Post on 19-Jan-2016

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Transcript of CATHOLIC CHARACTER & THE RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAMME Kia ora and welcome to our school.



Kia ora and welcome to our school

ContentsSpecial Catholic Character

Catholic Education of School Age Children document The role of the PNCEO Charism, Mission Statement explanations The Vision statement/ Core Beliefs Roles and expectations of staff in the schools Parish – Our church, our people Church expectations

The Religious Education Programme Planning –Long Term Plan, Weekly and Daily plan/Assessment

expectations Explanation of Strands/Modules, Digital Resource, Daily Expectations Time allocations Home/School links

Classroom environment Classroom prayer ideas Sacred space areas and the class environment

Special Catholic Character: The Catholic Education of School Age Children

19 Feb 2014 O The Catholic Education of School-Age Children is

a document about our Catholic education system. It has been prepared by the New Zealand Catholic Bishops Conference, and in it the Bishops have set out their thoughts about the system, the principles which should underpin its operation, and their concerns and hopes for the young people who move through it.

The Catholicity of our schools is the reason they exist. Each school does not exist in isolation. All Catholic Schools in New Zealand are part of the one cooperative system which operates on the principle of the common good to ensure that quality education is delivered across the country.

“In order that the Catholic school and the Catholic teachers may truly make their irreplaceable contribution to the Church and to the world, the goal of Catholic education itself must be crystal clear. Beloved sons and daughters of the Catholic Church, brothers and sisters in the faith: Catholic education is above all a question of communicating Christ, ofhelping to form Christ in the lives of others.”

12. The significance of this goal for all Catholic educational institutions was re-affirmed by Pope Benedict XVI in 2008:“First and foremost every Catholic educational institution is a place to encounter the livingGod who in Jesus Christ reveals his transforming love and truth.”713. A genuine and ongoing encounter with Christ gives rise to a desire to know more about him

The Catholic Education of School Age Children

The role of the PNCEO

The Diocesan Office exists to support the mission of the Church and in particular the Bishop’s role as Shepherd of the Diocese. The fundamental purpose of each person is to enhance the growth and faith communities we all serve.

• To develop relationships, provide support and professional development to all schools, teachers and boards.

• To work with principals and boards on education around compliance and increasing awareness in all areas

• To continue to assist schools in their evangelisation mission

• To carry out reviews and support for all schools• T o coordinate conferences and seminars for all staff

Our Catholic Character

CharismThe Charism is a specific gift or grace of the Holy Spirit to

serve the common good in building up the Church. It is important to know what is this is, and how this could be

reflected in your classroom.

Mission StatementO The mission statement is a public declaration used to

describe the founding purpose and major commitment. Again make sure you are familiar with your school’s Mission statement.

An example of a mission statement: An outstanding education achieved through virtue and

knowledge in a Catholic community 

Vision Statement  Your school may also have a vision statement … an example could


Achievement through excellence in all we do and commitment to the Catholic Faith

Success is:    A culture of learning, success and leadership resulting in

success for every studentActive, engaged learners participating in vibrant learning

opportunitiesRecognition and celebration of success

Excited, committed teachers and parentsActive, supportive Catholic culture with many examples of

living the Catholic faithEducation that is flexible, open to change and risk taking

Core Beliefs and ValuesExcellenceThe Reignier Catholic School community will be challenged to achieve excellence in all they endeavour. IntegrityThe Reignier Catholic School community will act with responsibility and be accountable and ethical in accordance with the characteristics of Christian life. JusticeThe Reignier Catholic School community will show justice and compassion towards others, courage of conviction, the ability to recognise and reconcile differences, and to develop an understanding of true equality in the eyes of God. CommunityReignier Catholic School is part of a faith-filled community. The community will actively participate and serve within their home, school, parish and global communities for the good of others. RespectThe school will enhance and foster a respect for others, an appreciation of their differences,  respect for the environment and honour the values reflected in the family and the wider community.

Roles/ Expectations in the school - DRS

Supports the Principal in providing leadership in areas of:Religious Education Curriculum, Catholic Character, Liturgy, Pastoral Care,

Liaison with Parish/Family– whanau• Provides professional leadership to staff promoting and maintaining the

Special Catholic Character of the school

• Initiates, plans and manages in association with the principal policies and programmes which meet national requirements.

• Assists with the coordination between school and parish on the sacramental programmes

• Coordinates Liturgical programmes in the school

• Oversees the implementation of and effective delivery of the RE Curriculum

• Assists with observations and appraisals and outcomes

• Organises RE resources

• Seeks opportunities to develop and nourish personal spirituality of self and staff

4.0 A person applying for a position in a Catholic school needs to understand thecommitment this involves.4.1 All staff, whether Catholic or not, are part of the whole school community.Each staff member is therefore expected to use his or her specific strengths and skills to support the mission of the school.4.2 A Catholic school shares the mission of the Church by developing studentswith knowledge, faith and values, all of which are in harmony.4.3 The curriculum and specific subjects are taught for their own value and withtheir own objectives. Seeking truth, wherever it is found, is fundamental to aCatholic school.4.4 The Religious Education programme is an integral part of the curriculum. Theprinciples, truths and ethics of this programme permeate the whole life of theschool. 4.5 The school as a whole subscribes to the Apostles’ Creed which is the oldest of theformulas used by the Christians to express their faith. It accepts the two-foldcommandment of Christ, love of God and neighbour and the other values expressedby Christ as norms for living. The focal point of the whole school is Christ.

