Chapter 123 PPlant

Post on 25-Feb-2018

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Transcript of Chapter 123 PPlant

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 123 PPlant


    Chapter 1


    The Project

    Unilever Philippines is located at UN Ave. Paco, Manila, a large company who manufacture thelaundry detergents and soaps, shampoos and hair conditioners, toothpastes, deodorants, skin careproducts, household cleaners, and toilet that is being provided to the market and to the consumers, with itshuge amount of products that is being produced every day. This cause them to consume a lot of epensesin their production, more specific in their electricity consumption. !ne ma"or problems of Unilever ispresently facing is that they have a high electrical bill due to their continuous production in their plants. Theelectric bill consumption of the whole factory is #$ million per month. The %lectrical and &nstrumentation'epartment of Uniliver done a study in which load that the power consumed the most and they came up tothe conclusion that the (ater Tank )arm of theirs caused this. (ater Tank )arm is compose of differentmotors who supply colorated water, chilled water and all water supply in the plant and facilities. This Tank

    )arm consumed power with an amount of $ million per month that is the #*+ of the total bill of thecompany consumed in a month. As a consumers of power we tend to pay a bill in a least amount of weepect, so this problem is introduce to us for us to know what we will do to lessen it as them as our client.

    The design pro"ect will focus to the various design in the motor pumps in the Tank farm to lessenthe amount of power it take. This motor pumps operates in nonstop operations within days in a week, dueto the fact that the operator sometimes doesn-t mind to stop this motor pumps if it not in used. This motorpumps has a slow starting acceleration so it concerns the operator to stop it and turning it on when in theoperations, a little delay in production causes them a loss of products to be produced in that day. Thispro"ect aims to give a solution on how to lessen the consumption of power of the tank farm with variousdesigns and technology to be tradeoff based in the constraints.

    Project Objectives

    This pro"ect aims to design a system that would be able to lessen the power bill of UN&/%0%1Philippines specifically with their tank farm which handles all the water that is used for various uses of thewhole industrial plant.


    /essen the power consumed by the Tank )arm of the plant

    'irect reduction of energy by improving the system efficiency

    The Client

    The client of this pro"ect is the UN&/%0%1 Philippines located at UN Ave. Paco, Manila.

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 123 PPlant


    Project cope an! "i#itation

    The scope of the design will be concentrating on the energy saving method in the motor pumpspresent in the tank farm of the 4lient-s plant. The selection of methods to be used will be compared and

    discussed in the tradeoffs in the remaining chapters below. 5owever. The remaining e6uipment present inthe plant

    i$ni%icance o% the Project

    The significance of the pro"ect is not only to help the company to attain its goal of having areduction on energy consumption and billing, but also to attain skills in designing a large system and toapply industry based design wherein it can be apply on actual grounds and to present in the professionals.

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 123 PPlant


    Chapter &



    Unilever Philippines is located at UN Ave. Paco, Manila, a large company who manufacture the laundrydetergents and soaps, shampoos and hair conditioners, toothpastes, deodorants, skin care products,household cleaners, and toilet that is being provided to the market and to the consumers, with its hugeamount of products that is being produced every day. The design pro"ect will focus to the various designs inthe motor pumps in the Tank farm to lessen the amount of power it takes. This motor pumps operates innonstop operations within days in a week, due to the fact that the operator sometimes doesn-t mind tostop this motor pumps if it not in used. This motor pumps has a slow starting acceleration so it concerns theoperator to stop it and turning it on when in the operations, a little delay in production causes them a loss of

    products to be produced in that day. This pro"ect aims to give a solution on how to lessen the consumptionof power of the tank farm with various designs and technology to be tradeoff based in the constraints.

    )igure #.7 Unilever Philippines

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    )igure #.# Tank )arms

    )igure #.8 Unilever &ndustrial Plants

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 123 PPlant


    Chapter *


    'esign 73 1egenerative 4onverter

    )irst option of the designs of energy saving of motor is the regenerative converter which is asolution to replace the dynamic making of transistor and resistor network. &t absorbs the regenerativeenergy that produce by the 0)' or 02' or P(M &nverter and return it to the source. The process is fromthe flow of the motor to the source using regenerative converter, it activates by the charges stored in dc linkcapacitors of the 0)' or 02' or P(M &nverter then convert to return to the source.

