Chapter 3.pdf · Chapter 3 Physico...

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Chapter 3

Physico chemical properties


Acoustical properties

Section-I Acoustical properties

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005 82


In general waves, having frequency above the range audible to the human ear are

known as Ultrasound. The actual range of ultrasounds lies above 20 KHz.

In 21st century, ultrasonic dependant devices are a handy tool in various industries

such as cement1-3, paper4-5, glass6-9, soap10-14, petrochemicals15-17, plastic18-19, steel20,

dairy21, liquor22 etc, because of it’s non destructive nature and accurate measuring. In

industries, it could be used in various processes like dyeing23, cleaning24, repairing of

cracks25, design26, food processing27, bleaching28, deacidification29, extraction30-31,

viscosity reduction32, electroplating33, powder compression34, wastewater treatment

effluents35 etc.

Latest development in sonography is used in medical treatment36-38. Mainly, it is

used for the diagnosis of diseases in the body organs like thyroid39, abdoman40, kidneys41,

urinary tracts42 etc. Boucaud et al. have performed the skin permeation study of caffeine

across human and rat.43.Various uses of ultrasonics has been reported for diagnosis as

well as treatment of cancer44-46 and other tumours47,48

Further, in medicine, the ultrasonic method is combined with other technique to

give more elaborate diagnosis49-51. It is also useful in forensic science52,53. Zhou et al.

have used the ultrasonic waves in biomedical applications54, while Song et al. have

studied genetic transformation55 by using this techniqur55. Nowadays, in nanotechnology

also, ultrasounds waves have been used56-59. The studies in some liquid crystals have also

been done by Ayachit et al60.

In synthetic organic chemistry, a lot of interest has been generated on the use of

ultrasound radiations because of its compatible features like less reaction time, higher

percentage of yield, lower reaction temperature, avoidance of phase transfer catalysis

etc61-66. It is a pollution free green chemistry approach for synthesis of organic materials.

Sono chemistry is also useful in the isomerisation of carbon-carbon double bond67,

crystallization68,69, solvent extraction70 etc.

The ultrasonic measurements have also been used to study molecular interactions

in various pure liquids71-73, liquid mixtures74-77 and solutions of organic and inorganic

compounds78-80, polymers81, amino acids82, drugs83,84 etc. The thermodynamic parameters

calculated through ultrasonic velocity measurements can give idea about intermolecular

attraction between molecules (solute-solute or solute-solvent)85.

Section-I Acoustical properties

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005 83

In our laboratory, the ultrasonic studies of some compounds like Schiff bases86,

benzodiazepines87, dihydropyrimidines88 etc. have been studied in different solvents.

In the present section, ultrasonic studies of tetrahydropyrimidine derivatives have

been studied in N, N dimethylformamide and tetrahydrofuran solutions of various

concentrations at 303.15 K with a view to understand molecular interactions in these


Section-I Acoustical properties

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005 84


The selected solvents, DMF and THF for the present study were distilled by the

reported procedure89. The synthesized tetrahydropyrimidine derivatives (PAB 101-PAB

110) were recrystalized before use.

The densities, viscosities and ultrasonic velocities of pure solvents and solutions

of tetrahydropyrimidine derivatives of different concentrations were measured at 303.15

K by using pyknometer, an Ubbelohde suspended level viscometer and single frequency

ultrasonic interferometer operating at 2 MHz, with the uncertainties of 0.0001 g/cm3, +

0.06 % and 0.01% respectively.

Density measurements:

The weight of distilled water, pure solvents and solutions of synthesized

compounds were measured by using pyknometer. The densities (ρ) were evaluated by

using following equation:

3 wt. of solvent or solution density of waterρ g cm =

wt. of water … (3.1.1)

Viscosity Measurements:

To determine the viscosity of solution, Ubbelohde viscometer90 was used, which

obeys Stoke’s low91. The measured quantity of the distilled water / solvent / solution was

placed in the viscometer, which was suspended in a thermostat at 303.15 K. The digital

stopwatch, with an accuracy of + 0.01 sec was used to determine flow time of solutions.

Using the flow times (t) and known viscosity of standard water sample, the viscosity of

solvent (η1) and solutions (η2) were determined according to equation:

1 1 1

2 2 2



... (3.1.2)

Sound velocity measurement:

Ultrasonic interferometer, (Mittal Enterprise, New Delhi, Model No.F-81)

working at frequency of 2 MHz was used to determine sound velocity.

The solvent / solution were filled in the measuring cell with quartz crystal and

then micrometer was fixed. The circulation of water from the thermostat at 303.15 K was

started and test solvent / solution in the cell is allowed to thermally equilibrate. The

micrometer was rotated very slowly so as to obtain a maximum or minimum of anode

current (n). A number of maximum reading of anode current were counted. The total

Section-I Acoustical properties

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005 85

distance (d) travelled by the micrometer for n=10, was read. The wave length (λ) was

determined by the equation:


n ... (3.1.3)

and sound velocity (U) of solvent and solutions were calculated by the equation:

U F ... (3.1.4)

where F is the frequency, which is equal to 2 x 106 Hertz.

Section-I Acoustical properties

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005 86


Table 3.1.1 shows the experimental data of density (ρ), viscosity (η) and sound

velocity (U) of pure solvents and solutions of PAB compounds in DMF and THF

solutions at 303.15 K.

From these experimental data, various acoustical parameters like specific acoustical

impedance (Z), isentropic compressibility (κs), inter molecular free length (Lf), molar

compressibility (W), Rao’s molar sound function (Rm), Vander Waals constant (b),

relaxation strength (r), relative association (RA), internal pressure (π ), apparent molar

compressibility (k) etc., were evaluated using the following equations:

1. Specific acoustical impedance:

Specific acoustical impedance (Z) can be calculated as:

Z U ... (3.1.5)

2. Isentropic compressibility:

Isentropic compressibility ( s ) can be evaluated by the equation92


1s U

… (3.1.6)

3. Intermolecular free path length:

Jacobson93 proposed an equation to calculate the intermolecular free path length

(Lf), which is given below:1 2

f j sL K … (3.1.7)

where KJ is Jacobson constant (=2.0965 X 10-6)

4. Molar compressibility:

Molar compressibility (W) can be calculated by the following equation94

1 7s


… (3.1.8)

The apparent molecular weight (M) of the solution can be calculated according to

following equation:

1 1 2 2M M W M W … (3.1.9)

where W1 and W2 are weight fractions of solvent and solute respectively. M1 and M2 are

the molecular weights of the solvent and compounds respectively.

Section-I Acoustical properties

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005 87

Table 3.1.1: The density (ρ), ultrasonic velocity (U) and viscosity (η) of PAB

compounds in DMF and THF at 303.15 K.



VelocityU. 10-5





VelocityU. 10-5






0.00 0.9304 1.4416 7.8072 0.8911 1.2852 5.5154

0.01 0.9323 1.4440 7.9519 0.9162 1.2868 5.7508

0.02 0.9326 1.4468 8.0492 0.9168 1.2892 5.8281

0.04 0.9331 1.4528 8.1727 0.9176 1.2916 5.9027

0.06 0.9338 1.4556 8.2948 0.9188 1.2944 5.9571

0.08 0.9342 1.4572 8.3970 0.9196 1.2976 6.0003

0.10 0.9353 1.4588 8.5466 0.9202 1.3016 6.0825PAB-102

0.01 0.9330 1.4424 8.3932 0.9164 1.2888 5.7943

0.02 0.9333 1.4436 8.4676 0.9168 1.2908 5.9093

0.04 0.9338 1.4448 8.5515 0.9179 1.2924 5.9597

0.06 0.9340 1.4464 8.6868 0.9184 1.2952 6.0174

0.08 0.9351 1.4480 8.7645 0.9188 1.2984 6.1145

0.10 0.9370 1.4488 8.8553 0.9194 1.3028 6.1293

PAB-1030.01 0.9359 1.4416 7.1965 0.9160 1.2876 5.6805

0.02 0.9365 1.4428 7.2834 0.9177 1.2896 5.7614

0.04 0.9370 1.4444 7.3801 0.9186 1.2916 5.8214

0.06 0.9376 1.4464 7.5084 0.9196 1.2936 5.8730

0.08 0.9380 1.4488 7.6104 0.9205 1.2948 5.9277

0.10 0.9384 1.4516 7.7034 0.9215 1.2960 6.0181

PAB-1040.01 0.9359 1.4428 8.3009 0.9132 1.2876 5.6329

0.02 0.9365 1.4444 8.3918 0.9147 1.2888 5.7024

0.04 0.9370 1.4464 8.4869 0.9167 1.2900 5.7623

0.06 0.9376 1.4492 8.6158 0.9186 1.2912 5.8361

0.08 0.9380 1.4524 8.7194 0.9195 1.2928 5.8985

0.10 0.9384 1.4540 8.8229 0.9206 1.2948 5.9772PAB-105

0.01 0.9330 1.4540 8.0501 0.9133 1.2864 5.6734

0.02 0.9340 1.4564 8.1538 0.9144 1.2876 5.7104

0.04 0.9341 1.4592 8.2583 0.9169 1.2896 5.7326

0.06 0.9346 1.4620 8.2917 0.9187 1.2904 5.7707

0.08 0.9355 1.4648 8.3560 0.9199 1.2924 5.8490

0.10 0.9356 1.4680 8.4511 0.9224 1.2936 5.9011

….. Continue

Section-I Acoustical properties

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005 88

….. ContinueConc.



VelocityU. 10-5





VelocityU. 10-5






0.00 0.9304 1.4416 7.8072 0.8911 1.2852 5.5154

0.01 0.9356 1.4528 8.2097 0.9124 1.2892 5.7657

0.02 0.9372 1.4548 8.2882 0.9134 1.2904 5.7945

0.04 0.9386 1.4564 8.3225 0.9152 1.2916 5.8137

0.06 0.9388 1.4588 8.3990 0.9164 1.2932 5.8376

0.08 0.9391 1.4604 8.5292 0.9169 1.2940 5.8528

0.10 0.9395 1.4628 8.5672 0.9189 1.2956 5.8814PAB-107

0.01 0.9347 1.4468 8.1715 0.9185 1.2924 5.6602

0.02 0.9348 1.4480 8.1942 0.9187 1.2936 5.7478

0.04 0.9350 1.4496 8.2044 0.9188 1.2944 5.8028

0.06 0.9351 1.4508 8.2229 0.9198 1.2960 5.8333

0.08 0.9354 1.4524 8.2415 0.9211 1.2972 5.8969

0.10 0.9359 1.4536 8.2580 0.9223 1.2988 5.9461


0.01 0.9339 1.4444 8.2362 0.9134 1.2904 5.8559

0.02 0.9350 1.4476 8.2691 0.9153 1.2920 5.9171

0.04 0.9365 1.4504 8.2990 0.9156 1.2936 5.9470

0.06 0.9374 1.4552 8.3269 0.9181 1.2956 6.0038

0.08 0.9383 1.4568 8.3546 0.9197 1.2968 6.0647

0.10 0.9393 1.4604 8.3875 0.9213 1.2980 6.0899PAB-109

0.01 0.9339 1.4544 8.0771 0.9138 1.2888 5.7141

0.02 0.9349 1.4564 8.1165 0.9148 1.2900 5.7952

0.04 0.9360 1.4584 8.1850 0.9155 1.2912 5.9022

0.06 0.9366 1.4600 8.2839 0.9164 1.2928 5.9793

0.08 0.9378 1.4612 8.3498 0.9179 1.2944 6.0377

0.10 0.9387 1.4632 8.5351 0.9192 1.2960 6.1267PAB-110

0.01 0.9329 1.4468 8.1762 0.9126 1.2892 5.6894

0.02 0.9333 1.4520 8.2571 0.9128 1.2904 5.7681

0.04 0.9334 1.4544 8.3245 0.9158 1.2920 5.8487

0.06 0.9359 1.4560 8.4070 0.9178 1.2936 5.8854

0.08 0.9363 1.4580 8.4717 0.9189 1.2944 5.9362

0.10 0.9371 1.4596 8.5343 0.9214 1.2956 6.0433

Section-I Acoustical properties

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005 89

5. Rao’s molar sound function:

Rao’s molar sound function (Rm) can be evaluated by an equation given by

Bagchi et al.95

1 3m


… ... (3.1.10)

6. Van der Waals Constant:

Van der Waals constant (b) can be calculated as follows96


21 1 1




... (3.1.11)

where R is the gas constant (=8.3143 JK-1 mol-1) and T is the absolute temperature.

7. Relaxation Strength:

The relaxation strength (r) can be calculated as follows97



… (3.1.12)

where U = 1.6 x 105 cm .sec-1.

8. Relative Association (RA):

1 3





… (3.1.13)

where U, 0U and ρ , 0ρ are ultrasonic velocities and densities of solution and solvent


9. Apparent Molar Compressibility (k):

The apparent molar compressibility ( K ) of the solutions was calculated by the

following equation:

Section-I Acoustical properties

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005 90

0 00 2

0 0

1000s s sK



... (3.1.14)

where ρ0 and 0s are density and isentropic compressibility of pure solvent respectively, c

is the concentration of the solution and M2 is the molecular weight of the compound.

10. Solvation number:




1 100





… (3.1.15)

where X is the number of grams of solute in 100 gm of the solution. M1 and M2 are the

molecular weights of solvent and solute respectively.

Some of the calculated acoustical parameters are given in Tables 3.1.2 and 3.1.3

for all the compounds in DMF and THF solutions respectively. Figures 3.1.1 and 3.1.2

show the variation of ultrasound velocity (U) with concentration in DMF and THF

respectively. It is observed that overall ultrasonic velocity (U) increases non linearly with

concentration for all the compounds in both the solvents. The velocity depends on

intermolecular free length ( Lf ). Comparison of ultrasonic velocity and intermolecular

free length (Tables 3.1.2 and 3.1.3) shows these two parameters are inversely related. The

decrease in the free length causes velocity to increase or vice versa. As evident from

Tables 3.1.2 and 3.1.3, Lf decrease continuously which is due to strong interaction

between solvents and compound molecules. This causes velocity to increase.

This is further supported by isentropic compressibility ( κs ) and relaxation

strength (r). The isentropic compressibility ( κs ) of the solutions in both the solvents is

also found to decrease with increase of concentration, as shown in Figures 3.1.3 and


This phenomenon can be explained by assuming that the solvated molecules fully

compressed by the electrical forces of the ions98

. The compressibility of the solution is

mainly due to the free solvent molecules. Due to solute-solvent interactions in the system,

compressibility of the solution decreases with the increase in solute concentration. This is

further confirmed by decrease of relaxation strength (r) and increase in specific

impedance (Z) values (as reported in Tables 3.1.2 and 3.1.3).


Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot

Figure 3.1.1: The variation of

concentration in




























I Acoustical properties

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005

ariation of ultrasonic velocity (U) of PAB compounds

concentration in DMF at 303.15 K.

0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08

Concentration (M)

101 PAB-102 PAB-103 PAB-104

0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08

Concentration (M)

-106 PAB-107 PAB-108 PAB-109

Acoustical properties


) of PAB compounds with






Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot

Figure 3.1.2: The variation of




























I Acoustical properties

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005

ariation of ultrasonic velocity (U) of PAB compounds

concentration in THF at 303.15 K.

0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08

Concentration (M)

101 PAB-102 PAB-103 PAB-104

0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08

Concentration (M)

106 PAB-107 PAB-108 PAB-109

Acoustical properties


compounds with





Section-I Acoustical properties

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005 93

Table 3.1.2: Some acoustical parameters of PAB compounds in DMF at 303.15 K.


