Changes in Chemical and Physical Properties of Groundnut ...

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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Changes in Chemical and Physical Properties of Groundnut and

Cottonseed Oils used in Frying Fish and Chickpea Balls

Moawya Ibrahim Yousif Abdalla

B.Sc. (Hon.) in Agricultural Sciences (Food Sciences)

Faculty of Agricultural Sciences

University of Gezira (2000)

M.Sc. (Toxicology)

Agricultural Sciences (Pesticides and Toxicology)

Faculty of Agricultural Sciences

University of Gezira (2004)

A Thesis

Submitted to the University of Gezira in Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Award of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in

Pesticides and Toxicology (Toxicology)


Pesticides and Toxicology (Toxicology)

Department of Pesticides and Toxicology

Faculty of Agricultural Sciences

(August / 2014)


Changes in Chemical and Physical Properties of Groundnut and

Cottonseed Oils used in Frying Fish and Chickpea Balls

Moawya Ibrahim Yousif Abdalla

Supervision Committee:

Name Position Signature

Prof. Salah Ahmed ElHussein Main Supervisor ……………………………

Prof. ELAmin Abdalla ElKhalifa Co- supervisor …………………………….

Prof. Nabil Hamid Hassan Bashir Co- supervisor ……………………………..

Date: August / 2014


Changes in Chemical and Physical Properties of Groundnut and

Cottonseed Oils used in Frying Fish and Chickpea Balls

Moawya Ibrahim Yousif Abdalla

Examination Committee:

Name Position Signature

Prof. Salah Ahmed ElHussein Chairperson …………………………...

Dr. Hassan Ali Mudawi External Examiner …………………………..

Prof. Ali Osman Ali Internal Examiner ……………………………

Date of Examination: 13 /8/2014



This thesis is dedicated to my parents, Ibrahim and Shadia,

who are always loved me unconditionally and taught me to

work hard for the things that I aspire to achieve. This work is

also dedicated to my wife, Amna and our lovely kids, Ziad,

Samar and Ahmed, who have been unlimited source of

support and encouragement during the course of this study and

my whole life. I am truly thank ALLah for having them in my


With my love!



First and foremost, I thank Allah (subhanah wa taala) for endowing me

with health, patience, and knowledge to complete this work.

I thank all who in one way or another contributed in the completion of

this thesis.

I acknowledge, with deep gratitude and appreciation, the inspiration,

encouragement, valuable time and guidance given to me by Professor

Salah Ahmed ElHussein, who served as my main supervisor. Thereafter, I

am deeply indebted and grateful to my co-supervisor Professor ELAmin

Abdalla ElKhalifa, for their constructive guidance, valuable advice and

cooperation. I would like to express my deepest thanks to my co-

supervisor Professor Nabil Hamid Hassan Bashir for their extensive

guidance, continuous support, and personal involvement in all phases of

this research.

Thanks and acknowledgment are due to the laboratory senior technician

personnel Mr. Hassan Elansari and Mr. Mohamed Elmaleeh, faculty of

Engineering and technology for their tremendous help also to Ms. Najla

Khider and Ms. Marym, faculty of agricultural sciences, biochemistry

lab., for their substantial assistance in the experimental work, and also to

the lab. technician, Mr. Mohemed Abdul Raoof for his help and

assistance in experimental work. I am also indebted to the chairman, Dr.

Atiff Abdel Moneim, National oilseed processing research Institute, for

his support.

Deep thank is due to my senior colleague at the all study stages, Mr.

Tarig Ahmed Korak, for his logistic support.

Finally, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my mother,

father, brother, sister, my wife, my children, and all other relatives, for

their emotional and moral support throughout my academic career and

also for their love, patience, encouragement and prayers.


Changes in Chemical and Physical Properties of Groundnut and Cottonseed Oils

used for Frying Fish and Chickpea Balls

Moawya Ibrahim Yousif Abdalla

University of Gezira


Different edible oils used in frying food, are expected to have some changes in their

physical and chemical properties including the production of harmful compounds. Moreover, it

is now a common practice in homes and restaurants, reusing oils for frying fish or falafel

(tamieya) several times. The objectives of this research were to investigate the changes in the

physical and chemical qualities of cottonseed (CS) oil and groundnut (GN) oil used in frying

fish and falafel, determine the level of Cu, Cd and Pb and study attitudes and practices done by

restaurants and homes during frying process. These objectives were achieved through different

methodologies; a questionnaire composed of 20 questions has been designed to 103 and 78

cooks of homes and restaurants, respectively, and depending on questionnaire findings the

experiment was designed. The experiment was composed of two types of food (fish and falafel)

which were fried separately and continuously in CS and GN oils, for 20 cycles. Samples were

taken during frying process at initial/fresh oil, 5th, 10

th, 15

th and 20

th frying cycle number and

analyzed for chemical and physical changes. The survey results showed that the process of

frying in homes sector were found acceptable, except in reusing deteriorated frying oil for

wiping Kisra pan's and cooking food. However, in restaurants, unacceptable practices were

done in terms of, prolonged use of thermally deteriorated frying oils, storing remained oil in

fryer, topping oil and pouring waste oil in drainage system. Color index and viscosity of the two

oils increased as the number of frying cycles increased. Peroxide, acid values and free fatty acid

percent of both oils, were increased as frying number increased. Total polar compounds (TPC)

of both oils increased as frying number increased. Groundnut oil was the most stable among the

two studied oils. However, no significant differences (p>0.05) in physical and chemical changes

were found in each frying oils for both types of fried food, except for TPC. The level of Cu, Cd

and Pb change rates in CS oil used for frying fish ranged from 157-450, 0-9 and 159-269 ppb,

respectively. Regarding frying falafel, the respective ranges were 130-326, 0-1.5 and 79-269

ppb, respectively. The respective values for GN oil used for frying fish were 174-584 (Cu), 0-5

(Cd) and 39-638 ppb (Pb). On the other hand, for frying falafel, the range of values were 163-

222 (Cu), 0-5 (Cd) and 67-200 ppb (Pb). TPC and Cd didn't exceed accepted limits among the

two studied oils, except for Cu and Pb. Thus, the study recommended that changes in chemical

and physical properties of the two studied oils has been found acceptable in terms of quality,

except for limits of Pb and Cu it is not safe.


قلي فى السوداني وبذرة القطن المستخدمة الفول الكيميائية والفيزيائية لزيوت في الخواص التغيراتالطعميةالاسماك و

معاوية ابراهيم يوسف عبدالله

جامعة الجزيرة

ملخص الدراسة

زيوت الطعام المختلفة لقلى الاطعمة ومن المتوقع ان تتغير خصائصها الفيزيائيةة والييميائيةة متنةماة اجتةا تستخدم

مركبات ضارة. علاوة علي ذلك اصبحت هذه الممارسات شائعة فى الماازل والمطاعم وهي تيرار استخدام زيةوت القلةى

سة للتعرف على التغيرات الفيزيائية والييميائيةة لزيتةى رةذرة لعدة مرات. هدفت هذه الدرا -للاسماك والفلافل )الطعمية( –

اليةادميوم والرصةا , تحديةد مسةتويات الاحةا و القطن و الفول السوداجي المستخدمين لقلى السمك والفلافل )الطعمية(

هةذه الاهةداف مةن رها طهاة الاطعمة في الماازل والمطةاعم اناةاع عمليةة القلةى. وقةد تحققةت يقومودراسة الممارسات التي

اة الماةازل والمطةاعم, من طه 87و 321سؤال علي عدد 02خلال ماهجيات مختلفة, حيث تم تطبيق استبيان يتيون من

واعتماداً على جتائج الاستبيان تم تصميم التجررة.تيوجت التجررة من جوعين من الاطعمة )الاسماك و الفلافل( علي التوالي

دورة قلةي. اخةذت العياةات اناةاع 02ومافصلة فى زيتيي رذرة القطن والفول السوداجي لعدد حيث تم قليها رصورة مستمرة

ومن نم تحليلها فيزيائياً وكيميائياً. اظهرت جتائج المسح 02و 35, 32, 5عملية القلي فى كل من دورة القلي رقم صفر,

لقلي المتدهور في مسح صا اليسرة ى إستخدام زيت االاستبياجى رصورة عامة ان عمليات القلى المازلي مقبولة, ما عدا ف

من حيث, الاستمرار في استخدام زيت القلي المتةدهور غير مقبولةاما في قطاع المطاعم وجدت ممارسات .وطبخ الطعام

حرارياً لفترات زماية طويلة, تخزين الزيت المتبقى فى اجاع القلى, تيملة زيت القلي المتدهور رزيت جديد وسيب مخلفات

ا ارتفعةت ارتفع مقيا اللون واللزوجة في كلا الزيتين رزيةادة عةدد دورات القلةي. كمة الزيت في اجاريب الصرف الصحي.

قيم البيروكسيد, الحموضة والاحماض الدهاية الحرة في كل من زيت رذرة القطن والفول السوداجي. ازدادت الاسبة المئوية

رازدياد عةدد دورات القلةي. كةان زيةت الفةول السةوداجي الاكقةر اسةتقراراً كلا الزيتين( في TPCللمركبات القطبية اليلية )

ما الدراسةة. مةع ذلةك كاجةت جتةائج التحليةل الاحصةائي لمعةدلات التغييةر الفيزيائيةة والييميائيةة رين زيتي القلي اللةذين شةملته

(, مةا عةدا فةي حالةة تغيةرات المركبةات 2.25لزيتي القلي ليةلا الاةوعين مةن امطعمةة المقليةة لا تختلةي معاويةاً )راحتمةال

والرصا في زيت رذرة القطن المستخدم لقلي السةمك القطبية اليلية. تراوح مستوي معدل التغيير في الاحا , اليادميوم

(, 106 - 312( . اما عاد قلي الفلافل كاجت المستويات )ppb 069 – 359( و )9 - 2(, )052-358علي الترتيب, )

(. كما تراوح مستوي معدل التغيير في الاحا , اليادميوم والرصا في زيت الفول ppb 069 – 89( و )3.5 – 2)

( . امةا عاةد قلةي الفلافةل ppb 617 – 19( و )5 - 2(, )570 -380لمستخدم لقلةي السةمك علةي الترتيةب, ) السوداجي ا

, TPC(, علةي التةوالي.علي الةرغم مةن ان مسةتويات ppb 022 – 68( و )5 – 2(, )000 - 361كاجت المستويات )

لذين شةملتهما الدراسةة, مةا عةدا فةي مسةتويات الاحا , اليادميوم و الرصا لم تتجاوز الحدود المقبولة في كلا الزيتين ال

وعليه اوصت الدراسة ران التغيرات الييميائية والفيزيائية للزيتين اللذين شملتهما الدراسة قد وجدت مقبولة من .الرصا

.ما عدا حدود مستويات الرصا والاحا لم تين آماةحيث الجودة



Topic Page

Dedication …………………………………………………………………… IV

Acknowledgement …………………………………………………………… V

English Abstract……………………………………………………………… VI

Arabic Abstract………………………………………………………………... VII

Table of Contents ……………………………………………………………... VIII

List of Tables …………………………………………………………………. XIII

List of Figures ………………………………………………………………… XV

List of Appendices…………………………………………………………… XVI

List of abbreviations ………………………………………………………… XVII

Chapter One: Introduction 1

Chapter Two: Literature Review 4

2.1 FATS and OILS………………………………………………………… 4

2.1.1 Types of Fatty Acids (FAs)……………………………………… 4 Saturated Fatty Acids (SFAs) …………………………………… 4 Monounsaturated Fatty Acids (MUFAs) ……………………… 4 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (PUFAs) ………………………….. 4

2.1.2 Dietary Fats and Blood Cholesterol……………………………… 5


2.2.1 The Selection of Vegetable Fat/Oil for Health ………………… 6

2.3 FRYING OILS ………………………………………………… 6

2.3.1 Cottonseed Oil……....................................................................... 6

2.3.2 Groundnut/ Peanut Oil……………………………..…………… 7

2.4 FRYING FOOD………………………………………………... 8

2.4.1 Chickpea ……………………………………..…………………. 8


2.4.2 Fish…………..………………………………………… 9 Nutritional Value………………………………………. 9 Health Benefits………………………………………… 9 Health Hazards…………………………………………….. 9 Fish Consumption Patterns……………………………….. 10

2.5 FRYING ………………………………………………...... 10

2.5.1 Changes in Frying Food Qualities and Frying Oils Qualities…… 11 Break-in oil …………………………………………………. 11 Fresh oil …………………………………………….……….. 11 Optimum oil………………………………………….………. 12 Degrading oil ………………………………………….…….. 12 Runaway oil ………………………………………….……… 12

2.5.2 FRIED FOOD QUALITIES……………………………….. 12 Moisture contents. ………………………………………….. 12 Temperature. ………………………………………………… 13 Time. ……………………………………….…………………. 13 Type of food ………………………………….………………. 13 Oil-content of fried food products………………………….. 13 The geometrical shape of the food products ………………. 14 Viscosity of the frying oil…………………………………… 14 Specific gravity of the food ………………………………… 14 Type of food ……………………………………………….… 14 Temperature of the frying medium ………………..…….… 15 Time of frying ……………………………………….…….… 15 Color. ………………………………………………………….. 15 Flavor. …………………………………………………………. 16

10 Texture……………………………………………………….. 16 Yield. …………………………………………………........... 16 Nutrition. ……………………………………………………. 16

2.5.3 FRYING OIL QUALITIES……………………………….. 17 Hydrolytic alteration. ……………………………………… 17 Oxidation alteration. ……………………………………….. 17 Thermal alteration. ………………………………….……… 19

2.5.4 FACTORS AFFECTING OIL DEGRADATION……… 20 Turnover Rate (T.O)…………………………………………. 20 Type of the Frying Process …………………………………. 20 Temperature and Frying Time………………………………. 20 Intermittent Heating and Cooling…………………………… 20 Degree of Unsaturation of Frying Fats / Oils ……………. 21 Unhydrogenated vegetable oils ………………………….. 21 Hydrogenation ……………………...…………………….. 21 Rate of oxidation …………………...…………………….. 21 Component of Frying Oil ……………………….………… 22 Type of Food Material …………………………………......... 23 Design and Maintenance of Fryer ………………………… 23 Light …………………………………………………………… 24 Use of Filters …………………………………………............. 24

2.5.5 METHOD OF ASSESSING FRYING OIL DEGRADATION.. 24 Physical Assessing ……………………………………………. 24 pH ………………………………………………………………. 24 Smoke point ……………………………………...……………. 24 Color …………………………………………..………………. 24

11 Viscosity ……………………………………..………………. 25 Chemical Assessing …………………………………………. 25 Iodine value (I.V)…………………………….………………. 25 Saponification value (S.V)……………………………………. 25 Acid value (A.V)…..……………………………………..…… 25 Carbonyl value (C.V) …..…………………………………..… 26 Hydroxyl value (H.V) …..…………………………………..… 26 Peroxide value (P.V) …..…………………………………..… 26 Total polar compounds (TPC) …..………………….……..… 26 Conjugated dienoic acid (CDA)…..………………….……… 26


FATS and OILS in COUNTRIES ……………………….. 27

2.6 PERTINENT RESEARCH ………………………… 27

Chapter Three: Material and Methods ………… 34

3.1 Site of the experiments ……………………………….. 34

3.2 METHODS ……………………………………………. 34

3.2.1 Study design ………………………………………… 34

3.2.2 Questionnaire …………………………………………… 34

3.2.3 Laboratory work……………………………………… 34 Samples collection and frying process ………………. 34 Sensory evaluation of fried falafel and fish ………… 35 Physical analysis for used frying oils ……………….. 35 Color ………………………………………….. 35 Viscosity ………………………………………………….. 35 Chemical analysis of used frying oils ……………...… 35 Peroxide value ………………………………………….. 35 Acid value and Free fatty acid ………………………... 36

12 Total polar compounds (TPC) measurement ……………... 36 Determination of Pb, Cd and Cu ions …………………….. 37

3.3 STATISTICAL ANALYSIS …………………………………. 37

Chapter Four: Results and Discussion …………………….. 38

4.1 Questionnaire analysis results ………………………………… 38

4.2 Sensory evaluation of fried falafel and fish …………………. 44

4.3 Changes in physical qualities of CS oil and GN oil when used

for frying fish and falafel ………………………………….. 50

4.3.1 Color ……………………………………………………………… 50

4.3.2 Viscosity ……………………………………………................... 53

4.4 Changes in chemical qualities of CS oil and GN oil when

used for frying fish and falafel.………………………….. 57

4.4.1 Acid value and free fatty acid …………………………… 57

4.4.2 Peroxide value ………………………………………… 63

4.4.3 Total polar compound ………………………………….. 66

4.5 Determination Cu, Cd and Pb in CS oil and GN oil used for

frying Fish and Falafel…………………………… 71

4.5.1 Copper ………………………………………………. 71

4.5.2 Cadmium …………………………………………….. 72

4.5.3 Lead …………………………………………………. 78

Chapter Five: Conclusion and Recommendations 80

5.1 Conclusions ………………………………………….. 80

5.2 Recommendations ……………………………………. 81

REFERENCES ……………………………………………………… 83

APPENDICES ………………………………………………………. 91


List of Tables Table Title Page

1a Percentage of Distribution of the Selections for the Questions

(Q1-Q8) in the Questionnaire used for restaurants and home

cooks……………………………………………………. 39

1b Percentage of Distribution of the Selections for the Questions

(Q9-Q15) in the Questionnaire used for restaurants and home

cooks……………………………………………………. 41

1c Percentage of Distribution of the Selections for the Questions

(Q16-Q20) in the Questionnaire used for restaurants and home

cooks…………………………………………………....... 43

4 Lovibond color units (LCU) of groundnut (GN) and cottonseed

(CS) fresh and used frying oils for fish and falafel………. 51

5 Correlation and regression parameters of Lovibond color units of

CS and GN oils used for frying fish and

falafel.…………………………………………………...… 52

6 Viscosity of cottonseed (CS) oil and groundnut (GN) oil used for

frying fish and falafel. …….……………………………….. 55

7 Correlation and regression parameters of viscosity of cottonseed

(CS) oil and groundnut (GN) oil used in frying fish and

falafel.………………………………………………………. 56

8 Acid value (A.V) changes of cottonseed (CS) oil and groundnut

(GN) oil used for frying fish and falafel.………………… 58

9 Free fatty acids (FFAs) changes of cottonseed (CS) oil and

groundnut (GN) oil used for frying fish and falafel.……….. 59

10 Correlation and regression parameters of acid value of cottonseed

(CS) oil and groundnut (GN) oil used for frying fish and falafel…. 60

11 Correlation and regression parameters of free fatty acid of

cottonseed (CS) oil and groundnut (GN) oil used for frying fish

and falafel…………………………………………………………. 61

12 Peroxide value (P.V) of cottonseed (CS) oil and groundnut (GN)

oil used for frying fish and falafel………………………… 64

13 Correlation and regression parameters of peroxide value of

cottonseed (CS) oil and groundnut (GN) oil used for frying fish

and falafel………………………………………………….


14 Total polar compounds (TPC) of cottonseed (CS) oil and

groundnut (GN) oil used for frying fish and falafel………….



