CHAPTER 1 my thesis

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My thesis 2015 Chapter 1

Transcript of CHAPTER 1 my thesis

CHAPTER IINTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of The StudyEnglish as international language is important to learn by students. Although in Indonesia, English still as a foreign language because they do not use English in daily life, it have special role to engage them with globalization era. So then, students are supposed to master four skills in learning English. Those are listening and reading as the receptive skills, while speaking and writing as the productive skills. Unfortunately, writing is generally recognized as a difficult task for almost of ESL and EFL students (Thonus,1993:15; Rosa,2007; Richard and Renadya,2002, as cited in Lopa, 2012:164). And supported with the statement that writing is different from other skills; it can be said as the combination of all skills (Heaton, 1975:127). Halliday (1985b) as cited in Nunan (1991) also stated that writing has evolved in societies as a result of cultural changes creating communicative needs which cannot be readily met by the spoken language(p.84). It means that writing can be the main reason how important it is in the society as a need to communicate in the written form and fulfill the communicative need indirectly. Differ with the spoken language, writing have their level of difficulties to put the words so it formed in a correct structure and meaning which understandable to others. Although there are three others skill should be mastered by the learners, writing can be the most influence factor. By writing the words that represent the thought, the students can develop their idea clearer than other skill. It is followed by the explanation from Ghaith (2002) in Galuh (2008) stated that writing is about more than making our thoughts and ideas visible and concrete. Based on that writing skill not only about write anything, but it also about the delivering thought and idea into words, sentences and texts so that the other can read and know what really idea of the learners want to share. The learners who want mastering writing skill should be able to understand the structure or the component of writing. But there are some mistakes or errors commonly found in English writing skill. The learners cannot write perfectly so that any mistakes they made in their writing. And the errors made become the essence of writing that should be learnt by teacher. Dulay (1982) writes:People cannot learn language without first systematically committing errors. Studying learners errors serves two major purposes: (1) it provides data from inferences about the nature of the language learning process can be made, and (2) it indicates to teachers and curriculum developers which part of the target language students have most difficulty producing correctly and which error types detract most from a learners ability to communicate effectively.(p.138)aIt means that the errors made by the EFL or ESL learners are naturally in writing. Because in learning language, studying the learner errors is beneficial for the teacher and the learners itself to determine, evaluate, and develop their teaching writing class process. While the written become more complexity than spoken, the learners need to write fluently and expressively. Therefore, the researcher needs to analyze the errors made by the students in writing text and also the writing class process.When the English students want to improve their skill in writing, they must pay attention to the grammatical aspect of their writing. According to Knapp & Watkins (2005:17) stated that the students should be able use the codes of writing (genres and grammar) effectively and efficiently in their written text. This statement give us the understanding that in writing the learners need to pay attention to the genres of their text and how about the grammar use of their written text. Therefore, each of genres in writing have the distinction of grammar one another. This distinction may be caused by the purpose of the genres and the language features of it. The genre of English writing was divided into five, those are describe, explain, instruct, argue, and narrate. Knapp and Watkins (2005) said that the genre of narrating is the most commonly read by the students or young learner. The texts which include to this genre are Narrative and Recount text. Both of the texts have its own grammatical features that students must know. Therefore, the researcher interest to know the students ability in writing narrative text then analyze it to identify how far they do the mistakes in their written narrative text.Dulay, Burt, and Krashen (1982:146) stated that they have reviewed the most useful and commonly used bases for the descriptive classification of error which are linguistic category, surface strategy, comparative analysis and communicative affect. It means that those kinds of descriptive classification to identify the errors made by the students will help the researcher to find out and identify the errors specifically. Analyzing errors from a surface strategy perspective holds much promises for researchers concerned with identifying cognitive processes that underlie the learners reconstruction of the new language.(Dulay, Burt, and Krashen, 1982, p.150). The surface strategy will help the identification of errors made become easier for both the researcher and the teacher. It holds a large result to conclude the students cognitive process in learning english as second language especially in writing. It is support the researcher to use the surface strategy taxonomy from Dulay to seek and analyze the students narrative text written.The study was conducted by Annisa Istiqamah Nur Aqilah et al (2012) related to the surface strategy taxonomy analysis. It was entitled Dulays Surface Strategy Taxonomy on the Selected Texts of the Bilingual Biology Textbook: A Study of Error Analysis in Translation. The result showed that in the bilingual book, there are still some erronouses done by the translator. If the translator of book can do the erronouses, the possible case may happened to the English learners who translating their idea into English as their target language. They were analyzed the bilingual book using surface strategy taxonomy and give the conclusion related to the most frequent error happened. They were also give the contribution to the further researcher who want to conduct the similar study to make a better understanding in Surface Strategy Taxonomy analysis.As an elaboration from those explanations above the researcher aware the difficulties of transferring language from Source Language (SL) into Target Language (TL) which possible happen to the learners when they are trying to translate in writing form. Therefore, the researcher becomes interest to analyze the students writing which focus on the narrative text as an object. The researcher will use larger sample and believe that it will give the valid generalization in study learners errors. The sample will be taken from young learner students who have already study English. The source of data is conducted from two schools as subjects which have the similar curriculum and similar level of grade. SMPN 1 Cerme and SMPN 2 Cerme are chosen as the source of collecting data here. The researcher chooses both of schools because these schools have the similar classification and level in a same region with the difference teacher. Therefore, the researcher will identify and compare the errors made by the students from both of the school which have the different teacher one another. From the result of identification that will be done, the researcher can see the cause of errors made by the students. That is why the title of this study is Surface Strategy Taxonomy Analysis in Narrative Text Written by The Students of Junior High School.

