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Transport for NSW CSELR Stage 1 Managing Contractor Moore Park Works SLR-MC-01 August 2014

© Laing O’Rourke 2013, all rights reserved

CBD and South East Light Rail – Stage 1 Managing Contractor Construction Heritage Management Plan for the Moore Park Works



CBD and South East Light Rail – Stage 1 Managing Contractor Construction Heritage Management Plan for the Moore Park Works


Title Construction Heritage Management Plan for the Moore Park Works

Client Transport for NSW

Client reference no. SLR-MC-01

Laing O’Rourke contract no. G79


Date Copy Number Description Prepared by Approved by Signed

V0.00 Issue to TfNSW Artefact Heritage


V0.01 Issue to TfNSW Artefact Heritage


V0.02 Issue to DPE Artefact Heritage / Laing O’Rourke


Management Reviews

Review Date Details Reviewed By

Controlled: NO Copy no.: Uncontrolled: YES

Transport for NSW CSELR Stage 1 Managing Contractor Moore Park Works SLR-MC-01 August 2014

© Laing O’Rourke 2013, all rights reserved

CBD and South East Light Rail – Stage 1 Managing Contractor Construction Heritage Management Plan for the Moore Park Works



Terms and definitions

The following terms, abbreviations and definitions are used in this plan.

Terms Explanation

ACHAR Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment Report

AHIP Aboriginal Heritage Impact Permit

ATR Aboriginal Technical Report

CEMP Construction Environmental Management Plan

CHL Commonwealth Heritage List

CHMP Construction Heritage Management Plan

CoA Conditions of Approval

CPMPT Centennial Park and Moore Park Trust

CSELR CBD and South East Light Rail

EIS Environmental Impact Statement

EMS Environmental Management System

EPA Environment Protection Authority

EPBC Act Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999

ER Environmental Representative

ERAP Environmental Risk Action Plan

HAMU Historical Archaeological Management Unit

Heritage Act NSW Heritage Act 1977

Laing O’Rourke Laing O’Rourke Australia Construction Pty Limited

LORAC Laing O’Rourke Australia Construction Pty Limited

MC Managing Contractor

NHL National Heritage List

NPWS Act National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974

NSW New South Wales

OEH Office of Environment and Heritage

PAD Potential Archaeological Deposit

PEM Project Environmental Manager

POEO Act Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997

PPP Public Private Partnership

RAPs Registered Aboriginal Parties

SLER City of Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012

SLR Sydney Light Rail

SSI State Significant Infrastructure

TfNSW Transport for NSW

Transport for NSW CSELR Stage 1 Managing Contractor Moore Park Works SLR-MC-01 August 2014

© Laing O’Rourke 2013, all rights reserved

CBD and South East Light Rail – Stage 1 Managing Contractor Construction Heritage Management Plan for the Moore Park Works



0. Compliance Matrix (Minister’s Conditions of Approval (CoA)) CoA Description Where

addressed in this plan

B89 ( e) Construction Heritage Management Plan to detail how construction impacts on Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal heritage will be avoided, minimised and managed. The sub-plan shall be prepared by an appropriately qualified heritage consultant(s) and be developed in consultation with the Heritage Council of NSW, the OEH (Aboriginal heritage), and registered Aboriginal stakeholders (for Aboriginal heritage), and include, but not necessarily be limited to:

This CHMP has been prepared to address B89 (e)

(i) In relation to Aboriginal Heritage:

i. details of management measures and strategies for protection, salvage, and/or conservation of sites and items that will be directly or indirectly impacted during construction (including further archaeological investigations, salvage measures and/ or measures to protect unaffected sites during construction works in the vicinity);

Section 5.1

Table 5.1

Appendix B

Appendix E

ii. procedures for dealing with previously unidentified Aboriginal objects (excluding human remains) including cessation of works in the vicinity, assessment of the significance of the item(s) and determination of appropriate mitigation measures including when works can re-commence by a suitably qualified archaeologist in consultation with the department, OEH and registered Aboriginal stakeholders and assessment of the consistency of any new Aboriginal heritage impacts against the approved impacts of the SSI, and notification to the OEH, in accordance with section 89A of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974, and the department;

Section 5.1

Table 5.1

Appendix B

iii. procedures for dealing with human remains, including cessation of works in the vicinity and notification of the department, NSW Police Force, OEH and registered Aboriginal stakeholders and not recommencing any works in the area unless authorised by the department and/ or the NSW Police Force); and

Table 5.1

Appendix B

iv. induction processes (identification, protection) for construction personnel (including procedures for keeping records of inductions) and procedures for ongoing Aboriginal consultation and involvement; and

Table 5.1

Section 6, 7, 8.

(ii) In relation to non-Aboriginal Heritage:

i. details of management measures and strategies for protection, excavation, archival recording and/or conservation of heritage items that will be directly or indirectly impacted during construction (including measures to protect unaffected items during construction works in the vicinity);

Section 5.2

Table 5.2

ii. procedures for dealing with previously unidentified items of heritage significance, including cessation of works in the vicinity, assessment of the significance of the item(s) and determination of appropriate mitigation measures including when works can re-commence by a suitably qualified and experienced archaeologist in consultation with the department and the Heritage Council of NSW and assessment of the consistency of any new non-Aboriginal heritage impacts against the approved impacts of the SSI and notification of the Heritage Council of NSW, in accordance with Section 146 of the NSW Heritage Act 1977, and the department;

Section 5.2

Table 5.2

Appendix B

iii. procedures for dealing with human remains, including cessation of works in the vicinity and notification of the department, NSW Police Force, the Heritage Council of NSW and not recommencing any works in the area unless authorised by the department, and/ or the NSW Police Force); and

Table 5.1

Appendix B.

(iii) heritage induction processes (identification, protection) for construction personnel (including procedures for keeping records of inductions);

Table 5.2

Section 6

B53 This approval does not allow the Applicant to destroy, modify or otherwise, physically affect human remains as part of the SSI .

Section 1.3

Appendix B

Transport for NSW CSELR Stage 1 Managing Contractor Moore Park Works SLR-MC-01 August 2014

© Laing O’Rourke 2013, all rights reserved

CBD and South East Light Rail – Stage 1 Managing Contractor Construction Heritage Management Plan for the Moore Park Works



CoA Description Where addressed in

this plan


All human remains discovered during construction must be managed in accordance with the Heritage Council of NSW Skeletal Remains: Guidelines for Management of Human Remains and exhumed and reinterred at an appropriate location. Where remains are identified, consultation with the Department (Heritage Branch) must be undertaken.

Table 5.2

Appendix B


With the exception of condition B53, identified impacts to heritage (both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal), shall be minimised to the greatest extent practicable through both detailed design and construction. Where impacts are unavoidable, works shall be undertaken in accordance with the actions to manage heritage construction impacts required by condition B89 and under the guidance of an appropriately qualified heritage specialist.

Table 5.2

B56  Prior to the commencement of construction activities within the Moore Park Precinct, in areas within the vicinity of registered PADs and for other areas of the SSI that have the potential to yield Aboriginal objects, the Applicant shall:

(a) undertake archaeological investigation of this site using a methodology prepared in consultation with the OEH (Aboriginal heritage) and the Aboriginal stakeholders; and

Table 5.1

Appendix E

(b) report on the results of the archaeological investigation, including recommendations (such as for further archaeological work) in consultation with the OEH and to the satisfaction of the Secretary, and shall include, but not necessarily be limited to:

Table 5.1 Appendix E

(i) consideration of measures to avoid or minimise disturbance to Aboriginal objects where objects of moderate to high significance are found to be present;

Appendix B Appendix E

(ii) where impacts cannot be avoided, recommendations for any further investigations or salvage under B57; and

Table 5.1 Section 3.1 Appendix E

(iii) management and mitigation measures to ensure there are no additional impacts due to pre- construction and construction activities .

Table 4.2

B57 Prior to the commencement of construction activities affecting the Moore Park precinct where Aboriginal objects of moderate to high significance are found to be present and cannot be avoided (B56(ii)), the Applicant shall:

(a) develop a detailed salvage strategy, prepared in consultation with the OEH (Aboriginal heritage) and the Aboriginal stakeholders. The investigation program shall be prepared to the satisfaction of the Secretary; and

Table 5.1

Appendix E

(b) undertake any further archaeological excavation works recommended by the results of the Aboriginal archaeological investigation program .

Table 5.1 Appendix E

Within twelve months of completing the above work, unless otherwise agreed by the Secretary, the Applicant shall submit a report containing the findings of the excavations, including artefact analysis and Aboriginal Site Impacts Recording Forms (ASIR), and the identification of final storage location for all Aboriginal objects recovered (testing and salvage), prepared in consultation with the Aboriginal stakeholders, the OEH (Aboriginal heritage) and to the satisfaction of the Secretary. A copy of this report shall be provided to the relevant Council.

Table 5.1

Appendix E

B58 The Applicant shall not destroy or permanently modify the heritage listed First Fleet Park, Tank Stream, or Belmore Park.

n/a Outside of Study Area

B59 The Applicant shall design and construct the SSI to avoid any direct impact to the 'Bear Pit' adjacent to Anzac Parade and Sydney Girls High School, Randwick, the curtilage of the cottage located near the corner of Alison and Wansey Roads or the Tramway Turnstile Building complex within the Racecourse Conservation Area.

n/a Outside of Study Area

Transport for NSW CSELR Stage 1 Managing Contractor Moore Park Works SLR-MC-01 August 2014

© Laing O’Rourke 2013, all rights reserved

CBD and South East Light Rail – Stage 1 Managing Contractor Construction Heritage Management Plan for the Moore Park Works



CoA Description Where addressed in

this plan B60 Prior to construction of works on the Royal Randwick Racecourse site affecting the Swab

building, the wall associated with Royal Randwick Racecourse, adjacent to Alison Road and east of Darley Road, or the former entrance gatehouse building, the Applicant shall prepare a report to the satisfaction of the Secretary investigating options for the retention of these buildings/structures, including relocation within the racecourse grounds. The report shall clearly describe the impacts of each option considered and likely future heritage value of these buildings in the context of the Randwick Racecourse Conservation Area.

n/a Outside of Study Area

B61 "The Applicant shall complete all archival recordings for all heritage items directly and physically impacted by the SSI; including photographic recording of the intact heritage item, unless otherwise agreed by the Secretary. The archival recording shall be undertaken by an experienced heritage consultant, in accordance with the Guidelines issued by the Heritage Council of NSW. The area containing the heritage item shall be clearly identified and/or fenced until the completion of the archival recordings. Within six months of completing the archival recording, the Applicant shall submit a report containing the archival and photographic recordings and the historic research, where required, to the Department (Heritage Branch), the relevant Council and the local library and the Randwick & District Historical Society.

Section 5.2 Table 5.2

B62 The Applicant shall not destroy, modify or otherwise physically affect any heritage items outside the approved SSI footprint (as defined in the documents referred to in condition A1), unless otherwise agreed by the Secretary.

Section 5.2 Table 5.2

B63 The measures to protect Aboriginal or historic heritage sites near or adjacent to the SSI during construction shall be detailed in the Heritage Management Sub-plan required under condition B89.

Section 5.2 Table 5.2

Transport for NSW CSELR Stage 1 Managing Contractor Moore Park Works SLR-MC-01 August 2014

© Laing O’Rourke 2013, all rights reserved

CBD and South East Light Rail – Stage 1 Managing Contractor Construction Heritage Management Plan for the Moore Park Works




0. Compliance Matrix (Minister’s Conditions of Approval (CoA)) .......................................... 3

1. Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 8

1.1 Purpose and Application ........................................................................................................ 8

1.2 Background and Scope ......................................................................................................... 8

1.2.1 CSELR Overview .......................................................................................................... 8

1.2.2 Moore Park Works Overview ........................................................................................ 8

1.2.3 Environmental Planning Approval ................................................................................ 9

1.2.4 Moore Park Works Approval Pathway .......................................................................... 9

1.2.5 Project-Specific Environmental Management System ................................................. 9

1.3 Objectives and Targets .......................................................................................................... 9

1.4 Consultation ......................................................................................................................... 10

2. Legal and Other Requirements ............................................................................................ 11

2.1 Legislation ............................................................................................................................ 11

2.2 Project Approval Conditions ................................................................................................ 11

2.3 Guidelines ............................................................................................................................ 11

3. Existing Environment ............................................................................................................ 12

3.1 Existing Environment -Aboriginal ........................................................................................ 12

3.1.1 Sub-surface archaeological investigations in the region ............................................ 12

3.1.2 Archaeological implications of geotechnical investigations at the Tramway Oval site 13

3.1.3 Archaeological implications of geotechnical investigations at the Tennis Centre Site 13

3.2 Existing Environment - Non-Aboriginal ............................................................................... 15

3.2.1 Non-Aboriginal Site History ......................................................................................... 15

3.2.2 Historic Heritage Significance ..................................................................................... 19

3.2.3 Built Heritage and Landscape Items within the Tramway Oval Site .......................... 20

3.2.4 Potential Impacts to Built Heritage and Landscape Items within the Tramway Oval Site 20

3.2.5 Tramway Oval Potential Historical Archaeological Resources and Impacts ............. 21

3.2.6 Built Heritage and Landscape Items within the Tennis Centre Site ........................... 25

3.2.7 Potential Impacts to Built Heritage and Landscape Items within the Tennis Centre Site 27

3.2.8 Tennis Centre Potential Historical Archaeological Resources and Impacts .............. 30

4. Aspects, Impacts & Risks ..................................................................................................... 32

4.1 Construction Activities ......................................................................................................... 32

4.1.1 Pre-construction (prior to CEMP Approval) ................................................................ 32

4.1.2 Construction (post CEMP Approval) ........................................................................... 32

4.2 Construction Risk Assessment ............................................................................................ 32

5. Management Measures ......................................................................................................... 36

5.1 Aboriginal Heritage .............................................................................................................. 36

5.1.1 Aboriginal Heritage Management Measures for the Tramway Oval site ................... 36

Transport for NSW CSELR Stage 1 Managing Contractor Moore Park Works SLR-MC-01 August 2014

© Laing O’Rourke 2013, all rights reserved

CBD and South East Light Rail – Stage 1 Managing Contractor Construction Heritage Management Plan for the Moore Park Works



5.1.2 Aboriginal Heritage Management Measures for the Tennis Centre site .................... 37

5.2 Non-Aboriginal Heritage ...................................................................................................... 37

6. Heritage Training .................................................................................................................... 42

7. Monitoring, Auditing and Reporting .................................................................................... 43

8. Enquiries, Complaints and Incident Management ............................................................. 44

9. References .............................................................................................................................. 45

Appendix A – Agency Consultation ........................................................................................... 46

Appendix B – Unexpected Finds Protocol ................................................................................. 48

Appendix C – CSELR Registered Aboriginal Parties (RAPs) .................................................. 49

Appendix D – Compliance Matrix (Revised Environmental Mitigation Measures (REMMs))50

Appendix E – Aboriginal Heritage Test Excavation Methodology for the Moore Park Tennis Centre ................................................................................................................................ 56

Transport for NSW CSELR Stage 1 Managing Contractor Moore Park Works SLR-MC-01 August 2014

© Laing O’Rourke 2013, all rights reserved

CBD and South East Light Rail – Stage 1 Managing Contractor Construction Heritage Management Plan for the Moore Park Works



1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose and Application

The Construction Heritage Management Plan (CHMP) for the Moore Park Works, referred to as the Moore Park Works CHMP, describes how Laing O’Rourke will manage heritage issues and minimise risk of impact during the design and construction stages of the Managing Contractor Works specific to the Tramway Oval and Tennis Centre sites which form part of the Moore Park Works, early works for the CBD and South East Light Rail (CSELR) Project, the Project.

The Moore Park Works CHMP addresses the relevant requirements of the Project Approval (EIS, Submissions Report and Minister’s Conditions of Approval (CoA)), the Project Contract (with TfNSW) and all applicable guidelines and standards specific to the proposed Moore Park Works.

Section 0 of this Moore Park Works CHMP includes a table demonstrating compliance against the Minister’s Conditions of Approval (CoA) relevant to heritage for the Moore Park Works, including CoA B89(e) which requires this Plan to be prepared, consulted and approved. Further to this, Appendix D includes a table listing applicable Revised Environmental Mitigation Measures (REMMs) from the Submissions Report relevant to heritage to be implemented during the Moore Park Works.

1.2 Background and Scope

1.2.1 CSELR Overview

The CBD and South East Light Rail (CSELR) Project (SSI-6042) incorporates the new light rail network – a 12 km route integrating major interchanges with other transport modes at Circular Quay, Wynyard, Town Hall, Central, Randwick and Kingsford - that will transform Sydney and support the city’s growing economy and population. The expanding light rail network will connect people to jobs, homes, entertainment precincts and form part of an integrated public transport solution to ease congestion and improve services.

The new light rail network will be delivered in two stages with the critical and long lead works being delivered by an Early Works Managing Contractor. Laing O’Rourke has been engaged by Transport for NSW (TfNSW) as Managing Contractor (MC) for the Early Works. These works form Stage 1 of the Project. Detailed design, construction and operation of the light rail infrastructure will be undertaken by a Public Private Partnership (PPP) Contractor as Stage 2 of the Project.

1.2.2 Moore Park Works Overview

The Stage 1 works being undertaken by Laing O’Rourke will are divided into a number of sub-stages, commencing with the first sub-stage referred to as the Moore Park Works which will include Tramway Oval and the Tennis Centre sites within the Centennial Park and Moore Park Trust (CPMPT) lands as follows:

1. Tramway Oval Eastern Extension - An extension of the turfed surround of the current Tramway Oval Field by five (5) metres to the east, to provide for a subsequent relocation of the oval by the PPP Contractor.

2. Moore Park Bus Loop – Construction of a temporary bus turnaround to run event buses in both directions on the events bus loop located to the east of Tramway Oval during construction of the CSELR project.

3. Moore Park Compound – Establishment and operation of a compound to support the Moore Park Works. The compound would be demobilised following completion of the Moore Park Works.

4. Moore Park Tennis Centre – Reconfiguration of the access driveway and car park, including a new turning head and proposed kiss-and-ride drop off, and construction of a replacement amenities building prior to demolition of the existing amenities block.

Further details of the proposed scope and location of works is provided in the Moore Park Works CEMP.

The Moore Park Works CHMP addresses both the Tramway Oval site (items 1-3 above) and the Tennis Centre site (item 4 above), both of which will be delivered as part of the Moore Park Works.

Transport for NSW CSELR Stage 1 Managing Contractor Moore Park Works SLR-MC-01 August 2014

© Laing O’Rourke 2013, all rights reserved

CBD and South East Light Rail – Stage 1 Managing Contractor Construction Heritage Management Plan for the Moore Park Works



1.2.3 Environmental Planning Approval

The Project has been assessed by TfNSW under Part 5.1 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act) as State Significant Infrastructure (SSI). The Project, its impacts, consultation and mitigation were documented in the following suite of documents:

SSl Application SSI 6042; CBD and South East Light Rail Project, Environmental Impact Statement, TfNSW November

2013; and CBD and South East Light Rail Project, Submissions Report (incorporating Preferred

Infrastructure Report), TfNSW March 2014.

The Minister for Planning granted Approval for the Project in the Minister’s Conditions of Approval (CoA, 4 June 2014 (ref ssI-6042)).

1.2.4 Moore Park Works Approval Pathway

In accordance with CoA A7 of the Planning Approval, the Project is able to be constructed in stages provided that those stages are undertaken consistently with the Conditions of Approval.

Due to a key Project’s priority to commence (and therefore complete) an initial package of works in advance of the main early works, the Managing Contractor Project has requested a Staged Approval to permit the priority works to be commenced in advance of the main construction works.

A Staging Report has been submitted to the Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) which reflects the proposed first stage of MC works as the Moore Park Works. Subsequent Stages will be described and approved through subsequent submissions of the CEMP and Sub Plans.

