Celebrating 39 years of community services - Co.As.It...Carseldine, goes to extraordinary lengths to...

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Celebrating 39 years of community services

co.as.it. community services inc.

35 dover street | albion qld 4010po box 59 | albion bc qld 4010tel: 07 3262 5755 | fax: 07 3262 9985 mail@coasit.asn.au | www.coasit.asn.au

DISCLAIMERCo.As.It. merely provides advertising space in the pages of this publication.While Co.As.It. takes all reasonable care in compiling the advertisements in this publication, it makes no warranties in relation to the quality, suitability, safety or legality of any of the terms or services advertised on these pages. All advertisements are accepted in good faith, however Co.As.It. does not warrant the accuracy or truth of any representations contained in these pages. Co.As.It. does not represent or warrant the items or services, advertised and the reader should make its own enquiries prior to relying on them.

insiemeedition # four - november 2017

articles + editing | nella alba-calabreselayout | alex favali – puntoitalia pty ltd [support@puntoitalia.com | www.puntoitalia.com]

Published four-monthly, INSIEME welcomes any contributions from readers and Co.As.It. members.Unless otherwise instructed, submitted articles and photos will not be returned. All rights reserved.INSIEME would like to thank and acknowledge the staff and members for their continued support and contributions to this publication.

We are at the closure of another busy and challenging year!

The Aged Care Reforms seem to be the ongoing topic of discussion at most of our meetings either internally or externally. All our staff have embraced the many changes with much enthusiasm and commitment, but all quite tired and looking forward to a bit of a break!

Our staff continue to face challenges but work diligently and with great sensitivity in providing services whilst the changes have been incorporated.

The organisation has had to recruit new staff, adopt new administrative processes and establish services in new areas and we all feel like we have climbed a soaring cliff whilst another awaits us.

Only recently, we have had to once again expand our services due to increased funding and

we are urgently in need of suitable staff with aged care qualifications and skills.

It is a rapidly growing employment area and one that will continue to increase in the future as people now live longer and healthier lives. If you have anyone who is interested, has their own vehicle and speaks another language, we would love to hear from them.

We encourage many of our staff to undertake certificate III at no cost as well as providing support in gaining those qualifications.

There are areas where qualifications may not be needed but previous experience is sufficient, contact us and we will be happy to provide further information.

At the end of November, we will once again hold another wonderful Community Concert and collectively enjoy a few hours of absolute entertainment.

Don’t miss your chance to buy tickets to this event and also celebrate the closing off of another year with prosecco and panettone. Don’t forget that this year’s event will be held at the Old Museum.

I wish to thank my remarkable staff for their continued support and the perseverance they have shown in ensuring there was minimal interruption to service delivery, yet still integrate new services and new clients in various regions.

May I pass on my wishes and those of the Management Committee to you all for a safe and happy festive season.

A reminder that our office is open throughout Xmas and New Year except for the relevant public holidays.


This program does not receive formal government funding but it is such a valuable service that through Co.As.It. 11 aged care facilities gladly meet the cost of providing culturally and linguistically appropriate social recreational activities for their Italian CALD residents. As many CALD residents age, their English speaking skills

deteriorate and this fact alone makes these groups integral in helping residents feel part of the community within the facility.

Careful consideration is given to the monthly planning and running of specific activities to ensure that the chosen themes reflect the traditional activities

carried out in Italy during that month. New activities are created that meet the cultural expectations of the residents.

Freshly brewed Italian coffee is always included as part of the activity together with well-known Italian folk music.Co.As.It. volunteers assist at most groups, serving coffee and


supporting the CALD officer with running the activities.

One facility, Holy Spirit Carseldine, goes to extraordinary lengths to cook an authentic Italian meal for the residents and their family members on a monthly basis.

Traditional recipes are discussed with the catering manager who creates the most amazing Italian meals that are so popular, the family members also come to this special lunch and pay a small cost.

It has become the highlight of the month in this facility as it extends social contact and gives a true village feel to the gathering.

But by far, the most popular times are when there are grandchildren present during school holiday periods.

We truly cannot tell who enjoy the goings-on more - the kids or the elderly !


You may find it difficult talking to someone with a mental health issue.

We often avoid discussing mental health because of fear, stigma and simply not knowing what to say. But this may make matters worse.

Support from friends, family and health professionals plays a big role in your loved one’s recovery process. You can make a big difference through small gestures, like listening, keeping in touch and showing you care.

Many of us worry about saying the wrong thing to someone with a mental illness.

Your friend or loved one may or may not want to discuss their mental health issues with you, but it is important they know they do not have to avoid the subject.

It’s not always easy to tell if someone has a mental illness.

It is important to raise your concerns with them, even though they might deny the

problem and be reluctant or refuse to get help.

They may react with anger, shame or embarrassment.

If someone you care about is in danger of harming themselves or someone else, call triple zero (000) immediately.

