Catalogue Item Synchronisation - GS1 · Catalogue Item Synchronisation BMS 9.03 to EANCOM 2002...

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Catalogue Item Synchronisation BMS 9.03 to EANCOM 2002 Mapping - Implementation Guidelines

Nov-2007, Issue 6 All contents copyright © GS1 2007 Page 1 of 334

Catalogue Item Synchronisation BMS 9.0.3 to EANCOM 2002 Mapping Implementation Guidelines

Issue 6, Nov-2007

Catalogue Item Synchronisation BMS 9.03 to EANCOM 2002 Mapping - Implementation Guidelines

Nov-2007, Issue 6 All contents copyright © GS1 2007 Page 2 of 334

Document Summary Document Item Current Value

Document Title Catalogue Item Synchronisation BMS 9.03 to EANCOM 2002 Mapping Implementation Guidelines

Date Last Modified Nov-2007

Current Document Issue Issue 6

Status Approved

Document Description (one sentence summary)

This document maps to EANCOM 2002 all messages related to the choreography that can be handled by final users while exchanging product information with the data-pools, regardless of being a Data Source or a Data Recipient.

Contributors Name Organization

Pere Rosell GS1 Spain

Log of Changes in Issue 6 Issue No. Date of Change Changed By Summary of Change

1 15-Nov-2006 Pere Rosell – GS1 Spain Update Catalogue Item Publication message to allow ADD CIP and DELETE CIP. Codes 1 and 2 added in DE1229. Examples updated.

2 15-Nov-2006 Pere Rosell – GS1 Spain Update Status of Data Elements of EANCOM in the Segment Detail Structure of all the messages.

3 13-Apr-2007 Pere Rosell – GS1 Spain Update CIN with 2 additional codes: CORRECT and DELETE. Codes 2 and 96 are added in DE1229.

4 13-Apr-2007 Pere Rosell – GS1 Spain Added Appendix A with information to move from GDSN2.0 to GDSN2.1

5 13-Apr-2007 Pere Rosell – GS1 Spain Added Appendix B with Promotions extension

6 14-Nov-2007 Pere Rosell – GS1 Spain Added Appendix C with MR I Enchancement

Disclaimer Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that the guidelines to use the GS1 standards contained in the document are correct, GS1 and any other party involved in the creation of the document HEREBY STATE that the document is provided without warranty, either expressed or implied, of accuracy or fitness for purpose, AND HEREBY DISCLAIM any liability, direct or indirect, for damages or loss relating to the use of the document. The document may be modified, subject to developments in technology, changes to the standards, or new legal requirements. Several products and company names mentioned herein may be trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

Catalogue Item Synchronisation BMS 9.03 to EANCOM 2002 Mapping - Implementation Guidelines

Nov-2007, Issue 6 All contents copyright © GS1 2007 Page 3 of 334

Table of Contents 1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................................5

2. Choreography...............................................................................................................................7

3. Objective of this Document .........................................................................................................8

4. References ....................................................................................................................................8

5. Catalogue Item Notification – PRICAT D01B Syntax 3..............................................................8 5.1. Message Structure Chart ................................................................................................................... 8 5.2. Segment Description........................................................................................................................ 10 5.3. Branching Diagrams......................................................................................................................... 13 5.4. Segment Layout ............................................................................................................................... 15 5.5. Mapping GDSN2EANCOM – Core Item .......................................................................................... 88 5.6. EANCOM Example ........................................................................................................................ 152 5.7. Mapping FMCG Extension ............................................................................................................. 184 5.8. FMCG EANCOM Example............................................................................................................. 189 5.9. Mapping Apparel and Home Fashion Extensions.......................................................................... 192 5.10. Apparel and Home Fashion EANCOM Example ........................................................................... 195 5.11. Mapping Hardlines Extension ........................................................................................................ 197 5.12. Hardlines EANCOM Example ........................................................................................................ 200 5.13. Trade Item Sweden Extension....................................................................................................... 202 5.14. Trade Item Sweden Example......................................................................................................... 202

6. Catalogue Item Registration Response - PRICAT D01B Syntax 3 .......................................203 6.1. Message Structure Chart ............................................................................................................... 203 6.2. Segment Description...................................................................................................................... 203 6.3. Branching Diagram ........................................................................................................................ 204 6.4. Segment Layout ............................................................................................................................. 205 6.5. Mapping GDSN2EANCOM ............................................................................................................ 217 6.6. EANCOM Example ........................................................................................................................ 222

7. Catalogue Item Publication - PRICAT D01B Syntax 3...........................................................225 7.1. Message Structure ......................................................................................................................... 225 7.2. Segment Description...................................................................................................................... 225 7.3. Branching Diagram ........................................................................................................................ 226 7.4. Segment Layout ............................................................................................................................. 227 7.5. Mapping GDSN2EANCOM ............................................................................................................ 237 7.6. EANCOM Example ........................................................................................................................ 242

8. Catalogue Item Subscription - PROINQ D01B Syntax 3 .......................................................245 8.1. Message Structure Chart ............................................................................................................... 245 8.2. Segment Description...................................................................................................................... 245 8.3. Branching Diagram ........................................................................................................................ 246

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Nov-2007, Issue 6 All contents copyright © GS1 2007 Page 4 of 334

8.4. Segment Layout ............................................................................................................................. 247 8.5. Mapping GDSN2EANCOM ............................................................................................................ 261 8.6. EANCOM Example ........................................................................................................................ 267

9. Catalogue Item Confirmation - PRICAT D01B Syntax 3........................................................270 9.1. Message Structure Chart ............................................................................................................... 270 9.2. Segment Description...................................................................................................................... 270 9.3. Branching Diagram ........................................................................................................................ 271 9.4. Segment Layout ............................................................................................................................. 272 9.5. Mapping GDSN2EANCOM ............................................................................................................ 281 9.6. EANCOM Example ........................................................................................................................ 287

10. Request for Catalogue Item Notification - PROINQ D01B Syntax 3..............................290 10.1. Message Structure Chart ............................................................................................................... 290 10.2. Segment Description...................................................................................................................... 290 10.3. Branching Diagram ........................................................................................................................ 291 10.4. Segment Layout ............................................................................................................................. 292 10.5. Mapping GDSN2EANCOM ............................................................................................................ 306 10.6. EANCOM Example ........................................................................................................................ 311

11. GS1 (EAN·UCC) Response - APERAK D01B Syntax 3 ...................................................314 11.1. Message Structure Chart ............................................................................................................... 314 11.2. Segment Description...................................................................................................................... 314 11.3. Branching Diagram ........................................................................................................................ 315 11.4. Segment Layout ............................................................................................................................. 316 11.5. Mapping GDSN2EANCOM ............................................................................................................ 324 11.6. EANCOM Example ........................................................................................................................ 327

A. Changes to move from GDSN2.0 to GDSN2.1. ......................................................................329

B. Promotions Extension .............................................................................................................331

C. Maintenance Release I Enchancement...................................................................................333

Catalogue Item Synchronisation BMS 9.03 to EANCOM 2002 Mapping - Implementation Guidelines

Nov-2007, Issue 6 All contents copyright © GS1 2007 Page 5 of 334

1. Introduction GS1 GDSN™ (Global Data Synchronisation Network) is an automated, standards-based global environment that enables secure and continuous data synchronisation, allowing all partners to have consistent item data in their systems at the same time.

The Global Data Synchronisation Network (GDSN) connects retailers and suppliers, via their selected data pools, to the GS1 Global Registry™. This section of the GS1 web site contains essential implementation information for the GDSN and the Global Registry. You can also find out information about Global Product Classification (GPC), a key component of GDSN.

The GDSN vision is being realized today by hundreds of retailers and manufacturers worldwide who are reaping the benefits of live implementations. Global Registry membership covers multiple sectors across North America, Latin America, Europe and Asia Pacific. Don’t get left behind, get involved today and transform your supply chain into a business asset.

The Global Data Synchronisation Network™ is an internet-based, interconnected network of interoperable data pools and a global registry (the GS1 Global Registry™) that enable companies around the globe to exchange standardised and synchronised supply chain data with their trading partners.

GDSN assures that data exchanged between trading partners is accurate and compliant with universally supported standards.

GDSN consists of trading partners (suppliers and retailers), data pools (services that hold and process trading partner data) and the GS1 Global Registry™ (a worldwide directory to help the GDSN community locate data sources and manage ongoing synchronisation relationships between trading partners).

Figure 1-1 The GDSN Process


GDSN provides standardised, reliable data for effective business transactions in both local and global markets, driving costs of the supply chain. GDSN:

Catalogue Item Synchronisation BMS 9.03 to EANCOM 2002 Mapping - Implementation Guidelines

Nov-2007, Issue 6 All contents copyright © GS1 2007 Page 6 of 334

■ Ensures that trading partners work in a standardised way thereby reducing duplicate systems and processes

■ Ensures that item data is updated and consistent between trading partners

■ Validates accuracy of data against standards and business rules

■ Ensures that trading partners classify their products in a unique, standardised way (Global Product Classification)

■ Provides a single point of entry for retailer and supplier trading partners (their chosen Data Pool), so reducing the cost of operating multiple vendors

■ Guarantees uniqueness of item (product, case, pallet), party and location through the GS1 Global Registry

■ Certifies that Data Pools and the GS1 Global Registry comply with GDSN rules

Catalogue Item Synchronisation BMS 9.03 to EANCOM 2002 Mapping - Implementation Guidelines

Nov-2007, Issue 6 All contents copyright © GS1 2007 Page 7 of 334

2. Choreography

: Data Source : Source Data Pool : Global Registry : Recipient Data Pool

: Data RecipientItem Notification Registry Item

Registration AcknowledgementRegist rat ion Acknowledgement

Item Publication

Item SubscriptionItem SubscriptionItem Subscript ion

Item ConfirmationItem Confirmation

Request for Item NotificationRequest for Item NotificationRequest for Item Notificat ion

Item NotificationItem Notification

Item Notification Registry Item

Regist ry AcknowledgementRegistry Acknowledgement

Item NotificationItem Notification

Item Publication

Item Notification Item Notification

Synchronisation List updateItem Notification

Item Notification

Synchronisation List update

Synchronisation List update

Synchronisation List update

Synchronisation List update

Catalogue Item Synchronisation BMS 9.03 to EANCOM 2002 Mapping - Implementation Guidelines

Nov-2007, Issue 6 All contents copyright © GS1 2007 Page 8 of 334

3. Objective of this Document The objective of this document is to map into EANCOM 2002 all messages related to the choreography that can be handled by Final users while exchanging product information with the data-pools, regardless of being a Data Source or a Data Recipient.

Messages involved are: Role in Choreography GS1 (EAN·UCC) 2.0.2 XML EANCOM 2002

Registration Acknowledgement Catalogue Item Registration Response PRICAT

Item Confirmation Catalogue Item Confirmation PRICAT

Item Notification Catalogue Item Notification PRICAT

Item Publication Catalogue Item Publication PRICAT

Item Subscription Catalogue Item Subscription PROINQ

Request for Item Notification Request For Catalogue Item Notification PROINQ

GS1 (EAN·UCC) Response GS1 (EAN·UCC) Response APERAK

4. References This document should be read with the following references:

Reference Version Author

Data Synchronisation Data Model for Trade Item 7.7.1 (24 May 05) GS1

BMS Align / Trade Item 9.0.3 (pub 2.0.3) GS1

BMS Catalogue Item Synchronisation 2.0.4 (pub 2.0.3) GS1

Align - FMCG Extensions 2.0.2 (pub 2.0.3) GS1

Align - Hardlines Extensions Item 2.0.2 (pub 2.0.3) GS1

Align - Apparel and Home Fashion Trade Item Extensions 2.0.2 (pub 2.0.3) GS1

5. Catalogue Item Notification – PRICAT D01B Syntax 3 A business message used to transmit trade item information from a data source or a data pool to a data recipient with the Global Data Synchronisation Network.

Source: BMS Catalogue Item Synchronisation

5.1. Message Structure Chart Catalogue Item Notification Heading Section UNH 1 M 1 - Message header BGM 2 M 1 - Beginning of message DTM 3 M 35 - Date/time/period SG2 C 99 - NAD NAD 4 M 1 - Name and address

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Catalogue Item Notification Detail Section SG17 C 1000 - PGI-SG27-SG36 PGI 5 M 1 - Product group information SG27 C 20 - NAD NAD 6 M 1 - Name and address SG36 C 999999 - LIN-PIA-IMD-MEA-QTY-HAN-ALI-DTM-RFF-LOC-FTX-SG37-SG38-

SG40-SG41-SG47-SG48-SG52-SG55-SG56 LIN 7 M 1 - Line item PIA 8 C 99 - Additional product id IMD 9 C 999 - Item description MEA 10 C 99 - Measurements QTY 11 C 99 - Quantity HAN 12 C 5 - Handling instructions ALI 13 C 99 - Additional information DTM 14 C 99 - Date/time/period RFF 15 C 99 - Reference LOC 16 C 1 - Place/location identification FTX 17 C 999 - Free text SG37 C 999 - CCI-CAV-MEA CCI 18 M 1 - Characteristic/class id CAV 19 C 10 - Characteristic value MEA 20 C 10 - Measurements SG38 C 10 - TAX-MOA TAX 21 M 1 - Duty/tax/fee details MOA 22 C 1 - Monetary amount SG40 C 100 - PRI-CUX-DTM PRI 23 M 1 - Price details CUX 24 C 1 - Currencies DTM 25 C 5 - Date/time/period SG41 C 99 - ALC-SG42-SG43-SG44-SG45 ALC 26 M 1 - Allowance or charge SG42 C 10 - QTY QTY 27 M 1 - Quantity SG43 C 99 - PCD PCD 28 M 1 - Percentage details SG44 C 10 - MOA MOA 29 M 1 - Monetary amount SG45 C 10 - RTE RTE 30 M 1 - Rate details SG47 C 999 - PAC-MEA PAC 31 M 1 - Package MEA 32 C 99 - Measurements SG48 C 10 - PAT-DTM-PCD PAT 33 M 1 - Payment terms basis DTM 34 C 5 - Date/time/period PCD 35 C 1 - Percentage details SG52 C 99 - NAD NAD 36 M 1 - Name and address SG55 C 9 - DGS-FTX DGS 37 M 1 - Dangerous goods FTX 38 C 9 - Free text SG56 C 999 - HYN-PIA-QTY HYN 39 M 1 - Hierarchy information PIA 40 C 99 - Additional product id QTY 41 C 9 - Quantity

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Catalogue Item Notification Summary Section

UNT 42 M 1 - Message trailer

5.2. Segment Description UNH 1 - M 1 - Message header

This segment is used to head, identify and specify a message. BGM 2 - M 1 - Beginning of message

This segment is used to indicate the type and function of a message and to transmit the identifying number.

DTM 3 - M 35 - Date/time/period This segment is used to specify the date or period of the Price/Sales Catalogue.

SG2 C 99 - NAD A group of segments identifying the parties with associated information relevant to the price/sales catalogue.

NAD 4 - M 1 - Name and address This segment is used to identify the trading partners involved in the Price/Sales Catalogue process. Identification of the buyer and supplier, or the central catalogue/data base, of goods or services is recommended in the Price/Sales Catalogue message.

SG17 C 1000 - PGI-SG27-SG36 A group of segments enabling the standard commercial factors relevant to a specific group of items to be specified. e.g. quantity related price break factors or minimum order quantity.

PGI 5 - M 1 - Product group information This segment is used to group a set of related products together.

SG27 C 20 - NAD A group of segments identifying the parties with the associated information relevant for the pricing group.

NAD 6 - M 1 - Name and address This segment group is used to specify names and addresses relevant to the current pricing or product grouping.

SG36 C 999999 - LIN-PIA-IMD-MEA-QTY-HAN-ALI-DTM-RFF-FTX-SG37-SG38-SG40-SG41-SG A group of segments providing the relevant price/sales information for the specified product/service.

LIN 7 - M 1 - Line item This segment is used to identify the GTIN of a product. If Global Trade Item Numbers are available it is mandatory to use GTIN within the LIN segment.

PIA 8 - C 99 - Additional product id This segment is used to identify additional or substitutional item identification codes such as buyer's, or seller's item number.

IMD 9 - C 999 - Item description This segment is used to describe the current line item.

MEA 10 - C 10 - Measurements This segment is used to specify measurements related to the article identified in the LIN segment. Measurements related to the packaging of the article are provided in the MEA segment of the PAC segment group.

QTY 11 - C 10 - Quantity This segment is used to provide quantity information for the current line item, e. g. minimum order quantity.

HAN 12 - C 5 - Handling instructions This segment is used to specify any handling instructions for the current line item. Handling instructions related to the packaging of the product are provided in the HAN segment of the PAC segment group.

ALI 13 - C 5 - Additional information This segment is used to indicate special conditions for the current line item, or, to specify the country of origin of the line item.

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Nov-2007, Issue 6 All contents copyright © GS1 2007 Page 11 of 334

DTM 14 - C 10 - Date/time/period This segment is used to specify relevant dates for the current line item.

RFF 15 - C 99 - Reference This segment is used to identify references, which are related to the current line item.

FTX 16 - C 999 - Free text This segment is used to provide any free text information related to the current line item.

SG37 + C 999 - CCI-CAV-MEA A group of segments providing product characteristic and -product characteristic details.

CCI 17 - M 1 - Characteristic/class id This segment is used to specify the characteristics of the current line item.

CAV 18 - C 10 - Characteristic value This segment is used to further specify product characteristics for the current line item.

MEA 19 - C 10 - Measurements This segment is used to specify any measurements related to the currently identified product characteristic class.

SG38 C 10 - TAX-MOA A group of segments specifying a tax type, category and rate relating to the item.

TAX 20 - M 1 - Duty/tax/fee details This segment is used to specify the tax details for the current line item.

MOA 21 - C 1 - Monetary amount This segment is used to indicate any monetary amounts related to the previous TAX segment.

SG40 * C 100 - PRI-CUX-DTM A group of segments identifying the details of the price information for the product or service identified in the LIN segment group.

PRI 22 - M 1 - Price details This segment is used to provide price information for the current line item.

CUX 23 - C 1 - Currencies This segment is used to provide currency information for the current line item.

DTM 24 - C 5 - Date/time/period This segment is used to identify specific dates and times associated with pricing information.

SG41 C 99 - ALC-SG42-SG43-SG44-SG45 A group of segments specifying allowances and charges for the price item line and has to be added to the allowances and charges at pricing group level and / or heading level, if any. When relevant, additional information, tax details may be indicated. The basis for the calculation of the allowance/charge may be a quantity, a percentage, an amount or a rate.

ALC 25 - M 1 - Allowance or charge This segment is used to specify any allowances or charges which are applicable to the current line item.

SG42 C 10 - QTY A group of segments specifying the quantity of the allowance or charge with its measure unit specifier. A range to which the allowance or charge applies may be specified. e.g. An allowance of a free quantity of 20 pieces may be specified if the quantity of goods ordered is greater than 1000 pieces.

QTY 26 - M 1 - Quantity This segment is used to specify quantity allowance/charge for the current line item.

SG43 C 99 - PCD A group of segments specifying the percentage for the allowance or charge, e.g. The allowance/charge amount is calculated as 5% of the goods value or a price reduction of 5% may be specified if the goods quantity ordered is within the range 5 tons to 10 tons.

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Nov-2007, Issue 6 All contents copyright © GS1 2007 Page 12 of 334

PCD 27 - M 1 - Percentage details This segment is used to specify percentage allowance/charges for the current line item.

SG44 C 10 - MOA A group of segments specifying a monetary amount for an allowance or charge. A range to which the allowance or charge applies can be specified, e.g. an allowance of 5000 EUR may be specified if goods value ordered is greater than 100000 EUR.

MOA 28 - M 1 - Monetary amount This segment is used to specify monetary charges or discounts for the current line item.

SG45 C 10 - RTE A group of segments specifying the rate per unit and basis to which the allowance or charge applies, e.g. the allowance/charge rate is 3 EUR per 10 tons.

RTE 29 - M 1 - Rate details This segment is used to specify rate charge/allowance information for the current line item.

SG47 C 999 - PAC-MEA A group of segments identifying the packaging, physical dimensions, for the Price item line. If required, providing handling instructions and notification of hazardous materials.

PAC 30 - M 1 - Package This segment is used to describe the packaging for the current line item.

MEA 31 - C 10 - Measurements This segment provides measurement information related to the packaging of the current line item.

SG48 C 10 - PAT-DTM-PCD A group of segments specifying the terms of payment applicable for the whole pricing group.

PAT 32 - M 1 - Payment terms basis This segment is used to provide payment terms information related to the product.

DTM 33 - C 5 - Date/time/period This segment is used to specify any dates associated with the payment terms.

PCD 34 - C 1 - Percentage details This segment is used to specify percentages related to the previous PAT segment.

SG52 + C 99 - NAD A group of segments identifying a party with associated information for the current product.

NAD 35 - M 1 - Name and address This segment is used to specify names and addresses relevant to the current product.

SG55 + C 9 - DGS-FTX A group of segments containing dangerous goods information relevant to the current product.

DGS 36 - M 1 - Dangerous goods This segment is used to indicate whether the current line item is dangerous or hazardous. The identification of any relevant regulations concerning dangerous goods is possible in this segment.

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FTX 37 - C 9 - Free text This segment is used to specify any additional free text information required for the dangerous goods. Use of this segment in free form is not recommended since it may inhibit automatic processing of the Price/sales catalogue message. Coded references to standard texts is an available functionality which enables automatic processing and reduces transmission overheads. Standard texts should be mutually defined between trading partners and can be used to cover legal or other requirements.

SG56 + C 999 - HYN-PIA-QTY A group of segments to specify hierarchical connections from the given product to higher or lower levelled products.

HYN 38 - M 1 - Hierarchy information This segment is used to provide hierarchical product information related to the current line item.

PIA 39 - C 99 - Additional product id This segment is used to provide a promotional variant number which is part of the identification of a product.

QTY 40 - C 9 - Quantity This segment is used to specify quantity information related to the current hierarchical product.

UNT 41 - M 1 - Message trailer This segment is a mandatory UN/EDIFACT segment. It must always be the last segment in the message.

5.3. Branching Diagrams Figure 5-1 Branching Diagram 1





PIA C 99


IMD C 999


MEA C 10


QTY C 10






DTM C 10


DTM M 35


SG2 C 99



SG17 C 1000



SG27 C 20



SG36 C 999999









Figure 5-2 Branching Diagram 2




RFF C 99


FTX C 999


SG37 C 999



CAV C 10


MEA C 10


SG38 C 10





SG40 C 100







SG41 C 99



SG42 C 10



SG43 C 99



SG44 C 10



SG45 C 10



SG47 C 999



MEA C 10


SG48 C 10







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Nov-2007, Issue 6 All contents copyright © GS1 2007 Page 14 of 334

Figure 5-3 Branching Diagram 3

Figure 5-4 Branching Diagram 4

Figure 5-5 Branching Diagram 5

Figure 5-6 Branching Diagram 6



4 SG52

C 99 NAD

M 1 35

SG55 C 9





SG56 C 999



PIA C 99










4 SG52

C 99 NAD

M 1 35

SG55 C 9





SG56 C 999



PIA C 99








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Nov-2007, Issue 6 All contents copyright © GS1 2007 Page 15 of 334

5.4. Segment Layout This section describes each segment used in the EANCOM® Multiple Credit Advice message. The original EDIFACT segment layout is listed. The appropriate comments relevant to the EANCOM® subset are indicated.


1. The segments are presented in the sequence in which they appear in the message. The segment or segment group tag is followed by the (M)andatory / (C)onditional indicator, the maximum number of occurrences and the segment description.

2. Reading from left to right, in column one, the data element tags and descriptions are shown, followed by in the second column the EDIFACT status (M or C), the field format, and the picture of the data elements. These first pieces of information constitute the original EDIFACT segment layout.

Following the EDIFACT information, EANCOM® specific information is provided in the third, fourth, and fifth columns. In the third column a status indicator for the use of (C)onditional EDIFACT data elements (see 2.1 through 2.3 below), in the fourth column the restricted indicator (see point 3), and in the fifth column notes and code values used for specific data elements in the message.

2.1 (M)andatory data elements in EDIFACT segments retain their status in EANCOM®.

2.2 Additionally, there are five types of status for data elements with a (C)onditional EDIFACT status, whether for simple, component or composite data elements. These are listed below and can be identified when relevant by the following abbreviations:

- REQUIRED R Indicates that the entity is required and must be sent.

- ADVISED A Indicates that the entity is advised or recommended.

- DEPENDENT D Indicates that the entity must be sent in certain conditions, as defined by the relevant explanatory note.

- OPTIONAL O Indicates that the entity is optional and may be sent at the discretion of the user.

- NOT USED N Indicates that the entity is not used and should be omitted.

2.3 If a composite is flagged as N, NOT USED, all data elements within that composite will have blank status indicators assigned to them.

3. Status indicators detailed in the fourth column which directly relate to the code values detailed in the fifth column may have two values:


* A data element marked with an asterisk (*) in the fourth column indicates that the listed codes in column five are the only codes available for use with this data element, in this segment, in this message.


All data elements where coded representation of data is possible and a restricted set of code values is not indicated are open (no asterisk in fourth column). The available codes are listed in the EANCOM® Data Elements and Code Sets Directory. Code values may be given as examples or there may be a note on the format or type of code to be used.

Find below information on how to read the Data Elements (DEs) and the link to the BMS: 1225 Message function code C an..3 M * 9 = Original

31 = Copy documentStatus CatalogueItemNotification

Name of the Business Term in the BMS

Name of the Group where the Business Term belongs to

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Nov-2007, Issue 6 All contents copyright © GS1 2007 Page 16 of 334

Segment number: 1

UNH - M 1 - Message header Function: A service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message. The message type code for the Price/sales

catalogue message is PRICAT. Note: Price/sales catalogue messages conforming to this document must contain the following data in segment UNH, composite S009: Data element 0065 PRICAT 0052 D 0054 01B 0051 UN

EDIFACT EAN * Description

0062 Message reference number M an..14 M Senders unique message reference. Sequence number of messages in the interchange. DE 0062 in UNT will have the same value. Generated by the sender.



0065 Message type M an..6 M * PRICAT = Price/sales catalogue message

0052 Message version number M an..3 M * D = Draft version/UN/EDIFACT Directory

0054 Message release number M an..3 M * 01B = Release 2001 - B

0051 Controlling agency M an..2 M * EN = EAN International 0057 Association assigned code C an..6 R * GDSN20 = GDSN 2.0 (GS1 Code)

Indicates that the message is an EANCOM message for version 2.0 of GDSN Network

0068 Common access reference C an..35 N



0070 Sequence of transfers M n..2 N

0073 First and last transfer C a1 N

Segment Notes: This segment is used to head, identify and specify a message. DE's 0065, 0052, 0054, and 0051: Indicate that the message is a UNSM Price/Sales Catalogue based on the D. 01B directory under the control of the United Nations. Example:

UNH+ME000001+PRICAT:D:01B:EN:GDSN20' PRICAT message for Catalogue Item Notication, GDSN v2.0

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Segment number: 2

BGM - M 1 - Beginning of message

Function: A segment by which the sender must uniquely identify the Price/Sales catalogue by means of its type and number

and when necessary its function. EDIFACT EAN * Description



1001 Document name code C an..3 R * 9 = Price/sales catalogue catalogueItemNotification CatalogueItemNotification

1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 N

1000 Document name C an..35 N



1004 Document identifier C an..35 R Price/sales catalogue message number. uniqueCreatorIdentification CatalogueItemNotificaton

1056 Version identifier C an..9 N

1060 Revision identifier C an..6 N

1225 Message function code C an..3 R * 9 = Original 31 = Copy


4343 Response type code C an..3 N

Segment Notes: This segment is used to indicate the type and function of a message and to transmit the identifying number. Example:

BGM+9+PC32458+9' Price and sales catalogue, number PC32458, status Original.

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Segment number: 3

DTM - M 35 - Date/time/period

Function: A segment specifying general dates and, when relevant, times related to the whole message. The segment must

be specified at least once to identify the Price/sales catalogue document date. Examples of the use of this DTM segment are: Lead times that apply to the whole Price/Sales catalogue or expiration date/time of the Price/sales catalogue. The Date/time/period segment within other Segment groups should be used whenever the date/time/period requires to be logically related to another specified data item. e.g. the Reference date is specified within the RFF segment group.

EDIFACT EAN * Description


2005 Date or time or period function code qualifier

M an..3 M * 137 = Document/message date/time X31 = Cancel Date (GS1 Code) X32 = Discontinue Date (GS1 Code)

2380 Date or time or period value C an..35 R creationDate CatalogueItemNotification cancelDate CatalogueItemNotification discontinueDate CatalogueItemNotification

2379 Date or time or period format code


Segment Notes: This segment is used to specify the date or period of the Price/Sales Catalogue. DE 2005: Identification of the 'Document/message date/time' (code value 137) is mandatory in an EANCOM message. Example:

DTM+137:200603091059:203' Creation Date: 9th March 2006 at 10:59 DTM+X31:200703091059:203' Cancel date: 9th March 2007 at 10:59 DTM+X32:20070209105930:204' Discontinue date: 9th February 2007 at 10:59:30

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Segment number: 4

SG2 - C 99 - NAD

NAD - M 1 - Name and address

Function: A segment identifying names and addresses of the parties, in coded or clear form, and their functions.

Identification of the sender and receiver parties is mandatory for the Price/sales catalogue message. It is recommended that where possible only the coded form of the party ID should be specified, e.g. The sender and the receiver are known to each other, thus only the coded ID is required, but the other parties specified in themessage may vary and would have to be clearly specified, preferably in structured format.

EDIFACT EAN * Description

3035 Party function code qualifier M an..3 M * COW = Content Owner (GS1 Code) HP = Final message recipient X3 = Source Data Pool (GS1 Code)



3039 Party identifier M an..35 M For identification of parties it is mandatory to use GLN- Format n13.

contentOwner CatalogueItemNotification dataRecipient CatalogueItemNotification sourceDataPool CatalogueItemNotification

1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 R * 9 = EAN (International Article Numbering association)


3124 Name and address description M an..35 N

3124 Name and address description C an..35 N

3124 Name and address description C an..35 N

3124 Name and address description C an..35 N

3124 Name and address description C an..35 N


3036 Party name M an..35 N

3036 Party name C an..35 N

3036 Party name C an..35 N

3036 Party name C an..35 N

3036 Party name C an..35 N

3045 Party name format code C an..3 N


3042 Street and number or post office box identifier

M an..35 N

3042 Street and number or post office box identifier

C an..35 N

3042 Street and number or post office box identifier

C an..35 N

3042 Street and number or post C an..35 N

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Segment number: 4 EDIFACT EAN * Description office box identifier

3164 City name C an..35 N



3229 Country sub-entity name code C an..9 N

1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 N

3228 Country sub-entity name C an..70 N

3251 Postal identification code C an..17 N

3207 Country name code C an..3 N

Segment Notes: This segment is used to identify the trading partners involved in the Price/Sales Catalogue process. Identification of the buyer and supplier, or the central catalogue/data base, of goods or services is recommended in the Price/ Sales Catalogue message. Example:

NAD+COW+8456789000007::9' Content Owner identified with GLN 8456789000007 NAD+HP+8456789000014::9' Final Message recipient identified with GLN 8456789000014 NAD+X3+8456789000021::9' Source Data Pool identified with GLN 8456789000021

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Segment number: 5

SG17 - C 1000 - PGI-SG27-SG36

PGI - M 1 - Product group information

Function: A segment identifying the products Price/Tariff group where applicable. EDIFACT EAN * Description

5379 Product group type code M an..3 M * X10 = Target Market Division/Subdivion code (GS1 Code)


5389 Product group name code C an..25 R ISO3166-1 Code for Target Market Country Code ISO3166-2 Code for Target Market Country and Subdivision Code

targetMarketCountryCode TargetMarketInformation targetMarketSubdivisionCode TargetMarketInformation

1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 R * 5 = ISO (International Organization for Standardization)

5388 Product group name C an..35 N

Segment Notes: This segment is used to group a set of related products together. The detail section of the Price/Sales Catalogue starts with the PGI segment. PGI is used to group products, by price, by product type, by buying group, and/or by supplier/manufacturer. Example:

PGI+X10+ES::5' Target Market Country Code: Spain PGI+X10+IT-MI::5' Target Market: Country: Italy, province: Milano

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Segment number: 6

SG17 - C 1000 - PGI-SG27-SG36

SG27 - C 20 - NAD

NAD - M 1 - Name and address

Function: A segment identifying names and addresses of the parties, in coded or clear form, and their functions. It is

recommended that where possible only the coded form of the party ID should be specified. e.g. The sender and the receiver are known to each other, thus only the coded ID is required, but the other parties specified in the message may vary and would have to be clearly specified, preferably in structured format.

EDIFACT EAN * Description

3035 Party function code qualifier M an..3 M * IPD = Article information party (EAN Code) C082 PARTY IDENTIFICATION


3039 Party identifier M an..35 M For identification of parties it is recommended to use GLN - Format n13.

informationProvider InformationProviderOfTradeI tem

1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 R * 9 = EAN (International Article Numbering association)


3124 Name and address description M an..35 N

3124 Name and address description C an..35 N

3124 Name and address description C an..35 N

3124 Name and address description C an..35 N

3124 Name and address description C an..35 N


3036 Party name M an..35 R Party Name in clear text. nameOfInformationProvider InformationProviderOfTradeI


3036 Party name C an..35 N

3036 Party name C an..35 N

3036 Party name C an..35 N

3036 Party name C an..35 N

3045 Party name format code C an..3 N


3042 Street and number or post office box identifier

M an..35 N

3042 Street and number or post office box identifier

C an..35 N

3042 Street and number or post office box identifier

C an..35 N

3042 Street and number or post C an..35 N

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Segment number: 6 EDIFACT EAN * Description office box identifier

3164 City name C an..35 N



3229 Country sub-entity name code C an..9 N

1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 N

3228 Country sub-entity name C an..70 N

3251 Postal identification code C an..17 N

3207 Country name code C an..3 N

Segment Notes: This segment group is used to specify names and addresses relevant to the current pricing or product grouping. Example:

NAD+IPD+509910455221::9++Information Information provider identified with GLN 509910455221, provider' information provider name is "Information provider"

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Segment number: 7

SG17 - C 1000 - PGI-SG27-SG36


LIN - M 1 - Line item

Function: A segment identifying the line item (or sub-line item in a configuration). EDIFACT EAN * Description

1082 Line item identifier C an..6 R Application generated number of the lines or sub-lineswithin the Price/Sales Catalogue message.

1229 Action request/notification description code

C an..3 R * 1 = Added (ADD) 2 = Deleted (DELETE) 3 = Changed (CHANGE_BY_REFRESH) 96 = Correction of error (CORRECT)




7140 Item identifier C an..35 R Format n..14 GTIN - this is the number of the article.

gtin TradeItemIdentification

7143 Item type identification code C an..3 R * SRV = EAN.UCC Global Trade Item Number 1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 N


5495 Sub-line indicator code C an..3 N

1082 Line item identifier C an..6 N

1222 Configuration level number C n..2 O * 1 = Next lower level (GS1 Code) To be used to detail Trading Partner Dependent Data referred to a GTIN within the same PRICAT message.

7083 Configuration operation code C an..3 N

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Segment Notes: This segment is used to identify the GTIN of a product. It is mandatory to use GTIN within the LIN segment. Attributes related to an item can be Trading partner neutral or Trading partner dependant. We need to distinguishboth type of data in the LIN Segment. To distinguish Trading partner neutral from Trading partner dependant, DE1222 will be used. First LIN segment will contain common information. Following LINs with the same GTIN will contain specific information per trading parner. The GLN of the trading partner will be detailed in NAD Segment. Example:

LIN+1+1+5412345111115:SRV' Trading partner nuetral data. Segments following will contain Common Information for all the users.

LIN+2+1+5412345111115:SRV++1' Trading partner dependant data. Segments following will contain information for a specific company. The GLN of this company will be detailes in the NAD Segment.

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Segment number: 7

Example with Trading Partner Dependent Data:

LIN+1+1+5412345111115:SRV' Trading partner nuetral data. PIA+..., IMD+..., MEA+,..... Common Information LIN+2+1+5412345111115:SRV++1' Relationship dependant data DTM+..., QTY+, ... Segments with information only for GLN 8456789000007 NAD+ACD+8456789000007::9' LIN+3+1+5412345111115:SRV++1' Relationship dependant data DTM+..., QTY+, ... Segments with information only for GLN 8456789000014 NAD+ACD+8456789000014::9'

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Segment number: 8

SG17 - C 1000 - PGI-SG27-SG36


PIA - C 99 - Additional product id

Function: A segment for identifying a product in the Price Catalogue. EDIFACT EAN * Description

4347 Product identifier code qualifier M an..3 M * 1 = Additional identification 4 = Substituted for 5 = Product identification Product Id function, coded has the following restrictedcoded functions: 1 - Additional Identification - To provide an additional identity for the GTIN identified in the LIN segment, or the non-GTIN provided in the PIA segment using codevalue '5' in DE 4347. The additional code can consist of: A supplemental identification which provides more information complementary to the GTIN provided in the PIA segment, e.g., a batch number, promotional variant number, grouping code, etc. An alternative identification which may be used instead of the GTIN provided in the PIA segment, e.g.,a buyer's article number, an HIBC code, etc. 4 - Substituted for - To provide the global trade item number of a product which has been substituted for the product identified by the GTIN provided in the LIN segment. In the Price/Sales Catalogue this function code may be used to inform trading partners of an number change relevant to a product. In this case, the LIN segment will contain the new number and the 'Substituted for' PIA segment will identify the old tradeitem number which has been substituted. 5 - Product Identification - To provide the primary product identification code when no GTIN has been provided in the LIN segment. GTINs should not be used in conjunction with this code value. It should be noted that when this code is used the product code specified here is the code which should be used for ordering and invoicing purposes.



7140 Item identifier C an..35 R additionalTradeItemIdentificationVa TradeItemIdentification lue gtin ReplacedTradeItemIdentifica

tion additionalTradeItemIdentificationV ReplacedTradeItemIdentifica Calue tion couponFamilyCode TradeItemCoupon classificationCategoryCode ClassificationCategoryCode eANUCCClassificationAttributeTyp ClassificationCategoryCode

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Segment number: 8 EDIFACT EAN * Description eCode

additionalClassificationCategoryCo ClassificationCategoryCode de value TradeItemIdentification value ReplacedTradeItemIdentifica

tion modelNumber HardlinesTradeItem

7143 Item type identification code C an..3 R * AQ = Coupon number IN = Buyer's item number SA = Supplier's article number GD = Industry sector article group number/

product classification code (EAN Code) MF = Manufacturer's (producer's) article

number IB = ISBN (International Standard Book

Number) IS = ISSN (International Standard Serial

Number) X10 = Lottery game number (GS1 Code) X11 = Lottery pack book number (GS1 Code) X12 = NABCA product code (GS1 Code) SRV = EAN.UCC Global Trade Item Number BRI = Brick Code (GS1 Code) GAT = GPC brick attribute type (GS1 Code) XY1 = UDEX (GS1 Code) XY2 = IRI (GS1 Code) XY3 = Nielsen (GS1 Code) XY4 = ECCC Interim Class Codes (GS1

Code) XY5 = UNSPSC - United Nations Standards

Products and Services Codes (GS1 Code)

XY6 = UNSPSC - Electronic Commerce CodeManagement Association (GS1 Code)

additionalTradeItemIdentificationTy TradeItemIdentification pe additionalTradeItemIdentificationTy ReplacedTradeItemIdentifica pe tion additionalClassificationAgencyNam ClassificationCategoryCode e type TradeItemIdentification type ReplacedTradeItemIdentifica


1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 D * 9 = EAN (International Article Numbering association)



7140 Item identifier C an..35 R eANUCCClassificationAttributeVal ClassificationCategoryCode ueCode

7143 Item type identification code C an..3 R * GAV = GPC brick attribute value (GS1 Code) 1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

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Segment number: 8 EDIFACT EAN * Description

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 R * 9 = EAN (International Article Numbering association)



7140 Item identifier C an..35 N

7143 Item type identification code C an..3 N

1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 N



7140 Item identifier C an..35 N

7143 Item type identification code C an..3 N

1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 N



7140 Item identifier C an..35 N

7143 Item type identification code C an..3 N

1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 N

Segment Notes: This segment is used to identify additional or substitutional item identification codes such as buyer's, or seller's item number. Example:

PIA+1+1000000003:XY5::9' Additional classification category code is "1000000003", additional classification agency name is UNSPSC - United Nations Standards Products and Services Codes

PIA+1+10000040:BRI::9' Brick: Oils Edible – Vegetable or Plant (Shelf Stable) PIA+1+20000140:GAT::9+30002903:GAV::9' Attribute: Type of Edible Vegetable or Plant Oil (20000140).

Attribute Value: Olive Oil (30002903) PIA+4+ADDITIONAL2:SA' Replaced trade item additional identification is

"ADDITIONAL2", additional identification assigned by the Supplier

PIA+4+8456789900000:SRV' Replace trade Item identification is GTIN 8456789900000 PIA+1+020:AQ' Coupon family code is "020" PIA+1+ADDITIONAL:SA' Additional reference value is "ADDITIONAL", additional

reference is assigned by the supplier PIA+1+MODEL NUMBER:MN' El número de modelo es "MODEL NUMBER"

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Segment number: 9

SG17 - C 1000 - PGI-SG27-SG36


IMD - C 999 - Item description

Function: A segment for describing the product or service as well as its characteristics. This segment should be used for

products or services that cannot be identified by a product code or article number. EDIFACT EAN * Description

7077 Description format code C an..3 R * B = Code and text C = Code (from industry code list) E = Free-form short description F = Free-form S = Structured (from industry code list) This DE qualifies the type of description as: free-form,free form long, free form short. The actual text descriptions are provided in one or more occurrences of DE 7008.


7081 Item characteristic code C an..3 R * 2 = General product form 4 = Finish 35 = Colour 44 = Further identifying characteristic 98 = Size ANM = Article name (EAN Code) BRN = Brand name (EAN Code) DSC = Description (EAN Code) FN = Functional Name (GS1 Code) IN = Invoice name (GS1 Code) PR = Product range (GS1 Code) SB = Subbrand (GS1 Code) TPE = Article type (EAN Code) STE = Style (EAN Code) XX1 = Collar Type (GS1 Code) XX2 = Sleeve Type (GS1 Code) XX3 = Clothing Cut (GS1 Code) XX4 = Non marked trade item components

(GS1 Code) XX5 = Campaign name (GS1 Code) XX6 = Season name (GS1 Code) XX7 = Season Parameter (GS1 Code) XX8 = Target Consumer Age (GS1 Code) XX9 = Target Consumer Gender (GS1 Code) XY1 = Link to external description (GS1 Code) XY2 = Additional Trade Item Description (GS1

Code) XY3 = Trade Item Group Identification (GS1

Code) XY4 = Price by measure type (GS1 Code) XY5 = Variable trade item type (GS1 Code)

1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

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Segment number: 9 EDIFACT EAN * Description

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 D * 9 = EAN (International Article Numbering association)


7009 Item description code C an..17 O * ORU = Ordering unit (EAN Code) NO = Not an ordering unit (EAN Code) BU = Base unit (EAN Code) NBU = Not a base unit (GS1 Code) CU = Consumer unit (EAN Code) NCU = Not a consumer unit (GS1 Code) DU = Despatch unit (EAN Code) NDU = Not a despatch unit (GS1 Code) IN = Invoicing unit (EAN Code) NIN = Not an invoice unit (GS1 Code) VQ = Variable quantity product (EAN Code) NVQ = Not a variable quantity product (GS1

Code) DST = Display stand (EAN Code) SU = Smallest unit (EAN Code) CA = Case (GS1 Code) DSP = Display shipper (GS1 Code) MM = Mixed module (GS1 Code) MP = Multipack (GS1 Code) PIP = Packer or inner pack (GS1 Code) PAL = Pallet (GS1 Code) PPK = Prepack (GS1 Code) PAS = Prepack assortment (GS1 Code) SPK = Setpack (GS1 Code) XX1 = Count (GS1 Code) XX2 = Area (GS1 Code) XX3 = Weight (GS1 Code) XX4 = Volume (GS1 Code) XX5 = Length (GS1 Code) XX6 = Loose (GS1 Code) XX7 = Pre-packed (GS1 Code) CIT = Collateral Item (GS1 Code) DAS = Dynamic Assortment (GS1 Code) GWP = Gift with purchase (GS1 Code) PWP = Purchase with purchase (GS1 Code) MAL = Male (GS1 Code) FEM = Female (GS1 Code) UNI = Unisex (GS1 Code) D = Available all the year round (EAN

Code) SMR = Summer (GS1 Code) SPR = Spring (GS1 Code) WNT = Winter (GS1 Code) AUT = Autumn (GS1 Code) tradeItemUnitDescriptor TradeItemUnitDescriptor colorCodeValue TradeItemColorDescription sizeCodeValue TradeItemSizeDescription isTradeItemABaseUnit TradeItemUnitIndicator isTradeItemAConsumerUnit TradeItemUnitIndicator

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Segment number: 9 EDIFACT EAN * Description isTradeItemADespatchUnit TradeItemUnitIndicator

isTradeItemAnInvoiceUnit TradeItemUnitIndicator isTradeItemAnOrderableUnit TradeItemUnitIndicator isTradeItemAVariableUnit TradeItemUnitIndicator specialItemCode MarketingInformation seasonParameter Season targetConsumerGender TargetConsumer tradeItemGroupIdentificationCode TradeItemDescriptionInform

ation priceByMeasureType TradeItemUnitIndicator variableTradeItemType TradeItemUnitIndicator

1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 D * 9 = EAN (International Article Numbering association)

83 = US, National Retail Federation 91 = Assigned by supplier or supplier's agent 92 = Assigned by buyer or buyer's agent PMS = Pantone Matching System (EAN Code) colorCodeListAgency TradeItemColorDescription sizeCodeListAgency TradeItemSizeDescription

7008 Item description C an..256 O colorDescription TradeItemColorDescription descriptiveSize TradeItemSizeDescription brandName TradeItemDescriptionInform

ation functionalName TradeItemDescriptionInform

ation text TradeItemDescriptionInform

ation descriptionShort TradeItemDescriptionInform

ation invoiceName TradeItemDescriptionInform

ation productRange TradeItemDescriptionInform

ation subBrand TradeItemDescriptionInform

ation tradeItemFormDescription TradeItemDescriptionInform

ation variant TradeItemDescriptionInform

ation campaignName MarketingInformation seasonName Season tradeItemFinishDescription TradeItemFinish targetConsumerAge TargetConsumer linkToExternalDescription TradeItemDescriptionInform

ation text TradeItemDescriptionInform

ation tradeItemGroupIdentificationDescri TradeItemDescriptionInform ption ation styleDescription ApparelAndHomeFashionsE

xtension collarType ApparelAndHomeFashionsE

xtension sleeveType ApparelAndHomeFashionsE

xtension clothingCut ApparelAndHomeFashionsE

xtension nonMarkedTradeItemComponents ApparelAndHomeFashionsE


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Segment number: 9 EDIFACT EAN * Description

7008 Item description C an..256 O

3453 Language name code C an..3 O ISO 639 two alpha code

7383 Surface or layer code C an..3 N

Segment Notes: This segment is used to describe the current line item. Product description information is required in the price catalogue message when a product is new or its description has been amended, otherwise its use is not recommended. Example:

IMD+C++DAS::9' Item is a Dynamic Assortment IMD+F+XX5::9+:::CAMPAIGN NAME::EN' Campaign name is "CAMPAIGN NAME", language English IMD+C+XX7::9+D::9' Season parameter: All the year IMD+F+XX6::9+:::SEASON NAME::EN' Season name is "SEASON NAME", language English IMD+F+XX9::9+UNI::9' Target Consumer Gender: Unisex IMD+F+XX8::9+:::TARGET CONSUMER Target consumer age is "TARGET CONSUMER AGE", AGE::EN' language English IMD+C+35+BLUE10::91' Color code is BLUE10, color code assigned by the supplier IMD+F+35+:::Color description::EN' Color description is "Color description", language English IMD+F+XY2::9+:::ADDITIONAL TRADE ITEM Additional trade item description is "ADDITIONAL TRADE TEXT DESCRIPTION::EN' ITEM TEXT

DESCRIPTION", language English IMD+S+DSC::9+:::NONSTRUCTURED TEXT Text description is "NONSTRUCTURED TEXT DESCRIPTION::EN' DESCRIPTION", language English IMD+B+XY3::9+TG::91:TRADE ITEM GROUP Trade item group identification code is TG and it is assigned IDENTIFICATION DESCRIPTION::EN' by the supplier IMD+F+BRN::9+:::BRAND NAME' El nombre la marca es "BRAND NAME" IMD+F+FN::9+:::FUNCTIONAL NAME::EN' Functional Name is "FUNCTIONAL NAME", language

English IMD+E+ANM::9+:::DESCRIPTION SHORT::EN' Short description is "DESCRIPTION SHORT", language

English IMD+F+IN::9+:::INVOICE NAME::EN' Invoice name is "INVOICE NAME", language English IMD+F+PR::9+:::PRODUCT RANGE' Product range is "PRODUCT RANGE" IMD+F+SB::9+:::SUBBRAND' Subbrand is "SUBBRAND" IMD+E+2+:::TRADE ITEM FORM Trade Item Form Description is "TRADE ITEM FORM DESCRIPTION' DESCRIPTION" IMD+F+44+:::VARIANT::EN' Variant of product is "VARIANT", language English IMD+F+XY1::9+:::LINK TO EXTERNAL Link to external description is "LINK TO EXTERNA DESCRIPTION::EN' DESCRIPTION", language

English IMD+B+XY3::9+TG::91:TRADE ITEM GROUP Trade item group identification description is "TRADE ITEM IDENTIFICATION DESCRIPTION::EN' GROUP


English IMD+C+98+38::91' Size value code is 38, size code assigned by the supplier IMD+F+98+:::Descriptive size::EN' Descriptive Size is "Descriptive size", language English IMD+C++SU::9' Coded description: Base unit or each IMD+C++BU::9' Trade item is a Base Unit.

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Segment number: 9

IMD+C++CU::9' Trade Item is a consumer unit. IMD+C++NDU::9' Trade Item is not a despatch unit IMD+C++NIN::9' Trade Item is not an invoice unit. IMD+C++NO::9' Trade Item is not an orderable unit. IMD+C++NVQ::9' Trade Item is not a variable unit. IMD+C+XY4::9+XX3::9' Price by measure type: Weight IMD+C+XY5::9+XX6::9' Type of variable measure trade item: loose IMD+F+STE+:::STYLE DESCRIPTION::EN' Style description of trade item is "STYLE DESCRIPTION",

language English IMD+F+XX4::9+:::NON MARKED TRADE ITEM Non marked trade item components of trade item is "NON COMPONENTS::EN' MARKED TRADE ITEM

COMPONENTS",language English IMD+F+XX1::9+:::COLLAR TYPE::EN' Collar type of trade item is "COLLAR TYPE", language

English IMD+F+XX2::9+:::SLEEVE TYPE::EN' Sleeve type of trade item is "SLEEVE TYPE", language

English IMD+F+XX3::9+:::CLOTHING CUT::EN' Clothing cut of trade item is "CLOTHING CUT", language


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Segment number: 10

SG17 - C 1000 - PGI-SG27-SG36


MEA - C 99 - Measurements

Function: A segment to allow physical measurements and dimensions to be stated, where this is required for identification

of the product. EDIFACT EAN * Description

6311 Measurement purpose code qualifier

M an..3 M * AAB = Transport conditions for delivery to distribution centre

AAG = Percentage of alcohol (by volume) ABB = Transport conditions for delivery to

market AAE = Measurement ABO = Comparison price measurement CT = Counts PD = Physical dimensions (product ordered) SO = Storage limitation


6313 Measured attribute code C an..3 R * AAA = Unit net weight ABI = Original wort AEI = Drained weight AFG = Percentage fat content in dry matter DI = Diameter QNI = Quantity of next level trade item within

inner pack (GS1 Code) SPV = Product strength basis (EAN Code) TC = Temperature X1E = Number of units in the width of a layer

(EAN Code) X8E = Peg hole horizontal distance from

package leftmost edge (EAN Code) X9E = Peg hole vertical distance from top

(EAN Code) 6321 Measurement significance

code C an..3 N

6155 Non-discrete measurement name code

C an..17 N

6154 Non-discrete measurement name

C an..70 N


6411 Measurement unit code M an..3 M 04 = small spray CEL = degree celsius EV = envelope DD = degree KGM = kilogram MGM = milligram MLT = millilitre

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Segment number: 10 EDIFACT EAN * Description MMT = millimetre

MMQ = cubic millimetre P1 = percent PTN = Portion (EAN Code) DD = degree ST = sheet DOS = Dose (EAN Code) UI = Unit of activity, predefined (EAN Code) priceComparisonContentType TradeItemMeasurements

6314 Measurement value C an..18 O pegHorizontal TradeItemMeasurements pegVertical TradeItemMeasurements diameter TradeItemMeasurements drainedWeight TradeItemMeasurements genericIngredientStrength TradeItemMeasurements quantityOfInnerPack TradeItemHierarchy quantityOfNextLevelTradeItemWith TradeItemHierarchy inInnerPack netContent TradeItemMeasurements netWeight TradeItemMeasurements pegHoleNumber TradeItemMeasurements priceComparisonMeasurement TradeItemMeasurements tradeItemCompositionWidth TradeItemMeasurements percentageOfAlcoholByVolume TradeItemMeasurements fatPercentageInDryMatter TradeItemMeasurements degreeOfOriginalWort TradeItemMeasurements depth HardlinesTradeItem width HardlinesTradeItem height HardlinesTradeItem nestingIncrement HardlinesTradeItem

6162 Range minimum value C n..18 O deliveryToDistributionCenterTemp TradeItemTemperatureInfor eratureMinimum mation deliveryToMarketTemperatureMini TradeItemTemperatureInfor mum mation storageHandlingTemperatureMinim TradeItemTemperatureInfor um mation storageHandlingHumidityMinimum TradeItemTemperatureInfor


6152 Range maximum value C n..18 O deliveryToDistributionCenterTemp TradeItemTemperatureInfor eratureMaximum mation deliveryToMarketTemperatureMaxi TradeItemTemperatureInfor mum mation storageHandlingTemperatureMaxi TradeItemTemperatureInfor mum mation storageHandlingHumidityMaximum TradeItemTemperatureInfor


6432 Significant digits quantity C n..2 N

7383 Surface or layer code C an..3 N

Segment Notes: This segment is used to specify measurements related to the article identified in the LIN segment. Measurementsrelated to the packaging of the article are provided in the MEA segment of the PAC segment group. Example:

MEA+CT+QIP+EA:123' Quantity of inner pack is 123 units MEA+CT+QNI+EA:10' Quantity of next level trade item within inner pack MEA+AAE+X8E+MMT:500' Peg horizontal of the trade item is 500 Millimetres

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Segment number: 10

MEA+AAE+X9E+MMT:15' Peg vertical of the trade item is 14 Millimeters MEA+CT+X10+PCE:3' Peg hole of trade item is 3 MEA+ABO++DOS:1' Price comparison content type is 1 dose MEA+PD+DI+MMT:80' Diameter of the trade item is 80 Millimeters MEA+PD+AEI+1234:GRM' Drained weight of the trade item is 1234 Grams MEA+AAE+SPV+GRM:1' Generic ingredient strength is 1 gram MEA+PD+CT+LTR:1' Net content is 1 litre MEA+PD+AAA+GRM:1100' Net weight is 1100 grams MEA+ABO++DOS:1' Price comparison measurement is 200 Grams MEA+CT+X1E+EA:3' Trade item composite width is 3 pieces MEA+AAB+TC+CEL::14:20' Delivery to distribution center temperature minimum is 14

degrees celsius, maximum is 20 degrees celsius MEA+ABB+TC+CEL::14:20' Delivery to market temperature minimum is 14 degrees

celsius, maximum is 20 degrees celsius MEA+SO+TC+CEL::14:20' Storing handing temperature minimum is 14 degrees

celsius, maximum is 20 degrees celsius MEA+SO+AAO+P1::14:20' Storing handling humidity minimum is 14%, maximum is

20% MEA+PD+DP+MMT:1000' Depth of trade item without packaging is 100 Millimeters MEA+PD+WD+MMT:1000' Width of trade item without packaging is 100 Millimeters MEA+PD+HT+MMT:1000' Heigth of trade item without packaging is 100 Millimeters MEA+AAG++P1:12' Percentage of Alcohol by volume is 12% MEA+AAE+AFG+P1:1' Fat percentage in dry matter is 1% MEA+AAE+ABI+DD:1' Degree of original wort is 1 degree MEA+AAE+X22+CMT:10' Nesting increment is 10 centimetres

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Segment number: 11

SG17 - C 1000 - PGI-SG27-SG36


QTY - C 99 - Quantity

Function: A segment to specify pertinent quantities related to the specified price item line, e.g. minimum order quantity. EDIFACT EAN * Description


6063 Quantity type code qualifier M an..3 M * 53 = Minimum order quantity 54 = Maximum order quantity 59 = Number of consumer units in the traded

unit 251 = Incremental order quantity 45E = Number of units in higher packaging or

configuration level (EAN Code) X30 = Quantity of children (GS1 Code) X31 = Order Sizing Factor (GS1 Code) X32 = Number of packages for set pieces

GTIN (GS1 Code) X33 = Number of pieces in set (GS1 Code) X34 = Agreed maximum buying quantity (GS1

Code) X35 = Agreed minimum buying quantity (GS1

Code) 6060 Quantity M an..35 M totalQuantityOfNextLowerLevelTra ChildTradeItem

deItem quantityOfChildren ChildTradeItem orderQuantityMaximum TradeItemOrderInformation orderQuantityMinimum TradeItemOrderInformation orderQuantityMultiple TradeItemOrderInformation orderSizingFactor TradeItemOrderInformation agreedMaximumBuyingQuantity TradeItemOrderInformation agreedMinimumBuyingQuantity TradeItemOrderInformation numberOfPackagesForSetPiecesG ApparelAndHomeFashionsE TIN xtension numberOfPiecesInSet ApparelAndHomeFashionsE

xtension unitsPerTradeItem HardlinesTradeItem

6411 Measurement unit code C an..3 D GRM = gram LTR = litre MMT = millimetre

Segment Notes: This segment is used to provide quantity information for the current line item, e.g. minimum order quantity. Example:

QTY+53:1000' Order quantity minimum is 1000 units QTY+54:1500' Order quantity maximum is 1500 units QTY+59:3' Units per trade item is 3 pieces QTY+251:100' Order quantity multiple is 100 units QTY+45E:12' Total quantity of next lower level trade item is 2 units

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Segment number: 11

QTY+X30:5' Quantity of children of trade item is 5 units. QTY+X31:100' Order sizing factor is 100 QTY+X32:3' Number of packages that make up the set: 3 pieces QTY+X33:4' Number of pieces is Set: 4 QTY+X35:500' Agreed minimum buying quantity is 500 units

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Segment number: 12

SG17 - C 1000 - PGI-SG27-SG36


HAN - C 5 - Handling instructions

Function: A segment providing information on required handling of materials in the line item, and additionally, if required,

notifying hazardous materials. EDIFACT EAN * Description


4079 Handling instruction description code

C an..3 R 3 = Stacked BIG = Outsized (EAN Code) CRU = Crushable (EAN Code) DAE = Dangerous article (EAN Code) EAT = Foodstuffs (EAN Code) FTD = Frost danger (EAN Code) HWC = Handle with care (EAN Code) LYG = Lying (EAN Code) PSC = Pest controlling (EAN Code) SSN = Smell sensitive (EAN Code) STR = Stacking restricted (EAN Code) TRD = Transit or cross docking delivery (EAN

Code) UPR = Upright/standing (EAN Code) UST = Unstackable (EAN Code) codeValue TradeItemHandlingInformati


1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 D 2 = CEC (Commission of the European Communities)

9 = EAN (International Article Numbering association)

This data element must be used when not using UN/ EDIFACT codes in data element 4079, e.g., HWC, STR, etc.