1.2 Statement of The ProblemBased on the background of the study above, the problem statement of this study can be stated as follows:a. What is the frequency of the occurrence of errors from the students written text made by the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Cerme and SMP Negeri 2 Cerme based on surface strategy taxonomy?b. What type of error commonly made by the students of SMP Negeri 1 Cerme and SMP Negeri 2 Cerme based on surface strategy taxonomy?c. What is the cause of error made by the students of SMP Negeri 1 Cerme and SMP Negeri 2 Cerme?

1.3 Purpose of The StudyBased on the statement of the problem above, the purpose of this study can be stated as follows:a. To know the frequencies of the occurrence of errors from the students written text made by the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Cerme and SMP Negeri 2 Cerme based on surface strategy taxonomy?b. To describe and explain the type of error commonly made by the students of SMP Negeri 1 Cerme and SMP Negeri 2 Cerme based on surface strategy taxonomy?c. To describe and explain the cause of error made by the students of SMP Negeri 1 Cerme and SMP Negeri 2 Cerme?

1.4 Significance of The StudyTheoretically, this study may confirm the theory of Surface Strategy Taxonomy proposed by Dulay et al (1982) in analyzing the errors of written text made by the students.Practically, the result and suggestion of this study are expected to be used as a consideration for:a. The teachers in preparing the teaching material about writing. So that, the teacher will know how far the learners progress in the writing class. The teacher also can help the students become aware to the elements of language features in writing narrative text.b. The students who will know their errors made and they will try to develop their knowledge about writing narrative text for further writing assignments.c. The researcher in gathering the information about students error in writing and achieving the purpose of this study in error analysis of EFL context.d. Further researcher who interested in text analysis may use this study as reference with the similar object but using another type of taxonomy as distinguishes or vice versa.

1.5 Definition of Key Termsa. Errors Analysis in Writing: error analysis is the study and analysis of the errors made by the second and foreign language learners. (Richard 1985:96)b. Narrative Text: text which relates a series of logically and chronologically related events that are caused or experienced by factors. (Rebecca, 2003)c. Surface Strategy Taxonomy: taxonomy classify the errors based on the omit, add, misform and misorder the item. (Dulay et al, 1982)d. The Cause of Errors: the possible reason why the errors happen, the causes of errors are divided into two categories, interference and intralingual.


