Chakra Concept of Palmistry

Post on 29-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Chakra Concept of Palmistry

The chakra concept

The chakra concept states that there are seven major wheel-like energy

centers where the life energy resides to keep the body alive. These centers are

called "chakras". The word chakra means "wheel" in Sanskrit. The chakras

are part of the "etheric body". The etheric body is one of several invisible

energy bodies overlaid onto the physical body to provide the life forces to


The chakras in the etheric body are concentrated centers for specific types of

energy. These energies are the driving power for the physical body. When

these energies are disturbed or out of balance, the body suffers with physical

problems. Without these energy vortices, the physical body dies. Some

individuals with strong powers of concentration can go into an altered state of

consciousness and see the chakras as rotating disks of colored energy.

This concept of how a person's energy is revealed in the hands is discussed

throughout my book, "It's All In Your Hands" available here.

Are You Closed to Opportunities?

When your fingers are held tightly together it indicates that you

feel suspicious of new ideas and ways of doing things. You are

careful not to jump into new situations too fast, especially

relationships. When you do stumble on to an opportunity you first

look for the problems in it and are overly suspicious and cautious.

This ability to see beneath the glitter of the wrapping has saved you

from problems in the past and will do the same in the future --or so

you hope. That is your most comfortable way to operate but it

delays, if not prevents, jumping right on to fresh opportunities.

If your fingers are also stiff, it shows resistance to any changes to the present

state of mind. New ideas and new ways of doing things are approached suspiciously,

cautiously, and are resisted. You are resistant to let others change your views.

You are cautious with your money and don't spend easily unless it is absolutely

necessary. You place great value on what you have and are protective to insure that

you keep it. You distrust most people and you do not lend your things easily.

Hints for even more success in life:

For now, closing your hands or putting them in your pockets will give a little more

peace of mind and make you feel more comfortable. Quiet familiar places free of

outside distractions are especially good for you. Your goals should include learning

to trust your own skills and wisdom more. Watch for the opportunities that are

naturally coming in to your life and make the extra effort to take advantage of


Since your logical mind is very cautious it usually talks you out of jumping into

new projects by finding excuses to not take action. This generally prevents you

from seeing the opportunities that have a good chance for success. A good way to

overcome this stuck and resistive pattern is to use less logical thought processes

and rely more on your intuition and psychic abilities. (Right now your logical

mind and resistance to change is probably already saying, "Forget it! It will never be

as good as my logic.") I am speaking from my personal experience plus the experience

of many of my clients: If you can use your natural intuition and psychic abilities

your decisions will be much more accurate and rewarding. That is because at the

intuitive and psychic level of mind (the subconscious mind) you have access to more

information, and it is not biased by fears and misinformation in the conscious mind.

The tricky thing you must do is to quiet and ignore the logical mind - and that is

where the ego resides so it does not give up easily.

There are numerous ways to train to use your intuition and psychic natural

abilities and they all involve relaxation, focus, and trust. Yoga, meditation, martial

arts, and a zillion other practices, training tapes, and workshops can help to quiet the

conscious mind and open the subconscious to your intuitive and psychic levels of

mind. When you do develop the ability to get away from your logical (and biased)

mind and into your intuitive and psychic level of mind you will find miracles


It is not necessary to have psychic markings on your hands but it would make the task

much easier. You can check to see if you have any hand psychic markings at the

Psychic, Paranormal and Spiritual Center.

What Wide Spacing Reveals in Palmistry

You don't have to be psychic to figure out this palmistry.

In palmistry widely separated fingers reveal an open mind

and "free spirit". You are open to new ideas and exploring

different ways of doing things every day. You look for

opportunities and recognize them before people with closed

fingers. You like variety and get bored quickly with doing things

the same way all the time. You are not ruled by conventional rules

of society.

You are generous with your money and spend easily on things that interest you

for the moment. You are generous with all that you have to offer others. Your

time, energy, and resources are freely given to all deserving people and animals you

come across. You are eager to meet new people and have new experiences. Your

friendly ways and openness draw people to you naturally. People are attracted to your

positive attitude and seek your company. You make new friends easily and brighten

their lives with your ability to recognize new opportunities. You see more

opportunities in one day than most people can take advantage of in a month.

Your challenge is to act on them.

