Celebrating Our Success! CTCP-Sponsored Law Enforcement Roundtables Project 2007 – 2011 April...

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Transcript of Celebrating Our Success! CTCP-Sponsored Law Enforcement Roundtables Project 2007 – 2011 April...

Celebrating Our Success!

CTCP-Sponsored Law Enforcement Roundtables Project 2007 – 2011

April 2011


1. To convene 4 tobacco control enforcement roundtables in diverse regions of the state, addressing illegal sales of tobacco to minors.

2. To gather together enforcement staff and public health representatives from multiple jurisdictions to identify, share, and document enforcement-related successes, challenges, and possible solutions to identified challenges.

3. To generate material for an Enforcement Roundtables Planning Toolkit which will be made available to all local jurisdictions.

Dates & Attendance

• Los Angeles County (Glendale) – September 8, 2008• 13 jurisdictions• 42 participants• Mary Strode, lead

• Bay Area (Walnut Creek) – May 9, 2009• 20 jurisdictions• 58 participants• Bhumi Bhutani, lead

• Central Valley (Bakersfield) – March 9, 2011• 11 jurisdictions• 26 participants• Andrea Valdez, lead

• Northern California (Grass Valley) – March 25, 2011• 12 jurisdictions• 29 participants• Mary Strode, lead

155 Total Attendees

Planning Committee

• Los Angeles County Roundtable– Bhumi Bhutani– Debbie Kelley– Kelly Gordon– Christina Reyes– Monty Messex– Ian McLaughlin– Nora Manzanilla– Jeanette Treiber– Mary Strode (lead)

Planning Committee

• Bay Area Roundtable– Mary Strode– Alyonik Hrushow– Denice Dennis– Nicole Coxe– Marcia Brown-

Machen– Paul Cummings– Maureen Pacheco– Bob Curry

– Derek Smith– Kelly Gordon– Ian McLaughlin– Vanessa Marvin– Jeanette Treiber– Bhumi Bhutani (lead)

Planning Committee

• Central Valley Roundtable– Nsele Nsuangani– Leila Gholamrezai– Susan Pearman– Justin Garrett– Kelly Gordon– Ian McLaughlin– Christina Reyes– Mary Strode– Jeanette Treiber– Andrea Valdez (lead)

Planning Committee

• Northern CA Roundtable– Felicia Sobonya– Tina Lavy– Justin Garrett– Steve Layton– Ian McLaughlin– Bob Curry– Andrea Valdez– Jeanette Treiber– Mary Strode (lead)

In Appreciation

• CTCP Support Staff– Scott Martin– Jennifer Le– Laine’ Clark

• Logistics– Barbara Lowell

• CTCP Management– Tonia Hagaman– April Roeseler

• Evaluation- Jeanette Treiber

• Guidance- Point of Sale Practices


In Appreciation

• State Enforcement Agency Representatives– Attorney General’s Office - Tobacco Litigation and

Enforcement Section– Board of Equalization - Investigations Division– CDPH Food and Drug Branch - STAKE Unit– Alcoholic Beverage Control – Investigations Division

In Appreciation

• All the local level participants!

Key Outcomes (Examples)

• Enforcement Successes– Good relationship with the D.A.– Consistent sting operations– Provide youth decoys with incentives– Request and obtain a sales receipt from retailers

during sting operations

For more Roundtable outcomes, visit http://www.tcsstore.org/appendix/updated.html

Key Outcomes (Examples)

• Enforcement Challenges & Possible Solutions

Challenge: Retailer phone tree- Possible solution: Wait 15 minutes to an hour before going back into the store to issue citation

Challenge: Perception that tobacco retailer licensing fees are hard on retailers- Possible solution: Offer counter argument that hard economic times is not impacting tobacco sales; retailers are making large profits!

Key Outcomes (Examples)

• Enforcement Challenges & Possible Solutions

Challenge: Black market products– Possible solution: Work closely with BOE

Challenge: Unpredictable youth decoys– Possible solution: Arrange transportation for youth


For more Roundtable outcomes, visit http://www.tcsstore.org/appendix/updated.html

Key Outcomes (Examples)

• Administrative Successes– Lay out the business practices of your licensing

program and have the relevant forms in place before you start your enforcement activities.

– Set up streamlined procedures to increase the efficiency of your program, e.g., see if retailer notices can be consolidated.

– Have a point person within a jurisdiction to coordinate interagency communication.

Key Outcomes (Examples)

• Administrative Challenges & Possible Solutions

Challenge: Procedural inefficiencies– Possible solution: Streamline retailer notifications

Challenge: Inaccurate list of retailers– Possible solution: Obtain list of retailers from BOE

and cross-check with your list; also seek input from community volunteers to help keep list accurate

For more Roundtable outcomes, visit http://www.tcsstore.org/appendix/updated.html


• Summary of outcomes for each Roundtablehttp://www.tcsstore.org/appendix/updated.html

• Final analysis of all outcomes Anticipated dissemination October 2011

• Roundtable Planning ToolkitAnticipated dissemination October 2011

Evaluation Strategy

• Post-Roundtable Feedback Sessions– Lessons learned

• Key Informant Interviews– Phase I: 2010– Phase II: 2011

• Participant Evaluations• Participant Surveys – Assess impact of Roundtables on enforcement


LA County Roundtable

LA County Roundtable

LA County Roundtable

LA County Roundtable

LA County Roundtable

LA County Roundtable

Bay Area Roundtable

Bay Area Roundtable

Bay Area Roundtable

Bay Area Roundtable

Bay Area Roundtable

Central Valley Roundtable

Central Valley Roundtable

Central Valley Roundtable

Central Valley Roundtable

Central Valley Roundtable

Central Valley Roundtable

Northern CA Roundtable

Northern CA Roundtable

Northern CA Roundtable

Northern CA Roundtable

Northern CA Roundtable

Northern CA Roundtable

Northern CA Roundtable

We Did It!

For more information:Mary Strode

STAKE Act CoordinatorCalifornia Tobacco Control Program

California Department of Public HealthMary.strode@cdph.ca.gov