2.1 Narrative TextThe narrative series and processes are sequential that is organized by time, one event in the story, one step in the process happening after the other. Zaimar and Harahap (2009:47) point out that a narrative text is a signed by the chronological use of time. Followed by the assumption of Rebecca (2003) who said that a narrative text is a text which relates a series of logically and chronologically related events that are caused or experienced by factors. It can be conclude that the narrative is a genre text which consists of events in the story and happening in the past time then the writer of narrative text should be write it logically and chronologically.2.1.1 The Generic Structure of Narrative TextGeneric structure is thing that should contain in writing genre of text. It distinguishes one text genre to another. So that, every genre of text has its own generic structure as a characteristic of writing text genre. Peter Knapp (1994) have pointed out that narrative have many of the basic features of recounts, textually they set up a complexity of some sort that must be resolved. That is why between recounts and narrative they are little different in the term of basic structure but they are similar in the term of narrating text. Knapp and Watkins (1994) give the brief generic structure into Orientation, Sequence of events and Resolution. They also stated that the complication stage of simple narrative need not be a single problem or complexity. This stage can also include reflection on the problem and possible solutions. So that, the generic structure of narrative text can be conclude as below:OrientationOrientation

Sequence of eventsProblems



2.1.2 The Language Feature of Narrative TextBeside the generic structure, in writing genre of text, it needs to pay attention at the language features of it. The language features of text become the guideline for the writer to produce the sentence in every generic structure. The language features of Narrative text can be said as the grammatical features. Anderson and Peter (2003) give the grammatical features of narrating as follows:a. When sequencing people and events in time and space, narrating typically uses action verbs and temporal conjuction. Action verbsExample : One day the man and his son went collecting fire-wood. They saw a golden tree. They went slowly over to the tree. When they got closer to the tree they heard a voice coming from the tree. Temporal conjuctionExample : We then looked at some games and equipment. After lunch we walked up to the Sydney Morning.b. Typically written in the past tense unless quoting direct speech.Example : They were poor because their pog ate them out of house and home and he did not share with the other animals. His name was Bob. You should go on a diet said Clarabelle.c. In action sequences, mainly action verbs (bold) are used, while it reflections/evaluations, mental verbs (underlined) predominate.Example : Bells were ringing, sirens screeching and people were running everywhere. Maria didnt know what to do next. She thought about her mother and wondered what was in her head.d. Often use action verbs methaporically to create effective images, e.g:Example : It was a terrible argument. Words were flying everywhere.

2.2 Error AnalysisStudy of error analysis commonly use for the productive skill in language learning. It can be spoken or written form. The error analysis in writing used to reach the purpose of communicative English teaching in the term of students performance in writing ability as productive skill in L2 acquisition. It is can give the information both to the teacher and students about the writing achievement in the class.2.2.1 The Concept of Error AnalysisThe errors are usually made by the learners either EFL or ESL. It is in line with the statement from Richard et al (1985:96) error analysis is the study and analysis of the errors made by the second and foreign language learners. Then, followed by the statement related to the error analysis from Corder (1987), error analysis has to do with investigation of the language of the second language. Both of theories give us the brief explanation about error analysis in a general definition. It can be conclude that error analysis is the act to analyze and investigate the errors made whether the errors done by the second or foreign language. So, the error analysis is the general way to investigate the students of EFL or ESL occurrence do errors in their language. The errors are made by the students is the natural problem and be certain for language learning.To analyze the errors, there are some step should be followed to get the effective and systematic result. However, to analyze the students writing, some rules are needed to follow then the teacher can found the result of analysis systematically. According to Brown (1980:166) stated that the soncept of error analysis is observed, analyzed, and classified to reveal something of the system operating within the learner, led the surge of study of learners errors. The brief statement gave the simple rule which should be done when analyzing the errors. So then, similar with the errors analysis in writing, those rules are needed too. Observed the students written text, then analyzed it to found what are the errors made, then classified the errors found to conclude the students ability in writing is the general system of errors analysis.Richards & Schmidt (2010:201) state that error analysis is the study of errors made by the second and foreign language learners. Error analysis may be carried out in order to : a) find out strategies which the learners use in language learning, b) find out the cause of the learners errors, and c) obtain information on common difficulties in language learning, as an aid in teaching or in preparing teaching materials. This definition of error analysis show the purpose of error analysis which help the language teacher to determine the students ability in applied their language learning whether in second or foreign language. Not only that, the language teacher also can see whether the strategies of teaching is effective or not. So that, the teacher can gain the information of students difficulties to understand the language material. The error analysis can give the evidence for the teacher to measure their students competence in producing foreign language.2.2.2 The Types of Error AnalysisDulay et al (1982:146) describe the types of error into four classifications that are: 1) Linguistic category, this taxonomy classify errors according to either or both the language component or the particular linguistic constituent the error affects.2) Surface strategy, this taxonomy highlights the ways surface structures will be altered : learners may omit necessary items or add unnecessary ones; they may misform items or misorder them3) Comparative analysis, this taxonomy classify the errors based on comparisons between the structure of L2 errors and certain other types of construction.4) Communicative effect, this taxonomy deals with errors from the perspective of their effect on the listener or reader.Those descriptive taxonomies is guided by two major purposes which are to present error categories which rely solely on observable characteristics for their definition and to report the findings of research conducted to date with respect to error types observed. According to that classification of errors types and the major purposes, the writer conclude that the types of error was classified systematically and the teacher can use those kind of types to identify and analyze the students error in their productive skill like writing and speaking. Because here the writer only focusing to analyze the written text produced by the students, so the types of error is needed to identify the errors made in the use of language features systematically.Those types of error are good and recommended for the teacher to analyze students writing. But in this study the writer focus in the surface strategy taxonomy to analyze the students written text because this type of error give more contributions to this research than other types of errors. It is related to the purpose of this study which to gain the information of students occurrence in making errors in their written text based on surface strategy taxonomy.