Palmistry hints for even more success in life:

You will do exceptionally well in life with your open-fingered approach to all

matters if you also keep your thumb open at a big angle. You may have to

consciously hold it out. Read about how important a big thumb angle is here.

Your finger spacing will change as your mood changes. Watch for this difference in

openness as you interact with other people. You will notice that when you are with

people that you really like, your fingers will be most open. And when you are with

people that annoy you or who you don't trust, your fingers will close up more. Watch

your fingers and avoid people who cause them to close.

Your open fingers allow you to accept new ideas and explore them farther than the

more closed fingered person. You will get a lot of benefit from using what psychic

abilities you may naturally have. You can check to see if you have any hand psychic

markings at the Psychic, Paranormal and Spiritual Center.


Introduction to Palmistry די תמכח

Palmistry is the study of the lines of the palms of the hands . This section is taken די תמכח

from Sefer די תמכח "Chochmas Yad"-"Wisdom & Knowledge of Palmistry" and Sefer

Shinuyim - the Book of Changes, and discusses three aspects to Palmistry and "the

hands" :-

#1. The lines on the hand represent the pathway and "blue-print" of ones life "destiny",

the pre-arranged plan and ones life journey is mapped out and indicated to an exact plan,

as indicated by the precision of the lines on everyones hand .

#2. Palmistry teaches that each person is unique, understanding that the strength and

individuality of ones' soul is contained within the precise lines of ones hands . The

importance of recognizing that GOD has created our physical body with exactness and

reflection of our soul, so that the lines on our hands are impressed on our physical body

with unbelievable precision . Understanding that the hands are the physical connection

between your physical body and your spiritual soul and spirit world .

#3. Using the power contained within your hands to bring healing, positive energy,

strengthening to yourself and others. Understanding the power of praying with ones

hands, shaking hands, holding hands, saluting, clapping, and using ones hands to protect

ones souls and cleanse ones aura .

1. The lines on ones hand indicate - the pathway and "blue-print"

of ones life "destiny"

The difference between right and left hand

Most people will find the lines are similar but only slightly different on each hand. The

lines on the left hand are the map of the journey that you were supposed to take when you

were born. The lines on the right hand reflect the actual journey you have taken, they will

be for the most part a reflection of the left, unless ofcourse you have gone away from

your destined path, or made considerable changes. Usually there is a small island on the

life line symbolizing two potential pathways to the same end result, both are destined,

neither is right or wrong .

The hands represent ones personal identity and souls journey

The purpose of studying palmistry is to give re-assurance to know that our life is

purposeful, even the several failed relationships, marriages / divorces, children, etc..

Our hands have the blue-print of our individual life pathway stamped upon it . There are

NO two hands in the whole world the same , as is known even "finger-prints" used by

police world wide, are used to identify individuals.


This is jewish prayer we say when we lift the Scroll of the Torah, with both hands, after

reading it in the synagogue, and taken from book of proverbs chapter 3 verse16 , it means


Life is in the Right hand, wealth and honour in the left hand . According to Reb Chaim

Vital, the right hand gives us the destiny of our life, and the variances in our left hand

indicates the gain/loss of wealth, success and fame . (Which correlates to the well known

fact that people who are "left -handed" are more likely to be wealthy and famous).

For most readings it is easier to read the right hand, ( and only for checking and clarity

we look at the left - unless ofcourse the person is left handed ) . From the hand below,

you can see there are three main lines . The life line, head line and heart line .

From the hand above, you can see there are three main lines. The life line, head line

and heart line. I have indicated the numbers 20, 30, 40, 50 etc referring to age in years.

These are approximate and vary of each persons hand according to the size of ones

palm. Please read the sections below for explanations of each of the lines.

The Life Line

The Life line runs in a curve, it starts just above the thumb, between the thumb and the

first finger, it runs downwards to the wrist. It indicates the course of one's life. A short

life line does NOT mean a short life - but a short life line means that the significant

purpose and intensity and strength of energy of your life to "set you up" for the whole

of your life is in your younger years,( once you are established with partner/children

then you life has found its purpose and vitality ).

A Major Break in the life line

A break in the line or an island simply means another opportunity to start over life

anew on a different course . In our generation where many people are indeed

reincarnated souls, we have come to earth to relive several past-lives, all of which are

contained in this one life, hence we find that our lives have sections of COMPLETE

changes , that is change in marriages and lifestyles, even change in circumstances of

where we live, change in religion and faith .