There are also a number of crisis support services and helplines that may help.


• Ask how they are• Be available to listen • Acknowledge how they are feeling • Ask what you can do to help• Choose a good time and place to talk, when you are both relaxed• Be sensitive, positive and encouraging• Keep the conversation relaxed and open • Talk about other topics too. Don’t let a mental health issue become the centre of your relationship.• Be informed: read quality, evidence-based information and become familiar with the signs and symptoms of their mental health issue • Start slowly: try small actions first such as going for a walk or visiting a friend• Encourage them to get enough sleep, eat healthy food and exercise• Invite them out, and encourage other people in your lives to do so too • Offer practical support, such as doing their shopping or cooking meals • Encourage them to seek help immediately if they are at risk of suicide or self-harm• Explain why you’re concerned and offer examples• Try using ‘I statements’, such as “I’m worried..” or “I’ve noticed…”• Provide information, such as books or brochures for them to read in their own time• Offer to make an appointment with a GP or mental health professional on their behalf and offer to take them• Access support services available to carers and friends of people with mental health issues• Be proactive: find out the first steps to take• Look after yourself too; see a mental health professional if you think it might help

• Make unhelpful or dismissive comments like “snap out of it”, “cheer up”, “forget about it”, “pull yourself together”, or “I’m sure it will pass”. These comments can make a person feel worse.• Say you know how they feel if you don’t, as it invalidates their experience.• Point out that others are worse off, this is dismissive.• Blame your friend or loved one for changes in their behaviour, even if you feel tired and frustrated.• Avoid the person.• Make fun of their mental illness.• Pressure them if they do not want to go out, or discuss their issues with you.• Think of mental illness as a personal weakness or failing.• Avoid discussing suicide and self-harm, usually when people talk about suicide they are looking for help.• Define your friend or loved one by their mental illness.• Use words that stigmatise, like “psycho” or “crazy’.• Get frustrated or angry.• Feel guilty if you didn’t know your friend or someone you love has a mental health issue. The changes can be gradual and people often hide their symptoms from close friends and family.



In October, Queensland Multicultural Affairs Minister, The Hon Grace Grace MP, inducted the State’s very first representatives of the Multicultural Queensland Ambassador Program at Parliament House in Brisbane.

“This program is paving the way for key organisations, institutions and corporates across Queensland to benefit from Queensland’s diversity. Queensland’s multicultural identity is one of our greatest strengths, driving billions of dollars into our state’s economy. Every day migrants, refugees, international students and

working holiday visitors are bringing new perspectives, skills and global knowledge to our state, helping to fill skills gaps and labour shortages”, stated Ms Grace.

Over 80 organisations support this initiative and we are very proud to announce that Co.As.It. Community Services is a member of the Multicultural Queensland Ambassador Program and our Community Development Officer, Rodica Kennedy was nominated as our representative.

This is a powerful statement to our clients, staff members,

stakeholders and potential clients that our organisation not only values multiculturalism but is also proactive in advancing the tenets of multiculturalism for all Queenslanders.

We are a very multicultural bunch here at Co.As.It., employing staff who come from all parts of the world, including Italy, China, South Africa, South America, India, Vietnam, Japan, Greece, Romania, New Zealand and of course Australia.

Multiculturalism enriches Australian neighbourhoods and this new program provides many opportunities to tell the story of how different cultures can come together as one.

“Through this joint partnership with government and the private sector, we can showcase the positive contribution cultural diversity can make to Queensland workplaces and the community.

Queensland is an increasingly multicultural society being home to people who speak more than 220 languages, hold more than 100 religious beliefs and come from more than 220 countries”, stated Ms Grace.


Secondo un recente studio, un volume maggiore di servizi assistenziali a domicilio e supporto sociale sono associati ad un numero importante di entrate posticipate in case di cura.

I ricercatori dell’Australian Institute of Health Innovation (AIHI) presso la Macquarie University hanno preso in considerazione i servizi ed i risultati di 1.116 anziani che hanno iniziato ad usufruire dei pacchetti assistenziali fra il luglio 2015 e il giugno 2016

analizzando i dati elettronici forniti da una struttura operante nel settore nel NSW e nell’ACT.

Lo studio mirava a verificare l’esistenza di una relazione fra il volume e il genere di servizi offerti agli anziani campione e la tempistica del loro ingresso nelle case di cura.

Secondo la Dott.ssa Mikaela Jorgensen, ricercatrice presso la AIHI, i ricercatori hanno scoperto che ogni ora in più alla settimana di servizi corrispondeva ad un 6% in

meno di rischio di entrata in assistenza permanente.

“L’aumento delle ore di servizi a domicilio è inversamente proporzionale al rischio di entrata in sistemi di cura residenziale”, ha commentato la Dott.ssa Jorgensen durante una intervista con l’Australian Ageing Agenda.

