Chapter 1. Nature and Significance of Management 1...

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Transcript of Chapter 1. Nature and Significance of Management 1...

Chapter 1. Nature and Significance of Management

1 Mark

1. ”Management helps people adopt to new changes ,so that Organisation is able dto maintain

its competitive edge”. Which importance of management is referred here?(1)

2. Identify the nature of management, when it is practiced as personal application of existing

knowledge to achieve the desired results. (1)

3. At which level of management are the managers responsible for maintaining the quality of

output and th safety standard. (1)

4. In order to be successful , an organization must change its goals according to the needs of

the environment. Whish characteristics of management are highlighted in this statement. (1)

5. Which function of management is bridges the gap between where we stand today and where

we want to reach.(1)

6. “Successful organization do not achieve their goals by chance. Rather they have to follow a

process”.--- Name the process.

7. An organization consists of diverse individuals with different needs” – which management

feature is highlighted.

8. Mitzia Industries is able to achieve the target production of 500 units within the prescribed

period. However to achieve the target in time, additional Rs40,000 were paid overtime

wages to employee. Evaluate Mitzia industries in the light of management

9. What do you mean by organizational objective of management .discuss

10. Coordination is the essence of management and it is not separate function of management.


11. Management is regarded as fully developed profession”, Do you agree ? Give reasons.

12. Explain clearly Importance of management

3/ 4 Marks

1.Name the level of management engaged in: (3)

i)Determining policies.

ii)Assembling resources

iii)Interpreting policies.

2. Helps organization to achieve”. Explain this statement. An industrial unit like MCL working in a

backward area opens Schools for education at nominal cost for the children of its employees and

local people.

i) Identify the objective depicted in the given case.

ii) Highlight the value which the company desires to emphasis through this activities.

3. Management of Silicon Ltd. Fulfills all its objectives and organization is able to work effectively

and efficiently . it is using environmental friendly methods of production and disposes off the waste

materials by either recycling it or using the same to fulfill in such a manner that the aquatic life is

not disturb. It also provides employment opportunities to the disadvantaged sections of the


a) Identify the objectives of management which Silicon Ltd. Wants to fulfill by doing the above


b) State any two other objectives that the management of Silicon Ltd. Should fulfills.

4. Explain the social objective of management .

5. Identify the characteristics of management in the following :

i) All regional sales manager of Achieve Best Ltd. worked towards achievement of company’s

annual sales target of 2 lakhs units.

ii) An owner of a company not only sets goals for the company but also organizes resources,

appoints suitable people and ensures that all plans are implemented properly.

iii) Management sets targets and unites efforts of all individuals to accomplish them.

iv) After every three months, Mr. Ramakant offers new schemes to its distributors. He tries to

bring in changes keeping in mind the needs of a customer and offers form his competitors. This

gives him an edge over his competitors.

6. “ Survival, Profit and growth are three important economic objectives, which management

5/ 6 Marks

1.”Art is concerned with personal application of knowledge” In the light of this statement compare

the features of art with management to prove it as an art.(5)

6.”Co-ordination is the essence of management “Clarify this statement from the pointof view of

modern management. (6)

Chapter -2


1 Mark

1. State one feature of the principle of management.

2. If Mitsiya motor company manufactures motorcycles as well as cars, then it should have two

separate divisions for both of them”. Which principle is being highlighted in the given


3. What is the main objective of motion study ?

4. Explain the following with examples

a) Principle of command.

b) Principle of order.

c) Explain the principle of management

3 Marks

1) Explain that technique of scientific management, which is the strongest motivator for a

worker to reach standard performance. (3)

2) Name and explain the principle of management in which workers should be encourage to

develop and carryout the plant for improvement in the organization. (3)

3) Name and explain the technique of scientific management which helps in eliminating

unnecessary diversity of product and thus result in saving cost. (3)

4) Which principle of management suggest that employees should be treated with ‘ justices and

kindness’ why is this principle is essential in management? (3)

5/6 Marks

1. Principles of Taylor and Fayol are mutually complementary. One believed that the

Management should the gain with worker while the other suggested that the employees

compensation should depend on the earning capacity of the company and should give them


reasonable standard of living.

Identify and explain the principle of Fayol and Taylor referred to in the above para.

2. Explain the principle of scientific management given by Taylor. (6)

3. Identify the technique of scientific management which are described by the statement given


i. When specialists supervise each worker.

ii. Change in the attitude of workers and management towards one another. From


to Co-operation.

iii. When uniformity is introduced in materials. Machine, tools, method of works and


Conditions after, due research.

Chapter --3

Business Enviornment

1 mark.

1. “The understanding of business environment helps the managers to identified threats. What

is meant by threats here?

2. ”Retail business is growing because of increase in disposable income of middle class society”.

3. Identify the dimension of business environment.

4. “Wining of Aaam Adami party has built up confidence in economically weaker section people


5. Which type of dimension of environment is followed here?

6. Change in technology or consumer taste, change the external forces. Identify the features of

business environment.

7. Government restricted the issue of LPG cylinders at subsidized rates to nine per family per

year. Name the dimension of Business environment highlighted here.

¾ Marks

1. Identify the dimension of business environment relating to the statement given below.

i) The increasing interest of the urban people in health and fitness.

ii) With the increase in the income of the people their demand of certain commodities.

Iii) Discrimination in the remuneration of men and woman doing the similar type of work.

iv) Opposition of certain political parties to the foreign direct investment in organize

retelling. (4)

2. Perferance of LED TV instead of LCD TV” – Name the dimension of business environment.

3. Explain the terms : a) Liberalization b) Privatization c) Globalization

4. Lately, many companies have planned for significant investment in organized retailing in

India. Several factors have prompted their decisions in this regard. Customer income is rising.

People have developed a test for better quality product even though they have to pay more.

The Govt. has liberalized its economic policies in this regard and permitted even cent percent

FDI in some sectors of retailing”.

5. Read the above paragraph carefully and identify the changes in business environment under

different heads – economic, social, technological, political & legal – that have facilitated the

companies decision

6. Preferences of 3G phones instead of 2G – Identify the dimension of business environment

7. The policy of libealisation , privatization and globalization (LPG) policy made a significant

impact on working of Indian business. Do you agree , give reasons.

5/6 Marks

1. Mr. Ajay after completing MBA from USA comes to India start the new business under the

banner Ecom creation limited. He launches a new product in e-learning for senior secondary

school student in commerce stream. Which already has an established market in UK and USA but

not in Indi? His business start flourishing in India now more Indian companies enter into the

market with other subjects also.

Identify and quote the line of above Para which highlights the significant of business

environment. (6)

2. Explain any five positive effects of liberalization and globalization on business and industry. (5)

Chapter 4


1 mark.

1) Differentiate between standing plan and single use plan.(1)

2) A company needs a little plan for its new project “ Construction of shopping mall”

what type of plan is it ? (1)

3) Name the type of plan which is time bound and linked with measurable outcome. (1)

4) Two see weather plan are being implemented and activities according to schedule is a

step planning process, identify the step. (1)

5) A plan is framed it is implemented and is followed by another plan and so on.

Mention the feature of Planning indicates here? (1)

6) Which features of Planning is stressed by saying that planning is an intellectual

activity of thinking Rather than doing? (1)

5/6 Marks

1. “Though planning is an important tool of management yet it is not a remedy for all types of

problems” Do u agree with the statement. Give any five reasons in support of your answer.


2. Planning is a continuous process state and explain the various step in the planning process.


3. Identify the type of plan – “Girls will be given a rebate of 5% in cut off for admission in the


4. Importance of planning--. Define (any five)

5. Explain the following

6. a) Strategy b) Methods c) Procedure d) Rules.

7. Explain briefly the steps in planning process

8. How does planning help in controlling ?

9. Briefly explain the steps in planning process.

10. Discuss the limitation of planning.

Chapter -5


1 Mark

1) ‘Difficulty in interdepartmental coordination’ is one of the limitations of which organization

structure. (1)

2) What does the term ‘Span of management’ refer to? (1)

3) How effective administration is possible through organizing? (1)

4) Himalaya limited is engaged in manufacturing of washing machine. The target of the

organization is to manufacture 500 machines a day. There is an occupational specialization in

the organization which promotes efficiency of employee. There is no duplication of effort in

such type of organ structure?

5) Identify the type of organization structure describe about.

6) What does the term “ Span of management” refer to ?

7) Maxim Ltd manufactures chemicals and textiles. What types of organizational structure would

suit the requirement of such an organization.

8) Explain the elements of delegation process

3/4 Marks

1) Aman Ltd. Is manufacturing toys and has production, sale, purchase a finance department.

Which type of organization structure would you suggest to them state any three advantages.


2) A company is manufacturing washing machine. There is a well defined system of job with a

clear a definite authority, responsibility and accountability in the company. But people are not

allowed to interact beyond their officially defined roles. As a result the company is not able to

adapt to the changing business environment. The workforce is also not motivated due to lack

of social interaction. The company is facing problems of procedural delays and inadequate

recognition to creative talents.

3) Suggest how the organization can overcome the problems faced by it.

4) Give any two benefits it will derive from your suggestion. (3)

5/6 Mark

1) Indentifying and dividing the work is the first step in the process of one of the function of

management. Identify this function and write other steps. (5)

2) Why is delegation considered essential for effective organizing? (5)

3) Decentralisation is an option of policy. Explain why an organization chooses to be decentralize.

4) Define divisional Structure of organization. Explain its three merits and three demerits.

Chapter –6 (Staffing)

1 Mark

1. Name the first two stages of the evolution of HRM.(1)

2. Give the meaning of orientation as a step in process of staffing.(1)

3. Give the meaning of performance appraisal. (1)

4. Why ‘Induction’ is not required in the internal source of requirement. (1)

5. A company gets applications on and off even without declaring any vacancy. However as and

when the vacancy arises, the company makes use of such applications. Name the source of

recruitment used by the company.

3/ 4 Marks

1) Name the method of training in which the trainee learn under the guidance of a master

worker. (3)

2) Why are internal source of requirement consider to be more economical.(3)

3) What do you mean by employee development? Why is it needed?

4) Difference between training and development?

5) Manu, a chief manager in a company using highly sophisticated machine and equipment,

wants that every employee should be fully train before using the machine and equipment.

Suggest and describe the best method of training that manu can use for training of the


6) Distinguish between training and development

7) Explain (any five) sources of external recruitment.

8) Discuus briefly process of selection process.

9) Distinguish between "on the job training” and “off the job training” on the basis of

10) a) Meaning b) Principle adopted c) Place of training d) Suitability e) Trainers

11) What do you mean by staffing ? Discuss the staffing process.

12) Write the meaning of recruitment and discuss the internal sources of recruitment and their


5/6 marks

1. Explain the selection procedure for appointment of required personnel.

2. Explain management consultancy, employment exchanges and media Adv. as external source

of requirement. Distinguish between internal source of recruitment and external source of


3. Explain the sources of external recruitment.

4. Selection is the second step of staffing process. Explain the steps of selection

5. Explain the following common source of recruitment :

6. A.Campus recruitment b. Casual caller c. Employment exchange d. Promotion.

7. Harish , the director of a company is planning to manufacture stuffed toys for utilizing

wastematerial of one his garment factories. He decided that this manufacturing unit will be

set up in a rural area so that people of that area wil have more job opportunities. For this

he selected Changu, Mangu , Chottu and Kundu ( a differently abled but very intelligent and

creative person in designing ) as heads of Sales, Accounts , Purchase and Production

department respectively.

a. Identify and state the next three steps that Harish has to follow in the staffing

process after selecting heads of different departments.

b. Identify any two values that Harish wants to communicate by setting up this

manufacturing unit in rural area.

8. A newly appointed manager is of view that training of the employees is not benefited for

the organizations. Do you agree with his/her views ? Give reasons in support of your


9. Briefly discuss the steps involved in selection process.

10. Mr.Naresh is working with ‘Ananya security services Pvt.Ltd’. He is also recruiting security

guards for the company. The company provides security services in Delhi and Noida at short

notice to various companies. The guards are recruited on temporary basis. The guards

provided by this company are known for their honesty and punctuality. Mohit Gupta is well

known in his village for providing employment to unskilled people.

a) Name the source of recruitment used by ‘ Yellow Security Services Ltd.’

b) State any two disadvantage of this source of recruitment.

b) Identify the need of ‘security guards’ which is being fulfilled by the company as

per Maslow’s need hierarchy.

Chapter 7


1 Mark

1. What is meant by economics safety? (1)

2. What is meant by ‘Grapevine’? (1)

3. Give an example of ‘employee recognition programme as a non-finance initiative. (1)

4. Give one example of noise in the process of communication? (1)

3 / 4 Marks

1. Rahim was working in an enterprise on daily wages basis. It was difficult for him to fulfill the

basic need of his family. His daughter fail ill he has no money for his daughter treatment. To

meet the expenses of her treatment, he participated in a cycle race and won the price money

the cycle company offered him a permanent pensionable job which he happily accepted.

By quoting the line from the above para identify the needs of Rahim that satisfied by the

offer of Cycle Company.

2. Also explain the other need of Rahim followed by above that are still to be satisfied. (4)

3. State the meaning of ‘inverted V’ communication.(3)

4. ‘Supervision is not at all required in an organization’ do u agrees give two reason in support

of your answer. (4)

5. A good leader does not wait for opportunities but creates them”. Which quality of a good

leader is highlighted by this statement?

6. Reeyas and Wasin are working in the same organization but in different departments. One

day at lunch time Reeyas informed Wasin that Mitu is going to be retrenched soon from the

organization. Name the type of communication.

7. In which kind of communication, network any person can communicate with any one


8. Explain the three qualities of a good leader.

9. Discuss and define elements of communication process.

10. Discuss the characteristics of directing.

11. What do you mean by motivation ? Explain Maslow’s need Hierarchy theory of motivation.

12. Explain briefly the role of supervision in directing

13. Explain briefly the semantic barriers of communication

14. What do you understand b leadership. Discuss any five qualities of good leader

5/6 Mark

1. “Direction is the least important function of management” do u agree with the statement.

Give four reasons in support of your answer. (5)

2. The post of supervisor should be abolish in the hierarchy of manager do you agree give five

reason in support if your answer. (6)

3. Explain the following leadership style. (6)

i. Democratic

ii. Free rein style

iii. Autocratic

4. ‘Informal communication supplement the formal communication in many ways’ How.

Unit - 8


1 Mark

1. Name two situations in which corrective actions is not required in controlling.

2. Why is it said that ‘controlling is blind without planning?

3. What should be the ‘focus point’ for a manager while controlling, as controlling at each and

every step is not possible.

4. Name the function which reviews the operations in a business unit.

5. Write two standards will you suggest fir production department.

3 marks

1. What factors have to be considered while deciding standards?

2. ’controlling is looking back as well as controlling looking forward’ Explain this statement.

3. State the difference between ‘ critical point control’ and ‘management by exception’

4. NGO s in consumer protect3.Explain how controlling helps in:

i) Making efficient use of resources ii) improving employees ‘motivation.

5. ’If you control everything ,you may end up controlling nothing’ Explain

5 marks

1. Explain the process of controlling.

2. Controlling is an indispensable function of management ‘Do you agree? Give five reasons in

support of your answer.

3. A company was manufacturing ‘LED Bulbs’ which were in great demand. It was found that

the target producing 300 Bulbs a day was not met by the employees. On analysis, it was

found that the workers were not at fault. Due to electricity failure and shortage of workers,

the company was not able to achieve the set targets alternative arrangements were needed.

4. To meet the increased demand, the company assessed that approximately 88 additional

workers were required out of which 8 would work as heads of different departments and 10

would work as subordinates under each head. The required qualifications and job

specifications were also enlisted. It was also decided that necessary relaxation should be

given to encourage women, persons from backward and rural areas and persons with special

abilities to assume responsible position in the organization. All efforts were made to match

the ability of the applicants with the nature of work.

a) Identify the functions of management discussed above.

b) State the two steps in the process of each function discussed in the above Para.

c) List any two values which the company wants to communicate to the society.

