CHAPTER 2, Inside Digital Design.pdf

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    Verilog HDL for Hardware Modeling

    The circuits were described using schematics in past two decades, with advent of Digital and Analog designs it

    became difficult to think and design on schematic level. There was strong need for a language which can represent

    the hardware. It can model and simulate hardware as good as schematic. This oriented starting point of HDL

    (Hardware Descriptive Language) which can describe any circuit using language constructs. There are several HDLs

    including Verilog HDL which will be used for purpose of this book. Every statement in Verilog Models Hardware

    and like programming language it has constructs including Loops, Logic Structures etc. The hardware

    equivalencies of all constructs are specified in bold in this chapter.

    2-1 Basic Structure for Programming

    2-1-1 Wrapper for Designs

    Verilog is based on a basic wrapper which will be used in every program. The wrapper consists of module and

    endmodule containing all programming logic . Module in Verilog is the smallest programming entity. They can also

    be called like functions in other languages (instantiation in Verilog). The basic structure or wrapper used in every

    Verilog program goes like below:

    Design Example 2-1: Verilog Wrapper

    module DesignName();

    //User Logic


    Common mistake: endmodule is single keyword and must not be written like end module, this will allow

    to take module and end separately which are different key words.

    As said before that every statement in Verilog HDL models hardware, so the wrapper is just like a chip packaging

    with name printed on it and logic inside it. The user logic is most important part of the design it defines a logic

  • which maps input to output according to specified logic. For example the adder maps two inputs and a carry in to

    generate outputs sum and carry out. User Logic will be discuss in detail in preceding section.

    2-1-2 Port List

    The second basic point in every design is port list. The port list connects the user logic to the external world. It

    includes inputs and outputs. In hardware port list is just like pins on the chip boundary, which connect the circuit

    inside the chip to the external world. Consider a design which xor two inputs and generate the output. In Example

    2-2 a design with two inputs and one output is discussed.

    Design Example 2-2: Port list Explained

    module my_xor(out,in1,in2);//Port List

    //User Logic


    Verilog Convention: Outputs generally come first in port list than the inputs

    Design example 2-2 gives the name of the module name my_xor and two inputs in1 and in2. There may be many

    other internal variables inside the design, the port list only contain those variables which are required to be

    connected to the external world.

    2-1-3 Port Definition

    It is required to define that the ports are input or output i.e. direction of the port. Once the port direction is

    defined the next question is; what is the width of the port i.e. it is bus or a scalar (one bit). This section of the code

    is essential in every design. It must be the starting point of the code. At this point of time we will only focus on the

    specifying direction of the ports, and leave their size specification for section 2-4. In order to specify direction of

    two keywords input and output are used. Verilog is case sensitive so input and output must be in small letter. The

    chips also define port list, and each pin in the chip has the direction, these port directions are specified in the


  • Design Example 2-3: Port definition explained

    module my_xor(out,in1,in2);//Port List

    output out;//out is the output

    input in1,in2; //in1, in2 are the inputs

    //User Logic


    Common mistake: output and input are not inputs and outputs neither they are Output and

    Input. Both key words are case sensitive so does not have s at the end.

    2-2 Data Types in Verilog HDL

    Verilog HDL has data types like other programming languages. It has two data types net and reg, and of course

    they model the hardware behavior. Every variable in Verilog can be positioned under one of these data classes.

    First type is register, register models the storage behavior of hardware i.e. value stored in register will retain its

    value unit changed by the program itself. In this book we will use data type like reg to store values. The latter

    type is net, net models wire behavior of the hardware i.e. value placed on the wire will not retain value

    however it can drive value (take value from one place to other). Mostly it is use to interconnect different routes

    of circuit. For scope of this book we will use wire which is type of net. The input and output are also net in nature,

    however output can be made register in special case which will be discussed latter in section 2-5.

    Table 2-1: Description of Data Types in Verilog HDL

    Reg reg,output(can be made) Reg models storage behaviour of

    the hardware. Any value store in

    register will retain its value.

    Net wire,input,output(by default) Models wire behavior in

    hardware, does not store any

    value. Drive value from one

    place to other.

  • 2-3 Gate Level Modeling in Verilog HDL

    There are many ways in Verilog HDL to write a code inside wrapper discussed in design example 2-3. The schematic

    level resembles the Gate level modeling in Verilog. The custom circuits are generally made with process where we

    make truth table, minimize the logic (using Boolean reduction or Kmap), write Boolean equations and then make

    gate level schematic.

    The simplest form of modeling in Verilog is to look at the gate level diagram and write code defining every gate

    of the circuit, this type of modeling is called gate level modeling. Verilog has primitive gate which can model any

    circuits. The gates are given in table two below:

    Table 2-2: Primitives for Gate level Modeling

    and and a1(out,in1,in2,); N inputs and gate

    nand nand a1(out,in1,in2,); N inputs nand gate

    or or a1(out,in1,in2,); N inputs or gate

    nor nor a1(out,in1,in2,); N inputs nor gate

    xor xor a1(out,in1,in2,); N inputs xor gate

    xnor xnor a1(out,in1,in2,); N inputs xnor gate

    buf buf a1(out,in); Buffer

    not not a1(out,in); Inverter

    bufif0,bufif1 Tri state buffer

    notif0,notif1 Tri sate Inverter

    2-3-1 Xor Gate level modeling

    We can model any circuit by looking at table 2-2. For example lets complete the code for wrapper in design

    example 2-3. In design example 2-4 the xor gate is instantiated, it will perform the functionality of xor gate.

  • Design Example 2-4: Gate Level modeling of xor gate.






    module my_xor(out,in1,in2);//Port List

    output out;//out is the output

    input in1,in2; //in1, in2 are the inputs

    xor x1(out,in1,in2);///instant of xor primitive gate


    Dos of Verilog: Every time the instant of the module is instantiated(called), it must have a

    instant name for example in the example above the instant name is x1.

    2-3-2 Half Adder

    Lets illustrate another example for HDL basics. Assume that we need to design a half adder circuit given in the

    Figure 2-1 below.

