Chapter 4 concentrating and focusing

Post on 27-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Chapter 4 concentrating and focusing

HOW TO STUDY FOR COLLEGEChapter 4 – concentrating and focusing


Concentration is focused thinking You think all the time (varying intensity)

Focuses the power of thoughts; you can think with greater precision and tackle complex ideas

It comes only when you don’t think about it! When you realize you’re concentrating,

your concentration has been broken


Normally, multiple things compete for your attention. People have a natural tendency to divide

attention Optical illusions – once aware of multiple ways to look

at an object, it’s hard to ignore each one . . . Can be difficult to focus on one idea at a time, but

those who can stand a great chance of finishing that task quickly and accurately

Aiming directly for concentration is difficult, so you need to improve conditions that promote concentration.

eliminating distractions

Sights and sounds compete for your attention, but once recognized, you can overcome them.

Study halls and living spaces are crowded with distractions . . .

You need the proper environment for concentration.

Eliminating distractions

Find a place to be used exclusively for study Quiet, well lit place Libraries are good for this! Be sure to associate the place only with

concentration If you daydream a lot at a certain place, that

place alone can trigger daydreaming

Eliminating distractions

Minimize visual distractions Notes/textbooks seem dull compared to lots

of other things – posters, views out windows, photographs, quick access to internet, etc.

Eliminate noise Can be one of the most serious study obstacles Can lead to rereading without realizing – wasteful

Turn down loud music If concentration bounces between music/study,

you waste effort If music preferred, choose something more


Eliminating distractions

Spider technique Learn to ignore small things

Opening door, heating or cooling kicking in Increases chances of ignoring the distraction

next time

using the right equipment

Use Bright, Even, Steady light Low light leads to eye strain, tension, and

possibly headaches Use a pencil to bring on concentration

Study with pencil in hand, and use it! Activity promotes concentration!

Find a comfy seat Avoid hard, straight-backed chairs

Keep common supplies nearby Calendar, paper, notebooks, pencils, pens,


Discourage internal distractions Concentration score sheet

Mark sheet when mind wanders – this should remind you to get back to work

Encourages self-observation Put stray thoughts on a worry pad

Write down anything bugging you with the idea that you’ll take care of it as soon as you get the chance

Strategies encouraging concentration Make lists!

Trying to keep reminders and random thoughts in your head while studying can break concentration.

Use lists to remind yourself of daily obligations Take breaks

Physical energy builds up, repressing concerns will eventually build up and take your attention . . . Stand up, stretch, grab a snack and return to work

ready to concentrate