5. Identify the technique of controlling.—“ The technique determines the sales volume at which

there is no profit no loss”.

6. Write the formula for “No profit no loss Point”.

7. Identify the technique of controlling “The technique which is useful for time bound projects

which involve variety of diverse activities”.

8. Explain clearly (any two) modern techniques of controlling.

9. As per terms of employment employee in Mitmisha Ltd should manufacture 50 buckets per

day. A group of employee is manufacturing only 40 buckets per day where as all other groups

are meeting the target To have a proper check on the activities of the employees, the

management has installed CCTV in the factory. There is no resentment from the employee

union for this.

a. Name the managerial function involved in installing CCTV’s in the factory

b. Identify and explain the steps for this managerial function process that can be

completed by installing CCTV.

10. Name the value emphasized on the part of employees by not resisting the installation of

CCTVs in the factory.

11. Explain the principle of directing (any four)

12. Define (any three) importance of controlling.

13. Defining controlling. Explain the various steps in controlling process.


Business Finance and Marketing

Financial Management

Section: A (1 mark)

1. What is meant by Financial Planning?

2. What is meant by Gross Working Capital?

3. “Tax benefit is available only in case of payment of interest and not on the payment of

preference dividend. Why?

4. How ‘scale of operations’ affect the requirement of fixed capital?

5. Amit is running an ‘Advertising agency’ and earning a lot by providing this service to big

industries. State whether the working capital requirement of the firm will be ‘less’ or ‘more’.

Give reason in support of your answer.

Section: B


1. Define (any three) importance of controlling.

2. Defining controlling. Explain the various steps in controlling process.

3. What is the primary objective of financial management.?

4. Name the financial decession which help a business firm in opening a new branch.

5. Give the formula for calculating IC coverage ratio.

6. What do you mean by Capital budgeting decision and discuss the factor?

7. Define working capital and discuss the factor?

8. Define trading on Equity with example.

9. “Determining the overall cost of capital and financial risk of the enterprise is affected by

many factors”. Explain four such factors.

10. ”Primary objective of financial management is to maximize the share holder’s wealth”.


11. “Length of production cycle affects the working capital requirements of an organization”

.explain how?

12. 4. Briefly explain the function of the financial manager with regard to disposal of surplus and

management cash.

13. 5. Why is capital budgeting decision crucial for any business?

5/6 marks

1. What is capital budgeting? Write its factors.

2. “Sound Financial Planning is essential for the success of any business enterprise”Explain this

statement by giving any six reasons.

3. You are asked to plan the capital structure of a company. state the factors

4. You should keep in mind to plan for capital structure.

5. Explain the meaning of working capital. Briefly explain any four factors that determine

working capital requirements.

6. Identify the financial decision, which determines the amount of profit earned to be

distributed and to be retained in the business .Explain five factors affecting the decision.



1. What is meant by near money?

2. Stock exchange gives investors the chance to disinvest & reinvest. Which function of

stuck exchange is highlighted here?

3. How does stock exchange contribute to capital formation and economic growth?

4. What are zero coupon bonds?

5. Give the meaning of money market.

6. What do you mean by TB?

7. To whom CD can be issued.

¾ marks

1. “Stock exchange not only contribute to the economic growth but performs many other

functions” Explain four such functions.

2. Financial market plays an important role in the allocation of scarce resource in an economy

by performing of many important functions. Explain any four such functions.

3. What is meant by primary market? List any four instruments used in primary market to raise


4. Explain the steps in the “Trading procedure of stock exchange”.

5. What is money market?. Explain about money market instruments.

6. ”Money market instruments are more liquid and safe than capital market instruments”.


7. Ganesh steel limited is a large and credit-worthy company manufacturing steel for the India

market. It does now want to cater the Asian market and decide to invest in new high-tech

machine. Since the investment is large it requires long term finance. It decides to raise fund

by issuing equity share. The issue of equity share involves huge floatation cost. To meet the

expenses of floatation cost the Company decides to tap the money market.

Name and explain the money market instrument the company can use for the above


8. What is the duration for which the company can get fund through this instrument?

9. State any other purpose for which this instrument can be used.

10. List two features of capital market.

11. Enumerates the function of SEBI.

12. Write the Function of stock exchanges

13. Write the objective of SEBI



1. Enumerate any two quality of a good salesman.

2. Differentiate between brand name and trade mark.

3. What is meant by market offering?

4. Name the sales promotion techniques in which scratch card are used.

5. Define product mix.

6. Write the meaning of marketer.

7. What do you mean by product concept marketing?

8. Define brand name.

9. What do you mean by personal selling?

10. What is zero channels of distributions?

11. What do you mean by assortment?

12. Beauty product limited is a natural and ethical beauty brand famous for offering organic

beautify product for man and woman. The company uses plant based material for its product

and used the no.1 beauty brand in the country. It not only satisfies it’s customer but also

believe in over all protection of the planet.

13. Identify the marketing management philosophy being followed by beauty product limited.

3/4 marks

14. Distinguish between Production concept and Product concept as a philosophy of marketing.

15. ”Blindly following the goal of the customer has led to many social and environmental ills” Do

you agree? What remedies should be taken?

16. Kabita, a school bag manufacturer took steps to improve the product for profit maximization

and added a water bottle holder with the bag. Identify the marketing management

philosophy adopted by Kabita.

17. Explain this philosophy on the basis of

a) Focus b) means and ends.

18. Explain three objectives of marketing management.

19. Define Branding. Write the questions of good Brand name.

20. Describe the functions of labeling in the marketing of products.

21. Q12. “Packaging has acquired great significance in the marketing of good. In the light of the

statement state any three function of Packaging.

5/6 marks

1. “It is necessary that good and services must be made available to the customer at right place,

at quantity and at the right time.

a) Name and explain the consult elephant of marketing mix.

b) Explain the component of this element.

2. Q2.Name the element of marketing mix, which affects the revenue and profits of a firm.

.Explain any five factors, which help in determining this element.

3. Q3. Choice of channel of distribution is a very important marketing decision, which affects

the performance of an organization. Explain any five factors that affect the choice of channel

of distribution.

4. Q4.”Advertising misleads customers and increases the cost of products”Do you agree with

this statement? Give reasons in support of your answer.

5. Q5. Briefly explain about the sales promotional techniques used by the marketer for

promoting sales.

6. Q6. Advertising and personal selling both are communication tools used by the marketer to

promote their product yet they differ in their approach. Difference between the two by

giving six differences.

7. Q7. What is marketing how it does differ from selling? 8. Define marketing Discuss the function of marketing.

9. Define branding. Discuss the various importance of branding.



1. Why consumers protection is important for consumer give any one reason.

2. Define “consumer” under consumer protection Acf,1986

3. Which Consumer Right gives the business firms freedom to set up their own consumer

service and grievance cell.

4. Why consumer protection is important for a business man? Give one reason.

5. Consumer has a right to acquire knowledge and to be a well informed consumer throughout

life. Which consumer right does it indicate?

6. Reena wants to buy a gold ornament .As an aware consumer how can she be sure about the

quality of gold ornament she is going to buy.

7. How can a customer fulfill his responsibility of respecting environment?

8. Which claim can be appealable before the Supreme court under the consumer protection Act


9. List any three consumer organization in India.

10. A patient didn’t read carefully the instruction on the pack of the drug. On using it his health

deteriorated further instead of improving if you were in his place what would you do ?

3/4 marks

1. How business association act as a means of consumer protection? State

2. Give three points showing the importance of consumer protection from consumer’s point of


3. Explain three responsibilities of consumer.

4. List the various reliefs available to consumer against his complaint.

5. Explain any three ways and means of consumer protection available in India.

6. Write the roles of consumer’s organizations in India.

7. Enumerate the various Acts passed by the Govt. of India which help in consumer protection

of consumer interest.

5/6 marks

1. Non-Government organizations perform several functions for the protection and promotion

of interests of consumers. State any six functions performed by them.

2. Explain in brief the rights of consumer s as provided under the Consumer Protection Act,

1986. Explain the redressal mechanism available to consumers under the Consumer

protection Act, 1986.

3. Explain the importance of consumer protection from point of view of business.

4. Government always endeavors to protect the interest of the consumer. That is why

government has passed various legislation from time to time. Some years ago an Act was

passing. It protects the consumer against defective goods, Deficient services, unfair trade

practices and consumer exploitation. Similarly measure have been taken to protect the

consumer against the losses suffered by them due to such anti social activities as

profiteering, hoarding, black marketing etc. Not only that provision has also been made to

protect the consumer against the consumption of adulterated food product?

i) In the above paragraph mention have been made of 3 acts related to the protection

of consumer interest. Quoting the lines, identify them.

ii) Also identify two values dedicated to the society as mention in the paragraph.





1. . In an organization , employees are happy and satisfied , there is no chaos and the effect of

management is noticeable. Which characteristics of management is highlighted by this statement?

2. Name the concept which determines the levels of management in the

organizational structure.

3. A Manager applies the various theories of Management in his unique personalized way.

What aspect of nature of Management does this statement indicate?

4. An organization has production, purchase, marketing, finance and human resource

department. All of them working together to achieve organization goals. From your

point of view which value is reflected here?

5. A famous Doctor charges high for consultation from his patients and refuses to treat

the poor patients without consultation charges. He also pays attention to the medical

representatives and agents of PharmaCompany,he takes gifts and commission also.

In your view, is it professional behaviour of Doctor? Does he follow the code of

conduct of Doctor?

6. An industrial unit like MCL working in a backward area opens Schools for education at nominal cost for

the children of its employees and local people.

i) Identify the objective depicted in the given case. ii) Highlight the value which the company desires to emphasis through this activities

7. . “ Management is both a science and art”. In the light of this statement, explain the nature of


8. XYZ Company is engaged in manufacturing A/c Buses. It was running successfully,

the company has been facing lot of problems for the last few months because of

Chaos and confusion between departments i.e. production department and sales

department. There was lack of balance and integration of different activities as a

result the company started facing huge losses. The force that can integrate the two

departments is missing. There is no cooperation, mutual confidence and sense of

goodwill between the managers and workers.

(a) Identify the missing force in the above case

(b) List any two values which can be cultivated among the employees by using the

force identified in (a) above.


1. ‘Management principles aim at influencing behavior of human beings.’ State the features

of management principle mentioned here.

2. Which principle of management gives emphasis on judicious imposition of penalties in the organization?

3. Goenka Ltd. was manufacturing and selling its products under a popular brand. The

demand of the product was increasing in order to capture a big share in the market,

the company directed its existing workforce to work overtime. Under pressure of

work, the efficiency of works declining, that results overlapping and wastage and

workers were becoming indiscipline.

A. Identify which principle of Henry Fayol were violated

B. Also identify the values being ignored

4. Reena and Manoj completed their study and joined in a company at same level. Both

were working hard. In spite of Reena’s performance, manoj got promotion to higher

post due to his flattering quality to impress boss.

a. Identify the principle of management i.e. not followed by the company

b. Also identify the values are being ignored

5. Briefly explain the techniques of scientific management.

6. Vaibhar, an employee in Yamuna Ltd, was instructed by Mr. Vianayak the Production

Manager, to increase production of steel as there was excess stock of raw material in the

warehouse. On the other hand, Mr. Madhav the sales manager directed him not to increase

the steel production as there was low demand for steel in the market. Vaibhav was confused

as to whose order to follow and hence was unable to work in a proper manner. Because of

overlapping of orders and instructions. Vaibhav was unable to Satish both the bosses which

led to conflict in the orgainsation.

a. Name the principle not being followed.

b. Give any two advantage of the principle not followed above.

7. ABC Ltd. hired temporary employees to reduce the financial burden of the company.

Due to this there is frequent turnover in employees and a sense of insecurity prevails

in them. All the crucial decisions are taken by top level management and the

employees are bound to follow that decision. As a result they demotivated and not

interested to give suggestions and feedback on major issues, which principles are

violated in the above case.

8. Explain the following principles of management:

a. Stability of tenure

b. Spirit-de corps

c. Unity of command

d. Science, not the rule of thumb.


1. “BIFR was established for rehabilitation of sick units”. Name the concept to which this

statement relates to?

2. . Change in technology or consumer taste, change the external forces. Identify the features of business environment.

3. Govt. of Odisha increased sales tax by 10% on refrigerators. But Pritam Ltd. dealing

in refrigerators did not increase its price.

(a) What values Pritam Ltd. took into consideration?

(b) What enabled the company to manage the increase in tax?

4. “Retail business is growing because of increase in disposable income of

middle class society. Identify the dimension of business environment.

5. Briefly explain the dimensions of business environment.

6. AmritLal, a business organization shows interest in scanning the business

environment for the purpose of planning and policy formation. It gives through the

various dimensions of business environment and came up with the following


i. The Govt. is encouraging NRIs and foreign investors to invest in Indians


ii. Public in general are more concern about maintaining good health and body


iii. The ruling political party is giving more priority to private sectors by allowing

private investment in public enterprises.

iv. A law has been passed in the parliament relating to delicencing policy on


v. Procedure for import and export of technology has been simplified.

Q. What are the various dimensions of business environment discussed



1. ABC Ltd. decides to advertise their product on T.V and Radio.What type of plan should it prepare.?

2. . What values does manager practice by revising the plan ?

3. What does ‘planning premises’ referred to in the planning process?

4. Distinguish between

a. Strategy and procedure

b. Procedure and method

5. A company gave its sales executives the directive that they could sell the goods on credit.

Also it told them very clearly to inform the customers that if up to one month they did not

make the payment, after the competition of this period, they would have to pay interest for

the whole period at the rate of 10% per annaum.

a. In the paragraph given above two types of plans has been mentioned. Identity them,

quoting the relevant lines.

b. Give one difference between the above two types of plans.

6. . “Planning is beneficial to all”. Explain in brief the benefits of planning function of management

7. “Planning the only key to success” explain


1. “ Successful organization do not achieve their goals by chance, rather they have to follow a Process”. Name the process.

2. What does the term “ span of management refer to ?

3. Grouping of jobs of similar nature and organizing these jobs as separate department’s

creates a particular type of organizational structure. Name that type of structure.

4. A Manager enhances the production target from 500 units to 700 units per month, but

the authority to draw raw material was not given by him. The production manager

could not achieve the revised production target. Who is responsible and which

principle was violated?

5. A company has its registered office at Delhi manufacturing unit at Gurgaon and

marketing and sales department at Hyderabad. The company manufactures the

consumer products, which type of organizational structure should be adopted to

achieve his target?

6. Madhuri Fashions limited decided that whenever a person reaches a particular age, he will

be promoted. Influenced by this policy of the company, several people of other companies

joined this company. But within a few days they found that in this company communication

was possible only on the basis of pre-decided relations. It was not possible for anyone to

communicate freely with anyone.

a. Identity the concept of organisations described here.

b. State two limitations of the concept identified above.

. 7. “ Delegation of authority is a process of involving authority, responsibility and accountability”.

Explain the statement in brief.


1. Why is it said that recruitment is a positive step in the process of staffing ?

2. . “Selection is a negative process in the staffing ”. Explain

3. “our assets walk out of the door every evening. We have to make sure that they come back the next

morning” This statement is related to which function o management.

4. All recruiting, screening and training process for data entry etc. are done by one

officer only in Mitzee Ltd. Their competitors was attracting most qualified employees.

As a result this company had to choose from candidates who have soft skills and less

qualification. On the basis of above case, answer the following cases:

a. What problem do you see company is facing?

b. How can this problem be solved?

5. Mr. Ashok recently completed his PG Diploma in HRM. A few months from now a

large steel manufacturing company appointed him as its HR Manager. As of now

company employee’s 800 persons and has an expansion plan in hand which may

require another 200 persons for various types additional requirements. Ms. Ashok

has been given complete charge of the company’s human resource management.

a. Point out, what function does she supposed to perform?

b. What problems do you forsee in his job?

c. What steps is he going to take to perform his job efficiently?

