Challenge island rotation 5 - lynwood, pauline, and midlock

Post on 01-Nov-2014

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Three houses, no waiting.

Transcript of Challenge island rotation 5 - lynwood, pauline, and midlock

So I’m kind of sort of back.

I’m still mostly wanting to play. I ended up playing out of order, mostly because I really hate college and wanted to get Pauline out of college. There are three houses in this update, the Lynwoods, Pauline, and the Midlocks.

It was a pretty drama free play through. But then again, that isn’t saying much.

First up are the Lynwoods, my ISBI house.

Now considering that you’ll almost never see the triplets in their regular clothes I’m not really sure who is who here.

I can tell them by hair.

I’m pretty sure it’s Bliss, Glory, and Delight but who knows.

I like this house. It’s pretty.

This is not pretty.

This is what Jack and Tish ended up buying at the Joneses Store.

Although it looks like it’s needed because the fridge is apparently empty. Pro-tip: Butlers are worse than servos. They cook constantly.

So Jack refilled the fridge.

I guess he and Tish know what they needed.

And Tish comes home permaplat off of a fitness chance card. So now we’ll see if a permaplat idiot is a surviving idiot.

“I have no idea what I’m doing.”

Sleeping apparently.

Yay! It’s a party! And Jack’s a popularity sim and hot.

Damion says hi to his current mistress while photobombing townie photobombs.

And Jack needs to have his head examined. He’s supposed to be the sane one.

Tiffany is not amused.

Sigh... I don’t relish doing this for all of the triplets. It’s frustrating and I’m used to having to do it with the bad apples.

Sorry, Brent. I think this townie’s a little young for you. Try again.

Homework done, Glory finds something more fun to do.

Although I think her sister Bliss is having the most fun.

“So when I’m older, will you woohoo with me?”

“Sure, kid. I like red heads.”

He doesn’t, but considering who his baby mamas are you’d think he does.

“Time to do your homework.”

“But I just made friends with my future baby daddy.”

“No you didn’t.”

“I did! I did! I know who I like and I like him!”

I don’t want to tell Bliss that by the time she’s old enough, that her baby daddy is going to be an elder.

“So... You’re the cheaty mc cheater person.”

“And you’re asking for trouble.”

“Not really. The coding won’t let you beat me up.”


“I’m ripped! This means I can kick more nanny butt!”

Pro tip for houses with uncontrollables who go to bed at inopportune times. Double beds. Kids and teens will get out of bed if an adult crawls into bed in their underwear with them. And for once the coding got it right. I’d get out of bed too if that happened.

All of the kids fight over who can clean all of the things. It’s kind of nice and it means that they’ll gain skills that way.

Jack will be job hopping, but he can only switch careers once he hits the top of the career. There’s nothing in the rules about no moodboosters either. I’m going to limit myself to one per type and that includes snapdragons if I get them. But I think it might help.

Especially considering the death items I have scattered around.

“Non-baby making woohoo!”

“I thought you’d never ask!”

Tish stop antagonizing the walkbys. You’re almost as bad as Tiffany. And that’s not a good thing.

She didn’t listen.

Considering that the kids were currently in public school I felt that needed to change.

So the headmaster was called.

The triplets were a shoo-in.

While the dinner was going on, I was being entertained by Damion playing hard to get. This Social townie tried to get her first kiss with him many times.


Many times.

I kind of feel bad for Glory, see that jello in the background. She got fat off of it. That’s because she always answers the call to a meal coding.

This sim... Not so much.

“I can’t be bothered. Eating is for wusses.”

Jack topped Athletic.

And celebrated with some post career topping woohoo.

“Can’t you see I’m starving!”

Call to meal.

“Can’t I need to brush my teeth and take a shower.”

“Then get in the zone.”

“Then take a swim”

“Then twirl my big girl around. I don’t have time to eat!”

Call to meal.

“Will you stop that!”


Jack got a job in adventurer so I could get the jumbok.

The girls wondered what it was.

Then went back to being idiots.

While Tish beat up on the Nanny rather than eating.

I’m wondering why she’s not dead yet.

