CCS(Conduct) Rules - Session 4.1 & 4.2

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Transcript of CCS(Conduct) Rules - Session 4.1 & 4.2

  • 5/19/2018 CCS(Conduct) Rules - Session 4.1 & 4.2


    Indian Audit and Accounts Department

    Courseware on Common Administrative Issues, Reservation Rosters, Vigilance andDisciplinary Proceedings

    Session 4.1 and 4.2:The Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964.


    The Central Government has a vast

    number of civil service emlo!ees,comrisin" of a multilicit! of ran#s and

    cadres, sread over m!riad deartments

    and offices. $t is aramount that theselar"e numbers of emlo!ees are bound

    b! a strict code of conduct and ethics in

    the course of the dischar"e of theirduties as ublic servants. %rticle &'9 of

    the Constitution of $ndia hich deals

    ith the matter of recruitment and

    conditions of service of ersons servin"

    the nion or a State, states that,*sub+ect to the rovisions of this

    Constitution, %cts of the aroriatee"islature ma! re"ulate the

    recruitment, and conditions of service

    of ersons aointed, to ublic servicesand osts in connection ith the affairs

    of the nion or of an! State.- Thus the

    resonsibilit! to define Conduct andother Service rules ere en+oined on the

    Government of $ndia in terms of %rticle

    &'9 of the Constitution.

    Government emlo!ees are a

    secial t!e uite distinct from those in

    the rivate sector, bein" char"ed ith the

    resonsibilit! not onl! toards the

    Government, but also toards the ublic

    ith hom the! come into contact in

    their ublic dealin"s. The essence of

    Government service is the sense ofdisciline to hich all Government

    emlo!ees are sub+ect to and the

    rivile"es to hich the!, in "eneral areentitled. These to asects are full!

    covered b! to sets of service rules, vi/.,

    Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules,1964 and the Central Civil Services

    (Classification, Control and %eal)

    Rules, 1960. % Government emlo!ee

    ho violates an! rovisions of the

    CCS(Conduct)Rules, 1964 can beroceeded a"ainst and imosed ith, for

    "ood and sufficient reasons, an! of theenalties mentioned in Rule 11 of the

    CCS(CC%) Rules, 1960.


    $n this session, the learner ill learnto correctl! understand, al! and

    enforce the various rovisions of the

    CCS (Conduct) Rules hen reuired todo so ithout bein" offtrac#, arbitrar!or sub+ective. The lesson ill aim at

    buildin" a sound concetual base of the

    various rovisions of the conduct rulesand their aroriate alicabilit! in

    "eneral and secific cases.


    $ An Ana%&sis

    1. Basic Concept - Government

    emlo!ees are reuired to adhere to

    certain standards of conduct both in theirofficial and rivate caacities. These

    reuirements have been laid don in the

    Central Civil Service (Conduct) Rules,1964.

    Note 4.1 4.! 11'

  • 5/19/2018 CCS(Conduct) Rules - Session 4.1 & 4.2


    Indian Audit and Accounts Department

    Courseware on Common Administrative Issues, Reservation Rosters, Vigilance andDisciplinary Proceedings

    Session 4.1 and 4.2:The Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964.

    2. The CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 is

    made u of 25 rules. %ll these are

    statutor! rules ithin the meanin" of%rticle &'9 of the Constitution, and have

    been clarified here necessar! b!

    e3ecutive orders in the form ofGovernment of $ndias decisions or

    instructions aended belo the relevant

    rule. The basic rules are Rule 1 and 2hich define

    2.1 Rule 1

    (i) Date "# $##ect % TheCCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964 ere

    notified b! the Government of $ndia,5inistr! of ome %ffairs on &'th

    7ovember 1964 and came into effect

    from the same da!.

    (ii) Applica&ility% The CCS (Conduct)

    Rules, 1964 al! to ever! ersonaointed to a Central civil service or

    ost includin" civilians in the defence

    services but do not al! to 8

    (i) to raila!s

    (a) a Raila! servant,

    (b)) a erson holdin" a ostin the Raila! oard or

    of the :inancial

    Commissioner of Raila!s,

    (ii) member of the %ll $ndia


    (iii) a holder of an! ost of hich

    the ;resident has, b! "eneralor secial order, directed that

    that these rules shall not


    2.2 Rule 3 -defines the meanin" of

    Government, Government servant, and

    5embers of famil!.



    1. General [Rule 3] - This rule is

    seein" in its covera"e and is the mostoerative rule hich rovides that ever!

    Government servant shall at all times

  • 5/19/2018 CCS(Conduct) Rules - Session 4.1 & 4.2


    Indian Audit and Accounts Department

    Courseware on Common Administrative Issues, Reservation Rosters, Vigilance andDisciplinary Proceedings

    Session 4.1 and 4.2:The Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964.

    subordinates maintain absolute inte"rit!

    and devotion to dut! as er Rule &(2).

    1.4 Conduct un&ecoming o# a(overnment servant % Government

    e3ects that the conduct of its emlo!ees

    should conform to the ordinar! norms o"

    decenc and moralit revailin" in the

    societ! and one s$ould not !iolate t$e

    la%s o" t$e land. Government can alsodemand a certain standard of conduct

    from its emlo!ees even in their rivate

    life, not connected ith their official

    duties. *Conduct unbecomin" of a

    Government servant- is left to thediscretion o" t$e Go!ernment. The test

    should be ob+ective and not sub+ective. %Government servant should not brin"

    discredit to the service. %ction can also

    be ta#en for the )past misconduct*committed b! the Government servant.

    %ction can be ta#en for not vacatin" the

    Govt. accommodation and misutilisin"the advance ta#en from Government or

    not refundin" in time. @ven habitual

    rivate indebtness ill amount toconduct unbecomin" of a Governmentservant.

