Ch. 12 Notes “Manifest Destiny” 1. Trails Heading West 2. The Texas Revolution 3. War with...

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Transcript of Ch. 12 Notes “Manifest Destiny” 1. Trails Heading West 2. The Texas Revolution 3. War with...

Ch. 12 Notes“Manifest Destiny”

1. Trails Heading West2. The Texas Revolution3. War with Mexico4. California

I. Three Trails Heading West

A. The Oregon Trail-Independence, Missouri to The Oregon Territory-2000 miles of trail-First People were fur traders – very few-Second people were missionaries-Tried to convert Native Americans to Christians

Oregon Trail Cont.

-After that-Settlers began moving looking for a better life-1843-1,000 pioneers made the trip-1850-12,000 pioneers made the trip-Very Dangerous trip-Disease-cholera-Many people died – an estimated 10 deaths per mile.

B. The Mormon Trail

Nauvoo, Illinois to The Great Salt Lake Mormon religion – new ideas- started by Joseph

Smith in his Book of Mormon Many people disagreed with Smith’s new ideas –

Mormons were not accepted.

(Example: Polygamy- having more than one wife and the Indians were the lost tribe of Israel)

The Mormon Trail Cont.

So Mormons set out for a new place where they could practice their religion – started the Mormon Trail

Joseph Smith was killed – Brigham Young becomes the new leader.

Thousands would follow Young to the Great Salt Lake

C. The Santa Fe Trail

Independence, Missouri to Santa Fe 900 mile trail Santa Fe was owned by Mexico The trail was created to start trade (not settle) with the

U.S. and Mexico. Americans became very rich – more Americans took

interest in this land By 1846 – Americans dominated New Mexico and took

the land over for the U.S. Mexico did little to stop them

Texas Poster!!!

Political/Physical Map State Flag Ethnic Groups at time of Revolution Revolution-Key Figures, Battles Interesting Facts

Independence for Texas

A Clash of Cultures

-Because of the Louisiana Purchase, the U.S. thought Texas was part of the U.S.

-But in the Adams-Onis Treaty, the US agreed to drop the claim.

Land Grants

Tejanos-Mexicans who claimed Texas as their home.

Native American Groups living in Texas

1. Comanches 2. Apaches 3. Kiowas Moses Austin was the first American to

receive a land grant from Spain and he died before he could set up his colony.

Land Grants Cont.

Much like the U.S., Mexico had to win independence, but from Spain.

Moses Austin’s son Stephen F. Austin then received permission to organize a colony. He brought 300 families into Texas.

Land Grants Cont.

Four requirements to move to Texas

1. Learn Spanish

2. Become Mexican citizens

3. Convert to Catholicism

4. Obey Laws of Mexico

Growing Tension

In 1830 – Americans had outnumbered Mexicans

Also they were not following Mexican ways Twice America offered to buy Texas from

Mexico In 1830 Mexico issued a Decree-An Official

order that stopped all immigration from the U.S. This angered the Texans; they also feared that

Mexico may try to end slavery.

Attempt at Reconciliation

Some Americans called for independence 1833- Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna becomes

President of Mexico. Austin was arrested after his letter requesting

independence was intercepted by the Mexican government.

There was no chance to settle this peacefully war was unavoidable.

The Texas Revolution

The Struggle for Independence

-The first fight of the Texas Revolution was in the town of Gonzales.

-Texans freed San Antonio from the Mexican Army early in the conflict.

The Battle of the Alamo

Santa Ana was in charge of the Mexican Army. The Alamo was a mission outside of San

Antonio where Texan rebels stationed themselves.

180 Texans were inside the Alamo. Several Thousand Mexican troops attacked the


The Alamo Continued

Name three famous defenders of the Alamo1. Davy Crockett2. Jim Bowie3. William B. Travis – In Charge

The Battle lasted 12 days All of the defenders were killed The only survivors were some women,

children and servants. “Remember the Alamo” became the battle

cry of the revolution.

Texas Declares its Independence

March 2, 1836 was the official date Texas declared independence from Mexico

Sam Houston was named the leader of the army for the newly created Republic of Texas.

The Texan Army was defeated at Fort Goliad All 200 men were executed at the fort.

The Battle of San Jacinto

San Jacinto is located near present day Houston.

Houston and 900 men attacked the Mexican army in San Jacinto on April 21.

In the surprise attack Santa Ana was captured.

Houston forced Santa Ana to sign a treaty giving Texas their Independence.

The Lone Star Republic and the Road to Statehood Sam Houston became the first President of

Texas. Mirabeau Lamar was his vice president. Annex-Take control of Andrew Jackson refused to annex Texas

because they were a slave state and it would upset the balance of slave vs free states in Congress.

Finally in 1845, James K. Polk annexed Texas as a slave state

One step closer to Manifest Destiny

War with Mexico

President Polk saw New Mexico and California as part of the U.S., Mexico didn’t.

The big issue was the border between Texas and Mexico

U.S. thought the Rio Grande River was the border

Mexico thought the Nueces River was the border.

Conflict Begins

The U.S. offered $30 million for California, New Mexico, and the Rio Grande border.

Mexico did Not accept this offer. Future President Zachary Taylor was sent

to protect the disputed border.

Polk’s War Plan

Three part plan1. Control the Border (Rio Grande)2. Control New Mexico and California3. Take Mexico City

*Stephen Kearny quickly takes New Mexico for the U.S.

The Bear Flag Republic

California became known as the Bear Flag Republic

Californios were Mexicans living in California. 1846 revolt in Sonoma was followed by Naval

attacks by John C. Fremont and John Sloat capturing the majority of the Cal coast. General Kearny defeated a revolt by Californios in San Diego (Last battle in California)

By 1847 California was controlled by the U.S.

The Capture of Mexico City General Winfield Scott was in charge of

capturing Mexico City. Mexico City is the Capital city of Mexico. Landed in Veracruz in Mar. 1846 and

captured Mexico City in September.

The United States Expands

The Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo brought an end to the Mexican War.

Three Results1. Texas officially part of the U.S.2. Rio Grande is the border3. $15 million for the Mexican Cession (New

Mexico and California)-The Gadsden Purchase in 1853 for $10 million

completed the Continental United States.


American Diary

-John Sutter in 1848 was the 1st to discover gold in California.

After the discovery of gold the population went from 15,000 to 100,000

Prospector-Person who searches for minerals (gold)

California Gold Rush People who arrived in California in 1849 were

called 49ers They came from the following places:

1. America 2. South America 3. Australia

4. Europe 5. Mexico 6. China Californios

-Land Law of 1851 stated that Californios had to prove their land was theirs if others claimed it for themselves.

Life in California Boomtowns-Towns that sprang up quickly San Francisco really flourished during the

Gold Rush Most 49ers were NOT experienced

miners. Most found very little gold and if they did,

many spent their money on gambling. Merchants though made lots of money like

Levi Strauss who sold denim pants.

Gold Rush Society Male- lonely and spent time drinking,

gambling, and fighting. Vigilantes-citizen police force acted as law enforcers.

Female-Very few women and most would be married. Some worked in saloons and other entertainment venues. Many worked the gold mining fields right along side the men.

Economic and Political Progress

California applied for statehood in 1850. They wanted to be a free state but again this made the U.S. Congress fight over adding another State. This time Southern Congressmen were mad.