4078 Handling instruction description

C an..70 N


7419 Hazardous material category name code

C an..7 N

1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 N

7418 Hazardous material category name

C an..35 N

Segment Notes: This segment is used to specify any handling instructions for the current line item.

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Segment number: 12


HAN+DAE::9' Handling instruction is dangerous article

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Segment number: 13

SG17 - C 1000 - PGI-SG27-SG36


ALI - C 99 - Additional information

Function: A segment specifying the relevant additional information for an item, e.g. country of origin. EDIFACT EAN * Description

3239 Country of origin name code C an..3 O ISO 3166 two alpha code TradingPartnerNeutralTradeIte

9213 Duty regime type code C an..3 N

4183 Special condition code C an..3 O * 172 = Production batch number allocated X30 = Production batch number not allocated

(GS1 Code) 109 = Sale or return 157 = Not subject to sale or return X32 = Raw material irradiated (GS1 Code) X33 = Raw material non irradiated (GS1

Code) X34 = Ingredient irradiated (GS1 Code) X35 = Ingredient not irradiated (GS1 Code) 119 = Product genetically modified X36 = Trade item not genetically modified

(GS1 Code) X16 = Product irradiated (EAN Code) X37 = Trade item not irradiated (GS1 Code) X38 = Net content declaration indicated (GS1

Code) X39 = Net content declaration not indicated

(GS1 Code) 125 = New item, not yet available 126 = New, available 127 = Obsolete 130 = Discontinued 109 = Sale or return X42 = Trade item not recalled (GS1 Code) X46 = Trade Item Recalled X15 = No re-ordering (EAN Code) X45 = Trade item re-orderable (GS1 Code)

TradeItemMarking TradeItemMarking TradeItemMesurements CatalogueItemNotification TradeItemOrderInformation TradeItemMarking TradeItemMarking TradeItemMarking TradeItemMarking HardlinesTradeItem

4183 Special condition code C an..3 N

4183 Special condition code C an..3 N

4183 Special condition code C an..3 N

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Segment number: 13 EDIFACT EAN * Description

4183 Special condition code C an..3 N

Segment Notes: This segment is used to indicate special conditions for the current line item, or, to specify the country of origin of the line item. Example:

ALI+++125' State is registered ALI+++172' Trade item has batch number ALI+++109' Non sold items are returnable ALI+++X40' Trade item is reorderable ALI+ES' Trade Item country of origin is Spain ALI+++X46' Trade item is recalled ALI+++X33' Raw material is not irradiated ALI+++X35' Ingredients are not irradiated ALI+++X36' Trade item is not genetically modified ALI+++X37' Trade item is not radiated ALI+++X38' Net content declaration is indicated

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Segment number: 14

SG17 - C 1000 - PGI-SG27-SG36


DTM - C 99 - Date/time/period

Function: A segment specifying the date, and when relevant, the time or period of an activity identified by the date/time/

period qualifier. e.g. expiration date of the price/sales catalogue for the price item line. EDIFACT EAN * Description


2005 Date or time or period function code qualifier

M an..3 M * 357 = Cancel if not published by this date 382 = Earliest sale date 36 = Expiry date 7 = Effective date/time 44 = Availability 362 = End availability date X30 = Last change date (GS1 Code) 541 = First published date 44 = Availability 169 = Lead time 418 = Minimum shelf life remaining at time of

receipt X42 = End date maximum buying quantity

(GS1 Code) X43 = End date minimum buying quantity

(GS1 Code) X44 = End date of exclusivity (GS1 Code) 423 = First date of ordering X40 = First ship date (GS1 Code) 424 = Last date of ordering X45 = Start date maximum buying quantity

(GS1 Code) 381 = Product lifespan at time of production X46 = End date minimum buying quantity

(GS1 Code) X47 = Campaign end date (GS1 Code) X48 = Campaign start date (GS1 Code) X49 = Season availability end date (GS1

Code) X50 = Season availability start date (GS1

Code) X51 = Season calendar year (GS1 Code) 117 = Delivery date/time, first X52 = Goods pick-up lead time (GS1 Code)

2380 Date or time or period value C an..35 R canceledDate TradeItemDateInformation consumerAvailabilityDateTime TradeItemDateInformation discontinuedDate TradeItemDateInformation effectiveDate TradeItemDateInformation endAvailabilityDateTime TradeItemDateInformation lastChangeDateTime TradeItemDateInformation publicationDate TradeItemDateInformation startAvailabilityDateTime TradeItemDateInformation orderingLeadTime TradeItemOrderInformation

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Segment number: 14 EDIFACT EAN * Description minimumTradeItemLifespanFromTi TradeItemHandlingInformati

meOfArrival on endDateMaximumBuyingQuantity TradeItemDateInformation endDateMinimumBuyingQuantity TradeItemDateInformation endDateTimeOfExclusivity TradeItemDateInformation firstOrderDate TradeItemDateInformation firstShipDate TradeItemDateInformation lastOrderDate TradeItemDateInformation lastShipDate TradeItemDateInformation startDateMaximumBuyingQuantity TradeItemDateInformation startDateMinimumBuyingQuantityC TradeItemDateInformation minimumTradeItemLifespanFromTi TradeItemHandlingInformati meOfProduction on campaignEndDate MarketingInformation campaignStartDate MarketingInformation seasonalAvailabilityEndDate Season seasonalAvailabilityStartDate Season seasonCalendarYear Season firstDeliveryDateTime TradeItemOrderInformation goodsPickUpLeadTime TradeItemOrderInformation

2379 Date or time or period format code

C an..3 R * 102 = CCYYMMDD 203 = CCYYMMDDHHMM 204 = CCYYMMDDHHMMSS 804 = Day 602 = CCYY

Segment Notes: This segment is used to specify relevant dates for the current line item. Example:

DTM+X47:20061231:102' Campaign end date is 31st December 2006 DTM+X48:20060731:102' Campaign start date is 31st July 2006 DTM+X49:20060801:102' Seasonal availability end date is 1st August 2006 DTM+X50:20060501:102' Seasonal availability start date is 1st May 2006 DTM+X51:2006:602' Season calendar year is 2006 DTM+357:20060101:102' Canceled date for trade item is 1st January 2006 DTM+382:200603311200:203' Consumer availability Date/Time for trade item is 31st March

2006 at 12:00 DTM+36:20060101:102' Canceled date for trade item is 1st January 2006 DTM+7:20060315:102' Effective date for trade item is15th March 2006 DTM+362:200703091200:203' End availability date/time is 9th March 2007 at 12:00 DTM+X30:200606091200:203' End availability date/time is 9th June 2006 at 12:00 DTM+541:20060309:102' Publication date is 9th March 2006 DTM+44:200603091200:203' Start availability date/time is 9th March 2006 at 12:00 DTM+X42:200604301330:102' End date maximum buying quantity is 30th April 2006 at

13:30 DTM+X43:200604301330:102' End date minimum buying quantity is 30th April 2006 at 13:

30 DTM+X44:200604301330:102' End date time of exclusivity is 30th April 2006 at 13:30 DTM+423:20060315:102' First order date is 15th March 2006 DTM+X40:20060322:102' First ship date is 22nd March 2006 DTM+424:20060630:102' Last order date is 30th June 2006 DTM+X41:20060710:102' Last ship date is 10th July 2006 DTM+X45:200605011500:203' Start date maximum buying quantity is 1st May 2006 at 15:

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Segment number: 14

00 DTM+X46:200605011500:203' Start date minimum buying quantity is 1st May 2006 at 15:00 DTM+418:3:804' Minimum trade item lifespan from time of arrival is 3 days. DTM+381:4:804' Minimum trade item life span from time of production is 4

days DTM+169:6:804' Ordering lead time is 6 days DTM+117:20060403:102' First delivery date time is 3rd April 2006 DTM+X52:5:804' Goods pick-up lead time is 5 days.

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Segment number: 15

SG17 - C 1000 - PGI-SG27-SG36


RFF - C 99 - Reference

Function: A segment identifying a reference, which is related to the described article, by its number. EDIFACT EAN * Description


1153 Reference code qualifier M an..3 M * MSS = Manufacturer's material safety data sheet number

1154 Reference identifier C an..70 R materialSafetyDataSheetNumber MaterialSafetyData

1156 Document line identifier C an..6 N

4000 Reference version identifier C an..35 N

1060 Revision identifier C an..6 N

Segment Notes: This segment is used to identify references, which are related to the current line item. Example:

RFF+MSS:DRW001' Material safety data sheet number is MSS1343

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Segment number: 16

SG17 - C 1000 - PGI-SG27-SG36


LOC - C 1 - Place/location identification

Function: A segment to indicate country of origin and country of the despatch. EDIFACT EAN * Description

3227 Location function code qualifier

M an..3 M * X11 = Country of Assembly (GS1 Code)


3225 Location name code C an..25 R Country ISO 3166 code tradeItemCountryOfAssembly TradingPartnerNeutralTradeI


1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 R * 5 = ISO (International Organization for Standardization)

3224 Location name C an..256 N



3223 First related location name code

C an..25 N

1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 N

3222 First related location name C an..70 N



3233 Second related location name code

C an..25 N

1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 N

3232 Second related location name C an..70 N

5479 Relation code C an..3 N

Segment Notes: This segment is used to indicate the country, the continent or the region where the product may be sold. This segment should only be used to identify countries other than the 'country of origin', e.g. country of export, assembly, .... The country of origin should continue to be stated in the ALI segment of the message. Example:

LOC+X11+ES::5' Country of Assembly: Spain

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Segment number: 17

SG17 - C 1000 - PGI-SG27-SG36


FTX - C 999 - Free text Function: A segment with free text information, in coded or clear form, used when additional information is needed at the

line item levelled within other segment. In computer to computer exchanges such text will normally require the receiver to process this segment manually.

EDIFACT EAN * Description

4451 Text subject code qualifier M an..3 M * ADK = Promotion information AIX = Warranty terms ACL = Quality statement AGZ = Marketing activities

4453 Free text function code C an..3 A * 1 = Text for subsequent use


4441 Free text value code M an..17 M * URL = Information detailed is a URL (GS1 Code)

1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 D * 9 = EAN (International Article Numbering association)


4440 Free text value M an..512 M offerOnPack PackagingMarking tradeItemFeatureBenefit MarketingInformation tradeItemMarketingMessage MarketingInformation warrantyDescription HardlinesTradeItem uRLForWarranty HardlinesTradeItem

4440 Free text value C an..512 O

4440 Free text value C an..512 N

4440 Free text value C an..512 N

4440 Free text value C an..512 N

3453 Language name code C an..3 D ISO 639 two alpha code

4447 Free text format code C an..3 N

Segment Notes: This segment is used to provide any free text information related to the current line item. Example:

FTX+ACL+1++TRADE ITEM FEATURE Trade item feature benefit is "TRADE ITEM FEATURE BENEFIT+EN' BENEFIT", language English FTX+AGZ+1++TRADE ITEM MARKETING Trade item marketing message is "TRADE ITEM MESSAGE+EN' MARKETING MESSAGE", language English FTX+ADK+1++OFFER ON PACK+EN' Offer on pack is "OFFER ON PACK", language English FTX+AAX+1++Text describing the terms of Text describing the terms of warranty which apply to a warranty which apply to a product or product or service, language English service+EN'

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Segment number: 17' Indicates the location of the URL that contains the warranty information of the Item:

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Segment number: 18

SG17 - C 1000 - PGI-SG27-SG36


SG37 - C 999 - CCI-CAV-MEA

CCI - M 1 - Characteristic/class id

Function: A segment to identify product characteristic and, or the characteristic name and characteristic relevance for the

business process. EDIFACT EAN * Description

7059 Class type code C an..3 N


6313 Measured attribute code C an..3 N

6321 Measurement significance code

C an..3 N

6155 Non-discrete measurement name code

C an..17 N

6154 Non-discrete measurement name

C an..70 N



7037 Characteristic description code M an..17 M * SECUTAG = Security Tag (GS1 Code) PRODMAT = Material code (GS1 Code) ORGANIC = Organic Trade Item Code (GS1 Code) PACKMAR = Package Marks (GS1 Code) K PACKMAT = Packaging Material (GS1 Code) IMPORT = Import (GS1 Code) UOM = Ordering and Selling Unit Of Measure

(GS1 Code) SIZEDIME = Size Dimension (GS1 Code) NSION SIZEGRO = Size Group (GS1 Code) UP COMPLIA = Compliance Regulation Code (GS1 NT Code) MATERIAL = Material (GS1 Code) RECYCLE = Recycle (GS1 Code) STRENGT = Ingredient strength (GS1 Code) H RIGHTRET = Return Goods Policy (GS1 Code)

1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 R * 9 = EAN (International Article Numbering association)

7036 Characteristic description C an..35 O genericIngredient TradeItemMeasurements

7036 Characteristic description C an..35 N


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Segment number: 18 EDIFACT EAN * Description

4051 Characteristic relevance code C an..3

Segment Notes: This segment is used to specify the characteristics of the current line item. Example:


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Segment number: 19

SG17 - C 1000 - PGI-SG27-SG36


SG37 - C 999 - CCI-CAV-MEA

CAV - C 10 - Characteristic value

Function: A segment to specify common product characteristic by value in either coded form or in free format. EDIFACT EAN * Description


7111 Characteristic value description code

C an..3 C organicTradeItemCode OrganicTradeItemCharacteri stics

organicClaimAgency OrganicTradeItemCharacteri stics

packagingMaterialCode PackagingMaterial sizeGroup NonPackageTradeItemDimen

sion sizeType NonPackageTradeItemDimen

sion sizeSystem NonPackageTradeItemDimen

sion orderingUnitOfMeasure OrderingAndSellingUnitOfMe

asure sellingUnitOfMeasure OrderingAndSellingUnitOfMe

asure isTradeItemMarkedAsRecyclable TradeItemMarking

1131 Code list identification code C an..17 C * TYP = Type code (GS1 Code) LOC = Location code (GS1 Code) X11 = Diet Allergen (GS1 Code) X12 = Environment (GS1 Code) X13 = Ethical (GS1 Code) X14 = Free Form (GS1 Code) X15 = Expiration Date (GS1 Code) 3453 = Language (GS1 Code) SZG = Size Group (GS1 Code) SZY = Size System (GS1 Code) SUM = Selling unit of measure (GS1 Code) OUM = Ordering unit of measure (GS1 Code)

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 D * 9 = EAN (International Article Numbering association)

60 = Assigned by national trade agency 91 = Assigned by supplier or supplier's agent 92 = Assigned by buyer or buyer's agent 174 = DE, DIN (Deutsches Institut fuer

Normung) packagingMaterialCodeListMainten PackagingMaterial anceAgency

7110 Characteristic value description

C an..35 R materialCode MaterialComposition materialContent MaterialComposition securityTagLocation SecurityTagInformation securityTagType SecurityTagInformation packageMarksDietAllergen PackagingMarking packageMarksEnvironment PackagingMarking packageMarksEthical PackagingMarking packageMarksFreeFrom PackagingMarking

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Segment number: 19 EDIFACT EAN * Description packagingMarkedExpirationDateTy PackagingMarking

pe importClassificationType TradeItemImportIdentificatio

n descriptiveSizeDimension NonPackageTradeItemDimen

sion classComplianceRegulationCode TradingPartnerNeutralTradeI

temInformation threadCount TradeItemMaterial packagingMarkedRecyclableSche PackagingMarking me packagingMaterialDescription PackagingMaterial returnGoodsPolicy HardlinesTradeItem

7110 Characteristic value description

C an..35 O importClassificationValue TradeItemImportIdentificatio n

Segment Notes: This segment is used to further specify product characteristics for the current line item. Example:

CAV+:174:CO' Material code is Cotton (CO) assigned by DIN Agency(174) CAV+EN:3453:9:Material is cotton in 65%' Material description is "Material is cotton in 65%" CAV+CUP:SZT:9' Size type is Cup CAV+EU:SZY:9' Size system is European CAV+EN:3453:9:The size type is CUP and size Size dimension as text description, language English. :is 85B' CAV+JUN:SZG:9' Size group is Juniors CAV+KGM:OUM:9' Order unit of measure is Kilograms. CAV+LTR:SUM:9' Selling unit of measure is Litres CAV+5:OCO:9' Organic trade item code is Not organic CAV+4:OAG:9' Organic claim agency is International Foundation for

Organic Agriculture CAV+:X11:9:PMDA1' Mark diet allergen is "Approved by asthma and allergy

association" CAV+:X12:9:PME3' Marked environment is "Green dot" CAV+:X11:9:PMET1' Marks with ethical is "Fair trade mark" CAV+:X14:9:PMFF1' Package mark free form is "Free from egg" CAV+:X15:9:PMED1' Marked expiration date type is "Best before date" CAV+:::PACKAGING MARKED RECYCLABLE Packaging marked recyclable scheme is "PACKAGING SCHEME' MARKED RECYCLABLE

SCHEME" CAV+94::9' Packaging material code is Wood, packaging material code

list maintenance agency is GS1 CAV+EN:3453:9:Packaging Material Packaging Material Description is Packaging Material Description' Description CAV+:LOC:9:SECLOC2' Tag location is Integrated inside the trade item CAV+TYP::9:SECTYP2' Tag type is Electromagnetic EAS tag CAV+::9:IMPORT1:CUSTOM TARIFF Import classification type is "Custom tariff number", import NUMBER1' classification value is "Custom Tariff Number1" CAV+EN:3453:9:13.4 grams per square meter' Thread count is 13.4 grams per square meter CAV+:::COMP1' Class compliance regulation code is Compliant with fair

labor standards.

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Segment number: 20

SG17 - C 1000 - PGI-SG27-SG36


SG37 - C 999 - CCI-CAV-MEA

MEA - C 10 - Measurements

Function: A segment indicating characteristic value being physical measurement (including measurable quantities and

percentages) related to specified product characteristics (for example voltage, percentage of material contained) and where relevant measurement ranges.

EDIFACT EAN * Description

6311 Measurement purpose code qualifier

M an..3 M * AAE = Measurement SV = Specification value X6E = Size (EAN Code)


6313 Measured attribute code C an..3 R * SAA = Product strength (EAN Code) 6321 Measurement significance

code C an..3 N

6155 Non-discrete measurement name code

C an..17 N

6154 Non-discrete measurement name

C an..70 N


6411 Measurement unit code M an..3 M 37 = Ounces per square yard CEL = degree celsius CMT = centimetre DMQ = cubic decimetre D21 = square metre per kilogram DD = degree EA = each FOT = foot GM = gram per square metre GRM = gram L2 = litre per minute MMT = millimetre MTR = metre P1 = percent PCE = Piece (EAN Code) YRD = yard

6314 Measurement value C an..18 R ingredientStrength TradeItemMeasurements materialPercentage MaterialComposition sizeDimension NonPackageTradeItemDimen

sion materialWeight TradeItemMaterial

6162 Range minimum value C n..18 N

6152 Range maximum value C n..18 N

6432 Significant digits quantity C n..2 N


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Segment number: 20 EDIFACT EAN * Description

7383 Surface or layer code C an..3

Segment Notes: This segment is used to specify any measurements related to the currently identified product characteristic class. This MEA segment indicates the measurements for the specification identified in the CCI and CAV segments. Example:

MEA+X6E++INH:35' Size dimension as value and unit of measure is 10 inches MEA+SV++GM:13.4' The measured weight is 13.4 grams per square meter MEA+AAE+SAA+GRM:100' Ingredient strength is 100 Grams MEA+SV++P1:15' In this instance the ingredient E15 is 15% of the total

ingredients for the product

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Segment number: 21

SG17 - C 1000 - PGI-SG27-SG36


SG38 - C 10 - TAX-MOA

TAX - M 1 - Duty/tax/fee details

Function: A segment specifying a tax type, category and rate, or exemption. EDIFACT EAN * Description

5283 Duty or tax or fee function code qualifier

M an..3 M * 7 = Tax


5153 Duty or tax or fee type name code

C an..3 R ENV = Environmental tax GST = Goods and services tax AAD = Tobacco tax VAT = Value added tax taxTypeCode TradeItemTaxInformation

1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 D * 9 = EAN (International Article Numbering association)

taxAgencyCode TradeItemTaxInformation

5152 Duty or tax or fee type name C an..35 R taxTypeDescription TradeItemTaxInformation



5289 Duty or tax or fee account code

M an..6 N

1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 N

5286 Duty or tax or fee assessment basis value

C an..15 N


5279 Duty or tax or fee rate code C an..7 N

1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 N

5278 Duty or tax or fee rate C an..17 R The actual rate of tax/duty. taxRate TradeItemTaxInformation

5273 Duty or tax or fee rate basis code

C an..12 N

1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 N

5305 Duty or tax or fee category C an..3 D * E = Exempt from tax

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Segment number: 21 EDIFACT EAN * Description code S = Standard rate

3446 Party tax identifier C an..20 N

1227 Calculation sequence code C an..3 N

Segment Notes: This segment is used to specify the tax details for the current line item. Example:

TAX+7+VAT:::Value Added Tax+++:::16' Tax type is Value Added Tax (VAT)

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Segment number: 22

SG17 - C 1000 - PGI-SG27-SG36


SG38 - C 10 - TAX-MOA

MOA - C 1 - Monetary amount Function: A segment specifying the amount for the identified tax/fee, e.g. a stamp fee. EDIFACT EAN * Description


5025 Monetary amount type code qualifier

M an..3 M * 124 = Tax amount

5004 Monetary amount C n..35 R taxAmount TradeItemTaxInformation

6345 Currency identification code C an..3 N

6343 Currency type code qualifier C an..3 N

4405 Status description code C an..3 N

Segment Notes: This segment is used to indicate any monetary amounts related to the previous TAX segment. Example:

MOA+124:500' Tax amount is 500

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Segment number: 23

SG17 - C 1000 - PGI-SG27-SG36


SG40 - C 100 - PRI-CUX-DTM

PRI - M 1 - Price details

Function: A segment providing either the unit or reference price and the price type, valid for the pricing group. EDIFACT EAN * Description


5125 Price code qualifier M an..3 R * AAB = Calculation gross AAE = Information price, excluding allowances

or charges, including taxes INF = Information

5118 Price amount C n..15 R priceAmount PriceOnTradeItem value SuggestedRetailPrice value CataloguePrice

5375 Price type code C an..3 R * CA = Catalogue

5387 Price specification code C an..3 R * MRP = Marked retail price (EAN Code) LIU = List price (EAN Code) SRP = Suggested retail price

5284 Unit price basis value C n..9 N

6411 Measurement unit code C an..3 N

5213 Sub-line item price change operation code

C an..3 N

Segment Notes: This segment is used to provide price information for the current line item. Example:

PRI+AAB:100:CA:LIU' Catalogue price is 100 PRI+INF:100:CA:MRP' Retail Price on Trade Item is 100 PRI+AAE:100:CA:SRP' Suggested Retail Price is 100

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Segment number: 24

SG17 - C 1000 - PGI-SG27-SG36


SG40 - C 100 - PRI-CUX-DTM

CUX - C 1 - Currencies

Function: A segment identifying the currency in which the price is expressed. EDIFACT EAN * Description


6347 Currency usage code qualifier M an..3 M * 2 = Reference currency

6345 Currency identification code C an..3 R ISO 4217 three alpha. 6343 Currency type code qualifier C an..3 R * 8 = Price list currency

6348 Currency rate value C n..4 N


6347 Currency usage code qualifier M an..3 N

6345 Currency identification code C an..3 N

6343 Currency type code qualifier C an..3 N

6348 Currency rate value C n..4 N

5402 Currency exchange rate C n..12 N

6341 Exchange rate currency market identifier

C an..3 N

Segment Notes: This segment is used to provide currency information for the current line item. Example:

CUX+2:EUR:8' Currency Euros

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Segment number: 25

SG17 - C 1000 - PGI-SG27-SG36


SG40 - C 100 - PRI-CUX-DTM

DTM - C 5 - Date/time/period

Function: A segment to identify the date/time/period information related to the price information, e.g. period of validity. EDIFACT EAN * Description


2005 Date or time or period function code qualifier

M an..3 M * 194 = Start date/time 206 = End date/time

2380 Date or time or period value C an..35 R effectiveStartDate SuggestedRetailPrice effectiveEndDate SuggestedRetailPrice effectiveStartDate CataloguePrice effectiveEndDate CataloguePrice

2379 Date or time or period format code

C an..3 R * 102 = CCYYMMDD

Segment Notes: This segment is used to identify specific dates and times associated with pricing information. Example:

DTM+194:20060301:102' Start date is 1st March 2006 DTM+206:20061201:102' End date is 1st December 2006

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Segment number: 26

SG17 - C 1000 - PGI-SG27-SG36


SG41 - C 99 - ALC-SG42-SG43-SG44-SG45

ALC - M 1 - Allowance or charge

Function: A segment identifying the charge or allowance and, where necessary its calculation sequence. EDIFACT EAN * Description

5463 Allowance or charge code qualifier

M an..3 M * A = Allowance C = Charge




1230 Allowance or charge identifier C an..35 N

5189 Allowance or charge identification code

C an..3 N

4471 Settlement means code C an..3 R * 1 = Bill back 2 = Off invoice 3 = Vendor check/cheque to customer 4 = Credit customer account 5 = Charge to be paid by vendor 6 = Charge to be paid by customer X01 = Item accruals (GS1 Code) X02 = Vendor accruals (GS1 Code)


1227 Calculation sequence code C an..3 O 1 = First step of calculation 2 = Second step of calculation etc, etc, etc......

9 = Ninth step of calculation AllowanceCharge



7161 Special service description code

C an..3 R * X01 = Allowance Global (GS1 Code) X02 = Charge Global (GS1 Code) X03 = Consolidated (GS1 Code) FR = Falt rate FC = Freight charge FG = Free goods IN = Insurance X04 = Lump sum (GS1 Code) X05 = Markup for small volume purchases

(GS1 Code) PC = Packing allowanceChargeType AllowanceCharge

1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 D * 9 = EAN (International Article Numbering association)

7160 Special service description C an..35 O allowanceChargeDescription AllowanceCharge

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Segment number: 26 EDIFACT EAN * Description

7160 Special service description C an..35 O

Segment Notes: This segment is used to specify any allowances or charges which are applicable to the current line item. Example:

ALC+A++1+1+PC:::PACKING CHARGES' Allowance, sequence number is 1, code is PC and descripcion is PACKING CHARGES. Settlement type is bill back.

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Segment number: 27

SG17 - C 1000 - PGI-SG27-SG36


SG41 - C 99 - ALC-SG42-SG43-SG44-SG45

SG42 - C 10 - QTY

QTY - M 1 - Quantity

Function: A segment identifying the type of quantity and the quantity related to the allowance or charge. EDIFACT EAN * Description


6063 Quantity type code qualifier M an..3 M * 1 = Discrete quantity

6060 Quantity M an..35 M measurementPerUnit AllowanceCharge

6411 Measurement unit code C an..3 D GRM = gram LTR = litre MMT = millimetre

Segment Notes: This segment is used to specify quantity allowance/charge for the current line item. Example:

QTY+1:23:GRM' Measurement per unit is 23 grams

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Segment number: 28

SG17 - C 1000 - PGI-SG27-SG36


SG41 - C 99 - ALC-SG42-SG43-SG44-SG45

SG43 - C 99 - PCD

PCD - M 1 - Percentage details

Function: A segment identifying the percentage and the percentage basis for the calculation of the allowance or charge. EDIFACT EAN * Description


5245 Percentage type code qualifier M an..3 M * 3 = Allowance or charge

5482 Percentage C n..10 R percentagePerUnit AllowanceCharge

5249 Percentage basis identification code

C an..3 N

1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 N

4405 Status description code C an..3 N

Segment Notes: This segment is used to specify percentage allowance/charges for the current line item. Example:

PCD+3:4' Percentage is 4%

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Segment number: 29

SG17 - C 1000 - PGI-SG27-SG36


SG41 - C 99 - ALC-SG42-SG43-SG44-SG45

SG44 - C 10 - MOA

MOA - M 1 - Monetary amount Function: A segment identifying the monetary amount for the allowance or charge. EDIFACT EAN * Description


5025 Monetary amount type code qualifier

M an..3 M * 23 = Charge amount 25 = Charge/allowance basis 204 = Allowance amount

5004 Monetary amount C n..35 R amountPerUnit AllowanceCharge

6345 Currency identification code C an..3 R ISO 4217 three alpha. 6343 Currency type code qualifier C an..3 N

4405 Status description code C an..3 N

Segment Notes: This segment is used to specify monetary charges or discounts for the current line item. Example:

MOA+23:100:EUR' Charge amount is 100 Euros

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Segment number: 30

SG17 - C 1000 - PGI-SG27-SG36


SG41 - C 99 - ALC-SG42-SG43-SG44-SG45

SG45 - C 10 - RTE

RTE - M 1 - Rate details

Function: A segment specifying the rate per unit and the basis for calculation. EDIFACT EAN * Description


5419 Rate type code qualifier M an..3 M * 1 = Allowance rate 2 = Charge rate

5420 Unit price basis rate M n..15 M allowanceOrChargeRatePerUnit AllowanceCharge

5284 Unit price basis value C n..9 N

6411 Measurement unit code C an..3 N

4405 Status description code C an..3 N

Segment Notes: This segment is used to specify rate charge/allowance information for the current line item. Example:

RNG+2:0.23' Charge rate per unit is 0.23

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Segment number: 31

SG17 - C 1000 - PGI-SG27-SG36


SG47 - C 999 - PAC-MEA

PAC - M 1 - Package

Function: A segment specifying the physical type of packages for the Price item line. EDIFACT EAN * Description

7224 Package quantity C n..8 N


7075 Packaging level code C an..3 N

7233 Packaging related description code

C an..3 O * X01 = Composite Component A (GS1 Code) X02 = Composite Component B (GS1 Code) X03 = Composite Component C (GS1 Code) 50 = Package barcoded EAN-13 or EAN-8 X13 = EAN·UCC 14 symbol (GS1 Code) 51 = Package barcoded ITF-14 X04 = RSS 14 (GS1 Code) X05 = RSS 14 stacekd (GS1 Code) X06 = RSS 14 stacked omnidirectional (GS1

Code) X07 = RSS 14 truncated (GS1 Code) X08 = RSS expanded (GS1 Code) X09 = RSS expanded trucanted (GS1 Code) X10 = RSS limited (GS1 Code) X11 = UPC A symbol (GS1 Code) X12 = UPC E symbol (GS1 Code) 52 = Package barcoded UCC or EAN-128 33 = Package marked returnable X14 = Package not marked returnable (GS1

Code) 1 = Product ingredients not marked on

package 54 = Product ingredients marked on

package isPackagingMarkedReturnable PackagingMarking isPackagingMarkedWithIngredient PackagingMarking s barCodeType TradingPartnerNeutralTradeI


7073 Packaging terms and conditions code

C an..3 O * 1 = Packaging cost paid by supplier 2 = Packaging cost paid by recipient 3 = Packaging cost not charged

(returnable) 25 = Safe return deposit 26 = Not reusable 27 = Package exchangeable at the point of

delivery 1E = Unpack from (EAN Code) 2E = Repack in (EAN Code)

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Segment number: 31 EDIFACT EAN * Description 3E = Pack in (EAN Code)

4E = Rented (EAN Code) LAB = Labeled (EAN Code) X11 = Packaging recycling fee paid by

supplier (GS1 Code) XX1 = Exchange Pallets (GS1 Code) XX2 = XX3 = XX4 = packagingTermsAndCondition PackagingMaterial palletTermsAndConditions TradeItemPalletInformation rEPAIndicator PackagingMaterial


7065 Package type description code C an..17 O AE = Aerosol BME = Blister pack (EAN Code) BS = Bottle, non-protected, bulbous CBL = Container bottle like (EAN Code) CR = Crate CX = Can, cylindrical PLP = Peel pack (EAN Code) packagingTypeCode PackagingType palletTypeCode TradeItemPalletInformation

1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 D 9 = EAN (International Article Numbering association)

7064 Type of packages C an..35 O packagingTypeDescription PackagingType



7077 Description format code M an..3 N

7064 Type of packages M an..35 N

7143 Item type identification code C an..3 N

7064 Type of packages C an..35 N

7143 Item type identification code C an..3 N



8395 Returnable package freight payment responsibility code

C an..3 N

8393 Returnable package load contents code

C an..3 N

Segment Notes: This segment is used to describe the packaging for the current line item. Example:

PAC++:33' Packaging marked returnable PAC++:54' Packaging marked with ingredients

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Segment number: 31

PAC++::25' Packaging terms and conditions is Safe return deposit. PAC+++AE::AEROSOL' Packaging type is Aerosol, packaging description is

"AEROSOL" PAC++::3+201::9:EUROPALLET' Pallet terms and conditions is Returnable palet PAC++::3+201::9' Pallet type code is Pallet ISO 1 - 1/1 EURO Pallet PAC++:X13' Bar code type is EAN·UCC/14

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Segment number: 32

SG17 - C 1000 - PGI-SG27-SG36


SG47 - C 999 - PAC-MEA

MEA - C 99 - Measurements

Function: A segment specifying physical measurements of packages described in the PAC segment e.g. box size. EDIFACT EAN * Description

6311 Measurement purpose code qualifier

M an..3 M * CT = Counts SO = Storage limitation PD = Physical dimensions (product ordered)


6313 Measured attribute code C an..3 R * AAB = Unit gross weight AAJ = Number of units per pallet AFE = Maximum stacking weight QIP = Quantity of Inner Pack (GS1 Code) LAY = Number of layers (EAN Code) NPL = Number of layers per pallet (EAN

Code) ULY = Number of units per layer (EAN Code) UPL = Quantity of trade items per pallet layer

(GS1 Code) X21 = Stacking factor, including bottom item

(GS1 Code) DP = Depth HT = Height dimension WD = Width dimension

6321 Measurement significance code

C an..3 N

6155 Non-discrete measurement name code

C an..17 N

6154 Non-discrete measurement name

C an..70 N


6411 Measurement unit code M an..3 M KGM = kilogram CEL = degree celsius MMT = millimetre PCE = Piece (EAN Code) EA = each

6314 Measurement value C an..18 R quantityOfCompleteLayersContain TradeItemHierarchy edInATradeItem stackingWeightMaximum TradeItemHandlingInformati

on stackingFactor TradeItemHandlingInformati

on quantityOfLayersPerPallet TradeItemHierarchy quantityOfTradeItemsContainedInA TradeItemHierarchy CompleteLayer quantityOfTradeItemsPerPallet TradeItemHierarchy

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Segment number: 32 EDIFACT EAN * Description quantityOfTradeItemsPerPalletLay TradeItemHierarchy

er depth TradeItemMeasurements height TradeItemMeasurements width TradeItemMeasurements grossWeight TradeItemMeasurements

6162 Range minimum value C n..18 N

6152 Range maximum value C n..18 N

6432 Significant digits quantity C n..2 N

7383 Surface or layer code C an..3 N

Segment Notes: This segment provides measurement information related to the packaging of the current line item. Example:

MEA+SO+AFE+GRM:60000' Stacking weight maximum is 60000 grams MEA+SO+X21+PCE:6' Stacking factor is 6 units MEA+CT+LAY+EA:20' The quantity of complete layers contained in a trade item is

20 units MEA+CT+NPL+EA:16' The quantity of layers per pallet is 16 units MEA+CT+ULY+EA:20' Quantity of trade items contained in a complete layer is 20

units MEA+CT+AAJ+EA:140' Quantity of trade items per pallet is 140 units MEA+CT+UPL+EA:12' Quantity of trade items per pallet layer is 12 units MEA+PD+DP+MMT:80' Depth of trade item including packaging is 80 Millimeters MEA+PD+HT+MMT:80' Height of trade item including packaging is 80 Millimeters MEA+PD+WD+MMT:120' Width of trade item including packaging is 120 Millimeters MEA+PD+AAB+GRM:1200' Gross weight of trade item with packaging is 1200 Grams

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Segment number: 33

SG17 - C 1000 - PGI-SG27-SG36


SG48 - C 10 - PAT-DTM-PCD

PAT - M 1 - Payment terms basis

Function: A segment identifying the payment terms and date/time basis. EDIFACT EAN * Description

4279 Payment terms type code qualifier

M an..3 M * 1 = Basic 2 = End of month 3 = Fixed date 4 = Deferred 5 = Discount not applicable 6 = Mixed 7 = Extended 8 = Basic discount offered 9 = Proximo 10 = Instant 11 = Elective 18 = Previously agreed upon 21 = Payment by instalment 22 = Discount X10 = Discount after deducting freight (GS1

Code) X11 = Valuta (GS1 Code)



4277 Payment terms description identifier

M an..17 R discountType PaymentTerms

1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 O * 9 = EAN (International Article Numbering association)

91 = Assigned by supplier or supplier's agent 92 = Assigned by buyer or buyer's agent

4276 Payment terms description C an..35 O discountDescription PaymentTerms

4276 Payment terms description C an..35 O


2475 Time reference code M an..3 M * 5 = Date of invoice 9 = Date invoice received 29 = Date of delivery of goods to

establishments/domicile/site 67 = Anticipated delivery date 68 = Effective date 69 = Invoice transmission date 81 = Date of shipment as evidenced by the

transport document(s) X10 = Receipt of good (GS1 Code) paymentTermsEvent PaymentTerms

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Segment number: 33 EDIFACT EAN * Description

2009 Terms time relation code C an..3 O * 3 = After reference

2151 Period type code C an..3 O * D = Day M = Month Y = Year timePeriod PaymentTerms

2152 Period count quantity C n..3 O Number of periods of payment value PaymentTerms

Segment Notes: This segment is used to provide payment terms information related to the product. Example:

PAT+22+DD1::91:Discount descritpion+5:3:D: Payment terms type is discount. Discount type is "DD1", 20' code is assigned by the supplier and discount description is

"Discount description". Payment will be made 20 days after the invoice date.

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Segment number: 34

SG17 - C 1000 - PGI-SG27-SG36


SG48 - C 10 - PAT-DTM-PCD

DTM - C 5 - Date/time/period

Function: A segment giving the specific date/time/period, if needed, of any payments, discounts, instalments etc. EDIFACT EAN * Description


2005 Date or time or period function code qualifier

M an..3 M * 13 = Terms net due date

2380 Date or time or period value C an..35 R date PaymentTerms dayOfMonthDue PaymentTerms

2379 Date or time or period format code

C an..3 R * 102 = CCYYMMDD 110 = DD

Segment Notes: This segment is used to specify any dates associated with the payment terms. Example:

DTM+13:20060420:102' Date of payment is 20th April 2006 DTM+13:25:110' Day of month due is the 25th

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Segment number: 35

SG17 - C 1000 - PGI-SG27-SG36


SG48 - C 10 - PAT-DTM-PCD

PCD - C 1 - Percentage details

Function: A segment specifying the discount, interest, penalty as well as instalment percentage. EDIFACT EAN * Description


5245 Percentage type code qualifier M an..3 M * 7 = Percentage of invoice 12 = Discount

5482 Percentage C n..10 R percentOfPaymentDue PaymentTerms discountPercent PaymentTerms

5249 Percentage basis identification code

C an..3 N

1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 N

4405 Status description code C an..3 N

Segment Notes: This segment is used to specify percentages related to the previous PAT segment. Example:

PCD+7:30' Percentage of payment due is 30% PCD+12:3' Discount percentage is 3%

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Segment number: 36

SG17 - C 1000 - PGI-SG27-SG36


SG52 - C 99 - NAD

NAD - M 1 - Name and address

Function: A segment identifying names and addresses of the parties, in coded or clear form, and their functions. It is

recommended that where possible only the coded form of the party identification should be specified. EDIFACT EAN * Description

3035 Party function code qualifier M an..3 M * ACD = Party has access to all non publicly available data (EAN Code)

BOW = Brand Owner (GS1 Code) MF = Manufacturer of goods



3039 Party identifier M an..35 M For identification of parties it is recommended to use GLN - Format n13.

manufacturer ManufacturerOfTradeItem partyReceivingPrivateData PrivateInformation brandOwner BrandOwnerOfTradeItem

1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 R * 9 = EAN (International Article Numbering association)


3124 Name and address description M an..35 N

3124 Name and address description C an..35 N

3124 Name and address description C an..35 N

3124 Name and address description C an..35 N

3124 Name and address description C an..35 N


3036 Party name M an..35 M Party Name in clear text. nameOfManufacturer ManufacturerOfTradeItem nameOfBrandOwner BrandOwnerOfTradeItem

3036 Party name C an..35 N

3036 Party name C an..35 N

3036 Party name C an..35 N

3036 Party name C an..35 N

3045 Party name format code C an..3 N


3042 Street and number or post office box identifier

M an..35 N

3042 Street and number or post office box identifier

C an..35 N

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Segment number: 36 EDIFACT EAN * Description

3042 Street and number or post office box identifier

C an..35 N

3042 Street and number or post office box identifier

C an..35 N

3164 City name C an..35 N



3229 Country sub-entity name code C an..9 N

1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 N

3228 Country sub-entity name C an..70 N

3251 Postal identification code C an..17 N

3207 Country name code C an..3 N

Segment Notes: This segment is used to specify names and addresses relevant to the current product. Example:

NAD+MF+8456789000045:: GLN of manufacturer is 8456789000045, manufacturer 9++MANUFACTURER NAME' name is "MANUFACTURER NAME" NAD+ACD+8456789000062::9' GLN of party receiving private data is 8456789000062 NAD+BOW+8456789000038::9++NAME OF GLN of Brand owner is 8456789000038, name of brand BRAND OWNER' owner is "NAME OF BRAND OWNER"

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Segment number: 37

SG17 - C 1000 - PGI-SG27-SG36


SG55 - C 9 - DGS-FTX

DGS - M 1 - Dangerous goods

Function: A segment providing dangerous goods information for the current product by using relevant dangerous goods

identification. EDIFACT EAN * Description

8273 Dangerous goods regulations code

C an..3 R * ADR = European agreement regarding the total carriage of dangerous goods

CFR = 49 code of federal regulations RID = Rail/road dangerous goods book (RID)



8351 Hazard identification code M an..7 M Classification according ADR/RID rules dangerousGoodsHazardousCode TradeItemHazardousInformat


8078 Additional hazard classification identifier

C an..7 R Additional according ADR/RID rules classOfDangerousGoods TradeItemHazardousInformat


8092 Hazard code version identifier C an..10 N


7124 United Nations Dangerous Goods (UNDG) identifier

C n4 R unitedNationsDangerousGoodsNu TradeItemHazardousInformat mber ion

7088 Dangerous goods flashpoint value

C an..8 N



7106 Shipment flashpoint value C n3 R flashPointTemperature TradeItemHazardousInformat ion

6411 Measurement unit code C an..3 R CEL = degree celsius

8339 Packaging danger level code C an..3 R * 1 = Great danger 2 = Medium danger 3 = Minor danger

TradeItemHazardousInformatio8364 Emergency procedure for

ships identifier C an..6 N

8410 Hazard medical first aid guide identifier

C an..4 N

8126 Transport emergency card identifier

C an..10 N



8158 Orange hazard placard upper part identifier

C an..4 N

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Segment number: 37 EDIFACT EAN * Description

8186 Orange hazard placard lower part identifier

C an4 N



8246 Dangerous goods marking identifier

C an..4 N

8246 Dangerous goods marking identifier

C an..4 N

8246 Dangerous goods marking identifier

C an..4 N

8255 Packing instruction type code C an..3 N

8325 Hazardous means of transport category code

C an..3 N

8211 Hazardous cargo transport authorisation code

C an..3 N

Segment Notes: This segment is used to indicate whether the current line item is dangerous or hazardous. The identification of any relevant regulations concerning dangerous goods is possible in this segment. Example:

DGS+ADR+3B+1178+21:CEL' The dangerous goods are classified according to the ADR class 3B (extremely flammable liquid) with the UN number 1178 and a flashpoint of 21 degrees celsius.

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Segment number: 38

SG17 - C 1000 - PGI-SG27-SG36


SG55 - C 9 - DGS-FTX

FTX - C 9 - Free text Function: A segment with free text information, in clear form, related to dangerous goods. In computer to computer

exchanges such text will normally require the receiver to process this segment manually. EDIFACT EAN * Description

4451 Text subject code qualifier M an..3 M * AAC = Dangerous goods additional information

AAD = Dangerous goods, technical name HAZ = Hazard information

4453 Free text function code C an..3 O * 1 = Text for subsequent use


4441 Free text value code M an..17 N

1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 N


4440 Free text value M an..512 M dangerousGoodsShippingName TradeItemHazardousInformat ion

dangerousGoodsAMarginNumber TradeItemHazardousInformat ion

text TradeItemHazardousInformat ion

4440 Free text value C an..512 N

4440 Free text value C an..512 N

4440 Free text value C an..512 N

4440 Free text value C an..512 N

3453 Language name code C an..3 D ISO 639 two alpha code

4447 Free text format code C an..3 N

Segment Notes: This segment is used to specify any additional free text information required for the dangerous goods. Example:

FTX+AAD+1++Dangerous goods technical Dangerous goods technical name is "Dangerous goods name+EN' technical name", language English FTX+AAC+1++Dangerous goods AMargin Dangerous goods AMargin number is "Dangerous goods number' AMargin number" FTX+HAZ+1++Dangerous Goods Shipping Dangerous goods shipping name is "Dangerous Goods Name+EN' Shipping Name", language English

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Segment number: 39

SG17 - C 1000 - PGI-SG27-SG36


SG56 - C 999 - HYN-PIA-QTY

HYN - M 1 - Hierarchy information

Function: A segment to identify hierarchical connections from the given product to higher or lower levelled products and its

function. EDIFACT EAN * Description

7173 Hierarchy object code qualifier M an..3 M * 2 = Product 7171 Hierarchical structure

relationship code C an..3 R * 2 = Child

This data element is used to indicate whether the itemnumber (DE 7140) specified in this segment is a childproduct of the current line item.

1229 Action request/notification description code

C an..3 N



7140 Item identifier C an..35 R GTIN - this is the number of the article. Format n14. gtin ChildTradeItem

7143 Item type identification code C an..3 R * SRV = EAN.UCC Global Trade Item Number 1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 N

7166 Hierarchical structure parent identifier

C an..35 N

Segment Notes: This segment is used to provide hierarchical product information related to the current line item. Example:

HYN+2+2++5410013111009:SRV' This example indicates that the GTIN 5410013111009 is a child in the product hierarchy to the GTIN 5412345123453 identified in the LIN segment.

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Segment number: 40

SG17 - C 1000 - PGI-SG27-SG36


SG56 - C 999 - HYN-PIA-QTY

PIA - C 99 - Additional product id

Function: A segment providing either additional identification of the product specified in the hierarchy segment or any

substitute product identification. EDIFACT EAN * Description

4347 Product identifier code qualifier M an..3 M * 1 = Additional identification 5 = Product identification



7140 Item identifier C an..35 R additionalTradeItemIdentificationVa ChildTradeItem lue value ChildTradeItem

7143 Item type identification code C an..3 R * IN = Buyer's item number GD = Industry sector article group number/

product classification code (EAN Code) SA = Supplier's article number IB = ISBN (International Standard Book

Number) IS = ISSN (International Standard Serial

Number) X10 = Lottery game number (GS1 Code) X11 = Lottery pack book number (GS1 Code) X12 = NABCA product code (GS1 Code) additionalTradeItemIdentificationTy ChildTradeItem pe type ChildTradeItem

1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 D * 9 = EAN (International Article Numbering association)



7140 Item identifier C an..35 N

7143 Item type identification code C an..3 N

1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 N



7140 Item identifier C an..35 N

7143 Item type identification code C an..3 N

1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency C an..3 N

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Segment number: 40 EDIFACT EAN * Description code



7140 Item identifier C an..35 N

7143 Item type identification code C an..3 N

1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 N



7140 Item identifier C an..35 N

7143 Item type identification code C an..3 N

1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 N

Segment Notes: This segment is used to provide additional information and it is part of the identification of a product. Example:

PIA+1+ADDITIONAL:SA' Additional reference value is "ADDITIONAL", additional reference is assigned by the supplier

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Segment number: 41

SG17 - C 1000 - PGI-SG27-SG36


SG56 - C 999 - HYN-PIA-QTY

QTY - C 9 - Quantity

Function: A segment identifying the child product's quantity contained within the identified parent product. EDIFACT EAN * Description


6063 Quantity type code qualifier M an..3 M * 17E = Number of units in lower packaging or configuration level (EAN Code)

6060 Quantity M an..35 M quantityofNextLowerLevelTradeIte ChildTradeItem m

6411 Measurement unit code C an..3 N

Segment Notes: This segment is used to specify quantity information related to the current hierarchical product. Example:

QTY+17E:456' Quantity of next lower level trade Item is 456 units

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Segment number: 42

UNT - M 1 - Message trailer Function: A service segment ending a message, giving the total number of segments in the message (including the UNH &

UNT) and the control reference number of the message. EDIFACT EAN * Description

0074 Number of segments in the message

M n..6 M The total number of segments in the message is detailed here.

0062 Message reference number M an..14 M The message reference numbered detailed here should equal the one specified in the UNH segment.

Segment Notes: This segment is a mandatory UN/EDIFACT segment. It must always be the last segment in the message. Example:

UNT+141+ME000001' Total number of segments in the message equals 141

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5.5. Mapping GDSN2EANCOM – Core Item Find below the description of each field in the mapping table


BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code gtin

xxx -CatalogueItemReference- CatalogueItemReference

M Integer A particular Global trade item Number, a numerical value used to uniquely identify a trade item. A trade item is any trade item (product or service) upon which there is a need to retrieve pre- defined information and that may be planned, priced, ordered, delivered and or invoiced at any point in any supply chain. (Taken from Item BMS 7.6)

Item identifier. GTIN - A unique number, up to 14- digits, assigned according to the numbering structureof the EAN.UCC system. 'EAN' stands for the 'International Article Numbering Association' and 'UCC' for the 'Uniform Code Council'. xxx LIN+1+5+5412345111115:SRV' GTIN of the trade item: 5412345111115

M n..14 SG36 LIN 7

1082 7143 7140

Seq. number SRV

Definition of the Busines Term detailed in BMS

Example in EANCOM of the Business Term

Definition of the Business Term detailed in EANCOM

Description o f the example in EANCOM

Format of the field in the BMS

Name of the Class in the BMS

Name of the Business Term in the BMS

Name of the Group where the Business Term belongs to

Format of the field in EANCOM

Segment Group, Segment Tag and Segment Number

Codes involved in the definition of the Business Term

Data Elements (DEs) involved. DE containing the Business Term is in bold and underlined

Status: Mandatory(M) or Optional(O)

Status: Mandatory(M) or Optional(O)

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BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code Catalogue Item Notification xxx CatalogueItemNotification

GS1 XML Document: Catalogue Item Notification

PRICAT D01B EANCOM Message Syntax 3 xxx UNH+1+PRICAT:D:01B:EN:GDSN20' PRICAT message for Catalogue Item Notification, GDSN v2.0

M an..14 UNH 1

0065 0052 0054 0051 0057 0062


catalogueItemNotification xxx CatalogueItemNotification

M A message to enable the transmission of information regarding catalogue details for goods and services offered by a seller to a buyer directly or using GDSN.

A message to enable the transmission of information regarding catalogue details for goods and services offered by a seller to a buyer directly or using GDSN. xxx BGM+9+12343+9' Prices/sales catalogue message

M an..3 BGM 2

1001 9

isReload xxx -CatalogueItemNotification- CatalogueItemNotification

M Boolean The Boolean value within the request for notification process (True = currently on the notification list and False = initial Load).

The Boolean value within the request for notification process (True = currently on the notification list and False = initial Load). TRUE -> 3 FALSE -> 1 xxx LIN+1+1+8456789000007:SRV' Initial load in the notification list (Add new item)

M an..3 SG36 LIN 7

1229 1 3

creationDate xxx -Document- CatalogueItemNotification

M DateTime No Definition in BMS Date/time when a document/message is issued. xxx DTM+137:200603091059:203' Creation Date: 9th March 2006 at 10:59

M an..35 DTM 3

2005 2379 2380

137 203 204

documentStatus xxx -Document- CatalogueItemNotification

M String Indicates if the document is a copy or an original.

Code indicating the function of the message. ORIGINAL -> 9 COPY -> 31 xxx BGM+9+12343+9' Document status is Original

M an..3 BGM 2

1225 9 31

contentOwner xxx -EntityIdentification- CatalogueItemNotification

M String No definition in BMS Document/message issuer/sender. Issuer of a document and/or sender of a message. xxx NAD+COW+8456789000007::9' Content Owner identified with GLN 8456789000007

M n13 SG2 NAD 4

3035 3055 3039


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BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code dataRecipient xxx -CatalogueItem- CatalogueItemNotification

O String Party, which is authorized to view, use, download a set of Master Data provided by a Data Source.

Final message recipient. To identify the final recipient of the message. xxx NAD+HP+8456789000014::9' Final Message recipient identified with GLN 8456789000014

O n13 SG2 NAD 4

3035 3055 3039

HP 9

sourceDataPool xxx -CatalogueItem- CatalogueItemNotification

O String A data pool that supports the functionality required by a Data Source such as Data Loading, Publication, Notification, Registration, etc.

A data pool that supports the functionality required by a Data Source such as Data Loading, Publication, Notification, Registration, etc. xxx NAD+X3+8456789000021::9' Source Data Pool identified with GLN 8456789000021

O n13 SG2 NAD 4

3035 3055 3039

X3 9

cancelDate xxx -CatalogueItemState- CatalogueItemNotification

O DateTime Date assigned by data source and stored in the source data pool reflecting the date the catalog item was cancelled. This date will also be stored in the Registry.

Date assigned by data source and stored in the source data pool reflecting the date the catalog item was cancelled. This date will also be stored in the Registry. xxx DTM+X31:200703091059:203' Cancel date: 9th March 2007 at 10:59

O an..35 DTM 3

2005 2379 2380

X31 203 204

discontinueDate xxx -CatalogueItemState- CatalogueItemNotification

O DateTime Date assigned by data source and stored in the source data pool reflecting the date the catalog item was discontinued. This date will also be stored in the Registry.

Date assigned by data source and stored in the source data pool reflecting the date the catalog item was discontinued. This date will also be stored in the Registry. xxx DTM+X32:20070209105930:204' Discontinue date: 9th February 2007 at 10:59:30

O an..35 DTM 3

2005 2379 2380

X32 203 204

state xxx -CatalogueItemState- CatalogueItemNotification

O String The four states are: Registered , Cancelled, In Progress and Discontinued.

The four states are: Registered , Cancelled, In Progress and Discontinued. REGISTERED -> 125 CANCELLED -> 127 IN_PROGRESS -> 124 DISCONTINUED -> 130 xxx ALI+++125' State is registered

O an..3 SG36 ALI 13

4183 124 125 127 130

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BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code uniqueCreatorIdentification xxx -EntityIdentification- CatalogueItemNotificaton

M String No Definition in BMS. Document identifier. Price/sales catalogue message number. xxx BGM+9+12343+9' Message number is 12343

M an..35 BGM 2


allowanceChargeDescriptio n xxx -AllowanceCharge- AllowanceCharge

O an..70 No definition in BMS Special service description. Free form description of a special service. Remarks: Language can not be indicated as part of the description. Only one repetition allowed in EANCOM with one single language agreed. xxx ALC+A++1+1+PC:::PACKING CHARGES' Allowance charge description is PACKING CHARGES

O an..35 (2) SG41 ALC 26


allowanceChargeType xxx -AllowanceCharge- AllowanceCharge

O String No description in BMS Special service description code ALLOWANCE_GLOBAL -> X01 (GS1 Code) CHARGE_GLOBAL -> X02 (GS1 Code) CONSOLIDATED -> X03 (GS1 Code) FLAT_RATE -> FR FREIGHT_COSTS -> FC FREE_GOODS -> FG INSURANCE_CHARGE -> IN LUMP_SUM -> X04 (GS1 Code) MARKUP_FOR_SMALL_VOLUME_PURCHASE S -> X05 (GS1 Code) PACKING_CHARGES -> PC xxx ALC+A++1+1+PC:::PACKING CHARGES' Allowance charge type is Packing charges

O an..3 SG41 ALC 26

7161 X01 X02 X03 FR FC FG IN X04 X05 PC

allowanceOrChargeType xxx -AllowanceCharge- AllowanceCharge

O an..35 No definition in BMS Allowance or charge code qualifier ALLOWANCE -> A CHARGE -> C xxx ALC+A++1+1+PC:::PACKING CHARGES' Allowance or charge type is Allowance

O an..3 SG41 ALC 26

5463 A C

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BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code sequenceNumber xxx -AllowanceCharge- AllowanceCharge

O Integer A unique number used to indicate the order in which the allowances or charges are to be calculated.

Calculation sequence code xxx ALC+A++1+1+PC:::PACKING CHARGES' Sequence number is 1

O an..3 SG41 ALC 26


settlementType xxx -AllowanceCharge- AllowanceCharge

O String No definition in BMS Settlement means code BILL_BACK-> 1 CHARGE_TO_BE_PAID_BY_COSTUMER-> 6 CHARGE_TO_BE_PAID_BY_VENDOR-> 5 CREDIT_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT -> 4 ITEM_ACCRUALS-> X01 (GS1 Code) OFF_INVOICE-> 2 VENDOR_ACCRUALS-> X02 (GS1 Code) VENDOR_CHECK-> 3 xxx ALC+A++1+1+PC:::PACKING CHARGES' Settlement type is Bill back

O an..3 SG41 ALC 26

4471 1 2 3 4 5 6 X01 X02

allowanceOrChargeRatePer Unit xxx -RatePerUnit- AllowanceCharge

O Integer No definition in BMS Unit price basis rate ALLOWANCE -> 1 CHARGE -> 2 xxx RNG+2:0.23' Rate per unit is 0.23

O n..15 SG45 RTE 30

5419 5420

1 2

amountPerUnit xxx -RatePerUnit- AllowanceCharge

O Float No definition in BMS Monetary amount ALLOWANCE_AMOUNT-> 204 CHARGE_AMOUNT-> 23 xxx MOA+23:100:EUR' Charge amount is 100 Euros

O n..35 SG44 MOA 29

5025 6345 5004

23 204 ISO4217

measurementPerUnit xxx -RatePerUnit- AllowanceCharge

O n..15 No definition in BMS Discrete Quantity xxx QTY+1:23:GRM' Measurement per unit is 23 grams

O an..35 SG42 QTY 27

6063 6411 6060

1 UoM

percentagePerUnit xxx -RatePerUnit- AllowanceCharge

O n..5(3+2) No definition in BMS Percentage xxx PCD+3:4' Percentage is 4%

O n..5(3+2) SG43 PCD 28

5245 5482


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BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code brandOwner xxx -BrandOwnerOfTradeItem- BrandOwnerOfTradeItem

O n13 GLN of the Brand Owner of the product

GLN of the Brand Owner of the product. xxx NAD+BOW+8456789000038::9++NAME OF BRAND OWNER' GLN of Brand owner is 8456789000038.