1.2.5 Project-Specific Environmental Management System

The Moore Park Works CEMP is the head EMS document for the delivery of the Moore Park Works and this Plan is one of the suite of Aspect-Specific support Plans and Environment Procedures to the CEMP. In summary, the Moore Park Works CEMP is comprised of the following key documents:

Construction Environmental Management Plan for the Moore Park Works (Moore Park Works CEMP)

Construction Noise and Vibration Management Plan for the Moore Park Works (CoA B89 (b)) Construction Traffic, Transport and Access Management Plan for the Moore Park Works (CoA

B89 (c)) Soil, Stormwater and Flooding Management Plan for the Moore Park Works (CoA B66) Construction Heritage Management Plan for the Moore Park Works (CoA B89 (e)) – this Plan Construction Business Management Plan for the Moore Park Works (CoA B89 (f)) Construction Compound and Ancillary Facility Plan for the Moore Park Works (CoA B88 (a)) Community Communication Strategy (CoA B90)

1.3 Objectives and Targets

Laing O’Rourke overall project objectives and targets related to Construction Heritage Management are:

No disturbance or damage to existing known heritage sites or items, where possible. Unknown or undocumented heritage sites are not knowingly destroyed, defaced or damaged. Identify, investigate, record and assess the significance of any discovered Aboriginal and non-

Aboriginal archaeological resources before any further action, including harm can take place. Consult with all relevant stakeholders, including the Registered Aboriginal Parties (CSELR

RAPs), prior to impacts in areas deemed to have Aboriginal archaeological potential as assessed in this plan, and/or upon the discovery of unexpected Aboriginal objects or cultural features.

The curation, long-term care and control and/or interpretation of Aboriginal objects discovered will be finalised in consultation with the CSELR RAPs.

Transport for NSW CSELR Stage 1 Managing Contractor Moore Park Works SLR-MC-01 August 2014

© Laing O’Rourke 2013, all rights reserved

CBD and South East Light Rail – Stage 1 Managing Contractor Construction Heritage Management Plan for the Moore Park Works



Any historical relics found on site will be kept safe for consideration and incorporation into interpretation within the public domain—within the proposed site fixtures.

No harm, destruction or defacement of unexpected relics of State significance and/or human remains, including Aboriginal burials, will occur.

1.4 Consultation

The Minister’s Condition of Approval requires that the CHMP be prepared for the Project in consultation with the Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) Heritage Division (non-Aboriginal) and Regional Operations Group (Aboriginal) and registered Aboriginal stakeholders.

In order to streamline the consultation process for the CBD and South East Light Rail (CSELR) project, TfNSW undertook a single process of registering interested Aboriginal stakeholders for the whole of the project, in accordance with OEH’s guidelines Aboriginal cultural heritage consultation requirements for proponents 2010. Registrations for the CSELR project closed on 22 January 2014. Appendix C includes the contact details for the Aboriginal stakeholders who registered an interest in the CSLER project— the CSELR ‘Registered Aboriginal Parties’ (RAPs). The CSLER RAPs have been identified as the relevant Aboriginal stakeholders for the Moore Park Works CHMP with regards the proposed works at the Tramway Oval and Tennis Centre sites as part of the Moore Park Works.

The key stakeholders related to Heritage who have been consulted with in preparation of the Moore Park Works CHMP include:

Office of Environment and Heritage, Heritage Division (non-Aboriginal heritage)

Office of Environment and Heritage, Regional Operations (Aboriginal)

Aboriginal Stakeholders – CSLER Registered Aboriginal Parties (RAPs)

Appendix A details the comments from the Heritage Division and OEH Regional Division and the Project Team’s strategy for response, as well as consultation undertaken and proposed with the CSELR RAPs. Additionally a consultation log is being maintained by Artefact to detail all correspondence and ongoing consultation being undertaken with the CSELR RAPs as part of the proposed Moore Park Works identified in this CHMP. It is noted that these stakeholders will have an ongoing role in the reviewing relevant heritage management documentation relating to the Moore Park Works.

Based on the results of recent geotechnical investigation, no areas of Aboriginal archaeological sensitivity have been identified in the proposed Tramway Oval site (included as part of the Moore Park Works), due to the truncation of the sand dunes and subsequent development impacts. For this reason, combined with the low impact of the proposed works, the Tramway Oval site has been re-assessed as demonstrating Zone 4 archaeological sensitivity, which indicates an area which does not require Aboriginal archaeological test excavation.

Based on the results of recent geotechnical investigations within the Tennis Centre Project Site, an area of Aboriginal sensitivity has been identified and as a result, requires Aboriginal archaeological test excavation to be undertaken within the Tennis Centre Project site. The CSLER RAPs have been provided with the opportunity to comment on the methodology and excavation results report, and their comments would be taken into account prior to the documents being finalised. Further consultation with registered Aboriginal stakeholders will also be conducted regarding participation in the test excavation program.

In accordance with CoA B89 (e), Aboriginal stakeholders have been provided with the opportunity to review the Draft Moore Park Works (Tramway Oval) CHMP, and subsequently the updated Moore Park Works CHMP, and provide their feedback regarding the proposed works and mitigation strategies.

In addition, it is proposed to notify all CSELR RAPs of the commencement of works, 5 days prior to any works commencing on site (at the pre-construction stage), to ensure that they are kept up-to-date with the construction program and to notify the CSLER RAPs that— should unexpected finds be encountered—works will cease in the affected area and the CSLER RAPs would be contacted in accordance with the Unexpected Finds Protocol. The Unexpected Finds Protocol is included in Appendix B.

Transport for NSW CSELR Stage 1 Managing Contractor Moore Park Works SLR-MC-01 August 2014

© Laing O’Rourke 2013, all rights reserved

CBD and South East Light Rail – Stage 1 Managing Contractor Construction Heritage Management Plan for the Moore Park Works



2. Legal and Other Requirements

The Moore Park Works CHMP has been prepared in the context of several pieces of legislation that relate to Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal heritage and its protection in New South Wales (NSW).

2.1 Legislation

Key legislation relevant to this Plan includes the:

National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 (NSW) (NPW Act); Heritage Act 1977 (NSW) (NSW Heritage Act); and the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (NSW) (EP&A Act).

In addition to the above-mentioned State legislation, there is also Commonwealth legislation that applies to certain heritage plans – places listed on the National Heritage List (NHL) and the Commonwealth Heritage List (CHL). Heritage places are listed on the NHL for their ‘outstanding heritage value to the nation’ and are owned by a variety of constituents, including government agencies, organisations or individuals.

Only items owned or controlled by the Commonwealth that have been meet the threshold for national heritage listing under the EPBC Act are listed on the CHL and afforded protection under the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cwlth) (EPBC Act). No sites or items within the Moore Park Works study area are listed on the NHL or the CHL.

In June 2013, Transport for NSW (TfNSW) applied to the Department of Planning and Infrastructure for the CSELR project to be assessed as a State Significant Infrastructure (SSI) project (Application no. SS1 13-_6042). The CSLER was declared a SSI project and was therefore assessed as SSI, by the Minister for Planning, under Part 5.1 of the EP&A Act. The Minister’s Conditions of Approval (CoA) for the CSLER project were granted on 4 June 2014. The heritage conditions of approval are outlined in conditions B53-B63 of the consent and in condition B89(e) as outlined in Section 0 of this CHMP.

Due to the project being assessed and approved under Part 5.1 of the EP&A Act, Aboriginal Heritage Impact Permits (AHIPs) issued under Section 90 of the NPWS Act and non-Aboriginal historic heritage approvals under Section 139 and Section 57 of the NSW Heritage Act are not required to be obtained prior to the commencement of works. A full description of each legal instrument is included in the Moore Park Works CEMP.

2.2 Project Approval Conditions

The Minister’s Conditions of Approval (CoA) relevant to heritage management have been addressed in this Plan in the following sections:

Section 0 - Compliance Matrix (Minister’s Conditions of Approval (CoA)) - details where each element of the applicable conditions B53 – B63 and CoA 89(e), which requires this Construction Heritage Management Plan (CHMP) to be prepared, is addressed in this Plan.

Section 5 - details the relevant heritage mitigation measures to be implemented for project as summarised in Table 5.2.1 and Table 5.2.2

Appendix D – details the applicable Revised Environmental Mitigation Measures (REMMs) from Submissions Report relevant to heritage and how they will be implemented for the Moore Park Works.

2.3 Guidelines

The preparation of the Moore Park Works CHMP has been prepared in accordance with the guidelines and standards relating to the management of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal heritage including, but not limited to, the:

Guidelines for Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment and Consultation (Office of Environment and Heritage);

NSW Heritage Manual guideline Assessing Heritage Significance (NSW Heritage Council, 2002); NSW Heritage Manual guideline Statements of Heritage Impact (NSW Heritage Office 2002) The Burra Charter: The Australia ICOMOS Charter for Places of Cultural Significance 2013 (The

Burra Charter).

Transport for NSW CSELR Stage 1 Managing Contractor Moore Park Works SLR-MC-01 August 2014

© Laing O’Rourke 2013, all rights reserved

CBD and South East Light Rail – Stage 1 Managing Contractor Construction Heritage Management Plan for the Moore Park Works



3. Existing Environment

The Heritage Impact Statement (HIS) prepared by Godden Mackay Logan (GML) for submission with the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the CBD and South East Light Rail Project in 2013 has been used as the basis for this assessment. The EIS assessed the Moore Park Precinct as representing Zone 1 and Zone 2 for Aboriginal archaeological sensitivity. The EIS noted that Zone 1 and Zone 2 represented areas with archaeological potential for Aboriginal objects to be found and/or impacted, and represented the highest levels of archaeological sensitivity for the CBD and South East Light Rail project (GML 2013: 108-109).

The EIS assessed the Moore Park Precinct as Zone 2 for non-Aboriginal archaeological sensitivity. Zone 2 represented areas of locally significant archaeological resource (known or potential) (GML 2013: 175). The actual study area for the Moore Park Works was not included in the potential impact areas initially assessed for the EIS, however the works were included as part of the Submissions Report for the Project Incorporating Preferred Infrastructure Report (March, 2014), although this assessment focussed more on the impacts of the revised alignment and stop location within the Moore Park precinct. Therefore additional research, including a review of the results obtained from recent geotechnical investigations within the Tramway Oval and Tennis Centre sites, has been undertaken in order to inform the Moore Park Works CHMP for the proposed impacts of the works being undertaken as part of the Moore Park Works.

3.1 Existing Environment -Aboriginal

The majority of the Eastern Suburbs was originally an undulating series of sand dunes which stretched from Rose Bay, along the coast to Botany Bay, and inland to Randwick and Alexandria. The Heritage Impact Statement prepared by GML indicated that the Moore Park precinct is ‘underlain by Quaternary marine sands, deposited by marine and Aeolian actions during the Holocene, and are associated with sea level changes since the last Ice Age (GML 2013: 134).

Large sand hills once covered the area, some of which still remain. Large, extant sand hills are located to the west of the project area at the Sydney Golf Course, whilst approximately 380 metres north of the project area was a dune which was called “Mount Lang”. Mount Lang was a large sand dune which was heavily modified during establishment of the parklands (Centennial Parklands Trust 2014), and was removed in the late 20th century when a cricket / AFL pitch was established in that area.

Vegetation clearance combined with wind and water erosion heavily degraded the area. By the mid-nineteenth century the Moore Park area had become barren of vegetation due to timber-getting and subsequent erosion (Centennial Parklands Trust 2014). This wind and water erosion combined with heavy modification of the area during creation of the parklands is likely to have affected the intactness of some portions of the sand layer through removal and redistribution of sand.

3.1.1 Sub-surface archaeological investigations in the region

Archaeological excavations within the Eastern Suburbs sand sheet system at Rose Bay (JMcDCHM 2010), Prince of Wales Hospital Randwick (Godden et al 1997), Long Bay (MDCA 2007), Prince of Wales Medical Research Institute (MDCA 2008) and Discovery Point Tempe (JMcDCHM 2005) have located evidence of Aboriginal occupation. The Aboriginal sites located during those archaeological excavations are some of the oldest so far recorded in the Sydney Basin with dates for Discovery Point at around 10,000 years before present, and human remains at Rose Bay dated to approximately 3,000 years before present. In all the cases of archaeological excavations mentioned above, Aboriginal artefacts have been located within the A horizon, with the highest density of artefacts in general found in the upper grey sand layer.

The Rose Bay sand sheet is a separate Quaternary formation from the Moore Park sand sheet. Archaeological excavation within the Rose Bay sand sheet at the Royal Sydney Golf Club (JMcD CHM 2010: i) recovered skeletal remains from at least three Aboriginal people and an artefact scatter comprising over 5,700 objects. The majority of the objects were retrieved from redistributed sand layers, whilst in some portions of the site intact podzol soil profiles onto coffee rock were encountered (Mitchell 2009: 3).

Geological and archaeological investigations across the sand sheet associated with Moore Park indicates that the basal layers of the sand, associated with a layer of coffee rock, date to the terminal

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Pleistocene, between 30,000 to 40,000 years ago (Attenbrow 2002: 9-10). The oldest dated Aboriginal site in the sand sheet is 8,400 +/- 800 years Before Present (BP) (Godden et al 1997).

Attenbrow (2002: 9-10) outlines information from sub-surface investigations which indicates that following the commencement of aeolian sand deposition across the Botany Bay Basin during the terminal Pleistocene, that there were several differing phases of sand deposition and movement associated with a range of environments. The large sand dunes across the northern portion of the sand layer, associated with the Moore Park area, was likely to have formed across an environment of freshwater creeks and sandstone valleys (Attenbrow 2002: 10).

3.1.2 Archaeological implications of geotechnical investigations at the Tramway Oval site

The geotechnical investigation results at the Tramway Oval show that although the sand sheet is present below about 200 mm, it appears to have been heavily truncated—with the top layer removed during historic and more modern levelling activities. The clean white sand identified by the geotechnical investigative works in all bore holes at the Tramway Oval site is likely to be culturally sterile.

A search of the Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) Aboriginal Heritage Information Management System (AHIMS) on 30 July confirmed that no Aboriginal sites are recorded either in or in the vicinity of the Tramway Oval project area (AHIMS Client ID 143132).

Based on the results of recent geotechnical investigation, no areas of Aboriginal archaeological potential have been identified in the Tramway Oval project area. The geotechnical results at the Tramway Oval indicate that:

Truncated natural sands are present below approximately 200 millimetres depth.

Clean white sand has been identified by geotechnical works in all boreholes at the Tramway Oval site.

The upper layer of sands which may have contained Aboriginal objects appear to have been removed. The clean white sand identified by the geotechnical works at the Tramway Oval site is likely to be culturally sterile.

Aboriginal archaeological test excavation at the Tramway Oval site is not warranted.

Following the outcomes of the geotechnical investigations, the study area has been reassessed as having Zone 4 archaeological sensitivity, which is described in the EIS as:

No Aboriginal archaeological potential due to large-scale excavations, and demolition and construction activities which would have removed any Aboriginal archaeological deposit in these locations (GML 2013:106).

Although no Aboriginal sites or areas of Aboriginal archaeological potential have been identified in the Tramway Oval project area, the unexpected finds procedures should be followed if unexpected Aboriginal objects or human skeletal material are uncovered during works (see Appendix B), in accordance with the CoA consent condition B89 (e)(i)ii).

3.1.3 Archaeological implications of geotechnical investigations at the Tennis Centre Site

A search of the Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) Aboriginal Heritage Information Management System (AHIMS) on 30 July confirmed that no Aboriginal sites are recorded either in or in the vicinity of the Tennis Centre project area (AHIMS Client ID 143132).

A total of eight pits were excavated in the Tennis Centre site as part of geotechnical investigations for the CBD and South East Light Rail project and in accordance with the EIS requirements, the test pit results were analysed to assess if the Tennis Centre site may demonstrate potential for Aboriginal cultural material. The location of those geotechnical pits are shown in Figure 1. Overall, the investigations demonstrated that across the Tennis Centre project area there is an upper layer of varying thickness consisting of imported or displaced fill dating to the late 19th and early 20th century. The fill generally comprised building material and domestic refuse.

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However, Geotech Pit 5, excavated in the current car park for the Tennis Centre site, comprised introduced fill to a depth of approximately 500 mm overlying a pale grey sand layer of 500 millimetres depth and beneath that a bleached white sand layer to base of testing. Based on the findings of the geotechnical investigation, the EIS and the Minister’s Conditions of Approval (CoA), it is recommended that archaeological test excavation should be conducted in the vicinity of Geotech Pit 5 in order to further investigate the nature of the sand layer and test for the presence of Aboriginal objects in that area (Artefact 2014:3).

Figure 1: Location of geotech pits within the Tennis Centre project area (background aerial © Google 2014)

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Proposed project impacts in the portion of the Tennis Centre project area associated with Geotech Pit 5 would extend to a depth of approximately one metre. Therefore, Aboriginal archaeological test excavation, (undertaken with the RAPs) in the vicinity of Geotech Pit 5 would investigate the sand deposit beneath the introduced fill layer and the base of works in that area— to ensure that the works would be managed in accordance with the EIS Aboriginal Archaeological Zone 1 and Zone 2 requirements (GML 2012:104).

In addition, Aboriginal archaeological test excavation within the Tennis Centre Site —specifically within the vicinity of Geotech Pit 5—will ensure compliance with the following:

CoA B56—which states that archaeological investigation should take place within the Moore Park Precinct in areas which have the potential for Aboriginal objects;

The OEH Aboriginal heritage guidelines— which note that sand dune, or sand sheet, formations are sensitive landforms as they may preserve evidence of Aboriginal occupation such as hearths, artefacts, and burials; and

The CBD and South East Light Rail Project:Early Works, Moore Park Tennis Centre :Aboriginal Heritage Test Excavation Methodology. This report prepared by Artefact, in consultation with the RAPs for KMH Environmental on behalf of Transport for NSW in July 2014 (see Appendix E).

3.2 Existing Environment - Non-Aboriginal

3.2.1 Non-Aboriginal Site History

Moore Park consisted of a series of gently rolling hills, three water bodies and varied scrub vegetation. The area was heavily utilised for its timber, and by the mid 1800s this activity had resulted in a landscape that was heavily eroded. By the late 1800s Moore Park was commonly referred to as ‘sandhills’, and labourers would pay a toll to remove sand for construction work. By the early 1860s collaboration with the Director of the Sydney Botanic Gardens led to the introduction of shrubs and couch grass, in an attempt to stabilise the area. By 1870 newspaper reports refer to a program of improvement works, including the levelling of most of the sandhills, with the exception of two large ‘batteries’ surrounded by terracing, referred to as “Renny’s Battery” and “Steel’s Battery” (Sydney Morning Herald 15 June 1870). The batteries were formed from the natural hills through the introduction of material and turfed with ryegrass. The top of the batteries were marked with ship-rigged masts, and benches were introduced for public use (Sydney Morning Herald 15 June 1870). Today, Mount Steele is the least modified, and is located approximately 250m west of the Tennis Courts. Mount Rennie was modified in in 1926 to provide a platform for the Golf Clubhouse.

The 1870s improvement works included the re-alignment of the Randwick Road (now Anzac Parade), which was ballasted with blue metal to a width of 100 feet. Pine trees were planted on either side of the new alignment and fenced for protection (as shown in Plate 2). A newspaper report of the time states that the old toll house was made redundant by these works, as after improvements it stood about 50 yards off the main road (Sydney Morning Herald 15 June 1870). The report refers to a new toll-house ‘much more ornamental in appearance’ that had been erected on the eastern side of the Randwick Road.

Old Grand Drive (now known as Federation Way) was constructed in 1887 as the main entrance to Centennial Park. A dwarf sandstone wall with iron palisade was also constructed, and defined the southern edge of Old Grand Drive. The layout of the drive was altered slightly in 1896-7. In 1917 Randwick Road was widened, the failing Monterey Pines replaced with Port Jackson Figs and the original gates relocated. The road was renamed Anzac Drive.

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Plate 1: Detail from the 1888 panorama of Sydney showing the Moore Park sandhills (Mount Rennie and Mount Steel) in the left middle ground. The location of the tennis and netball courts falls outside this

image, to the left.

Plate 2: Image taken around 1875 showing the fencing of the introduced pine trees and the improved Randwick Road alignment (fenced and curbed) (NLA pic-vn4698248).

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Sydney’s steam operated tramway was extended to Moore Park in 1879. This section of the line ran alongside Randwick Road, with stops at Moore Park and a loop that crossed Moore Park to service the cricket ground and the agricultural showground (Centennial Parklands CMP Vol. I Map 11). The tramway continued in operation until 1960.

By 1922 the City Council agreed to undertake a program of improvements at Moore Park, and arrangements were made for the construction of cricket pitches and tennis courts. Pressure was also put on the State Government to improve the section of road and land at the Cleveland Street entrance to the park that was described as being ‘waste land’ (The Sydney Morning Herald 15 July 1922). If these improvement were undertaken the Council agreed it would replace the wooden paling fence with an ornamental fence and entrance ‘really worthy of the park’ (The Sydney Morning Herald 15 July 1922).