15 Correlation and regression parameters of total polar compound of

cottonseed (CS) oil and groundnut (GN) oil used for frying fish

and falafel……………………………………………………. 69


List of Figures

Figure Title Page

1 Evaluation percentage of the consumer panelists for falafel fried in

groundnut oil……………………………………….. 45

2 Evaluation percentage of the consumer panelists for falafel fried

in cottonseed oil.…………………………………... 46

3 Evaluation percentage of the consumer panelists for fish fried in

cottonseed oil.………………………………………….. 48

4 Evaluation percentage of the consumer panelists for fish fried in

groundnut oil………………………………………… 49

5 Levels (ppb) of copper, cadmium and lead determined in

cottonseed oil used for frying falafel, for initial frying oil, 5th

, 10th



and 20th

frying cycle number……………………… 73

6 Levels (ppb) of copper, cadmium and lead determined in

cottonseed oil used for frying Fish, for initial frying oil, 5th

, 10th



and 20th

frying cycle number………………………. 74

7 Levels (ppb) of copper, cadmium and lead determined in groundnut

oil used for frying falafel, for initial frying oil, 5th

, 10th

, 15th



frying cycle number…………………………………


8 Levels (ppb) of copper, cadmium and lead determined in groundnut

oil used for frying fish, for initial frying oil, 5th

, 10th

, 15th

and 20th

frying cycle number……………………………………….



List of Appendices

Append. Title Page

A Saturated (SFAs) and unsaturated fatty acid (UFAs) of different

edible oils…………………………………………………….. 91

B Physical and chemicals characteristics of peanut oil………… 92

C Frying oil quality curve………………………………………. 93

D Deep frying schematic picture showing mass transfer and

chemical reactions during the frying process…………………. 94

E Recommendations and regulations of frying fats and oils in

some countries………………………………………………. 95

F Questionnaire applied to restaurants and homes cooks……… 96

G Hedonic Scale a five points used for sensory evaluation of fried

fish and falafel in cottonseed oil and groundnut oil………… 99


List of Abbreviations

AAS Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy.

AHA American Heart Association.

AOCS American Oil Chemists Society.

ARS Agricultural Research Service.

AV Acid Value.

BHA Butylated Hydroxyl Anisole.

BHT Butylated Hydroxyl Toluene.

CAC Codex Alimentarius Commission.

CDA Conjugated Dienoic Acid.

Cn Cycle Number.

cP Centipoise.

CS Cottonseed.

CVD Cardio Vascular Disease.

FAS Faculty of Agricultural Sciences.

FAs Fatty Acids.

FFA Free Fatty Acid.

FL Falafel.

GN Groundnut.

H.V Hydroxyl value.

HDL High Density Lipoprotein.

HNE 4-Hydroxy-trans-2-nonenal.

IV Iodine Value.


LCU Lovibond Color Units.

LDL Low Density Lipoprotein.

m.p. Melting Point.

MPC Maximum Permissible Concentration.

MUFAs Monounsaturated Fatty Acids.

PTWI Provisional Tolerable Weekly Intake.

PUFAs Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids.

PV Peroxide Value.

RI Refractive Index.

SFAs Saturated Fatty Acids.

SFAs Saturated Fatty Acids.

SFs Saturated Fats.

SPSS Statistical Package for the Social Sciences.

SV Saponification Value.

T.O Turnover rate.

TPC Total Polar Compounds.

UFA Unsaturated Fatty Acid.

USDA United States Dept. of Agric.




Oils and fats are vital components of the human diet. They are important source of

energy and act as carrier of fat-soluble vitamins, etc. Oils and fats are used in various

cooking methods, e.g. frying, and are also used as raw material for food products, e.g.

salads and cooking. Frying is one of the popular cooking methods, because it is fast,

easy and produce unique texture and taste.

However, in most houses and restaurants, and other food preparation facilities,

cooks used oil more than once in frying fish, meat, vegetables, etc. The frying

temperature is usually ca. 180°C, and might extent up to 20 hr.

The fresh oil is expected to have chemical and physical properties, which are approved

by the health and the specifications authorities of the country. Meanwhile, as a

chemical, oil is expected to be affected by heat. Consequently, the latter is expected to

change these properties. Other people are used to add fresh oil to what is left from the

previous frying. Heating and continuous use of oil affects the flavor and taste of fried

food, and some toxic materials, such as polymers, acrylamide and 4-hydroxy-trans-2-

nonenal (HNE) can be formed. HNE is well known highly toxic compound that is

easily absorbed from diet. HNE is highly reactive with protein, nucleic acids (DNA

and RNA) and other biomolecules. HNE is formed from oxidation of linoleic acid, and

reports have related it to several diseases, including atherosclerosis, stroke,

Parkinson's, Huntington's and liver diseases (Esterbauer et al., 1991). In the Sudan, the

Middle East, and most of the African and developing countries, the popular fried foods

are: fried chicken, fried fish, fried potatoes, fried chickpea or faba beans balls (falafel,

it is local Egyptian name), fried plantain, (fried banana)…etc. Chickpeas, faba beans

and other leguminous seeds can be ground and mixed with vegetables, onion and

spices, shaped in balls and fried as falafel, which are quite popular in breakfast and

supper in most Arab countries, especially Sudan and Egypt.

Vegetable-based mono-unsaturated and poly-unsaturated fats are inherently unstable,

especially at high temperature, which are used for cooking foods in homes and

restaurants, where oils are reused more than once. Cooking oil in the Sudan is mainly

cotton-seed oil, groundnuts oil, sunflower oil, maize oil and sesame oil. Some are

imported and others are locally produced either from traditional mills or modern

factories (Oloo, 2010).


Most of the environmental pollutants are lipophilic, including pesticides,

intentionally produced compounds, unintentionally produced compounds (e.g.

dioxins/furans), in addition to heavy metals, anthropogenic compounds, municipal and

industrial waste, dyes, etc. The residue analysis studies from the African research and

monitoring institutes and universities emphasized that most of the food is

contaminated with different levels of some or most of these pollutants, especially

Egypt, RSA, Kenya, Nigeria, DRC, Uganda, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe, the Sudan

and Ethiopia. Fish, especially high lipid-content fish, is expected to accumulate higher

concentrations of these pollutants. Fish consumption in these countries is very high;

especially the fried fish (El-Shahawi et al., 2010).

Plants and animals depend on some metals as micronutrients. Metal elements such as

Na, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Cu, Zn and Mn, are essential nutrients for human growth.

However, certain forms of some metals can also be toxic, even in relatively small

amounts and, therefore, pose a risk to the health of animals and people. Metal

elements such as Hg, Pb, Cd, Co, and Cu, could also have detrimental effects on

health. While the effects of chronic exposure to trace amounts of some metals are not

well understood, many incidents tell us about the seriousness of high levels of

exposure to some toxic metals, especially Cd, Cr, Co, Ni and pb (Demirbas, 2001;

Buldini et al., 1997 and Garrido et al., 1994). Trace levels of metal ions (Cu, Fe, Mn,

Co, Cr, Pb, Cd, Ni, and Zn) are known to have adverse effect on the oxidative stability

of edible oils. Transition metals such as Cu and Fe catalyze the decomposition of

hydroperoxides and lead to more rapid formation of undesirable substances. The

presence of metals in vegetable oils depends on several factors. They might come from

the soil, environment, genotype of the plant, fertilizers and/or metal-containing

pesticides, introduced during the production process or by contamination from the

metal processing equipment (Jamali et al., 2008; Zeiner et al., 2005).

The present work hypothesizes/suggests that during frying, most/all of these pollutants

will be dissolved and remain in the frying oil, and the heat will even improve the

extractability of the oil. Therefore, the fresh oil will be contaminated during frying. By

time and more frying of new fresh fish or any contaminated product the degree/level

of contamination is expected to increase. Moreover, the uncontaminated food when

fried in this oil will be liable to contamination.

It is also hypothesized that several changes will be working simultaneously:


a) Changing the chemical and physical properties of the oil;

b) Contamination of the oil with several types and concentrations of unknown

pollutants and contaminants coming from the fried fish or other foods;

c) Thermal degradation and other types of degradation of these pollutants to

unknown compounds/metabolites/isomers, etc., with unknown concentrations, and

d) Contamination of the fresh food when fried in previously used oil.

The objectives of this study were:

1. To study changes in physical and chemical properties and the qualities of the two

CS oil and GN oil after being used for frying fish and falafel for different periods

of time.

2. To investigate the levels of total polar compounds (TPC) in the oils remaining

after frying at restaurants.

3. To determine the level of pollutants and contaminants (heavy metals namely Cd,

Pb and Cu) in frying oils, after being used for frying fish and falafel for different

periods of time.

4. To study the attitudes and practices used by restaurants and homes during frying





2.1 Fats and Oils

Fats consist of a wide group of compounds that are generally soluble in organic

solvents and generally insoluble in water. Chemically, fats are triglycerides: triesters

of glycerol and any of several fatty acids (FAs). Fats may be either solid or liquid at

room temperature, depending on their structure and composition. Although the

words "oils", "fats", and "lipids" are all used to refer to fats (Casimir and David,

2008). All fats and oils are made up of a combination of three main kinds of fatty

acids; saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated linoleic or linolenic acid.

These refer to the kind of structure these fatty acids have between their carbon and

hydrogen atoms.

2.1.1 Types of fatty acids (FAs) Saturated fatty acids (SFAs)

The carbon chain in a saturated FA are filled, or saturated, with hydrogen atoms.

This saturation creates a compact and highly stable structure that resist oxidation,

even under high temperatures. Saturated fatty acids are found in animal fats and

tropical oils (Casimir and David, 2008). Monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs)

The carbon chain is missing two hydrogen atoms and has one (mono) double bond

between two of its carbons, so it is not saturated (unsaturated) by hydrogen atoms.

MUFAs are not densely packed and bends at the double bond, so these fats are

liquid at room temperature and cannot be exposed to high heat like SFAs. They are

found in olive oil, peanut oil, avocados, and nuts (Casimir and David, 2008). Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs)

The carbon chain is missing several hydrogen atoms and contains two or more

(poly) double bonds. PUFAs are highly unstable and sensitive to heat and light that

can cause free radicals, which harm our body. Also, polyunsaturated vegetable oils,

especially when heated, damage our cells, metabolic function, gene expression, and


hormone functions. PUFAs are found in corn, canola, soy, CS oil, sunflower,

safflower, rice bran, and grape-seed oils...etc. (Casimir and David, 2008).

Polyunsaturated fats can be divided into two categories:

a) Omega 3 FAs are triple unsaturated (3 double bonds) alpha-linolenic acid,

found in both plant and marine foods, although it is the omega-3 fats from

marine sources that have the strongest evidence for health benefits (including

reducing the risk of heart disease). Plant food sources include canola and soy

oils, and canola-based margarines. Marine sources include fish, especially oily

fish, such as Atlantic salmon, mackerel, Southern blue fin tuna and sardines.

b) Omega 6 is a double (2 double bonds) unsaturated linoleic acid, are found

primarily in nuts, seeds and plant oils, such as corn, soy bean, CS, sunflower

and safflower. The high omega – 6, polyunsaturated vegetable oils increase

inflammation in the body and are associated with cardio vascular disease

(CVD), diabetes, obesity, asthma, cancer, auto-immunity diseases, high blood

pressure, infertility and blood clots (Casimir and David, 2008).

2.1.2 Dietary fats and blood cholesterol

Dietary fats are classified by their structure. Different types of fats react differently

inside the body. Saturated fats (SFs) increase blood cholesterol, which is a risk

factor in coronary heart disease. Mono-unsaturated (MUFAs) and polyunsaturated

fats (PUFAs) tend to lower blood cholesterol. There are two types of blood

cholesterol: low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and high density lipoprotein

(HDL) cholesterol. LDL is considered the ‘bad’ cholesterol, because it contributes to

the narrowing and silting up of the arteries, which can lead to heart disease and

stroke. HDL cholesterol is considered to be the ‘good’ cholesterol, because it

actually carries cholesterol from the blood back to the liver, reducing the risk of

CVD (Richard et al., 2005).

2.2 Recommendation of Fat Intake

WHO, FAO and the American Heart Association (AHA) has recommended that fat

consumption supplied about < 30% of energy requirement /day and ratio of

vegetable fat/oil: animal fat/oil is 3: 1 and ratio of SFA: MUFA: PUFA = <10 : (10 -

15) : <10 for decreasing risk of the chronic disease, i.e. cancer, CVDs. MUFA


decreases LDL cholesterol, that causes coronary heart disease, and it increases HDL

cholesterol, which is used in metabolism of cholesterol in cell and blood system

(ARS, 2011).

2.2.1 The Selection of vegetable fat/oil for health

The basic important qualities of the oil selection for good health are; the vegetable

oil doesn't contain cholesterol. Each vegetable oil has different essential FA,

different ratio of SFA: MUFA: PUFA, different content of vitamin E and different

other components. Appendix A shows the percentage of SFA and UFA of different

edible oils. The recommendations of oil selection for health are: The ratio of FA is

nearly ratio of FA recommendation that is SFA: MUFA: PUFA is 28.6 : 42.8 : 28.6

% and there are high essential FAs. Appendix A shows that olive oil is the highest

of MUFA- content, canola oil, groundnut (GN) oil, rice bran oil and palm oil are

high of MUFA- content, respectively. Rice bran oil and CS oil are the ratio of SFA:

MUFA: PUFA is close to recommended ratio (ARS, 2011).

2.3 Frying Oils

The composition of oil is the one of factors that affecting oil degradation that includes

physical and chemical qualities of used frying oil. Two oils in this research represent

different compositions of oil. Peanut oil is monounsaturated fatty acid and cottonseed

oil is polyunsaturated fatty acid.

2.3.1 Cottonseed Oil

CS oil is a cooking oil extracted from the seeds of cotton plant of various species,

mainly G. hirsutum and G. herbaceum. CS oil consists of 70% UFAs (18% MUFAs,

and 52% PUFAs) and 26% SFA (Jones and King, 1996). Crude CS oil has a mild taste

and dark reddish-brown color, because of the presence of highly colored material

extracted from the seed. After processing, it typically has a rich golden yellow color;

the amount of color depending on the amount of refining (Anon., 2010). CS oil has a

relatively high smoke point (232 °C) as a frying medium; also it should be slightly less

viscous by measurement, because of a higher saturation level than other vegetable oils.

CS oil is high in tocopherols, which also contribute its stability giving products that

contain a long shelf life. The temperature range at which CS oil changes from a solid

to a liquid is 10°C to 16 °C. A crude CS oil with a FA- content of 1.8% was found to

have a flash point of 293.3 °C and its iodine values range from 103 to 112. The level


of unsaponifiable matter in good-quality CS oil usually ranges from 0.5% to 0.7%. It

may decrease slightly in deodorized oils, due to slight reductions of sterols with alkali

refining and high-temperature deodorization. CS oil saponification values range from

189 to 19, with an average of 195. But, it may contain natural toxins (gossypol) and

unacceptably high levels of pesticide residues, since it is subjected to many

agrichemicals when growing it. The natural toxin, gossypol, is eliminated in the

refining process of commercially edible CS oil and the FAO has documented the lack

of appreciable residues in CS and CS oil (David, 1990). CS oil has many food

applications. As a salad oil, CS oil is used in mayonnaise, salad dressings, sauces, and

marinades. As cooking oil, it is used for frying in both commercial and home cooking.

As a shortening or margarine, CS oil is ideal for baked goods and cake icings. Food

applications have been a major use for CS oil, but it has also been used in soap,

lubricants, sulfonated oil, pharmaceuticals, protective coasting, rubber, as a carrier for

nickel catalysts and, to a lesser degree, in the manufacture of leather, textiles, printing

ink, polishes, synthetic plastics, and resins (David, 1990).

2.3.2 Groundnut/Peanut oil

Groundnut (GN) oil, also known as peanut oil, is a mild tasting vegetable oil derived

from peanuts (Arachis hypogaea L.; Liu et al., 2011). GN oil is used mainly for

edible purposes in the preparation of shortening, margarines, and mayonnaise, as

cooking and frying oil and as a salad oil. GN oil is often used in Middle East

countries for general cooking, and in the case of roasted oil, for added flavor. The

percent of FFA in GN oil varies between 0.02% and 0.6%. Lipase hydrolysis of

triacylglycerols into FFAs and glycerol occurs before germination and during

adverse storage. Consequently, high FFA values indicate poor handling, immaturity,

mold growth, or other factors that lead to triacylglycerol hydrolysis. GN oil has a

high smoke point (226 °C) relative to many other cooking oils, so is commonly used

for frying food. Appendix B summarized the physical and chemical characteristics

of GN oil. According to the USDA (2011) data, 100 g of GN oil contains 17.7 g of

SFA, 48.3 g MUFA, and 33.4 g of PUFA. Its major component FAs are oleic acid

(46.8% as olein), linoleic acid (33.4% as linolenic), and palmitic acid (10.0% as



The oil also contains some stearic acid, arachidonic acid, behenic acid, lignoceric

acid and other FAs. Antioxidants, such as vitamin E are sometimes added, to

improve the shelf -life of the oil (Yan-Hwa and Hsia-Fen, 1999). Most highly

refined GN oils remove the peanut allergens and have been shown to be safe for the

vast majority of peanut-allergic individuals. Peanuts, which contain the mold, which

produces highly toxic aflatoxin, can end up contaminating the oil derived from them

(Crevel et al., 2000).

2.4 Frying Food

The important factor that affects used frying oil qualities is food component. The

characters of chickpeas and fish are described below:

2.4.1 Chickpea

The chickpea (Cicer arietinum), also called garbanzo bean, Indian pea, ceci

bean, Bengal gram, Hommes. It is an edible legume of the family Fabaceae,

subfamily Faboideae. Chickpeas are high in protein and one of the earliest

cultivated vegetables; 7,500-yr-old remains have been found in the Middle

East. The plant grows to between 20 and 50 cm high and has small feathery

leaves on either side of the stem. Chickpeas are a type of pulse, with one

seedpod containing two or three peas. It has white flowers with blue, violet

or pink veins. Chickpeas need a subtropical or tropical climate with

>400mm of annual rain. Chickpeas are grown in the Mediterranean, western

Asia, the Indian subcontinent and Australia (Duke, 1981). Mature chickpeas

can be cooked and eaten cold in salads, cooked in stews, ground into a flour

called gram flour, ground and shaped in balls and fried as falafel, fermented

to make an alcoholic drink (Hulse, 1991).

Chickpeas are a good source of zinc, folate (vit. B9) and protein. They are also

very high in dietary fiber and, hence, a healthy source of carbohydrates for persons

with insulin sensitivity or diabetes. Chickpeas are low in fat and most of this is

polyunsaturated. One hundred g of mature boiled chickpeas contains 164 calories,

2.6 g of fat (of which only 0.27 g is saturated), 7.6 g of dietary fiber and 8.9 g of

protein. Chickpeas also provide dietary calcium (49–53 mg/100 g), with some

sources citing the garbanzo's calcium-content as about the same as yoghurt and close

to milk (Huisman and Van der Poel, 1994; Hulse, 1991).


