the operational remote viewing unit at Ft. Meade in 1983. Before

joining, he was with an INSCOM operations unit in Germany.

(Schnabel, Jim, Remote-Viewers: The Secret History of America's Psychic Spies, Dell, 1997, pg 293)

"Paul served for 7 years in the government's remote-viewing program at Ft. Meade, MD (from

September 1983 to August 1990). During 1984, he became one of only a handful of government

personnel to be personally trained as coordinate remote-viewers by Ingo Swann at SRI-International.

Paul was the primary author of the government RV program's CRV training manual, and served as

theory instructor for new CRV trainee personnel as well as recruiting assessment officer and unit

security officer. He is credited with over a thousand training and operational remote-viewing sessions

during his time with the unit at Ft. Meade."

"Besides his tour at Ft. Meade, his military assignments included Arabic linguist, electronic warfare

operator, strategic intelligence officer for a special operations unit, Mid-East desk officer, tactical


intelligence officer with the 101st Airborne Division during Desert Shield and Storm, strategic

intelligence officer in the Collection Directorate of the Defense Intelligence Agency, and chief of the

intelligence and security division for the Military District of Washington from which he retired in 1996."

(Buchanan, Lyn, "Mr. 'X' Revealed" Interview on the Art Bell Show 03-25-97 Remote Viewing's

Biggest Bugaboo:

How we come to think we know what really isn't so


Is it real, or is my mind just making it up? This is always the question remote-viewers

must ask themselves. Mental "noise" is the one thing that gets in the way of every attempt to

"be psychic". How can you tell the difference between noise and signal? Did you know that

there is psychological research that can help us understand this phenomenon... and that there

are ways to work around it when we can, and adapt to it when we cannot? Come hear one of

the leading teachers of remote-viewing explain what it is, what it ain't, and what you can do

about it!

Paul H. Smith Major, U.S. Army (ret.) is President and Chief Instructor for Remote-

Viewing Instructional Services, Inc., an Austin, Texas-based company providing training and

operational support for remote-viewing, was for 7 years a government remote-viewer,

working for the U.S. Army and the Defense Intelligence Agency. Paul was the chief

coordinate remote-viewing (CRV) theory instructor for the government program and was

primary author of the government CRV manual. He performed hundreds of operational

remote-viewing sessions as a government rv-er. Paul is Vice-President of the International

Remote-Viewing Association, and is chair of the organizing committee for the Year 2001

Remote-Viewing Conference.

Myron Stolaroff

(Myron Stolaroff & Albert Hoffman, May 2001, Switzerland)

Myron Stolaroff Albert Hoffman May 2001 Switzerland

Russian-born inventor. Founded Ampex, the first manufacturer of magnetic tape-recording

equipment, supposedly based on German equipment that Stolaroff acquired in WWII.

Stolaroff retired and concentrated on LSD research, founding the International Foundation for

Advanced Study and leading seminars at the Esalen Institute.

(Anderson, Walter Truett, The Upstart Spring, Addison-Wesley Publishing, 1983, pg 72)


"Stolaroff was born in Roswell, New Mexico on August 20, 1920. He received a B.A. and then, in

1942, a M.S. in Electrical Engineering from Stanford. After working for the Navy's Bureau of Ships

during World War II, he pioneered in the magnetic recording field at Ampex.

"He and others in 1960 opened the International Foundation for Advanced Studies, researching LSD

and mescaline reactions until the mid-1960s. During the 1970s, he was general manager of Multi-Media

Productions in the San Francisco Bay area. Currently, he has retired to write." (Stafford, Peter,

Introduction to Psychedlic Musings)

Turned on to LSD by Alfred Hubbard, Stolaroff continued his studies privately after LSD and other

drugs were criminalized. During his latter days at Ampex, he tried to use LSD to stimulate the creativity

of the employees. He chronicles his experiences in Thanatos to Eros: 35 Years of Psychedelic

Exploration, Thaneros Press, 1994. Former director and current secretary of the Albert Hoffman

Foundation. Special consultant to the Heffter Research Institute.

Author of:

● "The Psychedelic Experience - A New Concept in Psychotherapy", Journal of Neuropsychiatry,


● "Clarifying the Confusion Regarding LSD-25", Journal of Nervous & Mental Diseases, 1965

● "Psychedelic Agents in Creative Problem-Solving: A Pilot Study", Psychological Reports, 1966

Reprinted in Tart, Charles, Altered States of Consciousness

● Thanatos to Eros: 35 Years of Psychedelic Exploration, Thaneros Press, 1994

● Are Psychedelics Useful in the Pratice of Buddhism?