It is likely that a series of cricket pitches visible on the 1943 aerial of Sydney were constructed around this time. In 1931 the Old Boys Union of Sydney Boys’ High School arranged the construction of tennis courts for its sister school, Sydney Girls’ High (Centennial Park Trust website accessed 14/8/2014). It is likely that the tennis pavilion was also constructed at this time (Plate 3). The courts and tennis pavilion are now part of the Parkland Sports Centre.

Plate 3: Photograph of the tennis pavilion from c1934 (City of Sydney Archives).

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Plate 4: A photograph from 1952 showing the view to the south-east, from the corner of Anzac Parade and the corner of Cleveland Street and Lang Road. The tram on Anzac Parade can be seen in the

foreground, with the Parkland Sport Centre Pavilion on the left (City of Sydney Archives).

Plate5: Photograph from 1935 showing the tennis courts and pavilion (City of Sydney Archives).

In 1940 part of the park was occupied by the military for two years. A series of air raid trenches were built in various part of Moore Park. Most of these trenches were cut to a depth of approximately 2 metres, and were lined with sandbags and sheets of iron to stabilise the sides (GML HIA August 2014 p.57). In 1947 the air raid shelters were removed (Centennial Park Trust website 14/8/2014).

The netball courts and associated car park area were constructed post-1949, and it is likely that works required to create a level playing surface resulted in the grassy mounds that currently surround that area.

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3.2.2 Historic Heritage Significance

The EIS report prepared for the Moore Park precinct has identified that there are three major cultural elements that dominate the precinct – Moore Park, Centennial Park and Anzac Parade. Moore Park and Centennial Park are identified as containing State Significant areas of parklands that were established during the nineteenth century.

Moore Park is characterised by large playing fields, both formal and informal and expansive, open grassed areas. It is interspersed with tree-lined avenues and walkways and is located within close vicinity of the sports stadium and the events precinct.

The whole of the Moore Park Precinct is identified as having State Significance (NSW State Heritage Register) and is listed as the Moore Park Conservation Area (C6) in the City of Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012 (SLEP2012).

The NSW State Heritage Inventory for Moore Park summarises the significance of Moore Park as:

The parklands at Moore Park comprise 115 hectares of open space. It has tennis courts and netball courts, the ES Marks Athletic Filed and an 18 hole group one public golf course and driving range. It is also used as a venue for circuses and outdoor events. Moore Park is a series of playing fields segmented by major and secondary roads.

Kippax Lake is the only water body to remain in Moore Park. All other swampy areas have been filled and levelled for playing fields. The lake has been ‘urbanised’ with constructed edgings and base. The spatial structure of Moore Park is a broad, flat and low lying are punctuated by modified remnant sandhills and water bodies with relatively straight lines of plantings following road alignments. Linear plantings have subdivided the park into a series of spaces, open in character yet defined by walls of trees.

Moore Park has approximately 1140 specimens of trees. The species mix is limited to 44 species among 25 genera. Numerically and visually, the most dominant species in Moore Park are the Morton Bay and Port Jackson Fig trees. Older specimens are in a declined state and numbers and have been boosted by replacements.

The distinct landscape character of Moore Park is one of the large-scale elements, comprising extensive avenues of majestic figs which line the roadways and set off the expansive fields (GML 2013:314).

The statement of significance, prepared for the State Heritage Inventory notes that:

The parklands are representatives of a mid-nineteenth century trend which established large landscaped parks for healthy recreation of all social classes and as a relic from cramped living conditions and industrial centres. They also have historical associations with Charles Moore, Mayor of Sydney (1867-1869) and Charles Moore, Director of Sydney’s Botanic Gardens.

Moore Park is of aesthetic significance for its large expanse of open space and important plantings, as well as numerous elements including the entry gates and five memorial fountains. The avenues of figs along Federation Way and Anzac Parade, which traverse the area, are significant landscape elements…

The parklands, with its high level of recreational usage are held in high esteem by the local and wider community (GML 2013:315).

Whilst the parklands as a whole are listed on the NSW State Heritage Register and Moore Park is identified as a Conservation Area within the City of Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012 (SLEP2012), there are no individually-listed built heritage items contained within the Moore Park Works study area. In addition, the EIS does not identify any individual built heritage or landscape items within the curtilage of the proposed Moore Park Works study area (GML 2013:310).

Heritage listed built heritage items within the vicinity of the proposed works include the Sydney Cricket Ground—Members and Ladies Pavilion (SHR listing No. 00353) and the Toll House at the corner of Lang Road and Anzac Parade (SLEP 2012 Item No. I957)

In terms of the historical archaeological potential—The Moore Park Works are contained within the Moore Park Historical Archaeological Management Unit (HAMU) identified as ‘Moore Park East’ in the EIS report (GML 2013:229). Moore Park East HAMU is identified as having the potential to contain a Zone 2 – Locally Significant archaeological resource.

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The EIS identifies that the potential archaeological resource that may be impacted upon by the proposed works includes:

Archaeological remains of WWII air raid shelters which may have moderate-high research potential.

Archaeological remains of early road and tram alignments which may have low-moderate research potential.

The EIS notes that, if discovered, the potential air raid shelters would have historical associations with Sydney’s defence systems during World War II, the Australian military services and, possibly, the local community. In addition, the EIS notes that should substantial structural remains related to the WWII air raid shelters exist, they may have interpretable qualities related to their aesthetic and/or technical significance because of their ability to physically demonstrate Sydney’s defence and protection responses to World War II (GML 2013:229).

Remains of the former tram network, if found, would also provide evidence of the former significant network of public transport. Geotechnical investigations in the vicinity of the former tram tracks has revealed evidence of an initial layer of fill that predominantly consisted of blue metal, or similar, which may be related to the construction of the existing event bus roadway and bus shelter, or alternatively, may provide evidence associated with the construction of the former tram tracks and associated infrastructure.

3.2.3 Built Heritage and Landscape Items within the Tramway Oval Site

The formalised Tramway Oval is currently used as the training ground for the Sydney Swans and its associated bus terminal is used for major event bus transportation. Numerous sub-surface services and stormwater drainage services are located within the study area and its immediate surrounds.

Whilst the parklands as a whole are listed on the State Heritage Register, there are no built heritage items contained within the study area. The EIS does not identify any individual built heritage or landscape items within the curtilage of the proposed study area (GML 2013:310).

Built heritage items within the vicinity of the proposed works include the Sydney Cricket Ground—Members and Ladies Pavilion (SHR listing No. 00353).

Following assessment by the arborist, it has been determined that up to nine trees would be impacted by the construction of the temporary bus turnaround, as documented in the Tree Report for the Moore Park Works. The trees to be affected are not identified as individual items of heritage significance in the EIS (2013:310) and do not form part of the significant stands of trees identified in the Draft City of Sydney Register of Significant Trees 2013. Nevertheless, the works would impact on at least one palm that appears to be a Canary Island Date Palm that is likely to be associated with the original Macarthur Avenue tree planting scheme. It appears to be present in the 1943 aerial photographs of Macarthur Avenue and is likely to have some heritage significance.

3.2.4 Potential Impacts to Built Heritage and Landscape Items within the Tramway Oval Site

The proposed Tramway Oval Eastern Extension works to extend the turfed surround of the current Tramway Oval Field by 5 metres to the east, to provide for a subsequent relocation by the PPP Contractor in the future, will not impact on any items of built heritage significance within the study area and will not result in the removal of any trees that have been identified in the EIS— for the Moore Park Precinct— as significant, or in the Draft City of Sydney Register of Significant Trees 2013 as significant.

The proposed Moore Park Bus Loop involving construction of a temporary bus turnaround to run event buses in both directions on the events bus loop located to the south of Tramway Oval during construction of the CSELR project will, however, impact on up to nine trees that are located within the proposed event bus turnaround. One palm that appears to be a Canary Island Date Palm is likely to have been planted in association with the original Macarthur Avenue tree planting scheme. It is located on the perimeter of the proposed bus turnaround works and would not be viable for retention due to the proposed construction works in this location, as identified by the arborist in the Moore Park Works Tree Report. The loss of this tree would be considered to have a moderate impact on the historic and aesthetic significance of Moore Park (within this specific location), due to its historic, visual and physical association with the former historic, tree-lined Macarthur Avenue. The loss of the tree in terms of the overall significance of the broader Moore Park Precinct, would be considered to be, minor.

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Archival recording of the small stand of trees to be removed within the close vicinity of the former Macarthur Avenue, and in particular, the Canary Island Date Palm, would be required to be undertaken prior to the commencement of construction works on site in accordance with the recommended mitigation measures for Moore Park in the EIS (GML 2013:359) and CoA B61. Archival recording includes photography of an item before impact and preparation of documentation illustrating photograph aspects and item description. Archival recording and associated documentation would be prepared in accordance with Heritage Division guidelines.

Due to the minor nature of these works there will be no adverse visual impacts to any built heritage items within close vicinity of the Tramway Oval, namely, the Sydney Cricket Ground—Members and Ladies Pavilion.

3.2.5 Tramway Oval Potential Historical Archaeological Resources and Impacts

The archaeological resource that may be impacted upon—within the Tramway Oval site— by the proposed works, and as noted in the EIS, would include:

Archaeological remains of WWII air raid shelters which may have moderate-high research potential.

Archaeological remains of early road and tram alignments which may have low-moderate research potential.

In addition to the potential historical archaeological resources identified in the EIS, historical documentation indicates that remnant fabric associated with the roadway of the former Macarthur Avenue is likely to be impacted upon by the proposed temporary event bus turning circle within the Tramway Oval site.

During the geotechnical investigations recently undertaken— within the study area—it was noted that sections of the ground surface were eroded within the location associated with the former Macarthur Avenue. Evidence of remnant asphalt, rubble, bricks and other potential fabric, possibly associated with the roadway, were observed in these areas of erosion.

Plate 6 Possible evidence associated with the former Macarthur Avenue

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In accordance with the Zone 2 Moore Park East HAMU recommendations of the EIS, a program of archaeological monitoring, with possible expansion into open area excavation, would be required at the Tramway Oval site (GML 2003:178).

Archaeological monitoring would be required at the Tramway Oval site as identified below, which would involve the onsite presence of the historical archaeological excavation director (or similar) during the works as required. The requirement for expansion into open area excavation would be determined during the monitoring works, and is not expected to be required.

On the following page, Figure 2 highlights the remnant evidence of the WWII air raid shelters (shown as zig-zag patterns within the landscape), Macarthur Avenue— including the avenue of trees (which runs through the proposed bus turnaround) and evidence of the Moore Park tram tracks.

Figure 3 highlights areas of local historical archaeological potential that would require further historical archaeological monitoring where excavation is proposed to occur (i.e. during excavations at the proposed Bus Loop and the northern portion of the Tramway Oval Eastern Extension), prior to and during the proposed construction program, unless otherwise agreed in consultation with the historical archaeological excavation director for minor impacts (e.g. compounds, access tracks, etc.). The map also serves to highlight that care should be taken to ensure that heavy machinery does not compact on those identified areas of historical archaeological potential – in particular the identified areas with the potential for remnant air raid shelter evidence to survive.

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Figure 2 Potential historical archaeological features (highlighted in green) in a 1943 aerial of Moore Park. Source: Six Maps with overlays by Artefact Heritage 2014

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Figure 3 Areas of local historical archaeological potential (highlighted in blue). Source: Google Earth 2014 with overlays by Artefact Heritage

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3.2.6 Built Heritage and Landscape Items within the Tennis Centre Site

The Parklands Sports Centre, which contains the Tennis Centre Site – has tennis, netball and basketball courts, which are used for recreational and competitive sporting activities. The Tennis Centre Site contains an amenities block, a car park and the Tennis Pavilion. Several sub-surface and above-ground services, including lighting, irrigation and drainage services are located within the study area and its immediate surrounds.

Whilst the parklands as a whole are listed on the State Heritage Register and the SLEP 2012, the statutory heritage registers and the EIS do not identify any individual listings for built heritage or landscape items within the curtilage of the proposed Tennis Centre Site (GML 2013:310).

As part of the more detailed research undertaken for this report, the following built and landscape items within the Tennis Centre site, or within the close vicinity of the Tennis Centre site were identified as contributing to the heritage significance of the Moore Park Precinct:

C. 1930s Tennis Pavillion The c.1887 dwarf sandstone wall with iron palisade associated with the former Old Grand Drive. Two post- 1917 mature Jackson Fig Trees

The Tennis Centre site is within close vicinity of the former Old Grand Drive (now known as Federation Drive), and is located within the views to and from the Toll House, on the opposite side of Anzac Parade— at the corner of Lang Road and Anzac Parade.

Plate 7: c. 1930s Tennis Pavilion as it currently exists.

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Plate 8: c.1887 Dwarf Sandstone wall and iron palisade fence as it currently exist.

Plate 9: Two mature figs (proposed to be removed from within the Tennis Centre Project Works).

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3.2.7 Potential Impacts to Built Heritage and Landscape Items within the Tennis Centre Site

The reconfiguration of the access driveway and car park, including a new turning head and proposed kiss-and-ride drop off, and construction of a replacement amenities building prior to demolition of the existing amenities block will require impacts to existing ground levels and will not result in the demolition of built heritage items identified in the CoA, the EIS or this CHMP as having heritage significance.

The proposed construction plans show that approximately sixteen trees are to be impacted by the construction works. The trees to be affected are not identified as individual items of heritage significance in the EIS (2013:310) and do not form part of the significant stands of trees identified in the Draft City of Sydney Register of Significant Trees 2013. Despite this, there are two mature fig trees that appear to have been planted as part of a c.1917 planting that were originally proposed to be retained within the centre of the newly configured carpark, that will now require removal, as the Arborist’s report has noted that they are unable to be retained safely within the development of the new proposed carpark.

A third, less mature fig tree that will require removal as part of the proposed impacts associated with the kiss-and-ride drop off will be transplanted to the centre of the kiss-and-ride loop in order to be retained.

The removal of the two mature figs (historic figs) is a minor impact on the aesthetic significance of the whole of Moore Park as they have not been identified as rare within the setting of Moore Park or listed as individual items on the Draft City of Sydney Register of Significant Trees 2013, but their loss does represent a moderate to high visual impact within the smaller curtilage of the Parklands Sports Centre.

It is proposed to offset some of the visual impact caused by the loss of the two figs and other trees proposed for removal at the site through some minimal re-planting by Laing O’Rourke (as agreed with CPMPT) as part of the Moore Park Works and transplanting at least one tree to a suitable location in order to be retained within the site. It is noted that re-planting requirements for the overall CSELR Project will be determined at a later stage as part of the revegetation compensation package to be prepared by TfNSW (CoA B52), which will take into account trees removed as part of the Moore Park Works

The existing amenities block (shown in Plate 10), is not listed as an individual heritage item on the SHR or SLEP 2012 and is not identified as an item of heritage significance in the EIS. It is not considered to positively contribute to the heritage values of the Moore Park Precinct and is currently considered to have a neutral visual impact on the landscape, therefore it’s demolition and replacement with a more modern amenities block that will service the current and future user needs of the Parklands Sports Centre is considered to be a neutral, even positive impact.

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Plate 10: Netball Courts Amenities Block proposed to be demolished.

During the demolition and construction program, the built heritage and landscape items identified as having heritage significance will be protected— this includes the Tennis Pavilion, the Sandstone and iron palisade fence and Federation Way, as identified in Figure 4. In particular, protective measures such as fencing and avoidance of the key items in the placement of temporary traffic routes, site compounds and stockpiling will be implemented to ensure that all heritage items within the Tennis Centre site, and within the close vicinity, will be protected from incidental construction impacts.

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Figure 4 – Built Heritage and landscape items (highlighted in orange) to be protected during the construction program. Study Area is highlighted in red.

During the Tennis Centre Works project there will be temporary visual impacts to and from the Tennis Centre Site—associated with the site compound, construction activities, stockpiling, and protective safety fencing but these impacts will cease once the works are complete.

There will be a longer-term visual impact as a result of the removal of the two mature fig trees within the centre of the proposed Tennis Centre carpark. The removal of at least 13 other young trees will have a short-mid term visual impact on the Parklands Sport Centre—within its parkland setting—but will not impact, in the long-term on the overall significance of Moore Park due to the proposed substitute planting scheme that will be implemented once the CSLER works are complete (mid-long term). The replacement of trees and landscaping will ensure that in the long-term there will be a restoration of the aesthetic setting to the Moore Park Tennis Centre.

3.2.8 Tennis Centre Potential Historical Archaeological Resources and Impacts

As discussed in the Aboriginal archaeological assessment, a total of eight pits were excavated in the Tennis Centre project area as part of geotechnical investigations for the CBD and South East Light Rail project. The location of those geotechnical pits are shown in Figure 1. Overall, the investigations demonstrated that across the Tennis Centre project area there is an upper layer of varying thickness consisting of imported or displaced fill dating to the late 19th and early 20th century. The fill generally comprised building material and domestic refuse.

The archaeological resource that may be impacted upon—within the Tennis Centre site— by the proposed works, and as noted in the EIS, is very similar in nature to that potentially proposed to be impacted upon at the associated Tramway Oval site and would include:

Archaeological remains of WWII air raid shelters which may have moderate-high research potential.

Archaeological remains of early road and tram alignments which may have low-moderate research potential.

Figure 5 highlights the areas of historical archaeological potential along the western edge of the Tennis Centre site that will require monitoring during excavations by the appointed historical archaeological excavation director for the works (or similar) and/or additional protection from incidental impacts, such as heavy vehicle movements, during the works program.

As identified in the EIS for Zone 2 non-Aboriginal archaeological sites—prior to the commencement of works onsite, a Work Method Statement (WMS) or an Archaeological Research Design (ARD) would be required to be prepared in accordance with standard Heritage Division requirements, prior to the commencement of works on site. The WMS is required to outline a methodology for the monitoring, investigation and/or salvage of archaeological resources proposed to be impact upon by the intended scope of works, including association activities (such as temporary traffic access routes). In addition, all contractors involved in the construction works will require a heritage induction, prior to the commencement of work onsite (GML 2013:178).

The Historical Archaeological Management Unit (HAMU) for Moore Park East also identifies that:

Works within this HAMU where air raid shelters are located are likely to require some open area excavation and archival recording during site works, as well as post-excavation analysis and reporting. The nature and intactness of the archaeological resource may warrant interpretation. (GML 2013:230).

Although no areas of State significant archaeological potential have been identified in the Tennis Centre project area, if unexpected State significant relics are uncovered during works, works should cease in the immediate vicinity of the find and the unexpected finds procedures should be followed (see Appendix B) developed in accordance with CoA B89(e).

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Figure 5: Areas of historical archaeological potential

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4. Aspects, Impacts & Risks

As outlined in Section 1.2.2, the Tramway Oval works will include an extension of the turfed surround of the current Tramway Oval Field by five (5) metres to the east, to provide for a subsequent relocation of the oval by the PPP Contractor during Stage 2 of the Project. Additionally the works will include the construction of a temporary bus turnaround to run event buses in both directions on the events bus loop located to the east of Tramway Oval during construction of the Project. A construction compound will also be established at the site and would remain operational for the duration of the proposed Moore Park Works.

Works at the Tennis Centre site will include reconfiguration of the access driveway and car park, construction of a new amenities building and demolition of the old amenities block.

Further details of the proposed scope and location of the proposed works is included in the Moore Park Works CEMP.

4.1 Construction Activities

Typical construction activities associated with the Moore Park Works are outlined in the Moore Park Works CEMP. In summary these activities are outlined in sections 4.1.1 and 4.1.2 below.

4.1.1 Pre-construction (prior to CEMP Approval)

Community consultation / notifications Condition and boundary surveys Survey/services search Geotechnical and contamination sampling Establish site compounds Minor access roads

4.1.2 Construction (post CEMP Approval)

Heritage test excavations at the Tennis Centre site (as per methodology in Appendix E) Install environmental controls Traffic Controls Vegetation clearing and tree removal Road works – excavation, adjustments, re-paving, kerb guttering and line marking. Paving works – asphalt, sealing and paver blocks Earthworks, Retaining walls and embankments Construction of a new amenities building (at the Tennis Centre site) Demolition (of the existing amenities building at the Tennis Centre site) Minor service protection, relocation Drainage / Irrigation modifications Landscaping Fencing and Gates Demobilisation Site Rehabilitation

4.2 Construction Risk Assessment

The key aspects, impacts and risks (semi quantified) in relation to the management of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal heritage for the Moore Park Works are listed in Table 4.1 for Aboriginal heritage and Table 4.2 for non-Aboriginal heritage below.

