Catch the Fever - ALPHARETTA ELEMENTARY 5TH GRADE...Bacteria and Archaea Unicellular organisms are...

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Transcript of Catch the Fever - ALPHARETTA ELEMENTARY 5TH GRADE...Bacteria and Archaea Unicellular organisms are...

Catch the FeverMicroorganisms: Beneficial or Harmful?

Driving Question

How are microorganisms both beneficial and harmful?

Multicellular vs Unicellular?

Multicellular:• Made of more than one or multiple cells

– Examples: frogs, trees, people, etc…

• Cells work together to take care of different functions for the organism

• Example: heart muscle cells work together to keep your heart beating.

Multicellular vs Unicellular?

Unicellular:• Made of a single or one cell

– Examples: bacteria and archaea

• The single cell carries out all of the organismslife processes

– Example: growing, reproducing, and getting food

Bacteria and ArchaeaUnicellular organisms are sorted into two kingdoms:

Bacteria and Archaea

Bacteria & Archaea:– Don’t have the same organelles as multicellular organisms:

• for example: no mitochondria or nucleus

– Some bacteria is harmful and causes disease or illness such as:• Food poisoning

• Strep throat

– Some are harmless

– Some are beneficial or helpful to other organisms• Archaea helps cows digest grass

• Bacteria helps termites break down or digest the wood they eat

• Bacteria and archaea help humans with digestion

• Bacteria in our intestine, helps us break down or digest food

• Bacteria helps us produce or make Vitamin K

Are Protist Kingdom Unicellular or Multicellular?– Some protist are unicellular while others are multicellular

– Some make their own food, others eat other organisms

How can you tell if a microorganism is a protist?Protists are:

– much larger than bacteria– cells have a nucleus– simple body structures– no specialized tissues

Examples of Protist:– Algae – have chlorophyll – make their own food– Amoebas – move from place to place and eat other organisms– Slime molds – break down dead (decompose) organism to make food

What are Viruses?Viruses –

– Do not carry out all of the basic life processes– Only basic process it carries out, reproduction– Some are not harmful– Some are harmful – enter a living organism and takes over the cells causing it to get sick.

• Example of illnesses caused by viruses

– Common cold

– Chicken pox

– Polio

• How can virus be transmitted or contagious?– Coughing without covering one’s mouth

– Not washing one’s hands

• How does a virus impact the cells of a living thing?

– Enters the cell

– Takes control of cells activities

– Tells the cell to produce more viruses – causing infection or disease.

What are Microorganisms?

Microorganisms are found EVERYWHERE:o IndoorsoOutdoorso In your body

They can be both:o beneficial - good for uso Harmful – bad for us

Health Benefits

How can they help our health?

How can they help our health?Beneficial in several ways:

o Help with digestion

o Help to keep the harmful or bad microbes from

entering the intestine

o Help the body make vitamin K

o Helps the body absorb or get in nutrients

o Found in vaccines and antibiotics that help people

fight harmful microbes that make them sick.

Did you know that microorganisms benefit the Earth in many


Microbes in Food, Really?Microorganisms in Food:

o Cheese are made using microbes▪ Bacteria makes lactic acid▪ Gives a sour flavor▪ Changes the texture

o Some Dairy products are a result of microbes▪ Fermentation of milk is caused by microbes

✓ Yogurt – Sour Cream – Buttermilko Yeasts are also helpful microbes

▪ Help make bread and vinegaro Helpful or beneficial bacteria & fungi can also be found in Soil

▪ Helps decompose or break down dead matter and waste

Humans depend on microbes every day because there are microbes that help make

some of our food.

Harmful Microbes

Harmful Microbes…How do they Work?

Harmful Microbes…How do they Work?Harmful Microorganisms or microbes make us SICK:

o Attack the human body through:▪ open wounds▪ The air▪ Eating undercooked food

o Effect of harmful microbes vary:▪ Rashes▪ Diarrhea▪ Coughing▪ Sneezing▪ fever

Can our bodies protect us?YES...but sometimes it is difficult and we need some help?

o Sometimes our bodies can fight off these little pestso Fever can help kill off some microbeso White Blood Cells also help fight them off

Antibiotics...when do they help?o If you have a bacterial infection

▪ A form of penicillin is prescribedo Some viral infections can now be treated too

▪ Using antiviral medications or medicine like Tamiflu

How can they help our health?

Example: MOLD