Gen. Albert Stubblebine

Former head of the U.S. Army Intelligence & Security Command (INSCOM) 1981-84. Masters

degree in chemical engineering from Columbia. Signed classified contracts with the Monroe Institute.

(Emerson, Steven, Secret Warriors, G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1988, pg 103-4).

Stubblebine often met with [Panama dictator] Noriega while he was a U.S. intelligence asset.

(Emerson, 1988, pg 110-1)

Former boss of Col. John Alexander, and the two have held numerous "spoon-bending" parties.

Friends with Lyn Buchanan [according to a representative from PSI TECH, the two are not

friends]. Married to ufologist Rima Laibow.

(Porter, Tom, Government Research into ESP & Mind Control, March, 1996)

Soon after becoming head of INSCOM, Stubblebbine began a program called the "High

Performance Task Force" -- a series of methods to improve his officer's performance. These ranged


from the neuro-linquistic programming of Tony Robbins to the hemisynch tapes of the Monroe

Institute where Stubblebine often sent his officers. (Schnabel, Jim, Remote-Viewers: The Secret

History of America's Psychic Spies, Dell, 1997, pg 276)

The "spoon-bending parties" were initiated by West Coast defense industry consultant Jack Houck.

(Schnabel, 1997, pg 278)

Following an incident involving an officer having a psychotic episode at the Monroe Institute,

Stubblebine resigned in 1984. He was replaced by Major General Harry Soyster. (Schnabel, 1997, pg


"Formerly Vice-President for 'Intelligence Systems' of BDM of McClean, Virginia." As of 1992,

Chairman of PSI-TECH.

"Laibow, Stubblebine and ufologist Victoria Lacas (with [C.B. Scott] Jones in the shadows) toured

Europe and the Soviet Union, where they have established a prodigious UFO/Psi network."

(Durant, Robert J., "Will the Real Scott Jones Please Stand Up?")

Stubblebine gave a lecture at the International Symposium on UFO Research, sponsored by the

International Association for New Science in Denver, Colorado (May 22-25, 1992). This gives a good

example of Stubblebine's coherence (or lack there of) and paranoia (he often threatened to destroy the

tape). Stubblebine claimed that none of the members of the remote-viewing program had prior psychic

abilities or interests (all other sources state that they did).

Ingo Swann

New York artist and subject in many psychic experiments.

Swann served in the U.S. Army from 1955-8, primarily in the Far East and Korea. I don't know the

nature of his service, but he describes his work as being with the highest echelons of the military and he

retained a Top-Secret clearance from his tour of duty.

From 1958-68, he worked in the Secretariat of the United Nations. After leaving to pursue a career

in writing and art, he became involved in a circle of parapsychologists.

He has been a longtime friend of Robert Monroe of the Monroe Institute and began working with

Cleve Backster in September, 1971.

"At some point, I don't remember when exactly, Backster mentioned something along the

following lines:

'Boy, are the guys down at the CIA going to be interested in you!'"


(Swann, Ingo, Remote Viewing - The Real Story! (Insider Tales of America's Superpsychic Spies),


Ingo Swann heard about Hal Puthoff's proposal to study the basis of life processes through Cleve

Backster. Swann wrote Puthoff (3/30/72) and suggested that he research psychic abilities. Swann met

with Puthoff in June, 1972 (Targ, Russell and Puthoff, Harold E, Mind Reach, Delacorte Press, 1977, pg


Swann then became the subject for a series of remote viewing studies with Puthoff and Russell Targ

at SRI.

Swann came to California on 6/4/72 and to SRI 2 days later when he allegedly telekinetically

perturbed a shielded magnetometer. (Schnabel, Jim, Remote-Viewers: The Secret History of America's

Psychic Spies, Dell, 1997, pg 88-9)

Swann returned to SRI in October when he did some clairvoyance tests. Some of these tests were

observed by 2 CIA agents who set up a 8-month pilot program with SRI. Swann began this contract a

few days before Christmas, 1972.

(Schnabel, 1997, pg 97-99)

Swann left SRI in mid-August, 1973 when the CIA contract ran out. Reportedly, he left angry and

vowed never to return.

(Schnabel, 1997, pg 127-8)

After leaving SRI, Swann did some work with the American Society for Psychical Research and the

Maimonides Dream Laboratory. He also worked for Bill Keeler (chairman of Philips Petroleum) to try

to find oil deposits. After Pat Price left SRI, Swann returned in the fall of 1974 as a consultant with the

incentive of more money and creative freedom.

