center/1947/1947-06-27.pdf · 2014. 8. 22. · UGS paved ol...

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Transcript of center/1947/1947-06-27.pdf · 2014. 8. 22. · UGS paved ol...

  • UGS

    paved ol streeta. Peo

    amaller town than - hcu staked out

    bciYing more paving ot.hor town Its IIIJe

    ·•· All maJor atree\a minor streets.. c.e_ the property hold· '·'town hlghtv re· the conitrusetlon

    of ·· . lhe scene on Sa·! "l..'!aore de;' "because," and 1 of the iriarrlnge , "l Love But Thee," while the

    · · Scaling, daugh- ~ g uests were a ssembling. · Donnls · Seal· Miss ·Mildred Tlromas and Miss

    Glenn Richards, · son of Betty Richards, sl'ste r of the bride, .E. B. Richards, . of ! lighted lhc tapers, as~l sted by - l . . . . .

    I James and Mrucey Prnson of Plain· . RC~ 'vHms W. 1\dcoc:k, PllB• ; view. Miss Thomas wore pink eye• CHU _ _ . ,t'l !:.V. _ , -t- • Mr. and. Mrs, Me1vln Cure and

    tm-p_tesslvo . doub!e- 11tet pique with a halo of tllnk car· TO HOI: ·. M. , G· Polly Gene have retul.'lled to their Marg-aret Jluft, _ na tions nnd Mi.s_s Richards was at- . · - · . _,, · .l.'ii dli!' ,. }lome -tn CallfouiLa. Mr., Mau(le bride, played ·ptan·o : tlred In grell'n ---piqu e- :and wore MONDAY ·. nl"-'• - area. Most of E. cure went with them to spend o~ "Flower Song,'; 1 white carnations. The local Method~ Youth grain out of the fields by the summer. She wiU also visit

    t;.o~---------1 Miss Denece Scaling, only sister lowshlp wUI entertal "'• youns peo• late next week. her daughter , who lives at Los t 'lfSC)till)lf VET · RA. of the bride, was maid of honor.' pie from Plainview, Abel'llatll)!, SuUerlng from lack of box cars Angeles. I · E N She wore blue embroided pique' Kress, Lockney andOO!ton next deliver grain from the elovators 1 ------------------~~--

    """'"'""'~ - ..,. ... L.o:: CENTER• nnd CIUTied\ a colonial nosegay. Dr. Monday night at 8 p. 1¥\t The local aratn·handllng agen-,. . • David Sauer served as best man. gram will consist of a worship cles werl! hopelessly awamped Se lJ • d l .

    TO STAY! The bride entered on the arm vice sub-district bu~IS session, this w:ek. ~a~y tr~ckers ei~rl· ven .n•·u· .r.e· . In of her father who gave her In recr~ntlon and refresh)l'lents. Billy ment~ ;{ h ~ng- s~~c~ ;.l~s 'i/

    AD ex-combat .... teran Who marriage-. ·-stm was a pit cure In an Bentley will be· In ciiiU'ge of the to okt erh bgger ownl s, u Yl • mond illto Hale Center fl· orglnal model of white pique. It worhlp period. ~ wee t e iggest e evators n · · .... A-··- --- -.cJ- ·.· .. ... . CtnUy . WJth _an oil drUIIng WQS designed with a round neck- . . area were likewise unable to h~· 1 I -. . . CCI. ent crew Uli:ed Halt Center ao line, filled bodice, long sleeves, .51'. s· ~' yo die the record flow of wheat. . .ra . _IC . . . . . -well be decided to gi .. up his fitted with tapered points over .her METiofODI . . Long lines of trucks waited pa-:~~ ;:c~::on. b~ii~~:. 0~er~~lda ~~t:~ ~~~=~~ '~!rs~i~l '/::~hfr::p~ DECIDE ON ftEW ~~~Yt:~c~scal:~;;a~~~d A:PP~~!~ •.-• ~::: ~=~'1 n;;:m•u:~:~ the _two vehicles woril hospltiUzedl ., 1 J h s· · . hnlo of braidf'd net and wns fhig· er BUILDING PLA-NS ' the Hftrvest Queen MUla ..., The accident occurred about nO