6. Nishant the director of a garments company is planning to manufacture bags for the

utilization of waste material from one of his garment units. He has decided that this

manufacturing unit will be set up in a rural area of Orissa where people have very few job

opportunities and labour is available at very low rates. He has also thought of giving equal

opportunities to men and women for this he wants four different heads for sales, accounts,

purchase and production. He gives advertisement and shortlists ten candidates per post after

conducting different selection-test:

Identity and state the next three steps for choosing the best candidate out of the

candidates short-listed.

7. A major insurance company handled all recruiting, screening and training process for data

entry/customer service representative .Their competitors was attracting most of the qualified

,potential employees in their market. recruiting was made even more difficult by the strong

economy and the job seeker market. This resulted in the client having to chose from

candidates who had the soft skilled for the jobs, but lacked the proper hard skills and the


a. As an HR manager what problems do you see in the company/

b. How do you think it can be resolved?


1. . The communication network in which all subordinates under a supervisor communicate through supervisor only is :

a) Single chain b) Inverted V c) Wheel d) Free flow

2 A manager observes that an old employee is not doing the required work. Manager scolds him rudely without asking him the reasons. In your view hwo the manger would have behaved and which values he should have kept in his mind ?

3. . Name the element of directing function under which the superiors oversee the activities of their subordinates.

4. Describe the following leadership style :

a) Autocratic leadership style b) Laissez Faire/ Free rein leadership 5. Distinguish between formal communication and informal communication

6. Tanya is working in a company as permanent basis. She had to work for 8 hours a

day and was free to work overtime. She worked overtime but still no recognition

was given to her by her boss. Due to overtime, she fell ill and had to take leave.

No one showed concern and enquired about her health. She realized she was

fulfilling only some of her needs while some other needs still remained to be


a. Identify and explain the needs of Tanya discussed in the above para, by

quoting the lines.

b. Also explain the need which still needs to be satisfied.

8. “ Role of a supervisor is vital to any organization as he performs multiple functions”. Explain any four functions of a supervisor.

9. The workers always try to show their inability when any new work is given to them.

There is sudden rise in demand and firm wants to meet excess orders. The

supervisor finds difficult to cope up with the situation. What should be the steps taken

by the supervisor?


1. . Name the function of management which monitors actual performance of each and every employee to accomplish organizational goals.

2. . If in Manav Ltd. the existing machinery is defective and because of its, production unit is unable to achieve the set target, what step should the company take?

3. Oncoming to know the negative deviations fines are imposed on errorssing

employees. Which value is being violated here?

4. In Company, employees achieved quantitative standard but could not attain

qualitative standards. Which value have been ignored here?

5. A Supervisor observes that during working hours some employees were busy in

gossiping instead of working. In-spite of instructions, they did not start working, when

the matter was brought to the notice of the Management, the union threatened to go

on strike. In your view, was the behavior of employee and the union was justified?

. 6. “ Controlling is considered as an indispensable function of management yet there are certain limitations which affect its effectiveness”. State the limitation and explain how they adversely affect the effectiveness of controlling.

6. The consolidated statement of profit and loss of Infosys Limited, a global leader in information

technology and outsourcing, showed a large increase in certain expenses in year 2012 vis-à-vis 2011.

Some of these are.

Expenses Year ended 31st March (in Rs. Crores)

% increase

2015 2014

Cost of software packages and others 654 489 33.74%

Power and Fuel 184 167 10%

Rent 190 146 30%

Donations 26 1 2500%

Recruitment and Training 5 2 150%

Identify the significant deviations on which Infosys Ltd needs to primarily focus its attention. Also identify

the concept on the basis of which the focus is needed. State any three benefits of the concept identified.



1. In order to be successful, an organization must change its goals according to the needs of

the environment. Which characteristics of management are highlighted in this statement?

2. Mention one barrier to effective communication.

3. Why is motivation taken as a complex process?

4. Is controlling “the end “of management functions cycle? Give reasons in support of your


5. In order to be successful, an organization must change its goals according to the needs of the

environment. Which characteristics of management are highlighted in this statement?

6. Name that intangible force which creates productive relationships among resources of an


7. Production manager tries to produce goods with minimum costs. Name the concept which is

being focused by management.

8. To meet the objectives of the firm, management of Angora Ltd. offers employment to

physically challenged persons. Identify the organizational objective it is trying to achieve.

9. “In the absence of management the productive resources will remain resources and shall

never become production.” Explain the importance of management in the light of the above


10. Your grandfather has retired as the Director of a manufacturing company. At what level of

management was he working? What functions do you think he was performing at that level?

State any four functions.

11. Success of Dabbawallas (who carries Tiffin’s to offices)of Mumbai is an example of which

aspect of management

12. X ltd. manufactures tea. The production department produces more tea than required and

sales department is not able to sell the total production .What quality of Management do

you think the company is lacking?

13. When is a trade bill known as commercial bill?

14. X limited is not be able to use its resources efficiently .There is lot of wastage of raw material

and machine hours. What kind of values is ignored by the organization and what would be its


15. Suppose, a company’s target production is 5000 units in a year. To achieve this target the

manager has to operate on double shifts due to power failure most of the time. The manager

is able to produce 5000 units but at a higher production cost. According to you what is

lacking in management?

16. Workers should be encouraged to develop and carry out their plans for improvements.”

Identify the principle of management formulated by Fayol.

17. The production manager of Bharat Ltd. instructs a salesman to go slow in selling the

product, whereas the marketing manager is insisting on fast selling to achieve the target.

Which principle of management is being violated in this case? State the consequences of

violation of this principle.

18. Hina and Harish are typists in a company having same educational qualifications. Hina is

getting Rs. 3,000 per month and Harish Rs. 4,000 per month as salary for the same working

hours. Which principle of management is violated in this case? Name and explain the


19. Which principle of management envisages that each group of activities having the same

objectives must have one head and one plan? Explain the principle with a suitable example.

20. If an organization does not provide the right place for physical and human resources in the

organization, which principle is violated? What are its consequences?

21. Name and explain the technique of Taylor which is the strongest motivator for a worker to

reach standard performance.

22. The production manager of an automobile company asked the foreman to achieve a target

production of 200 units (scooters) per day. But he did not give him the authority to

requisition tools and materials from the stores department. Can the production manager

blame the foreman if he is not able to achieve the desired target? Explain briefly the

principle relating to the situation.

23. Workers should be encouraged to develop and carry out their plans for improvements.”

Identify the principle of management formulated by Fayol.

24. The production manager of Bharat Ltd. instructs a salesman to go slow in selling the

product, whereas the marketing manager is insisting on fast selling to achieve the target.

Which principle of management is being violated in this case? State the consequences of

violation of this principle.

25. Hina and Harish are typists in a company having same educational qualifications. Hina is

getting Rs. 3,000 per month and Harish Rs. 4,000 per month as salary for the same working

hours. Which principle of management is violated in this case? Name and explain the


26. Which principle of management envisages that each group of activities having the same

objectives must have one head and one plan? Explain the principle with a suitable example.

27. If an organisation does not provide the right place for physical and human resources in the

organisation, which principle is violated? What are its consequences?

28. Name and explain the technique of Taylor which is the strongest motivator for a worker to

reach standard performance.

29. The production manager of an automobile company asked the foreman to achieve a target

production of 200 units (scooters) per day. But he did not give him the authority to

requisition tools and materials from the stores department. Can the production manager

blame the foreman if he is not able to achieve the desired target? Explain briefly the

principle relating to the situation.

30. Name the concept which reduces the work load of a manager.

31. Which organisational structure is suitable for a multi-product manufacturing company?

32. In an electrical goods manufacturing company, there are four main activities: Marketing,

Production, Finance and Personnel. The General Manager is planning to structure the

organisation. Which type of organisational structure should he adopt and why? Give two


33. Hindustan Ltd. is manufacturing computers, soaps and textile. Which type of organizational

structure would suit the requirement of such organization?

34. “External sources of recruitment are better than internal sources of recruitment,” Do you

agree with this statement? Give four reasons in support of your answer.

35. “It is a process of increasing knowledge and skills”.” It is a process of learning and growth.”

Identify two concepts and differentiate between them

36. Amit and Mikki are two employees of two different departments. One day during lunch time,

Mikki informed Amit that many employees will be retrenched because of computerisation.

Name the type of communication. State its two limitations.

37. “The post of supervisors should be abolished in the hierarchy of managers.” Comment.

38. You are the Personnel Manager in a company. Your supervisor tells you that the workers are

efficient and hence there is no need to supervise them. Would you! agree with him? Give

reasons in support of your answer.

39. Ms. Hayden is a very experienced and highly qualified manager. All her subordinates respect

he because she does not force her opinions on others and listens to their suggestions as well

as problems before taking decisions. What values do think she has?

40. Who can play a role in achieving objective of consumer protection? give two names.

41. Does controlling help in maintaining and improving quality?

42. How does co-partnership/stock option motivate employees?

43. Why it is said that “the supervisor is a link between management and the operating


44. Control system loses some of its effectiveness when standards cannot be defined in

quantitative terms. What difficulty does this situation create?

45. Elucidate anyone ‘protective function ‘of securities and exchange board of India (SEBI).

46. In what forms a company can raise capital through the primary market?

47. Planning is an empty exercise without this function of management. Mention this function.

48. Give anyone relief available to a consumer who suffers due to consumption of an expired

date medicine.

49. Planning is an empty exercise without this function of management. Mentionthis function.

50. State one negative aspect of job security as an incentive.

51. It means overseeing the subordinates at work. Which element of directing is referred to?

52. Describe the term “deviation” as used in the control function of management.

53. Interpret any function of stock exchange.

54. Enumerate any one objective of setting up SEBI.

55. Name the step in the process of control which will come after ‘establishment of standards’

and ‘measurement of performance’.

56. Why consumer protection is important for consumers? Give any one reason.

57. How is controlling a costly affair?

58. Mention one benefit of motivation.

59. What is meant by informal communication’

60. Mention any one importance of controlling.

61. What do you mean by financial markets?

62. Give two examples of money market instruments.

63. There are two managers Rahim and Pankaj. Rahim is saying that ‘controlling is forward

looking’ whereas according to Pankaj ‘controlling is looking back’. Who is correct? Explain


64. An effective system of controlling discourages dishonesty among employees. What values

does this statement shows.

65. A tea producer uses such packets/things for packing tea, which can be used even after

consuming the tea inside for other purposes. In this which values are being affected by him?

66. A cosmetics manufacturing co. claims in advertisement that its face cream improves the face

complexion. On using it was found incorrect. Here which values are being ignored?

67. Mention one difference between money market and capital market.

68. Why it is said that “controlling is a continuous activity”?

69. If R. N Vijay is not satisfied with the order of the District Forum, where can he appeal?

70. It helps to minimise dishonest behaviour on the part of the employees by keeping a close

check on their activities. Mention the importance of controlling indicated here.

71. It is defined as a process of influencing other people to work willingly for group objectives

.mention these elements of directing.

72. State why the working capital needs for a ‘service industry’ are different from that of a

manufacturing industry.

73. Finance is required for buying those varieties of assets that may be tangible or intangible.

Give few examples of such intangible assets.

74. Enterprise has little control on external factors .mention some of these factors.

75. Labelling helps in grading of products .support it with an example.

76. Employees know well in advance what they are expected to do and what are the standards

of performance on the basis of which they will be appraised, which in turn helps them to give

better performance .which importance of controlling highlighted here?

77. What corrective action should be taken in case deviations are cause due to defective


78. It is concerned with instructing, guiding, and inspiring people in the organisation to achieve

its objectives. Name it.

79. It is an incentive offered over and above the wages/salary to the employees’ .name the type

of financial incentive referred here.

80. A company want to establish a new unit in which a machinery of worth Rs 10 lakhs is

involved. Identify the type of decision involved in financial management.

81. What does trading on equity refer to?

82. Enterprise has little control on external factors. Mention some of these factors.

83. ‘100 gm bottle of sauce free with 1 kg detergent’. Which sales promotion technique is

involved here?

84. What should be the focus point for a manager while controlling, as controlling at each and

every step is not possible?

85. ‘A good leader does not wait for opportunities but creates them’. Which quality of a good

leader is highlighted in this statement?

86. Motivation can be either positive or negative. Give two examples of negative motivation.

87. Name the type of investment decision which relates to short term and effects day to day

operation of a company.

88. ‘Cost of debt’ is lower than the cost of ‘equity share capital’ .give reason why even then a

company cannot work only with a debt.

89. Name the concept which suggests that only significant deviations which go beyond the

permissible limit should be brought to the notice of management.

90. ‘Scratch a card and win exciting prizes’. Which technique of sales promotion suggests this?

91. What is meant by ‘right to choose ‘to a consumer?


1. Describe three characteristics of principles of management.

2. Enumerate the principle of discipline.

3. ‘Planning is the basic function of management’. Explain in about 30 words.

4. Briefly describe the importance of staffing.

5. Briefly explain any three functions of stock exchange.

6. Describe any three points regarding significance of principles of management.

7. Illustrate the principle of order.

8. How does planning reduce the risk of uncertainty?

9. Give the meaning of ‘placement’ and ‘training’ in the process of staffing.

10. Briefly state the objectives of SEBI.

11. What is meant by ‘flexibility’ of management principles?

12. What does mental revolution imply in scientific management?

13. ‘Planning is an important function of management’. Discuss any four reasons in favour of

this statement.

14. Discuss why staffing is taken as a part of human resource management.

15. Give three objectives of standardisation of work.

16. Which function of management helps in right people and putting them on the right job?

Explain any two points of importance of this function.

17. Explain the following money market instrument:

(a) Treasury bill

(b) Commercial paper

18. Explain functional foremanship as a technique of scientific management. Illustrate it with

the help of a diagram.

19. Describe ‘fatigue study’ as given by Taylor.

20. How can government policies and technological changes create problems in planning?

21. ‘Internal sources of recruitment are better than external sources of recruitment’. Give three


22. Differentiate between capital market and money market on any three basis.

23. ‘Understanding of business environment gets a mover advantage ,acts as a warning signal

for adverse conditions and sensitise the management’. Discuss.

24. Identify the type or dimension of environment to which the following are related :

(a) Banks reduces interest’s rates on housing loans.

(b) An increasing number of working women.

(c) Booking of air tickets through internet.

25. The employees of manic ltd, a software company, have formed a dramatic group for their

recreation. Name the type of organisation so formed and state its three features.

26. Distinguish between delegation and decentralisation of authority on the following basis:

(a) Nature

(b) Purpose

(c) Freedom of action

27. The directors of GAMA LTD have decided to modernise the plant and machinery at an

estimated cost of Rs 1 crore, but are in a fix whether to issue equity shares or debentures

for this purpose. As finance manager of the company, advise the directors whether to issue

equity shares or debentures in the interest of the company and why?

28. ‘Imagebuilding, basis of strategy and continuous learning are the outcomes of

understanding of business environment. Explain.

29. ‘Equal pay for equal work for male and female workers ‘refers to an example of a key

component of general environment of a business. Name and explain the component.

30. It refers to a systematic effort to delegate all authority to th lowest level except that which

can be exercised at central it and explain its two importance.

31. Aman ltd is manufacturing toys and has production, sales, purchase, and finance

department. Which type of organisation structure would you suggest to them? State any

three advantages of organisation structure.

32. How do ‘choice of technique’ and ‘nature of business affect the fixed capital requirement s

of a company? Explain.

33. Discuss the meaning of motion study.

34. Shifts in the presence of women in the workforce come under which environment? Explain

that environment.

35. If planning is done carefully and accordingly other functions of management are going in

the right direction, then there is no need of the controlling function of management. Do

you agree with the statement? Give reasons in support of your answer.

36. ABC Ltd. is engaged in manufacturing ready made garments. The target production is 500

shirts per day. The company has been successfully attaining this target until last three

months. The actual production has been varying between 400-450 shirts. Which

management function is needed to rectify the situation? Write any two features associated


37. Distinguish between primary market and secondary market.


1. Informal organisation is inherent in an organisation which can make formal organisation

more effective. What values are emphasised by an informal organisation?

2. Explain any four points highlighting the importance of organising.

3. Define the term ‘financial management ‘. Briefly any three of its objectives.

4. ‘Controlling is forward looking’. Discuss.

