CD-GAIN: Content Delivery Through the Analysis of Users' Access Patterns, talk at Google London,...

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Transcript of CD-GAIN: Content Delivery Through the Analysis of Users' Access Patterns, talk at Google London,...

CD-GAIN: Content DeliveryThrough the Analysis of Users' Access Patterns

Dmytro Karamshuk1, Nishanth Sastry1, Jigna Chandaria2, Andy Secker2

1King's College London, 2BBC R&D

CD-GAIN: ESPRC project in collaboration with BBC R&D,

CISCO Visual Networking IndexSome Figures

• Video traffic in 2013 accounted for 66% of all trafficon the Internet and is predicted to reach 79% by 2018

• Nearly three-fourths of the world’s mobile data traffic will be video by 2019

…which Raise Some IssuesUser Experience Carbon Footprint

Business Models

Users - 32 M/month

IP address – 20 M/month

Sessions - 1.9 Billion

May 2013 – Jan 2014

≈ 50% of the UK population

First-mile view of the UK’s IP-ecosystem

2 x [INFOCOM’2015], [WWW’2013]

Where the market is heading?Fixed-line Internet market (5 representative providers)

Mobile market is more dynamic than the fixed-line Internet market

Mobile Internet market (5 representative providers)

Pricing Models

All-you-can-eat data(M1, M5)

Limited-cap data packages(M2 – M4)

All-you-can-eat plans boost users consumption

Users of all-you-can-eat data providers are more “loyal”

Behavioral Shift• Fixed-line accesses (F1-F5) peaks in the evening

• Limited data caps (M2-M4) peak in commute hours

Mobile users watch more during commutes

• Unlimited plans (M1, M5) is a superposition of both

Product BundlesInter-ISP attractiveness: normalized fraction of shared users

between a pair of mobile and fixed-line ISP

Product bundles can be used to share infrastructure between peaking in non-intersecting time periods mobile and fixed-line ISPs

Combinations of ISPs corresponding to existing

product bundles

Limitations to mobile-fixed interactionsCorrelation of content

popularity across different ISPsShare of accesses per content genre

User of mobile and fixed-line ISPs watch slightly different content

More on Infrastructural SupportRegional activity levels are correlated with the access speed

Solution: let’s install more distributed caches!!!

Content Delivery: traditional approach

Install more distributed caches Requires investments

Increased carbon footprint

Peer-assisted Content Delivery

Content Delivery Network


user user



average of 5K users online every sec in the first day after release

5K duplicates

Ask users for assistance

P2P: ObstaclesBitrate Stratification

Partial Participation

ISP friendliness1080p



Dealing with ObstaclesFive biggest ISPs account for over

80% of trafficTwo main bitrate formats

dominate in over 70% of sessions

Traffic fragmentation by ISP and bitrate formats yields few large content swarms

Traffic Savings and Swarm CapacityTraffic gain:

- volume of traffic downloaded from content delivery nodes

- total volume of traffic watched by the users

potential traffic gains for popular content are immense despite constraints

Swarm capacity: c

G 1Ts

Tu- average number of users online

A Simple Theoretical Model

model the system as an infinite servers queue

CDN user






intuition: the more users in a swarm the more savings

Higher Demand means Higher Savingsci=ui r iAverage number of peers online


c(1+ec c−m(mΓ(m)−Γ(1+m,c)))



How much we can offload to peers

Traffic gains are growing with the demand and the size of content

request ratemean session duration

G c 1 e c

Particularly, if m=1:

Theory VS Simulations

Theory is in a good agreement with simulations

Savings across Content CorpusTop-5% of the content

corpus accounts for 80% of trafficMost of accesses happen in the

first day after release

Yes, it’s all about very popular content

How about Unpopularity Content?

Content Bundling Client Caching

Pro-active pushing VS reactive pulling?

Client Caching

client caching can boost gains for up to 20%

Improv. in a single swarm Improv. for the content corpus

Carbon Footprint

number of hops = 5-7 number of hops = 3

Traditional content delivery network Peer-assisted CDN

Number of networking nodes powered to delivery a video in peer-assisted scenario is potentially smaller

Potential Energy SavingsAverage distance between peers

in a swarm with a given capacityEnergy savings for a swarm

with a given capacity

peer-assisted content distribution may lead to energy savings

Conclusions• there is substantial difference in accesses patterns between fixed-line ISPs, mobile ISPs with all-you-can-eat data and limited data-caps

• this difference can be effectively exploited in shared mobile-fixedinfrastructures

•user engagement depends on the level of infrastructural support

• with peer-assisted delivery savings grow with demands evendespite obstacles

• peer-assisted CDN can also be green

Dmytro KaramshukKing's College London

follow me on Twitter: @karamshuk

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