Ch8 9observations Survey

Post on 19-Jul-2016

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Transcript of Ch8 9observations Survey


Zulfa Fitri Ikatrinasari

The Uses of Observation Worker reaction, the

sounds of assembly, the smell of perfume, the taste of office coffee, etc

A basis for knowledge Processes are often


Scientific inquiry: Conducted specifically

to answer research question

Systematically planned & executed

Uses proper control Provides a reliable &

valid account of what happened


Available for studying records, mechanical process, lower animal, small children & complex interactive processes

Data as the events occurs & can come closer to capturing the whole event than with investigation

Type of Observation Non Behavioral Observation

Record analysis Physical condition analysis Physical process analysis

Behavioral Observation Nonverbal analysis Linguistic analysis Extra linguistic analysis Spatial analysis

Evaluation of The Observation Method


Memperoleh info ttg org atau aktivitasnya yag tdk dapt diperoleh mll eksperimen atau survey

Menghindari penolakan partisipan

Memperoleh informasi lingkungan

Mengoptimalkan settin penelitian sealamiah mungkin

Kurang memperlihatkan diri


Memerlukan waktu lama utk mendapatkan fenomena yg sesuai

Biaya observer dan perlengkapan tinggi

Kepercayaan kesimpulan rendah krn diambil dari indikator permukaan

Permasalan menghitung dan pencatatan yang besar

Keterbatasan dalam menampilkan aktivitas dan kesimpulan proses teori

The Observer-Participant Relationship

Directness of observation Direct observation: physically present Indirect observation: mechanical, photographic

Concealment Known observer’s present Unknown observer’s present

Participation Participant observer Non participant observer

Conducting an Observation Study The type of observation

Research class Environment Purpose Research tool

1. Completely unstructured

Natural setting Generate hypotheses

2. Unstructured Laboratory

3. Structured Natural setting Observation checklist

4. Completely structured

Laboratory Test hypoteses Observation checklist

Conducting an Observation Study Content specification

Factual InferentialIntroduction/identification of salesperson and customer

Credibility of salesperson. Qualified status of customer

Time and day of week Convenience for the customer.Welcoming attitude of the customer

Product present Customer interest in product

Selling points present per product Customer acceptance of selling points per product

Number of customer objections raised per product Customer concerns about features and benefits

Salesperson’s rebuttal of objection Effectiveness of salesperson’s rebuttal attempt

Salesperson’s attempt to restore control Effectiveness of salesperson’s control attempt.Consequences for customer who prefer interaction.

Length of interview Customer/salesperson’s degree of enthusiasm for the interview

Environmental factors interfering with the interview Level of distraction for customer

Customer purchase decision General evaluation of sales presentation skill

Conducting an Observation Study

Observer training Concentration, detail oriented, unobtrusive,

experience level Data collection

Who, what, when, how, where

Unobtrusive Measure

Tindakan rendah hati adl pendekatan yang umum & kreatif utk menurunkan reaksi pada observasi

Tindakan2 mengikis & manambahkan utk mengkonfirmasikan penemuan dari bbrp metoda dg sumber data singular


Zulfa Fitri Ikatrinasari

Characteristics of The Communication Approach

Communication approach involves surveying or interviewing people & recording their responses for analysis

A survey is a measurement process used to collect info during a highly structured interview

Error in communication research

Interviewer error Sampling error Data entry error Inconsistently execute interview procedure Inappropriate interview environment Inappropriate influencing behavior Physical presence bias

Participant error Participant possess the information Participant understand role & be motivated

Comparison of communication method

Self-Administered Survey Telephone Survey Survey via Personal Interview

Kuesioner melalui:-Pos surat, fax, kurir (a)-Komputer (b)-Menemui lgs di suatu lokasi (c)

Wawacara mll telp oleh pewawancara terlatih

Wawancara langsung oleh pewawancara terlatih

-Bisa kontak ke partisipan yg sulit ditemui-Utk meningkatkan respon diperlukan insentif-Biaya rendah-Bisa menjangkau lokasi jauh-Staf minimal (a)-Diisi oleh partisipan tdk dikenal (a)-Ada waktu yg cukup bg partisipan (a)-Instrumen kompleks bs digunakan (b)-Pengumpulan data cepat (b,c)-Menjangkau partisipan yg tdk terjangkau mll telp-Bs menggunakan visual (b,c)

-Biaya lbh rendah dari personal interview-Menjangkau lokasi sulit tanpa biaya tinggi-Tdk memerlukan pewawancara sangat terlatih-Mengurangi bias wawancara-Waktu penyelesaian cpt-Bs telp random mll komputer-CATI-computer assisted telephone interviewing: Respon lgs disimpan di komputer shg menurunkan biaya & error

-Kerjasama baik dr partisipan-Pewawancara dpt menerangkan survey, kemungknan jwbn, meneruskan pertanyaan & menggali info dg observasi-Bantuan visual & scoring dpt digunakan-Menjangkau partisipan yg tepat-Pewawancara dpt menilai apk partisipan sesuai dg populasi yg ditetapkan-CAPI-computer assisted personal interviewing. Respon disimpan di komputer.

Comparison of communication methodSelf-Administered Survey Telephone Survey Survey via Personal Interview

-Laju respon rendah-Tidak ada intervensi pewawancara-Tidak bisa panjang dan kompleks-Memerlukan mailing lists yang akurat-Adanya kecemasan beberapa partisipan-Petunjuk diperlukan-Keamanan komputer-Diperlukan lingkungan yg tdk membingungkan

-Laju respons lebih rendah dari personal inteview-Biaya tinggi untuk sampel yg berlokasi jauh-Lama wawancara terbatas-Banyak no telp yag tdk berfungsi-No telp bbrp target tidak tersedia-Respon sedikit krg lengkap-Tidak bs meggunakan ilustrasi

-Biaya tinggi-Perlu pewawancara terlatih-Memerlukan waktu lama mengumpulkan data- Lokasi yang luas-Tidak semua partisipan bersedia atau bisa ditemui-Bbrp partisipan tdk mau berbicara dg org asing di rmhnya-Bbrp rmh sulit utk dikunjungi-Pertanyaan dibimbing oleh pewawancara

Outsourcing survey services Staf peneliti yg terlatih & profesional Proses wawancara terpusat Fasilitas focus group Fasilitas berbasis software & komputer Perush khusus menawarkan wawancara mll telepon

& personal berbasis komputer sebaik mll surat dan cara2 kombinasi

Panel dpt mghasilkan data utk studi longitudinal dg bbg variasi