Casting calls

Post on 09-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Casting calls

Casting Calls

Done by: Roxy Sega

The of the casting call is so that we can see who would suit which role and if they meet the character profiles that the group has created. We were not only looking to see if the people who were auditioning were good actors, we were mostly focusing on the characteristics that they had which would enable the audience to identify them easier. For example the first girl is usually blond and skinny, therefore the person who ended up being the final girl would have to convey those characteristics to the audience so that they would have been able to realise the role that she would play in the movie.


William Lewis was chosen to be our killer because his characteristics would point out to the audience that he could have the role of a benefactor, when in reality he is the one person who cannot be trusted. Another reason to why he was chosen was because his facial characteristics would mislead the audience and make them believe that he is a good person who is trying to help the others, and therefore once the audience finds out that he is a killer then they may end up being unsettled and re-think about who they trust and if they let looks cloud their judgement of people.


Emma Bernstein was chosen to be the final girl because of her facial characteristics but also the sense in fashion. She is wearing glasses which could point out her intellectual side and therefore makes her look like she is more interested in school rather than parties or anything else. Her hair colour has the tendency to be dark pointing out that she likes to be who she is and doesn’t want to change that by dying her hair. Lastly I have mentioned the sense in clothing style. In slasher movies, the final girl tends to wear clothes which or more boyish and don’t ‘show-off’ her body. The clothes that Emma wears which are the hoodies, t-shirts and tracksuit bottoms which would suit the stereotype of her character.


Roxy Sega was chosen to be the first girl because in comparison to the rest of the people who have auditioned she fitted the character profile the best. The first girl tends to be more rebellious which her green hair points that out. Also underneath the scarf the clothes that she wears are tight in order to convey to the audience that she is confident with her body. First girls in slasher films are also sexually active which is what makes them more likely to be the first ones to be killed off.


Hassan Deen and Hanna Deen were the first victims to be killed off in the movie. The reason to this is because of their ethnicity background. Hanna is killed when she was only 10, however the audience cannot really tell her ethnicity because her face is never really shown. But we are trying to show that other ethnicities do not have much power within society these days. On the other hand when Hassan is killed we can see that the killer is approaching him slowly rather than chasing him as to point out that there will be no way out. The way that Hassan is represented is like the stereotypical teenager who hangs around the alley way listening to loud music and looking threatening.
