Ceara Üniversitesi

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Transcript of Ceara Üniversitesi

  • 7/25/2019 Ceara niversitesi



  • 7/25/2019 Ceara niversitesi


    Table of contents General presentation Foundation and institutional mission

    Campi Contacts Academic information Personnel

    Teaching Research Extension International affairs Student services Application procedures for foreign students Welcome information for foreign students

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    GENERAL PRESENTATIONThe Universidade Federal do Cear lies in the State of Cear, in the Northeast ofBrazil.

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    For tourist information, see:






    The Universidade Federal do Cears campiare situated in Cears capital city,Fortaleza, as well as in the cities of Sobral

    and Quixad and in Cariri region.


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    GENERAL PRESENTATIONThe Universidade Federal do Cear (UFC) is recognized as oneof the best federal institutions of higher education in Brazil.Therefore it represents an important scientific and cultural

    heritage of Cears people. Its programs are distributed amongfour centers (Science, Agricultural Sciences, Human Sciences,and Technology), five colleges (Law; Education; Economics,Administration, Actuarial Sciences, and Accounting; Pharmacy,

    Dentistry, and Nursing; and Medicine), and three institutes(Sea Sciences; Culture and Art; Physical Education and Sports).

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    The Universidade Federal do Cear (UFC) is a public

    institution related to the Ministry of Education. It wasfounded in response to an intensive public mobilization andcreated by the Federal Law 2,373 of December, 1954. Theopening ceremony occurred on June 25, 1955, at the Jos

    de Alencar Theater. By that time, it was still calledUniversidade do Cear and was composed of the School ofAgriculture, the College of Pharmacy and Dentistry, theSchool of Law and the College of Medicine.

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    The institution grew quickly and created new programs,

    primarily seeking to meet the local needs for qualifiedhuman resources. Currently this University offers programsin many different knowledge areas, distributed among itsmajor four centers (Science, Agricultural Sciences, Human

    Sciences, and Technology), five colleges (Law; Education;Medicine; Economics, Administration, Actuarial Sciences,and Accounting; and Pharmacy, Dentistry, and Nursing),and two institutes (Sea Sciences and Culture and Art).



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    Still keeping its first slogan the universal through the

    regional, the UFC is truly committed to solve localproblems, without forgetting the universal feature of itsproduction. Located in Fortaleza, capital of the State ofCear, it is one of the components of the State Higher

    Education System. Its actions are based on the stateterritory in order to effectively respond to the variousdemands of society.

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    CAMPI In the urban area of Fortaleza, the UFC

    occupies 233 hectares, divided into three campi.

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    The campus also includes theCenter of Foreign Languages aswell as facilities for the promotionof artistic and cultural activities

    such as the University FM RadioStation, the Museum of Art, theCasa Amarela Euslio de Oliveira(the School of Image and Sound),the Publishing House and theAcoustic Shell/Auditorium

    (outdoor conference area).

    The Benfica Campus (13ha) is comprised of theuniversitys administrativecenter, housing the Rectorsoffice and otheradministrative posts inaddition to the Center ofHuman Sciences and the

    Colleges of Law, Educationand that of Economics,Business Administrationand Accounting.

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    CAMPI The Pici Campus (212 ha) accommodates the Center of Sciences,

    the Center of Agricultural Sciences, the Center of Technology, the

    Institute of Physical Education and Sports; the UndergraduateCollege, the Graduate College; the Main Library, the Data-Processing Center, the Sports Center and a variety of laboratories,including the Natural Product Research Lab. The Campus will alsoinclude the Culture and Art Institute, which is being built;

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    CAMPI The Porangabussu Campus (8 ha) houses the

    University Hospital (the Hospital Universitrio Walter

    Cantdio), the University Maternity Hospital (theMaternidade-Escola Assis Chateaubriand), the Collegeof Medicine, and the College of Pharmacy, Dentistry andNursing. In addition, it also houses the Center for

    Hematology, various laboratories, and out-patient clinics.

