Chapter 4- The Denali Clan

Post on 30-May-2018

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Transcript of Chapter 4- The Denali Clan

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Okay, just a head’s up, the documents labeled Chapter are part of this

story. Sorry I forgot to give this fan fiction a title.

Chapter 4 – The Denali Clan

Bella’s p.o.v.

Rosalie, Alice, and I were driving back from the mall. Bags filled up the

trunk with other items none of us needed. Rosalie had gotten the purse she

wanted and Alice almost got in a shoe fight with one of the other customers

for a pair of stringy high heels.

And as Alice expected, boys did fawn over us. Rosalie was encountered with

seven boys, Alice five, and me six. All very pushy and too friendly. One of 

them actually had the nerve to grab my ass. And what did I do, well what

every woman would do, I slapped him across the cheek. I controlled my

strength well, so all my assault did was snap his face sideways.

Alice had made me wear these irritating contacts that made my eyes look 

 brown. It was annoying to look at the warped scratches while trying to look 

at my surroundings. I hate having red eyes.

We were now in the driveway. I popped out my contacts and looked warily

up at the house. There were voices inside talking, ones I didn’t know. I

looked at Alice and Rosalie. They gave me a reassuring look and I helped

them take their purchases into the house.

When we walked inside, there were five other vampires I didn’t know. Three

 blondes, all each had a different hair color and seemed to be my age (In

human years). One was platinum blonde, almost silver, the other was beach

 blonde, and the last was strawberry blonde. Okay, what is with the blondes?The other two were about Carlisle and Esme’s age, both had dark hair.

Everyone was seated in the living room and the strawberry blonde was

seated too closely to Edward for my liking. She was basically sitting on his

lap, giving him goo goo eyes and was trying to place her hand on his bicep.

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That must be the Tanya that was supposedly in love with Edward. The sight

of her made my skin crawl.

“Hello girls, glad you could make it home. Go and put your bags upstairs

and come back down so we can all get acquainted with each other.” Carlisle


Rosalie, Alice, and I nodded and did as he asked. When we joined our 

family and the guests back downstairs, I took a seat on the floor next to

Alice because the couches were filled up.

Edward looked at me from across the room, his eyes pleading. I was going

to look at him, but then I remembered the supermodel vampire in his

 personal bubble and directed my attention everywhere but there. Why does

he need to look at me when he has the Malibu beach Barbie eating out of the palm of his hands?

“Now we all know everyone here except for Bella. Why don’t we make

introductions?” Carlisle suggested.

“Of course,” The dark haired male vampire spoke up. “I am Eleazar,”

“And I am Carmen, Eleazar’s mate.” The dark haired woman said after 


“I’m Kate,” The beach blonde said to me and smiled.

“Irina,” The platinum blonde said.

“Tanya,” The strawberry blonde gave me a breezy smile and then attracted

her attention back to Edward. Well, nice to meet you too, I thought


“Nice to meet you all,” I smiled and looked at the five of them.

I felt a stare burning holes at the side of my head and I turned to Eleazar. He

was looking at me awestruck.

“Is there some problem?” I asked curiously and my eyebrows scrunched


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Eleazar seemed to snap put of it.

“Oh no, it’s just that you have a very, very powerful gift my dear,” He said

apologetically, embarrassed for staring.


“Well, I can’t be sure because I can’t see into your mind to find your gift.

And because I can’t do that, I’m pretty sure you’re a mental shield.” Eleazar 

 bit his bottom lip slightly, uncertain.

The whole family stared at me now and I shifted uncomfortably under their 

gazes. It’s just a gift, I mean, how powerful could it really be?

“That must be the reason why I can’t read Bella’s mind,” Edward said

suddenly, breaking the family out of their trance. “Even as a human as well,”

He added. And if it was possible, Eleazar was even more dumbstruck. Okay this part of 

the greeting isn’t fun.

“And I’m guessing mental shields block mental attacks?” I threw out for 

someone to respond.

“Exactly,” Carlisle nodded.

“Has she tried to project?” Kate spoke up.

“Project?” I asked.

I think I was the only one confused by this. Kate turned to me and explained.

“Move and shift your shield to project others.”

“No, she hasn’t tried to project.” Jasper shook his head “Bella only woke up

a few days ago.”

“Ooh a newbie!” Irina gushed “We can have all sorts of fun and games!”

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“Yes!” Emmett exclaimed. “We get to wrestle, race, play baseball and hide

and seek, swim….” He trailed off into an excited rant.

“So…” Alice pulled our attention away from Emmett. “What do we do


Hunting the next day

The flowing of crisp air rushed around me. It was exhilarating to run. I never 

felt tired or had the need to stop and take a drink of water. Sports would

have been so much fun if only it were like this when I was human.

“I want the big one!”