    1.0 +oral turpitude ' $t means aconduct a"ainst the +ustice, honest!,

    modest! or "ood morals hich a man

    oes to felloman or to societ! in"eneral. 5oral turitude deends on the

    circumstances in each case. Since

    "unman emlo!ed in the an# as

    found in ossession of illicit liuor, itdoes affect the character and involves a

    moral turitude.

    1.6 Rule %A '$t reuires a Governmentservant toper"orm $is o""icial dealingspromptl and act in a courteous

    mannerhile erformin" them.

    1.A Rule %- '$t directs a Government

    servant to act in accordance %it$ t$e

    Go!ernment policies as regards age o"

    marriage& preser!ation o" en!ironment&

    protection o" %ild li"e ' cultural

    $eritageand also to obser!e policies on

    pre!ention o" crime against %omen#

    1.B Rule %C ' Proi&ition o# se/ual

    arassment o# wor0ing women $tdirects a Government servant not to

    indul"e in se3ual harassment of or#in"

    omen. Se3ual harassment has been

    defined in the section to include 8

    (i) h!sical contact and

    advances=(ii) demandin" se3ual favours=

    (iii) assin" se3uall! coloured

    remar#s= (iv)shoin"orno"rah!= or

    (v) an! other unelcome

    h!sical, verbal or nonverbalconduct of a se3ual nature.

    Gist o" some important relatedGo!ernment o" India(s orders belo%

    Rule 3

    1. $n vie of the imortance ofmaintainin" a hi"h standard of inte"rit!

    b! Government servants, no officer ho

    does not have a reutation for honest!should be laced in a osition here

    there is considerable scoe for


    G.$., 5..%., D.5. 7o. 41E2E00 ($$)@sts. (%),

    dated 2&rd%ril, 1900.F

    2. Government servants to observedue courtesies and re"ard in their

    dealin"s ith 5;sE5%s.

    G.$., ?et. of ;er. Tr"., D.5. 7o.11'1&E1'EBB )@sts. (%), dated 2&rdHune, 19BB.F

    Note 4.1 4.! 112

  • 5/19/2018 CCS(Conduct) Rules - Session 4.1 & 4.2


    Indian Audit and Accounts Department

    Courseware on Common Administrative Issues, Reservation Rosters, Vigilance andDisciplinary Proceedings

    Session 4.1 and 4.2:The Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964.

    &. ;articiation in rosel!ti/in"

    activities or the direct or indirect use of

    official osition and influence in suchactivities b! a Government servant ma!

    be treated as "ood and sufficient reason

    for ta#in" discilinar! action a"ainst himunder the CCS(CC%) Rules, 1960.

    G.$., 5..%., D.5. 7o. 20E0'E0A ($$)@sts. (%),

    dated 10thHanuar!, 190B.F

    4. 7e"lect b! a Government servant of

    his ife and famil! ma! be re"arded as a

    "ood and sufficient reason to +ustif!action a"ainst him under Rule 11 of the

    CCS(CC%) Rules, 1960.

    G.$., 5..%., D.5. 7o. 20E16E09 ($$)@sts. (%),

    dated 1stSetember, 1909.F

    0. % Government servant ho is found

    "uilt! of the ractice of untouchabilit! in

    an! form ill be considered unfit forublic service and discilinar! action

    ill be ta#en a"ainst him.

    G.$., 5..%., D.5. 7o. :A'E1AE61 ($$)@sts.(%), dated Bth?ecember, 1961.F

    6. $f an! comliant is received a"ainstan! Government servant that he has

    acted in a discourteous manner or

    adoted dilator! tactics in his dealin"sith the ublic and if it is established

    that he has so acted, deterrent a romt

    action should be ta#en a"ainst him.

    G.$., 5..%., D.5. 7o. 14E9E66($$)@sts. (%),

    dated &rd%u"ust, 1961.F

    A. Government servants to observe

    roer decorum durin" the lunchbrea#=

    la!in" "ames be!ond the rescribed

    lunch hour and la!in" cards in the oen

    to be discoura"ed.

    G.$., 5..%., ?.D. 7o. 10E40E6A SSD, dated11th%u"ust, 196A.F

    B. ;ostersEnotices can be disla!ed b!the reco"nised associations on notice

    boards in the office remises ith the

    ermission of the cometent authorit! at

    the laces secified for this urose.This facilit! so rovided to reco"nised

    associationsEunions does not confer on

    individual Government servants or their

    associationsEunions an! ri"ht to disla!ostersEnotices on the alls, doors,

    indos, etc. of the office remises.Government servants ho affi3 or

    disla! ostersEnotices or are resonsible

    for the disla! of such notices inviolation of these instructions ould be

    renderin" themselves liable to

    aroriate action.

    9. :ailure to obtain ermission from

    cometent authorit! before leavin"stationEheaduarters (hile al!in" for,or on leave) is to be vieed seriousl!

    and ma! entail discilinar! action.

    ?D;T D.5.. 7o. 11'1&EAE94@stt.(%) dated1B.'0.1994F

    2. )mploment o" near relati!es o"

    Go!ernment ser!ants in companies or

    "irms [Rule *]

    2.1 This rule reuires that no

    Government servant shall use his official

    osition or influence to secure

    emlo!ment from an! firm or coman!.% Grou % officer shall not ermit his

    son or dau"hter to accet an!

    emlo!ment in an! coman! ith hichhe has official dealin"s. The

    Note 4.1 4.! 11&

  • 5/19/2018 CCS(Conduct) Rules - Session 4.1 & 4.2


    Indian Audit and Accounts Department

    Courseware on Common Administrative Issues, Reservation Rosters, Vigilance andDisciplinary Proceedings

    Session 4.1 and 4.2:The Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964.

    emlo!ment ma! be acceted

    rovisionall! sub+ect to the ermission

    of the "overnment.