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    CAMPI Outside the three campi, the Universidade

    Federal do Cear also administers Labomar(the Sea Sciences Institute) and AlagadioNovo Park.

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    CAMPI Labomar (the Sea Sciences Institute) does

    research in the areas of Ocean Science,Fisheries and Fishing Technology.

    Alagadio Novo Park comprises not only thehouse where the renowned Brazilian writer Josde Alencar was born, but also facilities forworkshops, lectures and meetings: a museum, atraining center, and a historical site. In addition,

    the park has recently been turned into a placefor people to attend chorinhomusicperformances and to eat feijoada.

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    CAMPI Outside Fortaleza, there are three extended campi in

    the countryside one located in the city of Sobral, in thenorth of Cear, another in the city of Barbalha, in thesouth, and the third one located in the city of Quixad, inthe center of the State. Each of them occupies 20 ha.

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    CAMPI The Sobral Campus offers undergraduate programs in

    Economics, Computation Engineering, Medicine,Dentistry, and Psychology. It also offers two mastersdegree programs Family Health and Biotechnology.

    The undergraduate programs of the Cariri Campus are

    Administration, Agronomy, Library Science, CivilEngineering, Philosophy, and Medicine. A mastersdegree program in Regional Sustainable Development isbeing created.

    The Quixad Campus offers currently only one academic(undergraduate) program Information Systems.

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    Email and website

    http://www.cai.ufc.brWebsite of the International

    Relations Office

    (CAI Coordenadoria de

    Assuntos Internacionais)

    Prof. Dr. Maria Elias Soares

    +55 (85) 3366.7333 / +55 (85) 3366.7336

    Head of the International

    Relations Office

    (CAI Coordenadoria de

    Assuntos Internacionais)

    Prof. Dr. Jesualdo Pereira Farias

    +55 (85) 3366.7305 / +55 (85) 3366.7306


    Universidade Federal do Cear (UFC)

    Av. da Universidade, 2853 Benfica Fortaleza


    CEP 60020-181 Fone: +55 (85) 3366 7300

    Name and Address

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    - Centro de Humanidades (http://www.ch.ufc.br)- Faculdade de Direito (http://www.direito.ufc.br)

    - Faculdade de Economia, Administrao, Aturia e Contabilidade


    - Faculdade de Educao (http://www.faced.ufc.br)

    - Centro de Cincias (http://www.centrodeciencias.ufc.br/)- Centro de Cincias Agrrias (http://www.cca.ufc.br)

    - Centro de Tecnologia (http://www.ct.ufc.br)

    - Faculdade de Farmcia, Odontologia e Enfermagem (http://ffoe.ufc.br)

    - Faculdade de Medicina (http://www.medicina.ufc.br)

    - Instituto de Cincias do Mar (http://www.labomar.ufc.br)

    - Instituto de Cultura e Arte (http://www.ica.ufc.br)


    The same as the academic calendarLecture


    The dates of the academic year at the UFC can be checked at: http://www.ufc.br

    link Calendrio Universitrio.

    - 1st four-month period: from mid February to the beginning of July- 2nd four-month period: from the beginning of August to the beginning of




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    The UFC, as any other Brazilian public university, charges no study


    Study fees

    Portuguese; English, Spanish, French, German, Italian as foreignlanguages; Greek and Latin; Esperanto (not a regular course)



    languageused in the


    Mark scale: from 0,0 (minimum) to 10,0 (maximum)

    Minimum average:

    -7,0 (for ordinary exams) or-5,0 (for final exams in case of minimum average for ordinary exams

    not reached)



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    The UFC has an approximate total of 1,800 facultymembers. From that total, around 1,100 hold a PhD

    degree and 450, a masters degree. The technical andadministrative staff is composed of 3,400 members.There are also 803 outsourced service providers.

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    TEACHING The UFC offers 101 undergraduate programs, 84

    specialization programs, 52 masters programs and 35PhD programs.

