Ch 3 Review Physical Geography of SoutheastAsia. Key Terms 1. a level field that is flooded to grow...

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Transcript of Ch 3 Review Physical Geography of SoutheastAsia. Key Terms 1. a level field that is flooded to grow...

Ch 3 Review

Physical Geography of SoutheastAsia

Key Terms

1. a level field that is flooded to grow rice

Key Terms

1. a level field that is flooded to grow rice


Key Terms

2. raising crops and livestock for sale on the local or world market

Key Terms

2. raising crops and livestock for sale on the local or world market

commercial farming

Key Terms

3. Farming that provides only enough food for a family or village

Key Terms

3. Farming that provides only enough food for a family or village

subsistence farming

Review Questions

The region of Southeast Asia is made up of one large peninsula and…

Review Questions

The region of Southeast Asia is made up of one large peninsula and…

volcanic islands

Review Questions

Name the 6 nations of mainland Southeast Asia. (not Singapore – it is an island)

Review Questions

Name the 6 nations of mainland Southeast Asia.

Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, and Malaysia

Review Questions

Name the major land use of Southeast Asia.

Review Questions

Name the major land use of Southeast Asia.


Review Questions

Name the four main uses of bamboo in Southeast Asia.

Review Questions

Name the four main uses of bamboo in Southeast Asia.ropes, bridges, shelter and irrigation pipes

Review Questions

Because Southeast Asia has a tropical climate, what is the primary vegetation in the region?

Review Questions

Because Southeast Asia has a tropical climate, what is the primary vegetation in the region?

tropical rain forest

Review Questions

What is the Ring of Fire?

Review Questions

What is the Ring of Fire?

A ring around the Pacific Ocean of earthquakes and volcanoes

Review Questions

What is the main crop of Southeast Asia?

Review Questions

What is the main crop of Southeast Asia?


Review Questions

Where do most people live in Southeast Asia?

Review Questions

Where do most people live in Southeast Asia?

in the river valleys between mountain ranges

Review Questions

Name the five island nations of Southeast Asia.

Review Questions

Name the five island nations of Southeast Asia.

Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei

Review Questions

Why does Southeast Asia receive so much rain?

Review Questions

Why does Southeast Asia receive so much rain?

the summer monsoons (2)

Review Questions

What are the 3 main cash crops in Southeast Asia?

Review Questions

What are the 3 main cash crops in Southeast Asia?

coffee, tea, rubber

Review Questions

The tropical rain forests of Southeast Asia provide medicines, chemicals (used for

industry) and _____________.

Review Questions

The tropical rain forests of Southeast Asia provide medicines, chemicals (used for

industry) and lumber.

Review Questions

What weather phenomenon is a major threat to the people of Southeast Asia?

Review Questions

What weather phenomenon is a major threat to the people of Southeast Asia?

typhoons (they cause widespread property damage and loss of life)