CAT 2015 - Memory Based - Slot - 1

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CAT 2015 - Memory Based - Slot - 1

Transcript of CAT 2015 - Memory Based - Slot - 1

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Simulated CAT 2015 Paper (Slot-1)

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Q.1 Directions for questions 1 to 3:Passage related to research doneby Piketty, a professor at the ParisSchool of Economics.

Question: Reduction in economicinequality was a result of

Ans: Imposition of Taxes andreduction in wealth.   

Q.2 Directions for questions 1 to 3:Passage related to research doneby Piketty, a professor at the ParisSchool of Economics.

Question: Piketty useddescriptions from 19th centuryEuropean novels to

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Ans: Show importance ofinheritance in determiningaffluence.   

Q.3 Directions for questions 1 to 3:Passage related to research doneby Piketty, a professor at the ParisSchool of Economics.

Question: It can be deduce thatPiketty would be in favour of

Ans: High tax on accumulatedwealth.   

Q.4 Directions for questions 4 to 9:Passage related to immigration.

Question: In the first twosentences author makes the pointthat

Ans: Economic benefits ofimmigration are an acknowledgedfact in theory.   

Q.5 Directions for questions 4 to 9:Passage related to immigration.

Question: Native born residentsoppose immigrants because

Ans: They will raise unemploymentamong native born workers.    

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Q.6 Directions for questions 4 to 9:Passage related to immigration.

Question: Immigrants benefit thelocal economy in all except

Ans: Raise the level of skills amonglocal workforce.    

Q.7 Directions for questions 4 to 9:Passage related to immigration.

Question: When immigrants enterUS, world would become a bitricher because

Ans: Immigrants productivityincreases after immigration.    

Q.8 Directions for questions 4 to 9:Passage related to immigration.

Question: Open borders betweencountries will ultimately result in

Ans: Increasing knowledge sharingbetween host and home countries.   

Q.9 Directions for questions 4 to 9:Passage related to immigration.

Question: Author's assumption

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about immigrants to US

Ans: Low skilled workers    

Q.10 Directions for questions 10 to 15:Passage related to Internet.

Question: In the first paragraph,author is

Ans: Refuting the claim that he isagainst the internet.   

Q.11 Directions for questions 10 to 15:Passage related to Internet.

Question: Author blamesignorance of the quiz contestantson their

Ans: Dependence on the internetfor almost all their information.   

Q.12 Directions for questions 10 to 15:Passage related to Internet.

Question: The power loom,automobile and TV are used asexample of

Ans: Because they have stood thetest of time.   

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Q.13 Directions for questions 10 to 15:Passage related to Internet.

Question: The author likens theinvention of writting to theinternet today to show that bothhave

Ans: Have a homogenizing effecton people's memory.   

Q.14 Directions for questions 10 to 15:Passage related to Internet.

Question: Critics blame web forall except

Ans: Encouraging teachers tosearch different websites forteaching information.   

Q.15 Directions for questions 10 to 15:Passage related to Internet.

Question: Teachers can capitalizeon student's tendency to copy by

Ans: Cross checking the validity ofinformation by comparing withhistory books and encyclopedia.   

Q.16 Directions for questions 16 to 18:Passage related to literature.

Question: Author's contention

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stated in first line is

Ans: study of humanity isbeneficial personally as well asfinancially.   

Q.17 Directions for questions 16 to 18:Passage related to literature.

Question: The author promotesthe study of literature

Ans: Improves empathy   

Q.18 Directions for questions 16 to 18:Passage related to literature.

Question: Summary

Ans: Supplement technicalknowledge   

Q.19 Directions for questions 19 to 24:Passage related Inga3 dam in thedemocratic Republic of Congo.This also includes between solarenergy and hydroelectric powerand its effect on people.

Question: Main purpose ofpassage

Ans: Debate best way to provideelectricity to world's poor.    

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Q.20 Directions for questions 19 to 24:Passage related Inga3 dam in thedemocratic Republic of Congo.This also includes between solarenergy and hydroelectric powerand its effect on people.

Question: Break through institutecondemns attitude ofenvironmental groups towardshydroelectric power as"unethical" because

Ans: Their attitude will not pullpoor out of poverty.    

