Chapter 11

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Chapter 11

Welcome back to the Night Legacy!

In the last chapter, Celestia finally found a job in her chosen profession, my simself made contact

with the legacy house, and Marceline grew up into a teenager.

And now that she can drive, Marcy decided to go out for a night on the town!

First, she went to Crypt O’ Night Club.

But that was apparently so boring that I didn’t bother to take a lot of pictures of it. So, we

decided to move on.

At least we found another attractive redhead. To the bowling alley!


What a sharply dressed man!

Anyway, so, Marcy greeted Melody Tinker and they seemed to hit it off.

“So, you want to become a mad scientist, Melody?”


“Dude, that’s so awesome! We should team up someday! Mad scientist and monster hunter,

against the world!”

“Sounds good to me!”

“I like you.”

“Aunt Luna! It’s so good to see you!”

“Marcy, you’re out at night! Good, good, living up to the your family name! Want to get a game



“Hi, I’m Marceline!”

“Charles. Nice to meet you, Marceline.”

“Same to you! Want to be on a team with me and my aunt?”

“That sounds like a marvelous idea.”

Well, enough of that, I guess. I’m so good at taking pictures!

How was the game, Marcy?

“Great! I won!”




“...Aunt Luna did.”

Thought so.

“Ugh, I hate taking out the trash! Couldn’t Marcy have done it?”

“Uh, hi. Can I help you with something?”

“Don’t you recognize me?”

“Um, should I?”


“It’s you! The girl I met when I was a kid!”

“*giggle* Took you long enough!”

“But who are you? Why did you run away like that?”

“That’s not important. What’s important is that I like you.”

“You like me? But you don’t even know me!”

“No...but I see you a lot.”

“Don’t you think I’m pretty?”

“Well, yeah...but...”

“Shhh, it’s okay.”

“Please, I want to know more about you.”

“Next time you see me, I’ll tell you everything. I promise.”


“Until then.”

“Until then.”

“Hi, I’m calling about scholarships. Do I qualify for any? ... Okay, great. Bye!”

How’d you do?

“I got scholarships for my mechanic skill, body skills, and A+ average!”

Hey, not bad!

“Thanks, Lestat.”

“No problem, Marcy.”

“What’s that grin on your face?”

“Remember that girl I saw when I was a kid?”

“The one you said disappeared and that you never saw her again?”

“Well, I saw her again.”

“Wait, you mean she’s actually real?”

“She’s definitely real.”

“Well, good for you, then. I mean it.”

“Thanks, Marcy!”

“No problem, Lestat!”

“Well, how ‘bout that.”

Meanwhile, Lila was visiting Jessica’s grave.

“Oh, Jess, I miss you so much! Why did you have to leave me? Why did the author miss your

death like that?”

I did apologize for that.

“Contessa Hope. She’s been such a good friend of this family. She’s always looked after


“Oh, Max. He’s such a sweet man. I hate that Celestia put him through the pain she did, but I’m

glad she married him. It’s been so good having him in this family.”

“Sigh. Celestia. I love her dearly, but sometimes I wonder if the heirship was right for her. She’ll

be the matriarch after I pass on. I wonder if she’ll be able to handle it. I hope so.”

“Oh, Jess, I’m so scared to leave this family. I don’t have the slightest idea where it’s going.”

“Lestat, you’ll be growing up soon. You should be prepared for that, so that you can grow up

well. You’ll be going to college and finding out what you want to do in life. It’s time you start

thinking about that.”

“Yeah, that’s great, Grandma Lila.”

“Woo! High score!”


Studying your magic there, Cel?

“Just trying out a new potion. I need to have more in my arsenal if I want to be a great witch.”

Carry on.

And so, Marceline goes out again. I wish it was this easy to get a driver’s license in real life. You

turn into a teenager, BAM, you can drive a car.

“Yep. It’s a good life.”


“Oh, you want to dance! That’s fantastic news! You should start with us right away!”

“Eh, I’ll come back later for that. I’m goin’ clubbin’.”

And she did.

And she met Melissa Fancey while she was there. I don’t come across enough classic sims.

“Hm...a lot of fancy food on this menu...”

“Ah, to heck with it. I’ll just have mac and cheese.”

“Mac and cheese? You know the food here has two Michelin stars and has won several awards,

don’t you?”

“Then, you shouldn’t have put it on the menu. Mac and cheese, chop chop!”

“Sigh, right away, miss.”

“Ugh, teenagers.”

“Hee hee.”

And then, I stopped paying attention to Marcy because HI, VIS!

