Chapter 3 Discussion Guide “The Colonies Take Root”

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Transcript of Chapter 3 Discussion Guide “The Colonies Take Root”

Chapter 3 Discussion Guide

“The Colonies Take Root”

Section 1: The First English Settlements

• Why did England want to set up the colonies?

• What type of government existed in England during the Age of Exploration?

James I Charles I

Kings and Queens of England during the Age of Exploration

Question #1:

• What benefits did England hope to get from establishing colonies in North America?

England hoped to get new customers and raw materials

• Roanoke

• Jamestown

What were the first two efforts made by England to set up colonies in

America during the 1580’s?

John Smith

• “He who works not, eats not.”

• Because of john Smith the colonists got lumber, put up buildings and planted crops.

Question # 6:• What actions did John Smith take to help

Jamestown? What other methods do you think Smith could have used to save the colony?

John Smith developed tough rules “He who works not, eats not”. Smith could have asked the N-A to teach them to survive and developed friendly trade relationships w/them.

Jamestown Prospers

• The Virginia Company did not give up during the “starving time”.

• Tobacco was found to be an important cash crop for the colony.

• The House of Burgesses is set up. It is the first representative government in the colonies.

Fossils Found

• Over the centuries there have been very interesting fossils found near and around the Jamestown area.

• Maryland State Fossil

Question #2

Look at the map on page 67, Why were the first colonies located along the Atlantic coast?

The coast provided a convenient source of food and transportation

Question #3:

• Why did settlers in Jamestown have difficulties at first?

Jamestown settlers initially struggled due to poor location laziness, a harsh winter, a lack of skills, and poor leadership, unorganized and unprepared

Question #4:

• What were the responsibilities of the House of Burgesses?

To pass laws & set up taxes. Also, shared power w/the VA governor who could veto the House of Burgesses

Africans Come To America

• 1619 a Dutch ship brings 20 Africans from the West Indies.

• In the beginning of the colonies when slaves were brought over they may not have had to remain slaves.

• Permanent slavery in the colonies did not exist until the last part of the 1600’s.

The Plymouth Colony

• Why was the Plymouth Colony founded?

• Who founded the colony?

• What did 41 men sign before setting foot on land?

• What did it call for?

Question #5:

• Why was the Mayflower Compact important?

The Mayflower Compact was the first document in which the colonists claimed the right to self-government

Question # 7:

• Who were the Pilgrims? Why did they come to America? How did the Pilgrims’ experiences in England affect the government they established in the Plymouth colony?

The Pilgrims were also known as the Separatists They established self govt. to prevent persecution from their leaders

Section 2: The New England Colonies

• Massachusetts Bay Colony (What is now MA and Maine

• New Hampshire

• Connecticut

• Rhode Island

Why did colonists in New England turn to fishing rather than farming?

• What were the top 3 ways the colonists made money to survive?

The Puritans

• Similar to the Pilgrims, the Puritans, rather than breaking completely from the Church of England they wanted to reform or change it.

• King Charles I was opposed to this and in 1630 about 900 Puritans set off for the MA Bay Colony.

John Winthrop

• He founded the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1630.

• Several settlements were established

• Why did the Puritans set up the colony?

• What did they NOT believe in?

Roger Williams

• What colony did Roger Williams establish in 1636?

• Why was the colony established?

The Salem Witch Trials

• 19 men and women are falsely accused and are hung for practicing witch craft in Salem, MA.

• The accused were questioned and then put through several trials such as dunking, floating test, and so on.

Anne Hutchinson

• Why was Hutchinson forced to leave the MA Bay Colony in 1638?

• What colony did she help establish?

Thomas Hooker

• Who was Thomas Hooker?

• What colony did he establish in 1636?

• Why did he establish the colony?


• Chief of the Wampanoag Indians • AKA King Philip• 1675 led forces against the settlers during

King Philip’s war.• Destroyed 12 English towns• What was his goal? (He wanted to STOP

Puritan Expansion• Because of the wars, and how the wars,

ended what did it mean for England?

Section 3: The Middle Colonies

• New York

• New Jersey

• Pennsylvania

• Delaware


• What was the geography and climate of the Middle Colonies?

• What conditions in the Middle Colonies would have led the colonists towards the farming industry?

What were the Middle Colonies Also known as?

+ =

What conditions in the Middle Colonies favored farming?

• The climate was warm, meaning there was a longer growing season, and the soil was fertile.

New York and New Jersey

• How did New Jersey become a separate colony?

• It was split off from New York after England took New Netherland.