O n13 SG52 NAD 36

3035 3055 3039


nameOfBrandOwner xxx -BrandOwnerOfTradeItem- BrandOwnerOfTradeItem

O an..35 Name of the Brand Owner of the product

Party Name in clear text xxx NAD+BOW+8456789000038::9++NAME OF BRAND OWNER' Name of brand owner is "NAME OF BRAND OWNER"

O an..35 SG52 NAD 36

3035 3039 3055 3036


value xxx -TradeItemPrice- CataloguePrice

O n.. 21(17+4)

The gross price before application of any discounts, allowances, charges, taxes, etcetera. The value represented is the price that the manufacturer expects to receive for the trade item or service from any buyer prior to any relationship specific negotiations (E.g. a public catalogue population). Synonym: List price

The price stated is the gross price excluding all allowances, charges and taxes. Allowances and charges must be stated and used for net calculation purposes. Remarks: Conflict may exist in field-length if more digits are needed for price. xxx PRI+AAB:100:CA:LIU' CUX+2:EUR:8' Catalogue price is 100, currency Euros

O n.. 15(11+4)

SG40 PRI 23

5125 5375 5387 5118


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BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code effectiveEndDate xxx -TradeItemPriceDateInformation- CataloguePrice

O Date The effective end date of the price is optional based upon the agreement by the trading partners. If an invalid end date is communicated, then it is implied that the price and its effective date are effective until further notice. Examples of invalid dates include 99/99/9999, 00/00/0000, blank, etc. These invalid end dates should not be communicated. Various types of dates may be pre-aligned between buyer and seller. For example, based upon a prior agreement between trading partners this date may relate to any of the following events, last order date, last ship date, and last arrival date.

Date/time on which a period (from - to) ends. Remarks: Trading Partner Dependent and Trading Partner Neutral Data xxx DTM+206:20061201:102' End date is 1st March 2006

O an..35 SG40 DTM 25

2005 2379 2380

206 102

effectiveStartDate xxx -TradeItemPriceDateInformation- CataloguePrice

O Date This is the effective start date of the price agreed to by the trading partners. This start date is mandatory and, if no end date is communicated, then implies that the price is effective until further notice. Various types of dates may be pre-aligned between buyer and seller. For example, based upon a prior agreement between trading partners this date may relate to any of the following events, first order date, first ship date, and first arrival date.

Date/time on which a period starts. Remarks: Trading Partner Dependent and Trading Partner Neutral Data xxx DTM+194:20060301:102' Start date is 1st March 2006

O an..35 SG40 DTM 25

2005 2379 2380

194 102

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BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code additionalTradeItemIdentific ationType xxx - AdditionalTradeItemIdentification- ChildTradeItem

O an..35 The values are used to cross- reference the Vendors internal trade item number to the GTIN in a one to one relationship.

Item Type identification code. Coded identification of an item type. BUYER_ASSIGNED -> IN INDUSTRY_ASSIGNED -> GD SUPPLIER_ASSIGNED -> SA xxx PIA+1+ADDITIONAL:SA' Additional reference assigned by supplier

O an..35 SG56 PIA 40

7143 IN GD SA

additionalTradeItemIdentific ationValue xxx - AdditionalTradeItemIdentification- ChildTradeItem

O String This optional code will be used to cross-reference the Vendors internal trade item number to the GTIN in a one to one relationship.

Additional Item Identifier Additional Trade Item Identification -> 1 AlternateTrade Item Identification -> 5 xxx PIA+1+ADDITIONAL:SA' Additional reference value is "ADDITIONAL"

O an..35 SG56 PIA 40

4347 7140

1 5

quantityofNextLowerLevelTr adeItem xxx -ChildTradeItem- ChildTradeItem

O n6 The number of next lower level trade item that this trade item contains.

The number of units contained in lower packaging or configuration level. xxx QTY+17E:456' Quantity of next lower level trade Item is 456 units

O an..35 SG56 QTY 41

6063 6060


quantityOfChildren xxx - NextLowerLevelTradeItemInforma tion- ChildTradeItem

O n..10 Value indicates the number of unique next lower level trade items contained in a complex trade item. A complex trade item can contain at least 2 different GTINs.

Value indicates the number of unique next lower level trade items contained in a complex trade item. A complex trade item can contain at least 2 different GTINs. xxx QTY+X30:5' Quantity of children of trade item is 5 units.

O an..35 SG36 QTY 11

6063 6060


totalQuantityOfNextLowerLe velTradeItem xxx - NextLowerLevelTradeItemInforma tion- ChildTradeItem

O n..6 This represents the Total quantity of next lower level trade items that this trade item contains.

This represents the Total quantity of next lower level trade items that this trade item contains. xxx QTY+45E:12' Total quantity of next lower level trade item is 12 units

O an..35 SG36 QTY 11

6063 6060


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BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code gtin xxx -TradeItemIdentification- ChildTradeItem

O n14 A particular Global trade item Number, a numerical value used to uniquely identify a trade item. A trade item is any trade item (product or service) upon which there is a need to retrieve pre- defined information and that may be planned, priced, ordered, delivered and or invoiced at any point in any supply chain.

A unique number, up to 14-digits, assigned according to the numbering structure of the EAN.UCC system. 'EAN' stands for the 'International Article Numbering Association', and 'UCC' for the 'Uniform Code Council'. xxx HYN+2+2++8456789000014:SRV' Child item GTIN is 8456789000014

O n..14 SG56 HYN 39

7173 7171 7143 7140

2 2 SRV

additionalClassificationAge ncyName xxx -ClassificationCategory- ClassificationCategoryCode

O String Text name of the additional external classification agency whose schema is being provided in addition to the Global EAN. UCC schema. Required if additional classification schema fields are populated

Text name of the additional external classification agency whose schema is being provided in addition to the Global EAN.UCC schema. Required if additional classification schema fields are populated 1 -> XY1 2 -> XY2 3 -> XY3 4 -> XY4 5 -> XY5 6 -> XY6 xxx PIA+1+1000000003:XY5::9' Additional classification agency name is UNSPSC - United Nations Standards Products and Services Codes

O an..3 SG36 PIA 8

3055 7143

9 XY1 XY2 XY3 XY4 XY5 XY6

additionalClassificationCate goryCode xxx -ClassificationCategory- ClassificationCategoryCode

O String Category code based on alternate classification schema chosen in addition to EAN/UCC classification schema.

Category code based on alternate classification schema chosen in addition to EAN/UCC classification schema. xxx PIA+1+1000000003:XY5::9' Additional classification category code is "1000000003"

O an..35 SG36 PIA 8

4347 7143 3055 7140

1 Agen 9

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BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code classificationCategoryCode xxx -GDSNTradeItemClassification- ClassificationCategoryCode

O n10 Global EAN.UCC classification category code. Unique, permanent 10-digit key.

Global EAN.UCC classification category code. Unique, permanent 10-digit key. Code of the Brick according to GPC. xxx PIA+1+10000040:BRI' Brick code is 1000000040 : Oils Edible – Vegetable or Plant (Shelf Stable)

O n10 SG36 PIA 8

4347 7143 3055 7140

1 BRI 9

eANUCCClassificationAttrib uteTypeCode xxx - GDSNTradeItemClassificationAttri bute- ClassificationCategoryCode

O n8 Unique 8 digit code which identifies the Global EAN.UCC classification attribute.

Unique 8 digit code which identifies the Global EAN. UCC classification attribute. xxx PIA+1+20000140:GAT::9+30002903:GAV::9' Attribute code is 200000140: Type of Edible Vegetable or Plant Oil (20000140)

O n8 SG36 PIA 8

4347 7143 3055 7140

1 GAT 9

eANUCCClassificationAttrib uteValueCode xxx - GDSNTradeItemClassificationAttri buteValue- ClassificationCategoryCode

O n8 Unique 8 digit code which identifies the Global EAN.UCC classification attribute value.

Unique 8 digit code which identifies the Global EAN. UCC classification attribute value. xxx PIA+1+20000140:GAT::9+30002903:GAV::9' Attribute value is 30002903: Olive Oil

O n8 SG36 PIA 8

7143 3055 7140


informationProvider xxx -InformationProvider- InformationProviderOfTradeItem

M n13 Unique location number identifying the information owner.

Article information party - The party in a company who is responsible for the pricing or other article information. The PRICAT or PRODAT messages may be requested from or sent by this party xxx NAD+IPD+509910455221::9++Information provider' Information provider identified with GLN 509910455221

M n13 SG27 NAD 6

3035 3055 3039


nameOfInformationProvider xxx -InformationProvider- InformationProviderOfTradeItem

M an..35 Name of the party who owns the data. Name of the information provider on the trade item. Mandatory when informationProvider is provided.

Party Name in clear text xxx NAD+IPD+509910455221::9++Information provider' Information provider name is "Information provider"

M an..35 SG27 NAD 6

3035 3039 3055 3036


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BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code manufacturer xxx -ManufacturerOfTradeItem- ManufacturerOfTradeItem

O n13 GLN (or AlternatePartyIdenfication) identifying the manufacturer of a trade item. May or may not be the brand owner, could be a contract manufacturer. GLN (or AlternatePartyIdentification) identifying manufacturer of a trade item: this is repeatable field.

Manufacturer of goods. Party who manufactures the goods. GLN - Format n13. xxx NAD+MF+8456789000045::9++MANUFACTURER NAME' GLN of manufacturer is 8456789000045

O n13 SG52 NAD 36

3035 3055 3039

MF 9

nameOfManufacturer xxx -ManufacturerOfTradeItem- ManufacturerOfTradeItem

O an..35 Descriptive name of the manufacturer of the trade item.

Manufacturer of goods. Party Name in clear text. xxx NAD+MF+8456789000045::9++MANUFACTURER NAME' Manufacturer name is "MANUFACTURER NAME"

O an..35 SG52 NAD 36

3035 3039 3055 3036


campaignEndDate xxx -MarketingInformation- MarketingInformation

O Date The date suggested by the supplier for the campaign to end. It indicates the end of a marketing campaign.

The date suggested by the supplier for the campaign to end. It indicates the end of a marketing campaign. xxx DTM+X47:20061231:102' Campaign end date is 31st December 2006

O an..35 SG36 DTM 14

2005 2379 2380

X47 102

campaignName xxx -MarketingInformation- MarketingInformation

O an..35 Name of the sales or marketing campaign, for which the textile trade item is intended. Input of user-defined text in order to assign the item to a specific marketing campaign.

Name of the sales or marketing campaign, for which the textile trade item is intended. Input of user- defined text in order to assign the item to a specific marketing campaign. xxx IMD+F+XX5::9+:::CAMPAIGN NAME::EN' Campaign name is "CAMPAIGN NAME", language English

O an..35 SG36 IMD 9

7077 7081 3055 3453 7008

F XX5 9 ISO639

campaignStartDate xxx -MarketingInformation- MarketingInformation

O Date The date suggested by the supplier for the campaign to start. It indicates the beginning of a marketing campaign.

The date suggested by the supplier for the campaign to start. It indicates the beginning of a marketing campaign. xxx DTM+X48:20060731:102' Campaign start date is 31st July 2006

O an..35 SG36 DTM 14

2005 2379 2380

X48 102

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BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code specialItemCode xxx -MarketingInformation- MarketingInformation

O String This element identifies specific items for promotional or special tracking purposes.

This element identifies specific items for promotional or special tracking purposes. COLLATERAL_ITEM -> CIT (GS1 Code) DYNAMIC_ASSORTMENT -> DAS (GS1 Code) GIFT_WITH_PURCHASE -> GWP (GS1 Code) PURCHASE_WITH_PURCHASE -> PWP (GS1 Code) xxx IMD+C++DAS::9' Item is a Dynamic Assortment

O an..3 SG36 IMD 9

7077 3055 7009


tradeItemFeatureBenefit xxx -MarketingInformation- MarketingInformation

O an..35 Element for consumer facing marketing content to describe the key features or benefits of the style suitable for display purposes.

A statement on the quality of an object. xxx FTX+ACL+1++TRADE ITEM FEATURE BENEFIT+EN' Trade item feature benefit is "TRADE ITEM FEATURE BENEFIT", language English

O an..35 SG36 FTX 17

4451 4453 3453 4440

ACL 1 ISO639

tradeItemMarketingMessage xxx -MarketingInformation- MarketingInformation

O an..1000 Marketing message associated to the Trade item.

Information concerning marketing activities. xxx FTX+AGZ+1++TRADE ITEM MARKETING MESSAGE+EN' Trade item marketing message is "TRADE ITEM MARKETING MESSAGE", language English

O an..1000 SG36 FTX 17

4451 4453 3453 4440

AGZ 1 ISO639

materialCode xxx -MaterialComposition- MaterialComposition

O an..35 This element indicates the product material code that gives the composition of the trade item's first main material up to six material short codes that can be given in descending order of their respective percentages.

This element indicates the product material code that gives the composition of the trade item's first main material up to six material short codes that can be given in descending order of their respective percentages. DIN6001 Part4 List xxx CCI+++MATERIAL::9' CAV+:174:CO' CAV+EN:3453:9:Material is cotton in 65%' MEA+SV++P1:65' Material code is Cotton (CO) assigned by DIN Agency.

O an..35 SG37 CAV 19

3055 7110


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Nov-2007, Issue 6 All contents copyright © GS1 2007 Page 100 of 334

BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code materialContent xxx -MaterialComposition- MaterialComposition

O an..35 This element is used to indicate the material composition. This element is used in conjunction with the percentage.

This element is used to indicate the material composition. This element is used in conjunction with the percentage. xxx CCI+++MATERIAL::9' CAV+:174:CO' CAV+EN:3453:9:Material is cotton in 65%' MEA+SV++P1:65' Material description is "Material is cotton in 65%"

O an..35 SG37 CAV 19

7111 1131 3055 7110

ISO639 3453 9

materialPercentage xxx -MaterialComposition- MaterialComposition

O n5(3+2) Net weight percentage of a product material of the first main material. The percentages must add up to 100.

Net weight percentage of a product material of the first main material. The percentages must add up to 100. xxx CCI+++MATERIAL::9' CAV+:174:CO' CAV+EN:3453:9:Material is cotton in 65%' MEA+SV++P1:65' Product contains 65% cotton

O an..18 SG37 MEA 20

6311 6411 6314


materialSafetyDataSheetNu mber xxx -MaterialSafetyData- MaterialSafetyData

O an..20 Manufacturer's identification number for the material safety data sheet for a trade item.

Manufacturer's material safety data sheet number A number that identifies a manufacturer's material safety data sheet. xxx RFF+MSS:MSS12343' Material safety data sheet number is MSS1343

O an..70 SG36 RFF 15

1153 1154


descriptiveSizeDimension xxx -NonPackagedSizeDimension- NonPackageTradeItemDimension

O an..70 The textual representation of the size dimension specified by the size type.

The textual representation of the size dimension specified by the size type. Remarks: DE7037 with code SIZEDIMENSION to be used to indicate Size Dimension in segment CCI. xxx CCI+++SIZEDIMENSION::9' CAV+EN:3453:9:The size type is CUP and size :is 85B' Size dimension as text description is "The size type is CUP and size is 85B", language English.

O an..70 SG37 CAV 19

7111 1131 3055 7110

ISO639 3453 9

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Nov-2007, Issue 6 All contents copyright © GS1 2007 Page 101 of 334

BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code sizeDimension xxx -NonPackagedSizeDimension- NonPackageTradeItemDimension

O Float The numerical size measurement of the size dimension specified by the size type.

Dimensions or magnitude of an object. Remarks: DE7037 with code SIZEDIMENSION to be used to indicate Size Dimension in segment CCI. xxx CCI+++SIZEDIMENSION::9' CAV+CUP:SLE:9' MEA+X6E++INH:35' Size dimension as value and unit of measure is 10 inches. Only if this makes sense and no descriptive size dimension is given in the CAV segment.

O an..18 SG37 MEA 20

6311 6411 6314


sizeSystem xxx -NonPackagedSizeDimension- NonPackageTradeItemDimension

O String This is the system that is being used to define the size. It is used in conjunction with size group to completely de-fine the size dimension.

This is the system that is being used to define the size. It is used in conjunction with size group to completely de-fine the size dimension. AUSTRALIA -> AU CONTINENTAL -> CO EUROPE -> EU JAPAN -> JA MEXICO -> ME UK -> UK US -> US Remarks: DE7037 with code SIZEDIMENSION to be used to indicate Size Dimension in segment CCI. xxx CCI+++SIZEDIMENSION::9' CAV+CUP:SZT:9' CAV+EU:SZY:9' Size system is European

O an..3 SG37 CAV 19

1131 3055 7111


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Nov-2007, Issue 6 All contents copyright © GS1 2007 Page 102 of 334

BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code sizeType xxx -NonPackagedSizeDimension- NonPackageTradeItemDimension

O String The type of size dimension being specified by the size measurement.

The type of size dimension being specified by the size measurement. BACK -> BAC COLLAR -> COL CUP -> CUP INSEAM -> INS LENGTH -> LEN ONE_DIMENSION -> ONE SLEEVE -> SLE WAIST -> WAI WIDTH -> WID Remarks: DE7037 with code SIZEDIMENSION to be used to indicate Size Group in segment CCI. xxx CCI+++SIZEDIMENSION::9' CAV+CUP:SZT:9' CAV+EU:SZY:9' Size type is Cup

O an..3 SG37 CAV 19

1131 3055 7111


sizeGroup xxx - NonPackageTradeItemDimension - NonPackageTradeItemDimension

O String A description of the variable size that is necessary to uniquely specify the size of the item in conjunction with the non- packaged size dimension.

A description of the variable size that is necessary to uniquely specify the size of the item in conjunction with the non-packaged size dimension. BOYS -> BOY GIRLS -> GIR INFANTS -> INF JUNIORS -> JUN MATERNITY -> MAT MENS -> MEN MENTS_TALL -> MET MISSES -> MIS WOMENS -> WOM WOMENS_TALL -> WOT Remarks: DE7037 with code SIZEGROUP to be used to indicate Size Group in segment CCI. xxx CCI+++SIZEGROUP::9' CAV+JUN:SZG:9' Size group is Juniors

O an..3 SG37 CAV 19

1131 3055 7111


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Nov-2007, Issue 6 All contents copyright © GS1 2007 Page 103 of 334

BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code orderingUnitOfMeasure xxx - OrderingAndSellingUnitOfMeasur e- OrderingAndSellingUnitOfMeasure

O String The alternate Unit of Measure of how Trade Items are ordered by the Retailer under one Unit of Measure, but sold under another Unit of Measure.

The alternate Unit of Measure of how Trade Items are ordered by the Retailer under one Unit of Measure, but sold under another Unit of Measure. Remarks: DE7037 with code UOM to be used to indicate Unit of Measure in segment CCI. xxx CCI+++UOM::9' CAV+KGM:OUM:9' CAV+PTN:SUM:9' Order unit of measure is Kilograms.

O an..3 SG37 CAV 19

1131 3055 7111


sellingUnitOfMeasure xxx - OrderingAndSellingUnitOfMeasur e- OrderingAndSellingUnitOfMeasure

O String Describes the measurement used for selling unit of the Trade Item to the end consumer. A Trade Item may have only one Unit of Measure.

Describes the measurement used for selling unit of the Trade Item to the end consumer. A Trade Item may have only one Unit of Measure. Remarks: DE7037 with code UOM to be used to indicate Unit of Measure in segment CCI. xxx CCI+++UOM::9' CAV+KGM:OUM:9' CAV+LTR:SUM:9' Selling unit of measure is Liter

O an..3 SG37 CAV 19

1131 3055 7111


organicClaimAgency xxx - OrganicTradeItemCharacteristics- OrganicTradeItemCharacteristics

O String A governing body that creates and maintain standards related to organic products.

A governing body that creates and maintain standards related to organic products. 1 - EPA - US Environmental Protection Agency ->1 2 - FSA - UK Food Standards Agency -> 2 3 - FDA - US Food and Drug Agency -> 3 4 - International Foundation for Organic Agriculture -> 4 xxx CCI+++ORGANIC::9' CAV+5:OCO:9' CAV+4:OAG:9' Organic claim agency is International Foundation for Organic Agriculture

O an..3 SG37 CAV 19

1131 3055 7111

OAG 9 1 2 3 4

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BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code organicTradeItemCode xxx - OrganicTradeItemCharacteristics- OrganicTradeItemCharacteristics

O String Used to indicate the organic status of a trade item or of one or more of its components.

Used to indicate the organic status of a trade item or of one or more of its components. 01 -100% organic -> 1 (GS1 Code) 02 - Organic -> 2 (GS1 Code) 03 - Made with Organic Ingredients -> 3 (GS1 Code) 04 - Some Organic Ingredients -> 4 (GS1 Code) 05 - Not Organic -> 5 (GS1 Code) 06 - Unknown -> 6 (GS1 Code) xxx CCI+++ORGANIC::9' CAV+5:OCO:9' CAV+4:OAG:9' Organic trade item code is Not organic

O an..3 SG37 CAV 19

1131 3055 7111

OCO 9 1 2 3 4 5 6

isPackagingMarkedReturna ble xxx -PackagingMarking- PackagingMarking

M Boolean Trade item has returnable packaging. This is a yes/no (Boolean) where yes equals package can be returned.

Packaging related description code. TRUE -> 33 FALSE -> X14 xxx PAC++:33' Packaging marked returnable

M an..3 SG47 PAC 31

7233 33 X14

isPackagingMarkedWithIngr edients xxx -PackagingMarking- PackagingMarking

O Boolean trade item packaging contains information pertaining to its ingredients. trade item ingredients are required to be shown on the trade item (normally at base trade item level). This is a yes/no (Boolean) where yes equals marked with ingredients.

Packaging related description code. TRUE -> 54 FALSE -> 1 xxx PAC++:54' Packaging marked with ingredients

O an..3 SG47 PAC 31

7233 1 54

offerOnPack xxx -PackagingMarking- PackagingMarking

O an..70 Contains details of any on pack product offer (consumer or traded).

The text contains information about a promotion. xxx FTX+ADK+1++OFFER ON PACK+EN' Offer on pack is "OFFER ON PACK", language English

O an..70 SG36 FTX 17

4451 4453 3453 4440

ADK 1 ISO639

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BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code packageMarksDietAllergen xxx -PackagingMarking- PackagingMarking

O String Indication of which dietary or allergen marks that are on the package.

Indication of which dietary or allergen marks that are on the package. APPROVED_BY_ASTHMA_AND_ALLERGY_A SSOC -> PMDA1 NYCKELHAL_MARK -> PMDA2 xxx CCI+++PACKMARK::9' CAV+:X11:9:PMDA1' Mark diet allergen is "Approved by asthma and allergy association"

O an..35 SG37 CAV 19

1131 3055 7110


packageMarksEnvironment xxx -PackagingMarking- PackagingMarking

O String Indication of which environmental marks (e.g. recycling schemes) that are on trade item package.

Indication of which environmental marks (e.g. recycling schemes) that are on trade item package. EU_BLOMMA -> PME1 FALKEN -> PME2 GREEN_DOT -> PME3 KRAV_MARK -> PME4 SVANEN -> PME5 xxx CCI+++PACKMARK::9' CAV+:X12:9:PME3' Marked environment is "Green dot"

O an..35 SG37 CAV 19

1131 3055 7110


packageMarksEthical xxx -PackagingMarking- PackagingMarking

O String Indication of which ethical trading marks that are on the package.

Indication of which ethical trading marks that are on the package. FAIR_TRADE_MARK -> PMET1 xxx CCI+++PACKMARK::9' CAV+:X11:9:PMET1' Marks with ethical is "Fair trade mark"

O an..35 SG37 CAV 19

1131 3055 7110

X13 9 PMET1

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Nov-2007, Issue 6 All contents copyright © GS1 2007 Page 106 of 334

BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code packageMarksFreeFrom xxx -PackagingMarking- PackagingMarking

O String Indication of which free-from marks that are on the package.

Indication of which free-from marks that are on the package. FREE_FROM_EGG -> PMFF1 FREE_FROM_GLUTEN -> PMFF2 FREE_FROM_LACTOSE -> PMFF3 FREE_FROM_MILK_PROTEIN -> PMFF4 FREE_FROM_PEANUTS -> PMFF5 FREE_FROM_SOYA -> PMFF6 FREE_FROM_SUGAR -> PMFF7 REDUCED_LACTOSE -> PMFF8 xxx CCI+++PACKMARK::9' CAV+:X14:9:PMFF1' Package mark free form is "Free from egg"

O an..35 SG37 CAV 19

1131 3055 7110


packagingMarkedExpiration DateType xxx -PackagingMarking- PackagingMarking

O String Indicates the type of expiration date marked on the packaging.

Indicates the type of expiration date marked on the packaging. BEST_BEFORE_DATE -> PMED1 EXPIRY_DATE -> PMED2 xxx CCI+++PACKMARK::9' CAV+:X15:9:PMED1' Marked expiration date type is "Best before date"

O an..35 SG37 CAV 19

1131 3055 7110


packagingMarkedRecyclabl eScheme xxx -PackagingMarking- PackagingMarking

O an..70 The recycling scheme a package is under if marked as recyclable.

The recycling scheme a package is under if marked as recyclable. Remarks: DE7037 with code RECYCLE to be used to indicate Recyclable information in segment CCI. xxx CCI+++RECYCLE::9' CAV+Y::9' CAV+:::PACKAGING MARKED RECYCLABLE SCHEME' Packaging marked recyclable scheme is "PACKAGING MARKED RECYCLABLE SCHEME"

O an..70 SG37 CAV 19


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Nov-2007, Issue 6 All contents copyright © GS1 2007 Page 107 of 334

BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code packagingMaterialCode xxx -PackagingMaterial- PackagingMaterial

O an..3 Code source needs to be defined. Currently a European Union table of code lists exists for this requirement. The code list required to identify the packaging material of the trade item. Example: "GL" (glass) "AL" (Aluminium)

Package type description code Use code list in BMS xxx CCI+++PACKMAT::9' CAV+94::9' CAV+EN:3453:9:Packaging Material Description' Packaging material code is 94(Wood)

O an..17 SG37 CAV 19


packagingMaterialCodeList MaintenanceAgency xxx -PackagingMaterial- PackagingMaterial

O an..35 Agency needs to be defined. The agency or agencies controlling the packaging code lists of each country. Mandatory if packaging material code is populated.

Code list responsible agency code xxx CCI+++PACKMAT::9' CAV+94::9' CAV+EN:3453:9:Packaging Material Description' Packaging material code list maintenance agency is GS1

O an..3 SG37 CAV 19

3055 9

packagingMaterialDescripti on xxx -PackagingMaterial- PackagingMaterial

O an..35 The system generated text description equivalent of the packaging material code.

Note contains packaging information. xxx CCI+++PACKMAT::9' CAV+94::9' CAV+EN:3453:9:Packaging Material Description' Packaging Material Description is Packaging Material Description

O an..35 SG37 CAV 19

7111 1131 3055 7110

ISO639 3453 9

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Nov-2007, Issue 6 All contents copyright © GS1 2007 Page 108 of 334

BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code packagingTermsAndConditi on xxx -PackagingMaterial- PackagingMaterial

O an3 Indicates if the packaging given in the described packaging configuration is a rented, exchangeable, against deposit or one way/not reusable.

Packaging terms and conditions code. Code specifying the packaging terms and conditions. Packaging cost paid by supplier: 1 -> 1 Packaging cost paid by recipient: 2-> 2 Packaging cost not charged (returnable):3-> 3 Safe return deposit: 4-> 25 Not reusable: 5-> 26 Package exchangeable at the point of delivery: 6-> 27 Repack in: 7-> 2E Unpack from: 8-> 1E Pack in: 9-> 3E Rented: 10-> 4E Labelled: 11-> LAB xxx PAC++::25' Packaging terms and conditions is Safe return deposit.

O an..3 SG47 PAC 31

7073 1 2 3 4 26 27 1E 2E 3E 4E LAB

packagingTypeCode xxx -PackagingType- PackagingType

O an..3 The code identifying the type of package used as a container of the trade item.

Package Type Description Code xxx PAC+++AE::AEROSOL' Packaging type is Aerosol

O an..17 SG47 PAC 31

7065 AE BME BS ...

packagingTypeDescription xxx -PackagingType- PackagingType

O an..35 System generated text description of the type of packaging used for the trade item. For example, box or carton.

Description of the form in which goods are presented. xxx PAC+++AE::AEROSOL' Packaging description is "AEROSOL"

O an..35 SG47 PAC 31


discountDescription xxx -DiscountPayment- PaymentTerms

O String A text field describing the discount.

A text field describing the discount. Remarks: Language can not be detailed in EANCOM for language. xxx PAT+22+DD1::91:Discount descritpion+5:3:D:20' Discount description is "Discount description"

O an..35 SG48 PAT 33


discountPercent xxx -DiscountPayment- PaymentTerms

O n..5(3+2) No definition in BMS Discount expressed as a percentage. xxx PCD+12:3' Discount percentage is 3%

O n..5(3+2) SG48 PCD 35

5245 5482


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BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code discountType xxx -DiscountPayment- PaymentTerms

O String A field describing the discount. A field describing the discount. xxx PAT+22+DD1::91:Discount descritpion+5:3:D:20' Discount type is "DD1", code is assigned by the supplier

O an..17 SG48 PAT 33

3055 4277

9 91 92

percentOfPaymentDue xxx -InstallmentDue- PaymentTerms

O n..5(3+2) Specifies the exact amount of the payment due this payment period. The amount is ex-pressed as a percent. The per-cent is sent with a decimal point only when needed, e.g., 10.5% is sent as 10.5.

Code specifying the percentage of an invoice to be paid. xxx PCD+7:30' Percentage of payment due is 30%

O n..5(3+2) SG48 PCD 35

5245 5482


paymentTermsEvent xxx -PaymentTerms- PaymentTerms

O String No definition in BMS. Time reference code for payment. ANTICIPATED_DELIVERY_DATE-> 67 DATE_INVOICE_RECEIVED-> 9 DATE_OF_DELIVERY_TO_SITE-> 29 DATE_OF_INVOICE-> 5 DATE_OF_SHIPMENT_AS_EVIDENCED_BY_T RANSPORT_DOCUMENTS->81 EFFECTIVE_DATE-> 68 INVOICE_TRANSMISSION_DATE-> 69 RECEIPT_OF_GOODS-> X10 xxx PAT+22+DD1::91:Discount descritpion+5:3:D:20' Payment terms event is Date of invoice

O an..3 SG48 PAT 33

2475 67 9 29 5 81 68 69 X10

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BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code paymentTermsType xxx -PaymentTerms- PaymentTerms

O String Required to define specific payment terms.

Payment terms type code qualifier BASIC_(NET)-> 1 BASIC_DISCOUNT_OFFERED-> 8 DEFERRED-> 4 DISCOUNT-> 22 DISCOUNT_AFTER_DEDUCTING_FREIGHT-> X10 DISCOUNT_NOT_APPLICABLE-> 5 ELECTIVE-> 11 END_OF_MONTH-> 2 EXTENDED-> 7 FIXED_DATE-> 3 INSTANT-> 10 MIXED-> 6 PAYMENT_BY_INSTALLMENT-> 21 PREVIOUSLY_AGREED_UPON-> 18 PROXIMO-> 9 VALUTA-> X11 xxx PAT+22+DD1::91:Discount descritpion+5:3:D:20' Payment terms type is discount.

O an..3 SG48 PAT 33

4279 1 8 4 22 X10 5 11 2 7 3 10 6 21 18 9 X11

date xxx -PaymentTimePeriod- PaymentTerms

O Date A specific date. Date by which payment must be made. xxx DTM+13:20060420:102' Date of payment is 20th April 2006

O an..35 SG48 DTM 34

2005 2379 2380

13 102

dayOfMonthDue xxx -PaymentTimePeriod- PaymentTerms

O Integer A day of the month. Day's number within is a specific month: D = Day. xxx DTM+13:25:110' Day of month due is the 25th

O an..35 SG48 DTM 34

2005 2379 2380

13 110

timePeriod xxx -TimePeriodDue- PaymentTerms

O String No definition in BMS. Period type code DAYS-> D MONTHS-> M WEEKS-> W xxx PAT+22+DD1::91:Discount descritpion+5:3:D:20' Time period is days

O an..3 SG48 PAT 33

2151 D M W

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BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code value xxx -TimePeriodDue- PaymentTerms

O Integer No definition in BMS. Period count quantity xxx PAT+22+DD1::91:Discount descritpion+5:3:D:20' Value of time period is 20.

O n..3 SG48 PAT 33

2009 2152


priceAmount xxx -RetailPriceOnTradeItem- PriceOnTradeItem

O n.. 21(17+4)

The retail price as marked on the trade item package. This field is dependent on a value of "yes" for field priceOnPackIndicator.

Information price, excluding allowances or charges, including taxes. Currency to be indicated. Remarks: Conflict may exist in field-length if more digits are needed for price. xxx PRI+INF:100:CA:MRP' CUX+2:EUR:8' Retail Price on Trade Item is 100, currency Euros

O n.. 15(11+4)

SG40 PRI 23

5125 5375 5387 5118


partyReceivingPrivateData xxx -PrivateInformation- PrivateInformation

O n13 Unique location number identifying the party who is allowed access to the information by the data owner.

The identified party has access to all non publicly available pricing and non-pricing data associated with the current product. GLN - Format n13. Remarks: Trading Partner Dependent Data xxx NAD+ACD+8456789000062::9' GLN of party receiving private data is 8456789000062

O n13 SG52 NAD 36

3035 3055 3039


additionalTradeItemIdentific ationType xxx - AdditionalTradeItemIdentification- ReplacedTradeItemIdentification

O an..35 The values are used to cross- reference the Vendors internal trade item number to the GTIN in a one to one relationship.

Item Type identification code. Coded identification of an item type. BUYER_ASSIGNED -> IN INDUSTRY_ASSIGNED -> GD SUPPLIER_ASSIGNED -> SA xxx PIA+4+ADDITIONAL1:SA' Additional identification assigned by the Supplier

O an..35 SG36 PIA 8

7143 IN GD SA

additionalTradeItemIdentific ationVCalue xxx - AdditionalTradeItemIdentification- ReplacedTradeItemIdentification

O String This optional code will be used to cross-reference the Vendors internal trade item number to the GTIN in a one to one relationship.

Additional Item Identifier xxx PIA+4+ADDITIONAL2:SA' Replaced trade item additional identification is "ADDITIONAL2"

O an..35 SG36 PIA 8

4347 7140


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Nov-2007, Issue 6 All contents copyright © GS1 2007 Page 112 of 334

BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code gtin xxx -TradeItemIdentification- ReplacedTradeItemIdentification

O n14 A particular Global trade item Number, a numerical value used to uniquely identify a trade item. A trade item is any trade item (product or service) upon which there is a need to retrieve predefined information and that may be planned, priced, ordered, delivered and or invoiced at any point in any supply chain.

Item identifier. GTIN - A unique number, up to 14- digits, assigned according to the numbering structure of the EAN.UCC system. 'EAN' stands for the 'International Article Numbering Association' and 'UCC' for the 'Uniform Code Council'. xxx PIA+4+8456789900000:SRV' Replace trade Item identification is GTIN 8456789900000

O n..14 SG36 PIA 8

4347 7143 7140


seasonalAvailabilityEndDat e xxx -Season- Season

O Date Indicates the end date of the trade item's seasonal availability.

Indicates the end date of the trade item's seasonal availability. xxx DTM+X49:20060801:102' Seasonal availability end date is 1st August 2006

O an..35 SG36 DTM 14

2005 2379 2380

X49 102

seasonalAvailabilityStartDat e xxx -Season- Season

O Date Indicates the start date of the trade item's seasonal availability.

Indicates the start date of the trade item's seasonal availability. xxx DTM+X50:20060501:102' Seasonal availability start date is 1st May 2006

O an..35 SG36 DTM 14

2005 2379 2380

X50 102

seasonCalendarYear xxx -Season- Season

O Year This element indicates the calendar year in which the trade item is seasonally available.

This element indicates the calendar year in which the trade item is seasonally available. xxx DTM+X51:2006:602' Season calendar year is 2006

O an..35 SG36 DTM 14

2005 2379 2380

X51 602

seasonName xxx -Season- Season

O an..35 Element defines the season applicable to the item.

Element defines the season applicable to the item. xxx IMD+F+XX6::9+:::SEASON NAME::EN' Season name is "SEASON NAME", language English

O an..35 SG36 IMD 9

7077 7081 3055 3453 7008

F XX6 9 ISO639

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BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code seasonParameter xxx -Season- Season

O String Indication of the season, in which the trade item is available, i.e. assignment to one of the following collection periods: spring/ summer, autumn/ winter or all year around.

Indication of the season, in which the trade item is available, i.e. assignment to one of the following collection periods: spring/summer, autumn/ winter or all year around. ALL_YEAR -> D (GS1 Code) AUTUMN -> AUT (GS1 Code) SPRING -> SPR (GS1 Code) SUMMER -> SMR (GS1 Code) WINTER -> WNT (GS1 Code) xxx IMD+C+XX7::9+D::9' Season parameter: All the year

O an..3 SG36 IMD 9

7077 7081 3055 7009


securityTagLocation xxx -SecurityTagInformation- SecurityTagInformation

O String This is a code to indicate where the EAS tag is located on the Trade Item. Values include On outside of Trade Item, Concealed inside Trade Item, Integrated Inside Trade Item.

This is a code to indicate where the EAS tag is located on the Trade Item. Values include On outside of Trade Item, Concealed inside Trade Item, Integrated Inside Trade Item. CONCEALED_INSIDE_THE_TRADE_ITEM -> SECLOC1 INTEGRATED_INSIDE_OF_TRADE_ITEM -> SECLOC2 ON_OUTSIDE_OF_TRADE_ITEM -> SECLOC3 xxx CCI+++SECUTAG::9' CAV+:LOC:9:SECLOC2' CAV+:TYP:9:SECTYP2' Tag location is Integrated inside the trade item

O an..35 SG37 CAV 19

1131 3055 7110


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Nov-2007, Issue 6 All contents copyright © GS1 2007 Page 114 of 334

BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code securityTagType xxx -SecurityTagInformation- SecurityTagInformation

O String This is a code to indicate the type of EAS tag located on the Trade Item. Values include Acousto- Magnetic, Electro-Magnetic, Ink or dye, Microwave, Radio Frequency.

This is a code to indicate the type of EAS tag located on the Trade Item. Values include Acousto-Magnetic, Electro-Magnetic, Ink or dye, Microwave, Radio Frequency. ACOUSTO_MAGNETIC_EAS_TAG -> SECTYP1 ELECTRO_MAGNETIC_EAS_TAG-> SECTYP2 RADIO_FREQUENCY_EAS_TAG-> SECTYP3 INK_OR_DYE_EAS_TAG-> SECTYP4 MICROWAVE_EAS_TAG-> SECTYP5 xxx CCI+++SECUTAG::9' CAV+LOC::9:SECLOC3' CAV+TYP::9:SECTYP2' Tag type is Electromagnetic EAS tag

O an..35 SG37 CAV 19

1131 3055 7110


value xxx -TradeItemPrice- SuggestedRetailPrice

O n.. 21(17+4)

The retail (to consumer) price as suggested by the manufacturer. This is normally used to establish a proposed value for the trade item for marketing purposes. May or may not appear on the package. May be used as a guideline by the retailer to establish their actual retail price.

The price is provided for information. Remarks: Conflict may exist in field-length if more digits are needed for price. xxx PRI+AAE:100:CA:SRP' CUX+2:EUR:8' Suggested Retail Price is 100, currency Euros

O n.. 15(11+4)

SG40 PRI 23

5125 5375 5387 5118


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Nov-2007, Issue 6 All contents copyright © GS1 2007 Page 115 of 334

BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code effectiveEndDate xxx -TradeItemPriceDateInformation- SuggestedRetailPrice

O Date The effective end date of the price is optional based upon the agreement by the trading partners. If an invalid end date is communicated, then it is implied that the price and its effective date are effective until further notice. Examples of invalid dates include 99/99/9999, 00/00/0000, blank, etc. These invalid end dates should not be communicated. Various types of dates may be pre-aligned between buyer and seller. For example, based upon a prior agreement between trading partners this date may relate to any of the following events, last order date, last ship date, and last arrival date.

Date/time on which a period (from - to) ends. Remarks: Trading Partner Dependent and Trading Partner Neutral Data xxx DTM+206:20061201:102' End date is 1st December 2006

O an..35 SG40 DTM 25

2005 2379 2380

206 102

effectiveStartDate xxx -TradeItemPriceDateInformation- SuggestedRetailPrice

O Date This is the effective start date of the price agreed to by the trading partners. This start date is mandatory and, if no end date is communicated, then implies that the price is effective until further notice. Various types of dates may be pre-aligned between buyer and seller. For example, based upon a prior agreement between trading partners this date may relate to any of the following events, first order date, first ship date, and first arrival date.

Date/time on which a period starts. Remarks: Trading Partner Dependent and Trading Partner Neutral Data xxx DTM+194:20060301:102' Start date is 1st March 2006

O an..35 SG40 DTM 25

2005 2379 2380

194 102

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Nov-2007, Issue 6 All contents copyright © GS1 2007 Page 116 of 334

BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code targetConsumerAge xxx -TargetConsumer- TargetConsumer

O an..70 Identifies the target consumer age range for which a trade item has been designed.

Identifies the target consumer age range for which a trade item has been designed. xxx IMD+F+XX8::9+:::TARGET CONSUMER AGE::EN' Target consumer age is "TARGET CONSUMER AGE", language English

O an..70 SG36 IMD 9

7077 7081 3055 3453 7008

F XX8 9 ISO639

targetConsumerGender xxx -TargetConsumer- TargetConsumer

O String Identifies the target consumer gender for which a product has been designed.

Identifies the target consumer gender for which a product has been designed. FEMALE -> FEM MALE -> MAL UNISEX -> UNI xxx IMD+F+XX9::9+UNI::9' Target Consumer Gender: Unisex

O an..3 SG36 IMD 9

7077 7081 3055 7009


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Nov-2007, Issue 6 All contents copyright © GS1 2007 Page 117 of 334

BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code targetMarketCountryCode xxx -TargetMarketInformation- TargetMarketInformation

C ISO3166_ 1Code

The Target Market is a geographical region based upon geographical boundaries sanctioned by the United Nations. There is one international system to describe geographical regions, the ISO-3166-code system. The country level or higher geographical definition in which the Information Provider will make the GTIN available to buyers. This does not in any way govern where the buyer may re-sell the GTIN to consumers. This code can be repeated as many times as needed. This code is represented by the 2-character ISO 3166-1 code. It is a mandatory attribute. Additionally, Target Market Subdivision Code indicates country subdivision where the trade item is intended to be sold. This code is represented by the 3-character ISO 3166-2 code.

The Target Market is a geographical region based upon geographical boundaries sanctioned by the United Nations. There is one international system to describe geographical regions, the ISO-3166-code system. The country level or higher geographical definition in which the Information Provider will make the GTIN available to buyers. This does not in any way govern where the buyer may re-sell the GTIN to consumers. This code can be repeated as many times as needed. This code is represented by the 2-character ISO 3166-1 code. It is a mandatory attribute. Additionally, Target Market Subdivision Code indicates country subdivision where the trade item is intended to be sold. This code is represented by the 3-character ISO 3166-2 code. xxx PGI+X10+ES::5' Target Market: Spain

C an..25 SG17 PGI 5

5379 3055 5389

X10 5 ISO3166_ 1

Catalogue Item Synchronisation BMS 9.03 to EANCOM 2002 Mapping - Implementation Guidelines

Nov-2007, Issue 6 All contents copyright © GS1 2007 Page 118 of 334

BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code targetMarketSubdivisionCo de xxx -TargetMarketInformation- TargetMarketInformation

C ISO3166_ 2Code

The Target Market is a geographical region based upon geographical boundaries sanctioned by the United Nations. There is one international system to describe geographical regions, the ISO-3166-code system. The country level or higher geographical definition in which the Information Provider will make the GTIN available to buyers. This does not in any way govern where the buyer may re-sell the GTIN to consumers. This code can be repeated as many times as needed. This code is represented by the 2-character ISO 3166-1 code. It is a mandatory attribute. Additionally, Target Market Subdivision Code indicates country subdivision where the trade item is intended to be sold. This code is represented by the 3-character ISO 3166-2 code.

The Target Market Subdivision Code is the secondary code of the Target Market and must be a subdivision of a Target Market Country Code. The Target Market Subdivision Code describes the "geo-political subdivision of a country" where the trade item is intended for sale, as determined by the Information Provider (e.g. "State" in the US). Target Market Subdivision Codes must be used in conjunction with Target Market Country Codes. The Target Market subdivision code is represented by the three- character ISO 3166-2 code. The country level or higher geographical definition in which the Information Provider will make the GTIN available to buyers. This does not in any way govern where the buyer may re-sell the GTIN to consumers. This code can be repeated as many times as needed. This code is represented by the 2-character ISO 3166-1 code. It is a mandatory attribute. Additionally, Target Market Subdivision Code indicates country subdivision where the trade item is intended to be sold. This code is represented by the 3-character ISO 3166-2 code. xxx PGI+X10+IT-MI::5' Target Market: Country: Italy, Province: Milano

C an..25 SG17 PGI 5

5379 3055 5389

X10 5 ISO3166_ 2

colorCodeListAgency xxx -TradeItemColorDescription- TradeItemColorDescription

O an..35 The parties controlling the color code lists. Dependent on color code value.

Code list responsible agency code 1 -> 83 2 -> PMS 3 4 5 6 -> 92 7 -> 91 xxx IMD+C+35+BLUE10::91' Color code assigned by the supplier

O an..3 SG36 IMD 9

7077 7081 3055

C 35 83 PMS 92 91

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Nov-2007, Issue 6 All contents copyright © GS1 2007 Page 119 of 334

BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code colorCodeValue xxx -TradeItemColorDescription- TradeItemColorDescription

O an..20 The code list required to identify the color of the trade item. No ISO standards exist. Each industry needs to determine which code agency is will use.

Item description code Remarks: Conflict may exist in field-length xxx IMD+C+35+BLUE10::91' Color code is BLUE10

O an..17 SG36 IMD 9

7077 7081 7009

C 35

colorDescription xxx -TradeItemColorDescription- TradeItemColorDescription

O an..70 Free text description of the color of the trade item.

Item description xxx IMD+F+35+:::Color description::EN' Color description is "Color description", language English

O an..70 SG36 IMD 9

7077 7081 3453 7008

F 35 ISO639

couponFamilyCode xxx -TradeItemCoupon- TradeItemCoupon

O n3 A code assigned by the vendor to a single trade item or to families of consumer trade items that can be used by in store scanners in conjunction with a U.P.C. coupon value code for coupon value discount when the proper trade item has been purchased.

A number identifying a coupon which is attached to the identified product. xxx PIA+1+020:AQ' Coupon family code is "020"

O an..35 SG36 PIA 8

4347 7143 7140

1 AQ

canceledDate xxx -TradeItemDateInformation- TradeItemDateInformation

O Date Communicates cancelation of the launch of a trade item that was never and will never be manufactured, but may have been presented to buyers. Allows the reuse of the GTIN 12 months after cancellation.

Cancel if not published by this date xxx DTM+357:20060101:102' Canceled date for trade item is 1st January 2006

O an..35 SG36 DTM 14

2005 2379 2380

357 102

consumerAvailabilityDateTi me xxx -TradeItemDateInformation- TradeItemDateInformation

O DateTime The first date/time that the buyer is allowed to sell the trade item to consumers. Usually related to a specific geography. ISO 8601 date format CCYY-MM-DDTHH: MM:SS.

The earliest date on which the product may be made available for sale. xxx DTM+382:200603311200:203' Consumer availability Date/Time for trade item is 31st March 2006 at 12:00

O an..35 SG36 DTM 14

2005 2379 2380

382 203 204

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Nov-2007, Issue 6 All contents copyright © GS1 2007 Page 120 of 334

BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code discontinuedDate xxx -TradeItemDateInformation- TradeItemDateInformation

O Date Communicate the date on which the trade item is no longer to be manufactured. Allows the reuse of the GTIN after 48 months with the explicit exception of Apparel, being 30 months and the implicit exception for specialty products (e.g., steel beams).

Date of expiry of the validity of a referenced document, price information or any other referenced data element with a limited validity period. xxx DTM+36:20060101:102' Discontinued date for trade item is 1st January 2006

O an..35 SG36 DTM 14

2005 2379 2380

36 102

effectiveDate xxx -TradeItemDateInformation- TradeItemDateInformation

O Date The date on which the information contents of the master data version are valid. Valid = correct or true. This effective date can be used for initial trade item offering, or to mark a change in the information related to an existing trade item. This date would mark when these changes take effect.

Date and/or time at which specified event or document becomes effective. xxx DTM+7:20060315:102' Effective date for trade item is15th March 2006

O an..35 SG36 DTM 14

2005 2379 2380

7 102

endAvailabilityDateTime xxx -TradeItemDateInformation- TradeItemDateInformation

O DateTime The date from which the trade item is no longer available from the information provider, including seasonal or temporary trade item and services.

The end date of availability. Remarks: Trading Partner Dependent and Trading Partner Neutral Data xxx DTM+362:200703091200:203' End availability date/time is 9th March 2007 at 12:00

O an..35 SG36 DTM 14

2005 2379 2380

362 203 204

endDateMaximumBuyingQu antity xxx -TradeItemDateInformation- TradeItemDateInformation

O DateTime The end date for when the maximum buying quantity is no longer available to the trading partner.

The end date for when the maximum buying quantity is no longer available to the trading partner. Remarks: Trading Partner Dependent and Trading Partner Neutral Data xxx DTM+X42:200604301330:102' End date maximum buying quantity is 30th April 2006 at 13:30

O an..35 SG36 DTM 14

2005 2379 2380

X42 203 204

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Nov-2007, Issue 6 All contents copyright © GS1 2007 Page 121 of 334

BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code endDateMinimumBuyingQu antity xxx -TradeItemDateInformation- TradeItemDateInformation

O DateTime The end date for when the minimum buying quantity is no longer available to the trading partner

The end date for when the minimum buying quantity is no longer available to the trading partner. Remarks: Trading Partner Dependent and Trading Partner Neutral Data xxx DTM+X43:200604301330:102' End date minimum buying quantity is 30th April 2006 at 13:30

O an..35 SG36 DTM 14

2005 2379 2380

X43 203 204

endDateTimeOfExclusivity xxx -TradeItemDateInformation- TradeItemDateInformation

O DateTime The Date & Time at which a product is no longer exclusive to that trading partner.

The Date & Time at which a product is no longer exclusive to that trading partner. Remarks: Trading Partner Dependent and Trading Partner Neutral Data xxx DTM+X44:200604301330:102' End date time of exclusivity is 30th April 2006 at 13: 30

O an..35 SG36 DTM 14

2005 2379 2380

X44 203 204

firstOrderDate xxx -TradeItemDateInformation- TradeItemDateInformation

O Date It indicates the earliest date that an order can be placed for the trade item.

The first date on which ordering may take place. Remarks: Trading Partner Dependent and Trading Partner Neutral Data xxx DTM+423:20060315:102' First order date is 15th March 2006

O an..35 SG36 DTM 14

2005 2379 2380

423 102

firstShipDate xxx -TradeItemDateInformation- TradeItemDateInformation

O Date It indicates the earliest date that the trade item can be shipped. This is independent of any specific ship-from location.

It indicates the earliest date that the trade item can be shipped. This is independent of any specific ship- from location. Remarks: Trading Partner Dependent and Trading Partner Neutral Data xxx DTM+X40:20060322:102' First ship date is 22nd March 2006

O an..35 SG36 DTM 14

2005 2379 2380

X40 102

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Nov-2007, Issue 6 All contents copyright © GS1 2007 Page 122 of 334

BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code lastChangeDateTime xxx -TradeItemDateInformation- TradeItemDateInformation

O DateTime A system generated value identifying the date and time a record was last updated. This field allows the data pool to control the trade item data version, and allows the information user to determine if trade item data should be downloaded. Date format CCYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.

A system generated value identifying the date and time a record was last updated. This field allows the data pool to control the trade item data version, and allows the information user to determine if trade item data should be downloaded. xxx DTM+X30:200606091200:203' Last change date/time is 9th June 2006 at 12:00

O an..35 SG36 DTM 14

2005 2379 2380

X30 203 204

lastOrderDate xxx -TradeItemDateInformation- TradeItemDateInformation

O Date It indicates the latest date that an order can be placed for the trade item.

The last date on which ordering may take place. Remarks: Trading Partner Dependent and Trading Partner Neutral Data xxx DTM+424:20060630:102' Last order date is 30th June 2006

O an..35 SG36 DTM 14

2005 2379 2380

424 102

lastShipDate xxx -TradeItemDateInformation- TradeItemDateInformation

O Date It indicates the latest date that the trade item can be shipped. This is independent of any specific ship-from location.

It indicates the latest date that the trade item can be shipped. This is independent of any specific ship- from location. Remarks: Trading Partner Dependent and Trading Partner Neutral Data xxx DTM+X41:20060710:102' Last ship date is 10th July 2006

O an..35 SG36 DTM 14

2005 2379 2380

X41 102

publicationDate xxx -TradeItemDateInformation- TradeItemDateInformation

O Date A date on which all static data associated with the trade item becomes available for viewing and synchronization.

Date when material was first published. Remarks: Trading Partner Dependent and Trading Partner Neutral Data xxx DTM+541:20060309:102' Publication date is 9th March 2006

O an..35 SG36 DTM 14

2005 2379 2380

541 102

startAvailabilityDateTime xxx -TradeItemDateInformation- TradeItemDateInformation

O DateTime The date (CCYY-MM-DDTHH: MM:SS) from which the trade item becomes available from the supplier, including seasonal or temporary trade item and services.

Date/time when received item is available. Remarks: Trading Partner Dependent and Trading Partner Neutral Data xxx DTM+44:200603091200:203' Start availability date/time is 9th March 2006 at 12:00

O an..35 SG36 DTM 14

2005 2379 2380

44 203 204

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Nov-2007, Issue 6 All contents copyright © GS1 2007 Page 123 of 334

BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code startDateMaximumBuyingQ uantity xxx -TradeItemDateInformation- TradeItemDateInformation

O DateTime The start date for when the maximum buying quantity is available to the trading partner.

The start date for when the maximum buying quantity is available to the trading partner. Remarks: Trading Partner Dependent and Trading Partner Neutral Data xxx DTM+X45:200605011500:203' Start date maximum buying quantity is 1st May 2006 at 15:00

O an..35 SG36 DTM 14

2005 2379 2380

X45 203 204

startDateMinimumBuyingQu antityC xxx -TradeItemDateInformation- TradeItemDateInformation

O DateTime The start date for when the minimum buying quantity is available to the trading partner.

The start date for when the minimum buying quantity is available to the trading partner. Remarks: Trading Partner Dependent and Trading Partner Neutral Data xxx DTM+X46:200605011500:203' Start date minimum buying quantity is 1st May 2006 at 15:00

O an..35 SG36 DTM 14

2005 2379 2380

X46 203 204

text xxx -TradeItemDescription- TradeItemDescriptionInformation

M an..143 The concatenated product description of a product or service

A non-structured description of a product. xxx IMD+S+DSC::9+:::NONSTRUCTURED TEXT DESCRIPTION::EN' Text description is "NONSTRUCTURED TEXT DESCRIPTION", language English

M an..143 SG36 IMD 9

7077 7081 3055 3453 7008

S DSC 9 ISO639

brandName xxx -TradeItemDescriptionInformation- TradeItemDescriptionInformation

M an..35 The recognisable name used by a brand owner to uniquely identify a line of trade item or services. This is recognizable by the consumer.

Brand name used by the manufacturer for a product. xxx IMD+F+BRN::9+:::BRAND NAME' Brand name is "BRAND NAME"

M an..35 SG36 IMD 9

7077 7081 3055 7008


functionalName xxx -TradeItemDescriptionInformation- TradeItemDescriptionInformation

M an..35 Describes use of the product or service by the consumer. Should help clarify the product classification associated with the GTIN

Describes use of the product or service by the consumer. Should help clarify the product classification associated with the GTIN. xxx IMD+F+FN::9+:::FUNCTIONAL NAME::EN' Functional Name is "FUNCTIONAL NAME", language English

M an..35 SG36 IMD 9

7077 7081 3055 3453 7008

F FN 9 ISO639

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Nov-2007, Issue 6 All contents copyright © GS1 2007 Page 124 of 334

BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code text xxx -AdditionalTradeItemDescription- TradeItemDescriptionInformation

O an..250 Additional variants necessary to communicate to the industry to help define the product. Multiple variants can be established for each GTIN. This is a repeatable field, e.g. Style, Color, and Fragrance

Additional variants necessary to communicate to the industry to help define the product. Multiple variants can be established for each GTIN. This is a repeatable field, e.g. Style, Color, and Fragrance xxx IMD+F+XY2::9+:::ADDITIONAL TRADE ITEM TEXT DESCRIPTION::EN' Additional trade item description is "ADDITIONAL TRADE ITEM TEXT DESCRIPTION", language English

O an..350 SG36 IMD 9

7077 3055 3055 3453 7008

F XY2 9 ISO639

descriptionShort xxx -TradeItemDescriptionInformation- TradeItemDescriptionInformation

O an..35 Additional variants necessary to communicate to the industry to help define the product. Multiple variants can be established for each GTIN. This is a repeatable field, e.g. Style, Color, and Fragrance.

A non-structured description of a product xxx IMD+E+ANM::9+:::DESCRIPTION SHORT::EN' Short description is "DESCRIPTION SHORT", language English

O an..35 SG36 IMD 9

7077 7081 3055 3453 7008

E ANM 9 ISO639

invoiceName xxx -TradeItemDescriptionInformation- TradeItemDescriptionInformation

O an..35 Free form information provider assigned trade item description designed to match trade item/ service description as noted on invoices.

Free form information provider assigned trade item description designed to match trade item/service description as noted on invoices. xxx IMD+F+IN::9+:::INVOICE NAME::EN' Invoice name is "INVOICE NAME", language English

O an..35 SG36 IMD 9

7077 7081 3055 3453 7008

F IN 9 ISO639

linkToExternalDescription xxx -TradeItemDescriptionInformation- TradeItemDescriptionInformation

O an..70 The link (e.g. URL) to the external description.