2.3 Surface Strategy TaxonomyThe surface strategy taxonomy is proposed by Dulay et al (1982:150) who point out that this taxonomy classify the errors based on the omit, add, misform and misorder the item. It have noticed that however the error analysis type is, this kind of taxonomy is specific and systematic ways which enumerated briefly by look at the surface elements of a language. Errors may be happened not because of the students laziness or mistake thinking about the language features they produce, but it may cause the learners use to keep in touch with the foreign or second language. That is why, Dulay (1982) have been pointed out the surface structure into 4 classifications which are Omission, Addition, Misformation and Misordering. Below, it will be described more about those four of surface structure below.1. OmissionDulay (1982:154) described omission errors are characterized by the absence of an item that must appear in a well-formed utterance. Although any morpheme or word in a sentence is a potential for omission, some types of morphemes are omitted more than others. The learners more omitted any item of morpheme whether in spoken or written so the sentence seems that it loss such important item which have minor role in conveying the meaning of it.Example : Mary president new company. (incorrect)Mary is the president of the new company. (correct)From the example, it seems that the writer omit the grammatical morpheme of is, the, of and the. Thus, the writer did the omission 4 times in a sentence.2. AdditionAddition errors are the opposite of omissions. They are characterized by the presence of an item which must not appear in a well-formed utterance.There are three types of addition errors in the speech of both L1 and L2 learners:a. Double MarkingsMany addition errors are more accurately described as the failure to delete certain items which are required in some linguistic construction, but not in others. For Example: I didnt goAnother example is the learners who often place the marker on both auxiliary and verb, as in:Incorrect: He doesnt knows my nameCorrect: He does not know my nameb. RegularizationThis rule is kind of the linguistics items such as the errors happen in the class of main verbs or the class of nouns.For example:the verb eat does not become eated, but ate; the noun sheep is also sheep in the plural, not sheeps.The example showed that learners apply the rules to produce the regular verb to that irregular one, and regular plural markers s have been added to singular items which do not take marker even though the words become plural. c. Simple AdditionThis addition errors type is the grab bag of errors item which include to the addition but not a double marking nor a regularization. No particular feature of this type but, if there are some words that are adding some items which not necessary in the morpheme belong this sub-type of addition.3. MisformationMisformation errors are characterized by the use of the wrong form of the morpheme or structure. The learner supplies something although it is incorrect. For example:Incorrect : He is licking hisself.Correct : He is licking himself.It seems like similar to the omissions which omit the morpheme, or to the addition, but this type are usually not random.Three types of misformations have been frequently reported in the literature such as regularization errors, archi-forms, and alternative archi. But, the basic of misformation itself commonly happen to the errors of words form and the use of it in the grammatical sentence. 4. MisorderingMisordering errors are characterized by the incorrect placement of a morpheme or group of morphemes in an utterance. For example:Incorrect : I do not know what is daddy doing.Correct: I do not know what daddy is doing.Students have made written misordering errors that are word-for-word translations of native language surface structures ((Duskova, 1969 cited in Dulay 1982:163). For example:I met there some Germans.and phrases such as:Another my friend.

