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Hydrological Sciences Journal

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Challenges in operationalizing thewater–energy–food nexus

J. Liu, H. Yang, C. Cudennec, A.K. Gain, H. Hoff, R. Lawford, J. Qi, L. deStrasser, P.T. Yillia & C. Zheng

To cite this article: J. Liu, H. Yang, C. Cudennec, A.K. Gain, H. Hoff, R. Lawford, J. Qi, L. deStrasser, P.T. Yillia & C. Zheng (2017): Challenges in operationalizing the water–energy–foodnexus, Hydrological Sciences Journal, DOI: 10.1080/02626667.2017.1353695

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Challenges in operationalizing the water–energy–food nexusJ. Liua, H. Yangb,c, C. Cudennecd, A.K. Gaine, H. Hofff,g, R. Lawfordh, J. Qii, L. de Strasserj, P.T. Yilliak,l and C. Zhenga

aSchool of Environmental Science and Engineering, Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Soil and Groundwater Pollution Control, South University ofScience and Technology of China, Shenzhen, China; bSwiss Federal Institute for Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag), Duebendorf,Switzerland; cDepartment of Environmental Sciences, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland; dAgrocampus Ouest, INRA, Rennes, France;eGFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany; fPotsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Potsdam, Germany;gStockholm Environment Institute, Stockholm, Sweden; hMorgan State University, Baltimore, MD, USA; iCenter for Global Change & EarthObservations, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA; jFondazione Eni Enrico Mattei, Milan, Italy; kSustainable Energy for All(SE4All), Vienna, Austria; lInternational Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria

ABSTRACTConcerns about the water–energy–food (WEF) nexus have motivated many discussions regardingnew approaches for managing water, energy and food resources. Despite the progress in recentyears, there remainmany challenges in scientific research on theWEF nexus, while implementation asa management tool is just beginning. The scientific challenges are primarily related to data, informa-tion and knowledge gaps in our understanding of the WEF inter-linkages. Our ability to untangle theWEF nexus is also limited by the lack of systematic tools that could address all the trade-offs involvedin the nexus. Future research needs to strengthen the pool of information. It is also important todevelop integrated software platforms and tools for systematic analysis of the WEF nexus. Theexperience made in integrated water resources management in the hydrological community, espe-cially in the framework of Panta Rhei, is particularly well suited to take a lead in these advances.

ARTICLE HISTORYReceived 15 October 2016Accepted 30 May 2017

EDITORA. Castellarin


KEYWORDStrade-offs; synergies; IWRM;Panta Rhei; sustainabledevelopment goals

1 What is the water–energy–food nexus andwhy is it important?

The water–energy–food (WEF) nexus constitutes a fra-mework for analysing the dynamic interactionsbetween water, energy and food systems and develop-ing strategies for sustainable development (see Fig. 1).Although progress has been made, particularly instudying water–energy and water–food relations, theWEF framework is just beginning to be explored scien-tifically. This framework is being developed with asense of urgency due to the concerns about loomingdifficulties in feeding the world’s growing populationwith the increasing constraints on the availability of therequisite energy, water and land resources. Accordingto the United Nations’ (UN) estimate, the populationof the Earth will surpass 10 billion by 2100 (UN-DESA2011). The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)(Flammini et al. 2014) projects that 60% more food and80% more energy will be required by 2050 to meetglobal demand; an increase in total global water with-drawals by 50% in developing countries and 18% indeveloped countries by 2025 is projected. This situationis aggravated by a number of factors, for example, theincreasing number of people adding meat to their diets,which is energy and water intensive. The inter-linkages

between water, energy and food are affecting the devel-opment of each of these sectors. The World EconomicForum (2015) report ranked the WEF nexus as one ofthe biggest risks to world economic stability. While thelinks between these sectors are understood in a quali-tative sense, describing these linkages in quantitativeterms is largely lacking.