    Figure 2-1: Half Adder Circuit

    For the example given in Figure 2-1 the code is given in Design Example 2-5.

    Design Example 2-5: Gate Level modeling of Half Adder







    module HalfAdder(Sum,Carry,In1,In2);//Port List

    output Sum,Carry;

    input In1,In2; //in1, in2 are the inputs

    xor g1(Sum,In1,In2);

    and g2(Carry,In1,In2);


  • 2-4 Instantiating Verilog modules

    Modules in variable can be called just like C or other programming language. The module call in Verilog is called

    instantiation. The instantiation is also like hardware components connected together through wires. The module is

    made once, tested and then can be instantiated any number of times. Instantiation of Verilog modules is

    fundamental part of divide and conquer design in Verilog. The top down or down top methodologies are basic

    element of design in Verilog.

    2-4-1 Top down Design Methodology

    In top down design practice the top level module is made in the start and then one by one its required modules

    are manufactured. For example we start designing 4-Bit Adder to start with, after completing the design we stuck

    at point where the module of full adder is required as shown in Figure 2-2. The top node of design becomes 4-Bit

    adder than we design full adder module and call it four times in 4-Bit adder. In Full adder we require two half

    adders so we design half adder and call them in the Full adder. The Half adder consists of xor and and gates as

    shown in design example 2-5. The last entity of top down design is called Leaf.

    Figure 2-2: Hierarchical approach of design in Verilog HDL

    4-Bit Adder

    Full Adder Full Adder Full Adder Full Adder

    Half Adder Half Adder

    and xor

  • 2-4-2 Bottom up Design Methodology

    In bottom up approach start thinking the design from the smallest possible entity i.e. half adder. Two half adder

    combines to Full adder and then Full adders combine to 4-Bit adder. This approach will be used in the book and is

    more recommended. The reason for using this approach is when the smallest entity is made it is testable and then

    when it reaches next level of hierarchy again it is testable and so on. In top down approach the top module is made

    on assumption that the module in the next lower hierarchy will be available so the top level module is not testable

    until all modules are completed.

    2-4-3 Full Adder Example

    Now lets spend some time on learning how to instantiate a module. In design example 2-5 half adder was made,

    seeing Figure 2-2 lets assume we are using bottom up approach. Next level of design will be Full adder using two

    half adders as shown in Figure 2-3.

    Figure 2-3: Hierarchical approach of design for Full Adder

    Two half adders are instantiated and the interconnections are made using wire e1,e2 and e3. The interconnections

    are required act as wire. It is just like making modules in hardware and connecting them using jumper wire. The

  • interconnects wire are net in nature and does not hold value. The purpose of using wire is to interconnecting two


    Design Example 2-6: Gate Level modeling of Half Adder

    module FullAdder(Sum,Carry_Out,In1,In2,Carry_In);

    input In1,In2,Carry_In;

    output Carry_Out,Sum;

    wire e1,e2,e3;

    HalfAdder HA1(e1,e2,In1,In2);

    HalfAdder HA2(Sum,e3,e1,Carry_In);

    or g1(Carry_Out,e3,e2);


    module HalfAdder(Sum,Carry,In1,In2);//Port List

    output Sum,Carry;

    input In1,In2; //in1, in2 are the inputs

    xor g1(Sum,In1,In2);

    and g2(Carry,In1,In2);


    2-5 Port Connection and Instantiation Rules

    In the last section we discussed how we can instantiate the modules in other modules. However there are certain

    rules which should be known before any instantiation can be made. The connection rules are very basic part of

    HDL design methodology and they must be well understood. In this section we will discuss how to instantiate

    modules using Port listing by order and by name. We will also discuss port connection rules of inputs and outputs.

    2-5-1 Instantiation using port by Sequence

    In example 2-6 we discussed that how two half adders can be instantiated to form a full adder. The signature for

    half adder were HalfAdder(Sum,Carry,In1,In2). The two instances of half adder in full adder are using method

    called port list by order. In this method the place where instant of a certain modules is made should follow exact

    order as were in the original modules. The two instances given below:

    HalfAdder HA1(e1,e2,In1,In2);

  • HalfAdder HA2(Sum,e3,e1,Carry_In);

    have the exact order as in HalfAdder(Sum,Carry,In1,In2), it can be notices by seeing Figure 2-3. This method is not

    possible for modules with large number of ports.

    2-5-2 Instantiation using port by name

    For larger designs another method called port by name is used. In port by name the order of ports in original

    modules is not important only names of port are used for instantiation. In port by name we are not worried

    about exactly if Sum is the first port in Half adder or last, we only write name .Sum(e1) and pass e1 as argument.

    The .Sum(e1) means that Sum is name of port in the module which is instantiated and e1 is connected to it from

    where it is instantiated. In this case it does not matter whether you write .Sum(e1) in the start or end of port list.

    As shown in Design example 2-7 Half adder instant HA1 has .Carry(e2) at the third number while Carry was at

    second number in Half Adder module.

    Design Example 2-7: Gate Level modeling of Full Adder

    module FullAdder(Sum,Carry_Out,In1,In2,Carry_In);

    input In1,In2,Carry_In;

    output Carry_Out,Sum;

    wire e1,e2,e3;

    HalfAdder HA1(.Sum(e1),. In1(In1),. Carry(e2),.In2(In2));

    HalfAdder HA2(.Sum(Sum), .In1(e1), .In2(Carry_In),.Carry(e3));

    or g1(Carry_Out,e3,e2);


    module HalfAdder(Sum,Carry,In1,In2);//Port List

    output Sum,Carry;

    input In1,In2; //in1, in2 are the inputs

    xor g1(Sum,In1,In2);

    and g2(Carry,In1,In2);


    From now onwards in this book we will follow Port by name instead of port by sequence for instantiating the


  • 2-5-3 Connection Rules

    There are some connections rules which must be followed in instantiating one module to other. The input and

    output are net in nature as shown in Table 2-3. However output can be made reg if it is required to hold a certain

    value. The data is received from the input pins therefore they are intentionally made to prevent any data change

    inside the module. However output can be made reg or it is retained as per required. We will discuss making

    output reg latter in section 2- in detail.