    4omponents computation3'nertia Calc(lations

    Motor &nertia ftlb9#/oad &nertia ftlb9#:ear ratio ;!utput 1PM < &nput 1PM= 3Total &nertia ftlb9#

    "oa! Calc(lationsTotal s)ste# inertia ftlb9#Maimum shaft speed rpm'esired deceleration time min

    secMinimum shaft speed to decelerate to rpmMotor

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 123 PPlant


    1un hours per day 5r

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 123 PPlant


    )igure3 'iagram of a sipulse cycloconverter for a threephase motor load!ption 7*3 &:CT

    !ption 773 241!ption 7#3 M!2)%T

    !ption #3 4urrent source inverter P(M 4onverter ;42&=

    )igure. )unctional block diagram of the conventional 42& drive

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 123 PPlant


    )igure. 2imulink model of the block diagram of 42& fed induction motor drive

    Option 1*3 Gate T(rn0O%% Th)ristor GTO2

    Modelling of induction motorThe stator e6uations are follows

    Va1=R1 ia1+La



    Vb1=R1 ib1+Lbdib1

    dt+eb1 [.]

    Vc 1=R1ic 1+Lcdic1

    dt+ec 1[.]

    The rotor e6uations are as follows

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 123 PPlant




    dt+ea2[ .]



    dt+eb2[ .]


    ic 2+Lcdic 2

    dt+ec 2[ .]

    Tor6ue balance e6uation is as follows3


    dt+Bw [.]

    GTO 4itchin$ "oss

    :T! switching power loss is also linearly interpolated. Thet

    r ;rise time= andtf ;fall time= values

    are the ma"or contributions to switching loss. The switching fre6uency is fied at #?* 5D


    x Ionstate+0.15

    Eoff=7.67x 103

    x Ionstate0.2

    Option 153 ilicon Controlle! Recti%ier CR2

    Modelling of induction motorThe stator e6uations are follows







    Vb1=R1 ib1+Lbdi



    Vc 1=R1ic 1+Lcdic1

    dt+ec 1[.]

    The rotor e6uations are as follows



    dt+ea2[ .]

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 123 PPlant




    dt+eb2[ .]


    ic 2+Lcdic 2

    dt+ec 2[ .]

    Tor6ue balance e6uation is as follows3


    dt+Bw [.]

    CR 4itchin$ "ossThe 241 switching power loss is linearly interpolated because it is a function of current and

    voltage. 2witching fre6uency is fied at 7#* 5D. The turnoff switching energy includes the reverse recovercharge.

    Ploss, sw=9.6x104

    x Poutput

    Option 163 )##etric Gate0Co##(tate! Th)ristor GCT2

    Modelling of induction motorThe stator e6uations are follows













    Vc 1=R1ic 1+Lcdic1

    dt+ec 1 [.]

    The rotor e6uations are as follows



    dt+ea2[ .]

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 123 PPlant




    dt+eb2[ .]


    ic 2+Lcdic 2

    dt+ec 2[ .]

    Tor6ue balance e6uation is as follows3


    dt+Bw [.]

    GCT 4itchin$ "oss

    Psw, loss=ffundx N x Esw

    Pcond, loss


    x It

    Ploss=Psw, loss+Pcond,loss

    !ption 83 0oltage source inverter P(M 4onverter ;02&=!ption 73 &:CT!ption 7@3 241!ption 73 M!2)%T

    'esign 83 Matri 4onverter

    !ption 73 0)' ;0ariable )re6uency 'rive=!ption 7B3 &:CT!ption #*3 241!ption #73 M!2)%T

    !ption #3 02' ;0ariable 2peed 'rive=!ption ##3 &:CT!ption #83 241!ption #?3 M!2)%T

    !ption 83 P(M &nverter!ption #$3 &:CT!ption #3 241

    !ption #@3 M!2)%T

    'esign ?3 Pressure Transmitter

    !ption 73 0)' ;0ariable )re6uency 'rive=!ption #3 &:CT!ption #B3 241!ption 8*3 M!2)%T

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 123 PPlant


    !ption #3 02' ;0ariable 2peed 'rive=!ption 873 &:CT!ption 8#3 241!ption 883 M!2)%T

    !ption 83 P(M &nverter

    !ption 8?3 &:CT!ption 8$3 241!ption 83 M!2)%T

    !ption 73 0)' ;0ariable )re6uency 'rive=

    0)' use is increasing because users say 0)'-s improve manufacturing processes and reduce

    cost. Understanding how they do their "ob can help as you consider deployments. 0)' controls the speed

    of an A4 motor, which provides fleibility to the process since speed can be changed easily for processoptimiDation. &t takes the fied power supplied to it and converts it into a variable fre6uency and variable

    voltage source which then feeds a motor. This allows the drive to control the speed and tor6ue the motorproduces.

    )igure #.# 1ectifier 4ircuit

    0oltage 1ating3 01M2E7.?7?4urrent 1ating3 same as 'iode current rating