The link (e.g. URL) to the external description. xxx IMD+F+XY1::9+:::LINK TO EXTERNAL DESCRIPTION::EN' Link to external description is "LINK TO EXTERNAL DESCRIPTION", language English

O an..70 SG36 IMD 9

7077 7081 3055 3453 7008

F XY1 9 ISO639

productRange xxx -TradeItemDescriptionInformation- TradeItemDescriptionInformation

O an..35 A name, used by a BrandOwner, that span multiple consumer categories or uses. E.g. (Waist Watchers)

A name, used by a BrandOwner, that span multiple consumer categories or uses. E.g. (Waist Watchers). xxx IMD+F+PR::9+::PRODUCT RANGE' Product range is "PRODUCT RANGE"

O an..35 SG36 IMD 9

7077 7081 3055 7008

F PR 9

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Nov-2007, Issue 6 All contents copyright © GS1 2007 Page 125 of 334

BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code subBrand xxx -TradeItemDescriptionInformation- TradeItemDescriptionInformation

O an..35 Second level of brand. Can be a trademark. It is the primary differentiating factor that a brand owner wants to communicate to the consumer or buyer.

Second level of brand. Can be a trademark. It is the primary differentiating factor that a brand owner wants to communicate to the consumer or buyer. xxx IMD+F+SB::9+:::SUBBRAND' Subbrand is "SUBBRAND"

O an..35 SG36 IMD 9

7077 7081 3055 7008

F SB 9

tradeItemFormDescription xxx -TradeItemDescriptionInformation- TradeItemDescriptionInformation

O an..35 The physical form or shape of the product. Used, for example, in pharmaceutical industry to indicate the formulation of the trade item. Defines the form the trade item takes and is distinct from the form of the packaging.

Description of general product form xxx IMF+E+2+:::TRADE ITEM FORM DESCRIPTION' Trade Item Form Description is "TRADE ITEM FORM DESCRIPTION"

O an..35 SG36 IMD 9

7077 7081 7008

E 2

tradeItemGroupIdentificatio nCode xxx -TradeItemDescriptionInformation- TradeItemDescriptionInformation

O String A code assigned by the supplier or manufacturer to logically group trade item independently from the Global trade item Classification.

A code assigned by the supplier or manufacturer to logically group trade item independently from the Global trade item Classification. xxx IMD+B+XY3::9+TG::91:TRADE ITEM GROUP IDENTIFICATION DESCRIPTION::EN' Trade item group identification code is TG and it is assigned by the supplier

O an..17 SG36 IMD 9

7077 7081 3055 7008 3453 7009

B XY3 91 Desc ISO639

tradeItemGroupIdentificatio nDescription xxx -TradeItemDescriptionInformation- TradeItemDescriptionInformation

O String The text description of the value represented by the trade itemGroupIDCode.

The text description of the value represented by the trade itemGroupIDCode. xxx IMD+B+XY3::9+TG::91:TRADE ITEM GROUP IDENTIFICATION DESCRIPTION::EN' Trade item group identification description is "TRADE ITEM GROUP IDENTIFICATION DESCRIPTION", language English

O an..512 SG36 IMD 9

7077 7081 7009 3055 3453 7008

B XY3 Code 91 ISO639

variant xxx -TradeItemDescriptionInformation- TradeItemDescriptionInformation

O an..35 Free text field used to identify the variant of the product. Variants are the distinguishing characteristics that differentiate products with the same brand and size including such things as the particular flavor, fragrance, taste.

Description of further identifying characteristic of a product which enables the product to be distinguished from any similar products xxx IMD+F+44+:::VARIANT::EN' Variant of product is "VARIANT", language English

O an..35 SG36 IMD 9

7077 7081 3453 7008

F 44 ISO639

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Nov-2007, Issue 6 All contents copyright © GS1 2007 Page 126 of 334

BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code tradeItemFinishDescription xxx -TradeItemFinish- TradeItemFinish

O an..35 Additional Attribute which defines the outer surface/appearance of the product.

Description of the finish required/available on the product. xxx IMD+F+4+:::TRADE ITEM FINISH DESCRIPTION:: EN' Trade item finish description is "TRADE ITEM FINISH DESCRIPTION", language English

O an..35 SG36 IMD 9

7077 7081 3453 7008

F 4 ISO639

codeValue xxx -HandlingInstructionCode- TradeItemHandlingInformation

O an..5 Defines the information and processes needed to safely handle the trade item. Handling instructions is composed of both text and a language code. The language for text is specified using the two digit ISO 639-1988 list, for example, English is EN and French is FR.

Handling instruction description code. Code specifying a handling instruction. DE3055 only to be used if the code detailed in DE4079 is an EACOM code. Remarks: In EANCOM, Code list to be used. It makes no sense to detail a language for a code -> change BMS. xxx HAN+DAE::9' Handling instruction is Dangerous article

O an..3 SG36 HAN 12

3055 4079


minimumTradeItemLifespan FromTimeOfArrival xxx -TradeItemHandlingInformation- TradeItemHandlingInformation

O n..4 The period of days, guaranteed by the manufacturer, before the expiration date of the trade item, based on arrival to a mutually agreed to point in the buyers distribution system. Can be repeatable upon use of GLN.

The minimum shelf life remaining at the time of receipt. Remarks: Trading Partner Dependent and Trading Partner Neutral Data xxx DTM+418:3:804' Minimum trade item lifespan from time of arrival is 3 days.

O an..35 SG36 DTM 14

2005 2379 2380

418 804

minimumTradeItemLifespan FromTimeOfProduction xxx -TradeItemHandlingInformation- TradeItemHandlingInformation

O n..4 The period of day, guaranteed by the manufacturer, before the expiration date of the product, based on the production.

The total lifespan of a product at the time of its production. Remarks: Trading Partner Dependent and Trading Partner Neutral Data xxx DTM+381:4:804' Minimum trade item life span from time of production is 4 days

O an..35 SG36 DTM 14

2005 2379 2380

381 804

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Nov-2007, Issue 6 All contents copyright © GS1 2007 Page 127 of 334

BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code stackingFactor xxx -TradeItemHandlingInformation- TradeItemHandlingInformation

O n..6 A factor that determines the maximum stacking for the product. Indicates the number of levels the product may be stacked.

Maximum number of items stackable upon each other, including the bottom item. xxx MEA+SO+X21+PCE:6' Stacking factor is 6 units

O an..18 SG47 MEA 32

6311 6313 6411 6314


stackingWeightMaximum xxx -TradeItemHandlingInformation- TradeItemHandlingInformation

O n..7 The maximum admissible weight that can be stacked on the trade item. This uses a measurement consisting of a unit of measure and a value. This will be used for transport or storage to allow user to know by weight how to stack different trade item one on top of the other.

The maximum weight which may be stacked upon a product or package without the product or packaging being crushed. xxx MEA+SO+AFE+GRM:60000' Stacking weight maximum is 60000 grams

O an..18 SG47 MEA 32

6311 6313 6411 6314


text xxx - DangerousGoodsTechnicalName- TradeItemHazardousInformation

O an..200 Chemical term of the trade item, listed by name and allowed in the substance list of GGVS (Dangerous Goods Ordinance for Roads) or GGVE (Dangerous Goods Ordinance for Rail). This is composed of both text and a language code. The language for text is specified using the two- digit ISO 639 list.

Proper shipping name, supplemented as necessary with the correct technical name, by which a dangerous substance or article may be correctly identified or which is sufficiently informative to permit identification by reference to generally available. xxx FTX+AAD+1++Dangerous goods technical name+EN' Dangerous goods technical name is "Dangerous goods technical name", language English

O an..200 SG55 FTX 38

4451 4453 3453 4440

AAD 1 ISO639

classOfDangerousGoods xxx -HazardousInformationDetail- TradeItemHazardousInformation

O an..4 Dangerous goods classification of the trade item. There are 9 danger classes, some classes are further subdivided into subclasses. "Class" number explains in general terms the nature and properties of the goods and serves to classify them together in terms of their most significant risk.

To identify an additional hazard classification. It must be used jointly with DE8273 to indicate the Dangerous goods regulations code. xxx DGS+ADR+3B:8+1178+21:CEL+2' Class of dangerous good is "Corrosive substances"

O an..7 SG55 DGS 37


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BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code dangerousGoodsAMarginN umber xxx -HazardousInformationDetail- TradeItemHazardousInformation

O an..30 Information, whether for the base trade item or further packaging trade item a dangerous goods a-margin number does exist in the European dangerous goods agreements (and in the respective national dangerous goods legislation), thus facilitations for the transport of defined limited quantity by road or rail are possible or not. If they are possible, they must be indicated, whether they are used by the data supplier.

Additional information concerning dangerous goods. xxx FTX+AAC+1++Dangerous goods AMargin number' Dangerous goods AMargin number is "Dangerous goods AMargin number"

O an..30 SG55 FTX 38

4451 4453 4440


dangerousGoodsHazardous Code xxx -HazardousInformationDetail- TradeItemHazardousInformation

O an..10 Dangerous goods hazard ID number, which must be applied to the vehicle, when transporting this trade item (dangerous good) by road or rail, to inform the police, the fire brigade and others in case of an accident about the kind of danger caused by the cargo.

Code identifying a hazard. It must be used jointly with DE8273 to indicate the Dangerous goods regulations code. Remarks: Conflict may exist in field-length xxx DGS+ADR+3B:8+1178+21:CEL+2' The dangerous goods are classified according to the ADR class 3B (extremely flammable liquid)

O an..7 SG55 DGS 37


dangerousGoodsPackingGr oup xxx -HazardousInformationDetail- TradeItemHazardousInformation

O an..3 Identifies the degree of risk these dangerous goods present during transport according to IATA/ IMDG/ADR/RID regulations.

Code specifying the level of danger for which the packaging must cater. xxx DGS+ADR+3B:8+1178+21:CEL+2' Dangerous goods packing group is "Medium danger"

O an..3 SG55 DGS 37


dangerousGoodsShippingN ame xxx -HazardousInformationDetail- TradeItemHazardousInformation

O an..200 Shipping name of the trade item (dangerous goods). The recognized agencies (see dangerousGoodsRegulationsCod es), in their regulations, provide a list of all acceptable proper shipping names.

Information pertaining to a hazard. xxx FTX+HAZ+1++Dangerous Goods Shipping Name+EN' Dangerous goods shipping name is "Dangerous Goods Shipping Name", language English

O an..200 SG55 FTX 38

4451 4453 3453 4440

HAZ 1 ISO639

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BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code unitedNationsDangerousGo odsNumber xxx -HazardousInformationDetail- TradeItemHazardousInformation

O n4 The four-digit number assigned by the United Nations Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods to classify a substance or a particular groups of substances. Abbreviation: UNDG Number

The unique serial number assigned within the United Nations to substances and articles contained in a list of the dangerous goods most commonly carried. xxx DGS+ADR+3B:8+1178+21:CEL+2' The dangerous goods are classified with the UN number 1178

O n4 SG55 DGS 37


dangerousGoodsRegulation Code xxx -TradeItemHazardousInformation- TradeItemHazardousInformation

O an..3 Code indicating the classification system(s) of dangerous goods and/or the Agency(ies) responsible for it.

Code specifying a dangerous goods regulation. xxx DGS+ADR+3B+1178+21:CEL' The dangerous goods are classified according to the ADR

O an..3 SG55 DGS 37


flashPointTemperature xxx -TradeItemHazardousInformation- TradeItemHazardousInformation

O n3 The lowest temperature at which a substance gives off a sufficient vapor to support combustion. This uses a measurement consisting of a unit of measure and value.

To specify the value of the flashpoint of dangerous goods. xxx DGS+ADR+3B+1178+21:CEL+2' Flashpoint temperature is 21 degrees celsius.

O n3 SG55 DGS 37

6411 7106


quantityOfCompleteLayersC ontainedInATradeItem xxx -TradeItemHierarchy- TradeItemHierarchy

O n6 The number of layers of the base trade item found in a trade item. Does not apply to the base trade item unit.

Number of layers of a product or products within a package, container, pallet, etc. xxx MEA+CT+LAY+EA:20' The quantity of complete layers contained in a trade item is 20 units

O an..18 SG47 MEA 32

6311 6313 6411 6314


quantityOfInnerPack xxx -TradeItemHierarchy- TradeItemHierarchy

O n3 Indicates the number of non- coded physical groupings (innerpacks) of next lower level trade items within the current GTIN level.

Indicates the number of non-coded physical groupings (innerpacks) of next lower level trade items within the current GTIN level. xxx MEA+CT+QIP+EA:123' Quantity of inner pack is 123 units

O an..18 SG36 MEA 10

6311 6313 6411 6314


quantityOfLayersPerPallet xxx -TradeItemHierarchy- TradeItemHierarchy

O n6 The number of layers that a pallet contains. Only used if the pallet has no GTIN. It indicates the number of layers that a pallet contains, according to supplier or retailer preferences.

The number of layers per pallet. xxx MEA+CT+NPL+EA:16' The quantity of layers per pallet is 16 units

O an..18 SG47 MEA 32

6311 6313 6411 6314


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BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code quantityOfNextLevelTradeIt emWithinInnerPack xxx -TradeItemHierarchy- TradeItemHierarchy

O n3 Indicates the number of next lower level trade items contained within the physical non-coded grouping (innerpack)

Indicates the number of next lower level trade items contained within the physical non-coded grouping (innerpack). xxx MEA+CT+QNI+EA:10' Quantity of next level trade item within inner pack is 10 units

O an..18 SG36 MEA 10

6311 6313 6411 6314


quantityOfTradeItemsContai nedInACompleteLayer xxx -TradeItemHierarchy- TradeItemHierarchy

O n6 The number of trade items contained in a complete layer of a higher packaging configuration. Used in hierarchical packaging structure of a trade item. Cannot be used for trade item base unit.

Number of units of a product or package within one layer of a package, container, pallet, etc. xxx MEA+CT+ULY+EA:20' Quantity of trade items contained in a complete layer is 20 units

O an..18 SG47 MEA 32

6311 6313 6411 6314


quantityOfTradeItemsPerPal let xxx -TradeItemHierarchy- TradeItemHierarchy

O n6 The number of trade items contained in a pallet. Only used if the pallet has no GTIN. It indicates the number of trade items placed on a pallet according to supplier or retailer preferences.

An indication of the number of units on a loaded pallet. The value associated with this code is calculated by multiplying the number of units per layer by the number of layers on a pallet. xxx MEA+CT+AAJ+EA:140' Quantity of trade items per pallet is 140 units

O an..18 SG47 MEA 32

6311 6313 6411 6314


quantityOfTradeItemsPerPal letLayer xxx -TradeItemHierarchy- TradeItemHierarchy

O n6 The number of trade items contained on a single layer of a pallet. Only used if the pallet has no GTIN. It indicates the number of trade items placed on a pallet layer according to supplier or retailer preferences.

The number of trade items contained on a single layer of a pallet. Only used if the pallet has no GTIN. It indicates the number of trade items placed on a pallet layer according to supplier or retailer preferences. xxx MEA+CT+UPL+EA:12' Quantity of trade items per pallet layer is 12 units

O an..18 SG47 MEA 32

6311 6313 6411 6314


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BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code gtin xxx -TradeItemIdentification- TradeItemIdentification

M n14 A particular Global trade item Number, a numerical value used to uniquely identify a trade item. A trade item is any trade item (product or service) upon which there is a need to retrieve pre- defined information and that may be planned, priced, ordered, delivered and or invoiced at any point in any supply chain.

Item identifier. GTIN - A unique number, up to 14- digits, assigned according to the numbering structure of the EAN.UCC system. 'EAN' stands for the 'International Article Numbering Association' and 'UCC' for the 'Uniform Code Council'. xxx LIN+1+1+8456789000007:SRV' GTIN of the trade item: 8456789000007

M n..14 SG36 LIN 7

1082 7143 7140


additionalTradeItemIdentific ationType xxx - AdditionalTradeItemIdentification- TradeItemIdentification

O an..35 The values are used to cross- reference the Vendors internal trade item number to the GTIN in a one to one relationship.

Item Type identification code. Coded identification of an item type. BUYER_ASSIGNED -> IN INDUSTRY_ASSIGNED -> GD (GS1 Code) SUPPLIER_ASSIGNED -> SA xxx PIA+1+ADDITIONAL1:SA' Additional identification assigned by the Supplier

O an..35 SG36 PIA 8

7143 IN GD SA

additionalTradeItemIdentific ationValue xxx - AdditionalTradeItemIdentification- TradeItemIdentification

O String This optional code will be used to cross-reference the Vendors internal trade item number to the GTIN in a one to one relationship.

Additional Item Identifier Additional Trade Item Identification -> 1 AlternateTrade Item Identification -> 5 xxx PIA+1+ADDITIONAL1:SA' Additional trade item identification is "ADDITIONAL1"

O an..35 SG36 PIA 8

4347 7140

1 5

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Nov-2007, Issue 6 All contents copyright © GS1 2007 Page 132 of 334

BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code importClassificationType xxx -TradeItemImportIdentification- TradeItemImportIdentification

O String Imports and exports of trade items typically require classification codes to determine appropriate duties and tariffs. Values include Netherlands Import Code, Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System, Customs Tariff and INTRASTAT Code, Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States, INTRASTAT Combined Nomenclature, Tariff Intégré de la Communauté

Imports and exports of trade items typically require classification codes to determine appropriate duties and tariffs. Values include Netherlands Import Code, Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System, Customs Tariff and INTRASTAT Code, Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States, INTRASTAT Combined Nomenclature, Tariff Intégré de la Communauté CUSTOMS_TARIFF_NUMBER -> IMPORT1 HARMONIZED_COMMODITY_DESCRIPTION_ AND_CODING_SYSTEM -> IMPORT2 HARMONIZED_TARIFF_SCHEDULE_OF_THE _US -> IMPORT3 INTRASTAT -> IMPORT4 INTRASTAT_COMBINED_NOMENCLATURE -> IMPORT5 NETHERLANDS -> IMPORT6 TARIF_INTEGRE_DE_LA_COMMUNAUTE -> IMPORT7 xxx CCI+++IMPORT::9' CAV+::9:IMPORT1:CUSTOM TARIFF NUMBER1' Import classification type is "Custom tariff number"

O an..35 SG37 CAV 19

3055 7110


importClassificationValue xxx -TradeItemImportIdentification- TradeItemImportIdentification

O an..70 Imports and exports of trade items typically require classification codes to determine appropriate duties and tariffs. Values include Netherlands Import Code, Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System, Customs Tariff and INTRASTAT Code, Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States, INTRASTAT Combined Nomenclature, Tariff Intégré de la Communauté

Imports and exports of trade items typically require classification codes to determine appropriate duties and tariffs. Values include Netherlands Import Code, Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System, Customs Tariff and INTRASTAT Code, Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States, INTRASTAT Combined Nomenclature, Tariff Intégré de la Communauté xxx CCI+++IMPORT::9' CAV+::9:IMPORT1:CUSTOM TARIFF NUMBER1' Import classification value is "Custom Tariff Number1"

O an..35 SG37 CAV 19

3055 7110 7110


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BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code hasBatchNumber xxx -TradeItemMarking- TradeItemMarking

O Boolean Indication whether the base trade item is batch or lot number requested by law, not batch or lot number requested by law but batch or lot number allocated, or not batch or lot number allocated. A batch or lot number is a manufacturer assigned code used to identify a trade item's trade item on batch or lot. Differs from Serial Number which is a manufacturer assigned code during the trade item on cycle to identify a unique trade item.

A batch number is allocated by the manufacturer to the item. TRUE -> 172 FALSE -> X30 xxx ALI+++172' Trade item has batch number

O an..3 SG36 ALI 13

4183 172 X30

isNonSoldTradeItemReturna ble xxx -TradeItemMarking- TradeItemMarking

O Boolean Indicates that the buyer can return the articles that are not sold. Used, for example with magazines and bread. This is a y/n (Boolean) where y equals right of return. This is at least relevant to General Merchandise, Publishing industries and for some FMCG trade item.

Item concerned may be returned to supplier or otherwise disposed of if it remains unsold after a pre-determined period of time. TRUE -> 109 FLASE -> 157 UNSPECIFIED -> No need to detail this information xxx ALI+++109' Non sold item are returnable.

O an..3 SG36 ALI 13

4183 109 157

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BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code isTradeItemMarkedAsRecyc lable xxx -TradeItemMarking- TradeItemMarking

O Boolean Trade item has a recyclable indication marked on it, This may be a symbol from one of many regional agencies.

Trade item has a recyclable indication marked on it, This may be a symbol from one of many regional agencies. TRUE -> Y FALSE -> N UNSPECIFIED -> No need to detail this information Remarks: DE7037 with code RECYCLE to be used to indicate Recyclable information in segment CCI. xxx CCI+++RECYCLE::9' CAV+Y::9' CAV+:::PACKAGING MARKED RECYCLABLE SCHEME' Trade item is marked as recyclable

O an..3 SG37 CAV 19

3055 7111

9 Y N

materialWeight xxx -TradeItemMaterial- TradeItemMaterial

O Float The measured weight of the material expressed in ounces per square yard or grams per square meter.

The measured weight of the material expressed in ounces per square yard or grams per square meter. Remarks: DE7037 with code MATERIAL to be used to indicate Material in segment CCI. xxx CCI+++MATERIAL::9' CAV+EN:3453:9:13.4 grams per square meter' MEA+SV++GM:13.4' The measured weight is 13.4 grams per square meter

O an..18 SG37 MEA 20

6311 6411 6314

SV GM 37

threadCount xxx -TradeItemMaterial- TradeItemMaterial

O String This element is used to specify the quality of material (fabric) of a trade item.

This element is used to specify the quality of material (fabric) of a trade item. Remarks: DE7037 with code MATERIAL to be used to indicate Material in segment CCI. xxx CCI+++MATERIAL::9' CAV+EN:3453:9:13.4 grams per square meter' MEA+SV++GM:13.4' Thread count is 13.4 grams per square meter

O an..70 SG37 CAV 19

7111 1131 3055 7110

ISO639 3453 9

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BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code depth xxx -TradeItemMeasurements- TradeItemMeasurements

M n..8(5+3) The measurement from front to back of the trade item.

The measured depth. xxx MEA+PD+DP+MMT:80' Depth of trade item including packaging is 80 Millimeters

M an..18 SG47 MEA 32

6311 6313 6411 6314


height xxx -TradeItemMeasurements- TradeItemMeasurements

M n..8(5+3) The measurement of the height of the trade item. The vertical dimension from the lowest extremity to the highest extremity, including packaging. At a pallet level the trade item Height will include the height of the pallet itself.

Numeric value of height. xxx MEA+PD+HT+MMT:80' Height of trade item including packaging is 80 Millimeters

M an..18 SG47 MEA 32

6311 6313 6411 6314


width xxx -TradeItemMeasurements- TradeItemMeasurements

M n..8 The measurement from left to right of the trade item.

Numeric value of width. xxx MEA+PD+WD+MMT:120' Width of trade item including packaging is 120 Millimeters

M an..18 SG47 MEA 32

6311 6313 6411 6314


pegHoleNumber xxx -PegMeasurements- TradeItemMeasurements

O Integer Used to indicate the peg hole numbers when more than one hole is present in the product or packaging. Peg holes should be numbered from the upper left corner of the front of the package to the bottom right corner.

Used to indicate the peg hole numbers when more than one hole is present in the product or packaging. Peg holes should be numbered from the upper left corner of the front of the package to the bottom right corner. xxx MEA+CT+X10+PCE:3' Peg hole of trade item is 3

O an..18 SG36 MEA 10

6313 6313 6411 6314


pegHorizontal xxx -PegMeasurements- TradeItemMeasurements

O n..7 Used to indicate the horizontal distance from the edge of the trade item to the center of the hole into which the peg is inserted when the trade item is displayed on a pegboard.

Horizontal distance from the left most edge of the package to the center of the hole into which the peg is inserted. xxx MEA+AAE+X8E+MMT:500' Peg horizontal of the trade item is 500 Millimetres

O an..18 SG36 MEA 10

6311 6313 6411 6314


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BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code pegVertical xxx -PegMeasurements- TradeItemMeasurements

O n..7 Used to indicate the vertical distance from the edge of the trade item to the center of the hole into which the peg is inserted when the trade item is displayed on a pegboard. The hole into which the peg is inserted when the trade item is displayed on a pegboard. The measurement is always taken from the top edge of the trade item to the hole.

Vertical distance from the top of the package to the top of the hole into which the peg is inserted. xxx MEA+AAE+X9E+MMT:15' Peg vertical of the trade item is 14 Millimeters

O an..18 SG36 MEA 10

6311 6313 6411 6314


diameter xxx -TradeItemMeasurements- TradeItemMeasurements

O n..8(5+3) The measurement of the diameter of the trade item at its largest point.

Diameter of an article. xxx MEA+PD+DI+MMT:80' Diameter of the trade item is 80 Millimeters

O an..18 SG36 MEA 10

6311 6313 6411 6314


drainedWeight xxx -TradeItemMeasurements- TradeItemMeasurements

O n..8(5+3) The weight of the trade item when drained of its liquid.

The weight of a product when all liquids used in the packaging of the product have been removed. xxx MEA+PD+AEI+1234:GRM' Drained weight of the trade item is 1234 Grams

O an..18 SG36 MEA 10

6311 6313 6411 6314


genericIngredient xxx -TradeItemMeasurements- TradeItemMeasurements

O an..35 Used, for pharmaceutical trade item to describe 1 or many generic ingredients within the trade item.

Used, for pharmaceutical trade item to describe 1 or many generic ingredients within the trade item. xxx CCI+++STRENGTH::9:GENERIC INGREDIENT' Generic ingredient is "GENERIC INGREDIENT"

O an..35 SG37 CCI 18

7037 7036


genericIngredientStrength xxx -TradeItemMeasurements- TradeItemMeasurements

O an..35 Used, for pharmaceutical trade item to define the strength of each generic ingredient in a trade item or unit volume of the trade item.

Product measurement basis that contains the product strength. Remarks: Conflict may exist in field-length xxx MOA+AAE+SPV+GRM:1' Generic ingredient strength is 1 gram

O an..18 SG36 MEA 10

6311 6313 6411 6314


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BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code grossWeight xxx -TradeItemMeasurements- TradeItemMeasurements

O n..8(5+3) Used to identify the gross weight of the trade item. The gross weight includes all packaging materials of the trade item. At pallet level the trade itemGrossWeight includes the weight of the pallet itself.

Weight (mass) of goods including packing but excluding the carrier's equipment. xxx MEA+PD+AAB+GRM:1200' Gross weight of trade item with packaging is 1200 Grams

O an..18 SG47 MEA 32

6311 6313 6411 6314


ingredientStrength xxx -TradeItemMeasurements- TradeItemMeasurements

O an..18 Used for pharmaceutical trade item to define the strength of each ingredient in a trade item or unit volume of the trade item.

Product strength expressed as the absolute value of the active ingredient's amount. xxx CCI+++STRENGTH::9:GENERIC INGREDIENT' MEA+AAE+SAA+GRM:100' Ingredient strength is 100 Grams

O an..18 SG37 MEA 20

6311 6313 6411 6314


netContent xxx -TradeItemMeasurements- TradeItemMeasurements

O n..8 The amount of the trade item contained by a package, as claimed on the label.

The usage of this code relates to the contents, e.g. gases or liquids that expand/contract under given circumstances. xxx MEA+PD+CT+LTR:1' Net content is 1 litre

O an..18 SG36 MEA 10

6311 6313 6411 6314


netWeight xxx -TradeItemMeasurements- TradeItemMeasurements

O n..8 Used to identify the net weight of the trade item. Net weight excludes any packaging materials and applies to all levels but consumer unit level.

Weight (mass) of the goods without any packing. xxx MEA+PD+AAA+GRM:1100' Net weight is 1100 grams

O an..18 SG36 MEA 10

6311 6313 6411 6314


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BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code priceComparisonContentTy pe xxx -TradeItemMeasurements- TradeItemMeasurements

O String Code indicating how the value in Price Comparison Measurement is used to calculate the comparative price, which is printed on shelf labels.

Code indicating how the value in Price Comparison Measurement is used to calculate the comparative price, which is printed on shelf labels. DRAINED_WEIGHT -> DE6313=AEI INCLUDING_ADDITIVES -> MILLILITRES_EXCLUDING_DEPOSIT -> PER_DOSE -> DOS PER_KILOGRAM -> KGM PER_LITRE -> LTR PER_LOAD -> PER_METRE -> MTR PER_PIECE -> PCE/EA PER_PINT -> PTI PER_POUND -> PND PER_WASH -> DOS PER_YARD -> YRD READY_TO_DRINK -> ??? READY_TO_EAT -> ??? xxx MEA+ABO++DOS:1' Price comparison content type is 1 dose

O an..3 SG36 MEA 10

6311 6314 6411


priceComparisonMeasurem ent xxx -TradeItemMeasurements- TradeItemMeasurements

O Float Code indicating how the value in Price Comparison Measurement is used to calculate the comparative price, which is printed on shelf labels.

A code to identify measurements for system or shelf edge labelling pricing comparison purposes, e.g. price of a 225 gram of caviar is 200 EUR, price per 100 grams is 89 EUR. xxx MEA+ABO++DOS:1' Price comparison measurement is 200 Grams

O an..18 SG36 MEA 10

6311 6411 6314


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BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code tradeItemCompositionWidth xxx -TradeItemMeasurements- TradeItemMeasurements

O Float The number of child-items that are packaged beside each other in a trade unit (on the side facing the consumer). This information is used in the space process, especially when allocating whole Trade Units (intermediate) into the shelf. The Space Manager always allocates Base Units in the shelf. Usually there are no pictures of Trade Units available and for Hypermarkets/Big Supermarkets there is a need to allocate whole trade units into the shelves.

Number of units of a product or package which make up the width of a layer in a package, container, pallet, etc. xxx MEA+CT+X1E+EA:3'' Trade item composite width is 3 pieces

O an..18 SG36 MEA 10

6311 6313 6411 6314


isNetContentDeclarationIndi cated xxx -TradeItemMeasurements- TradeItemMesurements

O Boolean This field is used to facilitate local business rules where a declaration of a trade item's net content is not on the product label e.g.,UK under 50g.legislation

This field is used to facilitate local business rules where a declaration of a trade item's net content is not on the product label e.g.,UK under 50g. legislation. TRUE -> X38 FALSE -> X39 xxx ALI+++X38' Net content declaration is indicated

O an..3 SG36 ALI 13

4183 X38 X39

agreedMaximumBuyingQua ntity xxx -TradeItemOrderInformation- TradeItemOrderInformation

O n..9 The maximum quantity of the product available to the retailer.

The maximum quantity of the product available to the retailer. Remarks: Trading Partner Dependent Data xxx QTY+X34:5000' Agreed maximum buying quantity is 5000 units

O an..35 SG36 QTY 11

6063 6060


agreedMinimumBuyingQua ntity xxx -TradeItemOrderInformation- TradeItemOrderInformation

O n..9 Minimum buying quantity agreed between trading partners.

Minimum buying quantity agreed between trading partners. Remarks: Trading Partner Dependent Data xxx QTY+X35:500' Agreed minimum buying quantity is 500 units

O an..35 SG36 QTY 11

6063 6060


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BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code firstDeliveryDateTime xxx -TradeItemOrderInformation- TradeItemOrderInformation

O DateTime The earliest date at which the supplier can deliver the product to the trading partner.

First possible date/time for delivery. Remarks: Trading Partner Dependent Data xxx DTM+117:20060403:102' First delivery date time is 3rd April 2006

O an..35 SG36 DTM 14

2005 2380 2380

117 102 203

goodsPickUpLeadTime xxx -TradeItemOrderInformation- TradeItemOrderInformation

O DateTime Time (in weeks, days, hours …) required between order entry and the earliest goods release (use for pick-up, not use for delivery). Remark about ordering lead-time : Geographic distance from manufacturing / distribution point to delivery point impacts this value.

Time (in weeks, days, hours …) required between order entry and the earliest goods release (use for pick-up, not use for delivery). Remark about ordering lead-time : Geographic distance from manufacturing / distribution point to delivery point impacts this value. MONTH -> 802 WEEKS -> 803 DAYS -> 804 HOURS -> 805 Remarks: Trading Partner Dependent Data xxx DTM+X52:5:804' Goods pick-up lead time is 5 days.

O an..35 SG36 DTM 14

2005 2380 2380

X52 802 803 804 805

isTradeItemReorderable xxx -TradeItemOrderInformation- TradeItemOrderInformation

O Boolean This element is an indicator that selected styles or trade items may or may not be reordered. It does not imply any information on current availability.

This element is an indicator that selected styles or trade items may or may not be reordered. It does not imply any information on current availability. TRUE -> X40 FALSE -> X15 Remarks: Trading Partner Dependent Data xxx ALI+++X40' Trade item is reorderable

O an..3 SG36 ALI 13

4183 X15 X40

orderingLeadTime xxx -TradeItemOrderInformation- TradeItemOrderInformation

O n..3 The normal delivery time measured from receipt of order by the seller until trade item is shipped by the seller.

Time required between order entry till earliest goods delivery. MONTH -> 802 WEEKS -> 803 DAYS -> 804 HOURS -> 805 xxx DTM+169:6:804' Ordering lead time is 6 days

O an..35 SG36 DTM 14

2005 2379 2380

169 804

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BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code orderQuantityMaximum xxx -TradeItemOrderInformation- TradeItemOrderInformation

O n..9 The maximum quantity of the trade item that can be ordered. A number or a count. This value can represent the total number of units ordered over a set period of time with multiple orders.

Maximum quantity of goods for an order. Remarks: Trading Partner Dependent Data xxx QTY+54:1500' Order quantity maximum is 1500 units

O an..35 SG36 QTY 11

6063 6060


orderQuantityMinimum xxx -TradeItemOrderInformation- TradeItemOrderInformation

O n..9 Represent an agreed to minimum quantity of the trade item that can be ordered. A number or a count. This applies to each individual order. Can be a fixed amount for all customers in a target market.

Minimum quantity of goods for an order. Remarks: Trading Partner Dependent Data xxx QTY+53:1000' Order quantity minimum is 1000 units

O an..35 SG36 QTY 11

6063 6060


orderQuantityMultiple xxx -TradeItemOrderInformation- TradeItemOrderInformation

O n..9 The order quantity multiples in which the trade item may be ordered. If the Order Quantity Minimum is 100, and the Order Quantity Multiple is 20, then the trade item can only be ordered in quantities which are divisible by the Order Quantity Multiple of 20.

The incremental quantity by which ordering is carried out. xxx QTY+251:100' Order quantity multiple is 100 units

O an..35 SG36 QTY 11

6063 6060


orderSizingFactor xxx -TradeItemOrderInformation- TradeItemOrderInformation

O n..9 A trade item specification other than gross, net weight, or cubic feet for a line trade item or a transaction, used for order sizing and pricing purposes. For example, factors may be used to cube a truck, reflecting different weights, and dimensions of trade item.

A trade item specification other than gross, net weight, or cubic feet for a line trade item or a transaction, used for order sizing and pricing purposes. For example, factors may be used to cube a truck, reflecting different weights, and dimensions of trade item. xxx QTY+X31:100' Order sizing factor is 100

O an..35 SG36 QTY 11

6063 6411 6060

X31 UoM

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BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code palletTermsAndConditions xxx -TradeItemPalletInformation- TradeItemPalletInformation

O an..2 Indicates if the pallet in the prescribed pallet configuration is rented, exchangeable, against deposit or one way (not reusable).

Code specifying the packaging terms and conditions No Exchange / No Return Pallet: 1 -> XX4 (GS1 Code) Exchange Pallets: 2 -> XX1 (GS1 Code) Return Pallets: 3 -> XX2 (GS1 Code) Pallets to be Purchased by Customer: 4 -> 2 Pallet - Third Party Exchange: 5 -> XX3 (GS1 Code) One-way pallet: 6 -> 26 Returnable pallet: 7 -> 3 xxx PAC++::3+201::9:EUROPALLET' Pallet terms and conditions is Returnable palet

O an..17 SG47 PAC 31

7073 2 3 26 XX1 XX2 XX3 XX4

palletTypeCode xxx -TradeItemPalletInformation- TradeItemPalletInformation

O an..3 Indicates whether the described dispatch unit is delivered on a pallet and on which type of pallet, or if it is non-palletized. If the dispatch unit is delivered on a pallet the pallet type must be given here. The range of the pallet types/codes is listed in code sets.

Code specifying the type of package. Pallet ISO 0 - 1/2 EURO Pallet: 10-> 200 Pallet ISO 1 - 1/1 EURO Pallet: 11-> 201 Pallet ISO 2: 12-> 202 1/4 EURO Pallet: 13-> 203 1/8 EURO Pallet: 14-> 204 Synthetic pallet ISO 1: 15-> 205 Synthetic pallet ISO 2: 16-> 206 Wholesaler pallet: 17-> 210 Pallet 80 X 100 cm: 18-> 211 Pallet 60 X 100 cm: 19-> 212 Pallet, modular, collars 80cms * 100cms: 20-> PD Pallet, modular, collars 80cms * 120cms: 21-> PE CHEP Pallet 40 X 60 cm: 22-> CHEP Pallet 80 X 120 cm: 23-> CHEP Pallet 100 X 120 cm: 24-> AS 4068-1993: 25-> Remarks: Material and type of packaging is mixed. Use only Pallet type codes. xxx PAC++::3+201::9' Pallet type code is Pallet ISO 1 - 1/1 EURO Pallet

O an..3 SG47 PAC 31

7065 200 201 202 ...

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BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code descriptiveSize xxx -TradeItemSizeDescription- TradeItemSizeDescription

O an..70 Free text description of the size of the trade item.

Item description xxx IMD+F+98+:::Descriptive size::EN' Descriptive Size is "Descriptive size", language English

O an..70 SG36 IMD 9

7077 7081 3453 7008

F 98 ISO639

sizeCodeListAgency xxx -TradeItemSizeDescription- TradeItemSizeDescription

O an..35 The parties controlling the size code list. Dependent on size code value.

Code list responsible agency code 1 -> 83 2 -> 92 3 -> 91 xxx IMD+C+98+38::91' Size code assigned by the supplier

O an..3 SG36 IMD 9

7077 7081 3055

C 98 83 91 92

sizeCodeValue xxx -TradeItemSizeDescription- TradeItemSizeDescription

O an..20 The value from a industry specific code list required to identify the size of the trade item. Can be a combination of values which fully describe the trade item size (32 waist, 36 inseam)

Item description code Remarks: Conflict may exist in field-length xxx IMD+C+98+38::91' Size value code is 38

O an..17 SG36 IMD 9

7077 7081 7009

C 98

taxAgencyCode xxx -TaxAgency- TradeItemTaxInformation

O an..3 Identifies the agency responsible for the tax code list

Code list responsible agency code. It is mandatory if we do not use and EDIFACT code in DE5153 xxx TAX+7+VAT:::Value Added Tax+++:::16' Code list responsible is EDIFACT since DE3055 is empty

O an..3 SG38 TAX 21

5283 3055


taxTypeCode xxx -TaxAgency- TradeItemTaxInformation

O an..3 Duty or tax or fee type name code Duty or tax or fee type name code xxx TAX+7+VAT:::Value Added Tax+++:::16' Tax type is Value Added Tax (VAT)

O an..3 SG38 TAX 21

5283 5153


taxTypeDescription xxx -TaxAgency- TradeItemTaxInformation

O an..35 Automatically generated text description of tax type code.

Duty or tax or fee type name xxx TAX+7+VAT:::Value Added Tax+++:::16' Description of the tax is "Value Added Tax"

O an..35 SG38 TAX 21


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BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code taxAmount xxx -TradeItemTaxAmount- TradeItemTaxInformation

O n17(13+4) The current tax or duty or fee amount applicable to the trade item.

Tax imposed by government or other official authority related to the weight/volume charge or valuation charge. Remarks: Conflict may exist in field-length if more digits are needed for amount xxx MOA+124:500' Tax amount is 500

O n.. 18(15+3)

SG38 MOA 22

5025 5004


taxRate xxx -TradeItemTaxRate- TradeItemTaxInformation

O n17(3+4) The current tax or duty rate percentage applicable to the trade item.

Duty or tax or fee rate xxx TAX+7+VAT:::Value Added Tax+++:::16' Tax rate is 16%

O an..17 SG38 TAX 21


deliveryToDistributionCente rTemperatureMaximum xxx - TradeItemTemperatureInformatio n- TradeItemTemperatureInformation

O n..3 Permitted maximum temperature of the trade item on transport to the distribution center.

Numeric value of Maximum Temperature to Distribution Center. xxx MEA+AAB+TC+CEL::14:20' Delivery to distribution center temperature maximum is 20 degrees celsius

O an..18 SG36 MEA 10

6311 6313 6411 6152


deliveryToDistributionCente rTemperatureMinimum xxx - TradeItemTemperatureInformatio n- TradeItemTemperatureInformation

O n..3 Permitted minimum temperature of the trade item on transport to the distribution center.

Numeric value of Minimum Temperature to Distribution Center. xxx MEA+AAB+TC+CEL::14:20' Delivery to distribution center temperature minimum is 14 degrees celsius

O an..18 SG36 MEA 10

6311 6313 6411 6162


deliveryToMarketTemperatu reMaximum xxx - TradeItemTemperatureInformatio n- TradeItemTemperatureInformation

O n..3 Permitted maximum temperature of the trade item during delivery to market.

Numeric value of Maximum Temperature to Deliver To Market. xxx MEA+ABB+TC+CEL::14:20' Delivery to market temperature maximum is 20 degrees celsius

O an..18 SG36 MEA 10

6311 6313 6411 6152


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BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code deliveryToMarketTemperatu reMinimum xxx - TradeItemTemperatureInformatio n- TradeItemTemperatureInformation

O n..3 Permitted minimum temperature of the trade item on transport to the market.

Numeric value of Minimum Temperature to Deliver To Market. xxx MEA+ABB+TC+CEL::14:20' Delivery to market temperature minimum is 14 degrees celsius

O an..18 SG36 MEA 10

6311 6313 6411 6162


storageHandlingHumidityMa ximum xxx - TradeItemTemperatureInformatio n- TradeItemTemperatureInformation

O n..3 The maximum humidity in percentages that the goods should be stored in.

The maximum humidity in percentages that the goods should be stored in. xxx MEA+SO+AAO+P1::14:20' Storing handling humidity maximum is 20%

O an..18 SG36 MEA 10

6311 6313 6411 6152


storageHandlingHumidityMi nimum xxx - TradeItemTemperatureInformatio n- TradeItemTemperatureInformation

O n..3 The minimum humidity in percentages that the goods should be stored in.

The minimum humidity in percentages that the goods should be stored in. xxx MEA+SO+AAO+P1::14:20' Storing handling humidity minimum is 14%

O an..18 SG36 MEA 10

6311 6313 6411 6162


storageHandlingTemperatur eMaximum xxx - TradeItemTemperatureInformatio n- TradeItemTemperatureInformation

O n..3 The maximum temperature at which the trade item can be stored. This uses a measurement consisting of a unit of measure and a value.

Numeric value of Maximum Temperature for Storage. xxx MEA+SO+TC+CEL::14:20' Storing handing temperature maximum is 20 degrees celsius

O an..18 SG36 MEA 10

6311 6313 6411 6152


storageHandlingTemperatur eMinimum xxx - TradeItemTemperatureInformatio n- TradeItemTemperatureInformation

O n..3 The maximum temperature at which the trade item can be stored. This uses a measurement consisting of a unit of measure and a value.

Numeric value of Minimum Temperature for Storage. xxx MEA+SO+TC+CEL::14:20' Storing handing temperature minimum is 14 degrees celsius

O an..18 SG36 MEA 10

6311 6313 6411 6162


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BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code tradeItemUnitDescriptor xxx -TradeItem- TradeItemUnitDescriptor

M String Describes the hierarchical level of the trade item. See implementation notes for full definition and rules for each value.

Item description code BASE_UNIT_OR_EACH -> SU (EAN Code) CASE -> CA (GS1 Code) DISPLAY_SHIPPER -> DSP (GS1 Code) MIXED_MODULE -> MM (GS1 Code) MULTIPACK -> MP(GS1 Code) PACK_OR_INNER_PACK -> PIP(GS1 Code) PALLET -> PAL (GS1 Code) PREPACK -> PPK (GS1 Code) PREPACK_ASSORTMENT -> PAS (GS1 Code) SETPACK -> SPK (GS1 Code) xxx IMD+C++SU::9' Coded description: Base unit or each

M an..3 SG36 IMD 9

7077 3055 7009


isTradeItemABaseUnit xxx -TradeItemUnitIndicator- TradeItemUnitIndicator

M Boolean An indicator identifying the trade item as the base unit level of the trade item hierarchy. This is y/n (Boolean) where y indicates the trade item is a base unit.

The lowest level packaged unit for a given product, which may or may not be the consumer unit. TRUE -> BU (GS1 Code) FALSE -> NBU (GS1 Code) xxx IMD+C++BU::9' Trade item is a Base Unit.

M an..17 SG36 IMD 9

7077 3055 7009


isTradeItemAConsumerUnit xxx -TradeItemUnitIndicator- TradeItemUnitIndicator

M Boolean Identifies whether the current hierarchy level of a trade item is intended for a ultimate consumption. For retail, this trade item will be scanned at point of sale. At retail, this data is commonly used to select which GTINs should be used for shelf planning and for front end POS databases. This value reflects the intention of the Information Provider which may not necessarily be the intention of the retailer.

The package size of a product or products agreed by trading partners as the size sold at the retail point of sale. TRUE -> CU (GS1 Code) FALSE -> NCU (GS1 Code) xxx IMD+C++CU::9' Trade Item is a consumer unit.

M an..17 SG36 IMD 9

7077 3055 7009


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BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code isTradeItemADespatchUnit xxx -TradeItemUnitIndicator- TradeItemUnitIndicator

M Boolean An indicator identifying that the information provider considers the trade item as a dispatch (shipping) unit. This may be Trading Partner dependent based on channel of trade or other point to point agreement. This is y/n (Boolean) where y indicates the trade item is a dispatch unit.

The package size of a product or products which may be shipped when fulfilling an order. TRUE -> DU (GS1 Code) FALSE -> NDU (GS1 Code) Remarks: Trading Partner Dependent and Trading Partner Neutral Data xxx IMD+C++NDU::9' Trade Item is not a despatch unit.

M an..17 SG36 IMD 9

7077 3055 7009


isTradeItemAnInvoiceUnit xxx -TradeItemUnitIndicator- TradeItemUnitIndicator

M Boolean An indicator identifying that the information provider will include this trade item on their billing or invoice. This may be Trading Partner dependent based on channel of trade or other point to point agreement. This is y/n (Boolean) where y indicates the trade item is an invoicing unit.

The package size of a product or products which will be used as the unit on which the buyer is invoiced. TRUE -> IN (GS1 Code) FALSE -> NIN (GS1 Code) Remarks: Trading Partner Dependent and Trading Partner Neutral Data xxx IMD+C++NIN::9' Trade Item is not an invoice unit.

M an..17 SG36 IMD 9

7077 3055 7009


isTradeItemAnOrderableUni t xxx -TradeItemUnitIndicator- TradeItemUnitIndicator

M Boolean An indicator identifying that the information provider considers this trade item to be at a hierarchy level where they will accept orders from customers. This may be different from what the information provider identifies as a despatch unit. This may be relationship dependent based on channel of trade or other point to point agreement. This is y/n (Boolean) where y indicates the trade item is an ordering unit.

Indication that the current product is an ordering unit (ordering unit will not normally equal invoicing unit). TRUE -> ORU (GS1 Code) FALSE -> NO (GS1 Code) Remarks: Trading Partner Dependent and Trading Partner Neutral Data xxx IMD+C++NO::9' Trade Item is not an orderable unit.

M an..17 SG36 IMD 9

7077 3055 7009


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BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code isTradeItemAVariableUnit xxx -TradeItemUnitIndicator- TradeItemUnitIndicator

M Boolean Indicates that an article is not a fixed quantity, but that the quantity is variable. Can be weight, length, volume. trade item is used or traded in continuous rather than discrete quantities.

Product is used or traded in continuous rather than discrete quantities. TRUE -> VQ (GS1 Code) FALSE -> NVQ (GS1 Code) xxx IMD+C++NVQ::9' Trade Item is not a variable unit.

M an..17 SG36 IMD 9

7077 3055 7009


priceByMeasureType xxx -TradeItemUnitIndicator- TradeItemUnitIndicator

O String Indicator to show how a product is sold.

Indicator to show how a product is sold. COUNT -> XX1 (GS1 Code) AREA -> XX2 (GS1 Code) WEIGHT -> XX3 (GS1 Code) VOLUME -> XX4 (GS1 Code) LENGTH -> XX5 (GS1 Code) Remarks: Trading Partner Dependent Data xxx IMD+C+XY4::9+XX3::9' Price by measure type: Weight

O an..17 SG36 IMD 9

7077 7081 3055 7009

C XY4 9 XX1 XX2 XX3 XX4 XX5

variableTradeItemType xxx -TradeItemUnitIndicator- TradeItemUnitIndicator

O String Indicator to show if a product is loose or pre-packed.

Indicator to show if a product is loose or pre-packed. LOOSE -> XX6 (GS1 Code) PRE-PACKED -> XX7 (GS1 Code) Remarks: Trading Partner Dependent Data xxx IMD+C+XY5::9+XX6::9' Type of variable measure trade item: loose

O an..17 SG36 IMD 9

7077 7081 3055 7009

C XY5 9 XX6 XX7

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BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code barCodeType xxx - TradingPartnerNeutralTradeItemI nformation- TradingPartnerNeutralTradeItemInform ation

O an..35 The type of bar code or codes, which are visible on a trade item.

Packaging related description code COMPOSITE_COMPONENT_A -> X01 (GS1 Code) COMPOSITE_COMPONENT_B-> X02 (GS1 Code) COMPOSITE_COMPONENT_C-> X03 (GS1 Code) EAN_UCC_8_SYMBOL-> 50 EAN_UCC_13_SYMBOL -> 50 EAN_UCC_14_SYMBOL-> X13 (GS1 Code) ITF_14_SYMBOL-> 51 RSS_14 -> X04 (GS1 Code) RSS_14_STACKED -> X05 (GS1 Code) RSS_14_STACKED_OMNIDIRECTIONAL->X06 (GS1 Code) RSS_14_TRUNCATED-> X07 (GS1 Code) RSS_EXPANDED-> X08 (GS1 Code) RSS_EXPANDED_STACKED-> X09 (GS1 Code) RSS_LIMITED-> X10 (GS1 Code) UPC_A_SYMBOL-> X11 (GS1 Code) UPC_E_SYMBOL-> X12 (GS1 Code) UCC_EAN_128_SYMBOL->52 xxx PAC++:X13' Bar code type is EAN·UCC/14

O an..3 SG47 PAC 31

7233 X01 X02 X03 50 X13 51 X04 X05 X06 X07 X08 X09 X10 X11 X12 52

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BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code classComplianceRegulation Code xxx - TradingPartnerNeutralTradeItemI nformation- TradingPartnerNeutralTradeItemInform ation

O String A code that indicates that a trade item is in compliance with specific applicable government regulations. Different municipalities require this on items shipped-to or sold-in the municipality.

A code that indicates that a trade item is in compliance with specific applicable government regulations. Different municipalities require this on items shipped-to or sold-in the municipality. COMPLIANT_WITH_FAIR_LABOR_STANDAR DS_ACT -> COMP1 COMPLIANT_WITH_FLAMMABILITY_ACT -> COMP2 COMPLIANT_WITH_FUR_PRODUCT_ LABELING_ACT -> COMP3 COMPLIANT_WITH_STATE_ENVIRONMENT_ REQUIREMENTS -> COMP4 COMPLIANT_WITH_TEXTILE_FIBER_PRODU CT_IDENTIFICATIO -> COMP5 COMPLIANT_WITH_WOOL_PRODUCTS_LAB ELING_ACT -> COMP6 VOLATILE_ORGANIC_COMPOUND_COMPLIA NT -> COMP7 Remarks: DE7037 with code COMPLIANT to be used to indicate Class Compliance Code in segment CCI. xxx CCI+++COMPLIANT::9' CAV+:::COMP1' Class compliance regulation code is Compliant with fair labor standards.

O an..35 SG37 CAV 19


tradeItemCountryOfAssemb ly xxx - TradingPartnerNeutralTradeItemI nformation- TradingPartnerNeutralTradeItemInform ation

O ISO3166_ 1

Country where product is assembled. Uses ISO country codes.

Country where product is assembled. Uses ISO country codes. ISO3166 xxx LOC+X11+ES::5' The country of assembly is Spain

O ISO3166 SG36 LOC 16

3227 3055 3225

X11 5

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BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code tradeItemCountryOfOrigin xxx - TradingPartnerNeutralTradeItemI nformation- TradingPartnerNeutralTradeItemInform ation

O n..3 The country code (codes) in which the goods have been produced or manufactured, according to criteria established for the purposes of application of the value may or may not be presented on the trade item label.

Country of origin name code xxx ALI+ES' Trade Item country of origin is Spain

O an..3 SG36 ALI 13


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5.6. EANCOM Example The example is detailed as additional information and to facilitate the implementation of the Guidelines. Examples are exactly the sames that those described in the mapping but all the elements in the example below are sorted by segment and within each segment by data element.

Element Example EANCOM M/O Format Seg DE Code dataSource -CatalogueItemReference- CatalogueItemReference

NAD+TF+8456789000021::9' Data Source identified with GLN 8456789000021

M n13 SG2 NAD 5

3035 3055 3039

TF 9

Name of the Class in the BMS

Name of the Group where the Business Term

belongs to

Status: Mandatory(M) or Optional(O)

Example in EANCOM of the Busines Term

Description o f the example in EANCOM

Format of the field in EANCOM

Segment Group, Segment Tag and Segment Number

Data Elements(DEs) involved. DE containing the Business Term

is in bold and underlined

Codes involved in the definition of the Business


Name of the Business Term in

the BMS

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Element Example EANCOM M/O Format Seg DE Code

Catalogue Item Notification CatalogueItemNotification

UNH+1+PRICAT:D:01B:EN:GDSN20' PRICAT message for Catalogue Item Notification, GDSN v2.0

M an..14 UNH 1

0065 0052 0054 0051 0057 0062


catalogueItemNotification CatalogueItemNotification

BGM+9+12343+9' Prices/sales catalogue message

M an..3 BGM 2

1001 9

uniqueCreatorIdentification -EntityIdentification- CatalogueItemNotificaton

BGM+9+12343+9' Message number is 12343

M an..35 BGM 2


documentStatus -Document- CatalogueItemNotification

BGM+9+12343+9' Document status is Original

M an..3 BGM 2

1225 9 31

creationDate -Document- CatalogueItemNotification

DTM+137:200603091059:203' Creation Date: 9th March 2006 at 10:59

M an..35 DTM 3

2005 2379 2380

137 203 204

cancelDate -CatalogueItemState- CatalogueItemNotification

DTM+X31:200703091059:203' Cancel date: 9th March 2007 at 10:59

O an..35 DTM 3

2005 2379 2380

X31 203 204

discontinueDate -CatalogueItemState- CatalogueItemNotification

DTM+X32:20070209105930:204' Discontinue date: 9th February 2007 at 10:59:30

O an..35 DTM 3

2005 2379 2380

X32 203 204

contentOwner -EntityIdentification- CatalogueItemNotification

NAD+COW+8456789000007::9' Content Owner identified with GLN 8456789000007

M n13 SG2 NAD 4

3035 3055 3039


dataRecipient -CatalogueItem- CatalogueItemNotification

NAD+HP+8456789000014::9' Final Message recipient identified with GLN 8456789000014

O n13 SG2 NAD 4

3035 3055 3039

HP 9

sourceDataPool -CatalogueItem- CatalogueItemNotification

NAD+X3+8456789000021::9' Source Data Pool identified with GLN 8456789000021

O n13 SG2 NAD 4

3035 3055 3039

X3 9

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Element Example EANCOM M/O Format Seg DE Code

targetMarketCountryCode -TargetMarketInformation- TargetMarketInformation

PGI+X10+ES::5' Target Market: Spain

C an..25 SG17 PGI 5

5379 3055 5389

X10 5 ISO3166_1

targetMarketSubdivisionCode -TargetMarketInformation- TargetMarketInformation

PGI+X10+IT-MI::5' Target Market: Country: Italy, Province: Milano

C an..25 SG17 PGI 5

5379 3055 5389

X10 5 ISO3166_2

informationProvider -InformationProvider- InformationProviderOfTradeItem

NAD+IPD+509910455221::9++Information provider' Information provider identified with GLN 509910455221

M n13 SG27 NAD 6

3035 3055 3039


nameOfInformationProvider -InformationProvider- InformationProviderOfTradeItem

NAD+IPD+509910455221::9++Information provider' Information provider name is "Information provider"

M an..35 SG27 NAD 6

3035 3039 3055 3036


isReload -CatalogueItemNotification- CatalogueItemNotification

LIN+1+1+8456789000007:SRV' Initial load in the notification list (Add new item)

M an..3 SG36 LIN 7

1229 1 3

gtin -TradeItemIdentification- TradeItemIdentification

LIN+1+1+8456789000007:SRV' GTIN of the trade item: 8456789000007

M n..14 SG36 LIN 7

1082 7143 7140


additionalTradeItemIdentificationValue -AdditionalTradeItemIdentification- TradeItemIdentification

PIA+1+ADDITIONAL1:SA' Additional trade item identification is "ADDITIONAL1"

O an..35 SG36 PIA 8

4347 7140

1 5

gtin -TradeItemIdentification- ReplacedTradeItemIdentification

PIA+4+8456789900000:SRV' Replace trade Item identification is GTIN 8456789900000

O n..14 SG36 PIA 8

4347 7143 7140


additionalTradeItemIdentificationVCalue -AdditionalTradeItemIdentification- ReplacedTradeItemIdentification

PIA+4+ADDITIONAL2:SA' Replaced trade item additional identification is "ADDITIONAL2"

O an..35 SG36 PIA 8

4347 7140


couponFamilyCode -TradeItemCoupon- TradeItemCoupon

PIA+1+020:AQ' Coupon family code is "020"

O an..35 SG36 PIA 8

4347 7143 7140

1 AQ

classificationCategoryCode -GDSNTradeItemClassification- ClassificationCategoryCode

PIA+1+10000040:BRI' Brick code is 1000000040 : Oils Edible – Vegetable or Plant (Shelf Stable)

O n10 SG36 PIA 8

4347 7143 3055 7140

1 BRI 9

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Element Example EANCOM M/O Format Seg DE Code

eANUCCClassificationAttributeTypeCode -GDSNTradeItemClassificationAttribute- ClassificationCategoryCode

PIA+1+20000140:GAT::9+30002903:GAV::9' Attribute code is 200000140: Type of Edible Vegetable or Plant Oil (20000140)

O n8 SG36 PIA 8

4347 7143 3055 7140

1 GAT 9

additionalClassificationCategoryCode -ClassificationCategory- ClassificationCategoryCode

PIA+1+1000000003:XY5::9' Additional classification category code is "1000000003"

O an..35 SG36 PIA 8

4347 7143 3055 7140

1 Agen 9

additionalTradeItemIdentificationType -AdditionalTradeItemIdentification- TradeItemIdentification

PIA+1+ADDITIONAL1:SA' Additional identification assigned by the Supplier

O an..35 SG36 PIA 8

7143 IN GD SA

additionalTradeItemIdentificationType -AdditionalTradeItemIdentification- ReplacedTradeItemIdentification

PIA+4+ADDITIONAL1:SA' Additional identification assigned by the Supplier

O an..35 SG36 PIA 8

7143 IN GD SA

additionalClassificationAgencyName -ClassificationCategory- ClassificationCategoryCode

PIA+1+1000000003:XY5::9' Additional classification agency name is UNSPSC - United Nations Standards Products and Services Codes

O an..3 SG36 PIA 8

3055 7143

9 XY1 XY2 XY3 XY4 XY5 XY6

eANUCCClassificationAttributeValueCode -GDSNTradeItemClassificationAttributeValue- ClassificationCategoryCode

PIA+1+20000140:GAT::9+30002903:GAV::9' Attribute value is 30002903: Olive Oil

O n8 SG36 PIA 8

7143 3055 7140


tradeItemUnitDescriptor -TradeItem- TradeItemUnitDescriptor

IMD+C++SU::9' Coded description: Base unit or each

M an..3 SG36 IMD 9

7077 3055 7009


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Element Example EANCOM M/O Format Seg DE Code

colorCodeValue -TradeItemColorDescription- TradeItemColorDescription

IMD+C+35+BLUE10::91' Color code is BLUE10

O an..17 SG36 IMD 9

7077 7081 7009

C 35

sizeCodeValue -TradeItemSizeDescription- TradeItemSizeDescription

IMD+C+98+38::91' Size value code is 38

O an..17 SG36 IMD 9

7077 7081 7009

C 98

isTradeItemABaseUnit -TradeItemUnitIndicator- TradeItemUnitIndicator

IMD+C++BU::9' Trade item is a Base Unit.