5. Describe the importance of consumer protection from point of view of business.

6. State the role of marketing in affirm and an economy.

7. State any four advantages of formal organisation.

8. Briefly explain the elements of delegation of authority.

9. State any four factors affecting the financing decision.

10. ManasCompany wants to develop an effective system of controlling. Controlling is an

indispensable function of management. How does controlling inculcate values in the


11. Describe the following ‘right ‘ of consumers:

(a) Right to be heard

(b) Right to seek redressal

12. Discuss the factors which should be considered before fixing price of product.

13. Explain how delegation of authority is a source of development of managers.

14. How does decentralisation motivate employees and promotes initiative and creativity?

15. Financial planning is essentially preparation of a financial blue print of an organisation’s

future operations. The objective of financial planning is to ensure that enough funds are

available at right time. Charvi& Company is known for its financial planning. How financial

planning contributes values to the system?

16. Define ‘controlling’. Briefly explain any three steps in the process of controlling.

17. Describe the following as ways and means of consumer protection:

(a) Consumer awareness (b) government

18. List the merits of advertising.

19. ‘Delegation of authority is necessary in all types of organisations’. Describe any four reasons

in support of your answer.

20. Sate any two advantages and any two limitations of informal organisation.

21. Mr. Sharan, Manager(HR) is really appreciative of fresh ideas given by his

subordinates. He frames policies only after consulting them. Which style of leadership is

he following? Can this style be followed at all times? Explain.

Explain any four responsibilities of the consumer to safeguard his interests.

22. Describe the functions of labelling.

23. Mr. R. Ranjan, Manager(Operations) does not define clear goals to his subordinates

and is not regularly abreast with their work as all the employees are skilled and

experienced in their job. Which is the style of leadership being followed by him? Is he

right in doing so? Justify.

24. Suresh is an average worker in a shirtmanufacturing factory. He prepares 250 shirts in a

month. The company fixed this as standard output for the purpose of controlling. What

values are considered while setting this standard?

25. Haldiram is a famous chain selling a variety of products in the Indian market. Their products

include chips, biscuits, sweets and squashes. It charges a comparatively higher price than its

competitors as it sells quality products. Besides, it offers regular discounts to its customers

and easy credit terms to the retailers. It has many outlets of its own in various cities. It also

sells its products through various grocery stores so that the products are available to

customers at the right place, in the right quantity and at the right time. It regularly uses

different communication tools to increase its sales.

The above Para describes the combination of variables used by Haldiram to prepare its

market offering. Identify and explain its variables

26. A manager applies these scientific methods and body of knowledge to a given situation, an

issue or a problem, in his own unique manner. Which aspect of nature of management is

being discussed here?

27. In an organization, targets are met according to plans, employees are happy and satisfied,

and there is orderliness instead of chaos. Which characteristic of management is being

highlighted here?

28. In what kind of organisation is functional structure more suitable and why?

29. How are shareholders likely to gain with a loan component in the capital employed? Explain

with a suitable example.

30. ‘Planning is looking ahead and controlling is looking back’. Comment.

31. While going through the newspaper article on consumer day, i read that consumer should

keep in mind his responsibilities while purchasing, using and consuming goods and services.

Fulfilling responsibilities also fulfils some values .enumerate them.

32. Describe different channel levels between producer and consumer.

33. In what kind of organisation is divisional structure more suitable and why?

34. Discuss any two advantages and any two limitations of formal organisations.

35. Describe any two importance of financial planning.

36. ‘Planning and controlling are mutually interrelated and independent activities’. How?

37. List down any four functions of consumer organisation and non-government organisations

(NGO’S) for protecting and promoting the interests of consumers.

38. Whenever I watch advertisements on TV along with my family,i enjoy a lot but at times

some advertisements put me in an embarrassing position. Lots of scenes in the

advertisements are objectionable. Advertising is an impersonal form of communication

which is paid for by marketers to promote some goods or services. The most common

modes of advertising are ‘newspapers’ , ‘magazines’ , ‘television’, ‘radio’, and ‘internet’.

Though advertising is one of the most frequently used medium of promotion of goods and

services, it attracts lot of criticism.

State the values which are affected adversely through advertising.

39. Distinguish between policies and objectives.

40. Describe briefly the steps involved in the process of staffing.

41. Father of Rahul is often seen operating on his laptop for hours and dealing in buying and

selling of shares. He spends ample time on studying share prices listed in stock exchange.

Stock exchange is an institution which provides a platform for buying and selling of existing

securities. As a market, the stock exchange facilitates the exchange of a security (share,

debenture etc) into money and vice versa.

What values are visible while observing functions of stock exchange?

42. Aashima purchased a bottle of tomato -sauce from the local grocery shop .the information

provided on the bottle was not clear .She fell sick on consuming it. She filed a case in the

District Forum under Consumer Protection act and got a relief.

(i)Identify the important aspect neglected by marketer in above case

(ii)Explain briefly the functions of the aspect identified in (a) above

43. ‘Advertising’ and ‘personal selling’ both are communication tools used by the marketers to

promote their products. Yet they differ in their approach. Differentiate between the two by

giving any four differences.

44. Prakhar purchased an ISI mark electric iron from ‘Bharat Electricals’.while using he found

that it was not working properly. He approached the seller and complained for the same.

The seller satisfies Prakhar by saying that he will ask the manufacturer to replace this iron.

The manufacturer refused to replace and Bharat electrical decided to file a complaint in the

consumer court.

Can ‘Bharat Electricals’ do this? Why? Also explain ‘who is a consumer ‘as per consumer

protection act, 1986.

45. Explain in brief the meaning of policy and rule as types of pans and give any four points of

distinction between them.

46. ‘Some learning opportunities are designed and delivered to improve skills and abilities of

employees where as some others are designed to help in the growth of individuals in all

respects’. Identify and explain the two steps explained above.

47. ‘Stock market quotations contribute to better allocation of capital and promoting the habit

of saving and investment. ‘Explain.

48. ManasCompany wants to develop an effective system of controlling. Controlling is an

indispensable function of management. How does controlling inculcate values in the


49. How personal selling is important to businessman?

50. I saw an advertisement in the news paper regarding a domestic iron and ordered for the

purchase of the same to the shopkeeper.

What will be my responsibility as a customer so that I should not be exploited by the

shopkeeper? State any four such responsibilities.


1. Rajiv, a consumer purchased medicines without noticing the date of expiry. He also did not

obtain the cash memo. Do you think he will be able to protect himself by the loss caused

due to expired medicine? Give reasons to support your answer

2. Why is understanding of ‘business environment ‘important for managers? Describe any five


3. Define the terms ‘monetary incentives’ and ‘non monetary incentives’. Enumerate various

financial and non- financial incentives used to motivate people to improve performance.

4. Describe in brief any five functions of middle level management in an organisation.

5. What is meant by ‘political environment ‘of a business?

6. Describe any two elements of directing.

7. Briefly explain the importance of management.

8. Explain in brief what is included in ‘technological environment’ of business.

9. Give any two reasons why directing is an important function of management.

10. Explain how management helps in’ development of society ‘and ‘optimum utilisation of


11. Briefly explain the following:

(a) Liberalisation

(b) Privatisation

(c) Globalisation

12. ‘Directing is the least important function of management’. Do you agree with this

statement? Give any two reasons in support of your answer.

13. What are the objectives of management? Explain briefly.

14. Explain any five impacts of government policy changes on business and industry in India.

15. Explain briefly the various elements of directing functions of management.

16. Explain briefly the functions of management.

17. Explain in brief what is included in’ legal environment’ of a business s.

18. Ayesha ltd assured their employees that in spite of recession, no worker will be retrenched

from the job.

(a) Name and explain the type of incentive offered to the employees.

(b) Explain one more incentive of the same category.

19. “Coordination is regarded as the essence of management rather than a separate function

of manager”. Do you agree with this statement? Give reasons.

20. (a) Name and explain principle of, management which require judicious application of

penalties by the management.

21. (b) Name and explain the technique of scientific management which helps in establishing

inter changeability of manufactured parts and products

22. A leader can influence the behaviour of his sub ordinates only if he has certain qualities

.explain any five qualities of a good leader.

23. R.N Vijay is the chairman of teaching point tutorial ltd. Name the managerial level at which

he is working. State any four functions he will, perform as chairman in this company.

24. Explain any five techniques of scientific management.

25. ‘Maslow’s need hierarchy is considered fundamental to understanding of motivation.’ In

the light of this statement, explain motivation and Maslow’s need hierarchy in motivation.


1. Amar engaged in production of electrical goods The Company’s profits and market

share are declining. The production department blames the marketing department for not

meeting the sales targets and the marketing department blames the production

department for producing goods which are not of good quality and do not meet the

customer’s expectations. The finance department blames both the production and


a) What quality of management do you think the company is lacking?


c) List any two values which are ignored by employees of Amar Ltd.

What's the answer of this question?

2. Every manager has to take three major decisions while performing the finance function.

Explain them.

3. Describe any four factors which affect the working capital requirement of a business.

4. Recall the following functionsof marketing:

(a) Gathering and analysing market information

(b) Market planning

(c) Product designing and development

(d) Customer support services

5. The aim of’ marketing’ and ‘selling ‘is to maximising profit.yrt they differ in their approach.

Differentiate between the two by giving any six differences.

6. Explain any four non-financial incentives.

7. Differentiate between formal and informal communication (on any four basis).

8. What is meant by capital structure? What are the factors to be kept in mind while

determining the capital structure of a company?

9. What is meant by dividend decision? State any four factors affecting the dividend


10. Describe the functions of packaging.

11. How branding benefits marketers and customers?

12. Discuss any four financial incentives.

13. Which qualities will you as a manager, like to have a good leader?

14. Describe the factors affecting capital budgeting decisions.

15. Vineet joined a company after completing graduation in management from a reputed

business school. During his induction training, he was informed that he would be working

in production department. The company wanted to achieve 30% increase in output in the

next quarter. His general manager, a man with decades of experience, also said that

management is a complex activity. He expected Vineet to make production plans, identify

incentive schemes for workers to make their strengths effective and ensure that there is

no disruption due to technical glitch. Vineet realised very quickly that his job is a series of

continuous tasks. After one month, he was informed by the general manager that due to

increase in international demand, production targets have been raised.

He called an urgent meeting of his supervisors and senior workers. He offered them an

opportunity to realise their potential and earn more by working overtime and in multiple

shifts. He was delighted that at the end of the quarter, he was able to meet the targets,

workers were happy and there was no chaos.

Identify and explain any four characteristics of management referred in above case.

16. Radha found a worm crawling out of newly opened tetra pack of a juice manufactured by

a reputed company, Zest Ltd. She went back to the shopkeeper from whom the pack was

purchased who directed her to call up the customer care centre. When all her efforts

failed, she went to a consumer activist group to seek help. The group decided to help

Radha and take measures to impose restrictions on the sale of the firm’s products of the

particular batch and urge customers to refrain from buying the products of the company.

Zest Ltd. lost its image in the market. The CEO gives the responsibility of bringing back the

lost image of the company to a Manager.

a) Identify the concept of Marketing Management which will help the Manager getting the

firm out of above crisis.

b) Also explain the role of above identified concept by stating any two points

1. What is meant by marketing mix? Explain different elements(components) of marketing


2. “It is only motivation through which the managers can inspire their subordinates to give

their best to the organisation.” In the light of this statement, explain any four points of

importance of motivation.

3. Priyanka’s grandfather who was unwell, called her and gave her a gift packet. Priyanka

opened the packet and saw many crumpled share certificates, debentures and bonds

inside. Her grandfather told her that they had been left behind by her late father. As no

trading is now done in physical form, Priyanka wants to know the process by adopting

which she is in a position to deal with these share certificates, debentures and bonds.

a) Identify and state the process.

b) Also give two reasons to Priyanka why dealing with shares, debentures and bonds in

physical form had been stopped

4. Explain the meaning of fixed capital. Briefly explain any four factors that determine the

fixed capital needs of a company.

5. You are the financial manager of a newly established company. The directors have asked

you to determine the amount of working capital requirement for the company.Explain any

four factors that you will consider while determining the working capital requirements for

the company.

6. Explain any four objections against advertising.

7. Capital Structure decision is essentially optimisation of risk-return relationship. Comment


9. “Maslow’s need hierarchy is considered fundamental to understanding of motivation.” In

the light of this statement, explain ‘motivation’ and Maslow’sneed hierarchy in


10. Discuss any four semantic barriers to effective communication.

11. There are three major decisions which an organisation has to take in respect of financial

management. Enumerate and explain n brief these decisions.

12. The directors of Pooja ltd have decided to expand the business activities by increasing the

stock of raw materials and finished goods at an estimated cost of Rs 50 lakhs. As a finance

manager of the company, advise the directors about the methods open to the company to

raise necessary finance for this purpose

13. Radhika was a student of Business Studies of class XII. Her father was a farmer who grew

different varieties of rice and was well versed about various aspects of rice cultivation.

He was also selected by the government for a pilot project on rice cultivation. As a project

work in Business Studies she decided to study the feasibility of marketing good quality rice

at a reasonable price. Her father suggested her to use internet to gather customers’ views

and opinions. She found that there was a huge demand for packaged organic rice. She

knew that there were no pre-determined specifications in case of rice because of which it

would be difficult to achieve uniformity in the output. To differentiate the product from

its competitors, she gave it the name of ‘Malabari Organic Rice’ and classified it into three

different varieties namely – Popular, classic and Supreme, based on the quality. She felt

these names would help her in product differentiation.

Explain the functions of marketing in the light of above case.

1. Explain the following sales promotion activities:

(a) Discount

(b) Product combination

(c) Financing

(d) Lucky draw

2. What different measures can be used to overcome the barriers to communication?

Explain briefly.

3. Define the term communication andexplain its importance in a business enterprise.

4. The directors of a company of which you are the finance manager, have to design the

capital structure for the company and have asked you about the factors that affect the

capital structure of a company. Give your view points with reasons.

5. You are the finance manager of a company. The board of directors have asked you to

decide the dividend policy (i.e. how earnings will be divided in to two parts – retained

earnings and dividends) for the company. Explain the factors that you would take in

consideration while determining the dividend policy for the company.

6. You have been appointed as a brand manager of Ford Motors. The company is to

introduce a compact small car in the Indian market. The name of the car is yet to be

decided. You have been asked to chair a brain storming session. Before the suggestion

comes forward, you have to briefly explain the participants as to what constitutes a good

brand name with the help of suitable examples.

7. “Informal communication supplements the formal communication in many ways”. How?

8. Explain any four organisational barriers to communication.

9. Explain any four functions of financial markets.

10. The directors of a company want to modernise its plants and machinery by making a

public issue of shares. They wish to approach stock exchange, while the finance manger

prefers to approach a consultant for the new public issue of shares. Advise the directors

whether to approach stock exchange or a consultant for new public issue of shares and

why? Also advise about the different methods which the company may adopt for the

new public issue of shares.

11. Explain in brief any six responsibilities of consumers’to safeguardtheir interests.

12. Explain in brief rights of consumers as provided under the consumer protection act ,


Question Bank for Business Studies

For the Session : 2016-17 Class –XII (Commerce)

Chapter-1 ( Nature and Significance of Management )

1 Mark Questions

1. What is meant by effectiveness in Management ?

2. List any two social objectives of Management .

3. Explain in one sentence how management increases efficiency .

4. List any two organizational objectives of management .

5. Prince Ltd. target is to produce 10,000 shirts per month at a cost of Rs.150 per shirt. The production

manager could achieve this target at a cost of Rs.160 per shirt. Do you think the production manager is

effective? Give reason in support of your answer.

6. Why is it said that management is a goal oriented process?

7. “ Management helps in development of society”. How ?

8. “ The management principles can be applied to all of activities “. Which characteristics of management

is highlighted by this statement ?

9. Name the process of designing and maintaining an environment in which individuals working together

in groups , efficiently accomplish selected aims.

10. “ The management principles can be applied to all types of activities”. Which characteristics of

management is highlighted by this statement ?

