Changes You experience While Travelling

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Changes You experience While Travelling

Changes you experience whileTravelling By MadhuDas

Starting with a Quote...

What is it about travelling that excites people?

What is it about travelling that changes people?

What is it about travelling that creates new people?

We always hear of people who travel, emerge completely as a new persons.

There is some magic which we have to experience to see for ourselves. What does travel do to mind?

It makes you move.

Staying stuck at one place all your life is one of the most boring things to do.

Human mind craves for the new experiences.

We always try to find new things, we always try to find change in our lives.

Travelling makes this possible. The plan to take a first step is the first chance you've given to change.

It changes your perceptionWe all know it. Sitting in the comfort of your home unless you are an avid reader makes your perception one dimensional.

There are somethings we experience in our daily life that makes us look at a world in one direction.

When you travel, there is more likely a chance that you experience the same situation but have a different outcome which changes your perception and gives you balance.

You learn to ask helpBeing in a position there are not much occurances in our life which makes us reach out for the help of a stranger.

Being at one end of the telescope we tend to help those who ask for help in an indifferent manner, which gives the happiness of helping a stranger but not the one of getting help from one.

When you travel we are at the other end we tend to experience this and Oh boy, that's a necessary experience/

You lose your Comfort ZoneSeems like a bad idea when you are actually in it and think. But When you ask or meet a traveller, that's when you know what a virtue it is.

The capacity to adjust to any situation and making the best of what is available to you is one of the life lessons you cannot learn from your desk.

You learn How much money mattersAs much as I hate to admit it, money does matter.

The 600 bucks you spent on a single nights dinner, can buy a ration for a poor household for an entire month.

Now you did hear about this but never experienced right?

You learn there is no definition for Good and EvilWhile the perpetuation of the media about world turning bad and worse, you experience the world where there are good people, the lot of them.

Poor/ Rich, Gay/ Straight/ Transgender, White/ Black they are not the same as we watch them on Television.

Increased sense of EmpathyEmpathy, basically inbuilt in human mind has lost its importance due to constantly running other thoughts. But given a chance to free your mind, a person that travels shares some of his joys, his most painful situations, his heartbreaks etc., with a complete stranger.

And there at that point when you are just listening, you start to empathize the other person's emotions which doesn't happen much in our daily life.

Human interaction the most important aspect of our existence, is a rarity that ceased to exist in our busy life and Travel is the only way that can bring it back with its true meaning.

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