Ch.8b Supplementary Note-relational Database

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Transcript of Ch.8b Supplementary Note-relational Database

  • 8/9/2019 Ch.8b Supplementary Note-relational Database


    Supplement for non-ISM students

    By Tony WONG

    A Logical View of DataA Logical View of Data

    Relational database models structural and

    data independence enables us to view data

    logically rather than physically.

    The logical view allows a simpler file


    The use of lo icall inde endent tables is

    easier to understand.

    og ca s mp c ty y e s s mp er an more

    effective database design methodologies.

  • 8/9/2019 Ch.8b Supplementary Note-relational Database


    A Logical View of Data

    Entities and Attributes

    An entity is a person, place, event, or thing for which we intend

    to collect data.n vers y -- u en s, acu y em ers, ourses

    Airlines -- Pilots, Aircraft, Routes, Suppliers

    Each entity has certain characteristics known as attributes.

    Student -- Student Number, Name, GPA, Date of Enrollment,

    , , ,

    Aircraft -- Aircraft Number, Date of Last Maintenance, Total

    Hours Flown, Hours Flown since Last Maintenance

    A Logical View of Data

    Entities and Attributes

    A grouping of related entities becomes an entity set.

    The STUDENT entity set contains all studententities.

    The FACULTY entity set contains all faculty


    The AIRCRAFT entity set contains all aircraft


  • 8/9/2019 Ch.8b Supplementary Note-relational Database


    A Logical View of DataA Logical View of Data

    Tables and Their Characteristics

    A table contains a group of related entities -- i.e. an.

    The terms entity set and table are often used

    n erc angea y.

    A table is also called a relation.

    Summary of the Characteristics of a Relational Table

  • 8/9/2019 Ch.8b Supplementary Note-relational Database


    A Listing of the STUDENT Table Attribute Values


    Primar Ke contains attribute s that can

    uniquely identify one row in a table.

    The primary key of one table appears again as the


    Controlled redundancy (shared common

    attributes) makes the relational database work.

  • 8/9/2019 Ch.8b Supplementary Note-relational Database


    Figure 2.2 An Example of a Simple Relational Database

    The Relational Schema for the CH2_SALE_CO Database

  • 8/9/2019 Ch.8b Supplementary Note-relational Database


    Relational Database Keys

    Relational Database OperatorsRelational Database Operators

    Relational al ebra defines the theoretical

    way of manipulating table contents using the

    ei ht relational functions: SELECT,


  • 8/9/2019 Ch.8b Supplementary Note-relational Database


    Relational Database OperatorsRelational Database Operators

    UNION combines all rows from two tables. The

    two tables must be union compatible.

    Relational Database OperatorsRelational Database Operators

    INTERSECT produces a listing that contains onlythe rows that appear in both tables. The two tablesmust be union compatible.

  • 8/9/2019 Ch.8b Supplementary Note-relational Database


    Relational Database OperatorsRelational Database Operators

    DIFFERENCE yields all rows in one table that are not

    found in the other table; i.e., it subtracts one table from the

    other. The tables must be union compatible.

    Relational Database OperatorsRelational Database Operators

    PRODUCT roduces a list of all ossible airs of

    rows from two tables.

  • 8/9/2019 Ch.8b Supplementary Note-relational Database


    Relational Database OperatorsRelational Database Operators

    SELECT yields values for all attributes found in a table. Itields a horizontal subset of a table.

    Relational Database OperatorsRelational Database Operators

    PROJECT produces a list of all values for selectedattributes. It ields a vertical subset of a table.

  • 8/9/2019 Ch.8b Supplementary Note-relational Database


    Relational Database OperatorsRelational Database Operators

    JOIN allows us to combine information from two

    or more tables. JOIN is the real power behind the

    relational database allowin the use of

    independent tables linked by common attributes.

    Relational Database Operators

    Natural JOIN links tables by selecting only the rowswith common values in their common attribute(s). Itis the result of a three-stage process:

    A PRODUCT of the tables is created. (Figure2.12)

    A SELECT is performed on the output of the firststep to yield only the rows for which the common

    . .

    A PROJECT is performed to yield a single copy,

    duplicate column. (Figure 2.14)

  • 8/9/2019 Ch.8b Supplementary Note-relational Database


    Natural Join, Step 1: PRODUCT

    Figure 2.13 Natural Join, Step 2: SELECT

    Figure 2.14 Natural Join, Step 3: PROJECT