M an..17 SG36 IMD 9

7077 3055 7009


isTradeItemAConsumerUnit -TradeItemUnitIndicator- TradeItemUnitIndicator

IMD+C++CU::9' Trade Item is a consumer unit.

M an..17 SG36 IMD 9

7077 3055 7009


isTradeItemADespatchUnit -TradeItemUnitIndicator- TradeItemUnitIndicator

IMD+C++NDU::9' Trade Item is not a despatch unit.

M an..17 SG36 IMD 9

7077 3055 7009


isTradeItemAnInvoiceUnit -TradeItemUnitIndicator- TradeItemUnitIndicator

IMD+C++NIN::9' Trade Item is not an invoice unit.

M an..17 SG36 IMD 9

7077 3055 7009


isTradeItemAnOrderableUnit -TradeItemUnitIndicator- TradeItemUnitIndicator

IMD+C++NO::9' Trade Item is not an orderable unit.

M an..17 SG36 IMD 9

7077 3055 7009


isTradeItemAVariableUnit -TradeItemUnitIndicator- TradeItemUnitIndicator

IMD+C++NVQ::9' Trade Item is not a variable unit.

M an..17 SG36 IMD 9

7077 3055 7009


specialItemCode -MarketingInformation- MarketingInformation

IMD+C++DAS::9' Item is a Dynamic Assortment

O an..3 SG36 IMD 9

7077 3055 7009


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Element Example EANCOM M/O Format Seg DE Code

seasonParameter -Season- Season

IMD+C+XX7::9+D::9' Season parameter: All the year

O an..3 SG36 IMD 9

7077 7081 3055 7009


targetConsumerGender -TargetConsumer- TargetConsumer

IMD+F+XX9::9+UNI::9' Target Consumer Gender: Unisex

O an..3 SG36 IMD 9

7077 7081 3055 7009


tradeItemGroupIdentificationCode -TradeItemDescriptionInformation- TradeItemDescriptionInformation

IMD+B+XY3::9+TG::91:TRADE ITEM GROUP IDENTIFICATION DESCRIPTION::EN' Trade item group identification code is TG and it is assigned by the supplier

O an..17 SG36 IMD 9

7077 7081 3055 7008 3453 7009

B XY3 91 Desc ISO639

priceByMeasureType -TradeItemUnitIndicator- TradeItemUnitIndicator

IMD+C+XY4::9+XX3::9' Price by measure type: Weight

O an..17 SG36 IMD 9

7077 7081 3055 7009

C XY4 9 XX1 XX2 XX3 XX4 XX5

variableTradeItemType -TradeItemUnitIndicator- TradeItemUnitIndicator

IMD+C+XY5::9+XX6::9' Type of variable measure trade item: loose

O an..17 SG36 IMD 9

7077 7081 3055 7009

C XY5 9 XX6 XX7

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Element Example EANCOM M/O Format Seg DE Code

colorCodeListAgency -TradeItemColorDescription- TradeItemColorDescription

IMD+C+35+BLUE10::91' Color code assigned by the supplier

O an..3 SG36 IMD 9

7077 7081 3055

C 35 83 PMS 92 91

sizeCodeListAgency -TradeItemSizeDescription- TradeItemSizeDescription

IMD+C+98+38::91' Size code assigned by the supplier

O an..3 SG36 IMD 9

7077 7081 3055

C 98 83 91 92

colorDescription -TradeItemColorDescription- TradeItemColorDescription

IMD+F+35+:::Color description::EN' Color description is "Color description", language English

O an..70 SG36 IMD 9

7077 7081 3453 7008

F 35 ISO639

descriptiveSize -TradeItemSizeDescription- TradeItemSizeDescription

IMD+F+98+:::Descriptive size::EN' Descriptive Size is "Descriptive size", language English

O an..70 SG36 IMD 9

7077 7081 3453 7008

F 98 ISO639

brandName -TradeItemDescriptionInformation- TradeItemDescriptionInformation

IMD+F+BRN::9+:::BRAND NAME' Brand name is "BRAND NAME"

M an..35 SG36 IMD 9

7077 7081 3055 7008


functionalName -TradeItemDescriptionInformation- TradeItemDescriptionInformation

IMD+F+FN::9+:::FUNCTIONAL NAME::EN' Functional Name is "FUNCTIONAL NAME", language English

M an..35 SG36 IMD 9

7077 7081 3055 3453 7008

F FN 9 ISO639

text -TradeItemDescription- TradeItemDescriptionInformation


M an..143 SG36 IMD 9

7077 7081 3055 3453 7008

S DSC 9 ISO639

descriptionShort -TradeItemDescriptionInformation- TradeItemDescriptionInformation

IMD+E+ANM::9+:::DESCRIPTION SHORT::EN' Short description is "DESCRIPTION SHORT", language English

O an..35 SG36 IMD 9

7077 7081 3055 3453 7008

E ANM 9 ISO639

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Element Example EANCOM M/O Format Seg DE Code

invoiceName -TradeItemDescriptionInformation- TradeItemDescriptionInformation

IMD+F+IN::9+:::INVOICE NAME::EN' Invoice name is "INVOICE NAME", language English

O an..35 SG36 IMD 9

7077 7081 3055 3453 7008

F IN 9 ISO639

productRange -TradeItemDescriptionInformation- TradeItemDescriptionInformation


O an..35 SG36 IMD 9

7077 7081 3055 7008

F PR 9

subBrand -TradeItemDescriptionInformation- TradeItemDescriptionInformation

IMD+F+SB::9+:::SUBBRAND' Subbrand is "SUBBRAND"

O an..35 SG36 IMD 9

7077 7081 3055 7008

F SB 9

tradeItemFormDescription -TradeItemDescriptionInformation- TradeItemDescriptionInformation


O an..35 SG36 IMD 9

7077 7081 7008

E 2

variant -TradeItemDescriptionInformation- TradeItemDescriptionInformation

IMD+F+44+:::VARIANT::EN' Variant of product is "VARIANT", language English

O an..35 SG36 IMD 9

7077 7081 3453 7008

F 44 ISO639

campaignName -MarketingInformation- MarketingInformation

IMD+F+XX5::9+:::CAMPAIGN NAME::EN' Campaign name is "CAMPAIGN NAME", language English

O an..35 SG36 IMD 9

7077 7081 3055 3453 7008

F XX5 9 ISO639

seasonName -Season- Season

IMD+F+XX6::9+:::SEASON NAME::EN' Season name is "SEASON NAME", language English

O an..35 SG36 IMD 9

7077 7081 3055 3453 7008

F XX6 9 ISO639

tradeItemFinishDescription -TradeItemFinish- TradeItemFinish

IMD+F+4+:::TRADE ITEM FINISH DESCRIPTION::EN' Trade item finish description is "TRADE ITEM FINISH DESCRIPTION", language English

O an..35 SG36 IMD 9

7077 7081 3453 7008

F 4 ISO639

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Element Example EANCOM M/O Format Seg DE Code

targetConsumerAge -TargetConsumer- TargetConsumer

IMD+F+XX8::9+:::TARGET CONSUMER AGE::EN' Target consumer age is "TARGET CONSUMER AGE", language English

O an..70 SG36 IMD 9

7077 7081 3055 3453 7008

F XX8 9 ISO639

linkToExternalDescription -TradeItemDescriptionInformation- TradeItemDescriptionInformation

IMD+F+XY1::9+:::LINK TO EXTERNAL DESCRIPTION::EN' Link to external description is "LINK TO EXTERNAL DESCRIPTION", language English

O an..70 SG36 IMD 9

7077 7081 3055 3453 7008

F XY1 9 ISO639

text -AdditionalTradeItemDescription- TradeItemDescriptionInformation


O an..350 SG36 IMD 9

7077 3055 3055 3453 7008

F XY2 9 ISO639

tradeItemGroupIdentificationDescription -TradeItemDescriptionInformation- TradeItemDescriptionInformation


O an..512 SG36 IMD 9

7077 7081 7009 3055 3453 7008

B XY3 Code 91 ISO639

priceComparisonContentType -TradeItemMeasurements- TradeItemMeasurements

MEA+ABO++DOS:1' Price comparison content type is 1 dose

O an..3 SG36 MEA 10

6311 6314 6411


pegHorizontal -PegMeasurements- TradeItemMeasurements

MEA+AAE+X8E+MMT:500' Peg horizontal of the trade item is 500 Millimetres

O an..18 SG36 MEA 10

6311 6313 6411 6314


pegVertical -PegMeasurements- TradeItemMeasurements

MEA+AAE+X9E+MMT:15' Peg vertical of the trade item is 14 Millimeters

O an..18 SG36 MEA 10

6311 6313 6411 6314


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Element Example EANCOM M/O Format Seg DE Code

diameter -TradeItemMeasurements- TradeItemMeasurements

MEA+PD+DI+MMT:80' Diameter of the trade item is 80 Millimeters

O an..18 SG36 MEA 10

6311 6313 6411 6314


drainedWeight -TradeItemMeasurements- TradeItemMeasurements

MEA+PD+AEI+1234:GRM' Drained weight of the trade item is 1234 Grams

O an..18 SG36 MEA 10

6311 6313 6411 6314


genericIngredientStrength -TradeItemMeasurements- TradeItemMeasurements

MOA+AAE+SPV+GRM:1' Generic ingredient strength is 1 gram

O an..18 SG36 MEA 10

6311 6313 6411 6314


quantityOfInnerPack -TradeItemHierarchy- TradeItemHierarchy

MEA+CT+QIP+EA:123' Quantity of inner pack is 123 units

O an..18 SG36 MEA 10

6311 6313 6411 6314


quantityOfNextLevelTradeItemWithinInnerPa ck -TradeItemHierarchy- TradeItemHierarchy

MEA+CT+QNI+EA:10' Quantity of next level trade item within inner pack is 10 units

O an..18 SG36 MEA 10

6311 6313 6411 6314


netContent -TradeItemMeasurements- TradeItemMeasurements

MEA+PD+CT+LTR:1' Net content is 1 litre

O an..18 SG36 MEA 10

6311 6313 6411 6314


netWeight -TradeItemMeasurements- TradeItemMeasurements

MEA+PD+AAA+GRM:1100' Net weight is 1100 grams

O an..18 SG36 MEA 10

6311 6313 6411 6314


pegHoleNumber -PegMeasurements- TradeItemMeasurements

MEA+CT+X10+PCE:3' Peg hole of trade item is 3

O an..18 SG36 MEA 10

6313 6313 6411 6314


priceComparisonMeasurement -TradeItemMeasurements- TradeItemMeasurements

MEA+ABO++DOS:1' Price comparison measurement is 200 Grams

O an..18 SG36 MEA 10

6311 6411 6314


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Element Example EANCOM M/O Format Seg DE Code

tradeItemCompositionWidth -TradeItemMeasurements- TradeItemMeasurements

MEA+CT+X1E+EA:3'' Trade item composite width is 3 pieces

O an..18 SG36 MEA 10

6311 6313 6411 6314


deliveryToDistributionCenterTemperatureMin imum -TradeItemTemperatureInformation- TradeItemTemperatureInformation

MEA+AAB+TC+CEL::14:20' Delivery to distribution center temperature minimum is 14 degrees celsius

O an..18 SG36 MEA 10

6311 6313 6411 6162


deliveryToMarketTemperatureMinimum -TradeItemTemperatureInformation- TradeItemTemperatureInformation

MEA+ABB+TC+CEL::14:20' Delivery to market temperature minimum is 14 degrees celsius

O an..18 SG36 MEA 10

6311 6313 6411 6162


storageHandlingTemperatureMinimum -TradeItemTemperatureInformation- TradeItemTemperatureInformation

MEA+SO+TC+CEL::14:20' Storing handing temperature minimum is 14 degrees celsius

O an..18 SG36 MEA 10

6311 6313 6411 6162


storageHandlingHumidityMinimum -TradeItemTemperatureInformation- TradeItemTemperatureInformation

MEA+SO+AAO+P1::14:20' Storing handling humidity minimum is 14%

O an..18 SG36 MEA 10

6311 6313 6411 6162


deliveryToDistributionCenterTemperatureMa ximum -TradeItemTemperatureInformation- TradeItemTemperatureInformation

MEA+AAB+TC+CEL::14:20' Delivery to distribution center temperature maximum is 20 degrees celsius

O an..18 SG36 MEA 10

6311 6313 6411 6152


deliveryToMarketTemperatureMaximum -TradeItemTemperatureInformation- TradeItemTemperatureInformation

MEA+ABB+TC+CEL::14:20' Delivery to market temperature maximum is 20 degrees celsius

O an..18 SG36 MEA 10

6311 6313 6411 6152


storageHandlingTemperatureMaximum -TradeItemTemperatureInformation- TradeItemTemperatureInformation

MEA+SO+TC+CEL::14:20' Storing handing temperature maximum is 20 degrees celsius

O an..18 SG36 MEA 10

6311 6313 6411 6152


storageHandlingHumidityMaximum -TradeItemTemperatureInformation- TradeItemTemperatureInformation

MEA+SO+AAO+P1::14:20' Storing handling humidity maximum is 20%

O an..18 SG36 MEA 10

6311 6313 6411 6152


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Element Example EANCOM M/O Format Seg DE Code

totalQuantityOfNextLowerLevelTradeItem -NextLowerLevelTradeItemInformation- ChildTradeItem

QTY+45E:12' Total quantity of next lower level trade item is 12 units

O an..35 SG36 QTY 11

6063 6060


quantityOfChildren -NextLowerLevelTradeItemInformation- ChildTradeItem

QTY+X30:5' Quantity of children of trade item is 5 units.

O an..35 SG36 QTY 11

6063 6060


orderQuantityMaximum -TradeItemOrderInformation- TradeItemOrderInformation

QTY+54:1500' Order quantity maximum is 1500 units

O an..35 SG36 QTY 11

6063 6060


orderQuantityMinimum -TradeItemOrderInformation- TradeItemOrderInformation

QTY+53:1000' Order quantity minimum is 1000 units

O an..35 SG36 QTY 11

6063 6060


orderQuantityMultiple -TradeItemOrderInformation- TradeItemOrderInformation

QTY+251:100' Order quantity multiple is 100 units

O an..35 SG36 QTY 11

6063 6060


orderSizingFactor -TradeItemOrderInformation- TradeItemOrderInformation

QTY+X31:100' Order sizing factor is 100

O an..35 SG36 QTY 11

6063 6411 6060

X31 UoM

agreedMaximumBuyingQuantity -TradeItemOrderInformation- TradeItemOrderInformation

QTY+X34:5000' Agreed maximum buying quantity is 5000 units

O an..35 SG36 QTY 11

6063 6060


agreedMinimumBuyingQuantity -TradeItemOrderInformation- TradeItemOrderInformation

QTY+X35:500' Agreed minimum buying quantity is 500 units

O an..35 SG36 QTY 11

6063 6060


codeValue -HandlingInstructionCode- TradeItemHandlingInformation

HAN+DAE::9' Handling instruction is Dangerous article

O an..3 SG36 HAN 12

3055 4079


tradeItemCountryOfOrigin -TradingPartnerNeutralTradeItemInformation- TradingPartnerNeutralTradeItemInformation

ALI+ES' Trade Item country of origin is Spain

O an..3 SG36 ALI 13


hasBatchNumber -TradeItemMarking- TradeItemMarking

ALI+++172' Trade item has batch number

O an..3 SG36 ALI 13

4183 172 X30

isNonSoldTradeItemReturnable -TradeItemMarking- TradeItemMarking

ALI+++109' Non sold item are returnable.

O an..3 SG36 ALI 13

4183 109 157

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Element Example EANCOM M/O Format Seg DE Code

isNetContentDeclarationIndicated -TradeItemMeasurements- TradeItemMesurements

ALI+++X38' Net content declaration is indicated

O an..3 SG36 ALI 13

4183 X38 X39

state -CatalogueItemState- CatalogueItemNotification

ALI+++125' State is registered

O an..3 SG36 ALI 13

4183 124 125 127 130

isTradeItemReorderable -TradeItemOrderInformation- TradeItemOrderInformation

ALI+++X40' Trade item is reorderable

O an..3 SG36 ALI 13

4183 X15 X40

canceledDate -TradeItemDateInformation- TradeItemDateInformation

DTM+357:20060101:102' Canceled date for trade item is 1st January 2006

O an..35 SG36 DTM 14

2005 2379 2380

357 102

consumerAvailabilityDateTime -TradeItemDateInformation- TradeItemDateInformation

DTM+382:200603311200:203' Consumer availability Date/Time for trade item is 31st March 2006 at 12:00

O an..35 SG36 DTM 14

2005 2379 2380

382 203 204

discontinuedDate -TradeItemDateInformation- TradeItemDateInformation

DTM+36:20060101:102' Discontinued date for trade item is 1st January 2006

O an..35 SG36 DTM 14

2005 2379 2380

36 102

effectiveDate -TradeItemDateInformation- TradeItemDateInformation

DTM+7:20060315:102' Effective date for trade item is15th March 2006

O an..35 SG36 DTM 14

2005 2379 2380

7 102

endAvailabilityDateTime -TradeItemDateInformation- TradeItemDateInformation

DTM+362:200703091200:203' End availability date/time is 9th March 2007 at 12:00

O an..35 SG36 DTM 14

2005 2379 2380

362 203 204

lastChangeDateTime -TradeItemDateInformation- TradeItemDateInformation

DTM+X30:200606091200:203' Last change date/time is 9th June 2006 at 12:00

O an..35 SG36 DTM 14

2005 2379 2380

X30 203 204

publicationDate -TradeItemDateInformation- TradeItemDateInformation

DTM+541:20060309:102' Publication date is 9th March 2006

O an..35 SG36 DTM 14

2005 2379 2380

541 102

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Element Example EANCOM M/O Format Seg DE Code

startAvailabilityDateTime -TradeItemDateInformation- TradeItemDateInformation

DTM+44:200603091200:203' Start availability date/time is 9th March 2006 at 12:00

O an..35 SG36 DTM 14

2005 2379 2380

44 203 204

orderingLeadTime -TradeItemOrderInformation- TradeItemOrderInformation

DTM+169:6:804' Ordering lead time is 6 days

O an..35 SG36 DTM 14

2005 2379 2380

169 804

minimumTradeItemLifespanFromTimeOfArri val -TradeItemHandlingInformation- TradeItemHandlingInformation

DTM+418:3:804' Minimum trade item lifespan from time of arrival is 3 days.

O an..35 SG36 DTM 14

2005 2379 2380

418 804

endDateMaximumBuyingQuantity -TradeItemDateInformation- TradeItemDateInformation

DTM+X42:200604301330:102' End date maximum buying quantity is 30th April 2006 at 13:30

O an..35 SG36 DTM 14

2005 2379 2380

X42 203 204

endDateMinimumBuyingQuantity -TradeItemDateInformation- TradeItemDateInformation

DTM+X43:200604301330:102' End date minimum buying quantity is 30th April 2006 at 13:30

O an..35 SG36 DTM 14

2005 2379 2380

X43 203 204

endDateTimeOfExclusivity -TradeItemDateInformation- TradeItemDateInformation

DTM+X44:200604301330:102' End date time of exclusivity is 30th April 2006 at 13:30

O an..35 SG36 DTM 14

2005 2379 2380

X44 203 204

firstOrderDate -TradeItemDateInformation- TradeItemDateInformation

DTM+423:20060315:102' First order date is 15th March 2006

O an..35 SG36 DTM 14

2005 2379 2380

423 102

firstShipDate -TradeItemDateInformation- TradeItemDateInformation

DTM+X40:20060322:102' First ship date is 22nd March 2006

O an..35 SG36 DTM 14

2005 2379 2380

X40 102

lastOrderDate -TradeItemDateInformation- TradeItemDateInformation

DTM+424:20060630:102' Last order date is 30th June 2006

O an..35 SG36 DTM 14

2005 2379 2380

424 102

lastShipDate -TradeItemDateInformation- TradeItemDateInformation

DTM+X41:20060710:102' Last ship date is 10th July 2006

O an..35 SG36 DTM 14

2005 2379 2380

X41 102

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Element Example EANCOM M/O Format Seg DE Code

startDateMaximumBuyingQuantity -TradeItemDateInformation- TradeItemDateInformation

DTM+X45:200605011500:203' Start date maximum buying quantity is 1st May 2006 at 15:00

O an..35 SG36 DTM 14

2005 2379 2380

X45 203 204

startDateMinimumBuyingQuantityC -TradeItemDateInformation- TradeItemDateInformation

DTM+X46:200605011500:203' Start date minimum buying quantity is 1st May 2006 at 15:00

O an..35 SG36 DTM 14

2005 2379 2380

X46 203 204

minimumTradeItemLifespanFromTimeOfPro duction -TradeItemHandlingInformation- TradeItemHandlingInformation

DTM+381:4:804' Minimum trade item life span from time of production is 4 days

O an..35 SG36 DTM 14

2005 2379 2380

381 804

campaignEndDate -MarketingInformation- MarketingInformation

DTM+X47:20061231:102' Campaign end date is 31st December 2006

O an..35 SG36 DTM 14

2005 2379 2380

X47 102

campaignStartDate -MarketingInformation- MarketingInformation

DTM+X48:20060731:102' Campaign start date is 31st July 2006

O an..35 SG36 DTM 14

2005 2379 2380

X48 102

seasonalAvailabilityEndDate -Season- Season

DTM+X49:20060801:102' Seasonal availability end date is 1st August 2006

O an..35 SG36 DTM 14

2005 2379 2380

X49 102

seasonalAvailabilityStartDate -Season- Season

DTM+X50:20060501:102' Seasonal availability start date is 1st May 2006

O an..35 SG36 DTM 14

2005 2379 2380

X50 102

seasonCalendarYear -Season- Season

DTM+X51:2006:602' Season calendar year is 2006

O an..35 SG36 DTM 14

2005 2379 2380

X51 602

firstDeliveryDateTime -TradeItemOrderInformation- TradeItemOrderInformation

DTM+117:20060403:102' First delivery date time is 3rd April 2006

O an..35 SG36 DTM 14

2005 2380 2380

117 102 203

goodsPickUpLeadTime -TradeItemOrderInformation- TradeItemOrderInformation

DTM+X52:5:804' Goods pick-up lead time is 5 days.

O an..35 SG36 DTM 14

2005 2380 2380

X52 802 803 804 805

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Element Example EANCOM M/O Format Seg DE Code

materialSafetyDataSheetNumber -MaterialSafetyData- MaterialSafetyData

RFF+MSS:MSS12343' Material safety data sheet number is MSS1343

O an..70 SG36 RFF 15

1153 1154


tradeItemCountryOfAssembly -TradingPartnerNeutralTradeItemInformation- TradingPartnerNeutralTradeItemInformation

LOC+X11+ES::5' The country of assembly is Spain

O ISO3166 SG36 LOC 16

3227 3055 3225

X11 5

offerOnPack -PackagingMarking- PackagingMarking

FTX+ADK+1++OFFER ON PACK+EN' Offer on pack is "OFFER ON PACK", language English

O an..70 SG36 FTX 17

4451 4453 3453 4440

ADK 1 ISO639

tradeItemFeatureBenefit -MarketingInformation- MarketingInformation

FTX+ACL+1++TRADE ITEM FEATURE BENEFIT+EN' Trade item feature benefit is "TRADE ITEM FEATURE BENEFIT", language English

O an..35 SG36 FTX 17

4451 4453 3453 4440

ACL 1 ISO639

tradeItemMarketingMessage -MarketingInformation- MarketingInformation

FTX+AGZ+1++TRADE ITEM MARKETING MESSAGE+EN' Trade item marketing message is "TRADE ITEM MARKETING MESSAGE", languageEnglish

O an..1000 SG36 FTX 17

4451 4453 3453 4440

AGZ 1 ISO639

genericIngredient -TradeItemMeasurements- TradeItemMeasurements


O an..35 SG37 CCI 18

7037 7036


organicTradeItemCode -OrganicTradeItemCharacteristics- OrganicTradeItemCharacteristics

CCI+++ORGANIC::9' CAV+5:OCO:9' CAV+4:OAG:9' Organic trade item code is Not organic

O an..3 SG37 CAV 19

1131 3055 7111

OCO 9 1 2 3 4 5 6

organicClaimAgency -OrganicTradeItemCharacteristics- OrganicTradeItemCharacteristics

CCI+++ORGANIC::9' CAV+5:OCO:9' CAV+4:OAG:9' Organic claim agency is International Foundation for Organic Agriculture

O an..3 SG37 CAV 19

1131 3055 7111

OAG 9 1 2 3 4

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Element Example EANCOM M/O Format Seg DE Code

packagingMaterialCode -PackagingMaterial- PackagingMaterial

CCI+++PACKMAT::9' CAV+94::9' CAV+EN:3453:9:Packaging Material Description' Packaging material code is 94(Wood)

O an..17 SG37 CAV 19


sizeGroup -NonPackageTradeItemDimension- NonPackageTradeItemDimension

CCI+++SIZEGROUP::9' CAV+JUN:SZG:9' Size group is Juniors

O an..3 SG37 CAV 19

1131 3055 7111


sizeType -NonPackagedSizeDimension- NonPackageTradeItemDimension


O an..3 SG37 CAV 19

1131 3055 7111


sizeSystem -NonPackagedSizeDimension- NonPackageTradeItemDimension

CCI+++SIZEDIMENSION::9' CAV+CUP:SZT:9' CAV+EU:SZY:9' Size system is European

O an..3 SG37 CAV 19

1131 3055 7111


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Element Example EANCOM M/O Format Seg DE Code

orderingUnitOfMeasure -OrderingAndSellingUnitOfMeasure- OrderingAndSellingUnitOfMeasure

CCI+++UOM::9' CAV+KGM:OUM:9' CAV+PTN:SUM:9' Order unit of measure is Kilograms.

O an..3 SG37 CAV 19

1131 3055 7111


sellingUnitOfMeasure -OrderingAndSellingUnitOfMeasure- OrderingAndSellingUnitOfMeasure

CCI+++UOM::9' CAV+KGM:OUM:9' CAV+LTR:SUM:9' Selling unit of measure is Liter

O an..3 SG37 CAV 19

1131 3055 7111


isTradeItemMarkedAsRecyclable -TradeItemMarking- TradeItemMarking

CCI+++RECYCLE::9' CAV+Y::9' CAV+:::PACKAGING MARKED RECYCLABLE SCHEME' Trade item is marked as recyclable

O an..3 SG37 CAV 19

3055 7111

9 Y N

packagingMaterialCodeListMaintenanceAge ncy -PackagingMaterial- PackagingMaterial

CCI+++PACKMAT::9' CAV+94::9' CAV+EN:3453:9:Packaging Material Description' Packaging material code list maintenance agency is GS1

O an..3 SG37 CAV 19

3055 9

materialCode -MaterialComposition- MaterialComposition

CCI+++MATERIAL::9' CAV+:174:CO' CAV+EN:3453:9:Material is cotton in 65%' MEA+SV++P1:65' Material code is Cotton (CO) assigned by DIN Agency.

O an..35 SG37 CAV 19

3055 7110


materialContent -MaterialComposition- MaterialComposition

CCI+++MATERIAL::9' CAV+:174:CO' CAV+EN:3453:9:Material is cotton in 65%' MEA+SV++P1:65' Material description is "Material is cotton in 65%"

O an..35 SG37 CAV 19

7111 1131 3055 7110

ISO639 3453 9

securityTagLocation -SecurityTagInformation- SecurityTagInformation

CCI+++SECUTAG::9' CAV+:LOC:9:SECLOC2' CAV+:TYP:9:SECTYP2' Tag location is Integrated inside the trade item

O an..35 SG37 CAV 19

1131 3055 7110


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securityTagType -SecurityTagInformation- SecurityTagInformation

CCI+++SECUTAG::9' CAV+LOC::9:SECLOC3' CAV+TYP::9:SECTYP2' Tag type is Electromagnetic EAS tag

O an..35 SG37 CAV 19

1131 3055 7110


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Element Example EANCOM M/O Format Seg DE Code

packageMarksDietAllergen -PackagingMarking- PackagingMarking

CCI+++PACKMARK::9' CAV+:X11:9:PMDA1' Mark diet allergen is "Approved by asthma and allergy association"

O an..35 SG37 CAV 19

1131 3055 7110


packageMarksEnvironment -PackagingMarking- PackagingMarking

CCI+++PACKMARK::9' CAV+:X12:9:PME3' Marked environment is "Green dot"

O an..35 SG37 CAV 19

1131 3055 7110


packageMarksEthical -PackagingMarking- PackagingMarking

CCI+++PACKMARK::9' CAV+:X11:9:PMET1' Marks with ethical is "Fair trade mark"

O an..35 SG37 CAV 19

1131 3055 7110

X13 9 PMET1

packageMarksFreeFrom -PackagingMarking- PackagingMarking

CCI+++PACKMARK::9' CAV+:X14:9:PMFF1' Package mark free form is "Free from egg"

O an..35 SG37 CAV 19

1131 3055 7110


packagingMarkedExpirationDateType -PackagingMarking- PackagingMarking

CCI+++PACKMARK::9' CAV+:X15:9:PMED1' Marked expiration date type is "Best before date"

O an..35 SG37 CAV 19

1131 3055 7110


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importClassificationType -TradeItemImportIdentification- TradeItemImportIdentification

CCI+++IMPORT::9' CAV+::9:IMPORT1:CUSTOM TARIFF NUMBER1' Import classification type is "Custom tariff number"

O an..35 SG37 CAV 19

3055 7110


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Element Example EANCOM M/O Format Seg DE Code

descriptiveSizeDimension -NonPackagedSizeDimension- NonPackageTradeItemDimension

CCI+++SIZEDIMENSION::9' CAV+EN:3453:9:The size type is CUP and size :is 85B' Size dimension as text description is "The size type is CUP and size is 85B", language English.

O an..70 SG37 CAV 19

7111 1131 3055 7110

ISO639 3453 9

classComplianceRegulationCode -TradingPartnerNeutralTradeItemInformation- TradingPartnerNeutralTradeItemInformation

CCI+++COMPLIANT::9' CAV+:::COMP1' Class compliance regulation code is Compliant with fair labor standards.

O an..35 SG37 CAV 19


threadCount -TradeItemMaterial- TradeItemMaterial

CCI+++MATERIAL::9' CAV+EN:3453:9:13.4 grams per square meter' MEA+SV++GM:13.4' Thread count is 13.4 grams per square meter

O an..70 SG37 CAV 19

7111 1131 3055 7110

ISO639 3453 9

packagingMarkedRecyclableScheme -PackagingMarking- PackagingMarking


O an..70 SG37 CAV 19


packagingMaterialDescription -PackagingMaterial- PackagingMaterial

CCI+++PACKMAT::9' CAV+94::9' CAV+EN:3453:9:Packaging Material Description' Packaging Material Description is Packaging Material Description

O an..35 SG37 CAV 19

7111 1131 3055 7110

ISO639 3453 9

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importClassificationValue -TradeItemImportIdentification- TradeItemImportIdentification

CCI+++IMPORT::9' CAV+::9:IMPORT1:CUSTOM TARIFF NUMBER1' Import classification value is "Custom Tariff Number1"

O an..35 SG37 CAV 19

3055 7110 7110


ingredientStrength -TradeItemMeasurements- TradeItemMeasurements

CCI+++STRENGTH::9:GENERIC INGREDIENT' MEA+AAE+SAA+GRM:100' Ingredient strength is 100 Grams

O an..18 SG37 MEA 20

6311 6313 6411 6314


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Element Example EANCOM M/O Format Seg DE Code

materialPercentage -MaterialComposition- MaterialComposition

CCI+++MATERIAL::9' CAV+:174:CO' CAV+EN:3453:9:Material is cotton in 65%' MEA+SV++P1:65' Product contains 65% cotton

O an..18 SG37 MEA 20

6311 6411 6314


sizeDimension -NonPackagedSizeDimension- NonPackageTradeItemDimension

CCI+++SIZEDIMENSION::9' CAV+CUP:SLE:9' MEA+X6E++INH:35' Size dimension as value and unit of measure is 10 inches. Only if this makes sense and no descriptive size dimension is given in the CAV segment.

O an..18 SG37 MEA 20

6311 6411 6314


materialWeight -TradeItemMaterial- TradeItemMaterial

CCI+++MATERIAL::9' CAV+EN:3453:9:13.4 grams per square meter' MEA+SV++GM:13.4' The measured weight is 13.4 grams per square meter

O an..18 SG37 MEA 20

6311 6411 6314

SV GM 37

taxTypeCode -TaxAgency- TradeItemTaxInformation

TAX+7+VAT:::Value Added Tax+++:::16' Tax type is Value Added Tax (VAT)

O an..3 SG38 TAX 21

5283 5153


taxAgencyCode -TaxAgency- TradeItemTaxInformation

TAX+7+VAT:::Value Added Tax+++:::16' Code list responsible is EDIFACT since DE3055 is empty

O an..3 SG38 TAX 21

5283 3055


taxTypeDescription -TaxAgency- TradeItemTaxInformation

TAX+7+VAT:::Value Added Tax+++:::16' Description of the tax is "Value Added Tax"

O an..35 SG38 TAX 21


taxRate -TradeItemTaxRate- TradeItemTaxInformation

TAX+7+VAT:::Value Added Tax+++:::16' Tax rate is 16%

O an..17 SG38 TAX 21


taxAmount -TradeItemTaxAmount- TradeItemTaxInformation

MOA+124:500' Tax amount is 500

O n.. 18(15+3)

SG38 MOA 22

5025 5004


priceAmount -RetailPriceOnTradeItem- PriceOnTradeItem

PRI+INF:100:CA:MRP' CUX+2:EUR:8' Retail Price on Trade Item is 100, currency Euros

O n.. 15(11+4)

SG40 PRI 23

5125 5375 5387 5118


value -TradeItemPrice- SuggestedRetailPrice

PRI+AAE:100:CA:SRP' CUX+2:EUR:8' Suggested Retail Price is 100, currency Euros

O n.. 15(11+4)

SG40 PRI 23

5125 5375 5387 5118


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Element Example EANCOM M/O Format Seg DE Code

value -TradeItemPrice- CataloguePrice

PRI+AAB:100:CA:LIU' CUX+2:EUR:8' Catalogue price is 100, currency Euros

O n.. 15(11+4)

SG40 PRI 23

5125 5375 5387 5118


effectiveStartDate -TradeItemPriceDateInformation- SuggestedRetailPrice

DTM+194:20060301:102' Start date is 1st March 2006

O an..35 SG40 DTM 25

2005 2379 2380

194 102

effectiveEndDate -TradeItemPriceDateInformation- SuggestedRetailPrice

DTM+206:20061201:102' End date is 1st December 2006

O an..35 SG40 DTM 25

2005 2379 2380

206 102

effectiveStartDate -TradeItemPriceDateInformation- CataloguePrice

DTM+194:20060301:102' Start date is 1st March 2006

O an..35 SG40 DTM 25

2005 2379 2380

194 102

effectiveEndDate -TradeItemPriceDateInformation- CataloguePrice

DTM+206:20061201:102' End date is 1st March 2006

O an..35 SG40 DTM 25

2005 2379 2380

206 102

allowanceOrChargeType -AllowanceCharge- AllowanceCharge

ALC+A++1+1+PC:::PACKING CHARGES' Allowance or charge type is Allowance

O an..3 SG41 ALC 26

5463 A C

settlementType -AllowanceCharge- AllowanceCharge

ALC+A++1+1+PC:::PACKING CHARGES' Settlement type is Bill back

O an..3 SG41 ALC 26

4471 1 2 3 4 5 6 X01 X02

sequenceNumber -AllowanceCharge- AllowanceCharge

ALC+A++1+1+PC:::PACKING CHARGES' Sequence number is 1

O an..3 SG41 ALC 26


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Element Example EANCOM M/O Format Seg DE Code

allowanceChargeType -AllowanceCharge- AllowanceCharge

ALC+A++1+1+PC:::PACKING CHARGES' Allowance charge type is Packing charges

O an..3 SG41 ALC 26

7161 X01 X02 X03 FR FC FG IN X04 X05 PC

allowanceChargeDescription -AllowanceCharge- AllowanceCharge

ALC+A++1+1+PC:::PACKING CHARGES' Allowance charge description is PACKING CHARGES

O an..35 (2) SG41 ALC 26


measurementPerUnit -RatePerUnit- AllowanceCharge

QTY+1:23:GRM' Measurement per unit is 23 grams

O an..35 SG42 QTY 27

6063 6411 6060

1 UoM

percentagePerUnit -RatePerUnit- AllowanceCharge

PCD+3:4' Percentage is 4%

O n..5(3+2) SG43 PCD 28

5245 5482


amountPerUnit -RatePerUnit- AllowanceCharge

MOA+23:100:EUR' Charge amount is 100 Euros

O n..35 SG44 MOA 29

5025 6345 5004

23 204 ISO4217

allowanceOrChargeRatePerUnit -RatePerUnit- AllowanceCharge

RNG+2:0.23' Rate per unit is 0.23

O n..15 SG45 RTE 30

5419 5420

1 2

isPackagingMarkedReturnable -PackagingMarking- PackagingMarking

PAC++:33' Packaging marked returnable

M an..3 SG47 PAC 31

7233 33 X14

isPackagingMarkedWithIngredients -PackagingMarking- PackagingMarking

PAC++:54' Packaging marked with ingredients

O an..3 SG47 PAC 31

7233 1 54

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Element Example EANCOM M/O Format Seg DE Code

barCodeType -TradingPartnerNeutralTradeItemInformation- TradingPartnerNeutralTradeItemInformation

PAC++:X13' Bar code type is EAN·UCC/14

O an..3 SG47 PAC 31

7233 X01 X02 X03 50 X13 51 X04 X05 X06 X07 X08 X09 X10 X11 X12 52

packagingTermsAndCondition -PackagingMaterial- PackagingMaterial

PAC++::25' Packaging terms and conditions is Safe return deposit.

O an..3 SG47 PAC 31

7073 1 2 3 4 26 27 1E 2E 3E 4E LAB

palletTermsAndConditions -TradeItemPalletInformation- TradeItemPalletInformation

PAC++::3+201::9:EUROPALLET' Pallet terms and conditions is Returnable palet

O an..17 SG47 PAC 31

7073 2 3 26 XX1 XX2 XX3 XX4

packagingTypeCode -PackagingType- PackagingType

PAC+++AE::AEROSOL' Packaging type is Aerosol

O an..17 SG47 PAC 31

7065 AE BME BS ...

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Element Example EANCOM M/O Format Seg DE Code

palletTypeCode -TradeItemPalletInformation- TradeItemPalletInformation

PAC++::3+201::9' Pallet type code is Pallet ISO 1 - 1/1 EURO Pallet

O an..3 SG47 PAC 31

7065 200 201 202 ...

packagingTypeDescription -PackagingType- PackagingType

PAC+++AE::AEROSOL' Packaging description is "AEROSOL"

O an..35 SG47 PAC 31


quantityOfCompleteLayersContainedInATrad eItem -TradeItemHierarchy- TradeItemHierarchy

MEA+CT+LAY+EA:20' The quantity of complete layers contained in a trade item is 20 units

O an..18 SG47 MEA 32

6311 6313 6411 6314


stackingWeightMaximum -TradeItemHandlingInformation- TradeItemHandlingInformation

MEA+SO+AFE+GRM:60000' Stacking weight maximum is 60000 grams

O an..18 SG47 MEA 32

6311 6313 6411 6314


stackingFactor -TradeItemHandlingInformation- TradeItemHandlingInformation

MEA+SO+X21+PCE:6' Stacking factor is 6 units

O an..18 SG47 MEA 32

6311 6313 6411 6314


quantityOfLayersPerPallet -TradeItemHierarchy- TradeItemHierarchy

MEA+CT+NPL+EA:16' The quantity of layers per pallet is 16 units

O an..18 SG47 MEA 32

6311 6313 6411 6314


quantityOfTradeItemsContainedInAComplete Layer -TradeItemHierarchy- TradeItemHierarchy

MEA+CT+ULY+EA:20' Quantity of trade items contained in a complete layer is 20 units

O an..18 SG47 MEA 32

6311 6313 6411 6314


quantityOfTradeItemsPerPallet -TradeItemHierarchy- TradeItemHierarchy

MEA+CT+AAJ+EA:140' Quantity of trade items per pallet is 140 units

O an..18 SG47 MEA 32

6311 6313 6411 6314


quantityOfTradeItemsPerPalletLayer -TradeItemHierarchy- TradeItemHierarchy

MEA+CT+UPL+EA:12' Quantity of trade items per pallet layer is 12 units

O an..18 SG47 MEA 32

6311 6313 6411 6314


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Element Example EANCOM M/O Format Seg DE Code

depth -TradeItemMeasurements- TradeItemMeasurements

MEA+PD+DP+MMT:80' Depth of trade item including packaging is 80 Millimeters

M an..18 SG47 MEA 32

6311 6313 6411 6314


height -TradeItemMeasurements- TradeItemMeasurements

MEA+PD+HT+MMT:80' Height of trade item including packaging is 80 Millimeters

M an..18 SG47 MEA 32

6311 6313 6411 6314


width -TradeItemMeasurements- TradeItemMeasurements

MEA+PD+WD+MMT:120' Width of trade item including packaging is 120 Millimeters

M an..18 SG47 MEA 32

6311 6313 6411 6314


grossWeight -TradeItemMeasurements- TradeItemMeasurements

MEA+PD+AAB+GRM:1200' Gross weight of trade item with packaging is 1200 Grams

O an..18 SG47 MEA 32

6311 6313 6411 6314


paymentTermsType -PaymentTerms- PaymentTerms

PAT+22+DD1::91:Discount descritpion+5:3:D:20' Payment terms type is discount.

O an..3 SG48 PAT 33

4279 1 8 4 22 X10 5 11 2 7 3 10 6 21 18 9 X11

discountType -DiscountPayment- PaymentTerms

PAT+22+DD1::91:Discount descritpion+5:3:D:20' Discount type is "DD1", code is assigned by the supplier

O an..17 SG48 PAT 33

3055 4277

9 91 92

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Element Example EANCOM M/O Format Seg DE Code

discountDescription -DiscountPayment- PaymentTerms

PAT+22+DD1::91:Discount descritpion+5:3:D:20' Discount description is "Discount description"

O an..35 SG48 PAT 33


paymentTermsEvent -PaymentTerms- PaymentTerms

PAT+22+DD1::91:Discount descritpion+5:3:D:20' Payment terms event is Date of invoice

O an..3 SG48 PAT 33

2475 67 9 29 5 81 68 69 X10

timePeriod -TimePeriodDue- PaymentTerms

PAT+22+DD1::91:Discount descritpion+5:3:D:20' Time period is days

O an..3 SG48 PAT 33

2151 D M W

value -TimePeriodDue- PaymentTerms

PAT+22+DD1::91:Discount descritpion+5:3:D:20' Value of time period is 20.

O n..3 SG48 PAT 33

2009 2152


date -PaymentTimePeriod- PaymentTerms

DTM+13:20060420:102' Date of payment is 20th April 2006

O an..35 SG48 DTM 34

2005 2379 2380

13 102

dayOfMonthDue -PaymentTimePeriod- PaymentTerms

DTM+13:25:110' Day of month due is the 25th

O an..35 SG48 DTM 34

2005 2379 2380

13 110

percentOfPaymentDue -InstallmentDue- PaymentTerms

PCD+7:30' Percentage of payment due is 30%

O n..5(3+2) SG48 PCD 35

5245 5482


discountPercent -DiscountPayment- PaymentTerms

PCD+12:3' Discount percentage is 3%

O n..5(3+2) SG48 PCD 35

5245 5482


manufacturer -ManufacturerOfTradeItem- ManufacturerOfTradeItem

NAD+MF+8456789000045::9++MANUFACTURER NAME' GLN of manufacturer is 8456789000045

O n13 SG52 NAD 36

3035 3055 3039

MF 9

partyReceivingPrivateData -PrivateInformation- PrivateInformation

NAD+ACD+8456789000062::9' GLN of party receiving private data is 8456789000062

O n13 SG52 NAD 36

3035 3055 3039


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Element Example EANCOM M/O Format Seg DE Code

brandOwner -BrandOwnerOfTradeItem- BrandOwnerOfTradeItem

NAD+BOW+8456789000038::9++NAME OF BRAND OWNER' GLN of Brand owner is 8456789000038.

O n13 SG52 NAD 36

3035 3055 3039


nameOfManufacturer -ManufacturerOfTradeItem- ManufacturerOfTradeItem

NAD+MF+8456789000045::9++MANUFACTURER NAME' Manufacturer name is "MANUFACTURER NAME"

O an..35 SG52 NAD 36

3035 3039 3055 3036


nameOfBrandOwner -BrandOwnerOfTradeItem- BrandOwnerOfTradeItem

NAD+BOW+8456789000038::9++NAME OF BRAND OWNER' Name of brand owner is "NAME OF BRAND OWNER"

O an..35 SG52 NAD 36

3035 3039 3055 3036


dangerousGoodsRegulationCode -TradeItemHazardousInformation- TradeItemHazardousInformation

DGS+ADR+3B+1178+21:CEL' The dangerous goods are classified according to the ADR

O an..3 SG55 DGS 37


dangerousGoodsHazardousCode -HazardousInformationDetail- TradeItemHazardousInformation

DGS+ADR+3B:8+1178+21:CEL+2' The dangerous goods are classified according to the ADR class 3B (extremely flammable liquid)

O an..7 SG55 DGS 37


classOfDangerousGoods -HazardousInformationDetail- TradeItemHazardousInformation

DGS+ADR+3B:8+1178+21:CEL+2' Class of dangerous good is "Corrosive substances"

O an..7 SG55 DGS 37


unitedNationsDangerousGoodsNumber -HazardousInformationDetail- TradeItemHazardousInformation

DGS+ADR+3B:8+1178+21:CEL+2' The dangerous goods are classified with the UN number 1178

O n4 SG55 DGS 37


flashPointTemperature -TradeItemHazardousInformation- TradeItemHazardousInformation

DGS+ADR+3B+1178+21:CEL+2' Flashpoint temperature is 21 degrees celsius.

O n3 SG55 DGS 37

6411 7106


dangerousGoodsPackingGroup -HazardousInformationDetail- TradeItemHazardousInformation

DGS+ADR+3B:8+1178+21:CEL+2' Dangerous goods packing group is "Medium danger"

O an..3 SG55 DGS 37


dangerousGoodsShippingName -HazardousInformationDetail- TradeItemHazardousInformation

FTX+HAZ+1++Dangerous Goods Shipping Name+EN' Dangerous goods shipping name is "Dangerous Goods Shipping Name", language English

O an..200 SG55 FTX 38

4451 4453 3453 4440

HAZ 1 ISO639

dangerousGoodsAMarginNumber -HazardousInformationDetail- TradeItemHazardousInformation

FTX+AAC+1++Dangerous goods AMargin number' Dangerous goods AMargin number is "Dangerous goods AMargin number"

O an..30 SG55 FTX 38

4451 4453 4440


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Element Example EANCOM M/O Format Seg DE Code

text -DangerousGoodsTechnicalName- TradeItemHazardousInformation

FTX+AAD+1++Dangerous goods technical name+EN' Dangerous goods technical name is "Dangerous goods technical name", language English

O an..200 SG55 FTX 38

4451 4453 3453 4440

AAD 1 ISO639

gtin -TradeItemIdentification- ChildTradeItem

HYN+2+2++8456789000014:SRV' Child item GTIN is 8456789000014

O n..14 SG56 HYN 39

7173 7171 7143 7140

2 2 SRV

additionalTradeItemIdentificationValue -AdditionalTradeItemIdentification- ChildTradeItem

PIA+1+ADDITIONAL:SA' Additional reference value is "ADDITIONAL"

O an..35 SG56 PIA 40

4347 7140

1 5

additionalTradeItemIdentificationType -AdditionalTradeItemIdentification- ChildTradeItem

PIA+1+ADDITIONAL:SA' Additional reference assigned by supplier

O an..35 SG56 PIA 40

7143 IN GD SA

quantityofNextLowerLevelTradeItem -ChildTradeItem- ChildTradeItem

QTY+17E:456' Quantity of next lower level trade Item is 456 units

O an..35 SG56 QTY 41

6063 6060


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5.7. Mapping FMCG Extension Find below the description of each field in the mapping table

BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code gtin

xxx -CatalogueItemReference- CatalogueItemReference

M Integer A particular Global trade item Number, a numerical value used to uniquely identify a trade item. A trade item is any trade item (product or service) upon which there is a need to retrieve pre- defined information and that may be planned, priced, ordered, delivered and or invoiced at any point in any supply chain. (Taken from Item BMS 7.6)

Item identifier. GTIN - A unique number, up to 14- digits, assigned according to the numbering structureof the EAN.UCC system. 'EAN' stands for the 'International Article Numbering Association' and 'UCC' for the 'Uniform Code Council'. xxx LIN+1+5+5412345111115:SRV' GTIN of the trade item: 5412345111115

M n..14 SG36 LIN 7

1082 7143 7140

Seq. number SRV

Definition of the Busines Term detailed in BMS

Example in EANCOM of the Business Term

Definition of the Business Term detailed in EANCOM

Description o f the example in EANCOM

Format of the field in the BMS

Name of the Class in the BMS

Name of the Business Term in the BMS

Name of the Group where the Business Term belongs to

Format of the field in EANCOM

Segment Group, Segment Tag and Segment Number

Codes involved in the definition of the Business Term

Data Elements (DEs) involved. DE containing the Business Term is in bold and underlined

Status: Mandatory(M) or Optional(O)

Status: Mandatory(M) or Optional(O)

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Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code

type xxx -FMCGTradeItemIdentification- ChildTradeItem

O an..35 The values are used to cross- reference the Vendors internal trade item number to the GTIN ina one to one relationship.

Item Type identification code. Coded identification of an item type. ISBN_NUMBER -> IB ISSN_NUMBER -> IS LOTTERY_GAME_NUMBER -> X10 (GS1 Code) LOTTERY_PACK_BOOK_NUMBER -> X11 (GS1 Code) MANUFACTURER_PART_NUMBER -> MF NABCA_PRODUCT_CODE -> X12 (GS1 Code) xxx PIA+1+ADDITIONAL:MF' Additional reference type is Manufacturer partnumber

O an..35 SG56 PIA 40

7143 IB IS MF X10 X11 X12

value xxx -FMCGTradeItemIdentification- ChildTradeItem

O String This optional code will be used tocross-reference the Vendors internal trade item number to theGTIN in a one to one relationship.

Additional Item Identifier Additional Trade Item Identification -> 1 AlternateTrade Item Identification -> 5 xxx PIA+1+ADDITIONAL:MF' Additional reference value is "ADDITIONAL"

O an..35 SG56 PIA 40

4347 7140

1 5

type xxx -FMCGTradeItemIdentification- ReplacedTradeItemIdentification

O an..35 The values are used to cross- reference the Vendors internal trade item number to the GTIN ina one to one relationship.

Item Type identification code. Coded identification of an item type. ISBN_NUMBER -> IB ISSN_NUMBER -> IS LOTTERY_GAME_NUMBER -> X10 LOTTERY_PACK_BOOK_NUMBER -> X11 MANUFACTURER_PART_NUMBER -> MF NABCA_PRODUCT_CODE -> X12 xxx PIA+4+MANUFACTURERPARTNUMBER:MF'Additional identification is Manufacturer part number

O an..35 SG36 PIA 8

7143 IB IS MF X10 X11 X12

value xxx -FMCGTradeItemIdentification- ReplacedTradeItemIdentification

O String This optional code will be used tocross-reference the Vendors internal trade item number to theGTIN in a one to one relationship.

Additional Item Identifier xxx PIA+4+MANUFACTURERPARTNUMBER:MF'Replaced trade item additional identification is"MANUFACTURER PART NUMBER"

O an..35 SG36 PIA 8

4347 7140


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Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code

type xxx -FMCGTradeItemIdentification- TradeItemIdentification

O an..35 The values are used to cross- reference the Vendors internal trade item number to the GTIN ina one to one relationship.

Item Type identification code. Coded identification of an item type. ISBN_NUMBER -> IB ISSN_NUMBER -> IS LOTTERY_GAME_NUMBER -> X10 (GS1 Code) LOTTERY_PACK_BOOK_NUMBER -> X11 (GS1 Code) MANUFACTURER_PART_NUMBER -> MF NABCA_PRODUCT_CODE -> X12 (GS1 Code) xxx PIA+1+MANUFACTURERPARTNUMBER:MF'Additional identification is Manufacturer part number

O an..35 SG36 PIA 8

7143 IB IS MF X10 X11 X12

value xxx -FMCGTradeItemIdentification- TradeItemIdentification

O String This optional code will be used tocross-reference the Vendors internal trade item number to theGTIN in a one to one relationship.

Additional Item Identifier Additional Trade Item Identification -> 1 AlternateTrade Item Identification -> 5 xxx PIA+1+MANUFACTURERPARTNUMBER:MF'Additional trade item identification is "MANUFACTURERPARTNUMBER"

O an..35 SG36 PIA 8

4347 7140

1 5

isIngredientIrradiated xxx -FMCGTradeItemMarking- TradeItemMarking

M Boolean Indicates if radiation has been applied to a trade item's ingredient.

Indicates if radiation has been applied to a trade item's ingredient. TRUE -> X34 FALSE -> X35 UNSPECIFIED -> No need to detail this information xxx ALI+++X35' Ingredients are not irradiated

O an..3 SG36 ALI 13

4183 X34 X35

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Nov-2007, Issue 6 All contents copyright © GS1 2007 Page 187 of 334

isRawMaterialIrradiated xxx -FMCGTradeItemMarking- TradeItemMarking

M Boolean Indicates if radiation has been applied to a trade item's raw material.

Indicates if radiation has been applied to a trade item's raw material. TRUE -> X32 FALSE -> X33 UNSPECIFIED -> No need to detail this information xxx ALI+++X33' Raw material is not irradiated

O an..3 SG36 ALI 13

4183 X32 X33

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Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code

isTradeItemGeneticallyModi fied xxx -FMCGTradeItemMarking- TradeItemMarking

M Boolean Used to indicate whether trade item contains genetically modifiedcontents.

An indication that a product has been genetically modified during its production process. TRUE -> 119 FALSE -> X36 UNSPECIFIED -> No need to detail this information xxx ALI+++X36' Trade item is not genetically modified

O an..3 SG36 ALI 13

4183 119 X36

isTradeItemIrradiated xxx -FMCGTradeItemMarking- TradeItemMarking

M Boolean Indicates if radiation has been applied to an trade item.

An indication that a product has had radioactive rays directed onto it to preserve it. TRUE -> X16 FALSE -> X37 UNSPECIFIED -> No need to detail this information xxx ALI+++X37' Trade item is not radiated

O an..3 SG36 ALI 13

4183 X16 X37

degreeOfOriginalWort xxx -FMCGTradeItemMeasurements- TradeItemMeasurements

O an..3 Specification of the degrees of original wort.

Measure of the malt and hops content of beer, before fermentation has taken place. xxx MEA+AAE+ABI+DD:1' Degree of original wort is 1

O an..3 SG36 MEA 10

6311 6313 6411 6314


fatPercentageInDryMatter xxx -FMCGTradeItemMeasurements- TradeItemMeasurements

O n.5(3+2) The amount of fat contained in the base product expressed in percentage

The percentage of fat content in dry matter. xxx MEA+AAE+AFG+P1:1' Fat percentage in dry matter is 1%

O n..5(3+2) SG36 MEA 10

6311 6313 6411 6314


percentageOfAlcoholByVolu me xxx -FMCGTradeItemMeasurements- TradeItemMeasurements

O n..5(3+2) Percentage of alcohol contained in the base unit trade item.

The measurement of the alcohol content. xxx MEA+AAG++P1:12' Percentage of Alcohol by volume is 12%

O n..5(3+2) SG36 MEA 10

6311 6411 6314


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5.8. FMCG EANCOM Example The example is detailed as additional information and to facilitate the implementation of the Guidelines. Examples are exactly the same as those described in the mapping, however all the elements in the example below are sorted by segment and within each segment by data element.