    5 Q nny · • ummers,

    0 ve through town. to the "Y" bn the brub11 cmd cute to •e•ere 1:00. o'clock In front of WoCMSY'I

    ter~n of 35 monUts 01 combat duty til> length. She _ carried a lovely The plan Co~ financing the Plainview-Hale Center highway. head laceration• when a pick· Hotel a few feet below the traf• In the South Pacific, who·L, oper- bouquet of wh•te African daises building project at the Methodist Traffic cops were directing.. the up an~ paaBCIDger car collld: fie Ughts. Both vehicles were ntlng Caraway's Cafe for "SwedP" nd bnby brent h. For something -y, and Ice-cream badly bruised. Nivens sustained a

    July. FQurth Bosses Hand 'Out Chores.

    Join Ho$pital Staff \'lsltlng In the G. D. Applewhite sudie"- again winning prals

  • . JUT . That Means We Offei''Complete ~

    BlacksmHh Services ·t.tob.ile·Ac:etyfene Welili119 Unit

    for Field Work

    _ Pienty -~ H~t Watfr. @~ Stecrin PtOJDPt. C(I,U~tiO\d- AttiDUbh


    w~ Ai.C Do Wonvm, Roush Dry · ······-------.····-----·and ·l;'inloh- Wotk

    -"'-'----r'JLG G Y-: WAI..J._$ & ____ , "-~_,__N,,_s~--~m--·--Pick·t.ID. ~nd Doll very Sttvltes In Town

    ·Jtufua Florida. PtOP,dttor

    A .. Perfect .Flour




    Where the Good Whe.

    rNT.;RN.I J, - MF.DICIN.E W. II . Gt\rt.liin, M u• ·n. u . Mcl'nrty, ·M o

    (Cart.lin~ ' 'i-l"Y )


  • Anno1111cing. Our· Blanket

    ·~Away -,Plan · A ~all down payment wfU keep nny blanket un•

    til you need tt. .GET THEM NOW while the p~lcta e.(~. lO:w. AiS?tted colors Jn 100%, w.,-., 25"/. Wocil:

    · ¥rleelrfinm $5.00 to $13.50. - ··

    Here•s those··· -;LOGN AWAITED ''T''.SHIRTS..FOR MEN

    only 1.25

    SUMMERV{EIGHT-· KHAKI HATS All Shes, 1.98 to 2 .•. 25

    SUMMERWEIGHT MEN'S SOCKS H nclsome Assorted Colors •• 39c to 69c


    St·'s DRY . GOODS e& VARIETY

    Land Of Milk:

    ~-AND MON~Y! Thine's no "three-cornered ~t"Ool" in rhc dairy

    busin ~today. Fatttilies used'ro"lcaep a cow" for

    the babi~ · bU.~ cows b!ins ln BIG moo~ today for many folb in our area. It's truly a ''land of

    milk and money." Butter, cheese. evaporated milk

    -an~ all of. the other dairy products thst come t ol our territory arc making money fot thou• ds jlf famers. • ·

    w-a shor.~ . w tl!llng-trlp to ~~,,~-~~;;.;.;;.;.;;;;;.;..-----"--1 1 ihe ®UP-Ill will visit In Hall! TRACTOR

    and Midland betnre going Farmoll, our row to Tulsa this fall where Mr. Rich· planter and two nrils Is enr91lcd at TuTso Unh•er· with or wltllOI!t slty. As tll_e brld~ left for her trip, w. Wood; two·m·· u'"e"s''"'"n""'or'"th""-~-7!+~"--she tossed h nntl Bt•t sy : from Dallas wert> Mr. and . Mrs. C. H. Moremn n nnd.,Mrs. PPn.rl Robt•rts. Mrs. HnUIP McCI!•skt>y nttenrle pt•r ····nt .ot the cost of. the housu. 1 th lllk 11 ' )liftkea tiJ@' ,Itouse · twlee n; d•• ,