Cells are the building blocks of living things. They...

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Transcript of Cells are the building blocks of living things. They...

What are the 4 characteristics that all living things must possess?

1. ______________________________________________________________________


2. ______________________________________________________________________


3. ______________________________________________________________________


4. ______________________________________________________________________




Cells are the building blocks of living things. They

perform all the necessary work to keep them alive.

05.01 The Cell - Cell Study Guide

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Structures that perform all of the tasks that keep an organism alive are


The tasks that the cell performs include:

On the right hand side of this chart, you will fill in the name of the organelle

described, that performs the job listed on the left hand side of the chart.


The jellylike substance that fills the cell.

Organelles float in this.

The cell’s command center that directs all

of the cell's activities. Contains genetic


Provides the energy for the cell. They use

oxygen taken in by the cell to release


Packages and transports material within

the cell.

Builds proteins

Processes materials for storage or to be

transported out of the cell.

Store and transport materials.

Contain chemicals that break down

substances in the cell.

Protective covering that separates the cell

from its outside environment.

Phase Image What phase is this? Definition

Why are centrioles so important in cell division?

Meiosis allows for: __________________________________________________________

_________________________________________________________________________________________ .

The sex cells that males produce are called _____________.

The sex cells that females produce are called ____________.

Without Meiosis, we would not have the ___________ __________ of organisms we have today.

Are the same because:







Are different because:







Explain the process of budding: __________________________________________________________________


What is fertilization? _____________________________________________________________________________


List two advantages of asexual reproduction: ____________________________________________________


List two disadvantages of asexual reproduction: __________________________________________________


List two advantages of sexual reproduction: ______________________________________________________


List two disadvantages of sexual reproduction: ___________________________________________________


Fill in the definition for the terms presented at the beginning of this lesson.

Term Definition







_____________________________ are structures found in a cell’s nucleus (center) and are made

of _____________. Chromosomes _________________ and ________________ during mitosis and

meiosis. A sex cell created by meiosis, either sperm or egg, has ___________ the number of

chromosomes as the parent cell. When sex cells join, they create new cells with

_______________ the chromosomes from each individual and therefore, a ________________ of

characteristics from each parent.

Genotype describes the ___________ _____________ ____________ of an individual. A

person’s genotype tells us exactly what ____________ _________ ___________. You

cannot see someone’s genetic makeup. Genotypes are _____ ______________.

Phenotypes are the _________________ __________ of an individual which the individual’s

genes have expressed.

Gregor Mendel Why is Gregor Mendel sometimes considered to be the King

of Inheritance?






What is an allele? _______________________________________________________________________



How are dominant and recessive alleles different from one another? _______________________



What is a Punnet Square? _______________________________________________________________________


Why would we want to use a Punnet Square? ____________________________________________________


What is a pedigree chart? ____________________________________________




Why would we want to use a pedigree chart? _________________________







artificial selection




genetic engineering




How is the Labradoodle an example of Artificial Selection? ________________________________



How is the sheep an example of cloning? _________________________________________________



5.00 Welcome to Module Five

5.01 The Cell

What is considered the basic unit of life?

What are the four special characteristics of all living things?

What is the difference between unicellular and multicellular?

Why is the nucleus so important to the function of the cell?

** Use the Cell Study Guide found in the Lesson Tab to determine

the different organelles and their functions in the cell. **

5.02 Mitosis

What is the purpose of Mitosis?

Describe what is happening in each of the following phases of Mitosis:

* Interphase

* Prophase

* Metaphase

* Anaphase

* Telophase

What roll do centrioles play in Mitosis?

5.03 Meiosis

What is the purpose of Meiosis?

What step occurs in Meiosis 1, that does NOT occur in Meiosis 2? (Remember, this step is vital is

duplicating the chromosomes for division.)

Why are there only 23 chromosomes in each of the four cells, at the end of Meiosis?

5.04 Sexual and Asexual Reproduction

Use the Venn Diagram on the Introduction Tab of this lesson, to compare and contrast Mitosis

and Meiosis.

What are some advantages of asexual reproduction?

Describe the examples of asexual reproduction, introduced in our lesson.

What is fertilization?

What type of reproduction creates genetic variety in organisms?

5.05 DNA: Introduction to Heredity

Define the terms chromosomes, genes, and nucleotides.

Describe DNA and what it is responsible for in our cells?

List the 4 nucleotides found in DNA?

What are polygenetic traits?

5.06 Genotypes and Phenotypes

What is the difference between a Phenotype and a Genotype?

What do we call the different forms of a gene?

If a dominant gene and recessive gene are present, which trait will be expressed?

dominant or recessive

If two recessive alleles are present which trait, which trait will be expressed? dominant or


5.07 Predicting Genotypes and Phenotypes

What is the purpose of a Punnett Square?

Use a Punnett Square to determine the following:

Detached earlobes are dominant. A child inherits genes with the genotype: EE and ee. What is

the percentage that they will have detached earlobes?

What is the purpose of a Pedigree Chart?

5.08 Biotechnology and Genes

Define the terms cloning, artificial selection, and genetic engineering.

What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of cloning, artificial selection and

genetic engineering?

5.09 Module 5 Oral Exam

5.10 Module 5 Exam

Students completing the advanced coursework will complete

the 5.10 Advanced Module 5 Exam instead of this exam.

***************** ADVANCED STUDENTS ONLY *****************

5.06 Advanced: Meiosis and More

Describe gametes, crossing over, independent assortment, and genetic mutations.

Describe how diploid cells result in haploid cells.

5.08 Advanced: Organization of the Living World

What are some ways organisms can be classified?

What are the six different kingdoms that scientists group organisms?

What are the groups that organisms can be grouped into?