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    TEACHING The UFC presents an approximate total enrollment of

    30,000 academic students almost 26,000 are enrolledin undergraduate programs and over 3,800 are takinggraduate programs.

    Besides these, there are the distance education

    students and the extension students, whose sums arerespectively about 5,000 and over 6,000. The formerstudents spread throughout Cear and the latter includesthe over 5,000 who took part in the continuing educationprogram at the Houses of Foreign Cultures.

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    RESEARCH Research activities are mainly carried out by the

    academic departments, experimental farm stations, the

    Laboratory of Ocean Science, the Laboratory of NaturalProducts, the Technological Development Center(PADETEC) and dozens of other laboratories.

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    RESEARCH These units undertake both basic and applied

    researches and are, in general, supported by institutions

    such as CAPES Coordination Office for theImprovement of Staff with Higher Education, CNPqNational Council for Scientific and TechnologicDevelopment, FINEP Sponsoring Agency forResearches and Projects, at the national level, andFUNCAP Cearense Foundation for the Developmentof Researches, and BNB the Northeastern Bank ofBrazil (Banco do Nordeste do Brasil), at the regionallevel. The research activities are often organized in

    research groups, which currently sum into 247.

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    Extension activities at the UFC consist of communityservices, cultural activities and diffusion of scientific andtechnological knowledge. As to activities of artistic andcultural nature, many permanent and temporary coursesare promoted and supported by the UFC. The scientificand technological diffusion is primarily developedthrough a large variety of courses and services, whichcreate a bond between the university and society. Thecommunity services link various activities in urban and

    rural areas through hundreds of social projects.

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    EXTENSION Concerning health and medical assistance, the UFC

    provides care and orientation to the academic and non-

    academic population, within the state, through theUniversity Hospital (Hospital Universitrio WalterCantdio), with 238 beds, and the University MaternityHospital (Maternidade Escola Assis Chateaubriand), with

    220 beds. The hospital complex, with its 458 beds andits support services, treats people from near and far,playing a vital role in providing medical care in the stateof Cear. The Hospital does hundreds of thousands of

    clinic proceedings, almost 1 million laboratory exams,over 290,000 consultations, 6,858 hospitalizations andover 5,396 surgeries every year.

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    Community development projects are currentlyunderway in Fortaleza itself and in surroundingcommunities, both urban and rural. Activities in the fine

    arts include extension courses and special programs. Intotal, there are 685 extension projects, which arebeneficial to thousands of people through the wholeState.

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    INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS The UFC has a large experience in international

    cooperation and exchange programs with foreignuniversities and other types of foreign institutions.Currently it keeps 99 agreements with universities from17 different countries.

    It is also important to highlight that the UFC takes part inthe successful Federal Governments PEC-GProgram Student-Agreement Program undergraduate programs

    (Programa Estudante Convnio Graduao), hostingstudents from all Latin America and Africa.

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    INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS Such an intense work has allowed faculty members to

    obtain outstanding advanced educational training andhas provided means to exchange scientific andtechnologic information as well.

    Currently, the cooperation agreements cover manydifferent knowledge areas, allowing contact amongresearch groups, providing means to improve graduate

    programs and promoting the exchange of undergraduateand graduate students as well as faculty members.

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    INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS Participation in 4 Erasmus Mundus mobility projects:Eubranex, Mundus17, Emundus15, Emundus17.

    Participation in 15 university international networks (Aridas,

    AULP, Bracerb, Double Degree, Emundus15, Emundus17,Eubranex, Mundus17, Fodepal, Grupo Coimbra deUniversidades Brasileiras, Grupo Tordesilhas, Redibep,OUI, UDUAL, Universia).

