Causes ww1 Moroccan crisis Triple entente and alliance League of nations League of nations 2 League...

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Transcript of Causes ww1 Moroccan crisis Triple entente and alliance League of nations League of nations 2 League...

• Causes ww1• Moroccan crisis• Triple entente and alliance• League of nations• League of nations 2• League of nations France and Britain• Assassination of arch duke Franz Ferdinand• Kaiser Wilhelm 2• Ww2 causes• Abyssinian crisis• Agadir crisis• Adolf Hitler• Hitler's foreign polices

Causes ww1• Arms race between the two Alliances.• The Balkans • triple entente• triple alliance• Assassination of arch duke Franz Ferdinand 1914• First Moroccan crisis 1906• Bosnian crisis 1908• Agadir crisis 1911

Moroccan crisis

Kaiser Wilhelm promised to support Morocco against France's attempts to take it over. Kaiser did this to see what he could get away with he was testing the leagues strength

Triple entente and alliance

The triple entente consisted of 3 of the European countries Britain, France and Russia the triple alliance was Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy. The countries did this so if war started the allied countries would back them up if war started.


The league of nations was an a idea by Woodrow Wilson (usa) it was to prevent any more wars like ww1 .but the usa didn’t join the league cause the people didn’t want too. This efected the league because they were the county with lots of power and wealth.


The league failed because two powerful countries weren't involved Ussr and usa. This failed because the league didn’t have an army so these countries would have improved the league. The usa didn’t join because they didn’t want to get involved in European affairs.

Lon France and Britain

This was another reason the League failed because of the selfishness of France and Britain when the were doing deals behind the back of the league. An example is when they offered to sell part of Abyssinia to Italy.

Assassination of arch duke Franz Ferdinand

The assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife was critical in setting off the chain of events that led to the First World War. After the first attempted murder the dukes driver took a detour but the car stopped in front of Gavril princip. They where all arrested they tried to commit suicide with expired cyanide the was a main reason of ww1

Kaiser Wilhelm 2

• Born 27 January 1859 • Birth defect caused withered arm • Augusta Victoria wife• Seven children• Wilhelm became Kaiser at the age of 29• believer in increasing the strength of the German armed forces, particularly the navy• Died in 4th June 1941• Home back next

Ww2 causes

Agadir crisis

The Agadir crisis was a small cause of ww1. it happened in 1911 four years after the Morrison crisis. This crisis was started on July 1st when a German gunboat the panther was dispatched to Agadir

Abyssinian crisis

The Abyssinian crisis was when Mussolini invaded Abyssinia in1935 he wanted too expand Italy's empire. The emperor of Abyssinia asked the league of nations for help but all they did was ban the arm sales to both countries this effected Abyssinia more than it affected Italy because Abyssinia had nothing to defend them self's. Britain and France tried too make a secret pack with Italy for a small part of Abyssinia they did this behind the leagues back.

Adolf Hitler

• NAME: Adolf Hitler • Born April 20, 1889• died April 30, 1945 • Born in Braunau am Inn, Austria • Died in Berlin, Germany Home back next

Hitler's foreign polices

1.Destroy the Treaty of Versailles. 7.The invasion of Czechoslovakia

2.Create a Greater Germany 8.The invasion of Poland

3.Lebensraum (living space)

4.Remilitarisation of the Rhineland

5.Anschluss with Austria

6.The annexation of the Sudetenland


Who was the triple entente ?Britain, France and RussiaOrGermany, Austria-Hungary and Italy


When was the Agadir crisis ?191119121913


Who thought of the league of nations?

Woodrow WilsonWoodrow WilliamWilliam Wilson


Who was assassinated ?Franz FerdinandFrank Ferdinand


Where was Hitler born ?GermanyAustria


When was Hitler born ?188918881887


What was one of Hitler's main aims ?Destroy the Treaty of VersaillesDestroy the death star


Where did Hitler die ?BerlinParis London


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