Z .10-5





bcm3.mol-1 r RA


0.00 1.3413 1.5077 4.1191 78.5558 0.1882 1.00000.01 1.3462 1.5037 4.1314 78.7470 0.1855 1.00150.02 1.3493 1.5005 4.1512 79.0724 0.1823 1.00120.04 1.3556 1.4939 4.1914 79.7287 0.1755 1.00030.06 1.3593 1.4905 4.2277 80.3668 0.1724 1.00050.08 1.3613 1.4886 4.2645 81.0369 0.1705 1.00040.10 1.3644 1.4860 4.2973 81.6305 0.1687 1.0013


0.01 1.3458 1.5048 4.1328 78.8017 0.1873 1.00260.02 1.3473 1.5033 4.1569 79.2408 0.1859 1.00270.04 1.3492 1.5016 4.2045 80.1260 0.1846 1.00290.06 1.3509 1.4998 4.2539 81.0362 0.1828 1.00280.08 1.3540 1.4973 4.2989 81.8632 0.1810 1.00360.10 1.3575 1.4949 4.3390 82.6115 0.1801 1.0054


0.01 1.3492 1.5033 4.1213 78.5982 0.1882 1.00590.02 1.3512 1.5015 4.1459 79.0451 0.1868 1.00630.04 1.3534 1.4995 4.1979 80.0059 0.1850 1.00650.06 1.3561 1.4970 4.2499 80.9609 0.1828 1.00660.08 1.3589 1.4941 4.3028 81.9230 0.1801 1.00650.10 1.3622 1.4909 4.3562 82.8860 0.1769 1.0063


0.01 1.3503 1.5020 4.1225 78.7303 0.1868 1.00390.02 1.3527 1.4998 4.1474 79.1701 0.1850 1.00440.04 1.3553 1.4974 4.1998 80.1523 0.1828 1.00420.06 1.3587 1.4941 4.2527 81.1342 0.1796 1.00390.08 1.3623 1.4904 4.3064 82.1305 0.1760 1.00320.10 1.3644 1.4885 4.3586 82.9592 0.1742 1.0049


0.01 1.3565 1.4928 4.1418 78.7637 0.1742 0.99990.02 1.3603 1.4895 4.1618 79.0998 0.1714 1.00040.04 1.3630 1.4866 4.2085 79.9372 0.1683 0.99990.06 1.3664 1.4833 4.2533 80.7351 0.1651 0.99980.08 1.3703 1.4798 4.2962 81.4975 0.1619 1.00010.10 1.3735 1.4765 4.3431 82.3289 0.1582 0.9995


Section-I Acoustical properties

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005 94

….. Continue


Z .10-5





bcm3.mol-1 r RA


0.00 1.3413 1.5077 4.1322 78.5558 0.1882 1.00000.01 1.3592 1.4919 4.1521 78.6023 0.1755 1.00300.02 1.3634 1.4886 4.1978 78.9452 0.1733 1.00420.04 1.3669 1.4859 4.2493 79.7839 0.1714 1.00540.06 1.3695 1.4832 4.2997 80.7187 0.1687 1.00510.08 1.3715 1.4814 4.3505 81.6472 0.1669 1.00500.10 1.3743 1.4786 4.1322 82.5651 0.1641 1.0049


0.01 1.3524 1.4988 4.1341 78.7475 0.1823 1.00350.02 1.3536 1.4975 4.1641 79.2968 0.1810 1.00330.04 1.3553 1.4957 4.2234 80.3958 0.1792 1.00310.06 1.3566 1.4944 4.2825 81.4985 0.1778 1.00290.08 1.3586 1.4925 4.3408 82.5776 0.1760 1.00290.10 1.3604 1.4908 4.3979 83.6416 0.1746 1.0031


0.01 1.3490 1.5019 4.1357 78.8206 0.1850 1.00320.02 1.3536 1.4977 4.1633 79.2882 0.1814 1.00360.04 1.3584 1.4936 4.2179 80.2768 0.1783 1.00460.06 1.3642 1.4880 4.2771 81.3138 0.1728 1.00440.08 1.3669 1.4857 4.3331 82.3494 0.1710 1.00500.10 1.3717 1.4812 4.3906 83.3725 0.1669 1.0052


0.01 1.3583 1.4916 4.1321 78.5709 0.1737 1.00080.02 1.3616 1.4888 4.1458 78.7968 0.1714 1.00140.04 1.3651 1.4858 4.1751 79.3173 0.1692 1.00220.06 1.3674 1.4838 4.2066 79.8866 0.1673 1.00240.08 1.3703 1.4816 4.2347 80.3978 0.1660 1.00340.10 1.3735 1.4789 4.2649 80.9331 0.1637 1.0039


0.01 1.3497 1.5003 4.1351 78.7655 0.1823 1.00150.02 1.3552 1.4946 4.1602 79.1487 0.1764 1.00070.04 1.3576 1.4920 4.2058 79.9740 0.1737 1.00030.06 1.3627 1.4884 4.2400 80.5940 0.1719 1.00260.08 1.3651 1.4860 4.2837 81.3880 0.1696 1.00260.10 1.3678 1.4838 4.3252 82.1465 0.1678 1.0031

Section-I Acoustical properties

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005 95

Table 3.1.3: Some acoustical parameters of PAB compounds in THF at 303.15 K.


Z .10-5





bcm3.mol-1 r RA


0.00 1.1452 1.7281 4.0775 80.7969 0.3548 1.00000.01 1.1790 1.7021 3.9860 78.9496 0.3532 1.02770.02 1.1819 1.6984 4.0044 79.2653 0.3508 1.02780.04 1.1852 1.6945 4.0402 79.9241 0.3483 1.02800.06 1.1893 1.6897 4.0745 80.5461 0.3455 1.02860.08 1.1933 1.6848 4.1111 81.2013 0.3423 1.02870.10 1.1977 1.6791 4.1493 81.8726 0.3382 1.0283


0.01 1.1810 1.6993 3.9932 79.0521 0.3512 1.02740.02 1.1834 1.6963 4.0180 79.5028 0.3492 1.02730.04 1.1863 1.6932 4.0637 80.3741 0.3475 1.02810.06 1.1895 1.6891 4.1132 81.2933 0.3447 1.02800.08 1.1930 1.6845 4.1635 82.2207 0.3415 1.02760.10 1.1978 1.6783 4.2142 83.1281 0.3370 1.0271


0.01 1.1795 1.7012 3.9957 79.1257 0.3524 1.02730.02 1.1835 1.6970 4.0169 79.5058 0.3504 1.02870.04 1.1865 1.6936 4.0680 80.4756 0.3483 1.02920.06 1.1896 1.6901 4.1188 81.4377 0.3463 1.02970.08 1.1918 1.6877 4.1688 82.4004 0.3451 1.03040.10 1.1943 1.6852 4.2179 83.3466 0.3439 1.0312


0.01 1.1759 1.7038 4.0080 79.3708 0.3524 1.02420.02 1.1788 1.7009 4.0296 79.7726 0.3512 1.02550.04 1.1825 1.6975 4.0753 80.6530 0.3500 1.02740.06 1.1860 1.6941 4.1210 81.5316 0.3488 1.02920.08 1.1887 1.6912 4.1713 82.4936 0.3471 1.02980.10 1.1919 1.6876 4.2212 83.4371 0.3451 1.0305


0.01 1.1749 1.7053 4.0020 79.2762 0.3536 1.02460.02 1.1774 1.7027 4.0209 79.6251 0.3524 1.02550.04 1.1824 1.6978 4.0565 80.2886 0.3504 1.02780.06 1.1855 1.6951 4.0938 81.0111 0.3496 1.02960.08 1.1889 1.6913 4.1347 81.7775 0.3475 1.03040.10 1.1933 1.6874 4.1682 82.4151 0.3463 1.0329


Section-I Acoustical properties

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005 96

….. Continue


Z .10-5





bcm3.mol-1 r RA


0.00 1.1452 1.7281 4.0775 80.7969 0.3548 1.00000.01 1.1762 1.7025 4.0123 79.4216 0.3508 1.02280.02 1.1786 1.7000 4.0349 79.8448 0.3496 1.02360.04 1.1821 1.6967 4.0791 80.6943 0.3483 1.02530.06 1.1851 1.6935 4.1263 81.5945 0.3467 1.02630.08 1.1865 1.6920 4.1758 82.5557 0.3459 1.02660.10 1.1905 1.6881 4.2190 83.3769 0.3443 1.0284


0.01 1.1871 1.6926 3.9925 78.9643 0.3475 1.02890.02 1.1884 1.6909 4.0224 79.5322 0.3463 1.02870.04 1.1893 1.6898 4.0813 80.6798 0.3455 1.02860.06 1.1921 1.6867 4.1367 81.7414 0.3439 1.02930.08 1.1948 1.6840 4.1903 82.7752 0.3427 1.03050.10 1.1979 1.6808 4.2444 83.8089 0.3411 1.0314


0.01 1.1786 1.7000 4.0134 79.4199 0.3496 1.02360.02 1.1826 1.6961 4.0362 79.8383 0.3479 1.02540.04 1.1844 1.6937 4.0962 80.9904 0.3463 1.02520.06 1.1895 1.6888 4.1457 81.9283 0.3443 1.02760.08 1.1926 1.6858 4.1990 82.9546 0.3431 1.02900.10 1.1959 1.6827 4.2510 83.9570 0.3419 1.0305


0.01 1.1777 1.7017 3.9965 79.1180 0.3512 1.02450.02 1.1801 1.6992 4.0096 79.3526 0.3500 1.02540.04 1.1821 1.6970 4.0407 79.9438 0.3488 1.02580.06 1.1847 1.6940 4.0713 80.5160 0.3471 1.02640.08 1.1881 1.6906 4.0990 81.0303 0.3455 1.02760.10 1.1912 1.6873 4.1274 81.5565 0.3439 1.0286


0.01 1.1765 1.7023 4.0079 79.3344 0.3508 1.02310.02 1.1778 1.7006 4.0307 79.7612 0.3496 1.02290.04 1.1832 1.6957 4.0632 80.3721 0.3479 1.02590.06 1.1872 1.6917 4.0999 81.0643 0.3463 1.02770.08 1.1895 1.6896 4.1395 81.8295 0.3455 1.02880.10 1.1937 1.6858 4.1731 82.4699 0.3443 1.0312


Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot

Figure 3.1.3: The variation of

with concentration in











2 .d














2 .d




I Acoustical properties

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005

ariation of isentropic compressibility (κs) of PAB compounds

with concentration in DMF at 303.15 K.

0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08

Concentration (M)

101 PAB-102 PAB-103 PAB-104

0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08

Concentration (M)

106 PAB-107 PAB-108 PAB-109

Acoustical properties


PAB compounds






Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot

Figure 3.1.4: The variation of

with concentration in THF


























2 .d




I Acoustical properties

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005

ariation of isentropic compressibility (κs) of PAB compounds

with concentration in THF at 303.15 K.

0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08

Concentration (M)

101 PAB-102 PAB-103 PAB-104 PAB

0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08

Concentration (M)

106 PAB-107 PAB-108 PAB-109

Acoustical properties







Section-I Acoustical properties

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005 99

Further, molar compressibility (W) is observed to increase linearly in both the

solvents for all the studied compounds as shown in Figures 3.1.5 and 3.1.6. The Rao’s

molar sound function (Rm) and Vander Waal’s constant (b) are also observed to increase

linearly (correlation coefficient 0.9920-0.9998) with concentration for all the compounds

in both the solvents. The linear increase of these parameters shows absence of complex

formation in these systems.

From the Tables 3.1.2 and 3.1.3, it is also observed that the relative association

also increases with concentration almost for all the compounds in both the solvents

suggesting thereby predominance of solute-solvent interactions in the studied systems.

The type of interactions in a solution can also be confirmed by the solvation

number, which is a measure of structure forming or structure breaking tendency of a

solute in a solution. Figures 3.1.7 and 3.1.8 show that for all the compounds, solvation

number (Sn) increases with concentration. Further, these Sn values are positive for all the

compounds in both the solvents. The positive Sn values suggest structure forming

tendency of compounds in solution. This further confirms that there exist strong solute-

solvent interactions in the studied solutions.

The isentropic compressibility of all the solutions was also fitted to the following

Bachem’s relation99:

0 3 2s s AC BC … (3.1.16)

From the plot of 0 /s s C verses √C, values of A and B were evaluated from

the intercept and slope respectively. 0s is the isentropic compressibility of pure solvent.

Further, the apparent molar compressibility (k) of the solutions is fitted to Gucker’s


k = ok + Sk √C … (3.1.17)

From the plot of k verses √C, ok and Sk values are evaluated from the intercept

and slope. Sk is known as interaction parameter.

The apparent molar volumes ΦV of the solutions were calculated by the following


Φv = M/ρ-[1000(ρ-ρ0)/ρc]

... (3.1.18)


Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot

Figure 3.1.5: The variation of

with concentration in DMF






0 0.01





















I Acoustical properties

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005

ariation of molar compressibility (W) of PAB compounds

with concentration in DMF at 303.15 K.

0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08

Concentration (M)

PAB-101 PAB-102 PAB-103 PAB-104

0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08

Concentration (M)

-106 PAB-107 PAB-108 PAB-109

Acoustical properties


PAB compounds

0.08 0.09 0.1





Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot

Figure 3.1.6: The variation of

with concentration in THF



























I Acoustical properties

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005

ariation of molar compressibility (W) of PAB compounds

with concentration in THF at 303.15 K.

0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08

Concentration (M)

-101 PAB-102 PAB-103 PAB-104

0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08

Concentration (M)

PAB-106 PAB-107 PAB-108 PAB-109

Acoustical properties


PAB compounds






Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot

Figure 3.1.7: The Variation of

concentration in DMF




















I Acoustical properties

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005

Variation of solvation number (Sn) of PAB compounds

concentration in DMF at 303.15 K.

0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08

Concentration (M)

101 PAB-102 PAB-103 PAB-104

0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08

Concentrtaion (M)

106 PAB-107 PAB-108 PAB-109

Acoustical properties


PAB compounds with






Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot

Figure 3.1.8: The Variation of

concentration in THF



















I Acoustical properties

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005

Variation of solvation number (Sn) of PAB compounds

concentration in THF at 303.15 K.

0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08

Concentration (M)

101 PAB-102 PAB-103 PAB-104

0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08

Concentration (M)

106 PAB-107 PAB-108 PAB-109

Acoustical properties


of PAB compounds with





Section-I Acoustical properties

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005 104

and were fitted in the relation:

ΦV = ΦVo +Sv C ... (3.1.19)

From the plot of ΦV verses C, ΦVo and Sv values were calculated from the

intercept and slope respectively. Sv is the measure of solute-solvent interactions. All these

values are given in Table 3.1.4.

It is evident from Table 3.1.4 that in both DMF and THF solutions, A, ok, and Φ



values are negative whereas B, Sk and Sv values are positive. The lower or negative A, B,

ok confirms interaction between solvent and compound molecules. Further, negative

values of ΦV

oimplies electrostrictive solvation of ions(101,102) i.e., more compressibility in

solution. Table 3.1.4 shows that in comparison to DMF, for THF solutions, A, ok and Φ



are more negative whereas B, Sk and Sv values are more positive. This suggests that

compressibility is higher in THF than that in DMF solutions. Further, the positive and

higher values of interaction parameters Sk and Sv confirms the predominance of solute-

solvent interactions in studied systems.

Thus, it is concluded that in the studied systems, solute-solvent interactions

dominate in both DMF and THF solutions.

Section-I Acoustical properties

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005 105

Table 3.1.4: The Bachem’s constants A and B, ok and Sk, ΦV

o and Sv of PAB

compounds in DMF and THF at 303.15 K.


A X 1011

dyn-1. cm3


B X 1011


ok X 108


Sk X 108




cm2 . mol-1




DMFPAB-101 -3.38 5.94 -3.38 9.26 -4.995 351.1

PAB-102 -2.69 7.70 -2.93 11.99 -116.3 2323

PAB-103 -2.01 3.08 -5.66 19.36 -170.2 1938

PAB-104 -1.96 2.26 -5.18 18.86 -236.9 3968

PAB-105 -6.01 12.62 -12.44 39.81 -42.87 710.2

PAB-106 -5.50 11.28 -10.94 33.21 -335.4 4085

PAB-107 -3.49 7.64 -9.31 35.37 -185.5 2787

PAB-108 -4.99 11.46 -5.26 15.64 -124.0 1194

PAB-109 -6.62 15.20 -11.08 35.28 -64.54 576.7

PAB-110 -7.82 27.49 -6.84 20.97 -93.23 1123


PAB-101 -11.03 23.61 -19.13 47.96 -869.7 6694

PAB-102 -11.58 25.28 -19.69 50.61 -689.6 4731

PAB-103 -12.34 29.20 -20.51 54.37 -900.8 6919

PAB-104 -10.61 24.28 -17.94 46.93 -678.7 4498

PAB-105 -10.37 23.53 -17.71 45.45 -652.4 4048

PAB-106 -11.12 26.16 -17.96 47.63 -608.6 3997

PAB-107 -13.68 32.57 -21.73 57.42 -706.8 4597

PAB-108 -11.99 27.37 -18.61 47.47 -648.9 4119

PAB-109 -10.79 24.80 -17.98 46.32 -606.3 3885

PAB-110 -11.39 26.35 -18.31 47.13 -630.3 3937

Section-I Acoustical properties

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005 106


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73. Inoue, N.; Hasegawa, T. and Matsuzawa, K.; “Ultrasonic velocity measurement of

liquids in the frequency range 0.2-7 MHz using an improved ultrasonic

interferometer.” Acustica 1991, 74(2), 128-133.

74. Takagi, T.; “Ultrasonic velocity in binary mixtures under high pressures and their

thermodynamic properties.-Binary mixture for nitrobenzene-aniline.” Review

Phys. Chem. 1978, 48(1), 10-16.

75. Nath, J. and Dixit, A.; “Ultrasonic velocities in, and adiabatic compressibilities

for, binary liquid mixtures of acetone with benzene, toluene, p-xylene, and

mesitylene at 308.15 K.” J. Chem. Eng. Data. 1984 29(3), 320-321.

76. Ali, A.; Nain, A. and Kamil, M.; “Physical-chemical studies of non-aqueous

binary liquid mixtures at various temperatures.” Thermo. Chim. Acta, 1996, 274,


77. Ezhil Raj, A.; Resmi, L.; Bena Jothy, V.; Jayachandran, M. and Sanjeeviraja, C.;

“Ultrasonic study on binary mixture containing dimethylformamide and methanol

over the entire miscibility range (0 < x < 1) at temperatures 303–323 K” Fluid

Phase Equi. 2009, 281(1), 78-86.