Jack got home from his first day on the job and wondered if he really was cut out for this torchholder gig.

I mean his daughter, Delight, can’t seem to figure out that the stars only come out at night.

And Bliss seems to have several imaginary friends.

However, then this arrived...

In other houses, I would be totally using my one command to have the girls wish for peace. But I’m not sure how useful that is here.

I’ll save it. Although I’m betting that everyone’s wanting to make a wish now.

Stop the presses! Tish is eating. Green food. But she’s eating!

We’ll end with Jack showing that he doesn’t eat. He just energizes his way through life.


And now to finish off college for our “Wants Before Everything” founder.

Yep. This could be a short challenge if I get an impossible want that is currently impossible in the hood (I don’t have 50 sims for 50 first dates if the person is related to the Joneses).

Considering that Pauline has enough money now to outfit a small apartment, I’m not going to dig anymore. She can earn her money and start out small like the rest of the world.

And that includes cleaning her toilet.

Pauline was super excited to see her sister, Suzie.

But not quite as excited as she was to throw a party.

“I somehow feel like I have missed out on something.”

Jack’s got two bolts with Hayleigh and is most unhappy to see her dancing with her fiancé.


And if you note he’s totally starting this.

It’s a bloody good thing his wife isn’t here.

Pauline isn’t really ready to settle down yet. And as much as I like Matthew, Pauline really hasn’t made up her mind yet. Nor have I. She’s got time. Plenty of time.

And there are plenty of fish in the sea.

Downstairs, Jack channeled his wife and beat up on poor Jerome for no apparent reason other than he was not happy that Jerome was dancing with Hayleigh. The NERVE!

And outside, Suzie found the fastest way to get good grades was through the professor’s heart.


And so time passed. Pauline became a Senior.

And sucked out the skills from random NPCs.

She dated...


And sucked...

It was boring.

So I broke out the Crystal Ball (tm) to see who Pauline’s top five were. She got a Professor (her lone 3-bolter), a gearhead, a jock, elf-eared streaker, and elf-eared townie.

I was amused.

Especially since she seems to find this guy the hottest.

So it was time for another party.

No one really likes Merlin and I am okay with this.

I am less okay with this.

Apparently Hayleigh and Damion did something in front of Jerome.

Oops? That could cause problems but I do have a solution.

Please note Nicole is ripping Jerome’s heart out in this slide.

And Hayleigh is not amused. I’m not sure if I can repair this romance. But there are other options. Hayleigh’s got a string of men to choose from.

But this guy isn’t one of them.

During the party, Matthew dropped off a piano as a date gift.

“No one’s ever given ME a piano. I want a piano. Oh wait, I have one. Nevermind.”

Pauline liked her gift and I rethought Matthew as a potential spouse.

That was before Pauline graduated...

And this guy wandered on to the lot.

You might not recognize him as he is fully clothed. But this is the streaker. I kind of love him.

And Pauline seems to agree.

Especially since he stays naked after woohoo.

And he really loves having his butt grabbed since he fell in love with Pauline after she did that.

“Oh my plumbbob! You’re naked!”

“You just figured that out?”

Yeah I kind of like streaker!Colby.

I decided to throw Pauline a graduation party, forgetting that people get trapped in the robes. Oops?

I made sure to invite all of her current love interests.

Pierce and Colby.


And Matthew.

Just look at that sparkle.

I had everyone fish for the duration of the party. Mostly because I forgot I invited furious sims Jerome and Hayleigh and didn’t want a ton of fighting.

Then it was time for Pauline to grow up in a very okay outfit. She can keep it.

And she set off for parts unknown.

Or rather the Slums of Challenge Island.

There she signed a lease.

And found out the joys of being an adult on her own.

So now it’s time to move on.


To everyone’s favorite drama household, the Midlocks. Who currently have five girls and are going a little nuts.

Ahhh such a lovely day in the neighborhood.

Babies are screaming and attracting flies.

Unamused toddlers are pottying.

And Tiffany is stalking.

Although this time she and Merlin are NOT getting it on. He hasn’t forgiven her for cheating and she hasn’t forgiven him for not forgiving her.