    Table 2-3: Port Connection rules in Verilog

    Port Type Inside Module Can be Connected to

    input Net net/reg

    output net/reg Net

    inout Net Net

    When the module is connected to other module these connection rules are reversed i.e. input can be connected to

    a net or a register and output can only be connected to net. It is quite obvious that input is made net in nature

    inside module so prevent any modification after the input is given to the module and output can be connected to

    net only to ensure that there is no modification after output is generated.

    Input can be externally connected to a register when it is provided with the value generated inside the module

    instantiation it and to net when the input is connected to the output of the some other module.

    Figure 2-4: Port Connection Rules in Verilog HDL

    2-6 Vectors, Array and Number Convention in Verilog HDL

    The scalar is considered so far in this chapter which is only single bit. We can define net or regs of more than one

    bit which are usually called bus. Four examples we can define an input port which is four bit, of course we can also

    Input connect


    Input connect

    output connect



  • assign a four bit number to that bus or its paths. This section will discuss vectors, a way to handle bus in Verilog

    and number convention for more than one bit number.

    There are two ways to define a vector in Verilog little Endean or Big Endean. End-Dean stands for end with for

    example in little Endean the last is number is LSB as it should end with little and in Big Endean the last number is

    MSB as it should end with Big Number.

    Figure 2-5: Design of 4-Bit Adder

    2-6-1 Four Bit Adder Example to Explain Vectors

    Consider an example shown in Figure 2-5, its a Full Adder with two inputs a, b which are four bit. Both the inputs

    are added and their result is Sum S and Carry_Out are generated. Four Bit adder is modeling by instantiating four

    full adder. To model the bus of four bit we will use standard little Endean notation.

    Design example 2-8 illustrate the idea, the first line in the RTL input [3:0]A,B; ///two inputs which are two 4 bit


    Design Example 2-8: Hierarchical modeling of 4-Bit Adder



    module Adder4Bit(A,B,Carry_in,Sum,Carry_Out);

    input [3:0]A,B;



















  • 3









    input Carry_in;

    output [3:0]Sum;

    output Carry_Out;

    wire [3:1]C;

    FullAdder FA0(.Sum(Sum[0]),.Carry_Out(C[1]),.In1(A[0]),.In2(B[0]),.Carry_In(Carry_in));

    FullAdder FA1(.Sum(Sum[1]),.Carry_Out(C[2]),.In1(A[1]),.In2(B[1]),.Carry_In(C[1]));

    FullAdder FA2(.Sum(Sum[2]),.Carry_Out(C[3]),.In1(A[2]),.In2(B[2]),.Carry_In(C[2]));

    FullAdder FA3(.Sum(Sum[3]),.Carry_Out(Carry_Out),.In1(A[3]),.In2(B[3]),.Carry_In(C[3]);


    Also [3:0]Sum and interconnecting wire [3:1]C are vectors. Hence we sum up vectors as register or net which are

    more than one bit and its syntax is [MSB:LSB].

    2-6-2 Difference between Arrays and Vectors

    The array in Verilog is same as in C or any other language; its a container which can hold more than one value

    which can be scalar or vector. The syntax for array is reg array*3:0+, its are scalar array with four locations in it,

    each location is one bit wide as shown in Figure 2-6.

    Figure 2-6: Concept of Array, Vector and Vectored array

    2-6-3 Vectored Arrays and Memory Example

    So we have discussed Vectors which are single location with multiple bits and arrays which are multiple locations

    with single bit. We can also combine both to get vectored arrays i.e. multiple locations with more than one bit. The

    syntax is quite guessable now, suppose we need to define an array with 4 locations and each location is 8 bit.

    reg [7:0]arr[3:0];//Each location is 4 bit and there are 8 locations

    reg arr[3:0];//4 bit array reg [3:0]arr;//4 bit


    reg [7:0]arr[3:0];//4 bit

    vectored array

  • Vectored arrays find several examples in digital designs for example if we need to define a memory of 256

    locations and each location is 8-Bit wide it will require a vectored array. To address 256 locations we require 8

    address lines, 8 bit data in and data out(just for a obvious that each location is 8-bit wide) as shown in Figure 2-7.

    We will cover this example latter however to elaborate the vectored array, the memory will be a register of 256x8

    with an array of 256 location and each location is a 8-Bit vector.

    Figure 2-7: Memory with 256 locations, each location is 8-Bit wide

    2-6-4 Specifying Numbers in Verilog

    This takes us to the second part of this section where we will discuss Number specification in Verilog HDL.

    Numbers in Verilog are specified in special format, for example if we want to write 2 in Verilog we must tell that

    how much bits two will take what will be the format(decimal, binary etc) for the number. In Verilog we will write

    2d2 or 2b10 which means that its a two bit number specified in decimal or binary format respectively. Some

    commonly used formats in Verilog are discussed in table 2-4.

    Table 2-4: Formats in Verilog HDL

    Format Format Name Format Format Name

    D or d Decimal O or o Octal

    B or b Binary M or m Hierarchical Name

    H or h Hexa S or s Strings

    Let us take some examples given in table 2-5 to properly understand the number format specification in Verilog


    Table 2-5: Examples of Format Specification

    Example Description

    4d5 4 Bit decimal 5

    Memory 256x8



    Mem_DataIn(8) Mem_DataOut(8)


  • 3b111 Binary 7 Number

    5h1A 5 Bit number 26 in Hexa

    2-7 Level of Signals in HDL

    It has been discussed that we can define the numbers in Verilog HDL and they can more than one bit. They are of

    course meant to assign to a bus, a scalar must be assigned with one bit. All values are treated as binary internally

    not matter how they are specified, this means a number specified in Hexa or Decimal is also binary internally. Any

    value in Verilog has four possible states High, Low, High Impedance and unknown. This is how the hard ware see

    the signals, consider a CMOS logic Inverter below.