“Dalla ricerca è inoltre emerso che chi faceva uso di servizi assistenziali a domicilio restava più a lungo nelle loro case.” ha proseguito la Dottoressa.


La ricerca ha identificato gruppi di clienti con simili situazioni o tipologie di servizi.

Le persone nel gruppo del sostegno sociale utilizzavano servizi sociali per due ore di media a settimana assieme ad altri servizi a domicilio anch’essi per due ore a settimana, ha detto la Dottoressa Jorgensen.

“Gli appartenenti al gruppo di sostegno sociale hanno rimandato il loro ingresso in case di cura rispetto a quelli che ricevevano solamente servizi di assistenza domestica, cura personale o assistenza a domicilio”.

La Dott.ssa Jorgensen ha presentato i risultati della sua ricerca alla conferenza nazionale dell’Associazione australiana di gerontologia che si è tenuta a Perth dall’8 al 10 novembre.

In pratica: le persone che usufruiscono di un pacchetto di cure residenziali devono prestare più attenzione al tipo di cure e di servizi che utilizzano secondo lo schema del controllo a cura dell’utente, ma

le informazioni che collegano i servizi a risultati mirati sono molto poche, ha commentato la Dott.ssa Jorgensen.

“Questo studio fornisce prove per gli utenti, i fornitori dei servizi e a chi stabilisce le linee guida su come i servizi a domicilio possano essere utilizzati per ottimizzare i risultati.”

La ricerca dimostra altresì le possibilità di utilizzare informazioni elettroniche raccolte dai fornitori di servizi

agli anziani per monitorare gli stessi servizi nel tempo.

La Dott.ssa Jorgensen ha concluso affermando che c’è un forte bisogno di capire come i servizi comunitari influiscono su altri fattori importanti quali la qualità di vita e la partecipazione sociale.

La ricerca è stata di recente accettata e verrà a breve pubblicata sul prestigioso Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.


George and Gracie (let’s call them that because using their real names would make them even unhappier than they already appear to be) are in their 80s and have been married for more than 65 years.

Until recently they seemed to ride the waves that are inevitable in any marriage that spans nearly seven decades; through good and bad, they were partners and best friends.

But lately — ever since her hospitalization and his fall — they have been arguing more bitterly than usual (“Do you have to make such a mess in the kitchen?”), criticizing each

other (“Why haven’t you dealt with the insurance company yet?”), withdrawing from each other, and generally making each other more miserable, more often than ever before. This kind of degenerative relationship is not uncommon among the elderly in even the happiest marriages, marriage therapists and geriatricians said. But that is small comfort to either the couple in the middle of the maelstrom, or the children who care for them, as evidenced by a number of postings on caregiver blogs.

As some of the children have wondered: “Why can’t we all just get along?”

Therapists and others who work with the elderly said the first step to addressing the problem is understanding where it came from.

“A key question is whether the marital bickering is part of a lifelong marital style or a change,” said Dr. Linda Waite, Director of the Centre on Demography and Economics of Ageing at NORC/University of Chicago.

How much of the problem is really just the marriage style? Is it new behaviour – or just new to the grown children who are suddenly so deeply enmeshed in their parents’ lives that they


are only now noticing that something is amiss?

According to Dr. Nancy K. Schlossberg, Professor Emerita of counselling psychology at the University of Maryland and author of “Overwhelmed: coping with life’s ups and downs”, some couples like to fight and argue – it keeps their adrenaline going.

Sometimes the best judges of whether there is a problem are outsiders, said Dr. William Dale, Chief of Geriatrics at the University of Chicago Geriatrics Medicine. Pay attention if someone says, “‘Gee, Mom seems more argumentative or

withdrawn than the last time I saw her,’” Dr. Dale advised.

If the tone or severity of the marital tensions seem new, then it is important to find out why.

The causes could be mental or physical, doctors say.

On the mental front, increased anger and fighting could be one of the first signs of mild cognitive impairment, a precursor of dementia or Alzheimer’s, in one or both of the spouses, said Dr. Lisa Gwyther, Director of the Duke Center for Aging Family Support Program and an Associate Professor in the Department

of Psychiatry and Behavioural Sciences.

Dr. Dale concurs: “There is good evidence that the earliest signs of cognitive impairment are often emotional changes” — anger, anxiety, depression —“rather than cognitive ones” — memory, abstract thought. But these early signs of cognitive decline can be so subtle that neither the spouses themselves, or their grown children, recognize them for what they are, Dr. Gwyther said.

So husband and wife blame each other for the changes and allow feelings of hurt and resentment to grow.

Withdrawing from activities that used to give them pleasure can be a tell-tale sign of mild cognitive impairment – and can trigger anger and arguments.

“In one couple, the husband just didn’t want to participate in the holidays — the wife got angry and said he was being lazy and stubborn,” said Dr. Gwyther.

