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Inspiration and Lessons from Joint Witness 2017

Something of great significance took place at St John Vianney Seminary on 12th

and 13th


Officially it was the Joint Meeting of Bishops and Religious Superiors who have members

working in the territories of the SACBC.

Given some of the pressing practical questions brought on by diminishing members, aging

members, loss of support from overseas sources, etc, you could have been forgiven if you thought

Joint Witness 2017 was going to be about contracts, agreements, memoranda of understanding,

etc, as religious Sisters and Brothers strove to ensure that their great legacy in education and

health care would continue into the future.

Instead we found ourselves being challenged by something much more far-reaching, namely the

very essence of what the Church was set up to be and to do – a Community of Disciples

evangelising themselves, their religious communities and the communities they came to serve

and continue to serve in the spirit of Christ.

This was determined by the choice of theme and a most challenging keynote speaker Dr.

Nothando Hadebe.

The theme was: Finding new paths to Evangelisation through Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy of the

Gospel) the post Synodal Exhortation which passed through two sets of hands, those of Pope

Benedict XVI and of Pope Francis.

Dr Hadebe began by describing this endeavour as “The Gospel and our Faith are life giving and

life transforming realities which Pope Francis is leading the Church to put into practice in

concrete ways. He achieves this by rooting the faith and all that it is about firmly in the Gospel.

In doing so Pope Francis is using Evangelii Gaudium to bring together all the disciplines of

Church teaching and practice, so that Evangelii Gaudium ends up being the charter for the new

evangelisation - new in spirit, new in method and new in expression.”

In outlining the task ahead of us Dr Hadebe outlined 5 key areas which Evangelii Gaudium must

be used to tackle; and tackle hard.


a) The commodification and the “comicification” of Christianity

b) Key elements of faith being presented as for sale namely: religion, healing and even the


c) Technology

d) Egotism

e) Decolonisation – letting the African identity emerge

A feature common to this post modern approach to religion is that those who participate in

worship and practice of the faith are assumed to have parked off their brains as well as their cars

in the Church parking lot! This gives frighteningly undue power to religious leaders, pastors,

church workers, etc, over their members.

Another area of grave and mounting concern is violence against women and children. The big

question is: Why? Is it the fragmentation of society, loss of sense of the common good,

racism/xenophobia, breakdown of the traditional family/society!?

A corollary which was not mentioned but which I regard as highly significant is the invisible

violence of abortion which cannot but be having a major effect on society today!

If the weakest, most defenceless and totally vulnerable are legally and routinely sacrificed at the

altar of convenience and lawless immorality, what’s to stop other weak and vulnerable members

of society from being violated as well? Albeit illegally and unlawfully?

But there are signs of hope, the chief being increasing resistance from upright men and women

committed to the common good, by resisting the anti life “zeitsgeist”/spirit of the age.

Second and very important is that the Joy of the Gospel provides us with the building blocks for

reform and renewal. The main thing that Evangelii Gaudium contributes is faith and confidence

in the Gospel and its power, which come from knowing Jesus, belonging to his community of

disciples in a real and concrete way and so coming to experience the transforming power of the

good news: “that God has come to redeem his people and that his coming continues wherever his

Church – led by his Son, Jesus Christ – makes the Good News happen by living as a community

of true brothers and sisters!”

It was as if we were rediscovering the challenge which Jesus left us: “By this shall all men know

that you are my disciples, by the way you love one another!”

“Go and do likewise” is what Joint Witness is saying to all in Southern Africa.

+ Wilfrid Cardinal Napier OFM

Archbishop of Durban



The universal Church is concerned about the breakdown of marriage and family life on a global

scale. To address this concern, two major Church Synods have been held in Rome since 2014, to

discuss the issues involved and plot a way forward to deal with these.

The Archdiocese of Durban has also been concerned about these problems, and the Adult

Formation Team has spent considerable time and energy over the last year producing a series of

booklets that, we hope, will begin to raise awareness on some of the problems.

Called “The Cardinal’s Series on Marriage and Family Life”, there are ten booklets in the series,

available in both English and IsiZulu. Small, compact, and very affordable, the titles of these ten

are: Marriage, Family, Relationships, Communication, Fidelity and Commitment, Pressure,

Technology, Pornography, The Dangerous Duo: Drinking and Drugs, and Unemployment and

Retrenchment. All are dealing with issues that can cause problems in a marriage or in family life.

A set of these booklets was distributed to priests at the Chrism Mass earlier this year, and parish

priests were asked to make these “visible” to parishioners, and promote orders for them – either

individual books or in sets.