Q.21 Directions for questions 19 to 24:Passage related Inga3 dam in thedemocratic Republic of Congo.This also includes between solarenergy and hydroelectric powerand its effect on people.

Question: Environmentalistsoppose Inga3 dam because

Ans: It is high carbon energygeneration project.    

Q.22 Directions for questions 19 to 24:Passage related Inga3 dam in thedemocratic Republic of Congo.This also includes between solarenergy and hydroelectric powerand its effect on people.

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Question: What would happen ifsolar panels were fitted in ruralareas and hydroelectricity wasprovided in urban areas

Ans: The rural people would haveto use coal.    

Q.23 Directions for questions 19 to 24:Passage related Inga3 dam in thedemocratic Republic of Congo.This also includes between solarenergy and hydroelectric powerand its effect on people.

Question: What is the inferencewe get about hydroelectric powerrelating to the poor.

Ans: It wouldn't bring them out ofpoverty.    

Q.24 Directions for questions 19 to 24:Passage related Inga3 dam in thedemocratic Republic of Congo.This also includes between solarenergy and hydroelectric powerand its effect on people.

Question: Author reportsOckwell's conversation on lowpower generation capacity ofsolar panels to

Ans: The option which mentionsthe word demanding and long

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term energy solution.    

Q.25 Question: Para jumble related toDark matter, and particles

Ans: 1. Galaxies appear to be rotatingso fast that they should have spunapart long ago, throwing off tarslike sparks from a Fourth of Julypinwheel. 2. Though it has yet to be directlydetected, dark matter ispresumed to exist because we cansee the effects of its gravity. 3. Said to be five times moreabundant than the stuff we cansee, dark matter is a crucialcomponent of the theory behindgravitational lensing, in whichlarge masses like galaxies canbend light beams and cause starsto appear in unexpected parts ofthe sky.4. Though its identity remainsunknown, most theorists arebetting that dark matter consistsof WIMPs — weakly interactingmassive particles. If they reallyexist, it might be possible toglimpse them when they interactwith ordinary matter.5. There just isn’t enough gravityto hold a galaxy together, unlessyou assume that it hides a hugeamount of unseen matter —particles that neither emit orabsorb light.    

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Q.26 Question: Odd one out - relatedto Himalayan rivers and nationalincome of Nepal.

Odd one Para-Jumble:1. Himalayan rivers, fed by glacialmelt water and monsoon rain,offer an immense resource.2. The recent earthquake in Nepaldestroyed a lot of factories andhome.3. They could spin turbines to lightup swathes of energy-starvedSouth Asia.4. Exports of electricity andpower for Nepal’s own homes andfactories could invigorate the dirt-poor economy. 5. National income per person inNepal was just $692 last year,below half the level for South Asiaas a whole.

Ans: 2    

Q.27 Question: Summary: Amartya Sen- Argumentative Indian.

Ans: Argument for its own sake iswhat Indians are interested in andnot in arriving at a new position.   

Q.28 Question: Summary: Narrativesare especially effective.

Ans: Using a narrative in a speech

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is highly effective because it getsthe listeners involved in theaction and meaning of the storyand forcefully drives home themessage.   

Q.29 Question: Para jumble related tothe administrators described asthe most difficult one.

Ans: 1. Instead theseadministrators described thehardest challenge as identifyinghow much tax a citizen hasalready paid.2. As researchers working inSouth Asia – a region that remainshome to the highest number ofpeople living in extreme poverty –we have witnessed the pervasiveeffects of data deprivation on theground.3.Usable data systems beingabsent, they can’t verify sumscollected and so require taxpayers to document taxes paid.4.Since most taxpayers fail toprovide such evidence, the taxadministration is unable toundertake basic tasks.5.When tax administrators wereasked in Pakistan about workchallenges, it was assumed thatunderreporting would be the cruxof their woes.

Answer: 25134    

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Q.30 Question: Odd one out related tocircumstantial evidence.

Ans:1. No one, other than thesuspect and victim, actually seeswhen circumstantial evidence isleft at the crime scene. 2. For example, finding a suspect’sgun at the site of a shooting iscircumstantial evidence of thesuspect’s presence there. 3. Though admissible,circumstantial evidence is moreoften than not sufficient forconviction. 4. Circumstantial evidence isindirect evidence that can be usedto imply a fact but that does notdirectly prove it.5.But circumstantial evidencefound at a crime scene mayprovide a link between a crimescene and a suspect.