But the truth was that his cognitive decline made all the activity overwhelming, and he didn’t want anyone to know that he was anxious about not remembering everyone’s names and embarrassing himself.

Suspicion and paranoia can also accompany mild cognitive


decline and precipitate distrust and hurtful accusations. Dr. Gwyther recalled another woman who “called her daughter, frantic because she said her husband dropped her at her chemo appointment, went to park the car, and didn’t return to get her.”

The woman couldn’t imagine that her husband could possibly have lost his sense of time and direction, Dr. Gwyther added.

She took it personally, complaining to her daughter that “your father doesn’t seem to care anymore.”

Dr. Dale told of a spouse who accused her mate of infidelity because “she was convinced that when he was out grocery shopping he was really having an affair. ”

Hoarding, an early symptom of mild cognitive impairment, can also create tension in a marriage.

When one couple came to a counselling session with Dr. Norman Abeles, Emeritus Professor of Psychology and former Director of Psychological Clinic at Michigan State

University, the hoarding spouse finally said she did it because she thought that they would run out of money, “even though there was enough money to go around. ”

Dr. Abeles said that incident led to her diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment.

Adding to the confusion, mild cognitive impairment, or MCI, comes and goes.

“There are good days and bad days, good hours and bad hours,” said Dr. Gwyther. “Alzheimer and dementia don’t start on Tuesday — it’s a slow insidious onset.”

But the diagnosis is becoming more common: The Institute for Dementia Research and Prevention predicts that 1 in 6 women, and 1 in 10 men, who live past the age of 55 will develop dementia in their lifetime.

“Spouses find it difficult to know when their partner with MCI is acting differently, usually badly, due to the advancing illness or due to ‘willful’ personality issues,” said Dr. Dale, citing a 2007 study in the journal Family

Relations exploring the problems this can create for couples.

Blaming is often easier than understanding. Another of Dr. Gwyther’s patients was furious at her husband for not filing their taxes. “He’s a C.P.A.,” she said. “How could we owe back taxes?” It did not occur to her that he might be unable to handle that task — and was too frightened about his deteriorating mental focus to let her know.

But as harmful as mental decline can be for a marriage, it is just part of the equation. Physical ailments – even those that seem completely unrelated to marital relations – “can upset the equilibrium of the marriage”, according to a study in The Canadian Medical Association Journal.

“Most men get angry at what’s happened to them when they get ill, women get angry and scared when he’s not what he used to be — so they fight,” said Dr. Schlossberg.

Chronic illnesses, like diabetes, arthritis and heart disease, can have a strong negative effect on mood, said Dr. Waite, who will


soon be publishing a study on the subject.

Diabetes is so often accompanied by depression that Dr. Waite said “one of my colleagues argues that that it is even part of the disease.”

And ailments can have an effect on a couple’s sex life — which can compound the marital problems, doctors said.

“Diabetes brings on neuropathy,” said Dr. Waite. “That means touching and feeling in sex is not as rewarding.”

Without the pleasures of affectionate touching — whether a passing hug at the sink or more — tensions can build.

That’s why, if a couple is having problems with sex, they are more likely to have problems in the relationship — and vice versa, according to a 2007 New England Journal of Medicine study of sex and health among older adults.

Other changes in circumstances such as retirement, shifting roles, the loss of autonomy, disparities in health and abilities

can wreak havoc. Losing independence can feel like losing oneself — and if you don’t know who you are any more, how can you know how to relate to your spouse?

“Fighting may come from a misguided notion that you can regain power by asserting it over your spouse. It doesn’t work, it’s false power – but they’ll try anything.” said Dr. Schlossberg, whose observations are echoed in a 1984 study in The Canadian Journal of Medicine.

The sheer exhaustion that can come from being the caregiving spouse is also bound to “make them stressed and angry,” said Dr. Waite.

Not to mention guilty and resentful — never a prescription

for happy marital relations. “Part of the trap for the caregiver is the idea that you have to do it all, and the guilt you feel when you cannot live up to it,” said Dr. Gordon Herz, a psychologist in private practice in Madison, Wisc.

Not surprisingly, resentment can soon follow, Dr. Herz added, because it is hard to admit to anyone that, “‘this is too much for me.‘”

What can outside caregivers — children or other loved ones — do about these golden marriages on the rocks?

Should they intervene — or butt out?

And can marital therapy help — or is it too late to change?


Il 23 agosto scorso il Co.As.It. ha celebrato la Settimana degli Anziani con un pranzo speciale presso la Tavernetta Function Centre di Carseldine.

Con il supporto del COTA, il Co.As.It. ha avuto modo di presentare e riconoscere i contributi importanti offerti dagli anziani stessi all’interno della comunità, che si trova ad abbracciare una visione sempre più aperta nei confronti degli anziani e del processo di invecchiamento.