We consider this gift of being reincarnated a special blessing and gift . As we are so

lucky to have many different parts to our "whole life" which means different

objectives and sometimes different relationships for each major part of the life change,

unless you have chosen to do this with your true soulmate .

An Island in the life line

It is accepted that the point directly under the middle finger is your age 35, ( mid life )

. From the photo of the hands below one can see an island in both hands , this Island

starts about age 30 and ends age 40 (approx) which indicates two alternative pathways

to the same end product .

An island is simply an opportunity and choice in life to take two possible ways to the

same end result . However, during the transition of going through an island, it is like

"life" has gone on hold, for the period of the island, a detour has been taken, and when

the period of the Island detour has been taken, coming back on track is like

transforming and arriving back home after a long journey. From the hands below

where there is destined island, when he arrived back at age 40 from the detour at age

30, it was as easy as coming back home after a holiday !! (even though the people he

came back into their lives were indeed affected deeply) .

Forks at the end of the life line

From the ages of 45 there is usually a fork, this simply offers two different

alternatives, most 40 year olds experience some type of mid-life crisis where they

have the potential to change and alter their life , in accordance to the foundation of

aims , goals and objectives that they have worked on themselves from the age of 30 (

after the period known as the "Saturn return of 29-30", see astrology page ).

Both these diverging lifestyles are destined, potential and correct, but they are

exceedingly different . One pathway simply continues the life one has have lived until

then, another life pathway takes a divergence . Usually the diverting and different

pathway has an extended life life, much longer than the other continued life . This is

indeed a sign to represent that if the person changes their lifestyle, choosing to do live

a life they really enjoy, then they will be blessed with a longer and healthier life .

A permanent FORK on any line offers a choice of life, which is irreversible once the

decision is taken .

Inner Life lines

If there are inner lifelines, these are usually faint lines, shorter than the life line,

sometimes they only accompany the life line for very short periods. They follow the

same direction as the life line, andy are located between the life line and the thumb (

they are situated on the "Mound of the Thumb" ) .

These inner lifelines are an indication that a person is blessed with spiritual guides and

angels that are accompanying a person in their life . The purpose of spirit life energy,

guides and helpers, is to help maximize and fulfill ones full potential . They are an

extra source of life vitality and energy, they give a person an extra added advantage by

radiating extra energy within the persons soul and body .

The Heart line

The Heart line is immediately below the fingers, it starts beneath the little finger (

known as the "pinky") and moves across the hand finishing beneath the middle or first

finger . This line deals with the love life.

Lines going UP or DOWN from heart line

The lines going down from your heart line reflect the bad/hateful relationships you

have to go through in life , the lines going up from the heart line are the good

passionate loving relationships you are given in life .

First experience of love

From the age of 15-20 on the line, their will be lines going up towards and joining

themselves to the end of your hand beneath your little finger - these are potential

"marriage" love lines . In soulful palmistry marriage love lines , do not necessarily

mean that you will marry the person . One may choose just to live and make love with

the connection . Or have a "crush" on them, connecting ones thoughts and soul with

their soul and thoughts .

The first experience of love has profound affects on a person, as it is the opening of a

whole new world . In the innocence of first love , ones soul and mind is stronger and

more idealistic . Looking for a wholesome soulful connection as opposed to sexual

desires or selfish materialistic benefits of relationships , as one matures in the adult

world . A person who is lucky to meet their soulmate in these younger idealistic years

is considered blessed .

Nonetheless, if one feels one has "gone off" the correct and destined pathway in life,

then one can think back to those "first love" years , this is one method to find a way to

reconnect with the innocence of love and find ones true soulmate . (This is a chapter in

Sefer Tikunim - the book of corrections and in Sefer Shinuyim - the book of change) .

Accordingly all psychologists such as Carl Jung, explain the reason why people in

"mid-life" try instinctively to revisit their childhood, in an attempt to reconnect with

their true destiny . Believing that the pathway they have taken is wrong , as they have

no true love or soul satisfaction in life , with a sense of "lacking something" special .

Marriage Lines

On everyones hand, there are lines going upwards from the heart line, these are

potential love marriage lines . There are also some lines going down from the heart

line , these are negative influential or failed relationships that have turned hateful .

The opposite of loving .

