Chair Vija Vilcins · Web view2018/03/03  · Chair Vija Vilcins Vice Chair Kathy Aitken Secretary...

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Transcript of Chair Vija Vilcins · Web view2018/03/03  · Chair Vija Vilcins Vice Chair Kathy Aitken Secretary...

Chair Vija Vilcins

Vice Chair Kathy Aitken

Secretary Paula TraquairTreasurer Ron RoffeyMembership Ross Howie

President Nicolas Bevan

Vice President Joyce SnippVice President Jillian Smith


Charlton & BlackheathAmateur Horticultural



Tonight we welcome Mr. Chris Stewart, who is talking about Flower Villages of Alsace and Lorraine. We also have our usual Plant Sales table, raffle and refreshments.

Show TableIn the hope that spring will finally arrive, members are encouraged to bring in exhibits for the show table. No points system this year, so we hope more members will participate and make a beautiful and interesting display each month.

Feedback Forms

If you haven’t done so already, could you please complete a Feedback Form? This is incredibly useful for us and gives us an idea of how to plan for the next year.


Please make sure you renew your membership for the coming year. Or if you renewed last month, you can collect your Membership Card tonight.

SISSINGHURST – Friday June 1st 2018

Our first trip of the year will be to Sissinghurst National Trust gardens on June 1st. Trip will cost £10 if you are a NT member or £22 to cover entrance fee. Full payment (exact money helpful!) will be required in advance of travel, see Anna Laine to book or email us on

Members’ Spring Flower Show – next month!

A reminder this will take place at our next meeting on 16 April. The schedule is as follows:

1. DAFFODILS / NARCISSI – 3 stems, one or more cultivars.

2. TULIPS – 3 stems, one or more cultivars.

3. SHRUBS, FLOWERING – 3 stems of any cultivar except Camellias.

4. CAMELLIAS – one stem.


6. ANY POT GROWN PLANT (indoor or outdoor).

7. SPRING BULBS COMPETITION – any spring bulbs grown in a pot.

8. TEACUP ARRANGEMENT – arrangement of any spring flowers in a teacup (and saucer). May be arranged at home. Flowers may be purchased.

9. PHOTOGRAPHS OF YOUR SPRING GARDEN – up to 4 per person; maximum size A5.

Please bring your own vase, but water available at Charlton House.

Dates for your diary

· 22 March – 29 April International Garden Photographer of the Year, Hyde Hall.

· 21 March – Thompsons Welling - Club Evening 10% discount 7-9pm

· 23 – 25 March Spring Plant Fair at Wisley.

· 24 March – 15 April Easter holiday fun: Lindt Gold Bunny Hunt at Wisley.

· 25 March – Brookmill Park Deptford 6.15pm £5 Talk on John Evelyn

· 7-8 April Great Dixter Plant Fair 11.00 - 4.00

· Hever Castle and Gardens worth a visit for spectacular displays of narcissi

· Osterley Park & House, Isleworth TW7 4RB, for spring bulbs in containers

· Chiswick House – rare/historic camellias on display until 25 March

For those of you interested in podcasts the National Trust offers an insight into gardens, walks and literary locations around the country in their Garden Podcast

series which began in 2016. Weekly. Link

Potato competition

Pick up a seed potato tonight, and enter our annual competition for the greatest yield from a single potato. Harvest ready for the Autumn show in September. Can be grown on a patio, balcony or in the garden, so anyone can have a go

10 jobs for February:

1. Provide nesting material, food and water for birds.

2. Complete rose pruning this month, then feed and mulch.

3. Topdress plants in permanent containers by removing the top 2 inches of compost and replacing with new. Consider how long plants have been in that container – and perhaps re-pot this year, into a slightly larger pot.

4. Divide summer flowering herbaceous perennials before new growth appears.

5. Sow a wide range of vegetable crops under cover including carrots, cucumbers, lettuce. Also start off late flowering annuals like Tithonia and Cobea.

6. If you haven’t already got some, provide plants for early pollinators. Pulmonarias are excellent for this, also wallflowers and primroses.

7. Deadhead narcissi as they fade, but allow leaves to die back naturally.

8. If you lifted your dahlias, now is the time to start them into growth. Or buy fresh and plant into pots until new growth appears.

9. Penstemons, hydrangeas, caryopteris and perovskia can be cut back once danger of frost has passed. Reduce Buddleia to a low framework to promote flowers.

10. Apply a slow release fertiliser around fruit trees and bushes for a bumper crop.


KENT LIFE – Amateur Garden of the Year

If you fancy entering this annual competition, details are on their website. It is for “passionate home gardeners” and large or small gardens. Sounds like us..


At this seed-planting time of year, our website tells you how to make pots out of newspaper. An important skill at a time when we should be trying to reduce the amount of plastic we use. Happy gardening, see you April 16th.