Ch. 1 “Expanding Horizons” Section 1: “Age of Exploration” 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (HONORS = 10)...

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Transcript of Ch. 1 “Expanding Horizons” Section 1: “Age of Exploration” 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (HONORS = 10)...

Ch. 1 “Expanding Horizons”Section 1: “Age of Exploration”1.




5.(HONORS = 10)

Section 2: “Rise of Capitalism”1.




5.(HONORS = 10)

Section 3: “The Enlightenment”1.




5.(HONORS = 10)

Primary vs. Secondary SourcesPrimary sources: firsthand account

Someone who was THERE

ex.) eye-witness, autobiography, journal, diary, log, on-scene reporter

Secondary sources: secondhand account

Someone who was NOT thereex.) books, textbooks, internet & newspaper articles, biography…(gossip…telephone game)

*Pros & Cons?Can anyone be truly unbiased???

Chapter 2 Vocabulary1. Charter

2. House of Burgesses *

3. Mayflower Compact

4. subsistence farming

5. triangular trade

6. indentured servant

7. overseer

8. boycott

9. Repeal

10. Great Awakening *


12. minutemen

13. Olive Branch Petition *

14. patriots (Whigs)

15. loyalists (Tories)

16. guerrilla warfare

17.Second Continental Congress *

18. Dec. of Independence *

19. winter at Valley Forge *

20. Treaty of Paris *

2. House of Burgesses~ representatives elected by men of the VA Colony

10. Great Awakening~ religious revival that swept through the colonies in the 1730’s & 1740’s

13. Olive Branch Petition~ attempt to reach a peaceful settlement with England

17. Second Continental Congress ~ meeting of delegates in Philadelphia who governed the colonies & created the Continental army. Chose Washington unanimously as commander.

18. Declaration of Independence~ written by Thomas Jefferson to outline principles of democracy & list complaints about King George III

19. Winter at Valley Forge ~ difficult time for troops in freezing weather, food & clothing shortages. Washington had to keep morale up with speeches.

20. Treaty of Paris ~ peace agreement ending Rev. War

Chapter 2 People1. Benjamin Franklin

2. Crispus Attucks

3. Sam Adams

4. John Adams

5. Patrick Henry

6. George Washington

7. Benedict Arnold *

8. Nathan Hale*

9. King George III

10. Paul Revere

11. Thomas Paine

12. John Hancock *

13. Thomas Jefferson

14. General Prescott *

15. General Cornwallis *

7. Benedict Arnold~ American military leader who became a spy for the British

8. Nathan Hale~ American spy who, when captured, said, “I regret I have but one life to give for my country.”

12. John Hancock - Richest man in Boston; president of Continental Congress

14. General Prescott~ American military leader at Battle of Bunker Hill who said, “Don’t fire until you see the whites of their eyes.”

15. General Cornwallis~ British commander who surrendered to Washington at Yorktown

13 Colonies

Road to Revolution…

I. 3 “Discoveries” of America

1.) Ice-Age along Bering Strait

(land bridge)

2.) Vikings

(Leif Ericson)

3.) Christopher Columbus(Island of Hispaniola ~ West Indies))

II. Other, earlier settlements…

A. Spanish: FL, NM, TX & CA (Missions = Christianity)

B. French: fur-trading empire Quebec = “New France” *(Friendly with Indians)

C. Dutch: “New Netherlands/ New Amsterdam” = NY City

III. England had to Overcome Spain

A. Queen Elizabeth sent “Sea Dog’s” like Sir Francis Drake to attack Spanish ships

B. King Phillip II of Spain sent Spanish Armada

C. England miraculously wins due to weather & goes on to colonize America…

England Overcoming Spain

After King Henry VII’s failed attempts to have John

Cabot claim land for England, Queen Elizabeth sent sea

dogs like Sir Frances Drake (Drake the Dragon) to attack

Spanish Merchant ships. When he went so far as to attack

the Spanish held Caribbean Islands, Spanish King Philip II

sent the Spanish Armada to attack England.

England defeats the

Spanish Armada 1588 * 130 ships,

* 30,000 soldiers * 2,400 cannons

*Huge storm gave England’s smaller, more maneuverable ships an advantage & unexpected victory so they could go on to colonize America.

IV. First 3 English “Settlements”

A. Roanoke, NC ~ Mysterious “Lost Colony”

B. Jamestown, VA ~ 1. Pocahontas helped leader Captain John Smith

2. Grew Tobacco from John Rolfe’s seeds

3. Brought in African slaves

4. Self-gov’t ~ House of Burgesses

C. Plymouth, MA ~ 1.Pilgrims seeking religious freedom

2.Self-gov’t ~ Mayflower Compact

A. Roanoke 1587

“Lost Colony”

• Sir Walter Raleigh

• Off the coast of North Carolina

• Disappeared with no explanation after 6 years

B. Jamestown 1607•First permanent

*Purpose~ find gold, silver & copper for joint-stock companies

* Problems from the start:

1.) Disease ~harsh winter & malaria from mosquitoes

2.) Food Shortage ~poor farmland for most crops & people more into gold than farming

3.) Poor Leadership ~King appointed London stockholders with little knowledge or respect who only cared about profit

Captain John Smith

* An experienced, respected war hero* Organized labor & stopped the gold hunt* Good relationship with Native Americans* Learned to grow food crops (corn) &

cash crops (tobacco seeds = John Rolfe)


*Despite help from the tribe, they tried to Take their land. Indians resisted & killed 350 colonists.