    2.2 :urther, he shall not si"n or deal

    ith an! contract ith a firm in hich

    his son or dau"hter is or#in".Government servants, e3cet Grou ?

    emlo!ees, shall furnish information, on

    the first aointment, statin" theoccuation of their close relations

    emlo!ed in ublic underta#in" or

    rivate firms. >Close relations for this

    urose ill include arents, souse,

    children, brothers and sisters.Suression of this information ould

    render him liable for discilinar! action.

    G+I decision belo% Rule *

    1. %ll emlo!ees (e3cet Grou >?)

    under the Government of $ndia on first

    emlo!ment should furnish informationin resect of their close relations (father,

    mother, ifeEhusband, sonsEdau"htersE

    brothersE sisters resident and nonresident) in the rescribed ro forma.Suression of information in this ro

    forma is a ma+or deartmental offence

    for hich the unishment ma! e3tend todismissal from service. The ro forma is

    to be #et in the %CR dossier of the

    emlo!ee concerned.

    G.$., 5..%., D.5. 7o. :.&E12E(S)E64@sts.()

    dated 12.1'.1960F

    ,. ,aing part in politics and

    elections [Rule 5]

    &.1 The CCS(Conduct) Rules la! don


    (i) 7o Government servant shall

    be a member, or be otherise

    associated ith, an! olitical

    art! or an! or"anisationhich ta#es art in olitics

    nor shall he ta#e art in,

    subscribed in aid of, or assistsin an! other manner, an!

    olitical movement or


    (ii) $t shall also be the dut! of

    ever! Government servant to

    revent the members of his

    famil! from ta#in" art in,subscribin" in aid of, or

    assistin" in an! other manneran! movement or activit!

    tendin" directl! or indirectl!,

    subversive or theGovernment as b! la


    (iii) $f an! uestion arises hether

    a art! is a olitical art! or

    hether an! or"anisationta#es art in olitics orhether an! movement is

    subversive of Government as

    b! la established, thedecision of the Government

    shall be final.

    (iv) 7o Government servant shallcanvass or otherise interfere

    ith, or uses influence in

    connection ith or ta#e art

    in an election.

    .ote/ The disla! b! a Government

    servant on his erson, vehicle orresidence of an! electoral s!mbol shall

    amount to usin" his influence.

    Note 4.1 4.! 114

  • 5/19/2018 CCS(Conduct) Rules - Session 4.1 & 4.2


    Indian Audit and Accounts Department

    Courseware on Common Administrative Issues, Reservation Rosters, Vigilance andDisciplinary Proceedings

    Session 4.1 and 4.2:The Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964.

    Gist o" some related decisions o" G+I

    under Rule 5

    1. $t is the dut! of the Governmentservant ho ishes to +oin, or ta#e art

    in the activities of an!

    associationEor"anisation to satisf! himthat its aims and activities are not of

    such nature as are li#el! to be

    ob+ectionable under Rule 5. Theresonsibilit! for the conseuences of

    his decision rests suarel! on his

    shoulders and a lea of i"norance or

    misconcetion ould not be tenable.

    5..%., D.5. 7o. 20E44E49@sts.(%) dated


    2. %ttendance at meetin"s or"anised b!

    a olitical art! ould ala!s becontrar! to Rule 0 unless the meetin" (i)

    is a ublic meetin"= (ii) it is not held

    contrar! to an! rohibitor! order or

    ithout ermission= (iii) the Governmentservant does not sea# or ta#e a

    rominent art in the meetin".

    G.$., C.S. (?et. of ;er.), D.5. 7o. 20E4EA&@sts. (%), 1A219A&F

    &. Government servants desirous of+oinin" forei"n lan"ua"e classes

    conducted b! $ndo:orei"n cultural

    or"anisations should obtain riorermission from cometent authorit!.

    5..%., D.5. 7o. 20E4'E60@sts.(%) dated


    4. $t is essential that Government

    servants should not onl! maintainolitical neutralit! but should also

    aear to do so. The! should not

    articiate in the activities of, or

    associate themselves ith an!

    or"anisation here there is the sli"htest

    reason to thin# that the or"anisation has

    a olitical asect.

    5..%. D.5. 7o. 6E6E69@sts.() dated1B.'A.1969F

    0. 7o revious sanction of the

    Government is reuired for a

    Government servant to underta#e

    honorar! or# of a social Echaritablenature but he should discontinue ta#in"

    art in such activities, if so directed b!

    the Government. ;rior ermission is

    essential onl! if the Government servantsee#s to hold an elective office. :urther,

    hile Government servants are free torofess and ractice an! reli"ion in their

    rivate lives, the! should so conduct

    themselves in ublic as to leave no room

    for an! imression that the! do notsubscribe to the secular hilosoh! of

    the State. Some of the or"anisations and

    movements claimin" to aim at social andreli"ious reforms ma! have some

    attributes of sectarian or communalnature. The resonsibilit! for theconseuences of the decision to +oin an!

    or"anisation and articiatin" in its

    activities ill rest ith the emlo!ee

    himself. % Government servant hoishes to +oin an! or"anisation or

    association should therefore, satisf!

    himself that its activities and ob+ectivesare not of such a nature to attract action

    under an! of the rovision of the

    Conduct Rules.?D;T D.5.. 7o. 11'1&E0EBB@stt.(%) dated11.'A.19BBF

    4. 0oining o" associations b

    Go!ernment ser!ants [Rule ]

    4.1 This rule stiulates that no

    Government servant shall +oin, orcontinue to be a member of, an

    Note 4.1 4.! 110

  • 5/19/2018 CCS(Conduct) Rules - Session 4.1 & 4.2


    Indian Audit and Accounts Department

    Courseware on Common Administrative Issues, Reservation Rosters, Vigilance andDisciplinary Proceedings

    Session 4.1 and 4.2:The Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964.

    association the ob+ects and or activities

    of hich are re+udicial to the interests

    of the soverei"nt! and inte"rit! of $ndia

    or ublic order or moralit!.