2.4 The Causes of ErrorAccording to Ellis & Barkhuizen (2005:65), Brown (2000:224), and Norrish (1983:22-25), the causes of errors are divided into two categories. They are interference and intralingual. Interference errors are made under the influences of the mother-tounge. They are seen as a process in which learners use their knowledge of the first language in learning the second language. Beside that, the intralingual errors are caused by the strategies that are universal use in learning language as second or foreign language. These are given the brief theory about the causes of error which come from the mother-tounge of the learners and the strategies they used to learning English language. Both of those are giving the guideline that the source of errors may come from the natural ability of learner in translating to the target language.The area of error analysis has been growing research interest conducted with the learners in order to examine the error found in students writing which can be caused by the source of errors such as first language interference or developmental (Reid, 1993:36). This theory can be the evidence that mother tounge as the first language and the learners way to develop their ability in learning foreign or second language is very affected the errors made.According to Richards (1974), there are some intralingual phenomena reflect the general characteristics of rule learning. They are overgeneralization, ignorance of rule restriction, incomplete application of rule and false concept hypothesized. To make these are clearer, it will be explained as below:1. OvergeneralizationThe cause of over-generalization deals with the creation of a deviant structure in which grammatical rules are generalized with one deviant structure instead of the other rule of the regular structures (Richards, 1970:16). 2. Ignorance of Rule RestrictionThis cause deals with the generalization of deviant structures in which grammatical rules are applied into inappropriate contexts in which other rules should be used instead (Richards, 1970:9)3. Incomplete Application of RuleThis cause of errors deals with an incomplete application of rules in which grammatical rules are not used fully in constructing the sentences (Ellis, 2008:710)4. False Concept HypothesizedThis cause deals with the faulty comprehension of distinction in the target language in which word choices are incorrectly made. It means that this cause arises when the learner does not really comprehend the distinction of the contrastive meaning of words in the target language (Ellis, 2008:710)

2.5 Previous StudyThe focus of this study is related to the some previous studies that have been done by the others researcher. it is become the review for the present study in formulating the topic of this research. The brief review of previous study will be described as follows:a. First, the study conducted by Hendriwanto and Bambang Sugeng (2013) entitled An Analysis of the Grammatical Errors in the Narrative Writing of the First Grade Students of SMA 6 Yogyakarta. The aim of this study was finding out: (1) the types of grammatical errors in the narrative writing of the first grade students of SMA 6 Yogyakarta, and (2) the causes of the grammatical errors in their writing. The design of this study was case study. This study analyzed the grammatical errors of the students narrative writing concerning verb tenses, finite verbs, non-finite verbs, pronouns, prepositions, spelling, agreement of singular and plural, punctuation, contexts of usage, context of meaning, redundancy, word choices, and unintelligibility. The highest number of errors was occupied by the verb tense. The researcher give the possibility to the other researcher in conducting study which cover other categories such as developmental taxonomies, surface strategy taxonomies and communicative effect taxonomies.b. Second, Fadzilyna (2013) conducted the study entitled Errors in Using Past Tense Made by Eighth Graders of MTsN Model Trenggalek. This study aimed to describe the errors in using past tense made by the eighth graders of MTsN Model Trenggalek in writing recount texts. The researcher used Surface Strategy Taxonomy by Dulay (1982) to analyze the types of errors and Richards (1974) concepts on error analysis to analyze the possible cause of errors. The results of this study showed there were 66 errors of the use past tense.c. Third, Kusumastuti Dian Pratiwi (2014) also conducted the study entitled Surface Strategy Taxonomy Analysis of Morphological Errors on the Eighth Grade Students Recount Text Writing at SMPN 2 Nawangan in the 2013/2014 Academic Year. She showed the result of her study based on the Surface Strategy Taxonomy analysis, there are 73 errors made by the students in their writing recount text. It covered three types of errors they were omission errors, addition errors, and misformation errors. The highest number types of errors was happened in omission. In conclusion it is known that the omission errors of plural noun inflection was the most made morphological errors based on the Surface Strategy Taxonomy in the students recount text writing. It might happen since the system of Indonesian as the students native language is different from system of English that is the foreign language.Based on those previous studies, the researcher can conclude the topic of the present study. Based on the first study, the researcher try to conduct the similar research of error analysis with the different linguistic category that is surface strategy taxonomy. Meanwhile, the second and the third study give more contribution for this present study to use the surface strategy taxonomy analysis on the written text. Moreover, to make it different from those studies above the researcher try to focus on the narrative text as the object of surface strategy taxonomy analysis. In analyzing the errors based on surface strategy taxonomy, the researcher try to combine those theories above to formulate a new study as present.1.


