Chapter 2-French and Indian War

Post on 05-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Chapter 2-French and Indian War

  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 2-French and Indian War


    The French and Indian War

    War over land along the Ohio andMississippi River Valleys

    Most Indians joined the French Treated them better from earlier contact

    Life among the English settlers out onthe Frontier became intensely dangerous

    Indian attacks left settler dead or captured

  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 2-French and Indian War


    The French and Indian War

    Series of four wars between England andFrance between 1689 and 1763

    King Williams War- 1689-1697 Queen Annes War- 1702-1713

    King Georges War- 1744-1748

    French and Indian War (Seven Years War)-

    1754-1763 Unusual in that it started in America and spread to


  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 2-French and Indian War


    The French and Indian War

    The Deerfield Massacre- 1704 French and Indian attack on settlers of

    Deerfield, Massachusetts

    Settlers were captured and killed, homeswere burnt to the ground

    Colonial Response English colonists reacted by attacking

    French towns like Quebec and Louisbourg English began to build forts all along the

    Ohio River Valley and AppalachianMountains to protect their citizens from theFrench troops in the same areas

  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 2-French and Indian War


    The French and Indian War

    Virginia starts the war George Washington was the 22-year

    old commander of the Virginia militia Sent to stop the French from building

    forts on their frontier (wildernessregions to the west) Battle occurred at a fort near the headwaters of the

    Allegheny River (modern-day Pittsburgh)

    Washingtons skirmish turns into allout war between the French andIndians and the Americans and British

  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 2-French and Indian War


    The French and Indian War

    The Albany Plan of Union June 1754- colonial congress meets at

    Albany, New York

    Meeting was to maintain the aid of the IroquoisIndians who were a traditional ally of the English

    A renewal of the Iroquois and Englishalliance was made

    Ben Franklin proposed a new colonial union

    Grand Council of 48 members with legislativepowers, taxing powers, etc.

    Turned down by colonial governments andthe king of England

  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 2-French and Indian War


    The French and Indian War

    Summer 1755- General Edward Braddock arrives with1,400 British regular army to defend the colonies from theFrench

    Set out to take French Fort Duquesne

    At the forks of the Monongahela and Allegheny Rivers(modern-day Pittsburgh)

    Colonists tried to warn Braddock about warfare inAmerica No red coats, no music while marching, and no marching in


    Indians used guerrilla warfare Hid behind things, surprise attacks, deceit, ambushes, etc.

    Braddock and 976 of his men were killed in an ambush

  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 2-French and Indian War


    The French and Indian War

    1757- William Pitt becomes Prime Minister ofEngland

    Revamps British army and navy

    Strengthens hold on colonies around the world Reinvigorates the troops with new, younger

    leaders and assigns officer rankings to colonialmilitary leaders

    Colonists responded to Pitts actions with their

    full support of the war against the French Defending their homes and families with the belief that

    the English government would pay the costs ofraising and maintaining their colonial armies

  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 2-French and Indian War


    The French and Indian War

    Fighting in America through 1758 and1759 saw British and colonial victories

    The French were being pushed back intoCanada and on the brink of surrender

    June 1759- General James Wolfe headsdown the St. Lawrence River to attack

    Quebec Spent all summer looking for a proper place

    to start his attack and in bed (sickness)

  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 2-French and Indian War


    The French and Indian War

    September 1759- British invade Quebec atdaylight and the battle takes place on the Plainsof Abraham- west of the city

    Both commanding officers (Wolfe- British andMontcalm- French) were mortally wounded as theBritish succeeded in taking the city

    French forces unsuccessfully tried to retake thecity that winter

    British General Jeffrey Amherst took Montreal inthe summer of 1760 and the war in America wasover

  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 2-French and Indian War


    The French and Indian War

    The Peace of Paris- 1763

    Treaty between the British and French

    France gave up all New World lands to the British

    Except two small islands off the coast ofNewfoundland

    France gave New Orleans to the Spanish

    Important port city at the mouth of the MississippiRiver

    British gained Canada, the Great Lakes Region, theMississippi River Valley, and the land from theAppalachians to the Mississippi River (Ohio RiverValley)