    G+I decision belo% Rule

    1. %ction for alle"ed violation ofRule can be ta#en b! a discilinar! authorit!

    onl! hen an authorit! not belo thelevel of the ead of ?eartment has

    decided that the ob+ects or activities of

    the %ssociation concerned are such as

    ould attract Rule 6 ibid.

    5..%., ?ett. Df ;ersonnel %.R. 7o.

    11'1&E2EAA@stt.(%) dated 'A.'6.19ABF

    -. Demonstrations and stries b

    Go!ernment ser!ants [Rule ]

    0.1 Rule A of the Conduct Rules la!s

    don that no Government servant shall

    (i) en"a"e himself or articiate

    in an! demonstration hichis re+udicial to the interestsof the soverei"nt! and

    inte"rit! of $ndia, the securit!

    of the State, friendl! relationith forei"n states, ublic

    order, decenc! or moralit! or

    hich involves contemt of

    court, defamation or incitement to an offence, or

    (ii) resort to or in an! a! abetan! form of stri#e or coercion

    or h!sical duress in

    connection ith an! matterertainin" to his service or

    the service of an! other

    Government servant.

    G+I decisions belo% Rule

    1. 23tri0es ' $nterretation of hat

    constitutes a stri#e under the conductRules. 4trie( means re"usal to %or or

    stoppage or slo%ing do%n o" %or b a

    group o" emploees actin" incombination, and includes 8

    (i) mass absentation from or#ithout ermission (hich is

    ron"l! described as *mass

    casual leave-)=

    (ii) refusal to or# overtimehere such overtime or# is

    necessar! in the ublicinterest=

    (iii) resort to ractices or conducthich is li#el! to result in, or

    results in the cessation or

    substantial retardation ofor# in an! or"anisation.

    Such ractices ould include,

    hat are called >"oslo,>sitdon, >endon sta!in, s!mathetic- or an! other

    similar stri#e= as also absence

    from or# for articiation ina andh or an! similar


    2. Government servants ho resort to

    action of the above #ind violate rule A of

    the Central Civil Services (Conduct)

    Rules, 1964 and discilinar! action canbe ta#en a"ainst them. $t ma! be noted

    that the list of activities hich are

    covered under the definition of stri#e asenumerated above is onl! illustrative and

    not e3haustive.

    Note 4.1 4.! 116

  • 5/19/2018 CCS(Conduct) Rules - Session 4.1 & 4.2


    Indian Audit and Accounts Department

    Courseware on Common Administrative Issues, Reservation Rosters, Vigilance andDisciplinary Proceedings

    Session 4.1 and 4.2:The Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964.

    5..%., D.5. 7o. 20E2&E66@sts.(%), dated'9.12.1966F

    &. Participation in G$erao6 &yCentral (overnment servants '

    $nstances have come to the notice of

    Government in hich emlo!ees ofcertain Central Government offices

    sta"ed hich is called *Gherao-,

    involvin" forcible confinement of ublic

    servants ithin office remises b!surroundin" their laces of dut! and

    have held demonstrationsE meetin"s both

    ithin office remises durin" office

    hours and also outside the officeremises be!ond office hours, tendin" to

    forcible confinement of ublic servantsithin office remises. Such

    demonstrationsEactivities are re+udicial

    to ublic order and also involve criminaltresass or incitement to commit

    offences. The! are also subversive or

    disciline and harmful to the ublic

    interest, and articiation in them b!Government servants and ould

    constitute "ood and sufficient reasonithin the meanin" of Rule 11 of theCentral Civil Services (Classification,

    Control and %eal) Rules, 1960. $t has,

    therefore, been decided that a seriousvie should be ta#en of such acts of

    lalessness and insubordination on the

    art of ublic servants. The Central

    Government ?eartments are advised tota#e action on the folloin" lines in such


    (i) ?iscilinar! action should be

    ta#en a"ainst the rominent

    articiants in the >Gheraofor contravention of Rules &

    and A of the Central Civil

    Services (Conduct) Rules,

    1964. $n the char"esheet to

    be served in ursuance of

    such discilinar! action, it

    should be secified to the

    e3tent that the facts +ustif!,that demonstrations

    re+udicial to ublic order

    and involvin" criminaloffences, namel!, ron"ful

    restraint, ron"ful

    confinement, criminaltresass and incitement to

    such offences, have been held

    that such conduct as

    subversive of disciline and

    harmful to the ublic interest=and that the conduct as

    holl! unbecomin" of aGovernment servant.

    (ii) %bsence from or# onaccount of articiation in

    >Gherao, should in all cases

    be treated as unauthorisedabsence involvin" brea# in

    service. The absence should

    not be re"ularised as leave ofan! #ind.

    (iii) Ihenever there is a case of

    >Gherao, ron"ful restraint,ron"ful confinement or

    criminal tresass or of an!

    other co"ni/able offence, aritten reort should be made

    to the Dfficerinchar"e of the

    ;olice Station havin"

    +urisdiction, reuestin" himto re"ister the offence and to

    ta#e action under the la.

