CBGTBT - Part 1 - Workshop introduction & primer

Post on 17-Aug-2015

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Transcript of CBGTBT - Part 1 - Workshop introduction & primer

  1. 1. A Complete Beginners Guide to Blockchain Technology @blockstrap #StartingBlock2015
  2. 2. Introduction & Primer First, some context These slides are from the #StartingBlock2015 tour by @blockstrap. 6 European countries in 8 days (Istanbul, Amsterdam, Barcelona, Prague, Berlin & London). We met lots of great people, answered lots of great questions and had a great time. We look forward to meeting many of them again in the near future. These slides might only make perfect sense if you were at the talks and can remember all the additional points we made whilst discussing the tech. This deck is 1st of 6. Questions? Comments? @MrAdamGiles adam@neuroware.io
  3. 3. Introduction & Primer Hello Adam Giles Cofounder & CEO of Neuroware.io Tools, software & Infrastructure for developers building blockchain applications Coding since late 80's Working with Bitcoin 2010 @MrAdamGiles adam@neuroware.io
  4. 4. Introduction & Primer Lets start at the beginning No prior knowledge of blockchains required. Well be looking at Bitcoin, but mostly talking software. Start with a simplified overview of how it all works, then dive deeper into each section. Heads up! Some of the simplifications are so simple, that Bitcoin experts will be yelling that theyre wrong. (Theyre right!)
  5. 5. Introduction & Primer Whos in the room? Whats your language of choice? NodeJS Python Java PHP Ruby HTML5 C/C++/C# Anything else? How long have you been coding? Not a dev ( 0yrs ) Total newbie (