Answer: 3. (Logically 1 can be theanswer too). Order according tothe source 3 is the odd one out.    

Q.31 Question: Para jumble: Related tohunger for degrees and middleclass

Ans:1.The hunger for degrees isunderstandable: these days theyare a requirement for a decent joband an entry ticket to the middleclass.2.The modern research university,a marriage of the Oxbridge

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college and the German researchinstitute, was invented inAmerica, and has become the goldstandard for the world.3.The global tertiary-enrolmentratio—the share of the student-age population at university—went up from 14% to 32% in thetwo decades to 2012.4.Mass higher education startedin America in the 19th century,spread to Europe and East Asia inthe 20th and is now happeningpretty much everywhere exceptsub-Saharan Africa.5.University enrolment is growingfaster even than demand for thatultimate consumer good, the car.

Answer: 24351   

Q.32 Question: Summary related toanimal kingdom, bingers, body fat.

Ans: Animals are of differenttypes and bingers have more bodyfat. Eating pattern was the clue.   

Q.33 Question: Para jumble related to"Saturday morning", research,feminism on TV

Ans: 1.A look at a 1970 article byJan Sinott in Off Our Backs showsthat an earlier generation offeminists was considering—andrating—the chauvinism of pop

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culture.2.Sinott explores thephenomenon of Saturday morningcartoons, which was still less thana decade old in 1970. 3.Designed to occupy kids whileparents slept, did chores, orenjoyed their weekends, Saturdaymorning was a broadcast havenfor children. But, found Sinott, itwas also a refuge for chauvinism.4.How representative—orchauvinist—is popular media? It’sa question that still intriguesmodern-day feminists, some ofwhom rely on “The Bechdel Test”(does a movie have at least twowomen in it who talk to eachother about something besides aman?) to figure out if films and TVshows foster gender inequality.5.Though Alison Bechdelfamously came up with the test inher Dykes to Watch Out Forcomic strip in 1985, she wasn’tthe first to ponder how to assessmedia inclusiveness.

Answer: 45123    

Q.34 Question: Odd one out related toJerusalem Syndrome

Ans: 1.Jerusalem syndrome is agroup of mental phenomenainvolving the presence of eitherreligiously themed obsessiveideas, delusions or otherpsychosis-like experiences that

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are triggered by a visit to the cityof Jerusalem2.The best known, although notthe most prevalent, manifestationof Jerusalem syndrome is thephenomenon whereby a personwho seems previously balancedand devoid of any signs ofpsychopathology becomespsychotic after arriving inJerusalem. 3.The psychosis is characterisedby an intense religious theme andtypically resolves to full recoveryafter a few weeks or after beingremoved from the area. 4.The religious focus of Jerusalemsyndrome distinguishes it fromother phenomena, such asStendhal syndrome in Florence orParis syndrome for Japanesetourists.5.This option talked about someother phenomenon in a generalcontext. (Hence it was the oddone out)

Answer: 5    


Q.35 Directions for questions 35 to 38:Question on five projects withtime given for each to becompleted by four persons. (Time& Work)

Question: On which day would

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project A get over?

Ans: 7   

Q.36 Directions for questions 35 to 38:Question on five projects withtime given for each to becompleted by four persons. (Time& Work)

Question: On which day wouldproject B get over for Order 1?

Ans: 13   

Q.37 Directions for questions 35 to 38:Question on five projects withtime given for each to becompleted by four persons. (Time& Work)

Question: On which day wouldproject B get over for Order 2?

Ans: 8   

Q.38 Directions for questions 35 to 38:Question on five projects withtime given for each to becompleted by four persons. (Time& Work)

Question: On which day wouldproject C get over?

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Ans: 13   

Q.39 Directions for questions 39 to 42:Nine children from Karim, Lal andMallik family.

Question: Which child must havea laptop?

Ans: Bashir   

Q.40 Directions for questions 39 to 42:Nine children from Karim, Lal andMallik family.

Question: Which child never willbe given a laptop?

Ans: Ekta   

Q.41 Directions for questions 39 to 42:Nine children from Karim, Lal andMallik family.

Question: How many people willalways have a laptop?