    Figure 2-8: Transistor level of Signaling

    Table 2-6: Level of Signal in Verilog HDL

    Example Description

    1b1 High

    1b0 Low

    1bx Unknown

    1bz High Impedance

    2-8 Different level of Modeling in Verilog HDL

    In section 2-3 we discussed gate level modeling, as discussed earlier that Digital Designs can be modeled in Gate

    Level, Data Flow and Behavioural Level modeling. Gate level modeling and data flow modeling are used for small

    designs where no of gates or Boolean logic is finite and countable.

  • Table 2-7: Modeling Types in Verilog HDL

    Modeling Level Modeling Behaviour Description

    Gate Level Modeling Use predefined Gates constructs

    and wires to connect them

    Just like Making circuits using

    Gates, used for small design

    where no of gates are countable

    Data Flow Use data operators to model a

    certain logic

    Models Boolean expressions,

    used where the logic is small and

    there are few Boolean


    Behavioural Level Modeling Use C like constructs like Loops,

    Case Statement, if else etc.

    Digital design does not have

    parallel modeling for Behavioural

    level. It is pure programming and

    logic approach used by larger

    designs. Where a design cannot

    be modeled using gates or

    Boolean expressions.

    As discussed in first chapter no matter what the level of modeling the design will have to ultimately translate into

    gate level modeling which is called gate net list. Writing a code in gate flow level has advantage with less complex

    synthesis. Dataflow offer complexity of a bit higher level than gate flow. Behaviour level modeling offer very

    complex gate net list as compared to Gate level and Data flow level modeling.

    However for larger designs we cannot think things at gate level. We must write code in Behavioural level. We can

    used mixed modeling in any design i.e. a module may have combination of behaviour level and Data flow

    modeling. Smaller modules in large design may also be modeled in gate level.

    Figure 2-9: Level of Complexity Increased with modeling level becoming Higher

    Behavioural Level Modeling

    Data Flow Modeling

    Gate Level Modeling

  • 2-9 Data Flow Modeling

    Data flow modeling is very popular style in coding in Verilog HDL. In larger designs chunks are written in Data Flow

    for a two reasons.

    1- Where there is no delay and immediate assignments are made. Outputs are not forced by any inputs

    conditions. For example think of Flip Flop, there are two outputs q and qbar, qbar is always inverted of q.

    There is no condition involve, we always assign qbar equals invert of q.

    2- Where we have very simple combinations circuit elements and we do not want to model them in

    behaviour level. Usually this is required is resolving synthesis constraints, and we model few part from

    behaviour to dataflow to bypass constraint problems.

    Data Flow modeling use mathematical operators to model a certain Boolean Expression. A digital design mostly

    starts with some logic given in truth tables, which is minimized by K Maps or Boolean reduction. This results into

    Boolean expressions which are ultimately to be translated into Gates. Gate level modeling think designs on Gate

    level while dataflow think designs in Boolean Expressions. So what difference does it makes in thinking both ways.

    1- When you think designs in Gate level you have to do routing yourself. However in data flow no routing is

    required, its simply writing Boolean expression in Verilogs way.

    2- I gate level we have limitation of thinking design in only one way i.e. gates. But in data flow we can think

    design in sense of Boolean expression or Bolean Logic. For example we can think 2x1 multiplexer as two

    and gates, one nor gate and one or gate in Boolean expression or we can think it in if else structure. This

    is explained in Example 2-9.

    2-9-1 Operators and Basic Rules in Data Flow

    The armor of data flow is operators, below are operators used in data flow.

    Table 2-8: Unary Operators for Data Flow modeling

    Operator Name Operator Symbol Operational Mode

    Logical Inverter ! Only for Scalars

    Bit wise negation ~ For Scalar and Vectors

    For Vectors-yields a single bit


    AND &

    NAND ~&

    OR |

    NOR ~|

  • XOR ^

    XNOR ~^

    Table 2-9: Arithmetic Operator and their Symbols

    Operator Name Operator Symbol

    Multiplication *

    Division ~/ The result is x if denominator is


    Modulus %

    Addition +

    Subtraction -

    Table 2-9: Arithmetic Operator and their Symbols

    Operator Name Operator Symbol Usage

    Shift Left A2 Shift A two times right

    Concatenation Operator {A,B} Combine A and B into single


    Replication Operator {{A,2}} Replicate A two times in the


    If Else Operator ?:

    Data flow is very simple if few things are kept in mind.

    1- You can only use primitive operators in data flow. Precedence of all operators must be kept in mind to get

    the correct result.

    2- The LVAL (the left side where value is assigned) must be net in nature. Every data flow statement must

    start with key word assign. Assignment is done as soon as the data on right is changed.

    3- The number of assign statements is equal to number of outputs. Every output is function of inputs; data

    flow level defines combination of input in Boolean way to express a certain output.

    2-9-2 Multiplexer Modeling in Data Flow

    Below is example 2-9 of the code. In the first part 2-8-1 the design is implemented in the Gate level you can see

    the need for routing and nets between the gates.

  • Design Example 2-9: Multiplexer Example using Data Flow


    2-9-1 Thinking design in Gate level

    module Mux2x1(MUX_OUT,MUX_SEL,MUX_IN);

    input [1:0]MUX_IN;

    input MUX_SEL;

    output MUX_OUT;

    wire e1,e2,e3;

    and g1(e2,MUX_IN[0],e1);

    and g2(e3,MUX_IN[1],MUX_SEL);

    not g3(MUX_OUT,e3,e2);

    or g4(e1,MUX_SEL);


    2-9-2 Thinking design in Boolean Way

    module Mux2x1(MUX_OUT,MUX_SEL,MUX_IN);

    input [1:0]MUX_IN;

    input MUX_SEL;

    output MUX_OUT;

    assign MUX_OUT=(MUX_IN[0]&~MUX_SEL)| (MUX_IN[1]&MUX_SEL);


    2-9-3 Thinking design in Logical way

    module Mux2x1(MUX_OUT,MUX_SEL,MUX_IN);

    input [1:0]MUX_IN;

    input MUX_SEL;

    output MUX_OUT;

    assign MUX_OUT=MUX_SEL? MUX_IN[1]: MUX_IN[0];

    MUX 2x1 MUX_IN(2)


  • endmodule

    In 2-9-2 and 2-9-3 Data flow modeling is shown above. Boolean expressions are implemented in 2-8-2 and similar

    gate level logic is represented. LVAL MUX_OUT is Net is nature and any change in right hand side will validate the


    2-9-3 Four Bit Adder in Data Flow

    Example 2-10 shows implementation of Four Bit adder in data flow level. The example is repeated from Example 2-

    8 which show the Gate Level implementation of Four bit adder.