Since 2008, concerns about the WEF nexus havemotivated many discussions regarding new approachesfor managing water, energy and food/land resources(Hoff 2011, WWAP, 2015, 2016, Giupponi and Gain2017). The nexus framework has been gaining accep-tance since it was first publically debated during theBonn 2011 Nexus Conference The Water, Energy andFood Security Nexus: Solutions for the Green Economy.In 2014, the FAO used the nexus as an organizationalconcept to coordinate the complex and interrelatednature of the global resource system that affects agri-culture (FAO 2014). A number of national and inter-national organizations are now acting on this concept.At the international level, Future Earth launched a two-year WEF Nexus Cluster project to consider the role ofintegrated information systems on environmental andanthropogenic forces and improved governance and toassess how these approaches could advance the delivery

CONTACT Junguo Liu


© 2017 IAHS




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of a WEF nexus approach. Future Earth has alsoadvanced its Knowledge Action Network (KAN) deal-ing with food, energy and water in response to thisneed (Future Earth 2014). The sustainable developmentgoals (SDGs), approved by the UN in September 2015,gave further impetus to a nexus approach across water(Goal 6), energy (Goal 7) and food (Goal 2), which,respectively, contain targets of food security for all,clean water for all, and energy for all; and becauseinter-linkages are crucial (UN-Water 2016). A well-coordinated nexus approach could be the first step inrealizing these goals (Obersteiner et al. 2016).

The issues related to the WEF nexus are stronglycoherent with the scientific agenda shaped in the fra-mework of Panta Rhei, the decadal programme of theInternational Association of Hydrological Sciences(IAHS) (Montanari et al. 2013, Ceola et al. 2016,McMillan et al. 2016, Kreibich et al. 2017). Not onlydoes the nexus exemplify linkages of socio-hydrologyand hydrological changes with energy and food sys-tems, it is also key for water, energy and food security(UN-Water 2013, 2016, van Emmerik et al. 2014,Young et al. 2015) in the Anthropocene (Steffen et al.2011, Savenije et al. 2014, Bai et al. 2016, Brondizioet al. 2016). Integrated water resources management(IWRM) approaches are integral parts of the WEFnexus. To this end, Panta Rhei, which emphasizes thetwo-way coupling between humans and nature (socio-hydrology) within a more comprehensive framework(Montanari et al. 2013), can play a critical role in theinnovative development of system tools and informa-tion pools for analysing the inter-linkages, co-evolu-tions, syntheses and trade-offs involved in the WEF

nexus (Koutsoyiannis et al. 2016, WWAP 2016,Srinivasan et al. 2017), and for conceptualizing rela-tionships with external drivers which are themselveschanging, eventually under acceleration (Bai et al.2016, Brondizio et al. 2016).

2 What is new about the WEF nexus

It is often mentioned that the WEF nexus is not really anew concept (e.g. Benson et al. 2015, Von Braun andMirzabaev 2016, Wichelns 2017). That is correct tosome extent, as some nexus approaches have beenused to study and explore various sectoral inter-lin-kages. The importance of systemic approaches in themanagement and governance of natural resources andfood systems has been recognized since before the riseof the term “nexus” in science and policy making, forinstance, IWRM (GWP 2000), landscape approaches(Sayer et al. 2006), and ecosystem-based approaches(CBD 2000), among others. With increasing demandsfor services and growing desires for higher living stan-dards, the need for more conscious stewardship of thevital resources (i.e. water, energy, food) required toachieve those services and desires has become bothmore obvious and urgent.

Is the attention to the nexus approach thereforejustified? Yes it is. The nexus approach is multi-centric(offering a “level playing field”) compared to IWRMand other integrated approaches that mostly originatefrom one particular sector, inviting others in (e.g.Bazilian et al. 2011). Also, the attention currentlybeing paid to the nexus helps generate the requiredmomentum and political will for action, which has

Figure 1. Illustration of the WEF inter-linkages. The items listed are examples that are not meant to be all-inclusive.