Ans: 4   

Q.42 Directions for questions 39 to 42:Nine children from Karim, Lal andMallik family.

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Question: Which project has morethan one laptop?

Ans: Project 4   

Q.43 Directions for questions 43 to 46:Question on line graph (wheredata for 2009, 2011 and 2013was given and growth rates from2009-14 were given).

Question: What was the value inQ1, 2008?

Ans: 16.04   

Q.44 Directions for questions 43 to 46:Question on line graph (wheredata for 2009, 2011 and 2013was given and growth rates from2009-14 were given).

Question:Approximate differencein tourists between Q4 (2008)and Q4 (2014)?

Ans: 7.7   

Q.45 Directions for questions 43 to 46:Question on line graph (wheredata for 2009, 2011 and 2013was given and growth rates from2009-14 were given).

Question: Which Quarter showed

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a continuous increase?

Ans: Q4   

Q.46 Directions for questions 43 to 46:Question on line graph (wheredata for 2009, 2011 and 2013was given and growth rates from2009-14 were given).

Question: For how many yearsfrom 2009 to 2013 did the totalnumber of foreign touristsexceeded 60 lakhs?

Ans: 3   

Q.47 Directions for questions 47 to 50:Sudoku competition and fourplayers.

Question: Total points scored bysecond ranked player Nandu?

Ans: 54   

Q.48 Directions for questions 46 to 49:Sudoku competition and fourplayers.

Question: Total bonus pointsscored by winner Arushi?

Ans: 36   

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Q.49 Directions for questions 46 to 49:Sudoku competition and fourplayers.

Question: Number of puzzlessolved by the four players in orderof ranks?

Ans: 3, 4, 2, 1   

Q.50 Directions for questions 46 to 49:Sudoku competition and fourplayers.

Question: Time taken by thesecond ranked player to solvepuzzles?

Ans: 21, 23, 24, 25   

Q.51 Directions for questions 51 and54: Cube based question (343identical cubes)

Question: sum of vertical columnthird with days incube from left inthe row just behind the front rowis:

Ans: 1099   

Q.52 Directions for questions 51 and54: Cube based question (343

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identical cubes)

Question: Sum of diagonal fromthe bottom right corner of thefront of the large cube to the topright corner to the back of thelarge cube:

Ans: 1204   

Q.53 Directions for questions 51 and54: Cube based question (343identical cubes)

(Note: We did not get thequestions so unable to giveanswer)Estimate your answer.   

Q.54 Directions for questions 51 and54: Cube based question (343identical cubes)

(Note: We did not get thequestions so unable to giveanswer)Estimate your answer.   

Q.55 Directions for questions 55 to 58:Set theory based question (NewsPaper)

Question:How many papers oftype I was distributed on each day

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Ans: 45   

Q.56 Directions for questions 55 to 58:Set theory based question (NewsPaper)

Question:How many papers oftype II and type III but not type I

Ans: 4   

Q.57 Directions for questions 55 to 58:Set theory based question (NewsPaper)

Question:How many papers oftype II were distributed onSaturday

Ans: 34   

Q.58 Directions for questions 55 to 58:Set theory based question (NewsPaper)

(Note: We did not get thequestions so unable to giveanswer)Estimate your answer.   

Q.59 Directions for questions 59 to 62:Mobile manufacturing units(capacity and utilization)

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Question:Maximum capacity

Ans: 1050   

Q.60 Directions for questions 59 to 62:Mobile manufacturing units(capacity and utilization)

Question:Minimum capacity

Ans: 100   

Q.61 Directions for questions 59 to 62:Mobile manufacturing units(capacity and utilization)

Question:Percentage increments

Ans: 23%   

Q.62 Directions for questions 59 to 62:Mobile manufacturing units(capacity and utilization)

Question:Number of increasedunits

Ans: 700   

Q.63 Directions for questions 63 to 66:Five students participated in atest having 10 sections.

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Total score (1st to 5th sections):110 60 80 20 30

In how many tests did orlandoscored a positive score?


Q.64 Directions for questions 63 to 66:Five students participated in atest having 10 sections.

Total score (1st to 5th sections):110 60 80 20 30

All of the following is true except?

Ans:Everybody got a score of 20in atleast 1 test.    

Q.65 Directions for questions 63 to 66:Five students participated in atest having 10 sections.