    Design Example 2-10: Dataflow modeling of 4-Bit Adder

    2-10-1 Thinking design in Logical way

    module Adder4Bit(A,B,Carry_in,Sum,Carry_Out);

    input [3:0]A,B;

    input Carry_in;

    output [3:0]Sum;

    output Carry_Out;

    assign { Carry_Out , Sum }=A+B+ Carry_in;


    2-10-2 Thinking design in Gate Level

    module Adder4Bit(A,B,Carry_in,Sum,Carry_Out);

    input [3:0]A,B;

    input Carry_in;

    output [3:0]Sum;

    output Carry_Out;

    wire [3:1]C;

    FullAdder FA0(.Sum(Sum[0]),.Carry_Out(C[1]),.In1(A[0]),.In2(B[0]),.Carry_In(Carry_in));

    FullAdder FA1(.Sum(Sum[1]),.Carry_Out(C[2]),.In1(A[1]),.In2(B[1]),.Carry_In(C[1]));

    FullAdder FA2(.Sum(Sum[2]),.Carry_Out(C[3]),.In1(A[2]),.In2(B[2]),.Carry_In(C[2]));

    FullAdder FA3(.Sum(Sum[3]),.Carry_Out(Carry_Out),.In1(A[3]),.In2(B[3]),.Carry_In(C[3]);


    Earlier we made a rule that generally no. of statements in dataflow statements equals number of outputs.

    However in some cases this may not be true for example the statement in Example 2-10-1:

    assign { Carry_Out , Sum }=A+B+ Carry_in;

  • The above statement combines two outputs into single statement using concatenation operator. The four bit A

    and B and 1 bit carry will generate five bit output, the left most bit of this five bit sum will be Carry_out and next

    four bits are Sum.

    2-9-4 Four Bit comparator in Data Flow

    Four bit comparator is good example of show multiple flow statements for each output.

    Design Example 2-11: Dataflow modeling of Four Bit Comparator

    module Comp4Bit(AEB,ALB,AGB,CmpA,CmpB);

    input [3:0]CmpA,CmpB;

    output AEB,ALB,AGB;

    assign ALB=(CmpACmpB) ?1b1: 1b0;


    Both inputs are compared for less then, equal to and greater to logic and corresponding outputs are assigned. The

    gate level modeling of the design and its comparison with the data flow counterpart is left to the reader and is

    given in the end problems.

    Figure 2-10: Summary of Rules in data flow Modeling

    2-10 Behavioural Level Modeling(Combinational Circuits)

    4- Bit







    Rules for Data Flow Modeling

    1- Each statement in data flow modeling start with key word assign.

    2- The LVAL of data flow statement should always be a net.

    3- The LVAL is assigned new value every time there is change in any value of RVAL.

    General Practices for Data Flow Modeling

    1- LVAL is output, the number of assign statements is equal to number of outputs.

    2- RVAL are inputs and LVAL are outputs.

  • This section addresses most important modeling in Verilog HDL for Larger designs. Behavioural level modeling is

    thinking codes at algorithmic level. This is highest level of abstraction, most of constructs inspired from C. As

    discussed earlier that after synthesis all form of codes are translated into gate level called gate net list. Hence the

    synthesis of behavioural level modeling is producing much larger logic then data flow and gate level modeling.

    2-10-1 Rules for Behavioural coding

    Behavioural level modeling is governed by following set of rules.

    1- All coding in behavioural level modeling must be done inside behavioural blocks always and initial. This

    type of modeling provides two types of blocks generally called procedural/behavioural blocks. This is

    unlike Data flow and gate level modeling where you can write the code directly between module,

    endmodule wrapper. However in case of behavioural level modeling first always or initial block is written

    inside the wrapper and then coding can be done

    2- The LVAL must be register however the RVAL can be anything including net and register.

    3- More than one lines under initial/always statements must include begin and end key words. It is just like {

    and } brackets use in C++.

    4- Nesting of Behavioural blocks is not allowed i.e. Initial inside initial, always inside always, initial inside

    always and always inside initial.

    5- No matter how many Procedural blocks are written, all blocks are executed at once at time t=0.

    2-10-2 always and initial block

    The always and initial blocks are back bone of Behavioural level modeling. Initial block is just like booting

    process in any IC, it start at time t=0 and execute all the logic under it. Once it executes it is never executed

    again during life cycle of the code. Usually initial blocks are used to initialize different variables in the design.


    Always block are also executed at time t=0, once

    executed at goes at the top again and check the


    Initial block is just like booting process in any IC, it start

    at time t=0 and execute all the logic under it.

  • sensitively list(the list after @ symbol in the top of

    the block and then execute the block again.

    Figure 2-11: Procedural Blocks in Verilog HDL

    Always block are also executed at time t=0, once executed at goes at the top again and check the sensitively

    list(the list after @ symbol in the top of the block and then execute the block again. Always block has a list

    with its statement, if this list is not mentioned then always block is executed repeatedly without any condition.

    All the elements in sensitivity list are generally inputs, and always block is executed if any of the input is

    changed. Once a block is executed it goes back on the top and waits for the input to be changed, block is

    executed every time even if one of the input change.

    2-10-3 Combinational Design in Behavioural Level modeling

    Multiplexer code is given in example 2-9 where data flow and gate level implementation is given. This section

    implements the design in Behavioural level as given in example 2-12.

