Cell phone safty

Post on 04-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Cell phone safty

1. Cell Phone Safety By: Kathy Allen Publisher: Capstone Press Copyright Date:2013 Power Point by: Gracie Petersen And Alyssa Harris 2. Your life on your phone You all probably have a phone you text, call your friends and use the internet. Picture you at home on your phone and you get a text. Its an unknown number saying what are you doing? Do you answer, first think about it you could be exposing your safety to someone you dont know. Your parents have trusted you to have a phone and they expect you to make the right choice. Think before you reply. What are you doing? 3. Protection information Your constantly on your phone posting pictures and words all over the internet but do you now that everyone in the world can now see it. You need to know the difference between what to put on the internet and what you keep a secret. Like for an example you never put your name, phone number and social security numbers out in the internet! You never no who could find it. Social security # 564529873 43856 4. Cyberbullying You love to send texts, I'm sure. But its not ok to send mean messages online. Because you need to beware of cyberbullying you might have gotten cyberbullied and you know its not ok. Embarrassing people online is the same as bulling people to their faces and either way its not OK! Tell an adult if your getting cyberbullied. 5. Keeping safe You all have probably lost your phone if someone gets in they could see all of your private information. You need to make sure you put a passcode or lock on your phone to make sure that never happens. And make sure your phone doesnt remember your code. Always remember to check your privacy settings so that other people cant hack you. You need to tell an adult if people have figured out your private information even if talking to them can be difficult. Most importantly remember not to be on your phone all the time you could crash into something if your staring at it constantly. 6. Follow these rules and you can be safe!