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Table 4.1 Aboriginal Heritage - Aspects, Impacts and Risks

Activity Aspect/s Impact/s Risk Level* Moore Park Works

Establishment of site compound and equipment stockpile areas. (all areas)

Initial clearing and/or grubbing of vegetation to allow for non-substantial construction activities

Impact (machinery vibration, stockpiles)

Impact to unexpected and undocumented Aboriginal objects prior to completion of works program.


Establishment of temporary access roads during construction

(all areas)

Impact, including compaction and erosion, due to usage of vehicles and heavy machinery on temporary access roads

Impact to unexpected and undocumented Aboriginal objects prior to completion of works program.


Excavation associated with the extension, levelling and returfing of the Tramway Oval by 5 metres

Excavation, vibration and soil compaction due to use of heavy machinery, cutting and filling.

Finding/disturbance to and/or destruction of unexpected burials or human remains, and Aboriginal objects.


Excavation and ground preparation for the construction of the event buses turnaround at Tramway Oval.

Excavation, vibration and soil compaction due to use of heavy machinery, cutting and filling.

Finding/disturbance to and/or destruction of unexpected burials or human remains, and Aboriginal objects


Excavation and removal of approximately six trees to allow for the construction of the event buses turnover at Tramway Oval.

Excavation, vibration and soil compaction due to use of heavy machinery, cutting and filling.

Finding/disturbance to and/or destruction of unexpected burials or human remains, and Aboriginal objects


Construction of new bus turnaround and associated infrastructure, including services, kerbing, guttering at Tramway Oval.

Vibration and soil compaction due to use of heavy machinery and construction activities associated with building the road and associated infrastructure.

Disturbance to and/or degradation of buried, unidentified Aboriginal objects, human remains or burials.


Excavation and ground preparation, and works associated with the construction of the new kiss-and-ride turnabout, access driveway and carpark at the Tennis Centre, including removal of existing carpark, bollards, ground surfaces

Excavation, vibration and soil compaction due to use of heavy machinery, cutting and filling.

Finding/disturbance to and/or destruction of unexpected burials or human remains

Disturbance to potential Aboriginal Objects



Demolition of the existing Amenities building at the Tennis Centre

Excavation, vibration and soil compaction due to use of heavy machinery, cutting and filling.

Finding/disturbance to and/or destruction of unexpected burials or human remains, and Aboriginal objects


Construction of the new amenities building at the Tennis Centre, and associated services

Excavation, vibration and soil compaction due to use of heavy machinery, cutting and filling.

Finding/disturbance to and/or destruction of unexpected burials or human remains, and Aboriginal objects


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Table 4.2 Non-Aboriginal Heritage - Aspects, Impacts and Risks

Activity Aspect/s Impact/s Risk Level* Moore ParkWorks

Establishment of site compound and equipment stockpile areas (all areas).

Initial clearing and/or grubbing of vegetation to allow for non-substantial construction activities

Impact (machinery vibration, stockpiles)

Possible disturbance and impact to potential historical archaeological remains associated with former tram tracks, air raid shelters and the former Macarthur Avenue.

Temporary Visual Impact on the heritage listed Moore Park Precinct, the Sydney Cricket Ground, and their surrounds.


Establishment of temporary access roads during construction (all areas)

Impacts, including compaction and erosion, due to usage of vehicles and heavy machinery on temporary access roads

Possible disturbance and impact to potential historical archaeological remains associated with former tram tracks, air raid shelters the former Macarthur Avenue.

Temporary Visual Impact on the heritage listed Moore Park Precinct, the Sydney Cricket Ground, and their surrounds.


Excavation associated with the extension, levelling and returfing of the Tramway Oval by 5 metres

Excavation of existing ground levels, including levelling and extending the current track area.

Impacts, including compaction and erosion, due to usage of vehicles and heavy machinery

Possible disturbance and impact to potential historical archaeological remains associated with former tram tracks.

Temporary Visual Impact on the heritage listed Moore Park Precinct, the Sydney Cricket Ground, and their surrounds.


Excavation and ground preparation for the construction of the event buses turnaround

Excavation of existing ground levels, including levelling and extending the current track area.

Impacts, including compaction and erosion, due to usage of vehicles and heavy machinery

Discovery, disturbance and impact to the potential historical archaeological remains associated with the former Macarthur Avenue.

Impacts, including removal of approximately six trees.

Temporary Visual Impact on the heritage listed Moore Park Precinct, the Sydney Cricket Ground, and their surrounds.




Construction of new bus turnaround and associated infrastructure, including services, kerbing, guttering.

Vibration and soil compaction due to use of heavy machinery and construction activities associated with building the road and associated infrastructure.

Discovery, disturbance and impact to the potential historical archaeological remains associated with the former Macarthur Avenue and tram tracks.

Temporary Visual Impact on the heritage listed Moore Park Precinct, the Sydney Cricket Ground, and their surrounds.



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Activity Aspect/s Impact/s Risk Level* Moore ParkWorks

Excavation and ground preparation, and works associated with the construction of the new kiss-and-ride turnabout, carpark and associated site works at the Tennis Centre, including removal of existing carpark, bollards, ground surfaces and construction of new carpark and driveways

Excavation, vibration and soil compaction due to use of heavy machinery, cutting and filling.

Discovery, disturbance and impact to the potential historical archaeological remains associated with the former tram tracks, air raid shelters

Accidental physical impact to the Tennis Pavilion, Sandstone and Iron Palisade Fencing, two mature fig trees

Temporary Visual Impact on the Moore Park Precinct




Demolition of the existing Amenities building at the Tennis Centre

Excavation, vibration and soil compaction due to use of heavy machinery, cutting and filling.

Discovery, disturbance and impact to the potential historical archaeological remains associated with the former tram tracks

Accidental physical impact to the Tennis Pavilion, Sandstone and Iron Palisade Fencing, two mature fig trees

Temporary Visual Impact on the Moore Park Precinct




Construction of the new amenities building at the Tennis Centre, and associated services

Excavation, vibration and soil compaction due to use of heavy machinery, cutting and filling.

Accidental physical impact to the Tennis Pavilion, Sandstone and Iron Palisade Fencing, two mature fig trees

Temporary Visual Impact on the Moore Park Precinct



Note: * Semi Quantified Risk Rating = Low (L), Medium (M) or High (H) – refer to complete Risk Assessment in the Moore Park Works CEMP

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5. Management Measures

This Section describes the overall approach and principles associated with managing and mitigating heritage impacts and risks during the Moore Park Works.

The management measures are based on the mitigation measures compiled from the EIS, Submissions Report (Revised Environmental Mitigation Measures or REMMs) and the Minister’s Conditions of Approval (CoA), as well as the requirements and standards of TfNSW and Laing O’Rourke.

Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal heritage management measures, including specific actions and responsibilities to be implemented during the Moore Park Works are outlined below in Table 5.1 Aboriginal Heritage Management and Mitigation Measures and Table 5.2 Non-Aboriginal Historic Heritage Management and Mitigation Measures. The outlined management and mitigation measures should be referred to by the project team, on a regular basis, throughout the Moore Park Works to ensure all heritage compliance requirements are adequately met.

Pre-construction activities mitigation measures include Aboriginal Test Excavation at the Tennis Centre site, heritage induction, preparation of the Work Method Statement, the installation of protective fencing around key heritage items within the Tennis Centre Precinct and its close vicinity and pre-construction archival recording. Construction activities mitigation measures include protocols for implementation of the historical archaeological monitoring program, review of potential interpretive materials, unexpected finds procedures and protocols for engaging a heritage consultant and contacting registered Aboriginal stakeholders.

Post-construction activities mitigation measures include post-excavation reporting for the historical archaeological monitoring program, and unexpected finds reporting, as well as any potential interpretation planning and design.

An area of Aboriginal archaeological potential has been identified within the boundary of the Tennis Centre site. This area of potential will be subject to a program of Aboriginal heritage test excavation in accordance with a methodology approved by the CSLER RAPs prior to the commencement of any construction activities on site.

Non-Aboriginal areas of local historical archaeological potential have been identified within the boundary of, and within close vicinity of, the study area at the Tramway Oval site and the Tennis Centre Site. These areas of potential relate to the WWII air raid shelters, historic tram tracks and in the case of the Tramway Oval the former Macarthur Avenue and are shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3, respectively.

If Aboriginal objects, potential burials, or human skeletal remains are uncovered during works, the unexpected finds procedure (Appendix B) will be implemented. If non-Aboriginal relics of State Significance are uncovered during works, the unexpected finds procedure (Appendix B) will be implemented. Works will not recommence in the vicinity of an Aboriginal or non-Aboriginal unexpected find until the unexpected finds procedure has been completed and any additional approvals required to be issued are obtained in order to allow works to continue.

5.1 Aboriginal Heritage

5.1.1 Aboriginal Heritage Management Measures for the Tramway Oval site

The proposed management and assessment of Aboriginal Heritage in the EIS for the Moore Park Precinct has been refined with respect to the Tramway Oval site (the study area) as recommended by the EIS (2013:141). The Moore Park Works CHMP report has taken into account the proposed impacts associated with the construction works for the Tramway Oval site as part of the Moore Park Works, the results of the recent geotechnical investigations and the results of the additional research into the historic—and more recent— land-use activities on site. The assessment of Aboriginal archaeological potential, as previously discussed in Section 3, was revised to no potential for Aboriginal objects—EIS management Zone 4— following the results of the geotechnical investigation which demonstrated that the sand dunes have been heavily truncated.

Therefore, the proposed management for Aboriginal archaeology within the study area, is to manage the low risk related to the ‘unexpected discovery’ of Aboriginal objects and/or evidence associated with potential Aboriginal burials or Aboriginal human remains, during the construction program. The

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management and mitigation of Aboriginal heritage is outlined, in detail, in Table 5.1 and is supplemented with the unexpected finds protocol, provided as Appendix B.

5.1.2 Aboriginal Heritage Management Measures for the Tennis Centre site

As a result of the geotechnical investigative works, the Tennis Centre site was deemed to have the potential to contain Aboriginal objects in the location identified as geotech pit 5. Therefore, archaeological test excavation will be conducted in the vicinity of Pit 5 in order to further investigate the nature of the sand layer and test for the presence of Aboriginal objects in that area (Artefact 2014:3) and in accordance with an Aboriginal test excavation methodology approved by the CSLER RAPs. The proposed management of the potential discovery of Aboriginal objects during test excavation and the ongoing construction program is summarised in Table 5.1 and outlined in detail in Appendix E.

5.2 Non-Aboriginal Heritage

The management of the non-Aboriginal historic heritage values associated with the Moore Park Works study area will require ongoing pro-active management from the pre-construction phase of the works, through to post-construction reporting. This is due to the fact that additional historical research has supported the EIS conclusions that the Moore Park East HAMU has the potential for locally significant historical archaeological relics to be discovered, and destroyed during the proposed excavation and construction program.

The proposal to undertake archaeological monitoring in accordance with a Work Method Statement prepared by a qualified historical archaeologist, and possible open-area excavation in the location of the air raid shelters, if impacted, corresponds with the recommendations for Zone 2: Locally Significant Historical Archaeology mitigation measures outlined in the HIA (GML 2013:178) and complies with the site-specific Moore Park East HAMU management and mitigation measures, also outlined in the HIA (GML 2013:229).

Detailed site-specific management and mitigation measures for Non-Aboriginal historic heritage within the Moore Park Works are outlined in Table 5.2 and will ensure all heritage compliance requirements are satisfied throughout the proposed construction program.

The potential for unexpected relics of State significance to be discovered during the works program is also addressed in Table 5.2, with the procedure for managing unexpected finds detailed in Appendix B.

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Table 5.1 Aboriginal Heritage Management and Mitigation Measures

No. Timing Responsibility Management Measure Mitigation

1 Pre-construction

Environmental Manager

Heritage Specialist/RAPs

Worker awareness of potential Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal unexpected finds.

Heritage induction for all workers. Heritage induction would include information on Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal objects which may be encountered as unexpected finds and worker awareness of the unexpected finds procedure.

2 Pre-construction

Environmental Manager

Heritage Specialist


Aboriginal Heritage Test Excavation Process – Tennis Centre Geotech Pit 5

Consultation with the CSELR RAPs on the proposed methodology

Notification to the CSELR RAPs that works are due to commence (5 working days notice).

Identify registered CSELR Aboriginal stakeholders (RAPs) in the CHMP (Appendix C). Consult with the identified CSELR RAPs on the proposed methodology (Appendix E). Notification to the RAPs in writing that test excavation works are due to commence – with 5

working days notice to be provided. As part of the notification process, a copy of the CHMP should be included in the notification package.

Undertake and complete all test excavation works at the Tennis Centre Site – for geotech pit 5 and reporting prior to commencement of construction works within 50m buffer of geotech pit 5.

3 Pre-construction and construction

Environmental Manager

Aboriginal stakeholder identification (CSELR RAPs) and contact details in case of unexpected finds.

Notification to the CSELR RAPs that works are due to commence (5 working days notice).

Identify registered CSELR Aboriginal stakeholders in the CHMP (Appendix C). Notification to the RAPs in writing that works are due to commence – with 5 working days

notice to be provided. Contact Aboriginal stakeholders in accordance with the Unexpected Finds Protocol (Appendix

B) in the case of unexpected finds of Aboriginal object or potential Aboriginal human skeletal remains and/or Aboriginal burials.

4 Construction Environmental Manager

Salvage Excavation Methodology, (if required)

Notification to the CSELR RAPs that works are due to commence (5 working days notice).

Identify registered CSELR Aboriginal stakeholders in the CHMP (Appendix C). Notification to the RAPs in writing that works are due to commence – with 5 working days

notice to be provided. If test excavation concludes that Aboriginal objects will be found within the Tennis Centre,

implement salvage excavation methodology in consultation with RAPs and OEH.

5 Construction Environmental Manager

Unexpected finds procedure for Aboriginal objects and human skeletal remains.

Unexpected finds procedure in place (Appendix B) and identification of the unexpected finds procedure to all workers during heritage induction training.

6 Construction Environmental Unexpected finds procedures for Aboriginal objects and human skeletal

Stop all works in the vicinity of the unexpected find and cordon off. Enact unexpected finds procedure, which includes contacting a heritage consultant, Aboriginal

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No. Timing Responsibility Management Measure Mitigation

Manager remains. stakeholders, and Transport for NSW.

7 Post-Construction

Environmental Manager

Post-excavation reporting – if unexpected finds are found.

Upon completion of any unexpected finds reporting and required mitigation measures, post-excavation reporting in accordance with the OEH Aboriginal requirements will be undertaken with 12 months of the completion of works. Post-excavation report to be prepared by the Aboriginal archaeologist in consultation with the Aboriginal stakeholders.

8 Post-Construction

Environmental Manager

Post-excavation reporting – if salvage excavation undertaken at the Tennis Centre Site

Upon completion of any salvage excavation works and associated mitigation measures, post-excavation reporting in accordance with the OEH Aboriginal requirements will be undertaken with 12 months of the completion of works. Post-excavation report to be prepared by the Aboriginal archaeologist in consultation with the Aboriginal stakeholders.

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Table 5.2 Non-Aboriginal Heritage Management and Mitigation Measures

No. Timing Responsibility Management Measure Mitigation

1 Pre-construction

Environmental Manager and

Heritage Specialist

Ensure worker awareness of areas of non-Aboriginal historical archaeological potential (air raid shelters, tram tracks, Macarthur Avenue)

Ensure work awareness of areas of built and landscape sensitivity that require protection.

Ensure worker awareness of potential Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal unexpected finds.

Heritage induction to be prepared by a qualified historical archaeological and heritage specialist for all workers.

Heritage induction would include information on the potential for historical archaeological evidence associated with the air raid shelters, tram tracks and Macarthur Avenue to be found and information on Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal objects which may be encountered as unexpected finds.

Heritage induction would include areas identified in Figure 4 of the CHMP as requiring protection before, during and after construction works.

Raise worker awareness of the unexpected finds procedure.

2 Pre-construction

Environmental Manager and

Install protective fencing and tree protection for all built heritage and retained landscape items at the Tennis Centre.

Protective fencing and/or similar measures, is to be installed around items identified as having built heritage values, in accordance with Figure 4 of the CHMP to ensure items are retained, protection and avoided before and during construction works.

The fig to be removed and transplanted is to be protected in accordance with the Arborist’s specification.

3 Pre-construction

Environmental Manager and

Historical Archaeologist

Ensure areas of historical archaeological potential are not impacted upon by construction works without archaeological monitoring

A map detailing the proposed areas identified as requiring historical archaeological monitoring (see Figure 2 and Figure 5 in the CHMP) will be submitted to the Environmental Manager for distribution to the workers prior to commencement of any works on site.

An historical archaeological Work Method Statement (WMS) detailing how the archaeological monitoring, and possible open area excavation, is proposed to be undertaken— including details of how the archival recording, onsite investigation of historical archaeological relics, post-excavation documentation and protection of artefacts not proposed to be impacted— will be prepared by the historical archaeologist prior to the commencement of any works on site, with a copy of the WMS to be lodged with Laing O’Rourke, OEH and TfNSW.

4 Pre-construction

Environmental Manager

Archival Recording of the Tramway Oval, with specific recording of the proposed trees to be removed, including the palm.

An archival record of Tramway Oval, and in particular, a photographic record of the small group of trees near the former Macarthur Avenue, and in particular, the Canary Island Date Palm, proposed to be removed, within their context, prior to the commencement of works on site will be undertaken in accordance with the NSW Heritage Division guidelines.

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No. Timing Responsibility Management Measure Mitigation

4 Construction Environmental Manager

Unexpected finds procedure for non-Aboriginal objects and human skeletal remains.

Unexpected finds procedure for the discovery of State Significant historical archaeological relics.

Unexpected finds procedure in place (see Appendix B) and identification of the unexpected finds procedure to all workers during heritage induction training.

Works are to cease in the vicinity of the discovery of any unexpected finds – related to Aboriginal objects, human remains, evidence of burials and evidence of State significant historical archaeological remains. Unexpected finds procedure to be implemented (in accordance with Appendix B).

5 Construction Environmental Manager and

Historical Archaeologist

Flag any interpretation options for archaeological relics discovered during monitoring.

During archaeological monitoring works, the archaeologist in consultation with the client, and potentially other stakeholders, as required, will determine if any historical archaeological relics may be suitable for use in interpretation, as per condition of B51 (g). Advice to Laing O’Rourke and TfNSW, and any other relevant stakeholders, accordingly.

6 Post-Construction

Environmental Manager and

Historical Archaeologist

Preparation of post-excavation reports Upon completion of the historical archaeological monitoring works, post-excavation reporting in accordance with the OEH Heritage Division requirements will be undertaken with 12 months of the completion of works. The post-excavation report to be prepared by the historical archaeologist.

7 Post-Construction

Environmental Manager

Preparation of Interpretation Plan, if required.

Should significant historical archaeological remains associated with the air raid shelters, the tram tracks or any other key feature be discovered, an Interpretation Installation, preceded by a detailed Interpretation Plan may be required (CoA) (51g).

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6. Heritage Training

All site personnel shall undergo site specific induction training, which will include environmental awareness and heritage management training. Toolbox meetings will also be undertaken as and when required; covering specific environmental issues and shall include heritage control measures as identified in this CHMP for the Moore Park Woks.

Personnel directly involved in implementing heritage control measures on site will be given specific training in the various measures to be implemented.

Records of all training are to be filed in accordance with the project filing system.

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7. Monitoring, Auditing and Reporting

Monitoring, auditing and reporting will be undertaken as per the Moore Park Works CEMP.

All environmental control measures, including heritage controls (i.e. no-go zones, training, etc.) will be regularly monitored throughout the project.

In accordance with Mitigation Measures outlined in Table 5.2, the following monitoring and reporting actions are recommended for non-Aboriginal heritage:

Archaeological monitoring by a qualified archaeologist in those work areas which overlap with areas of archaeological sensitivity described in Section 3.2 and as highlighted in Figure 2.

Reporting on the results of archaeological monitoring. Archival recording where required (Section 3.2) and preparation of archival recording documentation,

including photographs and reporting. Archaeological monitoring, archival recording, and associated reporting and preparation of archival

material would be prepared in accordance with the methodology outlined in the WMS.

The Environmental Control Map (ECM) will identify site-specific environmental features including the location of existing heritage significance and associated control measures to be implemented where applicable.

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8. Enquiries, Complaints and Incident Management

Enquiries, complaints and incident management will be undertaken as per the Moore Park Works CEMP, including those related to heritage.