At first what group of people establish the colony of New York?

• The Dutch

• What did they name it?

• New Netherland

• What industry made the colony grow and prosper?

• What was a major problem for the Dutch colony?

What is a proprietary colony?

• A colony created by a grant of land from a monarch to an individual or family.

• What is a royal colony?

• A colony controlled directly by the English King.

How did new Netherland become New York?

• In 1664 England’s King Charles II granted his brother James all of the Dutch lands in North America.

• The colony was renamed New York because James was the Duke of York.

• How did New jersey become a separate colony?

• It was split because it was too large an area to govern.


• Who set up the colony of Pennsylvania?

• William Penn• Why did William Penn wish

to set up the colony?• He was a Quaker and

wanted to freely practice his religions and wanted others to be able to do the same.

Why did William Penn call his colony “The Holy experiment”?

• He considered his plan unique and ordained by God. It was the first time a colony was set up to allow religious toleration.


• What country settled in Delaware first?

• Sweden

• Who took it over from Sweden?

• The Dutch

• Why was it not kept part of PA when it was granted to William Penn in the charter?

• Delaware did not want to send delegates such a long distance.

Growth and Change

• Farming grew because of fertile soil and longer growing periods

• More than 20,000 colonists inhabited PA by the 1700’s.

• Manufacturing increased and produced iron, flour, and paper.

• PA was a diverse and thriving colony. It welcomed non-English immigrants

Section 4:The Southern Colonies



North Carolina

South Carolina



• Warm Humid Climate

• Hot Summers – long growing season

• Tobacco, rice, indigo, later cotton Become the major cash crops and control the economy and Social Structure of the South

Pictures from and

Virginia Grows

• Population grows in VA as more people arrive from Europe

• More children

• Women’s population rises as well

Conflicts with Native Americans

• Native American population shrinks

• By 1675 only about 2,000 were left in VA

• Farmers take the N-A land to grow Tobacco

• N-A have to start accepting English rule

Bacon’s Rebellion

• The set up…

In the early 1660’s poor white farmers wanted land to plant Tobacco

Wealthy VA Planters had bought up all the land near the coast

N-As control the land further in

Also, since they did not own land they could not vote

Bacon’s Rebellion

• Nathaniel Bacon

• Goes to the Governor, William Berkeley, of VA and asks for land for poor farmers further inland

• Governor does not want to anger the N-A because he has private deals with the N-A

Picture from Brittanica Online

Rebellion Continues

• Bacon gathers 1,000 + men to fight the N-As

• They burn the governor’s house in Jamestown

• Bacon gets sick and dies, governor is hung

Question #36:

Why did the struggle for rich farmland affect the colonists in Virginia?

It led to conflicts between poor colonists & N-As over land. It led to hostility between poor farmers and wealthy plantation owners.


• Who set up Maryland?

George Calvert (but he dies) and his son…

Lord Baltimore actually sees it through

What was special about the colony of Maryland?

Religious Toleration Both Catholics & Protestants lived there

Act of Toleration

• Why did Lord Baltimore want Maryland’s Act of Toleration?

It welcomed all Christians and gave adult male Christians the right to vote and hold office. It was an important step in religious toleration.


Who set up the colony of Georgia?

James Oglethorpe

Why was the colony founded?

To protect debtors- people who owe money

He wanted the colony to have small farmers not wealthy plantation owners

Question #38: How would compare the motives of Lord

Baltimore in founding Maryland with those of James Oglethorpe in founding Georgia?

Both colonies were founded to protect groups of people. Lord Baltimore founded MD so that Catholics & Protestants could practice their religion freely. Oglethorpe founded GA as a land of small farmers and a place where English debtors would be protected from imprisonment.

The Tidewater Region

• Plantations form

• Cotton, Sugar, Rice, Indigo, Tobacco are the major cash crops

• Economy is dominated by plantations

• Maryland/Virginia grown mainly Tobacco

• South Carolina & Georgia Rice and Cotton

• Slavery Increases due to the labor intensive crops


• Cut off from other places because of poor roads

• Isolated farms

• Women and girls worked alongside the men in the fields

• Believed that colonial govt.’s along the coast did not care

“Cash Crops”Tobacco Rice




Question #39:• Compare and Contrast the Tidewater and

Backcountry regions of the Southern Colonies.

The Tidewater was the region along the coast; the backcountry was cut off from the coast by poor roads and long distances. People in the Tidewater lived on LARGE plantations owned by slaveholders. In contrast, the people in the backcountry did not own their land, and were not divided according to social rank.