    Student mobility including Double Degree in undergraduate

    (France), masters degree (USA) and PhD programs (France). Some numbers of 2009:

    125 UFCs professors abroad for conventions, jointresearch and other academic activities.

    144 UFC students in international mobility. 37 foreign mobility students and 8 foreign professors at

    UFC. 115 African or Latin American foreign students in full

    undergraduate programs (PEC-G program)

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    STUDENT SERVICESWithin the UFC, the students enrolled on either regular

    academic programs or continuing education programs

    have access to the following services:1.A library system with 15 units, with an overall number of

    102,928 titles and 232,778 exemplars, including books,journals, theses, and dissertations. The library system

    offers services of household lending, bibliographiccommuting, and other types of support services;

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    STUDENT SERVICES2. A set of facilities and equipment designed for the

    promotion of artistic and cultural activities, such as the

    Art Museum, Casa Jos de Alencar (museum, trainingcenter, and historical site), Casa Amarela Euslio deOliveira (School of Image and Sound), UniversityTheater, University Radio Station (FM 107,9), the UFCPublishing House and the Acoustic Shell/Auditorium;

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    STUDENT SERVICES3. An extensive program of continuing education in

    foreign languages offered by the Center of Foreign

    Languages, where the students can learn English,French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish;

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    4. A restaurant on Pici Campus and another on BenficaCampus. Both have a very low-priced fee, offer menuswhich include vegetarian options and are open forstudents who have an identification card;

    5. A medical-odontological service unit, but not offeringmedical specialty care. Since the Brazilian publichealth system is precarious, foreign students orteachers are supposed to make anticipated

    arrangements relating to health services.

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    FOR FOREIGN STUDENTS All applications must be forwarded by the Office of International

    Relations of the student's home Institution, by filling in the form(which is available athttp://www.cai.ufc.br/mobilidadeestrangeiro.htm) and sending it toour International Relations Office, by air mail, with all the requiredand signed documents enclosed, according to the instructions foundon the above-mentioned web page.

    All foreign students are earnestly requested to forward their

    applications at least TWO MONTHS before the beginning of theperiod they intend to spend at the Universidade Federal do Cear.The dates of the academic year at the UFC can be checked at:http://www.ufc.br link Calendrio Universitrio. 1st four-month period: from mid February to the beginning of July

    2nd four-month period: from the beginning of August to the beginning ofDecember

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    FOR FOREIGN STUDENTS Once the application has been accepted,

    the above-mentioned Office will send aletter of acceptance to the Office ofInternational Relations of the homeInstitution, in order to facilitate access toa student visa.

    o Printed application form

    o Photocopy of passport (identification,

    number of passport and expiry date)

    o Updated official transcript and academic

    statement of current enrollment and

    studies at the home universityo Letter from the student explaining the

    reasons why he/she would like to study at

    the UFC

    o Letter from the Institutional Coordinator

    presenting the student to the UFC

    Documents to be sent by the applicant The UFC offers no

    accommodation facilities. Inthe site of the Secretariat ofTourism of Cear, there is alist of hotels, inns and hostels:http://www.setur.ce.gov.br/tem

    plate_setur_en. The student must obtain the

    study visa before leavinghis/her country, no matter howlong the period of studies is.

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    FOR FOREIGN STUDENTS The student must obtain the study visa before leaving his/her

    country, no matter how long the period of studies is.

    All applicants must be currently enrolled and attending courses atthe home University which enable them to follow the intendedstudies at the UFC. The foreign applicant must be in good academicstanding and must have completed at least one year in the programat the home University.

    Although there is neither the formal requirement for a proficiencytest nor for an interview, it is strongly recommended that all foreignstudents must be able to communicate in the Portuguese language,corresponding to level B1 in the Common European Framework ofReference (CEF).

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    FOR FOREIGN STUDENTS It is important to highlight that foreign exchange students will not be

    charged enrollment fees or annuity at the UFC, based on theunderstandings established in the cooperation agreements. Allstudents who are accepted to study at the UFC will have access tolibraries and to the university restaurant (where a small fee, currentlyR$ 1,10, is charged for the meals), besides having access to anidentification card which will allow the student to pay reduced fares(currently R$ 0,90, in place of R$ 1,80) on local public transportation

    and buy half-price tickets for cultural events in the city of Fortaleza.However, the UFC does not offer accommodation for foreignstudents.