2.4.2 Fish

Fish is a sea food consumed by many species, including humans. The word "fish"

refers to both the animal and to the food prepared from it (Kris et al., 2002). Nutritional value

Fish provides a good source of high quality protein and contains many

vitamins and minerals. Fish may be classified as either whitefish, oily or

shellfish. Whitefish, such as haddock and seer, contain very little fat (< 1%)

whereas oily fish, such as sardines, contain between 10-25%. The latter, as a

result of its high fat content, contain a range of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E

and K) and essential FAs, all of which are vital for the healthy functioning

of the body (Fellows and Hampton, 1992). Health benefits

Research over the past few decades has shown that the nutrients and

minerals in fish, and particularly the omega 3 FAs, are heart-friendly and

can make improvements in brain development and reproduction. This has

highlighted the role for fish in the functionality of the human body

(Mozaffarian and Rimm, 2006) Health hazards

Environmental chemical contaminants and pesticides in fish pose a potential human

health hazard. Fish can be harvested from waters that are contaminated by varying

amounts of industrial chemicals, including heavy metals, pesticides, persistent

organic pollutants (POPs), persistent toxic substances (PTSs) and others. These

contaminants may accumulate in fish at levels that can cause human health problems

(e.g., carcinogenic and mutagenic effects, endocrine disruptors, kidney failure,

miscarriages, etc.). The hazard is most commonly associated with exposure over a

prolonged period of time (chronic exposure). Illnesses related to acute exposure (one

meal) are very rare. If fish and shellfish inhabit polluted waters, they can accumulate

other toxic chemicals, particularly persistent organic pollutants (POPs), fat-soluble

pollutants containing chlorine or bromine, dioxins, furans or polychlorinated


biphenyls ( PCBs), polyaromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) (Mozaffarian and Rimm, 2006,

and Bashir, personal communication). Fish consumption patterns

Fish consumption patterns in many African countries show relatively higher

levels in the coastal countries than in the hinterland. The average annual

fish consumption in the West African coastal region for example is approx.

20 kg /capita. In the Sahel countries of Sudan, Chad and Mali, per capita

fish consumption is low, ranging from 2 to 9 kg /annum. In these countries

the main source of animal protein is meat, due to the large number of herds

of cattle in these countries.

Fish consumption is generally low in the Sudan. However, consumers have

a high preference for fresh fish, especially in the cities and urban area,

which are accessible to fresh fish supply. About 70 % of the total fish

supply is consumed in the fresh or frozen form. Fried fish is not consumed

at any appreciable level, except in the cities where it is readily available

(Watanabe, 1982).The predominant cured fishery product widely produced

and consumed in northern Sudan is the salted fish, fessiekh, a fermented

fishery product. It is used as both a staple food and a condiment in food

preparation. Terkeen is a fermented fish paste which is a delicacy among the

people of northern Sudan around lake Nuba/Nasir. It is mainly used as a

condiment in traditional vegetable sauces. Hard dried fermented fish

(kejeick) is popular as food fish for Sudanese farm-workers involved in

agricultural rainfed projects or working on farm plantations, especially in

southern Sudan (Youssif, 1988).

2.5 Frying

Frying is a cooking process with which wate-containing foodstuff is immersed into

edible oils or fats at temperatures between 140 -190 °C. to change the food's

character. This process includes two transfer forms, i.e. mass transfer and heat



a) Mass transfer

Inside a frying (dehydrating) food, water migrates from the central portion radially

outward to the walls and edges to replace what is lost by dehydration of the exterior

surfaces and oil is absorbed into the food (Blumenthall, 1991).

b) Heat transfer

Water plays a number of roles in transferring heat into the food. First, it carries

energy from the hot frying oil surrounding the frying food. This removal of energy

from the food's surface prevents charring or burning caused by excessive

dehydration. The water changes from liquid to steam as the water leaves the food,

carrying off a bulk of the contacting oil's energy. As long as the water still

evaporates, the food will not char or burn. Although the temperature of the oil may

be over 180°C but the temperature of the frying food is only about 100°C, which

represents the temperature of the change in phase from water to steam. Subsurface

water also conducts heat energy from the surface contacted by hot frying oil to the

interior (Water is a better heat conductor than the fat, protein, and carbohydrate

portion of food).

The final function of cooking is gelatinizing of starchy inside the frying food.

Sufficient heat (thermal energy) must be transferred to bound water. Then, the starch

will be swelling to form the starch gel. If heat is not enough, the interior structure of

starch would be collapsed. Then, food would be overcooked or fried in badly abused

oil (Blumenthall, 1991).

2.5.1 Changes in frying food qualities and frying oils qualities

The quality of the oil as a frying medium and the quality of the food processed in it

are intimately bound. Appendix C shows the five stages of oil and relates them to

food quality, as described below (Blumenthall, 1991). Break-in oil

This is beginning of heated oil. Food is white-colored, raw, un-gelatinized starch at

the center, no cooked odor, no crisping of the surface, and little oil absorbed by the

food. Fresh oil

Slight browning at the edges of the product; partially cooked (gelatinized) centers,

crisping of the surface, and slightly more oil absorption.

30 Optimum oil

Golden-brown color, crisp, rigid surfaces, delicious food and oil odors, fully cooked

centers (rigid and ringing gel) and optimal oil absorption. Degrading oil

Darkened and/or spotty surfaces, excess oil pickup, product is moving toward

limpness, and case-hardened surfaces. Runaway oil

Dark, case-hardened surfaces, excessively oily product, surfaces collapsing inward,

centers not fully cooked, and off-odor and off -flavors (burned) (Blumenthall, 1991).

2.5.2 Fried food qualities

High temperature, oxygen, moisture and component of food involve in frying

system. This system can change four principal qualities in foods are:

- Appearance, including color, shape, gloss, etc.

-Flavor, including taste and odor.



Appearance, flavor, and texture refer to sensory acceptability but not nutrition. In

general, the frying industry controls product qualities by product appearance and

flavor. These quality characteristics can be determined by measuring the related

product properties which include moisture content, color, oil content, flavor, texture,

yield, nutrition and shelf-life stability. These quality characteristics were changed

when food is fried (Moreira et al., 1999) as follow: Moisture content.

When food is placed in hot oil, the surface temperature rises rapidly and water is

vaporized as steam. The plane of evaporation moves inside the food, and a crust is

formed. The surface temperature of the food then rises due to the hot oil, and the

internal temperature rises more slowly towards 100°C. The rate of heat transfer is

controlled by the temperature difference between the oil and the food and by the

surface heat transfer coefficient. The rate of heat penetration into the food is

controlled by the thermal conductivity of the food (Fellow, 2000).


The factors of moisture content in frying process are: Temperature

Temperature of deep frying process affects the moisture content of food. In deep

frying with high temperature, moisture content of food is decreased more than deep

frying with low temperature.

Velez-Ruiz, et al. (2002) studied the effect of temperature on the physical properties

of chicken strips during deep-fat frying by using chicken slabs (10.0 x l.0 x 0.5 cm)

with sunflower oil at several temperatures 130, 140 and 150 °C. Moisture content

was determined during the whole experiment. This study revealed that the

evaporation rate was high during the first 3 minutes of frying and after 5 minutes of

frying. Moisture content of chicken strips which deep-fat fried with sunflower oil at

temperature 130, 140 and 150 °C were 45-50%, 35-40% and 25-30%, respectively. Time

Studies have been performed by several researchers to predict texture of fried

products e.g. French fries and tortilla chips, (Fan, et al., 1997). In general, a fried

product becomes tougher as frying time increases up to an optimum value after

which the product becomes brittle. Mass transfer during frying consists of moisture

loss and oil absorption. Moisture loss during frying generally decreases exponentially

with frying time. Type of food

The textural properties, porosity, size, orientation of capillary spaces, and component

of food, etc. are all different from one food to another. This makes the oil penetration

characteristically different from one kind of food to another, effect to heat transfer of

food and their moisture content (Paul and Mittal, 1997). Oil- content of fried food products

According to Moreira et al., 1999, oil- content is one of the most important qualities

attributors of fried product. The oil content of fried food starts in the fresh oil phase

in which oil transfer occurs. Once the diffused water escapes into the oil through the

capillaries, the hot oil starts entering into the same open pores and capillaries. The

rate of entry of oil into the food is a function of the viscosity and the surface tension

of the oil.

Varela et al., (1988) reported about the frying of potatoes in olive oil that the fat

penetration starts only after about 60% of the moisture content evaporated. So the hot


oil effect on interior of the food for a short time, and the time of contact of oil with

food surface is 10% of the total frying time process, when the frying is done with the

fresh oil. Composition of food material is another factor of fat absorption. If that

food has initial high fat, it does not absorb oil when it is cooked but the fat of food

material moves into the hot oil. The important factors affecting oil penetration into

the food products are explained below. The geometrical shape of the food products.

The geometrical shape is the ratio of surface area of the product to its volume played

an important role in the oil penetration. For example, the French fried potato

contained only 13.5% oil on an average, whereas the fried potato chip contained

about 40% oil, because the surface area of potato chip was 10 to 15 times greater

than that of the French fried potato for the same volume (Moreira et al., 1999). Viscosity of the frying oil.

Viscosity of the frying oil is an important factor determining the total volume of oil

sticking to the large cavities in the crust of the food product. Higher viscosity

provided a larger volume of oil on the fried food. Potatoes absorbed about 8.5% of

the oil when fried in fresh oil, and it increased to 15% in degraded oil due to increase

in viscosity (Varela et al., 1988). Specific gravity of the food.

Generally, the oil absorption decrease as the specific gravity of the food increases.

An increase in specific gravity of the food generally means an increase in the

moisture content. Higher moisture content produces larger quantity of steam, which

reduces the oil-to-food contact time (Paul and Mittal, 1997). Type of food.

The textural properties, porosity, Size, and orientation of capillary spaces, etc. are all

different from one food to another. This makes the oil penetration characteristically

different from food to food. The food that is rough surface, porosity and the big size

absorbed oil more than another. Whereas composition of food is affecting oil

penetration i.e. increases fat or sugar in doughnut, it is high oil penetration (Moreira

et al., 1999).

33 Temperature of the frying medium.

Temperature of the frying medium affects oil penetration. If frying temperature of oil is low,

it takes long time to produce the golden-brown color of food product. Since food will absorb

more oil.

Varela et al. (1988) reported that the frying oil temperature in the range of 150-

180°C has no significant effect on oil absorption by foods. Oil absorption decreases

with a higher frying oil temperature of 180-200 °C because in the high temperature,

the composition of food changes to solid material or the surface forms into crust

which prevents oil penetration. However, this temperature range is unusual for food

frying (Guillaumin, 1988).

Bouchon et al., (2003) analyzed the oil-absorption process in deep-fat fried potato

cylinders (frying temperatures of 155, 170 and 185°C). This Study allowed to

distinguish three oil fractions: structural oil (absorbed during frying), penetrated

surface oil (suctioned during cooling), and surface oil. The result showed that a small

amount of oil penetrates during frying because most of the oil was picked up at the

end of the process, suggesting that oil uptake and water removal are not synchronous

phenomena. After cooling, oil was located either on the surface of the chip or sucked

into the porous crust-microstructure, with an inverse relationship between them for

increasing frying times. Time of frying.

The oil absorption by the food increases with longer duration of frying (Guillaumin,

1988). Color.

Color is among the major factors influencing consumer acceptability of a fried

product. It can indicate high-quality product and can also influence flavor

recognition such as the golden yellow of the potato chip that is reaction by Browning

and MiIlard reaction of food component. Factors affect color of fried products are

type of frying oil, used - time frying oil, oil temperature, food dimensions and food

sizing, food type, times of frying oil and component of food.

These factors give different level of color to fried food. Panel evaluation and

comparison to standards is the most common approach for determining color

consistencies or differences in fried food in the food industry as Munsell system

(Bennet, 2001 and Moreira et al., 1999).

34 Flavor.

Flavor also plays an important role to the food processor interested in flavor stability

of fried product during storage. It comprises of taste and odor. Taste defined as the

response of receptors in the oral cavity to chemical stimuli. Odor plays the dominant

role in the flavor sensation. Under normal conditions, only volatile chemicals can

reach the olfactory epithelium, and the sense of the taste is used to detect nonvolatile

chemicals (Moreira et al., 1999). Texture

Texture is the change of protein, fat and carbohydrate of food. It is a very important

quality characteristic of fried product. An important texture characteristic for fried

food is crispness. Crispness denotes freshness and high quality. A crisp food should

be firm and snap easily when deformed, emitting crunchy sound (Moreira et al.,

1999). Yield.

The yield of fried products depends on water loss or moisture transfer of food during

frying process. Result of loss from frying, due to water loss, which more than offsets

the weight of oil absorbed. However, factors of yield are quality of material and

processing operation (Moreira et al., 1999). Nutrition.

Nutrition of fried product depends on processing operation and frying oil. When

frying at high temperature, food is fast crust formation and closed surface of food so

change of food is increase. So by controlling frying temperature can decrease

changes and keep nutrition of food in fried product.

These are samples of fried food and the effect of nutrition:

-Fried fish loss 15% lysine and loss 22% lysine when fried fish with fresh and used

frying oil, respectively.

- Loss of vitamin C in fried product is less than boiled product because at low water

content, vitamin C is in de-hydro-ascorbic acid form, but when food boiling, vitamin

C is hydrolyzed to 2,3-di-ketogloconic acid.

-Quality of protein in fried product changes due to Millard reaction, which causes

decrease of lysine, digestibility, nitrogen retention, protein efficiency ratio and

biological value (Casimir and David, 2008).


2.5.3 Frying oil qualities

According to Paul and Mittal, 1997, fats and oils are mixtures of triglycerides. About

96 to 99% of the fresh frying oil is triglycerides. During frying, the frying oil is

exposed to temperatures of 160 to 180 °C in the presence of air and moisture. As a

result hundreds of complex chemical reactions take place in the oil and it gets

chemically altered during frying. More than 400 different chemical compounds have

been identified in deteriorated frying oils. The products can generally be divided into

two groups which are volatile and non-volatile products. A portion of the volatile

product escapes into the atmosphere with steam, while the rest remains in the oil and

may undergo further alterations or get consumed by the fried food. Some of volatile

compounds contribute to the flavor of the fried food products. About 220 volatile

products have been identified. The non-volatile products remain in the oil. They are

responsible for the changes in the physical properties and the various analytical

indices of the oil. The frying oil in the presence of oxygen, moisture, and heat

undergoes mainly three different types of alterations. They are hydrolytic alteration

caused by heat.

Lists of chemical compounds formed in the oil, and the principal pathways of their

formation are below: Hydrolytic alteration.

During frying, a considerable amount of moisture from the food products escapes

into the frying oil as steam. At elevated frying temperatures in the range 160 to

200°C, this steam reacts with triglycerides to form FFAs, mono-glycerides, di-

glycerides and glycerol. Oxidation alteration.

Due to high temperature in frying, the atmospheric oxygen reacts with the oil at the

oil surface, causing oxidative alterations. Appendix D shows a schematic diagram of

oxidative alterations. Oxidation produces hydroperoxides that can further undergo

three major types of degradation reactions.

The first is the fission, which produces alcohols, aldehydes, acids and


The second is the dehydration, which produces ketones.


The third is the free radical formation, which produces oxidized monomer,

oxidative dimers and polymers, trimers, epoxides, alcohols, hydrocarbons,

non-polar dimmers and polymers.

Most of decomposition products are formed by the free radical chain reactions. The

rate of these reactions increases with higher concentrations of oxygen and free

radicals. Only a small amount of oxygen is introduced into the oil at low

concentrations of surfactants. As the interfacial tension is high at low concentrations

of surfactants, the steam bubbles readily break and form a blanket of steam over the

oil surface, reducing the contact of atmospheric oxygen with the oil. At moderate

surfactant concentrations, oxygenation forms a number of chemicals. They include

oxidized FAs, which produce good heat transfer properties in the oil and desirable

volatile compounds. However, at high concentrations of surfactant materials, oil

dynamics and kinetics are forced to form short-chain FAs, because of the high

availability of oxygen. Flammable ketones and ethers are formed at this stage.

Polymer deposition onto the fryer walls can also be observed at this stage. However,

the rate of oxidation is depending on degree of UFAs of oil, temperature, lighting

and metal in system, e.g. copper (Moreira et al., 1999).

4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (4-HNE / HNE), (C9H16O2), is an α,β-unsaturated

hydroxyalkenal which is produced by lipid peroxidation in cells.4-HNE has 3

reactive groups: an aldehyde, a double-bond at carbon 2, and a hydroxy group at

carbon 4.It is found throughout animal tissues, and in higher quantities during

oxidative stress due to the increase in the lipid peroxidation chain reaction, due to

the increase in stress events. HNE is generated in the oxidation of lipids containing

polyunsaturated omega-6 acyl groups, such as arachidonic or linoleic groups, and of

the corresponding fatty acids. The first characterization of HNE was reported by

Esterbauer et al., (1991). This compound can be produced in cells and tissues of

living organisms or in foods during processing or storage, and from these latter can

be absorbed through the diet (Guillén et al., 2005 and Zanardi and Jagersma, 2002).

4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (4-HNE / HNE)


Since 1991 HNE are receiving a great deal of attention because it considered as

possible causal agents of numerous diseases, such as chronic inflammation,

neurodegenerative diseases, adult respiratory distress syndrome, atherogenesis,

diabetes and different types of cancer (Zarkovic, 2003). There seems to be a dual

influence of HNE on the health of cells: lower intracellular concentrations (around

0.1-5 micromolar) seem to be beneficial to cells, promoting proliferation, while

higher concentrations (around 10-20 micromolar) have been shown to trigger well-

known toxic pathways such as the induction of caspase enzymes, the laddering of

genomic DNA, the release of cytochrome c from mitochondria, with the eventual

outcome of cell death (through both apoptosis and necrosis, depending on


There are small group of enzymes which are specifically suited to the detoxication

and removal of HNE from cells. Within this group are the glutathione S-transferases

(GSTs), e.g. hGSTA4-4 and hGST5.8, aldose reductase, and aldehyde

dehydrogenase. These enzymes have low Km values for HNE catalysis and together

are very efficient at controlling the intracellular concentration, up to a critical

threshold amount, at which these enzymes are overwhelmed and cell death is

inevitable (Chen et al., 2008). Thermal alteration

Thermal alteration takes place because of heat and results in the formation of cyclic

monomers, dimers and polymers through polymerization. The mechanism of

thermal polymerization is very complex and not completely understood. Large

polymer molecules are formed by C-to-C and /or C-to-O to-C bridges among several

FAs. Cyclic monomers that are potentially harmful originate from the intra-

molecular cyclization of C18 PUFAs. The most of cyclic acids are formed due to the

carbonization of oil at the heating coil surfaces, which are maintained at high

temperature. Usually, a higher amount of cyclic monomers are formed in oils with a

higher content of linolenic acid. Dimers are formed in the first step of

polymerization. With further polymerization, molecules of high molecule weights

are formed. Appendix D summarizes the principal path ways and major products of

oil due to thermal alteration (Paul and Mittal, 1997).


According to Orthoefer and Cooper, 1996, these reactions cause changes in physical

and chemical qualities of frying oil which can indicate change in properties of oil:

Viscosity is high. Volatile material is high. Polarity is high. FFAs is high. Color is

dark. Iodine value (I.V.) is low. Reflective Index (RI) is high. Surface tension is low.

Smoke point is low. Peroxide value is high and carbonyl value is high.

2.5.4 Factors affecting oil degradation

In addition, there are various factors that influence the degradation of frying oils. The

most important factors as described by Paul and Mittal (1997): Turnover rate (T.O)

The turnover rate is probably the most important factor in maintaining oil quality. It

is the ratio of total oil in the fryer to the rate of fresh oil added. The replenishment is

to compensate for the oil absorbed by food products. A daily turnover of 15 to 25%

by mass is recommended. The higher turnover rate keeps the oil a better quality. Type of the frying process

In large scale, continuous commercial frying operations, the quality of the oil is

usually better as the T.O. period may be as low as 12 hr. Continuous fryers allow

only a very minimal oil to air contact, reducing oxidation (Orthoefer and Cooper,

1996). Temperature and frying time

Higher temperatures accelerate the oxidative and thermal alteration; especially over

200°C. Higher temperatures also increase the rate of formation of decomposition

products as well as their degree of alteration. The excess energy provided to the oil

forms chemical cross-links causing polymer formation in the oil. Frying time is

another factor accelerates the formation of products which affect oil degradation

(Orthoefer and Cooper, 1996). Intermittent heating and cooling

When the oil cools down from the normal temperatures of frying, the solubility of

oxygen in the oil increases. This accelerates oxidation reactions and hence the

production of peroxides. When the oil is again heated the peroxides that are highly

unstable at higher temperatures readily undergo decomposition, giving most of the

decomposition products. Thus, production of peroxides and their decomposition is

repeated with each cycle of heating and cooling. So, intermittent heating and cooling

of oils is much more destructive than continuous heating (Paul and Mittal, 1997).

