Changes made to my magzine

Post on 05-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Changes made to my magzine


The Typography I used in my mock-ups was criticised by my target audience, for being of a dull, bland colour, faint and insignificant and the font type being too boring. Therefore I have made several changes to my font types, of which I feel meet the highlighted needs of my target audience and make my magazine more appealing-increasing its successfulness.

The changes I have made are listed below:

1. The colour of typography is in a yellow/gold toned colour, making it stand out more and appeal to a younger audience. It also lightens the mood of my magazine, making it appear more exciting/appealing. The Pink Shadow tonnes not only add interested but also make the typography bolder, making my magazine name stand out, emphasising the musical genre to the audience.

2. The typography is now of a italic fount, conforming to the typical classical music genre presentation of text. The font makes the magazine look more sophisticated and elegant which is largely associated with classical music and therefore attracts my particular target audience.

3. The typography is shown over a light coloured background making, it appear bolder and of higher importance, again attracting my particular target audience.

The changes I have made are listed below:

1. Typography colour- I have changed the typography colour of my cover lines from a mustard tomnited gold colour to the harsh black colour softened by deep pink tonnes.. This was suggested in my target audience feedback, so I feel it will appeal to my target audience. Also the softer colours, are more appealing, as they are brighter and give off more positive vibes, making the magazine, appear more modern and appropriate for student life.

2. Limited Overlapping- I have narrowed my cover lines, avoiding over lapping with the main image which I feel has made them appear more clear and therefore appealing, as now I can ensure that people will be able to understand my cover lines, whereas before my audience may find it difficult to distinguish words when the text is overlapping the image. In addition this avoids the attention being paid to the image being over taken by hard to read text.

3. I have also varied the size of text more, making the headings appear bolder, so that the audience will be attracted to fast snappier sentences, rather than having to read a mini explanation-This ensures that my audience will not be put off, and see the magazine as an item of leisure rather than a chore.

As you can see here, due to the issue raised in my customer feedback, I haver reduced the price slightly, although only by a small amount, due to the research conducted earlier on in my coursework, I am aware of the small amounts of money making differences to the ,limited money available to students. I have also placed the month of issue over the barcode, to add more information, and make my magazines more organised, and chronological.

Due to feedback from my target audience, here I have placed a banner over my main image. This clearly indicates what the main story is about, further enticing my audience, as they will be more inclined to buy the magazine because of the excitement of reading the article displayed. The banner also supports my colour scheme, which ensures consistency, making the genre and magazine flow throughout.

The white space in my mock-up has been replaced with puffs, used to further attract my target audience. The competition listed, links within my classical music genre as its tickets to the Royal Albert Hall, an amazing experience for anyone interested in the classical music field, so therefore I can ensure it appeals to my desired target audience. For this reason I have also moved my Barcode to the opposite side of my magazine, to give me space to write a short description of the prize available.

To find the ticket image, I have used on my magazine, I typed ‘Tickets’ into Google images. I used this method as it is free, quick and easy, and offers a large range of results, as you can see above. The ticket I used, was chosen because I thought the slightly old fashioned nature conformed to the old fashioned stereotype of classical music, but also looked more interesting than average tickets available today, and so would attract a larger audience.

As you can see, after reading my customer feedback, I become aware of the dark background can cause difficulties when trying to read the masthead and cover lines, so I used In-Design to edit my pictures, making the background lighter and more versatile. I also used a white screen when taking my images to avoid difficult background colours. In addition I High Key Lighting to make my images more easily seen.

As you can see my colour scheme has also changed quite significantly, rather than using the dullish, bland colours, (shown above) I have made my colour scheme, more inviting and bright. I have therefore taken advice from my target market, and in result I have hopefully made my magazine look more appealing and of a

high standard.

In my contents page, I have made the heading more appealing, by using my new brighter colour scheme with the typography, as well as adding a shadow affect to the text, which emphasises it in comparison to the block effect shown in the above mock-up. I have also varied the colours, to make each bit of the masthead stand out individually which in turn will too attract my target audience. I have also used Italic font to write the name Capriccio to make the classical genre more obvious, attracting my desired target audience, because name conform to the sophisticated nature of classical music.

As you can see here, I have altered a few factors regarding the layout and style of my contents page. These include, the colour scheme, I have followed the same new brighter colour scheme as my front cover displayed, as this shows consistency and makes the pages easier to follow. Furthermore I have incorporated my topography into this new colour scheme, so the text appears bolder and easier to read, as my target audience feedback highlighted the difficulties in my original typography not being clear enough to read. I have also lightened the background, along with a gradient effect to add interest. The lightening of the background, again makes my text more readable, but also gives off a more positive, pure vibe, which I feel is necessary to the classical music genre. I have also improved the typography layout, making my contents page more structured and organised-this is shown through my heading dividers, categorising ‘Competitions’ etc. from each other. This makes it easier for my audience to find Their desired page, and makes the contents page appear less daunting which in turn will attract a wider audience.

