Chapter 01_Introduction to SmartForms

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Transcript of Chapter 01_Introduction to SmartForms

IBM Global Services

Introduction to Smart Forms | Dec-2008 © 2005 IBM Corporation

Introduction to SmartForms

IBM Global Services

© 2005 IBM Corporation2 Dec-2008Introduction to Smart Forms |


The participant will be able to : Explain what is Smart Form and its features

Explain the architecture of the Smart form

Explain form builder components

Explain how to test the Smart Form

Explain how to download, upload Smart form as well as other useful functions

Explain how to call a Smart Form from the application Program using various function modules

Explain how to build the main program for calling the Smart form

Explain Style Builder

Explain how to create paragraph format using style builder

Explain how to create character format using style builder

Explain how to download and upload style to and from local PC

IBM Global Services

© 2005 IBM Corporation3 Dec-2008Introduction to Smart Forms |

What is Smart Form ?

Smart Forms are a new generation graphical user interface (GUI) tool to create & maintain Forms for mass printing in minimum time.

Supports a printer, a fax, e-mail, or the Internet (XML) as output medium

A development over the earlier print technique – SAP Scripts

Transaction > SMARTFORMS

Menu path -> SAP menu->Tools->Form Printout->Smart Forms

Note : The SAP Smart Forms replace the SAP Script forms. SAP Script forms will also be supported in the future; you can use them without making any changes for years to come. You can use SAP Script texts in the Smart Forms. Migration of SAP Script forms into Smart Forms is supported.

IBM Global Services

© 2005 IBM Corporation4 Dec-2008Introduction to Smart Forms |

Architecture of Smart Form

IBM Global Services

© 2005 IBM Corporation5 Dec-2008Introduction to Smart Forms |

Architecture of Smart Form (Contd.)

IBM Global Services

© 2005 IBM Corporation6 Dec-2008Introduction to Smart Forms |

Features of Smart Form

Easier development than SAP Scripts Hierarchical representation of Form logic,

GUI based – no or less programming effort involved

Added print and print control features

Graphics as background or as part of the form Minimizes or eliminates the need for Pre-printed stationery

Provides better presentation facility

Color on the form

Client independent

Separate data retrieval logic from form logic and form layout

Web publishing

IBM Global Services

© 2005 IBM Corporation7 Dec-2008Introduction to Smart Forms |

Features of Smart Form (Contd.)

Easier development than SAP Scripts Hierarchical representation of Form logic,

GUI based – no or less programming effort involved

Added print and print control features

Graphics as background or as part of the form Minimizes or eliminates the need for Pre-printed stationery

Provides better presentation facility

Color on the form

Client independent

Separate data retrieval logic from form logic and form layout

Web publishing

IBM Global Services

© 2005 IBM Corporation8 Dec-2008Introduction to Smart Forms |

Form Builder Components

Navigation Tree Maintenance Screen

Form Painter

Global Settings

Pages and Windows

IBM Global Services

© 2005 IBM Corporation9 Dec-2008Introduction to Smart Forms |

Form Builder Components (Contd.)

Navigation Tree Maintenance Screen

Form Painter

Global Settings

Pages and Windows

IBM Global Services

© 2005 IBM Corporation10 Dec-2008Introduction to Smart Forms |

Form Builder Components (Contd.)

Navigation Tree Maintenance Screen

Form Painter

Global Settings

Pages and Windows

IBM Global Services

© 2005 IBM Corporation11 Dec-2008Introduction to Smart Forms |


Display an existing smart form and show the various components of it.

IBM Global Services

© 2005 IBM Corporation12 Dec-2008Introduction to Smart Forms |


Display an existing smart form and check the various components of it.

IBM Global Services

© 2005 IBM Corporation13 Dec-2008Introduction to Smart Forms |

Testing/Running Smart Forms

Function module name for this example Form

Find the Function module name

IBM Global Services

© 2005 IBM Corporation14 Dec-2008Introduction to Smart Forms |


Finding the function module name of an existing smart form and executing the function module from function module builder (SE37).

IBM Global Services

© 2005 IBM Corporation15 Dec-2008Introduction to Smart Forms |


Finding the function module name of an existing smart form and executing the function module from function module builder (SE37).

IBM Global Services

© 2005 IBM Corporation16 Dec-2008Introduction to Smart Forms |

Downloading Smart Forms

Download Smart Form

Download Subtree

IBM Global Services

© 2005 IBM Corporation17 Dec-2008Introduction to Smart Forms |


Downloading an existing Smart Form in to the local PC.

Downloading sub tree of an existing Smart Form in to the local PC.

IBM Global Services

© 2005 IBM Corporation18 Dec-2008Introduction to Smart Forms |


Downloading an existing Smart Form in to the local PC.

Downloading sub tree of an existing Smart Form in to the local PC.

IBM Global Services

© 2005 IBM Corporation19 Dec-2008Introduction to Smart Forms |

Uploading Smart Forms

Upload Smart Form

IBM Global Services

© 2005 IBM Corporation20 Dec-2008Introduction to Smart Forms |


Uploading a Smart Form that was stored previously in the local PC as an XML file.