Total score (1st to 5th sections):110 60 80 20 30

In how many tests did (K or L,dontremember exactly) scored 10 orcame 3rd?

Ans:5 tests.   

Q.66 Directions for questions 63 to 66:

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Five students participated in atest having 10 sections.

Total score (1st to 5th sections):110 60 80 20 30 (Note: We did not get thequestions so unable to giveanswer)

Estimate your answer.    


Q.67 Question :In an election, find thenumber of voters, where marginof the winner is given

Ans: 25000   

Q.68 Question :List price of TV is given,then a discount to retailor againsold with profit and discount findthe new mark price

Ans: 2720   

Q.69 Question: In a rhombus find ratioof side to the smaller diagonal

Ans: 5 : 6   

Q.70 question: | x | + | y | = √2, find the

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area of the region

Ans: 4   

Q.71 Question: a = 7, find a

Ans: √15   

Q.72 Question: x + x + 2x – 4 = 0, howmany real roots exist for theequation.

Ans: 1   

Q.73 Question: 9x – 33y = 19, howmany value of x satisfy theequation where both x and y areintegers

Ans: 0   

Q.74 Question:In how many ways can aperson go from (0, 0) to (6, 4)




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Ans: 2 < |x| < 3   

Q.76 Question:Find the current time if50 minutes ago time is 4t past 3pm

Ans: 5:34   

Q.77 Question:2 guys participate in arace. when will they be at a pointdiametrically opposite to eachother

Ans: 3 min 20 sec   

Q.78 Question:The length of 2 II sidesare given and the other two non ||sides are 13 cm. Find the area ofthe quadrilateral

Ans: 180   

Q.79 Question:In a school somestudents are veg and some arenon-veg, 66% of students aremale so what is % of nonvegfemales to total non veg.

Ans: 37.5   

Q.80 Question:From a height of

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building 15, the angle of elevationand depression of pole is 30° and60° respectively. Find the heightof the pole

Ans: 10   

Q.81 Question:a + b + c = 70a, b, c are in GP, and some data isalso given. Find b.

Ans: 30   

Q.82 Question:Given a = 2b = 3c findminimum possible average of a + b+ c

Ans: 11/3   

Q.83 Question:An integer is dividedinto 3 parts in ratio 3 : 4 : 5. Also ifdivided into 4 parts in some ratio.If smallest part of first exceedssmallest part by 40, then find thesum

Ans: 240   

Q.84 Question:In a hall the ratio oflength to width is 2 : 1. Find theheight of the hall

Ans: 5   

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Q.85 Question:In a circle the diameteris 12 cm. Also the length of thechord is 9. Find the area of thesmaller part enclosed by chord.

Ans: 6π –9√3   

Q.86 Question:ABCD is a square. P andQ are the mid points. R is north ofAB and S is west of AD. Find theside of AB

Ans: 40   

Q.87 Question:x + px + 24 = 0, howmany value of P

Ans: 8   

Q.88 Question:x = y , x = y find x

Ans: 27/8   

Q.89 Question:

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y x 2 3Correct Incorrect Not


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Ans: 6   

Q.90 Question:A has 3 times the moneyof B. Everyday A looses a certainof money and B gains half themoney. A looses, after 5 days A toB ratio is 4 : 3. After how manydays B : A ratio becomes 2 : 1

Ans: 5   

Q.91 Question:P and q are integerswhich relation 2x and 3x

Ans: q = p   

Q.92 Question:Vessel A has 6 alcohol, B has 6 water, vessel Cis filled with A and powered in B, .

Ans: 1.5   

Q.93 Question:Ax – Bx + x + 5 = f(5)If f(–3) = 2, then f(3)

Ans: 8   

Q.94 Question:A flight leavesBangalore at reaches Dubai.Another leaves Dubai and reaches

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Bangalore at some time. Whatwas the distance?

Ans: 3200   



Ans: 2   

Q.96 Question:

Ans: 20%   

Q.97 Question:

Ans: 34   

Q.98 Question: Log question

Ans: 5a < 4   

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End Test

Q.99 3 pipes- 2 filling pipes and 1drainage pipe. 1 pipe is opened at12 PM.

Ans: 3 PM    

Q.100 (Note: We did not get thequestions so unable to giveanswer)Estimate your answer.   


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