The cost of each booklet is below R10, and the suggested price to parishioners was R10 per

booklet or R100 for the set of ten.

While these booklets are in no way comprehensive in their coverage of a particular topic, they are

designed, at least, to initiate discussion and reflection, and can be worked through by individuals,

couples, families or by small groups, and are suitable for people aged 16 and upward.

We are asking that some effort be made to promote the sale of these books in every parish. Order

forms are available online at or can be phoned through to Irene

Helsdon at (031) 5635554 or 082 559 6331.

Please promote these books in your parish!

N.B. Every priest was given a set of these well researched and written booklets under the title

The Cardinal’s Series on Marriage and Family. The reason for giving each priest this set of

booklets is for them to make the series known in their parishes, schools, hospitals, prisons and

other places where they practice their ministry.

The topics covered are right to the mark in regard to the moral and social problems which they

address for information, reflection and action, in prayer groups, families, sodalities, and of course

in your personal life.

The topics covered include: Family; Communication; Fidelity and Commitment; the Dangerous

Duo (Drugs and Alcohol); Unemployment and/or Retrenchment; Pornography; Marriage;

Pressure; Relationships; and Technology!

What a rich assortment of subjects for renewing and reforming married, family and personal life!

Believe it or not, NOT ONE order has been placed for the purchase of this exceptional set of faith

in life series.

The Reason!!! I don’t know! But it would seem none of the priests made these booklets known,

or advertised them or required their people to buy them! Come on! We can do better than that!

Wilfrid Cardinal Napier OFM


Laudato Si Programme / Action Plan

Given the dire state of the environment, Pope Francis is asking all Catholics and People of Good

will, to mark the 1st September, which is called Arbour Day in South Africa, as Care for Creation

Day. By doing so he is reminding us of God’s first commandment given to Adam and Eve in

relation to creation: “Be fruitful, fill the earth and subdue it. Be masters of the fish of the sea, the

birds of heaven and all the living creatures that move on earth.” Gen 1: 28

At the meeting of IMBISA, i.e. the Bishops of Angola, Zimbabwe, Mozambique and the

countries south of them, set out a 3 year programme for implementing Laudato Si.

For our Conference area that implementation will take the following form:

(1) Celebration of Care of Creation Day on 1st September in 2017, 2018 and 2019

(2) Activities are to include:

a) Tree Planting

b) Repairing leaking pipe, taps, etc

c) Educating parishioners via a campaign against the Throw away culture

d) Clean up campaigns - rivers, streams, streets, yards

e) Trap and re-use kitchen and bath water for gardening, etc

f) Organise Awareness Campaigns in favour of recycling paper, plastics, glass, etc

(3) Special Prayer Campaign

This will involve a Novena on Creation as follows:

25 September – 03 October 2017

23 September – 02 October 2018

22 September – 01 October 2018

(4) Format/Contents of Novena

a) Prayer for Laudato Si pp 133 and 134

b) Scripture – Related to Creation

c) Reflection on Excerpts from Laudato Si

d) Benediction of Blessed Sacrament

e) Close with Prayer for Peace: Lord, make me an instrument of your peace...

(5) Lenten Reflections will focus on Creation and our Care and Ministry to it

(6) Any other creative actions that indicate we are serious about our Care for Creation

NB Check SACBC Website for more information

+ Wilfrid Cardinal Napier OFM



“Keeping the Poor Warm in Winter”


September 2017

1 Building Committee

Diakonia Lecture

2 Catechists Festival, Holy Family College

3 Henryville School Mass

Confirmation: Embo

4 Chancery Meeting

5 Catholic Schools Board

6 Missionaries of Charity Mass

7 Council of Priests

Family Life Ministry, Holy Trinity Parish

8 Caritas Durban General Meeting

Closing of Novena, Chatsworth

9 Confirmation: Holy Trinity, Berea

10 Confirmation: St Joan of Arc, Pietermaritzburg

14 DMI Review Meeting

15 Catholic Schools Board Combined Meeting

16 – 21 Rome

23 Nardini Diamond Jubilee Mass

Confirmation: Newlands East and West

26 MWYD Praesidium Meeting

MWYD Durban Team Meeting

27 Finance Board

28 Catholic Schools Board Executive

MWYD Fundraising Meeting

29 Sacred Heart Convention

30 SPRED Mass, Estcourt


The closing date for WORLD YOUTH DAY PANAMA is officially closed.

A special word of thanks to the parishes who sent in names of

their pilgrims who will be joining us for our pilgrimage to

Panama in 2019