    Design Example 2-12: Multiplexer Example using Data Flow


    2-12-1 Using case statement

    module Mux2x1(MUX_OUT,MUX_SEL,MUX_IN);

    input [1:0]MUX_IN;

    input MUX_SEL;

    output MUX_OUT;

    reg MUX_OUT;

    always@( MUX_IN or MUX_SEL)


    1b0: MUX_OUT= MUX_IN[0];

    2-12-2 Using if else blocks

    module Mux2x1(MUX_OUT,MUX_SEL,MUX_IN);

    input [1:0]MUX_IN;

    input MUX_SEL;

    output MUX_OUT;

    reg MUX_OUT;

    always@( MUX_IN or MUX_SEL)


    MUX_OUT= MUX_IN[0];

    MUX 2x1 MUX_IN(2)


  • 1b1: MUX_OUT= MUX_IN*1+;



    else if(MUX_SEL==1b1)

    MUX_OUT= MUX_IN[1];


    1- Observe in the code that MUX_OUT is register in the code. The LVAL in always block is register.

    2- All codes are written inside always block, and no code is directly written inside the wrapper.

    3- The logic of C is directly used in Behavioural level modeling. For example 2-12-1 given the case based

    implementation and 2-12-2 givens if else based implementation of the design.

    4- The inputs are present in the sensitively list, and will be executed when MUX_IN or MUX_SEL is changed.

    Another example of usage of case statement is 3x8 decoder. The default value is also used in the case; it will be

    approached if none of the statement in the case is true. The designs of Demultiplex and Encoder are left for

    userand is given in the exercise. Example 2-14 presents code of comparator in behavioural level, the example is

    repeated from example 2-11(data flow modeling of comparator).

    Design Example 2-13: Multiplexer Example using Data Flow

    module Decoder(Data_out, Data_in);

    input [2:0]Data_in;

    output [7:0]Data_out;



    3b000: Data_out=8b00000_001;

    3b001: Data_out=8b00000_010;

    3b010: Data_out=8b00000_100;

    3b011: Data_out=8b00001_000;

    3b100: Data_out=8b00010_000;







  • 3b101: Data_out=8b00100_000;

    3b110: Data_out=8b01000_000;

    3b111: Data_out=8b10000_001;

    default: Data_out=8b10000_000;



    Design Example 2-14: Comparator design in Behavioural level modeling

    module Comparator(ALB,AGB,AEB,InA,InB);

    input [3:0]InA,InB;

    output ALB,AEB,AGB; reg ALB,AEB,AGB;

    always@( InA or InB)

    if(InAInB) ALB=1b0;AEB=1b0;AGB =1b1;

    else if(InA==InB) ALB=1b0;AEB=1b1;AGB =1b0;


    2-10-4 Memory Design in Behavioural Level modeling

    Example of memory is presented in 2-15, the Mem is 16x8 structure which is vectored array. If Write is one

    Mem_Address of Mem array is assigned to Mem_DataOut. And if write is zero MemData_in is stored at

    Mem_Address of Mem.

    Design Example 2-15: Memory design

    module Memory(Mem_DataIn,Write,Mem_DataOut,Mem_Address);

    input [7:0] Mem_DataIn;

    input Write;

    input [3:0] Mem_Address;

    output [7:0] Mem_DataOut;

    Memory 16x8



    Mem_DataIn(8) Mem_DataOut(8)


  • reg [7:0]Mem[15:0];

    always@( Mem_DataIn or Write or Mem_Address)

    if(Write ==0)//read

    Mem_DataOut = Mem[Mem_Address];

    else if(Write ==1)

    Mem[Mem_Address]= Mem_DataIn;


    2-11 Behavioural Level Modeling (Sequential Logic Circuits)

    Sequential circuits can only be modeled using behavioural level modeling there is no way of modeling data flow

    and gate level. Most sequential circuits are synchronized and controlled by signal synchronous control. Most of

    time Counter, Shift register, Flip Flops and other sequential logic are triggered on Positive or negative of the clock.

    Verilog HDL defines two key words POSEDGE and NEGEDGE to model edge sensitive behaviour of circuits.

    2-11-1 Clock Edge control Signals

    Verilog HDL has two edge control signals for each positive and negative edge of clocks. The design is only

    triggered on the edge driven synchronizing signal.

    12(a)Positive Edge of Clock

    always@(posedge Sig)

    12(b)Negative Edge of Clock

    always@(negedge Sig)

    Figure 2-12:Positive and Negative Edge of the Clocks

    Flip Flops are of several type, D Flip Flop is very popular type. Example 2-16 shows the implementation of Flip Flip.

    Notice that Value of Q is not affected by change in Data, if Posedge of Clock arrives that signal check the control. If

    control is 0 the Q becomes Data otherwise it retains its value.

  • Design Example 2-16: D Flip Flop Example

    module DFF(Qbar,Q,CLK,C,Din);

    input CLK,C,Din;

    output Q,Qbar; reg Q;

    assign Qbar=~Q;

    always@(posedge CLK)






    2-11-2 Blocking and Non-Blocking Statement

    The purpose of such statements is assignment of RVAL on LVAL. Normally RVALs are combination of nets and

    regs which are combined together by operators and yield a result which is assigned to LVAL.

    In blocking Statements all lines inside procedural blocks are executed, RVALs are calculated. But assignments

    on LVALs are not made. After procedural block ends all assignments are made together. It is represented by


  • a=3; b=2;






  • reg [7:0]RF[3:0];

    always@(Reg_in or Reg_Add or RW)



  • Note that there is no if condition to check if Count has reached it maximum value. This is because Count is 4 Bit

    and will go to zero itself when maximum storage of the variable arrives however if Counter of other then 0-15 was

    required using 4 bit for example 0-12 counter then a check was to be palced to set it back to zero if maximum


    Example 2-19 shows shift register implementation, the register can shift both left and right shift once. There is

    interesting end problem to implement a more generic universal Shift register. The Universal Shift register is

    left for reader as an exercise, I can do all type of shifting including arithmetic, logical and circular.