78. Pancholy, M. and Singal S.; “Ultrasonic studies in aqueous solutions of

electrolytes.” J. Sci. Ind. Res. 1962, 21B (2), 70-73.

79. Kim, W.; Yu, M.; Choi, I. and Kim, M.; “Measurement of ultrasonic relaxational

characteristics in aqueous solution of ZnCl2-DMF.” Ungyong Mulli 1998, 11(6),


80. Laux, D.; Leveque, G. and Cereser, C.; “Ultrasonic properties of water/sorbitol

solutions.” Ultrasonics 2009, 49(2), 159-161.

81. Hassun, S.; Shihab, A. and Jassim, F.; “Studies on ultrasonic absorption and

visco-relaxation of poly (ethylene glycol) aqueous solutions.” Chin. J. Poly. Sci.

1989, 7(3), 270-279.

82. Srivastava, S. and Laxmi, S.; “Ultrasonic studies of amino acids” Z. Phys. Chem.

1970, 70, 219-223.

83. Sharma, P.; Chauhan, S.; Chauhan, M. and Syal, V.; “Ultrasonic velocity and

viscosity studies of tramacip and parvodex in binary mixtures of alcohol + water”

Ind. J. Pure Appl. Phys. 2008, 46 (12), 839-843.

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84. Baluja, S.; Solanki, A. and Kachhadia, N.; “An ultrasonic study of some drugs in

solutions.” Russ. J. Phys. Chem. 2007, 81, 859-863.

85. Sasaki, K. and Arakawa, K.; “Ultrasonic and thermodynamic studies on the

aqueous solutions of tetramethylurea.” Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. 1973, 46(9), 2738-


86. S. Baluja; “Acoustical studies of some Schiff bases in 1,4-dioxane and

dimethylformamide at 318.15 K.” Chin. J. Chem. 2006, 24(10), 1327-1331.

87. Godvani, N.; Movaliya J. and Baluja, S.; “Acoustical studies of some derivatives

of 1,5-benzodiazepines at 298.15 K.” Russ. J. Phys. Chem. 2009, 83(13), 2223-


88. Gajera, R.; Bhalodia, R. and S. Baluja; “Synthesis and ultrasonic studies of some

dihydropyrimidines in different solvent at 298.15 K.” Int. J. Appl. Chem. 2009,

5(1), 47-55.

89. Riddick, J.; Bunger, W. and Sakano T.; “Organic solvents-Physical properties and

Methods for purification” 4th Edition, Techniques of Chemistry, Vol.II, Wiely,

New York 1986.

90. Ubbelhode, L.; “The simplest and most accurate viscometer and other apparatus

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91. Robinson, R. and Stokes, R.; "Electrolyte Solutions", Butterworths Scientific

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92. Sastry, G.; Sastry, V. and Krishnamurty, B.; “Ultrasonic parameters in mixed salt

solutions.” Ind. J. Pure Appl. Phy. 1968, 6, 637-638.

93. Jacobson, B.; Nature (London), 1954, 173, 772-773.

94. Wada; Y.; “The relation between compressibility and molal volume of

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95. Sendhilnathan, S.; Bagchi, S.; Nema, S. and Singh R.; “Ultrasonic and rheological

investigations of solid propellant binders” Euro. Poly. J. 1989, 25, 441-444.

96. Vigoureux, P.; “Ultrasonics”, Chapman and Hall, London 1952.

97. Johri G. K. and Misra R. C.; “Phase-transition study and ultrasonic investigations

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98. Yawale, S.; Pakade, S. and Adagonkar, S.; “Solid state variable frequency pulser-

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99. Bachem, C.; Electrochem. 1935, 41,570.

100. F.T. Gucker (Jr.), Chem. Rev.1993, 64, 111.

101. Korey, V. B.; “Adiabatic compressibilities of some aqueous ionic solutions and

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nitrobenzene mixtures” Ind. J. Pure appl. Phys. 1991, 29, 601-605.



Section-II Solubility

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005 115


The solubility of pharmaceuticals compounds is an important aspect of drug

development. The knowledge of an accurate solubility is needed for the design of

separation processes such as extractive crystallization or for the safe operation of different

processing units such as distillation columns, absorption units and extraction plants.

The extensive information on the thermodynamic properties of organic

compounds is needed not only their use in many industrial processes but also for the

advancement of theoretical developments through an understanding of the intermolecular

forces-solution structure-property relationship. Literature survey shows that many

researchers have studied the solubility of gases1, organic compounds2-4, amino acids5,6,

polymers7-9, ionic liquids10,11, inorganic compounds12-15, drugs16-19 etc.

In the field of pharmaceutical research, solubility is a key factor to concentrate20

as it is pivotal to determine the bio availability of drugs21. So, many researchers have

studied the solubility of various drugs like difloxacin22, clopidogril23, oxaprozin24,

bupivacaine25, aciclovir26, ibuprofen27 etc.

To study the solubility, various methods have been used such as HPLC28,

Differential Scanning Calorimetry29, 1H and 13P NMR30, laser monitoring observation

technique31 etc. Solubility of drugs can also be predicted by various theoretical methods32

like multiple linear regression33, general solubility equation34, group contribution

approach35 etc.

The dissolution of a solute in a solvent is accompanied by the heat change. If the

heat is absorbed, i.e., the solution is cooler, the enthalpy change (∆H) would be positive.

If the heat is evolved, solution is warmer and so enthalpy change would be negative.

Thus, the heat of solution is defined as the change in enthalpy, when one mole of

substance is dissolved in specified quantity of solvent at a given temperature. By using

the computation of solubility data, thermodynamics parameters of solution can also be


Our research group has actively engaged to study the solubility of various drug

APIs (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients)37,38 and other bio active heterocyclic molecules 39,40.

Section-II Solubility

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005 116

In this chapter, solubility study of some tetrahydropyrimidine derivatives (PAB-

101 to PAB-110) have been done in various solvents such as methanol, ethanol, isopropyl

alcohol and tetrahydrofuran, at various temperatures (293.15 to 313.15K). Further, some

thermodynamic parameters such as dissolution enthalpy, Gibb’s energy of dissolution and

entropy have also been evaluated from the solubility data.

Section-II Solubility

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005 117


All the synthesized compounds were recrystallized in chloroform. The solubility

of these synthesized compounds (PAB-101 to PAB-110) is determined in methanol,

ethanol, isopropyl alcohol and tetrahydrofuran. The choice of these solvents is due to

their different dielectric constants and solubility of compounds.

All these selected solvents were purified by fractional distillation and its purity

was checked by HPLC.

The gravimetric method41 was used to study the solubility. An excess mass of

compound was added to a known mass of solvent. The solution was warmed to a constant

temperature with continuous stirring. After, at least 3 hr the stirring was stopped and the

solution was kept at a constant temperature for 2 hr. A portion of this solution was filtered

and by a preheated injector, 5 ml of this clear solution was taken to pre weighted

measuring vial (m0). The vial was quickly and tightly closed and weighted (m1) to

determine the mass of the sample (m1- m0). To prevent dust contamination, the vial was

covered with a piece of filter paper. After completely dryness of vial mass, the vial was

reweighed (m2) to determine the mass of the constant residue solid (m2- m0). All the

weights were taken using electronic balance ( Mettler Toledo AB204-S, Switzerland)

with uncertainty of 0.0001 g. The procedure was repeated three times at each


Section-II Solubility

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005 118


Using the weights of residues and solvents, the mole fraction solubility (x) of the

compound in the solution is determined by the equation:

2 0 1

2 0 1 1 2 2

( ) /

( ) / ( ) /

m m Mx

m m M m m M

… (3.2.1)

where M1 and M2 are the molar mass of compound and solvent respectively. For each

solvent, the experiment was repeated three times at each temperatures and an average

value is given in Tables 3.2.1 to 3.2.4 for all the selected solvents.

It is obvious from these tables that the solubility is much higher in THF in

comparison to alcohols. In the studied alcohols, maximum solubility is observed for

compound PAB-103 and minimum for PAB-104. However, in THF, maximum solubility

is observed for PAB-102 and minimum is observed for PAB-108.

The variation of solubility with temperature is also shown in Figures 3.2.1 to 3.2.4

for all the compounds in the studied solvents. It is evident from these figures that

solubility increases with temperature for all the compounds in the studied solvents.

Further, the temperature dependence of solubility in solvents is studied by the following

modified Apelblat equation42,43:

ln x = A + B/T + C lnT ... (3.2.2)

where x is the mass fraction solubility of compound, T is the absolute temperature and A,

B and C are the parameters. The values of these parameters are also given in Table 3.2.5.

Using these parameters, values of solubility (xc) were evaluated and are given in

Tables 3.2.1 to 3.2.4. Further, root-mean-square deviations (RMSD) were calculated by

equations (3.2.3) and are listed in Table 3.2.5.

1/ 22


( )


Nci i




… (3.2.3)

where N is the number of experimental points and xci is the calculated solubility.

Using experimental data of solubility in different solvents, some thermodynamic

parameters such as dissolution enthalpy, Gibb’s energy of dissolution and entropy have

also been evaluated.

Section-II Solubility

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005 119

Table 3.2.1: The experimental mole fraction solubility (x) and calculated solubility

(xc) of tetrahydropyrimidine derivatives (PAB) in methanol at different



x. 103 xc.103 x. 103 xc.103

PAB-101 PAB-106

293.15 2.3355 2.4577 0.7946 0.7973

298.15 2.7406 2.8905 0.9063 0.9104

303.15 3.1486 3.2921 1.0281 1.0363

308.15 3.4323 3.6382 1.1783 1.1762

313.15 3.7212 3.9087 1.3229 1.3311

PAB-102 PAB-107

293.15 2.4890 2.5186 0.9903 0.9937

298.15 2.8392 2.8875 1.2376 1.2248

303.15 3.1960 3.2090 1.4849 1.5180

308.15 3.3958 3.4636 1.9204 1.8910

313.15 3.5996 3.6376 2.3533 2.3668

PAB-103 PAB-108

293.15 3.4381 3.2917 2.0302 2.1090

298.15 3.5237 3.3757 2.0928 2.1698

303.15 3.6168 3.4630 2.1296 2.2293

308.15 3.7144 3.5536 2.2177 2.2874

313.15 3.8097 3.6476 2.2491 2.3440

PAB-104 PAB-109

293.15 0.5055 0.5031 1.5909 1.5793

298.15 0.5303 0.5273 1.8949 1.8458

303.15 0.5517 0.5480 2.2075 2.2584

308.15 0.5666 0.5648 2.9960 2.8837

313.15 0.5814 0.5778 3.8391 3.8322

PAB-105 PAB-110

293.15 1.0337 1.0665 1.9735 2.0592

298.15 1.3007 1.3287 1.9931 2.0815

303.15 1.5713 1.6386 2.0126 2.0981

308.15 1.9606 2.0014 2.0180 2.1091

313.15 2.3465 2.4222 2.0262 2.1148


Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot

Figure 3.2.1: The variation








290 295








290 295



Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005

The variation of mole fraction solubility x with temperature

in methanol.

295 300 305 310

Temperature (K)PAB-101 PAB-101PAB-102 PAB-102 PAB-103 PAB-103 PAB-104 PAB-104PAB-105 PAB-105

295 300 305 310Temperature (K)

PAB-106 PAB-106 PAB-107 PAB-107 PAB-108 PAB-108 PAB-109 PAB-109 PAB-110 PAB-110



with temperature for PAB



Section-II Solubility

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005 121

Table 3.2.2: The experimental mole fraction solubility (x) and calculated solubility

(xc) of PAB compounds in ethanol at different temperatures.


x. 103 xc.103 x. 103 xc.103

PAB-101 PAB-106

293.15 1.3072 1.3675 1.7157 1.7662

298.15 1.7253 1.7821 1.7743 1.8425

303.15 2.1403 2.2514 1.8616 1.9161

308.15 2.6533 2.7623 1.9291 1.9868

313.15 3.1631 3.2974 1.9864 2.0544

PAB-102 PAB-107

293.15 1.3191 1.3927 1.0706 1.0732

298.15 1.6316 1.7115 1.1833 1.1824

303.15 1.9492 2.0714 1.2898 1.2944

308.15 2.3545 2.4713 1.4071 1.4088

313.15 2.7542 2.9088 1.5225 1.5246

PAB-103 PAB-108

293.15 3.5601 3.6655 2.6090 2.6237

298.15 3.6772 3.7842 2.6994 2.7162

303.15 3.7829 3.8939 2.7894 2.8019

308.15 3.8768 3.9943 2.8609 2.8806

313.15 3.9688 4.0855 2.9366 2.9523

PAB-104 PAB-109

293.15 0.5222 0.5126 3.8183 3.7898

298.15 0.5503 0.5377 3.8222 3.7936

303.15 0.5783 0.5727 3.8263 3.7975

308.15 0.6365 0.6189 3.8305 3.8015

313.15 0.6892 0.6779 3.8345 3.8055

PAB-105 PAB-110

293.15 1.8953 1.8748 2.6738 2.7602

298.15 2.0290 1.9972 2.9140 3.0049

303.15 2.1626 2.1501 3.1545 3.2617

308.15 2.3760 2.3375 3.4243 3.5307

313.15 2.5930 2.5647 3.6908 3.8118


Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot

Figure 3.2.2: The variation

compounds in







290 295








290 295



Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005

of mole fraction solubility x with temperature

in ethanol.

295 300 305 310

Temperature (K)PAB-101 PAB-101PAB-102 PAB-102PAB-103 PAB-103 PAB-104 PAB-104 PAB-105 PAB-105

295 300 305 310Temperature (K)

PAB-106 PAB-106 PAB-107 PAB-107 PAB-108 PAB-108 PAB-109 PAB-109 PAB-110 PAB-110



with temperature for PAB



Section-II Solubility

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005 123

Table 3.2.3: The experimental mole fraction solubility (x), calculated solubility (xc)

of PAB compounds in isopropyl alcohol at different temperatures.


x. 103 xc.103 x. 103 xc.103

PAB-101 PAB-106

293.15 1.7325 1.7150 0.8418 0.86832

298.15 1.9229 1.8878 0.8843 0.91518

303.15 2.1056 2.1047 0.9330 0.96217

308.15 2.4231 2.3745 0.9778 1.00919

313.15 2.7347 2.7086 1.0220 1.05614

PAB-102 PAB-107

293.15 4.0837 3.9834 0.4842 0.4755

298.15 4.1653 4.0677 0.5022 0.4877

303.15 4.2664 4.1609 0.5082 0.5022

308.15 4.3717 4.2633 0.5319 0.5190

313.15 4.4834 4.3747 0.5495 0.5381

PAB-103 PAB-108

293.15 5.6778 5.5748 2.3497 2.4000

298.15 5.7814 5.6824 2.4980 2.5408

303.15 5.8845 5.7716 2.6398 2.7074

308.15 5.9458 5.8431 2.8527 2.9024

313.15 6.0066 5.8971 3.0632 3.1289

PAB-104 PAB-109

293.15 0.4671 0.4867 3.6885 3.5707

298.15 0.5047 0.531 3.7480 3.6336

303.15 0.5485 0.5658 3.8282 3.7076

308.15 0.5599 0.5897 3.9217 3.7925

313.15 0.5777 0.6020 4.0137 3.8884

PAB-105 PAB-110

293.15 0.8224 0.7842 2.8864 2.8319

298.15 0.9502 0.8969 3.2916 3.2116

303.15 1.0775 1.0422 3.7028 3.6718

308.15 1.3089 1.2290 4.3595 4.2294

313.15 1.5383 1.4693 4.9881 4.9058


Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot

Figure 3.2.3: The variation










290 295









290 295



Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005

The variation of mole fraction solubility x with temperature

compounds in isopropyl alcohol.

295 300 305 310Temperature (K)

PAB-101 PAB-101PAB-102 PAB-102PAB-103 PAB-103 PAB-104 PAB-104 PAB-105 PAB-105

295 300 305 310Temperature (K)

PAB-106 PAB-106 PAB-107 PAB-107 PAB-108 PAB-108 PAB-109 PAB-109 PAB-110 PAB-110



with temperature for PAB



Section-II Solubility

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005 125

Table 3.2.4: The experimental mole fraction solubility (x) and calculated solubility

(xc) PAB compounds in THF at different temperatures.


x. 103 xc.103 x. 103 xc.103

PAB-101 PAB-106

293.15 8.3590 8.7955 9.1415 9.4364

298.15 8.5903 9.0499 9.6052 9.9275

303.15 8.8212 9.2752 10.0701 10.3933

308.15 8.9873 9.4709 10.4860 10.8310

313.15 9.1530 9.6372 10.8784 11.2384

PAB-102 PAB-107

293.15 21.0426 21.9747 16.4174 16.5920

298.15 21.6805 22.6781 16.5749 16.7635

303.15 22.3133 23.2710 16.7336 16.9035

308.15 22.6998 23.7520 16.8228 17.0132

313.15 23.0872 24.1215 16.9100 17.0939

PAB-103 PAB-108

293.15 11.5150 12.1014 6.9170 7.1175

298.15 12.0429 12.6292 7.0822 7.2958

303.15 12.4813 13.1149 7.2556 7.4625

308.15 12.8859 13.5559 7.3964 7.6173

313.15 13.2852 13.9505 7.5377 7.7605

PAB-104 PAB-109

293.15 11.2591 10.9118 8.2134 8.1346

298.15 12.0687 11.5944 8.3264 8.2351

303.15 12.8938 12.6383 8.4152 8.3354

308.15 14.7346 14.1087 8.5199 8.4356

313.15 16.6013 6.1050 8.6250 8.5357

PAB-105 PAB-110

293.15 15.4735 14.7188 8.2966 8.5012

298.15 15.5848 14.8336 8.3941 8.6027

303.15 15.7250 14.9523 8.4921 8.6995

308.15 15.8547 15.0748 8.5743 8.7917

313.15 15.9845 15.2009 8.6642 8.8794


Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot

Figure 3.2.4: The variation









290 295










290 295



Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005

The variation of mole fraction solubility x with temperature

compounds in tetrahydrofuran.