The images I have used for my contents page have considerably changed- Although my audience feedback suggested that the pictures were greatly liked, I thought the downward body language of the model in my original picture, appeared quite submissive and disconnected, which could ultimately make my target audience feel less inclined to purchase/read my magazine. Therefore I took a picture of my model ‘Rebekah’ facing the camera, to make my audience feel part of the magazine, and therefore make them more interested in connecting with it and reading it. In addition the close up shot, emphasises the Villon she is holding which in turn re- enforces my magazine genre, as the prop clearly is specific to classical music, and also will attract my target audience of whom will be interested in the classical instrument. The High Key lighting, also contrasts the original low key lighting in my original magazine, and so gives off a more positive vibe, making the magazine feel more inviting and enjoyable to read, which will hopefully encourage my target audience to read it.

Due to the customer feedback, I was alerted to the fact that my mock-ups did not have page numbers which could make reading my magazine quite confusing. Therefore I added in page numbers, on my final product, as shown here, to make reading the magazine simpler. In addition I surrounded it by a box, fitting my colour scheme, which ensures everyone can see it, as a small page number could be difficult to spot.

As you can see here, I changed my mastheads for the double page spread. I originally used white bold typography along the entire double page, however I have now changed it to burgundy typography along just one side of the double page. This avoids too much confusion and prevents my magazine from looking too daunting. In addition the colour of typography adds interest and a more modern twist, which is more likely to attract my particular target audience. I also used an italic font for the words Rebekah Hooper, this emphasises celebrity endorsement, as my target audience will immediately be persuaded to read the article because of the obvious celebrity name. In addition it distinguishes between the title of article and person involved which makes my magazine more organised, and is associated with more professional magazines and so looks very good. It also adds interest to the magazine, as the change in font types, is attractive and I feel the two fonts compliment each other which will look more ascetically pleasing to my target audience. Also as you can see with my original mock-up the heading is not evenly lined, which causes confusion and also looks unprofessional, so by only putting the masthead on one side of the double page I can ensure that it is evenly lined and on the same level, which looks more professional and correct.

As you can see here, I have reduced the amount of text on my page considerably. In my mock-up I put my text over the whole double page-however in my target audience feedback, it was critised for being too busy and too daunting and as a result putting people off reading the page. In addition, it also means that my text is small and limits the mount of room available for highlighted quotes and images, which reduced the amount of interest on my page. Therefore, as you can see on my real product I reduced the amount of text, so it only spans half the double page. This is a lot better as it allows more room for my professional pictures, and also looks less daunting, so the audience will be more inclined to read it and therefore increase the success of my magazine. As you can see, I have also lightened the background colour of my page, which means that the text appears bolder, which makes it easier for my target audience to read and understand. In addition I changed the colour of typography to black, which makes it again bolder, as in mu audience feedback the text was criticised for being to faint and not understandable.

In my new page, I have included shaped images throughout the article which adds interest and gives the text a break, making it appear less daunting, making my target audience feel more inclined to read it. There is also highlighted pull quotes taken directly from the article which too will entice my target audience to read the article as the quotes were chosen for being specifically captivating and of the interests of the target audience. All the text conforms to my new colour scheme which also keeps consistency throughout the magazine. I haver also included page numbers and a small info box about my image, which makes my article easy to find and understand, which connects the audience further.

CUSTOMER FEEDBACK: Harriet “These improvements are just amazing, I much prefer this to the original design I was shown! I love the image used on the

contents page, as it looks very professional and really emphasises the violin which is just beautiful. This is very appropriate for music students and I would definitely put some of my monthly wages into purchasing this magazine. Also I really value the 50p reduction in price, because at the end of the day, all the money adds up so any savings are great. The new colour scheme would also attract me more when looking at a large range of magazines in the shop, as the bright colour scheme is quite a modern twist on the stereotypical colours/tones of classical music magazines currently available.

Tash- This design is so much better! I like the lighter background, as it makes it so much easier to see the text which is really important! The double page spread has considerably improved, as the layout works so much better and the circle image is really interesting and attractive. The banner is also so much more informative and really guides the reader.

Sara- This is amazing, the image on the front cover is so much more engaging and attractive! I love the floating violin, and the magic quote! Its pretty awesome! Also the tickets and prices are so amazing, I would love to win tickets to go to The Royal Albert Hall, so I think your competition attractions are a great way of attracting a wider audience. Also the page numbers ate a lot better, as you don’t get so lost! I love the new colour scheme too, its very modern!!”

John- I love the new magazine, its better than the other one, although the other one was good too! The image on the contents page is really striking, as it really emphasise the musical theme of magazine, which is obviously quite important!! I also love the font type of capriccio, on the front cover, as this just makes the magazine appear more sophisticated which fits with the classical genre of magazine. I also like the font type used on the name ‘Rebekah Hooper’ on the double page spread, as it just adds so much more interest-The double page spread has improved a lot!!! Fab!

Will- This new magazine is great!! The categories added to the contents page make it so much clearer to find exactly what your looking for and it just makes the reader feel less daunted! I like the colour scheme too, but it may be a bit too girly? Also the lighter background is really cool, because the text is so much clearer which makes it so much easier for us readers!

Feedback for both my mock-ups and my actual product came from Classical Music students at Surrey University-fitting with my target audience.