Sometimes we meet our potential love, and the line is completed all the way to the

side of the hand . Sometimes we miss the love of our life, or it is ruined - which is

indicated by a break in the marriage line . There will always be at least two or three

chances for LOVE in life - one may indeed meet those potential destined loves, if one

is in a marriage or committed relationship, then the test is not to get involved or be a

test for a person to make a decision !

Marriage Lines also known as "committment lines"

The lines going up from the heart line are traditionally known as "marriage" lines .

However the truth is that for some people , a love of work or committment to a project

, life ambition , desires or most importantly an idealistic service of GOD , as with

dedicated monks , nuns , priests and spiritual leaders .

This strong idealistic committment is actually seen in palmistry as a marriage line .

"Married" in spiritual service to GOD . Ofcourse they maybe tested like everyone else

to prove their committment in their devout relationship . As every committment

simply means the constant testing and reaffirming of ones committment to that "one

love" of ones life.

In much the same way, but quite a sharp contrast, that very ambitious materialistic

career people are so devoted to the love of money, that they refuse to have normal

love relationships and certainly don't want children . These people are also committed

in a marriage / relationship with "love of money" . Which sadly ruins young peoples

lives in our generation , that by the time they "wake-up" and divorce themselves from

this false pathway , they have missed the best years of their life , in pursuit of futilities

. ( as we discuss this on the page of CHANGE , with respect to mid-life crises ) . That

too is written in destiny , and by living a life of mistakes in younger years helps one

have a sense of true spiritual alivement in later years after making the changes in ones

life .

Lines of "Children"

The small lines rising from the marriage lines indicates children in that marriage /

relationship . If these small lines are connected with the heart line, this represents that

this child will have significant attachment and influence on the parents life .

Break in Marriage Lines

In a divorce or break up of a potential marriage/love relationship there will be a break

in the marriage line . This too is destiny . The lines on the hand give an indication and

reassurance that this was the destiny of that relationship . Lessons needed to be learnt ,

and possibly Karmic ( reincarnation ) clearance of the past was needed. Learning to

release that "type" of person from ones life and learning to change ones character are

necessary "heart-break" lessons .

Wherever there is a break in a marriage line, there will always be another marriage

line , by this indication , gives a person reassurance that the break-up was necessary

and that a more suitable relationship is awaiting in the future .

Straight "cold" heart line or a powerful curved wavy heart line

A straight heart line if often associated with a person who is emotionally closed and

unpassionately controlled, especially if the head line is more clearly defined than the

heart line.

The more curved the heart line, the more emotional and sensual the subject. People

with curved lines are not afraid to demonstrate their emotions and have an intrinsically

loving nature . A powerful heart line is always associated with a creative person .

Whether they are an artist , builder, architect , gardener , writer , designer , fashion

model, singer , songwriter , musician , inventor ... etc . Whatever career pathway the

passionate heart line is always an excellent indication to creativity . The creative

energy contained within the soul is simply an expression of loving emotions .

An exemplary pair of hands indicating a special person

left hand right hand

These prints of hands are of a very famous songwriter and musician who is world

famous . The soulful, meaningful words of his lyrics have had an impact on many

peoples lives . The amazing number of lines and strength in the lines are indicative of

the strength of character of his soul . Being blessed with a passionately loving and

strong character, has had major imprints on his remarkable heart line . The driving

force of his life, is indeed his love of people, love of life and attractive passionate

nature .

From the hands above, there is a strong well defined wavy heart line, indicating a very

passionate nature, with about 5 major lines going down of hateful relationships, (

these are actually indicative of leaving the strong emotional connection of abusive

parents at a young age of 17) and the other problematic relationships especially by the

age of 30 . This is indication of "letting go" and leaving the parents family and

community he was brought up .

There are lines going up from the heart line , at least 6 strong relationships of which

all 6 seem to be strongly emotionally committed marriages - as the lines are very

strong .

The strength and depth of the heart line is indicative of the indelible affects of his

creative musical career . As his emotional music carries tremendous spiritual strength

and passion Musicians and love songs are often written by songwriters with a

tremendously strong heart line . Creativity is just a way to express ones strong

emotions .

The Head Line

The head line runs across the palm from the area between the thumb and the

forefinger, in between the heart and life lines . It deals with thinking, reasoning, the

strength of ones determination and ability to focus and concentrate .