295 300 305 310Temperature (K)

PAB-101 PAB-101PAB-102 PAB-102 PAB-103 PAB-103 PAB-104 PAB-104 PAB-105 PAB-105

295 300 305 310Temperature (K)

PAB-106 PAB-106 PAB-107 PAB-107 PAB-108 PAB-108 PAB-109 PAB-109 PAB-110 PAB-110



with temperature for PAB



Section-II Solubility

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005 127

Table 3.2.5: Coefficient A, B and C of equation 3.2.2 and Root Mean Square Deviation (RMSD) of PAB compounds in different solvents.

Compounds A B C104




Methanol Ethanol

PAB -101 650.84 -31438.39 -96.75 1.8415 549.75 -28520.52 -80.81 1.1085

PAB -102 646.2 -30853.69 -96.28 0.4859 209.6 -12614.36 -30.48 1.2683

PAB -103 -32.51 810.07 4.23 1.7254 50.54 -2954.79 -8.11 1.2482

PAB -104 167.46 -8436.42 -25.75 0.03281 -416.72 17374.83 61.59 0.1336

PAB -105 77.91 -7010.54 -10.71 0.58747 -307.87 12390.4 45.65 0.3104

PAB -106 -30.06 -956.71 4.61 0.0642 37.52 -2566.06 -6.18 0.6736

PAB -107 -296.33 9687.27 45.13 0.2404 74.26 -5022.78 -11.26 0.03062

PAB -108 6.57 -984.84 -1.65 0.9481 54.45 -3183.21 -8.72 0.1801

PAB -109 -1228.76 51705.93 184.12 0.6665 -6.72 35.48 0.18 0.32153

PAB -110 55.06 -2866.87 -9.06 0.9829 1.78 -1600.02 -0.39 1.1537

Isopropyl alcohol THF

PAB -101 -385.27 15320.36 57.5 0.3382 69.41 -3700.3 -10.83 5.1876

PAB -102 -63.21 2238.66 8.81 1.1646 110.84 -5535.32 -16.86 11.1337

PAB -103 65.65 -3414.52 -10.42 1.1795 84.02 -4542.43 -12.84 7.0374

PAB -104 498.18 -23647.46 -74.84 0.2674 -666.94 28375.61 99.57 5.1204

PAB -105 -488.72 19288.85 73.19 0.6454 -14.86 354.91 1.66 8.5917

PAB -106 14.48 -1732.03 -2.75 0.3414 76.09 -4322.34 -11.62 3.6875

PAB -107 -119.92 4584.6 17.01 0.1234 35.98 -1924.1 -5.9 2.0313

PAB -108 -204.98 7946.11 30.25 0.6277 29.24 -1878.37 -4.89 2.3829

PAB -109 -83.46 3180.31 11.79 1.3587 -9.9 42.6 0.87 0.9477

PAB -110 -294.36 10882.28 44.25 0.9219 3.03 -520.89 -1.06 2.3562

Section-II Solubility

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005 128

According to van’t Hoff analysis, the standard enthalpy change of solution is

obtained from the slope the ln x versus 1/T plot. However, in recent thermodynamic

treatments, some modifications have been introduced in the van’t Hoff equation to

diminish the propagation of errors and consequently to separate the chemical effects from

those due to statistical treatment used when enthalpy-entropy compensation plots are

developed42. For this reason, the mean harmonic temperature (Thm) is used in the van’t

Hoff analysis, which is calculated by modified van’t Hoff equation.

The enthalpy of solution (Hsol) was calculated by modified Van’t Hoff equation44


1 1Sol

hm P



... (3.2.6)

where T is the experimental temperature and R is gas constant. Thm is the mean harmonic

temperature which is given as

1hm n




... (3.2.7)

where n is the number of experimental temperatures. In the present case, the Thm value

obtained is only 302.99 K. The slope of the plot of ln x versus (1/T-1/Thm) gives the value

of Hsol.

The Gibbs energy change (Gsol) for the solubility process was then evaluated

from intercept of the above plot using following relation45:

ΔGsol = -RT. intercept ... (3.2.8)

Using these evaluated Hsol and Gsol values, the entropies of solutions Ssol were

obtained from equation




H - GS =

T ... (3.2.9)

All these thermodynamic parameters are given in Table 3.2.6.

It is evident from Table 3.2.6 that for all the compounds Hsol are Gsol values are

positive in all the studied solvents. However, Ssol values are negative for some

Section-II Solubility

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005 129

compounds. When stronger bonds are broken and weaker bonds are formed, energy is

consumed. So, Hsol becomes positive49. This indicates endothermic dissolution of

Table 3.2.6: The thermodynamic parameters of PAB compounds in different












Methanol Ethanol

PAB-101 17.7067 14.6103 10.2195 33.5886 15.5348 59.5864

PAB-102 14.0451 14.5599 -1.6992 28.0847 15.7363 40.7558

PAB-103 3.9370 14.1614 -33.7456 4.1288 14.0576 -32.7701

PAB-104 5.2536 18.9229 -45.1152 10.6622 18.7188 -26.5908

PAB-105 31.3184 16.2477 49.7409 11.9588 15.4164 -11.4118

PAB-106 19.5667 17.3308 7.3796 5.7525 15.8497 -33.3257

PAB-107 33.1166 16.3484 55.3432 13.4022 16.7691 -11.1125

PAB-108 4.0115 15.4794 -37.8496 4.5029 14.8269 -34.0745

PAB-109 33.8046 15.2149 61.3554 0.1621 14.0183 -45.7323

PAB-110 0.9562 15.6431 -48.4740 12.3061 14.5095 -7.2726

Isopropyl alcohol Tetrahydrofuran

PAB-101 14.5079 15.9555 -4.7775 3.4653 11.9275 -27.9297

PAB-102 9.6276 16.8749 -23.9196 3.5401 9.5949 -19.9839

PAB-103 3.3762 15.1796 -38.9569 5.4055 11.0532 -18.6401

PAB-104 5.7225 14.7992 -29.9576 14.8559 10.8570 13.1984

PAB-105 0.8234 14.5624 -45.3455 1.2529 10.4590 -30.3845

PAB-106 5.0308 14.1871 -30.2203 6.6562 11.5950 -16.3006

PAB-107 7.8177 14.3760 -21.6459 0.9869 10.3129 -30.7804

PAB-108 0.2333 13.8470 -44.9321 3.3846 12.4137 -29.8004

PAB-109 26.1558 12.0031 46.7110 1.4832 12.0258 -34.7957

PAB-110 32.1004 11.8142 66.9543 1.6478 12.0132 -34.2108

Section-II Solubility

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005 130

compounds. The endothermic effect in the dissolving process is perhaps because the

interactions between compound molecules and solvent molecules are more powerful than

those between the solvent molecules50. The positive value of Gsol indicates that the

dissolution process is not spontaneous49, 37. The entropy values are positive for some

compounds in some solvents whereas these values are negative in other solvents for few

compounds. The positive entropy indicates that dissolution process increases the

randomness in solution whereas negative entropy is due to more order in solutions51. This

depends on the functional groups present in the compound as well as on the solvent.

Different functional groups interact differently with the solvent, so randomness will be

different. It is observed that in tetrahydrofuran, entropy is negative for all the compounds

indicating thereby less randomness in this solvent. In alcohols, for some compounds,

randomness is more in methanol than in ethanol and isopropyl alcohol. So, entropy values

are positive for most of the compounds in methanol than other two alcohols.

Thus, it is concluded that for the studied compounds, dissolution process is not

completely enthalpy or entropy driven in the selected solvents.

Section-II Solubility

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005 131


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Density and refractive index

Section-III Density and refractive index

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005 136


The ratio of the velocity of light in vacuum to its velocity in the given medium is

known as refractive index. The refractive index of a material is the most important

property of any optical system that uses refraction.

The refractive index is a characteristic property of a substance, which depends

upon temperature and the wavelength of the light used. It decreases with increasing

temperature and wavelength. So, it is used to determine the structure and identity of

unknown compounds. It also determines isotropic and anisotropic behaviour of the crystal

by the arrangement of atoms1. The number of atoms, groups, radicals and bonds present

in the compound can also be calculated by refractive index measurement. Generally,

refractive index is a unit less number. Most compounds have refractive index values

between 1.3000 and 1.7000, but some materials give negative refractive index values and

are known as meta materials. These materials were first demonstrated for microwave


The refractive index of a material medium is an important optical parameter since

it exhibits the optical properties of the material. It is important parameter in the design of

a solid state laser3.

Properties like refractive index, viscosity and density of binary liquid mixtures

over the whole composition range are useful for a full understanding of their

thermodynamic as well as for practical chemical engineering purposes and is also useful

for the adequate design of industrial processes4,5 and for theoretical purposes6. Various

applications of refractive index in optical fibers and other fields have also been reported7-

15. It is used in various industries to control manufacturing processes such as

fermentation16, dyes17, canning and preservation of food18,19 and for the identification or

assaying of some solids, liquids or constituents of a solution. A very well known

application is to determine the thickness of film20-24. Thus, this property has been used to

study various substances.

Nowadays refractive index also found useful in research related to medical

science and biotechnology25,26. Recent years have seen a rapid increase of research

interests in determining the cell physical parameters such as size, shape and refractive

index of living cells as demanded by biological studies and cell-based drug screening27,28.

Section-III Density and refractive index

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005 137

The refractive index method also permits the determination of the concentration

distribution of solutes under non-destructive circumstances29.

Literature survey shows that refractive index of various types of materials such as

ionic liquids30-35, oils36,37, amino acids38, proteins39, sugar40,41, liquid crystals42,43, optical

fibres44-46, detergent47, photo sensitive materials48, nanomaterials49,50, holographic

materials51, various gases52, other materials53,54 etc has been reported.

The refractive index plays a vital role in various branches of science. It plays a

crucial role in instruments related to chemistry. Refractive index (RI) detection has been

successfully applied to many analytical techniques including HPLC55,56 size exclusion

chromatography57 and CE58,59. RI based detectors60 are more attractive alternatives to

fluorescence and absorption methods.

Further, various workers studied refractive index in liquid mixtures60-75, but scanty

work has been reported for the solutions of organic76-78, inorganic79-84 and polymeric

materials85-89. Study of solutions for solute-solute and solute-solvent interactions is found

to be attractive for researchers90-94 and have been studied by the knowledge of refractive

index. Refractive index of some aliphatic alcohols with dioxane has also been reported by

Sherstneva and Koleboshin95. Refractive index of methyl isobutyl ketone + pentanols has

also been measured by Riggio et al.96. Aal-Wahaibi et al. have reported refractive index

of ternary system: isopropyl alcohol + cyclohexane + water97. Campos et al. 98 have

determined the refractive index of formamide + water system. Aminabhavi99 has

predicted refractive index of some binary solvent mixtures. Govindan et al100 have

measured of refractive index of liquids using fiber optic displacement sensors.

Iulian, et al101 have studied Refractive index for water-organic component

homogeneous liquid mixtures. The characterization of an organic nonlinear optical crystal

urea ninhydrin monohydrate was also studied by refractive index measurement102.

In the present section, the density and refractive index of synthesized

tetrahydropyrimidine were measured in N, N-dimethylformamide and tetrahydrofuran

solutions of different concentrations. Further, molar refraction have been evaluated. From

these data, the refractive index and density of compounds were determined

Section-III Density and refractive index

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005 138


The solvents N. N-dimethyformamide (DMF) and tetrahydrofuran (THF) were of

LR grade and are fractionally distilled by the reported method103

. All the studied

synthesized tetrahydropyrimidine derivatives were recrystalized from chloroform. For

each compound, a series of solutions of different concentrations were prepared in DMF

and THF solvents.

The density and refractive index of solutions were measured by using pyknometer

and Abbe refractometer respectively at constant temperature 303.15 K. The temperature

was maintained by circulating water through jacket around the prisms of refractometer

from an electronically controlled thermostatic water bath (NOVA NV-8550 E). The

uncertainty of temperature was ±0.1o C. Mettler Toledo AB204-S, Switzerland electronic

balance with uncertainty of 0.0001 g, was used for all the weights taken for density


The experimental data of density and refractive index of solutions are given in

Table 3.3.1.

Section-III Density and refractive index

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005 139


The density of solution (ρ12) is related to densities of the solvent, solute and their

weight fractions g1 and g2 according to the equation:

1 2

12 1 2

1 g g

… (3.3.1)

where ρ12 is the density of solution and ρ1 and ρ2 are the densities of solvent and solute

respectively. Table 3.3.1 shows the experimental values of densities and refractive index

for all the ten synthesized tetrahydropyrimidine in different solutions.

The slope of the plot of 1 121 g verses 2 1g g gives the density of these

compounds. The plot of 1 121 g verses 2 1g g is given in Figure 3.3.1 for PAB-101 in

DMF and THF respectively. The densities of all the synthesized compounds were

evaluated from the slope of such plots. The inverse of slope gives density of compound

(ρ2). Table 3.3.2 shows these calculated densities for all the compounds. Further, the

density of compounds were calculated by using the following equation (3.3.2),

A iKM N V … (3.3.2)

ρ indicates the density of the compound, K is packing fraction which is equal to 0.599 for

organic compounds, M is for molecular weight of the compound, NA is the Avogadro’s

number and ΔVi is the volume increment of the atoms and atomic groups present in the

compound. The density of all the studied compounds have been evaluated and reported in

Table 3.3.2. The calculated volume increment ΔVi for different atomic groups are given

in Table 3.3.3.

Comparison of densities evaluated from graphs and those calculated from eq.

(3.3.2) showed that calculated values are different from those evaluated graphically. For

the same compound, density in the two different solvents is different. This suggests that

one has to consider the role of solvent in the measurement of the physical parameters of

any solutions. It is because of the fact that, in every solution molecular interactions exists

which differs with different solvents. This is further confirmed by acoustical parameter

which is already discussed in Section I. Generally, intermolecular interactions do not

affect the density but due to the presence of different substituted groups in solutes,

interactions differ in different solvents which may cause change in volume thereby

affecting the density of solute in a particular solvent.

Section-III Density and refractive index

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005 140

Table 3.3.1: The density (ρ12) and refractive index (n) of tetrrahydropyrimidine

derivatives in DMF and THF at 303.15 K.










PAB-101 PAB-1060.00 0.9304 1.4171 0.8779 1.4032 0.9304 1.4171 0.8779 1.40320.01 0.9323 1.4237 0.8776 1.4038 0.9356 1.4260 0.8760 1.40410.02 0.9326 1.4246 0.8790 1.4047 0.9372 1.4262 0.8770 1.40580.04 0.9331 1.4260 0.8794 1.4056 0.9386 1.4268 0.8788 1.40790.06 0.9338 1.4275 0.8800 1.4069 0.9388 1.4272 0.8800 1.40940.08 0.9342 1.4289 0.8816 1.4081 0.9391 1.4280 0.8806 1.41000.10 0.9353 1.4304 0.8846 1.4093 0.9395 1.4288 0.8825 1.4114

PAB-102 PAB-1070.01 0.9330 1.4239 0.8790 1.4053 0.9347 1.4259 0.8820 1.40580.02 0.9333 1.4248 0.8804 1.4070 0.9348 1.4267 0.8823 1.40620.04 0.9338 1.4259 0.8815 1.4082 0.9350 1.4281 0.8829 1.40700.06 0.9340 1.4271 0.8820 1.4089 0.9351 1.4291 0.8835 1.40780.08 0.9351 1.4291 0.8824 1.4102 0.9354 1.4301 0.8847 1.40910.10 0.9370 1.4309 0.8830 1.4109 0.9359 1.4313 0.8860 1.4101

PAB-103 PAB-1080.01 0.9359 1.4243 0.8797 1.4045 0.9339 1.4268 0.8770 1.40420.02 0.9365 1.4248 0.8814 1.4049 0.9350 1.4272 0.8789 1.40620.04 0.9370 1.4255 0.8823 1.4052 0.9365 1.4279 0.8792 1.40760.06 0.9376 1.4269 0.8832 1.4057 0.9374 1.4287 0.8818 1.40970.08 0.9380 1.4281 0.8841 1.4063 0.9383 1.4291 0.8833 1.41120.10 0.9384 1.4289 0.8851 1.4077 0.9393 1.4298 0.8850 1.4128

PAB-104 PAB-1090.01 0.9343 1.4255 0.8769 1.4045 0.9339 1.4257 0.8774 1.40460.02 0.9351 1.4258 0.8783 1.4062 0.9349 1.4265 0.8785 1.40520.04 0.9354 1.4262 0.8803 1.4071 0.9360 1.4274 0.8792 1.40630.06 0.9356 1.4271 0.8822 1.4089 0.9366 1.4279 0.8800 1.40730.08 0.9357 1.4288 0.8831 1.4093 0.9378 1.4289 0.8815 1.40860.10 0.9376 1.4302 0.8842 1.4099 0.9387 1.4296 0.8828 1.4096

PAB-105 PAB-1100.01 0.9330 1.4251 0.8770 1.4048 0.9329 1.4259 0.8780 1.40490.02 0.9340 1.4249 0.8781 1.4052 0.9333 1.4265 0.8774 1.40590.04 0.9341 1.4251 0.8806 1.4062 0.9334 1.4272 0.8794 1.40790.06 0.9346 1.4262 0.8823 1.4073 0.9359 1.4292 0.8814 1.40980.08 0.9355 1.4279 0.8851 1.4092 0.9363 1.4301 0.8826 1.41080.10 0.9356 1.4290 0.8861 1.4094 0.9371 1.4314 0.8850 1.4122


Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot

Figure 3.3.1: The variation of 1/g

THF at 303.15 K.


