    The names of the offendersshould be included in the

    ritten reort. Coies of the

    reort should be endorsed tothe ;olice CommissionerE

    Note 4.1 4.! 11A

  • 5/19/2018 CCS(Conduct) Rules - Session 4.1 & 4.2


    Indian Audit and Accounts Department

    Courseware on Common Administrative Issues, Reservation Rosters, Vigilance andDisciplinary Proceedings

    Session 4.1 and 4.2:The Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964.

    Suerintendent of ;olice and

    the ome Secretar! to the

    State Government concerned

    for necessar! actionaccordin" to la.

    (iv) $f, notithstandin" themandator! rovisions of the

    Criminal ;rocedure Code,

    ;olice ta#es no action onsuch a reort, action should

    be ta#en romtl! to file a

    comlaint before the

    aroriate 5a"istrate in

    resect of the substantiveoffences under the $ndian

    ;enal Code or other la. $ncertain circumstances a

    etition could be filed before

    the i"h Court for issue ofaroriate rit, but this

    should be done after ta#in"

    le"al advice.

    G.$. 5..%., D.5. 7o. 20ES.11E6A@sts.(%),

    dated the 1&th%ril, 196AF

    #. Connection %it$ 7ress or ot$er

    media [Rule 8]

    6.1 7o Government servant, e3cet

    ith the revious sanction of the

    Government, is ermitted to on holl!

    or in art or conduct or articiate in theeditin" or mana"ement of, an!

    nesaer or other eriodical

    ublications or electronic media. Thishoever, ill not al! in case of

    Government servant ho in the &ona

    #ide dischar"es of his official duties,ublishes a boo# or articiates in a

    ublic media.

    6.2 % Government servant ublishin" a

    boo# or articiatin" in a ublic media is

    reuired to ma#e it clear that the vies

    e3ressed b! him are his on and notthat of the Government.

    G+I decision belo% Rule 8

    1. Participation in A.I.R. programmes

    and receiving o# onorarium tereo# 'ermission not necessar!.

    . Criticism o" Go!ernment [Rule 9]

    A.1 Rule 9 of the Conduct Rulesstiulates that no Government servant

    shall, in an! radio broadcast, telecastthrou"h an! electronic media or in an!

    document ublished in his on name or

    anon!mousl!, seudon!mousl! or in thename of an! other erson or in an!

    communication to the ress or in an!

    ublic utterance, ma#e an! statement offact on oinion 8

    (i) hich has the effect of anadverse criticism of an!current or recent polic on

    action o" t$e Central or

    4tate Go!ernment:

    (ii) hich is caable of

    embarrassin" the relationbeteen the Central

    Government and the

    Government of an! State=

    (iii) hich is caable of

    embarrassin" the relations

    beteen the CentralGovernment and the

    Government of an! forei"n


    Note 4.1 4.! 11B

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    G+I instructions belo% Rule 9

    1. $nstances have come to notice of

    Service %ssociations of Governmentemlo!ees

    (i) ;assin" resolutionsE ma#in"statements andEor e3ressin"

    oinion on issues hich

    involve violation b! theindividual emlo!ee of the

    Rule 9 of the Conduct Rules.

    $n such cases, discilinar!

    action to be initiated b!

    callin" for e3lanation fromthose individuals ho are

    si"natories or arties to theresolutions if the! are servin"

    Government emlo!ees.

    5..%., D.5. 7o. 20E0E6B@sts.(%) dated1A.'1.196B.F

    2. $t is reiterated that si"natories orarties to resolutions, etc., assed b!

    service associationsEunionsEfederationshich violate a"ainst the rovisions of

    Rule 9ould render themselves liable to

    discilinar! action.

    G.$., Cabinet Secretariat, ?et. of ;ersonnel 7o.20E4EA2@sts.(%) dated 1B.'2.19A2F

    /. )!idence be"ore Committee or

    an ot$er aut$orit [Rule 1;]

    B.1 7o Government servant isermitted, e3cet ith the revious

    sanction of the Government, to "ive

    evidence in connection ith an! inuir!

    conducted b! an! erson, committee orauthorit!.

    B.2 Ihere a Government servant"ives evidence ith revious sanction of

    the Government, he shall not criticise the

    olic! or an! action of the Central

    Government or of a State Government.

    G+I instructions belo% Rule 1;

    1. The above ill not al! toGovernment servants ho aear before

    the ;a! Commission on behalf of service

    associations, rovided the! are soauthorised b! the associations. There is

    also no ob+ection to individual

    Government servants submittin"

    5emoranda etc. to the ;a! Commission,

    in their individual caacit!, rovided thatindividual "rievances are not t before

    the Commission.

    G.$, ?.;. %.R., D.5. 7o. 11'1&E16EB&@stt.(%)

    dated 16.11.19B&F


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    Session 4.1 and 4.2:The Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964.

    unauthorised communication of

    information ithin the meanin" ofRule


    Gist o" some related G+I instructions

    belo% Rule 11

    1. $t is not necessar! to disclose the

    identit! of the suerior officer ho made

    adverse remar#s in the annualconfidential reort of a Government

    servant. $f, hoever, in a articular case,

    it is considered necessar! to disclose the

    identit! of the suerior officer, the

    authorit! dealin" ith the reresentationma! at his discretion allo the identit!

    to be communicated.

    2. $t is the dut! of all Government

    servants to safe"uard the securit! of allclassified information to hich the!

    have access in the course of their official


    13. 4ubscriptions [Rule 12]

    1'.1 7o Government servant shalle3cet ith the revious sanction of the

    Government or of the rescribed

    authorit!, as# for or accet contributionsto, or otherise associate himself ith

    the raisin" of an! funds or other

    collections in cash or in #ind inursuance of an! ob+ect hatsoever.

