Changing Screen Settings In Windows XP. Changing Screen Settings Right Click on open spot in desktop...

Post on 17-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Changing Screen Settings In Windows XP. Changing Screen Settings Right Click on open spot in desktop...

Changing Screen Settings

In Windows XP

Changing Screen Settings

Right Click on open spot in desktop and click on properties or go to Start Menu, Control Panel, Appearance and Themes.

In the Display Properties Window

You can pick a different background, set up a screensaver, or change other options. (Don’t password protect a screensaver.)

You can use your own picture for a desktop image by browsing to the file in the window show at the above left.

You can also set a desktop image while viewing a page on the Internet. If you right-click on an image, you may have an option to save as desktop item.

You can change the screen resolution. 800 x 600 is a good viewing size

Other Notes:

There are some websites that allow you to download screensavers or desktop images, but be careful – you could get worms or viruses attached.

There is a free program called Webshots that sets up a series of pictures that change and downloads new photos regularly. I would recommend that you do not use this – it is a big drain of memory and resources on your computer.