    All type of Shifting is simple in Verilog HDL, it can be done using matrix manipulation or shifting operator. In

    Figure 2-13 Circular and Logical Shifting is explained and arithmetic shifting is left for the reader in the

    exercise. The trick of shifting is simply figuring how bits will be manipulated after and before shifting.

    Using Shifting


    12-13(a) Logical Shift


    12-13(b) Circular Shift

    temp=r[7]//save the last bit


  • module ShiftReg(DOut,LData,RData,Data_in,USR_Ctr,CLK); input [3:0]Data_in; input [1:0]USR_Ctr; input CLK; output LData,RData; output [3:0]DOut; reg LData,RData; reg [3:0]DOut; reg [3:0] Sreg; always@( posedge CLK) case(USR_Ctr)

    2b00: SReg

  • 1- There are no ports in the test bench.

    2- All inputs are made register and outputs are made nets.

    3- As inputs are made register therefore input values must be applied in Behavioural block.

    4- The design is instantiated inside the test bench.

    Figure 2-14:Test Bench design

    2-12-2 Test Bench examples

    Lets start writing test bench for Adder and Counter given example in earlier sections. In example 2-20 original

    example with test bench is below.

    1- Line 2,3 has registers to apply two inputs, these two registers will be connected to the inputs of design.

    Initial block line 7,15 apply these inputs. This is just like signal generator.

    Design Example 2-20: 4-Bit Adder with Test Bench

    module Adder4Bit(A,B,Carry_in,Sum,Carry_Out);

    input [3:0]A,B; input Carry_in;

    output [3:0]Sum; output Carry_Out;

    wire [3:1]C;

    FullAdder FA0(.Sum(Sum[0]),.Carry_Out(C[1]),.In1(A[0]),.In2(B[0]),.Carry_In(Carry_in));

    FullAdder FA1(.Sum(Sum[1]),.Carry_Out(C[2]),.In1(A[1]),.In2(B[1]),.Carry_In(C[1]));

    FullAdder FA2(.Sum(Sum[2]),.Carry_Out(C[3]),.In1(A[2]),.In2(B[2]),.Carry_In(C[2]));

    FullAdder FA3(.Sum(Sum[3]),.Carry_Out(Carry_Out),.In1(A[3]),.In2(B[3]),.Carry_In(C[3]);


  • 1













    module TB_Adder4Bit();

    reg [3:0]in1,in2; reg Cin;

    wire [3:0]S; wire COut;

    Adder4Bit A1(.A(in1),.B(in2),.Carry_in(Cin),Sum(S),.Carry_Out(COut));

    initial begin

    in1=4d2; in2=4d3; Cin=1b0;//testing normal case no.

    #5 Cin=1b1;

    #5 in1=-4d2; in2=-4d3; Cin=1b0;//both no. are negative

    #5 in1=4d2; in2=-4d3; Cin=1b0;///one no. Is negative

    #5 in1=-4d2; in2=4d3; Cin=1b0;//one no. is negative

    #5 in1=4d10; in2=4d11; Cin=1b0; //When sum can exceed 4 bits



    2- Outputs are made net; simulators automatically connect these nets to oscilloscope of the tool. If the tool

    does not provide this facility, we can always use Verilog system tasks; refer to figure 2-15.

    3- Line 6 instantiate the design under test, it is mandatory to call the design under test.

    2-12-3 System Tasks

    System tasks are control which modify the inputs/output in specific way so that the outputs can be observed.

    System task use dollar sign ($), modern simulators like Model Sim does not require such system tasks. The tasks

    are not synthesizable and they are ignored by the synthesis tools as they are only meant to observe the output and

    no role in the design itself.

  • Figure 2-15 does not cover all system tasks, but some tasks required in this section. More system tasks will be

    covered in the latter sections as they will be required.

    2-12-4 Designs with Clocking signals

    Any design with synchronous signal which can is flipping itself after some time is called clock. It can be generated

    using forever or always.

    Design Example 2-21: Counter 4-Bit

    $display, $monitor $ monitor, $display are used to display the outputs or any variables in the textual form on the

    screen. $ Monitor is written once in the code and display values whenever the value of

    variable is change, however $display shows the outputs only once where they are written.

    The work like printf in C as shown below:

    $display(value of the variable is=%h,a)

    Where a is any variable to be displayed. %h is formatting control and display output in


    $time Display the current time.

    $stop, $finish,


    All simulations are endless and once started they are not self-stopped. $finish is used to

    finish the simulation after the time it is applied while $stop halts the simulation and returns

    the control to model sim to enter commands. $reset starts the simulation from time t=0.

    Formatting Controls Escape Sequence

    %d or %D Decimal \n New line

    %b or %B Binary \t Tabulation

    %h or %H Hexa Decimal \\ Print \

    %o or %O Octal \ Print

    %m or %M Hierarchical name %% Print %

    %t or %T Time Format

    Figure 2-15: System Tasks in Verilog






  • module Counter4Bit(Count,Clk,RST);

    output [3:0]Count;

    input RST, Clk;

    reg [3:0]Count;

    always@(posedge Clk)



  • module LFSR(Clk);

    input Clk;

    reg [3:0]SR; reg[2:0]TReg;

    parameter DATA=4b1011, TAPS=3b110;

    reg fb; integer i;




  • Design Example 2-23: Arithmetic Logic Unit

    OP Code Operations

    2b00 ADD

    2b01 Subtract

    2b10 Logical AND

    2b11 Logical OR

    module ALU(ALU_out,ALU_inA, ALU_inB,OPCode);

    input [1:0]OPCode;

    input [3:0]ALU_inA, ALU_inB;

    output [3:0]ALU_out;

    reg [3:0]ALU_out;

    always@(ALU_in or OPCode)


    2b00: ALU_out

  • Design Example 2-24: Stack

























    module Stack(Stack_Empty,Stack_Full,Data_Out,PushPop,Data_in);

    input PushPop; input [7:0]Data_In;

    output [7:0]Data_Out; output Stack_Empty,Stack_Full;

    reg [7:0]Data_Out; reg [3:0]ST[7:0]; reg [1:0]TOP;

    assign Stack_Empty=(TOP==2d0)?1b1:1b0;

    assign Stack_Full=(TOP==2d3)?1b1:1b0;



    always@(Data_In or PushPOP)






  • Example 2-25 shown RAM with 256 locations each location is 8-bit. Mem_DataOut and Mem_DataIn are 8-bit as

    each location is 8-bit. The Mem_Address is also 8-Bit as there are 256 locations and to address 256 locations 8-Bit

    are required.