The role of the teacher

5.0 No staff member will be required to act against their own conscience or personalphilosophy of life. Such a requirement would not be in keeping with Catholicism and is contrary to the aims of the school.6.0 However, in accepting a position in a Catholic school it is assumed that staff members realise that:• Staff work as a team. Therefore all staff are expected to contribute, accordingto their individual strengths and within their personal convictions, to the totalpurpose of the school. No school can operate successfully if any staffmember undermines the positive efforts of others.• Staff are expected to support, uphold and be actively involved in the total lifeof the school and its special character irrespective of their personal beliefs.• Staff are role models for students, colleagues, parents/caregivers in living themission and values of the school.• Staff who do not profess Catholicism are expected to promote the CatholicCharacter of the school, and to refrain from doing or saying anything thatwould be antithetical to the school’s Catholic Character.• Staff are expected to abide by the Code of Ethics for Staff and Boards of NewZealand Catholic Schools.• In schools owned by a Religious Institute staff are also expected to uphold thedefined charism.7.0 New staff will find others who are willing to assist

Tagged Positions

REQUIREMENT:• A willingness and ability to take part in religious instruction appropriate to a Catholic school is a condition of appointment and the person appointed to the position shall accept these requirements as a condition of appointment.For some tagged positions, the following clauses may be necessary or appropriate:• Take full and active part in school liturgies.• Assist with school retreats.• Avail themselves of opportunities for spiritual formation and professionaltraining.• Actively contribute to the building up of the school’s Special Character.

Our ParishOur Parish is called:

Our priest is:

The office administrator is:

The people who are Proprietors Reps on the Board of Trustees:

Church ExpectationsExpectations for School/Class masses

On arriving at church – remind the children of the school’s expectations.Children will bless themselves and genuflect before sitting down.

Every teacher and class will have some responsibilities so please be aware of that.

Be fully engaged and prepared to assist in anyway

Assist the DRS and Tagged teachers throughout the mass. Every term there is a class/ school mass (Check with the DRS

and term timetable) You may be asked to complete the following: With your students complete Prayers of the Faithful with a

focus on… Pope, Bishops, Church, community, issues in the world,

the vulnerable, sick, elderly, those who have died. Organise Altar servers, IT monitors, songs Choose 2 students for offertory

The Introductory Rites Liturgy of the WordThe main components are: The main components are: Entrance Greeting Penitential Rite Opening Prayer


Readings from Old Testament and or New Testament

Responsorial Psalm Gospel Homily General Intercessions

Liturgy of the Eucharist Concluding RitesThe Main components are: The main components are:

Preparation of Gifts Eucharistic Prayers Our Father Sign of Peace Communion


Prayer after Communion Blessing Dismissal

THE MASS in detail

THE RESPONSES that you may find helpful at church


PRIEST: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. OR: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. OR: The Lord be with you.

R: And with your spirit  PRIEST: May almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins, and bring us to everlasting life. R: Amen.PRIEST: Lord, have mercy. R: Lord, have mercy.PRIEST: Christ, have mercy. R: Christ, have mercy.PRIEST: Lord, have mercy. R: Lord, have mercy

The Church’s Cycle

The Christian Church has its own special calendar called the ‘liturgical year’, an annual cycle of seasons and major feasts. Throughout the Church’s year the events of Jesus’ life, death and Resurrection are remembered and celebrated

Year 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Sunday Cycle

Year BMark

Year CLuke

Year AMatthew

Year BMark

Year CLuke

Liturgical YearsFor Sundays and other days throughout the church year, there are three sets of readings for the day. These readings are assigned to Liturgical Years A, B, C. Year A follows Year C, Year B follows Year A. The Liturgical Years start on the first Sunday of Advent of the previous year.

The Religious Education Programme

O There is a overview for the year outlining the programme as well as a Term Planner.

O There will be Entry and Exit meetings to discuss upcoming strands and modules.

O There are six strands and three module books that are used for the programme. In addition, there will be Professional readings to assist with the teaching of the programme.

O Use the school’s Inquiry/Integrated or the PNCEO RE plan to complete unit planning.

Please become familiar with the following expectations for the teaching of Religious Education

These are the minimum hours requirement for Religious Education in Catholic Schools

(Approved by the New Zealand Catholic Bishops Conference 11 May 2011)The following is the MINIMUM requirement for the teaching of Religious Education in a Catholic Primary school in New Zealand per five teaching days per week. 