When this line is well developed, long, and straight it indicates a practical mind and

success in whatever one focus' on .


So with respect to ones ability to focus and change, and your strength to do so, see

ones potential in the HEAD LINE . If the line is strong and clear with no breaks or

waves in the line , this means you have the ability to focus and change your life .

Strong head line - A good worker

A strong headline is a sign of a hard-working, level-minded person. A short but well

defined line denotes the power of concentration and determined ambition.

Weak head line - easily distracted

A faint or fragile looking line, whether it be short or long, tends to be associated with

a mind that easily is distracted and bores with long periods of study.

A sloping, long head line, and writers fork

A sloping line extending from a point beneath the ring finger shows a mind who

enjoys the stimulation of a variety of subjects and interests. If it slopes to a point

beneath the little finger / pinky, a creative intuitive mentality is suggested. If there is a

fork at the end of the head line indicates an exceedingly creative nature, normally

associated with writers and musicians (the fork is actually called the " writers fork ").

The Fate Line

The fate line starts at the wrist and travels up the palm towards the middle finger.

When it appears apart from the life line it signifies independence at an early age. The

larger the gap between the head and fate line, the larger the gap between the subject

and their parents. However, if there are faint lines connecting the fate line to the life

line it indicates the subject will retain a good relationship with their parents. If the fate

line begins as part of the life line, it suggests that the person will be strongly

influenced by their parents' guidance and support early on. This by no means suggests

a dependency issue because the very existence of the fate line is evidence of a person's

sense of responsibility. However, when the fate line begins inside the life line, it does

indicate the subject could allow their family to control them towards choice of career,

and other personal matters.


"Bracelets" is the name given to the two or three lines that run horizontally across the

length of the wrist. Many palmists use this to determine the length of the persons life.

Although in the same way the length of the life line does NOT necessarily give the

number of years, but in fact indicates the useful and purposefully creative years of

ones life . Similarly some people after a certain age , have selfish lives , only living

and surviving for themselves .

Whereas some old people are full of love, wisdom, kindness and helpfulness ,

continuing a truly useful and purposeful life . This is indicative in the energy of the

bracelets .

Each "bracelet" line is attributed to 30 years of life span. For example; two full length

bracelets and one half length bracelet would predict a lifespan of 75 years, and three

full bracelets would represent 90 years.

There is a tradition to wear a "red cotton bracelet" as the spiritual energy of ones

hands connecting to the remainder of ones body is at the "bracelet" area. Please see

here for the explanation of the "Red bracelet" of Rachel and the page of "spiritual


Changing lines

Hopefully, you now understand the basics of palmistry . It must be noted that the lines

DO change . Additional lines do appear whether they be on the heart line for good /

bad relationships , whether they be on the head line for focused determination , career

changes etc , or all over the palm of the hand on mounds of the finger ( which we shall

discuss more in the full length website after the book "Heavensregister" is released in

the shops ) .

As we shall learn in the pages of "CHANGE" from Sefer Shinuyim on this website -

everyone has the potential to change their destiny . Indeed these CHANGES one

makes can be and are reflected in the lines on ones hands .

2. Palmistry teaches that each person is unique

Understanding that the strength and individuality of ones' soul is contained within the

precise lines of ones hands . The importance of recognizing that GOD has created our

physical body with exactness and reflection of our soul, so that the lines on our hands

are impressed on our physical body with unbelievable precision . Understanding that

the hands are the physical connection between your physical body and your spiritual

soul and spirit world .

Correct Spiritual Praying hands

The correct spiritual position for maximizing ones soulful prayers with effect .

According to Kabbala only the fingertips and bottom of ones palms should be

touching . As each hand represents two different facets of ones soul, ( Kindness and

Strength - חסד גבּורה ), and connecting at the fingertips maximizes the transference of

spiritual energy within ones soul .

Leadership and you

How much leadership in you?

A person with hands similar to that shown below will have the

major indicators associated with a person who is likely to operate

with a natural sense of leadership. It would be rare for all of the

indicators to appear on a person's hand. However, several of them

on a hand (with no negative indicators) would indicate a very

strong leader who takes charge and gets the job done efficiently

and effectively. He or she has high ambition and the motivation to tackle

challenging jobs for the great satisfaction in completing them

through personal leadership.