39 Degree of unsaturation of frying fats / oils

A wide variety of fats / oils are used for frying operations. They can be of vegetable

or animal origin or blends of both. Degree of unsaturation is an important factor that

influences the characteristics of any frying oil. Some of the important aspects are

described below. Unhydrogenated vegetable oils

Unhydrogenated vegetable oils have high contents of PUFAs and UFAs. So, they

are more susceptible to oxidative alteration. They soon become rancid at room

temperature. This makes them inferior for frying operations with low turnover

periods and food that needs longer shelf life. Hydrogenation of oils is a practical

solution to this problem. Hydrogenation

Hydrogenation makes the oils solid at room temperature, more resistance to

oxidative changes and hence frying foods of longer shelf life. However, the melting

point (m.p.) of the oil varies directly with the degree of hydrogenation. The higher

the degree of hydrogenation, the higher is the m.p. In fast food restaurants, food

products are consumed at or slightly above the room temperature. Therefore, oils of

lower m.p.s offer a better mouth feel, as they melt faster at body temperature. Rate of oxidation

Rate of oxidation is roughly proportional to the degree of unsaturation of the fatty

acids present in the frying oil. So linolenic acid that has three double bonds is more

susceptible for oxidation than oleic acid that has only one double bond. Canola,

soybean oil, etc. contain higher proportions of linolenic acid. This is one of the

reasons why canola and soybean oils are not considered to be satisfactory for frying.

This problem can be resolved by: Partial hydrogenation, which reduces the linolenic

acid content. Mixed oils which had SFAs such as palm olein, palm kernel olein, that

reduces the double bond of FA content. Addition of antioxidant ( Orthoefer and

Cooper, 1996).

Goburdhum and Jhurree, (1995) studied effect of deep-fat frying on fat oxidation in

soybean oil. The frying performance and stability of pure soybean oil (PSBO),

soybean oil blended with palm kernel olein and pure soybean oil with an antioxidant

mixture of butylated hydroxyl toluene (BHT), butylated hydroxyl anisole (BHA),

propyl gallate and citric acid were compared. The oils were subjected to intermittent


frying (up to 15 frying, without any "topping up") of potato slices, at 180 °C for a

period of 337 minutes. Analytical determinations on the oils included the peroxide

value (PV), iodine value (IV), free fatty acid (FFA) value, saponification value (SV)

and the refractive index (RI). Changes in the product at the sensory level were also

assessed. The results showed that: Fat oxidation hence, reduction of unsaturated

fatty acids, as indicated by changes in the IV was non-significant in the treated oils.

Hydrolysis of fats, as shown by changes in the FFA value from the first to last

frying, was lowest in the blended oil but highest in pure soybean oil. The same trend

as above was observed for PV, an indicator of fat oxidation and rancidity. Changes

in SV were non-significant in the treated soybean oil while PSBO with the

antioxidant showed the least change in RI. Treated oils exhibited no visual increase

in viscosity or turbidity. Pure soybean oil with the antioxidant had the lightest color

at the end of the frying period. Taste panelists were unable to discriminate between

products fried in the treated oils and in PSBO. Sensory assessment showed an

improved quality of the chips fried in the blend. Chips fried in PSBO scored the

lowest rating. Thus, the overall results showed an improved behavior and quality of

the treated oils in terms of thermal stability during frying. When the oils have a high

degree of unsaturation, they show a greater tendency to form polymeric products

rather than highly polar materials. Animal-based fats have lesser UFAs and hence

high resistance to oxidative alterations. However, most of the fast food restaurants

are avoiding the use of animal- based fats due to the potential health concerns

caused by the cholesterols present in them. Blends of animal-based fats and plant-

based oils are good economical substitutes for all-vegetable- or all animal-based

shortenings. They are resistant to oxidative alterations and hence suitable for high or

low T.O rates processes. The shelf-life of fried foods is also longer. Component of frying oil

Component of frying oil are types of FAs and FAs- content in oil. It is different

according to type of the oil and influences the physical and chemical qualities of oil.

Waner and Gupta (2005) studied frying quality and stability of low-and ultra-low-

linolenic acid soybean oils. Tests were conducted with 2% (low) linolenic acid

soybean oil and 0.8% (ultra-low) linolenic acid soybean oil, in comparison with CS

oil. Potato chips were fried in the oils for a total of 25 hr of oil use. The results

showed that FFAs and polar compounds of CS oil were higher than in the low-and

ultra-low-linolenic acid soybean oils.

41 Type of food material

The contaminants from the food leaching into the oil affect the oil quality. So, the

composition of food plays an important role in deciding the useful life of oil. This is

described follows: The higher the moisture content of the food, the higher is the

moisture transfer and hence hydrolysis. Leaching of lecithin from food materials

containing high levels of egg solids can cause early foaming. Food products of

strong odors e.g. fish, onions, etc. develop objectionable odors, reducing the useful

life of the oil. Particles of food materials, as well as particles from breaded or

battered food surface coatings, contaminate the frying oil in fairly large quantities.

These particles remain in the frying oil until they are caramelized and finally

become charred to fine suspending particles of black carbon. This is an important

factor contributing to the darkening of the oil. Routine filtering is helpful in

removing these particles. When food is heated, food with high sugar content is

subjected to browning reaction. It’s effect to color oil and reducing the useful life of

the oil (Paul and Mittal, 1997). Design and maintenance of fryer

Selection and maintenance of fryers play an important role in oil

quality/degradation. The optimum fryer temperature should be maintained

throughout the frying operation. Heat balance of the fryer is inherent with the fryer

design. So, the overloading of the fryer should be avoided. The general tendency of

the operator is to increase the temperature to compensate for the overload. This

results in a much faster rate of oil degradation. The products are of low quality with

overcooked exterior and undercooked interior. An adverse effect of temperature on

oil degradation is intense at temperatures over 200 °C. On the other hand, if the

temperature is too low the product is greasy due to excess oil absorption and soggy

due to inadequate loss of moisture. The optimum temperature from the oil stability

point of view is the lowest possible temperature that gives products of optimum

quality. Fryers, which has low surface-to-volume ratios minimizes air-to-oil contact

at the surface. This reduces the oxidative degradation. Fryers should be designed

with large heating areas. This enables faster and more uniform heating of the oil.

Regular cleaning increases the useful life of the oil such as erase the polymer

deposition on the fryer form to gum which are responsible of foaming and


darkening. When cleaning, with soap and detergents should be completely removed

because they catalyze the oil degradation. Light

Light, especially that with ultraviolet rays can cause photo-oxidative breakdown of

the oil, leading to small amounts of compound. A number of volatile compounds are

believed to form as a result of photo-oxidation. So, the frying oils should not be

exposed to direct sunlight, which contains considerable amount of ultraviolet rays. Use of filters

If filters used regularly, they can improve the quality and increase the useful life of

the frying oil to a certain extent. Filtering materials can be broadly classified into

antioxidants: active and passive filters. However, most of the commercially

produced filter media use a combination of materials from all of these classes.

2.5.5 Method of Assessing Frying Oil Degradation Physical assessing PH

Non-aqueous pH is indicator to measure the changes in pH of the frying oil. pH of

the fresh oil is approximately 3 and that of the highly degraded oil was ≥ 6.5. Both

alkaline contaminant materials and free fatty acids forming in the oil influence the

pH. The pH is only an indication of the relative balance between the alkaline and the

acidic products. It is not a quantitative measure or neither alkaline products nor

acidic products. Moreover, chemical method of analysis is needed to measure the

pH, as the oil is immiscible with aqueous pH indicators. Therefore, the measurement

of pH is not considered very useful to represent the total oil ( Moreira et al., 1999). Smoke point

The smoke point of oil decreases with frying time, because of an increase in low

molecular weight (MW) compounds, mainly FFAs. The smoke point is not easily

determined in a foodservice environment (Moreira et al., 1999) Color

Change in color of oils during frying is a complex process where components of oils,

such as pigments in fried food are involved. This is the main cause of darkening of

oil with frying time (Przybylski, 2001). Only color of oil is not adequate to determine

the acceptability of frying oils. Different frying oils and foods being fried in these

oils will darken the oil at different rates.

43 Viscosity

Viscosity of the oil changes considerably with frying time and oil temperature. It

increases with the increase in oil degradation. The increase in viscosity is due to

formation of high molecular weight compounds in oils such as polymer.

Viscosity is determined by various types of viscometers or simply by timed flow

through an orifice. The viscosity is dependent on temperature. Measurements must

be made at a standardized temperature (Moreira et al., 1999). Chemical Assessing Iodine value (I.V)

The I.V is a measure of the unsaturation of oils. It is expressed in terms of the

number of grams of iodine absorbed by 100 g of the oil sample. The I.V decreases

with increase in oil degradation. I.V is applicable only to oils that do not contain

conjugated double bonds. Iodine value also is inadequate to represent the heat abuse

taking place, as well as the overall quality of the degrading oils. The I.V of olive oil,

oxidized olive oil, Lard, oxidized Lard, CS oil and oxidized CS oil as follows, 83.8,

77.3, 73.3, 56.2, 105.2 and 90.2, respectively (Moreira et al., 1999). Saponification value (S.V)

The saponification value (S.V) is the amount of alkali necessary to saponify a

definite quantity of oil. It is expressed as the number of milligrams of potassium

hydroxide (KOH) required to saponifying one g of oil sample. The S.V, which is an

indication of surfactants forming in the oil, increase with the increase in oil

degradation. However, the surfactants constitute only a small portion of the total

decomposition products. Hence, the S.V is inadequate to represent the total changes

taking place in the degrading oil (Moreira et al., 1999). Acid value (A.V)

The acid value (A.V) is the number of mg of KOH necessary to neutralize the free

acids in one g of sample. The A.V indicated amount of triglyceride in oil. The A.V

increases from FFAs, which develops from both hydrolysis and oxidation.

Therefore, the A.V increases with increase in oil degradation (Moreira et al., 1999;

Orthoefer and Cooper, 1996).

44 Carbonyl value

The carbonyl value (C.V) is the mg of carbonyl (-CO-) compounds contained in one

g of oil. Determination of C.V is one of the effective methods to estimate the

compounds containing carbonyl groups, such as aldehydes, esters and ketones. C.V

gives a measure of only a portion of the total oxidative products formed. Therefore,

it is considered less helpful in representing the total degraded compounds, which are

taking place in the oil (Moreira et al., 1999). Hydroxyl value (H.V)

Hydroxyl value (H.V) is a measure of OH-content of the oil. It is the mg of KOH

equivalent to the OH-content in one g of oil. The H.V increases with increase in

hydrolysis. It is a good measure of hydrolytic taking place in the oil. However, it is

not a good measure of oxidative or thermal and, hence, not suitable to represent the

total of degraded compounds (Orthoefer and Cooper, 1996).. Peroxide value (P.V)

The peroxide value (P.V) is a measure of oxidative abuse of the oil. The P.V is

expressed in terms of milliequivalents (meq) of peroxide per 1000 g of sample,

which oxidize potassium iodide (KI) under the conditions of the test. The P.V

increases with increase in oil temperature and moisture. The P.V is not a good

measure of heat abuse in frying oil as the P.V are unstable under high temperatures

of frying. Peroxides usually undergo further reactions even at lower temperatures.

The P.V of the oil sample may increase due to cooling, once it is taken out of the

fryer (Orthoefer and Cooper, 1996). Total polar compounds (TPC)

Total polar compounds (TPC) are determined by dissolving 2.5 g oil in a petroleum

ether / diethyl ether (87: 13) mixture. The sample is eluted on a silica gel column,

where polar compounds are absorbed on the silica gel. After evaporation of the

elution solvents, the nonpolar material is weighed, and TPC is determined by

difference. In some countries, a level of 25-27% total polar material is the upper

limit for frying oil (Moreira et al., 1999; Orthoefer and Cooper, 1996). Conjugated dienoic acid (CDA)

Conjugated dienoic acid occurs when PUFAs are oxidized. One of the double

bonds shifts to form the conjugated dienoic acid. This produces the diene

conjugation of unsaturated linkages present, which can be measured by UV-

absorption at 232 nm. This value is expressed as a percentage of CDA. Even though


the absorption at 232 nm increases initially showing an increase in percent by mass

of CDA, equilibrium is established between the rate of formation of conjugated

dienes and the rate of formation of polymers involving conjugated dienes. As a

result, the absorption does not show much variation, as the frying proceeds.

Therefore, once the equilibrium is established, the absorption at 232 nm may not

represent a direct measurement of oxidative degradation. Moreover, this test is

considered to be less applicable in measuring heat abuse of oils containing only few

UFAs. Generally, shortening contain only lesser amounts of UFAs due to partial

hydrogenation. Hence, the measurement of CDA is considered useful in

determining the frying oil quality (Casimir and David, 2008).

2.5.6 Recommendation and Regulation of Frying Fats and Oils in Some


Frying oils have to be discarded after certain duration of use because of the harmful

effects of the products forming and accumulating in the oil. In earlier days, the taste

evaluation of the food products was considered the most important factor in the

quality measurement (Moreira et al., 1999 and Stier, 2001).

Many countries establish their own recommendations or regulation for used fats

and oils for the safety of health's population. Appendix E presents summary of

regulation in some countries (Paul and Mittal, 1997 and Stier, 2001).

2.6 Pertinent research

Hasson (2012) studied the time effect of frying Falafels on physical, chemical, and

FAs changes during frying in CS oil. The samples collected from local restaurant for

Falafels in Damascus. Results of physical changes revealed that refractive index

(R.I), viscosity and density of CS oils were increased during frying of Falafels after

70 hr and the chemical changes showed that I.V was gradually decreased with the

increasing value of FFAs. The TPC reached the rejection value of 25% during the 50

hr of frying. In addition, the P.V of CS oil has reached (12.89meqO2/kg) in 20 hr

and increased to 22.5 % in 70 hr of frying falafel. All the average values of physical

and chemical changes of oils, showed that there were significant differences (p<1%)

in all polled samples and the effects of frying falafels on FAs changes showed that


some SFAs were increased while UFAs were decreased after 70 hr of frying,

especially C18:2.

Emin and Buket, (2011) studied the quality of 28 frying oil samples

collected twice a month from fast food restaurants in Çanakkale City,

Turkey. Oil samples have been determined by A.V, P.V, TPC, R.I,

viscosity, color and turbidity measurements. In addition, a questionnaire

composed of 9 questions has been distributed to the cooks of these

restaurants. The results of physical changes revealed that R.I, viscosity,

color and turbidity of different type of frying oils were ranged as (1.4640-

1.4745), (48.95-78.15 cP), (25.28-45.14 Lv) and (2.7-733.5 NTU),

respectively. The results of chemical changes revealed that A.V, P.V, TPC,

ranged as (0.876-4.083 % oleic), (2.50-59.06 meq/kg) and (9.25-50.25%),

respectively. Only three samples exceeded the rejection value of (TPC),

25%. In addition, the survey has indicated that especially in small frying

facilities, poor education of cooks and restaurant owners about hazard

related with frying manner such as discarding of waste, TPC limits …etc,

were leading to pouring waste oil into pipeline as a common practice and

other bad manners. Therefore, education of the restaurant owners and cooks

and organizing an effective way of collecting waste frying oils are needed in

this area. Also, the survey has indicated that cooks are well aware of the

government regulation and control procedures for frying oils. Education to

get TPC measurements to be implemented regularly is also needed.

Nittaya (2008) studied the changes in physical and chemical properties

during frying banana slices in palm olein oil, rice bran oil and soybean oil

for 20 cycles for each one. Results of physical changes revealed that P.V

was gradually increased (4.21-7.36 meq/kg) with the increasing value of

conjugated dienoic acids and TPC of three frying oils ranged between 0.25-

0.84% and 6.57-8.83%, respectively after the 20th

frying cycles. The TPC

did not reach the rejection value of 25% during the 20th

cycles of three

studied oils. In addition, the color index (Munsell value) of three studied

oils, were decreased from 10Y to 7.5Y, while viscosity increased gradually

from 14.98 to 21.17 sec/ml.


OtiWilberforce and Nwabue (2013) in their study in Nigeria found accumulation of

As, Cd, Cr, Pb and Zn in soils and vegetables in the vicinity of Enyigba Lead mine.

These were investigated using Particle Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) spectrometry.

Samples from Abakaliki served as control. The five edible vegetables studied include

Telfaria occidentalis (fluted pumpkin); Talinum triangulare (water leaf); Amaranthus

hybridus (Amaranth or pigweed); Vernonia amygdalina (bitter leaf); and Solmun

nigrum (garden egg leaf). The metal concentrations in the soil decreased with depth

which possibly suggests anthropogenic sources of contamination. The levels of Pb >

Ni > Cd in Enyigba top soil was observed to be above the US-EPA Regulatory Limits

in that order. Elevated concentrations of heavy metals were recorded in all the

vegetable samples from Enyigba Lead mine and they exceeded those of Abakaliki.

The results revealed that heavy metal values in the vegetable from Enyigba ranged

from 0.035 - 0.400 mg/kg (As), 0.001 - 0.01 mg/kg (Cd), 0.023 - 0.273 mg/kg (Cr),

0.105 -0.826 mg/kg (Pb), and 0.016 - 0.174 mg/kg (Zn); while those from Abakaliki

were found to be 0.022 - 0.280 mg/kg (As), 0.002 -0.009 mg/kg (Cd), 0.023 - 0.210

mg/kg (Cr), 0.091 - 0.426 mg/kg (Pb) and 0.022 - 0.144 mg/kg (Zn). The levels of As

and Pb in bitter leaf and garden egg leaf exceeded WHO Maximum Limit (WHO-ML

= 0.1 ppm for As and 0.3 ppm for Pb).

Asemave et al., 2012 reported that samples of palm oil, groundnut oil and

soybean oil were collected from Makurdi town - Nigeria. These were

analyzed for Cu, Fe, Cr, Al, Pb and Cd. The concentrations of each of these

elements were determined. Palm oil gave 11.370 mg kg-1, 0.078 mg kg-1,

2.3319 mg kg-1, 0.1780 mg kg-1,1.9358 mg kg-1, and 0.0220 mg kg-1 for

Fe, Cu, Cr, Al, Pb and Cd respectively.

In the GN oil, the concentrations (mg/kg) of Fe, Cu, Cr, Al, Pb and Cd were

obtained as 8.5109, 0.0633, 2.7067, 0.1631, 1.7742 and 0.0207 respectively.

For the Soybean oil sample, the levels (mg kg-1) were 8.7519, 0.0475,

1.7559, 0.1631, 0.3837, and 0.0200 for Fe, Cu, Cr, Al, Pb and Cd


Fangkun et. al, (2011) studied eight heavy metals namely Cu, Zn, Fe, Mn,

Cd, Ni, Pb and As, in nine varieties of edible vegetable oils collected from

China. The heavy metals were determined by inductively coupled plasma


atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) and graphite furnace atomic

absorption spectrometry (GF-AAS) after microwave digestion. The

concentrations for Cu, Zn, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and As were observed in the

range of 0.214–0.875, 0.742–2.56, 16.2–45.3, 0.113–0.556, 0.026–0.075,

0.009–0.018 and 0.009–0.019 µg/g, respectively. Cadmium was found to be

2.64–8.43 µg/kg. In general, Fe content was higher than other metals in the

investigated edible vegetable oils. Comparing with safety intake levels for

these heavy metals recommended by Institute of Medicine of the National

Academies (IOM), US EPA and Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on

Food Additives (JECFA), the dietary intakes of the eight heavy metals from

weekly consumption of 175 g of edible vegetable oils or daily consumption

25 g of edible vegetable oils for a 70 kg individual should pose no risk to

human health.