Element Example EANCOM M/O Format Seg DE Code

dataSource -CatalogueItemReference- CatalogueItemReference

NAD+TF+8456789000021::9' Data Source identified with GLN 8456789000021

M n13 SG2 NAD 5

3035 3055 3039

TF 9

Name of the Class in the BMS

Name of the Business Term in the BMS

Name of the Group where the Business Term belongs to

Example in EANCOM of the Business Term

Description o f the example in EANCOM

Format of the field in EANCOM

Segment Group, Segment Tag and Segment Number

Codes involved in the definition of the Business Term

Data Elements (DEs) involved. DE containing the Business Term is in bold and underlined

Status: Mandatory(M) or Optional(O)

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Element Example EANCOM M/O Format Seg DE Code

value -FMCGTradeItemIdentification- ReplacedTradeItemIdentification

PIA+4+MANUFACTURERPARTNUMBER:MF' Replaced trade item additional identification is "MANUFACTURER PART NUMBER"

O an..35 SG36 PIA 8

4347 7140


type -FMCGTradeItemIdentification- ReplacedTradeItemIdentification

PIA+4+MANUFACTURERPARTNUMBER:MF' Additional identification is Manufacturer part number

O an..35 SG36 PIA 8

7143 IB IS MF X10 X11 X12

value -FMCGTradeItemIdentification- TradeItemIdentification


O an..35 SG36 PIA 8

4347 7140

1 5

type -FMCGTradeItemIdentification- TradeItemIdentification

PIA+1+MANUFACTURERPARTNUMBER:MF' Additional identification is Manufacturer part number

O an..35 SG36 PIA 8

7143 IB IS MF X10 X11 X12

percentageOfAlcoholByVolume -FMCGTradeItemMeasurements- TradeItemMeasurements

MEA+AAG++P1:12' Percentage of Alcohol by volume is 12%

O n..5(3+2) SG36 MEA 10

6311 6411 6314


fatPercentageInDryMatter -FMCGTradeItemMeasurements- TradeItemMeasurements

MEA+AAE+AFG+P1:1' Fat percentage in dry matter is 1%

O n..5(3+2) SG36 MEA 10

6311 6313 6411 6314


degreeOfOriginalWort -FMCGTradeItemMeasurements- TradeItemMeasurements

MEA+AAE+ABI+DD:1' Degree of original wort is 1

O an..3 SG36 MEA 10

6311 6313 6411 6314


isRawMaterialIrradiated -FMCGTradeItemMarking- TradeItemMarking

ALI+++X33' Raw material is not irradiated

O an..3 SG36 ALI 13

4183 X32 X33

isIngredientIrradiated -FMCGTradeItemMarking- TradeItemMarking

ALI+++X35' Ingredients are not irradiated

O an..3 SG36 ALI 13

4183 X34 X35

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Element Example EANCOM M/O Format Seg DE Code

isTradeItemGeneticallyModified -FMCGTradeItemMarking- TradeItemMarking

ALI+++X36' Trade item is not genetically modified

O an..3 SG36 ALI 13

4183 119 X36

isTradeItemIrradiated -FMCGTradeItemMarking- TradeItemMarking

ALI+++X37' Trade item is not radiated

O an..3 SG36 ALI 13

4183 X16 X37

value -FMCGTradeItemIdentification- ChildTradeItem

PIA+1+ADDITIONAL:MF' Additional reference value is "ADDITIONAL"

O an..35 SG56 PIA 40

4347 7140

1 5

type -FMCGTradeItemIdentification- ChildTradeItem

PIA+1+ADDITIONAL:MF' Additional reference type is Manufacturer part number

O an..35 SG56 PIA 40

7143 IB IS MF X10 X11 X12

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5.9. Mapping Apparel and Home Fashion Extensions Find below the description of each field in the mapping table


BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code Gtin

xxx -CatalogueItemReference- CatalogueItemReference

M Integer A particular Global trade item Number, a numerical value used to uniquely identify a trade item. A trade item is any trade item (product or service) upon which there is a need to retrieve pre- defined information and that may be planned, priced, ordered, delivered and or invoiced at any point in any supply chain. (Taken from Item BMS 7.6)

Item identifier. GTIN - A unique number, up to 14- digits, assigned according to the numbering structureof the EAN.UCC system. 'EAN' stands for the 'International Article Numbering Association' and 'UCC' for the 'Uniform Code Council'. xxx LIN+1+5+5412345111115:SRV' GTIN of the trade item: 5412345111115

M n..14 SG36 LIN 7

1082 7143 7140

Seq. number SRV

Definition of the Busines Term detailed in BMS

Example in EANCOM of the Business Term

Definition of the Business Term detailed in EANCOM

Description o f the example in EANCOM

Format of the field in the BMS

Name of the Class in the BMS

Name of the Business Term in the BMS

Name of the Group where the Business Term belongs to

Format of the field in EANCOM

Segment Group, Segment Tag and Segment Number

Codes involved in the definition of the Business Term

Data Elements (DEs) involved. DE containing the Business Term is in bold and underlined

Status: Mandatory(M) or Optional(O)

Status: Mandatory(M) or Optional(O)

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Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code

styleDescription xxx - ApparelAndHomeFashionsExtens ion- ApparelAndHomeFashionsExtension

M an..70 An attribute that classifies GTINsthat share many of the same characteristics (attribute values) that does NOT vary by GTIN, and are presented by the supplier as a single merchandise selection for the buyer.

A code identifying the style of a product. xxx IMD+F+STE+:::STYLE DESCRIPTION::EN' Style description of trade item is "STYLE DESCRIPTION", language English

M an..70 SG36 IMD 9

7077 7081 3055 3453 7008

F STE 9 ISO639

nonMarkedTradeItemComp onents xxx - ApparelAndHomeFashionsExtens ion- ApparelAndHomeFashionsExtension

O an..70 This attribute indicates a non- saleable part of the trade item. It is used to specify components ofa trade item that cannot be sold separately.

This attribute indicates a non-saleable part of the trade item. It is used to specify components of a trade item that cannot be sold separately. xxx IMD+F+XX4::9+:::NON MARKED TRADE ITEM COMPONENTS::EN' Non marked trade item components of trade item is "NON MARKED TRADE ITEM COMPONENTS", language English

O an..70 SG36 IMD 9

7077 7081 3055 3453 7008

F XX4 9 ISO639

numberOfPackagesForSetPi ecesGTIN xxx - ApparelAndHomeFashionsExtens ion- ApparelAndHomeFashionsExtension

O Integer Number of packages that make up the set.

Number of packages that make up the set. xxx QTY+X32:3' Number of packages that make up the set: 3 pieces

O an..35 SG36 QTY 11

6063 6060


numberOfPiecesInSet xxx - ApparelAndHomeFashionsExtens ion- ApparelAndHomeFashionsExtension

O Integer This element identifies the number of individual components in a grouping of merchandise that is sold together as a single trade item. It is used to describe the wholeparts relationship, which can be of different types.

This element identifies the number of individual components in a grouping of merchandise that is sold together as a single trade item. It is used to describe the wholeparts relationship, which can be of different types. xxx QTY+X33:4' Number of pieces is Set: 4

O an..35 SG36 QTY 11

6063 6060


clothingCut xxx -ClothingInformation- ApparelAndHomeFashionsExtension

O an..70 No definition in BMS No definition in BMS xxx IMD+F+XX3::9+:::CLOTHING CUT::EN' Clothing cut of trade item is "CLOTHING CUT", language English

O an..70 SG36 IMD 9

7077 7081 3055 3453 7008

F XX3 9 ISO639

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Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O

Format Seg DE Code

collarType xxx -ClothingInformation- ApparelAndHomeFashionsExtension

O an..70 Type of collar on the garment. Type of collar on the garment. xxx IMD+F+XX1::9+:::COLLAR TYPE::EN' Collar type of trade item is "COLLAR TYPE", language English

O an..70 SG36 IMD 9

7077 7081 3055 3453 7008

F XX1 9 ISO639

sleeveType xxx -ClothingInformation- ApparelAndHomeFashionsExtension

O an..70 Type of sleeve on the garment. Type of sleeve on the garment. xxx IMD+F+XX2::9+:::SLEEVE TYPE::EN' Sleeve type of trade item is "SLEEVE TYPE", language English

O an..70 SG36 IMD 9

7077 7081 3055 3453 7008

F XX2 9 ISO639

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5.10. Apparel and Home Fashion EANCOM Example The example is detailed as additional information and to facilitate the implementation of the Guidelines. Examples are exactly the sames that those described in the mapping but all the elements in the example below are sorted by segment and within each segment by data element.

Element Example EANCOM M/O Format Seg DE Code

dataSource -CatalogueItemReference- CatalogueItemReference

NAD+TF+8456789000021::9' Data Source identified with GLN 8456789000021

M n13 SG2 NAD 5

3035 3055 3039

TF 9

Name of the Business Term in the BMS

Name of the Group where the Business Term belongs to

Example in EANCOM of the Business Term

Description o f the example in EANCOM

Name of the Class in the BMS

Segment Group, Segment Tag and Segment Number

Codes involved in the definition of the Business Term

Status: Mandatory(M) or Optional(O)

Format of the field in EANCOM

Data Elements (DEs) involved. DE containing the Business Term is in bold and underlined

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Element Example EANCOM M/O Format Seg DE Code

styleDescription -ApparelAndHomeFashionsExtension- ApparelAndHomeFashionsExtension

IMD+F+STE+:::STYLE DESCRIPTION::EN' Style description of trade item is "STYLE DESCRIPTION", language English

M an..70 SG36 IMD 9

7077 7081 3055 3453 7008

F STE 9 ISO639

nonMarkedTradeItemComponents -ApparelAndHomeFashionsExtension- ApparelAndHomeFashionsExtension

IMD+F+XX4::9+:::NON MARKED TRADE ITEM COMPONENTS::EN' Non marked trade item components of trade item is "NON MARKED TRADE ITEM COMPONENTS",language English

O an..70 SG36 IMD 9

7077 7081 3055 3453 7008

F XX4 9 ISO639

collarType -ClothingInformation- ApparelAndHomeFashionsExtension

IMD+F+XX1::9+:::COLLAR TYPE::EN' Collar type of trade item is "COLLAR TYPE", language English

O an..70 SG36 IMD 9

7077 7081 3055 3453 7008

F XX1 9 ISO639

sleeveType -ClothingInformation- ApparelAndHomeFashionsExtension

IMD+F+XX2::9+:::SLEEVE TYPE::EN' Sleeve type of trade item is "SLEEVE TYPE", language English

O an..70 SG36 IMD 9

7077 7081 3055 3453 7008

F XX2 9 ISO639

clothingCut -ClothingInformation- ApparelAndHomeFashionsExtension

IMD+F+XX3::9+:::CLOTHING CUT::EN' Clothing cut of trade item is "CLOTHING CUT", language English

O an..70 SG36 IMD 9

7077 7081 3055 3453 7008

F XX3 9 ISO639

numberOfPackagesForSetPiecesGTIN -ApparelAndHomeFashionsExtension- ApparelAndHomeFashionsExtension

QTY+X32:3' Number of packages that make up the set: 3 pieces

O an..35 SG36 QTY 11

6063 6060


numberOfPiecesInSet -ApparelAndHomeFashionsExtension- ApparelAndHomeFashionsExtension

QTY+X33:4' Number of pieces is Set: 4

O an..35 SG36 QTY 11

6063 6060


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5.11. Mapping Hardlines Extension Find below the description of each field in the mapping table

BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code Gtin

xxx -CatalogueItemReference- CatalogueItemReference

M Integer A particular Global trade item Number, a numerical value used to uniquely identify a trade item. A trade item is any trade item (product or service) upon which there is a need to retrieve pre- defined information and that may be planned, priced, ordered, delivered and or invoiced at any point in any supply chain. (Taken from Item BMS 7.6)

Item identifier. GTIN - A unique number, up to 14- digits, assigned according to the numbering structureof the EAN.UCC system. 'EAN' stands for the 'International Article Numbering Association' and 'UCC' for the 'Uniform Code Council'. xxx LIN+1+5+5412345111115:SRV' GTIN of the trade item: 5412345111115

M n..14 SG36 LIN 7

1082 7143 7140

Seq. number SRV

Definition of the Busines Term detailed in BMS

Example in EANCOM of the Business Term

Definition of the Business Term detailed in EANCOM

Description o f the example in EANCOM

Format of the field in the BMS

Name of the Class in the BMS

Name of the Business Term in the BMS

Name of the Group where the Business Term belongs to

Format of the field in EANCOM

Segment Group, Segment Tag and Segment Number

Codes involved in the definition of the Business Term

Data Elements (DEs) involved. DE containing the Business Term is in bold and underlined

Status: Mandatory(M) or Optional(O)

Status: Mandatory(M) or Optional(O)

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BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code isTradeItemRecalled xxx -HardlinesTradeItem- HardlinesTradeItem

M Boolean An indicator for the Trade Item todetermine if the Manufacturer or Supplier has recalled the product.

An indicator for the Trade Item to determine if the Manufacturer or Supplier has recalled the product. TRUE-> X46 FALSE -> X42 xxx ALI+++X46' Trade item is recalled

M an..3 SG36 ALI 13

4183 X46 X42

modelNumber xxx -HardlinesTradeItem- HardlinesTradeItem

O String Additional Vendor identification number, which defines the configuration of the product over and above the Item number.

Reference number assigned by the manufacturer to differentiate variations in similar products in a class or group. xxx PIA+1+MODEL NUMBER:MN' Model number is "MODEL NUMBER"

O an..35 SG36 PIA 8

4347 7143 7140

1 MN

unitsPerTradeItem xxx -HardlinesTradeItem- HardlinesTradeItem

O Numeric value to indicate number of physical pieces used to make up the Consumer Unit. Used if there is more than one piece in one Trade Item.

The number of consumer units (package size of a product agreed between trading partners as the unit crossing the retail point of sale) in a traded unit to be ordered, delivered and invoiced. xxx QTY+59:3' Units per trade item is 3 pieces

O an..35 SG36 QTY 11

6063 6411 6060

59 UoM

nestingIncrement xxx -NestingInformation- HardlinesTradeItem

O n..8(5+3) Indicates the incremental height of Trade Items nested together.

Indicates the incremental height of Trade Items nested together. xxx MEA+AAE+X22+CMT:10' Nesting increment is 10 centimetres

O an..18 SG36 MEA 10

6311 6313 6411 6314


depth xxx -OutOfBoxInformation- HardlinesTradeItem

O n..8(5+3) The measurement from front to back of the trade item.

The measured depth. xxx MEA+PD+DP+MMT:1000' Depth of trade item without packaging is 100 Millimeters

O an..18 SG36 MEA 10

6311 6313 6411 6314


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BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code height xxx -OutOfBoxInformation- HardlinesTradeItem

O n..8(5+3) The measurement of the height of the trade item. The vertical dimension from the lowest extremity to the highest extremity, including packaging. At a pallet level the trade item Height will include the height of the pallet itself.

Numeric value of height. xxx MEA+PD+HT+MMT:1000' Heigth of trade item without packaging is 100 Millimeters

O an..18 SG36 MEA 10

6311 6313 6411 6314


width xxx -OutOfBoxInformation- HardlinesTradeItem

O n..8(5+3) The measurement from left to right of the trade item.

Numeric value of width. xxx MEA+PD+WD+MMT:1000' Width of trade item without packaging is 100 Millimeters

O an..18 SG36 MEA 10

6311 6313 6411 6314


returnGoodsPolicy xxx -RightOfReturnForNonSoldItems- HardlinesTradeItem

M String A code that describes the policy for defective, damaged or non- salable goods.

A code that describes the policy for defective, damaged or non-salable goods. CALL_FOR_AUTHORIZATION -> RIGHTRET1 DESTORY_FOR_CREDIT -> RIGHTRET2 HOLD_FOR_INSPECTION -> RIGHTRET3 RETURN_FOR_CREDIT -> RIGHTRET4 xxx CCI+++RIGHTRET::9' CAV+:::RIGHTRET1' The return goods policy is Call for authorization

M an..35 SG37 CAV 19


uRLForWarranty xxx -WarrantyInformation- HardlinesTradeItem

O an..1000 Indicates the location of the URL that contains the warranty information of the Item.

Indicates the location of the URL that contains the warranty information of the Item. xxx' Indicates the location of the URL that contains the warranty information of the Item: http://www.

O an..1000 SG36 FTX 17

4451 4441 3055 4440


warrantyDescription xxx -WarrantyInformation- HardlinesTradeItem

O an..35 Description of the warranty information as found on the Item.

Text describing the terms of warranty which apply to a product or service. xxx FTX+AAX+1++Text describing the terms of warranty which apply to a product or service+EN' Text describing the terms of warranty which apply to a product or service, language English

O an..35 SG36 FTX 17

4451 3453 4440


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5.12. Hardlines EANCOM Example The example is detailed as additional information and to facilitate the implementation of the Guidelines. Examples are exactly the same as those described in the mapping, however all the elements in the example below are sorted by segment and within each segment by data element.

Element Example EANCOM M/O Format Seg DE Code

dataSource -CatalogueItemReference- CatalogueItemReference

NAD+TF+8456789000021::9' Data Source identified with GLN 8456789000021

M n13 SG2 NAD 5

3035 3055 3039

TF 9

Name of the Business Term in the BMS

Name of the Group where the Business Term belongs to

Example in EANCOM of the Business Term

Description o f the example in EANCOM

Name of the Class in the BMS

Segment Group, Segment Tag and Segment Number

Codes involved in the definition of the Business Term

Status: Mandatory(M) or Optional(O)

Format of the field in EANCOM

Data Elements (DEs) involved. DE containing the Business Term is in bold and underlined

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Element Example EANCOM M/O Format Seg DE Code modelNumber -HardlinesTradeItem- HardlinesTradeItem


O an..35 SG36 PIA 8

4347 7143 7140

1 MN

nestingIncrement -NestingInformation- HardlinesTradeItem

MEA+AAE+X22+CMT:10' Nesting increment is 10 centimetres

O an..18 SG36 MEA 10

6311 6313 6411 6314


depth -OutOfBoxInformation- HardlinesTradeItem

MEA+PD+DP+MMT:1000' Depth of trade item without packaging is 100 Millimeters

O an..18 SG36 MEA 10

6311 6313 6411 6314


width -OutOfBoxInformation- HardlinesTradeItem

MEA+PD+WD+MMT:1000' Width of trade item without packaging is 100 Millimeters

O an..18 SG36 MEA 10

6311 6313 6411 6314


height -OutOfBoxInformation- HardlinesTradeItem

MEA+PD+HT+MMT:1000' Heigth of trade item without packaging is 100 Millimeters

O an..18 SG36 MEA 10

6311 6313 6411 6314


unitsPerTradeItem -HardlinesTradeItem- HardlinesTradeItem

QTY+59:3' Units per trade item is 3 pieces

O an..35 SG36 QTY 11

6063 6411 6060

59 UoM

isTradeItemRecalled -HardlinesTradeItem- HardlinesTradeItem

ALI+++X46' Trade item is recalled

M an..3 SG36 ALI 13

4183 X46 X42

warrantyDescription -WarrantyInformation- HardlinesTradeItem

FTX+AAX+1++Text describing the terms of warranty which apply to a product or service+EN' Text describing the terms of warranty which apply to a product or service, language English

O an..35 SG36 FTX 17

4451 3453 4440


uRLForWarranty -WarrantyInformation- HardlinesTradeItem' Indicates the location of the URL that contains the warranty information of the Item:

O an..1000 SG36 FTX 17

4451 4441 3055 4440


returnGoodsPolicy -RightOfReturnForNonSoldItems- HardlinesTradeItem

CCI+++RIGHTRET::9' CAV+:::RIGHTRET1' The return goods policy is Call for authorization

M an..35 SG37 CAV 19


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5.13. Trade Item Sweden Extension BMS EANCOM

Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code rEPAIndicator

xxx -PackagingMaterialSEExtension- PackagingMaterial

M Boolean Code indicating that the packaging is non-returnable and that the supplier has paid the appropriate fee to the Swedish REPA system.

Code indicating that the packaging is non-returnable and that the supplier has paid the appropriate fee to the Swedish REPA system

TRUE -> X11 xxx

PAC++::X11' REPA Indicator is true so packaging recycling fee is paid by supplier

M an..3 SG47 PAC 31

7073 X11

5.14. Trade Item Sweden Example

Element Example EANCOM M/O Format Seg DE Code rEPAIndicator -PackagingMaterialSEExtension- PackagingMaterial

PAC++::X11' REPA Indicator is true so packaging recycling fee is paid by supplier

M an..3 SG47 PAC 31

7073 X11

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6. Catalogue Item Registration Response - PRICAT D01B Syntax 3 A business message used to notify the status of the registration in the Global Registry for a trade item.

Source: BMS Catalogue Item Synchronisation

6.1. Message Structure Chart Catalogue Item Registration Response Heading Section UNH 1 M 1 - Message header BGM 2 M 1 - Beginning of message DTM 3 M 35 - Date/time/period SG1 C 99 - RFF RFF 4 M 1 - Reference SG2 C 99 - NAD NAD 5 M 1 - Name and address Catalogue Item Registration Response Detail Section SG17 C 1000 - PGI-SG36 PGI 6 M 1 - Product group information SG36 C 999999 - LIN-DTM LIN 7 M 1 - Line item DTM 8 C 99 - Date/time/period Catalogue Item Registration Response Summary Section UNT 9 M 1 - Message trailer

6.2. Segment Description UNH 1 - M 1 - Message header

This segment is used to head, identify and specify a message. BGM 2 - M 1 - Beginning of message

This segment is used to indicate the type and function of the message and to transmit the identifying number.

DTM 3 - M 35 - Date/time/period This segment is used to specify the date of the message or any dates related tothe contents of the message.

SG1 C 99 - RFF A group of segments for giving references and where necessary, their dates, relating to the whole message, e.g. request for price information.

RFF 4 - M 1 - Reference This segment is used to give references which apply to the complete message.

SG2 C 99 - NAD A group of segments identifying the parties with associated information relevant to the whole message.

NAD 5 - M 1 - Name and address This segment is used to identify the trading partners involved in message.

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SG17 C 1000 - PGI-SG36 A group of segments enabling the standard commercial factors relevant to a specific group of items to be specified. e.g. quantity related price break factors orminimum order quantity.

PGI 6 - M 1 - Product group information This segment is used to group a set of related products together.

SG36 C 999999 - LIN-DTM A group of segments providing the relevant price/sales information for the specified product/service.

LIN 7 - M 1 - Line item This segment is used to identify the GTIN of a product. If Global Trade Item Numbers are available it is mandatory to use GTIN within the LIN segment. Example:

DTM 8 - C 99 - Date/time/period This segment is used to specify relevant dates for the current line item.

UNT 9 - M 1 - Message trailer This segment is a mandatory UN/EDIFACT segment. It must always be the last segment in the message. Example:

6.3. Branching Diagram









DTM M 35


SG1 C 99



SG2 C 99



SG17 C 1000



SG36 C 999999



DTM C 99




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6.4. Segment Layout This section describes each segment used in the EANCOM® Multiple Credit Advice message. The original EDIFACT segment layout is listed. The appropriate comments relevant to the EANCOM® subset are indicated.


1. The segments are presented in the sequence in which they appear in the message. The segment or segment group tag is followed by the (M)andatory / (C)onditional indicator, the maximum number of occurrences and the segment description.

2. Reading from left to right, in column one, the data element tags and descriptions are shown, followed by in the second column the EDIFACT status (M or C), the field format, and the picture of the data elements. These first pieces of information constitute the original EDIFACT segment layout.

Following the EDIFACT information, EANCOM® specific information is provided in the third, fourth, and fifth columns. In the third column a status indicator for the use of (C)onditional EDIFACT data elements (see 2.1 through 2.3 below), in the fourth column the restricted indicator (see point 3), and in the fifth column notes and code values used for specific data elements in the message.

2.1 (M)andatory data elements in EDIFACT segments retain their status in EANCOM®.

2.2 Additionally, there are five types of status for data elements with a (C)onditional EDIFACT status, whether for simple, component or composite data elements. These are listed below and can be identified when relevant by the following abbreviations:

- REQUIRED R Indicates that the entity is required and must be sent.

- ADVISED A Indicates that the entity is advised or recommended.

- DEPENDENT D Indicates that the entity must be sent in certain conditions, as defined by the relevant explanatory note.

- OPTIONAL O Indicates that the entity is optional and may be sent at the discretion of the user.

- NOT USED N Indicates that the entity is not used and should be omitted.

2.3 If a composite is flagged as N, NOT USED, all data elements within that composite will have blank status indicators assigned to them.

3. Status indicators detailed in the fourth column which directly relate to the code values detailed in the fifth column may have two values:


* A data element marked with an asterisk (*) in the fourth column indicates that the listed codes in column five are the only codes available for use with this data element, in this segment, in this message.


All data elements where coded representation of data is possible and a restricted set of code values is not indicated are open (no asterisk in fourth column). The available codes are listed in the EANCOM® Data Elements and Code Sets Directory. Code values may be given as examples or there may be a note on the format or type of code to be used.

Find below information on how to read the Data Elements (DEs) and the link to the BMS: 1225 Message function code C an..3 M * 9 = Original

31 = Copy documentStatus CatalogueItemNotification

Name of the Business Term in the BMS

Name of the Group where the Business Term belongs to

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Segment number: 1

UNH - M 1 - Message header Function: A service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message. The message type code for the Price/sales

catalogue message is PRICAT. Note: Price/sales catalogue messages conforming to this document must contain the following data in segment UNH, composite S009: Data element 0065 PRICAT 0052 D 0054 01B 0051 UN

EDIFACT EAN * Description

0062 Message reference number M an..14 M Senders unique message reference. Sequence number of the messages in the interchange. DE 0062in the UNT will be identical. Sender generated.

Catalogue Item Registration Response


0065 Message type M an..6 M * PRICAT = Price/sales catalogue message

0052 Message version number M an..3 M * D = Draft version/UN/EDIFACT Directory

0054 Message release number M an..3 M * 01B = Release 2001 - B

0051 Controlling agency M an..2 M * EN = EAN International 0057 Association assigned code C an..6 R * GDSN20 = GDSN 2.0 (GS1 Code)

Indicates that the message is an EANCOM message for version 2.0 of GDSN Network

0068 Common access reference C an..35 N



0070 Sequence of transfers M n..2 N

0073 First and last transfer C a1 N

Segment Notes: This segment is used to head, identify and specify a message. DE's 0065, 0052, 0054, and 0051: Indicate that the message is a UNSM Price/Sales Catalogue based on the D. 01B directory under the control of the United Nations. Example:

UNH+ME000001+PRICAT:D:01B:EN:GDSN20' PRICAT message for Catalogue Item Registration Response, GDSN v2.0

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Segment number: 2 BGM - M 1 - Beginning of message

Function: A segment by which the sender must uniquely identify the Price/Sales catalogue by means of its type and number

and when necessary its function. EDIFACT EAN * Description



1001 Document name code C an..3 R * 51 = Price/sales catalogue response A document providing a response to a previously sentprice/sales catalogue.

catalogueItemRegistrationRespons e

1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 N

1000 Document name C an..35 N



1004 Document identifier C an..35 R Message number assigned by the document sender. It is recommended that the length of the document number be restricted to a maximum of 17 characters.

1056 Version identifier C an..9 N

1060 Revision identifier C an..6 N

1225 Message function code C an..3 R * 9 = Original 31 = Copy 9 = Original - An original transmission of a the message 31 = Copy - This code indicates that the message is acopy of an original message that has been sent, e.g. for action or information.

4343 Response type code C an..3 N

Segment Notes: This segment is used to indicate the type and function of the message and to transmit the identifying number. All references other than the document number DE 1004 are to be put in the RFF segment. Example:

BGM+51+12343+9' Prices/sales catalogue response number 12343, status Original

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Segment number: 3 DTM - M 35 - Date/time/period

Function: A segment specifying general dates and, when relevant, times related to the whole message. The segment must

be specified at least once to identify the Price/sales catalogue document date. Examples of the use of this DTM segment are: Lead times that apply to the whole Price/Sales catalogue or expiration date/time of the Price/sales catalogue. The Date/time/period segment within other Segment groups should be used whenever the date/time/period requires to be logically related to another specified data item. e.g. the Reference date is specified within the RFF segment group.

EDIFACT EAN * Description


2005 Date or time or period function code qualifier

M an..3 M * 137 = Document/message date/time

2380 Date or time or period value C an..35 R

2379 Date or time or period format code


Segment Notes: This segment is used to specify the date of the message or any dates related to the contents of the message. DE 2005: Identification of the 'Document/message date/time' (code value 137) is mandatory in an EANCOM message. Example:

DTM+137:200603091059:203' Creation Date: 9th March 2006 at 10:59

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Segment number: 4 SG1 - C 99 - RFF

RFF - M 1 - Reference

Function: A segment identifying the reference by its number and where appropriate, a line number within a document. EDIFACT EAN * Description


1153 Reference code qualifier M an..3 M * PL = Price list number 1154 Reference identifier C an..70 R documentReceived Response

1156 Document line identifier C an..6 N

4000 Reference version identifier C an..35 N

1060 Revision identifier C an..6 N

Segment Notes: This segment is used to give references which apply to the complete message. Example:

RFF+PL:PRICATCIN1' Reference to PRICATCIN1 message

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Segment number: 5 SG2 - C 99 - NAD

NAD - M 1 - Name and address

Function: A segment identifying names and addresses of the parties, in coded or clear form, and their functions.

Identification of the sender and receiver parties is mandatory for the Price/sales catalogue message. It is recommended that where possible only the coded form of the party ID should be specified, e.g. The sender and the receiver are known to each other, thus only the coded ID is required, but the other parties specified in themessage may vary and would have to be clearly specified, preferably in structured format.

EDIFACT EAN * Description

3035 Party function code qualifier M an..3 M * MS = Document/message issuer/sender MR = Message recipient TF = Source of information



3039 Party identifier M an..35 M For identification of parties it is recommended to use GLN - Format n13.

dataSource CatalogueItemReference sender Response receiver Response

1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 R * 9 = EAN (International Article Numbering association)


3124 Name and address description M an..35 N

3124 Name and address description C an..35 N

3124 Name and address description C an..35 N

3124 Name and address description C an..35 N

3124 Name and address description C an..35 N


3036 Party name M an..35 N

3036 Party name C an..35 N

3036 Party name C an..35 N

3036 Party name C an..35 N

3036 Party name C an..35 N

3045 Party name format code C an..3 N


3042 Street and number or post office box identifier

M an..35 N

3042 Street and number or post office box identifier

C an..35 N

3042 Street and number or post office box identifier

C an..35 N

3042 Street and number or post office box identifier

C an..35 N

3164 City name C an..35 N

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Segment number: 5 EDIFACT EAN * Description



3229 Country sub-entity name code C an..9 N

1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 N

3228 Country sub-entity name C an..70 N

3251 Postal identification code C an..17 N

3207 Country name code C an..3 N

Segment Notes: This segment is used to identify the trading partners involved in message. Example:

NAD+MS+8456789000014::9' Message Sender identified with GLN 8456789000014 NAD+MR+8456789000021::9' Message Receiver identified with GLN 8456789000021 NAD+TF+5411111123451::9' Data Source identified with GLN 5411111123451

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Segment number: 6 SG17 - C 1000 - PGI-SG36

PGI - M 1 - Product group information

Function: A segment identifying the products Price/Tariff group where applicable. EDIFACT EAN * Description

5379 Product group type code M an..3 M * 11 = Product group X10 = Target Market Division/Subdivion code


5389 Product group name code C an..25 R ISO3166-1 Code for Target Market Country Code ISO3166-2 Code for Target Market Country and Subdivision Code

targetMarketCountryCode CatalogueItemReference targetMarketSubdivisionCode CatalogueItemReference

1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 R * 5 = ISO (International Organization for Standardization)

5388 Product group name C an..35 N

Segment Notes: This segment is used to group a set of related products together. The detail section of the Price/Sales Catalogue starts with the PGI segment. PGI is used to group products, by price, by product type, by buying group, and/or by supplier/manufacturer. Example:

PGI+X10+ES::5' Target Market Country Code: Spain PGI+X10+IT-MI::5' Target Market: Country: Italy, province: Milano

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Segment number: 7 SG17 - C 1000 - PGI-SG36

SG36 - C 999999 - LIN-DTM

LIN - M 1 - Line item

Function: A segment identifying the line item (or sub-line item in a configuration). EDIFACT EAN * Description

1082 Line item identifier C an..6 R Application generated number of the lines or sub-lineswithin the Price/Sales Catalogue message.

1229 Action request/notification description code

C an..3 R * 3 = Changed 5 = Accepted without amendment 7 = Not accepted responseStatus Response



7140 Item identifier C an..35 R Format n..14 GTIN - this is the number of the article.

gtin CatalogueItemReference

7143 Item type identification code C an..3 R * SRV = EAN.UCC Global Trade Item Number 1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 N


5495 Sub-line indicator code C an..3 N

1082 Line item identifier C an..6 N

1222 Configuration level number C n..2 N

7083 Configuration operation code C an..3 N

Segment Notes: This segment is used to identify the GTIN of a product. If Global Trade Item Numbers are available it is mandatory to use GTIN within the LIN segment. Example:

LIN+1+5+5412345111115:SRV' GTIN of the trade item: 5412345111115, the response status is Accepted

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Segment number: 8 SG17 - C 1000 - PGI-SG36

SG36 - C 999999 - LIN-DTM

DTM - C 99 - Date/time/period

Function: A segment specifying the date, and when relevant, the time or period of an activity identified by the date/time/

period qualifier. e.g. expiration date of the price/sales catalogue for the price item line. EDIFACT EAN * Description


2005 Date or time or period function code qualifier

M an..3 M * 449 = Date for the last update 597 = Registration date

2380 Date or time or period value C an..35 R registrationDate CatalogueItemRegistrationIn formation

lastChangedDate CatalogueItemRegistrationIn formation

2379 Date or time or period format code


Segment Notes: This segment is used to specify relevant dates for the current line item. Example:

DTM+597:200603101156:203' Registration date is 10th March 2006 at 11:56 DTM+449:200603101156:203' Registration date is 10th March 2006 at 11:56

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Segment number: 9 UNT - M 1 - Message trailer

Function: A service segment ending a message, giving the total number of segments in the message (including the UNH &

UNT) and the control reference number of the message. EDIFACT EAN * Description

0074 Number of segments in the message

M n..6 M The total number of segments in the message is detailed here.

0062 Message reference number M an..14 M The message reference numbered detailed here should equal the one specified in the UNH segment.

Segment Notes: This segment is a mandatory UN/EDIFACT segment. It must always be the last segment in the message. Example:

UNT+11+ME000001' Total number of segments in the message equals 11

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6.5. Mapping GDSN2EANCOM Find below the description of each field in the mapping table

BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code Gtin

xxx -CatalogueItemReference- CatalogueItemReference

M Integer A particular Global trade item Number, a numerical value used to uniquely identify a trade item. A trade item is any trade item (product or service) upon which there is a need to retrieve pre- defined information and that may be planned, priced, ordered, delivered and or invoiced at any point in any supply chain. (Taken from Item BMS 7.6)

Item identifier. GTIN - A unique number, up to 14- digits, assigned according to the numbering structureof the EAN.UCC system. 'EAN' stands for the 'International Article Numbering Association' and 'UCC' for the 'Uniform Code Council'. xxx LIN+1+5+5412345111115:SRV' GTIN of the trade item: 5412345111115

M n..14 SG36 LIN 7

1082 7143 7140

Seq. number SRV

Definition of the Busines Term detailed in BMS

Example in EANCOM of the Business Term

Definition of the Business Term detailed in EANCOM

Description o f the example in EANCOM

Format of the field in the BMS

Name of the Class in the BMS

Name of the Business Term in the BMS

Name of the Group where the Business Term belongs to

Format of the field in EANCOM

Segment Group, Segment Tag and Segment Number

Codes involved in the definition of the Business Term

Data Elements (DEs) involved. DE containing the Business Term is in bold and underlined

Status: Mandatory(M) or Optional(O)

Status: Mandatory(M) or Optional(O)

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Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code

Catalogue Item Registration Response xxx

GS1 XML Document: Catalogue Item Registration Response

PRICAT D01B EANCOM Message Syntax 3 xxx UNH+1+PRICAT:D:01B:EN:GDSN20' PRICAT message for Catalogue Item Registration Response, GDSN v2.0

M an..14 UNH 1

0065 0052 0054 0051 0057 0062


catalogueItemRegistrationR esponse xxx

M A business message used to notify the status of the registration in the Global Registry for a trade item.

A business message used to notify the status of the registration in the Global Registry for a trade item. xxx BGM+51+12343+9' Prices/sales catalogue response number 12343, status Original

M an..3 BGM 2

1001 51

dataSource xxx -CatalogueItemReference- CatalogueItemReference

M n13 Entity that provides the global data synchronization network with Master Data. The Data Source is officially recognized as the owner of this data. For a given Item or Party, the source of data is responsible for permanent updates of the information under its responsibility.

Source of information. To specify that the party is the source for information. xxx NAD+TF+8456789000021::9' Data Source identified with GLN 8456789000021

M n13 SG2 NAD 5

3035 3055 3039

TF 9

gtin xxx -CatalogueItemReference- CatalogueItemReference

M Integer A particular Global trade item Number, a numerical value used to uniquely identify a trade item. A trade item is any trade item (product or service) upon which there is a need to retrieve pre- defined information and that maybe planned, priced, ordered, delivered and or invoiced at any point in any supply chain. (Takenfrom Item BMS 7.6)

Item identifier. GTIN - A unique number, up to 14- digits, assigned according to the numbering structure of the EAN.UCC system. 'EAN' stands for the 'International Article Numbering Association' and 'UCC' for the 'Uniform Code Council'. xxx LIN+1+5+5412345111115:SRV' GTIN of the trade item: 5412345111115

M n..14 SG36 LIN 7

1082 7143 7140

Seq. number SRV

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Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code

targetMarketCountryCode xxx -TargetMarket- CatalogueItemReference

M ISO3166_ 1Code

The Target Market is a geographical region based upon geographical boundaries sanctioned by the United Nations. There is one international system to describe geographical regions, the ISO-3166-code system. The country level or higher geographical definition in which the Information Provider will make the GTIN available to buyers. This does not in any way govern where the buyer may re-sell the GTIN to consumers. This code can be repeated as many times as needed. This code is represented by the 2-character ISO 3166-1 code. It is a mandatory attribute. Additionally, Target Market Subdivision Code indicates country subdivision where the trade item is intended to be sold. This code is represented by the 3-character ISO 3166-2 code.

The Target Market is a geographical region based upon geographical boundaries sanctioned by the United Nations. There is one international system todescribe geographical regions, the ISO-3166-code system. The country level or higher geographical definition in which the Information Provider will make the GTIN available to buyers. This does not in any way govern where the buyer may re-sell the GTIN to consumers. This code can be repeated as many times as needed. This code is represented by the 2-character ISO 3166-1 code. It is a mandatory attribute. Additionally, Target Market Subdivision Code indicates country subdivision where the trade item is intended to be sold. This code is represented by the 3-character ISO 3166-2 code. xxx PGI+X10+ES::5' Target Market: Spain

M an..3 SG17 PGI 6

5379 3055 5389

X10 5 ISO3166_ 1

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Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O

Format Seg DE Code

targetMarketSubdivisionCo de xxx -TargetMarket- CatalogueItemReference

M ISO3166_ 2Code

The Target Market Subdivision Code is the secondary code of the Target Market and must be asubdivision of a Target Market Country Code. The Target Market Subdivision Code describes the "geo-political subdivision of a country" where the trade item is intended for sale, as determined by the Information Provider (e.g. "State" in the US). Target MarketSubdivision Codes must be usedin conjunction with Target MarketCountry Codes.

The Target Market Subdivision Code is the secondary code of the Target Market and must be a subdivision of a Target Market Country Code. The Target Market Subdivision Code describes the "geo-political subdivision of a country" where the trade item is intended for sale, as determined by the Information Provider (e.g. "State" in the US). Target Market Subdivision Codes must be used in conjunction with Target Market Country Codes. The Target Market subdivision code is represented by the three- character ISO 3166-2 code. (Proposal taken from BMS) xxx PGI+X10+IT-MI::5' Target Market: Country: Italy, Province: Milano

M an..7 SG17 PGI 6

5379 3055 5389

X10 5 ISO3166_ 2

lastChangedDate xxx - CatalogueItemRegistrationInforma tion- CatalogueItemRegistrationInformation

M DateTime

Date assigned by system indicating last time the information was changed. This date is generic and will be stored where assigned and will accompany every message.

Date for last update xxx DTM+449:200603101156:203' Last changed date is 10th March 2006 at 11:56

M an..35 SG36 DTM 8

2005 2379 2380

449 203 204

registrationDate xxx - CatalogueItemRegistrationInforma tion- CatalogueItemRegistrationInformation

M DateTime

Date assigned by the registry of successful registration.

Registration Date. Date when registered. xxx DTM+597:200603101156:203' Registration date is 10th March 2006 at 11:56

M an..35 SG36 DTM 8

2005 2379 2380

597 203 204

documentReceived xxx -Response- Response

M String No description in BMS Reference to identify a Price/Sales Catalogue (PRICAT) message. xxx RFF+PL:PRICATCIN1' Reference to PRICATCIN1 message

M an..35 SG1 RFF 4

1153 1154


receiver xxx -Response- Response

M n13 No definition in BMS A party to receive a message or messages. xxx NAD+MR+8456789000045::9' Receiver identified with GLN 8456789000045

M n13 SG2 NAD 5

3035 3055 3039

MR 9

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Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O

Format Seg DE Code

responseStatus xxx -Response- Response

M String No definition in BMS Action request/notification description code. Code specifying the action to be taken or already taken. ACCEPTED-> 5 MODIFIED-> 3 REJECTED-> 7 xxx LIN+1+5+5412345111115:SRV' Responses status: Accepted

M an..3 SG36 LIN 7

1229 3 5 7

sender xxx -Response- Response

M n13 No definition in BMS Document/message issuer/sender. Issuer of a document and/or sender of a message. xxx NAD+MS+8456789000018::9' Sender identified with GLN 8456789000018

M n13 SG2 NAD 5

3035 3055 3039

MS 9

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6.6. EANCOM Example The example is detailed as additional information and to facilitate the implementation of the Guidelines. Examples are exactly the same as those described in the mapping, however all the elements in the example below are sorted by segment and within each segment by data element.

Element Example EANCOM M/O Format Seg DE Code

dataSource -CatalogueItemReference- CatalogueItemReference

NAD+TF+8456789000021::9' Data Source identified with GLN 8456789000021

M n13 SG2 NAD 5

3035 3055 3039

TF 9

Name of the Business Term in the BMS

Name of the Group where the Business Term belongs to

Example in EANCOM of the Business Term

Description o f the example in EANCOM

Name of the Class in the BMS

Segment Group, Segment Tag and Segment Number

Codes involved in the definition of the Business Term

Status: Mandatory(M) or Optional(O)

Format of the field in EANCOM

Data Elements (DEs) involved. DE containing the Business Term is in bold and underlined

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Element Example EANCOM M/O Format Seg DE Code

Catalogue Item Registration Response UNH+1+PRICAT:D:01B:EN:GDSN20' PRICAT message for Catalogue Item Registration Response, GDSN v2.0

M an..14 UNH 1

0065 0052 0054 0051 0057 0062


catalogueItemRegistrationResponse BGM+51+12343+9' Prices/sales catalogue response number 12343, status Original

M an..3 BGM 2

1001 51

documentReceived -Response- Response

RFF+PL:PRICATCIN1' Reference to PRICATCIN1 message

M an..35 SG1 RFF 4

1153 1154


dataSource -CatalogueItemReference- CatalogueItemReference

NAD+TF+8456789000021::9' Data Source identified with GLN 8456789000021

M n13 SG2 NAD 5

3035 3055 3039

TF 9

sender -Response- Response

NAD+MS+8456789000018::9' Sender identified with GLN 8456789000018

M n13 SG2 NAD 5

3035 3055 3039

MS 9

receiver -Response- Response

NAD+MR+8456789000045::9' Receiver identified with GLN 8456789000045

M n13 SG2 NAD 5

3035 3055 3039

MR 9

targetMarketCountryCode -TargetMarket- CatalogueItemReference

PGI+X10+ES::5' Target Market: Spain

M an..3 SG17 PGI 6

5379 3055 5389

X10 5 ISO3166_1

targetMarketSubdivisionCode -TargetMarket- CatalogueItemReference

PGI+X10+IT-MI::5' Target Market: Country: Italy, Province: Milano

M an..7 SG17 PGI 6

5379 3055 5389

X10 5 ISO3166_2

responseStatus -Response- Response

LIN+1+5+5412345111115:SRV' Responses status: Accepted

M an..3 SG36 LIN 7

1229 3 5 7

gtin -CatalogueItemReference- CatalogueItemReference

LIN+1+5+5412345111115:SRV' GTIN of the trade item: 5412345111115

M n..14 SG36 LIN 7

1082 7143 7140

Seq. number SRV

registrationDate -CatalogueItemRegistrationInformation- CatalogueItemRegistrationInformation

DTM+597:200603101156:203' Registration date is 10th March 2006 at 11:56

M an..35 SG36 DTM 8

2005 2379 2380

597 203 204

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Element Example EANCOM M/O

Format Seg DE Code

lastChangedDate -CatalogueItemRegistrationInformation- CatalogueItemRegistrationInformation

DTM+449:200603101156:203' Last changed date is 10th March 2006 at 11:56

M an..35 SG36 DTM 8

2005 2379 2380

449 203 204

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7. Catalogue Item Publication - PRICAT D01B Syntax 3 A Business message standard used to distribute trade item information within the Global Data Synchronisation Network.

Source: BMS Catalogue Item Synchronisation

7.1. Message Structure Catalogue Item Publication Heading Section UNH 1 M 1 - Message header BGM 2 M 1 - Beginning of message DTM 3 M 35 - Date/time/period SG2 C 99 - NAD NAD 4 M 1 - Name and address Catalogue Item Publication Detail Section SG17 C 1000 - PGI-SG36 PGI 5 M 1 - Product group information SG36 C 999999 - LIN LIN 6 M 1 - Line item Catalogue Item Publication Summary Section UNT 7 M 1 - Message trailer

7.2. Segment Description UNH 1 - M 1 - Message header

This segment is used to head, identify and specify a message. BGM 2 - M 1 - Beginning of message

This segment is used to indicate the type and function of the message and to transmit the identifying number.

DTM 3 - M 35 - Date/time/period This segment is used to specify the date of the message or any dates related tothe contents of the message.

SG2 C 99 - NAD A group of segments identifying the parties with associated information relevant to the whole Price catalogue message.

NAD 4 - M 1 - Name and address This segment is used to identify the trading partners involved in the message. Identification of the data source, content owner or the party receiving data. It is mandatory in the message.

SG17 C 1000 - PGI-SG36 A group of segments enabling the standard commercial factors relevant to a specific group of items to be specified. e.g. quantity related price break factors orminimum order quantity.

PGI 5 - M 1 - Product group information This segment is used to group a set of related products together.

SG36 C 999999 - LIN A group of segments providing the relevant price/sales information for the specified product/service.

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LIN 6 - M 1 - Line item This segment is used to identify the GTIN of a product.

UNT 7 - M 1 - Message trailer This segment is a mandatory UN/EDIFACT segment. It must always be the last segment in the message. Example:

7.3. Branching Diagram 0







DTM M 35


SG2 C 99



SG17 C 1000



SG36 C 999999





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7.4. Segment Layout This section describes each segment used in the EANCOM® Multiple Credit Advice message. The original EDIFACT segment layout is listed. The appropriate comments relevant to the EANCOM® subset are indicated.


1. The segments are presented in the sequence in which they appear in the message. The segment or segment group tag is followed by the (M)andatory / (C)onditional indicator, the maximum number of occurrences and the segment description.

2. Reading from left to right, in column one, the data element tags and descriptions are shown, followed by in the second column the EDIFACT status (M or C), the field format, and the picture of the data elements. These first pieces of information constitute the original EDIFACT segment layout.

Following the EDIFACT information, EANCOM® specific information is provided in the third, fourth, and fifth columns. In the third column a status indicator for the use of (C)onditional EDIFACT data elements (see 2.1 through 2.3 below), in the fourth column the restricted indicator (see point 3), and in the fifth column notes and code values used for specific data elements in the message.

2.1 (M)andatory data elements in EDIFACT segments retain their status in EANCOM®.

2.2 Additionally, there are five types of status for data elements with a (C)onditional EDIFACT status, whether for simple, component or composite data elements. These are listed below and can be identified when relevant by the following abbreviations:

- REQUIRED R Indicates that the entity is required and must be sent.

- ADVISED A Indicates that the entity is advised or recommended.

- DEPENDENT D Indicates that the entity must be sent in certain conditions, as defined by the relevant explanatory note.

- OPTIONAL O Indicates that the entity is optional and may be sent at the discretion of the user.

- NOT USED N Indicates that the entity is not used and should be omitted.

2.3 If a composite is flagged as N, NOT USED, all data elements within that composite will have blank status indicators assigned to them.

3. Status indicators detailed in the fourth column which directly relate to the code values detailed in the fifth column may have two values:


* A data element marked with an asterisk (*) in the fourth column indicates that the listed codes in column five are the only codes available for use with this data element, in this segment, in this message.


All data elements where coded representation of data is possible and a restricted set of code values is not indicated are open (no asterisk in fourth column). The available codes are listed in the EANCOM® Data Elements and Code Sets Directory. Code values may be given as examples or there may be a note on the format or type of code to be used.

Find below information on how to read the Data Elements (DEs) and the link to the BMS: 1225 Message function code C an..3 M * 9 = Original

31 = Copy documentStatus CatalogueItemNotification

Name of the Business Term in the BMS

Name of the Group where the Business Term belongs to

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Segment number: 1

UNH - M 1 - Message header Function: A service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message. The message type code for the Price/sales

catalogue message is PRICAT. Note: Price/sales catalogue messages conforming to this document must contain the following data in segment UNH, composite S009: Data element 0065 PRICAT 0052 D 0054 01B 0051 UN

EDIFACT EAN * Description

0062 Message reference number M an..14 M Senders unique message reference. Sequence number of the messages in the interchange. DE 0062in the UNT will be identical. Sender generated.

Catalogue Item Publication


0065 Message type M an..6 M * PRICAT = Price/sales catalogue message

0052 Message version number M an..3 M * D = Draft version/UN/EDIFACT Directory

0054 Message release number M an..3 M * 01B = Release 2001 - B

0051 Controlling agency M an..2 M * EN = EAN International 0057 Association assigned code C an..6 R * GDSN20 = GDSN 2.0 (GS1 Code)

Indicates that the message is an EANCOM message for version 2.0 of GDSN Network

0068 Common access reference C an..35 N



0070 Sequence of transfers M n..2 N

0073 First and last transfer C a1 N

Segment Notes: This segment is used to head, identify and specify a message. DE's 0065, 0052, 0054, and 0051: Indicate that the message is a UNSM Price/Sales Catalogue based on the D. 01B directory under the control of the United Nations. Example:

UNH+ME000001+PRICAT:D:01B:EN:GDSN20' PRICAT message for Catalogue Item Publication, GDSN v2.0

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Segment number: 2 BGM - M 1 - Beginning of message

Function: A segment by which the sender must uniquely identify the Price/Sales catalogue by means of its type and number

and when necessary its function. EDIFACT EAN * Description



1001 Document name code C an..3 R * 2E = Data distribution profile (EAN Code) A document providing a response to a previously sentprice/sales catalogue.


1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 R * 9 = EAN (International Article Numbering association)

1000 Document name C an..35 N



1004 Document identifier C an..35 R Message number assigned by the document sender. It is recommended that the length of the document number be restricted to a maximum of 17 characters.

uniqueCreatorIdentification CatalogueItemPublicationIde ntification

1056 Version identifier C an..9 N

1060 Revision identifier C an..6 N

1225 Message function code C an..3 R * 9 = Original 31 = Copy documentStatus CatalogueItemPublication

4343 Response type code C an..3 N

Segment Notes: This segment is used to indicate the type and function of the message and to transmit the identifying number. All references other than the document number DE 1004 are to be put in the RFF segment. Example:

BGM+2E::9+214+9' PRICAT message is a data distribution profile, number 214, status Original

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Segment number: 3 DTM - M 35 - Date/time/period

Function: A segment specifying general dates and, when relevant, times related to the whole message. The segment must

be specified at least once to identify the Price/sales catalogue document date. Examples of the use of this DTM segment are: Lead times that apply to the whole Price/Sales catalogue or expiration date/time of the Price/sales catalogue. The Date/time/period segment within other Segment groups should be used whenever the date/time/period requires to be logically related to another specified data item. e.g. the Reference date is specified within the RFF segment group.

EDIFACT EAN * Description


2005 Date or time or period function code qualifier

M an..3 M * 137 = Document/message date/time

2380 Date or time or period value C an..35 R creationDate CatalogueItemPublication

2379 Date or time or period format code


Segment Notes: This segment is used to specify the date of the message or any dates related to the contents of the message. DE 2005: Identification of the 'Document/message date/time' (code value 137) is mandatory in an EANCOM message. Example:

DTM+137:200206151045:203' Creation Date is 9th March 2006 at 10:59

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Segment number: 4 SG2 - C 99 - NAD

NAD - M 1 - Name and address

Function: A segment identifying names and addresses of the parties, in coded or clear form, and their functions. Identification of the sender and receiver parties is mandatory for the Price/sales catalogue message. It is recommended that where possible only the coded form of the party ID should be specified, e.g. The sender and the receiver are known to each other, thus only the coded ID is required, but the other parties specified in themessage may vary and would have to be clearly specified, preferably in structured format.

EDIFACT EAN * Description

3035 Party function code qualifier M an..3 M * TF = Source of information X2 = Publish to (GS1 Code) COW = Content Owner (GS1 Code)



3039 Party identifier M an..35 M For identification of parties it is recommended to use GLN - Format n13.

dataSource CatalogueItemReference contentOwner CatalogueItemPublicationIde

ntification publishToGLN CatalogueItemPublicationIde


1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 R * 9 = EAN (International Article Numbering association)


3124 Name and address description M an..35 N

3124 Name and address description C an..35 N

3124 Name and address description C an..35 N

3124 Name and address description C an..35 N

3124 Name and address description C an..35 N


3036 Party name M an..35 N

3036 Party name C an..35 N

3036 Party name C an..35 N

3036 Party name C an..35 N

3036 Party name C an..35 N

3045 Party name format code C an..3 N


3042 Street and number or post office box identifier

M an..35 N

3042 Street and number or post office box identifier

C an..35 N

3042 Street and number or post office box identifier

C an..35 N

3042 Street and number or post office box identifier

C an..35 N

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Segment number: 4 EDIFACT EAN * Description

3164 City name C an..35 N



3229 Country sub-entity name code C an..9 N

1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 N

3228 Country sub-entity name C an..70 N

3251 Postal identification code C an..17 N

3207 Country name code C an..3 N

Segment Notes: This segment is used to identify the trading partners involved in the message. Identification of the data source, content owner or the party receiving data. It is mandatory in the message. Example:

NAD+TF+8456789000021::9' Data source identified with GLN 8456789000021 NAD+COW+8456789000007::9' Content Owner identified with GLN 8456789000007 NAD+X2+8456789000038::9' Publish to identified with GLN 8456789000007

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Segment number: 5 SG17 - C 1000 - PGI-SG36

PGI - M 1 - Product group information

Function: A segment identifying the products Price/Tariff group where applicable. EDIFACT EAN * Description

5379 Product group type code M an..3 M * X10 = Target Market Division/Subdivion code (GS1 Code)

X11 = Publish to target market (GS1 Code) C288 PRODUCT GROUP C R

5389 Product group name code C an..25 R ISO3166-1 Code for Target Market Country Code ISO3166-2 Code for Target Market Country and Subdivision Code

targetMarketCountryCode CatalogueItemReference targetMarketSubdivisionCode CatalogueItemReference targetMarketCountryCode PublishToTargetMarket targetMarketSubdivisionCode PublishToTargetMarket

1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 R * 5 = ISO (International Organization for Standardization)

5388 Product group name C an..35 N

Segment Notes: This segment is used to group a set of related products together. The detail section of the Price/Sales Catalogue starts with the PGI segment. PGI is used to group products by Target Market. Example:

PGI+X10+ES::5' Target Market: Spain PGI+X11+FR::5' Publish to Target Market: France

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Segment number: 6 SG17 - C 1000 - PGI-SG36

SG36 - C 999999 - LIN

LIN - M 1 - Line item

Function: A segment identifying the line item (or sub-line item in a configuration). EDIFACT EAN * Description

1082 Line item identifier C an..6 R Application generated number of the lines or sub-lineswithin the Price/Sales Catalogue message.

1229 Action request/notification description code

C an..3 R 1 = Added 2 = Deleted Added(1): To add a new Publication for a GTIN in the Source Data Pool Deleted(2): To delete an exisiting Publication for a GTIN in the Source Data Pool



7140 Item identifier C an..35 R GTIN - this is the number of the article. Format n..14

gtin CatalogueItemReference

7143 Item type identification code C an..3 R * SRV = EAN.UCC Global Trade Item Number 1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 N


5495 Sub-line indicator code C an..3 N

1082 Line item identifier C an..6 N

1222 Configuration level number C n..2 N

7083 Configuration operation code C an..3 N

Segment Notes: This segment is used to identify the GTIN of a product. Example:

LIN+1+1+8456789000007:SRV' To add a publication for trade item: 8456789000007

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Segment number: 7 UNT - M 1 - Message trailer

Function: A service segment ending a message, giving the total number of segments in the message (including the UNH &

UNT) and the control reference number of the message. EDIFACT EAN * Description

0074 Number of segments in the message

M n..6 M The total number of segments in the message is detailed here.

0062 Message reference number M an..14 M The message reference numbered detailed here should equal the one specified in the UNH segment.

Segment Notes: This segment is a mandatory UN/EDIFACT segment. It must always be the last segment in the message. Example:

UNT+14+ME000001' Total number of segments in the message equals 14

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7.5. Mapping GDSN2EANCOM Find below the description of each field in the mapping table

BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code Gtin

xxx -CatalogueItemReference- CatalogueItemReference

M Integer A particular Global trade item Number, a numerical value used to uniquely identify a trade item. A trade item is any trade item (product or service) upon which there is a need to retrieve pre- defined information and that may be planned, priced, ordered, delivered and or invoiced at any point in any supply chain. (Taken from Item BMS 7.6)

Item identifier. GTIN - A unique number, up to 14- digits, assigned according to the numbering structureof the EAN.UCC system. 'EAN' stands for the 'International Article Numbering Association' and 'UCC' for the 'Uniform Code Council'. xxx LIN+1+5+5412345111115:SRV' GTIN of the trade item: 5412345111115

M n..14 SG36 LIN 7

1082 7143 7140

Seq. number SRV

Definition of the Busines Term detailed in BMS

Example in EANCOM of the Business Term

Definition of the Business Term detailed in EANCOM

Description o f the example in EANCOM

Format of the field in the BMS

Name of the Class in the BMS

Name of the Business Term in the BMS

Name of the Group where the Business Term belongs to

Format of the field in EANCOM

Segment Group, Segment Tag and Segment Number

Codes involved in the definition of the Business Term

Data Elements (DEs) involved. DE containing the Business Term is in bold and underlined

Status: Mandatory(M) or Optional(O)

Status: Mandatory(M) or Optional(O)

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Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code

Catalogue Item Publication xxx

GS1 XML Document: Catalogue Item Publication

PRICAT D01B EANCOM Message Syntax 3 xxx UNH+1+PRICAT:D:01B:EN:GDSN20' PRICAT message for Catalogue Item Publication, GDSN v2.0

M an..14 UNH 1

0065 0052 0054 0051 0057 0062


catalogueItemPublication xxx

M A Business message standard used to distribute trade item information within the Global DataSynchronisation Network.

