Change of location

Post on 04-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Change of location

Change of locationSANAA EL-HAOUZI


In the process of getting our rough cut ready , our teachers gave us a bit of feedback about what they got to see so far and how we could improve our Music Video .

Strengths :

Editing to the beat was good

Shots used were good

Weaknesses :

Our first location of Alexandra Palace (Green area) was good however , slightly contrasted to the rest of our music video locations which were more modernised and urban which suit our artist .

The visual structure of the music video is good but it needs more thinking to show the audience and let them know when each part of the song is coming such as the Bridge and Hook.

Change of location

After this feedback my group and I decided to look over our feedback and re-watch our First Rough Cut , we began to question our Green Area as we began to see what our teachers saw . This lead us to brainstorm and choose a different location that would match our Artist Sanaa . After , brainstorming I thought that our new location should reflect our syngerical colours of Blue and Black as well as the use of vibrant colours which are seen in the conventional Pop music videos as well as our inspire artist Rita Ora’s music videos.

Our New Location is …..


Pictures of our new location :