Research DesignThis study focus on identifying the frequencies of occurrence of errors based on surface strategy taxonomy and possible causes of errors made on it. So that, it is conducted by quantitative and qualitative research method or mixed method. This study try to use mixed method, quantitative and qualitative research design (Denscombe, 2007:107). The researcher use this design to conduct the analysis of the errors. The quantitative research apply to count the most frequent errors while the qualitative research apply to interpret and explain the cause of errors on the students writing.This study use descriptive approach. It is focus on finding the fact and information about students errors based on surface strategy taxonomy in the narrative text

Subject & SettingThe subjects of this study are the eighth grade students of SMPN 1 Cerme and SMPN 2 Cerme. The eighth grade will be taken as the subjects because they get the material of narrative text in this grade.In selecting how many subjects will be taken, the researcher will use purposive sampling technique. As knowing in all of the study that sampling is the process of selecting individuals for a study in such a way that individual represents the larger group from which they are selected. Purposive sampling technique also known as judgmental, selective or subjective sampling, is a type of non-probability sampling technique. Non-probability sampling focuses on sampling technique where the units that are investigated are based on judgment of the researcher (Merriam, 2009:78). In this study, using purposive sampling technique will let the researcher to choose the participants who fulfilled the criteria of sample directly. In order to make an equivalen comparison between students of SMPN 1 Cerme and SMPN 2 Cerme, they must have at least similar mean score for their writing assignment.

Data CollectionIn this descriptive study, the researcher will use multiple technique of data collection. To get the detail about students errors in writing narrative text, the writing test and interview will be conducted as the instrument of this study.InstrumentThere are two kinds of instrument will be used in this study in order to answer the questions and achieve the purpose of this study. a. Writing TestThe writing test will be narrative text. This type of text is used since a narrative writing was quite easy for the researcher to investigate the grammatical errors (Norrish, 1983:20). The test included the instructions of the writing narrative text, the topic of the writing and the length of the writing. This writing assignments will used as the documents that will be analyzed based on the surface strategy taxonomy. Moreover, to answer the first and second research question this writing test is needed.b. InterviewThe next instrument will be in the form of interview. This instrument will use to gather the information related to the factors that cause the errors and difficulties exist. So that, the researcher will answer the third research question by formulating this instrument.The Procedure of Collecting DataThe data will be gathered from the students of eight grades in SMPN 1 Cerme and SMPN 2 Cerme. First, the researcher ask for permission to the headmaster of the schools to coopt the school as the subject of this study, then go to the teacher from both of school to discuss about the purpose of this study and ask for permission to give the students writing test. The researcher will ask the students to complete their writing of narrative text without any preparation before. The researcher will give some instructions related to the topic and the length of text. The students allow to open the dictionary if there are some difficulties in translating words. This spontaneous production is expected to produce the authentic data.Then, the researcher will analyze the documents based on surface strategy taxonomy and classify it into the table of surface strategy taxonomy analysis. The interview will be given to the teacher in order to get the information about the students ability and class activity during English lesson especially in writing. The interview will do to the students also who get the most errors in their written text to find out the information about the cause of errors and the problem or difficulties during writing the narrative text. The result of interview will be recorded in the form of sentences or note to describe.