11. “ In an organization employees are happy and satisfied. There is no chaos and the effect of

management is noticeable “. Which characteristics of management is highlighted in this statement ?

12. Name the process of working with and through others to effectively achieve organizational objectives

by efficiently using its limited resources in the changing environment .

13. “Management is a group activity”. Why ?

14. Name the level of management at which the managers are responsible for implementing and

controlling the plans and strategies of the organization.

15. “ Management is an intangible force”. Why ?

4 & 5 Marks Questions

16. Describe any five reasons, which clarify that management is gaining importance day to day.

17. Give the meaning of management and explain how it creates a dynamic organization and helps in the

development of society.

18. Explain how management increases efficiency and helps in the development of society.

19. “ Management is the process of working with and through others to effectively achieve organizational

objectives by efficiently using limited resources in the changing environment ”. In the light of this

statement explain any four features of management .

20. “ Management seeks to achieve certain objectives which must be derived from basic purpose of the

business”. In the light of the above statement, explain organizational and social objectives of

management .

21. ‘Management is regarded as an art by some, as science or as inexact science by others. The truth

seems to be somewhere in between’. In the light of this statement , explain the true nature of

management .

22. At which level of management the managers are responsible for the welfare and survival of the

organization. State any four functions performed at this level managers.

23. What is meant by co-ordination ? How it is integrates group efforts and ensures unity of action.


24. “ Co-ordination is the orderly arrangement of group efforts to provide unity of action in the pursuit of

common purpose”. In the light of this statement , explain the nature of co-ordination.


“ Co-ordination is a synchronization of group efforts to achieve organizational objectives”. In the light

of this statement highlight any five features of Co-ordination.

25. “ Co-ordination is not a separate function of management . It is the essence of management ”. Explain

with the help of a suitable example.

Chapter-2 ( Principles of Management )

1 Mark Questions

1. Give any one reason why principles of management do not provide readymade solution to all

managerial problems.

2. Why are the principles of management called flexible ?

3. Give any one reason why principles of management are not rigid prescriptions.

4. The principles of management are different from those of pure science. State any one difference.

5. Why it is said that management principles are universal in application ?

6. What is meant by the statement of ‘Principles of management are contingent ?

7. Which principles of management is violated if a sub-ordinate is asked to receive orders from two or

more superiors ?

8. State the objective of motion study.

9. What is the main objective of method study ?

10. Name the principle of scientific management which emphasises on study and analysis of methods

rather than estimation.

11. Which revolution involves a change in the attitude of workers and management towards one another

from competition to co-operation ?

3, 4 and 5 Marks Questions

12. Name and explain the principle of management according to which a manager should replace I with

WE in all his conversations with workers ?

13. Explain how principles of management :

i) Provide useful insight into reality and

ii) help in thoughtful decision making .

14. Explain by giving any five reasons why proper understanding of management principles is necessary.

15. Explain the technique of Scientific Management is the extension of principle of division of work and


16. Explain that technique of scientific management which is strongest motivator for a worker to reach

standard performance.

17. Explain any five principles of scientific management .

18. Explain how principles of management help in

a) Meeting changing environment requirement and

b) Making scientific decisions .

19. In a particular company, no importance had been attached to the suggestions given by the

subordinates. In 2014 the company appointed Mr. Dixit as its chief executive officer. He was an MBA

degree holder with an experience of a decade. On assuming the charge of his office, he started a sort

of campaign asking for suggestions from every employee of the company. In a very short time, there

were about 5,000 suggestions.After studying them intensively about 1,000 suggestions were

implemented in different fields. This campaign fetched the company an additional profit of 50 crores.

i) Which principle of management is working behind Mr. Dixit’s approach ?

ii) What will be the effect of implementing these suggestions on the employees ?

iii) Which value is satisfied by Mr. Dixit ?

20. Nikita and Salman completed their MBA and started working in a multi-national company at the same

level. Both are working hard and are happy with their employer. Salman had the habit of backbiting

and wrong reporting about his colleagues to impress his boss. All the employees in the organization

knew about it. At the time of performance appraisal the performance of Nikita was judged better than

Salman. Even then their boss Md. Sharif decide to promote Salman stating that being a female Nikita

will not be able to handle the complications of a higher post.

i) Identify and explain the principle of management , which was not followed by this multi-national


ii) Identify the values, which are being ignored quoting the lines from the above para.

Chapter-3 ( Business Environment )

1 Mark Questions

1. Business environment includes both specific and general forces.

a) List any four specific forces.


b) List any four general forces.

2. The understanding of business Environment helps the managers to identify threats. What is meant by

threats here ?

3. The understanding of business environment enables the firm to identify the opportunities. What is

meant by opportunities here ?

4. Define privatization as a process of economic reforms in one sentence.

5. Define liberalization as a process of economic reforms.

4 & 5 Marks Questions

6. Explain by giving any five points, why “ in the present day competitive market, it is essential for a

business to remain alert and aware of its environment ?


Explain by giving any five reasons why understanding of business environment is important for


7. State any five impacts of government policy changes on business and industry.


The Indian corporate sector has come face to face with several challenges due to government policy

change. Explain any four such challenges.

8. Management of every business enterprise can be benefited from being aware of different dimensions of

business environment . Explain any four such dimensions.

9. State any five features of business Environment.

10. The people of some regions translated the slogan of “ Come Alive” used by Pepsi Company as “

Come out of the grave”. As a result company lost its market share rather than picking up.

i) Which component of business environment is being overlooked ?

ii) Which value is missing in the above paragraph ?

11. The Maruti Udyog Ltd. is smart enough to recognize the threat of new companies entering the market.

Before the other companies could do anything , the Maruti Udyog Ltd. increase the supply of its cars

manifold and thus able to nullify the effect of the possible threat.

i) Which importance of business environment is highlighted in the given case ?

ii) Which values are satisfied in the above case ?

Chapter-4 ( Planning )

1 Mark Questions

1. Why is it said that “ Planning is pre-requisite for controlling” ?

2. List any two characteristics of planning.

3. ‘Planning always leads to success’. Do you agree ? Give reasons in support of your answer.

4. Name the type of plan which is time bound and linked with measurable outcome.

5. Name the type of plan which specifies the steps to carry out different activities in a chronological order.

6. Name the type of plan which is in the form of general statements and channelise energies towards a

particular direction.

7. What is meant by policy as a type of plan ?

8. Which type of plan has the least flexibility and why ?

9..”To see whether plans are being implemented and activities are being performed according to

schedule” is a step of planning process. Identify the step.

3, 4 & 5 Marks Questions

10. Explain any five features of planning .

11. Planning is an important function of management . State any four reasons in favour of the statement.

12. Planning provides directions and reduces the risks of uncertainty. Explain how ?

13. Explain the steps involved in the process of planning .

14. A company is manufacturing garments. The manager wants to increase the profits by purchasing new

high speed machines or increasing the sale price or using waste material in manufacturing stuffed

toys.He decide that using waste material to increase the profit is the best solution for him.

i) Identify the concept of management involved.

ii) Mention the steps involved in the above process by quoting the lines from the question.

iii) To complete the process of the concept identified. What further steps does the manager have to

take ?

15. “Sometimes planning fails inspite of best efforts of management”. Do you agree ?. Give reasons in

support of your answer.

Chapter-5 ( Organising )

3 , 4 &5 Marks questions

1. Explain by giving any four reasons why organizing is considered as an important function of

management .


“ Organisation is the harmonious adjustment of specialized parts for the accomplishment of some

common purpose or purposes”. In the light of this statement , explain any four points of importance of


2. “ Organising is the process of defining and grouping the activities of the enterprise and establishing the

authority relationship among them “. In the light of this statement , explain the steps in the process of



Organising involves a series of steps that need to be taken in order to achieve the desired goals.

Explain these steps.

3. Identify the type of suitable orgnisation structure for a large scale organization having diversified

activities requiring high degree of specialization in operations. State any three features of this structure.


Amit runs a factory wherein he manufactures leather shoes. The business is doing well and he intends

to expand by diversifying into leather bags as well as leather jackets. Which type of organistion

structure would you recommend for his expanded organization and why ? Give any three reasons.

4. What is meant by functional structure of organization ? Explain its any two advantages and any two


5. What is meant by formal organization ? State any three advantages and any two limitations of formal

organization .

6. What is meant by informal organization ? State any three advantages and any two disadvantages of this

form of organization.

7. Give the meaning of essential elements of delegation of authority.

8. If we delegate the authority , we multiply it by two, if we decentralize it , we multiply it by many. In

the light of this statement, explain any four points of importance of decentralization.

9. Decentralisation is a key element in effective organizing. Explain with the help of any four reasons .

10. “Delegation is a key element in effective organizing”. How ? State by giving any four reasons.

Chapter-6 ( Staffing )

1 Mark Questions

1. How does staffing help to ensure higher performance of employees ?

2. How does staffing help to ensure optimum utilization of human resources ?

3. Name and state the on-the- Job method of training that is used to give training to the


4. Name the method of training in which trainees learn on the equipments they will be


5. Name the method of training in which the trainees works directly with a senior manager

and the manager takes full responsibility of the trainee.

3, 4 & 5 Marks Questions

6. Nitesh, the director of a garment company, is planning to manufacture bags for the

utilization of waste material from one of his garment units. He has decided that this

manufacturing unit will be set-up in a rural area of Odisha where people have very few job

opportunities and labour is available at very low rates. He has also thought of giving equal

opportunities to men and women.For this he wants four different heads of Sales, Account ,

Purchase and Production. He gives an advertisement and shortlists ten candidates per post

after conducting different selection tests.

a) Identify and state the next three steps for choosing the best candidate out of the

candidates short-listed.

b) Also identify two values which Nitesh wants to communicate to the society by setting

up this manufacturing unit.

7. Explain staffing as a function of management . Also explain by giving any four reasons


proper staffing is required in an organization.

8. Human resource management includes many specialized activities and duties. State any

four such activities.

9. Explain in brief the various steps involved in the process of staffing .

10. External sources of recruitment are considered better than internal sources. Give any


reasons in support of this statement.

11. “ Internal sources of recruitment are better than external sources. How ? Give any four


12. Filling vacancies from within the organization has some advantages as well as limitations.

Explain any three such advantages and any three limitations.

13. You are the Personnel Manager of Galaxy Company Ltd. You have been directed by the

Directors of the company to select a Chartered Accountant for the company. Explain the

selection procedure you will follow for the same.

Page: 5 of 11

14. Some learning opportunities are designed and delivered to improve skills and abilities of

employees whereas some others are designed to help in the growth of individuals in all

respects. Identify and explain the two concepts explain above.

15. A newly appointed Personnel Manager is of the view that training is beneficial only for

the organization and not for the workers. Do you agree with his view. Give any five reasons

in support of your answer.

16. Explain in brief the following methods of training to the workers.

i) Apprenticeship training ii) Job rotation training iii) Vestibule training

Chapter-7 ( Directing )

1 Mark Questions

1. State the element of directing, which helps in implementing the principle of scalar chain.

2. Explain in one sentence how directing initiates action in management.

3. Define supervision.

4. Name the term used in management which stimulates people to take-up work voluntarily.

5. Why is motivation called a complex process ?

6. What is meant by democratic style of leadership ?

7. What is meant by informal communication ?

4,5 and 6 mark Questions

8. Directing is the heart of the management process. Do you agree ? Give any four reasons in support of

your answer.


Directing is not required at all in management of organsiation. Do you agree ? Give four reasons in

support of your answer.


“ Every action in the organization is initiated through directing “. Explain any four point of importance

of directing in the light of this statement.

9. ‘ Supervision is not at all required in an organisation’. Do you agree ? Give three reasons in support of

your answer.


“ The supervisor performs a very important role in an organsiation by performing multiple functions”.

State any five such functions.

10. Define motivation. How does it improve efficiency and facilitate the accomplishment of

organizational goals ?

11. To satisfy the social and psychological needs, which type of incentives are needed ? Explain any five

types of such incentives.

12. Blue birds offers to its employees to issue shares at a price which is less than the market price

i) Name and explain the type of incentive offered to the employees.

ii) Explain one more incentive of the same category.

13. Ankit Ltd assured their employees that inspite of recession no worker will be retrenched from the job

a) Name and explain the type of incentive offered to the employees.

b) Explain one more incentive of the same category.

14. Maslow’s need hierarchy is considered fundamental to understanding of motivation. Explain the role

of need hierarchy in motivation.

15. “It is only motivation through which the managers can inspire their sub-ordinates to give their best to

the organization”. In the light of this statement . Explain any five points of importance of motivation.

16. Money is not the only motivator, then what else is required to motivate employees ? Explain by giving

any four points.

17. A leader who has only good physical features and required knowledge and competence can not inspire

others to work, then what else is required by a leader to be successful ? Explain by giving any five


18. There are some barriers in communication which are concerned with encoding and decoding of

message. State any three such barriers.

19. Barriers to effective communication exist in all organizations to a greater or lesser degree. State any

six measures to overcome these barriers.

20. Effectiveness of a manager depends on his ability to communicate effectively. Explain how.

Chapter-8 ( Controlling )

1 Mark Questions

1. Why it is said that controlling is a continuous activity ?

2. In controlling, why is actual performance compared with standards?

3. Name the function which reviews the operations in a business unit.

4. What should be the focus point for a manager while controlling, as controlling at each and

Every step is not possible ?

5. Which function of management ensures that actual activities confirm to planned


3,4 & 5 Marks Questions

6. Explain how controlling helps in

i) Accomplishing organizational goals and

ii) Judging accuracy of standards

7. Explain how controlling helps in

i) Making efficient use of resources and

ii) Improving employees motivation / Morale.

8. Controlling is looking back. Give suitable example in support of your answer.

9. “Controlling is an indispensable function of management”. Do you agree ? Give four

reasons in support of your answer.

10. Planning facilitates decision making and establishes standards for controlling. Explain


11. Rajeev and Sanjeev are managers in the same organization heading different units. While

discussing about the functions of management, Rajeev says that planning is looking


whereas controlling is looking back. Bust Saneev says , “ you are wrong because planning

is looking back and controlling is looking ahead”.

Both are giving reasons in favour of their statements. Explain the possible reasons given

by both and justify who is correct.

12. Explain how ‘Management by exception’ helps in the controlling process.

13. Explain how ‘Critical point control’ helps in the controlling process.

14. Controlling is a systematic process involving a series of steps. State the steps involved in

the process.

15. Kapil and Kamal Company is a large Manufacturing unit. Recently the company had

conducted time and motion studies and concluded that on an average, a worker could

produce 300 units per day. However, it has been noticed that the average daily production

of a worker is in the range of 200-225 units.

i) Name the function of management and identify the step in the process of this function

which helped in finding out that the actual production of a worker is less than the set target.

ii) To complete the process of the function identified in and to ensure the performance as

per time and motion studies, explain what further steps a manger has to take.

Chapter-9 ( Financial Management )

1 Mark Questions

1. What is the primary objective of financial management ?

2. State how growth prospectus affect the working capital requirement of a company ?

3. Name the major determinant of dividend decision.

4. Which type of companies can declare higher dividend ?

5. Name the financial decision which will help a business man in opening a new branch of its


6. What is meant by floatation cost ?

7. Cost of debt is lower than the cost of equity share capital. Give reason why even then a

company can not work only with the debt ?

8. Name the concept which increases the return on equity shares with a change in the


structure of a company.

9. A company wants to establish a new unit in which a machinery of worth 10 lakhs is

involved. Identify the type of decision involved in financial management.

3, 4, 5 & 6 Marks Questions

10. Sound financial management is the key to the prosperity of business . Explain.

11. Define financial management. What are the objectives of financial management.

12. What is required to tackle the uncertainty in respect of availability and timing of funds ?

Name the concept involved and explain four points of its importance.


Name the process which helps in determining the objectives, policies , procedures,

programes and budgets to deal with the financial activities of an enterprise. Explain its

four points of importance.


“ Sound financial planning is essential for the success of any business enterprise”. Explain

this statement by giving any six reasons.

13. Financial management is based on three broad financial decisions. Explain these


14. How does trading on equity affect the choice of capital structure of a company ? Explain

with the help of suitable example.

