Ce keystone

Post on 06-May-2015

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Transcript of Ce keystone

Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach Co-Founder & CEO Powerful Learning Practice, LLChttp://plpnetwork.comsheryl@plpnetwork.com

President21st Century Collaborative, LLChttp://21stcenturycollaborative.com

Follow me on Twitter@snbeach

In Phillip Schlechty's book

Leading for Learning: How to Transform Schools into Learning Organizations

He makes a case for transformation of schools.

Reform- installing innovations that will work within the context of the existing culture and structure of schools. It usually means changing procedures, processes, and technologies with the intent of improving performance of existing operation systems.

It involves repositioning and reorienting action by putting an organization into a new business or adopting radically different means of doing the work traditionally done.

Transformation includes altering the beliefs, values, meanings- the culture- in which programs are embedded, as well as changing the current system of rules, roles, and relationship- social structure-so that the innovations needed will be supported.

Transformation- is intended to make it possible to do things that have never been done by the organization undergoing the transformation.

Different than

So as we develop our change agent vision for learning -- How do you see it- should you be a reformer or a transformer and why?

Make your case for using one or the other as a change strategy in your school.

The world is changing...


Shifting From Shifting To

Learning at school Learning anytime/anywhere

Teaching as a private event Teaching as a public collaborative practice

Learning as passiveparticipant

Learning in a participatory culture

Learning as individuals

Linear knowledge

Learning in a networked community

Distributed knowledge

By the year 2011 80% of all Fortune 500 companies will be using immersive worlds – Gartner Vice President Jackie Fenn

Libraries 2.0Management 2.0 Education 2.0Warfare 2.0Government 2.0Vatican 2.0

Credit: Hugh MacLeod, gapingvoid

Everything 2.0


Our kids have tasted the honey.




















Free range learners

Almost from birth today’s children have free range access to knowledge.

The potential exists for all kiddos to learn what they want – when they want.


The Disconnect“Every time I go to school, I have to power down.” --a high school student

The pace of change is accelerating

It is estimated that 1.5 exabytes of unique new information will be generated worldwide this year.

That’s estimated to be more than in the previous 5,000 years.

Knowledge Creation

For students starting a four-year education degree, this means that . . .

half of what they learn in their first year of study will be outdated by their third year of study.

Are you using the smallest number of high leverage, easy to understand actions to unleash stunningly powerful consequence?

What do you wonder?

• About connected learning?

• How do you define the terms?

• What questions are percolating up for you?

Personal Learning Networks (building of your tribe)

Are you mobilizing and contextualizing what you are learning? Can I find you and learn from you?

It’s out of networks that community falls. ~ Nancy White

Photo Credit: http://www.consciousaging.com/

Shift in Learning = New Possibilities

Shift from emphasis on teaching…

To an emphasis on co-learning

Shifts focus of literacy from individual expression to community involvement.

Students become producers, notjust consumersof knowledge.

Connected Learning

The computer connects the student to the rest of the worldLearning occurs through connections with other learnersLearning is based on conversation and interaction

Stephen Downes




Collective Action

According to Clay Shirky, there are four steps on a ladder to mastering the connected world: sharing, cooperating, collaborating, and collective action.

From his book- “Here Comes Everybody”

Connected Learner Scale

Share (Publish & Participate) –

Connect (Comment and Cooperate) –

Remixing (building on the ideas of others) –

Collaborate (Co-construction of knowledge and meaning) –

Collective Action (Social Justice, Activism, Service Learning) –

Shifts focus of literacy from individual expression to community involvement.


Education for Citizenship

“A capable and productive citizen doesn’t simply turn up for jury service. Rather, she is capable of serving impartially on trials that may require learning unfamiliar facts and concepts and new ways to communicate and reach decisions with her fellow jurors…. Jurors may be called on to decide complex matters that require the verbal, reasoning, math, science, and socialization skills that should be imparted in public schools. Jurors today must determine questions of fact concerning DNA evidence, statistical analyses, and convoluted financial fraud, to name only three topics.”

Justice Leland DeGrasse, 2001

Are there new Literacies- and if so, what are they?

“In a time of drastic change it is the learners who inherit the future. The learned usually find themselves equipped to live in a world that no longer exists.”

-- Eric Hoffer, Reflections on the Human Condition

Play — the capacity to experiment with one’s surroundings as a form of problem-solving

Performance — the ability to adopt alternative identities for the purpose of improvisation and discovery

Simulation — the ability to interpret and construct dynamic models of real-world processes

Appropriation — the ability to meaningfully sample and remix media content

Multitasking — the ability to scan one’s environment and shift focus as needed to salient details.

Distributed Cognition — the ability to interact meaningfully with tools that expand mental capacities


Collective Intelligence — the ability to pool knowledge and compare notes with others toward a common goal

Judgment — the ability to evaluate the reliability and credibility of different information sources

Transmedia Navigation — the ability to follow the flow of stories and information across multiple modalities

Networking — the ability to search for, synthesize, and disseminate information

Negotiation — the ability to travel across diverse communities, discerning and respecting multiple perspectives, and grasping and following alternative norms..

Will the future of education include broad-based, global reflection and inquiry?

Will your current level of new media literacy skills allow you to take part in leading learning through these mediums? Does it matter?

Let Go of Curriculum


You go where the bus goes You go where you choose

Jay Cross – Internet Time





Instant messenger






Conference rooms

email Mailing lists


Community platformsVoIP





What does the Day in the Life of a Connected Educator Look Like? Let’s look at some examples…

How do you do it?-- TPCK and Understanding by Design

There is a new curriculum design model that helps us think about how to make assessment part of learning. Assessment before , during, and after instruction.

Teacher and Students as Co-Curriculum Designers

1. What do you want to know and be able to do at the end of this activity, project, or lesson?

2. What evidence will you collect to prove mastery? (What will you create or do)

3. What is the best way to learn what you want to learn?

4. How are you making your learning transparent? (connected learning)

Connected Learner ScaleThis work is at which level(s) of the connected learner scale?Explain.

Share (Publish & Participate) –

Connect (Comment and Cooperate) –

Remixing (building on the ideas of others) –

Collaborate (Co-construction of knowledge and meaning) –

Collective Action (Social Justice, Activism, Service Learning) –

Networks are very “me” oriented. You intentionally with purpose pick and choose who is in your network to learn from and why.

Learning with networks happens through BOTH social and cognitive presence.



Let’s just admit it…

You are an agent of change!

Now. Always. And now you have the tools to leverage your ideas.

An effective change agent is someone who isn’t afraid to change course.

"The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence. It is to act with yesterday's logic." - Peter Drucker



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