    Academic information concerning the list of courses taught can befound at http://www.ufc.br links Graduao > Cursos de Graduao.


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    FOREIGN STUDENTS1. The student must go to CAI(Coordenadoria de

    Assuntos Internacionais), located at the Rectors

    Office (Av. da Universidade, 2853, Benfica, at thecorner with Av. Treze de Maio), with his or herpassport and a copy of it in order to fill out formsand get more information and documents before

    going to the next places.2. At the Departamento de Polcia Federal (Federal

    Police Department), located at Rua PaulaRodrigues, 304, Ftima, near Igreja de Ftima

    (Ftima Church), the student will request his orher identification card by paying a fee around R$200.00.




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    FOREIGN STUDENTS3. At the Secretaria da Receita Federal

    (Secretariat of the Federal Revenue), located

    at R. Baro de Aracati, 909, Aldeota, at thecorner with Av. Pereira Filgueiras, he or she willrequest a document called CPF (PhysicalPerson Register) necessary for most

    circumstances related to civil law.4. Such a document will be used at the Pr-

    Reitoria de Graduao (UndergraduateCollege) or at the Pr-Reitoria de Pesquisa e

    Ps-Graduao (Graduate College), bothlocated at the Pici Campus. This is where thestudent will enroll in the University beforeintroducing him or herself at the Undergraduateor Graduate Program Coordination.




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    FOREIGN STUDENTS For individual students living alone and economically, the

    average cost of living is from R$ 500.00 to R$ 1,000.00

    (around something from 187.00 to 375.00 or US$ 270.00to US$ 540.00). Fortaleza lies on the seaside of the State of Cear, in Brazil's

    Northeast. Its average temperature is from 27C to 32C. There are music shows, art exhibitions, theater plays or

    other cultural events at Drago do Mar Center of Art andCulture, located near Iracema Beach, at Banco doNordeste Cultural Centeras well as at Jos de AlencarTheater, both located downtown, and at a lot of other places,including occasionally the UFC itself, especially at the

    Acoustic Shell, the Museum of Modern Art, Casa AmarelaEuslio de Oliveira (the School of Image and Sound), andAlagadio Novo Park .

    Informationon the cost

    of living,climate andculturalevents



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    FOREIGN STUDENTS On Sundays and holidays, it is usually a good idea to go to

    Futuro Beachor to a near beach outside Fortaleza.Informationon the cost

    of living,climate andculturalevents


    http://www.etufor.ce.gov.brBus timeschedulesand routes

    The UFC offers free access to leisure and sport facilities,coordinated by the Pro-rectorate of Student Affairs. There arealso occasional music shows and other cultural events such asexhibitions and calouradas (parties to welcome new students).

    Leisure andSport



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    076 Conjunto Cear / AldeotaFromPici Campus toAldeota028 Antnio Bezerra / Papicu

    FromPici Campusdowntown200 Av. Bezerra de Menezes

    014 Av. Aguanambi II

    FromBenfica Campus toDrago do Mar Center of Art and Culture077 Parangaba / Mucuripe

    038 Parangaba / Papicu

    030 Siqueira / Papicu

    FromBenfica Campus toAldeota neighborhood011 Circular I

    504 Av. Treze de Maio /

    Rodoviria II

    502 Vila Unio

    FromBenfica Campusdowntown014 Av. Aguanambi II

    371 Parangaba / Jos Bastos

    355 Siqueira / Jos Bastos

    FromBenfica Campus toPorangabussu Campus and vice-versa; from

    Porangabussu Campusdowntown throughBenfica neighborhood

    350 Av. Jos BastosFromPici Campus toPorangabussu Campus and vice-versa080 Francisco S / Parangaba

    FromBenfica Campus toPici Campus and vice-versa;

    fromPici Campus to Iguatemi Mall and Unifor throughBenfica


    075 Campus do Pici / UniforBus