15. What is meant by ‘investment decision’ ? State any four factors which affect the

investment decision.


You are a finance manager of a newly established company. The directors have asked

you to determine the amount of fixed capital requirement for the company. Explain any four

factors that you will consider while determining the fixed capital requirement of the


16. Name the decision taken by a financial manager which determines the overall cost of

capital and the financial risk of the enterprise. Explain any three factors which affect this


17. What is meant by ‘dividend decision’ ? Explain any four factors which affect the dividend

decision of a company.

18. Explain any five factors which determine the choice of the capital structure of a


19. You are the financial manager of newly established company. The directors have asked

you to determine the amount of working capital requirement for the company. Explain any

four factors that you will consider while determining the working capital requirement of the


20. Name the decision taken by a financial manager which determines the overall cost of

capital and the financial risk of the enterprise. Explain any three factors which affect this


Chapter-10 ( Financial Markets )

1 Mark Questions

1. State any one consequence of well performed ‘allocative function of financial market.

2. Name the two major alternative mechanisms through which allocation of funds can be


3.Give the meaning of ‘Secondary Market’

4. Give the meaning of ‘ Money Market’

5. State the essential function of ‘ Primary Market’.

6. What is meant by Capital Market ?

7. State any one objective of setting up of National Stock Exchange of India.

8. State any one function of stock exchange.

9. State any one advantage provided by over the counter exchange of India.

3, 4, 5 & 6 Marks Questions

10. “ To promote orderly and healthy growth of securities market and protection of

investors, SEBI was set up”. With reference of this statement explain the objectives of SEBI.

11. State any three ‘ Protective Functions’ of Securities and Exchange Board of India.

12. Explain the regulatory and development functions’ of Securities and Exchange Board of


13. Explain any four functions of stock exchange.

14. Distinguish between National Stock Exchange of India and Over the Counter Exchange of

India on the following basis:

i) Year of establishment ii) Paid-up capital

iii) Securities traded iv) Duration of settlement v) Objective.

15. Explain the following money market instruments

a) Call Money b) Treasury Bill

c) Commercial Paper d) Certificate of Deposit

16. Distinguish between Capital Market and Money Market.

17. Nature of capital market can be well explained with the help of its features. State any

three such features of a capital market.

18. What is meant by primary market ? Explain any four methods of floating new issues in

the primary market.

19. Financial market plays an important role in the allocation of scarce resources in an

economy by performing many important functions. Explain any four such functions.

20. Nature of money market can be well explained with the help of its features. State any

three such features of money market.

Chapter-11 ( Marketing Management )

1 Mark Questions

1. Why is marketing called a social process ?

2. Distinguish between ‘selling concept’ and ‘marketing concept’ of marketing management

philosophies on the basis of main focus.

3. What is meant by selling concept of marketing ?

3, 4, 5 & 6 Marks Questions

4. Explain Gathering and analyzing market information , market planning , product designing

and development and customer support services as functions of marketing .


Explain any four functions of marketing.

5. Nisha a school bag manufacturer decided to improve the product for profit maximization

and thus added a water bottle holder to the existing design.

i) Identify the marketing management philosophy adopted by Nisha

ii) Explain this philosophy on the basis of (a) Main focus and (b) Means and ends.

6. Explain the role of marketing in a firm.

7. “ An important task in the marketing of goods relates to designing the label as it provides

useful and detailed information about the product”. In the light of the above statement

draw a label for a liquid soap and highlight the important information to be provided on it.

8. Define marketing management . state any three objective of marketing management .

9. Bending the customer according to the product and development of the product

according to customer needs are two important concept of marketing management .

Identify the concepts and differentiate between the two.


Find wants and fill them “ create products and sell them” are the two important concepts

of marketing identify and differentiate between the two concepts.

10. Explain any four qualities/ Characteristics of a goods brand name .

11.What is labeling ? State any four functions of labeling .

12. What is meant by packing ? State any four functions of packing ?

13. Name that element of marketing mix which affects the revenue and profits of a firm.

Explain any six factors which help in determining this element.

14. Consumer products are classified on different basis ‘shopping efforts involved’ is one of

them. Explain any three types of products in this category.


Consumer products are classified on different basis, ‘durability of the product’ is one of

them. Explain any three types of products in this category.

15. Name the element of marketing mix in which a set of firms and individuals creates

possession place and time utility and helps in market offering . Also explain any five

important functions performed by this element .

16. Name the element of marketing mix which affects the revenue and profits of a firm.

Explain any six factors which help in determining this element.

17. “ Choice of channels of distribution depends on various factors”. Explain any four factors

which affect the choice of channels of distribution.

18. “ Physical distribution includes some components for physically moving the goods from

manufacturers to the customers”. Explain these components.

19. Identify and explain the promotional tool of marketing mix which plays a persuasive,

service and informative role and there by link a business firm to its customers. Also explain

by giving any four reasons how this tool helps in increasing the sales of businessmen.


Identify and explain the promotional tool of marketing mix which involves oral

presentation of message with one or more prospective customers for the purpose of making

sales. Also explain any three benefits of this tool in the economic progress of a society.

20. Identify and explain the promotional tool of marketing mix which is an impersonal form

of communication and is paid for by the marketer. Also explain any three benefits of this


21. “ Advertisement is a social waste as it adds to cost, undermines social values and

confuses the buyer”. Explain how ?


“ Advertisement is unnecessary and wasteful”. Do you agree? Give reasons in support of

your answer.

22. “ Money spent on advertisement is not a waste but an investment”. Do you agree with

this view? Give reasons in support of your answer.

23. A salesman approaches you to promote the sales of a water purifier which

communication tool is the marketer using by sending a salesman at your door step ? Explain

the role of this tool to a businessman.

24. Explain the following sales promotion activities

a) Discount b) Product combination c) Full finance d) Sampling

e) Lucky Draw f) Instant Draw and Assigned Gifts g) Refund.

Chapter-12 ( Consumer Protection )

1 Mark Questions

1. Why consumer protection is important for consumers ? Give any one reason.

2. Why consumer protection is important for a businessman ? Give any one reason.

3. Which Act provides relief to the buyers of goods in case the goods purchased do not

comply with the expressed condition ?

4. Which kind of cases can be filed in the state commission under the consumer protection

Act , 1986 ?

5. Which cases can be filed in the National Commission under Consumer Protection Act 1986


6. Which claims can be appeal before the Supreme Court under consumer protection Act,

1986 ?

7. Who can file a complaint under the consumer protection Act, 1986 ?

8. Which Act provides protection to the consumer against the use of fraudulent marks ?

9. Joy wants to buy an iron. As an aware customer, how can he be sure about the quality of

iron ?

10. Mohit filed a case against Domestic coolings Ltd. in the District Forum. But he was not

satisfied with the orders of the district forum. Where can he appeal further against the

decisions of district forum.

3, 4 & 5 Marks Questions

11. Explain any four points of importance of consumer protection from the point of view of


12. What is meant by consumer protection ? State any three points of importance of


protection from the consumers point of view.

13. State any six responsibilities of a consumer which should be kept in mind while


the goods.

14. Explain any four rights available to a consumer under the consumer protection Act, 1986.

15. State any six reliefs available to a consumer when the consumer court is satisfied with


genuineness of the complaint .

16. Explain any four functions of consumer organization and Non-Government organizations

for protecting and promoting the interest of consumers.

17. Ranjita purchased one litre of pure deshi ghee from a shopkeeper. After using it, she had

a doubt that it is adulterated. She sent it for a laboratory test which confirmed that the ghee

is adulterated. State any six reliefs available to Ranjita. If she complains and the consumer

court is satisfied abot the genuineness of the complaint.

18. Harish purchased a medicines from Sumitra Medical Store for his son, who had high

fever. Even after giving the medicine his son’s condition did not improve and he had to be

hospitalized. Doctor informed Harish that medicine given to his son was spurious. Harish

complained about this to Sumitra Medical Store. As result, Sumitra Medical Store decided to

file a complaint against the manufacturer in the consumer court. Can Sumitra Medical Store

do this ? Give reason in support of your answer. Also, explain who is a consumer as per

consumer protection Act, 1986.


A. Questions carry one mark.

1. Distinguish Efficient and effective?

2. What do you mean by foremen?

3. Change in technology or consumer taste, change the external forces.-Identify the

features of business environment.

4. Give two example of standing planning..

5. Job Enrichment-Write the meaning.

6. What do you mean by selection ?

7. This test is conducted to test the areas of interest of a potential employee- identify the test.

8. Write the meaning of wheel network.

9. Name the two function of management which are interrelated and inter dependent.

10. Explain profit sharing as an incentives.

11. Success of a business is not by chance but a result of deliberate processes.Name the process.

12. Management is a process of getting things done effectively and efficiently. what

does the process involve ?

13. “Employees exchange views with only those whom they trust”. Identify the

communication network discussed in this sentence.

14. A leader not only solves the problems relating to work but also personal

problems of the followers. Which value he is following here ?

15. Name the function of management which monitors actual performance of each

and every employee to accomplish organizational goals.

16. Thread is the most important tool in garland, similarly in management, which

concept plays the role of a thread ?

17. Define “Premises” as related to planning process.

18. Name the concept which determines the levels of management in the

organizational structure.

19. “ Selection is a negative process in the staffing ”. Explain.

20. “Retail business is growing because of increase in disposable income of middle class

society. Identify the dimension of business environment.

21. In order to be successful, an organization must change its goals according to the needs of the

environment. Which characteristics of management are highlighted in this statement?

22. A Manager applies the various theories of Management in his unique personalized

way. What aspect of nature of Management does this statement indicate?

23. Even after opening up of Indian Economy, foreign companies found it extremely difficult

to cut through the bureaucratic and red tapism in government offices. This discourages

them from i nvesting in Indian. Identity the dimension of environment mention in above


24. Government of India is seriously thinking to allow oil marketing public sector,

undertaking to fix their own price for petrol and diesel. Name the economic reform

related to this decision of Government.

25. Alpha ltd. spent a lot of Money to hire specialized people for framing their plans and

collecting important facts from environment. The company cut down their cost by

cancelling the employee’s trip for recreation. Name the value overlook by


26. Grouping of jobs of similar nature and organizing these jobs as separate department’s creates

a particular type of organizational structure. Name that type of structure.

27. The number of subordinates that can be effectively managed by a superior refers to which

aspect of management.

28. Rajat a sales manager achieved his sales target one month in advance. This achievement

was displayed on the notice board and a certificate for the best performance was

awarded to him by the CEO of the company. Name the incentive provided to Rajat.

29. Himanshu and Shilpa are working in the same organization but in different departments

one day at lunch time Shilpa informs Himanshu that due to computerization many people

are going to

be retrenched. Child soon from the organization. Name, which type of communication is this.

30. Blue Birds Ltd. Offers to its employees issue of shares at a price which is less than the

market price. Name and explain the type of incentive offered to the employees.

31. Name the element of directing which refers to the ability of influencing people to strike

willing by for mutual objective.

32. Workers are always unwilling to take up any kind of work. Due to rise in demand firm wants

them to co-operate to meet pending orders. The supervisor is finding it difficult to

cope with this situation. Suggest which element of directing is suitable in the above


33. ‘If anything goes wrong with the performance of key activities, the entire organization


Therefore, the organization should focus on them.’ Name the concept referred in the



34. Minerva ltd. Is engaged in manufacturing plastic chairs. The objective of the company is

to produce 500 chairs in a month. Their actual production is 509 chairs in a month due to

efforts of all departments are coordinated and interlinked and authority-responsibility

relationship is established among various job positions. There is clarity on who is to report to

whom. Name the concept referred above.

35. ‘Management principles aim at influencing behavior of human beings.’ State the features


management principle mentioned here.

36. “BIFR was established for rehabilitation of sick units”. Name the concept to which this

statement relates to?

37. What does ‘planning premises’ referred to in the planning process?

38. Campus recruitment is a good source of recruitment. But there is a wide difference in their

salary structure, when compared to others who are appointed through other sources. List the

values ignored here.

39. ‘It provides full scope for initiative and creativity’. Identify the style of leadership.

40. Explain semantic barriers as a barrier to communication.

B. Questions carry 3 or 4 marks.

1. Vaibhar, an employee in Yamuna Ltd, was instructed by Mr. Vianayak the Production

Manager, to increase production of steel as there was excess stock of raw material in the

warehouse. On the other hand, Mr. Madhav the sales manager directed him not to increase

the steel production as there was low demand for steel in the market. Vaibhav was confused

as to whose order to follow and hence was unable to work in a proper manner. Because of

overlapping of orders and instructions. Vaibhav was unable to Satish both the bosses which

led to conflict in the orgainsation.

a) Name the principle not being followed.

b) Give any two advantage of the principle not followed above.

2. Mrs Sadhan Kidwai is the Divisional Manager of the Export Division of Swad Tea Limited.

For some time since past a restriction has been imposed on export of tea. It is evident that

the company`s export business depends on the Governments policy. Recently there has

been a change of Government in the centre. As soon as the new government took over, it

removed the restriction imposed on the export of tea. With the coming of this news the

division under Mrs Kidwai heaved a singh of relief.

a) The change Government is having its impact on this two dimension of business


Identity them

b) Identity one of the characteristics of business environment described.

3. A company gave its sales executives the directive that they could sell the goods on credit. Also

it told them very clearly to inform the customers that if up to one month they did not make

the payment, after the competition of this period, they would have to pay interest for the

whole period at the rate of 10% per annaum.

a. In the paragraph given above two types of plans has been mentioned. Identity them,

quoting the relevant lines.

b. Give one difference between the above two types of plans.

4. A company is manufacturing washing machines. There is a well dined system of jobs with a

clear and definite authority responsibility and accountability in the company. But people are

allowed to interact beyond their officially defined roles. As a result the company is not able to

adopt to the changing business environment. The work force is also not motivated due to lack

of social interaction. The company is facing problems of procedural delays and inadequate

recognition to creative talents.

a. Suggest how the organization can overcome the problems

found by it. b. Give any two benefits it will derive from your


5. Madhuri Fashions limited decided that whenever a person reaches a particular age, he

will be promoted. Influenced by this policy of the company, several people of other

companies joined this company. But within a few days they found that in this company

communication was possible only on the basis of pre-decided relations. It was not possible for

anyone to communicate freely with anyone.

a. Identity the concept of organisations

described here. b. State two limitations of the

concept identified above.

6. Nishant the director of a garments company is planning to manufacture bags for the

utilization of waste material from one of his garment units. He has decided that this

manufacturing unit will be set up in a rural area of Orissa where people have very few job

opportunities and labour is available at very low rates. He has also thought of giving equal

opportunities to men and women for this he wants four different heads for sales, accounts,

purchase and production. He gives advertisement and shortlists ten candidates per post after

conducting different selection-test:

Identity and state the next three steps for choosing the best candidate out of the

candidates short-listed.

7. Toyota Motor Manufacturing Kentucky Inc. (TMMK), an automobile manufacturing

factory in Georgetown, USA, is owned by Toyota Motor Company of Japan. One of the

supervisors at the Georgetown plant was full of praise for the Toyota work culture.

He also pointed out that as Toyota employees, they were asked not to tolerate any

disrespectful actions, messages or symbols directed at a person or group of people. They

were even told to think about the plant and specifically about the team and act as if the team

were their family. Which principle of management can you relate the work culture of Toyota

Motor Manufacturing with? Also explain the principles identified. Mention the values

discussed above.

8. Mr. Suresh has joined as finance manager in Excel Precision Enterprises Pvt. Ltd,


and exporter of engineering products. He has a habit of interacting directly with the staff in

other department, in the course of official work, by-passing their managers. He feels

that such communication across levels and departments helps him in getting the work done

quickly. However, other managers are not too happy with Mr. Suresh’s attitude and

claim that it is disrupting the official code of conduct.

Do you think the official code of conduct is violated by Mr. Suresh in the course of

rendering his

official duties? Name and explain the principles of management being violated in the above


9. ‘Setting up of objective is the first step in the planning process.’ Explain the next three steps

in the

planning process.