Erol et al. (2008) studied 17 edible vegetable oils, which were analyzed

spectrometrically for their metal (Cu, Fe, Mn, Co, Cr, Pb, Cd, Ni, and Zn)

contents. Toxic metals in edible vegetable oils were determined by ICP-

AES. The highest metal concentrations were measured as 0.0850, 0.0352,

0.0220, 0.0040, 0.0010, 0.0074, 0.0045, 0.0254 and 0.2870 mg/kg for Cu in

almond oil, for Fe in corn oil, for Mn in soybean oil, for Co in sunflower oil

and almond oil, for Cr in almond oil, for Pb in virgin olive oil, for Cd in

sunflower oil, for Ni in almond oil and for Zn in almond oil respectively.

The method for determining toxic metals in edible vegetable oils by using

ICP-AES is discussed. The metals were extracted from low quantities of oil

(2-3 g) with a 10% nitric acid solution. The extracted metal in acid solution

can be injected into the ICP-AES. The proposed method is simple and

allows the metals to be determined in edible vegetable oils with a precision

estimated below 10% relative standard deviation (RSD) for Cu, 5% for Fe,

15% for Mn, 8% for Co, 10% for Cr, 20% for Pb, 5% for Cd, 16% for Ni

and 11% for Zn.

Nash et al. (1983) studied the presence of ultra-trace levels of Ni, Cr, Cu

and Fe occurring in hydrogenated vegetable oil products which were

estimated by dispersion of the samples in 4-methyl-2-pentanone and atomic


absorption spectroscopy (AAs) analysis by the graphite furnace technique.

The principal goals in establishing the analytical methods were improved

sensitivity to metals at low levels and applicability to limited amounts of

products. Using reproducibility and linearity of response as criteria,

optimum oil concentration in solvent and instrument parameters were

established. For a series of commercial products, the method of standard

additions was adopted to correct for matrix differences between the

products and salad oil-based standards. The range for the metals was

determined in five cooking oils: Ni, 29-207 ppb; Cr, 1-5 ppb; Cu, 13-37

ppb; and Fe, 138-301 ppb; in recovered oils from five margarines: Ni, 34-70

ppb; Cr, 2-12 ppb; Cu, 26-58 ppb; and Fe, 239-540 ppb; and in five solid

shortenings: Ni, 592-2772 ppb; Cr, 8-35 ppb and Cu, 26-108 ppb.

Houhoula et al. (2003) studied the effect of process time and temperature on

the accumulation of polar compounds in CS oil during deep-fat frying. The

potato chips were fried at temperature range 155-195 °C. The result showed

that the content of polar compounds increased linearly with process time.

The analysis of individual polar compounds showed that the products of

thermal and oxidation degradation dominated over the products of

hydrolytic cleavage as frying proceeded. Dimeric triglycerides increased

linearly with process time, while polymerized triglycerides increased

exponentially. The rate constants of the degradation reactions increased

slightly with temperature. Oxidized triglycerides increased with frying time

up to 6 hr, thereafter remaining constant or increasing further upon

prolonged frying. The increase was greater at higher temperature. The

products of hydrolytic cleavage were not significantly affected by

temperature. Mono- and diglycerides increased initially to reach a plateau,

while FFAs remained almost constant throughout frying. The thermo-

oxidation alterations induced by heating the oil were also measured and

compared with those observed during frying at the same temperature.

Dimeric and polymerized triglycerides showed high rates of increase during

heating as compared with frying at the same temperature.


Totani et al. (2006) studied color deterioration of oil during frying. The

authors investigated the oil used for frying in the industries, and recovered

on a large scale. There were adjusted virgin frying oil, whose mineral-

content to be recovered from oil, was spiked with several components of

fried foods. Then heated at 180°C for up to 70 hr. From the change in oil

viscosity, the apparent heating time of recovered oil was judged to be 20

hours. It was found that in practice, starch, proteins, sugar, and pigments

had little to do with the deterioration, whereas the amino acids, especially

Cys, Met, Trp and the oil itself contributed to the deterioration. These

amino acids exuded from foodstuffs during frying. The level of minerals in

the oil affected the deterioration and viscosity increase of oil itself, in rate as

well as in degree although the deterioration by amino acids was not affected

much by mineral-content. The authors suggested that color deterioration of

frying oil used in the Japanese food industry is attributable to the amino-

carbonyl reaction between thermally oxidized oil and amino acid exuded by

fried stuffs, and coloring of oil itself influenced much by mineral content.

Xu et al. (1999) studied the chemical and physical properties and sensory

evaluation of six deep-frying oils, that were high in oleic canola oil with different

levels of linolenic (low-linolenic canola, medium-linolenic canola and high-

linolenic canola oil), medium-high-oleic sunflower oil, a commercial palm olein oil

and a commercial, partially hydrogenated canola oil. The authors monitored

physical and chemical properties and sensory evaluation during 80 hr deep-frying

trials with potato chips. The result showed that linolenic acid-content was a critical

factor in the deep-frying performance of high in oleic canola oil and was inversely

related to both the sensory ranking of the food fried in the oils and the oxidative

stability of the oils. Low-linolenic canola and sunflower oil were ranked the best of

the six oils in sensory evaluation, although low linolenic canola performed

significantly better than sunflower oil in color index, FFA-content, and TPC.

Medium-linolenic canola was as good as palm olein oil in sensory evaluation, but

was better than palm olein in oxidative stability. Partially hydrogenated canola oil

received the lowest scores in sensory evaluation. High-oleic canola oil with 2.5 %

linolenic acid was found to be very well suited for deep frying.


Bastida and Sanchenz-Muniz (2002) studied content of polar and triacylglycerol

oligomer in the frying-life assessment of olive oil (monounsaturated), sunflower oil

(polyunsaturated) and a blend of these oils in deep-frying. Oil was replenished with

fresh oil every 10 frying cycles in all three oils. Changes in the polar content were

25% and polar content was surpassed after 32.2 frying in the olive oil, 22.5 frying

in the sunflower oil and 27.5 frying for the blend oil. According the triacylglycerol

oligomer content was 10% cutoff point; olive oil should be discarded after 25

frying, sunflower oil after 15 frying and the blend oil after 17.7 frying. However,

change in polar content and triacylglycerol oligomer content were different only

between olive oil and sunflower oil that indicated that olive oil performs better than

sunflower oil, and that the blend oil can be used as an alternative.

Totani (2007) studied the effect of reduction in atmospheric oxygen and decreases

thermal deterioration of oil during frying. In frying model experiments a mixture

consisting of oil and amino acid was heated in a tube at 180°C for 20 hr under a

limited supply of oxygen. It was found that a slight decrease in atmospheric pressure

inhibited color deterioration and the formation of polar compounds by more than

50%. It should be economically feasible to set up a frying facility operated under

reduced pressure, which will result in a decrease in oil deterioration, a possible risk

factor for lung cancer for frying operators.

Totani et al. (2007) collected basic information about deteriorated frying oil

ingested through foods to study the safety of deep-fried foods in frying oil. The oil

samples provided by the restaurant had been used for deep-frying for 3-9 days. They

analyzed the acid value (AV), carbonyl value (COV), polar compounds (PC) and

triacylglycerol (TG) and Gardner color in oils used in the kitchen of campus

restaurant and in oil contained in batter coatings of commercially deep-fried foods

purchased randomly in Kobe, Japan. The results of the restaurant investigation

indicated that the properties of frying oil were almost within the safe limit when one

batch of oil was used at 180°C for 3 hr a day for 5 consecutive days.




3.1 Site of the experiments

The experiment was carried out in Faculty of Agricultural Sciences (FAS), university

of Gezira (U of G), Nesheshieba, Wad Medani, the Sudan (14° 24' N 33° 29'E, 408m

above sea level).

3.2 Methods

3.2.1 Study design

This study was composed of two parts, i.e. a questionnaire and laboratory analysis.

The laboratory work was designed to analyze the physical and chemical qualities of

two types of used frying oils, viz. CS oil and GN oil. All experiments followed the

randomized complete block design (RCBD).

3.2.2 Questionnaire

A questionnaire (Appen. F) composed of 20 questions was designed to explore the

types of popular vegetable oils and types of food used in frying, in addition to the

manner of frying (i.e. temperature, duration, storage, reusing … etc.). It has been

distributed to 181 participants involved in cooking (food producers) in both sectors

home (103) and local restaurants (78) in Wad Medani town. Data were subjected to

analysis using SPSS version 11.5 software program.

3.2.3 Laboratory Work: Samples collection and frying process

In this study samples of used oils (CS oil and GN oil) for food frying (viz. fish and

falafel) in Wad Medani local restaurants were collected as fallow: Two types of fresh

refined oil were purchased from the local market (Wad Medani, the Sudan). The

prepared 20 kg of fresh fish (Lates niloticus), locally known as "Ejel" fished from the

Blue Nile, and the 40 kg of chickpea (Cicer arietinum) was soaked in fresh water for

10 hours, then grounded and mixed with garlic, onion, and spices, shaped in balls and

fried as falafel/ tameyia. Both type of studied foods were fried in both type of studied

oils separately and continuously for 20 cycles. Initial amount of oil in fryer was ca.

4L. Around 300 ml of oil samples were taken directly from the fryer in-use at initial

frying, 5th

, 10th

, 15th

and 20th

frying cycle. Samples were kept into capped glass

containers when oil was 180 ± 5 °C, then after oil samples were cooled they were

taken into labeled capped plastic containers and kept at 0 ± 5 °C until analyzed.

53 Sensory evaluation of fried falafel and fish

The sensory panel test was done by using Hedonic Scale method. After the end of

frying process using both types of oils (CS oil and GN oil), selected samples of fried

food (falafel and fish) were taken after end of first, 5th

, 10th

, 15th

and 20th

frying cycle,

the selected samples were placed randomly in codified plates with three-digit codes

and served to ten consumer panelists (5 males and 5 females) they fill out the

evaluation form (Appen. G). Judges were placed in different places to avoid

communication during the evaluation and asked to select one of five Hedonic Scale

range of fried fish and falafel for overall acceptability and made comments about

taste, texture, appearance, color, odor (Appen. G) (Carpenter et al., 2000). Physical analysis for used frying oils Color

The color of oil samples were measured at 25-30 °C, the cuvette was filled, using a

sufficient amount of oil to ensure a full column in the light beam. Then the filled

cuvette was placed in the instrument (Lovibond, model PFXi-950 Series) and the

color absorbance was measured in terms of Lovibond units according to AOCS

method Cc 13e-92, (2004). Viscosity

The temperature of the oil samples were adjusted to 25-30 °C, 2 ml oil sample was

drawn with pipette, then 1 ml oil sample was released and flow rate was determined.

Brookfield LV viscometer Model TC-500 (Brookfield Engineering Laboratories

Stoughton, MA, USA) was used to measure the viscosity of the oil samples at 30 °C

according to the method described by Saguy et al. (1996). Chemical analysis of used frying oils Peroxide value

The peroxide value was determined using procedure described in official methods and

recommended practices of the AOCS method Cd 8-53(2003), as follows: 5.00 g ±

0.05 of sample were weighed into a 250 ml erlenmeyer flask with glass stopper and

30 ml of the 3:2 acetic acid : chloroform solution were added. Swirled well to

dissolve the sample. Then 0.5 ml of saturated KI solution was added using volumetric

pipette. The solution was allowed to stand with occasional shaking for exactly one

min., and then immediately 30 ml of distilled water were added. Titrated with 0.1 N


sodium thiosulfate, it was added gradually and with constant agitation. The titration

was continued until the yellow iodine color has almost disappeared. About 2.0 m1 of

starch indicator solution was added. The titration was continued with constant

agitation, especially near the end point, to liberate all of the iodine from the solvent

layer. The thiosulfate solution was added drop wise until the blue color just


Calculation : Peroxide value (milliequivalents peroxide /100 g sample)

= (S - B) x N x 1000

mass of sample, g.

where- B = volume of titrant, ml of blank

S = volume of titrant, ml of sample

N = normality of sodium thiosulfate solution Acid value and FFA

The acid value (A.V) was determined using procedure described in official methods

and recommended practices of the AOCS method Cd 3a-63(1989) as follows: 2.5 g ±

0.01 g of oil sample were weighed into an Erlenmeyer flask (250 ml) and 20 ml of the

solvent mixtures 1:1 ethanol: di-ethyl-ether solution were added with 3-4 drops of

phenolphthalein. The mixture was shaken vigorously and titrated with 0.1N KOH

solution with constant shaking until the pink coloration remains permanent. Acid

value was calculated using the formula:

The acid value, mg KOH/g of sample = [(A - B) x N x 56.1]/W

Where -

A = ml of standard alkali used in the titration

B = ml of standard alkali used in titrating the blank

N = normality of standard alkali

W = g of sample

The FFAs percent was expressed as oleic acid by dividing the acid value by (1.99)

factor. Total polar compounds (TPC) measurement

Spectrophotometric measurement was done by using a Hitachi U-2000

Spectrophotometer (Tokyo, Japan). The TPC of the oil samples were measured at 25

°C according to the method described by Xu, (2000). Oil samples were dissolved in

iso-octanol (1:2) and placed in a standard cuvette. The spectrophotometer absorbance

was zeroed against blank solvent. The oil samples were measured at 490 nm

wavelength. The equation for conversion of the absorbance to TPC contents is:


Y = −2.7865x2 + 23.782x + 1.0309.


Y = Total Polar Compounds % (TPC).

X = Oil sample Spectrophotometric absorbance's at 490 nm. Determination of Pb, Cd and Cu ions.

Preparation of standards were made by stock solutions of a 1.0 mg/L concentration of

each metal and these were used for the preparation of aqueous standard solutions after

appropriate dilution with 10 % nitric acid. The concentration ranges of the working

solutions were 0.001- 0.1 ppm for all metals. The procedure of standard preparation as

follows: one ml of 10% nitric acid containing different concentrations of metal (10-50

ppb) was added to 1g of oil samples. A calibration curve was obtained to see the

linear relationship between absorbance and metal concentration in the concentration

range being used.

Ten ml of each of the oil samples were dissolved in 50 ml of CCl4. Ten ml of each of

nitric acid 10% were added to the beaker and then shaked for 10 min. at velocity of

2500-3000 rpm. The resulting solution was transferred into a plastic bottle for metal

analysis by AAS method according to Allen et al. (1998).

3.2.4 Statistical analysis

All experiments followed the randomized complete block design (RCBD).

Differences among individual means were determined by analysis of variance

(ANOVA) test and Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT), t-test, F-test, correlation

and regression. SPSS version 11.5 (2002) statistical package software was used to

perform the statistical analysis.




4.1 Questionnaire analysis results

The responses in percentage of responders within each question are shown in tables

1a, 1b and 1c. The major oils used for frying were GN oil (79.5%), CS oil (15.4%),

sunflower oil (2.6%) and corn oil (1.3%) of the total amount used by the restaurants

sector. Interestingly the questionnaire revealed that CS oil was not used by the home

sector, which used slightly more oils of GN oil (88.3%), corn oil (8.7%) and

sunflower oil (2.9%). Mostly in restaurants sector and home sector using oil produced

by commercial factories (92.3 and 95.1%, respectively) or rarely traditional oil

extractors (7.7 and 4.9%, respectively). Usually in local restaurants and home frying

one type of food in the same oil (69.2% and 33%), or two (20.5% and 42.7%),

respectively), the type of fried food were falafel, 60.3% and 7.8%; fish, 21.8% and

1.0%; fish and chicken/falafel, 12.8% and 12.6%, and all options, 2.6% and 76.7% in

restaurants and homes, respectively (Tables 1a, 1b and 1c). Emin and Buket (2011)

under took questionnaire work not very different from the present work. They

reported that the main oil used for frying in Turkish restaurants was sunflower oil,

which amounted to 46.43% of the total oils used in frying process. Hasson (2012)

reported that CS oil was mostly used in frying Falafel in Damascus - Syria.

Richard et al. (2005) reported that CS oil and GN oil that did not have any processing

after extraction were purchased at local bazzars in central Asia and Africa. Refining

process refers to any purification treatment designed to remove FFA, phosphatides,

gossypol, sterols, pigments, glucosides, waxes, hydrocarbons, and other compounds

that may be detrimental to the flavor or oxidative stability of the refined oil.

Inadequately refined oils will affect the operation of all succeeding processes and the

quality of the finished product. Also refining process is to inactivate trace metals, such

as Fe, Cu and others that may be present in the oil. In the present study it is obvious

that both sector in restaurants and home cooks were using refined vegetable oil in

higher percentage than traditional oil extractor, so they have a good quality of initial

frying oil and final products of fried food.


Table (1a): Percentage of Distribution of the Selections for the Questions (Q1-Q8) in the

Questionnaire used for restaurants and home cooks.

Question Options

Selected option%


ants Home

Q1 - What it's the source of

frying oil you are using?

a- Commercial factory. 92.3 95.1

b- Traditional oil Extractor. 7.7 4.9

Q2 - What is the trade name of

frying oil you are using?

a- Sabah*. 48.7 78.6

b- Afia*. 1.3 5.8

c- Other, specify*………… 50 15.5

Q3- What is the type of frying oil

you are using?

a- Cottonseed oil. 15.4 0

b- Groundnut oil. 79.4 88.4

c- Corn oil. 1.3 8.7

d- Mixture oils. 1.3 0

e- Other, specify…… 2.6 2.9

Q4-What are the types of fried

food you regularly frying?

a- Falafel. 60.3 7.8

b- Potato. 0 1.9

c- Eggplant. 0 0

d- Fish. 21.8 1.0

e- Chicken. 0 0

f- Red Meat. 0 0

g- Fish&Chicken. 12.8 0

h-Fish&Falafel. 2.6 12.6

i- All of mentioned above. 2.6 76.7

Q5-How many types of food do

you fry in the same oil?

a-One. 69.2 33

b- Two. 20.5 42.7

c- Three. 5.1 9.7

d- More than three. 5.1 14.6

Q6-What is the required time for

one batch/cycle of frying


a- 1-5 min. 57.4 54.4

b- 6-9 min. 35.2 38.8

c- 10-14 min. 5.6 3.9

d- More than 14 min. 1.9 2.9

Q7-What is the required time for

one batch/cycle of frying Fish?

a- 1-5 min. 11.4 13.7

b- 6-9 min. 40 46.1

c- 10-14 min. 28.6 27.5

d- More than 14 min. 20 12.7

Q8-How many batches /cycles of

food you are frying in the same

oil ?

a- 1-3. 6.4 53.4

b- 4-6 . 14.1 33

c- 7-9. 19.2 10.7

d- More than 9. 60.3 2.9

*Mention of specific trade names does not mean any sponsorship by the author.


In restaurants sector (question No. 8), they have a highest number of fry cycles, i.e. >

9 cycles (47%) and the lowest was between 1 to 3 cycles (5%). However, in contrast,

in home sector the range was from 2.9 to 53.4%, respectively, for the highest and

lowest cycle numbers (Table 1a). These findings are slightly different compared to

study done by Emin and Buket (2011) who applied a questionnaire composed of 9

questions to 28 restaurant cooks and their responses (%) for each responders

within each question reported that, (49.14%) perform frying for 0.5-2.5 hr daily. The

previously mentioned Hasson (2012) study in Syria (CS oil used in frying Falafel)

revealed that the TPC reached the rejection value of 25% after 50 hr of frying.