I laughed at Emmett. He was so eager to track this huge herd of deer.

Emmett flew out of a big evergreen with a battle cry and sunk his teeth into

his target. The humongous buck went down with a last bleat and a gurgle.

I wasn’t particularly thirsty, but the rest of the family was so I tagged along.

The Denali’s were a nice family with one exception-cough Tanya cough-

and great to have around. Kate and I had immediately started working on m

shield and its extensions. So far I had only been able to reach fifteen feet, but

she assured me that it was an impressive feat in one night.

And the only time I had been able to reach that far was when I was

extremely angry. Tanya had been following around Edward like a lost

 puppy, cooing his name over and over. He was watching me practice with

Kate when Tanya had decided to strut on over and playfully grab his waist.

Ooh that girl had me on edge! One of these days I was going to strangle that

chicken neck of hers! Jasper had noticed and thought it was funny. Well I

didn’t and silenced his laughs that had miserably turned into coughs with aglare.

There was now a doe galloping frantically away from me. Eh, I wasn’t

hungry, but why let a perfectly good dinner go to waste? My teeth were a

hairs breadth away from its jugular when the deer was whisked out of my

hunting range.

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I looked over at the thief annoyed. Tanya was barely ten feet from me,

sucking the life out of it. That bitch stole my dinner! She looked up at me

with fake innocence after finishing.

“Oh I’m sorry, did I steal your lunch?”

“Oh it’s okay, I wasn’t that thirsty anyway,” I gave her a plastic looking

smile and ran off the other way, muttering to myself under my breath.

“Oh yes, first Edward then my dinner. What’s next, my identity? Not that

she would want to be me, but still! Why is she even here? It’s not like- oof!”

I ran into something and fell.

The thing I smashed into fell down with me and landed into the powderysnow with a muted thud. Little flurries surrounded me and the thing I was

laying on top of. I brushed off the snow enclosing us and gasped at the

 person who I had used as my pillow to cushion my fall.

“Even still as a vampire you’re clumsy Bella,” Edward gave me a somber 

smile. “And I like that.” He added.

I got off him and stepped back slowly a couple steps. He got up and dusted

the snow off him, still watching me. I looked for an escape but dang it, there

were trees surrounding us. How did I get in here anyway? Edward moved

closer which narrowed my chances of escaping even further.

“Don’t try and escape again. I’ll still follow you no matter how much you

hate it.”

I don’t hate it! I wanted to scream. I want to love you so badly but you have

another woman! Why did you leave in the first place?

“I know I have a lot of explaining to do, but you have to hear me out for thisvery important one. I love you Bella, I love you. It kills me to see you don’t

feel the same, and I understand why you don’t. Who could love someone

after what I did to you?” He came in closer and cupped my cheek with his

hand. His eyes pleaded with me to see his side of the story.

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But I  DO love you! I’ve loved you even when you left me! Kiss me you

idiot kiss me! Make me feel happy for once and forget the aching pains

inside! Make Tanya leave and take us somewhere we can be together! Make

us become the loving boyfriend and girlfriend we should have been! LOVE


He seemed to see the longing in my eyes and nudged his face towards mine.

My eyes closed. Well here goes nothing…

“Eddykins!” A shrill voice brought us back from our little world.

My eyes opened to see Edward and I’s noses touching. He looked back at

me with frustration. We were so close! Damn Tanya to the deepest pit of 

hell! May the rest of her existence be horrible. If she had only come a few

seconds later, he and I might have been kissing and together again! But no, blondie just had to come over and ruin it! I was never the lucky one.

She marched over to us and squeezed between us, pushing me out of the

way. I kept my face composed, but was mentally shooting daggers at her 

head. Tanya didn’t seem the slightest bit unfazed at what we were about to

do. Really, how daft is she?

There was a murmur of disgust of from the on looking audience. Alice,

Jasper, Emmett, and Rosalie were all actually glaring at her. Got to love

family, they’ll always be there for you. Edward, as I could tell, was silently

giving me glances like “No! Come back” or “I didn’t plan this”. Save the

acting for even more lying to me. It’s less painful that way. I just left the two

of them to be the cuddly lovebirds together and ran back home.

What me and Edward had was a fantasy. What Edward and Tanya have is

reality. The two of them are more of the perfect couple. She is beautiful, I’m

not. She has been a vampire for longer, I haven’t. It was obvious from the

start of our relationship as a human. I was never good enough for Edward

and never will be. I should have done as he asked when he told me to stayaway from him. Stupid lamb is right.

My room was the only place I could escape to. I flopped down onto the bed

and threw my arm over my eyes. Why could I ever think I actually had a

chance with Edward? Like high school, he was the all star football player 

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and I was the nerd. Or he was the prince and I was the commoner, he and I

were not on the same social classes, never meant to be together.