CEPOL POLICE RESEARCH & SCIENCE CONFERENCE Police … · Vieux Lyon – the old city dates back to...

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Police Science in EuropeProjects, progress, projections

ENSP - St Cyr au Mont D'Or - France25 - 27 September 2012

With the Support of

2012 CEPOL Police Research and Science Conference

CEPOL – the European Police College is committed to raising the profile of police science in Europe and bridging the gap between operational policing and academic study and analysis. The Annual CEPOL Police Research and Science Conference brings together the various stakeholders of the police science community to present and discuss current practice for the advancement of police science in Europe and the role of evidence-based knowledge in policing methodologies.

Five years on from the publication of “Police Science Perspectives: Towards a European Approach”, the 2012 Annual Police Research and Science Conference will reignite the initiative behind the 2007 report to take stock of the state of police science in Europe. The conference aims to highlight some on-going police science projects in Europe, the progress made in answering the key questions from 2007, and the prospects for the future.

The three-day conference is open to police researchers, scientists, practitioners and educators. The conference will offer many opportunities for networking and exchanges of information, as well as giving participants the chance to showcase their own projects in an informal setting. Speakers include police science and research experts from across Europe, as well as practicing police officers who will demonstrate the impact and effectiveness that police science has on daily work.

In 2005, six police science experts sought to find answers to a set of

key questions, including:

∙ Is there a common European understanding of police, policing,

police philosophy and the role of the police in society ?

∙ Is there a common European understanding and definition of

police science?

∙ Is there a European way to assemble thoughts and contributions

from policing, law and social sciences?

∙ Is there a way for better integration of police science and police


∙ How can results from European police science be implemented

into training and courses for senior police officers?

In 2012, conference participants will ponder the development

of and future prospects for a European approach to police


European Police Science : The key questions

To keep up to date with all the latest news about the conference, check the CEPOL website for updates : www.cepol.europa.eu/index.php?id=research-science-conferences

Key Contributors

Monica DEN BOERResearcher and teacher on international law enforcement cooperation at the Police Academy of the Netherlands

Hans GERD JASCHKEProfessor of Political Science, Department of Police and Security Management at Berlin School of Economics and Law (Germany)

Nick FYFE Professor at the University of Dundee, director of the Scottish Institute for Policing Research

Sebastian ROCHÉResearch Director at the National Cen-ter for Scientific Research, CNRS and the Institute of Political Science, Univer-sity of Grenoble ( France)

Willy BRUGGEMANAssociate teacher at the Benelux University CentreFormer vice-director EUROPOL

Didier BIGOResearch Professor at King’s College of London (UK) and the Institute of Political Sciences of Paris (France)

Cyrille FIJNAUTProfessor at the faculty of Law, University of Tilburg (The Netherlands)

Peter NEYROUDAssociate teacher at Cambridge UniversityFormer chief Executive Officer of the National Policing Improvement Agency (NPIA) and former chief constable of the Thames Valley Police

Dale SHEEHANDirector of the capacity buil-ding and training of INTERPOL.Former director general of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Learning and Develop-ment Branch.

Christian MOUHANNASociologist, Deputy director of the French Social Research Centre on Law and Justice

And more in September ...

Conference Highlights

The Project of Police Science : Visions and Obstacles Hans Gerd Jaschke, Peter Neyroud

European Police Science : Diversity of Approaches and challenges Monica Den Boer ChristianMouhanna Gorazd Mesko

Tuesday 25th September

Parallel Sessions * ✓ COMPOSITE Project ✓ GODIAC Project ✓ Social Media ✓EU-Secand"TheHouse" ✓ CODISP ✓ G 20 Training

Open Market Session **



Diversity of the Police - Challenges and Opportunities for Empirical Research Sebastian Roché

Police History and Police Education Cyrille Fijnaut

Parallel Sessions * ✓ Projects in Progress ✓TheFutureofPoliceUniversities Woman In Police Organisationalbehaviour

Wednesday 26th September

Understanding and tackling Organised Crime : Scientific Scrutiny meets Pragmatism Didier Bigo WillyBruggman

Open Market Session **



Conference will be held only in English

*Parralelsessions:participantswillchoosetheirsession.**This isafreemarketof«needsandoffers».Delegatesareofferedtheopportunitytoshowcasetheirownprojectsduringopenmarketsessions.