Area A: The "can do it" person

The thumb is what allows humans to grasp and manipulate tools and

physical things better than all other animals. The thumb that is low

set on hand and naturally out at nearly right angle is eager and

ready to go to work! This shows a "take charge" person

confident and prepared to get the job done. This type thumb

knows that no job is too big to handle and is ready to get started.

Area B: The organizer and director

Index finger straight, strong, and significantly longer than ring finger (3rd finger). The index finger is what we use to point out what

to do and were to go. It is used to emphasize personal power

and to lead and direct. A person with a large index finger enjoys

using personal influence to get things done. This person has

natural skills for organizing and directing people to achieve results.

Area C: Keep going until it's finished

Vertical line running from base of hand to below Index finger. High ambition

and drive to complete things. Has high momentum when doing jobs that carries

on until the job is completed.

Area D: Success or else All fingers separated and straight when relaxed shows a person open to new ways

of doing things and eager to learn new things. Optimistic that he or she will succeed

because mind is open to all alternatives for a solution when a problem is faced.

MOTTO: "I can always find a way to succeed".


Both Fingers Equally Tall

The energies associated with the ring finger relate to creativity, self-expression and

receiving personal approval.

The energies associated with the index finger relate to expressing personal power,

leadership, confidence and ambition. .

If your ring and index fingers are the same length, then you are living in a

balanced way in daily life. You won't often be pushing your point of view on others

too forcefully to annoy them. You share your ideas and listen to the ideas of others

with equal interest. You don't like extreme points of view pushed on you by others.

You are confident and feel best when all things physical and mental are equally


Natural Creativity for Success

Ring finger taller than index finger

You thrive on being creative

If your ring finger is longer than your index finger it indicates that you have a

lot of creativity. The longer and wider the ring finger is, compared to the index

finger, the stronger is your creativity. You especially like to do things so you

can see the results of your creative efforts. You have a natural advantage for

seeing new and unique ways of doing things. You easily and frequently see

new ways of using common objects in different ways. You like to be the sole

creator of something that displays your excellent talent and skills.

Your career must use your creativity

You will naturally do well and be successful in any career where you can use your

creativity. You get great satisfaction from seeing the results of what you create

and this is more beneficial to your health and happiness than any material

things. Whether you are cleaning a floor or building a huge business empire, the real

payoff for you is the satisfaction of looking at the completed task and knowing that

you did that! And better yet, you thrive on other's appreciation of your creative

ideas and talents!

You will do well in any career that demands a creative and inventive mind like yours.

Don't continue in a job or career where you can not see the end result of your creative

talents. This will be so dissatisfying that your subconscious (i.e. "higher self") will do

many things to get you out of there. This means you will experience accidents,

problems, and even illness until you get the message that you have to make a change

to a more creative and satisfying job.

Hints for even more success in life:

Make sure you open the door to people who want to be your friend. Let them

learn about your uniquely creative and innovative ideas. Use your best social skills

to smoothly put your best creative talents out for others to see. Develop this art of

presenting yourself to the world in an extra special way so that others can see

and benefit from your creative talents. The rewards will be beyond your wildest


How Do You Handle a Relationship and Intimacy?

(1) (2) (3)

(4) (5) (6)

If your Heart Line is between two of the yellow areas, use the palmistry

and palm reading rules of both areas. Your relationship and intimacy will

be guided by some of each one.

Notice that the Heart Line is long and curved up well under the middle finger.

A person with this long curvy line can be happy one minute and down the

next, and it may not be due to whats happening in the relationship. Emotions

fluctuate from moment to moment and run the full psychological range at

any time. Each moment is separate from all the others and has its own

emotional charge. A relationship with this person can be like a high speed

emotional elevator. If he or she is emotionally "down in the basement" don't

worry. Very soon the mood will dramatically change and shoot up to the top

floor where the party is. The psychological mood changes come and go like

the ocean tides and that keeps a relationship interesting.

The Expressive type person with this curved line ending under the middle finger lives

in the practical "now". The future is tomorrow and is too far away to worry

about. What is happening right now is the most important thing. This

nearsightedness tends to make everything at the moment seem more important than

future events and activities. Planning for tomorrow's activities are not part of this

person's routine today. This often leads to problems in the future but that just insures

lots of activities tomorrow and keeps life interesting!