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9. References

Artefact, 2014. Draft CBD and South East Light Rail Project: Early Works, Moore Park Tennis Centre: Aboriginal Heritage Test Excavation Methodology. Report prepared for KMH Environmental on behalf of Transport for NSW.

Attenbrow, V., 2002. Pre-colonial Aboriginal land and resource use in Centennial, Moore and Queens Parks – assessment of historical and archaeological evidence for Centennial Parklands Conservation Management Plan. Report for incorporation into overall Conservation Management Plan prepared by Beyond Consulting for Conybeare Morrison and Partners.

Centennial Parklands Trust, http://www.centennialparklands.com.au/places_to_visit/moore_park/history_of_moore_park accessed 31 July 2014.

Godden Mackay Heritage Consultants Pty Ltd and Austral Archaeology Pty Ltd, 1997. Prince of Wales Project 1995, Randwick Destitute Children’s Asylum Cemetery. Archaeological Investigation, Volume 2 – Archaeology, Parts 3, 4 and 5. Report prepared for the South Eastern Area Health Service, Heritage Council of NSW and NSW Department of Health.

Godden Mackay Logan, 2013. CBD and South East Rail Heritage Impact Assessment. Report prepared for Parsons Brinckerhoff on behalf of Transport for NSW.

Jo McDonald Cultural Heritage Management Pty Ltd, 2005. Archaeological Testing and Salvage Excavation at Discovery Point in the Former Grounds of Tempe House, NSW. Report to Australand Holdings Pty Ltd.

Jo McDonald Cultural Heritage Management Pty Ltd, 2010. Archaeological Subsurface Investigations at the Royal Sydney Golf Club, Rose Bay. Report prepared for the Royal Sydney Golf Club.

Mary Dallas Consulting Archaeologists, 2008. Prince of Wales Medical Research Institute Project. Proposed Neuroscience Research Precinct. Concept Plan and Project Application. Aboriginal Archaeology – Preliminary Assessment. Report to Winton Associates Pty Ltd.

Mitchell, P., 2009. Geomorphology and soil materials of a sand ridge on the Royal Sydney Golf Club in relation to Aboriginal archaeology. Report to Jo McDonald Cultural Heritage Management Pty Ltd.

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Appendix A – Agency Consultation




OEH – Regional Operations


Fran Scully – OEH (Metro)

Date: Wednesday 29 July 2014

Method: telephone conversation

Consultation with OEH Regional Operations (Aboriginal) indicated that Aboriginal objects and burials had been identified in the Moore Park and Rose Bay – Bondi sand bodies and that there was potential for unexpected finds.

Artefact, on behalf of Laing O’Rourke, has considered this information from OEH and discussed the Aboriginal archaeological potential of the Tramway Oval work site in Section 3.1.2 of this CHMP and input Aboriginal heritage unexpected finds procedures in Section 5.1 and Appendix B.

Consultation regarding the Tennis Centre Aboriginal archaeological test excavation was also undertaken on the same date and advice was provided by OEH regarding the proposed methodology which has been incorporated into the draft test excavation methodology (attached as Appendix E of the CHMP)

OEH—NSW Heritage Division

Katrina Stankowski — OEH Heritage Division

Date: Wednesday 29 July 2014

Method: telephone conversation

Consultation with OEH Heritage Division noted that archaeological monitoring was proposed to be undertaken in the areas noted as having local historical archaeological potential where impacts– related to the air raid shelters, tram tracks (Tramway Oval and Tennis Centre) and Macarthur Avenue may occur. It was discussed that a Work Method Statement would be prepared to ensure that the monitoring and investigations would be undertaken in accordance with OEH Heritage Division best practice.

It was noted that it is not anticipated that State significant relics would be discovered, but that if discovered they would be managed in accordance with an unexpected finds protocol (in Appendix B of CHMP).

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CBD and South East Light Rail – Stage 1 Managing Contractor Construction Heritage Management Plan for the Moore Park Works






CSELR Registered Aboriginal Parties (RAPs)

Appendix C of the CHMP provides a full list of contact names and details of the Aboriginal Stakeholders registered for the CSLER project- the CSLER RAPs

Date: 5 August 2014

Method: Copy of draft CHMP for Tramway Oval issued to the CSLER RAPs (e-mails / letters attached)

Date: 5 August 2014

Method: Copy of draft Test Excavation Methodology for the Tennis Centre issued to the CSLER RAPs (e-mails / letters attached)

Date: 19 August 2014

Method: Copy of draft Moore Park Works CHMP issued to the CSLER RAPs (e-mails / letters attached)

The draft CHMP for the Moore Park Works at Tramway Oval (The Moore Park Works (Tramway Oval) CHMP) was sent to all of the CSELR RAPs on the 5 August 2014 for review and comment. Submissions were invited to be received until close of business Friday 15 August 2014.

The Draft CBD and South East Light Rail Project: Early Works, Moore Park Tennis Centre:Aboriginal Heritage Test Excavation Methodology (Appendix E to the CHMP) was sent to the CSELR RAPs for review on 5 August 2014. Submissions were invited to be received until close of business Friday 22 August.

The draft Moore Park Works CHMP was also submitted to all CSLER RAPs for review on 19 August 2014. Submissions were invited to be received until close of business Monday 25 August 2014.

6 August 2014

Scott Franks Tocomwall PO Box 76 Caringbah NSW 1495

Re: CBD and South East Light Rail Project: Tramway Oval, Moore Park.

Thank you for registering as a stakeholder for the CBD and South East Light Rail Project (CSELR

Project). As part of the CSELR Project, GML Heritage commenced consultation for this project on

behalf of Transport for NSW (TfNSW). In accordance with the Minister’s Conditions of Approval

(CoA), issued as part of the approval for the CSLER (consent no. SSI-6042), the proponent is

required to prepare a Construction Heritage Management Plan (CHMP) prior to the commencement

of construction works associated with the CSELR.

In particular, Condition no. B89 (e) states that the:

Construction Heritage Management Plan [is] to detail how construction impacts on Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal heritage will be avoided, minimised and managed. The sub-plan shall be prepared by an appropriately qualified heritage consultant(s) and be developed in consultation with the Heritage Council of NSW, the OEH (Aboriginal heritage), and Aboriginal Stakeholders (for Aboriginal heritage).

Laing O’Rourke, on behalf of the TfNSW (the Proponent), propose to commence CSLER Stage 1 construction works at the Tramway Oval site, Moore Park. Therefore, Artefact Heritage has been engaged to prepare the draft CHMP for Tramway Oval, Moore Park in accordance with the Minister’s CoA and will be handling the next stages of the consultation process.

The works proposed to be undertaken by Laing O’Rouke for the Tramway Oval site will include the:

Tramway Oval Eastern Extension: An extension of turfed surround of the current Tramway Oval Field by 5 metres to the east

Moore Park Bus Loop: Construction of a temporary bus turnaround to run event buses in both directions on the events bus loop located to the east of Tramway Oval during construction of the CSELR project

Moore Park Construction Compound: Establishment of a construction compound to support the works within Moore Park and subsequent packages of works within Surry Hills.

As part of the preparation of the draft Construction Heritage Management Plan for Tramway Oval,

Moore Park (CHMP) we are seeking your input and feedback regarding the proposed methodology

and mitigation measures for the management of Aboriginal heritage values. Our summary of the

Aboriginal archaeological potential for the Tramway Oval site is based on geotechnical results

obtained by Geotechnique, undertaken during the CSLER early works geotechnical investigative

works program, and is supplemented by additional research undertaken specifically for the draft

CHMP for the Tramway Oval site. The results of this investigation and review have determined that,

in this small area of Moore Park, the sand dunes are heavily truncated and therefore, it is unlikely that

the proposed scope of works would impact on natural soil profiles, including potential Aboriginal


As part of the draft CHMP management recommendations, we have also prepared an unexpected

finds protocol to ensure that in the event that—during historical archaeological excavations and other

site works— unexpected Aboriginal objects, potential burials and /or human remains were

discovered— works would cease in the affected areas, and that consultation with the registered

Aboriginal stakeholders, would commence immediately.

Submissions, in writing or verbal, will be accepted and are due by Friday the 15th August 2014. If you

would like to discuss any of the details of the draft CHMP please call me either in the office on 9371

5635, or on my mobile 0402 433 432.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind Regards,

Josh Symons Artefact E: josh.symons@artefact.net.au P: 02 9371 5635 M: 0402 433 432 W: www.artefact.net.au A: PO Box 772 Rose Bay NSW 2029

6 August 2014

Celestine Everingham and Gordon Morton Darug Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessments 90 Hermitage Road Kurrajong Hills NSW 2758

Re: CBD and South East Light Rail Project: Tramway Oval, Moore Park.

Thank you for registering as a stakeholder for the CBD and South East Light Rail Project (CSELR

Project). As part of the CSELR Project, GML Heritage commenced consultation for this project on

behalf of Transport for NSW (TfNSW). In accordance with the Minister’s Conditions of Approval

(CoA), issued as part of the approval for the CSLER (consent no. SSI-6042), the proponent is

required to prepare a Construction Heritage Management Plan (CHMP) prior to the commencement

of construction works associated with the CSELR.

In particular, Condition no. B89 (e) states that the:

Construction Heritage Management Plan [is] to detail how construction impacts on Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal heritage will be avoided, minimised and managed. The sub-plan shall be prepared by an appropriately qualified heritage consultant(s) and be developed in consultation with the Heritage Council of NSW, the OEH (Aboriginal heritage), and Aboriginal Stakeholders (for Aboriginal heritage).

Laing O’Rourke, on behalf of the TfNSW (the Proponent), propose to commence CSLER Stage 1 construction works at the Tramway Oval site, Moore Park. Therefore, Artefact Heritage has been engaged to prepare the draft CHMP for Tramway Oval, Moore Park in accordance with the Minister’s CoA and will be handling the next stages of the consultation process.

The works proposed to be undertaken by Laing O’Rouke for the Tramway Oval site will include the:

Tramway Oval Eastern Extension: An extension of turfed surround of the current Tramway Oval Field by 5 metres to the east

Moore Park Bus Loop: Construction of a temporary bus turnaround to run event buses in both directions on the events bus loop located to the east of Tramway Oval during construction of the CSELR project

Moore Park Construction Compound: Establishment of a construction compound to support the works within Moore Park and subsequent packages of works within Surry Hills.

As part of the preparation of the draft Construction Heritage Management Plan for Tramway Oval,

Moore Park (CHMP) we are seeking your input and feedback regarding the proposed methodology

and mitigation measures for the management of Aboriginal heritage values. Our summary of the

Aboriginal archaeological potential for the Tramway Oval site is based on geotechnical results

obtained by Geotechnique, undertaken during the CSLER early works geotechnical investigative

works program, and is supplemented by additional research undertaken specifically for the draft

CHMP for the Tramway Oval site. The results of this investigation and review have determined that,

in this small area of Moore Park, the sand dunes are heavily truncated and therefore, it is unlikely that

the proposed scope of works would impact on natural soil profiles, including potential Aboriginal


As part of the draft CHMP management recommendations, we have also prepared an unexpected

finds protocol to ensure that in the event that—during historical archaeological excavations and other

site works— unexpected Aboriginal objects, potential burials and /or human remains were

discovered— works would cease in the affected areas, and that consultation with the registered

Aboriginal stakeholders, would commence immediately.

Submissions, in writing or verbal, will be accepted and are due by Friday the 15th August 2014. If you

would like to discuss any of the details of the draft CHMP please call me either in the office on 9371

5635, or on my mobile 0402 433 432.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind Regards,

Josh Symons Artefact E: josh.symons@artefact.net.au P: 02 9371 5635 M: 0402 433 432 W: www.artefact.net.au A: PO Box 772 Rose Bay NSW 2029

6 August 2014

Gordon Workman Darug Land Observations PO Box 571 Plumpton NSW 2761

Re: CBD and South East Light Rail Project: Tramway Oval, Moore Park.

Thank you for registering as a stakeholder for the CBD and South East Light Rail Project (CSELR

Project). As part of the CSELR Project, GML Heritage commenced consultation for this project on

behalf of Transport for NSW (TfNSW). In accordance with the Minister’s Conditions of Approval

(CoA), issued as part of the approval for the CSLER (consent no. SSI-6042), the proponent is

required to prepare a Construction Heritage Management Plan (CHMP) prior to the commencement

of construction works associated with the CSELR.

In particular, Condition no. B89 (e) states that the:

Construction Heritage Management Plan [is] to detail how construction impacts on Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal heritage will be avoided, minimised and managed. The sub-plan shall be prepared by an appropriately qualified heritage consultant(s) and be developed in consultation with the Heritage Council of NSW, the OEH (Aboriginal heritage), and Aboriginal Stakeholders (for Aboriginal heritage).

Laing O’Rourke, on behalf of the TfNSW (the Proponent), propose to commence CSLER Stage 1 construction works at the Tramway Oval site, Moore Park. Therefore, Artefact Heritage has been engaged to prepare the draft CHMP for Tramway Oval, Moore Park in accordance with the Minister’s CoA and will be handling the next stages of the consultation process.

The works proposed to be undertaken by Laing O’Rouke for the Tramway Oval site will include the:

Tramway Oval Eastern Extension: An extension of turfed surround of the current Tramway Oval Field by 5 metres to the east

Moore Park Bus Loop: Construction of a temporary bus turnaround to run event buses in both directions on the events bus loop located to the east of Tramway Oval during construction of the CSELR project

Moore Park Construction Compound: Establishment of a construction compound to support the works within Moore Park and subsequent packages of works within Surry Hills.

As part of the preparation of the draft Construction Heritage Management Plan for Tramway Oval,

Moore Park (CHMP) we are seeking your input and feedback regarding the proposed methodology

and mitigation measures for the management of Aboriginal heritage values. Our summary of the

Aboriginal archaeological potential for the Tramway Oval site is based on geotechnical results

obtained by Geotechnique, undertaken during the CSLER early works geotechnical investigative

works program, and is supplemented by additional research undertaken specifically for the draft

CHMP for the Tramway Oval site. The results of this investigation and review have determined that,

in this small area of Moore Park, the sand dunes are heavily truncated and therefore, it is unlikely that

the proposed scope of works would impact on natural soil profiles, including potential Aboriginal


As part of the draft CHMP management recommendations, we have also prepared an unexpected

finds protocol to ensure that in the event that—during historical archaeological excavations and other

site works— unexpected Aboriginal objects, potential burials and /or human remains were

discovered— works would cease in the affected areas, and that consultation with the registered

Aboriginal stakeholders, would commence immediately.

Submissions, in writing or verbal, will be accepted and are due by Friday the 15th August 2014. If you

would like to discuss any of the details of the draft CHMP please call me either in the office on 9371

5635, or on my mobile 0402 433 432.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind Regards,

Josh Symons Artefact E: josh.symons@artefact.net.au P: 02 9371 5635 M: 0402 433 432 W: www.artefact.net.au A: PO Box 772 Rose Bay NSW 2029

6 August 2014

Chris Ingrey La Perouse Local Aboriginal Land Council PO Box 365 Matraville NSW 2036

Re: CBD and South East Light Rail Project: Tramway Oval, Moore Park.

Thank you for registering as a stakeholder for the CBD and South East Light Rail Project (CSELR

Project). As part of the CSELR Project, GML Heritage commenced consultation for this project on

behalf of Transport for NSW (TfNSW). In accordance with the Minister’s Conditions of Approval

(CoA), issued as part of the approval for the CSLER (consent no. SSI-6042), the proponent is

required to prepare a Construction Heritage Management Plan (CHMP) prior to the commencement

of construction works associated with the CSELR.

In particular, Condition no. B89 (e) states that the:

Construction Heritage Management Plan [is] to detail how construction impacts on Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal heritage will be avoided, minimised and managed. The sub-plan shall be prepared by an appropriately qualified heritage consultant(s) and be developed in consultation with the Heritage Council of NSW, the OEH (Aboriginal heritage), and Aboriginal Stakeholders (for Aboriginal heritage).

Laing O’Rourke, on behalf of the TfNSW (the Proponent), propose to commence CSLER Stage 1 construction works at the Tramway Oval site, Moore Park. Therefore, Artefact Heritage has been engaged to prepare the draft CHMP for Tramway Oval, Moore Park in accordance with the Minister’s CoA and will be handling the next stages of the consultation process.

The works proposed to be undertaken by Laing O’Rouke for the Tramway Oval site will include the:

Tramway Oval Eastern Extension: An extension of turfed surround of the current Tramway Oval Field by 5 metres to the east

Moore Park Bus Loop: Construction of a temporary bus turnaround to run event buses in both directions on the events bus loop located to the east of Tramway Oval during construction of the CSELR project

Moore Park Construction Compound: Establishment of a construction compound to support the works within Moore Park and subsequent packages of works within Surry Hills.

As part of the preparation of the draft Construction Heritage Management Plan for Tramway Oval,

Moore Park (CHMP) we are seeking your input and feedback regarding the proposed methodology

and mitigation measures for the management of Aboriginal heritage values. Our summary of the

Aboriginal archaeological potential for the Tramway Oval site is based on geotechnical results

obtained by Geotechnique, undertaken during the CSLER early works geotechnical investigative

works program, and is supplemented by additional research undertaken specifically for the draft

CHMP for the Tramway Oval site. The results of this investigation and review have determined that,

in this small area of Moore Park, the sand dunes are heavily truncated and therefore, it is unlikely that

the proposed scope of works would impact on natural soil profiles, including potential Aboriginal


As part of the draft CHMP management recommendations, we have also prepared an unexpected

finds protocol to ensure that in the event that—during historical archaeological excavations and other

site works— unexpected Aboriginal objects, potential burials and /or human remains were

discovered— works would cease in the affected areas, and that consultation with the registered

Aboriginal stakeholders, would commence immediately.

Submissions, in writing or verbal, will be accepted and are due by Friday the 15th August 2014. If you

would like to discuss any of the details of the draft CHMP please call me either in the office on 9371

5635, or on my mobile 0402 433 432.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind Regards,

Josh Symons Artefact E: josh.symons@artefact.net.au P: 02 9371 5635 M: 0402 433 432 W: www.artefact.net.au A: PO Box 772 Rose Bay NSW 2029

6 August 2014

Colin Davison Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council PO Box 1103 Strawberry Hills NSW 2012

Re: CBD and South East Light Rail Project: Tramway Oval, Moore Park.

Thank you for registering as a stakeholder for the CBD and South East Light Rail Project (CSELR

Project). As part of the CSELR Project, GML Heritage commenced consultation for this project on

behalf of Transport for NSW (TfNSW). In accordance with the Minister’s Conditions of Approval

(CoA), issued as part of the approval for the CSLER (consent no. SSI-6042), the proponent is

required to prepare a Construction Heritage Management Plan (CHMP) prior to the commencement

of construction works associated with the CSELR.

In particular, Condition no. B89 (e) states that the:

Construction Heritage Management Plan [is] to detail how construction impacts on Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal heritage will be avoided, minimised and managed. The sub-plan shall be prepared by an appropriately qualified heritage consultant(s) and be developed in consultation with the Heritage Council of NSW, the OEH (Aboriginal heritage), and Aboriginal Stakeholders (for Aboriginal heritage).

Laing O’Rourke, on behalf of the TfNSW (the Proponent), propose to commence CSLER Stage 1 construction works at the Tramway Oval site, Moore Park. Therefore, Artefact Heritage has been engaged to prepare the draft CHMP for Tramway Oval, Moore Park in accordance with the Minister’s CoA and will be handling the next stages of the consultation process.

The works proposed to be undertaken by Laing O’Rouke for the Tramway Oval site will include the:

Tramway Oval Eastern Extension: An extension of turfed surround of the current Tramway Oval Field by 5 metres to the east

Moore Park Bus Loop: Construction of a temporary bus turnaround to run event buses in both directions on the events bus loop located to the east of Tramway Oval during construction of the CSELR project

Moore Park Construction Compound: Establishment of a construction compound to support the works within Moore Park and subsequent packages of works within Surry Hills.

As part of the preparation of the draft Construction Heritage Management Plan for Tramway Oval,

Moore Park (CHMP) we are seeking your input and feedback regarding the proposed methodology

and mitigation measures for the management of Aboriginal heritage values. Our summary of the

Aboriginal archaeological potential for the Tramway Oval site is based on geotechnical results

obtained by Geotechnique, undertaken during the CSLER early works geotechnical investigative

works program, and is supplemented by additional research undertaken specifically for the draft

CHMP for the Tramway Oval site. The results of this investigation and review have determined that,

in this small area of Moore Park, the sand dunes are heavily truncated and therefore, it is unlikely that

the proposed scope of works would impact on natural soil profiles, including potential Aboriginal


As part of the draft CHMP management recommendations, we have also prepared an unexpected

finds protocol to ensure that in the event that—during historical archaeological excavations and other

site works— unexpected Aboriginal objects, potential burials and /or human remains were

discovered— works would cease in the affected areas, and that consultation with the registered

Aboriginal stakeholders, would commence immediately.