*Local control went back to the King.

*Jamestown continued to thrive & became Virginia Colony.

Self-Government in Virginia

• To attract more settlers, the Virginia Company allowed colonists to elect burgesses or representatives from among men who owned land.

• First House of Burgesses met in 1619 & was modeled after English Parliament.

• Voted on laws for VA Colony

• Model of legislature for other colonies

C. Plymouth Plantation1620

* Pilgrims came on the Mayflower for religious freedom ~ Pilgrims = completely change church (separatists) ~ Puritans = “purify” or fix problems with church

* Had grant $ from Virginia Company, but ended up landing north of Cape Cod, MA due to weather.

* Since Plymouth was outside the territory of the VA Co. and its laws, they signed a formal document called the Mayflower Compact.

* Promised to obey laws passed “for the general good of the colony.”

* Important step in development of democratic government in America.

* Governed themselves for 70 years & then became part of MA Colony in 1691.

Mayflower Compact

Thirteen Colonies

Grew from these first settlements

13 Colonies by Region

New England ~

lumber, ships, good harbors,

international trade, fish, furs,

small family farms

Middle ~

Iron, cattle, small farms for

wheat, barley & other grains

Southern ~

Large plantation farms with

tobacco, rice, cotton, indigo


*All had some lumber, cattle, rum

V. English policies in the Colonies

1. Colonies had to be profitable.

2. Needed gold ~no gold mines so had to trade goods to get gold.

3. Got the raw materials from colonies

4. Navigation Acts 1651 & 1733

laws controlling what colonies produced & where they sold it so England could MAXIMIZE profit

*Hard to enforce…police the high seas?

*Many colonists smuggled goods…

VI. French & Indian War(Seven Years War)

A. France & England had long history of dispute (ex. 100 years war)

B. France traded furs & worked w/ Indians

C. Advantages…

England & Colonists ~

*1.5 million people

*More formal military training

French & Indians ~

*90,000 people

*Forest warfare experts

*Much more land

D. Battles…• George Washington’s 1st military experience (not very successful).

• French & Indians won most early battles (Forest warfare)

• England ultimately won once William Pitt took over (Pittsburgh named after him)

VII. Colonist response…

• Very happy & grateful (at first)

• Excited about prospect of expanding to the West

• But…

War & new larger empire was very expensive for England

• Had to deal with new land that many colonies claimed as their own.

• Remaining Indians organized behind Chief Pontiac & rebelled.

• Had to pay for the war. (Taxes)

VIII. New British Laws

1.) Proclamation of 1763– Stationed 6,000 British soldiers in land won from the French– Only licensed fur traders were allowed to enter west of Appalachian Mts.

2.) Taxation without Representation

– King controlled amount of tax colonists had to pay Ex.) Sugar Act Stamp Act for legal documents Townshend Act for daily products Tea Act (actually LOWERED price, but created monopoly) Intolerable/ Coercive Acts closing Boston Harbor until tea from “Boston Tea Party” was paid…

(Led to “Shot Heard Around the World” in Lexington)

– Magna Carta granted representation ONLY to people living IN England, so colonists had no say in Parliament

– Geographically, colonists could not get to meetings

Colonists were angry & start to UNITE!Groups like the Sons of Liberty are formed…

Road to Revolution…

Extra information on the three discoveries…

A. Bering Strait • During Ice age, approx 20,000 years ago

• As seawater froze, water level dropped exposing land bridge b/w present-day Siberia and Alaska

• Asians followed animals who were following vegetation…

• Came in waves & gradually moved throughout Americas…

• Various native cultures developed as they adapted to climate, weather, etc. (Once 500 Nations…)

B. Vikings… (Norse sailors)

• Erik the Red led group from Greenland in 985; one ship went off course & ended up in America. This sailor told Leif Ericson.

• 15 years later Leif explored & planted a small settlement in 1001 on tip of Newfoundland

• Other brothers came & went; tensions with Native Americans & no permanent settlement

• Not much known & many question Viking “discovery”

Vikings… Leif Ericson

Viking Medeival view of Geog…

C. Christopher Columbus

• Italian, sailing for Spain in 1492

• Spain & Portugal competing for lead in Age of Exploration…

• King Ferdinand & Queen Isabella eventually support him. – Gold & Christianity– Nina, Pinta & Santa Maria

• Off course; thought he was near India (Hence new name “West Indies”)