Gli ospiti hanno avuto modo di scambiare quattro chiacchiere e ritrovare i loro amici prima dell’inizio del programma ufficiale della giornata mentre la sala si riempiva delle note di famose canzoni italiane.

Il programma ufficiale della giornata è iniziato con i discorsi di benvenuto da parte del Cav. Nereo Brezzi, Presidente del Co.As.It. e dalla direttrice del Co.As.It. Dina Ranieri.A seguire, un cliente del Co.As.It. ha condiviso la

propria storia ed ha espresso la sua profonda gratitudine nei confronti del personale del Co.As.It. che ha offerto aiuto e sostengo nei momenti di grande bisogno. Una storia vera e commovente raccontata in modo semplice che è rimasta negli occhi e nel cuore dei presenti e del personale del Co.As.It.

Dopo il pranzo a buffet, è stata la volta di un altro ospite di eccezione: Beverley Rilatt-Richardson.


L’intervento di Beverley ha confermato ancora una volta che ‘l’età non è una barriera alla felicità’.

Beverley ha parlato della sua vita e dei suoi successi sia da giovane che da persona anziana, guidata dalla stessa passione che l’ha portata ad aprire la propria attività all’età di 68 anni.

Walter Morellato e Cathy Drummond hanno successivamente intrattenuto

gli ospiti sulla pista da ballo con amati classici e quei brani italiani senza tempo.

L’estrazione della lotteria ha reso ovviamente felici i vincitori che si sono portati a casa i premi gentilmente donati per la giornata: due cestini regalo da The Little Shop in Virginia che vende vari prodotti italiani, un buono per un trattamento di bellezza da Lynne Pai a Carseldine e due buoni da $250 ciascuno per un servizio fotografico da Deep

Grey Photography. Alla lista dei vincitori si sono aggiunti anche un ospite per ogni tavolo grazie ai lucky door prizes.

Il Co.As.It. desidera ringraziare tutti gli sponsor per le loro generose donazioni e il loro sostegno ed estendere un ringraziamento speciale a COTA.

Per saperne di più sui prossimi eventi organizzati dal Co.As.It. Vi invitiamo a chiamare il 3262 5755.


The Narangba social activity groups have had a special guest recently with the appearance of Elvis.

Well, perhaps not in a physical form but he was certainly performing some great moves and singing with us in spirit!

The social activity centre at Acacia Ridge was transformed into a fabulous venue for High Tea recently with elegant waiters, (our care personnel scrub up beautifully as high-class waiters!), table service and delicacies which were a feast for the eyes as well as the tummy!

The attendees loved the mood and dressed accordingly in beautiful apparel and elegant headwear – all in keeping with the rather high-brow affair!



Il 10 agosto scorso il gruppo sociale del Co.As.It. è partito da Newmarket con destinazione Mt Coot-tha e, a seguire, pranzo al Broncos League Club.

Il pullman, senza posti liberi come al solito, ha affrontato senza problemi la strada in salita verso Mt Coot-tha e il cielo limpido ha offerto ai gitanti le condizioni perfette per godersi un panorama veramente meraviglioso.

Arrivati in vetta, il gruppo si è riposato davanti a caffè e dolci chiacchierando e discutendo gli ultimi avvenimenti nella comunità italiana mentre davanti ai loro occhi si presentava una Brisbane stupenda vista dall’alto.

Sulla via del ritorno il gruppo si è fermato ai giardini botanici, particolarmente colorati in questo periodo dell’anno.

I giardini offrono varie attività quali ad esempio, passeggiate guidate, giri con i minibus, corsi di yoga e perfino corsi di pittura.

Il gruppo ha felicemente concluso la giornata con un pranzo al Broncos League Club dove si è anche esibito, per la gioia dei presenti, il cantante musicista Fortunato che ha presentato un ampio repertorio di classici italiani, conosciuti ed amati da tutti i presenti. Dopo un paio di balli in pista e

qualche chiacchierata il gruppo é risalito sull’autobus per il rientro. Una altra fantastica gita e una bellissima giornata trascorsa in mezzo alla natura e assieme a cari amici.

Per prenotare o per saperne di più, si prega di contattare il Co.As.It. al 3262 2755.


Un altro pullman pieno di allegri gitanti è partito da Newmarket il 5 ottobre scorso alla volta dei campi di fragole a Maroochydore, sulla Sunshine Coast.

Con condizioni meteorologiche favorevoli – una giornata di sole dopo tante di pioggia – il

gruppo si è goduto il viaggio con canzoni italiane, chiacchiere, risate ed ovviamente uno splendido panorama dai vetri dell’autobus.

Appena arrivati, sono stati in molti a correre nei campi per raccogliere le fragole più belle, più rosse e ovviamente più

buone. Solamente quando i cesti si sono riempiti il gruppo si è ritrovato, stanco ma contento, al bar per un caffè ed un dolcetto.