Yep, it’s a pretty normal day here at the Midlocks.

Complete with a set of birthdays.

Dido is pretty much a clone of her mother while Cleopatra takes after her father.

Yep, everything is normal.

Until ACR steps in with yet another risky woohoo pregnancy. At least this time she’s only scanning a singleton.

Only in my game is a 5% chance pretty much a given.

And so it is off to work/school for my ever expanding family.

Since neither Arya or Merlin have a career based LTW I’m going to play that every networking that they get that offers them a job will be accepted. This could be interesting.

BTW see that person plus plus that Merlin has? That’s Nerissa. I had him say goodbye to her before he did anything stupid. As much as he’s got a roving eye, I think Merlin is committed to Arya and their ever expanding brood.

And as always seems the case in these, it’s time for another birthday.

Elizabeth who looks pretty much like her father.

She’s a Sagitarius with the extreme stats of 0/8/9/10/1.

And Fatima who has a better mix of genetics and stats. She’s a Virgo with stats of 10/3/6/4/6.

So much fun.

“What are you doing?”


“Family sim.”


“Don’t mind me, I’m just taking a bubble bath. Being pregnant is hard.”

Now Robert knows what most of the female population already knows.

Being pregnant is hard.

Still scanning a singleton. Which is YAY!

We interrupt your Midlocks to announce that Damion is now permaplat. He’s made his 20 best friends, I have no idea what his new LTW is but I can guess it’s unachievable.


Boadicea grew up and rolled Fortune/Popularity and she wants to be the Law.

I like her, but she’s pretty much a facial clone of her father.

So what I’ve decided is this. For those houses who can, other than the heir, I’ll be moving kids to college and making them dormies. It may mess with family trees later but they will be good spouse potential down the line. For those houses where I can’t send to college, non-heirs will be made into townies. It should keep me from having to spawn more townies down the line.

This is of course unless I want to do a challenge with someone. Then I’ll move them out to do the challenge. But since this is a prosperity type of hood. My end point is 5 generations. It doesn’t matter what the challenge states, my end point for all households is 5 generations.

So now that she’s a teen, Bo can start helping out more. Starting by teaching Fatima how to walk.

Still a singleton, I might be able to make it through this with only six babies in this house.

I admit it, I chuckle every time Tiffany throws up. I’m still loving her misery.

This guy here offered Arya a job in medical. It was high enough to get her the career reward. Not a bad place to start.

Sometimes it’s not about the bolts. Kailee and Robert are still adorable.

Also this is totally the dreadlocks brigade.

Because we have three kids many with high playful it’s time for a headmaster visit.

Arya got 21 points just for greeting him.

One plate of Baked Alaska and the kids were in.

Amusingly, before Arya could even go to work in the medical field, this townie offered her a job in Adventurer.

Woohoo we now have a Jumbok!

Just in time too!

Because we have baby sign.

I’m a little amused at Bo mopping up a puddle I kind of think it’s Arya’s water breaking. I know, I’m weird.

Meet Gemmei, a little girl, who has her mother’s eyes and hair.

Arya dropped Gemmei on the floor while the bathroom occupants rearranged themselves. Bo’s here to clean the toilet. Because of course she is.

Meet Hedwig, another girl, who has her father’s hair and her mother’s recessive eyes. The first kid to actually get those.

Finally meet Irina, yet another girl. She’s got her mother’s hair and her father’s eyes. With Irina’s birth, I now have eight girls in this family.

It’s almost like a flip side of my turn at the round robin with Gethin and his 10 boys.

Because today wasn’t busy enough, Fatima and Elizabeth also had birthdays.

“So I was thinking. Want to completely skew the neighborhood gender demographics?”

“I’m not sure that’s a good idea.”

“You’ll get to meet someone new.”


As you would expect, Arya is now pregnant. However this one was directed by me. I hate to say it but at this point might as well get that impossible want of 10 kids. Because I’m a masochist.


So that’s it.

Three houses, lots of kids but very little drama.

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed.

Until Next time, happy simming!