    Gist o" some related G+I decisions

    1. Government servants should not

    sonsor the raisin" of funds from the

    ublic for an! urose hatsoever. 5erea!ment of a subscrition to some

    charitable or benevolent fund ould not,

    b! itself, amount to the articiation inthe raisin" of such fund.

    G.$., 5..%., D.5. 7o. 24E0'E00@sts. dated


    2. The members of a service

    association can freel! collect

    subscrition amon" themselves forelfare activities of the association. So

    lon" as their aeal is confined to the

    members, no ermission need be sou"ht.

    $f an! aroach is made to the ublic,directl! or indirectl!, such ermission is


    )=ceptions/-(i) :la" da! collections e3emted

    G.$., 5..%., 5emo 7o. 20E&&E00@sts. dated&1.1'.1900F

    (ii) Central Government servantsalloed to articiate in the fund raisin"

    efforts of the national :oundation for

    Communal armon! on a voluntar!basis.

    G.$., ?D;T, D.5. 7o. 11'1&E9E90@stt.(%)

    dated '2.11.1990F

    11. Gi"ts [Rule 13]

    11.1 @3cet as rovided in the Conduct

    Rules, no Government servant shall

    accet, or ermit an! member of hisfamil! or an! other erson actin" on his

    behalf to accet, an! "ift.

    )=planations/(i) *Gift- includes free transort,

    boardin", lod"in" or other

    service or an! other ecuniar! advanta"e hen

    rovided b! an! erson other

    than a near relative or ersonal friend havin" no

    Note 4.1 4.! 12'

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    Session 4.1 and 4.2:The Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964.

    official dealin"s ith the

    Government servant.

    (ii) % casual meal, lift or othersocial hositalit! shall not be

    deemed to be a "ift.

    (iii) % Government servant shall

    avoid accetin" lavish

    hositalit! or freuenthositalit! from an!

    individual, industrial or

    commercial firms,

    or"anisations, etc., havin"

    official dealin"s ith him.

    (iv) Dn occasions such aseddin"s, anniversaries,

    funerals or reli"ious

    functions, hen"ivin"Ereceivin" "ifts is in

    conformit! ith the

    revailin" reli"ious andsocial ractice, a Government

    servant ma! accet "ifts from

    his near relatives or from hisersonal friends havin" noofficial dealin"s ith him,

    but shall ma#e a reort to the

    Government, if the value ofsuch "ift e3ceeds 8

    (a) Rs. 0,''' Governmentservant holdin" an!

    Grou >% ost=

    (b) Rs &,''' Government

    servant holdin" an!Grou > ost=

    (c) Rs. 1,''' Government

    servant holdin" an!Grou >C ost and

    (d) Rs. 0'' Government

    servant holdin" an!Grou >? ost.

    (v) $n an! other case, a

    Government servant shall not

    accet an! "ift ithout thesanction of the Government if

    the value thereof e3ceeds 8

    (a) Rs. 1,''' Government

    servants holdin" an!

    Grou *%- or Grou *-ost= and

    (b) Rs. 20' holdin" an!

    Grou *C- or Grou *?-


    12. Do%r [Rule 13A]

    12.1 %s re"ards dor!, the Conduct

    Rules la! don that no Government

    servant shall

    (i) "ive or ta#e or abet the "ivin"

    or ta#in" of dor!=

    (ii) demand directl! or indirectl!,

    from the arent or "uardianof a bride or a bride"room, asthe case ma! be, an! dor!.

    12.2 till 1961, dor! as re"ardedas a customar! "ift hich the

    Government servant could accet

    ithout rior sanction. %s er the sectiondor! is no lon"er treated as a

    customar! "ift in the conte3t of the

    rovisions of the ?or! ;rohibition %ct,


    G+I decision belo% Rule 13-A

    1. %n! violation of the rovision of

    ?or! ;rohibition %ct, 1961 b! a

    Government servant ill constitute a"ood and sufficient reason for institution

    Note 4.1 4.! 121

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    of discilinar! roceedin"s a"ainst him

    in addition to such le"al action as ma!

    be ta#en a"ainst him in accordance ith

    the rovisions of the %ct.

    G.$., 5..%., D.5. 7o. 20E&AE60@sts.(%) dated


    1,. 7ublic Demonstrations in

    $onour o" Go!ernment ser!ants [Rule


    1&.1 7o Government servant shall,

    e3cet ith the revious sanction of the

    Government, receive an! comlimentar!or valedictor! address or accet an!

    testimonial or attend in a meetin" orentertainment held in his honour= or in

    the honour of an! other Government

    servant. oever, this ill not al! to

    (i) a fareell entertainment of a

    substantiall! rivate and

    informal character held inhonour of a Government

    servant or an! other Government servant on theoccasion of his retirement or

    transfer of an! erson ho

    has recentl! uitted theservice of an! Government=

    (ii) the accetance of simle and

    ine3ensive entertainmentarran"ed b! ublic bodies or


    G+I clari"ication belo% Rule 1*

    1. Government servants should not be

    alloed to accet aards or monetar!

    benefits instituted b! rivate

    trustsEfoundations etc.