A giudicare dalla luce negli occhi di molti, l’esperienza nei campi deve aver riportato nella loro memoria cari ricordi di gioventù quando nei campi italiani si raccoglievano i frutti del proprio lavoro, ricordi che hanno condiviso serenamente con gli altri gitanti.

Probabilmente erano passati qualche anno dall’ultima loro giornata di lavoro nei campi..

La gita è proseguita, come da programma, con un pranzo al Maroochy RSL, dove si sono divisi, oltre alle varie portate, anche chiacchiere e risate.

Una bellissima giornata trascorsa con amici e madre natura, lontani dalla bella ma a volte caotica città di Brisbane.

Per prenotare o per saperne di più, si prega di contattare il Co.As.It. al 3262 2755.


Il 16 settembre scorso un grande gruppo delle gite sociali del Co.As.It. si è riunito per andare a visitare il famoso festival dei fiori di Toowoomba.

Sono stati tanti quelli che, a causa del ritardo nella loro prenotazione, si sono persi una occasione splendida da passare assieme ad amici ed immersi nella natura. Per i partecipanti invece è stata una giornata meravigliosa sotto un sole stupendo circondato da sfilate e fiori.

Il pullman, partito da Newmarket alle 8, è arrivato a Toowoomba verso le 10.30. Un viaggio abbastanza lungo, che però non si è fatto sentire grazie alla gioiosa atmosfera nel pullman, alle canzoni e alle chiacchiere che hanno allietato il percorso.

Laurel Park, letteralmente coperto da un manto di fiori, è stata la prima fermata obbligatoria per scattare numerose foto, seguite da commenti e sorrisi di visitatori veramente contenti.

La giornata è proseguita con la visita al “Punta Picnic” per il pranzo: per alcuni al sacco, per altri dal menu del coffee shop: dolci, vino e caffè, ingredienti fondamentali per una giornata in allegria.

Il gruppo ha poi avuto modo di visitare altri giardini fra i quali

quello giapponese, famoso per la tranquillità che ispira.

Intorno alle 3 il gruppo si è ritrovato a Queen’s Park, pronto per ammirare la storica filata dei carri. Non erano ovviamente soli, visto che assieme a loro centinaia di persone si erano organizzate


per non perdersi uno spettacolo fantastico.

Il viaggio di rientro è stato veramente tranquillo e senza incidenti, ognuno impegnato a condividere le proprie esperienze della giornata con il gruppo.


Egidia is 90 years old and lives at home alone but thankfully has a wonderful caring family who assist her.

There are times however when Egidia is alone and some companionship is welcomed.

The weekly visits of CVS visitor Lucy Vecchio make a huge difference to her quality of life.

Lucy is one of Co.As.It.’s first CVS volunteers.

She started with us when the program began over 20 years ago – in fact her kids were little at the time but she always made time to keep an older person company despite being involved in school activities and having other family commitments.

Over the years, Lucy has been a volunteer on and off for Co.As.It. and her special caring nature, as well as being a constant source of inspiration, has managed to enrich the life of many older and isolated people.

During her visits, Egidia and Lucy may walk around the garden, sit together for a while enjoying the warm sun or just talk about things in general.

Lucy’s visit and the sharing of these simple pleasures is a joy for Egidia whose face lights up when she sees her friend.

Co.As.It.‘s in-home visitors are a great bunch of people and we

hope that they will continue to support the CVS program for years to come.

This program is one of the true ‘feel good’ experiences and we welcome anyone who has a bit of time to contact Sarina at Co.As.It. to learn more about becoming a friend.


Having a chinwag is a great recreational activity for older Italians living in a nursing home.

After all, it was a favourite activity when they were in Italy as regular brief meetings in the piazzas in Italy fulfil a number of things - catching up with friends and sharing news, having a coffee, seeing new people.

So, there is no reason not to keep doing this now - even if you are in a nursing home.

When CVS volunteer visitor Rosa Rowlands goes to visit

Ines and Maria at John Wesley Garden, she often attracts the interest of a number of other residents who like to sit together, swap news and chatter away in Italian. The little groups love sharing their culture and engaging in wonderful conversations over a cup of tea or coffee.

Laughter is common as residents recall happy times and family and squabble about which recipes are the best.

All they need now is an authentic coffee machine and

this could become like a regular gathering in the piazza!

Incidentally, the Community Visitor Program has received an influx of enquiries from younger volunteers.

It is indeed refreshing to see youth in our community taking an interest and an active role in getting to know and provide social support to residents in aged care. Let’s hope more young people come on board - we can start a new trend, “Hanging with the Elders”!


Il Co.As.It. vi invita ad unirvi al loro concerto di fine anno, che si terrà sabato 25 novembre presso il Vecchio Museo (Old Museum) a Bowen Hills dalle 14.30 alle 18, per uno spettacolo speciale con l’artista internazionale ALFIO!