Submissions, in writing or verbal, will be accepted and are due by Friday the 15th August 2014. If you

would like to discuss any of the details of the draft CHMP please call me either in the office on 9371

5635, or on my mobile 0402 433 432.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind Regards,

Josh Symons Artefact E: josh.symons@artefact.net.au P: 02 9371 5635 M: 0402 433 432 W: www.artefact.net.au A: PO Box 772 Rose Bay NSW 2029

5 August 2014

Celestine Everingham and Gordon Morton Darug Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessments 90 Hermitage Road Kurrajong Hills NSW 2758

Re: CBD and South East Light Rail Project: Early Works, Moore Park Tennis Centre

Thank you for registering as a stakeholder for the CBD and South East Light Rail Project (CSELR Project). As part of the CSELR Project, Stage 1 early works are proposed for Moore Park Tennis Centre. GML Heritage commenced consultation for this project on behalf of Transport for NSW (TfNSW). Artefact Heritage is continuing this project and will be handling the next stages of the consultation process.

Laing O’Rourke, on behalf of the TfNSW (the Proponent), propose to commence the Stage 1 early works which include reconfiguring existing car park and amenities facilities within Moore Park Precinct, Centennial Parklands. The works will be located at the Parklands Tennis Centre, near the corner of Lang Road and Anzac Parade (see Figure 1).

A Heritage Impact Assessment was prepared by GML Heritage (GML) in 2013 for the CBD and South East Light Rail Project Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). GML assessed the project area within the Moore Park Precinct as Zone 1 and Zone 2 for Aboriginal archaeological sensitivity, representing areas with archaeological potential for Aboriginal objects to be found and/or impacted. Zones 1 and 2 represented the highest levels of archaeological sensitivity for the CSELR Project (GML 2013: 108-109).

KMH Environmental conducted geotechnical investigations of the Tennis Centre project area in July 2014. Overall, the geotechnical investigations identified a thick layer of imported 19th and 20th century fill which in some areas overlaid sand. The results of geotechnical investigations indicated that although the sand sheet appears to be heavily truncated, there was one area where there is potential for natural ground surface. Artefact Heritage recommended that archaeological test excavation of that area should be conducted to further investigate the nature of the sand layer and test for the presence of Aboriginal objects.

The aims of test excavation are to adequately identify the extent and nature of sub-surface potential archaeological deposit and to provide the proponent with recommendations on future requirements. Included with this letter is a draft version of the methodology for test excavation at Moore Park Tennis Centre. If you would like to provide written comments on the methodology, please forward them to me by Tuesday 26th of August at the following address:

Josh Symons Artefact Heritage PO Box 772 Rose Bay NSW 2029 Email: josh.symons@artefact.net.au Phone: 9371 5635


If you would like to discuss any of the details of the methodology please call me either in the office on 9371 5635, or on my mobile 0402 433 432.


Josh Symons Artefact E: josh.symons@artefact.net.au P: 02 9371 5635 M: 0402 433 432 W: www.artefact.net.au A: PO Box 772 Rose Bay NSW 2029

5 August 2014

Gordon Workman Darug Land Observations PO Box 571 Plumpton NSW 2761

Re: CBD and South East Light Rail Project: Early Works, Moore Park Tennis Centre

Thank you for registering as a stakeholder for the CBD and South East Light Rail Project (CSELR Project). As part of the CSELR Project, Stage 1 early works are proposed for Moore Park Tennis Centre. GML Heritage commenced consultation for this project on behalf of Transport for NSW (TfNSW). Artefact Heritage is continuing this project and will be handling the next stages of the consultation process.

Laing O’Rourke, on behalf of the TfNSW (the Proponent), propose to commence the Stage 1 early works which include reconfiguring existing car park and amenities facilities within Moore Park Precinct, Centennial Parklands. The works will be located at the Parklands Tennis Centre, near the corner of Lang Road and Anzac Parade (see Figure 1).

A Heritage Impact Assessment was prepared by GML Heritage (GML) in 2013 for the CBD and South East Light Rail Project Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). GML assessed the project area within the Moore Park Precinct as Zone 1 and Zone 2 for Aboriginal archaeological sensitivity, representing areas with archaeological potential for Aboriginal objects to be found and/or impacted. Zones 1 and 2 represented the highest levels of archaeological sensitivity for the CSELR Project (GML 2013: 108-109).

KMH Environmental conducted geotechnical investigations of the Tennis Centre project area in July 2014. Overall, the geotechnical investigations identified a thick layer of imported 19th and 20th century fill which in some areas overlaid sand. The results of geotechnical investigations indicated that although the sand sheet appears to be heavily truncated, there was one area where there is potential for natural ground surface. Artefact Heritage recommended that archaeological test excavation of that area should be conducted to further investigate the nature of the sand layer and test for the presence of Aboriginal objects.

The aims of test excavation are to adequately identify the extent and nature of sub-surface potential archaeological deposit and to provide the proponent with recommendations on future requirements. Included with this letter is a draft version of the methodology for test excavation at Moore Park Tennis Centre. If you would like to provide written comments on the methodology, please forward them to me by Tuesday 26th of August at the following address:

Josh Symons Artefact Heritage PO Box 772 Rose Bay NSW 2029 Email: josh.symons@artefact.net.au Phone: 9371 5635


If you would like to discuss any of the details of the methodology please call me either in the office on 9371 5635, or on my mobile 0402 433 432.


Josh Symons Artefact E: josh.symons@artefact.net.au P: 02 9371 5635 M: 0402 433 432 W: www.artefact.net.au A: PO Box 772 Rose Bay NSW 2029

5 August 2014

Chris Ingrey La Perouse Local Aboriginal Land Council PO Box 365 Matraville NSW 2036

Re: CBD and South East Light Rail Project: Early Works, Moore Park Tennis Centre

Thank you for registering as a stakeholder for the CBD and South East Light Rail Project (CSELR Project). As part of the CSELR Project, Stage 1 early works are proposed for Moore Park Tennis Centre. GML Heritage commenced consultation for this project on behalf of Transport for NSW (TfNSW). Artefact Heritage is continuing this project and will be handling the next stages of the consultation process.

Laing O’Rourke, on behalf of the TfNSW (the Proponent), propose to commence the Stage 1 early works which include reconfiguring existing car park and amenities facilities within Moore Park Precinct, Centennial Parklands. The works will be located at the Parklands Tennis Centre, near the corner of Lang Road and Anzac Parade (see Figure 1).

A Heritage Impact Assessment was prepared by GML Heritage (GML) in 2013 for the CBD and South East Light Rail Project Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). GML assessed the project area within the Moore Park Precinct as Zone 1 and Zone 2 for Aboriginal archaeological sensitivity, representing areas with archaeological potential for Aboriginal objects to be found and/or impacted. Zones 1 and 2 represented the highest levels of archaeological sensitivity for the CSELR Project (GML 2013: 108-109).

KMH Environmental conducted geotechnical investigations of the Tennis Centre project area in July 2014. Overall, the geotechnical investigations identified a thick layer of imported 19th and 20th century fill which in some areas overlaid sand. The results of geotechnical investigations indicated that although the sand sheet appears to be heavily truncated, there was one area where there is potential for natural ground surface. Artefact Heritage recommended that archaeological test excavation of that area should be conducted to further investigate the nature of the sand layer and test for the presence of Aboriginal objects.

The aims of test excavation are to adequately identify the extent and nature of sub-surface potential archaeological deposit and to provide the proponent with recommendations on future requirements. Included with this letter is a draft version of the methodology for test excavation at Moore Park Tennis Centre. If you would like to provide written comments on the methodology, please forward them to me by Tuesday 26th of August at the following address:

Josh Symons Artefact Heritage PO Box 772 Rose Bay NSW 2029 Email: josh.symons@artefact.net.au Phone: 9371 5635


If you would like to discuss any of the details of the methodology please call me either in the office on 9371 5635, or on my mobile 0402 433 432.


Josh Symons Artefact E: josh.symons@artefact.net.au P: 02 9371 5635 M: 0402 433 432 W: www.artefact.net.au A: PO Box 772 Rose Bay NSW 2029

5 August 2014

Colin Davison Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council PO Box 1103 Strawberry Hills NSW 2012

Re: CBD and South East Light Rail Project: Early Works, Moore Park Tennis Centre

Thank you for registering as a stakeholder for the CBD and South East Light Rail Project (CSELR Project). As part of the CSELR Project, Stage 1 early works are proposed for Moore Park Tennis Centre. GML Heritage commenced consultation for this project on behalf of Transport for NSW (TfNSW). Artefact Heritage is continuing this project and will be handling the next stages of the consultation process.

Laing O’Rourke, on behalf of the TfNSW (the Proponent), propose to commence the Stage 1 early works which include reconfiguring existing car park and amenities facilities within Moore Park Precinct, Centennial Parklands. The works will be located at the Parklands Tennis Centre, near the corner of Lang Road and Anzac Parade (see Figure 1).

A Heritage Impact Assessment was prepared by GML Heritage (GML) in 2013 for the CBD and South East Light Rail Project Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). GML assessed the project area within the Moore Park Precinct as Zone 1 and Zone 2 for Aboriginal archaeological sensitivity, representing areas with archaeological potential for Aboriginal objects to be found and/or impacted. Zones 1 and 2 represented the highest levels of archaeological sensitivity for the CSELR Project (GML 2013: 108-109).

KMH Environmental conducted geotechnical investigations of the Tennis Centre project area in July 2014. Overall, the geotechnical investigations identified a thick layer of imported 19th and 20th century fill which in some areas overlaid sand. The results of geotechnical investigations indicated that although the sand sheet appears to be heavily truncated, there was one area where there is potential for natural ground surface. Artefact Heritage recommended that archaeological test excavation of that area should be conducted to further investigate the nature of the sand layer and test for the presence of Aboriginal objects.

The aims of test excavation are to adequately identify the extent and nature of sub-surface potential archaeological deposit and to provide the proponent with recommendations on future requirements. Included with this letter is a draft version of the methodology for test excavation at Moore Park Tennis Centre. If you would like to provide written comments on the methodology, please forward them to me by Tuesday 26th of August at the following address:

Josh Symons Artefact Heritage PO Box 772 Rose Bay NSW 2029 Email: josh.symons@artefact.net.au Phone: 9371 5635


If you would like to discuss any of the details of the methodology please call me either in the office on 9371 5635, or on my mobile 0402 433 432.


Josh Symons Artefact E: josh.symons@artefact.net.au P: 02 9371 5635 M: 0402 433 432 W: www.artefact.net.au A: PO Box 772 Rose Bay NSW 2029

5 August 2014

Scott Franks Tocomwall PO Box 76 Caringbah NSW 1495

Re: CBD and South East Light Rail Project: Early Works, Moore Park Tennis Centre

Thank you for registering as a stakeholder for the CBD and South East Light Rail Project (CSELR Project). As part of the CSELR Project, Stage 1 early works are proposed for Moore Park Tennis Centre. GML Heritage commenced consultation for this project on behalf of Transport for NSW (TfNSW). Artefact Heritage is continuing this project and will be handling the next stages of the consultation process.

Laing O’Rourke, on behalf of the TfNSW (the Proponent), propose to commence the Stage 1 early works which include reconfiguring existing car park and amenities facilities within Moore Park Precinct, Centennial Parklands. The works will be located at the Parklands Tennis Centre, near the corner of Lang Road and Anzac Parade (see Figure 1).

A Heritage Impact Assessment was prepared by GML Heritage (GML) in 2013 for the CBD and South East Light Rail Project Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). GML assessed the project area within the Moore Park Precinct as Zone 1 and Zone 2 for Aboriginal archaeological sensitivity, representing areas with archaeological potential for Aboriginal objects to be found and/or impacted. Zones 1 and 2 represented the highest levels of archaeological sensitivity for the CSELR Project (GML 2013: 108-109).

KMH Environmental conducted geotechnical investigations of the Tennis Centre project area in July 2014. Overall, the geotechnical investigations identified a thick layer of imported 19th and 20th century fill which in some areas overlaid sand. The results of geotechnical investigations indicated that although the sand sheet appears to be heavily truncated, there was one area where there is potential for natural ground surface. Artefact Heritage recommended that archaeological test excavation of that area should be conducted to further investigate the nature of the sand layer and test for the presence of Aboriginal objects.

The aims of test excavation are to adequately identify the extent and nature of sub-surface potential archaeological deposit and to provide the proponent with recommendations on future requirements. Included with this letter is a draft version of the methodology for test excavation at Moore Park Tennis Centre. If you would like to provide written comments on the methodology, please forward them to me by Tuesday 26th of August at the following address:

Josh Symons Artefact Heritage PO Box 772 Rose Bay NSW 2029 Email: josh.symons@artefact.net.au Phone: 9371 5635


If you would like to discuss any of the details of the methodology please call me either in the office on 9371 5635, or on my mobile 0402 433 432.


Josh Symons Artefact E: josh.symons@artefact.net.au P: 02 9371 5635 M: 0402 433 432 W: www.artefact.net.au A: PO Box 772 Rose Bay NSW 2029


Laura Lynch

From: Sandra Wallace <sandra.wallace@artefact.net.au>Sent: Tuesday, 19 August 2014 5:32 PMTo: 'scott@tocomwall.com.au'Subject: CSELR CHMP amendments Attachments: CSELR Stage 1 - Moore Park Works CHMP - v 0.02 19 August 2014.pdf

Hi Scott,   I hope you are well.   You would have received a copy of a Cultural Heritage Management Plan (CHMP) for the Tramway Oval works on the 5 August. The attached is an updated version which also includes management measures for the Tennis Centre site at Moore Park.   It would be great to get any comments you have on the updated CHMP by 25 August. Note that this version will superseded the one you were previously sent.   Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you would like to discuss.   Kind regards Sandra  Dr Sandra Wallace Director ARTEFACT Telephone: 61 2 90253958 Direct: 61 2 93718390 Mobile: 0403565086 Address: Level 1 / 716 New South Head Rd Rose Bay NSW 2029 | PO Box 772 Rose Bay NSW 2029 Web: www.artefact.net.au Cultural Heritage Management | Archaeology | Heritage Interpretation Notice: This message contains privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the addressee. If you are not the intended recipient you must not disseminate, copy or take any action in reliance upon it. If you received this in error, please notify us immediately.



Laura Lynch

From: Sandra Wallace <sandra.wallace@artefact.net.au>Sent: Tuesday, 19 August 2014 5:33 PMTo: metrolalc@metrolalc.org.auSubject: CSELR CHMP amendments Attachments: CSELR Stage 1 - Moore Park Works CHMP - v 0.02 19 August 2014.pdf

Hi Colin,   I hope you are well.   You would have received a copy of a Cultural Heritage Management Plan (CHMP) for the Tramway Oval works on the 5 August. The attached is an updated version which also includes management measures for the Tennis Centre site at Moore Park.   It would be great to get any comments you have on the updated CHMP by 25 August. Note that this version will superseded the one you were previously sent.   Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you would like to discuss.   Kind regards Sandra  Dr Sandra Wallace Director ARTEFACT Telephone: 61 2 90253958 Direct: 61 2 93718390 Mobile: 0403565086 Address: Level 1 / 716 New South Head Rd Rose Bay NSW 2029 | PO Box 772 Rose Bay NSW 2029 Web: www.artefact.net.au Cultural Heritage Management | Archaeology | Heritage Interpretation Notice: This message contains privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the addressee. If you are not the intended recipient you must not disseminate, copy or take any action in reliance upon it. If you received this in error, please notify us immediately.



Laura Lynch

From: Sandra Wallace <sandra.wallace@artefact.net.au>Sent: Tuesday, 19 August 2014 5:29 PMTo: gordow51@bigpond.net.auSubject: CSELR Moore Park worksAttachments: CSELR Stage 1 - Moore Park Works CHMP - v 0.02 19 August 2014.pdf

Hi Gordon,   I hope you are well.   You would have received a copy of a Cultural Heritage Management Plan (CHMP) for the Tramway Oval works on the 5 August. The attached is an updated version which also includes management measures for the Tennis Centre site at Moore Park.   It would be great to get any comments you have on the updated CHMP by 25 August. Note that this version will superseded the one you were previously sent.   Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you would like to discuss.   Kind regards Sandra  Dr Sandra Wallace Director ARTEFACT Telephone: 61 2 90253958 Direct: 61 2 93718390 Mobile: 0403565086 Address: Level 1 / 716 New South Head Rd Rose Bay NSW 2029 | PO Box 772 Rose Bay NSW 2029 Web: www.artefact.net.au Cultural Heritage Management | Archaeology | Heritage Interpretation Notice: This message contains privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the addressee. If you are not the intended recipient you must not disseminate, copy or take any action in reliance upon it. If you received this in error, please notify us immediately.


www.artefact.net.au sandra.wallace@artefact.net.au 02 9025 3958

Gordon Morton

C/o Celestine Everingham


90 Hermitage Rd

Kurrajong Hills NSW 2758

19 August 2014

Dear Celestine,

I hope you are well.

You would have received a copy of a Cultural Heritage Management Plan (CHMP) for the Tramway

Oval works on the 5 August. The attached is an updated version which also includes management

measures for the Tennis Centre site at Moore Park.

It would be great to get any comments you have on the updated CHMP by 25 August. Note that this

version will superseded the one you were previously sent.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you would like to discuss.

I would also like to invite DACHA to participate in the archaeological test excavations which will be

undertaken on 25 and 26 August. I will be in touch by phone tomorrow to arrange a representative.

Kind regards,

Dr Sandra Wallace

Director Artefact Heritage E: sandra.wallace@artefact.net.au P: 02 9025 3958 W: www.artefact.net.au A: PO Box 772 Rose Bay NSW 2029


Laura Lynch

From: Sandra Wallace <sandra.wallace@artefact.net.au>Sent: Tuesday, 19 August 2014 5:35 PMTo: Chris Ingrey (CIngrey@laperouselalc.com); 'CIngrey@laperouse.org.au'Subject: CSELR updated CHMPAttachments: CSELR Stage 1 - Moore Park Works CHMP - v 0.02 19 August 2014.pdf

Hi Chris,   I hope you are well.   You would have received a copy of a Cultural Heritage Management Plan (CHMP) for the Tramway Oval works on the 5 August. The attached is an updated version which also includes management measures for the Tennis Centre site at Moore Park.   It would be great to get any comments you have on the updated CHMP by 25 August. Note that this version will superseded the one you were previously sent.   Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you would like to discuss.   Kind regards Sandra  Dr Sandra Wallace Director ARTEFACT Telephone: 61 2 90253958 Direct: 61 2 93718390 Mobile: 0403565086 Address: Level 1 / 716 New South Head Rd Rose Bay NSW 2029 | PO Box 772 Rose Bay NSW 2029 Web: www.artefact.net.au Cultural Heritage Management | Archaeology | Heritage Interpretation Notice: This message contains privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the addressee. If you are not the intended recipient you must not disseminate, copy or take any action in reliance upon it. If you received this in error, please notify us immediately.


Transport for NSW CSELR Stage 1 Managing Contractor Moore Park Works SLR-MC-01 August 2014

© Laing O’Rourke 2013, all rights reserved

CBD and South East Light Rail – Stage 1 Managing Contractor Construction Heritage Management Plan for the Moore Park Works



Appendix B – Unexpected Finds Protocol

The unexpected finds procedure is outlined in the flow chart below.

*Nominated heritage consultant for the Moore Park Works is Sandra Wallace of Artefact Heritage.

