Changes in 1920s Life Mr. Williams 10 th Grade U.S. History.

Post on 18-Jan-2018

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New Roles for Women 19 th Amendment Wyoming: Nellie Taylor Ross was 1 st woman governor 1924 Miriam Ferguson also elected governor of Texas

Transcript of Changes in 1920s Life Mr. Williams 10 th Grade U.S. History.

Changes in 1920s Life

Mr. Williams10th Grade U.S. History

“She’s not what Grandma used to be”

New Roles for Women•19th Amendment •Wyoming: Nellie Taylor Ross

was 1st woman governor 1924•Miriam Ferguson also elected

governor of Texas

Women in the Workforce•Returned home after WWI•1920s, typically in low paying

jobs such as nurses, teachers, domestic servants, and switchboard operators •Upper and middle class women

attended college

Flapper•Defied traditional ideas of

proper dress and behavior•Chopped off hair, raised

hemlines, wore makeup, smoked cigarettes, drank alcohol, danced all night in clubs

Conflict over Values•Rural America: hard-working,

self-reliant, religious, and independent•Urban America: Change that

threatened old-school values

18th Amendment (Prohibition)• Ratified in 1919, this banned the

manufacturing, sale and distribution of alcohol

Fundamentalism •A literal interpretation of

Religion•Believe that historic events

occurred exactly as described by Bible (or other religious texts) • Scopes Trial

Scopes Trial•1925: Tennessee passes law

making it illegal to teach evolution to students•Williams Jennings Bryan vs.

Clarence Darrow • Scopes was found guilty and

fined $100