A Business message standard used to distribute trade item information within the Global Data Synchronisation Network. xxx BGM+2E::9+12343+9' PRICAT message is a data distribution profile

M an..3 BGM 2

3055 1001

9 2E

creationDate xxx -Document- CatalogueItemPublication

M DateTime No Definition in BRD Date/time when a document/message is issued. xxx DTM+137:200603091059:203' Creation Date is 9th March 2006 at 10:59

M an..35 DTM 3

2005 2379 2380

137 203 204

documentStatus xxx -Document- CatalogueItemPublication

M an..3 Indicates if the document is a copy or an original.

Code indicating the function of the message. ORIGINAL -> 9 COPY -> 31 xxx BGM+2E::9+12343+9' Document status is Original

M an..3 BGM 2

1225 9 31

publishToGLN xxx -CatalogueItemPublication- CatalogueItemPublicationIdentification

O n13 No definition in BMS Party to publish the article(s) to xxx NAD+X2+8456789000038::9' Publish to identified with GLN 8456789000007

O n13 SG2 NAD 4

3035 3055 3039

X2 9

contentOwner xxx -EntityIdentification- CatalogueItemPublicationIdentification

M n13 No definition in BMS Document/message issuer/sender. Issuer of a document and/or sender of a message. xxx NAD+COW+8456789000007::9' Content Owner identified with GLN 8456789000007

M n13 SG2 NAD 4

3035 3055 3039


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Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code

uniqueCreatorIdentification xxx -EntityIdentification- CatalogueItemPublicationIdentification

M an..80 No Definition in BMS Document identifier. Price/sales catalogue response message number. Remarks: Conflict in field-length. xxx BGM+2E::9+12343+9' Message number is 12343

M an..35 BGM 2


dataSource xxx -CatalogueItemReference- CatalogueItemReference

M n13 Entity that provides the global data synchronization network withMaster Data. The Data Source isofficially recognized as the ownerof this data. For a given Item or Party, the source of data is responsible for permanent updates of the information under its responsibility.

Source of information. To specify that the party is thesource for information. xxx NAD+TF+8456789000021::9' Data source identified with GLN 8456789000021

M n13 SG2 NAD 4

3035 3055 3039

TF 9

gtin xxx -CatalogueItemReference- CatalogueItemReference

M n14 A particular Global trade item Number, a numerical value used to uniquely identify a trade item. A trade item is any trade item (product or service) upon which there is a need to retrieve pre- defined information and that maybe planned, priced, ordered, delivered and or invoiced at any point in any supply chain. (Takenfrom Item BRD 7.6)

Item identifier. GTIN - A unique number, up to 14- digits, assigned according to the numbering structureof the EAN.UCC system. 'EAN' stands for the 'International Article Numbering Association' and 'UCC' for the 'Uniform Code Council'. To add a publication for a GTIN, DE1229=1. To stop a publication for a GTIN, DE1229=2. xxx LIN+1+1+8456789000007:SRV' To add a plucation for the trade item: 8456789000007

M n..14 SG36 LIN 6

1082 1229



Num 1 2 SRV

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Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code

targetMarketCountryCode xxx -TargetMarket- CatalogueItemReference

M ISO3166_ 1Code

The Target Market is a geographical region based upon geographical boundaries sanctioned by the United Nations.There is one international systemto describe geographical regions,the ISO-3166-code system. The country level or higher geographical definition in which the Information Provider will make the GTIN available to buyers. This does not in any way govern where the buyer may re-sell the GTIN to consumers. This code can be repeated as many times as needed. This code is represented by the 2-character ISO 3166-1 code. It is a mandatory attribute. Additionally, Target Market Subdivision Code indicates country subdivision where the trade item is intended to be sold.This code is represented by the 3-character ISO 3166-2 code.

The Target Market is a geographical region based upon geographical boundaries sanctioned by the United Nations. There is one international system to describe geographical regions, the ISO-3166-code system. The country level or higher geographical definition in which the Information Provider will make the GTIN available to buyers. This does not in any way governwhere the buyer may re-sell the GTIN to consumers. This code can be repeated as many times as needed.This code is represented by the 2-character ISO 3166-1 code. It is a mandatory attribute. Additionally,Target Market Subdivision Code indicates country subdivision where the trade item is intended to be sold. This code is represented by the 3-character ISO3166-2 code. (Proposal taken from BRD) xxx PGI+X10+ES::5' Target Market: Spain

M an..3 SG17 PGI 5

5379 3055 5389

X10 5 ISO3166- 1

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Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code

targetMarketSubdivisionCo de xxx -TargetMarket- CatalogueItemReference

M ISO3166_ 2Code

The Target Market Subdivision Code is the secondary code of the Target Market and must be asubdivision of a Target Market Country Code. The Target MarketSubdivision Code describes the "geo-political subdivision of a country" where the trade item is intended for sale, as determined by the Information Provider (e.g. "State" in the US). Target MarketSubdivision Codes must be usedin conjunction with Target MarketCountry Codes. The Target Mar-ket subdivision code is repre- sented by the three-character ISO 3166-2 code.

The Target Market Subdivision Code is the secondary code of the Target Market and must be a subdivision of a Target Market Country Code. The Target Market Subdivision Code describes the "geo-political subdivision of a country" where the trade item is intended for sale, as determined by the InformationProvider (e.g. "State" in the US). Target Market Subdivision Codes must be used in conjunction with Target Market Country Codes. The Target Mar-ket subdivision code is repre-sented by the three- character ISO 3166-2 code. (Proposal taken from BRD) xxx PGI+X10+IT-MI::5' Target Market: Country: Italy, province: Milano

M an..7 SG17 PGI 5

5379 3055 5389

X10 5 ISO3166- 2

targetMarketCountryCode xxx -TargetMarket- PublishToTargetMarket

O ISO3166_ 1Code

No definition in BMS Market to publish the article(s) to Country Code xxx PGI+X11+ES::5' Publish to target market: Spain

O an..3 SG17 PGI 5

5379 3055 5389

X11 5 ISO3166- 1

targetMarketSubdivisionCo de xxx -TargetMarket- PublishToTargetMarket

O ISO3166_ 2Code

No definition in BMS Market to publish the article(s) to Subdivision Code xxx PGI+X11+IT-MI::5' Publish to target market: Country: Italy, Province: Milano

O an..7 SG17 PGI 5

5379 3055 5389

X11 5 ISO3166- 2

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7.6. EANCOM Example The example is detailed as additional information and to facilitate the implementation of the Guidelines. Examples are exactly the same as those described in the mapping, however all the elements in the example below are sorted by segment and within each segment by data element.

Element Example EANCOM M/O Format Seg DE Code

dataSource -CatalogueItemReference- CatalogueItemReference

NAD+TF+8456789000021::9' Data Source identified with GLN 8456789000021

M n13 SG2 NAD 5

3035 3055 3039

TF 9

Name of the Business Term in the BMS

Name of the Group where the Business Term belongs to

Example in EANCOM of the Business Term

Description o f the example in EANCOM

Name of the Class in the BMS

Segment Group, Segment Tag and Segment Number

Codes involved in the definition of the Business Term

Status: Mandatory(M) or Optional(O)

Format of the field in EANCOM

Data Elements (DEs) involved. DE containing the Business Term is in bold and underlined

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Element Example EANCOM M/O Format Seg DE Code

Catalogue Item Publication UNH+1+PRICAT:D:01B:EN:GDSN20' PRICAT message for Catalogue Item Publication, GDSN v2.0

M an..14 UNH 1

0065 0052 0054 0051 0057 0062


catalogueItemPublication BGM+2E::9+12343+9' PRICAT message is a data distribution profile

M an..3 BGM 2

3055 1001

9 2E

uniqueCreatorIdentification -EntityIdentification- CatalogueItemPublicationIdentification

BGM+2E::9+12343+9' Message number is 12343

M an..35 BGM 2


documentStatus -Document- CatalogueItemPublication

BGM+2E::9+12343+9' Document status is Original

M an..3 BGM 2

1225 9 31

creationDate -Document- CatalogueItemPublication

DTM+137:200603091059:203' Creation Date is 9th March 2006 at 10:59

M an..35 DTM 3

2005 2379 2380

137 203 204

dataSource -CatalogueItemReference- CatalogueItemReference

NAD+TF+8456789000021::9' Data source identified with GLN 8456789000021

M n13 SG2 NAD 4

3035 3055 3039

TF 9

contentOwner -EntityIdentification- CatalogueItemPublicationIdentification

NAD+COW+8456789000007::9' Content Owner identified with GLN 8456789000007

M n13 SG2 NAD 4

3035 3055 3039


publishToGLN -CatalogueItemPublication- CatalogueItemPublicationIdentification

NAD+X2+8456789000038::9' Publish to identified with GLN 8456789000007

O n13 SG2 NAD 4

3035 3055 3039

X2 9

targetMarketCountryCode -TargetMarket- CatalogueItemReference

PGI+X10+ES::5' Target Market: Spain

M an..3 SG17 PGI 5

5379 3055 5389

X10 5 ISO3166-1

targetMarketSubdivisionCode -TargetMarket- CatalogueItemReference

PGI+X10+IT-MI::5' Target Market: Country: Italy, province: Milano

M an..7 SG17 PGI 5

5379 3055 5389

X10 5 ISO3166-2

targetMarketCountryCode -TargetMarket- PublishToTargetMarket

PGI+X11+ES::5' Publish to target market: Spain

O an..3 SG17 PGI 5

5379 3055 5389

X11 5 ISO3166-1

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Element Example EANCOM M/O Format Seg DE Code

targetMarketSubdivisionCode -TargetMarket- PublishToTargetMarket

PGI+X11+IT-MI::5' Publish to target market: Country: Italy, Province: Milano

O an..7 SG17 PGI 5

5379 3055 5389

X11 5 ISO3166-2

gtin -CatalogueItemReference- CatalogueItemReference

LIN+1+1+8456789000007:SRV' LIN+1+1+8456789000007:SRV' To add a plucation for the trade item: 8456789000007

M n..14 SG36 LIN 6

1082 1229 7143 7140

Num 1 2 SRV

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8. Catalogue Item Subscription - PROINQ D01B Syntax 3 A standing product inquiry implies that the supplier will send both a one-time download and notification of all future changes to the requested trade item until the standing request is deleted. A standing product inquiry can only be modified by deleting the original request and initiating a new request.

Source: BMS Catalogue Item Synchronisation

8.1. Message Structure Chart Catalogue Item Subscription Heading Section UNH 1 M 1 - Message header BGM 2 M 1 - Beginning of message DTM 3 M 9 - Date/time/period SG1 M 99 - NAD NAD 4 M 1 - Name and address Catalogue Item Subscription Detail Section SG4 M 9999 - LIN-SG6 LIN 5 M 1 - Line item SG6 C 9999 - IRQ-PIA-NAD-PGI IRQ 6 M 1 - Information required PIA 7 C 10 - Additional product id NAD 8 C 10 - Name and address PGI 9 C 9 - Product group information Catalogue Item Subscription Summary Section UNT 10 M 1 - Message trailer

8.2. Segment Description UNH 1 - M 1 - Message header

This segment is used to head, identify and specify a message. BGM 2 - M 1 - Beginning of message

This segment is used to indicate the type and function of the message and to transmit the identifying number.

DTM 3 - M 9 - Date/time/period This segment is used to specify the date of the product inquiry or any dates related to the contents of the message.

SG1 M 99 - NAD A group of segments identifying the parties with associated information relevant to the whole Product inquiry message.

NAD 4 - M 1 - Name and address This segment is used to identify the trading partners involved in the product inquiry message. Identification of the supplier and buyer, or the central catalogue or data base, is mandatory in the product inquiry message.

SG4 M 9999 - LIN-SG6 A group of segments identifying the product or attributes of the product for which information is required.

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LIN 5 - M 1 - Line item This segment is used to specify the inquiry request line and if available, the identification of the product or service for which the inquiry is being made. If Global Trade Item Numbers are available it is mandatory to use GTIN within the LIN segment. Example:

SG6 C 9999 - IRQ-PIA-NAD-PGI A group of segments specifying the type of requested information and optionally product identification(s), measurements, parties related to the product, dates and price ranges.

IRQ 6 - M 1 - Information required This segment is used to specify the type of information which is requested in return for all the products detailed in the LIN - segment or SG5.

PIA 7 - C 10 - Additional product id This segment is used to identify additional or substitutional item identification codes such as buyer's, or seller's item number.

NAD 8 - C 10 - Name and address This segment is used to request or provide information regarding any parties related to the current line item only, e.g., manufacturer, distributor.

PGI 9 - C 9 - Product group information This segment is used to group a set of related products together.

UNT 10 - M 1 - Message trailer This segment is a mandatory UN/EDIFACT segment. It must always be the last segment in the message.

8.3. Branching Diagram











SG1 M 99



SG4 M 9999



SG6 C 9999



PIA C 10


NAD C 10






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8.4. Segment Layout This section describes each segment used in the EANCOM® Multiple Credit Advice message. The original EDIFACT segment layout is listed. The appropriate comments relevant to the EANCOM® subset are indicated.


1. The segments are presented in the sequence in which they appear in the message. The segment or segment group tag is followed by the (M)andatory / (C)onditional indicator, the maximum number of occurrences and the segment description.

2. Reading from left to right, in column one, the data element tags and descriptions are shown, followed by in the second column the EDIFACT status (M or C), the field format, and the picture of the data elements. These first pieces of information constitute the original EDIFACT segment layout.

Following the EDIFACT information, EANCOM® specific information is provided in the third, fourth, and fifth columns. In the third column a status indicator for the use of (C)onditional EDIFACT data elements (see 2.1 through 2.3 below), in the fourth column the restricted indicator (see point 3), and in the fifth column notes and code values used for specific data elements in the message.

2.1 (M)andatory data elements in EDIFACT segments retain their status in EANCOM®.

2.2 Additionally, there are five types of status for data elements with a (C)onditional EDIFACT status, whether for simple, component or composite data elements. These are listed below and can be identified when relevant by the following abbreviations:

- REQUIRED R Indicates that the entity is required and must be sent.

- ADVISED A Indicates that the entity is advised or recommended.

- DEPENDENT D Indicates that the entity must be sent in certain conditions, as defined by the relevant explanatory note.

- OPTIONAL O Indicates that the entity is optional and may be sent at the discretion of the user.

- NOT USED N Indicates that the entity is not used and should be omitted.

2.3 If a composite is flagged as N, NOT USED, all data elements within that composite will have blank status indicators assigned to them.

3. Status indicators detailed in the fourth column which directly relate to the code values detailed in the fifth column may have two values:


* A data element marked with an asterisk (*) in the fourth column indicates that the listed codes in column five are the only codes available for use with this data element, in this segment, in this message.


All data elements where coded representation of data is possible and a restricted set of code values is not indicated are open (no asterisk in fourth column). The available codes are listed in the EANCOM® Data Elements and Code Sets Directory. Code values may be given as examples or there may be a note on the format or type of code to be used.

Find below information on how to read the Data Elements (DEs) and the link to the BMS: 1225 Message function code C an..3 M * 9 = Original

31 = Copy documentStatus CatalogueItemNotification

Name of the Business

Term in the BMS Name of the Group where the Business Term belongs to

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Segment number: 1

UNH - M 1 - Message header Function: A service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message. The message type code for the Product inquiry

message is PROINQ. Note: Product inquiry messages conforming to this document must contain the following data in segment UNH, composite S009: Data element 0065 PROINQ 0052 D 0054 01B 0051 UN

EDIFACT EAN * Description

0062 Message reference number M an..14 M Senders unique message reference. Sequence number of the messages in the interchange. DE 0062in the UNT will be identical. Sender generated.

Catalogue Item Subscription


0065 Message type M an..6 M * PROINQ = Product inquiry message

0052 Message version number M an..3 M * D = Draft version/UN/EDIFACT Directory

0054 Message release number M an..3 M * 01B = Release 2001 - B

0051 Controlling agency M an..2 M * EN = EAN International 0057 Association assigned code C an..6 R * GDSN20 = GDSN 2.0 (GS1 Code)

Indicates that the message is an EANCOM message for version 2.0 of GDSN Network

0068 Common access reference C an..35 N



0070 Sequence of transfers M n..2 N

0073 First and last transfer C a1 N

Segment Notes: This segment is used to head, identify and specify a message. DE's 0065, 0052, and 0054: Indicates that the message is a UNSM Product Inquiry message based on the EDIFACT D.01B directory. Example:

UNH+ME000001+PROINQ:D:01B:EN:GDSN20' PROINQ message for Catalogue Item Subscription, GDSN v2.0

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Segment number: 2 BGM - M 1 - Beginning of message

Function: A segment by which the sender must uniquely identify the Product inquiry message by means of its number. EDIFACT EAN * Description



1001 Document name code C an..3 R * 376 = Standing inquiry on product information catalogueItemSubscription

1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 N

1000 Document name C an..35 N



1004 Document identifier C an..35 R Product Inquiry number assigned by the document sender. It is recommended that the length of the document number be restricted to a maximum of 17 characters.

uniqueCreatorIdentification CatalogueItemSubscriptionI dentification

1056 Version identifier C an..9 N

1060 Revision identifier C an..6 N

1225 Message function code C an..3 R * 9 = Original 31 = Copy documentStatus CatalogueItemSubscription

4343 Response type code C an..3 N

Segment Notes: This segment is used to indicate the type and function of the message and to transmit the identifying number. A business message used to establish a request for the update of trade item information from an end recipient ona continuous basis. Example:

BGM+376+214+9' Standing quiry on product information, number 214, Status: Original

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Segment number: 3 DTM - M 9 - Date/time/period

Function: A segment specifying general dates and, when relevant, times related to the whole message. The Product Inquiry

message preparation date must be specified using this segment. EDIFACT EAN * Description


2005 Date or time or period function code qualifier

M an..3 M * 137 = Document/message date/time

2380 Date or time or period value C an..35 R creationDate CatalogueItemSubscription

2379 Date or time or period format code


Segment Notes: This segment is used to specify the date of the product inquiry or any dates related to the contents of the message. DE 2005: Identification of the 'Document/message date/time' (code value 137) is mandatory in an EANCOM message. Example:

DTM+137:200603091059:203' Creation Date: 9th March 2006 at 10:59

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Segment number: 4 SG1 - M 99 - NAD

NAD - M 1 - Name and address

Function: A segment identifying names and addresses of the parties, in coded or clear form, and their functions relevant to

the Product inquiry message. Identification of the requesting party and the party asked for information is mandatory for the Product inquiry message. It is recommended that where possible only the coded form of the party ID should be specified e.g. the sender and receiver of the report are known to each other, thus only the coded ID is required, but when a new address might have to be clearly specified, this should be done preferably in structured format.

EDIFACT EAN * Description

3035 Party function code qualifier M an..3 M * HP = Final message recipient X1 = Recipient Data Pool (GS1 Code) COW = Content Owner (GS1 Code)



3039 Party identifier M an..35 M For identification of parties it is recommended to use GLN - Format n13.

dataRecipient CatalogueItemSubscription recipientDataPool CatalogueItemSubscription contentOwner CatalogueItemSubscriptionI


1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 R * 9 = EAN (International Article Numbering association)


3124 Name and address description M an..35 N

3124 Name and address description C an..35 N

3124 Name and address description C an..35 N

3124 Name and address description C an..35 N

3124 Name and address description C an..35 N


3036 Party name M an..35 N

3036 Party name C an..35 N

3036 Party name C an..35 N

3036 Party name C an..35 N

3036 Party name C an..35 N

3045 Party name format code C an..3 N


3042 Street and number or post office box identifier

M an..35 N

3042 Street and number or post office box identifier

C an..35 N

3042 Street and number or post office box identifier

C an..35 N

3042 Street and number or post C an..35 N

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Segment number: 4 EDIFACT EAN * Description office box identifier

3164 City name C an..35 N



3229 Country sub-entity name code C an..9 N

1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 N

3228 Country sub-entity name C an..70 N

3251 Postal identification code C an..17 N

3207 Country name code C an..3 N

Segment Notes: This segment is used to identify the trading partners involved in the product inquiry message. Identification of the supplier and buyer, or the central catalogue or data base, is mandatory in the product inquiry message. Example:

NAD+COW+8456789000007::9' Content Owner identified with GLN 8456789000007 NAD+HP+8456789000014::9' Final Message recipient identified with GLN 8456789000014 NAD+X1+8456789000021::9' Recipient Data Pool identified with GLN 8456789000021

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Segment number: 5 SG4 - M 9999 - LIN-SG6

LIN - M 1 - Line item

Function: A segment specifying the inquiry request line and if available, the identification of the product or service for which

the inquiry is being made. EDIFACT EAN * Description

1082 Line item identifier C an..6 R Application generated number of the item lines within the product inquiry.

1229 Action request/notification description code

C an..3 R * 1 = Added 2 = Deleted Added(1) to add a new Subscription criteria in the Synchronisation list. Deleted(2) to delete an existing Subscription criteria inthe Synchronisation list.



7140 Item identifier C an..35 R GTIN Format n..14

gTIN CatalogueItemSubscription

7143 Item type identification code C an..3 R * SRV = EAN.UCC Global Trade Item Number 1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 N


5495 Sub-line indicator code C an..3 N

1082 Line item identifier C an..6 N

1222 Configuration level number C n..2 N

7083 Configuration operation code C an..3 N

Segment Notes: This segment is used to specify the inquiry request line and if available, the identification of the product or servicefor which the inquiry is being made. If Global Trade Item Numbers are available it is mandatory to use GTIN within the LIN segment. Example:

LIN+1+1+5412345000013:SRV' This example identifies the GTIN 5412345000013 as the code for the product on which an enquiry is being made.

LIN+2+1' This example details a case where no GTIN is known by the party making the inquiry. A line item number is generated to create a unique reference for future use.

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Segment number: 6 SG4 - M 9999 - LIN-SG6

SG6 - C 9999 - IRQ-PIA-NAD-PGI IRQ - M 1 - Information required

Function: A segment specifying the type of information requested by the Product inquiry message, e.g. a price/sales

catalogue, allowances and charges information, delivery lead times, etc. EDIFACT EAN * Description


4511 Requested information description code

C an..3 R * 1E = Only PRICAT (EAN Code) X11 = GS1 XML Catalogue Item Notification

(GS1 Code) 1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 R * 9 = EAN (International Article Numbering association)

4510 Requested information description

C an..35 N

Segment Notes: This segment is used to specify the type of information which is requested in return for all the products detailed inthe LIN - segment or SG5. Example:

IRQ+1E::9' Requests only price/sales catalogue information for the products detailed in the LIN segment or SG5. The response to this message is a PRICAT message.

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Segment number: 7 SG4 - M 9999 - LIN-SG6

SG6 - C 9999 - IRQ-PIA-NAD-PGI PIA - C 10 - Additional product id

Function: A segment providing either additional identification to the product specified in the LIN segment or providing a

substitute product identification. EDIFACT EAN * Description

4347 Product identifier code qualifier M an..3 M * 1 = Additional identification 1 = Additional Identification - To provide an additional identity for the GTIN identified in the LIN segment.



7140 Item identifier C an..35 R classificationCategoryCode Classification

7143 Item type identification code C an..3 R * BRI = Brick Code (GS1 Code) 1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 N



7140 Item identifier C an..35 N

7143 Item type identification code C an..3 N

1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 N



7140 Item identifier C an..35 N

7143 Item type identification code C an..3 N

1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 N



7140 Item identifier C an..35 N

7143 Item type identification code C an..3 N

1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 N



7140 Item identifier C an..35 N

7143 Item type identification code C an..3 N

1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

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Segment number: 7 EDIFACT EAN * Description

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 N

Segment Notes: This segment is used to identify additional or substitutional item identification codes such as buyer's, or seller's item number. This segment is used to detail the Brick of the Global Product Classification for subscription purposes. Example:

PIA+1+10000040:BRI' Brick: Oils Edible – Vegetable or Plant (Shelf Stable)

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Segment number: 8 SG4 - M 9999 - LIN-SG6

SG6 - C 9999 - IRQ-PIA-NAD-PGI NAD - C 10 - Name and address

Function: A segment identifying the name and address of a party related to the product for which an inquiry is being made,

e.g. supplier, ultimate customer, etc. EDIFACT EAN * Description

3035 Party function code qualifier M an..3 M * TF = Source of information



3039 Party identifier M an..35 M For identification of parties it is recommended to use GLN - Format n13.

dataSource CatalogueItemSubscription

1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 R * 9 = EAN (International Article Numbering association)


3124 Name and address description M an..35 N

3124 Name and address description C an..35 N

3124 Name and address description C an..35 N

3124 Name and address description C an..35 N

3124 Name and address description C an..35 N


3036 Party name M an..35 N

3036 Party name C an..35 N

3036 Party name C an..35 N

3036 Party name C an..35 N

3036 Party name C an..35 N

3045 Party name format code C an..3 N


3042 Street and number or post office box identifier

M an..35 N

3042 Street and number or post office box identifier

C an..35 N

3042 Street and number or post office box identifier

C an..35 N

3042 Street and number or post office box identifier

C an..35 N

3164 City name C an..35 N



3229 Country sub-entity name code C an..9 N

1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

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Segment number: 8 EDIFACT EAN * Description

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 N

3228 Country sub-entity name C an..70 N

3251 Postal identification code C an..17 N

3207 Country name code C an..3 N

Segment Notes: This segment is used to request or provide information regarding any parties related to the current line item only, e.g., manufacturer, distributor. Example:

NAD+TF+8456789000021::9' Data source is identified with GLN 8456789000021

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Segment number: 9 SG4 - M 9999 - LIN-SG6

SG6 - C 9999 - IRQ-PIA-NAD-PGI PGI - C 9 - Product group information

Function: A segment specifying product or price group information requested for the current product. EDIFACT EAN * Description

5379 Product group type code M an..3 M * X10 = Target Market Division/Subdivion code (GS1 Code)


5389 Product group name code C an..25 R ISO3166-1 Code for Target Market Country Code ISO3166-2 Code for Target Market Country and Subdivision Code

targetMarketCountryCode CatalogueItemReference targetMarketSubdivisionCode CatalogueItemReference

1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 R * 5 = ISO (International Organization for Standardization)

5388 Product group name C an..35 N

Segment Notes: This segment is used to group a set of related products together. The detail section of the Price/Sales Catalogue starts with the PGI segment. PGI is used to group products, by price, by product type, by buying group, and/or by supplier/manufacturer. Example:

PGI+X10+ES::5' Target Market: Spain

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Segment number: 10 UNT - M 1 - Message trailer

Function: A service segment ending a message, giving the total number of segments in the message (including the UNH &

UNT) and the control reference number of the message. EDIFACT EAN * Description

0074 Number of segments in the message

M n..6 M The total number of segments in the message is specified here.

0062 Message reference number M an..14 M The message reference numbered detailed here should equal the one specified in the UNH segment.

Segment Notes: This segment is a mandatory UN/EDIFACT segment. It must always be the last segment in the message. Example:

UNT+11+ME000001' Total number of segments in the message equals 11

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8.5. Mapping GDSN2EANCOM Find below the description of each field in the mapping table.

BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code Gtin

xxx -CatalogueItemReference- CatalogueItemReference

M Integer A particular Global trade item Number, a numerical value used to uniquely identify a trade item. A trade item is any trade item (product or service) upon which there is a need to retrieve pre- defined information and that may be planned, priced, ordered, delivered and or invoiced at any point in any supply chain. (Taken from Item BMS 7.6)

Item identifier. GTIN - A unique number, up to 14- digits, assigned according to the numbering structureof the EAN.UCC system. 'EAN' stands for the 'International Article Numbering Association' and 'UCC' for the 'Uniform Code Council'. xxx LIN+1+5+5412345111115:SRV' GTIN of the trade item: 5412345111115

M n..14 SG36 LIN 7

1082 7143 7140

Seq. number SRV

Definition of the Busines Term detailed in BMS

Example in EANCOM of the Business Term

Definition of the Business Term detailed in EANCOM

Description o f the example in EANCOM

Format of the field in the BMS

Name of the Class in the BMS

Name of the Business Term in the BMS

Name of the Group where the Business Term belongs to

Segment Group, Segment Tag and Segment Number

Codes involved in the definition of the Business Term

Data Elements (DEs) involved. DE containing the Business Term is in bold and underlined

Status: Mandatory(M) or Optional(O)

Status: Mandatory(M) or Optional(O)

Format of the field in EANCOM

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BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code Catalogue Item Subscription xxx

GS1 XML Document: Catalogue Item Subscription

PROINQ D01 EANCOM Message Syntax 3 xxx UNH+1+PROINQ:D:01B:EN:GDSN20' PROINQ message for Catalogue Item Subscription, GDSN v2.0

M an..14 UNH 1

0065 0052 0054 0051 0057 0062


catalogueItemSubscription xxx

M A standing product inquiry impliesthat the supplier will send both a one-time download and notification of all future changes to the requested trade item until the standing request is deleted. Astanding product inquiry can onlybe modified by deleting the original request and initiating a new request.

A standing product inquiry implies that the supplier will send both a one-time download and notification ofall future changes to the requested trade item until the standing request is deleted. A standing product inquiry can only be modified by deleting the original request and initiating a new request. xxx BGM+376+214+9' Standing quiry on product information

M an..3 BGM 2

1001 376

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BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code targetMarketCountryCode xxx -TargetMarket- CatalogueItemReference

M ISO3166_ 1Code

The Target Market is a geographical region based upon geographical boundaries sanctioned by the United Nations.There is one international systemto describe geographical regions,the ISO-3166-code system. The country level or higher geographical definition in which the Information Provider will make the GTIN available to buyers. This does not in any way govern where the buyer may re-sell the GTIN toconsumers. This code can be repeated as many times as needed. This code is representedby the 2-character ISO 3166-1 code. It is a mandatory attribute. Additionally, Target Market Subdivision Code indicates country subdivision where the trade item is intended to be sold. This code is represented by the 3-character ISO 3166-2 code.

The Target Market is a geographical region based upon geographical boundaries sanctioned by the United Nations. There is one international system to describe geographical regions, the ISO-3166-code system. The country level or higher geographical definition in which the Information Provider will make the GTIN available to buyers. This does not in any way govern where the buyer may re-sell the GTIN to consumers. This code can be repeated as many times as needed.This code is represented by the 2-character ISO 3166-1 code. It is a mandatory attribute. Additionally,Target Market Subdivision Code indicates country subdivision where the trade item is intended to be sold. This code is represented by the 3-character ISO3166-2 code. (Proposal taken from BMS) xxx PGI+X10+ES::5' Target Market: Spain

M an..3 SG6 PGI 9

5379 3055 5389

X10 5 ISO3166_ 1

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BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code targetMarketSubdivisionCo de xxx -TargetMarket- CatalogueItemReference

M ISO3166_ 2Code

The Target Market Subdivision Code is the secondary code of the Target Market and must be asubdivision of a Target Market Country Code. The Target MarketSubdivision Code describes the "geo-political subdivision of a country" where the trade item is intended for sale, as determined by the Information Provider (e.g. "State" in the US). Target MarketSubdivision Codes must be usedin conjunction with Target MarketCountry Codes. The Target Mar- ket subdivision code is repre- sented by the three-character ISO 3166-2 code.

The Target Market Subdivision Code is the secondary code of the Target Market and must be a subdivisionof a Target Market Country Code. The Target MarketSubdivision Code describes the "geo-political subdivision of a country" where the trade item is intended for sale, as determined by the Information Provider (e.g. "State" in the US). Target Market Subdivision Codes must be used in conjunction with Target Market Country Codes. The Target Mar-ket subdivision code is repre-sented by the three- character ISO 3166-2 code. (Proposal taken from BMS) xxx PGI+X10+IT-MI::5' Target Market: Country: Italy, Province: Milano

M an..7 SG6 PGI 9

5379 3055 5389

X10 5 ISO3166_ 2

dataRecipient xxx -CatalogueItemSubscription- CatalogueItemSubscription

M String Party, which is authorized to view, use, download a set of Master Data provided by a Data Source.

Final message recipient. To identify the final recipient of the message. xxx NAD+HP+8456789000014::9' Data Recipient identified with GLN 8456789000014

M n13 SG1 NAD 4

3035 3055 3039

HP 9

dataSource xxx -CatalogueItemSubscription- CatalogueItemSubscription

O String Entity that provides the global data synchronization network withMaster Data. The Data Source isofficially recognized as the ownerof this data. For a given Item or Party, the source of data is responsible for permanent updates of the information under its responsibility.

Source of information. To specify that the party is thesource for information. xxx NAD+TF+8456789000021::9' Data source is identified with GLN 8456789000021

O n13 SG6 NAD 8

3035 3055 3039

TF 9

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BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code gTIN xxx -CatalogueItemSubscription- CatalogueItemSubscription

O Integer A particular Global trade item Number, a numerical value used to uniquely identify a trade item. A trade item is any trade item (product or service) upon which there is a need to retrieve pre- defined information and that maybe planned, priced, ordered, delivered and or invoiced at any point in any supply chain. (Takenfrom Item BMS 7.6)

Item identifier. GTIN - A unique number, up to 14- digits, assigned according to the numbering structureof the EAN.UCC system. 'EAN' stands for the 'International Article Numbering Association' and 'UCC' for the 'Uniform Code Council'. xxx LIN+1+1+8456789000007:SRV' Add a suscription for GTIN of the trade item: 8456789000007

O n..14 SG4 LIN 5

1082 7143 7140

Seq. number SRV

recipientDataPool xxx -CatalogueItemSubscription- CatalogueItemSubscription

O String Party, which is authorized to view, use, download a set of Master Data provided by a Data Source.

Party, which is authorized to view, use, download a set of Master Data provided by a Data Source. (Proposal taken from BMS) xxx NAD+X1+8456789000014::9' Data Source identified with GLN 8456789000014

O n13 SG1 NAD 4

3035 3055 3039

X1 9

creationDate xxx -Document- CatalogueItemSubscription

M DateTime No Definition in BMS. Date/time when a document/message is issued. xxx DTM+137:200603091059:203' Creation Date: 9th March 2006 at 10:59

M an..35 DTM 3

2005 2379 2380

137 203 204

documentStatus xxx -Document- CatalogueItemSubscription

M String Indicates if the document is a copy or an original.

Code indicating the function of the message. ORIGINAL -> 9 COPY -> 31 xxx BGM+376+214+9' Document status: original

M an..3 BGM 2

1225 9 31

contentOwner xxx -EntityIdentification- CatalogueItemSubscriptionIdentification

M String No definition in BMS Document/message issuer/sender. Issuer of a document and/or sender of a message. xxx NAD+COW+8456789000007::9' Content Owner identified with GLN 8456789000007

M n13 SG1 NAD 4

3035 3055 3039


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BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code uniqueCreatorIdentification xxx -EntityIdentification- CatalogueItemSubscriptionIdentification

M String No description in BMS Document identifier. Product inquiry message number. xxx BGM+376+214+9' Message number 214

M an..35 BGM 2


classificationCategoryCode xxx -CatalogueItemClassification- Classification

O an..35 Brick value of the classification Category Code.

Brick value of the classification Category Code. xxx PIA+1+10000040:BRI' Brick code is 1000000040 : Oils Edible – Vegetable or Plant (Shelf Stable)

O an..35 SG6 PIA 7

4347 7143 7140


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8.6. EANCOM Example The example is detailed as additional information and to facilitate the implementation of the Guidelines. Examples are exactly the same as those described in the mapping, however all the elements in the example below are sorted by segment and within each segment by data element.

Element Example EANCOM M/O Format Seg DE Code

dataSource -CatalogueItemReference- CatalogueItemReference

NAD+TF+8456789000021::9' Data Source identified with GLN 8456789000021

M n13 SG2 NAD 5

3035 3055 3039

TF 9

Name of the Business Term in the BMS

Name of the Group where the Business Term belongs to

Example in EANCOM of the Business Term

Description o f the example in EANCOM

Name of the Class in the BMS

Segment Group, Segment Tag and Segment Number

Codes involved in the definition of the Business Term

Status: Mandatory(M) or Optional(O)

Format of the field in EANCOM

Data Elements (DEs) involved. DE containing the Business Term is in bold and underlined

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Element Example EANCOM M/O Format Seg DE Code Catalogue Item Subscription UNH+1+PROINQ:D:01B:EN:GDSN20'

PROINQ message for Catalogue Item Subscription, GDSN v2.0 M an..14 UNH

1 0065 0052 0054 0051 0057 0062


catalogueItemSubscription BGM+376+214+9' Standing quiry on product information

M an..3 BGM 2

1001 376

uniqueCreatorIdentification -EntityIdentification- CatalogueItemSubscriptionIdentification

BGM+376+214+9' Message number 214

M an..35 BGM 2


documentStatus -Document- CatalogueItemSubscription

BGM+376+214+9' Document status: original

M an..3 BGM 2

1225 9 31

creationDate -Document- CatalogueItemSubscription

DTM+137:200603091059:203' Creation Date: 9th March 2006 at 10:59

M an..35 DTM 3

2005 2379 2380

137 203 204

dataRecipient -CatalogueItemSubscription- CatalogueItemSubscription

NAD+HP+8456789000014::9' Data Recipient identified with GLN 8456789000014

M n13 SG1 NAD 4

3035 3055 3039

HP 9

recipientDataPool -CatalogueItemSubscription- CatalogueItemSubscription

NAD+X1+8456789000014::9' Data Source identified with GLN 8456789000014

O n13 SG1 NAD 4

3035 3055 3039

X1 9

contentOwner -EntityIdentification- CatalogueItemSubscriptionIdentification

NAD+COW+8456789000007::9' Content Owner identified with GLN 8456789000007

M n13 SG1 NAD 4

3035 3055 3039


gTIN -CatalogueItemSubscription- CatalogueItemSubscription

LIN+1+1+8456789000007:SRV' Add a suscription for GTIN of the trade item: 8456789000007

O n..14 SG4 LIN 5

1082 7143 7140

Seq. number SRV

classificationCategoryCode -CatalogueItemClassification- Classification

PIA+1+10000040:BRI' Brick code is 1000000040 : Oils Edible – Vegetable or Plant (Shelf Stable)

O an..35 SG6 PIA 7

4347 7143 7140


dataSource -CatalogueItemSubscription- CatalogueItemSubscription

NAD+TF+8456789000021::9' Data source is identified with GLN 8456789000021

O n13 SG6 NAD 8

3035 3055 3039

TF 9

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Element Example EANCOM M/O Format Seg DE Code targetMarketCountryCode -TargetMarket- CatalogueItemReference

PGI+X10+ES::5' Target Market: Spain

M an..3 SG6 PGI 9

5379 3055 5389

X10 5 ISO3166_1

targetMarketSubdivisionCode -TargetMarket- CatalogueItemReference

PGI+X10+IT-MI::5' Target Market: Country: Italy, Province: Milano

M an..7 SG6 PGI 9

5379 3055 5389

X10 5 ISO3166_2

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9. Catalogue Item Confirmation - PRICAT D01B Syntax 3 This refers to electronic communication from the Data Recipient to the Data Source indicating what action has been taken on the item. The confirmation process occurs in the recipient's data pool.

Source: BMS Catalogue Item Synchronisation

9.1. Message Structure Chart Catalogue Item Confirmation Heading Section UNH 1 M 1 - Message header BGM 2 M 1 - Beginning of message DTM 3 M 35 - Date/time/period SG2 C 99 - NAD NAD 4 M 1 - Name and address Catalogue Item Confirmation Detail Section SG17 C 1000 - PGI-SG36 PGI 5 M 1 - Product group information SG36 C 999999 - LIN LIN 6 M 1 - Line item Catalogue Item Confirmation Summary Section UNT 7 M 1 - Message trailer

9.2. Segment Description UNH 1 - M 1 - Message header

This segment is used to head, identify and specify a message. BGM 2 - M 1 - Beginning of message

This segment is used to indicate the type and function of the message and to transmit the identifying number.

DTM 3 - M 35 - Date/time/period This segment is used to specify the date of the message or any dates related to the contents of the message.

SG2 C 99 - NAD A group of segments identifying the parties with associated information relevant to the whole message.

NAD 4 - M 1 - Name and address This segment is used to identify the trading partners involved in the message. Identification of the supplier and buyer, or the central catalogue or data base, is mandatory in the message.

SG17 C 1000 - PGI-SG36 A group of segments enabling the standard commercial factors relevant to a specific group of items to be specified. e.g. Target Market.

PGI 5 - M 1 - Product group information This segment is used to group a set of related products together.

SG36 C 999999 - LIN A group of segments providing the relevant price/sales information for the specified product/service.

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LIN 6 - M 1 - Line item This segment is used to identify the GTIN of a product. If Global Trade Item Numbers are available it is mandatory to use GTIN within the LIN segment. Example:

UNT 7 - M 1 - Message trailer This segment is a mandatory UN/EDIFACT segment. It must always be the last segment in the message. Example:

9.3. Branching Diagram








DTM M 35


SG2 C 99



SG17 C 1000



SG36 C 999999





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9.4. Segment Layout This section describes each segment used in the EANCOM® Multiple Credit Advice message. The original EDIFACT segment layout is listed. The appropriate comments relevant to the EANCOM® subset are indicated.


4. The segments are presented in the sequence in which they appear in the message. The segment or segment group tag is followed by the (M)andatory / (C)onditional indicator, the maximum number of occurrences and the segment description.

5. Reading from left to right, in column one, the data element tags and descriptions are shown, followed by in the second column the EDIFACT status (M or C), the field format, and the picture of the data elements. These first pieces of information constitute the original EDIFACT segment layout.

Following the EDIFACT information, EANCOM® specific information is provided in the third, fourth, and fifth columns. In the third column a status indicator for the use of (C)onditional EDIFACT data elements (see 2.1 through 2.3 below), in the fourth column the restricted indicator (see point 3), and in the fifth column notes and code values used for specific data elements in the message.

2.1 (M)andatory data elements in EDIFACT segments retain their status in EANCOM®.

2.2 Additionally, there are five types of status for data elements with a (C)onditional EDIFACT status, whether for simple, component or composite data elements. These are listed below and can be identified when relevant by the following abbreviations:

- REQUIRED R Indicates that the entity is required and must be sent.

- ADVISED A Indicates that the entity is advised or recommended.

- DEPENDENT D Indicates that the entity must be sent in certain conditions, as defined by the relevant explanatory note.

- OPTIONAL O Indicates that the entity is optional and may be sent at the discretion of the user.

- NOT USED N Indicates that the entity is not used and should be omitted.

2.3 If a composite is flagged as N, NOT USED, all data elements within that composite will have blank status indicators assigned to them.

6. Status indicators detailed in the fourth column which directly relate to the code values detailed in the fifth column may have two values:


* A data element marked with an asterisk (*) in the fourth column indicates that the listed codes in column five are the only codes available for use with this data element, in this segment, in this message.


All data elements where coded representation of data is possible and a restricted set of code values is not indicated are open (no asterisk in fourth column). The available codes are listed in the EANCOM® Data Elements and Code Sets Directory. Code values may be given as examples or there may be a note on the format or type of code to be used.

Find below information on how to read the Data Elements (DEs) and the link to the BMS: 1225 Message function code C an..3 M * 9 = Original

31 = Copy documentStatus CatalogueItemNotification

Name of the Business Term in the BMS

Name of the Group where the Business Term belongs to

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Segment number: 1 UNH - M 1 - Message header

Function: A service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message. The message type code for the Price/sales

catalogue message is PRICAT. Note: Price/sales catalogue messages conforming to this document must contain the following data in segment UNH, composite S009: Data element 0065 PRICAT 0052 D 0054 01B 0051 UN

EDIFACT EAN * Description

0062 Message reference number M an..14 M Senders unique message reference. Sequence number of the messages in the interchange. DE 0062 in the UNT will be identical. Sender generated.

Catalogue Item Confirmation S009 MESSAGE IDENTIFIER M M

0065 Message type M an..6 M * PRICAT = Price/sales catalogue message

0052 Message version number M an..3 M * D = Draft version/UN/EDIFACT Directory

0054 Message release number M an..3 M * 01B = Release 2001 - B

0051 Controlling agency M an..2 M * EN = EAN International

0057 Association assigned code C an..6 R * GDSN20 = GDSN 2.0 (GS1 Code) Indicates that the message is an EANCOM message for version 2.0 of GDSN Network

0068 Common access reference C an..35 N



0070 Sequence of transfers M n..2 N

0073 First and last transfer C a1 N

Segment Notes: This segment is used to head, identify and specify a message. DE's 0065, 0052, 0054, and 0051: Indicate that the message is a UNSM Price/Sales Catalogue based on the D. 01B directory under the control of the United Nations. Example:

UNH+ME000001+PRICAT:D:01B:EN:GDSN20' PRICAT message for Catalogue Item Confirmation, GDSN v2.0

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Segment number: 2 BGM - M 1 - Beginning of message

Function: A segment by which the sender must uniquely identify the Price/Sales catalogue by means of its type and number

and when necessary its function. EDIFACT EAN * Description



1001 Document name code C an..3 R * 51 = Price/sales catalogue response A document providing a response to a previously sent price/sales catalogue.

catalogueItemConfirmation 1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 N

1000 Document name C an..35 N



1004 Document identifier C an..35 R Message number assigned by the document sender. It is recommended that the length of the document number be restricted to a maximum of 17 characters.

uniqueCreatorIdentification CatalogueItemConfirmationI

dentification 1056 Version identifier C an..9 N

1060 Revision identifier C an..6 N

1225 Message function code C an..3 R * 9 = Original 31 = Copy 9 = Original - An original transmission of a message 31 = Copy - This code indicates that the message is a copy of an original message that has been sent, e.g. for action or information.

documentStatus CatalogueItemConfirmation4343 Response type code C an..3 N

Segment Notes: This segment is used to indicate the type and function of the message and to transmit the identifying number. Example:

BGM+51+214+9' PRICAT Response message, number 214, status Original.

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Segment number: 3 DTM - M 35 - Date/time/period

Function: A segment specifying general dates and, when relevant, times related to the whole message. The segment must

be specified at least once to identify the Price/sales catalogue document date. Examples of the use of this DTM segment are: Lead times that apply to the whole Price/Sales catalogue or expiration date/time of the Price/sales catalogue. The Date/time/period segment within other Segment groups should be used whenever the date/time/period requires to be logically related to another specified data item. e.g. the Reference date is specified within the RFF segment group.

EDIFACT EAN * Description


2005 Date or time or period function code qualifier

M an..3 M * 137 = Document/message date/time

2380 Date or time or period value C an..35 R creationDate CatalogueItemConfirmation

2379 Date or time or period format code


Segment Notes: This segment is used to specify the date of the message or any dates related to the contents of the message. DE 2005: Identification of the 'Document/message date/time' (code value 137) is mandatory in an EANCOM message. Example:

DTM+137:200603091059:203' Creation Date: 9th March 2006 at 10:59

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Segment number: 4 SG2 - C 99 - NAD NAD - M 1 - Name and address

Function: A segment identifying names and addresses of the parties, in coded or clear form, and their functions.

Identification of the sender and receiver parties is mandatory for the Price/sales catalogue message. It is recommended that where possible only the coded form of the party ID should be specified, e.g. The sender and the receiver are known to each other, thus only the coded ID is required, but the other parties specified in the message may vary and would have to be clearly specified, preferably in structured format.

EDIFACT EAN * Description

3035 Party function code qualifier M an..3 M * HP = Final message recipient TF = Source of information X1 = Recipient Data Pool (GS1 Code) COW = Content Owner (GS1 Code)



3039 Party identifier M an..35 M For identification of parties it is recommended to use GLN - Format n13.

dataSource CatalogueItemReference contentOwner CatalogueItemConfirmationI

dentification recipientGLN CatalogueItemConfirmationS

tate recipientDataPool CatalogueItemConfirmationS

tate 1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 R * 9 = EAN (International Article Numbering association)


3124 Name and address description M an..35 N

3124 Name and address description C an..35 N

3124 Name and address description C an..35 N

3124 Name and address description C an..35 N

3124 Name and address description C an..35 N


3036 Party name M an..35 N

3036 Party name C an..35 N

3036 Party name C an..35 N

3036 Party name C an..35 N

3036 Party name C an..35 N

3045 Party name format code C an..3 N


3042 Street and number or post office box identifier

M an..35 N

3042 Street and number or post office box identifier

C an..35 N

3042 Street and number or post C an..35 N

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Segment number: 4 EDIFACT EAN * Description office box identifier

3042 Street and number or post office box identifier

C an..35 N

3164 City name C an..35 N



3229 Country sub-entity name code C an..9 N

1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 N

3228 Country sub-entity name C an..70 N

3251 Postal identification code C an..17 N

3207 Country name code C an..3 N

Segment Notes: This segment is used to identify the trading partners involved in the message. Identification of the supplier and buyer, or the central catalogue or data base, is mandatory in the message. Example:

NAD+TF+8456789000055::9' Data source is GLN 8456789000055 NAD+COW+8456789000007::9' Content Owner identified with GLN 8456789000007 NAD+HP+8456789000014::9' Final Message recipient identified with GLN 8456789000014 NAD+X1+8456789000021::9' Recipient Data Pool identified with GLN 8456789000021

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Segment number: 5 SG17 - C 1000 - PGI-SG36 PGI - M 1 - Product group information

Function: A segment identifying the products Price/Tariff group where applicable. EDIFACT EAN * Description

5379 Product group type code M an..3 M * X10 = Target Market Division/Subdivion code (GS1 Code)


5389 Product group name code C an..25 R ISO3166-1 Code for Target Market Country Code ISO3166-2 Code for Target Market Country and Subdivision Code

targetMarketCountryCode CatalogueItemReference targetMarketSubdivisionCode CatalogueItemReference

1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 R * 5 = ISO (International Organization for Standardization)

5388 Product group name C an..35 N

Segment Notes: This segment is used to group a set of related products together. The detail section of the Price/Sales Catalogue starts with the PGI segment. PGI is used to group products, by price, by product type, by buying group, and/or by supplier/manufacturer. Example:

PGI+X10+ES::5' Target Market Country Code: Spain (ES) PGI+X10+IT-MI::5' Target Market: Country: Italy, province: Milano

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Segment number: 6 SG17 - C 1000 - PGI-SG36 SG36 - C 999999 - LIN LIN - M 1 - Line item

Function: A segment identifying the line item (or sub-line item in a configuration). EDIFACT EAN * Description

1082 Line item identifier C an..6 R Application generated number of the lines or sub-lines within the Price/Sales Catalogue message.

1229 Action request/notification description code

C an..3 R * 1 = Added 3 = Changed 5 = Accepted without amendment 55 = Referred item, rejected stateCatalogueItemConfirmationSta



7140 Item identifier C an..35 R Format n..14 GTIN - this is the number of the article.

gtin CatalogueItemReference 7143 Item type identification code C an..3 R * SRV = EAN.UCC Global Trade Item Number

1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 N


5495 Sub-line indicator code C an..3 N

1082 Line item identifier C an..6 N

1222 Configuration level number C n..2 N

7083 Configuration operation code C an..3 N

Segment Notes: This segment is used to identify the GTIN of a product. If Global Trade Item Numbers are available it is mandatory to use GTIN within the LIN segment. Example:

LIN+1+1+8456789000007:SRV' GTIN of the trade item: 8456789000007, Status: Synchronised

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Segment number: 7 UNT - M 1 - Message trailer

Function: A service segment ending a message, giving the total number of segments in the message (including the UNH &

UNT) and the control reference number of the message. EDIFACT EAN * Description

0074 Number of segments in the message

M n..6 M The total number of segments in the message is detailed here.

0062 Message reference number M an..14 M The message reference numbered detailed here should equal the one specified in the UNH segment.

Segment Notes: This segment is a mandatory UN/EDIFACT segment. It must always be the last segment in the message. Example:

UNT+141+ME000001' Total number of segments in the message equals 141

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9.5. Mapping GDSN2EANCOM Find below the description of each field in the mapping table:

BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code Gtin

xxx -CatalogueItemReference- CatalogueItemReference

M Integer A particular Global trade item Number, a numerical value used to uniquely identify a trade item. A trade item is any trade item (product or service) upon which there is a need to retrieve pre- defined information and that may be planned, priced, ordered, delivered and or invoiced at any point in any supply chain. (Taken from Item BMS 7.6)

Item identifier. GTIN - A unique number, up to 14- digits, assigned according to the numbering structureof the EAN.UCC system. 'EAN' stands for the 'International Article Numbering Association' and 'UCC' for the 'Uniform Code Council'. xxx LIN+1+5+5412345111115:SRV' GTIN of the trade item: 5412345111115

M n..14 SG36 LIN 7

1082 7143 7140

Seq. number SRV

Definition of the Busines Term detailed in BMS

Example in EANCOM of the Business Term

Definition of the Business Term detailed in EANCOM

Description o f the example in EANCOM

Format of the field in the BMS

Name of the Class in the BMS

Name of the Business Term in the BMS

Name of the Group where the Business Term belongs to

Format of the field in EANCOM

Segment Group, Segment Tag and Segment Number

Codes involved in the definition of the Business Term

Data Elements (DEs) involved. DE containing the Business Term is in bold and underlined

Status: Mandatory(M) or Optional(O)

Status: Mandatory(M) or Optional(O)

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BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code Catalogue Item Confirmation xxx

GS1 XML Document: Catalogue Item Confirmation

PRICAT D01B EANCOM Message Syntax 3 xxx UNH+1+PRICAT:D:01B:EN:GDSN20' PRICAT message for Catalogue Item Confirmation, GDSN v2.0

M an..14 UNH 1

0065 0052 0054 0051 0057 0062


catalogueItemConfirmation xxx

M This refers to electronic communication from the Data Recipient to the Data Source indicating what action has been taken on the item. The confirmation process occurs in the recipient's data pool.

This refers to electronic communication from the DataRecipient to the Data Source indicating what action has been taken on the item. The confirmation process occurs in the recipient's data pool. xxx BGM+51+12343+9' PRICAT Response message

M an..3 BGM 2

1001 51

creationDate xxx -Document- CatalogueItemConfirmation

M DateTime No Definition in BMS Date/time when a document/message is issued. xxx DTM+137:200603091059:203' Creation Date: 9th March 2006 at 10:59

M an..35 DTM 3

2005 2379 2380

137 203 204

documentStatus xxx -Document- CatalogueItemConfirmation

M String Indicates if the document is a copy or an original.

Code indicating the function of the message. ORIGINAL -> 9 COPY -> 31 xxx BGM+51+12343+9' Document status is Original

M an..3 BGM 2

1225 9 31

contentOwner xxx -EntityIdentification- CatalogueItemConfirmationIdentificatio n

M n13 No definition in BMS Document/message issuer/sender. Issuer of a document and/or sender of a message. xxx NAD+COW+8456789000007::9' Content Owner identified with GLN 8456789000007

M n13 SG2 NAD 4

3035 3055 3039


uniqueCreatorIdentification xxx -EntityIdentification- CatalogueItemConfirmationIdentificatio n

M an..80 No Definition in BMS. Document identifier. Price/sales catalogue response message number. Remarks: Conflict in field-length. xxx BGM+51+12343+9' Message number is 12343

M an..35 BGM 2


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BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code recipientDataPool xxx -CatalogueItemConfirmationState- CatalogueItemConfirmationState

O n13 A data pool that supports the functionality of the Data Recipient(Subscription, Confirmation, Search, Request for Notification, etc.)

A data pool that supports the functionality of the DataRecipient (Subscription, Confirmation, Search, Request for Notification, etc.) xxx NAD+X1+8456789000021::9' Recipient Data Pool identified with GLN 8456789000021

O n13 SG2 NAD 4

3035 3055 3039

X1 9

recipientGLN xxx -CatalogueItemConfirmationState- CatalogueItemConfirmationState

M n13 Party, which is authorized to view, use, download a set of Master Data provided by a Data Source.

Final message recipient. To identify the final recipient of the message. xxx NAD+HP+8456789000014::9' Final Message recipient identified with GLN 8456789000014

M n13 SG2 NAD 4

3035 3055 3039

HP 9

state xxx -CatalogueItemConfirmationState- CatalogueItemConfirmationState

M String The confirmation process occurs in the recipient's data pool. Confirmation is not mandatory. When used, it provides for the following outcomes: 1. Synchronized: data is integrated, in synch and added tothe synchronization list. 2. Accepted: data is added to thesynchronization list and will be insynch. 3. Rejected: data will not longer be synchronized or updates will no longer be provided. 4. Review: a request to the data source to "review" their data because the data recipient has received discrepant data which they cannot synchronize. If the data was previously synchronized, it will be removed from the synchronization list.

Action request/notification description code. Code specifying the action to be taken or already taken. SYNCHRONISED -> 1 ACCEPTED -> 5 REVIEW -> 3 REJECTED -> 55 xxx LIN+1+1+8456789000007:SRV' Status: Synchronised

M an..3 SG36 LIN 6

1229 1 3 5 55

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BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code dataSource xxx -CatalogueItemReference- CatalogueItemReference

M n13 Entity that provides the global data synchronization network withMaster Data. The Data Source isofficially recognized as the ownerof this data. For a given Item or Party, the source of data is responsible for permanent updates of the information under its responsibility.

Source of information. To specify that the party is thesource for information. xxx NAD+TF+8456789000055::9' Data source is GLN 8456789000055

M n13 SG2 NAD 4

3035 3055 3039

TF 9

gtin xxx -CatalogueItemReference- CatalogueItemReference

M n14 A particular Global trade item Number, a numerical value used to uniquely identify a trade item. A trade item is any trade item (product or service) upon which there is a need to retrieve pre- defined information and that maybe planned, priced, ordered, delivered and or invoiced at any point in any supply chain. (Takenfrom Item BRD 7.6)

Item identifier. GTIN - A unique number, up to 14- digits, assigned according to the numbering structureof the EAN.UCC system. 'EAN' stands for the 'International Article Numbering Association' and 'UCC' for the 'Uniform Code Council'. xxx LIN+1+1+8456789000007:SRV' GTIN of the trade item: 8456789000007

M n..14 SG36 LIN 6

1082 7143 7140

Seq. SRV

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BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code targetMarketCountryCode xxx -TargetMarket- CatalogueItemReference

M ISO3166_ 1Code

The Target Market is a geographical region based upon geographical boundaries sanctioned by the United Nations.There is one international systemto describe geographical regions,the ISO-3166-code system. The country level or higher geographical definition in which the Information Provider will make the GTIN available to buyers. This does not in any way govern where the buyer may re-sell the GTIN toconsumers. This code can be repeated as many times as needed. This code is representedby the 2-character ISO 3166-1 code. It is a mandatory attribute. Additionally, Target Market Subdivision Code indicates country subdivision where the trade item is intended to be sold. This code is represented by the 3-character ISO 3166-2 code.