    G.$., ?D;T., D.5. 7o. 11'1&E2E99@stt.(%)

    dated 1A.'2.2'''.F

    14. 7ri!ate trade or emploment

    [Rule 15]

    14.1 7o Government servant shall,e3cet ith the revious sanction of the


    (i) en"a"e directl! or indirectl!

    in an! trade or business=

    (ii) ne"otiate for, or underta#e,an! other emlo!ment=

    (iii) hold an elective office, orcanvass for a candidate or

    candidates for an elective

    office, in an! bod!, hetherincororated or not=

    (iv) canvass in suort of an!

    business of insurance a"enc!,commission a"enc!, etc.,

    oned or mana"ed b! an!member of his famil!=

    (v) ta#e art e3cet in the

    dischar"e of his official

    duties, in the re"istration,romotion or mana"ement of

    an! ban# or other coman!

    re"istered or reuired to bere"istered, under the

    Comanies %ct, 1906 or an!

    other la for the time in forceor of an! cooerative societ!

    for commercial uroses=

    (vi) articiate in or associate

    himself in an! manner in thema#in" of

    (a) a sonsored media (radio

    or television ro"ramme)=

    Note 4.1 4.! 122

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    (b) a media ro"ramme

    commissioned b! a

    Government media but

    roduced b! a rivatea"enc!=

    (c) a rivatel! roduced

    media ro"rammeincludin" video ma"a/ine.

    14.2 % Government servant ma!, ithoutthe revious sanction of the Government


    (i) honorar! or# of a social or

    charitable nature=

    (ii) occasional or# of a literar!,artistic or scientific character=

    (iii) articiate in sorts activitiesas an amateur=

    (iv) ta#e art in the re"istration,romotion or mana"ement

    (not involvin" the holdin" of

    an elective office) of aliterar!, scientific or charitable societ! or of a club

    or similar or"anisation, the

    aims or ob+ects of hichrelate to romotion of sorts,

    cultural or recreational

    activities, re"istered underthe Societies Re"istration

    %ct, 1B6' or an! other la in


    (v) ta#e art in the re"istration,

    romotion or mana"ement

    (not involvin" the holdin" ofelective office) of a co

    oerative societ!

    substantiall! for the benefitof Government servants,

    re"istered under the Co

    oerative Societies %ct,

    1912 Eor an! other la in


    7ro!ided t$at >

    (i) he shall discontinue ta#in"

    art in such activities, if so

    directed b! the Government=and

    (ii) his official duties shall not

    suffer thereb! and he shall,

    ithin a eriod of one monthof his ta#in" art in such

    activit!, reort to theGovernment "ivin" details of

    the nature of his


    14.& @ver! Government servant shall

    reort to the Government if an! memberof his famil! is en"a"ed in a trade or

    business or ons or mana"es in

    insurance a"enc! or commission a"enc!.

    14.4 nless otherise rovided b!

    "eneral or secial orders of the

    Government, no Government servantma! accet an! fee for an! or# done

    b! him for an! rivate or ublic bod! or

    an! rivate erson ithout the sanctionof the rescribed authorit!.

    G+I decisions belo% Rule 15

    1. Permission to participate in te

    AIR programmes and to receive

    onorarium tere #rom ';ermission notreuired if the broadcasts are urel!

    literar!, artistic or scientific character

    and in such cases, ermission is also notnecessar! for Government servants to

    Note 4.1 4.! 12&

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    Session 4.1 and 4.2:The Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964.

    receive honorarium. $n cases here

    ermission to broadcast is necessar!,

    such ermission, if "iven, should be

    ta#en to carr! ith it also the sanction toreceive the honorarium.

    G.$., 5..%. D.5. 7o. 20E&2E06@sts.(%) dated


    2. Acceptance o# part%time employment

    o# $/aminer%sip o# e/amination papersset &y recognised 5niversities ' Since

    offers of @3aminershi are "enerall! of

    a casual nature, occurrin" once or tice

    a !ear, there is no ob+ection to "ivin"ermission in such cases.

    G.$., 5..%., D.5. 7o. 20E0E06@sts.(%) dated'6.'9.190A .F

    &. %ccetance of arttime emlo!mentof Government servants after office

    hours ordinaril! not to be alloed.

    G.$., 5..%., D.5. 7o. 20E42E0B@sts. (%),dated 16.1'.190B.F

    1-. 4ub-letting and !acation o"

    Go!ernment accommodation [Rule 15-


    10.1 7o Government servant can sub

    let, lease or otherise allo occuation

    b! an! other erson of Government

    accommodation hich has been allottedto him.

    10.2 % Government servant shall, afterthe cancellation of his allotment of

    Government accommodation vacate the

    same ithin the timelimit rescribed b!the allottin" authorit!.

    G+I decision belo% Rule 15-A

    1. Ihere a Government servant has

    been found "uilt! of lettin" outEsub

    lettin" the Governmental

    accommodation allotted to himEher, thediscilinar! authorit! must ta#e suitable

    deartmental discilinar! action under

    the discilinar! rules for imosition of asuitable enalt! on "rounds of

    unbecomin" conduct involvin" violation

    of Rule &(1) (iii) of the Conduct Rules.

    G.$., ?D;T., D.5. 7o. 11'1&E14EB0@stt.(%)

    dated '6.'&.19B6 and ?D;T. D.5. 7o.

    11'12E2E9A@stt.(%) dated &1.12.199A.F

    1#. In!estments& lending and

    borro%ing [Rule 1]

    16.1 7o Government servant shall

    (i) seculate in an! stoc#, shareor other investments. This

    shall not al! to occasional

    investments made throu"hstoc# bro#ers and the li#e.

    :reuent urchase or sale orboth, of shares, securities orother investments shall be

    deemed to be seculation=

    (ii) ma#e, or ermit an! memberof his famil! or an! erson

    actin" on his behalf to ma#e,

    an! investment hich isli#el! to embarrass or

    influence him in the

    dischar"e of his officialduties=

    (iii) either himself or throu"h an!

    member of his famil! or an!other erson actin" on his

    behalf 8

    Note 4.1 4.! 124

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    (a) end or borro or deosit

    mone!, as a rincial or

    an a"ent, to, or from or

    ith, an! erson or firmor rivate limited


    (b) end mone! to an!

    erson at interest or in a

    manner hereb! return inmone! or in #ind is

    char"ed or aid.