The Expressive person is reactive, demonstrative and rational. She or he can

devote full attention to enjoyment of all the senses. This may seem self-indulgent to

others but at the same time they are envious of someone who can live and enjoy so

much in life. If the middle finger is straight and strong, this Expressive person is not

likely to get involved in taking care of other people's needs at the expense of her or his

own needs. The Expressive type person is more "me" oriented than the Nurturer type

with a Heart Line ending below the index finger (The Nurturer would be more focused

on pleasing the partner).

Some words that are often used in psychology to describe the Expressive person

are exciting, dynamic, unpredictable, alive, real, vivacious, intense, energetic, and

active. A relationship with an Expressive type person is a wild ride!

The Psychology of the Humanitarian Type

How Do You Handle a Relationship and Intimacy?

[NOTE: This description of the Humanitarian Heart Line applies only when

there is also a Head Line on the hand. If there is only one line across the palm

in place of the Heart AND Head lines, this is a special situation. In that case, see

Simian Line.]

The Humanitarian Heart Line flows all the way across the palm and out the other side.

This Humanitarian Heart Line symbolizes that the loving heart energy is directed to

the outer world side of the hand. These people care for and love all living things:

People, animals and trees. They have a strong commitment to an idealistic

expression of love for all, especially the helpless and weak. Their attention and

sympathies are very easily pulled to every humanitarian project that comes into the


The Humanitarian's challenge in a relationship is to not neglect self and/or their mate

while they are pulled toward yet another humanitarian crusade. The mate for the

humanitarian often feels neglected and abandon and must have a lot of patience.

The Psychology of the Independent Type

How Do You Handle a Relationship and Intimacy?

Notice that the Heart Line is short and straight. This Heart Line reveals the least

emotional type person for a relationship. Reserved and inwardly directed, these

types appear passive about receiving love and act cool toward any kind of

commitment in a relationship. They love controlling their own lives and seek

calmness. Independents are no-nonsense people who are practical, loyal, and


This person needs "alone time". In a relationship he or she does not want the partner

to make demands on their time and energy. He or she may even resort to creating an

argument so that their mate will get mad and leave them alone. The peace and quiet

afterward is worth the effort of an argument because the Independent knows the "rest

period" is absolutely necessary. This person needs these rest and alone periods

often, and more than any of the other hand types. It is the Independent person's

nature to not hang on to bad feelings for long. After a break and a rest, he or she can

easily forget and forgive and move on with life like nothing ever happened to disturb

the peace -- even when it was he or she who created the disturbance to the peace!

In a relationship they demonstrate love by doing little practical tasks for their

mate, instead of getting "mushy". They may show love for their partner by doing

practical things like keeping the gas tank full in the car. Since they are so practical,

dedicated, and loyal, to them it seems unnecessary to keep affirming their love to their

mate in more direct (and less practical) ways. To an Independent Heart Line, it seems

much more logical to spend the honeymoon money on the down payment for a house

or car.

Independents often do well in relationships with a person who has a Nurturer Heart

Line. This combination works because one is giving out her or his love, and the other

can passively receive it. Maybe this is not a fair and equal situation, but it works as

long as the Nurturer is not clingy and is willing to give the Independent plenty of

space and time alone.

The Psychology of the Nurturer Type

How Do You Handle a Relationship and Intimacy?

Strong personal power makes a strong relationship

Notice that the Heart Line is long and curved up well under the

index finger. This person expresses love and intimacy energy in a

relationship with a lot of confidence, charm, and personal power.

The index finger is used frequently to point and gesture to

emphasize one's strong personal intentions. Of all the fingers, the

index finger is used to most strongly express personal power. This

curved long Heart Line ending near the base of the index finger

indicates it is using this personal power in relationships.

In a relationship, Nurturer types are very giving, nurturing, and tend to satisfy the

needs of the mate before their own needs. In the field of psychology they often are

classified as co-dependent. The real truth, according to palmistry, is that they are

idealists and sentimentalists who see their efforts and caring as their most precious gift

to others. They have a lot to give others and do so willingly.