(Schnabel,1997, pg 173-4)

Through the late 1970s and early 80s, Swann developed a strict protocol for remote-viewing which

he used to train new Center Lane recruits in 1983. In the summer of 1984, Swann moved this training

course to New York.

(Schnabel, 1997, pg 305) According to author John Wilhelm, Swann was a Scientologist at OT Level

VII -- the highest level at the time. Reportedly, Swann helped establish Scientology's "Celebrity Center"

in Los Angeles. (Wilhelm, John, "Psychic Spying?", Washington Post 8/7/77, B1)

According to Peter Tomkins and Christopher Bird, Swann "attributes his success to techniques he

learned in Scientology". (Tompkins, Peter and Bird, Christopher, The Secret Life of Plants, Harper and

Row, 1973, pg 29)

Swann and Puthoff attended the First International Congress on Psychotronic Research in Prague,

Czechoslovakia. "Ingo was there to present a paper on the Scientology paradigm as model for

developing and exploring paranormal abilities." (Targ, Russell and Puthoff, Harold E, pg 42) This

paper is entitled "Scientological Techniques: A Modern Paradigm for the Exploration of Consciousness

and Psychic Integration" in Proceedings of the First International Congress on Psychotronic Research

(Virginia: U.S. Joint Publications Research Service, 9/6/74, Document No. JPRS L/5022-1)

Swann had previously stated that he would never work for intelligence agents for fear of his life (Uri

Geller has made similiar statments). He has recently stated that Puthoff never told him of the CIA


sponsorship of the SRI studies until 12/29/95, but that it was common knowledge around the lab.

(Swann, Ingo, "The Emergence of Project 'SCANATE'")

"In 1983, Ingo Swann -- under the direction of Dr. Harold Puthoff at SRI -- realized a breakthrough -

- i.e., he developed an accurate model of how the collective unconscious communicates (target)

information to conscious awareness. Swann believed that the ability to remote-view -- like language --

is an innate faculty -- a birthright -- but must be learned to be effective. Swann's model provided a rigid

set of instructions which theoretically allowed anyone to actually be trained to produce accurate,

detailed target data. To test the model, the Army sent Major [Ed] Dames and 5 others to Swann as a

prototype trainee group." Swann parted with this group in late 1983.

("Ed Dames Sets the Record Straight")

Friends with Rep. Charlie Rose.

(Schnabel, Jim, 1997, pg 271)

Swann left the program in 1988. He can be reached care of Thomas Burgin at

Author of:

● Remote Viewing - The Real Story! (Insider Tales of America's Superpsychic Spies): work in

progress, but the entire text is online!

● Here is a collection of statements by Swann after the remote-viewing "flap" of 1995.

● Your Nostradamus Factor, Simon & Schuster, 1993

● Star Fire

● Natural ESP

● To Kiss the Earth Goodbye

Russell Targ

"Russell Targ is a senior research physicist at Stanford Research Institute, having joined their

electronics and bioengineering laboratory in 1972. Prior to that, he spent 10 years in laser and plasma

physics research with Sylvania Corporation developing gas lasers... He is also president of the

Parapsychology Research Group, Inc. in Palo Alto, California."

(Mitchell, Edgar, Psychic Exploration, G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1974, pg 522-3)

Partner with Hal Puthoff in the SRI remote-viewing project (see SRI's page for more details.)

"I have had dealings with Andrija Puharich intermittently since 1965.."


"I could remember back to my own activities at 19 when I was earning money performing magic.."

(Targ & Puthoff, 1977, pg 137)

Brother-in-law of former World Chess Champion Bobby Fischer. Interestingly, one of Fischer's

opponents -- Boris Spassky -- claimed he lost a match because he was being beamed with confusion


(Becker, Robert and Selden, Gary, The Body Electric, Quill, 1985, pg 322)

"In May 1982, Elisabeth Targ and I (R.T.) were invited to hold a workshop at Esalen Institute for a

group of 25 professional men and women." This was part of a program with Stanislav Grof, who was

studying non-chemical alternatives for altered states of consciousness. The Targs' goal was to show that

psychic experiences did not require an altered state.

(Targ and Harary, pg 99)

In 1982, Targ left SRI and founded Delphi Associates with Keith Harary. Delphi Associates was a

consultancy which sought to apply psi to finding oil, gas, etc. Using Harary as a viewer, they claimed to

have successfully traded in the silver market.