The Target Market is a geographical region based upon geographical boundaries sanctioned by the United Nations. There is one international system to describe geographical regions, the ISO-3166-code system. The country level or higher geographical definition in which the Information Provider will make the GTIN available to buyers. This does not in any way govern where the buyer may re-sell the GTIN to consumers. This code can be repeated as many times as needed.This code is represented by the 2-character ISO 3166-1 code. It is a mandatory attribute. Additionally,Target Market Subdivision Code indicates country subdivision where the trade item is intended to be sold. This code is represented by the 3-character ISO3166-2 code. xxx PGI+X10+ES::5' Target Market: Spain

M an..3 SG17 PGI 5

5379 3055 5389

X10 5 ISO3166_ 1

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BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code targetMarketSubdivisionCo de xxx -TargetMarket- CatalogueItemReference

M ISO3166_ 2Code

The Target Market Subdivision Code is the secondary code of the Target Market and must be asubdivision of a Target Market Country Code. The Target MarketSubdivision Code describes the "geo-political subdivision of a country" where the trade item is intended for sale, as determined by the Information Provider (e.g. "State" in the US). Target MarketSubdivision Codes must be usedin conjunction with Target MarketCountry Codes. The Target Mar- ket subdivision code is repre- sented by the three-character ISO 3166-2 code.

The Target Market Subdivision Code is the secondary code of the Target Market and must be a subdivisionof a Target Market Country Code. The Target MarketSubdivision Code describes the "geo-political subdivision of a country" where the trade item is intended for sale, as determined by the Information Provider (e.g. "State" in the US). Target Market Subdivision Codes must be used in conjunction with Target Market Country Codes. The Target Mar-ket subdivision code is repre-sented by the three- character ISO 3166-2 code. (Proposal taken from BRD) xxx PGI+X10+IT-MI::5' Target Market: Country: Italy, Province: Milano

M an..7 SG17 PGI 5

5379 3055 5389

X10 5 ISO3166_ 2

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9.6. EANCOM Example The example is detailed as additional information and to facilitate the implementation of the Guidelines. Examples are exactly the same as those described in the mapping, however all the elements in the example below are sorted by segment and within each segment by data element.

Element Example EANCOM M/O Format Seg DE Code

dataSource -CatalogueItemReference- CatalogueItemReference

NAD+TF+8456789000021::9' Data Source identified with GLN 8456789000021

M n13 SG2 NAD 5

3035 3055 3039

TF 9

Name of the Business Term in the BMS

Name of the Group where the Business Term belongs to

Example in EANCOM of the Business Term

Description o f the example in EANCOM

Name of the Class in the BMS

Segment Group, Segment Tag and Segment Number

Codes involved in the definition of the Business Term

Status: Mandatory(M) or Optional(O)

Format of the field in EANCOM

Data Elements (DEs) involved. DE containing the Business Term is in bold and underlined

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Element Example EANCOM M/O Format Seg DE Code

Catalogue Item Confirmation UNH+1+PRICAT:D:01B:EN:GDSN20' PRICAT message for Catalogue Item Confirmation, GDSN v2.0

M an..14 UNH 1

0065 0052 0054 0051 0057 0062


catalogueItemConfirmation BGM+51+12343+9' PRICAT Response message

M an..3 BGM 2

1001 51

uniqueCreatorIdentification -EntityIdentification- CatalogueItemConfirmationIdentification

BGM+51+12343+9' Message number is 12343

M an..35 BGM 2


documentStatus -Document- CatalogueItemConfirmation

BGM+51+12343+9' Document status is Original

M an..3 BGM 2

1225 9 31

creationDate -Document- CatalogueItemConfirmation

DTM+137:200603091059:203' Creation Date: 9th March 2006 at 10:59

M an..35 DTM 3

2005 2379 2380

137 203 204

dataSource -CatalogueItemReference- CatalogueItemReference

NAD+TF+8456789000055::9' Data source is GLN 8456789000055

M n13 SG2 NAD 4

3035 3055 3039

TF 9

contentOwner -EntityIdentification- CatalogueItemConfirmationIdentification

NAD+COW+8456789000007::9' Content Owner identified with GLN 8456789000007

M n13 SG2 NAD 4

3035 3055 3039


recipientGLN -CatalogueItemConfirmationState- CatalogueItemConfirmationState

NAD+HP+8456789000014::9' Final Message recipient identified with GLN 8456789000014

M n13 SG2 NAD 4

3035 3055 3039

HP 9

recipientDataPool -CatalogueItemConfirmationState- CatalogueItemConfirmationState

NAD+X1+8456789000021::9' Recipient Data Pool identified with GLN 8456789000021

O n13 SG2 NAD 4

3035 3055 3039

X1 9

targetMarketCountryCode -TargetMarket- CatalogueItemReference

PGI+X10+ES::5' Target Market: Spain

M an..3 SG17 PGI 5

5379 3055 5389

X10 5 ISO3166_1

targetMarketSubdivisionCode -TargetMarket- CatalogueItemReference

PGI+X10+IT-MI::5' Target Market: Country: Italy, Province: Milano

M an..7 SG17 PGI 5

5379 3055 5389

X10 5 ISO3166_2

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Element Example EANCOM M/O Format Seg DE Code

state -CatalogueItemConfirmationState- CatalogueItemConfirmationState

LIN+1+1+8456789000007:SRV' Status: Synchronised

M an..3 SG36 LIN 6

1229 1 3 5 55

gtin -CatalogueItemReference- CatalogueItemReference

LIN+1+1+8456789000007:SRV' GTIN of the trade item: 8456789000007

M n..14 SG36 LIN 6

1082 7143 7140

Seq. SRV

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10. Request for Catalogue Item Notification - PROINQ D01B Syntax 3 A standing product inquiry implies that the supplier will send both a one-time download and notification of all future changes to the requested trade item until the standing request is deleted. A standing product inquiry can only be modified by deleting the original request and initiating a new request.

Source: BMS Catalogue Item Synchronisation

10.1. Message Structure Chart Request for Catalogue Item Notification Heading Section UNH 1 UN 1 - Message header BGM 2 BG 1 - Beginning of message DTM 3 DT 9 - Date/time/period SG1 M 99 - NAD NAD 4 NA 1 - Name and address Catalogue Item Subscription Detail Section SG4 M 9999 - LIN-SG6 LIN 5 LIN 1 - Line item SG6 C 9999 - IRQ-PIA-NAD-PGI IRQ 6 IR 1 - Information required PIA 7 PIA 10 - Additional product id NAD 8 NA 10 - Name and address PGI 9 PG 9 - Product group information Request for Catalogue Item Notification Summary Section UNT 10 UN 1 - Message trailer

10.2. Segment Description UNH 1 - U 1 - Message header

This segment is used to head, identify and specify a message. BGM 2 - B 1 - Beginning of message

This segment is used to indicate the type and function of the message and to transmit the identifying number.

DTM 3 - D 9 - Date/time/period This segment is used to specify the date of the product inquiry or any dates related to the contents of the message.

SG1 M 99 - NAD A group of segments identifying the parties with associated information relevantto the whole Product inquiry message.

NAD 4 - N 1 - Name and address This segment is used to identify the trading partners involved in the product inquiry message. Identification of the supplier and buyer, or the central catalogue or data base, is mandatory in the product inquiry message.

SG4 M 9999 - LIN-SG6 A group of segments identifying the product or attributes of the product for which information is required.

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LIN 5 - LI 1 - Line item This segment is used to specify the inquiry request line and if available, the identification of the product or service for which the inquiry is being made.

SG6 C 9999 - IRQ-PIA-NAD-PGI A group of segments specifying the type of requested information and optionallyproduct identification(s), measurements, parties related to the product, dates and price ranges.

IRQ 6 - IR 1 - Information required This segment is used to specify the type of information which is requested in return for all the products detailed in the LIN - segment or SG5.

PIA 7 - PI 10 - Additional product id This segment is used to identify additional or substitutional item identification codes such as buyer's, or seller's item number.

NAD 8 - N 10 - Name and address This segment is used to request or provide information regarding any parties related to the current line item only, e.g., manufacturer, distributor.

PGI 9 - P 9 - Product group information This segment is used to group a set of related products together.

UNT 10 - U 1 - Message trailer This segment is a mandatory UN/EDIFACT segment. It must always be the lastsegment in the message.

10.3. Branching Diagram

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10.4. Segment Layout This section describes each segment used in the EANCOM® Multiple Credit Advice message. The original EDIFACT segment layout is listed. The appropriate comments relevant to the EANCOM® subset are indicated.


1. The segments are presented in the sequence in which they appear in the message. The segment or segment group tag is followed by the (M)andatory / (C)onditional indicator, the maximum number of occurrences and the segment description.

2. Reading from left to right, in column one, the data element tags and descriptions are shown, followed by in the second column the EDIFACT status (M or C), the field format, and the picture of the data elements. These first pieces of information constitute the original EDIFACT segment layout.

Following the EDIFACT information, EANCOM® specific information is provided in the third, fourth, and fifth columns. In the third column a status indicator for the use of (C)onditional EDIFACT data elements (see 2.1 through 2.3 below), in the fourth column the restricted indicator (see point 3), and in the fifth column notes and code values used for specific data elements in the message.

2.1 (M)andatory data elements in EDIFACT segments retain their status in EANCOM®.

2.2 Additionally, there are five types of status for data elements with a (C)onditional EDIFACT status, whether for simple, component or composite data elements. These are listed below and can be identified when relevant by the following abbreviations:

- REQUIRED R Indicates that the entity is required and must be sent.

- ADVISED A Indicates that the entity is advised or recommended.

- DEPENDENT D Indicates that the entity must be sent in certain conditions, as defined by the relevant explanatory note.

- OPTIONAL O Indicates that the entity is optional and may be sent at the discretion of the user.

- NOT USED N Indicates that the entity is not used and should be omitted.

2.3 If a composite is flagged as N, NOT USED, all data elements within that composite will have blank status indicators assigned to them.

3. Status indicators detailed in the fourth column which directly relate to the code values detailed in the fifth column may have two values:


* A data element marked with an asterisk (*) in the fourth column indicates that the listed codes in column five are the only codes available for use with this data element, in this segment, in this message.


All data elements where coded representation of data is possible and a restricted set of code values is not indicated are open (no asterisk in fourth column). The available codes are listed in the EANCOM® Data Elements and Code Sets Directory. Code values may be given as examples or there may be a note on the format or type of code to be used.

Find below information on how to read the Data Elements (DEs) and the link to the BMS: 1225 Message function code C an..3 M * 9 = Original

31 = Copy documentStatus CatalogueItemNotification

Name of the Business Term in the BMS

Name of the Group where the Business Term belongs to

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Segment number: 1 UNH - UN 1 - Message header

Function: A service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message. The message type code for the Product inquiry

message is PROINQ. Note: Product inquiry messages conforming to this document must contain the following data in segment UNH, composite S009: Data element 0065 PROINQ 0052 D 0054 01B 0051 UN

EDIFACT EAN * Description

0062 Message reference number M an..14 M Senders unique message reference. Sequence number of the messages in the interchange. DE 0062 in the UNT will be identical. Sender generated.

Request For Catalogue Item Notification


0065 Message type M an..6 M * PROINQ = Product inquiry message

0052 Message version number M an..3 M * D = Draft version/UN/EDIFACT Directory

0054 Message release number M an..3 M * 01B = Release 2001 - B

0051 Controlling agency M an..2 M * EN = EAN International

0057 Association assigned code C an..6 R * GDSN20 = GDSN 2.0 (GS1 Code) Indicates that the message is an EANCOM message for version 2.0 of GDSN Network

0068 Common access reference C an..35 N



0070 Sequence of transfers M n..2 N

0073 First and last transfer C a1 N

Segment Notes: This segment is used to head, identify and specify a message. DE's 0065, 0052, and 0054: Indicates that the message is a UNSM Product Inquiry message based on the EDIFACT D.01B directory. Example:

UNH+ME000001+PROINQ:D:01B:EN:GDSN20' PROINQ message for Request for Catalogue Item Notification, GDSN v2.0

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Segment number: 2 BGM - BG 1 - Beginning of message

Function: A segment by which the sender must uniquely identify the Product inquiry message by means of its number. EDIFACT EAN * Description



1001 Document name code C an..3 R * 251 = Inquiry requestForCatalogueItemNotificato n

1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 N

1000 Document name C an..35 N



1004 Document identifier C an..35 R Product Inquiry number assigned by the document sender. It is recommended that the length of the document number be restricted to a maximum of 17 characters.

uniqueCreatorIdentification CatalogueItemSubscriptionI

dentification 1056 Version identifier C an..9 N

1060 Revision identifier C an..6 N

1225 Message function code C an..3 R * 9 = Original 31 = Copy documentStatusRequestForCatalogueItemNotif

4343 Response type code C an..3 N

Segment Notes: This segment is used to indicate the type and function of the message and to transmit the identifying number. This request is identical to a subscription with the difference being that the Global Registry will not retain the message once all relevant Source Data Pools receive the message. A special case of the Request is when the Data Recipient includes the "reload" flag in the message. This flag is attached to the resultant Catalogue Item Notification. Example:

BGM+251+214+9' Standing quiry on product information, number 214, Status: Original

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Segment number: 3 DTM - DT 9 - Date/time/period

Function: A segment specifying general dates and, when relevant, times related to the whole message. The Product Inquiry

message preparation date must be specified using this segment. EDIFACT EAN * Description


2005 Date or time or period function code qualifier

M an..3 M * 137 = Document/message date/time

2380 Date or time or period value C an..35 R creationDate RequestForCatalogueItemNo

tification 2379 Date or time or period format

code C an..3 R * 203 = CCYYMMDDHHMM


Segment Notes: This segment is used to specify the date of the product inquiry or any dates related to the contents of the message. DE 2005: Identification of the 'Document/message date/time' (code value 137) is mandatory in an EANCOM message. Example:

DTM+137:200603091059:203' Creation Date: 9th March 2006 at 10:59

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Segment number: 4 SG1 - M 99 - NAD NAD - NA 1 - Name and address

Function: A segment identifying names and addresses of the parties, in coded or clear form, and their functions relevant to

the Product inquiry message. Identification of the requesting party and the party asked for information is mandatory for the Product inquiry message. It is recommended that where possible only the coded form of the party ID should be specified e.g. the sender and receiver of the report are known to each other, thus only the coded ID is required, but when a new address might have to be clearly specified, this should be done preferably in structured format.

EDIFACT EAN * Description

3035 Party function code qualifier M an..3 M * HP = Final message recipient X1 = Recipient Data Pool (GS1 Code) COW = Content Owner (GS1 Code)



3039 Party identifier M an..35 M For identification of parties it is recommended to use GLN - Format n13.

dataRecipient RequestForCatalogueItemNo

tification recipientDataPool RequestForCatalogueItemNo

tification contentOwner RequestForCatalogueItemNo

tification 1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 R * 9 = EAN (International Article Numbering association)


3124 Name and address description M an..35 N

3124 Name and address description C an..35 N

3124 Name and address description C an..35 N

3124 Name and address description C an..35 N

3124 Name and address description C an..35 N


3036 Party name M an..35 N

3036 Party name C an..35 N

3036 Party name C an..35 N

3036 Party name C an..35 N

3036 Party name C an..35 N

3045 Party name format code C an..3 N


3042 Street and number or post office box identifier

M an..35 N

3042 Street and number or post office box identifier

C an..35 N

3042 Street and number or post office box identifier

C an..35 N

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Segment number: 4 EDIFACT EAN * Description

3042 Street and number or post office box identifier

C an..35 N

3164 City name C an..35 N



3229 Country sub-entity name code C an..9 N

1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 N

3228 Country sub-entity name C an..70 N

3251 Postal identification code C an..17 N

3207 Country name code C an..3 N

Segment Notes: This segment is used to identify the trading partners involved in the product inquiry message. Identification of the supplier and buyer, or the central catalogue or data base, is mandatory in the product inquiry message. Example:

NAD+COW+8456789000007::9' Content Owner identified with GLN 8456789000007 NAD+HP+8456789000014::9' Final Message recipient identified with GLN 8456789000014 NAD+X1+8456789000021::9' Recipient Data Pool identified with GLN 8456789000021

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Segment number: 5 SG4 - M 9999 - LIN-SG6 LIN - LI 1 - Line item

Function: A segment specifying the inquiry request line and if available, the identification of the product or service for which

the inquiry is being made. EDIFACT EAN * Description

1082 Line item identifier C an..6 R Application generated number of the item lines within the product inquiry.

1229 Action request/notification description code

C an..3 R * 3 = Changed 4 = No action isReloadRequestForCatalogueItemNotif



7140 Item identifier C an..35 R GTIN Format n..14

gTIN RequestForCatalogueItemNo

tification 7143 Item type identification code C an..3 R * SRV = EAN.UCC Global Trade Item Number

1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 N


5495 Sub-line indicator code C an..3 N

1082 Line item identifier C an..6 N

1222 Configuration level number C n..2 N

7083 Configuration operation code C an..3 N

Segment Notes: This segment is used to specify the inquiry request line and if available, the identification of the product or service for which the inquiry is being made. If GTIN is not a subscription criteria, C212 will not be used. Example:

LIN+1+3+8456789000007:SRV' This example identifies the GTIN 5412345000013 as the code for the product on which an enquiry is being made. Synchronisation list has to be changed and updated with the new GTIN.

LIN+2+4' This example details a case where no GTIN is known by the party making the inquiry. A line item number is generated to create a unique reference for future use.

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Segment number: 6 SG4 - M 9999 - LIN-SG6 SG6 - C 9999 - IRQ-PIA-NAD-PGI IRQ - IR 1 - Information required

Function: A segment specifying the type of information requested by the Product inquiry message, e.g. a price/sales

catalogue, allowances and charges information, delivery lead times, etc. EDIFACT EAN * Description


4511 Requested information description code

C an..3 R * 1E = Only PRICAT (EAN Code) X11 = GS1 XML Catalogue Item Notification

(GS1 Code)

1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 R * 9 = EAN (International Article Numbering association)

4510 Requested information description

C an..35 N

Segment Notes: This segment is used to specify the type of information which is requested in return for all the products detailed in the LIN - segment or SG5. Example:

IRQ+1E::9' Requests only price/sales catalogue information for the products detailed in the LIN segment or SG5. The response to this message is a PRICAT message.

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Segment number: 7 SG4 - M 9999 - LIN-SG6 SG6 - C 9999 - IRQ-PIA-NAD-PGI PIA - PI 10 - Additional product id

Function: A segment providing either additional identification to the product specified in the LIN segment or providing a

substitute product identification. EDIFACT EAN * Description

4347 Product identifier code qualifier M an..3 M * 1 = Additional identification 1 = Additional Identification - To provide an additional identity for the GTIN identified in the LIN segment.



7140 Item identifier C an..35 R classificationCategoryCode Classification

7143 Item type identification code C an..3 R * BRI = Brick Code (GS1 Code)

1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 N



7140 Item identifier C an..35 N

7143 Item type identification code C an..3 N

1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 N



7140 Item identifier C an..35 N

7143 Item type identification code C an..3 N

1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 N



7140 Item identifier C an..35 N

7143 Item type identification code C an..3 N

1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 N



7140 Item identifier C an..35 N

7143 Item type identification code C an..3 N

1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

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Segment number: 7 EDIFACT EAN * Description

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 N

Segment Notes: This segment is used to identify additional or substitutional item identification codes such as buyer's, or seller's item number. This segment is used to detail the Brick of the Global Product Classification for subscription purposes. Example:

PIA+1+10000040:BRI' Brick: Oils Edible – Vegetable or Plant (Shelf Stable)

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Segment number: 8 SG4 - M 9999 - LIN-SG6 SG6 - C 9999 - IRQ-PIA-NAD-PGI NAD - NA 10 - Name and address

Function: A segment identifying the name and address of a party related to the product for which an inquiry is being made,

e.g. supplier, ultimate customer, etc. EDIFACT EAN * Description

3035 Party function code qualifier M an..3 M * TF = Source of information



3039 Party identifier M an..35 M For identification of parties it is recommended to use GLN - Format n13.

dataSource RequestForCatalogueItemNo

tification 1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 R * 9 = EAN (International Article Numbering association)


3124 Name and address description M an..35 N

3124 Name and address description C an..35 N

3124 Name and address description C an..35 N

3124 Name and address description C an..35 N

3124 Name and address description C an..35 N


3036 Party name M an..35 N

3036 Party name C an..35 N

3036 Party name C an..35 N

3036 Party name C an..35 N

3036 Party name C an..35 N

3045 Party name format code C an..3 N


3042 Street and number or post office box identifier

M an..35 N

3042 Street and number or post office box identifier

C an..35 N

3042 Street and number or post office box identifier

C an..35 N

3042 Street and number or post office box identifier

C an..35 N

3164 City name C an..35 N



3229 Country sub-entity name code C an..9 N

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Segment number: 8 EDIFACT EAN * Description

1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 N

3228 Country sub-entity name C an..70 N

3251 Postal identification code C an..17 N

3207 Country name code C an..3 N

Segment Notes: This segment is used to request or provide information regarding any parties related to the current line item only, e.g., manufacturer, distributor. Example:

NAD+TF+8456789000021::9' Data source is identified with GLN 8456789000021

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Segment number: 9 SG4 - M 9999 - LIN-SG6 SG6 - C 9999 - IRQ-PIA-NAD-PGI PGI - PG 9 - Product group information

Function: A segment specifying product or price group information requested for the current product. EDIFACT EAN * Description

5379 Product group type code M an..3 M * X10 = Target Market Division/Subdivion code (GS1 Code)


5389 Product group name code C an..25 R ISO3166-1 Code for Target Market Country Code ISO3166-2 Code for Target Market Country and Subdivision Code

targetMarketCountryCode CatalogueItemReference targetMarketSubdivisionCode CatalogueItemReference

1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 R * 5 = ISO (International Organization for Standardization)

5388 Product group name C an..35 N

Segment Notes: This segment is used to group a set of related products together. This segment is used to group products, by price, by product type, by buying group, and/or by supplier/ manufacturer. Example:

PGI+X10+ES::5' Target Market: Spain

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Segment number: 10 UNT - UN 1 - Message trailer

Function: A service segment ending a message, giving the total number of segments in the message (including the UNH &

UNT) and the control reference number of the message. EDIFACT EAN * Description

0074 Number of segments in the message

M n..6 M The total number of segments in the message is specified here.

0062 Message reference number M an..14 M The message reference numbered detailed here should equal the one specified in the UNH segment.

Segment Notes: This segment is a mandatory UN/EDIFACT segment. It must always be the last segment in the message. Example:

UNT+29+ME000001' Total number of segments in the message equals 29

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10.5. Mapping GDSN2EANCOM Find below the description of each field in the mapping table:

BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code Gtin

xxx -CatalogueItemReference- CatalogueItemReference

M Integer A particular Global trade item Number, a numerical value used to uniquely identify a trade item. A trade item is any trade item (product or service) upon which there is a need to retrieve pre- defined information and that may be planned, priced, ordered, delivered and or invoiced at any point in any supply chain. (Taken from Item BMS 7.6)

Item identifier. GTIN - A unique number, up to 14- digits, assigned according to the numbering structureof the EAN.UCC system. 'EAN' stands for the 'International Article Numbering Association' and 'UCC' for the 'Uniform Code Council'. xxx LIN+1+5+5412345111115:SRV' GTIN of the trade item: 5412345111115

M n..14 SG36 LIN 7

1082 7143 7140

Seq. number SRV

Definition of the Busines Term detailed in BMS

Example in EANCOM of the Business Term

Definition of the Business Term detailed in EANCOM

Description o f the example in EANCOM

Format of the field in the BMS

Name of the Class in the BMS

Name of the Business Term in the BMS

Name of the Group where the Business Term belongs to

Format of the field in EANCOM

Segment Group, Segment Tag and Segment Number

Codes involved in the definition of the Business Term

Data Elements (DEs) involved. DE containing the Business Term is in bold and underlined

Status: Mandatory(M) or Optional(O)

Status: Mandatory(M) or Optional(O)

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BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code Request For Catalogue Item Notification xxx

GS1 XML Document: Request For Catalogue Item Notification

PROINQ D01 EANCOM Message Syntax 3 xxx UNH+1+PROINQ:D:01B:EN:GDSN20' PROINQ message for Request for Catalogue Item Notification, GDSN v2.0

M an..14 UNH 1

0065 0052 0054 0051 0057 0062


requestForCatalogueItemNo tificaton xxx

M A message enabling the sender to inquire on a product or a groupof products from a master productcatalogue or file according to criteria defined in the message.

A message enabling the sender to inquire on a product or a group of products from a master productcatalogue or file according to criteria defined in the message. xxx BGM+251+12343+9' Inquiry

M an..3 BGM 2

1001 251

targetMarketCountryCode xxx -TargetMarket- CatalogueItemReference

M ISO3166_ 1Code

The Target Market is a geographical region based upon geographical boundaries sanctioned by the United Nations.There is one international systemto describe geographical regions,the ISO-3166-code system. The country level or higher geographical definition in which the Information Provider will make the GTIN available to buyers. This does not in any way govern where the buyer may re-sell the GTIN to consumers. This code can be repeated as many times as needed. This code is represented by the 2-character ISO 3166-1 code. It is a mandatory attribute. Additionally, Target Market Subdivision Code indicates country subdivision where the trade item is intended to be sold. This code is represented by the 3-character ISO 3166-2 code.

The Target Market is a geographical region based upon geographical boundaries sanctioned by the United Nations. There is one international system to describe geographical regions, the ISO-3166-code system. The country level or higher geographical definition in which the Information Provider will make the GTIN available to buyers. This does not in any way govern where the buyer may re-sell the GTIN to consumers. This code can be repeated as many times as needed.This code is represented by the 2-character ISO 3166-1 code. It is a mandatory attribute. Additionally,Target Market Subdivision Code indicates country subdivision where the trade item is intended to be sold. This code is represented by the 3-character ISO3166-2 code. (Proposal taken from BMS) xxx PGI+X10+ES::5' Target Market: Spain

M an..3 SG6 PGI 9

5379 3055 5389

X10 5 ISO3166_ 1

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BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code targetMarketSubdivisionCo de xxx -TargetMarket- CatalogueItemReference

M ISO3166_ 2Code

The Target Market Subdivision Code is the secondary code of the Target Market and must be asubdivision of a Target Market Country Code. The Target MarketSubdivision Code describes the "geo-political subdivision of a country" where the trade item is intended for sale, as determined by the Information Provider (e.g. "State" in the US). Target MarketSubdivision Codes must be usedin conjunction with Target MarketCountry Codes. The Target Mar- ket subdivision code is repre- sented by the three-character ISO 3166-2 code.

The Target Market Subdivision Code is the secondary code of the Target Market and must be a subdivisionof a Target Market Country Code. The Target MarketSubdivision Code describes the "geo-political subdivision of a country" where the trade item is intended for sale, as determined by the Information Provider (e.g. "State" in the US). Target Market Subdivision Codes must be used in conjunction with Target Market Country Codes. The Target Mar-ket subdivision code is repre-sented by the three- character ISO 3166-2 code. (Proposal taken from BMS) xxx PGI+X10+IT-MI::5' Target Market: Country: Italy, Province: Milano

M an..7 SG6 PGI 9

5379 3055 5389

X10 5 ISO3166_ 2

uniqueCreatorIdentification xxx -EntityIdentification- CatalogueItemSubscriptionIdentification

M an..80 No description in BMS Document identifier. Product inquiry message number. Remarks: Conflict in field-length xxx BGM+251+12343+9' Message number 12343

M an..35 BGM 2


classificationCategoryCode xxx -CatalogueItemClassification- Classification

O an..35 Brick value of the classification Category Code.

Brick value of the classification Category Code. xxx PIA+1+10000040:BRI' Brick code is 1000000040 : Oils Edible – Vegetable or Plant (Shelf Stable)

O an..35 SG6 PIA 7

4347 7143 7140


dataRecipient xxx -CatalogueItemSubscription- RequestForCatalogueItemNotification

M String Party, which is authorized to view, use, download a set of Master Data provided by a Data Source.

Final message recipient. To identify the final recipient of the message. xxx NAD+HP+8456789000014::9' Data Recipient identified with GLN 8456789000014

M n13 SG1 NAD 4

3035 3055 3039

HP 9

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Nov-2007, Issue 6 All contents copyright © GS1 2007 Page 309 of 334

BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code dataSource xxx -CatalogueItemSubscription- RequestForCatalogueItemNotification

O String Entity that provides the global data synchronization network withMaster Data. The Data Source isofficially recognized as the ownerof this data. For a given Item or Party, the source of data is responsible for permanent updates of the information under its responsibility.

Source of information. To specify that the party is thesource for information. xxx NAD+TF+8456789000021::9' Data source is identified with GLN 8456789000021

O n13 SG6 NAD 8

3035 3055 3039

TF 9

gTIN xxx -CatalogueItemSubscription- RequestForCatalogueItemNotification

O Integer A particular Global trade item Number, a numerical value used to uniquely identify a trade item. A trade item is any trade item (product or service) upon which there is a need to retrieve pre- defined information and that maybe planned, priced, ordered, delivered and or invoiced at any point in any supply chain. (Takenfrom Item BMS 7.6)

Item identifier. GTIN - A unique number, up to 14- digits, assigned according to the numbering structureof the EAN.UCC system. 'EAN' stands for the 'International Article Numbering Association' and 'UCC' for the 'Uniform Code Council'. xxx LIN+1+3+8456789000007:SRV' GTIN of the trade item: 8456789000007

O n..14 SG4 LIN 5

1082 7143 7140

Seq. number SRV

recipientDataPool xxx -CatalogueItemSubscription- RequestForCatalogueItemNotification

O String Party, which is authorized to view, use, download a set of Master Data provided by a Data Source.

Party, which is authorized to view, use, download a set of Master Data provided by a Data Source. (Proposal taken from BMS) xxx NAD+X1+8456789000014::9' Data Source identified with GLN 8456789000014

O n13 SG1 NAD 4

3035 3055 3039

X1 9

creationDate xxx -Document- RequestForCatalogueItemNotification

M DateTime No Definition in BMS. Date/time when a document/message is issued. xxx DTM+137:200603091059:203' Creation Date: 9th March 2006 at 10:59

M an..35 DTM 3

2005 2379 2380

137 203 204

documentStatus xxx -Document- RequestForCatalogueItemNotification

M String Indicates if the document is a copy or an original.

Code indicating the function of the message. ORIGINAL -> 9 COPY -> 31 xxx BGM+251+12343+9' Document status: original

M an..3 BGM 2

1225 9 31

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BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code contentOwner xxx -EntityIdentification- RequestForCatalogueItemNotification

M String No definition in BMS Document/message issuer/sender. Issuer of a document and/or sender of a message. xxx NAD+COW+8456789000007::9' Content Owner identified with GLN 8456789000007

M n13 SG1 NAD 4

3035 3055 3039


isReload xxx - RequestForCatalogueItemNotifica tion- RequestForCatalogueItemNotification

M Boolean A Request for Catalogue Item Notification with the isReload set to true will result in only items notpreviously rejected being re-sent.The Sync List is not reset. A Request for Catalogue Item Notification with the isReload set to false will result in items being re-sent whether they were previously rejected or not. The Sync List will be reset. This is only valid for items that have previously been sent to the data recipient.

Action request/notification description code. Code specifying the action to be taken or already taken. TRUE -> 4 FALSE -> 3 xxx LIN+1+3+8456789000007:SRV' Synchronisation list has to be changed and updated with the new GTIN.

M an..3 SG4 LIN 5

1229 3 4

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10.6. EANCOM Example The example is detailed as additional information and to facilitate the implementation of the Guidelines. Examples are exactly the same as those described in the mapping, however all the elements in the example below are sorted by segment and within each segment by data element.

Element Example EANCOM M/O Format Seg DE Code

dataSource -CatalogueItemReference- CatalogueItemReference

NAD+TF+8456789000021::9' Data Source identified with GLN 8456789000021

M n13 SG2 NAD 5

3035 3055 3039

TF 9

Name of the Business Term in the BMS

Name of the Group where the Business Term belongs to

Example in EANCOM of the Business Term

Description o f the example in EANCOM

Name of the Class in the BMS

Segment Group, Segment Tag and Segment Number

Codes involved in the definition of the Business Term

Status: Mandatory(M) or Optional(O)

Format of the field in EANCOM

Data Elements (DEs) involved. DE containing the Business Term is in bold and underlined

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Element Example EANCOM M/O Format Seg DE Code Request For Catalogue Item Notification UNH+1+PROINQ:D:01B:EN:GDSN20'

PROINQ message for Request for Catalogue Item Notification, GDSN v2.0 M an..14 UNH

1 0065 0052 0054 0051 0057 0062


requestForCatalogueItemNotificaton BGM+251+12343+9' Inquiry

M an..3 BGM 2

1001 251

uniqueCreatorIdentification -EntityIdentification- CatalogueItemSubscriptionIdentification

BGM+251+12343+9' Message number 12343

M an..35 BGM 2


documentStatus -Document- RequestForCatalogueItemNotification

BGM+251+12343+9' Document status: original

M an..3 BGM 2

1225 9 31

creationDate -Document- RequestForCatalogueItemNotification

DTM+137:200603091059:203' Creation Date: 9th March 2006 at 10:59

M an..35 DTM 3

2005 2379 2380

137 203 204

dataRecipient -CatalogueItemSubscription- RequestForCatalogueItemNotification

NAD+HP+8456789000014::9' Data Recipient identified with GLN 8456789000014

M n13 SG1 NAD 4

3035 3055 3039

HP 9

recipientDataPool -CatalogueItemSubscription- RequestForCatalogueItemNotification

NAD+X1+8456789000014::9' Data Source identified with GLN 8456789000014

O n13 SG1 NAD 4

3035 3055 3039

X1 9

contentOwner -EntityIdentification- RequestForCatalogueItemNotification

NAD+COW+8456789000007::9' Content Owner identified with GLN 8456789000007

M n13 SG1 NAD 4

3035 3055 3039


isReload -RequestForCatalogueItemNotification- RequestForCatalogueItemNotification

LIN+1+3+8456789000007:SRV' Synchronisation list has to be changed and updated with the new GTIN.

M an..3 SG4 LIN 5

1229 3 4

gTIN -CatalogueItemSubscription- RequestForCatalogueItemNotification

LIN+1+3+8456789000007:SRV' GTIN of the trade item: 8456789000007

O n..14 SG4 LIN 5

1082 7143 7140

Seq. number SRV

classificationCategoryCode -CatalogueItemClassification- Classification

PIA+1+10000040:BRI' Brick code is 1000000040 : Oils Edible – Vegetable or Plant (Shelf Stable)

O an..35 SG6 PIA 7

4347 7143 7140


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Element Example EANCOM M/O Format Seg DE Code dataSource -CatalogueItemSubscription- RequestForCatalogueItemNotification

NAD+TF+8456789000021::9' Data source is identified with GLN 8456789000021

O n13 SG6 NAD 8

3035 3055 3039

TF 9

targetMarketCountryCode -TargetMarket- CatalogueItemReference

PGI+X10+ES::5' Target Market: Spain

M an..3 SG6 PGI 9

5379 3055 5389

X10 5 ISO3166_1

targetMarketSubdivisionCode -TargetMarket- CatalogueItemReference

PGI+X10+IT-MI::5' Target Market: Country: Italy, Province: Milano

M an..7 SG6 PGI 9

5379 3055 5389

X10 5 ISO3166_2

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11. GS1 (EAN·UCC) Response - APERAK D01B Syntax 3

11.1. Message Structure Chart EANUCC Response message Heading Section UNH 1 M 1 - Message header BGM 2 M 1 - Beginning of message DTM 3 C 9 - Date/time/period SG2 C 9 - RFF RFF 4 M 1 - Reference SG3 C 9 - NAD NAD 5 M 1 - Name and address EANUCC Response Summary Section UNT 6 M 1 - Message trailer

11.2. Segment Description UNH 1 - M 1 - Message header This segment is used to head, identify and specify a message.

BGM 2 - M 1 - Beginning of message This segment is used to indicate the type and function of a message and to transmit the identifying number.

DTM 3 - C 9 - Date/time/period This segment is used to specify the date of the message.

SG2 C 9 -RFF A group of segments to specify the document/message to which the current message relates, and related date and time.

RFF 4 - M 1 - Reference This segment is used to specify reference numbers related to the message which is being acknowledged.

SG3 C 9 -NAD A group of segments to specify the identifications of message sender and message receiver.

NAD 5 - M 1 - Name and address This segment is used to identify the parties who exchanged the message which is being acknowledged.

UNT 6 - M 1 - Message trailer This segment is a mandatory UN/EDIFACT segment. It must always be the last segment in the message. Example:

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11.3. Branching Diagram

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11.4. Segment Layout This section describes each segment used in the EANCOM® Multiple Credit Advice message. The original EDIFACT segment layout is listed. The appropriate comments relevant to the EANCOM® subset are indicated.


4. The segments are presented in the sequence in which they appear in the message. The segment or segment group tag is followed by the (M)andatory / (C)onditional indicator, the maximum number of occurrences and the segment description.

5. Reading from left to right, in column one, the data element tags and descriptions are shown, followed by in the second column the EDIFACT status (M or C), the field format, and the picture of the data elements. These first pieces of information constitute the original EDIFACT segment layout.

Following the EDIFACT information, EANCOM® specific information is provided in the third, fourth, and fifth columns. In the third column a status indicator for the use of (C)onditional EDIFACT data elements (see 2.1 through 2.3 below), in the fourth column the restricted indicator (see point 3), and in the fifth column notes and code values used for specific data elements in the message.

2.1 (M)andatory data elements in EDIFACT segments retain their status in EANCOM®.

2.2 Additionally, there are five types of status for data elements with a (C)onditional EDIFACT status, whether for simple, component or composite data elements. These are listed below and can be identified when relevant by the following abbreviations:

- REQUIRED R Indicates that the entity is required and must be sent.

- ADVISED A Indicates that the entity is advised or recommended.

- DEPENDENT D Indicates that the entity must be sent in certain conditions, as defined by the relevant explanatory note.

- OPTIONAL O Indicates that the entity is optional and may be sent at the discretion of the user.

- NOT USED N Indicates that the entity is not used and should be omitted.

2.3 If a composite is flagged as N, NOT USED, all data elements within that composite will have blank status indicators assigned to them.

6. Status indicators detailed in the fourth column which directly relate to the code values detailed in the fifth column may have two values:


* A data element marked with an asterisk (*) in the fourth column indicates that the listed codes in column five are the only codes available for use with this data element, in this segment, in this message.


All data elements where coded representation of data is possible and a restricted set of code values is not indicated are open (no asterisk in fourth column). The available codes are listed in the EANCOM® Data Elements and Code Sets Directory. Code values may be given as examples or there may be a note on the format or type of code to be used.

Find below information on how to read the Data Elements (DEs) and the link to the BMS: 1225 Message function code C an..3 M * 9 = Original

31 = Copy documentStatus CatalogueItemNotification

Name of the Business Term in the BMS

Name of the Group where the Business Term belongs to

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Segment number: 1 UNH - M 1 - Message header

Function: A service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message. The message type code for the Application error

and acknowledgement message is APERAK. Note: Application error and acknowledgement messages conforming to this document must contain the following data in segment UNH, composite S009: Data element 0065 APERAK 0052 D 0054 01B 0051 UN

EDIFACT EAN * Description

0062 Message reference number M an..14 M Senders unique message reference. Sequence number of messages in the interchange. DE 0062 in UNT will have the same value. Generated by the sender.


0065 Message type M an..6 M * APERAK = Application error and acknowledgement message

0052 Message version number M an..3 M * D = Draft version/UN/EDIFACT Directory

0054 Message release number M an..3 M * 01B = Release 2001 - B

0051 Controlling agency M an..2 M * EN = EAN International

0057 Association assigned code C an..6 R * GDSN20 = GDSN 2.0 (GS1 Code) Indicates that the message is an EANCOM message for version 2.0 of GDSN Network

0068 Common access reference C an..35 N



0070 Sequence of transfers M n..2 N

0073 First and last transfer C a1 N

Segment Notes: This segment is used to head, identify and specify a message. DE's 0065, 0052, 0054 and 0051: Indicate that the message is a UNSM Application Error and Acknowledgement message based on the D.01B directory under the control of the United Nations. Example:

UNH+ME000001+APERAK:D:01B:EN:GDSN20' APERAK message for EANUCCResponse, GDSN v2.0

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Segment number: 2 BGM - M 1 - Beginning of message

Function: A segment to indicate the type and function of the message and to transmit the identifying number. EDIFACT EAN * Description



1001 Document name code C an..3 R * 305 = Application error and acknowledgement eANUCCResponse

1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 N

1000 Document name C an..35 N



1004 Document identifier C an..35 R Number of the APERAK message assigned by document sender. It is recommended that the length of the document number be restricted to a maximum of 17 characters and that the number is unique. This number has been given by the sender of this APERAK message it is NOT the number of the message which is being acknowledged.

1056 Version identifier C an..9 N

1060 Revision identifier C an..6 N

1225 Message function code C an..3 R * 4 = Change 6 = Confirmation 27 = Not accepted responseStatus EANUCCResponse

4343 Response type code C an..3 N

Segment Notes: This segment is used to indicate the type and function of a message and to transmit the identifying number. Example:

BGM+305+100001+6' APERAK message number 100001 with satus Accepted.

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Segment number: 3 DTM - C 9 - Date/time/period

Function: A segment to specify related date/time. EDIFACT EAN * Description


2005 Date or time or period function code qualifier

M an..3 M * 137 = Document/message date/time

2380 Date or time or period value C an..35 R

2379 Date or time or period format code


Segment Notes: This segment is used to specify the date of the message. DE 2005: Identification of the 'Document/message date/time' (code value 137) is mandatory in an EANCOM message. Example:

DTM+137:200208301200:203' The EANUCCResponse message was created the 30th of August 2002 at 12:00

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Segment number: 4 SG2 - C 9 - RFF RFF - M 1 - Reference

Function: A segment to indicate the reference number of the document/message. EDIFACT EAN * Description


1153 Reference code qualifier M an..3 M * PL = Price list number PIE = Product inquiry number (EAN Code) PL = The message being acknowledged is a PRICAT message. PIE = The message being acknowledged is a PROINQ message.

1154 Reference identifier C an..70 R uniqueCreatorIdentification DocumentReceived

1156 Document line identifier C an..6 N

4000 Reference version identifier C an..35 N

1060 Revision identifier C an..6 N

Segment Notes: This segment is used to specify reference numbers related to the message which is being acknowledged. Example:

RFF+PIE:104001' The message being acknowledged is a Product Inquiry message number 104001.

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Segment number: 5 SG3 - C 9 - NAD NAD - M 1 - Name and address

Function: A segment to specify the identification of the message issuer and message receiver. EDIFACT EAN * Description

3035 Party function code qualifier M an..3 M * MS = Document/message issuer/sender MR = Message recipient COW = Content Owner (GS1 Code)



3039 Party identifier M an..35 M For identification of parties it is recommended to use GLN - Format n13.

sender EANUCCResponse receiver EANUCCResponse contentOwner DocumentReceived

1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 R * 9 = EAN (International Article Numbering association)


3124 Name and address description M an..35 N

3124 Name and address description C an..35 N

3124 Name and address description C an..35 N

3124 Name and address description C an..35 N

3124 Name and address description C an..35 N


3036 Party name M an..35 N

3036 Party name C an..35 N

3036 Party name C an..35 N

3036 Party name C an..35 N

3036 Party name C an..35 N

3045 Party name format code C an..3 N


3042 Street and number or post office box identifier

M an..35 N

3042 Street and number or post office box identifier

C an..35 N

3042 Street and number or post office box identifier

C an..35 N

3042 Street and number or post office box identifier

C an..35 N

3164 City name C an..35 N



3229 Country sub-entity name code C an..9 N

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Segment number: 5 EDIFACT EAN * Description

1131 Code list identification code C an..17 N

3055 Code list responsible agency code

C an..3 N

3228 Country sub-entity name C an..70 N

3251 Postal identification code C an..17 N

3207 Country name code C an..3 N

Segment Notes: This segment is used to identify the parties who exchanged the message which is being acknowledged. Example:

NAD+MS+8456789000014::9' Message Sender identified with GLN 8456789000014 NAD+MR+8456789000021::9' Message Receiver identified with GLN 8456789000021 NAD+COW+8456789000007::9' Content Owner identified with GLN 8456789000007

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Segment number: 6 UNT - M 1 - Message trailer

Function: A service segment ending a message, giving the total number of segments in the message (including the UNH &

UNT) and the control reference number of the message. EDIFACT EAN * Description

0074 Number of segments in the message

M n..6 M The total number of segments in the message is specified here.

0062 Message reference number M an..14 M The message reference numbered detailed here should equal the one specified in the UNH segment.

Segment Notes: This segment is a mandatory UN/EDIFACT segment. It must always be the last segment in the message. Example:

UNT+11+ME000001' Total number of segments in the message equals 11

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11.5. Mapping GDSN2EANCOM Find below the description of each field in the mapping table:

BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code Gtin

xxx -CatalogueItemReference- CatalogueItemReference

M Integer A particular Global trade item Number, a numerical value used to uniquely identify a trade item. A trade item is any trade item (product or service) upon which there is a need to retrieve pre- defined information and that may be planned, priced, ordered, delivered and or invoiced at any point in any supply chain. (Taken from Item BMS 7.6)

Item identifier. GTIN - A unique number, up to 14- digits, assigned according to the numbering structureof the EAN.UCC system. 'EAN' stands for the 'International Article Numbering Association' and 'UCC' for the 'Uniform Code Council'. xxx LIN+1+5+5412345111115:SRV' GTIN of the trade item: 5412345111115

M n..14 SG36 LIN 7

1082 7143 7140

Seq. number SRV

Definition of the Busines Term detailed in BMS

Example in EANCOM of the Business Term

Definition of the Business Term detailed in EANCOM

Description o f the example in EANCOM

Format of the field in the BMS

Name of the Class in the BMS

Name of the Business Term in the BMS

Name of the Group where the Business Term belongs to

Format of the field in EANCOM

Segment Group, Segment Tag and Segment Number

Codes involved in the definition of the Business Term

Data Elements (DEs) involved. DE containing the Business Term is in bold and underlined

Status: Mandatory(M) or Optional(O)

Status: Mandatory(M) or Optional(O)

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BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code EAN UCC Response xxx

GS1 XML Document: EAN·UCC Response

APERAK D01B EANCOM Message Syntax 3 xxx UNH+1+APERAK:D:01B:EN:GDSN20' APERAK message for EANUCCResponse, GDSN v2.0

M an..14 UNH 1

0065 0052 0054 0051 0057 0062


eANUCCResponse xxx

M Application error and acknowledgement message

Application error and acknowledgement message xxx BGM+305+12343+6' APERAK message

M an..3 BGM 2

1001 305

contentOwner xxx -EntityIdentification- DocumentReceived

M n13 No definition in BMS Document/message issuer/sender. Issuer of a document and/or sender of a message. xxx NAD+COW+8456789000007::9' Content Owner identified with GLN 8456789000007.

M n13 SG3 NAD 5

3035 3055 3039


uniqueCreatorIdentification xxx -EntityIdentification- DocumentReceived

M an..80 No description in BMS Reference to previous documents. Answer to PRICAT -> PL Answer to PROINQ -> PIE Remarks: Conflict in field-length. xxx RFF+PL:MESSAGE1' Message being acknowledged is PRICAT message number MESSAGE1

M an..70 SG2 RFF 4

1154 PL PIE

receiver xxx -EANUCCResponse- EANUCCResponse

M String No definition in BMS A party to receive a message or messages. xxx NAD+MR+8456789000021::9' Message Receiver identified with GLN 8456789000021

M n13 SG3 NAD 5

3035 3055 3039

MR 9

responseStatus xxx -EANUCCResponse- EANUCCResponse

M String The 3 states are: Accepted, Modified, Rejected

Code indicating the function of the message. Accepted -> 6 Modified -> 4 Rejected -> 27 xxx BGM+305+12343+6' Status is Accepted

M an..3 BGM 2

1225 4 6 27

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BMS EANCOM Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code sender xxx -EANUCCResponse- EANUCCResponse

M String No definition in BMS Document/message issuer/sender. Issuer of a document and/or sender of a message. xxx NAD+MS+8456789000014::9' Message Sender identified with GLN 8456789000014

M n13 SG3 NAD 5

3035 3055 3039

MS 9

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11.6. EANCOM Example The example is detailed as additional information and to facilitate the implementation of the Guidelines. Examples are exactly the same as those described in the mapping, however all the elements in the example below are sorted by segment and within each segment by data element.

Element Example EANCOM M/O Format Seg DE Code

dataSource -CatalogueItemReference- CatalogueItemReference

NAD+TF+8456789000021::9' Data Source identified with GLN 8456789000021

M n13 SG2 NAD 5

3035 3055 3039

TF 9

Name of the Business Term in the BMS

Name of the Group where the Business Term belongs to

Example in EANCOM of the Business Term

Description o f the example in EANCOM

Name of the Class in the BMS

Segment Group, Segment Tag and Segment Number

Codes involved in the definition of the Business Term

Status: Mandatory(M) or Optional(O)

Format of the field in EANCOM

Data Elements (DEs) involved. DE containing the Business Term is in bold and underlined

Catalogue Item Synchronisation BMS 9.03 to EANCOM 2002 Mapping - Implementation Guidelines

Nov-2007, Issue 6 All contents copyright © GS1 2007 Page 328 of 334

Element Example EANCOM M/O Format Seg DE Code EAN UCC Response UNH+1+APERAK:D:01B:EN:GDSN20'

APERAK message for EANUCCResponse, GDSN v2.0 M an..14 UNH

1 0065 0052 0054 0051 0057 0062


eANUCCResponse BGM+305+12343+6' APERAK message

M an..3 BGM 2

1001 305

responseStatus -EANUCCResponse- EANUCCResponse

BGM+305+12343+6' Status is Accepted

M an..3 BGM 2

1225 4 6 27

uniqueCreatorIdentification -EntityIdentification- DocumentReceived

RFF+PL:MESSAGE1' Message being acknowledged is PRICAT message number MESSAGE1

M an..70 SG2 RFF 4

1154 PL PIE

sender -EANUCCResponse- EANUCCResponse

NAD+MS+8456789000014::9' Message Sender identified with GLN 8456789000014

M n13 SG3 NAD 5

3035 3055 3039

MS 9

receiver -EANUCCResponse- EANUCCResponse

NAD+MR+8456789000021::9' Message Receiver identified with GLN 8456789000021

M n13 SG3 NAD 5

3035 3055 3039

MR 9

contentOwner -EntityIdentification- DocumentReceived

NAD+COW+8456789000007::9' Content Owner identified with GLN 8456789000007.

M n13 SG3 NAD 5

3035 3055 3039


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A. Changes to move from GDSN2.0 to GDSN2.1. BMS Align_Trade_Item version moves from version 9.0.3 to 9.0.4

Item changes Impact on GDSN2 EANCOM mapping


Made following attributes optional: - packagingMaterialDescription - packagingTypeDescription - additionalClassificationCategoryDescription - classificationCategoryDefinition - classificationCategoryName - eANUCCClassificationAttributeTypeName - eANUCCClassificationAttributeValueName - tradeItemDescription - taxTypeDescription

No No No No No No No Yes No

Changed status in the mapping from “M” to “O”.

Deprecated the value EAN_UCC_14 Symbol from and added NO_BARCODE to Bar Code Type List.

Yes Delete “EAN_UCC_14” from code list. Map NO_BARCODE as NBR in DE7233 of PAC Segment

Changed Attribute Association by Trade Item Hierarchy Level for Net Content to allow for population at all levels.


Changed field length of subBrand to 1..70 and TradeItemDescription.text to 1..178.

Yes Filed lengths updated according to new requirements.

Per Align CR 04-000069 - Updated Table for following attributes allowing for population at any level of the product hierarchy. - quantityOfLayersPerPallet - quantityOfTradeItemsContainedInACompleteLayer - palletTypeCode - PalletTermsAndConditions

No No No No

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Nov-2007 All contents copyright © GS1 2007 Page 330 of 334

Mapping of changed fields are as detailed in the table below: BMS EANCOM

Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code text

xxx -TradeItemDescription- TradeItemDescriptionInformation

O an..178 The concatenated product description of a product or service

A non-structured description of a product. xxx


O an..178 SG36 IMD 9

7077 7081 3055 3453 7008

S DSC 9 ISO639

subBrand xxx

-TradeItemDescriptionInformation- TradeItemDescriptionInformation

O an..70 Second level of brand. Can be a trademark. It is the primarydifferentiating factor that a brand owner wants to communicate to the consumer or buyer.

Second level of brand. Can be a trademark. It is the primary differentiating factor that a brand owner wants to communicate to the consumer or buyer.

xxx IMD+F+SB::9+:::SUBBRAND' Subbrand is "SUBBRAND"

O an..70 SG36 IMD 9

7077 7081 3055 7008

F SB 9

barCodeType xxx

- TradingPartnerNeutralTradeItemI nformation- TradingPartnerNeutralTradeItemInform ation

O an..35 The type of bar code or codes, which are visible on a trade item.

Packaging related description code COMPOSITE_COMPONENT_A -> X01 (GS1Code) COMPOSITE_COMPONENT_B-> X02 (GS1Code) COMPOSITE_COMPONENT_C-> X03 (GS1Code) EAN_UCC_8_SYMBOL-> 50 EAN_UCC_13_SYMBOL -> 50 ITF_14_SYMBOL-> 51 RSS_14 -> X04 (GS1 Code) RSS_14_STACKED -> X05 (GS1 Code) RSS_14_STACKED_OMNIDIRECTIONAL->X06 (GS1 Code) RSS_14_TRUNCATED-> X07 (GS1 Code) RSS_EXPANDED-> X08 (GS1 Code) RSS_EXPANDED_STACKED-> X09 (GS1 Code) RSS_LIMITED-> X10 (GS1 Code) UPC_A_SYMBOL-> X11 (GS1 Code) UPC_E_SYMBOL-> X12 (GS1 Code) UCC_EAN_128_SYMBOL->52 NO_BARCODE -> NBR (GS1 Code)

xxx PAC++:50' Bar code type is EAN·UCC/13

O an..3 SG47 PAC 31

7233 X01 X02 X03 50 51 X04 X05 X06 X07 X08 X09 X10 X11 X12 52 NBR

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B. Promotions Extension GDSN 2.1 includes also the Promotional Trade Item Extension, BMS Promotional Trade Item Extension Version 0.0.1. The table below details the mapping between the business terms in the BMS and EANCOM.


Element/Class/Group M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE nonPromotionalItem

xxx -PromotionalItemInformation- PromotionalTradeItemExtension

O n14 The GTIN of the standard Trade Item. Used to indicate which trade item the promotional trade item replaces or coexists with. To enable the linking of identification and there for of informationbetween the two trade items.

The GTIN of the standard Trade Item. Used to indicate which trade item the promotional trade item replaces or coexists with. To enable the linking of identification and there for of information between the two trade items.

xxx PIA+X3+8456789000007:SRV' The GTIN defined is the promotion of GTIN8456789000007

O n..14 SG36 PIA 8

4347 7143 7140


promotionalTypeCode xxx

-PromotionalItemInformation- PromotionalTradeItemExtension

O String Used to identify the different types of free quantity promotional trade items and the nature of the link between the standard trade item and the promotional trade item.

Used to identify the different types of free quantity promotional trade items and the nature of the link between the standard trade item and the promotional trade item.


xxx IMD+C+87+PR1::9' Promotional type is "Bonus pack"

O an..17 SG36 IMD 9

7077 7081 3055 7009

C 87 9 PR1 PR2 PR3 PR4

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BMS EANCOM freeQuantityOfNextLowerLe velTradeItem

xxx -PromotionalTradeItemExtension- PromotionalTradeItemExtension

O n..15 The numeric quantity of free items in a combination pack. If the free quantity promotional trade item is simple or is a multi-pack the free quantity is populated. The unit of measure used for the free quantity of next lower level must be the same as the unit of measure of the Net Content of the Child Trade Item

The numeric quantity of free items in a combination pack. If the free quantity promotional trade item is simple or is a multi-pack the free quantity is populated. The unit of measure used for the free quantity of next lower level must be the same as the unit of measure of the Net Content of the Child Trade Item

xxx QTY+X40:1' The free quantity of next lower level trade item is one Unit

O n..15 SG36 QTY 11

6063 6411 6060

X40 UoM

freeQuantityOfProduct xxx

-TradeItemPromotionalInformation -PromotionalTradeItemExtension-

O n..15 To indicate the quantity which is free. It is needed to update the price per unit of measure as displayed on the shelves. The unit of measure must be the same as the unit of measure of the Net Content. If the free quantity is expressed on the package it must be converted to a quantity expressed in the same unit of measure as the net content in the message.

To indicate the quantity which is free. It is needed to update the price per unit of measure as displayed on the shelves. The unit of measure must be the same as the unit of measure of the Net Content. If the free quantity is expressed on the package it must be converted to a quantity expressed in the same unit of measure as the net content in the message.

xxx QTY+26:99:MLT' Free promotional quantity is 99 Millilters

O n..15 SG36 QTY 11

6063 6411 6060

26 UoM

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C. Maintenance Release I Enchancement The table below details the mapping between GDSN and EANCOM PRICAT messages.

BMS EANCOM Element M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code additionalClassificationAgenc yName xxx -ClassificationCategory- ClassificationCategoryCode

O String Text name of the additional external classification agency whose schema is being provided in addition to the Global EAN. UCC schema. Required if additional classification schema fields are populated

Text name of the additional external classification agency whose schema is being provided in addition to the Global EAN.UCC schema. Required if additional classification schema fields are populated 7 -> XY7 (GS1 Code) 8 -> GU (GS1 Code) 9 -> XY9 (GS1 Code) 10 -> XZ0 (GS1 Code) 11 -> XZ1 (GS1 Code) 12 -> XZ2 (GS1 Code) 13 -> SRT/SRU 14 -> XZ4 (GS1 Code) Example PIA+1+1000000003:XY9::9' Additional classification agency name is AMECE (GS1 Mexico)

O an..3 SG36 PIA 8

3055 7143


specialItemCode xxx -MarketingInformation- MarketingInformation

O String This element identifies specific items for promotional or special tracking purposes.

This element identifies specific items for promotional or special tracking purposes. NOT_FOR_RESALE_TO_CONSUMER -> NFR (GS1 Code) Example IMD+C++NFR::9' Item is not for resale to consumer

O an..3 SG36 IMD 9

7077 3055 7009


sizeType xxx - NonPackagedSizeDimensi on- NonPackageTradeItemDimension

O String The type of size dimension being specified by the size measurement.

The type of size dimension being specified by the size measurement. CHEST_BUST -> CHE HIPS -> HIP OUTSIDE_LEG -> OLG Remarks: DE7037 with code SIZEDIMENSION to be used to indicate Size Group in segment CCI. Example CCI+++SIZEDIMENSION::9' CAV+HIP:SZT:9' CAV+EU:SZY:9' Size type is chess bust

O an..3 SG37 CAV 19

1131 3055 7111


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BMS EANCOM Element M/O Format Description Description M/O Format Seg DE Code returnGoodsPolicy (Hardlines Extension) xxx - RightOfReturnForNonSoldI tems- HardlinesTradeItem

M String A code that describes the policy for defective, damaged or non- salable goods.

A code that describes the policy for defective, damaged or non-salable goods. FULL -> RIGHTRET5 PARTIAL -> RIGHTRET6 Example CCI+++RIGHTRET::9' CAV+:::RIGHTRET6' The return goods policy is Partial

M an..35 SG37 CAV 19