Dopo un altro tour di successo negli Stati Uniti, due prestigiose nomine agli Emmy e un album nazionale, nato a Sydney ma ora residente a New York, Alfio sarà a Brisbane per un solo concerto in esclusiva per il Co.As.It.

Con una formidabile voce, fascino e umorismo, Alfio si propone come un tenore “diverso” grazie alle sue moderne interpretazioni di classici italiani e canzoni famose che coprono generi musicali diversi.

Nell’agosto del 2015, Alfio è entrato a far parte dell’illustre gruppo di esecutori di classe mondiale con il suo primo album “Alfio in concerto”, al quale ha fatto seguito un tour nazionale.

Di origine italiana, Alfio porta sul palcoscenico la sua formazione classica e grazie al suo repertorio si confronta spesso con artisti del calibro di

Andrea Bocelli, Michael Bublè, Frank Sinatra e Elvis Presley.

La sua voce e il suo carisma innato riportano in vita, per la gioia del pubblico, i grandi del passato in uno spettacolo affascinante nel quale vengono alternati brani dei grandi con le proprie canzoni originali.

Un motivo in più insomma per non perdersi il concerto di fine anno, che vedrà assieme ad Alfio sul palcoscenico la soprano Gabrielle Jack ed il tenore Roger Davy, impegnati in uno spettacolo degno dei teatri di Broadway.

Il concerto di fine anno sarà ancora una volta una data

importante nel calendario comunitario, una occasione per incontrare vecchi e nuovi amici e festeggiare le feste natalizie con un bicchiere di prosecco ed una fetta di panettone.

I biglietti possono essere acquistati chiamando il Co.As.It. al 3262 5755.

Il costo: $20 che comprende un bicchiere di prosecco ed una fetta di panettone.

Per ulteriori informazioni su questo e sugli altri eventi comunitari organizzati dal Co.As.It. vi invitiamo a chiamare (3262 5755) o a visitare il nostro sito ufficiale (www.coasit.asn.au)


The annual Gold Coast Community Expo and Seniors Forum was held recently.

The event was well organised and well attended also: dozens of exhibitors from a wide range of areas including health, legal and financial planning services, aged care and seniors’ lifestyle choices displayed their services and created a growing awareness of senior options on the South Coast.

Co.As.It.’s South Coast office was well represented with a display and information stand, together with a number of governing bodies and agencies such as Centrelink, the Department of Veterans Affairs and the City of Gold Coast.

The Hon Steven Ciobo MP also attended this important event.


For Italians, August is a favourite month of the year and it really is a crazy time in Italy as tourist season peaks during this summer month.

The reason for all this excitement is one particular day, August 15 or Ferragosto, when almost everyone in Italy takes a holiday. Second only to Christmas, Ferragosto is a day away from work, surrounded

by friends and loved ones with a week around it filled with concerts, outdoor festivals and copious amounts of delicious food.

So why exactly do Italians celebrate this seemingly random day in the middle of the hottest month of the year?

Believe it or not, Ferragosto dates from the year 18 B.C.

when Emperor Augustus created a holiday, “Feriae Augusti” or “Festivals of Augustus”.

Horse races were organized all across the Roman Empire and people everywhere celebrated this rare day off from work with huge feasts and entertainment.

Incredibly, these mad horse races have survived the millennia to still run on 16


August at the Palio di Siena, the internationally famous and dangerous horse race.

Perhaps the most notorious significance to this day was accorded by Benito Mussolini, who organized discounted train travel, called the “People’s trains of Ferragosto”.

Back in the days, Ferragosto was for many Italians the only

annual vacation where they could travel away from their hometowns and their jobs to see other parts of Italy.

Since Ferragosto is also a Catholic feast, established in the 5th century AD, the day happens to be a national holiday in Italy - as much a part of daily life as it has been for the last two thousand years.

Not to be outdone, the Gold Coast social groups created their own Ferragosto, themed “A day at the beach”.

The Centre was decorated accordingly with lots of games tailored to suit the beach theme such as limbo, hula hoop, beach ball games and lots of singing and dancing.


August’s highlight was the Seniors Day Function that was held at the Italo-Australian Club on Thursday 24 August and supported by Gold Coast City Council.

A brief presentation by Allied Connect about the benefits of exercise was the perfect stimulus to break out some spry dance moves to the wonderful music of Fortunato.

It was a packed dance floor as people took the valuable advice to heart and worked in a little cardio-vascular exercise to the enjoyment of dancers and observers.

With 160 people attending, lunch was a very lively meal indeed and the delicious food was the perfect refuelling mechanism for more dance activity throughout the afternoon.


The ILC Centre was the venue for a number of exciting events during the recent celebration of all things Italian at FESTITALIA on Sunday 8 October 2017.