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been lacking in previous approaches (Biswas 2008,Ringler et al. 2013). It may be true that everything issomehow linked to everything else; however, the WEFnexus can add value by stressing the most critical inter-linkages and by developing a new approach around it(Allan et al. 2015, Foran 2015). It should be noted that,while in this paper we refer to the water, energy andfood security nexus, the concept of resource nexus canalso be found in the literature – water, energy, land andminerals.

In recent years, there has been a rapid increase instudies on WEF nexus issues, as suggested by a litera-ture search of Scopus (published articles and books)from 2010 to mid-September 2016 (by 6 September2016). Among a total of 231 publications, 98 and 75were published in 2015 and 2016, respectively. Thereported nexus work includes contributions from aca-demic institutions, government organizations, nongo-vernmental organizations and business.

3 Research challenges

The WEF nexus presents opportunities for policymakers, business leaders, investors, nongovernmentalorganizations and the public at large to address threemutually-dependent global security concerns (i.e.access to water, sustainable energy and food security).However, several challenges remain for the corre-sponding research required for sound operationaliza-tion of the nexus. These are largely reflected byconsiderable data and knowledge gaps and lack ofsystematic analytical tools to apply nexus thinkingeffectively.

Developing research methodologies that evaluatesynergies and trade-offs in a holistic way, and makingdecision support tools available to address them areimportant to avoid conflicts, minimize risk on invest-ment and maximize economic returns (Howells et al.2013). Both synergies and trade-offs concern not onlymonetary values involved in the nexus but also non-monetary values, which are often difficult to measurein market values, such as water, environment and pol-lution. Traditional research approaches rarely addressquestions arising from the interfaces between dimen-sions even though decisions taken in one nexus dimen-sion can fundamentally affect the choices available inother dimensions. For comprehensive assessment ofsynergies and trade-offs among water, energy andfood sectors, integrated models are needed to investi-gate the strength of the interdependency between var-ious nexus dimensions and other related themes, suchas economic growth, poverty, biodiversity, sustainabledevelopment, climate change and global security. The

currently applied tools are still largely limited to indi-vidual sectors and hence not fit for untangling thesecomplex inter-linkages, especially beyond the localscale.

It is rare that nexus boundaries align with traditionalmanagement units or administrative boundaries – forinstance, river basins, urban areas, or even geopoliticaldivisions (Perrone et al. 2011). This alignment ofboundaries and management units poses additionaldifficulties to access and synthesize information con-cerning the intersection between nexus dimensions. Infact, the boundary of each dimension: water, energyand food, has different spheres, which makes it quitechallenging to characterize and manage interactionsbeyond the spheres of control and influence of anygiven nexus dimension (see Fig. 2). Yet knowledge ofhow the spheres of control, influence and uncertaintyoperate and impact each nexus dimension is critical formanaging nexus interactions (Yillia 2016). Research isneeded to elucidate the nature of nexus interactions inall three spheres for any given nexus dimension. Inparticular, innovative methodologies and decision sup-port tools need to be developed to address interdepen-dencies. This is especially needed in the sphere ofuncertainty where interactions and interdependenciescan be many but synergies and trade-offs are lessclearly defined, and corresponding impacts are moredifficult to interpret and manage.

Unifying accounting procedures for various nexusdimensions is another challenge in the WEF nexus.The heterogeneous data, methods, quality and stan-dards on different nexus dimensions are all constraintsfor computing the WEF nexus in a systematic andunified framework. For example, accounting for wateruse in the electricity sector is, in principle, morestraightforward than accounting for energy use in thewater sector or accounting for both water and energyuse in the agriculture sector. Concerning energy for

Figure 2. Interactions between the spheres of control, influ-ence and uncertainty in the WEF nexus.