Receiving is as important as giving

A common relationship pattern for a person with this Nurturer Heart Line is

this: She or he goes into the relationship giving 150%, and never says that

anything is expected in return. However, she or he assumes that something equal

will be returned. This is natural because a Nurturer is an idealist! Unfortunately,

the type of partner attracted to the Nurturer usually is the opposite type. So at some

point in the relationship the Nurturer starts feeling resentful and "used". Also the

Nurturer's partner no longer gets what she or he has grown to expect, so is dissatisfied,

too. When this happens the relationship is over for both unless they can see what is


Nurturer types need to understand their own psychological needs and make contracts

to get those needs met in order to avoid this relationship pattern. Very early in the

relationship Nurturers need to say clearly that (1) they are givers, and (2) what

and how much they want to give to the relationship. Then they (3) must say what

it is they expect in return. The last step (4) is to ask the partner if she or he is

willing to give back what is desired. This contract can be renegotiated at any time.

Maybe it isn't written down or stated in exactly this way; however, some form of a

contract, agreement, or understanding is essential. Without this basic

understanding (i.e. "contract"), the Nurturer may frequently feel ripped off and


The real psychology to understand is this: The Nurturer should learn to love self

enough to feel OK about asking for what is wanted, and be able to receive it without

guilt. She or he needs to know that it is not necessary to give 150% in a relationship in

order to get acceptance and love.

The Psychology of the Pleaser Type

How Do You Handle a Relationship and Intimacy?

Pleasers are very adaptable to any situation. They can fit in anywhere in

any type crowd. People with this Pleaser Heart Line will act the way they

think other people expect them to act (especially partner, family, or friend).

They have developed a deep sense for "reading people" and then know how to

act around them. However, it is very difficult and scary for the Pleaser to

show their true feelings, especially when they see it would not please

someone else. Instead they will focus their actions on what will please the

other person to insure a positive response. They will do whatever is necessary

to avoid having to deal with the other person's negative responses, even if it

requires negating their own real feelings.

This behavior pattern to get "peace at any cost" was learned earlier in

situations where not doing so brought on painful disapproval, anger, ridicule,

guilt, indignation, jeers, humiliation, etc. The price they pay for acceptance

from others is loss of their emotional power to feel their own true feelings.

People with this Pleaser type of line easily fall for anyone's sob story. They feel that

they can somehow fix life's upsets by giving in to other people's needs and wants. This

is almost always at the expense of their own true feelings and needs, however. They

will never "rub anyone the wrong way".

The Pleaser can be a valuable friend because of their keen senses and ability to read

people so quickly. A Pleaser needs to feel very safe before fully being real and

honest about their true feelings.

If the downturn on the end of the Heart Line just points to, but does not touch, the Life

Line, then the tendencies are medium. This is also true if the Heart Line is very faint.

When the Heart Line end touches the Life Line the tendencies are frequent and severe.

If the Heart Line end crosses and goes inside the Life Line, this person will do

anything to please others.

The Psychology of the Thinker Type

How Do You Handle a Relationship and Intimacy?

Notice that the Heart Line is long, only slightly curved up, and ends

under the index finger. This person does more thinking about

relationships than acting on them. The Thinker is very

sentimental and idealistic about relationships. But

rather than take action, she or he spends most of the time

thinking, analyzing, and diagnosing what the lover or

friend says and does. Idealistic dreams are often more

satisfying (and easier) than pursuing a real-life lover.

The mental self-indulgent fantasies are often much

more beautiful and satisfying than any real

relationship. Real-life relationships are filled with

possible problems that the Thinker worries about even when the problems are not

present. This drains emotional energy and action out of the relationship while the

Thinker worries about future problems that may never occur.

People with the Thinker type of Heart Line are very considerate, just, and

responsible about commitments in a relationship. Their relationship must have

meaning and they work hard to keep "peace at any cost". The Thinker's ideal romance

is filled with poetry, cards, flowers, romantic dinners, and long talks about the past

and future. They enjoy thinking over and over about what happened the last time

together. The thoughts of what did happen and what could have happened are

reviewed in the mind repeatedly. Unfortunately, most of the future plans don't get

realized because they spend so much time thinking about the romance rather than

doing more in person with the partner.

The "Thinker" needs justification to make requests. If there is not a very good reason

to request time and energy of someone, they will do it themselves or do without. It

takes a crisis for them to ask for help. After all, they are idealists and feel that they

should not need help. They suppress both their needs and their feelings in order to

look like everything is

Often the Thinker is willing to give up personal comforts with an idealistic vision in

mind that somehow that will make the romance better and more precious to the

partner. But with the correct partner no sacrifices are necessary and the relationship

can be better than imagined.