(Targ and Harary, pg 176)

In Spring, 1982, Targ turned in a research report to his DIA contract manager at SRI, Jim Salyer.

Salyer and the DIA considered his work to be unprofessional and they soon refused to pay his salary.

Under SRI rules, Targ had 8 months to find new funding. In early 1983, he left SRI, reportedly

claiming that he left because he didn't like the military applications of psychic research.

(Schnabel, Jim, Remote-Viewers: The Secret History of America's Psychic Spies, Dell, 1997, pg 264)

After leaving SRI, he toured the World with Keith Harary including traveling to many Communist

countries (which made some in the DIA very nervous).

Before officially leaving SRI, Targ -- along with Harary and businessman Tony White -- founded

Delphi Associates. Their first project was to develop a psi-related game for Atari. But Atari went under

before the deal was completed. Delphi then went on to try to predict silver futures on the market. After

several reported successes, there were 2 misses which scared off their investor. Each blamed each other

for the failure, and the argument went public during a lecture Harary gave at the Esalen Institute. The

feud continued into the 1990s. (Schnabel, 1997, pg 264-6)

Russell Targ is now apparently working with Lockheed Martin Missiles & Space Co., where his

work deals with using lasers to determine wind patterns. In April, 1996, he co-chaired a session on

"Advanced Sensor Technologies" at the Aerospace/Defense Sensing and Controls conference. He is

also identified as being with the Bay Research Institute, 1010 Harriet St., Palo Alto, CA 94301 and was

involved with the Physics/Consciousness Research Group.

Author of:

● Targ, Russell and Harary, Keith, Mind Race, Villard Books, 1984

● Targ, Russell and Puthoff, "Information Transmission Under Conditions of Sensory

Shielding", Nature, 10/18/74, v252, n5476, pp 602-607

● Targ, Russell and Puthoff, Harold E, Mind-Reach, Delacorte Press, 1977

● Targ, E., Targ, R., & Lichtarge, O. "Real-time clairvoyance: A study of remote-viewing without

feedback", The Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 1985, 79, pg 493-500


● Targ, R. & Tart, C.T. "Pure clairvoyance and the necessity of feedback", The Journal of the

American Society for Psychical Research, 1985, 79, pg 485-492

● Puthoff, Harold E., Targ, Russell, & May, Edwin C. "Experimental psi research: implication for

physics," The Role of Consciousness in the Physical World, ed. Robert G. Jahn, Westview,

1981, pp. 37-86

● Targ, Russell (1994). "What I see when I close my eyes," Journal of Scientific Exploration, 8,1

(1994), p. 117

● Targ, Russell, "Remote-viewing replication: evaluated by concept analysis", Journal of

Parapsychology, 9/94, v58, n3, p271

Why I Teach Remote Viewing?

Abstract: Since ancient times, spiritual teachers have described paths and practices that a

person could follow to achieve health, happiness, and peace of mind. A considerable body of

recent research indicates that any kind of spiritual practice is likely to improve one's

prognosis for recovering from a serious illness. Many of these approaches to spirituality

involve learning to quiet the mind, rather than adhering to a prescribed religious belief. These

meditative practices are inherent aspects of Buddhism, Hinduism, mystical Christianity,

Kabalistic Judaism, Sufism, and other mystic paths.

What is indicated in the subtext of these teachings is that as one learns to quiet his-or-her

mind, one is likely to encounter psychic-like experiences or perceptions. For example, in

The Sutras of Patanjali, the Hindu master tells us that on the way to transcendence we may

experience many kinds of amazing visions such as the ability to see into the distance or into

the Future. And to diagnose illnesses, and also to cure them. However, we are admonished

not to become attached to these abilities -- that they are mere phenomena standing as

stumbling blocks on the path to enlightenment.

In this paper, I will describe my recent experience in teaching remote-viewing at 3

workshops in Italy in which we emphasize expanded awareness of who we are, rather than an

ability to find car keys and parking spaces. Our spiritual approach did not interfere with all 3

of these groups, demonstrating highly significant remote-viewing in a double-blind setting.

Russell Targ is a physicist and author who was a pioneer in the development of the laser, and co-

founder of the Stanford Research Institute's investigation into psychic abilities in the 1970s and 1980s.

He is co-author of Mind Reach: Scientists Look at Psychic Abilities and The Mind Race: Understanding

and Using Psychic Abilities. Targ recently retired from Lockheed Martin as a senior staff scientist

where he developed laser technology for peaceful applications. During the past few years, he co-

authored with Jane Katra Miracles of Mind: Exploring Non-local Consciousness and Spiritual Healing

and The Heart of the Mind: How to Experience God Without Belief. Russell is the President of the

International Remote-Viewing Association.