IBM Global Services

© 2005 IBM Corporation21 Dec-2008Introduction to Smart Forms |


Uploading a Smart Form that was stored previously in the local PC as an XML file.

IBM Global Services

© 2005 IBM Corporation22 Dec-2008Introduction to Smart Forms |

Other useful functions

Return to Active Version

Undo Redo

IBM Global Services

© 2005 IBM Corporation23 Dec-2008Introduction to Smart Forms |

Function Modules for Calling a Smart Form from the Application Program

The following function modules are used for interfacing between the Smart Form and the Application Program:

System generated Function Module (upon activation of smart Form) (Mandatory)





IBM Global Services

© 2005 IBM Corporation24 Dec-2008Introduction to Smart Forms |

Calling a Smart Form from the Main Program

Steps to create the Main Program Find which form will be used and which parameters for data selection is required (Read

from the message control or from individual selection screen of a standalone program)

Call the function module SSF_FIELD_LIST to know which data the form needs (this step is optional).

Read the database tables to prepare the data required for the smart form.

Call the function module SSF_FUNCTION_MODULE_NAME to determine the name of the function module for the smart form.

Call the function module of the smart form for output.

Call the function module SSF_READ_ERRORS for error handling purpose (this step is optional).

IBM Global Services

© 2005 IBM Corporation25 Dec-2008Introduction to Smart Forms |


Creating a custom main program and call a custom Smart Form ( copy of an standard Smart form).

IBM Global Services

© 2005 IBM Corporation26 Dec-2008Introduction to Smart Forms |


Creating a custom main program and call a custom Smart Form ( copy of an standard Smart form).

IBM Global Services

© 2005 IBM Corporation27 Dec-2008Introduction to Smart Forms |

Style Builder

Style Builder is used to maintain ‘Smart Styles’ where we define character formats and paragraph formats for use across Smart Forms. These are not explicitly defined in the Smart Form; the Smart Style in which required Formats are defined is referred to in the Smart form.

Transaction-> SMARTSTYLES or From the initial screen of transaction SMARTFORMS

IBM Global Services

© 2005 IBM Corporation28 Dec-2008Introduction to Smart Forms |

Style Builder (Contd.) : Header data

IBM Global Services

© 2005 IBM Corporation29 Dec-2008Introduction to Smart Forms |

Style Builder (Contd.) : Header data

IBM Global Services

© 2005 IBM Corporation30 Dec-2008Introduction to Smart Forms |

Style Builder (Contd.) : Paragraph format

IBM Global Services

© 2005 IBM Corporation31 Dec-2008Introduction to Smart Forms |

Style Builder (Contd.) : Paragraph format

IBM Global Services

© 2005 IBM Corporation32 Dec-2008Introduction to Smart Forms |

Style Builder (Contd.) : Paragraph format

IBM Global Services

© 2005 IBM Corporation33 Dec-2008Introduction to Smart Forms |

Style Builder (Contd.) : Paragraph format

IBM Global Services

© 2005 IBM Corporation34 Dec-2008Introduction to Smart Forms |


Creating a style and defining a paragraph format in it.

IBM Global Services

© 2005 IBM Corporation35 Dec-2008Introduction to Smart Forms |


Creating a style and defining a paragraph format in it.

IBM Global Services

© 2005 IBM Corporation36 Dec-2008Introduction to Smart Forms |

Style Builder (Contd.) : Character format

IBM Global Services

© 2005 IBM Corporation37 Dec-2008Introduction to Smart Forms |

Style Builder (Contd.) : Character format

IBM Global Services

© 2005 IBM Corporation38 Dec-2008Introduction to Smart Forms |


Creating a style and defining a character format in it.

IBM Global Services

© 2005 IBM Corporation39 Dec-2008Introduction to Smart Forms |


Creating a style and defining a character format in it.

IBM Global Services

© 2005 IBM Corporation40 Dec-2008Introduction to Smart Forms |

Style Builder (Contd.) : Upload / Download Style

Upload Style

Download Style

IBM Global Services

© 2005 IBM Corporation41 Dec-2008Introduction to Smart Forms |


Smart Forms are a new generation graphical user interface (GUI) tool to create & maintain Forms for mass printing in minimum time.

The Transaction for Smart Forms is SMARTFORM.

Smart Forms are easier to develop than SAP Scripts.

Smart Form can be created by migrating an existing SAP Script – this copies only the layout (Pages, windows, etc) of the SAP Script to the smart Form. Transaction : Smartforms -> initial screen-> menu Utilities->Migrate Sap script Form.

Style Builder is used to maintain ‘Smart Styles’ where we define character formats and paragraph formats for use across Smart Forms.

IBM Global Services

© 2005 IBM Corporation42 Dec-2008Introduction to Smart Forms |


What is Smart form ?

What are the main advantages of Smart form over Sapscript ?

Describe the Architecture of Smart Form?

What are the main components of smart form builder?

What are the main function modules required to call a Smart form from the main program?

How can we find the associated function module name in a Smart form?

What is Smart style?