    Design Example 2-25: Random Access Memory













    module Memory(Mem_DataOut,Mem_Address,Mem_Data_In,Write);

    input [7:0]Mem_Address, Mem_Data_In;

    input Write;

    output [7:0]Mem_DataOut;

    reg [7:0]Mem_DataOut;

    reg [7:0]Mem[255:0];

    always@( Mem_Address or Mem_Data_In or Write)



  • $dumpfile dumpfile(filename.dmp)

    $dumpvar Dump all variables in the design

    $dumpvar(n,top) Putting any number n will dump all the variable in top

    module and all n levels below.

    $dumpon,$dumpoff Initialize and Stop dumping respectively

    $readmemb Read the text file data load it into vectored array of

    specified size $readmemb(filename.txt,R,x,y)

    R is the name of vectored array while x and y are the size

    of the vectored array.

    Figure 2-16:Dumping Tasks and in Verilog

    2-14-3 ROM Design

    ROM is read only memory the data is once loaded into ROM and then it can only be read. No writes in ROM are

    allowed. Line-7 contains system task to initialize the ROM contents.

    Initial Statement is another choice for storing data in the ROM however best way to store data in ROM is

    using System Tasks.

    Design Example 2-25: Read Only memory using system Task









    Module ROM(ROM_DataOut,ROM_DataIN);

    input [2:0]ROM_Add;

    output [3:0]ROM_DataOut;


    assign ROM_DataOut=R[ROM_Add];




    ROM 8x4 ROM_Add(3) ROM_DataOut(4)

  • Design Example 2-26: Read only Memory using Initial Statement


















    Module ROM(ROM_DataOut,ROM_DataIN);

    input [2:0]ROM_Add;

    output [3:0]ROM_DataOut;


    assign ROM_DataOut=R[ROM_Add];




  • Selected Exercise Problems

    2-1a: Write Verilog code for the even parity generator circuit given in Figure p2-1a. Write code at gate level and

    data flow level. Also write test bench for the design.

    Figure p2-1a: Even parity Generator Circuit

    2-1b: Think of Circuit which is odd parity generator. Repeat 2-1a for odd parity generator.

    2-2a: Design a counter which can count both up and down. A control called up down controls whether the

    counter counts up or down. Whenever this control is 1 it should count up otherwise it counts down.

    Figure p2-2a: Even parity Generator Circuit

    2-2b: Design a 4-Bit Counter which count from 0-9. Repeat the problem with up and down counter, also write

    their test benches.

    2-3: Design cascaded counters, the counter are so arranged that first counter can count from 0-3, when first

    counter counts from 0-3 the second counter will count one. When the second counter will count from 0-3 the

    third counter will count one. This means it requires second counter to counter 4 times from 0-3 until the third

    counter counts 0-3 once. Give the design, Verilog code and test bench for the design.

    2-4a: There might be a possible over flow in the 4-Bit adder circuit, think of a mechanism through which the

    overflow can be determine. More over give a code of module which can indicate possible overflow in the

    addition. The circuit for full adder is given in Figure p2-4a.


    updown Up Down




  • Figure p2-4a: Even parity Generator Circuit

    2-4b: The circuit of adder subractor is given in the Figure p2-4b, instantiate the Adder4bit from example 2-10

    and use data flow level to make 4-Bit adder subtractor circuit. Write test bench of the design to test the circuit.

    Figure p2-4b: Even parity Generator Circuit

    2-5a: Design a Register File which can store 16 Values each value is 8 bit wide. The Register File can store and

    read two Values at a time. This means it got two addresses and one read/write control either the RF can write

    or Read two values.

    2-5b: Add special type of register Called accumulator register. The value stored inside the accumulator register

    is added with already existing value in the Accumulator. The reset signal can reset the value of accumulator to



















  • zero. Write a test bench of the design.

    2-6a: Design a BCD to seven segment decoder. The purpose of the decoder is to translate a 4-Bit Binary number

    to seven bit code which can be displayed on the seven segments.

    Figure p2-6a: BCD to Seven Segment

    2-6b: Write a verilog code of 4-Bit counter which can count from 0-9, then instantiate 4-bit counter and BCD to

    seven segment Decoder coded in p 2-6a in one Main File. This will be a design of 4-bit counter with Seven

    Segment Display.

    Figure p2-6b: Counter to BCD to Seven Segment













    BCD to



  • 2-17: Design a Stop watch, the watch has three inputs. Start input start the clock and it start counting up until a

    stop button is press. If stop is pressed once the counting with pause for a while but if Start is press again It will

    restart from the same point. If Reset is pressed at this point the stop watch will go to zero again. The Stop

    watch is synchronized by the clock signal, the output of the Stop Watch has two outputs Minutes and Seconds.

    Second goes form 0-59 and then to zero making minutes to goes one up

    Minutes goes from 0-59 and then to zero making Hours to goes one up

    Figure p2-17: Stop Watch Diagram

    2-31: The serial adder is shown in Figure p2-31. Suppose that Register A has 1101 and Register B has 1011.

    Write verilog code for Serial register, JK Flip Flop and instantiate in the main module. Also use logic gates to

    implement the Serial Adder.





    Minutes1 (3)

    Seconds1 (3)

    Seconds2 (3)




  • Figure p2-31: Serial Adder

    Shift Register A

    Shift Register B



    S1 S0

    S1 S0





    C Serial input

    Serial Control