III Density and refractive index

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005

1: The variation of 1/g1ρ12 with g2/g1 for PAB-101 in [A] DMF and [B]

at 303.15 K.

0.01 0.02



0.01 0.02



Density and refractive index


in [A] DMF and [B]



Section-III Density and refractive index

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005 142

Table 3.3.2: Experimental and calculated densities of tetrahydropyrimidine

derivatives in DMF and THF solutions at 303.15 K.

Compound CodeDensity ( calculated from Fig. 3.5.1 Density (

calculated fromEqn. 3.5.2DMF THF

PAB-101 1.1405 1.2143 1.3048PAB-102 1.1756 1.0845 1.2404

PAB-103 1.1962 1.1716 1.3865PAB-104 1.1545 1.2259 1.3865

PAB-105 1.1339 1.4478 1.3648

PAB-106 1.2918 1.1217 1.2840

PAB-107 1.0711 1.1360 1.5496

PAB-108 1.3046 1.2261 1.3191

PAB-109 1.3891 1.1574 1.5199PAB-110 1.2563 1.2663 1.3444

Section-III Density and refractive index

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005 143

Table 3.3.3: Volume increments of some atoms and groups of atoms.

Atoms orAtomic group

VolumeIncrements (Ao)3

Atoms orAtomic group

VolumeIncrements (Ao)3




N1 37. 1 4. 10.2 N



C 1 37.1 37.





C. 1 54.

1 349.0

C N C1 28.1 37. 5.62




H1 00. 1 28.

1 48.





1 091 09. .

1 5.





F 11.40 C



O 11.65

C Cl



10.39 C Cl1 77.


C C N 15.9 O H 4.7

C F1 34.

9.2 Car O Cal1 37.1 5. 2.67




1 4. 14.7 C O H1 37.





C 1 21.1 57.

7.46 C N 10.0





.8.3 N



C ..


Section-III Density and refractive index

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Further, the molar refraction of a pure liquid (MRD) 1 can be calculated using the

Lorentz-Lorenz equation104:







… (3.3.3)

where n, M and ρ are refractive index , molecular weight and density of pure liquid


For solutions, the following eq. (3.3.4) was used to determine molar refraction.

212 1 1 2 221212 12





... (3.3.4)

where n12 and ρ12 are refractive index and density of solution respectively. X1 and X2 are

the mole fractions and M1 and M2 are the molecular weight of the solvent and solute


The plots of (MRD) 12 verses concentration for all the studied compounds in DMF

and THF are given in Figures 3.3.2 and 3.3.3. It is evident from these figures that (MRD)

12 increases with the increase in concentration. From the values of the molar refraction of

solution and pure solvent, molar refraction of solid compounds were determined by

following equation:

1 212 1 2MRD X MRD X MRD … (3.3.5)

From the density and molar refraction data, the refractive indexes of all the

compounds were calculated from eq. (3.3.3). The molar refraction (MRD)2 and refractive

index of all the compounds are reported in Table 3.3.4 for 0.1 M solution.

Each solvent interacts differently with different functional groups, so that (MRD)2

and refractive index of compounds is different in each solvent, as shown in Table 3.3.4.

As discussed above, in different solvents intermolecular interactions are different, which

affect these parameters. In some solvents, aggregation or hydrogen bonding takes place

whereas in others, breakage of bonds takes place. The refractive index and molar

refraction depends not only upon atomic refraction but also upon single, double or triple

bonds. However, it is reported that bond refraction is more effective than atomic

refraction. Further, bond polarity also causes change in molar refraction. Thus, type of

solvent affects the refractive index and molar refraction of a solute.


Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot

Figure 3.3.2: The plots of molar refraction (MRD)

tetrahydropyrimidine derivatives







) 12








) 12

PAB 106

III Density and refractive index

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005

2: The plots of molar refraction (MRD)12 against concentration of

tetrahydropyrimidine derivatives in DMF solutions at 303.15 K.

0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08

Concentration (M)

PAB-101 PAB-102 PAB-103 PAB-104

0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08Concentration (M)

PAB 106 PAB 107 PAB 108 PAB 109

Density and refractive index


against concentration of

in DMF solutions at 303.15 K.

0.08 0.10



PAB 110


Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot

Figure 3.3.3: The plots of molar refraction (MRD)







) 12







) 12


III Density and refractive index

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005

3: The plots of molar refraction (MRD)12 against concentration of

tetrahydropyrimidine derivatives in THF solutions at 303.15 K.

0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08

Concentration (M)

101 PAB-102 PAB-103 PAB-104

0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08

Concentration (M)

106 PAB-107 PAB-108 PAB-109

Density and refractive index


against concentration of

solutions at 303.15 K.





Section-III Density and refractive index

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Table 3.3.4: Calculated molar refraction and refractive index of 0.1 M solution of

tetrahydropyrimidine derivatives in DMF and THF at 303.15 K.


SolventsDMF THF

(MRD)2 n (MRD)2 nPAB-101 114.6601 2.3786 73.0112 1.7662PAB-102 119.6821 2.2822 92.6678 1.7736PAB-103 107.8992 2.0531 73.1031 1.6026PAB-104 116.7910 2.1278 86.8397 1.7980PAB-105 115.3017 2.2076 74.4360 1.8980PAB-106 103.1046 2.1386 97.7948 1.8526PAB-107 129.9348 2.1108 86.1133 1.6762PAB-108 113.3016 2.2177 102.7612 1.9493PAB-109 98.7597 2.6587 76.6407 1.8134PAB-110 119.3591 2.5593 91.2837 2.0012

Section-III Density and refractive index

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acetone+methanol+1-butanol at 298.15K” Fluid Phase Equi. 1996, 126(2), 203-


92. Mariano, A.; Postigo, M.; Gonzalez-Salgado, D. and Roman, L.; “Densities,

speeds of sound, and refractive indices of the ternary mixtures (toluene + methyl

acetate + butyl acetate) and (toluene + methyl acetate + methyl heptanoate) at

298.15 K” J. Chem. Thermodyn. 2007, 39, 218–224.

93. Shyam, S.; Pradhan, P. and Roy, M.; “Solute–solvent and solvent–solvent

interactions of menthol in isopropyl alcohol and its binary mixtures with methyl

salicylate by volumetric, viscometric, interferometric and refractive index

techniques” Thermochim. Acta 2010, 499, 149–154.

94. Kurnia Kiki, A.; Taib, M.; Abdul Mutalib, M. and Murugesan, T.; “Densities,

refractive indices and excess molar volumes for binary mixtures of protic ionic

liquids with methanol at T=293.15 to 313.15 K” J. Mol. Liq. 2011, 159, 211–219.

95. Sherstneva, T. and Koleboshin, G.; “Physicochemical study of binary systems

containing dioxane and aliphatic alcohol” Zhu. Prikli Khimii 1972, 28(13), 53-56.

96. Riggio, R.; Martinez, H. and Solimo, H.; “Densities, viscosities, and refractive

indexes for the methyl isobutyl ketone + pentanols systems. Measurements and

correlations.” J. Chem. Eng. Data 1986, 31(2), 235-238.

97. Al-Wahaibi, Y.; Grattoni, C. and Muggeridge, A.; “Physical Properties (Density,

Viscosity, Surface Tension, Interfacial Tension, and Contact Angle) of the System

Isopropyl Alcohol + Cyclohexene + Water.” J. Chem. Eng. Data. 2007, 52(2),


98. Campos, V.; Gomez, M. and Solimo, H.; “Density, viscosity, refractive index,

excess molar volume, viscosity, and refractive index deviations and their

correlations for the (formamide + water) system. Isobaric (vapour + liquid)

equilibrium at 2.5 kPa.” J. Chem. Eng. Data. 2008, 53(1), 211-216.

99. Aminabhavi, T. M.; “Predicting refractive index and density increment of binary

solvent mixtures”, J. Chem. Eng. Data. 1987, 32, 406-409.

100. Govindan G.; Gokul R. S. and Sastikumar D.; “Measurement of refractive index

of liquids using fiber optic displacement sensors” J. Am. Sci. 2009, 5(2), 13-17.

101. Iulian, O.; Iliuta, M.; Hamplea, L. and Lintes, G.; “Refractive index composition

calibration curves for water-organic component homogeneous liquid mixtures.”

Revista de Chim, 1995, 46(6), 591-593.

Section-III Density and refractive index

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102. Uma Devi, T.; Lawrence, N.; R. Ramesh Babu, S.; Selvanayagam, H.; Stoeckli-

Evans and Ramamurthi, K.; “Characterization of a newly synthesized organic

nonlinear optical crystal: Urea ninhydrin monohydrate.” J. Crystal Growth 2009,

311(13), 3485-3490.

103. Riddick, J. A.; Bunger, W. B. and Sakano, T.; Organic Solvents: Physical

Properties and methods of purification, Fourth Edition., Techniques of Chemistry,

II, A Wiley-Interscience Publication, John Wiley, New York 1986.

104. Lorentz, H. A. And Lorentz,” Theory of Electronics”, Leipzig 1906.


Dissociation constants

Section-IV Dissociation constants

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In general, the term ionization constant means a constant, which is used to

measure the strength of acids and bases. It is often known as dissociation constant. The

knowledge of dissociation constant is a key parameter for understanding the chemical

interactions between the compounds of interest. It also provides useful information in

drug design studies, in explaining the biopharmaceutical properties of substances1,2, to

understand the absorption site of drug, distribution to various organs and excretion3-5 etc.

Further, it is also helpful in developing analytical methods, like HPLC6, in screening

salts, developing pre-clinical and clinical formulation7-9 .

In literature, various researchers have used several methods to determine the

dissociation constant like potentiometer10, pH metry11-14, capillary electrophoresis15,

kinetic exclusion assay16 , NMR methods17, polarography18, conductometry19-21,

ratiometry22-23, spectrophotometric24-25, interfacial FT-IR spectroscopy26, separation

methods (RP-HPLC)27, UV-visible spectroscopy28-29 etc . Krebs and Speakman30 have

reported the dissociation constant of some solvents. Danish et al. have determined the

dissociation constant of Zn2+ ions in live cells and tissues by using a photon microscopic

method31. Potentiometry is mostly used for the determination of dissociation constants of

acids32-33 because it is economical in time. Further, it can be used for acids of pKa range

from 2 to 11 units34. Kodo et al. have studied the ion-pair formation constants of some

salts and ether derivatives by potentiometry35. Jano et al36 have used potentiometric

titration to determine dissociation constants of polyprotic acids and bases. However, for

very low pKa values, this method does not give accurate results. In such cases, more

sensitive instruments should be used. Spectrophotometer method is considered to be an

ideal method. The determination of the dissociation constant of different systems by

spectrophotometric technique has been reported by various workers37-40. However, this

method is also found to be more time consuming. A number of workers41-44 has thus used

pH metry for the determination of dissociation constants of various compounds in various

solvents, to get the reliable results. However, there are certain difficulties in mixed

aqueous media and non aqueous media.

The dissociation constant of various types of substance such as complexes45-50,

amino acids51-52, various acids and their derivatives53-57, drugs58,-59, indicators60-61 etc.,

have been reported using different methods. Fedorov et al62 reported the dissociation

constants of micelle-solubilized compounds. Hayman and Tapuhi63 have determined the

Section-IV Dissociation constants

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005 160

dissociation constant of tri chloro acetic acids using distribution method. Meloun et al64-65

have determined dissociation constant of various drugs using spectroscopic and

potentiometric method.

Further, in last few years dissociation constant of various organic compounds66-73

have been studied by various workers. Azimi et al.74 have reported dissociation constant

of some newly Synthesized 1,2,4-Triazole Derivatives in Ethanol-Water Mixtures.

Bhagwatkar et al.75 have been reported pH metric studies of some synthesized ligands.

In this chapter, the dissociation constant of all synthesized tetrahydropyrimidine

derivatives (PAB101-110) are studied in dimethyl formamide-water mixture at 303.15 K

by Calvin Bjerrum pH titration technique.

Section-IV Dissociation constants

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005 161


All solutions used for the titration are prepared using distilled water. Following

are the concentrations of the solutions used for the titration. The chemicals used were of

B.D.H Analar grade.

Solutions Concentration (M)

Nitric acid 1.0

Sodium hydroxide 0.5

Sodium nitrate 1.0

Ligand (in DMF) 0.1

Nitric acid and sodium hydroxide were standardized by titrating with 0.1 N

NaOH and 0.05 M succinic acid solution respectively.

The buffer solutions used for the calibration of pH meter were 0.05 M potassium

hydrogen phthalate and 0.01 M Borax buffer.

A Elico pH meter (Model No. Li 610) with combined electrode was used for the

pH determination. Before measurement, the pH meter was calibrated with buffer solution

of known pH.

Section-IV Dissociation constants

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Calvin Bjerrum pH titration:

The following sets of mixtures were prepared for titration:

(I) 2 ml HNO3 (1.0M) + 4 ml water + 30 ml DMF + 4.0 ml NaNO3 (1.0 M).

(ii) 2 ml HNO3 (0.1M) + 4 ml water + 28 ml DMF + 2.0 ml ligand solution (0.1M) +

4.0 ml NaNO3 (1.0 M).

Thus, total volumes (V0) in each set = 40.0 ml and DMF: Water ratio 60:40 (v/v).

The above mentioned solutions were allowed to attain a constant temperature (303.15 K)

and then titrated against standard NaOH solution (0.5 M) under an inert atmosphere of


Section-IV Dissociation constants

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In the present work out of ten synthesized compounds i.e., tetrahydropyrimidines,

eight are of HL type whereas two are of H2L type. For these, the equilibria are,


In general, the synthesized tetrahydropyrimidines, are represented by LH j-1. The

equilibrium can be written as:

1j jLH H LH

The thermodynamic proton-ligand stability constant ( HjTK ) is given by:






.... (3.4.1)

TKjH is reciprocal of the thermodynamic dissociation constant of the acid LHj

dissociating as:

1i iLH LH H

The overall thermodynamic proton-ligand stability constant jH is given by:


j j



… (3.4.2)

and it refers to the reaction:


The stoichiometric proton-ligand stability constant is given by:






… (3.4.3)


jHj j



… (3.4.4)

Section-IV Dissociation constants

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These thermodynamic constants are difficult to determine because of the

existence of several complexes. So, an inert electrolyte is used to determine the stability

constant in a particular salt medium. Sodium nitrate is mostly preferred as supporting

electrolyte, because of very slight complexing tendency of nitrate ion. Generally, the

competition between nitrate ion and the ligand under study is minor importance. The

molar concentrations are used in place of activities.

For the determination of dissociation constants, Bjerrum76 introduced a relation for

the determination of Hn , which is defined as average number of hydrogen bound to each


Hn = {K1H [H] + 2K1

H K2H [H]2 + .....JK1

H K2H [H] ... Kj

H [H]j} / {1 + K1H [H] + K1


K2H [H]2.....K1


H [H]j .... (3.4.5)

From equation (3.4.4), we can write







j H


: 0 1H … (3.4.6)

Equation (3.4.6) is called Bjerrum formation function of the system.

The determination of dissociation or formation constants from experimental data

comprises the following three steps: (i) evaluation of formation curve of the system (ii)

calculation of stoichiometric K`s of the system by direct solution of the formation

function and (iii) conversion of stoichiometric constants into thermodynamic constants.

When the system consists of a ligand, which is a conjugated base of a weak acid,

the pH-metric method introduced by Bjerrum has been widely used. This method is

known as "Bjerrum-Calvin pH titration technique". In this technique, by pH-meter, the

concentration of H+ ions is measured. Thus, a large amount of data can be obtained in a

short period of time. However, the Irving and Rossotti method77 is more popular because

it has some advantages. This method is valid for both pure water and for the mixed

solvents. In this method, the conversion of pH-meter reading in to stoichiometric

hydrogen ion concentration is not necessary and it is not necessary to know the

stoichiometric concentration of neutral salt added to maintain the ionic strength constant.