10. Narayan Ltd. Laid down strictly ‘only graduate and experienced candidates will be

recruited’. As from past many years, company is recruiting freshers due to which the

performance has declined constantly.

a. Identify and briefly explain the type of plan mentioned above.

b. Which values of a company were affected by recruiting freshers?

11. Distinguish between formal and informal organisation.

12. “Work for all” an NGO organizes recruitment drive for physically challenged

people in corporate houses.They provide training programme,hold regular

seminars and workshops to train people to overcome their disabilities.Identify

the values with “Work for all” NGO was established.

13. Explain the organisational objective of management.

14. What is the importance of HR function in to days world



A major insurance company handled all recruiting, screening and training process for data

entry/customer service representative .Their competitors was attracting most of the qualified

,potential employees in their market. recruiting was made even more difficult by the strong

economy and the job seeker market. This resulted in the client having to chose from candidates

who had the soft skilled for the jobs, but lacked the proper hard skills and the training.

a)As an HR manager what problems do you see in the company/

b)How do you think it can be resolved?

90% staff of Mitsuhia ltd consists of male employees.The female employees are employed for very

basic jobs like receptionist or assistance to superiors.The management is of the opinion that female

employees can not works or contributes at par with male employees.They pay much lesser salaries

to female staffs despite the fact that they work for same number of hours.

a)Name the principle of management the company is violating. b)State the

values ignored by the management of Mitsuhia ltd.

18. Taking insurance is essential for business. Do you agree? if yes, state certain reasons

that specify importance in context to modern business. Frequent transfers of an

employees may affect their productivity. In the light of this statement. discuss any

four limitations of internal sources of


19. Directing refers to the process of instructing , guiding , counseling , motivating

and leading people in the organization to achieve its objectives.

a) In the light of the above statement discuss the benefits of directing

function in the organization.

21. Ankur is working as a production manager in an organization . His sub-ordinate

Saurabh discussed with him a method of production which will reduce the cost of


. But due t o some domestic problems Ankur‟s mind being pre-occupied, he is not in a position to

understand the message. Saurabh got disappointed by this. Identify the factor which

acts as a communication barrier. Explain three other factors of the same group of

communication barriers.

22. .Explain any four positive effects of liberalization and globalization on business and industry in


23. Srijay is working as „ Operations Manager‟ in Aryian Ltd. Hydrabad. Name the managerial

level at which he is working . State any three functions he will perform as operations

manager in Aryian Ltd.An industrial unit like MCL working in a backward area opens Schools for

education at nominal cost for the children of its employees and local people.

a) Identify the objective depicted in the given case.

b) Highlight the value which the company desires to emphasis through this activities.

24. If any employees working in ABC Ltd. Comes one hour late to office three times a month, his

/her one day salary is deducted. Identify the type of plan followed by ABC Ltd. Distinguish it

from method.

25. What is Autocratic Leadership ? Explain its two advantages.

26. 90% staff of Work well Ltd. Consists of female employees. The female employees are

employed for very basic job like receptionist to supervisors. The management is of the

opinion that female employees cannot contribute at par with male employees. They pay

much lesser salaries to female staff despite of the fact that they work for same number of


a) Name the principles of management Work well Ltd. Is violating .

b) State any two values ignored by the management of Work well Ltd.

27. The Government restricted the issue of LPG Cylinders at subsidized rates to nine per family

per year.

a) Name and explain the dimension of business environment highlighted in the above


b) What are the values herseby elicited by the Government.

28. Frequent transfers of an employees may affect their productivity. In the light of this

statement discuss any four limitations of internal sources of recruitment.

29. Directing refers to the process of instructing , guiding , counseling , motivating and leading

people in the organization to achieve its objectives.

a) In the light of the above statement discuss the benefits of directing function in the


30. . Ankur is working as a production manager in an organization . His sub-ordinate

Saurabh discussed with him a method of production which will reduce the cost of production

. But due t o some domestic problems Ankur‟s mind being pre-occupied, he is not in a position to

understand the message. Saurabh got disappointed by this. Identify the factor which acts as a

communication barrier. Explain three other factors of the same group of communication


31. .Explain any four positive effects of liberalization and globalization on business and industry in


32. Srijay is working as „ Operations Manager‟ in Aryian Ltd. Hydrabad. Name themanagerial level at which he is

working . State any three functions he will perform as operations manager in Aryian Ltd.

33. Differentiate between formal organization and informal organization on the following

basis. a. Behaviour

b. Flow of communication c.


d. Authority

34. Meet, Preet and Geet are co-mates pursuing MBA. Soon after finishing their studies, they

decided to set up a paper manufacturing unit, dividing its operations in three regional zones,

each managed and controlled by one of them.

Suggest the type of organization structure suitable for them. Also in your opinion what are the

advantages (any three) of such type of organization structure.

35. During 1950, both India and China has the same rate of growth. But at present, China is more

developed country with higher growth rate than India. The major reason behind it is the

political system prevails in these countries i.e. outlook of political leaders towards

sectoral development, instability political system, election system etc.

At present date, both India and China are emerging as huge economic giants competing with

each other. But to be in equal pace in terms of economic development, India‟s Prime Minister has rightly

stepped forward with signing 21 pacts to have investment outlays to India. It is so because Sri

Narendra Modi has rightly visualize that in future, China would have substantial amount of

capital because of more of retired individuals and less no. of young individual employees,

because of the strict policies of one child concepts.

On the other hand, India would have more young employable individuals as compared to China

and lack of capital. This is because of no strict policies on birth child rather to have two child

concept, whereas for some religion there is no boundary.

Quoting the lines from the above paragraph mention the dimensions of business environment

being highlighted above? Also write down the values that are communicated to the society.

36. „It is a positive process because the numbers of applications received are more than the numbers of

vacancies in the organization.‟ Identify the process mentioned above and also explain any three

advantages of internal sources of the process identifies.

37. Distinguish between Training and Development on the following basis. a.


b. Duration c.


d. Scope

38. Three groups of employees of “Gama Limited” are working at different posts. The first group of

employees is responsible for the welfare and survival of the organization. In order to discharge

its responsibility properly, this group continuously keeps a watch over the business

environment. With a view to coping with the changing going on in the business

environment, this group immediately discuss the change to be brought about in the company`s


The second group of employees is responsible for maintaining quality and safety standards and

minimizing wastages.

The responsible of third group of employees is to explain the policies decided by the top

management and developing the feeling of co-operation among all the departments of the


(a) Identify the concepts of management, describe in the paragraph given above.

(b) Identify the three types of concept identified in (a) above by quoting the relevant


39. A student of MBA had to give presentation on management in his class. The main parts of his

presentation were the following:

“ several representative associations have been set up in India for example for law „Bar Council of India, for

medical; Medicals council of India and for Accountancy „Institute of Chartered Accountant: Similar

orginsations for management have been set up in india and other countries. In India „ALL India

Management Association AIMA Organisation is set up. But in order to become a Manager to overcome a member

of AIMA is not obligatory.”

a) On the basis of description given in the paragraph above explain whether management is a


b) Describe any three characteristic of a profession, on the basis of which management can

be regarded as profession.

40. Tanya and Sharma, having same educational qualifications are working as managers in Alfa

Ltd. Tanya belongs to a rural area where employment opportunities are very less where as

Sharma belongs to Urban area. Ignoring other differences between the two, management of

Alfa Ltd. Appointed both of them as assistant managers offering them same salary package.

a. Name and briefly . explain the principle of management being followed in the above


b. Identity the values on which management of Alfa Ltd. Emphasizes between the two.

41. One of the principles of scientific management emphasis his that to make employees learn the

best method of production, training to workers is essential. It further emphasize that

each person should be scientifically selected and the work assigned to the employees should

suit physical mental and intellectual capabilities.

a. Name and explain the principle of scientific management involved.

b. Name the value emphasized by following the principle in part (a) above.

42. „Anvi Pvt Ltd‟ has divided its business into four departments namely. Marketing, Finance,

Production and Perosnnel. The finance manager has to arrange finance for the following year

with this aim he ask the marketing manager of how much worth he would be able sell goods in

the following year. The reason for asking such question was to make an estimate of purchase

and production. Similarly, he asked the personal manager to prepare an estimate of the

expected number of the employees and remuneration to be paid to them. The financial

manager shared all the information receive with Mr Rawat, the senior finance manager. Thus,

both of them jointly prepared the cash budget.

a. What type of formal communication would you all the conversation which

took place between the heads of different departments?

b. What type formal communication is the conversation which took place

between the two official of the finance department?

43. Write two-two merits & demerits of formal communication.

A major insurance company handled all recruiting, screening and training process for data

entry/customer service representative .Their competitors was attracting most of the


,potential employees in their market. recruiting was made even more difficult by the

strong economy and the job seeker market. This resulted in the client having to chose

from candidates who had the soft skilled for the jobs, but lacked the proper hard skills and

the training.

a)As an HR manager what problems do you see in the company/

b)How do you think it can be resolved

44. 90% staff of Mitsuhia ltd consists of male employees.The female employees are employed

for very basic jobs like receptionist or assistance to superiors.The management is of the

opinion that female employees can not works or contributes at par with male

employees.They pay much lesser salaries to female staffs despite the fact that they work

for same number of hours.

a)Name the principle of management the company is

violating. b)State the values ignored by the management

of Mitsuhia ltd

45. The policy of libealisation , privatization and globalization (LPG) policy made a significant

impact on working of Indian business. Do you agree , give reasons.

46. Discuss the various steps of Controlling.

47. Explain the informal organization and its disadvantages

48. Explain clearly the steps of planning.

49. Mr. Sanjeev Sharma is the chief Executive Officer of Gujurat Sales Limited. Production

manager of his company is going to get the repair works done of a part of the factory on a

large scale. As such company will not be able to some of the products for some time. It

will have to sell only those goods which are lying in stock. Considering it the production

manager has asked the sales executive to slow down the pace of sales. On the other hand

since the sales manager has set high targets of sales he has been insisting on sales

executives to speed up the sales.

a. Which principle of management is being ignored by the company in the above


b. Write down any one consequence of the violation of the principle mentioned in (a) above?

c. Which concept of management is being ignored by the company in this case?

d. Suggest how the problem in (a) above can be solved?

50. Haryana Handloom Ltd. manufactures bed sheets. Noting its popularity in the market

company decided to manufacture curtain cloth also. The decision was executed with

immediate effect. But the company did not increase the manpower to the desired extent.

Company wanted the existing

staff to mange the work for sometime, by making overtime. The result was that on the one

hand the new product of the company failed to keep its hold on the market and on the other

hand due to

over-work efficiency of the employees declined. On several occasions it was observed that a

subordinate was getting instructions from two or more officers. Managers too had started

giving simple and easy work to their known employees and complex and difficult work to

the other employees. Company was now ignoring rules completely.Quoting the lines

identify those three principles of management that have been ignored here and those

problems removed?

51. Name the type of formal communication in which two departmental heads communicate

each other. Give any two reasons why this type of communication is required.

52. Clarify the meaning of group efforts in management.

C. Questions carry 5 or 6 marks.

1. Role of a supervisor is vital to any organization as he performs multiple functions‟. In the light of

this statement explain any four functions of asupervisor.

2. “sometime planning fails in spite of the best efforts of management”. Do you agree ? Give any four

reasons in support of your answer.

3. A newly appointed manager is of view that training of the employees is not benefited for

the organizations. Do you agree with his views ? Give reasons in support of your answer.

4. „Maslow‟s need Hierarchy is considered fundamental to understand motivation‟. Explain the role of

need hierarchy in motivation.

5. Explain the following:

a. Principle of order

b. Principle of Scalar chain

c. Principle of unity of Direction

6. “Controlling is a systematic process involving a series of steps”. State the steps involved in the


7. “Management is not the pure science like physics and chemistry”. Do you agree with this

statement ? Give four reasons in support of your answer.

8. Toycars Pvt. Ltd. is a company manufacturing plastic toys, enjoying a good market reputation.

It has a functional organization with separate department for production , finance ,

marketing and human resources. Lastly, to use its brand name and to catch on new business

opportunities, it is thinking to diversify into manufacturing of electronic toys.

a. What change must be brought about in the organization structure ?

b. Explain any four benefits of adopting such change.

9. Harish , the director of a company is planning to manufacture stuffed toys for utilizing waste

material of one of his garment factories. He decided that this manufacturing unit will be setup

in a rural area, so that people of that area will have more job opportunities .For this he

selected Changu, Mangu Chottu and Kundu (a differently a bled but very intelligent and

creative person‟s in designing ) as heads of sales , accounts , purchase and production departments

respectively. Identify and explain the next three steps that Harish has to follow in the „staffing

process‟ after selecting heads of different departments.

10. IISL Ltd. is one of the leading company in automobile sector. The company lately closed its

incentive schemes to enjoy the profits solely. This resulte in inefficiency of workers

a. What was the reason behind the poor performance of workers ?

b. What steps can be taken by the company to motivate the workers for better

performance .

11. Management is a group activity, goal oriented, continuous process, dynamic and intangible.‟

Explain the features of management according to the above statement.

12. Explain the following principles of management. a.

Harmony not discord

b. Functional foremanship

13. Explain the Maslow‟s need Hierarchy Theory of Motivation.

14. Explain, giving any four reasons, incurring such huge expenditure on planning is justified for

the company.

15. Tim cook was appointed as acting CEO of Apple after Steve Jobs began a medical leave in

January 2011 (before Steve‟s death). Immediately after joining, Tim sent out his first email as CEO to Apple

Employees. In the mail he heaped praises on Steve Jobs and mentioned that the company

would continue to seek guidance from him. He reassured employees that they would continue

to work in the same fashion as they had done with Steve Jobs. He thanked the employees for

their support and for making him feel welcome to his new role.

Tim cook through his mail tried to remove some barriers to communication. Identify them

and also explain them.

16. The consolidated statement of profit and loss of Infosys Limited, a global leader in

information technology and outsourcing, showed a large increase in certain expenses in year

2012 vis-à- vis 2011. Some of these are.

Expenses Year ended 31st

March % increase

2015 2014

Cost of software packages and

654 489 33.74%

Power and Fuel 184 167 10%

Rent 190 146 30%

Donations 26 1 2500%

Recruitment and Training 5 2 150%

Identify the significant deviations on which Infosys Ltd needs to primarily focus its

attention. Also identify the concept on the basis of which the focus is needed. State any three

benefits of the concept identified.

17. Mr Ankur Tripathi and some of his friends after completing their MBA course established a

company under the name and title of. „Rashtriya hit limited‟,. The company manufactured LED Bulbs. It was

the keen desire of Mr Tripathi true the name (Rashtriyahit) of his company. In order to

achieve his main objective, he concentrated on these points : to make employment

opportunities available, to protect the environment from pollution and to sell good quantity

products at a reasonable price.

To begin with Mr. Tripathi and his friends concentrated on price fixation. For this purpose,

they tried to find out as to what would be the labour cost per unit. They also wanted to know

about the number of labourers that would eb needed to achieve a given target of production.

In order to well organize their company they formulated some rules. It was also absolutely

essential for each and every employees of the company to stick to theses rules. It was also

notified that those persons who gave. Suggestions regarding better performance of the

company will be given hearty welcome.

Identity and give meaning of the following facts mentioned in the above paragraph by quoting

the line.

a. Any single point regarding importance of management. b.

One technique of scientific management and explain.

c. One principles given by Henery Fayol and explain. ]

18. Human Cari Ltd, deals in medical equipment business. They import goods from korea and

sell in domestic market. Recently the koeran company increased prices making goods

expensive. India being price sensitive market will not accept the increased price. The director

of company is thinking of options of importing goods from other countries like Thailand and

China. He is also thinking of purchasing goods from the existing supplier in korea but

without. Packing so that it is cheaper. He will save freight charges. All this will reduce the total

cost and will enable him to make profits as before.

a. Identity the concept of management involved in the above case.

b. Explain 1st four steps must be followed by human care.