Total Time Spread of LessonsYears 1 and 2 100 minutes 5 x 20 (1 hour and 40 minutes)Years 3 and 4 100 minutes 5 x 20 or 4 x 25 ( 1 Hour and 40 mins)Years 5 and 6 120 minutes 4 x 30 (2 hours)Years 7 and 8 150 minutes 5 x 30 minutes ( 2 hours and 30 mins) These times excludes prayer, retreats, liturgies etc. They also requested that Religious Education be allotted prime time of the teaching day.

STRANDS There are 6 Strands:

Jesus, God,

Holy Spirit, Church,

The Sacraments, The Communion of Saints

MODULESLiturgical Year

PrayerMyself and Others

Family/Whanau Book(Found on the Faithalive


Spend time reading and unpacking the content of material prior to planning and teaching.

There is a Digital Resource to assist you with planning and the teaching of the programme

You can find this on Primaryre

Planning & Assessment unit/weekly/daily expectations

O The planning and teaching of RE should be as rigorous as all other curricula areas, if not more so…

O The strand planning should be aligned to the school’s Inquiry/Integrated planning

O Learning Intentions and an outlie of activities should be included in weekly planning as it is in other curriculum

O Refer to the Digital Resource as a teaching tool

O Integrate where possible.

O Display learning in the classroom, making links to things such as scripture, Catholic Social teachings, other curricula

RE Assessment• Please use the school’s or Strand’s checklist to monitor

effectiveness of teaching• From this you will complete the Strand evaluation prior

to the Exit meeting• Please make anecdotal comments regarding student’s

attitude and participation• Use the school wide assessment / evaluation form to

complete• From Year 3 onwards there are Affective Domain

Questions to complete• Please fill in the teacher evaluation form as well and

hand into DRS on the time of the Exit meeting.

Children’s Workbook Expectations

• Every child should have a RE workbook, with the same expectations as other curricula areas

• Learning Intentions, WALTS should be explicit if that is what is used in other curricula areas

• This should reflect the learning, inlcude prayers, and a range of learning activities

• Evidence of Integration of the key concepts into other curriculum should be visible

• Home link activities – as agreed by the school norms

The Classroom EnvironmentWall Displays

This should include the following and be visible:• The school’s Charism/ Mission statement displays• Some Traditional prayers , A Columban Calendar • The Virtues / values displayed• Displays of children’s work, Word Banks – English and

Maori• Current strand work – including the Overarching

statement• Evidence of Integration into Curriculum areas

Prayer Tables should include:• Liturgical colours should be evident - cloths• Cross/Crucifix, Candle• Statue/s, Symbols• Bible• Evidence of integration into other areas

Plan your prayer timetablePrayer Ideas

Prayer Modules

Introduce 4 new types of prayer each term

Term 1Prayer routinesCharismIntroduction to prayer

Term 2Traditional prayerHoly SpiritGod

Term 3Imaginative prayerChurchSacraments

Term 4The RosaryCommunion Of SaintsAdvent

Prayer Modules Routines, ExpectationsBlessing/Class TreatySign of the Cross

Revise Traditional prayersMeditation

Spontaneous prayers

Rosary – consolidate traditional prayers

Themes LentEaster Caritas

Mission Sunday All saints/Souls


Traditional PrayersGospel of the weekSongs – 5 new ones a term

Litany of Saints

Creative prayers 5 Finger PrayerPraying with ColourBubble prayer

Jellibean prayerBalloon prayerJijsaw prayer

Praying with playdoTin foil prayersSOAP prayerLectio Divino


Prayer Format for Class Prayer

• Prayer can take many forms…a basic format could be• The Sign of the Cross - English, māori, samoan etc

• The use of a Traditional prayer• Prayers of: Petition, Praise, Thanksgiving, Sorrow

• A Scripture Reading• Final song

Student Leadership, Students participation, Use of Te Reo

Use of musicVariations of Prayer• Meditation Centering prayer

Journaling• Written Letters to God Drawing• Quiet reflectionLiturgical dance / movement • Faith sharing Morning Offering


Monday Love Today we will show our love by

Tuesday Thanks We give thanks for…

Wednesday Pray We pray for others in need..

Thursday Think We think of othersFriday Peace We pray for peace in out world

Karakia Ideas for the termMonday – Introduce scripture/Gospel for the week

Tuesday - Lectio Divino, S.O.A.P.Wednesday – Pray with art

Thursday – Write, be one in the story, dramaFriday – Spontaneous prayers

So what is Lectio Divina?

Every week the staff meet for staff prayer – this takes place on a and every staff member has a turn.

Your turn is on………..

We are all here to help you: Discuss and plan with your team, DRS,

syndicate leaderBuddy up for prayers of the first weekObserve other teachers take a lesson

Ask if there is anything you are unsure of

Any questions/wonderings