All day, visitors streamed in to view the colourful display of Venetian masks. Once the masks were viewed for inspiration, children (and adults) had the opportunity to create their own masterpiece

at the Venetian Mask Making Workshop. Also on display were the winning and highly commended entries of the ILC’s 2017 Calligram Competition.

This year, the theme was ‘Bandiere e colori’ and with the slogan ‘disegnare con le parole’, students from all over Queensland created images using words (in Italian, of course).

A number of students who were present at Festitalia came to view the Calligram display and proudly pointed out their winning entry.

Before leaving ILC, visitors had the opportunity to find out about all the Italian language courses currently on offer at the Italian Language Centre.


The governments of Italy and Australia, specifically the State of Queensland, have enjoyed cordial relations for many years.

This productive relationship was strengthened by the recent signing of a Statement of Intent (SOI) which outlines the intention to cooperate in the field of Education.

During their mandate in Australia, the Italian authorities Dott. Ludovico Carlo Camussi, Italian Consul for Queensland and the Northern Territory and Dott.ssa Anna Rita Tamponi, Director of the Italian Embassy’s

Educational and Cultural Office in Canberra, have been tireless in supporting events that promote the teaching of Italian.

The Italian Government gives high priority to the teaching and learning of the Italian language in Queensland.

This is an agenda so evident in the signing of the abovementioned SOI as well as the provision of funding to support Italian programs in Queensland schools.

The close cooperation between the Italian authorities and

Stephen Biggs, Executive Director of DET International, ensures the continuation of the StuditaliA prize, now in its 23rd year.

It also promotes strategies to ensure a constant supply of suitably qualified teachers of Italian for Queensland schools whilst ensuring educational cooperation through initiatives such as the establishment of sister schools, exchange programs for Principals and students and the sharing of effective educational practices. The result of this cooperation was a recent visit to Australia


of a delegation led by Rossella Schietroma, Director-General of the Rome based MIUR Office for the Internationalisation of Education.

She was accompanied by a senior MIUR officer and five secondary school Principals and their deputies from Genova, Cagliari, Reggio Calabria, Catania and Cividale del Friuli.

After meeting with the Italian Ambassador in Canberra, they were accompanied to Brisbane by Dott.ssa Anna Rita Tamponi. Here, they were hosted by DET International at an event to

meet the StuditaliA 2017 prize winners.

Co.As.It.-ILC President Nereo Brezzi and Co.As.It.-ILC Director Dina Ranieri organised an event where the delegation met and networked with principals and teachers of Italian from State and Catholic High Schools in and around Brisbane.

A highlight of the visit was a dinner hosted by Dott. Ludovico Camussi. The delegation also had the opportunity to visit Griffith University on the Gold Coast before ending their Australian trip in Sydney.

The high-profile delegation visit is proof of what is possible subsequent to the signing of the Statement of Intent which seeks to:• strengthen ties• foster collaboration and • encourage continued support for the promotion and teaching of Italian language and culture in Queensland schools.

(*Ministero dell’istruzione, dell’università e della ricerca)


The Modern Languages Teachers Association Queensland (MLTAQ) was formed in 1959 with a membership of 105 teachers.

The scope was to form a support network for language teachers and it has since grown to include thousands of members across Queensland.

During the month of August, the MLTAQ Sunshine Coast and MLTAQ Peninsular branches each organised Language Speaking Competitions for students to showcase their linguistic skills.

The speaking competition month kicked off with the annual

Cairns Languages Speaking Competition, which took place on 9th and 10th August at the Cairns School of Distance Education.

Now in its seventh year, the competition has steadily grown and this year over 550 students from over 25 schools in the Cairns district came together over the two days, presenting speeches in the Italian, Chinese, French, Indonesian and Japanese divisions.

This year, for the first time, students were also able to take part in several collaborative art projects, which will be

displayed at participating schools over the next 12 months.

Next, it was the turn of the MLTAQ Sunshine Coast Branch whose members teach languages in schools across a vast area that ranges Caboolture to Gympie and west to the Great Dividing Range.

Teachers of Italian, French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese and Indonesian had the opportunity to enter their students in the 10th annual MLTAQ Speaking Competition held at the University of the Sunshine Coast on Sunday 27


August 2017. Over 600 entries were received and throughout the day students presented their speeches to teams of judges across all languages.

The Italian judging teams at both competitions sat before students from year 4 to Year 12 and expressed their opinion on their fluency, pronunciation and accuracy.

Judges agreed the standard was extremely high, reflecting the effective language teaching and learning taking place in Italian classrooms throughout the Cairns and the Sunshine Coast areas. All participating students received a bag of Italian goodies as a memento of the day and winning students were presented with medals and certificates.

Dina Ranieri, Director of Co.As.It. ILC firmly believes in supporting the promotion and teaching of Italian in Queensland by sponsoring events such as the MLTAQ Sunshine Coast Speaking Competition and the Cairns All Languages Speaking Competition.