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water, it is difficult to calculate energy end use forwater in the domestic sector due to the varied usersand uses of water (Yillia 2016). Furthermore, certainnexus dimensions (e.g. the key role of ecosystem ser-vices) are still difficult to assess and quantify. As theargument to include natural infrastructure in develop-ment planning grows and strengthens, research isrequired to elucidate and, in particular, quantify ineconomic terms nature’s provisioning and regulatingservices, such as flood and disease control, or socialservices, such as spiritual, recreational and culturalbenefits, and supporting services, such as nutrientcycling.

Until very recent years, research on the water–energy–food relationships on a large scale oftenencountered difficulties in obtaining funding. Fundinghas often been biased towards in-depth knowledge inmono-disciplinary research areas. The lack of sufficientfunding has caused a constraint in large steps forwardin the knowledge, modelling and implementation ofthe WEF nexus. The good thing is that, in the lastfew years, there has been an opportunity of enhancingfunding on the WEF nexus in different countries. Forexample, the US National Science Foundation (NSF)initiated the WEF research programme in 2015( In the same year, the National Natural ScienceFoundation of China (NSFC) released a joint call forproposals on environmental sustainability togetherwith the NSF, in which the WEF nexus is a priorityresearch area ( Support has also come frominternational programmes, such as the BelmontForum, Future Earth and the Sustainable WaterFuture (–energy–food-nexus).

4 Future research of the WEF nexus andcontributions of hydrology: addressingsynergies, co-benefits and trade-offs

The value of the WEF nexus is the recognition of thecoupled nature of these three sectors and the specificfocus on critical inter-linkages (e.g. Hoff 2011, Ringleret al. 2013, Allan et al. 2015). Promoting synergies andreducing trade-offs (concerning both the monetary andnon-monetary losses and gains) among these threesectors is a critical aspect of sustainability science(Biggs et al. 2015, Halbe et al. 2015) and should bealigned with sustainable development goals. Naturalresources such as water, energy and land are finite,and human needs for them should be placed in thecontext of limitations of these resources.

Human needs for water, energy and food synergiesare geographically, culturally and economically diverse(Mirzabaev et al. 2015, Cremades et al. 2016). In somecommunities, nations or regions, growing more food isessential for survival, a basic human need, but in otherregions energy to power machines and automobiles isan important developmental concern. Thus, synergisticuse of water, energy and food should be defined in acontext-specific way for different regions and theirdifferent development priorities (de Strasser et al.2016). Recognizing such diversity enables a betterunderstanding of the WEF nexus and attainable syner-gies to meet the needs of all.

Synergies across water, energy and food sectorsshould be achieved to benefit all, for example, throughintegrated governance (policy coherence) and throughnexus tools (multi-functional systems). From thehydrological point of view, an example can be the useof hydraulic infrastructures such as hydropower damsto control floods, and at the same time improve wateravailability for irrigated agriculture, electricity genera-tion and other uses (e.g. Liu et al. 2013, Pech 2013,Daher and Mohtar 2015, Mayor et al. 2015). Thiscreates a plausible synergy among water, energy andfood sectors, therefore enabling a co-benefit scenariofor the communities of the energy sector, farmers, andland-use planners near or far from these hydraulicinfrastructures. However, when considering other eco-system services that may be negatively affected, such asdownstream fishery industries, additional trade-offsoccur. This reveals another critical issue in the analysisand operationalization of the nexus: the system bound-aries, geographical extent and spatial scale at which thenexus considered (e.g. Conway et al. 2015,Hensengerth 2015, KibarogluandGursoy 2015).

A key to the WEF approach is to identify the pointsat which the resource systems interact and to establishappropriate data exchanges between the modules (e.g.water requirements in the land-use and energy systems;energy needs for water supply and land use; and landrequirements for energy and water infrastructure). Theoutput from one module forms the input for the othertwo. This type of the multi-model framework is themost common way of dealing with complex and multi-ple systems. It is in essence a loose coupling in whichthe factors in one system are exogenous to the othersystems considered. Given its relative simplicity andtransparency, this kind of model framework is expectedto be more widely applied in the WEF nexus analysis.