Transport for NSW CSELR Stage 1 Managing Contractor Moore Park Works SLR-MC-01 August 2014

© Laing O’Rourke 2013, all rights reserved

CBD and South East Light Rail – Stage 1 Managing Contractor Construction Heritage Management Plan for the Moore Park Works



Appendix C – CSELR Registered Aboriginal Parties (RAPs)

The list of registered Aboriginal stakeholders / Registered Aboriginal Parties (RAP’s) and associated contact details for the Project are included below:

Aboriginal Organisation / Person Contact Contact Details

Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council (MLALC)

Mr Colin Davison

PO Box 1103 Strawberry Hills NSW 2012 (02) 8394 9666 metrolalc@metrolalc.org.au

La Perouse Local Aboriginal Land Council

Mr Chris Ingrey

PO Box 365 Matraville NSW 2036 (02) 9311 4282 CIngrey@laperouse.org.au

Tocomwall Mr Scott Franks

PO Box 76 Caringbah NSW 1495 (02) 9542 7714 / 0404 171 544 Scott@tocomwall.com.au

Darug Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessments (DACHA)

Mr Gordon Morton Ms Celestine Everingham

90 Hermitage Road Kurrajong Hills NSW 2758 (02) 4567 7421 / 0432 528 896

Darug Land Observations (DLO) Mr Gordon Workman PO Box 571 Plumpton NSW 2761 (02) 9831 8868 / 0415 663 763

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CBD and South East Light Rail – Stage 1 Managing Contractor Construction Heritage Management Plan for the Moore Park Works



Appendix D – Compliance Matrix (Revised Environmental Mitigation Measures (REMMs))

ID Mitigation Measures Reference Resp.



The detailed design of the proposed construction worksite in Circular Quay would minimise potential visual impacts on the setting of the Sydney Opera House. The construction compound would also be planned to retain significant elements of the park, including plantings, monuments and landscape features.


D2 The detailed design of works in Regimental Square would aim to retain and conserve the memorial and associated significant plantings.



The proposed shelter at the Rawson Place stop would be designed to minimise impacts on key views of the façade of Daking House and would be set back as far as possible from its awning. The regrading of the road and pavement levels would be detailed to avoid adverse impacts on the fabric of Daking House at ground level, and maintain the integrity of entry doors and shopfronts.


D5 Detailed design of the Eddy Avenue alignment would retain and conserve the significant fabric of Central Railway Station and its underbridges.


D6 Any fixings proposed to be attached to the underbridges of Central Railway Station would be to the concrete structure, not the sandstone.


D8 The section of the CSELR alignment between Eddy Avenue and Chalmers Street would aim to minimise impacts on the Elizabeth Street Gardens.


D9 The location and design of the Rawson Place stop would aim to minimise impact on key views of Central Railway Station east along Rawson Place.



The following measures would be implemented for the Randwick Precinct Heritage Conservation Area:

Where possible, detailed design of the CSELR alignment and the associated Royal Randwick racecourse stop would aim to retain (if possible) and avoid or minimise impacts on the significant built elements including the former racecourse gates and landscaping of the Racecourse Precinct Heritage Conservation Area.

Detailed design of the light rail stabling facility in the north-western corner of the racecourse would investigate retention of remnant historic tram infrastructure to be integrated into the new stabling facility, where feasible.

A photographic archival recording of the Alison Road and Wansey Road boundaries, the north-western area and the Swab Building would be undertaken prior to works commencing. Significant trees and structures to be demolished or altered would be recorded.


D11 The detailed design of the CSELR would aim to retain as many as practicable of the significant trees along the route, where feasible without compromising rail safety, in particular at the Royal Randwick racecourse.

Sections 3.2.4


Construction Manager / PEM

/ Arborist

Transport for NSW CSELR Stage 1 Managing Contractor Moore Park Works SLR-MC-01 August 2014

© Laing O’Rourke 2013, all rights reserved

CBD and South East Light Rail – Stage 1 Managing Contractor Construction Heritage Management Plan for the Moore Park Works



ID Mitigation Measures Reference Resp.


The following measures would be implemented for High Cross Park, including the High Cross Heritage Conservation Area and Significant Trees within High Cross Park:

Detailed design of the proposed stop, especially the large scale elevated canopy the canopies, substation and associated infrastructure, would aim to minimise the land take in the reserve. The detailed design would aim to retain significant trees, where possible, and the war memorial.

Where feasible, the proposed above ground substation would be changed to a below ground facility to reduce the extent of additional built infrastructure.

Reinstatement of the remnant reserve landscaping. A photographic archival recording of the reserve would be

undertaken prior to works commencing.



The following measures would be implemented for Tay Reserve:

Detailed design of the CSELR proposal would minimise the area of Tay Reserve to be removed for the cross over at Anzac Parade.

A photographic archival recording of Tay Reserve would be undertaken prior to works commencing.



The impact on the The Rozelle maintenance depot would be designed to minimise impacts on the Historical Archaeological Management Units (HAMU) identified in Technical Paper 5 (Heritage Impact Assessment) in Volume 4 of the EIS. would be revised during detailed design once more detailed information on the proposed Rozelle Maintenance Depot has been determined.



Further investigation of the design of the relocated Wansey Road stop would be undertaken during detailed design with the aim of reducing or avoiding impacts on Wansey Cottage and significant trees in the racecourse.



The detailed design of the Anzac Parade pedestrian bridge would seek to retain the former bear pit in the grounds of the Sydney Boys High School, as well as minimise the number of significant trees to be removed along Anzac Parade. If the bear pit can be retained, it would be protected during construction works. The pedestrian bridge would be designed to provide an appropriate aesthetic design to minimise its impact on the setting of the Anzac Parade significant trees.



The significance of the former radio workshop at Central Station (refer to section 6.14 of the Submissions Report) would be assessed to determine the impact of the proposed substation location at Central Station, and to guide the detailed design of works to install the substation. If the existing radio workshop structure is found to be significant, the early/original form and fabric would be retained as far as practicable. Archival recording of the building would be undertaken prior to any works commencing.



AA.1 All contractors would receive a Heritage induction advising and informing them of the archaeological potential and actions to be implemented in the event of any unexpected remains.

Table 5.1 and 5.2

Section 6 Appendix B

H&S Manager / PEM

Transport for NSW CSELR Stage 1 Managing Contractor Moore Park Works SLR-MC-01 August 2014

© Laing O’Rourke 2013, all rights reserved

CBD and South East Light Rail – Stage 1 Managing Contractor Construction Heritage Management Plan for the Moore Park Works



ID Mitigation Measures Reference Resp.

AA.2 A qualified archaeologist would be nominated and available to attend in the event that unidentified archaeological remains are discovered during construction.

Appendix B PEM /



Should Aboriginal objects or other archaeological evidence be identified in these areas during works, works would cease in the immediate area and the archaeologist contacted to assess the evidence. Additional investigation, such as salvage excavation, may be required.



The mitigation measures for Historical Archaeological Management Units (HAMUs) listed in section 6.2.2 of Technical Paper 5 (Heritage Impact Assessment) of the EIS would be implemented, in accordance with the HAMU zones documented in Figures 4.4 to 4.12 of Technical Paper 5 (Heritage Impact Assessment) of the EIS.

Section 3.2.2, 3.2.6, 3.2.7; Section 5; Table

PEM/ Archaeologist / Construction Manager


The following mitigation measures would be implemented for the Tank Stream:

Physical protection would be provided through construction of bridging structure to retain integrity of the Tank Stream, as required.

Management would be implemented in accordance with policies in Sydney Water’s Tanks Stream Conservation Management Plan.

Consultation would be undertaken with Sydney Water, City of Sydney and NSW Heritage Division of OEH.



The following mitigation measures would be implemented for Alfred Street/Herald Square:

Implementation of an archaeological testing program. Open area excavation and archival recording during site works.



The following mitigation measures would be implemented for First Fleet Park:

The potential historical archaeological resource would be managed in accordance with the policies outlined in the First Fleet Park Conservation Management Strategy.

Consultation would be undertaken with the Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority.

No excavation would be undertaken within First Fleet Park to minimise the risk of impacting on potential subsurface archaeology.

Services, if required, would be above ground or installed within existing service trenches.

The subsurface archaeological remains within First Fleet Park would be protected from compaction or movement of vehicles over the park’s ground surface.

The scope of appropriate ground works within First Fleet Park HAMU would be developed in consultation with a suitably qualified archaeologist and Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority to ensure the impact on the archaeological resource is as minor as possible.

A photographic archival recording of First Fleet Park would be undertaken prior to works commencing.



Works in George Street north HAMU, Ward Park HAMU, Devonshire Street Central HAMU (particularly in the location of the proposed substation), Devonshire Street East HAMU, Kensington/Kingsford HAMU and the University of NSW HAMU are likely to require some open area excavation and archival recording during site works, and post-excavation analysis and reporting. The nature and intactness of the archaeological resource may warrant interpretation. Advice from an archaeological specialist would be obtained where these areas are affected.


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© Laing O’Rourke 2013, all rights reserved

CBD and South East Light Rail – Stage 1 Managing Contractor Construction Heritage Management Plan for the Moore Park Works



ID Mitigation Measures Reference Resp.


In respect of HAMUs within the Surry Hills Precinct, in the unlikely event that remains associated with unrecorded activities of early land grants and estates are identified and assessed as of State significance, this archaeology would be managed in accordance with Zone 1 mitigation measures


V.8 Within the Olivia Gardens HAMU, mitigation measures for areas outlined as Zone 3 within the basement footprint of the Olivia Gardens building would apply.



The following mitigation measures would be implemented for the Moore Park West HAMU and Moore Park East HAMU:

Works in this HAMU where air raid shelters were located are likely to require some open area excavation and archival recording during site works, as well as post excavation analysis and reporting (limited to the extent of the area affected by the CSELR proposal). The nature and intactness of the archaeological resource may warrant interpretation.

Areas with nil archaeological potential would be managed in accordance with the outlined Zone 4 mitigation measures.

Section 3.1.2;

Section 5.1

Foreman / PEM

V.10 Mitigation measures, as outlined for Zone 2 in section 12.8.4 of the EIS, would be implemented for the Rozelle maintenance depot HAMU.



If human remains were to be discovered during any phase of works associated with the CSELR proposal, works would cease immediately in the surrounding area. Any finding would need to be reported immediately to the NSW Coroner’s Office and/or the NSW Police. If the remains are suspected to be Aboriginal, the Office of Environment and Heritage would also need to be contacted. A specialist would also be consulted to determine the nature of the remains.

If skeletal remains are identified at Town Hall, Eddy Avenue or Chalmers Street they would be managed in accordance with Zone 1 strategies and, at a minimum, managed in accordance with the Heritage Division guideline Skeletal Remains: Guidelines for Management of Human Skeletal Remains, and exhumed and reinterred at an appropriate location. If identified, consultation with the NSW Heritage Division of OEH would be required.

Section 5;

Table 5.1;

Table 5.2;

Appendix B

Foreman / PEM


The following mitigation measures would be implemented for Belmore Park:

The subsurface archaeological remains within Belmore Park would be protected from compaction or movement of vehicles over the park’s ground surface.

Significant trees and landscaping to be retained within Belmore Park would be protected from damage by vehicular or machinery movement.

Significant landscape elements (such as sandstone kerbing) that are to be removed from Belmore Park for the construction compound would be salvaged, catalogued and stored for reinstatement following completion of construction works.

A photographic archival recording of Belmore Park would be undertaken prior to works commencing.


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CBD and South East Light Rail – Stage 1 Managing Contractor Construction Heritage Management Plan for the Moore Park Works



ID Mitigation Measures Reference Resp.


The following mitigation measures would be implemented for Martin Place, the Cenotaph and General Post Office:

The detailed design of any works in Regimental Square would retain and conserve the memorial and associated significant plantings.

The memorial and significant associated landscaping would be retained and protected during construction works.

A photographic archival recording of Regimental Square would be undertaken prior to any works commencing in this area.

No new permanent above ground structures would be introduced into Martin Place, particularly in the vicinity of the Cenotaph.

The size and material of any required access hatches for the below ground substation in Martin Place would minimise visual impacts on the ground plane of Martin Place.

The design of necessary substation ventilation shafts, access hatches, and other infrastructure would minimise visual impacts on the Cenotaph.

The condition of the Cenotaph would be assessed prior to commencement of construction works for the proposed substation and monitored during construction.

The planning of the works compound would ensure that access is provided to the Cenotaph for the groups who use the memorial.


V.14 A photographic archival recording of the principal elevations of Daking House would be undertaken prior to works commencing.



Significant fabric of the Elizabeth Street Gardens that is to be removed, such as the edging and the palms, would be salvaged, catalogued and stored for possible reinstatement (or partial reinstatement) following completion of construction works.



A photographic archival recording of the parts of Central Railway Station to be affected by the CSELR works, including the Elizabeth Street Gardens and the Chalmers Street boundary wall, would be undertaken prior to works commencing.


V.17 Replanting of trees would be undertaken along Devonshire Street where possible following completion of construction works in accordance with the Landscape Strategy (Appendix F of the EIS).



The mosaic mural and sandstone monument in Wimbo Park would be retained where feasible and conserved. If they cannot be retained in situ, relocation of these elements within the proposed new landscaping would be undertaken in accordance with a management plan or other approved document.


V.19 The design of necessary substation ventilation shafts, access hatches, and other infrastructure in Ward Park would minimise impacts on the spatial quality of Ward Park.


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CBD and South East Light Rail – Stage 1 Managing Contractor Construction Heritage Management Plan for the Moore Park Works



ID Mitigation Measures Reference Resp.


The following mitigation measures would be implemented for Centennial Park, Moore Park, Queens Park and the Moore Park Conservation Area:

The area required for excavation would be minimised to reduce the impact of the works on Moore Park.

The size and form of the tunnel portal structures would be as recessive as possible to reduce permanent visual impacts on the landscape of Moore Park. Any new structures/infrastructure would be recessive and allow the broader landscape to remain the dominant feature.

The location and design of the Moore Park stop would minimise impacts on significant views of the Sydney Cricket Ground and former RAS buildings from Anzac Parade and within Moore Park.

Where feasible, areas excavated for construction of the CSELR would be reinstated to the current condition on completion of construction. This includes areas to be used for construction compounds/laydown areas.

A photographic archival recording of the areas of Moore Park that would be subject to impacts from construction of the CSELR, including the Anzac Parade avenue of trees, would be undertaken prior to works commencing.

Design Plans



Moore Park Works CEMP

Moore Park Works CEMP

V.21 Where significant trees must be removed in the Martin Road Conservation Area suitable replacements would be made, where possible, to screen the conservation area from the CSELR.


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© Laing O’Rourke 2013, all rights reserved

CBD and South East Light Rail – Stage 1 Managing Contractor Construction Heritage Management Plan for the Moore Park Works



Appendix E – Aboriginal Heritage Test Excavation Methodology for the Moore Park Tennis Centre

CBD and South East Light Rail Project:Early Works, Moore Park Tennis Centre

Aboriginal Heritage Test Excavation Methodology

Report to KMH Environmental

July 2014


Artefact Heritage ABN 73 144 973 526

Lvl 1/716 New South Head Rd

Rose Bay 2029 PO BOX 772 Rose Bay NSW Australia 2029

+61 2 9025 3958 +61 2 9025 3990



CBD and South East Light Rail Project: Early Works, Moore Park Tennis Centre 


artefact artefact.net.au Page i


Figures ................................................................................................................................................................................................. ii 

Tables ................................................................................................................................................................................................. ii 

1.0 Introduction and Background .............................................................................................................................................. 1 

1.1  Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................... 1 

1.2  CBD and South East Light Rail project overview ............................................................................................ 1 

1.2.1  Scope of works ................................................................................................................................................... 2 

1.3  Moore Park Tennis Centre scope of works ....................................................................................................... 2 

1.4  Geotechnical investigations .................................................................................................................................... 3 

1.5  Consultation with Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) ................................................................... 3 

2.0 Legislative Context.................................................................................................................................................................. 8 

3.0 Aboriginal Consultation ......................................................................................................................................................... 9 

4.0 Background Context ............................................................................................................................................................. 10 

4.1  Soils and landform .................................................................................................................................................... 10 

4.1.1  Results of geotechnical investigations .................................................................................................... 10 

4.2  Sub-surface archaeological investigation in the local area ....................................................................... 10 

4.2.1  Discussion of the Moore Park precinct in the EIS (GML 2013) ..................................................... 11 

5.0 Aims of Test Excavation ..................................................................................................................................................... 12 

5.1  Test excavation area ............................................................................................................................................... 12 

5.2  Justification .................................................................................................................................................................. 12 

6.0 Excavation Methodology .................................................................................................................................................... 14 

6.1  Test excavation .......................................................................................................................................................... 14 

6.2  Procedure for the discovery of human remains ............................................................................................. 15 

6.3  Aboriginal objects ...................................................................................................................................................... 15 

7.0 Reporting and Aboriginal Objects ................................................................................................................................... 17 

8.0 References ............................................................................................................................................................................... 19 


CBD and South East Light Rail Project: Early Works, Moore Park Tennis Centre 


artefact artefact.net.au Page ii


Figure 1: General location of study area (background aerial © Google 2014) ........................................................ 4 

Figure 2: Tennis Centre project proposed works (supplied by KMH Environmental) ............................................ 5 

Figure 3: Tennis Centre project proposed works (supplied by KMH Environmental) ............................................ 6 

Figure 4: Location of geotech pits within the Tennis Centre project area (background aerial © Google

2014) .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 

Figure 5: Indicative test pit layout and utilities location (background aerial © Google 2014) ........................... 16 


Table 1: Recorded artefact attributes .................................................................................................................................... 17 

CBD and South East Light Rail Project: Early Works, Moore Park Tennis Centre 


artefact artefact.net.au Page 1

1.0 Introduction and Background

1.1 Introduction

Laing O’Rourke, on behalf of the Transport NSW (the Proponent), propose to commence Stage 1 early

works for the CBD and South East Light Rail Project. The Stage 1 early works includes reconfiguring

existing car park and amenities facilities within Moore Park Precinct, Centennial Parklands. The works will

be located at the Parklands Tennis Centre, near the corner of Lang Road and Anzac Parade (see Figure


A Heritage Impact Assessment was prepared by Godden Mackay Logan (GML) in 2013 for the CBD and

South East Light Rail Project Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). GML assessed the project area

within the Moore Park Precinct as Zone 1 and Zone 2 for Aboriginal archaeological sensitivity,

representing areas with archaeological potential for Aboriginal objects to be found and/or impacted.

Zones 1 and 2 represented the highest levels of archaeological sensitivity for the CBD and South East

Light Rail project (GML 2013: 108-109).

KMH Environmental conducted geotechnical investigations of the Tennis Centre project area in July

2014. Overall, the geotechnical investigations identified a thick layer of imported 19th and 20th century fill

which in some areas overlaid sand. The results of geotechnical investigations indicated that although the

sand sheet appears to be heavily truncated, there was one area where there is potential for natural

ground surface. Artefact Heritage recommended that archaeological test excavation of that area should

be conducted to further investigate the nature of the sand layer and test for the presence of Aboriginal


1.2 CBD and South East Light Rail project overview

The Sydney Light Rail incorporates the new light rail network – a 12 km route integrating major

interchanges with other transport modes at Circular Quay, Wynyard, Town Hall, Central, Randwick and

Kingsford - will transform Sydney and support the city’s growing economy and population. The expanding

light rail network will connect people to jobs, homes, entertainment precincts and form part of an

integrated public transport solution to ease congestion and improve services.

The new light rail network will be delivered in two packages with the critical and long lead works being

undertaken by an Early Works Managing Contractor.

CBD and South East Light Rail Project: Early Works, Moore Park Tennis Centre 


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Laing O’Rourke has been appointed by Transport for NSW (TfNSW) as the Managing Contractor

responsible for delivering a range of early works as enablers for the PPP main works on the Sydney Light

Rail (SLR) that will be undertaken by OpCo. TfNSW is the Principal for the SLR Managing Contractor


1.2.1 Scope of works

Laing O’Rourke’s scope to be undertaken as Managing Contractor is described in three main work

packages as follows:

Package 1: Non-Utility Early Works

Portion 1.1 Demolition of Olivia Gardens

Portion 1.2 Moore Park Tennis Centre

Portion 1.4 Tramway Oval Eastern Extension

Portion 1.5 Inner West DDA Compliance Package

Package 2 Works – Utility protection and relocation works at key intersections:

Portion 2.1 George Street / Grosvenor Street / Bridge Street

Portion 2.2 George Street / Hunter Street / Margaret Street

Portion 2.3 George Street / Park Street / Druitt Street

Portion 2.4 Pitt Street / Rawson Place / Eddy Avenue

Portion 2.5 Eddy Avenue / Elizabeth Street / Chalmers Street

Portion 2.6 Chalmers Street / Devonshire Street / Randle Street

Package 3: Other works as advised by TfNSW.

1.3 Moore Park Tennis Centre scope of works

Works at the Tennis Centre will include demolition of the existing tennis centre access driveway and car

park and construction of a newly configured driveway and car park, including a new turning head and

proposed kiss-and-ride drop off (see Figures 2 and 3). Works will also include construction of a

replacement amenities block and demolition of the existing amenities block.