Houhoula et al. (2003) reported that levels of polar compound increased linearly with

process time. The analysis of individual polar compounds showed that the products of

thermal and oxidation degradation dominated over the products of hydrolytic

cleavage as frying proceeded. In the present study the result showed high number of

frying cycles in restaurants compared to home sectors, so the expected results will be

higher in amount of TPC in restaurants compared to home sector.

The responders used a butane gas as source of controllable heat energy for frying

process in restaurants (93.6%) and home (95.1%). The responders usually remove the

small pieces of burned food when it forms in restaurants (89.7%), but in home they do

that after end of frying process (61.2%) and often store the residual oil after cooling in

both sectors and prefer to store it in plastic container (40.5%) in restaurants compared

with home cooks who prefer glass containers (72.6%), Table (1b). The results showed

that most of cooks in restaurants and home store remained oil 1 to 3 days (100% and

85.2%, following the same order) and then topping it with fresh oil (95.2% and

78.7%, respectively).

The responders vary in method of recognizing the physical index of deteriorated oil,

most of restaurants cook's rely on changes in color (20.5%) compared with home

cooks who rely on a combination of smell, color and taste (9.7%), (Table 1c).

According to Tseng et al. (1996), the components from the food leaching into the oil

affect the oil quality. So, the composition of food plays an important role in deciding

the useful life of oil. Particles of food materials, as well as particles from breaded or

battered food surface coatings, contaminate the frying oil in fairly large quantities.


Table (1b): Percentage of Distribution of the Selections for the Questions (Q9-

Q15) in the Questionnaire used for restaurants and home cooks.

Question Options

Selected option%


ants Home

Q9-How do you recognize

(determine) the suitable

temperature for starting

the frying process?

a- Slight smoke from the oil. 25.6 27.2

b-By dropping a piece of food in

hot oil. 44.9 45.6

c-After a specific time. 11.5 22.3

d-Other, please specify……. 17.9 4.9

Q10 - How do you solve

the problem of foaming oil

during the frying process,

especially for Groundnut


a- No foams. 62.8 24.3

b- Using Salt. 6.4 14.6

c- Using a piece of charcoal. 12.8 24.3

d- Using Lemon juice. 14.1 14.6

e-Other, please specify………… 3.8 22.3

Q11- What is the source of

heat you are using?

a- Butane gas. 93.6 95.1

b- Electrical heater. 0 0

c- Charcoal. 5.1 4.9

d- Firewood. 1.3 0

Q12- Oil filtering from

small pieces of fried food,

done ………?

a- After process of frying

completely ended. 9 61.2

b- Occasionally (when it

appeared). 89.7 32

c- It doesn't form. 0 3.9

d- It's formed, but does not filter. 1.3 2.9

Q13- Do you store the

remained frying oil?

a- Yes. 52.6 60.2

b- No. 47.4 39.8

Q14- If yes, which type

of containers do you use

for the storage?

a- Metallic. 35.7 9.7

b- Glass. 11.9 72.6

c- Plastic. 40.5 9.7

d- Fryer. 11.9 8.1

Q15- Do you ensure the

oil is cool before storing?

a- Yes. 100 98.4

b- No. 0 1.6


These particles remain in the frying oil until they are caramelized and finally become

charred to fine suspending particles of black carbon. This is an important factor

contributing to the darkening of the oil. Routine filtering is helpful in removing these

particles. Houhoula et al. (2003) reported that production of peroxides and their

decomposition was repeated with each cycle of heating and cooling. Therefore,

intermittent heating and cooling of oils is much more destructive than continuous

heating. Przybylski (2001) reported that change in color of oils during frying was a

complex process where components of oils, such as pigments and fried food are

involved. This is the main cause of darkening of oil with frying time. Thus, only the

color of the oil is not adequate to determine the acceptability of frying oils.

Different frying oils and foods being fried in these oils will darken the oil at different

rates. Paul and Mittal (1997) revealed that T.O rate is probably the most important

factor in maintaining oil quality. It is the ratio of total oil in the fryer to the rate of fresh

oil added. The replenishment is to compensate for the oil absorbed by food products. A

daily T.O of 15 to 25% by mass is recommended. The higher T.O rate keeps the oil a

better quality.

The results showed that the cooks usually dispose un-wanted/waste oil at the end of the

day by spilling it into back-street (43.6%) in restaurants. But in home users prefer to

pour it into sewage (29.1%) (Table 1c). These results were highly different from

Turkish study done by Emin and Buket (2011) who reported that most of restaurants

cook's ( 60.72 %) treat waste oil in a way other than pouring into pipe (7.14%),

collecting and disposing it into trash (17.86%) or collecting and selling to a buyer


It has been clearly the main purpose of this survey is designing our present experiment

more than a scientific investigation. From these results, it can be inferred that the

attitudes and practices done by restaurants cooks have showed great potential hazard for

human health compared to home frying food producers. Thus, the laboratory experiment

was designed to explore more details about the physical and chemical changes in frying

oil qualities, depending on findings of the questionnaire.


Table (1c): Percentage of Distribution of the Selections for the Questions (Q16-

Q20) in the Questionnaire used for restaurants and home cooks.

Question Options



ants Home

Q16- How many days do

you store oil, for next use?

a- 1-3. 100 85.2

b- 4-6. 0 11.5

c- 7-9. 0 1.6

d- More than 9. 0 1.6

Q17 - Do you topping the

stored oil by adding fresh

oil before starting a new

frying process?

a- Yes. 95.2 78.7

b- No.

4.8 21.3

Q18- How you can

recognize the expiry date

of stored frying oil?

a-By Smell. 16.7 16.1

b- By color. 38.1 14.5

c- By taste. 11.9 8.1

d-By viscosity. 2.4 9.7

e- By smell & taste 16.7 6.5

f- By smell & color 9.5 11.3

g-By color & taste 0 3.2

h-By color & viscosity 0 12.9

i- By smell, color & taste 4.8 16.1

j- Other, please specify ….. 0 1.6

Q19- What do you do

with this oil when you

decided not to use it

again in frying?

a- Wiping Kisra's / Gorasa's pan. 6.4 33

b- Wiping bread's trays. 2.6 0

c- Making traditional soaps. 0 0

d- Not used for any purpose. 89.7 65

e-Other uses, please specify… 1.3 1.9

Q20- If your answer was

(d) for question above,

please explain how you

discard the oil?

a- In back-street. 47.9 22.4

b- Sewage. 43.7 44.8

c- Stagnated water to control

mosquitoes. 5.6 28.4

e-Other uses, please specify …… 2.8 4.5


4.2 Sensory evaluation of fried falafel and fish

Changes in the product at the sensory level were assessed by using Hedonic Scale

method. After the frying process end in both types of studied oils (CS oil and GN oil),

samples of fried falafel and Fish taken from 1st, 5

th, 11

th, 15

th, and 20

th frying cycle

number were chosen for the consumer panelists. The latters were asked to taste these

batches of the fried fish and falafel and evaluate overall acceptance using a5 points

Hedonic scale ranging from "Like very much" to "dislike very much" (Appen. G).

Forty consumer panelists evaluated both product, and the results showed that the

evaluators "like very much" the flavor, taste, color and overall acceptance of fried

falafel when GN oil was used as frying media, as frying cycle number increased

overall acceptance increase ranged from 20 to 70% "like very much" (Figs. 1 and 2).

In contrast, when falafel was fried in CS oil, the "dislike" score was the higher

percentage and decreased from 60% to 0% from cycle number 1 to number 20,

respectively. On the other hand CS oil as a frying media indicated by consumer

panelists, percentage of "like very much" increased from 0 to 70%, as the frying cycle

number increased (Figs. 1 and 2). These results were slightly close to Goburdhum and

Jhurree (1995) who studied effect of deep-fat frying on fat oxidation in soybean oil.

The frying performance and stability of pure soybean oil (PSBO), soybean oil blended

with palm kernel olein and pure soybean oil with an antioxidant mixture of butylated

hydroxyl toluene (BHT), butylated hydroxyl anisole (BHA), propyl gallate and citric

acid were compared. The oils were subjected to intermittent frying (up to 15 fryings,

without any "topping up") of potato slices, at 180 °C for a period of 337 minutes.

Sensory assessment showed an improved quality of the chips fried in the blend. Chips

fried in pure soybean oil scored the lowest rating. Thus, the overall results showed an

improved performance and quality of the treated oils in terms of thermal stability

during frying.


Figure (1): Evaluation percentage of the consumer panelists for falafel fried in

groundnut oil.


50% 50%




20% 20%



10% 10% 20%


0% 0%


10% 10%

0% 0%









C1 C5 C10 C15 C20

Cycle No


like very much

Neither like or Dislike


dislike very much


Figure (2): Evaluation percentage of the consumer panelists for falafel fried in

cottonseed oil.



30% 30%



10% 10%




10% 10%



60% 60%


0% 0% 0% 0%


0% 0% 0%









C1 C5 C10 C15 C20

Cycle No


like very much

Neither like or Dislike


dislike very much


Moreira et al. (1999) reported that the taste of food is defined as the response of

receptors in the oral cavity to chemical stimuli. The authors also added that odor

plays the dominant role in the flavor sensation. Under normal conditions, only

volatile chemicals can reach the olfactory epithelium, and the sense of the taste is

used to detect nonvolatile chemicals. Groundnut oil has a strong distinct flavor while

CS oil has a neutral flavor. This helps to retain the original flavor of the recipe. The

GN oil used in Asian countries is less refined and has a stronger flavor. Both CS and

GN oil have a very high smoke point (about 218 °C). This allows the oils to be

cooked at very high temperatures without the risk of burning them. Both oils have a

good re-usability. Cottonseed oil particularly does not carry the flavor of the

previously cooked recipe to the next one.

In present study used CS oil was obtained from traditional extractors so it was less

refined and had strong odor, which is not acceptable compared to the refined GN oil

(e.g. Sabah®). Thus, effects on acceptability of first fried products/batches of cycles

number 1, 5 and 10 for CS oil which had a lower score of "like very much". Overall

liking "like" and "like very much" score were in higher percentage ranged from 60%

to 100% and 10 to 100% for GN oil compared to CS oil, respectively (Figs. 1 and 2).

Panel test for fried fish results showed that consumers "like very much" the flavor, taste,

color and overall acceptance of fried fish when CS oil and GN oil are used as frying

media. Moreover, as the frying cycle number increased, the overall acceptance

increased from 30 to 70% and 10 to 60% "like very much", following the same order for

the oils (Figs. 3 and 4). Overall liking "like" and "like very much" scored higher

percentage ranged from 80% to 100% and 50% to 100% for CS oil compared to GN oil,

respectively (Figs. 3 and 4).


Figure (3): Evaluation percentage of the consumer panelists for fish fried in

cottonseed oil.












10% 10% 10%

0% 0%


0% 0%


0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%









C1 C5 C10 C15 C20

Cycle NO


like very much

Neither like or Dislike


dislike very much


Figure (4): Evaluation percentage of the consumer panelists for fish fried in

groundnut oil.



60% 60%













0% 0% 0% 0%


0% 0% 0% 0% 0%








C1 C5 C10 C15 C20

Cycle No


like very much

Neither like or Dislike


dislike very much


4.3 Changes in physical qualities of CS oil and GN oil when used for frying fish

and falafel.

4.3.1 Color

The Lovibond color units (LCU) were determined for the initial (new; fresh) frying

oil, 5th

, 10th

, 15th

and 20th

frying cycle number of GN oil and CS oil. The LCU of the

two types of used frying oils were shown in table 4. The fresh/initial GN oil had the

highest Lovibond yellow color and lower red color units (11.15Y and 2.1R) than CS

oil (2.5Y and 12.85R) which were significantly different (p<0.05). LCU of CS oil

increased from 2.5Y and 12.85R to 70Y and 23R. However, the GN LCU oil

increased from 11.15Y and 2.10R to 54.2Y and 10R (Table 4). The statistical analysis

showed that the number of frying cycle had significant (p<0.05) effect on LCU of

both oils. LCU increased as frying number increased. The GN oil had the highest

grand mean of LCU yellow color and lower red LCU (21.97Y and 4.57R) than CS oil

(15.97Y and 17.31R) which were not significantly different (p>0.05) for yellow and

red (Table 4). The LCU change rates of the two types of used oils were represented

by slopes of linear equation (a) that showed in table 5. The correlation between LCU

and number of frying cycle was shown in table 5. It was represented by Pearson's

correlation (r). The result showed that LCU of GN oil correlated well with number of

frying cycle, in contrast CS oil correlated very poor. Groundnut oil has the higher

correlation and the CS oil has the lower correlation (Table 5).

In the present study, LCU of initial GN oil were (11.15Y and 2.1R) higher in yellow

color and lower in red color when compared with those of CS oil (2.5Y and 12.85R).

This is attributed to the conversion of the crude oil to edible oil involved more than

one process, i.e. degumming, neutralization or physical refining, bleaching and

deodorization (Gunstone, 1996). Bleaching is the process in which pigments are

removed. The higher level of red pigments referred to gossypol compounds which

give crude CS oil a red color so dark that it usually appears to be black. The

characteristic yellowish amber color of refined, bleached, and deodorized CS oil is

primarily caused by the remaining gossypol after processing. The light yellow color

of GN oil is caused by ß-carotene and lutein. As GN mature, a distinct lightening of

the oil color can be observed (Richard et al., 2005).


Table 4: Lovibond color units (LCU) of groundnut (GN) and cottonseed

(CS) fresh and used frying oils for fish and falafel.

Frying cycle/




CS oil GN oil


Yellow Red Yellow Red

0 2.51 ± 0.01 a 12.25 ± 0.21

a 11.15 ± 0.21

a 2.11 ± 1.14


5 0..1 ± 0.01 b 15.21 ± 0.14

c 16.15 ± 1..2

b 0.65 ± 0.07


10 10.11 ± 0.14d 17.05 ± 0.07

d 16.11 ± 0.11

b 0.15 ± 0.17


15 11.11 ± 0.01 c 16.15 ± 0.21

c 24.11 ± 1.41

c 4.41 ± 0.01


20 71.11 ± 0.14e 15.25 ±0.07

b 02.51 ± 2.12

d 4..1 ± 0.22



0 2.51 ± 0.01 a 12.25 ± 0.21

a 11.15 ± 0.21

b 2.11 ± 1.14


5 24.51 ± 2.12 e 1..25 ± 1.16

b 00.45 ± 0.72

d 3.20 ± 0.42


10 14.51 ± 0.71d 1..61 ± 1.14

b 17.11 ± 1.41

c 6.21 ± 0.22


15 11.11 ± 0.01 c 21.11 ± 0.01

c 54.21 ± 1.42

e 5.41 ± 0.42


20 5.11 ± 0.14b 20.11 ± 0.01

d 4.21 ± 0.14

a 11.11 ± 0.11


Mean ± SD followed by different letters were significantly different (p<0.05).


Table 5 : Correlation and regression parameters of Lovibond color units of CS

and GN oils used for frying fish and falafel.

Types of used

frying oils


Correlation (r)

Regression parameter (y = ax + b)

a b a b


Yellow Red Yellow Red

CS oil 0.6334 0.2407 2.844 8.32 0.103 14.45

GN oil 0.9092 0.8441 5.065 4.745 0.635 1.735


CS oil 0.022 0.8362 -0.166 13.18 0.441 14.73

GN oil 0.0029 0.835 0.685 21.945 1.8 0.1


Lovibond color units of CS oil increased from (2.5Y and 12.85R) to (70Y and 23R)

and the LCU of GN oil increased from (11.15Y and 2.10R) to (54.2Y and 10R). The

results revealed that the LCU increased as number of frying cycle increased (Table 4).

Nittaya (2008) revealed that photometric color index value was gradually increased

for three frying oils (palm olein oil, rice bran oil and soybean oil) ranged between

(2.47-10.07, 2.51-6.99 and 0.56-5.23, respectively) during the 20th

cycle of the three

studied oils. Xu et al. (1999) reported that the color of oils increased from light to

dark as number of frying cycle increased when measured in CIE system for palm

olein oil and canola. Mazza and Qi (1992) studied the color index of hydrogenated

canola oil during frying potatoes strips. The color index increased as number of frying

cycle increased; the color index of the initial oil was 0.73 while that measured after 35

hr of frying was 3.17. Baixauli et al. (2002) reported that photometric color index of

refined sunflower oil, in which frozen squid rings were fried for 40 frying cycles.

They detected no variation in this index until 20th

frying cycle number, and from then

on there was a significant linear increase. The authors suggested the photometric

color index provided a practical way of detecting the beginning of deterioration as a

result of thermal exposure. Tseng et al. (1996) reported that, the contaminants from

the food leaching into the oil affect the oil quality. Thus, the composition of food

plays an important role in deciding the useful life of the oil. Particles of food

materials, as well as particles from breaded or battered food surface coatings,

contaminate the frying oil in fairly large quantities. These particles remain in the

frying oil until they are caramelized and finally become charred to fine suspending

particles of black carbon. This is an important factor contributing to the darkening of

the oil. Routine filtering is helpful in removing these particles. Przybylski (2001)

reported that, change in color of oils during frying is a complex process where

components of oils, such as pigment and fried food are involved. This is the main

cause of darkening of oil with frying time. According to the author, only the color of

oil is not adequate to determine the acceptability of frying oils. Different frying oils

and foods being fried in these oils will darken the oil at different rates.

4.3.2 Viscosity

The viscosity values were determined for initial frying oil, 5th

, 10th

, 15th

and 20th

frying cycle number of CS oil and GN oil (Table 6). The viscosity of initial oil of CS

oil and GN oil were 35.17 cP and 35.40 cP, respectively. The CS oil had the higher

grand mean of viscosity (41.95 cP) than GN oil (39.80 cP). However, were not


significantly different (p>0.05). The viscosity of CS oil increased from 35.17 to 46.83

cP and viscosity of GN oil increased from 35.40 to 42.10 cP. The statistical analysis

showed that number of frying cycle number had significant (p<0.05) effect on

viscosity of both oils. In general, the viscosity increased as frying cycle number

increased. At the 20th

frying cycle number, viscosity of GN oil and CS oil used for

frying falafel and fish were 42.10 , 41.17 and 46.83 , 46.83 cP, respectively. The

viscosity of both oils were not significantly different (p>0.05; Table 6).

The viscosity change rates of the two oils were represented by slope of linear equation

(a) that showed in table 7. The statistical analysis of viscosity change rates in both oils

were not significantly different (p>0.05). The higher viscosity change rate was found

in CS oil, while the lower change rate was in GN oil that mean GN oil is highly stable

at frying temperature than CS.

The correlation between the viscosity and the number of frying cycle was shown in

table 7. It was represented by Pearson's correlation (r). The result showed that the

viscosity of two oils is correlated very well with the number of frying cycles (r>0.83).

GN oil showed the higher correlation and the CS oil was the lower correlation.

The viscosity varies with molecular weight, specific gravity, boiling temperature and

refractive index of the compound (Krisnangkura et al., 2006). Viscosity is higher as

longer the chain of fatty acid of triglyceride because of intermolecular attraction

between their fatty acid chains and viscosity is low as number of double bonds fatty

acid, (Richard et al., 2005). These reports are in agreement with those of the present

study. Groundnut oil had the higher initial viscosity while CS oil had the lower initial

viscosity because the major component acids of CS oil are linoleic acid 54%, saturated

fats 27% and oleic acid 19%, while the major component acids of GN oil are oleic acid

48%, linoleic acid 33% and saturated fats 19% (Gunstone, 1996).