Section-IV Dissociation constants

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Due to these advantages, this method is used in the present work. In this method,

the pH-meter is standardized using an aqueous buffer. The pH (B) is measured for two

solutions: (1) A mixture containing a mineral acid, a chelating agent and a neutral

electrolyte to keep ionic strength constant and (2) A mixture same as above but without

the chelating agent, when titrated against an alkali solution.

After each addition of standard alkali, the pH meter reading (B) is noted using a

glass electrode-saturated calomel electrode combination. For both the titrations, same

initial volume of the mixture and same standard alkali is used. The titration curves

obtained in the above two titrations are designated as the reagent or ligand titration curve

and the acid titration curve respectively.

The possible hydrolysis reactions are ignored because (i) fresh reagent solutions

were used in pH titrations, (ii) titration times were within one hour, (iii) there were no

observable drifts with time in the meter readings and (iv)the concentrations of the mineral

acid or alkali in the solutions were small.

Usually, a pH-meter calibrated with an aqueous buffer is used for aqueous solutions

only. However, for the mixed aqueous media, especially aqueous dioxane solutions, van

Uitert and Haas78 gave a relation between the glass electrode reading B in dioxane-water

medium and the stoichiometric hydrogen ion concentration of the same in mixture of

varied composition and ionic strength. They reported the relation:

0log log log HH pH f U … (3.4.7)

where f is the activity coefficient of the hydrogen ions in the solvent mixture under

consideration at the same temperature and ionic strength, and 0HU is a correction factor

at zero ionic strength, which depends only on the solvent composition and temperature.

0HU is taken as unity in aqueous media. The meter reading in any aqueous dioxane

solution can, therefore, be converted into hydrogen ion concentration using equation

(3.4.7), provided that correction factor for the appropriate solvent, salt medium, and

temperature, has been determined.

Equation (3.4.7) can be written as:

01 log [ ] Hanti pH H fU ... (3.4.8)

Section-IV Dissociation constants

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log H

Hanti pH fU

... (3.4.9)

Substituting for [H+] in equation (3.4.5) we get,

Hn = (K1H/f U0

H)[1/antilog B] +....+ ((JK1H K2

H...KJH) /(f U0

H)J)[1/antilog pH]J

/(1+K1H/f U0

H))[1/antilog B]+..+ ((K1HK2

H...KJH)/(f U0

H)J)[1/antilogpH] ... (3.4.10)

0 .H Hj H jK fU pK ... (3.4.11)

0 .H Hj H jfU p ... (3.4.12)

The proton-ligand constant, pKjH can be obtained by the following methods:

1. Interpolation at half Hn values:

At the following Hn values, log K1 and log K2 can be determined:


log HK n … (3.4.13)


log HK n ... (3.4.14)

2. Midpoint slope method:

For H2L type ligands:

21 2[ ] 1K K L

or 1 2 1log 2K K pL …(3.4.15)

From the measured mid-point slope, D, the ratio K1/K2 can be calculated by eq.








... (3.4.16)

The individual values of K1 and K2 were obtained by using K1/K2 values and

relation (3.4.15). This method is applicable only where K1/K2 lies between 103 and 10-2

and it uses only a very small portion of the formation curve in the region of mid point.

Section-IV Dissociation constants

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The titration curves obtained in the above two titrations are designated as the acid

titration curve and ligand or reagent titration curve respectively. The titration curves for

PAB-101 and PAB-110 are shown in Figure 3.4.1.

From these curves, the average number of protons associated with ligand ( Hn ) can

be calculated by Irving and Rossotti equation.

= − // /{( /) } … (3.4.17)

where Y is the number of displaceable protons per ligand molecule. V/ and V// are the

volume of alkali required at the same pH for both acid and ligand titration curves

respectively. V0 is the initial volume of the test solution. N0, E0 and T0L are the initial

concentration of the alkali, acid and ligand respectively. For PAB-108 and PAB-110,

value of Y is 2. Whereas for other compounds, Y is equal to one.

The calculated values of Hn for all the studied compounds are given in Table

3.4.1. It is evident from table that Hn values are in between zero and one for all the

system except PAB-108 and PAB-110 for which, the values of Hn extend over the range

from 0 to 2 indicating two dissociation steps. The 1HpK values at Hn = 0.5 were evaluated

for each systems except PAB-108 and PAB-110. For these two compounds, the 1HpK and

2HpK were calculated at Hn = 0.5 and Hn = 1.5 respectively. The general plots for the

variation of Hn with B of PAB-101 and PAB-110 are given in Figure 3.4.2.

Further, the log 1H Hn n values are plotted against B as shown in Figure 3.4.3.

The plots are straight lines from which 1log HpK values were calculated at several B

values, by the following equation.

log = + log … (3.4.18)


Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot

Figure 3.4.1: The plot of pH

[B] PAB-110

IV Dissociation constants

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005

pH (B) against volume of NaOH for for [A] PAB

110 at 303.15 K.

Dissociation constants


[A] PAB-101 and

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Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005 169

Table 3.4.1: The pH (B), pK1H and other terms for Tetrahydropyrimidine derivatives

at 303.15 K.

pH V/ V// V//-V/ log( / − ) pK1H/ pK2


PAB-1019.60 4.3577 5.2940 0.5463 0.3547 -0.3322 9.01819.70 4.3599 5.3122 0.5623 0.3944 -0.2898 9.15159.80 4.3610 5.3366 0.5856 0.4521 -0.2374 9.29329.90 4.3644 5.3610 0.6066 0.5040 -0.1978 9.4252

10.00 4.3682 5.3854 0.6272 0.5550 -0.1644 9.552610.10 4.3735 5.4103 0.6468 0.6034 -0.1368 9.675610.20 4.3785 5.4359 0.6674 0.6543 -0.1114 9.797210.30 4.3834 5.0715 0.6881 0.7054 -0.0889 9.916610.40 4.3892 5.0903 0.7011 0.7374 -0.0762 10.0278

Ave. pK1H =9.5397

PAB-10212.50 4.6677 5.3097 0.642 0.5810 -0.1492 12.065212.60 4.6925 5.3234 0.6309 0.5528 -0.1658 12.151512.70 4.7186 5.3372 0.6186 0.5216 -0.1857 12.235112.80 4.7415 5.3510 0.6095 0.4985 -0.2018 12.322012.90 4.7627 5.3648 0.6021 0.4796 -0.2157 12.410713.00 4.7751 5.3786 0.6035 0.4826 -0.2134 12.512613.10 4.7859 5.3924 0.6065 0.4896 -0.2082 12.6168

Ave. pK1H = 12.3306

PAB-1039.10 4.3399 4.5001 0.1602 0.6026 -0.5535 9.28079.20 4.3427 4.5161 0.1734 0.5699 -0.5678 9.32219.30 4.3449 4.5321 0.1872 0.5356 -0.5839 9.36209.40 4.3468 4.5481 0.2013 0.5007 -0.6017 9.40129.50 4.3544 4.5641 0.2097 0.4799 -0.6130 9.46519.60 4.3577 4.5801 0.2224 0.4485 -0.6314 9.51029.70 4.3599 4.5961 0.2362 0.4143 -0.6534 9.5496

Ave. pK1H = 9.4130

PAB 1049.20 4.3427 4.9230 0.5803 0.5605 -0.5721 9.30559.30 4.3449 4.9345 0.5896 0.5375 -0.5830 9.36529.40 4.3468 4.9460 0.5992 0.5137 -0.5949 9.42389.50 4.3544 4.9575 0.6031 0.5043 -0.5998 9.50759.60 4.3577 4.9690 0.6113 0.4841 -0.6107 9.57239.70 4.3599 4.9805 0.6206 0.4611 -0.6239 9.63239.80 4.3610 4.9920 0.631 0.4353 -0.6396 9.6870

Ave. pK1H = 9.4991

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pH V/ V// V//-V/ log( / − ) pK1H/ pK2


PAB 1059.70 4.3599 4.5089 0.1490 0.6305 -0.5421 9.83219.80 4.3610 4.5268 0.1658 0.5889 -0.5594 9.85609.90 4.3644 4.5446 0.1802 0.5532 -0.5755 9.892810.00 4.3682 4.5625 0.1943 0.5183 -0.5925 9.931810.10 4.3735 4.5804 0.2069 0.4871 -0.6090 9.977610.20 4.3785 4.5982 0.2197 0.4554 -0.6272 10.022410.30 4.3834 4.6265 0.2431 0.3975 -0.6650 10.0194

Ave. pK1H = 9.9331

PAB-1069.60 4.3577 4.5165 0.1588 0.6062 -0.5520 9.78739.70 4.3599 4.5332 0.1733 0.5703 -0.5676 9.82299.80 4.3610 4.5501 0.1891 0.5311 -0.5861 9.85419.90 4.3644 4.5645 0.2001 0.5039 -0.6000 9.906710.00 4.3682 4.5900 0.2218 0.4501 -0.6305 9.913010.10 4.3735 4.6256 0.2521 0.3751 -0.6815 9.878310.20 4.3785 4.6513 0.2728 0.3238 -0.7242 9.8802

Ave. pK1H = 9.8632

PAB-10710.60 4.4062 4.9780 0.5718 0.4164 -0.6520 10.453410.70 4.4144 4.9980 0.5836 0.4454 -0.6333 10.604710.80 4.4234 5.0196 0.5962 0.4763 -0.6151 10.758810.90 4.4331 5.0413 0.6082 0.5057 -0.5991 10.909911.00 4.4439 5.0630 0.6191 0.5323 -0.5855 11.056211.10 4.4555 5.0848 0.6293 0.5571 -0.5736 11.199711.20 4.4667 5.1065 0.6398 0.5827 -0.5621 11.3450

Ave. pK1H = 10.9040

PAB-1083.30 3.7458 3.9046 0.1588 1.6007 0.5117 3.50433.40 3.7875 3.9316 0.1441 1.6380 0.5920 3.61433.50 3.8112 3.9586 0.1474 1.6299 0.5733 3.71223.60 3.8272 3.9857 0.1585 1.6022 0.5146 3.80473.70 3.8432 4.0136 0.1704 1.5725 0.4598 3.89663.80 3.8592 4.0560 0.1968 1.5064 0.3605 3.97793.90 3.8752 4.0864 0.2112 1.4705 0.3163 4.06754.00 3.8912 4.1227 0.2315 1.4198 0.2624 4.15224.10 3.9072 4.1591 0.2519 1.3689 0.2161 4.2364

Ave. pK1H = 3.8851

9.90 4.3644 4.9284 0.5640 0.6016 -0.1578 9.533710.00 4.3682 4.9468 0.5786 0.5655 -0.1726 9.595710.10 4.3735 4.9651 0.5916 0.5334 -0.1861 9.660810.20 4.3785 4.9835 0.6050 0.5004 -0.2005 9.723310.30 4.3834 5.0014 0.6180 0.4683 -0.2151 9.785410.40 4.3892 5.0157 0.6265 0.4475 -0.2249 9.859710.50 4.3972 5.0300 0.6328 0.4322 -0.2324 9.9403

Ave. pK2H = 9.7284

Section-IV Dissociation constants

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005 171

pH V/ V// V//-V/ log( / − ) pK1H/ pK2


PAB-10910.60 4.4062 4.5670 0.1608 0.6017 -0.5539 10.779110.70 4.4144 4.5853 0.1709 0.5767 -0.5647 10.834410.80 4.4234 4.6046 0.1812 0.5513 -0.5764 10.889510.90 4.4331 4.6276 0.1945 0.5185 -0.5924 10.932111.00 4.4439 4.6506 0.2067 0.4884 -0.6083 10.979911.10 4.4555 4.6736 0.2181 0.4603 -0.6243 11.031011.20 4.4667 4.6966 0.2299 0.4313 -0.6422 11.0799

Ave. pK1H = 10.9323

PAB-1103.40 3.7875 4.0363 0.2488 1.3750 0.2213 3.74243.50 3.8112 4.0452 0.2340 1.4125 0.2553 3.88103.60 3.8272 4.0532 0.2260 1.4328 0.2753 4.00243.70 3.8432 4.0607 0.2175 1.4543 0.2981 4.12573.80 3.8592 4.0695 0.2103 1.4726 0.3187 4.24593.90 3.8752 4.0757 0.2005 1.4973 0.3488 4.37404.00 3.8912 4.0832 0.1920 1.5188 0.3772 4.4992

Ave. pK1H = 4.1244

9.50 4.3544 4.9478 0.5934 0.5284 -0.4449 9.05519.60 4.3577 4.9545 0.5968 0.5200 -0.4542 9.14589.70 4.3599 4.9608 0.6009 0.5099 -0.4657 9.23439.80 4.3610 4.9651 0.6041 0.5020 -0.4748 9.32529.90 4.3644 4.9723 0.6079 0.4927 -0.4856 9.4144

10.00 4.3682 4.9815 0.6133 0.4795 -0.5012 9.498810.10 4.3735 4.9905 0.6170 0.4705 -0.5120 9.5880

Ave. pK2H = 9.3231


Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot

Figure 3.4.2: The plot of







9.4 9.6


IV Dissociation constants

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005

against B for PAB-101 and PAB-110 at 303.15 K.

9.8 10.0 10.2 10.4



Dissociation constants


at 303.15 K.


Section-IV Dissociation constants

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005 173

The average pK1H values are evaluated and given in Table 3.4.1 for all compounds.

Further, from Figure 3.4.2 (A), at Hn = 0.5, the pK1H values were evaluated for

PAB-1 –PAB-107 and PAB-109 and are given in Table 3.4.2. It is evident from Table

3.4.2 that for most of the compounds, the pK1H values calculated by average method and

half-integral method are in good agreement.

For PAB-108 and PAB-110, the proton-ligand constants were calculated by

solving equation 3.4.1. For all the points below Hn =1, the following equation was used

HH H1log pK = pH +log n n -1

… (3.4.19)

Whereas for the points above Hn =1, the equation used was:

Hlogp K = pH +log n -1 2 - n2 H H … (3.4.20)

From the various values of log pK1H (or log pK2

H), the average value was

calculated. The values of log pK1H and log pK2

H calculated by the two methods i.e., half-

integral method and average method are given in Table 3.4.2.

Comparison of pK1H values of studied compounds (except PAB-108 and PAB-

110, which are of H2L type) shows that, PAB-102 which is most basic which is followed

by PAB-109. PAB-103 is found to be most acidic. All the compounds have the same

central moiety but different side chains which affects the dissociation constant. PAB-102

contains cinnamaldehyde side chain which is found to increase the basic character of this

compound whereas in PAB-109, due to furfuladehyde side chain, basic character is

greater than other studied compounds but less than that of PAB-102. PAB-103 contains

chloro group at meta position and its acidic character is higher. However, PAB-104 also

contains chloro group but at para position and acidic character of this compound is

slightly decreased. This suggests that the position of groups also affects the dissociation.

In case of PAB-105, fluoro group is at para position which further decreases the acidic

character in comparison to p-chloro group (as in PAB-104). Other compounds show

intermediate acidic character.

PAB-108 and PAB-110 are of H2L type and both contain hydroxyl groups at para

positions. Comparison of pK1 and pK2 values of these two compounds shows slight

difference. However, significant variations in these pK1 values evaluated by average and

Section-IV Dissociation constants

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005 174

half-integral methods are also observed. Thus, it is difficult to compare the acidic

character of these two compounds. However, considering the pK2 values of these two

indicates the higher acidity of PAB-108, which may be due to presence of methoxy

group. Same characteristic behavior was also reported earlier79. Alteration of hydroxy

group with any other functional group can also change the dissociation of rate of the


From these results, it is concluded that different compounds exhibit different

dissociation constant which also depends upon the type of substituent group81. This is due

to inductive or mesomeric effect of functional groups.


Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot

Figure 3.4.3: The plot of log

against B for PAB










9.4 9.5lo










9.4 9.5


( n




IV Dissociation constants

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005

log (nH/(1-nH) against B for PAB-101 and log (


9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 10.0 10.1 10.2


9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 10.0 10.1


Dissociation constants


(nH /(2-nH) in

10.2 10.3


Section-IV Dissociation constants

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005 176

Table 3.4.2: The log pK1H and log pK2

H values for all the studied compounds

calculated by different methods.


log pK1H log pK1

H / log pK2H










PAB-101 9.88 9.54 PAB-107 10.90 10.90

PAB-102 12.78 12.33PAB-108

3.86 (nH=1.5)

10.2 (nH=0.5)

3.88 (nH=1.5)

9.73 (nH=0.5)PAB-103 9.40 9.41

PAB-104 9.50 9.50 PAB-109 10.96 10.93

PAB-105 9.94 9.93PAB-110

4.00 (nH=1.5)

9.8 (nH=0.5)

4.12 (nH=1.5)

9.32 (nH=0.5)PAB-106 9.84 9.86

Section-IV Dissociation constants

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005 177


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Thermal properties

Section-V Thermal properties

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005 185


Thermal analysis has been proved to be a key method in the study and

characterization of various materials and finds wide applications in industrial and

research fields. Among the several instruments and technique, thermal analysis has grown

rapidly in recent years. This increasing importance is due to the advancement of thermal

analysis technology, relative low cost of the equipment and time required to achieve the

desired results.