19. Smita had been working as an assistant manager with „Johnson Enterprises‟ for last ten years.

She was very popular amongst her collegeous because of her commitment and dedication

towards the work. When the manager senior to her retired, all her collegeous thought that

now smita would be promoted. But to everyone`s surprise the vacant post was filled by an

outsider. Mrs Rita, Smita felt demoralized and her performance started declining. She would

obstain herself often and could not must her targets. Mrs. Rita was a good leader, who would

not only instruct her subordinates but would also guide and inspire them. She

noticed smita`s behaviors and feet that her performance could be improved. She started

involving smita on decision making-issues related to the organization and made her a part of

high level Joint- management committee. Smita was now punctual in office and her

performance started improving

a. Identity the function of management being performed by Rita.

b. Name the element of the above function of management which helped Rita to improve

Smita`s behavior.

c. Explain any three features of the element identified in (II) above.

20. Business of “Shardha Auto Pvt Ltd” is confirmed only to one state. Now it intends to extend the same to

two other states. Mr Jatin Jain, the the managing director of the company is busy in making a

plan to this effect. first of all, he contacted Mrs Rukmani Devi Rana, the H.R Manager of the

company. Both were of the opinion that they would require 75 more employees to extend

their business to two new states. On looking at the record of the existing employees, it

transpired that 8 employees were going to retire very shortly. Besides, two employees were

proceeding on long term study leave abroad for two years. Thus, company would now requires

85 employees in all. Mrs Rana recommended to Mr Jatin that out of the total vcacant posts, 15

be reserved for women. Mr Jain gladly accepted the proposal. Now, HR Manager was to

decide as to what arrangement be made for the appointment of needed persons. She hit

upon a plan. According to this plan some employees would be recruited with the help of

existing employees, for some other internet would be approved and for the remaining

potential employees agencies operating in the market would be contacted.

a. What sources of recruitment are being used by H.R Manager ? Explain briefly b.

What are the sources of internal recruitment explain briefly.

21. A.S Ltd is a large company engaged in assembly of air conditioners. Recently the company

had conducted the time and motion strictly and concluded that on an average a worker can

assemble ten air-conditioners in a day. The target volume of the company in a day is

assembling of 1000units of air conditioners. The company is providing attractive allowers to

reduce labour turnover and absentllism. All the workers are happy. Even then the assembly of

air conditioners per day is 800 units only . To find out the reason the company compared

actual performance of each worker and observed through CCTV that some of the worker were

busy in gossiping.

a. Identity the function of management discussed above. b.

Write any one importance of the above function.

c. State those steps in the process of the function identified which are discussed in the

above para.

22. All the players of a team want to play whole heartedly. To win the game is their only objective.

But their captain does not tell them timely what each are of them is to do. On account of the

deficiency of division of work victory often slips out of the hands of the team.

The captain of another team divides the work properly at the right time. The work is handled

over to all the members of team in accordance with each individual‟s interest and caliber. But the majority of

the team members want to see the captain losing the game. Defeat of such a team is almost


a) Identity both the situations described in the paragraph given above.

b) Explain briefly any five features of the second situation.

23. At Alpha Ltd. all expenses bills of employees are processed by general

manager himself. He feels quite over burdened. He decided to delegate this

work to deputy general manager. But after sometime the deputy general

manager, disprerses this authority to various levels through out the

organization. Now all bills for travelling were processed through respective

departments supervisor.

a. Name the concept of management highlighted in above case

before and after delegation the authority.

b. Explain any five importance of decentration.

24. Mr Krishna Gopal, Personnel Manager of „Sahil Kidswear limited‟ is busy in making some

appointment for different departments of his company. By now, he has

completed the first two steps of staffing process. The third step is under way.

Name of this step is „Selection‟. It has its own lengthy process. He is currently engaged in

employment interview. He has already interviewed the applicants and is now

directing them to the concerned departmental managers for another interview.

The objective behind directly them to the departmental managers is that they too

satisfy themselves by conversing fare to face with the applicants.

a. Identity the first two steps of staffing process that they have since been completed.

Explain it.

b. Third step of “selection” is under computation. Name the existing and explain next

three steps.

25. The chief executive officer-CEO of „Shri Ram Ltd‟ sent the message to all the

departmental managers. “ with effect from today, whatever communication they have to do, they

will do so in writing”. This communication reached all the departments. In the company this

order began to be followed. Within a few days the unfavorable consequences of this

order became apparent. Mainly the speed of work became slow. In this context,

who so ever went to the CEO to give a suggestion he ignored all another.

a. Identity two of the Barriers in the communication stated in the paragraph given above &

explain it. Explain other four barrier of any one barrier identified above.

26. What do you mean by business environment? Discuss its features

27. Tina Gupta associates was a firm manufacturing jute lamp shades .It uses left over jute pieces

from various jute factories to manufacture economical lamp shades which are supplied to

various hotels in nearby towns .I

employs men and women from near by villages as workers for creating good lamp shade designs.

Tina Gupta is not able to meet its target .Shweta the supervisor of the company was told to

analyse the reasons for the poor performances .Shweta found followings problems and

suggested certain solutions in the working o the business .The no. of workers employed was

less than what was required for the work. As a result the existing workers were

overburdened. The firm decided to search for new workers and it asked the presen employees

to introduces candidates or recommend their friends and relatives to the firms. This enabled the


in putting people to jobs and assured attainment of objectives according to plans.

a. Identify the functions of management being performed by the firms in the

above situations. b. Name the concept and its source used by the firm to

attract more workers for the firms.

c. State any two values being followed by Tina Gupta associates.

28. Explain briefly the personal barriers of communication

29. Selection is the second step of staffing process. Explain the steps of selection.

30. Explain divisional structure Write two merits and demerits..

31. Management is a profession Do you agree?Explain your views.

32. Define Deligation of authority and its elements

33. Explain any four principles of of scientific management.

34. Explain Maslow need hierarchy theory of motivation.




1. “Training increases the job skill while development shapes the attitude”. Do you agree

with this statement? Give reasons.

2. Why are personality tests difficult to design and implement?

3. Why treasury bills are known as „zero coupon bond‟?

4. The director of a newly established company having paid up equity share capital of 1.5

crore, desire to get its shares traded at an All India Stock Exchange. As a finance manager of

the company

(i) Suggest the name of Stock Exchange where the company listed its shares. (ii)

Give any three reasons in support of your answers.

5. „PQR Ltd‟ is manufacturing company it sold its plant and machinery (fixes assets) through agent. It

has to pay Rs. 10,000/-as agent fee. The accountant has shown it under the sub-head „Trade Payable‟

in the balance sheet. Is he right? Give reason in support of your answer.

6. A company has trade payable of Rs. 25000. Its expected period of payment is 15

months & operating cycle of the business is 18 months. The accountant of the company has

treated it as non-current liability since its expected period of payment is more than 12 months.

Has he given the right treatment to the item?

7. Kritika purchased 1 litre of pure desighee from a shopkeeper. After using it, she had a

doubt that it is adulterated. She sent it for a laboratory test which confirmed that the ghee was

adulterated. State any six reliefs available to kritika, if she complaints and the consumer court

is satisfied about the genuineness of the complaint?

8. Mukul purchased a house for rs.30 lakh from a housing company and found it being

defective. Despite many complaints the defect was not rectified. He filed a complaint with

the state commission but was not satisfied with the order. Where can he appeal and within

how many days?

9. A famous Doctor charges high for consultation from his patients and refuses to treat

the poor patients without consultation charges. He also pays attention to the medical

representatives and agents of Pharma Company; he takes gifts and commission also. In your

view, is it professional behavior of Doctor? Does he follow the code of conduct of Doctor?

10. Globalization is the need of the hour. Comment

11. The Production Manager asked the foreman to achieve a target production of 200 units

per day, but he doesn‟t give him the authority to requisition tools and materials from the stores department.

Can the Production Manager blame the foreman if he is not able to achieve the desired target?

Give reason,

12. A Manager enhances the production target from 500 units to 700 units per month, but

the authority to draw raw material was not given by him. The production manager could not

achieve the revised production target. Who is responsible and which principle was violated?

13. A Company X Ltd. manufacturing cosmetics, which has enjoyed a pre-eminent position

in business, has grown in size. Its business was very good till 1991, but after that new liberalized

environment has seen entry of many MNC‟s in the sector.

With the result, the market share of X Ltd. has declined. The company had followed a very

centralized business market with directors and divisional heads making even minor decisions.

Before 1991, the business model had served the company very well as consumers has no choice.

But now the company is under pressure to reform.

What organization structure changes should the company bring about in order to retain its market

share. How will the changes suggested by you help the firm? Keep in mind that the sector in

which the company is FMCG.

14. In an organization all employees take things easy and are free to approach anyone

for minor queries and problems. This resulted in inefficiency in the office. It also resulted in loss of

secrecy and confidential information being leaked out, which system according to you should be

adopted to improve communication?

15. Tanya is working in a company as permanent basis. She had to work for 8 hours a day

and was free to work overtime. She worked overtime but still no recognition was given to her by

her boss. Due to overtime, she fell ill and had to take leave. No one showed concern and enquired

about her health. She realized she was fulfilling only some of her needs while some other needs still

remained to be fulfilled.

a. Identify and explain the needs of Tanya discussed in the above Para, by

quoting the lines.

b. Also explain the need which still needs to be satisfied

16. Is controlling „the end‟ of „management‟ functions cycle? Give reason in support

of your answer.

17. A Students of Class-XII has fixed his mark secure target that he will secure more than 90%

but during the exam, he suffered from fever and he appeared the test but failed to achieve the

target. After that, he demoralized and not concentrated on studies,

(a) Identify the values highlighted in the above para.

(b) What will you suggest to your friend for his betterment in future?

18. Mansi, a shoe manufacture for school students, decided to maximize her profit by

producing and distributing at large scale and thereby reducing the average cost of production.

I. Identify the marketing management philosophy adopted by mansi.

II. Explain this philosophy on the basis of a) Main focus

b) Means and ends

19.‘Maruti Vega ltd’ entered into the market with coloured television and have now introduced

products like audio systems, air conditions, washing machies, etc. the company is not only offering

the products but also handling complaints and offering after sales services.

Identify the element of marketing-mix discussed here.


1. Mr. Ravi the director of a XYZ Pvt Ltd manufacturer of paper plates and bowls. This company

produces 2 lakhs plates and bowls each day. Due to Durga puja, it got an urgent order of extra 1

lakhs plates and bowls. Mr. Ravi doesn't wants to give extra work load on their existing

employees, and during festival period availability of new employees is not possible.

(i) Advice how company will fulfill its order and which method of recruitment would

you suggest.

(ii) Also identify two values which Mr. Ravi wants to communicate to the society by not

giving extra work load to his existing employees.

2. Mr. Mahesh had certain privileged information available about the company where he is

working. He leaked that information to one of his relatives so that he could make some

profits in the share market. Which value is missing in Mr. Mahesh‟s conduct?

3. The directors of XYZ Ltd. had used price sensitive information for their own personal

interest. They did not even make the adequate public disclosures. The SEBI is considering

action against these directors.

(i) Name the term used for trading malpractice done by the directors of this


(ii) Identify any two values that the company should have adhered to in order to gain the

trust of its investors.

4. Saurav Ltd. is in the process of preparing its balance sheet as per schedule III

part 1 of the companies Act. 2013 and provides its true and fair view of financial position.

(a) Under which head and sub-head will the company show „loose Tools‟ in its

balance sheet?

(b) What is the accounting treatment of „Loose Tools‟ when the company will

calculate its inventory Turnover ratio.

(c) The management of Saurav Ltd wants to analyze its financial statements. State any two

objectives of such analyze.

(d) Identify the values being followed by Saurav Ltd.

5. Tiny Toys Ltd shifts its manufacturing unit to Gurgaon from Delhi. Keeping in mind that the

continence of its employees, it provides free transport facilities to its employees. For this

purpose the company purchases five Buses.

(i) Determine the value displayed by the company.

(ii) Where will you show these Buses in the balance sheet of the company?

6. The owner of a restaurant in a hill station charges rs.40 for a bottle of juice from customers

whereas the maximum retail price of the bottle of juice is rs.17.One of the consumers (a

member of NGO) objected to this but the owner continued to do this malpractice.

(a)Identify any two social values that the trader must follow?

(b) State any two actions the consumer who is a member of NGO can take in this case?

7. Under the consumer protection act, every consumer has a right to be protected against

goods and services which are hazardous to life and health. manufactures and sells

substandard refrigerators.

As these appliances did not confirm to the safety norms and a mark assuring quality

specification was missing, cases were noticed where these substandard refrigerators had

caused serious injury to many consumers .

(a) Suggest any two precautions to be taken by the consumer while purchasing

the refrigerator?

(b) Which values do you find disturbing in the above paragraph?

8. . What values does planning emphasize by reducing wasteful activities and establishing


9. . Planning reduced creativity, what value is violated in this statement?

10. If rules are flexible and different for different people, what values are being violated?

11. A whole-seller of onion comes to know that due to less production the prices of onion will

increase heavily. He stores the onion and during rising prices earn heavy profits by selling

the stored onion. From the earned profits, he provides some money for social activities also.

In this situation, which value he affects here?

12. Mandeep is working in a Software Company; he has surplus money which he wants to

invest. So that he can secure his future and also at the same time, at the time of requirement,

he can get this money from market. As he has got the information about shares, debentures

and portfolio management, so he thought to investment in stock market, but he is not familiar

with stock exchange and its mechanism so as a friend of Mandeep and a finance student.

Please suggest him what he has to do. Identify the value involved in it.

13. Mr. Dixit bought olive oil from Global Departmental Store and took the cash memo of

Rs.500/- which he had paid to them. Later on, he found that MRP of olive oil was Rs.425/-

only but the shopkeeper had put a sticker of Rs.500/- on the original price.

Q. (a) Do you think that the consumer right is violated here? If yes, name it.

14. Directing refers to the process of instructing , guiding , counseling , motivating and leading

people in the organization to achieve its objectives.

a. Discuss the importance of directing in the light of above statement .

b. What values does directing focus to inject in the organization . Give any two such values

15. A manager observes that an old employee is not doing the required work.

Manager scolds him rudely without asking him the reasons. In your view was the manger

would have behaved and which values he should have kept in his mind?

16. You are a finance expert. One of your friend comes to you and tells you that the capital

market and the money market are one and the same, whereas you differ with him. How

would you convince him. Give reasons.

17.Efficient functioning of stock exchange creates a conducive climate for activity and growing

primary market for new issues as well as for an active and healthy secondary market. In the light of

this statement state any three functions of stock exchange.

18.Shoe ltd. Is manufacturing steel at its plant in india. It is enjoying a bvoyant demand for its

products as economic growth is about 7%-8% and the demand for steel is growing. It is planning

to set-up a new steel plant to cash. On the increased demand as it is facing. It is estimated that it

will require about Rs.5000 crore to set up and ……….. Rs.500 crore of working capital to start the

new product.

I. What is the role and objective of financial management for the company. II.

What is the important of having a financial plan for this company? Give an

imaginary plan to support your answer.

III. What are the factor, which will affect capital structure of your answer.

19. Crackers ltd. a fire-cracker manufacturing company launched some new product on the eve of

diwali which attracted many buyers. To meet the increased demand, the company employed

Children from nearby villages. Although the product was in great demand, appropriate safety

warnings for use were not mentioned on the packets that led to many accidents.

I. Identify and explained the important product related decision that was not taken

into consideration by the company.

II. Also, identify any two values which were violated by thecompany.

20.Ajay was appointed a marketing head of ‘Alfa Enterprise’ manufacturer of tooth paste and tooth

brushes. This target sale was 2000 units a month. A part from thinking about various channels of

distribution to achieve the target he himself started visiting school in backward areas. He found

that even after talking various steps and counseling, some school children had not started brushing

their teeth. He investigated and found that they could not afford to buy tooth brush and tooth

paste. So with due permission he started donating 200 tooth brushes and tooth pastes every

month to the school.

I. Identify the channel of distribution ‘Ajay’ would adopt for distribution of toothpaste and

tooth brushes and justify it by giving one reason.

II. State any 2 values which Ajay wants to communicate to the society.