    G+I decisions belo% Rule 1

    1. $nstances have come to notice of the

    Government here certain Governmentservants have entered into transactions

    re"ardin" moveableEimmoveable

    roert! ithout the revious sanctionof the rescribed authorit! and the! have

    afterards sou"ht e3ostfacto sanction.

    Such a rocedure renders the rovisionof the rules comletel! ineffective and

    defeats the urose for hich the rules

    have been framed. Government servantsconcerned should, therefore, adhere tothe rovisions of the rules strictl! and

    obtain the sanction of the rescribed

    authorit!, herever necessar!, beforeenterin" into such transactions.

    G.$., 5..%., D.5. 7o. 20E20E61E@stt.(%)

    dated 26.'6.1961.F

    2. %ll officers should be advised not to

    aroach their subordinates for standin"suret! for loans ta#en from rivate

    sources either b! them or b! their

    relatives or friends.

    G.$., 5..%., D.5. 7o. 20E20E61E@stt.(%) dated


    1. Insol!enc and $abitual

    indebtedness [Rule 1]

    1A.1 % Government servant shallmana"e his rivate affairs b! avoidin"

    habitual indebtedness or insolvenc!. $f

    an! le"al roceedin" is instituted forrecover! of an! debt due from him or for

    ad+ud"in" him as an insolvent, he shall

    forthith reort the full facts of the le"alroceedin"s to the Government.

    1/. ?o!able& immo!able and

    !aluable 7ropert [Rule 18]

    1B.1 @ver! Government servant is

    reuired on his first aointment to an!service or ost submit a return (format of

    returns rescribed vide Cabinet Sectt,

    ?D; D5 7o. 20EAE60@sts(%) dated'B.'1.19A&)of his assets and liabilities

    "ivin" full articulars of8

    (i) the immovable roert!

    inherited b! him, or oned or

    acuired b! him or held b!him on lease or mort"a"e,either in his on name or in

    the name of an! member of

    his famil! or in the name ofan! other erson.

    (ii) shares, debentures and cashincludin" ban# deosits

    inherited b! him or similarl!

    oned acuired or held b!


    (iii) other movable roert!

    inherited b! him or similarl!oned, acuired or held b!

    him and

    Note 4.1 4.! 120

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    (iv) debts and other liabilities

    incurred b! him directl! or


    1B.2 7o Government servant shall

    accet ithout the revious #noled"e

    of the rescribed authorit! acuire ordisose off an! immovable roert! b!

    lease, mort"a"e, urchase, sale, "ift or

    otherise either in his on name or inthe name of an! member of his famil!.

    1". Restrictions in relation to

    ac@uisition and disposal o" immo!able

    propert outside India and transactions%it$ "oreigners& etc# [Rule 18A]

    19.1 7o Government servant shall,

    e3cet ith revious sanction of the

    rescribed authorit! 8

    (i) acuire, b! urchase,

    mort"a"e, lease, "ift orotherise, either in his on

    name or in the name of an!

    member of his famil!, an!immovable roert! situatedoutside $ndia=

    (ii) disose of, b! sale, mort"a"e,"ift or otherise or "rant an!

    lease in resect of an!

    immovable roert! situatedoutside $ndia hich as

    acuired or is held b! him

    either in his on name or in

    the name of an! member ofhis famil!=

    (iii) enter into an! transaction ithan! forei"ner, forei"n

    Government, forei"n

    or"anisation or concern,

    (a) for the acuisition, b!

    urchase, mort"a"e,

    lease, "ift or otherise,

    either in his on name orin the name of an!

    member of his famil!,

    an! immovable roert!=(b) for the disosal of, b!

    sale, mort"a"e, "ift or

    otherise, or the "rant ofan! lease in resect of

    an! immovable roert!

    hich as acuired or is

    held b! him either in his

    on name or in the nameof an! member of his


    23. indication o" acts and

    c$aracter o" Go!ernment ser!ant [Rule


    2'.1 7o Government servant shall,e3cet ith the revious sanction of the

    Government, have recourse to an! Court

    or to the ;ress for the vindication of an!official act hich has been the sub+ectmatter of adverse criticism or an attac#

    of a defamator! character.

    7ro!ided t$at

    (i) if no such sanction is receivedb! the Government servant

    ithin a eriod of three

    months from the date of

    receit of his reuest b! theGovernment, he shall be free

    to assume that the ermission

    as sou"ht for has been"ranted to him.

    2'.2 7othin" in this rule shall bedeemed to rohibit a Government

    Note 4.1 4.! 126

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    servant from vindicatin" his rivate

    character or an! act done b! him in his

    rivate caacit! and here an! action

    for vindicatin" his rivate character oran! act done b! him in rivate caacit!

    is ta#en, the Government servant shall

    submit a reort to the rescribedauthorit! re"ardin" such action.

    G+I decisions belo% Rule 19

    1. Conviction o# (overnment servants

    ' reuirement re"ardin" intimation to

    deartmental sueriors. $t shall be the

    dut! of a Government servant ho ma!be convicted in a criminal court, to

    inform his official sueriors of the factof his conviction and the circumstances

    connected thereith, as soon as it is

    ossible for him to do so. :ailure on theart of an! Government servant so to

    inform his official sueriors ill be

    re"arded as suression of materialinformation and ill render him liable to

    discilinar! action on this "round alone,

    aart from the enalt! called for on thebasis of the offence on hich hisconviction as based.

    2. (overnment servants see0ing redressin Courts o# 6aw o# teir grievances

    arising out o# teir employment or

    conditions o# service ' instructionsthereof