For the complete development of a new drug, thermal analysis has many

applications1,2. The information obtained regarding the compounds under study is useful

for the initial chemical research phase3. In the chemical research phase, thermal analysis

plays an important role. The purity of the compound, the compound’s ability to be able to

exist in various crystalline forms as well as to characterize polymorphs and other forms of

solid state should be investigated. It also makes possible to determine optimum conditions

of storage of drugs and to define the parameters of technological processes, which can be

used without loss of specific physicochemical properties of a drug 4-5

Apart from its traditional use in investigations of chemical reactions, temperature

programmed decompositions, reaction kinetics and mechanism, determination of material

purity etc. can also be studied. This technique is also used in pharmaceutical science6,7,

forensic science8, archeology9,10 etc. Various thermal methods have been used in

analyzing and characterizing a wide variety of materials like coals, rocks and minerals11,12

petroleum coke13, hydrocarbon sludge from petrochemical plants14,15, hydrogen storage

materials16, catalysis17,18, dyes19,20, fertilizers21,22, nuclear fuel23,24, vitamin25, honey26,

tobacco27 and edible oil28 and even rocks from moon.

Literature survey shows that various workers have studied thermal properties of

various drugs29-34 and organic compounds35-37. Bei et al.38 have reported the thermal

decomposition kinetic of 5-flourouracil from thermogravimetric analysis. Vora et al39

studied thermal stability of folic acid. Quan et al40 have reported thermal data of 4-

Dimethylaminopyridine. Thermal behavior of cobalt(II) 5-chloro-piridylamides

complexes have been studied by Lima et al41. Thermal decomposition studies of triazole

and 1-methyl-3,4,5-trinitropyrazole have been reported by Sasidharan et al42 and Ravi et

al43 respectively.

Section-V Thermal properties

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005 186

Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) has been extensively used for material

characterization in a wide variety of research areas, including food science,

pharmaceutics, material science, biochemistry, and physics, due to a number of

significant advantages, such as ease of sample preparation, applicability to solid and

liquid samples, fast analysis time, and a broad temperature range44. DSC provides both

quantitative and qualitative thermal and physical material property information (e.g.,

phase transition, glass transition, cold crystallization, polymorphism, and purity) as a

function of time and temperature. Because every change in structure (transition) either

absorbs or releases heat, DSC is the universal detector for measuring structural changes45.

Various researchers have reported the calorimetric study of drugs46-48. Lee et al.49,50 have

shown that the loss of crystalline structure in sucrose, glucose, and fructose is due to the

kinetic process of thermal decomposition, dehydration, and chemical reactions. Thermo

physical study of several barbituric acid derivatives was done by differential scanning


Both calorimetry and thermogravimetry can also be used in the evaluation of

compound stability52-56 Predicting stability or instability at a very early stage of product

development, such as immediately after the initial synthesis process, provides valuable


In the present study, thermal analysis of some new synthesized

tetrahydropyrimidine derivatives has been done by DSC and TGA techniques.

Section-V Thermal properties

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005 187


From TGA curves, various kinetic parameters can be evaluated by several

methods. In all these methods, it is assumed that thermal and diffusion barriers are

negligible because small quantity of material is used. The shape of any TGA curve

depends on the nature of apparatus and the way in which it is used. Further, Arrhenius

equation is valid in all these methods.

The kinetic treatments are generally based on the relationship of the type:

dC/dt = K f (C) ... (3.5.1)

where C is the degree of conversion, t is time and K is rate constant. f(C) is a temperature

independent function of C.

The constant K is assumed to have the Arrhenius form:

K = A e -E/RT ... (3.5.2)

C can also be defined as:

C = 1-(W/ W0) ... (3.5.3)

where W0 and W are the initial weight at t=0 and weight at any time t of the material.

Equation (3.5.3) can be written as:

(W/W0) = (1-C) ... (3.5.4)

W/ W0 is known as residual weight fraction.

Thus, the rate of conversion is,

dC/dt = - (1/ W0) (dW/dt) ... (3.5.5)

For homogeneous kinetics, the conversion is assumed to be of the form:

f (C) = (1-C)n ... (3.5.6)

where n is the order of the reaction.

Substituting the values from equation (3.5.2) and (3.5.6) in equation (3.5.1) gives:

dC/ dt = A e -E/RT (1-C)n

or dC/dt = (A/β) e -E/RT (1-C)n ... (3.5.7)

where A is the frequency factor, β is the rate of heating and E is the energy of activation.

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Various methods for single and multiple heating rates have been reported. The

methods of single heating rate are as follows:

1. Freeman-Carroll57 and Anderson-Freeman Method58:

At a single heating rate, Freeman and Carroll gave the following relation to

analysis TGA data :

ln (dC/dt)/ln (1-C) = n-E/R [(1/T/(△ln(1-C)] ... (3.5.8)

A plot of left hand side against (1/T)/( △ln(1-C)) gives a straight line with a slope

equal to -E/R and the intercept is equal to n.

Above equation (3.5.8) is modified by Anderson and Freeman in the following


(△ln[dC/dt]) = n (△ln(1-C)) - E/R△(1/T) ... (3.5.9)

The plot of (△ln[dC/dt]) against (△ln(1-C)) for equal intervals of △(1/T) gives a

straight line with slope equal to n and intercept -E/R△(1/T).

2. Horowitz and Metzger method59 :

In this method, the value of energy of activation E can be determined from a

single TG curve by the relation:

ln [ln(1-C)-1] = (E/RTs

2) θ ... (3.5.10)

where θ = T-Ts. Ts is the temperature at which the rate of decomposition is maximum.

The frequency factor A and entropy change △S can be determined by the following equations:

ln E - ln (RTs2) = ln A - ln β - E/RTs ... (3.5.11)

A = (kbT / h) e△S/R ... (3.5.12)

where kb is Boltzmann constant and h is Planck’s constant.

Section-V Thermal properties

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Thermo gravimetric analysis (TGA) and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)

measurements were made on the instrument “Pyris-1, Perkin Elmer Thermal Analysis” at

the heating rate of 10C /min in nitrogen atmosphere for all the tetrahydropyrimidine


Section-V Thermal properties

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005 190


The TGA thermo grams of PAB-101 and PAB-109 are given in Figure 3.5.1.

Various thermal properties such as initial decomposition temperature (IDT), the

decomposition temperature range and the maximum degradation along with the

percentage weight loss are reported in Table 3.5.1.

For all the compounds, degradation is single step process. Out of ten compounds,

PAB-102 is most unstable which is followed by PAB-103. PAB-107 is the most stable

compound which is followed by PAB-106. All the studied compounds have the same

central moiety but substitution groups are different. Thus, substitution affects the thermal

stability of a compound. PAB-102 contains cinnamaldehyde as substitution to aromatic

ring. Thus, cinnamaldehyde makes the compound unstable whereas chloro group at meta

position (as in PAB-103) makes it a little bit less stable. However, the presence of nitro

group at meta position increases the stability as is the case for PAB-107. Whereas

presence of methoxy group at para position decreases the stability slightly. Further, it is

observed that the position of group affect the stability as observed in case of PAB-103

and PAB-104. Both these compounds contain chloro group. In PAB-103, it is at meta

position whereas in PAB-104, it is at para position. It is observed that when chloro group

is at meta position, it decreases the stability in comparison to that at para position. Both

methoxy and hydroxyl groups when present alone at para position increases the stability

as observed in PAB-106 and PAB-110. However, when both groups are present together

as in PAB-108, stability is reduced. Further, it is observed that although PAB-102 is most

unstable, weight loss is minimum for this compound whereas for PAB-1-1, it is

maximum. The variation in thermal decomposition may also be due to some

intermolecular interactions (structural as well as electronic).

Further, various kinetic parameters, such as order of the degradation (n), energy of

activation (E), frequency factor (A) and entropy change (ΔS) have also been calculated

from the thermograms and are reported in Table 3.5.2. The order of reaction (n) varies

from 0.64 to 8.09. The value of n is minimum for PAB-104 and maximum for PAB-103.

The energy of activation (E) is highest for PAB-105 containing fluoro group at

para position and minimum for PAB-103 which is containing chloro group at meta

position. The frequency factor (A) is also highest for PAB-105 but minimum for PAB-

107. Further, change in entropy (ΔS0) for all these reactions were also calculated by


Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot

Figure 3.5.1: The TGA graphs of PAB

V Thermal properties

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The TGA graphs of PAB-101 and PAB-109

Thermal properties


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Table 3.5.1: TGA data for synthesized tetrahydropyrimidine derivatives.

Comp. Code



Decomp.Range (°C)

% Wt.loss

Residual wt.loss


Max.Degrad.Temp. (°C)


PAB-101 2.297 110.00 110-250 99.02 2.275 168.08 EndoPAB-102 5.104 70.00 70-296.50 49.72 2.538 191.49 EndoPAB-103 2.497 80.00 80-190 88.76 2.217 164.67 EndoPAB-104 1.741 140.00 140-230 93.72 1.632 181.74 EndoPAB-105 2.160 110.00 110-230 99.85 2.157 172.27 EndoPAB-106 2.938 150.00 150-246.20 71.26 2.094 209.00 EndoPAB-107 3.127 153.51 153-296.30 88.43 2.766 247.22 EndoPAB-108 1.071 90.00 90-246.80 81.37 0.872 210.00 EndoPAB-109 2.969 100.00 100-240 92.72 2.753 166.72 EndoPAB-110 1.903 145.45 145.45-246.70 87.17 1.659 213.18 Endo

Table 3.5.2: The kinetic parameters of tetrahydropyrimidine derivatives


n E(kJ)




PAB-101 2.89 418.46 4.47X1049 855.48PAB-102 2.79 434.24 7.52X1048 840.22PAB-103 8.09 251.64 7.88X1029 477.38PAB-104 0.64 529.69 9.75X1060 1072.28PAB-105 1.78 535.92 1.09X1063 1111.64PAB-106 5.14 460.97 9.85X1049 861.30PAB-107 3.29 253.15 1.34X1025 384.64PAB-108 1.32 480.17 9.59X1051 899.36PAB-109 4.44 401.11 5.06X1047 818.24PAB-110 2.44 490.65 5.91X1052 914.42


Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot

Figure 3.5.2: The DSC graphs of PAB

V Thermal properties

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igure 3.5.2: The DSC graphs of PAB-101 and PAB-109

Thermal properties


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Table 3.5.3: The melting temperature (0C) of tetrahydropyrimidine derivatives by

DSC and open capillary methods.

Comp. Code











DSC 140.00 113.29 153.75 163.51 129.04 116.48 105.77 132.94 71.60 177.94

Opencapillary 142 114 154 164 129 116 106 132 72 178

equation (3.5.12) and are reported in Tables 3.5.2. The entropy change (ΔS0) is found to

be positive for all ten compounds which indicate that the transition state is less ordered

than the original compound60.

Figure 3.5.2 shows DSC of PAB-101 and PAB-109. From DSC, melting points of

all the compounds are determined and are given in Table 3.5.3 along with melting points

determined by open capillary method. There is good agreement between the values

evaluated from DSC and those determined by open capillary method.

Thus, it is concluded that for the studied compounds, degradation is single step

process with different order of reaction. The thermal stability depends upon the type of

substituent present.

Section-V Thermal properties

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005 195


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Section-VI Conductance

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The ability of a material to conduct electric current is known as conductivity.

Conductivity is the inverse of resistivity which is determined from the voltage and current

values according to Ohm's law1. In electrolytic solutions, concentration of solution,

charge on ions, mobility of ions etc., plays vital role to determine its conductance. Thus

the conductance behavior alters with concentration of strong or weak electrolytes.

By taking the importance of synthesized organic compounds in view, it is quiet

necessary to give the conductance profile of solutions of these compounds, because

conductivity measurement has widespread use in industrial applications that involve the

detection of contaminants in water and concentration measurements 2. It is also used to

determine the dissociation constant and limiting equivalent conductance of weak

electrolytes3, electro osmotic flow4, for studying conformational changes in poly

electrolytes in aqueous solutions5, etc. Baghalha and Papangelakis6, have developed

conductivity meter which is useful at high temperature and high concentration, which

found too useful in industrial process. Conductance determination is also a handed tool

for determination of nutrients in food stuffs7.

Further, knowledge of conductivity is useful to various biological processes8-11

such as determination of ascorbic acid in vitamin C tablet12, carbon in uranium carbide

and its solution in nitric acid13, enzymatic degradation of microbial biofilm14, dye-

surfactant ion pair formation in aqueous solutions15 etc. The antibiotic residues in bovin

kidneys have also been detected by conductometry16. Literature survey shows that

conductance of various inorganic and organic compounds have been measured in

aqueous17-25 and non aqueous solvents26-31. Liu et al32 have measured conductance of

macro cyclic Schiff base metal complexes in methanol. Morita et al reported ionic

conductance of polymeric electrolytes and of polymeric composite solid electrolytes33. In

aqueous solutions, conductance of antidepressant drug and surfactant was reported by

Kabir-ud-Din et al and coworkers34. The conductance measurement of pyrazinamide in

aqueous solution in presence and absence of additives at 308.15 K have also been

reported35. Some workers36-38 have studied conductance of chloro acetic acid and tartaric

acid. Yecid et al reported conductance of potassium sulphate in water-1-propanol systems

at different temperatures39. The conductance of binary mixtures of some ionic liquids

Section-VI Conductance

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have also been studied40,41. Bester-Rogac42 has reported conductometric data of salicylate,

naproxen, diclofenac and ibuprofen in dilute aqueous solutions.

In our laboratory, conductance of some synthetic compounds43-45 has also been


Thus, in the present section conductance of all the synthesized tetrahydro

pyrimidine was measured in DMF and THF solutions at 303.15 K, over a wide range of


Section-VI Conductance

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005 203


The solvents DMF and THF were purified by fractionally distillation by the

method reported in the literature46


The solutions of different concentrations were prepared for each compound in

DMF and THF and the conductance of each solution was measured by using Elico

Conductivity Meter (Model No.CM 180) at 303.15 K.

At 303.15 K, the cell constant was determined by measuring the conductance of

0.01N KCl solution and its value was found to be 0.89 cm-1.

The measured conductance was corrected by subtracting the conductance of pure


Section-VI Conductance

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The measured conductance (k) of each solution after correction was used to

determine the specific conductance (κ), which is then used for the calculation of

equivalent conductance (λc).

The equations used for calculating specific conductance (κ) and equivalent

conductance (λc) are:

k … (3.6.1)

1000c C

… (3.6.2)

where θ is the cell constant and c is the concentration (g.equi./lit.) of solution. The cell

constant θ was 0.89 cm-1.

The equivalent conductance values of tetrahydropyrimidine derivatives in both

DMF and THF solutions are reported in Tables 3.6.1 and 3.6.2 along with measured

conductance (k).

It is observed that conductance is lower in THF solutions than that in DMF

solutions. The lower conductivities of THF solutions may be due to greater electro

relaxation effect owing to the higher permittivity of THF, which contributes inter ionic

repulsions to a larger extent.

Figures 3.6.1 and 3.6.2 show the variation of conductance with concentration for

all the compounds in DMF and THF solutions respectively. It is observed that for all the

compounds, conductance increases nonlinearly with concentration. However, at lower

concentrations, variation is linear.

The equivalent conductance (λc) is plotted against √C for all compounds in both

the solvents as shown in Figures 3.6.3 and 3.6.4. In DMF solutions (as shown in Figure

3.6.3), equivalent conductance increases with dilution. For most of the compounds,

compounds, the nature of graph shows weak electrolytic behavior in DMF solutions.

For weak electrolytes, it is difficult to determine λ0. However, in some solutions,

λ0 values are evaluated by extrapolation method. For compounds PAB-101, PAB-102 and

PAB-104, λ0 value cannot be evaluated by extrapolation.

Section-VI Conductance

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005 205

Figure 3.6.4 shows that in THF solutions, for PAB-103 and PAB-109, equivalent

conductance increases with dilution in the beginning but after √C =0.15, it starts

decreasing. Similar behavior was observed by other workers47 in DMSO solutions. The

reason is not clear. For other compounds, equivalent conductance increases with dilution

In this case also; most of the compounds, exhibit weak electrolytic nature. The λ0 value

was evaluated by extrapolation except for compounds PAB-103, PAB-105, PAB-108 and


These λ0 values are compared with those determined by an alternate procedure

using the following equation47:

0 0 ck k c c … (3.6.3)

where k and k0 are the electrolytic conductivity of the solutions and solvent respectively.

c is the equivalent concentration and the function Φ(c) denotes the effect of interionic


The limiting conductivity can be evaluated accurately from the limiting slope of

smaller linear portions of the curve of k verses c, provided other derivatives (dk0/dc) and

d[cΦ(c)]/dc in differential form of equation (3.6.3) are neglected as compared to λ0, which

can be determined from differential form of equation (3.6.3) is



cd cdkdk

dc dc dc

… (3.6.4)

These λ0 values are reported in Table 3.6.3 along with those determined by


From Table is observed that in both the solvents, calculated values of

limiting equivalent conductance (λ0) are in fair agreement with those evaluated

graphically suggesting thereby that equation 3.6.3 can be used for the studied systems.

