Changing perspectives malta2

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Transcript of Changing perspectives malta2

Changing Perspectives 

Gerard McLoughlinTESOL-SPAIN

1st ELT Malta Conference: Current Trends in ELT 14-15 September 2012

• So each of us CAN help one another by -- stopping a moment of a our day --- to change for the better someone else's 'blind world'. . . for a day . . .

• My teacher showed this and now I just can’t stop watching it!!!!

• Reminds me of when I gave a homeless blind man 75 cents in Chicago

• I thought why can’t they at least put the money in the can too, but at least after the change they took the time to bend down and place the monet instead of throwing it

• Just beautiful!!

Power of wordsHeadlines

• go to war

• Shakira and Antonito go to war.

• Boost

• Games boost UK employment figures


• Fort St Elmo, Knights of St John, Mdina

Words with evocative meaning

• dark horse, unleashing

© Fast Track, Holley and McLoughlin, Ricmond Santillans 2012

1 What kind of videos are these:

a documentary? music video? advertisement? television show?

2 What do they have in common?

© Campaign for Disability, Lyndsey Clandfield

Which clip do the phrases come from. Write C for ‘close my eyes’ and I for ‘I can’

____ Can’t believe what we’ve done.

____ I can boost your bottom line.

____ I can’t believe how far we’ve come.

____ I’m feeling so free.

____ If you don’t have an open mind.

____ If you don’t recognise my talents and ability.

____ It’s what people can do that matters.

____ Open my heart.

© Campaign for Disability, Lyndsay Clandfield

Which video was more effective? Why?

Do you think this is an important message?

‘See the person first, not the disability’

Is this hard for most non-disabled people?

7 billion

• How long would it take you to count to 7 billion?

• What could the population be by 2045?

• How many people are born every second?

• How long did the average person live in 1960?

• If 7 billion people stood shoulder to shoulder, which city would they fill?

• How many megacities were there in 1975? Which were they? How many now?

• What percentage of the population don’t have adequate sanitation?

• How many languages do we speak in the world?

© Next Generation, Higgins, McLoughlin, Durrant, Vidal, Cambridge English 2011

Guardian Women 100A celebration of the centenary of International Women's Day.

• Aung San Suu Kyi? Oprah Winfrey? Tanni Grey-Thompson? JK Rowling?Margaret Thatcher?

• Women make up between __% and __% of the world's poor, illiterate and refugee populations.

• A girl growing up in _____ today has about the same chance of dying while giving birth as she has of going to secondary school.

• While girls often do better than boys at school, women working full-time in the UK are paid on average less per hour than men – 40 years after the Equal Pay Act – and fill just ____% of boardroom posts in leading companies.

• Women make up between 70% and 80% of the world's poor, illiterate and refugee populations.

• A girl growing up in Chad today has about the same chance of dying while giving birth as she has of going to secondary school.

• While girls often do better than boys at school, women working full-time in the UK are paid on average less per hour than men – 40 years after the Equal Pay Act – and fill just 12.5% of boardroom posts in leading companies.

• Shirin Ebadi, the human rights activist and first Muslim woman to win the Nobel prize, has already won recognition.

• Others are less well known: the Indian lawyer who took on the case of a destitute woman who died giving birth in a Delhi street and won a landmark ruling from the high court last year for women in a similar position.

Reader’s response

• I vote Lorella Zanardo because she is doing a fantastic job to educate Italian adolescents to watch tv in a discerning way, which is something missing completely in Italian schools. She is now an "Internet star" and travels the world with her documentary, Il corpo delle donne, about the mis-representation and stereotypes of women's bodies on the Italian tv. If you haven't done it yet please watch it. In a country dominated by Berlusconi's media and vision Lorella, a woman like us but with a big vision, is making a difference. Her educational project is almost totally self financed.

• Big Boy. Rapero, 19 años• "Deseo que el mensaje del rap se aproxime a los

jóvenes para concienciar y progresar juntos en un futuro mejor. Estas ideas constructivas harán mis sueños realidad". El rap es un estilo proscrito. Big Boy y la veintena de sus compañeros están condenados a la clandestinidad y las autoridades tratan de desprestigiarles

• Sami Mosayevi. Artista, 27 años

• "Me gustaría retomar mis alas y sentirme libre para viajar a cualquier lugar del mundo, sin pertenecer a ninguna parte. Querría probarlo todo". Las aficiones o la vocación de uno también chocan a menudo con el muro de las prohibiciones.

• Naser. Futbolista, 24 años

• "Mi vida es el fútbol y mi sueño sería jugar en la liga profesional en Europa". El 70% de la población iraní tiene menos de 30 años.

Thank you for coming and hope I’ve changed your perspective!!

Talk available on:


Course books:

Fast Track 4, Holley and McLoughlin, Richmond, 2012

Next Generation, Higgins, McLoughlin, Durrant, Vidal, Cambridge University Press 2011

Video clips:

The power of words:

Neil Harbisson:

Disability website:

Close my eyes:

Campaign for disability “I can”:

7 billion:

Lorella Zanardi:

Hollow face optical illusion: