Ch 5 U.S. Government Democracy in Action Organization of Congress.

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Transcript of Ch 5 U.S. Government Democracy in Action Organization of Congress.

Ch 5 U.S. GovernmentDemocracy in Action

Organization of Congress

From the Library of Congress

• Organization of Congress & Legislative Process - An Overview

Congressional Membership

• Bicameral• Patterned after English Parliament• Has more power than any other branch

Congressional Sessions

• A term of Congress is for two years• Each term - begins January 3 of odd numbered

years– Ex: The 107th Term of Congress began • January 3, 2001

Extra Credit: What Term is Congress currently serving?

Congressional Sessions

• Terms end in November/December (depends on workload)

• Each term has two sessions (each 1 year)

Congressional Sessions

• Congress is in session until members vote to adjourn

• Neither “house” can “rest” or adjourn for more than 3 days w/o other house’s approval

• Congress can be called back for a special session by the President

House of RepresentativesMembership

• Seats per State - varies with population• More Populated States = More

Representatives• Each state entitled to 1 seat minimum

Extra Credit: How many Representatives are there currently?

House of RepresentativesMembership Qualifications

• Set by the Constitution• Q: What Article? What Section?

• Must be at least 25 years old• U.S. Citizens – at least 7 years• Must be Legal Residents of State electing them• Usually claim Primary Residence in District

they represent

Term of Office

• Elected for two-year terms• Elections – November of even numbered years– Ex: November 2008, November 2010

• Members begin serving January 3rd following the November election

Term of Office – The House

• The whole House of Representatives is up for election every two years in even numbered years

• Most are reelected (90%) = Continuity

Term of Office – The House of Reps

• Governors appoint temporary replacement if a member is no longer serving the term until a Special Election is held. Note: Former Governor Blajovich of Illinois is no longer governor because he was accused of putting up Senator Obama’s seat up for sale when Obama became President.

House Membership

• Number of Seats capped at 435 Representatives. (Territories & Washington, DC add 6 more – but they do not vote on bills).– Q: What Act set that limit?– A: The Reapportionment Act of 1929

• The Census count determines how the 435 seats are divided among the 50 states.– Q: What is the name of that process?– A: reapportionment


• The process of setting up new district lines after reapportionment

Redistricting Controversy #1

– Districts can be unequal in size (large district has only 1 rep while a smaller one has 1 rep). So the larger district is really underrepresented while the smaller district has more political voice.

Redistricting Controversy #2

• Gerrymandering-Drawing districts to favor a political party’s power in Congress via • “packing”

Ex: Draw the boundary lines to include constituents (voters) of mostly one party

• “cracking” (pg 125-126)Ex: Draw the boundary lines to bust up a party’s dominance.

U.S. Supreme Court on Redistricting

• The district must be:– Compact (not too large)– Contiguous (no parts separated – all parts’

boundaries/lines must touch)– Pg 127

The Senate Membership Qualifications

• Must be:– At least 30 years old– A U.S. resident for at least 9 years

• Elected by ALL THE VOTERS IN THAT STATE not by a district

The SenateTerm of Office

• Serve 6-year terms• Elections held every 2 years in November• BUT unlike the House,


• Term begins January 3rd after the November election

• If a Senator ties during term, the governor appoints a replacement til next election.

Salary & Benefits

• Set by Congress BUT– Congress cannot give itself a pay raise

(27th Amendment – 1992)although it was proposed in 1789 by James Madison

– The PAY RAISE GOES INTO EFFECT after the NEXT ELECTIONQ: How effective is the 27th Amendment when most

incumbents (politicians already in office) get reelected?

Salary & Benefits

• They get an automatic COLA (Cost of Living Allowance) added to pay to offset inflation

• Medical insurance and Medical Clinic• A gym• Free Postage (Franking Privilege) for official

business & Free Stationery

Salary & Benefits

• Large Allowances (money to spend on):– Staff– Assistants– Trips Home– Telephones/Telegrams– Newsletters

• An Income Tax Allowance for BOTH Homes• Eligible to receive Pensions of $150,000 +

Privileges of Members

• Free from Arrest “in all cases except treason, felony and breach of the peace”– While in Congress, – on the way to/from Congress

• Cannot be sued for anything they say on the floor of The House or The Senate– DOES NOT EXTEND to what is said OUTSIDE

CONGRESS (Hutchinson v Proxmire, 1979)


• Power of Exclusion– The Senate & The House judge a member’s

qualifications & whether to seat them by a majority vote

– Defined by Supreme Court• Powell v McCormack

• Censure – Majority Vote of Disapproval of actions

• Expel – for serious offenses (treason, bribery) by 2/3 vote (Member is no longer in Congress).

Members of Congress

• Senate – 100 Senators• House of Representatives – 435 Representatives

PLUS NON-VOTING MEMBERS– 1 – Washington, DC– 1 - Guam– 1 – America Samoa– 1 – Virgin Islands– 1 – Puerto Rico resident commissioner– THEY CAN INTRODUCE BILLS, DEBATE, ATTEND



• Almost ½ = Lawyers• Many from banking, business, education• Typically white, middle-aged males over 50

Reelection to Congress

• About 90% are reelected (incumbents are already in office)

• Q: Why?– The public is more aware of incumbents than newbies– PAC (Political Action Committees) fundraise to reelect

them– Gerrymandering– Incumbents use their staff & office to solve problems

for voters (creates voter loyalty)• Since 1990s, easier to unseat incumbents

Congress Today

• What is the makeup of Congress today?– Ethnicity– Age– Gender

• Which political party is the majority in:– The Senate– The House of Representatives– TIP: Go online, look at Congressional Quarterly