Despite the advantages of the loose coupling ofmodels, this approach has a limitation in consideringfeedbacks among the individual systems of the WEFnexus. Therefore, tight coupling of models from





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different sectors, in which the factors from one systemare endogenous to other systems, should be developedto quantitatively account for the feedback effects acrossthe systems. In the WEF nexus, this approach could beused to quantify how changes of elements in one sys-tem, e.g. the hydrological system, influence the ele-ments in the other systems, and to identify thefeedback effects of the changes in the latter systemson the elements in the hydrological system. It is clearthat this type of model integration is much more com-plex than the loose coupling. The complexity of suchan integrated model framework may make its develop-ment and application more difficult.

As mentioned earlier, there are many models deal-ing with issues relating to water, energy and foodsystems. The integration of models for the analysis ofthe WEF nexus cannot be confined to specific modelsor ways of integration. The selection of individualmodels and the development of analytical frameworksare condition and scale dependent. The data requiredcan also vary depending on the issues tackled. There isno one WEF framework that can fit all circumstances.This calls for multi-disciplinary and trans-disciplinaryapproaches in the WEF nexus studies and in assessingsynergies and trade-offs involved (Howells et al. 2013).

Apart from the need to develop integrated model-ling approaches, as elaborated above, data availability isanother aspect that requires much effort from all thethree sectors. Currently, for example, the data forenergy use in the water sector are largely lacking(Perrone et al. 2011, Yillia 2016). Also, many servicesprovided by the three sectors are difficult to measureand put a price on (Yillia 2016). There is a need toimprove coordination between researchers in therespective fields, natural resources managers, stake-holders and consumers to generate the data requiredfor quantitatively assessing the synergies and trade-offsinvolved in the WEF nexus.

5 Summary

The WEF nexus has received much attention since 2011,while the World Economic Forum has identified it as amajor source of uncertainty for the global economy. Therehas been extensive work on theWEF nexus in recent yearsand the research funding has been gradually increasing.Despite the significant progress visible in the literature,there remain many challenges in scientific research onthe nexus, and even more so in its implementation. Thescientific challenges are primarily related to gaps in inte-grated data, information and knowledge related to themost critical inter-linkages and their dynamics. In addi-tion, our ability to untangle the WEF nexus and make the

approach operational is also limited by the lack of systema-tic tools that could address all the synergies and trade-offsinvolved in the nexus. Future research on the WEF nexusneeds to strengthen the pool of information based onphysical and social measurements (i.e. data and metrics)and interpret them jointly among all the three sectors. Toachieve these goals, it is important to develop observationtypes and essential variables, datasets, software platformsand tools (e.g. for modelling and analysis on differentspatiotemporal scales). In our opinion, it is important forthe WEF nexus approaches to identify and model feed-backs between hydrological, energy and food systems, andcorrespond with stakeholders and societies at large. Theexperience and knowledge learned and tools andapproaches developed from IWRM in the water manage-ment communities can be very helpful in developing anintegrated framework for tackling the WEF nexus. Thecontribution of the hydrological community to this courseis essential, especially in the framework of Panta Rhei,where “everything flows”.


This paper was developed within the framework of the PantaRhei Research Initiative of the International Association ofHydrological Sciences (IAHS). The present work was par-tially developed within the framework of the Panta RheiResearch Initiative by the working group “Water ScarcityAssessment: Methodology and Application”.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.


This study was supported by the National Natural ScienceFoundation of China (41571022, 41625001), the BeijingNatural Science Foundation Grant (8151002), and theNational Natural Science Foundation of China (91325302,91425303). Additional support was provided by the SouthernUniversity of Science and Technology (Grant no. G01296001).This work was partially funded by Shenzhen MunicipalScience and Technology Innovation Committee through pro-ject Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Soil and GroundwaterPollution Control (No. ZDSY20150831141712549).


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