Table (6): Viscosity of cottonseed (CS) oil and groundnut (GN) oil used for frying fish and falafel.

Frying cycle/ batch


Viscosity (cP)



0 35.17 ± 1.53 a 35.40 ± 1.44


5 34.83 ± 1.53 a 38.17 ± 1.04


10 36.00 ± 3.50 a 38.50 ± 1.50


15 43.33 ± 2.52 b 40.43 ± 2.14


20 46.50 ± 0.50 b 41.17 ± 2.84



0 35.17 ± 1.53 a 35.40 ± 1.44


5 41.67 ± 2.36 b 38.67 ± 1.26


10 43.10 ± 0.53 b 40.83 ± 0.76


15 43.00± 0.50 b 42.00 ± 1.32


20 46.83 ± 2.57 c 42.10 ± 1.01


Mean ± SD followed by different letters were significantly different (p<0.05).


Table (7): Correlation and regression parameters of viscosity of cottonseed (CS)

oil and groundnut (GN) oil used in frying fish and falafel.

Types of used

frying oils


Correlation (r)

Regression parameter (y = ax + b)

a b


CS oil 0.8378 3.1167 29.817

GN oil 0.9663 1.1267 35.607 Falafel

CS oil 0.8408 2.4667 34.553 GN oil 0.8793 1.6733 34.780


The present results showed that viscosity increased as number of frying cycle

increased. Hasson (2012) reported that CS oil has initially viscosity of 50.12 cP and

finally after 70 hr of frying falafel reached 330 cP. While Emin and Buket (2011)

reported that sunflower oil, corn oil, olive oil and others their viscosity value ranged

from 48.95 cP for initial/fresh oil and reached 78.15 cP after one month. This is also

similar to the results of the present study, where the initial/fresh CS oil registered

viscosity value of 35.17 cP, which is lower than GN oil (35.40 cP) and reached finally

after 3 hr of continuous frying to 46.83 cP and 42.10 cP, respectively for CS and GN

oils. According to Nittaya (2008), the viscosity value increased gradually when palm

olein oil, rice bran oil and soybean oil were used for frying banana slices. The range

was between 14.98-20.10 sec/ml during the 20th

cycle of these oils. Earlier, Tseng et

al. (1996) reported that the viscosity of the soybean oil increased as the degradation

increased. These could be the result of polymerization during frying, which increased

the weight of the molecules. Older studies, e.g. Chang et al. (1978) reported that the

viscosity of corn oil and CS oil increased during deep frying. The initial viscosity of

corn oil and CS oil were 39.7 and 10.2 centistokes, respectively, while the oil used for

frying for 90 hr, the viscosity of corn oil and CS oil were 50.4 and 13.2 centistokes,

following the same order. Accordingly Inoue et al. (2002) reported that the relative

viscosity of soybean oil during heating increased with an increase in the heating time

at all heating temperatures.

4.4 Changes in Chemical Qualities of CS Oil and GN Oil When Used for Frying

Fish and Falafel.

4.4.1 Acid value and FFAs

The A.V and FFAs were determined in the initial/fresh frying oil, 5th

, 10th

, 15th



frying cycle number of CS oil and GN oil. The A.V and FFAs of CS oil and GN

oil were shown in Tables 8 and 9. The A.V and FFAs of initial oil of CS oil and GN

oil were 0.99 and 1.20 mg KOH/g oil, respectively, and for the FFAs were 0.50 and

0.60 %, following the same order. The GN oil and CS oil were nearly equal, in term

of both values, i.e. 1.43 and 0.72 for the A.V, and; 1.42 and 0.72 for the FFAs. They

were not significantly different (p>0.05). Both values increased as the frying cycle

number increased. For example, for the GN oil, the A.V. and FFA increased from

1.20 to 1.61 mg KOH/g oil, and 0.60 to 0.81, respectively. For the CS oil the values

increased from 0.99 to 1.83 mg KOH/g oil, and 0.50 to 0.86, following the same



Table (8): Acid value (A.V) changes of cottonseed (CS) oil and groundnut (GN)

oil used for frying fish and falafel.

Frying cycle/



A.V (mg KOH/g oil)

CS Oil GN Oil


0 0.99 ± 0.04 a 1.20 ± 0.06


5 1.38 ± 0.06 b 1.36 ± 0.03


10 1.57 ± 0.11 c 1.38 ± 0.06


15 1.76 ± 0.06 d 1.46 ± 0.00


20 1.83 ± 0.06 d 1.53 ± 0.06



0 0.99 ± 0.04 a 1.20 ± 0.06


5 1.16 ± 0.06 a 1.38 ± 0.06


10 1.35 ± 0.11 b 1.50 ± 0.06


15 1.42 ± 0.17 b 1.61 ± 0.06


20 1.72 ± 0.06 c 1.61 ± 0.06


Mean ± SD followed by different letters were significantly different (p<0.05).


Table (9): Free fatty acids (FFAs) changes of cottonseed (CS) oil and groundnut

(GN) oil used for frying fish and falafel.

Frying cycle/



Free Fatty Acid %

CS Oil GN Oil


0 0.50 ± 0.02 a 0.60 ± 0.03


5 0.70 ± 0.03 b 0.68 ± 0.01


10 0.79 ± 0.06 c 0.70 ± 0.03


15 0.88 ± 0.03 d 0.73 ± 0.00


20 0.92 ± 0.03 d 0.77 ± 0.03



0 0.50 ± 0.02 a 0.60 ± 0.03


5 0.58 ± 0.03 a 0.70 ± 0.03


10 0.68 ± 0.06 b 0.75 ± 0.03


15 0.71 ± 0.09 b 0.81 ± 0.03


20 0.86 ± 0.03 c 0.81 ± 0.03


Mean ± SD followed by different letters were significantly different (p<0.05).


Table (10): Correlation and regression parameters of acid value of cottonseed

(CS) oil and groundnut (GN) oil used for frying fish and falafel.

Types of used

frying oils


Correlation (r)

Regression parameter (y = ax + b)

a b


CS Oil 0.9302 0.0413 1.0938

GN Oil 0.9362 0.0154 1.2329


CS Oil 0.971 0.0346 0.9816

GN Oil 0.9116 0.0209 1.2494


Table (11): Correlation and regression parameters of free fatty acid of

cottonseed (CS) oil and groundnut (GN) oil used for frying fish and falafel.

Types of used

frying oils


Correlation (r)

Regression parameter (y = ax + b)

a b


CS Oil 2633.0 262233 263..3

GN Oil 2633.0 262200 26..3.


CS Oil 0.971 0.0174 0.4932

GN Oil 0.9116 0.0105 0.6278


The statistical analysis showed that number of frying cycle had significant (p<0.05)

effect in both values of both frying oils (Tables 8 and 9).

The A.V and FFAs changes rate of both oils are represented by slope of linear

equation (Tables 10 and 11). Statistically, no significant differences were detected in

changes of the rates in both oils (p>0.05). The higher A.V and FFAs changes rate

were found in CS oil, while the lower change rate was by GN oil.

The correlation between A.V, and FFAs changes and number of frying cycles is

presented in tables 10 and 11. It was represented by Pearson's correlation (r). The

result showed that A.V and FFAs of these two frying oils correlated well with number

of frying cycles. Cottonseed oil has the higher correlation than GN oil.

The A.V indicated amount of hydrolyzed triglyceride in the oil. The A.V increases

from FFAs, which develops mainly from hydrolysis of triglyceride. Therefore, the

A.V increases within oil degradation (Moreira et al., 1999; Orthoefer and Cooper,


The % FFAs in GN oil varies between 0.02% and 0.6%. Lipase hydrolysis of

triacylglycerols into FFAs and glycerol occurs before germination and during adverse

storage. Consequently, high FFA values indicate poor handling, immaturity, mold

growth, or other factors that lead to triacylglycerol hydrolysis. During frying, a

considerable amount of moisture from the food products escapes into the frying oil as

steam. At elevated frying temperatures in the range 160 to 200°C, this steam reacts

with triglycerides to form FFAs, monoglycerides, di-glycerides and glycerol (Paul and

Mittal, 1997).

Hasson (2012) reported that CS oil initially had free fatty acid 0.08% and finally after

70 hr of frying falafel reached 2.54%. While Emin and Buket (2011) reported that

sunflower oil, corn oil, olive oil and others, their A.V ranged from 0.876% for initial

oil and reached 4.083% after one month. This finding agreed with the present work

results. The initial/fresh CS oil had A.V and FFAs (1.420 and 0.715) were almost

identical similar to GN oil (1.425 and 0.715, respectively). Again, the statistical

analysis showed that the change rates of A.V and FFAs of two studied oils used for

two studied fried items were not significantly different (p>0.05; Tables 8 and 9).


4.4.2 Peroxide value

The P.Vs were determined in the initial/fresh frying oil, 5th

, 10th

, 15th

and 20th


cycle number of CS oil and GN oil. The P.Vs of two types of used frying oils was

shown in Table 12. The P.Vs of the initial oil of GN oil and CS oil were 4.33 and 6.47

meq/kg, respectively. The CS oil registered a higher general mean of P.V (11.85) than

GN oil (9.91). They were not significantly different (p>0.05). The P.V increased as

frying cycle number increased. The P.Vs of CS oil increased from 6.47 to15.67

meq/kg, whereas the P.Vs of GN oil increased from 4.33 to17.80 meq/kg when used

for frying fish and falafel. The statistical analysis showed that number of frying cycles

had significant (p<0.05) effect on P.V of both oils and both fried items (Table 12).

The P.V change rate of two oils used for frying fish and falafel were represented by

slope of linear equation (Table 13). The statistical analysis of P.V change rates in each

frying oil for both types of fried foods were not significantly different (p>0.05). The

higher P.V change rate was found in CS oil, while the lower change rate was in GN


The correlation between P.V and number of frying cycles was shown in Table 13. The

correlation was represented by Pearson's correlation (r). The results showed that the

P.Vs of two used frying oils correlated well with number of frying cycles. The GN oil

used for frying falafel and fish had a higher correlation than CS oil, (0.90 and 0.96)

and (0.79 and 0.95), respectively.

Peroxides are primary reaction products of lipid oxidation. Peroxides can be measured

based on their ability to liberate iodine from potassium iodide (KI), or to oxidize iron

ions (from ferrous to ferric ions). The P.V is applicable for the early stages of lipid

oxidation. During the course of oxidation, P.Vs reach a peak and then decline (Richard

et al., 2005).


Table (12): Peroxide value (P.V) of cottonseed (CS) oil and groundnut (GN) oil

used for frying fish and falafel.

Frying cycle/ batch


P.V (meq/kg)

CS oil GN oil


0 6.47 ± 0.50 a 4.33 ± 0.58


5 10.60 ± 2.12 b 5.67 ± 0.58


10 11.87 ± 0.12 b 9.67 ± 0.58


15 14.67 ± 0.58 c 12.07 ± 0.12


20 15.67 ± 0.58 c 17.80 ± 0.72



0 6.47 ± 0.50 b 4.33 ± 0.58


5 5.00 ± 1.00 a 5.80 ± 0.72


10 6.93 ± 0.31 b 7.27 ± 0.31


15 12.33 ± 0.58 c 7.13 ± 0.81


20 13.53 ± 0.5 1 d 10.47 ± 0.51


Mean ± SD followed by different letters were significantly different (p<0.05).


Table (13): Correlation and regression parameters of peroxide value of

cottonseed (CS) oil and groundnut (GN) oil used for frying fish and


Types of used

frying oils


Correlation (r)

Regression parameter (y = ax + b)

a b


CS oil 0.951 0.4493 7.360

GN oil 0.957 0.6667 3.240


CS oil 0.791 0.4293 4.560

GN oil 0.895 0.272 4.280


The P.V is a good measure of oxidation under normal conditions, but when used on

oils during frying it can be very misleading because peroxides are unstable radicals. It

is formed from triglycerides and very sensitive to frying oil temperature. The P.V

only rises during the subsequent cooling, sampling and storage of the oil (Pantizaris,


Hasson (2012) reported that CS oil initially had P.V of 2.50 meq/kg and finally after

70 hr of frying falafel it reached 22.5 .While Emin and Buket (2011) reported that

sunflower oil, corn oil, olive oil and others, their peroxide value ranged from 2.5 for

the initial oil and reach 59.06 after one month. This also similar to the findings of the

present study, the initial/fresh CS oil reflected P.V (6.47) higher than GN oil (4.33).

As mentioned earlier, the P.V is a valuable measure of primary lipid oxidation. The

P.Vs of fresh oils are <10 mEq/kg. Metallic impurities particularly, Cu it is pro-

oxidants and are undesirable in oils. The Cu was measured in CS oil (254 ppb) and

(174 ppb) in GN oil (Figs. 5, 6, 7 and 8). The presence of Cu ions were accelerated

the rate of peroxide formation in the oil, while the presence of natural antioxidants for

example tocopherols and synthetic anti-oxidants in refined GN oil inhibit the

formation of peroxides.

Nittaya (2008) revealed that the P.V of palm olein oil, rice bran oil and soybean oil,

was gradually increased during frying process. The P.Vs were ranged between (4.21-

7.36 meq/kg) during the 20th cycle of three studied oil. Older study by Chang et al.

(1978) reported that the P.V of CS oil during deep frying increased until frying for 12

hr, and then it fell after frying for 30 hr and increased again after frying for 60 hr.

This also close to the results of present study, the P.V of the two studied frying oils,

CS oil and GN oil was gradually increased and ranged between (6.47-15.67 meq/kg)

and (4.33-17.80 meq/kg), respectively during the 20 cycles of frying (Table 12).

4.4.3 Total polar compounds

The total polar compounds (TPCs) were determined in the initial/fresh frying oil, 5th



, 15th

and 20th

frying cycle number of CS oil and GN oil used for frying fish and

falafel. The TPCs results are presented in Table 14. The TPC of the initial oils of CS

oil and GN oil were 5.52% and 1.66%, respectively. The CS oil showed a higher

grand mean of TPC than GN oil, which proved to be significantly different (p<0.05).

The TPC of CS oil increased from 5.52% to 6.43%, whereas that of GN oil increased


from 1.66% to 4.15%. The statistical analysis showed that number of frying cycles

had significant (p<0.05) effect on TPC of each of the two oils. The TPC increased as

number of frying cycles increased. At the 20th

frying cycle number, TPC of CS oil

were 6.43 and 5.22% which was a higher than GN oil 4.15% and 3.92%, for both oils

used for frying falafel and fish, respectively. The TPCs of two oils were significantly

different (p<0.05; Table 14).

The TPC change rates of the two oils, which are represented by the slopes of the

linear equation (Table 15). The statistical analysis of TPC change rate in both frying

oils were significantly different (p>0.05). The higher TPC change rate was found in

CS oil, while the lower change rate was in GN oil.

The correlation between the TPC and the number of frying cycles is depicted in Table

15. The correlation was represented by Pearson's correlation (r). The results showed

that the TPC of CS oil and GN oil correlated well with number of frying cycles.

However, CS oil correlated poorly with number of frying cycles, whereas GN oil has

a higher correlation than it is counterpart. By definition, TPC-content is the sum of the

materials that are not triglycerides. Regardless of the origin, virgin frying oils are

chemically non-polar. However, as these oils degrade, polar compounds are

produced. The main degradation reactions that occur during frying are hydrolysis

(creates FFAs), oxidation (creates peroxides, aldehydes, ketones) and polymerization

(caused by heat stress). Oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) leads to

primary and secondary oxidation products. The concentration of the polar compounds

increases as the frying process continues (Dobarganes and Marques-Ruiz, 1996).


Table (14): Total polar compounds (TPC) of cottonseed (CS) oil and groundnut

(GN) oil used for frying fish and falafel.

Frying cycle/ batch



CS oil GN oil


0 5.52 ± 0.13 c 1.66 ± 0.14


5 4.69 ± 0.26 a 2.21 ± 0.00


10 4.84 ± 0.26 a.b 2.60 ± 0.14


15 5.22 ± 0.22 b.c 3.23 ± 0.36


20 5.22 ± 0.22 b.c 3.92 ± 0.13



0 5.52 ± 0.13 a 1.66 ± 0.14


5 5.68 ± 0.39 a 2.29 ± 0.14


10 6.20 ± 0.13 b.c 2.68 ± 0.20


15 5.90 ± 0.23 a.b 3.69 ± 0. 10


20 6.43 ± 0.34 c 4.15 ± 0.27


Mean ± SD followed by different letters were significantly different (p<0.05).


Table (15): Correlation and regression parameters of total polar compound of

cottonseed (CS) oil and groundnut (GN) oil used for frying fish and


Types of used

frying oils


Correlation (r)

Regression parameter (y = ax + b)

a B


CS oil 0.0012 0.0015 5.1139

GN oil 0.9905 0.1106 1.6195


CS oil 0.7502 0.0407 5.5399

GN oil 0.9822 0.1275 1.6203


In present study CS is polyunsaturated oil (Richard et al., 2005), so it tends to produce

TPC more than refined GN oil which is monounsaturated oil (Richard et al., 2005), and

had a natural and artificial antioxidants and lower level of Cu (174ppb), when compared

to CS oil (254 ppb; Figs. 5, 6, 7 and 8).

Hui (1996) reported that TPC is considered as one of the standard method for

determination of extent of deterioration in frying oils. It includes all partially

oxidized triglycerides, non-triglycerides, lipids and other materials soluble in,

emulsified in, or suspended particulates in the frying oil.

Several studies emphasized the importance of the TPC during frying. Dobarganes

and Marques-Ruiz (1996) reported about factors of TPC content they found that the

TPC ratio increased with the period of heating or the number of frying operations in

discontinuous frying with slow or no turnover and the degree of unsaturation in the

frying oil. These have effect on the amount of TPC generated. Hasson (2012)

reported that CS oil initially had TPC of 6.01% and finally after 70 hr of frying

falafel reached 31.99%. In the other hand, Emin and Buket (2011) reported that

sunflower oil, corn oil, olive oil and others, showed TPC ranged between 9.25% for

initial oil and reached 50.25% after one month. This also agreed with the present

study results, where the initial CS oil had TPCs (5.52%) higher than GN oil (1.66%).

Nittaya (2008) revealed that the TPC of palm olein oil, rice bran oil and soybean oil

was gradually increased and ranged between (2.98- 6.69) during the 20 cycles of

frying banana slices.

Bastida and Sanchez-Muniz (2002) reported changes in polar compound of olive oil,

sunflower oil and blend of these oils. These changes were related to the number of

frying cycles, uses were fitted to different curvilinear models. Houhoula et al. (2003)

studied the effect of the process time and the temperature on the accumulation of

polar compounds in CS oil during deep-fat frying. They found that the content of

polar compounds increased linearly with the process time. Bheemreddy et al. (2002)

reported that TPC contents of frying oil increased with number of frying cycles.

Sanibal and Mancini-Filho (2004) reported that TPC in soybean oil and partially

hydrogenated soybean oil increased significantly during number of frying cycles. The

authors suggested that TPC in frying oil were composed of breakdown products, non-

volatile oxidized derivatives, polymeric and cyclic substances produced in the course

of deep-frying microparticu1ates, and soluble components from the food fried in this

oil. Therefore, TPC-content of frying oil has been proposed as a good indicator of


frying oil quality. Pantzaris (1999) reported that the polar compound of the

monounsaturated oils, palm olein oil and olive oil had lower values than the

sunflower and soybean oils. Warner and Gupta (2005) reported that after 25 hr of

frying, the high oleic soybean oil had significantly lower percentage of polar

compounds than CS oil and low linolenic acid soybean oil. Accordingly, the present

research results showed that TPC increased as number of frying cycle increased.