Works at the Tennis Centre would extend to a maximum depth of approximately one metre beneath the

current ground surface of the existing Tennis Centre car park.  

CBD and South East Light Rail Project: Early Works, Moore Park Tennis Centre 


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1.4 Geotechnical investigations

A total of eight pits were excavated in the Tennis Centre project area as part of geotechnical

investigations for the CBD and South East Light Rail project. The location of those geotechnical pits are

shown in Figure 4.

Overall, the investigations demonstrated that across the Tennis Centre project area there is an upper

layer of varying thickness consisting of imported or displaced fill dating to the late 19th and early 20th

century. The fill generally comprised building material and domestic refuse.

Pit 5, excavated in the current car park for the Tennis Centre, comprised introduced fill to a depth of

approximately 500 mm overlying a pale grey sand layer of 500 millimetres depth and beneath that a

bleached white sand layer to base of testing. Based on the findings of the EIS and the Ministers

Conditions of Approval (MCoA), Artefact recommended that archaeological test excavation should be

conducted in the vicinity of Pit 5 in order to further investigate the nature of the sand layer and test for the

presence of Aboriginal objects in that area.

1.5 Consultation with Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH)

In accordance with Ministers Conditions of Approval (MCoA), Artefact consulted with Fran Scully,

Archaeologist at Office of Environment and Heritage Regional Operations, regarding the test excavation

methodology at the Tennis Centre.

Fran indicated that there was potential for the occurrence of Aboriginal objects across the Moore Park –

Botany Bay sand sheet, as indicated by previous investigations in the area. Fran noted that the test

excavation methodology should incorporate comprehensive sieving of all retrieved sand. Fran suggested

that if sample sieving was to be enacted by Artefact Heritage that this should only occur where no

Aboriginal objects are retrieved and encountered sand deposits remain consistent across each test pit.

These comments were taken into consideration during preparation of the methodology.

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Figure 1: General location of study area (background aerial © Google 2014)

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Figure 2: Tennis Centre project proposed works (supplied by KMH Environmental)

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Figure 3: Tennis Centre project proposed works (supplied by KMH Environmental)

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Figure 4: Location of geotech pits within the Tennis Centre project area (background aerial © Google 2014)

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2.0 Legislative Context

National Parks and Wildlife Act (1974) (NPW Act)

The NPW Act, administered by the OEH provides statutory protection for all Aboriginal ‘objects’

(consisting of any material evidence of the Aboriginal occupation of NSW) under Section 90 of the Act,

and for ‘Aboriginal Places’ (areas of cultural significance to the Aboriginal community) under Section 84.

The protection provided to Aboriginal objects applies irrespective of the level of their significance or

issues of land tenure. However, areas are only gazetted as Aboriginal Places if the Minister is satisfied

that sufficient evidence exists to demonstrate that the location was and/or is, of special significance to

Aboriginal culture.

The NPW Act was amended in 2010 and as a result the legislative structure for seeking permission to

impact on heritage items has changed. A Section 90 permit is now the only Aboriginal Heritage Impact

Permit (AHIP) available and is granted by the OEH. Various factors are considered by OEH in the AHIP

application process, such as site significance, Aboriginal consultation requirements, ESD principles,

project justification and consideration of alternatives. The penalties and fines for damaging or defacing an

Aboriginal object have also increased.

As this project is being assessed under Part 5.1 of the EP&A Act 1979 permits issued under the NPW Act

1974 are not required.

Environmental Planning & Assessment Act (1979) (EP&A Act)

The proposal will be assessed under Part 5.1 of the EP&A Act, which establishes an assessment and

approval regime for State Significant Infrastructure (SS). Part 5.1 applies to development that is declared

to be SSI by a State Environmental Planning Policy (SEPP). Section 115ZG of the EP&A Act specifies

that approvals or permits under section 90 of the NPW Act 1974 are not required for approved SSI.

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3.0 Aboriginal Consultation

Comprehensive Aboriginal stakeholder consultation for the CBD and South East Light Rail project was

commenced by GML on behalf of Transport for NSW (the proponent). As a State Significance

Infrastructure (SSI) project under Part 5.1 of the EPA Act, consultation is conducted in accordance with

the Department of Environment and Conservation (now OEH) Guidelines for Aboriginal Cultural Heritage

Impact Assessment and Community Consultation (2005). Five Aboriginal stakeholders have registered for

consultation throughout the project, including:

Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council (MLALC)

La Perouse Local Aboriginal Land Council (LPLALC)


Darug Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessments (DACHA)

Darug Land Observations (DLO)

A consultation log is maintained detailing correspondence with the Aboriginal stakeholder groups. The

registered stakeholders will be provided the opportunity to comment on the methodology and excavation

results report, and their comments would be taken into account prior to the documents being finalised.

Further consultation with registered Aboriginal stakeholders will also be conducted regarding participation

in the test excavation program.

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4.0 Background Context

4.1 Soils and landform

The majority of the Eastern Suburbs was originally an undulating series of sand dunes which stretched

from Rose Bay, along the coast to Botany Bay, and inland to Randwick and Alexandria. The EIS prepared

by GML indicated that the Moore Park precinct is ‘underlain by Quaternary marine sands, deposited by

marine and Aeolian actions during the Holocene, and are associated with sea level changes since the last

Ice Age (GML 2013: 134).

Large sand hills once covered the area, some of which still remain. Large, extant sand hills are located to

the west of the project area at the Sydney Golf Course, whilst approximately 380 metres north of the

project area was a dune which was called “Mount Lang”. Mount Lang was large sand dune which was

heavily modified during establishment of the parklands (Centennial Parklands Trust 2014), and was

removed in the late 20th century when a cricket / AFL pitch was established in that area.

Vegetation clearance combined with wind and water erosion heavily degraded the area. By the mid-

nineteenth century the Moore Park area had become barren of vegetation due to timber-getting and

subsequent erosion (Centennial Parklands Trust 2014). This wind and water erosion combined with

heavy modification of the area during creation of the parklands is likely to have affected the intactness of

some portions of the sand layer through removal and redistribution of sand.

4.1.1 Results of geotechnical investigations

The geotech results from the Tennis Centre show that the level of the sand sheet varied across the site

from around 500 mm to over two metres in depth beneath a layer of late 19th and early 20th century fill.

The deeper deposits were generally overlain by an artificial embankment adjacent to the netball courts or

across higher ground that is likely to have been raised by fill. The test pits located across the

embankment and higher ground at the Tennis Centre showed that the sand sheet remained below the fill

layer but was likely to have been truncated. It is likely in those areas that the natural ground surface was

cut and levelled which is in turn likely to have removed any evidence of Aboriginal occupation that may

have once been present.

4.2 Sub-surface archaeological investigation in the local area

Archaeological excavations within the Eastern Suburbs sand sheet system at Rose Bay (JMcDCHM

2010), Prince of Wales Hospital Randwick (Godden et al 1997), Long Bay (MDCA 2008), Prince of Wales

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Medical Research Institute (MDCA 2008) and Discovery Point Tempe (JMcDCHM 2005) have located

evidence of Aboriginal occupation. The Aboriginal sites located during those archaeological excavations

are some of the oldest so far recorded in the Sydney Basin with dates for Discovery Point at around

10,000 years before present, and human remains at Rose Bay dated to approximately 3,000 years before

present. In all the cases of archaeological excavations mentioned above, Aboriginal artefacts have been

located within the A horizon, with the highest density of artefacts in general found in the upper grey sand


The Rose Bay sand sheet is a separate Quaternary formation from the Moore Park sand sheet.

Archaeological excavation within the Rose Bay sand sheet at the Royal Sydney Golf Club (JMcD CHM

2010: i) recovered skeletal remains from at least three Aboriginal people and an artefact scatter

comprising over 5,700 objects. The majority of the objects were retrieved from redistributed sand layers,

whilst in some portions of the site intact podzol soil profiles onto coffee rock were encountered (Mitchell

2009: 3).

Geological and archaeological investigations across the sand sheet associated with Moore Park indicates

that the basal layers of the sand, associated with a layer of coffee rock, date to the terminal Pleistocene,

between 30,000 to 40,000 years ago (Attenbrow 2002: 9-10). The oldest dated Aboriginal site in the sand

sheet is 8,400 +/- 800 years Before Present (BP) (Godden et al 1997).

Attenbrow (2002: 9-10) outlines information from sub-surface investigations which indicates that following

the commencement of aeolian sand deposition across the Botany Bay Basin during the terminal

Pleistocene, that there were several differing phases of sand deposition and movement associated with a

range of environments. The large sand dunes across the northern portion of the sand layer, associated

with the Moore Park area, was likely to have formed across an environment of freshwater creeks and

sandstone valleys (Attenbrow 2002: 10).

4.2.1 Discussion of the Moore Park precinct in the EIS (GML 2013)

The Moore Park Precinct was assessed by the EIS report as being Zone 1 and Zone 2 for Aboriginal

archaeological sensitivity. The definition of the zones was based on the likelihood of buried sand sheet

remaining in an undisturbed context, and also on the expected impacts of the CESLR. Zone 1 includes

areas in which archaeologically sensitive sections of the sand sheet may be located, and which are

expected to be impacted at depth by construction (up to and over 750mm). Zone 2 includes areas in

which archaeologically sensitive sections of the sand sheet may be located but are likely to be subject to

superficial impacts within the upper disturbed layers of fill which are thought to be prevalent across the

precinct. The EIS report recommended that the assessment of these zones should be further refined after

the results of geotechnical investigations are known.

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5.0 Aims of Test Excavation

5.1 Test excavation area

Test excavation would focus on the low-lying area associated with an existing car park in the vicinity of

geotechnical Pit 5. That area demonstrated introduced fill to a depth of approximately 500 mm overlying a

pale grey sand layer of 500 millimetres depth and beneath that a bleached white sand layer to base of


Proposed impacts in that portion of the Tennis Centre project area would extend to a depth of

approximately one metre. Archaeological test excavation would investigate the sand deposit beneath the

introduced fill layer and the base of works in that area.

5.2 Justification

Justification for archaeological test excavation within the Tennis Centre project area and in the vicinity of

geotech Pit 5 includes:

MCoA B56 states that archaeological investigation should take place within the Moore Park Precinct

in areas which have the potential for Aboriginal objects.

The OEH Aboriginal heritage guidelines note that sand dune, or sand sheet, formations are sensitive

landforms as they may preserve evidence of Aboriginal occupation such as hearths, artefacts, and


The results of geotechnical investigation indicates there is potential for natural ground surface

associated with the underlying sand layer in the vicinity of Pit 5.

To further investigate the nature of the sand layer and test for the presence of Aboriginal objects in

the vicinity of Pit 5.

The high potential for test excavation to add to the current corpus of information on Aboriginal

occupation at in the Moore Park area.

5.3 Research questions

The research questions are designed to focus the field work and analysis on particular aspects of

archaeological investigation, and therefore to maximise the research value gained from the non-

renewable resource of the archaeological record.

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Question 1: Has the underlying sand layer in the vicinity of geotech Pit 5 being truncated?

Test excavation will give an indication as to whether the darker staining observed in the upper layer of

sand in geotech Pit 5 is evidence of a remnant or partially truncated ground surface or whether the darker

colour is associated with colour leaching from the overlying introduced 19th and 20th century layer(s) of fill.

Question 2: Is there any evidence of intact soil profiles?

Developed podzol soil profiles in dune sands can comprise darker stained A1 horizon sands, overlying

bleached white A2 horizon sands, overlying strongly cemented and podzol pans referred to as ‘coffee

rock’ (Mitchell 2009: 3). Whether the sand layer appears truncated or not (Research Question 1),

observations will be made throughout excavation for evidence of extant soil profiles.

Question 3: Is there evidence in the underlying sand layer of Aboriginal activities?

Observations during excavation and sieving of retrieved sand will provide information on the presence of

Aboriginal objects within the underlying sand layer. This includes observations of any areas of darker

staining or charcoal fragments from hearths, manuports associated with hearths or other activities, and

stone artefacts. Where possible, suitable charcoal fragments would be collected for Radiocarbon dating.

Question 4: How does the test excavation compare to the results of sub-surface investigation in

the regional context?

The results of test excavation would be discussed in relation to the findings of sub-surface investigation in

the region, including excavation in the Rose Bay sand sheet (JMcD CHM 2010), Prince of Wales Hospital

Randwick (Godden et al 1997), Long Bay (MDCA 2008), Prince of Wales Medical Research Institute

(MDCA 2008) and Discovery Point Tempe (JMcDCHM 2005). Comparative information would include

intactness of deposit, degree of truncation, and nature and frequency of retrieved Aboriginal objects.

Question 5: What information can the retrieved assemblage provide on land-use patterns in the

local context?

The comparative results of test excavation and the results of other sub-surface investigations in the area

would be discussed in terms of Aboriginal land-use strategies of the local region. This would include a

discussion of diet, raw material conservation techniques, artefact types and size and weight

characteristics of the assemblage.

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6.0 Excavation Methodology

6.1 Test excavation

Test excavation would consist of up to four machine excavated pits in the existing car park area in the

vicinity of geotech Pit 5 (see Figure 5). Test excavation would be conducted by machine, rather than

hand, due to the very loose nature of the underlying sand layer and the high potential for section collapse.

The basis for excavation would involve excavation of up to four pits measuring approximately two metres

long, 1.2 metres deep and 800 millimetres wide. Excavation will take place over two days and back-filled

upon completion.

The pits will be spaced out across the existing car park in the vicinity of geotech Pit 5. The location of pits

across that area will provide the opportunity to test the extent of the darker sand layer identified in

geotech Pit 5. Pit locations will be marked out on the existing interlocking pavers using spray paint. Due to

the depth of the pits and the frequently trafficked nature of the area, each location will be cordoned off

with temporary Harris fencing.

The introduced fill layer will be removed by machine and placed on the ground surface at a safe distance

from the open pit. The fill material will not be sieved, due to the fact that material is introduced and

comprises building and domestic rubbish from the late 19th and early 20th century.

Excavation of the sand layer will be conducted in 100 millimetre spits using a flat edged ‘batter’ bucket.

Accuracy with all measurements will be dependent on the machine excavator and the stability of the

section walls. A context sheet for each test pit will be completed in the field. Details recorded would

include date of excavation, name of excavator(s), spit number, depth, and soil description. Representative

section walls of the pit would be drawn and photographs taken of each section wall and base. Due to the

Occupational Health and Safety limitations of entering the pit, section drawing and photographs would be

recorded from the edge of each pit.

All retrieved material would be placed on a tarpaulin laid out across the ground surface adjacent to the pit

and sieved using nested 5 millimetre and 3 millimetre sieves. All sand retrieved from the first excavated

pit would be sieved. Where no Aboriginal objects are retrieved from the first pit, and the sand profile for

each of the remaining pits remains consistent, retrieved sand from the remaining pits would be sample

sieved. This would include sieving at least one full bucket of sand from each spit, which would be placed

adjacent to the sieves on a separate tarpaulin to the remainder of the retrieved material.  

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Due to the dry and loose nature of the sand layer, it is anticipated that the material will be dry sieved and

that it will not be necessary to wet sieve. Arrangements for wet sieving would be made where natural

deposits are encountered which could not be dry sieved.

All test pits would be back-filled with following the completion of excavation, with interlocking pavers

replaced on top.

6.2 Procedure for the discovery of human remains

If suspected human skeletal remains are uncovered at any time throughout the excavation program, the

following actions will be followed:

cease all excavation activity;

notify NSW Police;

notify OEH via the Environment Line on 131 555 to provide details of the remains and their location;

notify the Department of Planning and Environment (DPE); and,

excavation activity will not recommence unless authorised in writing by the relevant agency, including

Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) and OEH.

6.3 Aboriginal objects

The Australian Museum is the primary repository for collected Aboriginal objects in NSW. Recent changes

to the Museum’s deposition policy mean that only significant or unusual assemblages will be accepted for

storage and all approved depositions will require payment of a fee to the Museum.

Further consultation with registered Aboriginal stakeholders will take place following excavation regarding

the long-term care and management of any Aboriginal objects retrieved during excavation. This may

include selection of a location for reburial within the Centennial Parklands, or deposition at the Australian


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Figure 5: Indicative test pit layout and utilities location (background aerial © Google 2014)

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7.0 Reporting and Aboriginal Objects

All Aboriginal objects retrieved during excavation or sieving will be placed into a re-sealable bag with

provenance details. Records of artefact numbers and preliminary details of artefact type will be

maintained throughout the course of the excavation.

Post excavation analysis will include analysis of stone artefacts, shell (as midden), faunal remains

(animal/fish bones) and radiocarbon dating (if suitable samples are uncovered). The extent of post

excavation analysis will not be known until the amount of material recovered is known after the


Stone artefacts retrieved during excavation will be given a unique number and specific attributes recorded

in a Microsoft Excel table. The specific attributes recorded are chosen to fulfill the aims of excavation, and

to provide a comparable dataset to other artefact assemblages in the region. Attributes to be recorded are

outlined in Table 1.

Table 1: Recorded artefact attributes

Artefact attributes Recorded details

Site Details Provenance details.

Excavation Unit Test pit number.

Spit Spit number and spit depth.

Raw material Raw material type and colour. Examples of raw material types include: silcrete, mudstone, quartz, petrified wood, glass and hornfels.

Reduction type Flake; proximal flake fragment; medial flake fragment; distal flake fragment; bipolar flake; split flake (L or R); angular fragment; crenate fracture.

Tool / core type Backed; retouched; core – unifacial, unifacial rotated, bifacial; core fragment.

Size range Maximum dimension in the following categories – 0-5 mm, 6-10 mm, 11-15 mm, 16-20 mm, 21-30 mm, 31-40 mm, 41-50 mm.

Flake dimensions Oriented length, width and thickness of complete flakes.

Cortex Cortex coverage of whole artefact, including: none; 1-32%; 33-66%; 67-99%; 100%.

Weight Measured to the 0.1gm. Artefacts less than 0.05gm were rounded up to 0.05 gm, whilst artefacts greater than 0.05 gm were rounded up to 0.1 gm.

The attributes and features of any shell material retrieved during excavation would be recorded in

accordance with the OEH AHIMS Feature Recording Table – Shell. This would include recording the full

range of shells present, and recording the rank and order of abundance of species present. Densities of

shell (or bone) present would be expressed as a ratio of shell (or bone) to the sedimentary context.

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The test excavation report would be completed using recorded artefact attributes and detailed pit

characteristics, including depth and disturbance levels. The aim of the report would be to investigate the

research questions in order to place the retrieved test assemblage into a local and regional framework of

Aboriginal land-use.

At the conclusion of test excavation a site recording and site impact recording forms will be completed

and submitted to AHIMS where required.

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8.0 References

Attenbrow, V., 2002. Pre-colonial Aboriginal land and resource use in Centennial, Moore and Queeens

Parks – assessment of historical and archaeological evidence for Centennial Parklands Conservation

Management Plan. Report for incorporation into overall Conservation Management Plan prepared by

Beyond Consulting for Conybeare Morrison and Partners.

Centennial Parklands Trust,


accessed 31 July 2014.

Godden Mackay Heritage Consultants Pty Ltd and Austral Archaeology Pty Ltd, 1997. Prince of Wales

Project 1995, Randwick Destitute Children’s Asylum Cemetery. Archaeological Investigation, Volume

2 – Archaeology, Parts 3, 4 and 5. Report prepared for the South Eastern Area Health Service,

Heritage Council of NSW and NSW Department of Health.

Godden Mackay Logan, 2013. CBD and South East Rail Heritage Impact Assessment. Report prepared

for Parsons Brinckerhoff on behalf of Transport for NSW.

Jo McDonald Cultural Heritage Management Pty Ltd, 2005. Archaeological Testing and Salvage

Excavation at Discovery Point in the Former Grounds of Tempe House, NSW. Report to Australand

Holdings Pty Ltd.

Jo McDonald Cultural Heritage Management Pty Ltd, 2010. Archaeological Subsurface Investigations at

the Royal Sydney Golf Club, Rose Bay. Report prepared for the Royal Sydney Golf Club.

Mary Dallas Consulting Archaeologists, 2008. Prince of Wales Medical Research Institute Project.

Proposed Neuroscience Research Precinct. Concept Plan and Project Application. Aboriginal

Archaeology – Preliminary Assessment. Report to Winton Associates Pty Ltd.

Mitchell, P., 2009. Geomorphology and soil materials of a sand ridge on the Royal Sydney Golf Club in

relation to Aboriginal archaeology. Report to Jo McDonald Cultural Heritage Management Pty Ltd.