Section-VI Conductance

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Table 3.6.1: The conductance (k) and equivalent conductance (C) of tetrahydropyrimidine derivatives in DMF at 303.15 K.

Conc. (gm/lit)











(cm2/.equiv.)PAB-101 PAB-102 PAB-103 PAB-104 PAB-105

0.000 0.50 - 0.50 - 0.50 - 0.50 - 0.50 -

0.001 1.00 4.6000 1.10 5.5200 0.98 4.4160 1.19 6.3480 0.84 3.15560.002 1.36 3.9560 1.50 4.6000 1.39 4.0940 1.69 5.4740 1.02 2.39200.004 1.88 3.1740 1.90 3.2200 1.91 3.2430 2.05 3.5650 1.47 2.23100.006 2.42 2.9440 2.50 3.0667 2.47 3.0207 2.56 3.1587 1.84 2.05470.008 2.89 2.7485 3.00 2.8750 3.06 2.9440 3.09 2.9785 2.34 2.11600.010 3.38 2.6496 3.50 2.7600 3.32 2.5944 3.72 2.9624 2.63 1.95960.020 5.52 2.3092 5.60 2.3460 5.50 2.3000 6.32 2.6772 4.08 1.64680.040 9.64 2.1022 9.70 2.1160 9.50 2.0700 10.60 2.3230 8.30 1.79400.060 12.30 1.8093 13.00 1.9167 12.70 1.8707 15.80 2.3460 9.94 1.44750.080 15.80 1.7595 16.50 1.8400 16.80 1.8745 18.60 2.0815 12.20 1.34550.100 17.30 1.5456 18.90 1.6928 18.80 1.6836 20.30 1.8216 14.10 1.2512

PAB-106 PAB-107 PAB-108 PAB-109 PAB-110

0.001 0.69 3.8364 0.95 4.2136 0.96 4.2412 0.98 4.4712 0.78 2.63120.002 0.97 3.2154 1.31 3.7260 1.39 4.0940 1.41 4.1860 0.98 2.24020.004 1.51 2.8405 1.90 3.2200 2.10 3.6800 2.19 3.8870 1.39 2.04700.006 2.01 2.6603 2.37 2.8673 2.69 3.3580 2.79 3.5113 1.81 2.00870.008 2.44 2.4898 2.81 2.6565 3.29 3.2085 3.20 3.1050 2.20 1.94930.010 2.95 2.4610 3.19 2.4748 3.68 2.9256 3.89 3.1188 2.57 1.90440.020 5.09 2.2149 5.23 2.1758 6.69 2.8474 6.54 2.7784 4.20 1.70200.040 9.60 2.1448 9.61 2.0953 12.30 2.7140 12.40 2.7370 6.82 1.45360.060 14.10 2.1198 14.10 2.0853 16.20 2.4073 16.70 2.4840 9.11 1.38000.080 16.80 1.9027 17.50 1.9550 18.70 2.0930 19.50 2.1850 13.10 1.4490

0.100 20.40 1.8515 20.30 1.8188 20.80 1.8685 21.40 1.9228 16.40 1.4628

Section-VI Conductance

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005 207

Table 3.6.2: The conductance (k) and equivalent conductance (C) of tetrahydropyrimidine derivatives in THF at 303.15 K.












(cm2/.equiv.)PAB-101 PAB-102 PAB-103 PAB-104 PAB-105

0.000 0.17 - 0.17 - 0.17 - 0.17 - 0.17 -

0.001 0.37 0.1780 0.37 0.1780 0.24 0.0623 0.38 0.1869 0.31 0.1246

0.002 0.55 0.1691 0.53 0.1602 0.31 0.0623 0.59 0.1856 0.45 0.1233

0.004 0.91 0.1647 0.86 0.1535 0.42 0.0556 0.97 0.1769 0.72 0.12170.006 1.26 0.1617 1.18 0.1498 0.50 0.0490 1.23 0.1577 0.83 0.09790.008 1.58 0.1569 1.48 0.1457 0.64 0.0523 1.51 0.1491 0.94 0.08540.010 1.82 0.1469 1.79 0.1442 0.80 0.0561 1.66 0.1329 1.03 0.07680.020 3.01 0.1264 2.99 0.1255 1.80 0.0725 2.64 0.1100 1.51 0.05980.040 3.99 0.0850 4.55 0.0975 2.78 0.0581 3.93 0.0837 2.69 0.05610.060 4.21 0.0599 5.47 0.0786 3.40 0.0479 4.25 0.0605 3.41 0.04810.080 4.38 0.0468 6.71 0.0728 4.20 0.0448 4.96 0.0533 4.28 0.04570.100 4.66 0.0400 7.57 0.0659 5.42 0.0467 5.54 0.0478 5.06 0.0435

PAB-106 PAB-107 PAB-108 PAB-109 PAB-110

0.001 0.24 0.0623 0.31 0.1246 0.23 0.0534 0.22 0.0445 0.24 0.0623

0.002 0.30 0.0579 0.44 0.1215 0.30 0.0579 0.30 0.0579 0.30 0.0579

0.004 0.42 0.0556 0.68 0.1128 0.34 0.0378 0.52 0.0779 0.42 0.05560.006 0.50 0.0490 0.85 0.1003 0.40 0.0341 0.80 0.0935 0.50 0.04900.008 0.60 0.0478 0.97 0.0884 0.43 0.0289 1.14 0.1079 0.62 0.05010.010 0.64 0.0418 1.10 0.0828 0.50 0.0294 1.40 0.1095 0.70 0.04720.020 1.10 0.0414 1.61 0.0641 0.72 0.0245 3.10 0.1304 1.02 0.03780.040 1.62 0.0323 2.21 0.0455 1.10 0.0207 4.90 0.1052 1.72 0.03450.060 2.10 0.0286 2.85 0.0398 1.50 0.0197 6.50 0.0939 2.30 0.03160.080 2.44 0.0253 3.43 0.0363 1.74 0.0175 7.29 0.0792 2.72 0.02840.100 2.80 0.0234 3.53 0.0299 2.02 0.0165 8.40 0.0732 3.02 0.0254


Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University,

Figure 3.6.1: The variation of conductance with concentration for

































VI Conductance

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005

The variation of conductance with concentration for

tetrahydropyrimidine derivatives in DMF at 303.15 K.

0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08

Concentration (M)


-101 PAB-102 PAB-103 PAB-104

0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08

Concentration (M)


PAB-106 PAB-107 PAB-108 PAB-109



The variation of conductance with concentration for

.15 K.






Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University,

Figure 3.6.2: The variation of

tetrahydropyrimidine derivatives



























105 m


PAB 106

VI Conductance

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005

The variation of conductance with concentration

tetrahydropyrimidine derivatives in THF at 303.15 K.

0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08

Concentraction (M)


101 PAB-102 PAB-103 PAB-104

0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08

Concentration (M)


PAB 106 PAB 107 PAB 108 PAB 109



conductance with concentration for

.15 K.




PAB 110


Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University,

Figure 3.6.3: The variation of equivalent conductance tetrahydropyrimidine derivatives

VI Conductance

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005

The variation of equivalent conductance with √C for etrahydropyrimidine derivatives in DMF at 303.15 K.




Section-VI Conductance

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005 211

Figure 3.6.4: The variation of equivalent conductance with √C for tetrahydropyrimidine derivatives in THF at 303.15 K.

Section-VI Conductance

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005 212

Table 3.6.3: The limiting equivalent conductance (λ0) of tetrahydropyrimidine derivatives in DMF and THF at 303.15 K.




from graph



from eq. (3.4.4)



from graph



from eq. (3.4.4)DMF THF

PAB-101 - 4.874 0.205 0.197PAB-102 - 5.811 0.200 0.190PAB-103 5.950 4.904 - 0.050PAB-104 - 6.648 0.184 0.220PAB-105 4.250 3.081 - 0.198PAB-106 5.550 3.918 0.049 0.072PAB-107 5.650 4.575 0.158 0.161PAB-108 4.950 4.520 - 0.063PAB-109 5.550 4.789 - 0.075PAB-110 3.250 2.792 0.070 0.069

Section-VI Conductance

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005 213


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Partition coefficient

Section-VII Partition coefficient

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005 218


General explanation of the partition coefficient or distribution coefficient is the

ratio of concentrations of a substance in the two phases of a mixture of two immiscible

solvents at equilibrium1. These coefficients have been a measure of differential solubility

of the substance between two solvents of different polarity. Partition coefficient finds

enormous applications in the various fields of general science research2, medical science3,

research related to environment4, 5 as well as industry6. Klooster et al have made very

delicious research by checking air-liquid partition coefficient of aroma volatiles in

different ice cream flavors7. So, partition coefficient also a matter of interest in food

industries too.

Literature survey shows that partition study of compound creates high interest in

medicinal or pharmaceutical chemistry research because in pharmacokinetics, the

distribution coefficient has a strong influence on ADME properties (Absorption,

Distribution, Metabolism, and Excretion) of the drug8. Whereas in Pharmacodynamics,

the hydrophobic effect is the major driving force for the binding drugs to their receptor

targets9, 10. Partition coefficient is a most crucial parameter of QSAR and QSPR study11-


The knowledge of solubility and the octanol-water partition coefficient of a drug

is important in drug discovery, development, and manufacturing14-17. Latest technology

has made this study easy and versatile. Specifically UV-visible spectroscopy18-22 and gas

chromatography are sophisticated tools to study partition function23-25. Reiner et al. have

used HPLC for determination of partition coefficient26 in phenols. Leithner et al. have

studied the brain-blood partition phenomenon by using MRI27. Ward et al. have compared

different chromatographic methods for estimating octanol-water partition coefficient28.

The distribution between water and an immiscible nonpolar solvent is

acknowledged as a useful measure for the hydrophobicity of a substance. Hydrophobicity

is the association of non-polar groups or molecules in an aqueous environment which

arises from the tendency of water to exclude non-polar molecules. n-Octanol and water

are widely accepted as the best two-phase system to study partition coefficient between

biomass and water. Relationships between the partition coefficient of this system and

bioconcentration29-32, soil sorption33-35 and toxicity36-38 for fish have also been found.

Literature survey shows that various workers have studied partition coefficient of drugs39,

organic compounds40-42, aminoacids43, and flavanoids44.

Section-VII Partition coefficient

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005 219

In the present study, partition coefficients of synthesized tetrahydropyrimidine

derivatives (PAB-101-PAB-110) have been studied in n-Octanol-water system by UV

spectroscopy at different pH.

Section-VII Partition coefficient

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005 220


n-Octanol is of analytical grade. The purity of solvent was checked by GC and

found to be 99.8%. Distilled water was used throughout for all experiments.

Preparation of standard solution:-

10 mg sample was dissolved in n-octanol to give 100 ml solution of 100

ppm. This solution was known as standard solution. Suitable dilutions were made from

this standard solution (2 g to 20 g).


For the solution of each compound in octanol, absorbance (OD) was

measured at different wavelengths (λ) using UV spectrophotometer (Shimadzu, UV-1700,

Pharmaspec) to determine λmax. Solutions of different concentrations were prepared in

octanol for each compound and absorbance was measured at respective λmax to get

calibration curve.

A known amount of the compound under investigation was dissolved in n-octanol

at a concentration not higher than 20 g. Equal volumes of this solution and water is

mixed in oven dried stoppered flask and the mixture was stirred for 24 hrs. at room

temperature. After 24 hrs, the solution was transferred into 60 ml of separating funnel and

allowed to stand in order to separate the aqueous and organic layers. The organic layer

will be upper one while lower will be aqueous. The organic layer was then analyzed by

UV spectrophotometer. Using calibration curve, the concentration of compounds in

organic layer was then evaluated.

In the present study, partition coefficients of tetra hydropyrimidines have been

studied in n-octanol-water system by UV spectroscopy at different pH. The partition

coefficient is highly influenced by pH. So, in the present study, a wide range of pH (0.84

to 8.0) is selected. For 0.84 pH, 0.1 N HCl was taken whereas for 6.0, 7.4 and 8.0,

phosphate buffer was used. These values of pH are selected due to their existence in

human body. As HCl exists in gastric juice in stomach45, 0.1 N HCl is taken. Blood46 has

7.4 pH, so the study is done at pH 7.4. Further, the middle and upper range of body pH is

6.0 and 8.0 respectively, so study was done at these all pH also.

Section-VII Partition coefficient

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005 221


Partition coefficient (P) is defined as the ratio of the compounds in organic phase

to that present in the aqueous phase. i.e.,47




C …(3.7.1)

where Corg and Caq are concentration of solute in organic and aqueous phases respectively.

In the present case, concentrations were determined by UV measurement so,

equation (3.5.1) written as48:





… (3.7.2)

where BE= Absorbance before extraction and AE=Absorbance after extraction.

From equation (3.5.2) log P were calculated for each set of experiment.

Section-VII Partition coefficient

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005 222


The log P values for the studied compounds at different pH are given in Table

3.7.2. The log P value depends upon the hydrophilic and hydrophobic character of

compounds and has inverse relation with hydrophilicity of compounds.

Table 3.7.2 shows that log P varies with pH. However, no regular pattern

is observed. The variation of log P with pH for all the studied compounds is also shown in

Figure 3.7.2. It is clear from Figure 3.7.2 that PAB-110 shows maximum hydrophobicity

almost in all pH. It is followed by PAB-106. PAB-107 is found to have minimum log P

for almost all pH range in comparison to other compounds suggesting thereby its highly

hydrophilic character. Further, for all the compounds, log P values are higher for 0.1 N

HCl i.e., at minimum pH.

All the studied compounds have the same central moiety but different side chains

i.e, substituents, as shown in Table 3.7.1. Thus the hydrophobic or hydrophilic character

of a compound depends not only on pH but also on substituent. As reported in Table

3.7.1, PAB-110 has hydroxy group at para position whereas PAB-108 has methoxy group

at para position. Thus, the presence of hydroxy group increases the hydrophobicity (as in

PAB-110) in comparison to methoxy (as in PAB-106). However, when both methoxy

and hydroxyl groups are present (as in the case of PAB-108), hydrophobic character is in

between PAB-106 and PAB-110). It means lower hydrophobicity. From this observation

one can assumes that if -OCH3 and –OH both are present in the same compound, it

increases the polar (hydrophilic) character in the solution due to presence of two

electronegative oxygen atoms. Thus, the substitution in compound plays a major role in

the nature of solution.

Further, the position of functional group is also important in the hydrophobic-

hydrophilic character of the compound. In PAB-104, chloro group is present at the para

position which gives least log P while for PAB-103, log P values are quite high in

comparison to PAB-104 although it also has chloro group but at meta position. Other

noticeable matter in this study is that PAB-104 and PAB-105 shows almost same

behavior. PAB-104 contains chloro group at para position whereas PAB-105 contains

fluoro group at para position. This suggests that at the same position, effect due to the

presence of difference halogens is negligible.

Section-VII Partition coefficient

Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005 223

Overall observation shows that all compounds exhibit higher hydrophobic

character in acidic pH. In some compounds, higher hydrophobic character is also

observed in water. At higher basic solutions, almost all compounds show higher

hydrophilic character.

Figure 3.7.1: General structure of tetrahydropyrimidine derivatives

Where R=side chain

Table 3.7.1: Different side chains present in tetrahydropyrimidine derivatives

Table 3.7.2: log P values for tetrahydropyrimidine derivatives


Max absorptionWavelength (nm)

log PWater 0.1N HCl 6.0 pH 7.4 pH 8.0 pH

PAB-101 308 0.1636 0.4223 0.1741 0.1415 0.1153

PAB-102 350 0.4658 0.8044 0.6443 0.5445 0.2190

PAB-103 230 0.1504 1.1841 0.9550 0.5790 0.0989

PAB-104 318 0.1320 0.5506 0.1699 0.1818 0.0647

PAB-105 314 0.1135 0.5509 0.2452 0.1341 0.1722

PAB-106 350 0.8314 1.2556 0.9315 0.8771 0.7994

PAB-107 292 0.1449 0.2152 0.1063 0.1388 0.1637

PAB-108 382 0.7814 0.9327 0.8402 0.7244 0.5553

PAB-109 342 0.6210 0.6617 0.5689 0.5607 0.4537

PAB-110 360 1.0009 1.0283 0.9333 0.8618 0.7948

Code R Code RPAB-101 C6H5- PAB-106 4-OCH3-C6H4-PAB-102 C6H4-CH=CH- PAB-107 3-NO2-C6H4-

PAB-103 3-Cl-C6H4- PAB-108 4-OH-3-OCH3-C6H4-PAB-104 4-Cl-C6H4- PAB-109 4(α-C4H3O)-PAB-105 4-F-C6H4- PAB-110 4-OH-C6H4-








Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot

Figure 3.7.2: log P values for tetrahydropyrimidine









PAB 101 PAB 102 PAB 103



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etrahydropyrimidine derivatives.

PAB 103 PAB 104 PAB 105 PAB 106 PAB 107 PAB 108


Water 0.1N HCl 6.0 pH 7.4 pH 8.0 pH

PAB 108 PAB 109 PAB 110

8.0 pH

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