Cell City Introduction! · 2015-06-28 · Cell City Introduction! Flooting oround in the cytoplosm...

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Transcript of Cell City Introduction! · 2015-06-28 · Cell City Introduction! Flooting oround in the cytoplosm...

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    Cell City Introduction!Floot ing oround in the cytop losm ore smol l

    structures colled organelles. Like the orgons in yourown body , eoch one corr ies out o specif ic funct ionnecessory f or the cef l to survive.

    Imogine the cell os o minioture city. The orgonelles might represent componies, plocesor ports of the city becouse they eachhave similor jobs. Below arethe descriptions ofimportont ports of the Cell City.

    A. City Limits - control whot goes in ond out of the city

    B. Rood System - Allows for movement throughout the city.

    C. City Holl - Controls oll the octivities of the city.

    D. City Auditor - Stores oll the records of the city ond posses them on os the city grows.

    E. City Plonning Office - A place in the city holl where plons ore mode f or theconstruction of the city.

    F. Construction Compony - Builds structuresfor the city.

    G. Delivery Von - delivers products mode at the construction compony to other locotionsin the ci ty.

    H. Food Processing Plont - Processes lorge guontities of food entering the city intosmoller pockoges thot con be used more eosily.

    I. Worehouse - Stores moteriols needed by the city.

    J. Power Compony - Produces ene?gy for the city.

    K. Solor Power Plont - Uses the sun's energy to produc e power for the city.

    As you move through this worksheet, see if you con motch the important ports of thecity f isted obove to the specif ic orgonelles found in celfs. Be sure to write neotly, qnd incompfete sentences.

    1. The nucleus is o large, round/ovol structure usuolly locoted neor the center of the cell.It is the confrol center for oll the octivities of the cell. i) Whot compony or ploce doesthe nucleus resemble in o Cell City? ii)Why do you think so?


    i i )

  • Z. The cell membrone is o thin, f lexible envelope thot surrounds the cell. ft ollows the

    cell to chonge shope ond controls whot goes into ond out of the cell. i) Whot comPony

    or ploce does the cell membrane resernble in o Cell City? ii)Why do you think so?


    i i )

    3. The endoplosmic reticulum consists of o network of tube-like Possogewoys thot

    proteins from the ribosomes ore tronsported through. i) Whot comPony or ploce does

    the endoplosmic reticulum resemble in o Cell City? ii)Why do you think so?


    i i )

    4" The ribosomes ore smoll groin-like bodies mode mostly of RNA ond produced in the

    nucleolus. Proteins ore constructed of the nibosomes. i) Whot comPony or ploce do the

    ribosomes resemble in o Cell City? ii)Why do you think so?


    i i )

  • 5. The nucleolus is o smoll, dense object fond in the middle of the nucleus. ft mokes theRNA for the cell. i) Whot compony or ploce does the nucleolus resemble in a Cell City?ii)Why do you think so?


    i i)

    6. The jelly-like oreo between the nucleus ond the cell membrone is colled the cytoplosm.

    ft helps organelles move throughout the cell. i) Whot comPony or place does thecytoplosm resemble rn a Cell City? ii)Why do you think so?


    i i)

    7. The mitochondrio ore tiny beon-shoped structures in the cytoplosm with o smoothouter membron e, and a greatly f olded inner membrone. They supply the energy f or thecell by tronsforming sugors into energy. i) Whot compony or ploce does themitochondrio resemble in o Cell City? ii)Why do you think so?


    i i )

  • 8. The chromosomes ore rod-shoped bodies found in the nucleus. They ore mode of DNA

    ond protein. They contoin oll the informotion to run the cell. They olso pass on the

    hereditqry troits of the cell to new cells. i) Whot comPony or ploce do the

    chromosomes resemble in o Cell City? ii)Why do you think so?


    i i)

    9. The chloroplost is on ovol, g?eenstructure found in the cytoplosm. ft contoinschf orophyll. It coptures the sun's energy ond uses it to produce sugors in o Processcolled photosynthesis. i) Whot compqny or ploce do the chloroplosts resemble in a Cell

    City? ii)Why do you think so?


    i i )

    10. The lysosomes ore smoll round structures found in the cytoplosm. They contoindigest:e enzymes thot bneok down large food porticles in to sugors ond other simplesubstonces. i) Whot compony or ploce do the lysosomes resemble in o Cell City? ii)Whydo you think so?


    i i)

  • ii)

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