Charles Tart

<Click> here for a Charles Tart home page.

Studied electrical engineering at MIT and received a PhD in psychology from the University of

North Carolina. Taught humanistic and experimental psychology at the University of California, Davis.

Has served as Instructor in Psychiatry at the University of Virginia Medical School and as Lecturer in

Psychology at Stanford University. His work has dealt with parapsychology, sleep and dreaming,

hypnoisis, and psychoactive drugs.

(Tart, Charles, ed., Altered States of Consciousness, Anchor Books, 1969, inside cover)

Around 1979, SRI funded a project of Tart's which screened university students and faculty for

psychic ability.

(Schnabel, Jim, Remote-Viewers: The Secret History of America's Psychic Spies, Dell, 1997, pg 225-6)

Tart has taught at the California Institute of Integral Studies and has lead seminars at the Esalen


Tart is currently teaching at the University of Las Vegas as part of Robert Bigelow's Bigelow Chair

of Consciousness Studies.

(Patton, Natalie; "UNLV recruits authority in ESP", Las Vegas Review-Journal, 7/10/97)

Author of:

● editor, Altered States of Consciousness, Anchor Books, 1969

● Transpersonal Psychologies

● <Click> here for an extensive ftp archive

● A more complete bibliography can be found at Charles Tart's home page.

Ed Thompson

Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence (ACSI), U.S. Army, 1977-81. During this time, he was

briefed by SRI on the remote-viewing program. After having tried it himself, viewing a Masonic temple

near the target train station, Thompson set up Project 'Grill Flame' at Fort Meade.

Thompson left the Army in 1985 and is in retirement in Maine.

("Psi-Files: The Real X-Files", written and narrated by Jim Schnabel) Thompson was replaced as ACSI

in 1981 by Major Gen William Odom.

(Schnabel, Jim, Remote-Viewers: The Secret History of America's Psychic Spies, Dell, 1997, pg 54)


Jack Verona

Former nuclear physicist, high-ranking Pentagon scientist. Former head of the DIA's Scientific and

Technical Intelligence Directorate. In this capacity, he oversaw the funding and tasking of 'Grill

Flame'. Another project he oversaw (codenamed 'Sleeping Beauty') dealt with researching microwaves

and how they effect the human mind.

(Schnabel, Jim, Remote-Viewers: The Secret History of America's Psychic Spies, Dell, 1997, pg 220)

Friends with Rep. Charlie Rose. (Schnabel, 1997, pg 271)

Reportedly the former boss of Michael Persinger. He retired in late 1989.

Aviary, codename: Raven

Dr. Louis "Jolly" West

Air Force Major, chairman of the Psychiatry Department of UCLA, director of the Neuro-

Psychiatric Institute, expert in hypnosis.

West was a veteran of the CIA's MK-ULTRA mind-control program and worked on interrogation

techniques using hypnosis and LSD. West once killed an elephant by grossly overestimating a dose of

LSD (elsewhere, I have heard that the tranquilizers required to calm the animal caused its death).

West also studied the returning American POWs from Korea for the effects of brainwashing.

(Scheflin, Alan and Opton, Edward Jr., The Mind Manipulators, Paddington Press Ltd, 1978, pg 149-50)

Friends with Aldous Huxley. It was Huxley who suggested that West combine LSD and hypnosis

in his experiments.

(Lee, Martin and Schlain, Bruce, Acid Dreams, Grove Press, 1985, pg 48)

West was to be the administrator of California Governor Ronald Reagan's proposed Violence Center

at UCLA. The threat of psychosurgery along with West's desire to acquire a closed Nike Missile base

derailed the plan.

(Scheflin and Opton, pg 318-20)

West examined Jack Ruby in prison after his assassination of Lee Harvey Oswald, concluded that he

suffered from paranoid delusions and prescribed medication. West was also a defense expert at the

Patty Hearst trial.

According to an anonymous BBC television reporter, West headed up the medical oversight for the

Ft. Meade remote-viewing operational unit.

(Constantine, Alex, "'Remote-Viewing' at Stanford Research Institute or Illicit CIA Mind Control



"Member of the medical oversight board for Science Applications International Corp. remote-

viewing research in early 1990s."

(Schnabel, Jim, Remote-Viewers: The Secret History of America's Psychic Spies, Dell, 1997, pg 391)



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