Data AnalysisIn analyzing the data, the researcher will use the table in order to help analyzing the data easily and find out the answer for statement of the problem briefly. The researcher use Surface Strategy Taxonomy by Dulay (1982) to make a checklist on types of errors and the source of errors. The checklist will help the researcher to identify and classify the types of errors and the possible cause of errors in students written text. Because the researcher only focuses on the theory of Surface Strategy Taxonomy proposed by Dulay (1982), the researcher will try to focuses on how sentences deviate from the correct ones.

Form of ChecklistNoSentencesCorrectionTypes of Error


Total Number of Error


OM: OmissionAD: AdditionMF: MisformationMO: MisorderingThe researcher will use the steps that are proposed by Corders (1981) with some modifications appropriate with the purpose of this study. These steps will be drawn below.1. Identification of errorsAfter the researcher done with the form of checklist, the total number of errors in each form will be identified as one for each types in the table of errors identification. To make the classification of errors easier, the researcher will use the format of the error classification after collected all the data from checklist table above and put the total number of errors from each texts. So that, the form of errors classification format will be drawn as follows:Table of Errors identificationNoStudents CodeTypes of ErrorTotal of Errors





2. Quantification of errorsAfter the errors were classified, the researcher will count the frequency of errors in each category based on the frequency of error types. Then, the researcher will count the percentage of errors based on the number of errors in each category divided by the total of the errors using following formula (Adapted from Mahsun, 2007:192):

x100%Note :P : Percentagee : Number of errors of each typet : Total of errors

The result of this step will answer the first problem statement of this study. By counting the total number of the errors for each categories based on surface strategy taxonomy, the researcher will know the frequencies of occurrence of errors in the form of percentage.3. Explanation of errorsIn this step, the researcher will be able to explain the errors commonly made by the students in their writing narrative text and give more detail description about it included to the sentence of the commonly errors and the correction of it. In the form of checklist above, the researcher can find the sentences which consist of commonly errors and in this step, the researcher will give the reason why the errors sentences should be corrected like what stated in correction column.This step will answer the second question of this study. In this step, the researcher will find the commonly errors made by the students of junior high school especially both of SMPN 1 Cerme and SMPN 2 Cerme.

According to Miles and Huberman (1994) there are three major components of descriptive data analysis consists of data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing. These data analysis will deliver the answer for the last problem statement of this study which aim to find the causes of errors.Data ReductionData reduction refers to the process of selecting, focusing, simplifying, abstracting and transforming the data that appear in written up field notes or transcriptions. The data reduction of this study is the result of error percentage based on the data analysis above as the quantitative data while the notes of interviewing with the teacher and students as the qualitative data. The researcher will use it as the data reduction because the data are the result of findings to answer the questions of this study.Data DisplayData display can be extended piece of text or a diagram, chart or matrix that provides a new way of arranging and thinking about the more textually embedded data. In this study, the researcher will display the chart of errors based on the errors quantification from both of subject and describe each of error frequent provide with the relationship of it toward the theory of Surface Strategy Taxonomy by Dulay (1982). Therefore the description of interviewing will use to make the clear conclusion related to the theories of the causes of errors. In this phase, the researcher will try to interpret the result of interviewing by filtering the information and relate it with the theories of the causes of errors. The most frequent error made will be the constraints of the questions to make the interviewing still focus. The researcher will interpret in which theories the causes of errors possibly happen to the both of subject.Conclusion DrawingConclusion drawing requires the researcher begin to decide what things mean. This phase make the researcher will be able to conclude the result chart and interview then decide which causes of errors that close to both of the subjects. The researcher can give the more valuable conclusion related to the similarities and the differences between both of subject. Whether the causes of errors are similar or not will be explain here. Therefore, the last research question of this study which aim to find the causes of errors will be answered.