“Oooh, this place looks so evil!”

Vis White from Keika’s White Legacy, everybody!

“I’ll hog the pinball machine! So evil!”

Yep, this is about par the course for him.

“Macaroni and cheese, as you ordered, miss.”

“Thanks, Red.”

“And what do you think?”

“Meh. I’ve had better.”


And then, he had dinner with Joe Carr. I don’t know why. Joe doesn’t seem particularly evil.

“I could teach him my evil ways. So evil!”

Oh, Vis.

Oh, and, uh, Marceline is over here meeting people.

“Are you ditching me, Author?”

No! No, of course not! No...

Oh, and hey, it’s Remington! Where’s Reg?

“At home with the kids.”

So, why are you here?

“I needed to dance.”

Ah. Well, that makes total sense.

And here’s Crumplebottom, thinking of engagement.

“So many sims living in sin...”

It’s kind of creepy how little of a life she has.”

Eventually, I sent Marcy to go meet Vis. He doesn’t seem too happy about it. He was probably in

the middle of plotting more, ahem, evil.

Though, he seems to perk up a little when they actually meet.

“So, what do you think of people making their own medicine? I’m not sure if it really works, but

it seems like it would help if everyone knew how to do it.”

“But what if someone slipped poison into it? That would be way too evil!”

“Whoa! Who said anything about evil?”

“Oh, I’m glad you asked! I could teach you my evil ways!”

“Oh! Like how to be an evil scientist?”

“Haha, that’s funny! I mean things like hogging the TV when someone really wants to watch

something, but secretly taping the show for them, or taking the last brownie, but later making a

new batch.”

“Oh. Okay.”

Oh, hey, female slob! With crappy red, custom hair. I could totally marry her in!

“Hahahaha! You’re so short!”

“I don’t like you.”

Well, it won’t be with Marcy.

“Oh, wow, Vis is so hot.”

Yet another admirer for Vis. I mean, I’m one of them, but how the hell did Vis become such a

lady’s man?

“Attracting all the ladies! So evil!”

Dance orb, Marcy? Really?

“I have a ton of body points! I can totally do this!”

Very true. Let’s see how you do then!


She went on like this for a while. And no one seemed to care.

So, let’s move on.

I found Vis over here, eating his crêpe suzette. Is this in anyway evil?

“Only if you count them as sinfully delicious!”

Close enough! Carry on.

Crumplebottom is totally an alcoholic. Every time she’s here, she orders a drink.

She’s also a huge hypocrite. Public displays of affection are disgraceful. Alcoholism is a-okay!

“And so, if you put sugar in the salt shaker instead of salt, their food will be too sweet! Totally


“That’s really interesting!”

“Mm, mashed potatoes.”

“Hello, my name is Marceline Night.”

“Night? I’m married to Regulus Night.”

“Oh, that’s the brother Mom doesn’t talk to.”

“Ah. You must be Celestia’s daughter.”


“I see.”


And then, she immediately turned to talk to somebody else.

I swear, if Celestia and Reg don’t make up at some point, I’m going to punch something.

Seriously, the dance orb rarely leads to anything good.

“That’s what makes it evil!”

“Mm, I don’t care if I’m married. Vis is smokin’!”

Seriously, everyone is crazy for Vis!

Even the waitress and this random townie like him!

“Author, you missed me falling out of the orb!”

Sorry, Vis. I was looking elsewhere.

“That’s okay. I just wanted you to see how positively evil the orb was!”

Oh, trust me. I know.

Oh, hey, it’s Margaret. She really likes this place.

“Hi, I’m Marceline Night.”

“Really? Night, huh? Who would your mother be?”

“Um, Celestia Night...”


“You’re creepy.”

“Oh, wow, an evil witch! And she made it rain! So evil!”

“Bye, Vis! I’m leaving!”

“Bye, Marceline! I hope you take my evil advice!”

“I’ll remember it! Thanks!”

“Wow, the waitress dropped the food she was carrying all over someone! That’s so evil! I think

I’m in love!”

Well, Vis seems to have found someone he actually likes. For some reason, it’s the waitress. Go


Anyway, after Marceline.

She went back to the dance hobby lot and decided to join some dance contests. She won most of


“Woo! Shake it!”

And she danced all day long.

So concludes the eleventh chapter of the Night Legacy! What will happen next chapter? Will

Marcy and Lestat go off to college? Will Lestat find out who that girl is? Who will be heir?

Find out in the next chapter of the Night Legacy! See ya then!