The future of Police science in Europe Nick Fyfe

Panel and Plenum Discussion

The Project of Police Science and European Law Enforcement Ferenc Bánfi (Director of CEPOL)


Thursday 27th September


Open Market Sessions: Your Chance to PresentThe 2012 CEPOL Police Research and Science Conference provides a forum for discussion on the latest developments in this field. To ensure that delegates can be kept aware of all the latest issues and take advantage of the knowledge capital of fellow experts, the agenda includes two Open Market Sessions, in which any delegate can present a project, raise an issue, share an idea or start a discussion.If you have an idea which you would like to discuss or present, please come prepared with a summary to share at the conference opening.

For further information, please contact the conference organiser at : ensp-dre@interieur.gouv.fr

How to participate

There are three conference delegate packages available:

“All inclusive” at recommended hotel, includes ∙ Admission to all sessions ∙ All transfers for duration of conference (e.g. from airport to hotel, shuttle from hotel to conference venue) ∙AllmealsandcoffeebreaksCost: € 125 per person

Note: This rate does not include hotel accommodation. Hotel reservations must be made separately at the Hotel*** Dock Ouest Vaise.

Conference only, includes ∙ Admission to all sessions ∙AllmealsandcoffeebreaksCost: € 67.50 per person

CEPOL delegates2seatsareofferedperEUMembersState.MembersoftheCEPOLnetworkareinvitedtofollowtheusual application procedure. Pleasecontactthenationalcontactpointinyourcountry.PleasechecktheCEPOLwebsitefordetailsofyournationalcontactpoint.

Who else should participate ?CEPOL Police Research and Science conferences are open to all who have a

scientific interest in how policing is taught and how to improve policing or a

long-term strategic interest in the development of policing in Europe. The conference

will particularly suit :Academics, scientists and researchers operating in the field of police research and

scienceSenior police managers interested in new trends and solutions in police research

and science.

To register, please send your

registration by 27 July 2012 to



If you are opting for the “all

inclusive” package, you must

also make a separate hotel


Early registration is strongly

recommended to secure your


Hotel Accommodation : Résidence Dock Ouest*** Lyon Vaise

How To RegisterHow to participate

Delegates may stay at the ***hotel at a special rate of € 95 per person per night.

The hotel is situated in a quiet location on the Saône River, within easy reach of the town centre and routes in and out of the city. To make a reservation at this hotel, please complete the reservation form and return it to contact@dockouest.com by 27 July 2012.

Conference delegates must also register their attendance direct to the conference organiser. Please complete the registration form hereby and return it to ensp-dre@interieur.gouv.fr by 27 July 2012.

Conference Attendance




REGISTRATION FORM*  First Name:    Last Name:   

Title / Function:    Ms/Mrs/Mr:   

Country:    Postcode:   


Full Address:   

Office Phone:  +  Office Fax:  + 

Mobile Phone:  +  Email:    

TRAVEL DETAILS Please tick the appropriate box:  By plane     By train     By car           


Arrival Date:    Arrival Time:    From: (City)   

To Airport:    Flight number:   

Railway Station:    Terminal:   


Departure Date:    Departure Time:    Destination:   

From Airport:    Flight number:   

Railway Station:    Terminal:    

PACKAGE (tick the appropriate box) 

  All inclusive – 125 € including all transfers and meals during the conference Accommodation at Dock Ouest hotel at special rate  (reservation and payment to be made separately). 

  Conference ‐  67,50 € including admission to all sessions / 3 meals and coffee breaks at ENSP 

 Dietary and/or special requirements (please complete if needed):  

Please return the completed form by 27 July 2012 to:  ensp‐dre@interieur.gouv.fr 

*Note: This form is not to be filled in by CEPOL participants  who have to register via their CEPOL NCPs 


Situated in the countryside near Lyon, the École Nationale Supérieure de la Police is one of France’s most prestigious higher education establishments, dedicated to training all French senior police officers. The historic building houses state of the art teaching facilities, including simulation rooms, language laboratories, a shooting range, library and sports hall, in addition to classrooms and auditoria. The ENSP also has accommodation for up to 168 students.

About the conference venue

Basilica of Fourvière

France’s second city, Lyon is renowned both for its architectural heritage and its gastronomy. Listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage site in 1998, Lyon has its roots as a Roman colony founded in 43 BC and the Roman ruins at Fourvière offer breath-taking views of Lyon today. Vieux Lyon – the old city dates back to medieval times and the city also features remarkable 19th century architecture. As a city famed for its excellent food, there are also plenty of local specialities to try, including traditional meats, cheeses and wine. The city is also home to many of France’s finest restaurants.

To find out more about the city and its sights, visit the Lyon Tourist Office: http://www.en.lyon-france.com/

Explore Lyon