Moreover, CS oil had a higher initial and final TPC, whereas GN oil had a lower

initial and final TPC than it is counterpart. In addition, change rates in TPC of CS oil

and GN oil were significantly different (p>0.05; Table 14).

4.5 Determination Cu, Cd and Pb in CS oil and GN oil used for frying Fish and


The levels of Cu, Cd and Pb were determined in the initial/fresh frying oil, 5th

, 10th



and 20th

frying cycle number of CS oil and GN oil used as frying medium for fish

and falafel (Figs. 5, 6, 7 and 8). The level of Cu, Cd and Pb of fresh oil of CS oil were

254, 0.0 and 269 ppb, respectively, and for its counterpart of the GN oil were 174, 1.5

and 79 ppb, following the same order. The CS oil registered higher levels of Cu and

Pb than GN oil. Both oils have a trace of Cd, i.e. 1.5 and 0.0 ppb for CS oil and GN

oil, respectively.

4.5.1 Copper

The level of Cu in initial frying oil, 5th

, 10th

, 15th

and 20th

frying cycle number of CS

oil changed from 254 to 130, 217, 174 and 326ppb, respectively when it used for

frying falafel (Fig. 5). On the other hand, when it was used for frying fish Cu level

changed from 254 to 157, 260, 450 and 238ppb, following the same order of frying

cycles (Fig. 6). The respective levels of Cu in GN oil changed from 174 to 163, 200,

184 and 222ppb, respectively when it used for frying falafel, (Fig. 7). On the other

hand, when it used for frying fish it changed from 174 to 412, 584, 217 and 238ppb,

respectively (Fig. 8). From these results it is obviously that there are changes in Cu

levels, attributed to exchange between the food item and frying oil. High level of

changes was reported, especially in fried fish because. This could be ascribed to a

high level of contamination of fish. Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) has

established maximum permissible concentration (MPC) of 100 and 400 ppb (µg/kg)

for Cu in refined and virgin oil, respectively. According to Iyaka (2007) the

maximum level of Cu tolerable for a healthy man and woman is 0.9 mg/kg per day (in


North America). In general, the recommended value for intake of Cu by WHO is

1.3mg/kg per day as a maximum. For children of 1-3 years = 0.3mg/kg per day; 4-

8years = 0.4mg/kg per day; 9-13years = 0.7mg/kg per day; 14-18years – 0.9mg/kg per

day. For pregnant woman, the recommendation is 1mg per day and for nursing

mothers aged 14-50 the level is 1.3mg per day.

The result obtained in present study was within acceptable limits for less refined CS

oil except in cycle number 15 when frying fish. On the other hand, the refined GN oil

had exceeded the acceptable limits. In general both types of frying oil pose adverse

health effects to people in term of their moderately levels of Cu.

4.5.2 Cadmium

Cadmium was also determined as mentioned earlier in Cu. The level of Cd in CS oil

had slightly changed from 0.0 to 1.5 ppb, when used for frying falafel (Fig. 5). On the

other hand, when used for frying fish, it changed from 0.0 to 9, 2, 0.5 and 0.5ppb

(Fig. 6).


Figure (5): Levels (ppb) of copper, cadmium and lead determined in cottonseed

oil used for frying falafel, for initial frying oil, 5th

, 10th

, 15th

and 20th

frying cycle







0 0 0 0 1.5



79 79










C0 C5 C10 C15 C20



Cycle No.





Figure (6): Levels (ppb) of copper, cadmium and lead determined in

cottonseed oil used for frying Fish, for initial frying oil, 5th

, 10th

, 15th

and 20th

frying cycle number.






0 9 2 0.5 0.5

269 238















C0 C5 C10 C15 C20



Cycle No.





The level of Cd in GN oil changed from 1.5 to 5, 0.0, 0.0 and 0.0ppb, when used for

frying falafel (Fig. 7). On the other hand, when used for frying fish it changed from

1.5 to 0.5, 5, 0.0 and 1.5ppb (Fig. 8).

From these results it is obviously that there are low level of changes occurred in both

oils used for both types of food.

CAC has established MPC of 100 and 400 ppb (µg/kg) for Cd in refined and virgin

oil, respectively. The result obtained in present study is within acceptable limits for

both types oils.

Garry and Christian (2004) reported that vegetables, cereal, grains and crops grown

on contaminated soil with high level of Cd may contain small amount of Cd. Kidneys

and livers of animals and shellfish can contain high levels of Cd than other foods. In

agricultural areas, phosphate fertilized soil may contain higher levels of Cd than

unfertilized soils.

EPA has also established maximum contaminant level (MCL) of 0.01mg/L (10µg/L)

for Cd in drinking water. It has proposed a maximum contaminant level goal (MCLG)

of 0.005mg/L (5µg/L). WHO/FAO (2001) has established a provisional tolerable

weekly intake (PTWI) for Cd at 7µg/kg of body weight. This PTWI weekly value

corresponds to a daily tolerable intake level of 70µg for Cd for the average 70-kg man

and 60µg of Cd per day for average 60-kg woman.


Figure (7): Levels (ppb) of copper, cadmium and lead determined in groundnut

oil used for frying falafel, for initial frying oil, 5th

, 10th

, 15th

and 20th

frying cycle


174 163

200 184


1.5 5 0 0 0



79 67








C0 C5 C10 C15 C20



Cycle No.





Figure (8): Levels (ppb) of copper, cadmium and lead determined in groundnut

oil used for frying fish, for initial frying oil, 5th

, 10th

, 15th

and 20th

frying cycle





217 238

1.5 0.5 5 0 1.5














C0 C5 C10 C15 C20



Cycle No.





4.5.3 Lead

The level of Pb in all specified frying cycles of CS oil changed from 269 to 159, 79,

79 and 159ppb, respectively, when used for frying falafel (Fig. 5). On the other hand,

when it used for frying fish it changed from 269 to 238, 200, 159 and 202 ppb,

respectively (Fig. 6). The level of Pb in GN oil changed from 79 to 101, 79, 67 and

200 ppb, respectively, when it used for frying falafel (Fig. 7). On the other hand,

when it used for frying fish, it changed from 79 to 209, 638, 39 and 279 ppb,

respectively (Fig. 4.8). From the present work results, it is obviously that changes in

Pb levels caused by the exchange between the food item and the frying oil; it showed

high level of changes, especially when fish is the item, due to the level of


CAC has established MPC of 100 ppb (µg/kg) for lead in edible oil. Ali et al. (2005)

stated that lead level of 10µg/dL or above is a cause for concern. Pb has harmful

health effects even at lower levels and there is no known safe exposure level. This

means that even the low concentration of lead present in the vegetable oil is harmful,

if the oil samples are consumed for a very long period of time, since Pb can show an

accumulated harmful effect. There is, therefore, need to improve the quality of oils by

limiting the oil samples to the lowest possible Pb level.

In addition, exposure to amount of lead above 0.01mg/L is detrimental to health, as it

may result in possible neurological damage to fetuses, abortion and other

complication in children under three years old (Codex Alimentarius Commission,


Vegetable oils and fats contain trace levels of various metals depending on many

factors, e.g. species, soil used for cultivation, irrigation water, variety and stage of

maturity, pollution, mode of processing, storage, and contaminations. These metals

may enter the food material from the soil through uptake of the mineral by the crops,

food processing and environmental contamination (as in application of fertilizer).

Metals play important negative and positive role in human life (Codex Alimentarius

Commission, 2001).

From the results obtained, the levels are exceeded the MPC. Thus, many metals can

bio-accumulate in human systems, hence careful and proper processing of raw

materials, storage and exposure to the general environment should be strictly

followed and monitored.


The present results were close to the results of study conducted by Asemave et al.

(2012) who reported that samples of palm oil, GN oil and soybean oil (Makurdi town

– Nigeria), which were analyzed for Cu, Fe, Cr, Al, Pb and Cd, reflected the

following data. Palm oil: 11.370, 0.078, 2.3319, 0.1780, 1.9358, and 0.0220 mg/kg,

respectively, for Fe, Cu, Cr, Pb, Al and Cd. GN oil: 8.5109, 0.0633, 2.7067, 0.1631,

1.7742 and 0.0207mg/kg, respectively, for the same metals. Soybean oil: 8.7519,

0.0475, 1.7559, 0.1631, 0.3837, and 0.0200 for Fe, Cu, Cr, Pb, Al and Cd, following

the same order of elements.

The present results are even closer to Fangkun et al. (2011) results regarding eight

heavy metals, namely Cu, Zn, Fe, Mn, Cd, Ni, Pb and As, in nine varieties of edible

vegetable oils collected from China. The concentrations reported by the authors were

in the range of 0.214–0.875(Cu), 0.742–2.56(Zn), 16.2–45.3(Fe), 0.113–0.556(Mn),

0.026–0.075(Ni), 0.009–0.018(Pb) and 0.009–0.019(As) ppm (µg/g). Cd was found to

be 2.64–8.43 ppb (µg/kg).





In general, the changes in frying oils analyzed in the present study proved to be

acceptable in terms of quality, and consequently may not pose important health hazard.

The TPC, AV and FFA% did not go over the standard value of 25%, 4.5 and 2.5%

respectively, among the two types of frying oils, but the prolonged use of thermally

deteriorated frying oils especially in restaurants sector would be risky for consumers

due to increase in the oil degraded compounds. Refined GN oil was more stable than CS

oil. However, statistical analysis showed that these changes of studied oils were not

significantly different (p>0.05). Interestingly, very good linear correlation of the

chemical parameters, e.g. TPC, AV and FFA of the oils (r>0.91) with frying cycle

number, was detected in both oils, except TPC, which poorly correlated when CS oil

was investigated. On the other hand, as far as physical parameters is concerned,

viscosity has a good linear correlation (r>0.84) with frying cycle number, but color was

poorly correlated (r = 0.0029 - 0.91). This linear correlation may suggest that a simple

estimation of the physical property of the oil would be able to access its chemical

property, but color index result may be misleading. The number of the frying cycles and

the type of the oil are the important factors concerning the change in the physical and

chemical qualities of frying oils in the present study when frying fish and falafel.

Unfortunately in general, consumer panelists they could not differentiate well between

fried fish and falafel in term of quality, in spite of chemical deterioration of the frying

oils. The survey has indicated that the attitudes and the practices associated with frying

the frying process in the home sector were found acceptable and, consequently, may not

pose serious health hazard, except in the reuse of deteriorated frying oil for wiping

Kisra pan's (Saj) and cooking food. However, it was concluded that in local restaurants

sector a great hazard practices in term of, prolonged use of thermally deteriorated frying

oils, storing of remained oil in fryer, topping it with fresh oil in next day and pouring

waste oil into pipeline/sewage is a common practice in both sectors. These were quite

important for public health and environment.

All results of heavy metals levels and chemical parameters were within the limits of the

accepted values by regulatory bodies, except lead. However, these metals may be at


least reduced by not exposing the vegetable oils during and after processing to

contaminated materials. Hence these oils are safe for consumption except for limits of

Pb and Cu it is not safe.


Based on the present study findings it is recommended that:

i. Physical parameters including the color index and viscosity were not suitable

to describe the quality of frying oil, but provide rather rough reference point

for its evaluation.

ii. Chemical parameters including the determination of FFA, AV and PV are not

suitable for the determination of the degradation condition. Only the

determination of the TPC permits an objective evaluation of frying oil


iii. In this study, the best proper frying oil is the GN oil when compared with CS

oil. Because the GN oil reflected the least rate of change in the physical and

the chemical qualities. However, the selection of frying oil should be based on

other factors, e.g. type of fried food, condition of frying … etc.

iv. Sensory evaluation of fried falafel and fish is not a sensitive method to check

deterioration of frying oil. It is only suitable to determine degree of acceptance

of final product.

v. Establishment of information services/centers for the industry on technologies

and ways and means to mitigate, prevent or reduce and eliminate pollution by

heavy metals.

vi. Production of fried foods at both big industries and local level should be done

by using stainless steel equipment.

vii. Subsequent research work should be carried out by relevant ministries to

identify and control the levels of metals present in the edible oil.

viii. The future study should concentrate on other promising oils and different types

of Sudanese’s foods.

ix. The food industry, professional societies and the academic community should

make an effort to educate consumers, caterers and retailers on proper cooking

methods and food handling.


x. Establishment of our own regulations about frying oil quality and correlated

this with internationally recognized standards.

xi. The use of objective tests for monitoring frying oil quality are recommended.

It should be legal, sensitive, precise, safe, easy, rapid and not costly.

xii. Encourage and support basic research focused on understanding the dynamics

of deep-fat frying and the frying process. Research should be cross-discipline

encompassing oil chemistry, food engineering, sensory science, food

chemistry, food toxicology and nutritional sciences.

xiii. Encourage and support research focused on finding out the suitable ways for

discarding deteriorated frying oils or even find useful ways for using it in for

example bio-diesel.



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Appendix (A): Saturated (SFAs) and unsaturated fatty acid (UFAs) of different

edible oils.

Fat / Oil



Fatty Acid



Fatty Acid



Fatty Acid


Vegetable oil

Canola oil 6 58 36

Safflower oil 10 15 75

Sunflower oil 12 16 72

Corn oil 13 29 58

Olive oil 14 77 9

Soybean oil 16 24 60

Peanut oil 19 48 33

Rice bran oil 18 45 37

Cottonseed oil 27 19 54

Palm oil 51 39 10

Palm kernel oil 86 12 2

Coconut oil 92 6 2

Animal fat

Chicken fat 27 48 20

Lard 43 47 10

Beef tallow 52 43 5

Butterfat 60 30 5

Recommendation 28.6 42.8 28.6

Source: (ARS, 2011).


Appendix (B): Physical and chemicals characteristics of peanut oil.

Characteristic Value

Acid value (maximum) - Refined 0.6 mg KOH/g oil

Color (visual) Light yellow

Insoluble Impurities (% maximum) 0.05

Iodine no. (Wijs) 86–107

Melting point 0–3 °C

Moisture and volatiles 0.23%

Peroxide value (maximum)- Refined 10 meq peroxides O2/kg oil

Saponification number 187–196

Smoke point (minimum) ~226.4 °C

Specific gravity (20 °C) 0.912–0.920

Unsaponifiable lipids 0.40%

Source: Liu et al., (2011).


Appendix (C): Frying oil quality curve (Blumenthall, 1991).


Appendix (D): Deep frying schematic picture showing mass transfer and chemical

reactions during the frying process (Paul and Mittal, 1997).


Appendix (E): Recommendations and regulations of frying fats and oils in some countries (Paul and Mittal, 1997 and Stier, 2001).






of oil




of food
























Belgium _ - ≤ 180 ≤ 25 - ≤ 2.5 ≥ 170 ≤10 ≤37/27 - - - - Nether-

Land Accept - - - ≤ 4.5 - - ≤16 - - - - -

France - - - ≤ 25 - - - - - - - - - Spain Accept Accept - ≤ 25 - - - - - - - - - Austria Accept _ ≤ 180 ≤ 27 ≤ 2.5 ≤ 2.5 ≥ 170 - - - - - - Finland Accept _ - - ≤ 2 - ≥ 180 - - ≥ 1 ≤2 ≤16 -

Japan - _ - - ≤ 2.5 - ≥ 180 - - - - - - Germany Accept Accept - ≤ 24 ≤ 2 - ≥ 170 - - - - - -

Chili - _ - ≤ 25 - ≤ 1 ≥ 170 - - ≥ 0.7 - - - Hungary - _ - ≤ 25 - - - - - ≥ 1 - - -

Italy - _ - ≤ 25 - - ≥ 180 - - - - - - Swizer-

Land Accept _ - ≤ 27 - - ≥ 170 - - - - - -

USA - _ - - - ≤ 2 - - - - - - -

Thailand - _ - ≤ 25 - - - - - - - - -

Syria - _ - ≤ 25 - - - - - - - - - Turkey - _ - ≤ 25 - - ≥ 170 - - - - - -

ideal Accept _ ≤ 180 ≤ 25 ≤ 4.5 - ≥ 170 - - - - - -


Appendix (F): Questionnaire applied to restaurants and homes cooks.

1- What it's the source of frying oil you are using?

a- Commercial factory. b- Traditional oil Extractor.

2- What is the trade name of frying oil you are using?

a- Sabah. b- Afia. c- Other, specify………

3- What is the type of frying oil you are using?

a- Cottonseed oil. b- Groundnut oil. c- Corn oil.

d- Mixture oils. e- Other, specify………

4- What are the types of fried food you regularly frying? ( you can choose more than one

option ).

a-Falafel. b- Potato. c- Eggplant. d- Fish. e.Chicken.

f- Red Meat. g- All of mentioned above.

5-How many types of food do you fry in the same oil?

a- One. b- Two. c- Three. d- More than three.

6- What is the required time for one batch/cycle of frying Falafel?

a- 1-5 min. b- 6-9 min. c- 10-14 min. d- More than 14 min.

7- What is the required time for one batch/cycle of frying Fish?

b- 1-5 min. b- 6-9 min. c- 10-14 min. d- More than 14 min.

8-How many batches/cycles of food you are frying in the same oil ?

a- 1-3. b- 4-6. c- 7-9. d- More than 9.

Please make a circle around a suitable answer (s)


9-How do you recognize (determine) the suitable temperature for starting the frying


a- Slight smoke from the oil.

b- By dropping a piece of food in hot oil.

c- After a specific time.

d- Other, please specify………………………….

10-How do you solve the problem of foaming oil during the frying process, especially

for Groundnut oil?

a- No foams.

b- Using Salt.

c- Using a piece of charcoal.

d- Using lemon juice.

e- Other, please specify……………………….

11-What is the source of heat you are using?

a- Butane gas. b-Electrical heater.

c- Charcoal. d- Firewood.

12- Oil filtering from small pieces of fried food, done ………………?

a- After process of frying completely ended.

b- B- Occasionally (when it appeared).

C- It doesn't form.

D- It's formed, but does not filter.

13. Do you store the remained frying oil?

a- Yes. b- No.

*If your answer was (b), please don't answering the questions (14 - 18) and shift

directly to question (19).

14. If yes, which type of containers do you use for the storage?

a- Metallic. b- Glass. c-Plastic. d-Fryer.


15. Do you ensure the oil is cool before storing?

a- No. b- Yes.

16. How many days do you store oil, for next use?

a- 1-3 . b- 4-6. C- 7-9. D- More than 9.

17. Do you topping the stored oil by adding fresh oil before starting a new frying process?

a- Yes. b-No.

18. How you can recognize the expiry date of stored frying oil? *You can choose more

than one option.

a- By Smell. b- By color. c- By taste.

d- By viscosity. e- Other, please specify……

19. What do you do with this oil when you decided not to use it again in frying?

a-Wiping Kisra's / Gorasa's pan (Saj).

b- Wiping bread's trays.

c- Making traditional soaps.

d- Not used for any purpose.

e-Other uses, please specify…..……

20. If your answer was (d) for question above, please explain how you discard the oil?

a- Spilled in back street.

b- Spilled in wastewater pipes/sewage.

c- Spilled in stagnated water to control mosquitoes.

d- Other, please specify …………………………………………


Appendix (G): Hedonic Scale a five points used for sensory evaluation of fried

Fish and Falafel in cottonseed oil and groundnut oil.

Notices :

o Please taste each sample in turn and tick a box, from '1 Dislike Very

Much' to '5. Like Very Much' to indicate your preference.

o Please you may also which to mark remarks about the products

appearance, taste, odor and texture.

© British Nutrition Foundation 2001